Barrons 800 Word List
Barrons 800 Word List
Barrons 800 Word List
Terms Definitions
ameliorate to improve
analogous comparable
apathy indifference
the point in an orbit most distant from the body being orbited; the
highest point
appellation name
apprise to inform
apropos relevant
attenuate to weaken
avarice greed
bard poet
bawdy obscene
blandishment flattery
burnish to polish
circuitous roundabout
clairvoyant one who can predict the future; psychic
codify to systematize
commensurate proportional
complacent self-satisfied
compliant yielding
concoct to invent
contend to assert
convivial sociable
craven cowardly
dearth scarcity
debauchery corruption
deride to mock
disparage to belittle
disparate dissimilar
dormant inactive
enervate to weaken
expository explanatory
extemporaneous unrehearsed
facetious humorous
fissure crevice
forbearance patience
frugality thrift
grouse to complain
immutable unchangeable
indigence poverty
innocuous harmless
lascivious lustful
laud praise
lethargic inactive
loquacious talkative
lustrous shining
to speak evil of
to feign illness to escape duty
malinger illogical
maverick dissenter
mendicant beggar
mesmerize to hypnotize
mollify to soothe
multifarious diverse
nonplussed bewildered
obdurate stubborn
onerous burdensome
formation or use of words that imitate sounds of the actions they refer
paucity scarcity
penchant inclination
permeable penetrable
piety devoutness
placid calm
precarious uncertain
puissant powerful
pusillanimous cowardly
query question
raiment clothing
rarefied refined
regale to entertain
rescind to cancel
rue regret
sage wise
salubrious healthful
satiate to satisfy
saturnine gloomy
satyr a creature that is half-man, half beast, with the horns and legs of a goat
sobriety seriousness
sporadic irregular
stint to be sparing
substantive essential
suppliant beseeching
untenable indefensible
untoward not favorable, troublesome, unruly
verbose wordy
vertigo dizziness
warranted justified