Types of English Syllabus: Enseñ Apren Inglés

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Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE

Unidad de Educación a Distancia

Name: Daniela Virginia Lopez Delgado

Subject: Cátedra Integ Diseñ Gesti Evalu Model Curri Contex Flexi Adapt
Enseñ Apren inglés.
Master: Miguel V. Ponce, M.S


Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE
Unidad de Educación a Distancia

It is based o Simple Present

The structural
the structure of Tense
language Present continuous

It based on
The Agreeing-time.
proposes and Aproving-Direction
onal Syllabus
concentual meaning

The weather, the

Situational It is organized Family, Food and
Syllabus around themes beverages or at the
TYPES OF bank, at the restaurant
It is based on the
Listening to foreign radio for news;
Skill-Based development of
skimming and scaning: writting cards
Syllabus languaje skills:
and giving personal information

The Task- Describe

It is based on
Based Syl childhood
task learning
labus memories

The Its aim is to use Drawing

Content- English for geometrical
Based studying another figures (circle,
Syllabus subject triangle, square)
Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE
Unidad de Educación a Distancia


This curriculum focuses on the knowledge and skills that the student must
acquire as a result of his or her learning.
It is based on:

Grammatical rules that go classified according to their complexity, the structural

study plan is one of the most common at present we can still observe content
with grammatical elements.[ CITATION Men18 \l 12298 ]

Topics Speaking Grammar Pronunciatio Writing/ Activity
n Reading
What´s Introducing Possessive Linked sounds Writing a Celebrity
your yourself Adjectives Listening for list of classmates:
name? and friends the spelling of names. Introducing
name yourself to
new people
Where Naming Articles a, Plural -s Writing Find the
are my Objects; an, and endings the differences:
keys? asking for the; Listening for locations comparing
and giving this/these, the location of of objects two
the it/they objects pictures of
locations a room
of objects
Where Talking The verb Listening for Writing Let´s talk:
are about be: countries, questions Finding out
you cities and Affirmative cities and more about
from? countries and languages your
negative Listening to classmates
statements, descriptions of
yes/no people
and WH
Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE
Unidad de Educación a Distancia


It is the set of:

Materials that students have to learn when studying a second language, can be
developed when performing communicative activities.
The structures of these languages are elaborated to formulate different
This program is focused on:
The Communicative language teaching
It has a similarity with the structural syllabus since both can be subject to a wide
variety of methodologies. (Knop, 1981)
Unit Function Situations Structures Vocabular Activity
1 Requesting At a bus Modal- Bus Reading
Directions stop Could number Cloze
Could you Get to Dictation
tell me…? Get off/ on
Must: Must Take
I get
2 Asking for In a post Modal-can Stamps Expanding
information office I can….? Savings Sentences
You Account
can….? Role play


This type of syllabus is used in:

A social context, according to Wilkins, the situational curriculum is constructed
Situations and behaviors
The situational analysis allows curriculum designers to predict in what situation
learners are likely to use the language and behavioral analysis considers the
behaviors or activities that learners are likely to perform in various situations.
In this program, the content is specific and ordered in non-linguistic terms
(excluding grammatical elements, vocabulary topics, or functions).
Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE
Unidad de Educación a Distancia

Teaching occurs through real or imaginary situations in which language is used,

often involving dialogues and conversations.
As a result, students are expected to practice dialogues and memorize useful
expressions and patterns.
Grammar and vocabulary are not the driving force however this is used when
selecting language forms in situations. (Shameem, 2010)

Main components of the situational studies program:

- A list of linguistic situations, and

- A description of the grammatical and lexical items in each of these



Lesson: At the department store (A., 2018)

Goal: To prepare students for situations they could face in a department


Specific Content Procedures Time

(Cognitive) At the Students will receive a 20 time
Given a department store worksheet with pictures of
worksheet with (Modal verb such clothing commonly sell in a
pictures as department store.
students from Would like Students will work in
first year some…? identify the different
university What would you clothing with the help of
program should like to…? the teacher.
be able to Would you like to
recognize have…?
different Would you like
vocabulary to anything…?
use in a Would you
department like…?
store without Can I take your
errors. coat?
Would you follow
me, please?
What would you
like buy?
(Affective) Students will watch the 20 time
Given a video video carefully.
about situations Students will work in
Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE
Unidad de Educación a Distancia

in a department identify good priced

store, students clothing for women in a
from first year department store.
program should
be able to
express their
possible orders
in a department
store with 90%
of accuracy.
(Psychomotor) Students will receive a 20 time
Given a role- worksheet with roles to
play activity develop.
about situations
in a department


It is one of the programs of study that has a collection of specific skills which
can play a role in the use of the language, this program of study groups
linguistic competencies (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, sociolinguistics,
and discourse).
It is focused on:
Developing language skills (Listening, reading, writing, and speaking) making
use of the target language. (Namaziandost, 2019)
A Skill based syllabus
Topic: Where were you born?
Unit Reading Writing Speaking Listening Student
Skill Skill Skill Skill learning
1 Skimming Writing Giving Getting The students
and specific instructions specific can develop
scanning topic Personal information their
sentence Information Listening to communicative
s or Asking for foreign competence
writing emergency radio for using a
memos, help over news different
reports the Talking resource
telephone orders in a

Topic: Motivational Reading: You Are Great

2 Reading: Write Talk to your Listen to Ask questions
All in the sentence classmates descriptions and present an
Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE
Unidad de Educación a Distancia

memory s that you about of oral report

consider reading childhood (pronunciation,
important Make an memories. using
within the oral intonation).
reading presentatio


The task-based curriculum is focused on:

Developing task-based learning is an approach where students carry out tasks
such as solving problems or projecting an activity.
Its structure is developed around:
Around a variety of tasks, this learning is sometimes similar to situational
learning, but this situational content is provided by the students, likewise, these
tasks are not static; i.e. they have to involve manipulation and development in
the information.
This curriculum is structurally oriented towards:
Language acquisition or learning, since the tasks are part of a language
learning environment or program. (Alyahmadi, 2017)|

Stage Title Tasks Objectives
1 Welcome  Summarize information  Lear about
aboad though note taking incorporated
 Introduce yoursekf  Become
Orientation  Shake hands and comfortable
exchange business speaking with co-
Page 2 cards workers
 Engage in office amall  Build awareness
talk of situational
 Build awareness
of appropriateness
of questions
Eureka!  Select a Project  Develop problem
2 manager for your team solving skills using
Brainstorming  Brainstorm product imagination and
product ideas ideas individually creativity
 Present product ideas  Build awareness
Page 20 to your team members of politeness
Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE
Unidad de Educación a Distancia

 Identify pros and cons

of product ideas and
state them in a polite
3 Decisions,  Debate the pros and  Develop skills to
decisions cons of one item agree, disagree
against another and state opinions
Selecting a  Judge a debate  Learn to cooperate
producto idea  Report to your team on in a group and
Page 38 the pros and cons of make group
your product decisions
 Reach an agreement  Practice
with your team on the presentation skills
best product idea
 Conduct a poster


This curriculum is present for some time, but it became known today as a viable
way to teach languages, this teaching is simple because it is learned with little
effort, its main purpose is to publicize and teach some kind of content or
information using the language that the student is learning, ie the student
makes use of the foreign language to study other subjects such as (biology,
science among others) allowing a result where they not only improve the use of
their language but also learn about the subject dictated.
The benefit of this study plan is in:
That students feel satisfied with the purpose of learning the target language, in
such a way that at the same time they acquire new information, this study
program is used in immersion programs.


Subject Topic Vocabulary structure Objetive

Biology Cell Parts of the simple The teacher
cell present and organizes the
present forms and
continuous structures
tense and adjusts
them to the
Mathematic Addition and Acquire English Use mental
Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE
Unidad de Educación a Distancia

subtraction vocabulary Numbers and math

with with Math to add and
shaped numerical Operations subtract
fractions terminology equal
mental. fractions


A., J. C. (1st de October de 2018). Situational syllabus. Obtenido de Docer Argentina:


alyahmadi, N. (2017). Task-Based Syllabus. Obtenido de Prezi:


Knop, C. K. (9-11 de April de 1981). Notional-Functional Syllabus: From Theory to Classroom

Applications. Obtenido de ERIC: https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED209959

Namaziandost, E. (2019). Chapter 8: Course Planning (2) (PDF version). Obtenido de

Researchgate: file:///C:/Users/Dany/Desktop/Presentaion2018.11.28.en.ESPA

Richards, J. C. (2014). Interchange Fifth Edition . New York : Cambridge University Press .

Saya, M. (21 de Juni de 2018). Structural syllabus. Obtenido de An-an Fitrianti N (Blog):

Shameem, T. (14 de February de 2010). The Situational Syllabus. Obtenido de Tanvir's Blog:

Tics.uptc.edu. (2013). SECOND UNIT Syllabus . Obtenido de tics.uptc.edu:


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