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Testing of pipe sections

Article  in  Materials Testing · July 2015

DOI: 10.3139/120.110759


4 1,400

7 authors, including:

Anatolii Andreiev O. Golovko

Universität Paderborn Leibniz Universität Hannover


Iaroslav Frolov Florian Nürnberger

National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine Leibniz Universität Hannover


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Testing of pipe sections

Anatolii Andreiev, Oleksandr Golovko, A device and the basic technology has been developed for tensile
Iaroslav Frolov, Dnipropetrovs’k, testing pipe sections samples (tensile testing PSS) for quantitative
Ukraine, Florian Nürnberger, Lars Oliver estimating ultimate tensile and yield stresses in ring samples
Wolf, Garbsen, Mirko Schaper and (PSS samples) cut from pipes. This tensile testing device provides
Olexandr Grydin, Paderborn, Germany the opportunity for compensating frictional forces during the
tensile test, and using exchangeable bearings, the device can be
adapted to a wide assortment of pipes. Research has been carried
Article Information
out regarding the shape and size of a stress concentrator intro-
duced into the sample. Relationships have been derived between
Correspondence Address
the shape of the tensile loading curves and the characteristic
Materials Testing downloaded from by UB Paderborn on July 15, 2015

Dipl.-Ing. Lars Oliver Wolf

Leibniz Universität Hannover forces for different types of stress concentrators. It is proposed to
Institut für Werkstoffkunde
An der Universität 2
use PSS with stress concentrators to prevent plastic deformation
D-30823 Garbsen, Germany in one of the supporting sections (this also allows to correlate
E-mail: [email protected] the applied forces to one section). The concentrator should be
Keywords introduced into the tube wall of the sample as a drilled hole.
Materials testing, Receiving control,
Transversal tensile tests, Properties of pipes, This method is comparatively simple with respect to established
Pipe sections samples testing methods.
For personal use only.

Assessing the level of mechanical proper- is not suitable for a quick estimating of the for pipes with a wall thickness below 4 mm
ties of metal products is an important task pipe properties. Tensile tests are most because of the low thickness of the pipe
in engineering. Durability of constructions, commonly employed, using both longitudi- wall [1]. On the other hand, testing pipes
product weight and their cost depend on nal and transversal samples, to determine having a small diameter are limited be-
the values of these mechanical properties. the mechanical properties by means of cause of the large curvature of the pipe
The main mechanical properties are ob- quantitative characteristics such as yield contour [2]. Thus, tensile tests are pres-
tained by static compression, tensile, bend- strength, tensile strength and elongation ently applied to ring samples cut from the
ing or torsion tests of standard samples as (see Figure 1). pipe. Currently, some methods shown by
well as by dynamic (impact) tests. Tensile testing tube sections and sam- Arsene and Bai [3] and Link et al. [4] as
All of these types of tests are used in one ples cut in the longitudinal direction of the well as two standards – DSTU 2528-94 [5]
or another form to determine the mechani- pipe (see Figures 1a and 1b) have many and EN ISO 8496-2002 [6] – describe the
cal properties and usage characteristics of limitations. During such tests, forces act on test procedures. Also, different methods for
pipes and can be divided into two groups of the pipe in the longitudinal direction (paral- both standards are known which apply ten-
methods: lel to the pipe axis). However, as is well
1. Test methods for defining the qualitative known, during its use, the pipe is subjected
characteristics of pipe properties (bend- to loads in the radial and tangential direc-
ing, pin expansion, flanging, flattening, tions. Furthermore, during the manufac-
hydrostatic pressure tests), which could ture of pipes (particularly cold rolling), the
be named technological tests. deformation process induces significant
These tests are employed to estimate anisotropy in the pipe metal which often
the ability of the pipe to withstand cer- cannot be completely eliminated by heat
tain loads without cracking. treatment. Moreover, the effect of notches
2. Test methods for quantitative measur- and other defects, which are usually located
ing of the mechanical properties of the along the axis of the tube and have a deci-
pipe (tensile test of standard samples, sive influence on the pipe strength during
cut from the pipe wall; length of pipe; its usage, are not taken into consideration.
ring samples, etc.). Tensile tests of standard samples cut in
Among the above mentioned methods, the the transversal direction (see Figure 1c) Figure 1: Schematic illustration of pipe sam-
pling for tensile tests, a) tube section tested
hydrostatic pressure test most closely ap- are limited to the nominal pipe sizes (diam- lengthwise (longitudinal direction), b) sample of
proximates the current conditions of pipe eter and wall thickness). On the one hand, the pipe wall (longitudinal direction), c) sample
usage. However, this method is costly and it is difficult to obtain a standard sample of the pipe wall (transverse direction) [1]

57 (2015) 7-8  © Carl Hanser Verlag, München  Materials Testing

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Figure 2: Schematic illustration of ring sample tensile testing according to

conditions of the DSTU 2528-94 (A) and EN ISO 8496-2002 (B)

Figure 3: Modified tool for tensile tests of PSS samples:

1 – half-shell, 2 – semi-cylindrical mandrel, 3 – assembled device

sion to solid ring samples cut from pipes. with b: width of sample (mm), D0: inner di- cross-sections situated in the opening plane
The simulation of tensile tests of PSS were ameter of pipe (mm) and s: wall thickness of the semi-cylindrical mandrels (mm).
provided by Chenstohova University of of pipe (mm). To determine the yield strength in Equa-
For personal use only.

Technology (Prof. Dyia) using FORGE 3D In this case, the wall thickness of the tion (2), the applied force corresponding to a
[7]. Schemes of tests and stress-strain sample is always less than its width. This specific residual deformation of the sample
curves are depicted in Figure 2. provides an arbitrary fracture of the sam- (for example, a deformation equal to 0.2 % of
The method described in the standard ple in one of the two supporting sections the estimated length of the working part of
ISO 8496 [6] involves using two cylindrical situated in the opening plane of semi-cy- the sample) is used instead of Fm.
mandrels to tension load ring samples pos- lindrical mandrels. Conversion of the ob- Using the sum of the two opposite sup-
sessing inner diameters greater than tained force values into the tensile porting cross-section areas as an initial
100 mm and outer diameter greater than strength is carried out according to Equa- area in Equation 2 reduces the level of ac-
150 mm. The width of the sample should be tion (2): curacy of determining the yield stress and
equal to 15 mm or, if the wall thickness size tensile strength, although both elastic and
is more than 15 mm, equal the wall thick- Rm = Fm /S0 (2) plastic deformations initially occur in both
ness. This sample size ratio does not allow sections. However, after the deformation
to predict the location of the fracture during with Rm: ultimate strength (MPa), Fm: localizes in one section, a further increase
the test. Thus, it is difficult to convert the maximal load force (MN), S0: initial area of in the load results in a deformation of only
obtained results to quantitative characteris- the two opposite supporting cross-sections one supporting section. Thus, stress values
tics of the mechanical properties. (mm2) situated in the opening plane of the are thereby underestimated.
For sample testing according to DSTU semi-cylindrical mandrels cf. Equation (3): This is partly confirmed by quantitative
2528-94 [5], two semi-cylindrical mandrels discrepancies in the mechanical properties,
are used whose outer diameters in the S0 = s1 · b1 + s2 · b2 (3) which were obtained for the same pipe from
closed condition are equal to the inner di- tensile tests using standard samples (cut in
ameter of the test sample. with s1 and s2: wall thicknesses of the sam- the longitudinal direction) and PSS [8]. The
Width of the sample is calculated accord- ple in two opposite supporting cross-sections results of these tests are presented in Table 1.
ing to Equation (1): situated in the opening plane of the semi- According to the results of Table 1, ulti-
cylindrical mandrels (mm) and b1 and b2: mate and yield strengths for PSS are about
b = 4.83 · 10 - 3 · D20 /s (1) width of sample in two opposite supporting 12 % to 15 % less than those for standard
samples. The elongation of PSS is half the
value compared to standard samples.
Т (°С) Quantities, which characterize durability and plasticity Ring samples Standard samples Regarding the results given above and
also by Kovalev et al. [9], the present study
Rm (MPa) 402 451
is aimed at developing a tensile test method
20 Rp0.2 (MPa) 637 745 and device for obtaining quantitative val-
A (%) 28 53 ues for the mechanical properties of pipes
in the axis normal to direction of forming
Table 1: Tensile test results of PSS and standard samples [8] (rolling, extrusion, drawing, etc.).

57 (2015) 7-8

According to the purpose of this study, it During the first stage of the investiga- testing (mm2) (Equation (5)) and S01: area
was suggested to use a modified PSS hav- tions, it was decided to use PSS with a of sample in cross-section 1 prior to testing
ing a stress concentrator to locate the plas- drilled hole. In this study, the choice of (mm2) (Equation (6)).
tic deformation in only one section of the this type of concentrator is related to the
ring during the tensile test. comparative simplicity of its implemen- S02 = S01 · b02 (5)
tation. The PSS with a stress concentrator
Test set-up is located in such a way that the concen- with s02 : actual wall thickness of sample in
trator plane was situated parallel to the section 2 prior to testing (mm) and b02 : ac-
For the modified PSS tensile test, a tool was load axis. tual width of sample in section 2 prior to
developed having two exchangeable semi- To define the required minimum size of testing in mm.
cylindrical mandrels (see Figure 3). the concentrator (diameter of the hole)
The developed features provide the fol- which provides plastic deformation of only S01 = s01 · (b02 – d01 ) (6)
lowing advantages: one of the loaded supporting sections, ten-
1. The device consists of two symmetrical sile tests were carried out using PSSs hav- with s01: actual wall thickness of sample in
parts. This makes the device more ver- ing different diameters of concentrator. section 1 prior to testing (mm), b01: actual
satile than existing analogs. Schematic representation of the sample width of sample in section 1 prior to testing
2. The use of exchangeable mandrels al- showing the concentrator is depicted in (mm), d01: actual diameter of concentrator
Materials Testing downloaded from by UB Paderborn on July 15, 2015

lows to test a wide range of pipe sizes Figure 5. in section 1 prior to testing (mm).
using one device. The main parameters of the tests are pre- Equation (7) shows the ratio between ar-
3. The ability of the mandrels to rotate in- sented in Table 2. eas at cross-section 2 which was used as a
side the half-shell allows the frictional Equation (4) was used as a factor to char- factor to characterize the wall thinning
forces to balance which arise at the con- acterize the actual ratio of the supporting without a concentrator during testing prior
tact between the tool and sample during cross-sectional sizes of sections 1 and 2 to and after testing:
the test. (see Figure 5) prior to testing.
k = S02 /S12 (7)
Geometrical shape n = S02 /S01 (4)
of the samples with k: factor characterizing thinning of
For personal use only.

with n: factor characterizing the ratio of the the section 2 during testing,
Several types of sample shapes are known sizes of sections 1 and 2 before testing, S02 : S12: area of sample in cross-section 2 after
(see Figure 4). area of sample in cross-section 2 prior to testing (mm2) (Equation (8)).

Test 1 Test 2
Type of tensile testing machine FP 100, Heckert Zwick Z250, Zwick
Displacement rate of gripping device
2 2
(mm × min-1)
Testing temperature (°C) 20 20
Nominal sample sizes (mm) D = 48, s = 1.7, b = 15 D = 45, s = 1.5, b = 18
Nominal stress concentrator sizes
3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10.3, 11, 12 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
(diameter, mm)
Figure 4: Possible stress concentrator shapes in Number of samples with one nominal size
the PSS 3 3
of concentrator
steel 1.4401 steel 1.0580
Sample materials
(EN 10027) (EN 10297 - 1)
Nominal mechanical properties of material: Rm = 515 Rm = 490 – 630
ultimate strength (MPa), yield strength (MPa), Rp0.2 = 205 Rp0.2 = 355
elongation (%) [10] A = 35 A = 22

Table 2: Tensile test parameters for 1.4401 and 1.0580 steel samples

Figure 6: Ring samples

Figure 5: PSS having a concentrator for tensile (PSS) of 1.4401 steel
test, D: outer diameter of the sample (mm), s: prior to and after testing;
wall thickness of the sample (mm), b: width of the given values indicate
the sample (mm), d: diameter of the concentrator the nominal diameter of
(mm), 1 – 4 – sections in which “b” and “s” were the stress concentrator
measured prior to testing, 2 – 4 – sections in
which “b” and “s” were measured after testing

57 (2015) 7-8

mial having a coefficient of multiple deter-

mination R2 of 0.96 was chosen for the
1.0580 steel samples (Equation (10)) to ap-
proximate this data:

Figure 7: Steel 1.0580  7.23n4 - 76.5n3 + 120.11n2 -

PSS prior to and
88.34n + 55.87 (10)
after testing

Correspondingly, the scatter plots for the re-

lationship between the ratio coefficient k
(Equation (7)) and the ratio coefficient n
(Equation (4)) together with the polynomial
trend lines based on the obtained data for
1.4401 and the 1.0580 steel samples are
S12 = s12 · b12 (8) having concentrator nominal diameters of shown in the Figures 11 and 12, respectively.
3 mm, 8 mm and 12 mm, respectively. These graphs depict the dependence of the
s12: actual wall thickness of sample in sec- For the force-displacement curves pre- thinning of supporting section 2 on the size
Materials Testing downloaded from by UB Paderborn on July 15, 2015

tion 2 after testing (mm), b12: actual width sented in Figure 8, a zone is depicted of the concentrator. It can be seen from Fig-
of sample in section 2 after testing (mm). where the force values rise to about 1.5 kN ure 11 that as the coefficient “n” (Equation 4)
Using the relative values for character- to 2 kN. This zone can be described as a approaches the value of 2.5, “k” closely ap-
izing the sizes of the samples prior to and deformation of specimen straightening. proximates the value of 1.02. This suggests
after testing allows one to take into account Following this stage, the sample wall be- that when the ratio of the areas of supporting
the inaccuracies during sample prepara- gins to deform elastoplastically. sections 1 and 2 is greater than 2.5, a thin-
tion and those in the pipe wall thickness Figure 9 depicts a scatter plot of the rela- ning of section 2 is practically absent.
(both in the longitudinal and the transver- tionship between the maximum measured For the 1.0580 steel (see Figure 12), with
sal direction). force values and the ratio coefficient “n” an increase in the coefficient “n” (Equation
together with a polynomial trend line (tests 4) values to 1.5, “k” closely approximates
For personal use only.

Results using 1.4401 steel samples). A fourth order the value of 1.01. This suggests that when
polynomial having a coefficient of multiple the ratio of the areas of supporting sections
Images of the 1.4401 steel [10] samples are pre- determination R2 of 0.97 was chosen (Equa- 2 and 1 is greater than 1.5, a thinning of
sented in Figure 6 prior to and after testing. tion (9)) to correlate this data: section 2 is practically absent.
Images of the 1.0580 steel [10] samples are A fourth degree polynomial was approxi-
presented in Figure 7 prior to and after testing. F = 0.48n4 - 6.32n3 + 30.56n2 - mated for each of the scatter plot of Fig-
Initial analyses of the test results for 66.65n + 71.84 (9) ure 11 (1.4401 steel) and Figure 12 (1.0580
measuring the geometric dimensions re- steel) (Equations (11) and (12)):
vealed no geometrical changes in sections 3 As seen in Figure 9, the trend line features
and 4 of all samples. Thus, only cross-sec- an inflection point within the range “n” k = 0.0036n4 - 0.0511n3 + 0.2693n2
tions 1 and 2 are compared in the following. equal to 2.5 to 3. −0.625n + 1.5731 (11)
To compare the characteristics of the A similar scatter plot with polynomial
load-displacement curves, three profiles are trend line for 1.0580 steel samples is illus- k = −0.1579n4 + 0.6285n3 - 0.6389n2 -
shown in Figure 8 for 1.4401 steel samples trated in Figure 10. A fourth order polyno- 0.195n + 1.4172 (12)

Figure 8: Force vs. tool displacement curves for the modified PSS, Figure 9: Maximum forces of the force-displacement curves as a function
1, 2, 3 – nominal diameter of concentrator 3 mm, 8 mm and of the ratio coefficient n and a fourth order polynomial approximation
12 mm, respectively (1.4401 steel samples)

57 (2015) 7-8

Figure 10: Maximum forces of the force-displacement curves as a function Figure 11: Plot of coefficient k (Equation (7)) as a function of
of the ratio coefficient n and a fourth order polynomial approximation coefficient n (Equation (4)), samples of 1.4401 steel
(1.0580 steel samples)
Materials Testing downloaded from by UB Paderborn on July 15, 2015

Coefficients of multiple determination R2 Thus, during tensile testing of samples concentrator, see Figure 5). The method
for 1.4401 steel (Equation (11)) and 1.0580 with a stress concentrator using the tool to convert the strength into the tensile
steel (Equation (12)) were 0.87 and 0.89, shown in Figure 4, plots of the coefficient test, as well as to plot the “stress-strain”
respectively. These polynomials also ex- k (Equation 7) as a function of the coeffi- curve requires further research. Further-
hibit inflection points in the range of 2.5 to cient n (Equation 4) (see Figure 11) con- more, in the above-mentioned procedure,
3 (1.4401 steel) and 1.5 to 1.7 (1.0580 sist of two parts: falling curvilinear and the effect of reinforcing the metal due to
steel), respectively. In general, it can be straight horizontal. The latter indicates straightening of the PSS during the test
noted that both polynomial lines have a that there is a ratio between the sizes of has not yet been taken into considera-
similar character. The low value of the con- sections 1 and 2 (see Figure 5) which pro- tion. However, the influence of this
For personal use only.

fidence interval for the second approxima- vides a transition from elastic to plastic straightening can be minimized by ap-
tion (Figures 11 and 12) in comparison deformation only in the supporting sec- proximating the outer diameters of the
with the first (Figures 9 and 10) can be ex- tion 1 (the cross-section with the concen- mandrels to the inner diameter of the
plained as follows: trator, see Figure 5). pipe. Consideration of this influence also
The relationships F = f (n) are based on This ratio varies for different materi- requires further research.
values obtained using a calibrated tensile als. For example, for the 1.4401 steel,
testing machine. Thus, these values have this ratio is in the range of 2.5 ± 0.1, and Conclusions
a high accuracy. On the other hand, the for the 1.0580 steel in the range of
approximation has been generated using 1.6 ± 0.1. For the tensile testing, it is nec- Analysis of existing test methods to deter-
values obtained by a digital measuring essary to determine the dimensions of mine the properties of pipes shows that
device having an accuracy of measure- the concentrator so that the coefficient tensile testing of PSS cut from the pipe
ment of 0.1 mm and a tubular micrometer “k” is a straight horizontal zone (see Fig- are simple and comparatively accurate.
with a measurement error of 0.05 mm. ures 11 and 12). This ensures an absence Among these methods of testing, the ring
Hence, the results which were obtained of plastic deformation in supporting sec- sample is the most universal. To estimate
using the latter method possess a rela- tion 2 (see Figure 5). In this case, all the the accuracy level of this method, a de-
tively lower level of accuracy compared plastic deformation up to fracture of sam- vice for tensile testing PSS has been de-
with the results obtained from the tensile ple is guaranteed to be concentrated in veloped. To eliminate plastic deformation
testing machine. one supporting section (section with a in one of the supporting cross-sections,
usage of a stress concentrator was pro-
posed. This allows the applied forces to be
correlated to only one supporting section
of plastic deformation. The concentrator
was proposed to take the form as a
through hole in the wall of the sample.
This is due to the relative simplicity of its
Figure 12: Plot of coeffi- implementation in comparison with the
cient k (Equation (7)) as
a function of coefficient
other technical solutions.
n (Equation (4)), samples For samples made of 1.4401 (EN 10027)
of 1.0580 steel austenitic steel and 1.0580 (EN 10297-1)
steel, the minimum necessary ratios of the
areas in the diametrically opposite sup-
porting cross-sections were determined
which ensure plastic deformation only in
one of the supporting sections.

57 (2015) 7-8

References Abstract
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metal of heat-exchanging tubes of steam The authors of this contribution Hannover, Germany. His main research interests
generator of power units with reactors WWER- are integrated heat treatment processes.
1000, Voprosy Atomnoj Nauki i Tekhniki, M. Sc. Anatolii Andreiev, born in 1990, is Scien- Dipl.-Ing. Lars Oliver Wolf, born in 1985, is Scien-
Fizika Radiatsionnykh Povrezhdenij i tific Assistant and PhD student at the Depart- tific Assistant and PhD student at the Institut für
Radiatsionnoe Materialovedenie m2 (2012), ment of Metal Forming at the National Metallur- Werkstoffkunde (Materials Science) of the Leibniz
pp. 52-55 (in Russian) gical Academy of Ukraine. He works on defor- Universität Hannover, Germany. His research inter-
 9 V. V. Kovalev, V. N. Kiselevskii, V. A. Borisenko, mation modes of seamless tubes and pipes ests concentrate on heat treatment processes of HSLA
V. V. Bukhanovskii: High-temperature production. steels as well as of quenched and tempered steels.
strength of KTTs-110 zirconium alloy, Prof. Dr. Oleksandr Golovko, born in 1972, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Mirko Schaper, born in
Strength of Materials 36 (2004), No. 3, is Chair of the Department of Metal Forming 1966, is Head of the Chair of Materials Science
pp. 314-320 at the National Metallurgical Academy of (Universität Paderborn, Germany). His scientific
DOI:10.1023/ Ukraine. His scientific interests relate to topics are design and characterization of new
10 J. E. Bringas: Handbook of Comparative World extrusion and integrated technologies in light high-strength metallic-based materials, micro-
Steel Standards, ASTM International, West alloys production. structure specific material modeling and develop-
Conshohocken, PA, USA (2004) Prof. Dr. Iaroslav Frolov, born in 1975, is Vice ment of casting technologies.
Chair of the Department of Metal Forming at the Dr. Olexandr Grydin, born in 1976, is Chief
Bibliography National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine. His Engineer at the Chair of Materials Science (Uni-
scientific interests concentrate on relations be- versität Paderborn, Germany). His scientific inter-
DOI 10.3139/120.110759 tween properties of metal and deformation and ests lie in the field of materials processing tech-
Materials Testing thermal modes of treatment. nologies such as twin-roll casting, extrusion of
57 (2015) 7-8, pages 643-648 Dr.-Ing. Florian Nürnberger, born in 1977, is light metals and integrated heat treatment as well
© Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG Chief Engineer at the Institut für Werkstoffkunde as materials characterization and mathematical
ISSN 0025-5300 (Materials Science) of the Leibniz Universität modeling of their behavior.

57 (2015) 7-8

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