Military Training

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United States General Accounting OfTke

GAO Before the Subcommittee on Military Forces and Personnel,
Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives

For releaseon
930 a.m..EST
Thursday,Mar. lO,i!W4

LessonsLearned and Their

Implications for the Future
Statement of Mark E. Gebicke, Director of Military Operations
and Capabilities Issues, National Security and International
Affairs Division

Mr. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee:
I am pleased to be here today to highlight for you and Members of
the Subcommittee a number of "lessons learned" concerning military
training and suggest some implications of those lessons for future
training requirements. My testimony is based on our prior
reports,l as well as work underway to ensure the currency of issues
being raised.
My comments are framed around five key issues.
-- Training of active duty forces is a never-ending process beset
with challenges and lessons that continually repeat themselves.
-- Joint training and operations are receiving increased emphasis,
and some important new initiatives are underway.
-- Simulation technology offers significant new opportunities for
enhanced training.
-- Determining the right amount to spend on training is much more
complex than it appears on the surface.
-- Training of reserve component combat forces, particularly in the
Army, poses a much greater challenge than the training of active
duty forces.
All of these issues and the challenges facing each of them are
An important lesson learned from the war in Vietnam, as well as
from historical analyses of previous wars, was that well-trained
forces were more likely to survive their first battles or missions
and that their chances for surviving and minimizing casualties
increased with each succeeding mission. Likewise, military leaders
recognize that combat skills are perishable in peacetime unless
honed through frequent, realistic, and repetitive training. These
important lessons were not lost on the services in developing their
premier training programs, such as the Army's National Training
Center (NTC) and the Air Force's Red-Flag exercises, where training
is provided in a very realistic combat environment. Such programs
have been cited by military leaders as being key to the enhanced
training of U.S. military forces in recent years. These programs
enabled military leaders in the late 198Os, and in August 1990 when
Iraq invaded Kuwait, to express the view that U.S. military forces
were better prepared than ever to fight and win in combat.

'A list of pertinent GAO reports is included as appendix I.

Common Recurrinu Weaknesses
Today, U.S. military forces are regarded by many people as the best
trained forces in the world. Yet, despite indicators of better
trained forces than ever in recent years, our reviews have shown
common recurring training weaknesses and areas in which increased
training emphasis was needed--as documented in service reports
summarizing unit training exercises, such as those at the Army's
NTC. Areas where improvements were needed included command and
control, battle staff planning and execution at the higher levels,
and performance by crews and units at the lower levels. Many
weaknesses were related to inadequate battlefield planning,
development and use of intelligence data, reconnaissance,
maintenance of communications, and conducting rehearsals.
In the late 1980s and early 1990s we found that various constraints
on Army training-- such as high turnover among key personnel, time
constraints, and available training funds--made it difficult to
sustain a high level of unit proficiency. Our reviews showed that
(1) the amount of maneuver training at home stations was limited
because of funding constraints and (2) units closest to deploying
for training exercises at the NTC received priority funding.
Before the onset of the Gulf War, NTC officials and other military
trainers stated that not enough repetition in training was being
done at lower echelons and that training, involving individuals and
small units, needed more command attention on an ongoing basis.
Our analysis of Army and Marine Corps preparations for ground
operations in the several months preceeding Operation Desert Storm
indicated (1) the extent of recent unit training varied widely
among Army and Marine Corps units notified to prepare for
deployment to the Gulf, and (2) in preparing for ground operations,
the Army and Marine Corps emphasized repetitive individual and
small unit training, battle drills, and rehearsals.
In preparing for the ground war in the Persian Gulf, the Army and
Marine Corps devoted significant attention to the training of
battle staffs through the use of battle drills and wargaming
activities. Both services devoted extensive efforts to developing,
reviewing, refining, and practicing battle drills and tactical
standard operating procedures. Battle drills are used to train
smaller units such as platoons by practicing rapid reactions to
orders and possible enemy actions. Similar trained responses,
normally referred to as standard operating procedures, were
practiced by higher echelons. Wargaming exercises ranged from
informal give-and-take among senior leaders and staffs regarding
proposed operating plans to the use of computer simulation
technology to plan, test, and revise potential courses of action.
These exercises were considered by many military leaders as key to
their success.

In other reviews we conducted during the Gulf War, or shortly
thereafter, we found several training areas where deficiencies
existed, including chemical warfare, medical readiness, and support
forces. All of these areas required work-aroundsand shoring up to
prepare for the Gulf War --it was fortuitous that U.S. forces had
the several months to build up before the onset of ground
Our extensive discussions with Army and Marine Corps leaders upon
their return from the Gulf War documented a number of lessons
learned that have implications for future training needs. They
stated that the emphasis on repetitive individual and small unit
training should continue and the emphasis on battle staff training
should increase. They also noted weaknesses in the command and
control of support organizations in a combat environment due to
limited training with combat forces in peacetime. Some officials
and reports indicated that greater emphasis was needed on joint
training, including planning; coordination; interoperability; and
common understanding of procedures, processes, and terminology, and
that joint training should not just be limited to large-scale
exercises, but include contingency operations of varying sizes.
In our review of naval air operations during the Gulf War we
identified joint operational and training problems. Some Navy
aviation units were not familiar with the Air Force's system for
receiving and transmitting aircraft mission orders and did not
receive the advanced training necessary to familiarize them with
the system and the other services' tactics, procedures, and weapon
capabilities. Also, the Navy lacked equipment to receive and
transmit aircraft mission orders, which limited its flexibility in
organizing and responding to air taskings. A key contributor to
these problems was limited joint training in peacetime.
Where Does Traininq Stand Today?
Until now, I've given you a largely historical perspective on
training. I would be remiss if I didn't try to add a more recent
perspective. Many of the problems and issues affecting training in
the past still exist today. In some cases the problems have been
exacerbated by the downsizing of military forces and the changed
national security environment, which requires forces to be prepared
for a broader array of potential missions.
In 1993 documents about lessons learned from units participating in
combat training exercises at the NTC in California and its
counterpart in Germany, the Army reports the same recurring
training problems that we had previously identified. For example,
a recent paper dealing with Army training in Germany focused on the
need for improvements in battle staff planning and execution and
greater emphasis on rehearsals. It also noted that units often
fail to integrate combat service support into task force planning
and that task force commanders were so focused on the tactical
aspect of operations that they were seldom, if ever, involved with
logistics. In addition, an Army report on Operation Restore Hope
in Somalia from December 1992 to May 1993 cited the need for
continued training in joint task force operations;~ improvements in
joint logistical operations; and improvements in cross-service
training to support air medical evacuations.
Now, as much as, if not more than, in previous years, ongoing
training programs are being adversely affected by personnel
turbulence-- which frequently affects units' personnel levels,
training proficiency, and ability to build and maintain cohesion in
training. Regular combat training routines are also affected today
by the operating rates of equipment (commonly referred to as
operating tempos) associated with deployments for operations other
than war. For example, various officials have noted that the use
of air transports for operational missions greatly exceeds the
funded rate-- this can create difficulties in completing planned
training exercises.
The Army reported recently that it had approximately 25,000
personnel participating in a variety of operations in over 60
countries. According to the Army, this figure is significantly
higher than that prior to the end of the Cold War. Such missions
often require deploying portions of units and can therefore disrupt
unit cohesion and unit training cycles. In addition, Air Force
officials indicate that while aviation units may fly many missions
in support of contingency missions, the type of flying done for
those missions does not necessarily provide training needed to
maintain combat proficiency in certain areas. These situations
indicate the existence of a more challenging environment today in I
which to develop and maintain warfighting training proficiency.
Currently, several of our reviews are focused on a variety of
training issues. These issues include personnel levels, the
allocation of training funds, and the effect that U.S.
participation in non-traditional roles such as U.N. peace
operations has on the services' training for traditional wartime
missions and on individuals' transition back to training for war.
Our work in the late 1970s and mid-1980s pointed out the need for
improved management of joint training exercises, including Joint
Chiefs of Staff (JCS) involvement in the planning, review, and
oversight of these exercises. In retrospect, a number of military
officials are recognizing today that so-called joint training in
previous years was less joint than it appeared to be on the
surface. For example, the Return of Forces to Germany (REFORGER)
exercises were largely Army training exercises, even though there
was some participation from the Air Force. In addition, despite
the name Joint Readiness Training Center, this facility is
primarily devoted to Army training.
As I mentioned earlier, the Gulf War highlighted shortcomings in,
and the need for greater emphasis on, joint operations and
training. As a result, DOD has increased its focus on joint
training at all levels within DOD. For example, "Ocean Venture
93," a U.S. Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic Command-sponsored, joint
field training exercise with a Navy Joint Task Force Commander and
an Army Deputy Task Force Commander, had as an objective exercising
joint relationships and refining joint doctrine, tactics,
techniques, and procedures.
Also, U.S. military officials in Germany have stated that the next
REFORGER exercise, scheduled for fall 1994, will provide a greater
emphasis on jointness than ever by having a designated joint task
force commander and the active participation of members from each
of the services. Additionally, joint and individual staffs of some
warfighting commanders-in-chief told us they were looking to
restructure exercises to provide a greater focus on joint
operations. We expect to review some of these exercises to
determine the changes being made.
JCS is sponsoring efforts to develop joint task lists and standards
for joint training and is overseeing efforts to develop a number of
joint doctrine publications. However, JCS officials indicate that
it may be several years before the results of these efforts are all
in place.
One of the more significant actions taken concerning joint training
was the October 1993 designation of the U.S. Atlantic Command as a
unified command responsible for the joint training and "packaging"
of most military forces stationed in the United States for overseas
deployments to support the other warfighting commanders-in-chief.
We have a major review of joint training underway, at this
Subcommittee's request. As part of that review we are examining
the initial efforts of the U.S. Atlantic Command to provide for
joint training. We are also examining the roles of the JCS
Chairman and combatant commanders in the process of planning and
overseeing joint training and the use of simulation technology to
facilitate some of that training.
The services have traditionally used hundreds of training devices
to model or simulate various aspects of combat, weapon systems, and
terrain in support of training activities. Training devices range
from simple simulated explosives and plywood terrain boards that
replicate the terrain of a given battle area to highly technical,
sophisticated laser gunnery systems that simulate the effects of
weapons firing and computer-supported, multimillion dollar aircraft
simulators. Additionally, computer simulation models are used to
"drive" training exercises--that is, they often provide a map-based
view of the battlefield, viewed on a computer monitor, and require
battle commanders and their staffs to plan, coordinate, and execute
their battle plans against an opposing force. _
Computer simulations are growing in their importance and potential
to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of training while
reducing training-related costs. Of course, a significant capital
investment up-front is required. Further, technology developments
in the 1990s are beginning to provide opportunities to integrate a
variety of dissimilar weapon system simulators and wargaming
simulations among the services and increase the potential to
support joint training. Training experts believe these
developments will revolutionize military training.
Computer simulations are still evolving and have some limitations
in replicating actual systems and the battlefield. However, they
are increasingly being recognized as having the capability to
provide important training opportunities that are not always
feasible in traditional exercises. Computer-simulated exercises
permit more concentrated and repetitive training for battle staff
in planning and command and control operations. We have reported
the importance of computer simulations but have emphasized the
challenges inherent in managing this technology cost-effectively.
In the past, large-scale field exercises, like REFORGER, deployed
large numbers of forces, were often time-consuming, and often
produced significant downtime for lower echelon units such as
platoons and companies. The Army, which has had a lead role in
exploiting advanced simulation technology, has increasingly come to
rely on this technology for recent REFORGERexercises--at
significant savings in cost, with fewer deployed forces, and a
sharper focus on training for higher echelon battle staffs.
A significant contribution to battle staff training and preparation
for ground operations in the Gulf War was made by the Army's Battle
Command Training Program (BCTP), a simulation wargaming program
designed to train division- and corps-level battle staff.
The success of BCTP and other simulations has led to growing
recognition that the military needs to increase its use of
simulation technology as an important complement to traditional
field training. However, we have found that commanders lack
guidance and training for making the most effective use of
simulations on an ongoing basis. Further, insufficient emphasis
has been placed on identifying the most appropriate mix of advanced
simulation technology and traditional field training.
Computer simulation technology also offers much potential for
enhancing joint training. This potential has been recognized by
the Joint Staff, which decided to establish a Joint Warfighting
Center in the Tidewater, Virginia, area (near the U.S. Atlantic
Command) to facilitate joint doctrine development and provide
simulation support to joint exercises.
Each year, as DOD presents its training fund requirement to
Congress, it does so in terms of aggregate tank miles, flying
hours, and steaming days. This can create the impression of some
uniformity to training tempos that our work in the past has shown
does not exist. Our previous reviews of Army training showed that
training funds were not allocated evenly to units, and that greater
priorities were accorded units preparing to train at the NTC. We
have seen little to indicate that the situation has changed.
Additionally, we have found that commanders at various echelons
often make tradeoffs between training and other needs, and
sometimes reallocate portions of those funds to meet other needs.
We have also seen, as recently as last year, that increased
operating tempos associated with unanticipated contingency
operations can result in the use of training funds for other
We cannot precisely measure what impact such variances in training
funds have had on overall readiness levels. However, such
variances do create an unevenness in the training of combat units,
that is, they create peaks and valleys in training and unit
proficiency. At the same time, however, we also noted in the past
that, even with variances in allocations of training funds, there
appeared to be no discernable impact on commanders' assessments of
the units' readiness. I would not deduce from the commanders'
assessments that more monies were allocated to training than were
required to maintain readiness; a number of factors may need to be
considered in the equation. We have a review underway currently to
examine trends in the allocation of training funds and trends in
the reallocation of these monies for other purposes.
While I would not want to prejudge the results of our ongoing work,
there are a couple of points I can make at this time. One relates
to the need to determine the most appropriate mix of simulation and
traditional training; this is very important in terms of helping to
determine to what extent the use of advanced simulation technology
helps to offset or reduce funding requirements associated with more
traditional training. The second point I would make is that how
much funding is required to ensure readiness is much more
complicated than simple statements of tank miles, flying hours, and
steaming days. This issue is apt to become more complicated in the
future, with a growing emphasis on joint training and questions of
how best to allocate scarce training funds between individual
service and the growing area of joint training.
Until now, my focus on training has dealt with the active component
forces. I believe that I should also touch briefly on the subject
of training of reserve forces, which may be more critical today
than at any time in the past. These forces played a vital role
during the Gulf War, particularly in the combat support arena, and
are expected to play an increasingly important role in future
military operations as DOD downsizes.
Even though the size of both active and reserve forces is
decreasing, the reserves will comprise a larger portion of the
projected force structure. For example, from fiscal years 1989 to
1994, the percent of reserves in the Army will actually increase
from 50 to 55 percent. It should also be noted that for some
functions reserve forces provide all or nearly all of a service's
capability. Examples include the Army's civil affairs and water
purification activities and the Air Force's weather reconnaissance.
According to the Report on the Bottom-Up Review, one important role
for the Army National Guard combat brigades is to provide forces to
supplement active divisions, should more ground combat power be
needed to fight a second major regional contingency.
Challenges facing reserve components are even greater than those
faced by active forces. It became apparent during the Gulf War
that Army National Guard combat brigades had significant training-
related readiness problems. Although the Army structured some of
its divisions to be rounded out by Guard brigades, none of the
three roundout brigades that were activated for the crisis were
deployed. Instead of deploying these brigades with their assigned
divisions, the Army substituted other active Army brigades.
Proficiency in leadership and individual and crew skills are at the
heart of the Army's building-block approach to training. Soldiers
must be proficient in basic skills before they can be expected to
achieve proficiency in the more complex skills at higher echelons
such as companies and battalions. However, the active Army's
evaluation of Guard combat brigades activated for the Gulf War
revealed that (1) many Guard soldiers were not completely trained
to do their jobs, (2) many tank and Bradley Fighting Vehicle crews
were not proficient in gunnery skills, and (3) many commissioned
and noncommissioned officers (NCOs) in the National Guard had not
completed required leadership training. As a result of these
problems, the training conducted by the Guard brigades after their
mobilization sought to achieve proficiency in many skills for the
first time. In contrast, the active Army brigades that replaced
them were able to concentrate their training on honing individual
and collective skills that soldiers and leaders already possessed.
The challenges facing reserve components, particularly large ground
formations such as armor and mechanized infantry brigades, are
compounded by a difficult training environment. Reserve forces

generally train only about 39 days each year, and a considerable
portion of this time can be taken up by administrative matters or
in traveling long distances to reach training ranges. Available
training days in the Army National Guard include a 2-week period
during which units spend at least 7 days in a tactical field
environment. This training affords the Guard the best--and for
many units the only--opportunity to accomplish sustained mission
training under realistic conditions.
Initiatives to Improve National Guard Traininq
The Army has several initiatives underway to address training and
readiness problems in its Guard brigades. Although we believe the
initiatives are a major step in the right direction, early results
indicate that problems are a long way from being solved.
As a result of the Gulf War experience and subsequent legislation,
such as the Army Guard Combat Reform Initiative, the Army
completely revamped its strategy for training Guard brigades. The
most far-reaching initiative is called Bold Shift. This project,
initiated in September 1991, is designed to focus training for
combat maneuver units during peacetime at the individual, crew, and
platoon levels. It includes initiatives to (1) provide training to
soldiers who are not currently qualified for their assigned jobs
and expedite leadership training for officers and NCOs and (2)
involve active Army officers and NCOs to a greater extent in
training reservists.
The rationale for Bold Shift is that by focusing the limited amount
of training time available to reservists during peacetime on the
fundamental building blocks of Army training, reservists will be
better prepared to develop the skills required at higher echelons
during some period of post-mobilization training. The Army
currently estimates that about 90 days of post-mobilization
training will be required for the reserve brigades to achieve
proficiency. However, this estimate is based on the assumption
that the brigades have achieved proficiency at the individual
soldier, crew, and platoon levels during peacetime. It is not
clear what amount of post-mobilization training time will be
available to focus on joint training.
Annual training data for 1992, the latest annual data that the Army
has compiled since Bold Shift started, showed that none of the
Guard combat brigades had reached pre-mobilization training and
readiness goals. It is too soon to determine, based on one year's
data, what impact the Bold Shift program will have in the longer
However, we are still concerned that the Army has not solved the
problem of adequately training reservists in their individual jobs,
or military occupational specialties (MOS). This training is
designed to teach reservists the basics of the jobs they are


expected to do in their units. Until this training is completed, a

reservist is not qualified in his or her job. Lack of MOS
qualification is a problem that takes soldiers away from their
units to attend school and impedes collective training at each
higher echelon. Because of the building-block nature of Army
training, having soldiers who are adequately trained in their
individual jobs is at the heart of the Guard's ability to achieve
proficiency at higher echelons. Soldiers who are not adequately
trained in their individual duty positions cannot be expected to
perform effectively as crew members. Likewise, untrained crews
degrade the proficiency of platoons. In 1992, about 30 percent of
reservists did not attend annual training with their units. Many
were attending prescribed individual training courses.
Primary causes of MOS qualification problems include high attrition
and the inability of most units to recruit their authorized number
of soldiers. Although the Army has initiated efforts designed to
address the MOS problem, it is clear that solutions are difficult
and may take a long time. We currently have a review underway of
the Guard brigades' progress towards meeting pre-mobilization
readiness and training goals. As part of that review we plan to
compare the Army's and the Marine Corps' use of active duty
personnel to advise the reserves.
In closing, let me reiterate the key points.
-- Despite the widely shared view that today's military forces are
the best trained forces in the world, some common recurring
weaknesses reinforce the need for a continuing emphasis on
repetitive training if U.S. forces are to be prepared to fight
and win the first battle of the next war and minimize
-- Although major efforts have been initiated to
address some long-standing gaps in joint training,
many actions have yet to be completed.
-- Simulation technology offers important potential for enhancing
training at reduced costs, but the most appropriate mix of
simulation and more traditional training needs to be better
-- Preserving adequate funding for training is essential but
articulating precisely how much is needed is difficult.
-- The training of reserve combat forces poses even greater
challenges than those faced by the active forces.
- - - - - - - - -

Mr. Chairman, this concludes my prepared statement. I would be
happy to respond to any questions that you or Members of the
Subcommittee may have.

Operation Desert Storm: Problems With Air Force Medical Readiness
(GAO/NSIAD-94-58, Dec. 30, 1993).
Army Traininq: Prioritizinq and Followinq UP on Lessons Learned
Should Minimize Recurrinq Weaknesses (GAO/NSIAD-93-231, Sept. 16,
Army Trainincr: Commanders Lack Guidance and Traininq for Effective
Use of Simulations (GAO/NSIAD-93-211, Aug. 23, 1993).
Medical Readiness Traininu: Limited Participation bv Armv Medical
Personnel (GAO/NSIAD-93-205, June 30, 1993).
Operation Desert Storm: Improvements Required in the Navv's
Wartime Medical Care Procrram (GAO/NSIAD-93-189, July 28, 1993).
Naval Air Operations: Interservice Cooperation Needs Direction
From Top (GAO/NSIAD-93-141, May 19, 1993).
Simulation Traininq: Manaqement Framework Improved, but Challenses
Remain (GAO/NSIAD-93-122, May 10, 1993).
Chemical and Biolosical Defense: U.S. Forces Are Not Adequately
Equipped to Detect All Threats (GAO/NSIAD-93-2, Jan. 26, 1993).
Armv Traininq: Replacement Briaades Were More Proficient Than
Guard Roundout Briqades (GAO/NSIAD-93-4, Nov. 4, 1992).
Operation Desert Storm: War Offers Important Insiqhts Into Armv
and Marine Corps Traininc Needs (GAO/NSIAD 92-240, Aug, 25, 1992).
Operation Desert Storm: Full Armv Medical Capabilitv Not Achieved
(GAO/NSIAD-92-175, Aug. 18, 1992).
Operation Desert Storm: Armv Had Difficulty Providinu Adequate
Active and Reserve Support Forces (GAO/NSIAD-92-67, Mar. 10, 1992).
National Guard: Peacetime Traininq Did Not Adequatelv Prepare
Combat Briqades for Gulf War (GAO/NSIAD-91-263, Sept. 24, 1991).
Chemical Warfare: Soldiers Inadequatelv Equipped and Trained to
Conduct Chemical Operations (GAO/NSIAD-91-197, May 29, 1991).
Army Trainins: Various Factors Create Uncertainty About Need for
More Land (GAO/NSIAD-91-103, Apr. 22, 1991).

Army Traininq: Evaluations of Units' Proficiencv Are Not Alwavs
Reliable (GAO/NSIAD-91-72, Feb. 15, 1991).
Army Trainina: Computer Simulations Can Improve Command Traininq
in Larqe-Scale Exercises (GAO/NSIAD-91-67, Jan. 30, 1991).
Army Traininq: Manaqement Initiatives Needed to Enhance
Reservists* Traininq (GAO/NSIAD-89-140, June 30, 1989).
Manaqement of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Exercise Proqram Has Been
Strenqthened, but More Needs to Be Done (GAO/NSIAD-85-46, Mar. 5,
Imurovina the Effectiveness of Joint Military Exercises--An
Important Tool for Military Readiness (LCD-80-2, Dec. 11, 1979).


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