Automatic Poor Quality Rejections in Manufacturing Industry

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© January 2019 | IJIRT | Volume 5 Issue 8 | ISSN: 2349-6002

Automatic Poor Quality Rejections in Manufacturing


Lecturer (Sl. Grade), Department of ECE, Sankar Polytechnic College, Tirunelveli-627357

Abstract- Nowadays industries are playing a vital role in handling system uses conveyor belt for the movement
the national economy. S o it is very important for an of product [1]. The design parameters such as belt
industry to maintain the quality of the product they speed, length of the belt, design of pulley, motor
produce. S o the goal of this paper is to propose an
selection is done [2]. IR Sensor is used to detect the
automatic system to assert the dimensional (length)
accuracy of a product and the rejection of the defective presence of the product, which then allows starting
products. An IR sensor is used to detect the presence of the conveyor belt [3].The system uses IR Sensors
the object. When a product is arrived then the motor coupled to the base frame which detects the size and
starts running and so as the conveyor belt also starts movement of the product and sends the information
running. Infrared S ensor detects the dimensions of the to Microcontroller unit [3]. A microcontroller is used
product. If the product has correct dimensions it will be to receive the signal from the IR Sensor and to give
further transferred to the acceptor bin, and if not then the signal to Pneumatic actuator [4].This is done by
the product is rejected by pneumatic actuator into the using infrared sensors coupled with micro controller
rejecter bin.
unit. There is synchronization between the speed of
belt and actuator. Further the micro controller gives
Index Terms- IR S ensor (Infrared S ensor), Pneumatic
Actuator. the signal to the actuator whether to plunge the
I. INTRODUCTION product towards rejecter bin or to allow it to pass
towards accepter bin. This automation reduces time
Conveyor system is one part of material handling and improves the material handling speed as
equipment that transports material from one place to compared to manual handling and inspection. . I
another. Further the conveyor system can also be
used for the acceptance and rejection of material or II. WORKING
product. Conveyors are used in almost all industries
where materials are to be moved. Automated The main objective of this paper is to check the
conveyor systems are proved to be very useful as cost dimensional accuracy of the product. So the working
labor wages and customer demand is increasing at a of the system is fully based on the size of product.
great rate. This paper is based on the project which For this, first of all an IR sensor is used to detect the
uses fully automated material handling system. presence of the object. When the product is kept on
Reasons to select automated conveyor systems are:- the conveyor, the motor starts running. Motor is
1) Saving in manpower. connected to the driving pulley which drives the
2) Improvement in quality and efficiency. conveyor belt. As the product is on the conveyor belt,
3) Increment in consistency and Flexibility. due to the motion of the belt it moves forward. The
Manual handling of material could lead to the IR sensor as shown in fig.1.1 is placed between the
damage of product; also the worker who is to handle paths of the conveyor belt near to the driving pulley.
the material cannot determine the fault in the product When product comes in contact with the IR sensor, it
immediately by observing through naked eyes. This measures the dimension of the product. The
process is very time consuming. Also there is the dimension here refers to the vertical height of the
requirement of skilled labors. So taking these product. It gives signal to the microcontroller.
problems into considerations, a fully automated Microcontroller then compares the measured
material handling system is developed. The material dimension of product with the specified dimension. If


© January 2019 | IJIRT | Volume 5 Issue 8 | ISSN: 2349-6002

the dimensions are matched then the product allowed synchronization is made using belt speed.
passing to the acceptor bin which is present at the end Microcontroller has a very important role in the
of the conveyor belt. If the product is not matched actuation of pneumatic actuator. The microcontroller
with the specified dimension, then the is allowed do function in such a way with the help of
microcontroller gives signal to the pneumatic UV vision KEIL4 software. The microcontroller used
actuator. Pneumatic actuator plunges off that product in this paper is 8051.
in the rejecter bin.
Relay Switch
IMPROPER MATERIAL REMOVING A relay is an electrically operated switch. Many
OPERATION relays use an electromagnet to mechanically operate a
This unit can also be used in improper material switch, but other operating principles are also used,
collected in a collecting box. The solenoid operated such as solid-state relays. Relays are used where it is
pneumatic cylinder is used for this mechanism. necessary to control a circuit by a separate low-power
signal, or where several circuits must be controlled
by one signal. The first relays were used in long
distance telegraph circuits as amplifiers: they
repeated the signal coming in from one circuit and re-
transmitted it on another circuit. Relays were used
extensively in telephone exchanges and early
computers to perform logical operations.

Fig 1. Block Diagram Pneumatic cylinder

Pneumatic cylinder(s) (sometimes known as air
III. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM COMPONENTS cylinders) are mechanical devices which use the
power of compressed gas to produce a force in a
IR Sensor reciprocating linear motion
An infrared sensor is an electronic instrument which
is used to senses certain characteristics of its Conveyor
surroundings by either emitting and/or detecting A conveyor belt is the carrying medium of a belt
infrared radiation. An IR sensor consists of a conveyor system (often shortened to belt conveyor).
transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter transmits A belt conveyor system is one of many types of
the infrared rays while the receiver receives the conveyor systems. A belt conveyor system consists
transmitted rays. The IR sensor detects the material if of two or more pulleys (sometimes referred to as
present on the conveyor and then only sends the drums), with an endless loop of carrying medium the
signal to start the conveyor system. The second use conveyor belt—that rotates about them. One or both
of IR sensor is to measure the vertical dimension of of the pulleys are powered, moving the belt and the
the object. The IR sensor is placed at a desired height material on the belt forward. The powered pulley is
of the material. Below which material can pass called the drive pulley while the unpowered pulley is
without reflecting the IR rays. If the material size is called the idler pulley. There are two main industrial
above the pre-defined size then the rays will be classes of belt conveyors; Those in general material
reflected back to the receiver and the receiver will handling such as those moving boxes along inside a
send the signal to the microcontroller for further factory and bulk material handling such as those used
rejection of material by actuation. to transport large volumes of resources and
agricultural materials, such as grain, salt, coal, ore,
Microcontroller sand, overburden and more.
The function of microcontroller is to receive the
signals given from the IR sensor and further gives the DC motor
signal to the actuator. There is the synchronization A DC motor is any of a class of rotary electrical
between the object speed and the actuator and this machines that converts direct current electrical


© January 2019 | IJIRT | Volume 5 Issue 8 | ISSN: 2349-6002

energy into mechanical energy. The most common Technology (ISSN: 2277 – 1581)Volume No. 3,
types rely on the forces produced by magnetic fields. Issue No. 6, pp: 767 – 770.
Nearly all types of DC motors have some internal [4] R.B.Patil, Mechanical system design
mechanism, either electromechanical or electronic, to engineering, page no.(3-2 to 3-99)
periodically change the direction of current flow in
part of the motor.


The developed model of automatic material sorting is

excellent because of its working principle and wide
implementation. By applying the idea of this model
an industry can easily sort the required product
according to its demand. Thus the manual based tasks
and operations are reduced as it does not involve
labor work for sorting of product, the object sorting
process gets faster as compared to manual sorting,
thereby reducing the handling and inspection time to
minimal, hence reducing the manpower cost and
time. There are some limitations, but due to
flexibility of the system certain modifications can be
done and these limitations can be eliminated and this
concept can be implemented in the various material
handling applications. This model can be used in
packaging industry, quality check for industrial use,
in production lines to check the dimensions of
product etc. As the construction is flexible in nature,
various sensors to detect various faults can be used in

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