Gary Elkins PH D CV

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Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D.

Curriculum Vita

Home Address: 3409 Forest Trail, Temple, TX 76502

Home Phone: (254) 774-8252
Business Address: Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
Clinical Psychology Psy.D. program
Baylor University
One Bear Place #97334
Waco, Texas 76793-7334
Office Phone: (254) 710-2417
Fax: (254) 724-3303
E-mail: [email protected]
Marital Status: Married (Wilma Elkins)

1971–1975 B.A. in Psychology, June, 1975
Henderson State University, Arkadelphia, Arkansas
1975–1976 M.A., in Clinical Psychology, December, 1976
East TX State University, Commerce, TX
Title of Thesis: Locus of Control as a Determinant of Decision
Making in a Game of Skill.
1976–1980 Ph.D., Counseling Psychology, December, 1980
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Title of Dissertation: Rational Restructuring and Relaxation
Clinical Psychology Internship (APA –Accredited)
Clinical Psychology Service, Wilford Hall USAF Medical Center,
San Antonio, TX.
Rotations in: 1) Behavioral Medicine/Clinical Psychology (40 hrs.
week/ 4 months), 2) Inpatient Psychiatry (30 hrs. week/ 4 months,
Child and Adolescent Clinic (30 hrs. week/ 3 months),
Interdepartmental Pain Clinic (20 hrs. week/ 3 months),
Neuropsychology Clinic (10 hrs. week/ 3 months), Outpatient
Clinical Psychology: Assessment and Psychotherapy (Part-time
throughout 12 months), Drug and Alcohol (20 hrs. week/ 4 weeks).

Licensure and Certifications

• Licensed Psychologist, State of Texas
Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists, (Certificate #2520) – Vice Chair/Board
Member (Chair, Oral Examination Committee)
• Approved Member, National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology,
(Certificate #33124)
• Diplomate, (ABPP) in Clinical Health Psychology, American Board of Professional
• Diplomate, (ABPH) American Board of Psychological Hypnosis (President/Board Member)
Curriculum vita, Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. 2
Staff Appointments/Privileges
1980–1982 Clinical Psychologist, Medical Staff, Grand Forks USAF Medical Center,
Department of Mental Health, Grand Forks, North Dakota
1982–Present Clinical Psychologist, Medical Staff, Scott and White Clinic and Hospital,
Department of Psychiatry

Clinical Experience
Sep 1980–Jun 1982 Chief, Clinical Psychology Service, Department of Psychiatry,
Grand Forks USAF Hospital (Active Duty US Air Force), Grand Forks,
AFB, North Dakota.
Supervised staff and conducted psychological evaluations, psychological
and neuropsychological assessment, individual and group psychotherapy.
Jul 1982–Jun 1986 Program Director, Pain Management Program, Department of
Psychiatry and Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
Scott and White Clinic, Temple, TX.
Coordinated psychological services on comprehensive 6-bed Chronic Pain
Unit. Supervised nursing and support staff and clinical team meetings.
Provided psychological assessment of chronic pain patients, cognitive-
behavioral group therapy, family therapy, and behavioral medicine
Jun 1986–Jul 1990 Clinical Psychology Senior Staff/ Scott and White Clinic,Texas A&M
University College of Medicine
Scott and White Clinic and Hospital, Temple, TX
Provided full range of Clinical Psychology Services in Outpatient Mental
Health Clinic and Inpatient Psychiatry Service (psychological evaluations,
individual and group psychotherapy, consultation). Conducted
independent research. Provided specalized clinical health psychology
services. Co-coordinator, second year Psychiatry Curriculum.
Jul 1990–Sep 2000 Clinical Psychology Senior Staff/ Scott and White Clinic,Texas A& M
University Health Sciences Center
Scott and White Clinic and Hospital, Temple TX
Director, Behavioral Medicine Service
Provide assessment, cognitive-behavior therapy, clinical hypnosis, and
biofeedback therapy. Provide consultation to medical staff (Neurology,
Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine, Oncology, Obstetrics and
Gynecology, Surgery, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Family
Mental Health Clinic
Individual, marital and group psychotherapy, psychological evaluations
and assessment, and consultation (inpatient and outpatient services)
Family Practice Residency, Faculty, Department of Family Practice,
Scott and White Clinic, Texas A&M University Health Sciences Center
Supervise and teach PGY2-4 Residents, Psychological Aspects of Medical
Curriculum vita, Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. 3
Sept 2000–2006 Clinical Psychology Senior Staff/, Scott and White Clinic,Texas A& M
University Health Sciences Center
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Texas A&M University Health Sciences Center, College of Medicine
Scott and White Clinic, Temple, TX
Provide a full range of Clinical Psychology Services including
psychological assessments, diagnostic evaluations, individual, marital and
group psychotherapy (inpatient and outpatient). Provide behavioral
medicine and hypnotherapy interventions for in the area of psychosocial
oncology, and for smoking cessation, irritable bowel syndrome, pain
management, sleep disorders, anxiety symptoms, obesity (bariatric
surgery), diabetic patient counseling, and chronic pain syndromes.
Psychology services provided primarily for adults to late adolescents
(13+). Administrative responsibility for practicum students and support
Senior Staff Member, Pain Management Team, Diabetic Advisory
Committee, Bariatric Surgery Team, Sleep Disorders Clinic, and
Oncology Treatment Team
Provide Clinical Psychology services, consultation, and assist with
program direction.
Sept 2006-Present Private Practice/Clinical Health Psychology
Temple and Waco, Texas

Teaching Experience
Dec 1980–May 1982 Assistant Professor, Clinical Psychology Program (Adjunct)
University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Department of
Psychology, Grand Forks, North Dakota
Taught courses in: Medical Interviewing, Stress Management, Clinical
Hypnosis in Patient Care, Abnormal Psychology
Jun 1986–Jul 1990 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Science, Texas A&M University, College of Medicine
Co-coordinator, second year Psychiatry Curriculum.

Jul 1990–Sep 2000 Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral

Science, Texas A&M University System, College of Medicine
Instruction of medical students, psychiatric residents, and psychology
students (completing post-doctoral training), conduct independent
research. Taught: Behavioral Medicine Seminars, Clinical Hypnosis:
Theory and Research, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Psychological Testing
Seminars, Human Development and Sexuality, Behavior Modification,
Sleep Disorders, Elective Rotation in Behavioral Medicine, Supervision in
Psychotherapy and Assessment
Curriculum vita, Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. 4
Aug 2001–2006 Adjunct Faculty, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
Baylor University, Waco, TX
Practicum site and Clinical Health Psychology in the Psy.D. Clinical
Psychology program.
Aug 2000–2006 Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science
(Joint Appointment, Department of Educational Psychology)
Texas A&M University System, College of Medicine
Taught: Behavioral Medicine Seminars, Clinical Hypnosis: Theory and
Research, Elective Rotation in Psychological Aspects of Patient Care,
Supervision in Psychotherapy.
Sept 2000–2006 Director, Mind-Body Health Research Program
An NIH funded research program to study the use of mind-body
interventions to enhance health care. Research into mind-body
interventions for pain management in cancer patients,
non-pharmacological interventions for hot flashes and menopausal
symptoms, smoking cessation, assessment of bariatric surgery patients,
assessment of depression and distress, and assessment of hypnotic ability
in clinical research.
Program Director, Clinical Psychology Research Fellowship
Clinical Research Fellowship housed within the Mind-Body Health
Research Program. Currently supervise one post-doctoral Research
Fellow (Michelle Perfect, Ph.D.) Past Fellows completing training -Joel
Marcus, Psy.D.; Jeff Bates, M.D. Also a Minority Supplement Grant from
the NIH supports undergraduate research training for Ashley Kossie in my
Supervisor, Clinical Psychology Doctoral Practicum
Provide on-site supervision for two Clinical Psychology Doctoral students
from Baylor University Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.) program. Provide supervision for behavioral
medicine consultations, psychotherapy, group therapy, clinical hypnosis,
psychological assessments, and neuropsychology clinic (dementia,

Aug 2006–Present Professor, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience

(Psy.D. Clinical Psychology Program Core Faculty)
Baylor University
Taught: Theories of Personality, Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, Behavioral
Medicine/Clinical Health Psychology, Advanced Psychological
Assessment, Practicum Supervision.
Director: Mind-Body Research Program

Clinical Health Psychology
Behavioral Medicine Seminars
Clinical Hypnosis: Theory and Research
Curriculum vita, Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. 5
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Psychological Testing Seminars
Human Development and Sexuality
Behavior Modification
Sleep Disorders
Elective Rotation in Behavioral Medicine
Abnormal Psychology
Introduction to Psychology
Theories of Psychotherapy
Supervision in Psychotherapy and Assessment
Ethics in Professional Psychology

Doctoral Projects Supervised

Benjamin Keener, Possible Personality Characteristics Related to Differential Relapse in
Bariatric Surgery Patients: An Exploratory Study of MCMI III Profiles. Baylor University,
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, June 28, 2004.
Jan Richter, Systematic Review of Functional Brain Imaging of Hypnosis Reveals Lack of
Support for the Prefrontal Inhibition Hypothesis. Baylor University, Department of Psychology
and Neuroscience, May 23, 2005.
Teresa Cook, Anxiety, Depression, and Stress Among Hospital Administrators During Joint
Commission on Accreditation of Hospital Organizations (JCAHO) Accreditation. Baylor
University, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, August, 2006.

Research Activities
Funded Grants
Co-Investigator, Evaluation of Psychotherapy Outcome Research
Funded by TX A&M University Research Foundation; Faculty sponsor, Dr. D. Smith
Minigrant Number 12321
Project Period: January 10, 1978–December 20, 1978
Principle Investigator, Group Psychogenic Illness: A Retrospective Study
Research and Education Division, Scott, White, Sherwood and Brindley Foundation
Project Period: June 12, 1984–July 2, 1987
Principle Investigator, Development of an Animal Model of Hypnosis
Scott and White Research and Education Foundation and TX A&M University College of
Grant Number 1711
Project Period: August 20, 2000–August 20, 2002
Co-Investigator, Evalutation of Anxiety as a Predictor of Unsedated Colonoscopy
Residency Research Foundation, Scott and White Clinic and Hospital and TX A&M Universtiy
College of Medicine, A. Chavez, M.D. (P.I.)
Curriculum vita, Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. 6
Project Period: July 15, 2000–September 1, 2003
Principle Investigator, Cognition and Pain Research: Bench to Bedside.
(Hypnotic Relaxation for Pain Management in Cancer Patients)
Scott and White New Research Initiatives; and TX A&M College of Medicine Research Fund
Grant Number 1810
Total Funding $118,000.00
Project Period: September 1, 2000–September 1, 2005
Principle Investigator, Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation.
Scott and White Research Foundation and Clinical Trials Division
Grant Number R1737
Project Period: October 10, 2001–October 9, 2002
Principle Investigator, Use of Complimentary and Alternative Medicine by Psychiatric Patients
Scott and White Research Foundation
Grant Number 7954
Project Period: July 18, 2001–July 17, 2003
Principle Investigator, Reliability and Validity of a New Scale to Measure Hypnotizability
Scott and White Research Foundation
Grant Number 8123
Project Period: September 4, 2002–September 3, 2005
Principle Investigator, A New Approach to Hypnotherapy for Smoking Cessation
Scott and White Research Foundation
Grant Number 8394
Total Funding $53,000.00
Project Period: September 15, 2003–September 15, 2005
Principle Investigator, Feasibility of Hypnosis for Colonoscopy for Colorectal Cancer Screening
Scott and White Research Foundation
Grant Number 2222
Total Funding $3,000.00
Project Period: September 15, 2004–September 15, 2005
Principle Investigator, Hypnosis for Hot Flashes in Breast Cancer Survivors
National Institutes of Health
NCI Grant Number 1 R21 CA100594-01
Total Funding $365,466.00
Project Period: April 2, 2004–April 2, 2006
Principle Investigator, Minority Supplement Grant: Assessment of Hypnotizability in Breast
Cancer Survivors
National Institutes of Health
NCI Grant Number 5R21 CA100594-01A1S1
Total Funding $27,970.00
Project Period: January, 2005–April, 2006
Curriculum vita, Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. 7
Principle Investigator, Reliability and Validity of the Elkins Distress Scale
Scott and White Research Foundation
Grant Number 8727
Total Funding $2,998.00
Project Period: August 15, 2005–September 15, 2006
Project Director, Clinical Psychology Mind-Body Research: Post-Doctoral Fellowship
Scott and White Research Foundation
Total Funding: $ 100,000.00
Project Period: August 1, 2005–September 1, 2007

Principle Investigator, A Pilot Study of Expressive Prayer and Immunity

Scott and White Research and Education Foundation
Total Funding: 57,200.00
Project Period: September 1, 2005-September 1, 2006

Principle Investigator, Hypnotizability in Men

Scott and White Research and Education Foundation
Total Funding: 3,000.00
Project Period: October 28, 2005-October 27, 2006

Grants Submitted and Under Review

Principle Investigator, Hypnosis for Hot Flashes: A Randomized Clinical Trial
National Institute of Health
R-01 Grant Application
Funding Requested: $2,800,000.00 (Multi-site)
Submission: October 1, 2005
Grants In Preparation
Co-Principle Investigator, Prayer and Immunity: The Effect of Reflective and Self-Disclosing
Prayer on Psychological and Physiological Outcomes
John Templeton Foundation

Principle Investigator, Hypnosis Intervention versus Structured-Attention Control in Treatment

of Hot Flashes in Prostate Cancer Survivors
Anticipated Submission: October, 2006

Journal Articles
Elkins, G.R. (1978) Rational-emotive psychotherapy: An examination. Catalog of Selected
Documents in Psychology, Vol. 8, MS. 1689, 42.
Elkins, G.R. (1978) Attitudes toward love, irrationality, and locus of control. Psychological
Reports, 43(1) 246.
Elkins, G.R. & Cochran, S.W. (1978) Internal and external locus of control as determinants of
decision making in a game of skill. Psychological Reports, 42(3, Pt 2) 1311-1314.
Curriculum vita, Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. 8
Elkins, G.R. & Smith, D. (1979) Meaning and measurement of love: A review of humanistic
and behavioral approaches. The Humanist Educator, 18, 7-14.
Elkins, G.R. & Fee, A.F. (1980) Relationship of physical anxiety to death anxiety and age.
Journal of Genetic Psychology, 137(1) 147-148.
Saltzberg, L. & Elkins, G.R. (1980) An examination of common concerns about rational-
emotive therapy. Professional Psychology, 11(2) 324-330.
Elkins, G.R. & Carter, B.D. (1981) Use of a science fiction-based imagery technique in child
hypnosis. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 23(4) 274-277.
Patterson, J.C., Osborn, S.M. & Elkins, G.R. (1981) Psychotherapy outcome models for the
independent practitioner. Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology, Vol. 11, MS. 2378,
Carter, B.D., Elkins, G.R. & Kraft, S.P. (1982) Hemispheric asymmetry as a model for hypnotic
phenomena: A review and analysis. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 24(3) 204-210.
Chapman, R.K., Elkins, G.R., & Carter, B.D. (1982) Childhood hypnotic susceptibility: A
review. Journal of the American Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry, 29(2) 54-63.
Fee. A.F., Elkins, G.R. & Boyd, L. (1982) Testing and counseling psychologists: Current
practices and implications for training. Journal of Personality Assessment, 46(2) 116-118.
Elkins, G.R., Osborne, S. & Saltzberg, L. (1983) An investigation of adult perceptions of
“assertiveness.” Psychology: A Quarterly Journal of Human Behavior, 20(3-4) 34-37.
Elkins, G.R. (1984) Hypnosis in the treatment of myofibrositis and anxiety: A case report.
American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 27(1) 26-30.
Elkins, G.R. & Barrett, E.T. (1984) The MMPI in evaluation of functional versus organic low
back pain. Journal of Personality Assessment, 48(3) 259-264.
Elkins, G.R. & Saltzberg, L. (1984) Hypnosis in the treatment of social anxiety. Journal of
Counseling and Psychotherapy, 4, 95-104.
Elkins, G.R. & Carter, B.D. (1986) Hypnotherapy in the treatment of childhood psychogenic
coughing: A case report. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 29(1) 59-63.
Elkins, G.R., Gamino, L.A. & Rynearson, R.R. (1988) Mass psychogenic illness, trance states,
and suggestion. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis,, 30(4) 267-275.
Gamino, L.A., Elkins, G.R. & Hackney, K.U. (1989) Emergency management of mass
psychogenic illness. Psychosomatics, 30(4) 446-449.
Elkins, G.R. & Wall, V.J. (1996) Medical referrals for hypnotherapy: Opinions of physicians,
residents, family practice outpatients, and psychiatry outpatients. American Journal of
Clinical Hypnosis, 38(4) 254-262.
Elkins, G.R. & Hammond, D.C. (1998) Standards of Training in Clinical Hypnosis: Preparing
Professionals for the 21st Century. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 41(1) 55-64.
Elkins, G.R. (1999) Hypnosis, grief and mourning. Hypnos: Swedish Journal of Hypnosis in
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic Medicine, XXVI, 61-69.
Elkins, G.R. (2000) Hypnosis, grief and mourning. Australian Journal of Clinical Experimental
Hypnosis, 28(1) 61-73. (reprint from Hypnos)
Curriculum vita, Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. 9
Elkins, G.R. & Hammond, D.C. (2003) American Society of Clinical Hypnosis Standards of
Training in Clinical Hypnosis. Japanese Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 4 (March) 57-67.
Marcus, J., Elkins G.R. & Mott, F. (2003) The integration of hypnosis into a model of palliative
care. Integrative Cancer Therapies, 2 (4) 365-370.
Marcus, J., Elkins, G.R. & Mott, F. (2003) A model of hypnotic intervention for palliative care.
Advances in Mind-Body Medicine, 9(2) 24-27.
Elkins, G.R. & Rajab, H. (2004) Clinical hypnosis for smoking cessation: Preliminary results of
a three-session intervention. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 52,
Marcus, J. & Elkins, G.R. (2004) Development of a model for a structured support group for
patient following bariatric surgery.Obesity Surgery, 14(1) 103-106.
Elkins, G.R., Cheung, A., Marcus, J., Palamara, L. & Rajab, H. (2004) Hypnosis to reduce pain
in cancer survivors with advanced disease: A prospective study, Journal of Cancer
Integrative Medicine, 2(4) 167-172.
Elkins, G.R., Marcus, J., Palamara, L., & Stearns, V. (2004) Can hypnosis reduce hot flashes in
breast cancer survivors? A literature review. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 47(1)
Elkins, G.R., Marcus, J. & Rajab, H. (2004) Prevalence of anxiety among patients undergoing
colorectal surgery. Psychological Reports, 95(2) 657-658.
Elkins, G.R., Marcus, J. & Rajab, H. (2004) Use of complementary and alternative medicine
among psychiatric inpatients. Psychological Reports, 96(1) 163-166.
Elkins, G.R., Staniunas, R., Marcus, J., Rajab, H. & Snyder, T. (2004) The Numeric Visual
Analog Anxiety Scale: A valid and reliable measure of anxiety among colorectal surgery
patients. Clinical Nursing Research, 13(3) 237-244.
Elkins, G.R. (2005) Author’s Reply: Hypnosis shows an advantage over counseling in a
randomized controlled trial of patients with advanced cancer and bone pain, Focus on
Alternative and Complementary Therapy, accepted for publication.
Elkins, G.R., Marcus, J.D., Bates, J. & Palamara, L. (2005) Intensive hypnotherapy for smoking
cessation: A prospective study. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis,
accepted for publication.
Elkins, G.R., Marcus, J. & Rajab, H. (2005) Use of complementary and alternative medicine
among psychotherapy clients, Journal of Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice and
Training, 42(2) 232-235.
Elkins, G.R., Marcus, J., Stearns, V. & Rajab, M. H. (2005) Pilot study of hypnosis for hot
flashes in breast cancer survivors. Psycho-Oncology, submitted for publication.
Elkins, G.R., Marcus, J. D. & White, J., Perfect, M., & Montgomery, G. (2005) Hypnosis for
management of anxiety and pain associated with colonoscopy for colorectal cancer
screening: Case studies and possible benefits. International Journal for Clinical and
Experimental Hypnosis, submitted for publication.
Elkins, G.R., Whitfield, P., Marcus, J., Symmonds, R., Rodriguez, J. & Cook T. (2005)
Non-compliance with behavioral recommendations following bariatric surgery. Obesity
Surgery, 15(4) 546-551.
Curriculum vita, Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. 10
Kusaj, C., Rudd, M. D. & Elkins, G. (2005) The diagnostic utility of the transplant evaluation
rating scale. Psychosomatic Medicine, submitted for publication.
Marcus, J.D., Mott, F. & Elkins, G.R. (2005) Communicating and Communicating again.
Supportive and Palliative Cancer Care, In Press.
Richter, J., Elkins, G.R., Rudd, M.D. & Kotrla, K. (2005) Brain imaging of hypnosis: A
systematic review and analysis. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis,
submitted for publication.
Rudd, M. D., Schmitz, B., McClenen, R., Joiner, T. & Elkins, G. (2005) Development of a
measure of suicide-specific hopelessness: The Suicide Cognitions Scale. Psychological
Assessment, submitted for publication.
Published Abstracts
Chavez, A., White, J., Rawls, D., Riggs, M., Elkins, G. & Ghee, W. (2000) Unsedated
colonoscopy (USC) and predictors of successful outcome. American Journal of
Gastroenterology 95(9) 530.
Elkins, G.R., Staniunas, R., Marcus, J., Rajab, H. & Snyder, T. (2003) The Numeric Visual
Analog Anxiety Scale: A Valid and Reliable Measure of Anxiety Among Colorectal Surgery
Patients. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 25, S149.
Marcus, J., Elkins, G. & Mott, F. (2004) Solution focused therapy: Creating goals and meaning
for the palliative care patient. Psycho-Oncology 13(1) 55.
Marcus, J., Elkins, G., Mott, F., Palamara, L. & Herrington, J. (2004) Development of a triage
system for referrals to a pain & palliative care clinic (PPCC). Psycho-Oncology 13(1) 28.
Marcus, J., Elkins, G., Mott, F. & Wong, L. (2004) Hypnosis as an integral component in
Comprehensive Cancer Care. Psycho-Oncology 13(1). 51.
Marcus, J., Elkins, G., Rajab, M., H., Morgan, P. & Gelsthorpe, C. (2004) The integrative role
of a research associate in a mind-body health research program. SOCRA-Source 41, 45.
Elkins, G., Marcus, J, Cheung, A., Palamara, L. & Rajab, M.H. (2005) Hypnosis to reduce pain
in cancer survivors with advanced disease: A prospective study. Psycho-Oncology 14 (1).
P12-1, S63.
Elkins, G., Marcus, J., Rajab, M.R., Sterns, V. & Cook, T. (2005) Development of a
retrospective study of hypnosis for hot flashes and chemotherapy induced menopausal
symptoms. Psycho-Oncology 14 (1). P17-6, S74.
Marcus, J., & Elkins, G. (2005) The application of a new scale to measure hypnotizability in a
clinical oncology population. Psycho-Oncology 14 (1). P12-2, S64.
Marcus, J., Elkins, G. & Mott, F. (2005) Communicating…Again and again: The art of defining
reality. Psycho-Oncology 14 (1) P17-7, 75.
Marcus, J., Elkins, G., & Mott, F. (2005) Solution-Focused palliative care: Enhancing meaning,
promoting dignity at the end of life for the patient and family. Psycho-Oncology 14 (1). P15-
2, S67.
Elkins, G., Marcus, J., Rajab, M.R., Sterns, V. & Cook, T. (2005) Retrospective Study of
Hypnosis for Hot Flashes. The North American Menopause Society Program and Abstract
Book. LB-6, page 93.
Curriculum vita, Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. 11
Book Chapters
Elkins, G.R. (1986) Hypnotic Treatment of Anxiety. In Wester, W.C. (Ed.) Clinical Hypnosis:
A Case Management Approach. Cincinnati. C.J. Krehbiel, Co. 142-157.
Elkins, G.R. & Carter, B.D. (1986) Hypnosis with very Young Children. In Ziebergeld, B.,
Edelstien, M.G. & Araoz, D.L. (Eds.) Hypnosis: Questions and Answers. New York. W.W.
Norton & Co.
Elkins, G.R. (1990) A Science-Fiction Based Imagery Technique in Child Hypnosis.
Hammond, C. (Ed.) Handbook of Hypnotic Metaphors and Suggestions.
Elkins, G.R. (1990) Hypnotic Suggestion for Chronic Pain. Hammond, C. (Ed.) Handbook of
Hypnotic Metaphors and Suggestion.
Elkins, G.R. (1991) Hypnotherapy of Childhood Somatoform Disorders. In Wester, W.C. and
O’Grady, D. (Eds.) Clinical Hypnosis with Children, New York. Brunner/Mazel.
Elkins, G.R. (1997) Consultation for Insomnia: Hypnotherapy, Sleep Hygiene, and Stimulus
Control Instructions In Current Thinking and Research in Brief Therapy: Solutions,
Strategies, Narratives. Matthews, W.J. and Edgette, J.H. (Eds.) New York, N.Y.
Elkins, G.R. & Handel, D.H. (2001) Clinical Hypnosis: An Essential in the “Tool Kit” for
Family Practice, in Family Practice Clinics of North America: Behavioral Medicine.
W.B. Saunders.
Elkins, G.R. & Marcus, J. (2006) Hypnotherapy and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy for Pain and
Distress Management in Cancer Patients. In, The Clinical Use of Hypnosis and Cognitive-
Behavior Therapy: A Practitioners Casebook. Chapman, R. A. (Ed.) Springer Publishing
Company, 275-294.
Elkins, G.R. (2006 Accepted for publication, in preparation) Health Compromising Behaviors,
The Oxford Handbook of Hypnosis, Oxford Medical Publications, Oxford, United Kingdom.
Hammond, D.C. & Elkins, G.R. (1994) Standards of Training in Clinical Hypnosis. Chicago,
ASCH Press.
Elkins, G.R. (1997) My Doctor Does Hypnosis. Chicago, ASCH Press.
Published Video Tapes
Elkins, G.R. Hypnosis in the Treatment of Needle Phobia, ASCH Media Guide, 1992.
Elkins, G.R. Child Hypnosis: Use of a Science Fiction Imagery Technique, ASCH Media Guide,
Elkins, G.R. Hypnosis in the Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, ASCH Media Guide,
Elkins, G.R. Hypnotic Phenomena: Rapid Induction in the Highly Hypnotizable Patient, ASCH
Media Guide, 1995.
Invited Book Reviews
Elkins, G.R. & Fee, A.F. (1978) Group Therapy: a behavioral approach. Rose, S. (Author),
Springer Publishing Co. Reviewed in Psychology: A Journal of Human Behavior, 15, 51.
Curriculum vita, Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. 12
Elkins, G.R. & Fee, A.F. (1979) Handbook of rational-emotive therapy. Ellis, A. & Grieger, R.
(Eds.) Springer Publishing Company. Reviewed in Journal of Counseling and
Psychotherapy, 1, 152-153.
Elkins, G.R. (1982) Explorations in time-limited counseling and psychotherapy. Gelso, C.J. &
Johnson, D.H. (Authors). Reviewed in American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 1983, 26,
Elkins,G.R. (1982) Introduction to medical hypnosis. Gorsky, G.H. & Gorsky, S.R. (Authors).
Reviewed in American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 24, 300-301.
Elkins, G.R. (1982) The practice of multimodal therapy, Lazarus, A.A., (Author). Reviewed in
American Journal of Psychotherapy, July.
Elkins, G.R. (1982) Application of hypnosis in sex therapy, Beigel, A.L., & Johnson, W.A.
(Authors). Reviewed in International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 30,
Elkins, G.R. (1993) Littletree: A story for children with serious medical problems, Mills, Joyce
C. (author, 1992) Magination Press, NY, NY. Reviewed in American Journal of Clinical
Hypnosis, 36(2) 147-149.
Elkins, G.R. (1993) Multiple personality disorder: An exercise in deception. Aldridge-Morris,
R. (author) 1989. London, Lawrence-Erlbaum Associate, reviewed in American Journal of
Clinical Hypnosis, 35(3) 209-211.
Elkins, G.R. (1993) Treating PTSD: Cognitive behavioral strategies. Foy, D.W. (Ed.) 1992.
New York, Guilford Press. Reviewed in American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 36(1)
Elkins, G.R. (1994) Lessons in Evil: Lessons from the light. Feldman (7) (author, 1993) New
York: Crown Publishers, Inc. Reviewed in American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 37(1)
Elkins, G.R. (2002) The practice of hypnotism. Weitzenhoffer, A. (author, 2000) John Wiley
and Sons, N. Y. Reviewed in American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis.
In Preparation
Elkins, G.R., Marcus, J.D., Bates, J., Palamara, L. & Cook, T. Development of a New Scale to
Measure Hypnotizability. Data analysis underway (Also a related book is in preparation;
Elkins, G.R. Handbook of Hypnosis in Health Care).
Elkins, G.R., Cook, T. & Marcus, J.D. Effect of Preparation for JCAHO Accreditation on Stress
Among Hospital Employees. Manuscript in preparation.
Elkins, G.R., Rudd, M.D., & Perfect, M. A New Scale to Measure Distress in Primary Care:
Reliability and Validity. Data analysis underway.
Elkins, G.R., Marcus, J.D., Stearns, V. & Palamara, L. Hypnosis Reduces Hot Flashes in Breast
Cancer Survivors: A Randomized Trial. Data analysis underway.
Elkins, G.R., Marcus, J.D., Cheung, A., Perfect, M., & Palamara, L. Does Anxiety and
Hypnotizability Moderate Pain Management. Data analysis underway.
Curriculum vita, Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. 13

Keynotes and Invited Addresses
Elkins, G.R. Applications of Psychology in Medical Settings. Invited address at the first annual
Distinguished Alumni Forum, East TX State University, Commerce, TX, November 1983.
Elkins, G.R. Looking Toward the Future: Clinical Hypnosis and Professional Practice.
President Elect Address, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis Annual Banquet, March 27,
1996, Orlando, FL.
Elkins, G.R. Annual Banquet Presentation “Teaching and Learning Clinical Hypnosis: Lessons
from the Novice and the Great.” Canadian Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Banff, Alberta,
Canada, May 4, 1996.
Elkins, G.R. Update on Clinical Hypnosis: Theory and Practice, Grand Rounds Presentation,
Department of Psychiatry, University of TX Medical Branch, May 13, 1997, Galveston, TX.
Elkins, G.R. Annual Banquet Presentation “The Seven Habits of Highly Successful Clinicians
Who Practice Hypnosis.” New Orleans Society of Clinical Hypnosis, May 15, 1996.
Elkins, G.R. Hypnosis Grief and Mourning. Presidential Address, 14th International Congress
of Hypnosis and Psychosomatic Medicine, San Diego, CA, June, 1997.
Elkins, G.R. Essentials of Clinical Hypnosis in Brief Psychotherapy Practice. Keynote Speaker,
GA Psychological Association Winter Institutes, Atlanta, GA, January, 1998.
Elkins, G.R. Treatment of Insomnia: Integration of Medical and Psychological Approaches.
Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Sleep Disorders Center, Scott and White, Temple, TX,
January, 2000.
Moore, R. & Elkins, G.R. A Puzzeling Case of Cognitive Impairment. Department of Psychiatry
Grand Rounds, Scott and White, Temple, TX, February, 2000.
Elkins, G.R. Hypnosis and Cancer Care: Current Research and Future Directions. Department
of Educational Psychology, TX A&M University, College Station, TX, April, 2000.
Elkins, G.R. The Making of a President. 44th Annual Meeting of the American Society of
Clinical Hypnosis, April, 2002.
Elkins, G.R., Marcus, J.D., Palamara, L., Cheung, A., Young, R. & Rajab, H. Hypnosis
Intervention for Anxiety and Pain in Stage III and IV Cancer Patients: A Randomized
Clinical Trial. 2nd International Conference of Cancer Integrative Medicine, Cancer
Treatment Research Foundation, Chicago, IL, October 11, 2003.
Elkins, G.R. Clinical Hypnosis Applications for Pediatric Pain Management 5th Annual Caring
for Kids with Cancer Symposium, Baptist Children’s Hospital, Miami, FL, November 6,
Elkins, G.R. Applications of Hypnosis in Primary Care Practice. 97th Annual Meeting of the
Southern Medical Association, Atlanta, GA, November 14, 2003.
Elkins, G.R. Hypnosis in Medicine. Integrative Medicine Practice meeting of the Southern
Medical Association, Santa Fe, New Mexico, April 17, 2004.
Curriculum vita, Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. 14
Elkins, G.R. Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Treatment of Anxiety and Depression.
Integrative Medicine Practice meeting of the Southern Medical Association, , Santa Fe, New
Mexico, April 17, 2004.
Elkins, G.R. Hypnotherapy Interventions in Treatment of Hot Flashes and Menopausal
Symptoms in Breast Cancer Survivors . Department of Psychology, Sam Houston State
University, Huntsville, Texas, March 31, 2004.
Elkins, G.R. Hypnosis in the Treatment of Health Compromising Behaviors. Master Clinician
Symposium, Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, Charleston, North Carolina,
October 28, 2005.
Elkins, G.R. Hypnosis in the 21st Century: Current Research and Future Directions . Department
of Psychology, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, December 7, 2005

Scientific Papers
Elkins, G.R., & Cochran, S.W., Locus of Control as a Determinant of Decision Making, 24th
Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, 1977.
Elkins, G.R., & Fee, A.F., A Proposed Cognitive-Behavioral Model for the Treatment of
Obsessions and Compulsions, 25th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Psychological
Association, 1978.
Elkins, G.R. & Osborn, S.M. Perception of Assertiveness: Implications for Counseling and
Therapy. 25th Annual Meeting of the TX Psychological Association, 1979. Awarded
Certificate of Recognition by the TX Psychological Association.
Osborn, S.M., Patterson, J.P., & Elkins, G.R., Psychotherapy Outcome Models for the
Independent Practitioner. 87th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association,
1979. Awarded certificate and funded by Student Scholarship Awards Committee of
Division 29 (Psychotherapy) of APA.
Patterson, J.P., Osborn, S.M., & Elkins, G.R., Psychotherapy Outcome Research: A Survey, 26th
Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, 1979.
Miller, R.A. (Chair) & Elkins, G.R., Hypnotherapy, Conference on Emerging Roles for the
Psychologist, TX A&M University, June, 1980.
Saltzberg, L., & Elkins, G.R., Elegant and Inelegant Therapy: A Comparison of A and B Level
Interventions in the Treatment Process. Third National Conference on Rational-Emotive
Therapy, June, 1980.
Elkins, G.R. & Barrett, T.E. (1981) Psychological assessment of functional pain on consultation
service.In Levy, R.A. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 28th Annual Behavioral Sciences Symposium,
Brooks AFB, TX.
Elkins, G.R., Smith, D., & Saltzberg, L.H., Rational Restructuring and Relaxation Training in
the Treatment of Communication Apprehension, 89th Annual Meeting of the
AmericanPsychological Association, August, 1981.
Carter, B.D., & Elkins, G.R., Family Stress and Social Adjustment, 90th Annual Meeting of the
American Psychological Association, August, 1982.
Saltzberg, L.H., & Elkins, G.R., Hypnosis as a Facilitator of Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, 34th
Annual Meeting of the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, October, 1982.
Curriculum vita, Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. 15
Elkins, G.R., Gamino, L.A. & Rynearson, R.R., The Social and Psychiatric Dynamics of Mass
Psychogenic Illness: A Case Study, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Psychosomatic
Medicine, October, 1983.
Saltzberg, L.H., & Elkins, G.R., Investigation of Bibliotherapy as an Adjunct to Rational-
Emotive Psychotherapy, 91st Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association,
August, 1983.
Elkins, G.R. & Saltzberg, L.H., Hypnosis in the Treatment of Myofibrositis and Anxiety, Annual
Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, November, 1983.
Elkins, G.R., & Gamino, L.A., Group Psychosomatic Illness and Hypnotic Phenomena. Bell
County Psychological Association, March 1984.
Elkins, G.R., Hypnosis for Pediatric Medical and Psychological Problems. Southwestern
Psychological Association, April 1984.
Schuchmann, J.A., & Elkins, G.R., Doc, It Still Hurts, or: How to Approach the Patient Who
Complains of Chronic Pain. Annual Meeting of the TX Medical Association. May 1984.
Elkins, G.R., Pain Management, Shepperd Memorial Hospital, Burnet, TX, July 3, 1984.
Elkins, G.R., Psychological Intervention with the Chronic Pain Patient. Gatesville Clinic,
Gatesville, TX, August 8, 1984.
Elkins, G.R., Psychological Aspects of Chronic Illness, Medical-Surgical Nursing Rounds, Scott
and White, Temple, TX, August 20, 1984.
Elkins, G.R., Schuchmann, J.A., & Gamino, L.A. Psychological Distress, Invalidation, and
Pain Games Among Chronic Pain Patients. International Association for the Study of Pain,
Seattle, Washington, September, 1984.
Elkins, G.R., Hypnotherapy in Children, Pediatrics Grand Rounds, Scott and White, Temple,
TX, September 11, 1984.
Elkins, G.R., Childhood Psychogenic Coughing: A Combined Hypnotic/Behavioral Treatment,
Annual Meeting of the American Society for Clinical Hypnosis, San Francisco, CA.
November, 1984.
Elkins, G.R., Stress in Patient Care: Clinical Considerations. Department of Oral Surgery,
Scott and White Clinic, Temple, TX, November 12, 1984.
Elkins, G.R., Mental Health and Stress Management, Scott and White Annual Internal Medicine
Review, 1985.
Elkins, G.R., Mass Psychogenic Illness: Conversion Reaction or Group Hypnosis?, 10th
International Congress of Hypnosis and Psychosomatic Medicine, August, 1985.
Hughes, P., & Elkins, G.R., The Unremembered Pregnancy: Psychogenic Amnesia, Ob/Gyn
Department Grand Rounds, Scott and White Clinic, 1986.
Elkins, G.R. & Gamino, L.A., The Use and Misuse of Hypnotic Suggestion in Health and Illness,
Dallas Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Dallas, TX, December, 1986.
Elkins, G.R., Psychopathology, Invalidism, and Pain Games Among Chronic Pain Patients,
American Psychological Association, New York City, New York, August, 1986.
Elkins, G.R., Altered States of Consciousness in Etiology and Treatment of Anxiety Disorders,
Bell County Psychological Association, Temple, TX, May, 1987.
Curriculum vita, Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. 16
Elkins, G.R., Hypnotherapy with Children: Relaxation and Mental Imagery for Pediatric Anxiety
and Pain Management, Association for the Care of Childrens Health, Halifax, Nova Scotia,
May 1987.
Elkins, G.R., Hypnosis and Mass Hysteria: From Witchcraft Trials to Modern Medicine.
American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Las Vegas, NV, April 1987. (Awarded 2nd place
for best clinical paper.).
Colosimo, C.P. & Elkins, G.R., Clinical Applications of Hypnotherapy in Behavioral Medicine
Settings. American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Las Vegas, NV, April 1987.
Elkins, G.R., Clinical Hypnosis: Recent Research and Applications, Southwestern Psychological
Association, New Orleans, LA, April 1987.
Elkins, G.R. & Nisbet, R.B., Hypnotherapy in a Case of Severe Hyperemesis Gravidarum,
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Scott and White Clinic, March 6, 1987.
Elkins, G.R., Hypnotherapy with Pediatric Patients for Management of Pain and Anxiety,
Association for the Care of Children’s Health, Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 1987.
Elkins, G.R., Hypnotherapy for Anxiety: Is It the Treatment of Choice?, American Society of
Clinical Hypnosis, Las Vegas, NV, 1987.
Sanders, S., Copeland, D., & Elkins, G., Hypnotherapy with Children. American Psychological
Association, New York, August, 1987.
Elkins, G.R. Mass Hysteria!, Department of Medicine Grand Rounds, Scott and White Clinic,
Temple, TX, August 5, 1988.
Elkins, G.R. & Hill, P.S., Hypnotherapy and Munchausen’s Disorder: Psychodynamics and
Treatment Issues, 11th International Congress of Hypnosis and Psychosomatic Medicine,
The Hague, Netherlands, August 13-19, 1988.
Elkins, G.R., Hypnotherapy in the Treatment of Hyperemesis Gravidarum. American Society of
Clinical Hypnosis; St. Louis, MO; March 1991.
Elkins, G.R. and Hammond, D.C., Teaching Medical and Psychological Hypnosis. American
Society of Clinical Hypnosis. San Diego, CA, March 10-16, 1995.
Elkins, G.R., Consultation Regarding Insomnia: Hypnotherapy and Sleep Hygiene. Annual
Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Philadelphia, PA. March 11-17,
Elkins, G.R., Hypnotherapy in the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Grand Rounds,
Department of Psychiatry, Scott and White, April 29, 1994.
Elkins, G.R. Professional Issues in Clinical Hypnosis: Panel Discussion, Annual Scientific
Meeting of the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, November 9-12, 1996,
Tampa, FL.
Elkins, G.R. Sleep Disorders, Bell County Psychological Association, Temple,TX,October,
Elkins, G.R. Bridging Research and Practice in Clinical Hypnosis, 40th Annual Meeting of the
American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Fort Worth, TX, March 18, 1998.
Elkins, G.R. The Theory and Practice of Clinical Hypnosis: Expert Panel,” American Society of
Clinical Hypnosis Annual Scientific Meeting, Forth Worth, TX, March 18, 1998.
Curriculum vita, Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. 17
Elkins, G.R., The Image of Hypnotherapy: A Theory in It’s Own Right or Only an Adjunct?, 40th
Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Ft. Worth, TX,
March 1998.
Rajab, M.H., Elkins, G.R., and Cheung, A. Hypnosis for Pain Management in Cancer Patients:
Design and Method, Society for Clinical Trials, Anaheim, CA, May 2-5, 1999.
Elkins, G.R. and Rajab, M.H. Clinical Efficacy of Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation. Department
of Psychiatry, Grand Rounds, TX A&M University Health Sciences Center, Temple, TX,
September 22, 2000.
Elkins, G.R. Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation: Preliminary Clinical Outcome Data. 15th
International Congress of Hypnosis, Munich, Germany, October 1-5, 2000.
Chavez, A., White, J., Rawls, D., Riggs, M., Elkins, G., and McGhee,W. Unsedated
Colonoscopy (USC) and Predictors of Successful Outcome. 65th Annual Scientific Meeting
of the American College of Gasterenterology, New York, New York, October 16-18, 2000.
Elkins, G.R. Mind-Body Therapies in Patient Care, Scott and White Internal Medicine Grand
Rounds, October 2, 2001.
Elkins, G.R., and Rajab, H. Hypnotherapy for Smoking Cessation: Preliminary Findings, Society
for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, San Antonio, TX, November 7, 2001.
Elkins, G.R., Russell, I.S., Young, K., and Rajab, M.H. Understanding the Mind-Body
Connection in Pain Control: Research Findings from an Animal Model of Hypnosis. 43rd
Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Reno, NV, March, 2001.
Elkins, G.R., and Rajab, M. H., Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation: Outcomes from a Clinical
Trial. 43rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Reno, NV,
March, 2001.
Elkins, G.R. Hypnotherapy for Children with Headaches/Migraines, Scott and White Advanced
Practice Symposium, Salado, TX, February 1, 2002.
Marcus, J.D. & Elkins, G.R. Child and Family Program for HIV Impacted Families, Oral
Presentation: XXV International Congress of Applied Psychology (Div. 6 Clinical and
Community Psychology) Singapore, July, 2002.
Elkins, G.R. and Palamara, L., Pain Assessment and Behavioral Management, 2002 Medical
Surgical Nursing Conference, Scott and White Clinic and Hospital, Temple, TX, July, 2002.
Elkins, G.R., Marcus, J., Rajab, H. and Cheung, A. Hypnotic Relaxation for Pain Management
in Cacncer Patients: Preliminary Results. Annual Meeting of the American Psychological
Association, Chicago, IL, August, 2002.
Russell, M, Young, K., Elkins, G., and Steele-Russell, I. Effect of the Tonic Immobility State on
Conditioned Pain Perception in Rabbits. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San
Diego, CA, November 13, 2002.
Elkins, G.R., Marcus, J., Stanianus, R., and Rajab, H. Anxiety in General Surgery Patients, 55th
Annual Convention of the TX Psychological Association, San Antonio, TX, November,
Elkins, G.R., Marcus, J., and Rascoe, T. Development of a New Scale to Measure
Hypnotizability in Clinical Research, 44th Annual Meeting of the American Society of
Clinical Hypnosis, Arlington, VA, April, 2003.
Curriculum vita, Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. 18
Marcus, J. and Elkins, G.R. Group Hypnotherapy for Smoking Cessation: Preliminary Results
and Lessons Learned, 44th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis,
Arlington, VA, April, 2003.
Marcus, J.D., Elkins, G.R., & Mott, F. Solution Focused Therapy: Creating Change in a Health
Challenged Population. 6th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology. Banff, Canada, April,
Marcus, J.D., Elkins, G.R., & Mott, F. Hypnotic Interventions in Palliative Care: A Model of
Adjunctive Care. 6th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology. Banff, Canada, April, 2003.
Marcus, J., Holguin, M., Quinney, C., & Elkins, G. Integrative sickle cell care: Maximizing
opportunities, overcoming obstacles and developing standards of care, Annual meeting of
the Sickle Cell Disease American Association, October, 2004, Atlanta, GA.
Marcus, J.D. & Elkins, G.R. Development of a Model for a Structured Support Group for
Bariatric Surgery Patients. 20th Annual Meeting of the Society for Bariatric Surgery.
Boston, MA, June, 2003.
Elkins, G.R. & Marcus Hypnosis for Pain Management in Cancer Patients. Annual meeting of
the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Anaheim, CA, March, 2004.
Elkins, G.R. & Bates, J. Guidelines for a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Clinical Hypnosis
Research Annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, March, 2004,
Anaheim, CA.
Elkins, G.R. & Marcus, J. Assessment of Hypnotizability in Cancer Patients. Annual meeting of
the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Anaheim, CA, March, 2004.
Elkins, G.R., Marcus, J., Stearns, V., Rajab, M. H. Pilot Study of Hypnosis for Hot Flashes in
Breast Cancer Survivors. North American Menopause Society, San Diego, CA, September
30, 2005.
Elkins, G.R., Marcus, J., Stearns, V., Rajab, M. H. Hypnosis for Hot Flashes in Breast Cancer
Survivors, Annual Meeting of the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis,
Charleston, SC, October 29, 2005.
Elkins, G.R., Marcus, J., Rajab, M. H. Intensive Hypnotherapy for Smoking Cessation, Annual
Meeting of the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, Charleston, SC, October 30,
Elkins, G.R., Marcus, J., Cheung, A., Rajab, M. H., Palamara, L. Hypnosis to Reduce Pain in
Cancer Survivors with Advanced Disease, Annual Meeting of the Society for Clinical and
Experimental Hypnosis, Charleston, SC, October 30, 2005.
Clansey, P., Elkins, G.R., White, D. TX State Board of Examiners of Psychologists – Update.
Annual Meeting of the TX Psychological Association, Houston, TX, November 4, 2005.
Elkins, G.R., Marcus, J., Rajab, M. H. Use of Complementary and Alternative Therapies by
Psychotherapy Clients. Annual Meeting of the TX Psychological Association, Houston, TX,
November 4, 2005.

Poster Presentations
Curriculum vita, Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. 19
Elkins, G.R., Marcus, J., Stanianus, R., and Rajab, H. The Visual Analog Scale: A Valid and
Reliable Method to Measure Anxiety in Colorectal Surgery Patients. Society for Behavioral
Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT, March, 2002.

Elkins, G.R., Marcus, J.D., & Young, R. Hypnosis for Menopausal Symptoms in Breast Cancer
Survivors. 5th Annual Comprehensive Cancer Care 2003: Integrating Complementary &
Alternative Therapies with Mainstream Care. Washington, DC, April, 2003.
Marcus, J.D. & Elkins, G.R. Translating Clinical Phenomena into Researchable Questions and
Clinical Practice: A Multidisciplinary Quest. 5th Annual Comprehensive Cancer Care 2003:
Integrating Complementary & Alternative Therapies with Mainstream Care. Washington,
DC, April, 2003.
Marcus, J.D., Elkins, G.R., Rajab, M.H., Morgan, P., & Gelsthorpe, C. The Integrative Role of a
Research Associate in a Mind-Body Health Research Program. Society of Clinical Research
Associates. Rancho Mirage, CA, September 20, 2003.
Elkins, G.R., Marcus, J., Cheung, A., Rajab, M. H., Palamara, L. Hypnosis to Reduce Pain in
Cancer Survivors with Advanced Disease: A Prospective Study. Annual Meeting of the
American Psychosocial Oncology Society, Phoenix, AZ, January 28, 2005.
Elkins, G.R., Marcus, J., Rajab, M. H., Cook, T. A Retrospective Study of Hypnosis for Hot
Flashes and Chemotherapy Induced Menopausal Symptoms. Annual Meeting of the
American Psychosocial Oncology Society, Phoenix, AZ, January 28, 2005 (Awarded Blue
Ribbon for Best Poster Presentation).
Marcus, J., Elkins, G.R., Mott, F. Communicating…again and again. The art of defining reality
Annual Meeting of the American Psychosocial Oncology Society, Phoenix, AZ, January 28,
Marcus, J., Elkins, G.R., Mott, F. Solution focused Palliative care: Enhancing meaning,
promoting dignity at the end of life for the patient and family, Annual Meeting of the
American Psychosocial Oncology Society, Phoenix, AZ, January 28, 2005.
Marcus, J., & Elkins, G.R. Translating Clinical Phenomena into Researchable Questions and
Clinical Practice. American Psychosocial Oncology Society (APOS) 3rd Annual
Conference, Amelia Island, FL., 16 – 19 February 2006
Invited Discussant
Elkins, G.R., Chair and Discussion Investigating False Memory for the Unmemorable: A
Critique of Experimental Hypnosis and Memory Research. Special Invited Address by D.
Corydon Hammond, Ph.D. 14th International Congress of Hypnosis, San Diego, CA, June,
Elkins, G.R. Discussion: The Use of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy. 14th International Congress
of Hypnosis, San Diego, CA, June 1997.
Elkins, G.R., Discussion of Symposium on EMDR: Eye Movement Desensitization and
Reprocessing Therapy. Paper presented at the Bell County Psychological Association,
Temple, TX, March 1998.
Curriculum vita, Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. 20
Elkins, G.R., Chair Discussion of Symposium on Hypnosis and Clinical Outcome Research, 40th
Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Ft. Worth, TX,
March 1998.
Elkins,G.R. Chair and Discussant, Symposium on The Future of Clinical Hypnosis, 41st Annual
Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Atlanta, GA, March 24, 1999.
Elkins, G.R. Chair and Discussant, Symposium on Hypnosis and Cancer, 41st Annual Meeting
of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Atlanta, GA, March 24, 1999.
Elkins, G.R. Chair and Discussant, Symposium on Hypnosis in Treatment of Habit Disorders,
15th International Congress of Hypnosis, Munich, Germany, October 4, 2000.
Elkins, G.R. Chair and Discussant, Hypnosis: Expert Opinion and Subject Experience, Annual
Meeting of the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, Charleston, SC, November,
Magazine and Television/Media
Coping with Stress, Radio Program, Scott and White Options for Health, November 26, 1985.
Anniversary Depression, KCEN, Channel 6, Gazebo Program, December 3, 1985.
Psychological Aspects of Obesity, KXXV, Channel 25, January 25, 1986.
Elkins, G.R. Consultation for Insomnia: Hypnotherapy. Milton H. Erickson Newsletter, August
Elkins, G.R., Clinical Hypnosis: A Powerful tool to Enhance Marriage and Family Therapy
Practice. Family Therapy News, April 1996, pp 27-29.
Interview with Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. published in M.E.G.a.Phon/Newsletter of the Milton
Erickson Gesellschoft (Germany), October 1996.
Interview with Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. published in the International Society of Hypnosis
Newsletter, April 1997.
Medical Applications of Hypnosis, WWBD Radio Station with Ron Pobson, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, June 4, 1998.
Sleep and Insomnia, Interview for KNCT Television Program on Sleep Disorders, May 1, 1999.
Elkins, G.R. The Future of clinical hypnosis: Where have we been and where are we going? ISH
Newsletter, June, 3-5, 2000.
Elkins, G.R. Mind over body. Brazos Life: Bryan-College Station Eagle Newspaper article,
March 27, 2005.
Community Presentations
Elkins, G.R. Stress Management. Presented at the Soil Conservation Society of America, Heart
of TX Chapter, Temple, TX, March, 1984.
Elkins, G.R. Improving Life Through Health. Presented at Rollins-Brook Hospital, Lampasas,
TX, April, 1984.
Elkins, G.R. Stress Management. Presented at the Scott and White Employee Orientation, May,
Elkins, G.R. Stress in Everyday Life. Presented to Temple Rotary Club, May, 1985.
Curriculum vita, Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. 21
Elkins, G.R. Mental Well-Being. Presented at Scott and White Options program, Horsehoe Bay
Resort, Four separate one-day seminars presented between May, 1984 and May, 1985.
Elkins, G.R. Stress and Health. Presented at Scott and White Options program, Green Family
Camp, November 23, 1985.
Elkins, G.R. Stress and the Type A Personality. Presented to Temple Rotary Club, January
Elkins, G.R. Questions and Answers about Clinical Hypnotherapy. Presented to Temple Rotary
Club, February, 1987.
Elkins, G.R. Biofeedback Therapy. Presented to Troy High School, February, 1994.
Elkins, G.R. Hypnosis: An Addition to Traditional Therapy. Heart of TX Breast Cancer Support
Group, Scott and White Clinic, Temple, TX, June 3, 1996.
Elkins, G.R. Behavioral Medicine and Health. Presented to the Women’s Health Series, Options
for Health Education Center, Temple, TX October 24, 1998 .
Elkins, G.R. Taming the Tiger Within Us: Mental Imagery and Stress. Presented at the Scott and
White Employee Assistance Program Brown Bag Seminar, March 30, 1998.
Elkins, G.R. Insomnia and Better Sleep. Presented at the Scott and White Employee Assistance
Program Brown Bag Seminar, April 29, 1999.
Elkins, G.R. Psychological Services and Support. Presented at the Bariatric Surgery Support
Group, Temple, TX, October 24, 2000.
Davis, L. & Elkins, G.R. (2003) The effects of anxiety in relation to post-operative pain.
Annual Report of the Scott and White Center for Cancer Prevention and Care, 30-31.

Invited Workshop Presentations

Elkins, G.R. & Saltzberg, L., Hypnosis and the Facilitation of Rational Treatment. Second
Midwestern Conference on Rational Counseling and Therapy, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June,
Elkins, G.R., (Chair), Randall, H. & Carlson, K., Clinical Hypnosis, University of North Dakota
School of Medicine, Grand Forks, North Dakota, May, 1982.
Elkins, G.R. & Mehler, P., Psychological and Family Issues in Stroke Rehabilitation, presented
at workshop on Update in Stroke Rehabilitation, John A. Schuchmann, M.D. (Chair), Scott
and White Clinic, Temple, TX, April, 1983.
Elkins, G.R., Uses of Hypnosis in Obstetrics, Department of Ob/Gyn, Scott and White Clinic,
TX A&M University College of Medicine, May, 1986.
Elkins, G.R., Medical Hypnosis, 12 weekly one hour sessions, Department of Orthopedics, Scott
and White Clinic, TX A&M University College of Medicine, May, 1986.
Elkins, G.R., and Gamino, L.A., How to Use Clinical Hypnosis in Practicing Medical
Psychology, TX Psychological Association, Dallas, TX, November, 1986.
Elkins, G.R., Clinical Hypnosis and Medical Psychology, Department of Educational
Psychology, TX A&M University, College Station, TX, December, 1986.
Sanders, S., Copeland, D. & Elkins, G., Hypnotherapy with Children, Division 30 CE accredited
workshop, American Psychological Association, New York, New York, August, 1987.
Curriculum vita, Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. 22
Elkins, G.R., Clinical Hypnosis Workshop, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis Regional
Workshop, Asheville, North Carolina, October 15-18, 1987.
Elkins, G.R. & Gamino, L.A., Clinical Hypnosis and Behavioral Medicine, TX Psychological
Association, San Antonio, TX, November, 1987.
Elkins, G.R. & Kraft, W.D., Hypnotherapy in Behavioral Medicine: Hyperemesis Gravidism,
½-day workshop, LA Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA, November, 1987.
Elkins, G.R., Clinical Hypnosis in Consultation-Liaison and Medical Psychology, American
Society of Clinical Hypnosis Regional Workshop, Albuquerque, New Mexico,
December 10-13, 1987.
Gurgevitch, S. & Elkins, G.R., One-day workshop entitled Consultation on Conversion
Disorders and Behavioral Medicine, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Chicago, IL,
March 11, 1988.
Elkins, G.R., Advanced Workshop on Clinical Hypnosis, Dallas Society of Clinical Hypnosis,
Dallas, TX, April 15, 1988.
Elkins, G.R., Psychosomatic Disorders and Clinical Hypnosis, Cincinnati Society of Clinical
Hypnosis, Cincinnati, Ohio, April 22, 1988.
Wain, H., Elkins, G.R., et al. Three-day workshop entitled Clinical Hypnosis in Consultation-
Liaison Psychiatry, 11th International Congress of Hypnosis and Psychosomatic Medicine,
The Hague, Netherlands, August 13-19, 1988.
Elkins, G.R. & Colosimo, P., One-day workshop entitled Hypnosis and Behavioral Medicine,
11th International Congress of Hypnosis and Psychosomatic Medicine, The Hague,
Netherlands, August 13-19, 1988.
Elkins, G.R. & Kraft W., One-day Basic Medical Hypnosis Workshop, LA Psychological
Association, Baton Rouge, LA, October 7, 1988.
Elkins, G.R., Three-day Basic and Advanced Workshop on Clinical Hypnosis, American Society
of Clinical Hypnosis, Regional Workshop, New Orleans, LA, November 10-13, 1988.
Elkins, G.R., Advanced Workshop on Behavioral Medicine and Hypnosis, Dallas Society of
Clinical Hypnosis, April 15, 1989.
Elkins, G.R. presented one-day Advanced Workshop on Hypnotherapy in the Treatment of
Anxiety and Phobia, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, March,
Elkins, G.R., Basic and Intermediate Workshop on Somatization Disorders in Children,
American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Nashville, Tennessee, March 10-15, 1990.
Elkins, G.R. presented one-day Pediatric Resident Retreat: Department of Pediatrics, Scott and
White Clinic, Salado, TX, November, 1990.
Elkins, G.R. presented three-day Advanced Workshop on Psychological Hypnosis, Regional
Workshop, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Miami, FL, December, 1990.
Elkins, G.R. presented three-day Intermediate Level Training in Hypnotherapy, American
Society of Clinical Hypnosis Regional Workshop, Houston, TX, January 1991.
Elkins, G.R. presented three-day Advanced Workshop on Medical Hypnosis, American Society
of Clinical Hypnosis, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May, 1991.
Curriculum vita, Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. 23
1991-1994 Chair Regional Workshops and Education Committee. Taught and Organized
Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced Level Workshops (Behavioral Medicine, Pain
Management, Advanced Psychotherapy, Psycho-Oncology), American Society of Clinical
Hypnosis at the following locations and dates.
- Houston, TX, January 31 - February 3, 1991
- Pittsburgh, PA, May 16-18, 1991
- Denver, CO, June 20-23, 1991
- Madison, WI, July 18-21, 1991
- Minneapolis, MN, September 12-15, 1991
- Dallas, TX, October 17-20, 1991
- Tampa, FL, December 12-15, 1991
- Atlanta, GA, May 14-17, 1992
- Monterey, CA, July 9-12, 1992
- San Antonio, TX, September 17-20, 1992
- Washington, DC, October 15-18, 1992
- San Francisco, CA, November 14-17, 1992
- Cincinnati, OH, November 19-22, 1992
- Orlando, FL, December 10-13, 1992
- Montreal, PQ, Canada, August 13-16, 1992
- Milwaukee, WI, June 11-14, 1992
- Phoenix, AZ, January 16-19, 1993
- Baltimore, MD, May 13-16, 1993
- Reno, NV, June 17-20, 1993
- Chicago, IL, July 15-18, 1993
- Seattle, WA, August 5-8, 1993
- Salt Lake City, UT, September 9-12, 1993
- Philadelphia, PA, October 14-17, 1993
- Maui, HI, November 14-18, 1993
- Miami, FL, December 9-12, 1993
- Houston, TX, January 20-23, 1994
- Kansas City, MO, June 9-12, 1994
- Washington, DC, September 8-11, 1994
- Austin, TX, October 20-23, 1994
- Newport Beach, CA, December 1-4, 1994
Elkins, G.R., Coordinator of the Beginning Level Annual Workshop Program, Annual Meeting
of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Las Vegas, NV, March, 1992.
Elkins, G.R., Intermediate Workshop Coordinator, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis
Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 27-31, 1992.
Elkins, G.R., Coordinator of the Intermediate Level Annual Workshop Program, Annual
Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, New Orleans, LA, March, 1993.
Elkins, G.R., Beginning Level Workshop on Introduction to Clinical Hypnosis, Central TX
Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Austin, TX, April 16-18, 1994.
Elkins, G.R., Introductory Psychotherapy and Hypnosis Workshop, XIII International Congress
of Hypnosis, Melbourne, Australia, August 9, 1994.
Curriculum vita, Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. 24
Elkins, G.R., Advanced Workshop on Hypnosis and Psychotherapy, Central TX Society of
Clinical Hypnosis, Austin, TX, October 20-23, 1994.
Elkins, G.R., Intermediate and Advanced Workshops, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis,
Newport Beach, CA, December 1-4, 1994.
Elkins, G.R., Hypnotherapy in General Psychiatry Practice, Department of Psychiatry, PGY3
Psychiatry Course, Scott and White Clinic, Temple, TX, February 16-March 30, 1995.
Elkins, G.R., Workshops on Hypnotherapy and Brief Psychotherapy Approaches, Treatment of
Psychophysiological Disorders, and Beginning Level Introduction to Clinical Hypnosis,
Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, San Diego, CA, March 10-
16, 1995.
Elkins, G.R., Brief Psychotherapy Approaches: Surviving the Nineties, Sponsored by the Dallas
Psychological Association, North TX Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Dallas Association for
Marriage and Family Therapy, and Department of Psychiatry, Southwestern Medical School
Mental Health Research Clinic, Dallas, TX, March 31, 1995.
Elkins, G.R., Intermediate and Advanced Workshop, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis,
New Orleans, LA, May 18-21, 1995.
Elkins, G.R., Brief Focused Hypnotherapy and Advanced Workshop, American Society of
Clinical Hypnosis, Portland, OR, August 17-20, 1995.
Elkins, G.R., Brief Focused Hypnotherapy and Advanced Workshop, American Society of
Clinical Hypnosis, Chicago, IL, September 14-17, 1995.
Elkins, G.R., Hypnoprojection Techniques in the Treatment of Victims of Trauma and Sexual
Abuse, 11th National Conference on Trauma, Abuse and Dissociation, Austin, TX,
September 29-30, 1995.
Elkins, G.R., Advanced Workshop on Hypnotherapy Planning and Technique Selection and How
to Plan Hypnotherapy Interventions and Technique Selections: Clinical and Research
Considerations, Minnesota Society of Clinical Hypnosis, St. Paul, Minnesota, October 14-15,
Elkins, G.R., Advanced Workshop on Hypnosis and Brief Psychotherapy and Brief Focused
Hypnotherapy: An Advanced Workshop for Clinicians, Atlanta Society of Clinical Hypnosis,
Atlanta, GA, October 28, 1995.
Elkins, G.R., Advanced Workshop on Hypnosis and Behavioral Medicine, Brief Focused
Hypnotherapy and Brief Psychotherapy, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Puerto
Vallarta, Mexico, January 14-18, 1996.
Elkins, G.R., Advanced Workshop on Brief Focused Hypnotherapy: Theory and Practice and
Hypnosis and Brief Psychotherapy Approaches, New England Society of Clinical Hypnosis,
Boston, MA, March 3, 1996.
Elkins, G.R., Intermediate Level Workshop on Child Hypnosis: Treatment of Somatization
Disorders, 38th Annual Workshops, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Orlando, FL,
March 23-25, 1996.
Elkins, G.R., Brief Focused Hypnotherapy, Canadian Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Banff,
Canada, May 2-5, 1996.
Elkins, G.R., Refining Clinical Methods in Brief Psychotherapy and Hypnosis, New Orleans
Society of Clinical Hypnosis, New Orleans, LA, May 15-16, 1996.
Curriculum vita, Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. 25
Elkins, G.R., Beginning and Intermediate Level Workshops on Introduction and Refinement of
Clinical Hypnosis Skills, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Arlington, VA, July 11-14,
Elkins, G.R. and Benningfield, M. presented 5 day workshop on Developing Clinical Hypnosis
Skills For Your Practice, American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy,
Breckenridge, Colorado, August 4-8, 1996.
Elkins, G.R., Beginning and Intermediate Workshops, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis,
Dallas, TX, September 19-22, 1996.
Elkins, G.R., Advanced Workshop on The Essentials of Brief Psychotherapy and Clinical
Hypnosis, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Phoenix, AZ, January 16-19, 1997.
Elkins, G.R., Essentials of Clinical Hypnosis in Brief Psychotherapy and Health Psychology,
American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Atlanta, GA, February 20-23, 1997.
Elkins, G.R., Advanced Workshop on Hypnosis and Behavioral Medicine, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, March, 1997.
Elkins, G.R., Advanced Workshop on Hypnosis and Behavioral Medicine and Utilizing
Hypnosis in Managed Care Settings, New England Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Boston,
MA, April 5-6, 1997.
Rogers-Witte, F. and Elkins, G.R, Advanced Workshop on Becoming an Approved Consultant,
14th International Congress of Hypnosis, San Diego, CA, June, 1997.
Elkins, G.R., Intermediate Hypnosis: Five Day Workshop, American Association for Marriage
and Family Therapy Summer Institute, Santa Fe, New Mexico, August 3-7, 1997.
Elkins, G.R. presented 1 ½ day Advanced Workshop on Hypnosis and Behavioral Medicine,
1-day Advanced Workshop on Clinical Hypnosis in Brief Focused Psychotherapy, American
Society of Clinical Hypnosis, New Orleans, LA, October 16-19, 1997.
Elkins, G.R., Hypnotherapy in General Psychiatric Practice, PGY3 Seminar, Department of
Psychiatry, Scott and White Clinic, Temple, TX, October 2-December 23, 1997.
Elkins, G.R., The Essentials of Clinical Hypnosis in Brief Psychotherapy Practice, GA
Psychological Association Mid-Winter Conference, Brasstown Valley Resort, Young Harris,
GA, January 29, 1998.
Elkins, G.R., Faculty for Beginning Level Workshop in Clinical Hypnosis, Central TX Society
of Clinical Hypnosis and the Milton H. Erickson Institute of Austin, Austin, TX,
February 19-22, 1998.
Elkins, G.R. (Chair), Advanced Workshop on Hypnotherapy for Anxiety, 40th Annual Meeting
of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Fort Worth, TX, March 14-18, 1998.
Elkins, G.R., Advanced Workshop on Brief Focused Hypnotherapy: Integration of Cognitive-
Behavioral Strategies and Integration of Clinical Hypnosis in Behavioral Medicine,
American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Chicago, IL, May 21-24, 1998.
Elkins, G.R. & Handel, D., Update on Clinical Hypnosis and Behavioral Medicine in Family
Practice, University of TX Health Science Center at Galveston, Department of Family
Medicine and American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Galveston, TX, June 6, 1998.
Elkins, G.R., Advanced Workshop on Behavioral Medicine and Clinical Hypnosis, American
Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Las Vegas, NV, June 11-14, 1998.
Curriculum vita, Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. 26
Elkins, G.R. presented one day Advanced Workshop on Hypnosis in the Treatment of Anxiety
Disorders, ½ day Advanced Workshop on Becoming an Approved Consultant, ½-day
Workshop on How to Plan Hypnotherapy and Technique Selection, 40th Annual Meeting
and Workshop American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. Fort Worth, TX, March 1998.
Elkins, G.R. Advanced Workshop on Brief Psychotherapy in Clinical Hypnosis, American
Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, Santa Rosa, CA, August 3-8, 1998.
Elkins, G.R. & Handel, D. L. Advanced Workshop on Behavioral Medicine and Pain
Management, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Phoenix, AZ, January 17-20, 1999.
Elkins, G.R. Clinical Hypnosis for Pain Management and Mind-Body Healing, Acadia Seminars,
Salado, TX, September 17, 1999.
Elkins, G.R. and Handel, D.L. Hypnosis in Clinical Health Psychology and Family Practice
Medicine, Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, New Orleans, LA, November 13,
Elkins, G.R. and Handel, D.L. Mind-Body Medicine and Clinical Hypnosis: Advanced Training,
American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, San Antonio, TX, December, 1999.
Elkins, G.R. Advanced Workshop on Behavioral Medicine and Hypnosis, Wisconsin Society of
Clinical Hypnosis, Madison, Wisconsin, December 2-5, 1999.
Elkins, G.R. Refining Induction and Utilization Methods. 15th International Congress of
Hypnosis, Munich, Germany, October 5, 2000.
Elkins, G.R. Hypnosis as a Clinical Tool in Managing Difficult Symptoms. Invited Workshop,
American Alliance of Cancer Pain Initiatives, Kansas City, KS, June 15, 2000.
Elkins, G.R. The Essentials of Clinical Hypnosis: Mind-Body Therapy, Pain Management and
Health Psychology, Winter Institute of the American Association for Marriage and Family
Therapy, Williamsburg, VA, March 1-5, 2000.
Elkins, G.R. & Migdole, S. Hypnosis in the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders, 43rd Annual
Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Baltimore, MD, February, 2000.
Elkins, G.R. & Barabasz, A. Behavioral Medicine and Clinical Hypnosis, Society for Clinical
and Experimental Hypnosis, San Antonio, TX, November 6, 2001.
Elkins, G.R. (Workshop Chair) Advanced Clinical Hypnosis Training Workshop, American
Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Schaumburg, IL, September 20-23, 2001.
Elkins, G.R. (Workshop Chair) The Essentials of a Behavioral Medicine/Hypnotherapy Practice
American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Schaumburg, IL, September, 2002.
Elkins, G.R. (Workshop Chair) Clinical Hypnosis in Psychology and Medicine, American
Society of Clinical Hypnosis, San Antonio, TX, October, 2002.
Elkins, G.R. & Marcus, J., Hypnotic Relaxation for Pain Management, TX Psychological
Association Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, November, 2002.
Elkins, G.R., (Chair), Marcus, J. & Handel, D., Hypnotherapy with Cancer Survivors: Issues of
Pain, Anxiety, Nausea, and Immunology, Annual Meeting of the American Society of
Clinical Hypnosis, Arlington, VA, April, 2003.
Peterson, R., Elkins, G.R., Olbrish, M. & Lynch, T. Preparation for the ABPP in Clinical Health
Psychology. Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC,
August 17, 2005.
Curriculum vita, Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. 27
Elkins, G.R. (Chair) Advanced, Intermediate and Basic Level Workshops in Clinical Hypnosis:
Pain Management, Trauma, and Cancer, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Baltimore,
MD, September 18-21, 2003.
Elkins, G.R. (Chair) Interface of Hypnosis to Trauma, Ego-State Therapy and EMDR
Methods/Advanced Clinical Hypnosis and Pain Management, American Society of Clinical
Hypnosis, Austin, TX, October 14-17, 2004.
Robinson, R. (Chair), Elkins, G. R. Preparation for the ABPP in Clinical Health Psychology,
American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, August, 2005.

Professional Memberships
Fellow, American Psychological Association
Member, Divisions of Clinical Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Health Psychology,
Psychotherapy, Psychological Hypnosis
Fellow, American Academy of Clinical Health Psychology
Member, TX Psychological Association
Member, Society of Behavioral Medicine
Fellow, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis
Fellow, Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis
Member, International Society of Hypnosis
Member, American Psychosocial Oncology Society
Member, International Psychosocial Oncology Society
Member, Swedish Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis
Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (membership lapsed)
Member, TX Biofeedback Society (membership lapsed)
American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (membership lapsed)

Elected Offices
1993 – 1994 Member at Large-Psychology, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis
1993 – 1995 Founding President, Central TX Society of Clinical Hypnosis
1994 – 1995 Vice-President, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis
1995 – 1996 President-Elect, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis
1996 – 1997 Past President, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis
1997 – 2000 Chair, Education and Research Foundation, American Society of Clinical
1997 – 2000 Vice-Chair, International Society of Hypnosis Council of Representatives
1997 – Present Board of Directors, American Board of Psychological Hypnosis
2004 – Present President, American Board of Psychological Hypnosis (ABPH)

Board and Committee Positions

1985 – 1986 Member, Education and Training Committee, Division 30, American
Psychological Association
1985 – 1986 Member, Education and Training Committee, American Psychological
Association, Division of Psychological Hypnosis
Curriculum vita, Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. 28
1986 – 1987 Chair, Workshop Committee, American Psychological Association
Division of Psychological Hypnosis
1986 – 1987 Secretary, Bell County Psychological Association
1986 – 1987 Member, Education and Training Committee, American Society of
Clinical Hypnosis
1986 – 1989 Annual Workshop Program Committee, Division 30 of the American
Psychological Association
1986 – 1990 Member, Education and Training Committee, American Society of
Clinical Hypnosis
1987 – 1989 Member, Executive Committee (Secretary and Newsletter Editor) Bell
County Psychological Association
1987 – 1990 Chair, Membership Committee, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis
1990 – 1993 Chair, Joint Education and Regional Workshop Committee, American
Society of Clinical Hypnosis
1993 – 1994 Chair, Nominations and Elections, Central TX Society of Clinical
1993 – 1994 Member, Annual Workshop Organizing Committee, American Society of
Clinical Hypnosis
1993 – 1995 Founding Chair, Certification Committee, American Society of Clinical
1993 – 1996 Founding Chair, Standards of Training Committee, American Society of
Clinical Hypnosis
1994 – 1997 Chair, Workshop Committee, 14th International Congress of Hypnosis,
San Diego, CA
1994 – 1997 Member, Budget and Finance Committee, 14th International Congress of
Hypnosis, International Society of Hypnosis
1994 – 1995 Member, Long Range Planning Committee, American Society of Clinical
1994 – 1995 Member, Annual Workshop Organizing Committee, American Society of
Clinical Hypnosis
1994 – 1995 Chair, Ad Hoc Research Committee, American Society of Clinical
1995 – 1996 Member, Annual Workshop Program Organizing Committee, American
Society of Clinical Hypnosis
1995 – 1996 Chair, Legislative Committee, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis
1996 – 1997 Examination Reviewer, American Board of Clinical Health Psychology,
American Board of Professional Psychology
1996 – 1997 Chair, Nominations and Elections Committee, American Society of
Clinical Hypnosis
1996 – 1997 Chair, Executive-Director Search Committee, American Society of
Clinical Hypnosis
Curriculum vita, Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. 29
1996 – 1997 Chair, Ethics Revision Committee, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis
1996 – 1997 Chair, Ad Hoc Committee on Hypnosis and Primary Care Medicine,
American Society of Clinical Hypnosis
1996 – 2002 Member, Joint Education Committee, American Society of Clinical
Hypnosis/Research and Education Foundation
1996 – 2002 Chair, ASCH Greater Century Building Fund, American Society of
Clinical Hypnosis
1997 – 2000 Member, Nominations and Elections Committee, International Society of
1997 – 2000 Member, Organizing Committee, 15th International Congress of Hypnosis
Program, Munich, Germany
1997 – 2000 Member, Membership Committee, International Society of Hypnosis
1998 – 1999 Member, Nominations and Elections Committee, American Society of
Clinical Hypnosis
1998 – 1999 Chair, Task Force for Development of Policy and Procedures for
Nominations and Elections, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis
1998 – 1999 Chair, Long Range Planning Committee, American Society of Clinical
1998 – 1999 Chair, Task Force on ABPP Application, American Board of
Psychological Hypnosis
1998 – 1999 Chair, Nominations and Elections Committee, ASCH Education and
Research Foundation
1998 – 1999 Member, Budget and Finance Committee, ASCH Education and Research
1998 – 1999 Member, Long Range Planning Committee, American Society of Clinical
1998 – 1999 Chair, Research Review Committee, ASCH Education and Research
1998 – 2000 Chair, Standards of Training Committee, American Society of Clinical
1998 – 2003 Chair, International Relations Committee, American Society of Clinical
1999 – 2005 Vice-Chair, Education Committee, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis
2000 – 2001 Chair, Annual Workshop Organizing Committee, Society for Clinical and
Experimental Hypnosis, San Antonio, TX
2000 – 2004 Co-Chair, (Continuing Education Oversight) Joint Education Committee,
American Society of Clinical Hypnosis Education and Research
2004 – Present Chair, Oral Examination Review, American Board of Clinical Health
Psychology (ABPP in Clinical Health Psychology)
Curriculum vita, Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. 30
2005 – Present Chair, Fellow Committee, Division 30 – American Psychological
2005 – Present Member, Awards Committee, Society for Clinical and Experimental

1991 – 1996 Member, Education and Research Foundation, American Society of Clinic
1996 – 2000 Member, Board of Scientific Advisors, Newton Foundation
1997 – 1999 Chair, Education and Research Foundation, American Society of Clinical
1997 – Present President, Board of Directors, American Board of Psychological Hypnosis

Service, Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists

Examiner, Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists, July 12-13, 2001
Examiner, Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists, July 12-13, 2002
Examiner, Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists, January 9-10, 2003
Vice-Chair, Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists, Chair of the Oral Examination
Committee Appointed January 9, 2003

Journal Editor Board

Associate Editor 1997-2005, American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis
Editorial Review Board, 2004-2005 Journal of Cancer Integrative Medicine
Editorial Consultant Board, 2004-2005 International Journal of Clinical and Experimental
Reviewer, Contemporary Psychology
Reviewer, 2004-2005 Medical Science
Reviewer, 2005- Menopause

University Service
1985 – 1989 Member, Department of Psychiatry Curriculum Committee, Texas A&M
University Health Sciences Center
1987 – 1989 Continuing Medical Education Committee, Scott and White Clinic
1995 – 1996 Member, Curriculum Committee, Department of Psychiatry, Texas A&M
University Health Sciences Center
1997- 2003 Member, Continuing Medical Education Committee, TexasA&M
Universtiy Health Sciences Center, College of Medicine and Scott and
White Clinic and Hospital
1999 – 2001 Member, Faculty Governance Committee, Texas A&M University Health
Sciences Center
Curriculum vita, Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. 31
1999 – 2003 Member, Institutional Review Board, Scott and White Clinic and Hospital,
and Texas A&M University Health Sciences Center
1999- 2005 Elected Member, Academic Council, College of Medicine, Texas A&M
University Health Sciences Center
1999 – 2005 Elected Member, Faculty Advisory Committee, College of Medicine,
TexasA&M University Health Sciences Center
2001 – 2003 Chair, Faculty Advisory Committee, College of Medicine, TexasA&M
University Health Sciences Center
2001 – 2004 Vice-Chair, Strategic Planning Committee for the College of Medicine,
TexasA&M University Health Science Center
2000 – 2001 Vice Chair, Faculty Advisory Committee, College of Medicine, Texas
A&M University Health Sciences Center
2001 – 2003 Executive Committee, College of Medicine, Texas A&M University
Health Sciences Center
2000 – 2001 Member, Strategic Planning Committee for the College of Medicine,
Texas A&M University Health Science Center
2002 – Present Member, Appointment, Promotions and Tenure Committee, College of
Medicine, Texas A&M University Health Sciences Center
2003 – Present Member, Appointment & Promotions Committee for the Department of
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, College of Medicine, Texas A&M
University Health Science Center
2004 – 2005 Chair, Bylaws Revision Committee, College of Medicine, Texas A&M
University Health Sciences Center

Military Service
Aug 1979 – Aug 1982 Active Duty, United States Air Force
Honorable Discharge with rank of Captain

Teaching Awards
2003 Thomas P. Wall D.M.D. Award for Excellence in Teaching Clinical Hypnosis.
Presented by the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. “Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D.
ABPP Psychologist, Teacher, Researcher, Diplomate, and Mentor. Presented to
Dr. Gary R. Elkins in affectionate recognition of his dedication and leadership in
the advancement of clinical hypnosis education based on the principles of
excellence, compassion, and commitment to high ethical standards in his pursuit
of teaching. Dr. Elkins, as teacher, researcher and mentor has advanced clinical
hypnosis, hypnosis research, education, and the lives of many clinicians through
his efforts as both role model and true professional. Presented the Seventh of
April, 2003, Alexandria VA.”
2000 Robert R. Rynearson Award for Excellence in Teaching, Department of
Psychiatry, College of Medicine, TX A&M University Health Sciences Center
Curriculum vita, Gary R. Elkins, Ph.D. 32
Professional Society Service Awards and Honors
1979 Student Scholarship Award of Division 29 (Psychotherapy) of the American
Psychological Association
1985 Biographee in Marquis Who’s Who in the World, Seventh Edition
1985 Biographee in Marquis Who’s Who Directory of Professionals and Resources in
1986 Biographee in Marquis Who’s Who in the Frontier Science and Technology, First
Edition, 1984-1985, Second Edition, 1986
1987 2nd Place Award for Best Clinical Paper, 29th Annual Scientific Meeting of the
American Society for Clinical Hypnosis
1993 President’s Award of Merit presented at Annual Meeting of American Society of
Clinical Hypnosis
1994 Fellow, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis
1994 Award of Merit, Central TexasSociety of Clinical Hypnosis
1995 Fellow, Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis
1996 Fellow, American Academy of Clinical Health Psychology
1996 International Society of Hypnosis Award of Merit, 14th International Congress of
1996 Presidential Award for Outstanding Service, American Society of Clinical
1997 Honorary Foreign Member, Swedish Society for Clinical and Experimental
1997 Presidential Award of Merit, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis

2004 Award of Merit, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis

“Presented for significant and long-lasting contributions to the American Society
of Clinical Hypnosis, including work as President and his seminal efforts to
develop and empower the Standards of Training and Education Committee. Dr.
Elkins’ leadership has enabled ASCH to organize and codify its educations
activities, develop high quality education programs, and maintain its continuing
education accreditation. Dr. Elkins aided the development of the ASCH
certification program. Dr. Elkins has remained a valued presenter at many ASCH
Regional Workshops and Annual Meetings, has served as Regional Workshop
Coordinator, and has long provided leadership to the Education Committee. More
recently, Dr. Elkins has developed a powerful, productive, and respected
university-based clinical program that is adding significant research in hypnotic

Upon Request

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