Deed of Absolute Sale

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c c



This instrumental made and entered into this __________________ at Roxas City,
Philippines, by and between:

      of legal age, Filipino, married to   , and resident
Roxas City, c     , of legal age, Filipino, married to    , and
resident Roxas    , of legal age, Filipino, married to    
and resident of Roxas City       c, of legal age, Filipino, married to
   c, and resident Roxas City    of legal age, Filipino,
single, and resident Roxas City,      of legal age, Filipino, single, and resident of
Roxas City. (hereinafter referred to as the VENDORS);


  c  c! and        !,
both of legal ages, Filipino, and resident of Brgy. Libon, Panay, Capiz (hereinafter referred to as


  , the vendors is the registered owner of parcel land situated in the
Municipality of Panay under Transfer Certificate of Title No. T- 37043 more specially described
as follows:

Transfer certificate of title

NO. T -37043

A parcel of land (Lot NO. 2081 of the Cadastral Survey of Panay) with the improvements
thereon, situated in the Municipality Panay. Bounded on the NE., by Lot No. 2083 the Batuan
Creek : on the SE., by the same creek and Lot Nos. 3405 and 2062; and on the W., by Lot Nos.
2062 and 3869; and on the NW., by Lot Nos 2082 and 3868. Beginning at point marked ͚1͛ on
plan being xxxxxxx. Containing an area    c   c c  
(44, 352) SQUARE METERS, more or less.

   the VENDORS offered to sell the portion of the aforementioned property
with an are     c   c c   (42, 352) to the VENDEES at
a certain price which offer was unconditionally accepted by the VENDEES.

NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereby agree:

1. That, for and in consideration of the amount of  c c  c 
  ( 400,000.00) the  chereby   c  c  , to the vendees, of
herein portion above-described property, consisting of     c  
 c c   (42, 352) square meter more or less, her heirs, assigns and successors-in-
interest by way of absolute sale, together with all the improvements thereon free from all liens
and encumbrances;
2. The remaining TWO THOUSAND (2,000) square meters more or less was donated by
the Vendors to the Municipality f Panay, more particularly described as follows:
A parcel of land (Lot No. 2081- portion), Situated in the Brgy. of Pili, Municipality of
Panay, Province of Capiz, Philippines. Bounded on the N.N, N.E, S.E, and S.W, by Lot no. 2081-
portion. Beginning at a point marked one (1) on the proposed subdivision plan, being N 47-39E,
488.80m. From BBM # 58, Panay Cadastre, Thence, N 62-32E, 29.40m. to point 2, S 27-28E,
68.03m, to point 3, S 62-32 W, 29.40m. to point 4, N 27-28 W, 68.03m. to point 1, point of

      , we have hereunto set our hands this

________________________ at Roxas City, Philippines.


Vendor Vendor


Vendor Vendor


Vendor Vendor

 c  c!

! c      



CITY OF ROXAS͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙)S.S

   , this ________day of ____________________ at Roxas City, Philippines,

personally appeared before me the following persons with their Community Tax Certificate Nos.
)"&   (#c ( c"#$%"&&'" 







 c  c!

Known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument
containing three (3) pages including this page and they acknowledge to me the same is their
free voluntary act and deed.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on the date and at then place first above written.

Doc No. ______

Page No. _____
Book No. _____
Series of 2011.

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