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Over 4,000 Iveco DV’s Light Multirole

Vehicles have been sold in the world in

different configurations; here an Italian
Army Lince equipped with Oto Melara
Hitrole Light RCWS. (RC-West)

“Lights” on a Turning Point

With the mission in Afghanistan wrapping up and total uncertainty on what allied ground
forces will find in their next mission (or missions), investments in the vehicle field are
being carried out very carefully by the services. It is however probable that light armoured
vehicles will continue to play a significant role in the future: their low aggressiveness,
inherent mobility and immense advantage when faced with bridge capacities and road
widths should ensure light armoured vehicles a good short - and medium-term future.

Paolo Valpolini Numerous nations are still looking for (VBMT-LR) will have to be delivered for
“light” solutions like, for example, Brazil, some training prior the deployment forecast
whose Army is expected to deploy a in Q3 2014. The acquisition plan includes a

he rising threat posed by insurgents battalion-size contingent in Lebanon in mid- further potential order that should bring the
in asymmetric conflicts, however, 2014. The service indeed issued an RfP in late total to 218 vehicles. A demonstration that
require them to carry improved November 2013 with the aim of acquiring a “light” is still trendy.
protection which, at least with batch of 32 light multirole armoured vehicles
currently available technologies (and with a gross weight of eight tonnes. I JLTV VS. HUMVEE
budgets), means more weight, to the extent Requirements include a one-tonne payload By the time Armada International readers
that some readers may not readily capacity and the seating for up to five. read these pages, the 66 JLTVs and 18
understand how the thus far “light” category Vehicles for trials should be delivered by trailers, 22 vehicles and six trailers each
has managed to turn into patrol vehicles on early April 2014. The test phase should be delivered in August 2013 by AM General,
steroids or “mini-MRAPS”. Yet, in many relatively short, as the new vehicle, known as Lockheed Martin and Oshkosh will have
cases this seems to be the current trend. Viatura Blindada Multitarefa, Leve de Rodas undergone over half a year of tests in the

Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles 2014 03

A prototype of AM General’s JLTV pictured during trials. The company stresses the commonalities between this vehicle and the
HMMWV that might bring reduced operating costs. (AM General)

hands of Army and Marines personnel. governmental shutdown had some Cavedo, manager of the Joint Program
Amidst pessimistic notes on most US Army detrimental effects on the testing Office for the JLTV said, echoed by his
programmes, the AUSA 2013 press programme, as some proving ground were deputy, USMC Lt. Col. Mike Burks who
conference on JLTV sounded different as all closed; “we are behind the current ideal confirmed the 5,500 vehicles need for the
three speakers insisted on describing this plan,” he said, “but not behind schedule.” Corps. With field tests underway, late 2013
new vehicle as one of the top priorities for Force reduction should not affect the will see the JPG involved in the manufacture
the new force structure. Kevin Fahey, number of JLTVs. Although a 25% readiness assessment, production readiness
Program Executive Office for Combat divestiture is foreseen in the light tactical review being planned for early 2014. Success
Support and Combat Service Support, fleet, “we will thus reduce the numbers of is however not yet solidly wrapped up as
underlined that the October 2013 our Humvee fleet,” US Army Col. John tough decisions on DoD programmes will
be taken in Q3 of FY14, with the selection
of the winning bidder awaited for 2015.
With the requirements now settled and
trials well underway the three competing
teams cannot say much. AM General
considers it an advantage to have an in-
house state-of-the-art engine like the
Optimizer 3200, the General Engine
Products 3.2-litre developed from the Steyr
M16 following the licence agreement signed
in 2009 with Steyr Motors of Austria and
currently in production at the company
facility in Franklin, Ohio. This engine yields
300 hp at 4,300 rpm, with a torque rating of
69 kgm at 2,200 rpm and, although at

AM General’s JLTV propulsion is based on the

Optimizer 3200 turbodiesel engine that is
produced in-house, another “plus” according
to the company. (Armada/P. Valpolini)

04 Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles 2014

different ratings, also equips the AM than one day travel. The Lockheed Martin –
General HMMW M998 the Alvis Scorpion BAE Systems team considers the move very
CVR(T), the KMW-Rheinmetall AMPV low risk, and believes that there will be no
and the BAE Systems BVS10. At only 250 kg, problem meeting the 2016 deadline for an
the Optimizer 3200 has a 1.2 hp/kg power- initial low-rate production run. In early
to-weight ratio and a 94 hp/l power density. December 2013 the company announced
AM General also stresses the 40% design that its JLTV team successfully completed
commonality of its JLTV and Humvee, the government’s Manufacturing Readiness
which has a positive impact on costs, as well Assessment at its Camden facility.
as the fact that it has a dedicated assembly Oshkosh, for its part, relies heavily on the
line for light tactical vehicles. experience acquired with its M-ATV. “We
In mid-October 2013 the Lockheed The Lockheed Martin-BAE Systems team
are confident that the six years of
Martin – BAE Systems team announced a decided to move all the production to the preparation and the six generations of
shift in the JLTV production strategy, should Camden plant, and successfully passed the prototypes that led us to the EMD phase
the team win the bid. While prototypes were Manufacturing Readiness Assessment. together with the lessons learned from the
produced at BAE Systems’ Sealy facility in (Armada/P. Valpolini) M-ATV allowed us to provide a vehicle
Texas, actual production will be moved to which features high survivability, off-road
Lockheed Martin’s Camden plant in from Sealy Engineering and Manufacturing capacity and fuel economy,” John Urias,
Arkansas. “This will allow us to be more cost- Development assembly line. According to President Oshkosh Defence told the author.
effective, reducing the overheads and shifting the team heads, Green and Mark Signorelli While supporting the JLTV testing,
to a single Material Requirements Planning respectively VP and General Manager Oshkosh is marketing its L-ATV, the export
and Quality system,” Scott Greene, VP Combat Vehicles at BAE Systems Land and version of the US Army/US Marine Corps
Ground Vehicles for Lockheed Martin Armaments, underlined that the move will vehicle first exhibited internationally at
Missiles and Fire Control said at AUSA. also allow to shorten the supply line, DSEI 2013. “Differences are very small,
Lockheed Martin used the venue to Camden being within 600 miles from the commonalities having a positive impact on
exhibit the first of 23 vehicles rolled out principal subcontractors, which means less life cycle costs,” Urias says, underlining

A view of one of the 22 EMD

prototypes delivered by Lockheed
Martin to the programme
management in August 2013.
(Lockheed Martin)

Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles 2014 05

The L-ATV is the export version of the vehicle
proposed by Oshkosh Defense for the JLTV
however, that “the L-ATV has an open programme, of which 22 prototypes are
currently being tested. (Oshkosh Defense)
architecture to increase flexibility in
answering foreign customers requirements
in additional equipment.”
As seen in Col. Cavedo’s statement,
the Humvee recapitalisation programme
might suffer from cuts in the light tactical
vehicles fleet. The MECV (Modernized
Expanded Capacity Vehicle) did not
appear in the Pentagon’s FYT13 budget, thus
there is currently no money for a wide
Hummer recap.
Nonetheless numbers will remain
interesting, and companies continue to
make proposals, being sure that sooner or
later some form of serious revamping will
be needed as JLTVs on their own will not be
sufficient, while the current HMMWV fleet
needs a boost in terms of reliability and
availability. Outside America, that
recapitalisation may well be extended to
countries that adopted the AM General
vehicle in the past, as over 300,000
Hummers have been sold and of which the
original manufacturer estimates that some
180,000 are still in service.
AM General thus proposes its Reliability
Enhanced HMMWV which is in full
production for the M1151, M1152 and
M1165 models. AM General’s modernized
chassis has been upgraded after ten years of brakes, improved cooling with gear fan drive, Textron Marine & Land Systems teamed
R&D investment to support heavier reduced effort steering, increased load 24- with Granite Tactical Vehicles are proposing
operating weights, thereby increasing bolt wheels, robust three-piece frame rails, the SCTV (Survivable Combat Tactical
payload capacity at the same time as dedicated parking brake and improved rear Vehicle), an armoured monocoque V-hull
providing full crew protection with modular differential cooling. These upgrades have crew capsule that ensures a protection level
and scaleable kitted armour. The new rolling proved their value downrange and AM similar to that of the lesser protected
chassis includes other specific improvements General is proposing the new chassis as a MRAPs. Textron proposes to take good-
such as 400-amp alternator, enhanced airlift “recap” option for those vehicles that will condition frame Humvees, strip them of
brackets, front mounted condenser, heavy continue to be in the home and international their old cabins, upgrade the engines,
duty shock absorbers, high capacity disc military fleets for the next 30 years or more. upgrade or replace suspensions depending

The new chassis proposed by AM General for the Humvee recapitalisation programme includes numerous improvements in the
mobility elements and in the structure to allow a higher gross weight. (AM General - Armada/P. Valpolini)

06 Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles 2014

The Survivable Combat Tactical Vehicle - SCTV
in short – is the proposal for the Humvee
recap made by Textron Marine & Land
Systems in co-operation with Granite Tactical
Vehicles. (Textron M&LS)

on the model, fit improved tyres and install

a crew cell. Automotive upgrades are
relatively limited as the new capsule does
not bring a dramatic weight increase thanks
to the integral armour concept adopted.
Mine protection is obtained through the V-
shaped bottom, the material used as well as a
higher ground clearance. A fifth egress
point has also been fitted in the back of the
capsule. The capsule sides, including doors,
are slanted, creating sloped surfaces that
increase protection against ballistic and
RPG threats. According to Textron the
SCTV solution should have a price that
compares with that type of utility vehicle.
Meritor Defense is proposing its own
Humvee enhancement package in the form
of a rolling chassis that includes upgrades to
the drivetrain and suspensions. The chassis
adopts Meritor MXL drivelines (Meritor
Xtended Lube) in which advanced sealing-
slip sections prevent water ingress and

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Based on a Dodge RAM 5500 chassis, the
Tiger, developed by Textron M&LS and MDT
Armor is a cost-effective protected vehicle with
two to seven seats. (Textron M&LS)

ensure that lubrication is protected from

contaminants. This allows to extend
lubrication intervals for both universal
joints and slip section to 160,000 km, thus
considerably reducing maintenance costs.
Mobility increase is mostly due to the
adoption of the ProTec High Mobility
Independent Suspension (HMIS) Series 30.
The lighter of the series, the ProTec 30 has
an 8,150 kg gross axle weight rating and up to Two views of Textron M&LS SCTV recapped Humvee exhibited at AUSA 2013;
533 mm of independent wheel travel. it is based on an armoured monocoque V-hull crew capsule installed over an upgraded
Humvee chassis. (Armada/P. Valpolini)
However, at AUSA 2013 Meritor Defence
unveiled two new add-on solutions to further
improve the mobility of not only the
Humvee, but also of the JLTV mobility – the
company being part of the Lockheed Martin
team. The first one is the SmartFlow, a system
that periodically checks the single tyre
pressure and adjusts it according to the
mobility mode chosen, which can be
highway, cross country, mud/sand/snow or
emergency. The system is based on a
pneumatic control unit that integrates
electronics and pneumatics, and is linked to
the pneumatic control unit via controlled
area network, one channel per wheel being
available. Complementary to the SmartFlow
comes the DriveCommand, a pneumatic
drivetrain control system that actively
monitors and controls differentials and
transfer case status, that are locked and
engaged when necessary through adequate
sequencing. Electrical and pneumatic
connections link the drivetrain control unit The HMMWV recap solution proposed by Meritor allows to increase the vehicle’s
to the front and rear axles and to the transfer gross axle weight to 8.15 tonnes. (Meritor Defense)

08 Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles 2014

April 2009, followed by a further order for 89
in September 2010. The British Army’s gross
at 8.6 tonnes with a payload of around 1.6
tonnes, the vehicle carrying four military.
The patrol version is equipped with a
protected weapon station armed with a 12.7
mm machine gun or 40 mm automatic
grenade launcher, while the support version
has a weapon station armed with a 7.62 mm
machine gun.

Turkey is steadily increasing its presence in
the light armoured vehicles world: at IDEF
2013, in addition to Otokar, at least three
other companies unveiled their proposals in
this market slice.
Since the late 1990s when it launched its
Cobra 4x4 tactical armoured vehicle, which
used some AM General Humvee
components, Otokar has been continually
developing this as well as other models to
meet both home and export requirements.
Gradually, and beyond Turkey, its Cobra has
also been adopted by Algeria, Bahrain,
Georgia, the Maldives, Nigeria, Pakistan,
Slovenia and the United Arab Emirates, as
well as by other undisclosed countries. The
last order placed by Turkey in September
Meritor’s DriveCommand drivetrain control (DTC) on the left and SmartFlow central tire inflation
system in the middle, are proposed for HMMWV recap together with Meritor MXL drivelines and 2013 shows that the size-performance-
ProTec High Mobility Independent Suspension. (Meritor Defense – Armada/P. Valpolini) protection-price equation of that vehicle is
still very much appreciated.
case, connection with the HMI being again Marine Corps within a Humvee upgrade The ensuing tighter links established with
via controlled area network. Working modes programme experiment. customers through the years led Otokar to
being the same as the SmartFlow, a single Navistar is still actively marketing its fathom the need for a vehicle that featured
HMI can be used when both systems are International MXT. The MVA armoured the same agility as the existing Cobra but with
installed. Each one of the systems weighs only version remains under the 10-tonne gross a greater internal volume and higher
1.9 kg, and both are linked to the compressed weight mark, but gets close to 15 tonnes in protection. Hence the Cobra II unveiled in
air supply tank. Meritor Defense is preparing the Armoured (ISS) and APC versions. The May 2013 at IDEF. Although the new vehicle
to launch the production of both the main user of this vehicle remains the British leverages experience acquired with the
SmartFlow and the DriveCommand, which Army, with an order for 262 MXT-MVA original Cobra, the ‘II is a new vehicle in its
have been thoroughly tested with the US (known as the Husky in British service) in own right. Longer, wider and higher, it is

Navistar MXT is available in unarmoured and armoured configurations as well as with live axles or independent suspensions,
its heavier versions being close to 15 tonnes. (Navistar Defense)

Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles 2014 09

suspensions are similar to those of the Cobra
but obviously adapted to cope with the
heavier weight. The Cobra II standard
equipment includes front thermal camera,
rear view camera, CTIS and ABS.
Turning to accessibility – the Cobra II
accommodates the same number of
passengers as the Cobra, which is nine – this is
better, courtesy of two lateral doors instead
of one previously, though the rear door has
survived. The rear infantry compartment has
two vision blocks per side to allow direct
vision and troops can use their assault
weapons through firing ports. All variants
currently available in the Cobra family will
be developed in Cobra II guise. Currently the
Cobra II amphibious version, which features
a propulsion similar to that of the Cobra with
two rear propellers, is undergoing final
The Armoured Protected Vehicle, APV in short, has been for years a best seller vehicle for Otokar
qualification trials, since Otokar is aiming at
which sold over 4,500 pieces for military and paramilitary purposes. (Otokar) having it ready for production in Q1 2014.
An air-defence variant is under development
powered by a Cummins 6.7 litres 6-cylinder internal volume compared to its predecessor, and will be exhibited at the Bahrain Air Show
turbocharged common rail diesel engine the main reason for the weight increase being in January 2014. It will be equipped with the
producing 281 horses (the Cobra “only”had a however the higher mine and ballistic Aselsan Missile-Igla system that can carry up
190) linked to an Allison automatic gearbox protection level; according to Otokar 30% of to four short-range Igla missile launchers.
with six forward and one reverse speed. At the weight increase is due to the larger Five different prototypes have been
maximum gross of 12 tonnes, its power to available volume while 70% is to be blamed produced and in mid-2013 the new vehicle,
weight ratio is of 23.4 hp/t, lower than the 30 on protection. The Cobra II maintains the in its basic version, was considered ready for
hp/t of the original vehicle. However, due to monocoque approach of the Cobra, with a production. Otokar is marketing the Cobra
the desire of some potential customers to body made of armoured steel. Add-on II alongside the Cobra, since effectively the
maintain the same mobility as the original armour to increase ballistic protection comes two vehicles belong to two different classes.
Cobra, the vehicle can be equipped with the in two options, one with ballistic steel and the Otokar follows the same approach as that
same engine, but somewhat tweaked to other with composites, though while both used with the Cobra APV, the Armoured
churn out some 360 hp (this solution being bear the same weight penalty, protection Protected Vehicle, of which the company sold
currently in the qualification phase). levels differ (and so probably do their price). 4,500 units to paramilitary and military units.
Equipped with fully independent Axles are a new design developed and Here too protection levels and internal
suspensions, this new vehicle has a higher produced by Otokar, while the independent volume needed to be increased to overcome

The new Cobra II is much more protected and

heavier than the original Cobra and is
available with two different power packs. The
side view with the doors open taken at the
Otokar stand during IDEF 2013 reveals the
internal layout. (Otokar - Armada/P. Valpolini)

10 Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles 2014

Otokar is qualifying the amphibious version of its new Cobra II; here the prototype characterised by the two pushing propellers,
one of them being visible at the back of the vehicle. The Turkish Army relies very much on amphibious capabilities, that are a key
requirement for most of its vehicles. (Otokar)

the APV shortcomings, which gave birth to rear axle. As paramilitary units often have to
the Ural, which too, was unveiled at IDEF cope with emission regulations, the Ural is
2013. Much lighter at 6.1 tonnes, it can carry currently available both with Euro 3 and Euro
up to ten soldiers protected by the all-welded 5 engines, but within two years Otokar plans
steel cabin bolted onto a chassis that was to also have a Euro 6. Currently the company
purposely designed and produced by Otokar. has received a first order for a batch of
Two configurations are available, with three or 11 vehicles for evaluation by the Turkish
five doors in addition to both right- or left- Police by the time these lines are printed.
hand drive configurations (all markets are In addition two foreign customers were
worth considering nowadays, knowing that evaluating the Ural in late 2013.
53 countries drive on the left hand-side of the Nurol, engaged in the infantry fighting
road, which is considered as the only right vehicles through FNSS (a joint venture
driving side in Britain). between Nurol Holding and BAE Systems
The Ural is powered by a 185 hp Land & Armaments L.P.) entered the light The Ural is the new proposal from Otokar to
turbocharged intercooler diesel engine and armoured vehicle market with the Ejder 4x4 replace the APV as light patrol military vehicle
has front independent suspensions and a live unveiled in May 2013. The company and for paramilitary use. (Otokar)

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Shielding your mission

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Photo credits: Aspheri, A. Bannister/Getty Images, Y. Debay, Stat -

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develops and produces 100% of the new
vehicle, which was designed following a
thorough marketing research that led to fine
tuning the technical specifications. In only
two months the company went from the
screens to the prototype of this 12 tonner,
which Nurol considers not to belong to the
Mrap league category, but proposes in the
personnel carrier, reconnaissance, command
and control, CBRN, combat, weapon carrier
and ambulance configurations.
The APC can carry a two-man crew, an
optional machine gunner, and six dismounts,
the front cabin being accessible via two side
doors while the rear compartment features
The prototype of the Ural 4x4 was unveiled at IDEF in May 2013; at that event Otokar unveiled
two side and one rear door. A hatch allows
three new vehicles and a number of new weapon stations and turrets. (Armada/P. Valpolini)
the machine gunner to operate his weapon,
although at IDEF 2013 the vehicle was 3a/b against mines and Level 3 against numerous countries, the most promising
equipped with a remote-control weapon ballistic threats, add-on armour allowing to contacts being with Azerbaijan.
station cradling a 12.7 mm machine gun. reach Level 4. According to the artist
That prototype also featured metal bars impression available the vehicle sides will also I FRANCE
protecting glass surfaces against low velocity have some V-shaped contribution to Upon closing the previous Compendium on
projectiles such as stones. The Ejder 4x4 increased protection, personnel being able to light armoured vehicles came the news of
features a large windscreen and ample lateral ingress and egress through four lateral doors Panhard’s acquisition by Renault Trucks
glass surfaces throughout its length to and a rear door. The vehicle is shown armed Defense. Although it hardly was a surprise,
provide optimal outside view to the crew, the with a 12.7 mm remote-control weapon that move changed the French scenario in this
rear being the only side without any glass. station with full optronic suite. market putting three brands under a single
The Nurol 4x4 has all-round independent Katmerciler, a Turkish company active in roof, namely Renault, Acmat and Panhard,
suspensions with double wishbone, helical special trucks, is shifting its interest towards which are all involved in one way or another in
coil and shock absorbers, and its 25 hp/t defence, its Pit-Bull VX 4x4 armoured the lighter segment of the vehicle market.
power-to-weight ratio allows it to accelerate personnel carrier being its first step in this After over one year with that
from 0 to 40 km/h in six seconds. The Ejder direction. Based on a Ford-550 chassis organisation, the removal of Gérard Amiel
4x4 has a growth capability of two tonnes; powered by a 300hp Ford 6.7 V8 turbodiesel, from the helm of Renault Trucks Defense,
however Nurol is ready to develop a longer it has a combat weight of 8.8 tonnes with a the post of chief executive being taken by
chassis with improved suspensions should a payload of 1.3 tonnes. The vehicle has a Level Stefano Chiemlewski, president of Volvo
customer require a 10 seater. 1-equivalent protection against mines while government sales, looks very much like the
Hema Defense Industry is a new entry its steel hull is protected at CEN B6+. removal not only of a top man but of a whole
into the armoured vehicles community as an Katmerciler is proposing its Pitt-Bull VX to intermediate level, bringing RTD under a
OEM, the company having provided for
years components to numerous other
manufacturers. The Turkish company had At IDEF 2013 Nurol Makina unveiled the Ejder 4x4 version
which is now offered in 6x6 guise. A longer wheelbase
established a co-operation with the Streit
version might soon appear. (Nurol Makina)
Group on both a 6x6 and a 4x4 weapon
carrier, the latter known as the Şimşek
(lighting), but this co-operation has now
come to an end. Hema is thus now
developing its own vehicles, again a 4x4 and a
6x6. Although a tad “heavy” to belong to this
Compendium, but for sake of clarification,
the 4x4 vehicle known as HHD-1 to be
unveiled in 2014 will gross at 14 tonnes with a
3.5-4 tonnes payload capacity, accommodate
up to 11, including driver and gunner. Its
powerpack will be based on a Deutz or MTU
engine developing 280-340 hp and coupled
to an Allison 2000XP transmission. The V-
shaped hull monocoque carries independent
suspensions, with hydro-pneumatic
damping on option. Protection will be Level

12 Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles 2014

more strict control of the Volvo industrial
group. Although some new products are
expected in the APC/IFV sector, no major
new product is expected to emerge in the
light one in any near future.
The Panhard VBL is definitely the RTD
portfolio best-seller with over 2,300 vehicles in
service in 16 countries and in over 10
versions. Panhard is continuing to develop the
upgrade package for the French Armée de
Terre that will include a new rear suspension,
to allow a 900 kg payload capacity increase, a
new engine and an improved protection. This
version should reach a gross weight of around
5.2 tonnes, and is attracting some interest
A new entry in the Turkish lightweight armoured vehicles contest, Katmerciler is proposing its
from the export market.
Pit Bull VX 4x4 to numerous export customers. (Katmerciler)
The PVP, for Petit Véhicule Protégé, was
used in Mali by French forces deployed which will soon receive the Sagem-Panhard With the APC-XL introduced at DSEI
during “Opération Serval” in January 2013. Wasp RCWS. Some 80 more PVPs were 2013 Renault increased the flexibility of its
It was mostly used for gathering tactical produced and delivered to Togo, Chile and Sherpa Light, which is now available in five
intelligence in the northern regions of Mali, Romania, the latest customer being Mali. different armoured and non-armoured
the two versions involved in such missions The Crab concept vehicle unveiled a versions. The latest version grosses at 10.9
being the Drac drone support vehicle and couple of years ago is still exhibited at tonnes and can carry a crew of two plus eight
the Electronic Warfare vehicle, the latter numerous shows, as exemplified by its dismounts and a 2.6-tonne payload.
helping to locate rebel commander radios, presence at DSEI 2013 in Abu Dhabi, Available in three- and five-door
and direct on them either artillery fire or although it is not clear how much this type of configurations, its roof is raised to 2.53
combat helicopters. The Armée de Terre vehicle will attract a customer in the current metres to give an 11 m3 protected volume,
fields some 1,180 such vehicles, some of or in a modified form. that is one extra cubic metre compared to the
A Panhard Petit Véhicule Protégé in the Drac drone
detachment configuration, which saw action in the Mali
French forces engagement. (RTD/Yves Debay)

standard APC version. The latter has been nearly ready to launch the production of an working on the structure and materials of the
sold to Qatar, the Far East and in some improved version of its successful 4x4. safety cell. The vehicle is conceived to fully
European countries, the Carrier version In 2014 the Bolzano-based company will integrate all the net-centric systems as the
having been acquired by Nato and France. complete the production of the VTLM Lince, new Lince will be part of the digitised Army
The tougher member of the family is the currently on order by the Italian Army, with known in Italy as the Forza NEC.
Sherpa Light HI (for High Intensity) which over 1,600 delivered so far. The last batches According to Iveco DV managers,
has a gross weight of 10.5 tonnes, a payload are in Lince 1A configuration with the customers are pointing to the importance of
capacity of 1.5 tonnes, and seats for six integral roof able to carry both the new electronic systems integration following
soldiers. Protection levels are not announced, protected gun ring and the Oto Melara problems that surfaced in most vehicle types
but being a short wheelbase vehicle with a Hitrole Light turret. The new roof ensures used downrange when a number of radio,
weight similar to that of the long wheelbase full safety in case of roll-over and replaces the jammers and suchlike were installed. In this
ones it is clear that protection has been original roll protection bar, increasing the respect the Lince has evolved along the years,
increased. Nearly 300 Sherpa Lights have available space inside the vehicle and with a series of improvements in terms of
been sold, including the logistic carrier reducing the weight. Italy is reducing its available power and cabling, and a series of
version to the Egyptian Police, and according contingent in Afghanistan, and following contracts is being filed by the Italian MoD to
to RTD the company is involved in numerous over five years of deployment downrange repair and update batches of vehicles on their
offers regarding the latest variants. statistics show that, apart from initial way back from Afghanistan. However the
Turning to the Acmat range, Renault has teething problems, the vehicle performed standard required for new vehicles will be
sold over 350 Bastion APCs, mostly in according to expectations. Around 30 much higher. The Digital LMV shown at
Africa but also to some European special Casevac Lince were also delivered. Currently DSEI 2013 is a first step towards the Lince 2
forces units, the latest 11 having been Iveco DV is talking to the Italian Army to solution, incorporating improved protection
delivered in early December 2013 to Chad. finalise the VTLM-2 configuration, the and enhanced mobility through the
At 10.5 tonnes gross this vehicle has a acronym standing light tactical multirole provision of automatic drive management.
payload capacity of two tonnes at Level 1 vehicle. The next-generation Lince will be The vehicle on display grossed at 7.75 tonnes.
ballistic protection, that drops by half a slightly longer to increase available space, 95 The Bolzano company is also expanding the
tonne with Level 2 armour, and again by percentile data constantly increasing the versions available, and unveiled a CBRN
another half tonne at Level 3, though anti- Dutch requirement which now calls for 2.02 reconnaissance and survey variant in team
mine protection is limited. metres. The new vehicle will have better with Cristanini, the Italian CBRN specialist, at
mobility, higher payload and protection, and that same exhibition.
I ITALY will feature a consistent payload capacity Turning to exports, the Iveco DV plants
With over 4,000 vehicles on order from 10 increase. Gross weight is kept below the are currently producing the last vehicles for
countries (Italy, United Kingdom, Spain, nine-tonnes mark, Iveco’s intention being not Austria, some 50 vehicles having been
Norway, Belgium, Croatia, Austria, Czech to transform the LMV into a mini-Mrap. delivered in 2013 with 50 more to go to
Republic, Slovakia and Russia), Iveco DV is This weight goal should be achieved by complete the 150 vehicles contract, as well

14 Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles 2014

The Sherpa Light in Scout configuration moving into African
scenarios; Renault Trucks Defense is developing the vehicle, the
latest iteration being the APX-XL shown at DSEI. (RTD)

as the last units of the batch of 358 vehicles I GERMANY wishbones with two spring-damper per
ordered by Russia where it is known as the Following the Bundeswehr’s choice for the wheel and hydraulic end stop dampers
Rys. Final assembly is taking place in GDELS Eagle V to top up the GFF2 ensure high ground clearance in every terrain
Voronezh with some local content. The joint requirement, the KMW/Rheinmetall adding to protection and high mobility. The
venture between Iveco and Kamaz is frozen consortium that developed the 4x4 AMPV vehicle is now equipped as standard issue
following the Moscow decision to cancel the (Armoured Multi-Purpose Vehicle) is with a rear-view camera feeding images to
original contract for 1.775 vehicles. looking at the export market as well as at a the driver on the 6.5-inch display that is also
By the end of 2014 Iveco DV will wider range of battlefield missions. Powered used as vehicle information (status system
complete the deliveries of the 62 fourth- by a 274 hp Steyr 3.2-litre 6-cylinder reports and log book). The AMPV is ready to
generation LMVs ordered by Norway in turbodiesel, the AMPV in Type 2a host mission kits such as C4I systems,
January 2013, the configuration adopted configuration (the only developed up to jamming equipment, remote-control
being already an evolution towards the prototype level so far) reached a 10-tonne weapon station or NBC system.
aforementioned Lince 2. The vehicle features gross weight with a 2.2-tonne payload at So far only the patrol and command
a new survival cell with protection minimum protection level, part of it being vehicle, aimed at the GFF2 bid, has been
improvements, new seats and improved tradable for further ballistic protection. With produced. However the KMW-Rheinmetall
ergonomics, the new driveline offering mine protection among the design priorities, team is working on at least three more
higher performances allowing for an the German vehicle has a Level 3a/2b that configurations, a reconnaissance, a logistic
increased gross weight. Electro-magnetic puts it among the top protected vehicles in its and a large compartment vehicle. All of
compatibility is greatly increased, Norway class; an intermediate floor-structure them maintain the 10-tonne gross weight
having required the capacity to decoupled from the safety cell reduces loads though payload varies (2.2, 2.0, 2.4 and 1.6
accommodate numerous GFEs such as on the lower extremities of the occupants in tonnes) according to the different empty
radios, BMS, intercom and ECMs, as well as a case of mine explosion. The independent weights. Both the patrol and the recce
Kongsberg Protector Nordic weapon station. suspension system, based on double versions are fully armoured and feature a

Three views of the Acmat Bastion in the command post and ambulance configurations. Based on the VLRA chassis this vehicle
has been sold in numbers to African countries. (RTD)

Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles 2014 15

The Italian Army is by large the bigger user of Iveco’s
LMV; currently the Army is in the final stage of
writing the requirements for the Lince 2.0 that will
succeed the current version. (RC-West)

RCWS, the reconnaissance variant being I SWITZERLAND assembly lines busy until 2014, or until 2015
also equipped with a rear-mounted Unveiled in 2010, the General Dynamics should the option be exercised. The first Eagle
telescopic mast with optronic sensors and European Land Systems Eagle V was selected V will be delivered to the Bundeswehr in early
carrying an extra seat. The logistic version by the Zurich Airport Police and by the Swiss 2014. The Eagle 6x6 is obviously based on the
has a front armoured cab and a rear pick-up Army, which received their first vehicles in 6x6 version of the Duro, but is powered by a
configuration, while the large compartment 2011 and 2012, and most recently by 285 hp engine, and offers a payload capacity 6
features a raised roof and a protected Germany to complete its GFF2 (Geschützte tonnes. According to released information no
compartment extended along the whole Führungs und Funktionsfahrzeuge or customer has yet ordered this version.
length of the vehicle which considerably Armoured Command-and-Control Vehicles)
increases the internal protected volume. programme. A contract was filed by the I BRITAIN
No major news from Mercedes Benz, German BAAINBw for 100 such vehicles in With the Light Protected Patrol Vehicle
whose catalogue still features the LAPV 5.4 June 2013, the document containing an (LLPV) programme well underway it is
and the LAPV 6.1. Known as Enok in the option for further 76 vehicles. unclear which will be the target for the
German Bundeswehr, which fields 121 such The latest evolution of the Eagle, the Eagle incoming Multi Role Vehicle - Protected
vehicles acquired within the GFF1 V maintains numerous commonalities with (MRV-P), the follow-on to the Operational
programme, it is available in four- and five- Eagle IV, already in service with the Utility Vehicle System cancelled by the
door versions both rated at 5.4 tonnes gross. Bundeswehr, which will help in reducing life- Ministry of Defence a few years ago. How
What changes is the payload, that decreases cycle costs. Recent upgrades were made, and much the programme will aim at a five
from 1,070 to 850 kg in the five-door with now a 10-tonne gross weight, the Eagle V tonnes vehicle or at something with three
version. Protection is at Level 2 ballistic and has a payload capacity of three tonnes, part of times that gross weight is still to be
Level 1a/b anti-mine, although an add-on which can be used to further improve determined, the MRV-P being currently in
kit can increase the latter to Level 2a. The protection, and can transport two to six the hands of the Defence Science and
LAPV 6.1 has remained so far the only military depending on the configuration. Like Technology Laboratory, although following
development of the 6.X line, the number its predecessor, the Eagle V is based on the the Afghan experience it is highly probable
indicating its GVW in tonnes. The weight Duro IIIP chassis. Mobility is now entrusted to that it will have sufficient ballistic and mine
increase results from a toughened chassis, a 250 hp Cummins ISBe 6.7-litre 6-cylinder protection levels.
while the engine output remains unchanged turbocharged diesel coupled to an Allison 5- Well proven in Afghanistan with the
at 181 hp. The ballistic protection remains speed automatic transmission, while British Army that renamed it the Foxhound,
the same as the 5.4’s, while the 6.1 features a suspension relies on a De Dion axle system the Force Protection Europe Ocelot 4x4 that
standard Level 2a floor; this can be however with patented roll stabilizer. won the LPPV bid back in September 2010
traded for a Level 1a/b floor, to increase the Manufacturing is being carried out both at has now totalled 400 orders. Following the
1.3-tonne standard payload. Until now no Kreuzlingen (Switzerland) and Kaiserslautern first order for 200 vehicles in late 2011 the
LAPV 6.1 seems to have been ordered. (Germany), the order keeping the two British Mionistry of Defence ordered a

16 Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles 2014

further batch of 100 Foxhounds in mid
2012, three further orders respectively for
25, 51 and 24 vehicles having been filed
between late 2012 and fall 2013. Over 350
have already been delivered by what is now
GDLS/Force Protection.
The Foxhound crew cell has a deep-V
shape that deflects blast reducing the slam-
down effect when vehicle lands back after an
explosion and this, coupled to the technology
adopted in the floor, provides a Level 2B
mine protection. The cell is made of
composite armour providing Level 3 ballistic
protection, and can host two crew members
and four dismounts with access via the front
The AMPV family was developed by the KMW-Rheinmetall Defence team but for the time being
left door or the rear door. A reconnaissance
the only version developed was the 2a for the GFF2 programme, which however got the favours
variant with only two rear seats and a logistic of a competing vehicle (Armada/Eric H. Biass)
variant, with a shortened cabin hosting the
crew and a pick-up architecture, are also become a Penman product following the I MIDDLE EAST
available. The crew cell can be easily replaced acquisition of Creation by the southern- Mentioning Eraf just above provides a
as it is fixed to the chassis with four Scottish group, Creation remaining the smooth transition to some of the other
connectors. This allows to adopt other engineering and development company. The Middle Eastern products.
solutions, such as the all-steel cell introduced agreement with Saudi Arabia’s Eraf Industries The Streit Group, a multinational group,
at DSEI 2013 that gives birth to the so-called has led to the development of the Metras 4x4, with production facilities in Canada, the
Ocelot-S, for “steel”, a lower cost solution that an 8-tonne GVW derivative of the Zephyr United Arab Emirates, the United States,
might improve its export chances, with a two-tonne payload capacity, capable Russia, India, Jordan, Pakistan and Turkey,
GDLS/Force Protection being involved in a of carrying a two-man crew and six but headquartered in Dubai, is more and
tough marketing campaign in various dismounts. It is powered by an MAN 198 hp more active in the military vehicle field, its
regions such as South America, Northern commonrail diesel engine and reaches a armoured proposals ranging from heavily
Africa as well as in the Far and Middle East. speed of 120 km/h. The 500-kilo gross weight protected patrol vehicles up to 6x6
On the other hand the higher weight increase over the Zephyr compensates for the armoured personnel carriers. The one that
generates a payload capacity reduction. higher weight of the all-steel hull that ensures can be considered part of light armoured
On the SPV400 theme, Supacat has Level 3 ballistic and Level 3a/2b blast vehicles, considering that the word “light”
developed three different crew cells for the protection. The co-operation between is becoming less and less appropriate even
patrol, utility and WMIK (Weapons Mount Penman/Creation and Eraf should increase for small patrol vehicles, is the Scorpion, an
Installation Kit) versions, the latter with an the chances of penetration into Middle East 11-tonne 4x4 that seats a two-man crew and
open cabin. As for the Zephyr, this has now and other markets. four dismounts. The vehicle is based on a V-
shaped monocoque hull with independent
suspensions providing optimal mobility.
Powered by a 300 hp turbocharged
Cummins 6 Cylinders ISBE 6.7L, it yields a
power-to-weight ratio of over 27 hp/tonne
and a maximum road speed of over 110
km/h. The 200-litre fuel tank allegedly
ensures a cruise range of 800 km.
The Spartan can carry a two-man crew
and up to four dismounts, providing them
with ballistic protection at Level 3 and anti-
mine protection at Level 2a/b. Personnel
access and egress the vehicle via two front and
two rear doors, an escape hatch being also
available on the roof, while a cargo area in the
back is available for storing equipment.
Unveiled at Eurosatory 2012, the Scorpion is
actively marketed worldwide, efforts being
apparently concentrated in the Middle East
and Latin America.
The LAPV 6.1 developed by Mercedes Benz is still looking for a launch customer while the Nimr Automotive recently bagged
lighter and less protected LAPV 5.4 is in service with the Bundeswehr. (Mercedes Benz) another success when the United Arab

Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles 2014 17

.70=1 6.=;.< .70=1 6.=;.<
'2-=1 6.=;.< '2-=1 6.=;.<
.201= 6.=;.< .201= 6.=;.<
86+*= @.201= =877.< 86+*= @.201= =877.<
!*B58*- =877.< !*B58*- =877.<
!*A !*A
87/20>;*=287 A 87/20>;*=287 A
7027. $% 7027. 19
Kerametal, Slovakia *A #9..- KMW-Rheinmetall, Germany *A #9..-
#18@7 1.;. 27 ;.,877*2<<*7,. 0>2<. #58?*42*7 /8;,.< 89.;*=. * 7>6+.; 8/ ,8 -.?.5896.7= [email protected] "1.276.7=*55 *7- ' =1. !& ;.<=< 87
?.;<287< 8A.; -.;2?.- <><9.7<287<

.70=1 6.=;.< .70=1 6.=;.<
'2-=1 6.=;.< '2-=1 6.=;.<
.201= 6.=;.< .201= 6.=;.<
86+*= @.201= =877.< 86+*= @.201= =877.<
!*B58*- =877.< !*B58*- =877.<
!*A !*A
87/20>;*=287 A 87/20>;*=287 A
7027. >6627< 7027.
Hatehof, Israel *A #9..- Komatsu, Japan *A #9..-
7 <=*7-*;- /8;6 =1. >;;2,*7. *,,8668-*=.< * =.*6 8/ /2?. <85-2.;< +>= ,*7 ;. $1. 86*=<> % ' 2< =1. 5201= *;68>;.- ?.12,5. ,>;;.7=5B ><.- +B =1. *9*7.<.
,.2?. *7 .A=;* =@8 <.*=< #.5/ ./.7,. 8;,.< *9*7 6201= <887 .7=.; =1. -./.7,. .A98;= 6*;4.= *;.7*


.70=1 6.=;.< .70=1 6.=;.<
'2-=1 6.=;.< '2-=1 6.=;.<
.201= 6.=;.< .201= 6.=;.<
86+*= @.201= =877.< 86+*= @.201= =877.<
!*B58*- =877.< !*B58*- =877.<
!*A !*A
87/20>;*=287 A 87/20>;*=287 A
7027. 7027. ?.,8
Katmerciler, Turkey *A #9..- Panhard, France *A #9..-
$1. !2= >55 &( 2< * 5201= *;68>;.- ?.12,5. -.?.589.- 68<=5B /8; 9852,. *7- 9*;*625 .?.589.- /8; =1. ;.7,1 ;6B =1. !&! 2< *7 *//8;-*+5. 9;8=.,=.- ?.12,5. /8;
2=*;B ><. *7- +*<.- 87 * 8;- ,1*<<2< >72=< 78= .:>299.- @2=1 =1. &


.70=1 6.=;.< .70=1 6.=;.<
'2-=1 6.=;.< '2-=1 6.=;.<
.201= 6.=;.< .201= 6.=;.<
86+*= @.201= =877.< 86+*= @.201= =877.<
!*B58*- =877.< !*B58*- =877.<
!*A !*A
87/20>;*=287 A 87/20>;*=287 A
7027. >6627< 7027.
Arzamas, Russia *A #9..- TMV ltd., UK *A #9..-
*7>/*,=>;.- 27 7>6.;8>< ?.;<287< ;68>;.- #9.,2*5 !>;98<. &.12,5. <18@7 .270 -.?.589.- @2=1 * =@27 & 1>55 <=;>,=>;. ><270 !5*<*7 #*<* #6*;= #=;24.
1.;. 6*=.;2*5

Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles 2014

.70=1 6.=;.< .70=1 6.=;.<
'2-=1 6.=;.< '2-=1 6.=;.<
.201= 6.=;.< .201= 6.=;.<
86+*= @.201= =877.< 86+*= @.201= =877.<
!*B58*- =877.< !*B58*- 7*
!*A !*A
87/20>;*=287 A 87/20>;*=287 A
7027. .7.;*5 8=8;< 7027.
Otokar, Turkey *A #9..- Otokar, Turkey *A #9..-
$1. 8+;* /.*=>;.< =1. <*6. *0252=B 8/ =1. .A2<=270 8+;* +>= 1*< * 0;.*=.;
.?.589.- 27 =1. 5*=. < =1. 8+;* 2< +*<.- 87 =1. >6?.. ,1*<<2< 27=.;7*5 ?85>6. *7- * 1201.; 9;8=.,=287 5.?.5


.70=1 6.=;.< .70=1 6.=;.<
'2-=1 6.=;.< '2-=1 6.=;.<
.201= 6.=;.< .201= 6.=;.<
86+*= @.201= =877.< 86+*= @.201= =877.<
!*B58*- =877.< !*B58*- =877.<
!*A !*A
87/20>;*=287 A 87/20>;*=287 A
7027. .;,.-.< 7027. ?.,8 19
Mercedes Benz, Germany *A #9..- Iveco DV, Italy *A #9..-
24. =1. .*;52.; !& =1. ,869*7BF< '*0.7 +*<.- 7.@ !& +8*<=< +.=
=.; 9;8=.,=287 *7- 1201.; 9*B58*- ,*9*,2=B 78@7 *< =1. 27,. 27 =*5B *7- =1. !*7=1.; 27 ;2=*27


.70=1 6.=;.< .70=1 6.=;.<
'2-=1 6.=;.< '2-=1 6.=;.<
.201= 6.=;.< .201= 6.=;.<
86+*= @.201= =877.< 86+*= @.201= =877.<
!*B58*- =877.< !*B58*- =877.<
!*A !*A
87/20>;*=287 A 87/20>;*=287 A
7027. .>=C 7027. #=.B; 19
IAI Ramta Division, Israel *A #9..- BAE Systems/OMC, South Africa *A #9..-
$1. 4 ?.;<287 2< =1. 5*=.<= 2=.;*=287 8/ <;*.5 .;8<9*,. 7-><=;2.< " ?.12 !;8->,.- 27 #8>=1 /;2,* 2= 2< =1. 5201=.<= 6.6+.; 8/ =1. " /*625B *7- 1*< ?*;2
,5. -.?.589.- 27 =1. E < *7- 2< * @.55 9;8=.,=.- *7- 68+25. ?.12,5. 8>< 5.?.5< 8/ 9;8=.,=287


.70=1 6.=;.< .70=1 6.=;.<
'2-=1 6.=;.< '2-=1 6.=;.<
.201= 6.=;.< .201= 6.=;.<
86+*= @.201= =877.< 86+*= @.201= =877.<
!*B58*- 7* !*B58*- =877.<
!*A !*A
87/20>;*=287 A 87/20>;*=287 A
7027. 7027.
Otokar, Turkey *A #9..- Urovesa, Spain *A #9..-
$1. %;*5 *26< *= ;.95*,270 =1. !& 27 =1. =84*; 9;8->,= 527. 9;8?2-270 * 68;. ./ 7 <.;?2,. @2=1 =1. 86272,*7 ".9>+52, *5*B<2* 8;8,,8 "86*72* $1*25*7-
/2,2.7= *7- 9;8=.,=.- ?.12,5. @2=1 * 0;.*=.; 27=.;7*5 ?85>6. &.7.C>.5* *7- #9*27 6*27 ><.; @2=1 68;. =1*7 >72=<

Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles 2014

.70=1 6.=;.< .70=1 6.=;.<
'2-=1 6.=;.< '2-=1 6.=;.<
.201= 6.=;.< .201= 6.=;.<
86+*= @.201= =877.< 86+*= @.201= =877.<
!*B58*- 7* !*B58*- =877.<
!*A !*A
87/20>;*=287 A 87/20>;*=287 A
7027. 7027. >6627< 19
KMDB, Ukraine *A #9..- MOWAG, Switzerland *A #9..-
$1. %4;*272*7 8C8; 1*< 27,;.*<.- 2=< &' *7- 2< 9;898<.- @2=1 -2//.;.7= =B9.< *<.- 87 >;8 1*< +*00.- 7>6.;8>< 8;-.;< 27,5>-270 .;6*7B @1.;. 2= @87 =1.
8/ .7027. /2;<= +*=,1.< 8/ =1. 9;80;*66.


.70=1 6.=;.< .70=1 6.=;.<
'2-=1 6.=;.< '2-=1 6.=;.<
.201= 6.=;.< .201= 6.=;.<
86+*= @.201= =877.< 86+*= @.201= =877.<
!*B58*- =877.< !*B58*- =877.<
!*A !*A
87/20>;*=287 A 87/20>;*=287 A
7027. *AA 8;,. 7027. >6627< 19
Navistar Defense, USA *A #9..- 7* MOWAG, Switzerland *A #9..-
;68>; 9*,4*0. -.?.589.- @2=1 !5*<*7 #*<* ,869*;.- =8 8=1.; ?.12,5.< 8/ =12<
427- 2= 5*,4< * & <1*9.- 1>55 $1. .@ *05. 6*-. 2=< 9>+52, -D+>= *= =1. >;8<*=8;B .A12+2=287 27


.70=1 6.=;.< .70=1 6.=;.<
'2-=1 6.=;.< '2-=1 6.=;.<
.201= 6.=;.< .201= 6.=;.<
86+*= @.201= =877.< 86+*= @.201= =877.<
!*B58*- =877.< !*B58*- =877.<
!*A !*A
87/20>;*=287 A 87/20>;*=287 A
7027. 19 7027. ".7*>5=
Plasan Sasa, Israel *A #9..- Renault Trucks Defense, France *A #9..-
>25= 87 *7 >90;*-.- 8;- ,1*<<2< 2= /2=< 7.*=5B [email protected] =1. >6?.. *7- =1. >6.;8>< 8=1.; ?.;<287< *;. 8//.;.- 87 =1. #1.;9* +*<. = 1*< *5;.*-B ,1*54.-
$& <.;2.< >9 6*7B .A98;= 8;-.;<


.70=1 6.=;.< .70=1 6.=;.<
'2-=1 6.=;.< '2-=1 6.=;.<
.201= 6.=;.< .201= 6.=;.<
86+*= @.201= =877.< 86+*= @.201= =877.<
!*B58*- =877.< !*B58*- =877.<
!*A !*A
87/20>;*=287 A 87/20>;*=287 A
7027. #=.B; 7027. $%
Panhard, France *A #9..- Panhard, France *A #9..-
& @2=1 >90;*-.- <><9.7<287 *7- *;68>;270 1.7,. 0;8<< @.201= 27,;.*<.- /;86 &.;B >99.; 5262= 8/ 5201= ?.12,5.< 78= 875B /8; 9*=;85 ->=2.< +>= *5<8 * 12015B *;6.-
=8 =877.< ;.,,. ,*; @2=1 * 6.-2>6 ,*52+;. 0>7

Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles 2014

.70=1 6.=;.< .70=1 6.=;.<
'2-=1 6.=;.< '2-=1 6.=;.<
.201= 6.=;.< .201= 6.=;.<
86+*= @.201= =877.< 86+*= @.201= =877.<
!*B58*- =877.< !*B58*- =877.<
!*A !*A
87/20>;*=287 A 87/20>;*=287 A
7027. 7027.
Nurol Makina, Turkey *A #9..- Thales Australia, Australia *A #9..-
7 5.<< =1*7 =@8 687=1< >;85 -.?.589.- =1. /2;<= 9;8=8=B9. 8/ 2=< 3-.; A *7- >7?.25.- ;68>; -.?.589.- @2=1 !5*<*7 #*<* +.*= ,.58= 27 ><=;*52*F< *7- !1*<.
2= *= =1. ,869*7B 2< ;.*-B =8 -.?.589 * ?.;<287 +*<.- 87 * 5870.; ,1*<<2< 9;80;*66. 27 .,.6+.;

.70=1 6.=;.< .70=1 6.=;.<
'2-=1 6.=;.< '2-=1 6.=;.<
.201= 6.=;.< .201= 6.=;.<
86+*= @.201= =877.< 86+*= @.201= =877.<
!*B58*- =877.< !*B58*- =877.<
!*A !*A
87/20>;*=287 A 87/20>;*=287 A
7027. >6627< 7027. #=.B;
Bin Jabr Group, Abu Dhabi *A #9..- GDLS/Force Protection, UK/US *A #9..-
#85- =8 =1. %72=.- ;*+ 62;*=.< *7- =8 2+B* =1. 5*==.; ;.,.2?.- ?.12,5.< @2=1 .?.589.- +B 8;,. !;8=.,=287 27 >;89. @2=1 "2,*;-8 '277.; 8/ =1. ;2=2<1 !!&
.?.5 +*552<=2, *7- .?.5 *7=2 627. 9;8=.,=287 ;.:>2;.6.7=

.70=1 6.=;.< .70=1 6.=;.<
'2-=1 6.=;.< '2-=1 6.=;.<
.201= 6.=;.< .201= 6.=;.<
86+*= @.201= =877.< 86+*= @.201= =877.<
!*B58*- =877.< !*B58*- =877.<
!*A !*A
87/20>;*=287 A 87/20>;*=287 A
7027. >6627< 7027. >6627<
Supacat, UK *A #9..- MDT Armor, US/Israel *A #9..-
*<.- 87 =1. 8-0. "*6 ,1*<<2< /8; 9*;*6252=*;B *7- 6252=*;B /8;,.<
8698<2=. ,.55 -.?.589.- +B ! .;8<9*,. 68>7=.- 87 =1. #>9*,*= ,1*<<2< ?*25*+5. @2=1 -2//.;.7= 9;8=.,=287 5.?.5<

.70=1 6.=;.< .70=1 6.=;.<
'2-=1 6.=;.< '2-=1 6.=;.<
.201= 6.=;.< .201= 6.=;.<
86+*= @.201= =877.< 86+*= @.201= =877.<
!*B58*- =877.< !*B58*- =877.<
!*A !*A
87/20>;*=287 A 87/20>;*=287 A
7027. 8;- 7027.
Hatehof, Israel *A #9..- Penman-Creation, UK *A #9..-
7 <.;?2,. @2=1 =1. <;*.5 ./.7<. 8;,. +B 7>6.;8>< 8=1.; ,8>7=;2.< *7- =1. 7 2=< A ?.;<287 =1. ).91B; "& ,*7 +. ,87/20>;.- /8; * @2-. ;*70.
%72=.- *=287< *< * =;889 ,*;;2.; 8/ 89.;*=287*5 ;85.<

Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles 2014

The new Eagle family which is marketed
by GDELS-Mowag has scored a new
success with the adoption of the Eagle by
the Bundeswehr. (GDELS)

Emirates Armed Forces signed an US$820 seven different configurations within each in different versions, namely the base version
million contract for a further batch of Nimr of them. The Nimr 4x4 is also in service in at 5.3 tonnes with an 188 hp engine, the ST5
4x4 multipurpose combat vehicles and 6x6 Lebanon and Jordan. HD at 6.6 tonnes with a 218 hp engine on
armoured personnel carriers. While the latter option, the 8-tonne 2HD with a 218 hp
can be hardly considered part of this work at I SPAIN engine, and finally the 3HD which at 9.5
15 tonnes GVW, the 4x4 armoured version The latest iteration of Uro Vehicules tonnes is offered on option with 272 hp.
of the Nimr with its nine-tonne permissible Especiales (Uroves) Vehículo de Alta In spite of variable outputs, the 3.2-litre
weight can easily be considered light. Such an Movilidad Táctico – Vamtac in short – is the turbocharged diesel engine remains the
intention was announced at IDEX in ST5, which does not vary much from the S3 same, but the turbochargers change.
February 2013 and follows another contract although the front design is quite different as Suspensions, hubs and wheels are reinforced
for 800 vehicles, while 500 4x4s were well as the interior. Engine, transmission and as the weight increases. All vehicles feature
delivered earlier to the Presidential Guard. most of the main components remain the the same basic Allison transmission,
Nimr Automotive is certainly not relying same with minor update. The ST5 is available although those under 6.3 tonnes this is a
only on the national customer; in fact the first
customer for the Nimr was Libya, which
received over 100 vehicles prior to the 2011
Arab Spring and got some more donated in
2013 by the Emirates to the new Libyan
government. Libyan vehicles were built in
Jordan by Advanced Industries of Arabia,
before production moved to the new Nimr
Automotive UAE plant. The new country
rulers and their armed forces seem willing to
go ahead with the contract signed by Gaddafi,
the vehicles being of use both for military
and paramilitary forces. Another major
breakthrough in export was the establishment
of Nimr-Algerie Joint Stock Company, a joint
venture between the Algerian Defence
Mechanical Industry Promotion Group and
Tawazun Holdings that has started producing
the Nimr at the Khenchela plant. Designed
and developed by Emirates Defence
Technology in the early 2000, the Nimr has
now evolved in a mature product available The first military customer for the Eagle V or New Eagle, the latest version of the
in 4x4 and 6x6 configurations and at least Kreuzlingen-produced vehicle, was the Swiss Army. (GDELS)

22 Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles 2014

five-speed system while for those above that
mark an extra speed is added. The ST5 3HD
BN3 is the armoured version of the heavier
weight ST5 that maintains a 1.5-tonne
payload capacity in the 4PC version, which
can be considered the base version, hosting
four to five soldiers. Protection is at Level 3
ballistic, while customers can chose between
Level 2a and 2b for anti-mine protection,
IED protection level remaining classified.
Considering the increase in on-board
power requirements Urovesa proposes a
standard 28 V/180 A alternator with a 240
A as option. Providing adequate grip is
available, the ST5 3HD BN3 can climb a The 6x6 version of the Eagle in the ambulance configuration; although derived from a patrol
100% slope and can travel along on a 50% vehicle, it hardly fits in the “light” category given its weight. (GDELS)
side gradiant. The 140-liter fuel tank
ensures an operating range of 600 km, while same protection and, depending on models, Spain ordered 115 vehicles in eight different
maximum speed is 110 km/h. two, three or four firing ports are available configurations, armoured weapon carrier,
While standard vehicles have a 3.55-metre allowing soldiers to use their individual S-788 shelter carrier, armoured Tow-Spike
wheelbase, the mortar carrier version sees weapons for self defence. launcher, command post, communications
this stretched to 3.85 metres and features an In May 2013 the Spanish Ministry of vehicle, ambulance, Mistral missile launcher
extended cabin hosting four soldiers. The Defence announced a four-year contract that reconnaissance. These vehicles will be split
EOD version has a four- seat cabin, its rear might eventually lead to a total acquisition of between Army and Air Force, the first Navy
compartment being specially designed for 772 vehicles, split between Army (519), Navy orders being awaited for 2014. As for export,
carrying the robot, two disrupters, ordnance (99), UME joint reaction force (78) and Air in 2012 Urovesa delivered the 85 Vamtacs
disposal suits, shields, power generator and Force (76), the value of the contract if fully ordered by the Malaysian Army through the
other equipment. All models feature the exercised being of €149 million. In 2013 national company Master-Defence, which
Supacat is pursuing the marketing of its
To lower the cost of its Ocelot, General Dynamics-Force Protection developed a SPV400, the protection system of which was
new version that uses the same chassis topped by a new crew cell made of welded steel developed in co-operation with NP
instead of composites. (Armada/P. Valpolini) Aerospace. (Supacat)

add to the 18 units delivered in the past as 105 km. The vehicle, which is available in three- or and IED protection remain similar. Also a
mm gun tractor. Among other recent export five-door configurations, is outfitted not only permanent 4x4 wheel drive, it is provided
successes is the half-million Euro contract for communication equipment and other with the same 335/80 R20 tyres while the
with Romania for two EOD versions of the auxiliary systems, but also for a remote- engine is replaced by a 250 hp Cummins
S3 (there are thus over 100 Vamtacs in service control weapon station on the roof. driving an Allison automatic transmission;
with the Romanian Army. The Survivor I RCV is offered in however the Cummins engine provides a
The Urovesa vehicle is in service in five configurations: communications, torque that nearly doubles the 550NM of the
different versions and configurations also in reconnaissance, border patrol, command and RCV engine, thus ensuring optimal cross-
the Dominican Republic with all three ambulance, the latter being able to carry two country agility. Its power-to-weight ratio is
services, in Saudi Arabia, in the Moroccan crew members, one medical attendant, one around 22.7 hp/tonne, while cruise range is
Army, in the Ghana Army and in the seated casualty and one stretcher. The given as 700 km. Energy-absorbing folding
Angola police. Survivor I RCV is in service with an benches installed on the side of the rear
undisclosed customer. compartment allow to transport up to six
I AUSTRIA The Survivor HMV (High Mobility soldiers plus crew. The RCV and the HMV are
Radfeld-based Achleitner is proposing two Vehicle) is a stretched and heavier version in service with an undisclosed customer.
4x4s that fall into the light armoured grossing at 11 tonnes with a two-tonne Achleitner further developed its Survivor
vehicles category, being mostly aimed at payload, depending on configuration. Slightly concept into the Survivor II, with much
patrol and utility missions. longer (15 cm) wider and higher, its ballistic higher mine protection levels, but due to its
The lighter one is the Survivor I RCV protection level is Level 2 with some areas at dimensions and weight this cannot be
(Reconnaissance and Command Vehicle), Level 3 in the basic configuration, while mine included in the light category, being more
with a GVW of 7.5 tonnes depending on
configuration, with a 1.5-tonne payload
capacity for the basic version. The vehicle is
based on an armoured steel monocoque cell
with composite add-ons that provide its
occupants (two crew members plus a
maximum of five dismounts) with Level 2
ballistic and Level 2a/b mine protection. It
also has a deflecting floor and floating seats
though IED protection level remains
undisclosed. The Survivor I RCV is powered
by a 250 hp VM diesel engine, that provides a
power-to-weight ratio of over 33 hp/tonne. It
is coupled to an Allison automatic
transmission with three 100% differential
locks and a permanent four-wheel drive
traction. The vehicle is fitted with live axles An artist’s impression showing the three versions of the Supacat
front and rear and with 335/80 R20 run-flat SPV400: the patrol vehicle in the centre, the utility in the background
tyres. Its maximum road speed is around 100 and the WMIK in the foreground. (Supacat)
km/h while its cruise range is given as 800

24 Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles 2014

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Nimr Automotive has scored numerous
victories on the market. The the 6x6 version
seen here is now also in production in
Algeria. (Armada/P. Valpolini)

available in different configurations, such as

logistic, patrol, medical evacuation, rapid
intervention, NBC reconnaissance variants
and so on. The Wolf made headlines in
Israel when it was used to return Gilad Shalit
(the soldier kidnapped in June 2006 by a
Hamas commando) home from captivity.
Hatehof confirmed to Armada
International its intention to upgrade its
best-selling vehicle to Level 3, while mine
protection will remain basic, the vehicle not
an Mrap-like vehicle. New designs currently having even a slight V-shaped belly.
under development both in the light and Whether this be named Wolf 2 (a vehicle
heavier vehicles segments should be bearing that name having been announced
unveiled in 2014. some time ago) is not certain. Some tenders
for the Wolf are open, a considerable interest
I RUSSIA coming especially from Latin America.
The 2014 acquisition plan for the Russian In the past years Hatehof developed the X-
Army includes, amongst others, the Tigr-M. Treme, a heavily protected vehicle aimed at a
This is an updated version of the GAZ light specific undisclosed customer in a deal that
armoured vehicle that was submitted to however failed to materialise and the vehicle
comparative trials in early 2013. This brings remained at prototype stage. Leveraging the
back the Tigr into Russian plans following R&D work for that programme the Israeli
The Vamtac S3 developed by Urovesa has now
the decision to cancel the contract with been succeeded by the S5, a very similar vehicle company developed the Hurricane, a 9.6-
Iveco that will limit the number of Italian which, depending on protection, can reach a tonne gross weight vehicle capable of
vehicles in Russian service to 358 instead of gross weight of up to 9.5 tonnes (Urovesa) transporting up to seven soldiers. Fitted with
the previously agreed 1,775. It is thus quite four side-doors plus a rear one, it ensures
probable that if the requirement does not The bigger producer of such vehicles in Level 2 ballistic protection with the “A kit”
change some 1,500 such vehicles might be Israel is certainly Hatehof, whose 8.5-tonne while its bottom provides Level 2a/b mine
acquired by Russia. Wolf is now a well proven item with over 250 protection. A “B kit” is available to increase
vehicles in service with the Israeli Defense protection to Level 3, but this reduces
I ISRAEL Forces and other export customers. Based payload capacity to 2.1 tonnes. Powered by a
The need for armoured light vehicles in on the Ford F550 chassis, the Wolf ensures 245 hp Cummins ISB245, it can cope with
Israel led a few companies to develop some a ballistic Level 2 protection while mine 60% gradients and 38% side slopes, while its
products in that category. protection is a basic Level 1a. The Wolf is turning radius can be reduced from 8.2 to 6

Three versions of Urovesa’s Vamtac S3, the 81 mm mortar

carrier adopted by the Spanish Army, the EOD version
adopted among others by Romania, and the version with
a 12.7 mm RCWS, developed for Spain. (Urovesa)

26 Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles 2014






The Russian military decided to acquire a
considerable number of Tigr 4x4 vehicles
following a policy change decided by the new
Minister of Defence. (Gaz)

tonnes, the MkIII has a 1.2-tonne payload,

which means that its power-to-weight ratio
reaches 27.6 hp/tonne. Available with long or
The Hurricane is the latest vehicle developed short wheelbase, the Ram seats its driver plus
by Hatehof, based on the work done by the Israeli up to seven soldiers who access the vehicle
company on the X-Treme, and it is awaiting its via one or two back- or front-hinged doors
first customer. (Hatehof)
per side as per customer requirements. Air
transportable by C-130 and Antonov An-12,
metres if the selectable rear steering is speed automatic transmission with a two- the Ram in its various versions and
engaged, an appreciated feature in urban speed transfer case provides good cross- configuration is in service in over ten
areas. Currently the Hurricane has country capabilities, a 2x4 drive being countries with military and paramilitary
undergone full ballistic and mine protection selectable to reduce wear and consumption units in Asia, Latin America, Africa,
tests, as well as mobility trials and awaits a for raod driving. Cross-country mobility is Vietnam, Chad, Botswana and Gabon. In the
launch customer for full industrialisation. enhanced by the choice of 12.5 x 20 MPT mid-2000 Plasan Sasa developed a 4x4
Israel Aerospace Industries involvement radial tyres mounted on run-flat wheels, offroad vehicle known as the Sand Cat, based
in land programmes is often overlooked, yet pneumatics being bigger than those adopted on a shortened Ford F-series chassis.
its Ramta division has been designing and on most vehicles of equivalent class. The Ram
manufacturing successful light armoured has a steel monocoque hull with V-shaped I SOUTH AFRICA
vehicles since the 1970s, the latest underbelly that provides Level 2a/b mine In 2013 the South African arm of BAE
configuration being the Ram Mk III. protection, the crew being protected against Systems completed the delivery of 170 RG32
Powered by a rear-mounted air-cooled 185 the ballistic threat at Level 2, which can be to Sweden, which were acquired under two
hp Deutz 6.5-litre turbocharged diesel, the increased to Level 3 using an add-on kit. A separate contracts, bringing to 370 the
Mk III can reach a maximum speed of 96 ceramic kit has recently been adopted to number of vehicles in service in that
km/h, but a cruising speed range of some 800 increase protection while remaining within country. Another Scandinavian country,
km is given on a fuel tank of 160 litres. A four- acceptable weights. With a curb weight of 5.3 Finland, received 25 more in 2013, bringing

A solid commercial success for Hatehof, the

Wolf is evolving into a more protected vehicle
that should appear within 2014. (Hatehof)
IAI Ramta Ram MkIII has a
uncommon architecture for a 4x4
vehicle as its engine is installed
in the boot. (IAI Ramta)

In late 2013 Hema discontinued its

co-operation with Streit and is now working on
new vehicles among which is the HHD-1 4x4,
which should be unveiled in mid 2014. (Hema) the Reva III Standard LWB in terms of curb vehicles in their different versions are in
weight, respectively 7.4 and 7.95 tonnes service in South Africa and in numerous
its own total to 80. Some 27 RG32 LTV are although nearly one metre separates their other countries among which are Somalia,
already in service with Ireland while wheel bases, is due to different protection Equatorial Guinea, Thailand, Yemen and
numerous RG32Ms are in service with the levels; the Standard LWB is at Stanag Level 3b South Sudan, some vehicles having also been
United Nations. mine protection and a 6 mm armour used by US Special Forces in Iraq.
The base vehicle, the RG32M, has a 2,90- protection plate against IEDs with level B5
metre wheelbase and a curb weight of 7.5 ballistic protection (i.e. 5.56 and 5.45 mm I AUSTRALIA
tonnes in the basic configuration, with a ball) while the SWB maintains the same mine News is scarce on the Thales Australia front
max weight of 9.5 tonnes. Powered by a protection level, but sees IED protection as far as the Hawkei is concerned, the
181hp Steyr M16TCA turbodiesel, it carries increased thanks to the addition of a 6mm company having delivered on schedule all
a two-man crew plus four or six dismounts, secondary armour skin to the original 6mm six test vehicles to the Australian Defence
depending on options fitted. These are armour protection plate, ballistic protection Materiel Organisation in the frame of the
protected at Level 1 ballistic, which can be being also increased at Level B6+. The Long Land 121 Phase 4. The two last vehicles,
increased to Level 2 with add-on armour, Wheel Base maintains the latter levels and delivered in late May 2013, were in
mine protection being against the DM31- has a curb weight of 9.5 tonnes. All powered reconnaissance guise and joined, together
standard anti-personnel mine. by the same 170hp GBT 5.9 155 30 with a trailer, the two Command and the
The LTV, for light tactical vehicle, has a turbodiesel engine, the long wheelbase two Utility vehicles delivered earlier.
longer 3.34-metre wheelbase with a curb accommodates a two-man crew and eight The command version has a four-door
weight increased by 1.2 tonnes due to the dismounts, while the short wheelbase sees cabin that can seat up to five soldiers and has a
extended cabin and increased mine the rear compartment seats halved. ICP Reva 10.2-tonne gross weight over seven-tonne
protection to Level 2a/b (ballistic protection
remaining unchanged). Propulsion is
courtesy of a beefier 268hp Steyr M16SCI
turbocharged diesel. Standard configuration
hosts two crew members and two dismounts.
BAE Systems also offers the RG34, a 4x4
protected at Level 2 ballistic and Level 2a/b
anti-mine with a curb weight of 7.5 tonnes
plus a two-tonne payload allowance. It
carries a two-man crew and seat for six
dismounts. For the time being no RG34 has
scored any sales.
The Integrated Convoy Protection (ICP)
range includes two families of mine-
protected vehicle models, the Reva III and
Reva V, the former grossing at around 10
tonnes. Based on a monocoque V-shaped
hull the Reva III is available with three
different wheelbases – 2,27, 3,24, and 3,40
metres with respective gross weight ratings
of 9.1, 9.24 and 10.8 tonnes. The relative Nearly 400 RG-32 have been sold by BAE Systems South Africa in Scandinavia, Sweden being
small difference between the Reva SWB and the major customer for this 4x4 lightweight vehicle. (BAE Systems)

30 Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles 2014

A prototype of the Thales Hawkei undergoes
trials in north Queensland in September 2013
as part of the Stage 2 development and testing
phase for Land 121 Phase 4 programme.
(Australian MoD)

kerb rating. The utility version retains the

protected cabin, capable of hosting up to
three soldiers and features a rear flatbed
allowing payload capacity increase to 3.4
tonnes (due to the reduction of the armoured
volume). If equipped with the B-kit armour
system, which can be installed by troops on
operations in less than 30 minutes without
the need for special tools, the decrease in

Underbelly Protection

ne of the most critical issues for Acquired by 3M in late November 2012,
light armoured vehicles is the Ceradyne developed an energy absorption
protection against mines or add-on bottom for the Humvee that adds only
roadside bomb explosions, 300 kg while reducing by 30% the blast energy
whether these occur under the wheels or the mitigating the lift effect while also providing
belly. The latter is of course the worst case fragment protection and impulse reduction.
because it happens under the crew The low-weight solution was obtained using
compartment and penetration must be an aluminium based periodic cellular
avoided. However, penetration is not the only material known as MicroTruss developed by
cause of casualties: the acceleration generated Cellular Materials International that boasts a
by the explosion, and the resultant sudden density of 58 kg/m2, which is nearly half that
upward acceleration and subsequent strong of an equivalent monolithic metal solution
deceleration once the vehicle heavily lands weighing 112 kg/m2.
back on earth can be lethal even if the vehicle Fractional information on a new active 3M-Ceradyne underbelly energy absorption
system is based on the MicroTruss cellular material
floor survived the blast. New solutions to system by TenCate has been around for some
developed by Cellular Materials International,
absorb energy and reduce as much as time, however details were difficult to get.
which allows to considerably reduce blast effects.
possible the thrusting effects of the explosion Finally at AUSA 2013 the company unveiled (Armada/P. Valpolini)
are thus being developed. its ABDS System. The system does not so
QinetiQ North America developed a blast much aim at improving the protection given required interval to hold the vehicle down
absorption system known as BlastPro to by the floor as to reducing the transfer of on the ground.
reduce by three to five times the energy deadly mine blast impulse energy to vehicle The development then shifted on the
transmitted to the vehicle. No details about occupants by managing acceleration forces. other side of the Ocean, with trials carried out
the type of technology used have obviously This is effected by exploiting a physical with an undisclosed OEM. This carried out
been disclosed, apart from the fact that the principle known as conservation of energy, autonomous test firings getting to the
solution is applicable to both new vehicles in other words by tossing in the air a conclusion that what used to be an
and refurbished vehicles, meaning that it can countermass. This is well known amongst unsurvivable accident was becoming quite
be fitted as an add-on to flat and V-shaped recoilless rocket launcher users as the “Davis survivable using the ABDS. To understand
underbellies. Reducing up to five times the g- effect”. Reaction must, however, be nearly the results a quick note about the DRI
force means that the height reached by the instantaneous, as the time elapsed between (Dynamic Response Index), an index used in
vehicle following an explosion will be 40 to the moment the shockwave hits the vehicle’s crash evaluations that measures the likelihood
50% less. The weight issue is always a bottom and the moment the vehicle starts to of spinal damage arising from a vertical shock
concern, and according to QinetiQ its lift-off is very short – an estimated five load such as a mine blast, a helicopter crash, or
solution is lighter than existing solutions at milliseconds. To eject the countermass at the an ejection on board a fighter aircraft. DRI is
equivalent cost. The BlastPro was submitted desired speed a minimal quantity of proportional to the maximum spinal
to extensive analysis with state-of-the art insensitive explosive is needed. The concept compression suffered during an event, the life
modelling environments from Level I to was proved at the Danish premises, trials threatening threshold being around 17.5. The
Level IV+ and has then been tested on scaled being conducted on an M113. It showed that tests carried out by the OEM have shown
models and finally on full scale vehicles. the system was able to react within the that with the ABDS off, the driver

32 Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles 2014

payload compared to that of the command although most of the testing will take place at scheduling. Foreign options, such as the US
version will certainly be lesser. However no the Monegeetta Proving Ground in Victoria. JLTV in which Australia invested some us$40
details were provided by Thales on the No decision is expected before 2015, the million in the technology development phase
configurations provided to the customer. Australian MoD also considering off-the- (without entering the engineering and
The Stage 2 development and testing shelf solutions including the US JLTV, manufacturing development phase) are
phase was announced in June 2012 and was although the initial provision of prototypes currently considered back-up solutions
funded to the tune of $US37 million. This of JLTV contenders has been abandoned. should the Hawkei miss the target.
followed a Stage 1 testing that took place Overall Land 121 Phase 4, which will
after the Hawkei was selected as the represent the bulk of the Australian Defence I JAPAN
Manufactured and Supported in Australia Forces deployable capability, will include The self-imposed ban on defence hardware
(MSA) option in December 2011. The first some 1,300 vehicles and respective trailers to export by Japan might soon come to an end,
Stage 2 were delivered in December 2012. In replace current 4x4 and 6x6 unprotected should the new security strategy that calls
September 2013 the vehicles were submitted Land Rovers. To win the contract Thales for a more active role be voted by the
to a first round of testing in north Australia will need to demonstrate its capacity Parliament. This would mean a further
Queensland, heading for a 100,000 km run, to meet technical performance, cost and time competitor on the defence market, in a

anthropomorphic test dummy experienced a

23.6 DRI, while the right rear passenger DRI
reached 35.2, which respectively are 50% and
100% over the critical limit. The vehicle
jumped at over 2.4 metres with significant
damages, while the dummies indicated that
neither the driver nor the passenger would
have survived. The test was then repeated
switching the ABDS on: the vehicle jumped
one metre, a 58% decrease, while the two
dummies experienced respectively an 11.4
DRI and a 14.6 DRI, with a reduction of 52%
and 58% respectively, sensors showing that
injuries would be much less critical and that
the two occupants would have survived, while
the cab did not suffer any damage.
The ABDS is made of countermeasures,
sensors, a processor and a man-machine
interface, the latter used to switch on and off
the system. Each countermeasure is coupled to
a sensor, and comes in the form of a sort of
jerry can that is fixed on the outer side of the
vehicle; up to four such countermeasures can
be installed, depending on the vehicle. No
details were released about the sensors and the
type of countermass used, although it makes
sense to think about improved sensors used
in the automotive world for safety systems
such as airbags, the only information being
that the accelerators used are proprietary. A
redundant signal is sent to the computer by The impressive sequence shows the different behaviours of a standard vehicle and a Tencate
the sensors, the initial impulse being ABDS-equipped equivalent when exposed to the explosion of a buried explosive device. (Tencate)
measured for energy intensity; if the impulse
signature is recognised as being generated by system is tuneable and scalable, changing the ABDS ready for production and is planning
an explosion then the computer sends an number of countermass or installing to test it on as many types of vehicles as
impulse to the countermeasures switching countermass of different size. In terms of possible. In October 2003 TenCate Advanced
them to ready. A further data check is carried weight, the ABDS for an Humvee has a mass Armor USA and the U.S. Army Research,
out before the processor confirms the threat between 250 and 300 kg. Power consumption Development, and Engineering Command
and triggers a tuned recoil response to is limited, which together with reduced signed a multi-year co-operative research and
optimise the effect, the insensitive explosive dimensions and weight allows to install it on development agreement to pursue full
thrusting the countermass upwards. The many types of vehicles. TenCate considers the evaluation of the company ABDS.

Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles 2014 33

ON THE COVER: Otokar has carved itself a fine
niche in the light armoured vehicle world, particularly
with the Cobra seen here, but the Turkish firm is now
turning up with new vehicles to meet the growing
competition described in this Compendium.

Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles

Supplement to Issue 1/2014
Volume 38, Issue No. 1, February-March 2014
is published bi-monthly by Media Transasia Ltd.
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Three views of the Komatsu KU50W, pictured in southern Iraq in late 2004. If Japan alters its
Advertising Sales Offices
legislation on defence equipment exports, a new competitor might soon enter the light n AUSTRIA, BENELUX, SWITZERLAND
armoured vehicles scene. (Armada/P. Valpolini Cornelius W. Bontje
Ph: +41 55 216 17 81, [email protected]
moment where budgets are shrinking. As Komatsu Defense Systems Division to carry Promotion et Motivation, Odile Orbec
Japanese vehicles do not appear at four seated soldiers plus a machine gunner (a Ph: +33 1 41 43 83 00, [email protected]
international defence exhibitions, not much 7.62 or 12.7 mm machine gun mounted on Sam Baird Ph: +44 1883 715 697,
[email protected]
is known about them. Moreover Japan Self the roof with the hatches providing some n ITALY, NORDIC COUNTRIES
Defence Forces do not take part, for the time form of protection to the machine gunner). Emanuela Castagnetti-Gillberg
Ph: +46 31 799 9028, [email protected]
being, in multinational deployments around An antitank missile can be installed in place of n SPAIN
the world. This is however not entirely true: the automatic weapon. Powered by a 160 hp Vía Exclusivas, Macarena Fdez. de Grado
Ph: +34 91 448 76 22, [email protected]
in November 2004 exiting the main base at engine it can reach 100 km/h. No information n UNITED KINGDOM
the Nasiriyah airport in Iraq a group of light is available on its armour, but a Level 1-2 Zena Coupé
Ph: +44 1923 852537, [email protected]
armoured vehicles were adorned with large seems reasonable considering weight and n RUSSIA
Japanese flags. At first glance they looked dimensions. Access is through two doors per Alla Butova, NOVO-Media Ltd,
Ph: (7 3832) 180 885 Mobile : (7 960) 783 6653
similar to Panhard VBLs, but upon closer side and a rear door. Over 1,600 vehicles are Email :[email protected]
look they were a totally different vehicle. currently in service with the Japanese Ground n EASTERN USA – EAST OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER
Margie Brown, Ph: (540) 341 7581,
These few belonged to the Japanese Iraq Self Defence Force. In perspective, experience [email protected]
Reconstruction and Support Group. acquired with the KU50W might bring Japan n WESTERN USA – WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER
Diane Obright, Ph: (858) 759 3557,
A 4.5-tonne curb weight vehicle, the among the meaningful players in the light [email protected]
KU50W was designed and manufactured by armoured vehicle field. n ALL OTHER COUNTRIES
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