Top 10 Recipes FoodsBible

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Table of Contents
Cheese Tortilla Breakfast Quesadilla ............................................ 2

Ratatouille ........................................................................................................ 4

Beef rendang ................................................................................................. 7

Salmon Lettuce Burrito ............................................................................ 11

Shrimp with creamy garlic sauce .................................................... 13

Cajun Lobster Tails ..................................................................................... 15

Pasta Chips ..................................................................................................... 17

Cheesy twice baked potatoes ........................................................... 19

Lamb Burger ................................................................................................... 21

Potato Breakfast Sandwich .................................................................. 23

Cheese Tortilla Breakfast

Cheese Tortilla Breakfast
• On medium heat, cover the bottom of a frying pan in mozzarella cheese
• Add two eggs to one side
• Add some bacon and breakfast potatoes to the other side
• Cook for about 4-5 minutes until the edges of the cheese start to crisp and get brown
• Slide the cheese off the frying pan and onto a work surface
• Fold over thue eggs onto the bacon and potatoes.
• Wait a few seconds to cool
• Slice the quesadilla into 4 equal wedges



Ingredients: Preparation:
• Serves 4 (with extra sauce to serve)
1. Slice a cross in the top of each
• 4 roma tomatoes (2 for slicing and 2
tomato, place into a pan of boiling
for the sauce)
water and blanch for 30 seconds.
• 1 yellow courgette
Remove immediately and place into
• 1 green Courgette
ice cold water. Once cooled, peel off
• 1 aubergine (if you can get a Japa-
the skins.
nese aubergine, these are the best)
• 220g sweet mini peppers (yellow and 2. To make the sauce, start by placing
red) the sweet peppers into a roasting tray,
• 1 onion (roughly chopped) season with some salt and coat in
• 3 garlic cloves (minced) olive oil. Roast for 20 minutes at 200 C
• Salt and pepper for seasoning / 390 F until starting to blister. Remove
• Large sprig of thyme (stalks re- from the oven and leave to cool. Once
moved) cooled, remove the stalks and scrape
• 2 tbsp olive oil out the seeds.

3. Heat some olive oil over a medium /

high heat in a new pan and sauté the
onions and garlic until translucent (5-
10 minutes).

4. In a blender, add the sautéed onions

and garlic, roasted peppers, 2 of the
peeled tomatoes, thyme and some
salt and pepper to taste. Turn the
blender on and gradually stream in
2 tbsp of olive oil. Once incorporated,
continue to blend until smooth.


5. Using a mandolin, cut the aubergine and courgettes into 2mm / 1/8 inch thick slices. Use
a knife to cut the other 2 peeled tomatoes into 2mm slices as they are more delicate.

6. Cover the bottom of a circular pan in some of the sauce and then layer the slices of
vegetables over the top, in the order 1) Aubergine 2 ) Tomato 3) Yellow courgette 3)
Green courgette. Once layered, cover in a generous pinch of salt and a good glug of
olive oil. Lightly cover with parchment paper and place in an oven of 160 C / 320 F for 40
minutes. Remove the parchment paper and cook for a further 10 minutes until ready to
serve. This will leave the vegetables with a slight bite and helps hold the shape when
plating up. If you would prefer softer vegetables, cook for an initial 1 hour instead of 40
minutes, followed by 10 minutes uncovered.

7. Serve with the extra sauce and a sprinkle of parsley. Enjoy!

Beef rendang

Beef rendang

Ingredients: Preparation:
• 1 inch knob of ginger, peeled
• 1 inch knob of galangal, peeled 1. Begin by adding the ginger, turmeric,
• 1 inch knob of turmeric, peeled (2 tsp galangal, shallots, garlic, chillis, cumin
ground turmeric can be used as an and coriander into a blender. Blitz until
alternative) a paste is formed.
• (peeled)
2. In a large pan, heat up the coconut
• 6 large garlic cloves, peeled
oil over a high heat. Once up to
• 5 large shallots, peeled and cut in
temperature, brown the beef short
ribs (should take a few minutes),
• 5 dried chillis
remove from the pan and set aside.
• 3 tsp cumin
• 3 tsp coriander 3. Turn the heat down to medium and
• 1 tbsp coconut oil add the spice mix into the same pan.
• 1.5kg / 3.3lbs beef short ribs (feel free Cook through for 5 minutes. Add the
to use another cheaper cut if you beef short ribs back into the pan, tip
like) over the coconut milk and add the
• 1 litre coconut milk (recipe for cinnamon, star anise and lemongrass.
homemade milk below) Season with a good pinch of salt.
• 1/4 cup kaffir lime leaves (roughly 10)
4. Bring to a simmer, cover with a lid
• 1 stick of cinamon2 star anise
and cook for 90 minutes in an oven of
• 3 stalks of lemongrass (bashed a few
160 C / 320 F. Remove the lid and skim
times with the back of a knife)
off any excess fat. Cook for another
• Salt to taste
1-2 hours uncovered (checking every
20 minutes and giving a stir) until
reduced and a nice thick consistency
has formed.

Beef rendang

Ingredients: Preparation:
Coconut milk (if making yourself): 5. Rendang traditionally is not a ‘wet’
• Makes 1 litre dish - there shouldn’t be a runny
• 4 coconuts gravy. Remove the cinnamon, star
• 4 cups water anise, lime leaves and lemongrass
• 1/2 tsp salt before serving.
• To Serve: Coconut Milk:
• Fresh red chillis (garnish)
1. To begin we need to get the flesh out
• Coriander (garnish)
of the coconuts. Using a screwdriver
• Steamed rice
and hammer, pierce a hole in each of
the three ‘eyes’ of the coconut. Strain
any water and save it to drink (chill in
the fridge - this is delicious!).

2. With the back of a knife, hit the middle

of the coconut, making your way
around the circumference. Keep
doing this and you will the notice the
sound of the tap get deeper and a
clear crack should form, at which
point you can pull it apart with your

3. Place the halves of coconut onto a

roasting tray, flesh side down, and
roast at 200 C / 390 F for 15 minutes
(this helps with removing the flesh
from the shell). Remove from the oven
and leave to cool down.

Beef rendang


4. Once cooled, use a sturdy knife around the edges to prize apart the flesh from the shell.

5. Place the coconut flesh into a blender with the 4 cups of water and salt. Blitz on high for
5 minutes.

6. Tip the coconut milk into a bowl lined with cheesecloth. Wrap into a tight bundle and
squeeze out as much of the liquid as possible. This should leave you with roughly 1 litre
of fresh coconut milk. Serve the rendang in a bowl, topped with some freshly chopped
red chillis and coriander. Kerisik, toasted coconut also makes for a nice topping and can
bring a beautiful nutty flavour to the dish. Goes well with steamed rice. Enjoy!

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Salmon Lettuce

| 11
Salmon Lettuce
• 1 salmon trout
• Avocado
• Tomato
• Onion
• Salad
• Salt and pepper
• Oil
• You can’t go wrong with the procedure

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Shrimp with creamy
garlic sauce

| 13
Shrimp with creamy garlic sauce

Ingredients: Preparation:
• 3-4 Table spoons neutral oil 1. Add oil to a pan on medium heat.
(Grape seed or sunflower oil)
2. Season the shrimp with salt and black
• 1 lb Peeled deveined shrimp size
pepper. Make sure to get both sides.
• 2 Tablespoons Salted butter 3. When the oil is hot, carefully add the
• 1 Tablespoon minced garlic1/4 shrimp. Cook each side for 2 minutes.
cup white wine (Chardonay) When they’re done remove and reserve.
• 1/2 cup Heavy cream
4. Discard any excess oil. Turn the heat down
• 1/2 cup Grated parmesan cheese
to medium low. Add the butter and let it
• Salt & Black Pepper to taste
• Optional Garnish: Chopped
parsley & Chili flakes  5. Next add minced garlic. Fry until its
fragrant or turns a light blonde color
(about 1-2 minutes).

6. After that add the wine and let it reduce.

7. When the wine is almost dry combine

the heavy cream, parmesan cheese and
continue to reduce.

8. When the sauce is at your desired

consisgtency season with salt to taste.

9. Finish with the chopped parsley and the

cooked shrimp from earlier.

10. Serve hot with more chopped parsley and

red pepper flakes.

| 14
Cajun Lobster Tails

| 15
Cajun Lobster Tails

Ingredients: Preparation:
• 5 tablespoons of butter 1. Combine 200ml of coconut water and 1/4
• Cajun spice blend cup of garlic clove blend until smooth
• 1/4 cup garlic gloves
• 200ml coconut water or coconut
• Salt to taste
• Optional garnish : chives
• Blended Garlic coconut water:
Cajun spice blend :
• 1 tablespoon paprika
• 1 tablespoon Cajun seasoning
• 1/2 tablespoon lemon pepper
• 1/2 tablespoon old bay
• 2 table spoon sugar
• 1/2 teaspoon cayenne chili
• 1/8 teaspoon msg (optional)

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Pasta Chips

| 17
Pasta Chips

Ingredients: Preparation:
• Pasta: You can use any pasta of 1. Cook that pasta al dente in a pot of
choice. Think of something long heavily salted water.
and large that you can grab with
2. Drain the pasta and transfer it to a large
your fingers and dip. Rigatoni,
mixing bowl or back into the pot.
bowtie and penne are popular
choices. 3. Add olive oil, parmesan cheese and the
• Olive oil: After cooking the pasta, spices you’re using.
you’ll want to toss it in just a
4. Toss well to combine to make sure the
tablespoon of olive oil to help the
pasta is coated with the oil,
pasta chips get crispy in the air
fryer. cheese and spices.
• Parmesan cheese: While this is 5. Air fry until golden and crispy, shaking the
optional, the cheese adds great basket a few times.
flavor and gets crispy in the air
fryer as well. You can think about 6. Remove from the air fryer and allow to

about soft cheeses that grate cool slightly before enjoying!

well like Gouda or fontina. FETA DIP:

• Spices: You can use any spices
7. Add the feta cheese, greek yogurt and
you’d like. For an Italian inspired
garlic to a food processor or blender.
flavor, try garlic powder and
Italian seasoning or oregano 8. Blend until it’s smooth and creamy without
• Dip ingredients: Crumbled feta any lumps.
cheese, Greek yogurt, garlic and
olive oil. You can swap with any
other dip you’d like!

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Cheesy twice baked

| 19
Cheesy twice baked potatoes
• Pierce a potato with a fork and bake it at 425 degrees F for an hour
• Slice the top off the potato and scoop out the inside
• Combine the scooped potato with 1 tablespoon of sour cream, 1 tablespoon of butter,
1 tablespoon of parmesan cheese, 1 tablespoon of shredded cheddar, 1 teaspoon of
smoked paprika, 1 teaspoon of onion powder, and a pinch of salt and pepper
• Transfer the mixture to a ziploc bag or piping bag and add it to the hollowed out potato
• Bake for another 20 minutes at 425 F, garnish with chopped chives

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Lamb Burger

| 21
Lamb Burger
• Pickled Onions: • Mix Equal parts mayo and harissa paste.
• Fill mason jar with sliced red onions Adjust amount of harissa depending on
• In a pot, mix a cup of water and a cup of desired spice
red wine vinegar • Lamb Burger
• Add a big pinch of salt • Form 8 oz patties of lamb and heavily
• Optionally add peppercorns, dried season with salt and pepper on both
oregano, chili flakes sides
• Bring to a simmer then turn off heat • Add to very hot oiled pan
• Pour over onions and close lid • Let sear for 4 minutes until deep brown
• Let sit in refrigerator for a couple hours crust has formed
• Good for up to 2 months in the fridge • Flip and sear for another few minutes
• Whipped Garlic Feta then add a large knob of butter
• Slice tops off 2 bulbs of garlic • Turn heat down and baste patties in
• Add olive oil, salt and pepper and wrap in butter for 4-5 minutes then remove from
tinfoil heat
• Roast at 350 for 45 minutes or until • Building Burger
squishy/starting to brown- Blend a • Spread Harissa mayo on a toasted
large cube of feta until it turns to small baguette
crumbles • Add a little pile of arugula
• Add a brick of cream cheese, roasted • Add patty
garlic, pepper, ½ cup of olive oil, mint, • Spread a thick layer of whipped feta on
chives, juice of,half a lemon patty
• Blend • Add pickled onions
• If you’d like it softer add sour cream or • Top with toasted baguette
more olive oil • Cut in half
• Great on a cracker Harissa Mayo

| 22
Potato Breakfast

| 23
Potato Breakfast Sandwich
• Cut the ends off a potato
• Lay down two skewers on a fat surface
• Thinly slice the potato vertically using the skewer to prevent it from cutting all the way
• Flip over the potato and cut it diagonally
• Carefully fit a skewer into the potatoes center
• Combine 1 tablespoon of garlic powder, 1 teaspoon of smoked paprika and 1 teaspoon
of onion salt in a bowl
• Combine with about 2 tablespoons of olive oil
• Coat the potatoes in the seasoning mixture
• Bake the potato in a 400 degree F oven for about 15 minutes, flip and cook for an
• additional 10 minutes- Place one potato on a cutting board, cover in some shredded
• Add some bacon, followed by some soft scrambled eggs followed by some more
shredded cheese
• Add the other potato on top

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