C/C++ Source Codes: Programme For E.G. of Width and Setew Functions

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C/C++ Source Codes

programme for e.g. of width and setew functions

//e.g. of width and setew function..

#include <iostream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>
void main ()
int i;
cout << "A list of numbers :" << endl;
for (i = 1; i <= 1024; i *= 2)
cout.width (7);
cout << i << endl;
cout << "A table of numbers :" << endl;
for (i = 0; i <= 4; i++)
cout << setw(3) << i << setw(5) << i * i * i << endl;

A program that reads from a character string

//A program that reads from a character string :

#include <iostream.h>
#include <strstrea.h>
#include <string.h>
void main ()
char a[1024];
istrstream b(a, 1024);
strcpy (a, "45.656");
double k, p;
b.seekg(0); // Start from first character.
b >> k;
k = k + 1;
cout << k << endl;
strcpy (a, "444.23 56.89");
b >> k >> p;
cout << k << ", " << p + 1 << endl;

Lecturer: Mr. Serunjogi Ismail Page 1

program that reads from a file :(fstream.h is used.)

//Here is a program that reads from a file :

#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>
void main ()
fstream f;
char c;
cout << "What's inside the test.txt file from";
cout << "the C: hard disk root " << endl;
cout << endl;
f.open("c:\\test.txt", ios::in);
while (! f.eof() )
f.get(c); // Or c = f.get()
cout << c;

double y;
vector (double a = 0, double b = 0)
x = a;
y = b;
double surface()
return fabs (x * y);
class number
double z;
number (double a)
z = a;
int is_negative ()
if (z < 0) return 1;
else return 0;
class trivector : public vector, public number

Lecturer: Mr. Serunjogi Ismail Page 2

trivector(double a=0, double b=0, double c=0) : vector(a,b), number(c)
} // The trivector constructor calls the vector
// constructor, then the number constructor,
// and in this example does nothing more.
double volume()
return fabs (x * y * z);
void main()
trivector a(2, 3, -4);
cout << a.volume() << endl;
cout << a.surface() << endl;
cout << a.is_negative() << endl;

A class may be DERIVED from another class.

//A class may be DERIVED from another class. The new class INHERITS
//the variables and methods of the BASE CLASS. Additional variables
// and/or methods can be added :
#include <iostream.h>
#include <math.h>
class vector
double x;
double y;
vector (double a = 0, double b = 0)
x = a;
y = b;
double module()
return sqrt (x*x + y*y);
double surface()
return x * y;
class trivector : public vector // trivector is derived from vector
double z; // added to x and y from vector
trivector (double m=0, double n=0, double p=0) : vector (m, n)

Lecturer: Mr. Serunjogi Ismail Page 3

z = p; // Vector constructor will
} // be called before trivector
// constructor, with parameters
// m and n.
trivector (vector a) // What to do if a vector is
{ // cast to a trivector
x = a.x;
y = a.y;
z = 0;
double module () // define module() for trivector
return sqrt (x*x + y*y + z*z);
double volume ()
return this->surface() * z; // or x * y * z
void main()
vector a (4, 5);
trivector b (1, 2, 3);
cout << "a (4, 5) b (1, 2, 3) *r = b" << endl << endl;
cout << "Surface of a : " << a.surface() << endl;
cout << "Volume of b : " << b.volume() << endl;
cout << "Surface of base of b : " << b.surface() << endl;
cout << "Module of a : " << a.module() << endl;
cout << "Module of b : " << b.module() << endl;
cout << "Module of base of b : " << b.vector::module() << endl;
trivector k;
k = a; // thanks to trivector(vector) definition
// copy of x and y, k.z = 0
vector j;
j = b; // copy of x and y. b.z leaved out
vector *r;
r = &b;
cout << "Surface of r : " << r->surface() << endl;
cout << "Module of r : " << r->module() << endl;

print the equivalent English of a number

# include <ctype.h>
# include <stdio.h>

char *ot[3][9] = {
{ " One", " Two", " Three", " Four", " Five",
" Six", " Seven", " Eight", " Nine" },

Lecturer: Mr. Serunjogi Ismail Page 4

{ " Ten", " Twenty", " Thirty", " Forty", " Fifty",
" Sixty", " Seventy", " Eighty", " Ninety" },
{ " Eleven", " Twelve", " Thirteen", " Fourteen",
" Fifteen"," Sixteen"," Seventeen"," Eighteen", " Nineteen"}

char *a[5] = { " Hundred", " Thousand", " Lakhs", " Crore", " Arab" } ;
char result[250] = "" ;
char *t[50] ;

main( )
int i, j, ind = 0, c, r, pr = -1, e = 0 ;
unsigned long n ;
unsigned long q ;

clrscr( ) ;
printf ( "\nEnter a number : " ) ;
scanf ( "%ld", &n ) ;
printf ( "%ld\n", n ) ;
if ( n == 0 )
strcpy ( result, "Zero" ) ;
for( i = 0 ; q > 0 ; i++ )
if( ( i % 2 ) && i > 2 )
e++ ;
r = q % 10 ;
q /= 10 ;
if ( r != 0 )
if ( i == 0 )
t[++ind] = ot[i][r-1];
else if ( i == 1 )
if ( r == 1 && pr == 0 )
t[++ind] = ot[i][r-1] ;
else if ( r == 1 && pr > 0 )
t[--ind] = ot[2][r-1] ;
t[++ind] = ot[i][r-1] ;
else if ( i >= 2 )

Lecturer: Mr. Serunjogi Ismail Page 5

if ( i == 2 )
t[++ind] = a[e] ;
t[++ind] = ot[0][r-1] ;
if ( i % 2 )
t[++ind] = a[e] ;
t[++ind] = ot[0][r-1] ;
if ( pr == 0 )
t[++ind] = a[e] ;
t[++ind] = ot[1][r-1] ;
else if ( r == 1)
t[ind] = ot[2][pr-1] ;
t[++ind] = ot[1][r-1] ;
pr = r ;
}/* End for */

for ( i = ind ; i >= 0 ; i-- )

strcat ( result, t[i] ) ;

printf( "\n%s", result ) ;

} /* End main */

count words and vowels in a line

// program to count number of words in a given string


void main()

Lecturer: Mr. Serunjogi Ismail Page 6

int wc,c,i,flag,v,w,space;
printf("enter a string press enter when you have done\n");
for(i=0 ; (c=getchar()) !='\n' ; i++)
if(c==' '''c=='\t')
else if(flag)
if(c=='a'''c=='e' ''c=='i' ''c=='o' ''c=='u')
if(c!=' '&&c!='\t')
if(c==' ')
printf("\n\nnumber of words are %d \nno of vovels are %d",wc,v);
printf("\nno of char are %d\nno of space are %d",w,space);

shell sort

void main()
int k,i,temp,n,a[20],swap,gap;
cout<<"enter the no. of elements: ";
cout<<"enter elements: \n";

Lecturer: Mr. Serunjogi Ismail Page 7

cout<<"sorted list is: \n";

reboot the system

 #include <dos.h>

void bootme(int want_warm) /* arg 0 = cold boot, 1 = warm */

union REGS reg;

void (far* boot)(void) = (void (far*)(void))0xFFFF0000UL;

unsigned far* boottype = (unsigned far*)0x00400072UL;
char far* shiftstate = (char far*)0x00400017UL;
unsigned ticks;
int time_to_waste;

/* Simulate reception of Ctrl-Alt-Del: */

for (;;)
*shiftstate '= 0x0C; /* turn on Ctrl & Alt */
reg.h.ah = 0x4F; /* see notes below */
reg.h.al = 0x53; /* 0x53 = Del's scan code */
reg.x.cflag = 1; /* sentinel for ignoring key */
int86(0x15, &reg, &reg);

/* If carry flag is still set, we've finished. */


/* Else waste some time before trying again: */

reg.h.ah = 0;
int86(0x1A, &reg, &reg); /* system time into CX:DX */

ticks = reg.x.dx;
for (time_to_waste = 3; time_to_waste > 0; )
reg.h.ah = 0;
int86(0x1A, &reg, &reg);

Lecturer: Mr. Serunjogi Ismail Page 8

if (ticks != reg.x.dx)
ticks = reg.x.dx , --time_to_waste;

/* Issue a DOS disk reset request: */

reg.h.ah = 0x0D;
int86(0x21, &reg, &reg);

/* Set boot type and boot: */

*boottype = (want_warm ? 0x1234 : 0);
(*boot)( );

void main()

a programme for starting knowledge about The COPY CONSTRUCTOR

#include <string.h>
class person
char *name;
int age;
person (char *n = "no name", int a = 0)
name = new char[100];
strcpy (name, n);
age = a;
person (person &s) // The COPY CONSTRUCTOR
strcpy (name, s.name);
age = s.age;
~person ()
delete (name);

void main ()
person p;
cout << p.name << ", age " << p.age << endl << endl;
person k ("John", 56);
cout << k.name << ", age " << k.age << endl << endl;

Lecturer: Mr. Serunjogi Ismail Page 9

p = k;
cout << p.name << ", age " << p.age << endl << endl;
p = person ("Bob", 10);
cout << p.name << ", age " << p.age << endl << endl;

even no. program

int main()
int n;
cout<<"enter the number";
cout<<"number entered is even";
cout<<"number is not even";
return 0;

programme to reverse a string

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
char *forward = "string";

printf("Before strrev(): %s\n", forward);

printf("After strrev(): %s\n", forward);
return 0;

to convert a string of upper case to lower case

 #include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(void)
char *string = "Borland International";

printf("string prior to strlwr: %s\n", string);

printf("string after strlwr: %s\n", string);
return 0;

Lecturer: Mr. Serunjogi Ismail Page 10

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