Act 341 Fire Services Act 1988

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Act 341


As at 1 October 2018


Date of Royal Assent ... ... ... ... 11 May 1988

Date of publication in the Gazette ... ... 9 June 1988

Latest amendment made by

Act A1568 which came
into operation on ... ... ... ... 1 September 2018


First Reprint … … … … … 2001

Second Reprint … … … … … 2006

Third Reprint … … … … … 2009



Act 341




1. Short title and commencement
2. Interpretation



3. The Fire and Rescue Department and its officers

4. Auxiliary Fire Officers
4A. Voluntary Fire Officers
4B. Establishment of Voluntary Fire Brigade
4C. Registrar, Deputy Registrar and Assistant Registrar
4D. Appeal
5. Duties of Fire and Rescue Department
6. Uniform and identification card
7. Exercise of powers and performance of duties
7A. Conferment of medal or honorary rank
7B. Standing orders
4 Laws of Malaysia ACT 341


8. Fire-hazard abatement notice
9. Power of Director General to abate fire-hazard in vacant or unoccupied
10. Offence of failing to comply with fire-hazard abatement notice
11. P Power of Director General to abate fire-hazard on non-compliance with
fire-hazard abatement notice
12. Power of Director General to abate fire-hazard in cases of urgency
13. Closing order
14. Appeals against closing order or refusal to make closing order
15. Disposal of property removed by Director General
16. Recovery of expenses incurred in carrying out work under section 11
17. Recovery of expenses incurred in carrying out work under section 12
18. Powers of Fire Officers or Auxiliary Fire Officers on occasion of fire
18A. Power to obtain information
19. Powers of Fire Officers in emergencies not involving fire
20. Protection of Fire Officers, Auxiliary Fire Officers and Voluntary Fire
21. Loss by fire to include damage resulting from fire-fighting



22. Storage of water in premises for fire-fighting purposes
23. Notice of works affecting fire hydrants
24. Duty of water authority to notify the State Director of any action affecting
the flow of water to a fire hydrant
25. Power to fix fire hydrant location plates
26. Concealment and misuse of fire hydrants
Fire Services 5


27. Power of Director General to determine and designate particular uses, size,
or location, of premises
27A. Fire safety organization in designated premises
28. Requirement of fire certificate
29. Application for, and issue of, fire certificate
30. Form of fire certificate
31. Prescribing of fees for the issue of fire certificate
32. Change of conditions affecting adequacy of fire-fighting equipment or fire
safety installation
33. Offence in relation to fire certificate
34. Rights of appeal
35. Court’s power to prohibit or restrict use of certain premises
35A. Power of Director General to order activity to cease in cases of urgency
35B. Appeal against order of Director General to cease activity
36. Appeals against prohibitory order or refusal to make prohibitory order


37. Enforcement of Act
38. Power of entry
39. Restriction on disclosure of information
40. Power to arrest without warrant
41. Power of investigation
42. Power to require attendance of witnesses
43. Examination of witnesses
44. Conduct of prosecution



45. Fire Enquiry Commission
6 Laws of Malaysia ACT 341
46. Taking possession of premises and other property damaged or destroyed by
47. Unauthorized presence in premises possession whereof has been taken
under section 46


48. Establishment of Fund
48A. Fire Services Department Welfare Fund Committee
48B. Moneys for Fund to be raised only with consent
49. Administration and application of Fund


50. Special duty and expenses thereof
51. Interfering with Fire Officers, Auxiliary Fire Officer or Voluntary Fire
Officer in execution of his duty
52. Failure to comply with direction
53. Unauthorized wearing of uniform
54. Falsification of documents, false statements, etc.
55. Offences in respect of fire alarm
56. Giving of false report of fire
57. Offences by body corporate
58. General penalty
59. Compounding of offences
60. Power to apply Act to vessels and movable structures
61. Service of notices and other documents
61A. Duty to inform upon an outbreak of fire
62. Power to make regulations
63. Repeal


Act 341


An Act to make necessary provision for the effective and efficient

functioning of the Fire and Rescue Department, for the protection of
persons and property from fire risks or emergencies and for purposes
connected therewith.

[1 January 1989, P.U. (B) 701/1988]

BE IT ENACTED by the Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan

Agong with the advice and consent of the Dewan Negara and Dewan
Rakyat in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as



Short title and commencement

1. (1) This Act may be cited as the Fire Services Act 1988.

(2) This Act shall come into operation on a date to be appointed by

the Minister by notification in the Gazette; and different dates may be
appointed for the coming into operation of this Act, or of different
provisions of this Act, in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak
8 Laws of Malaysia ACT 341


2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—

“this Act” includes regulations and other subsidiary legislation made

under this Act;

“fire-hazard” means—

(a) any unlawful alteration to any building such as might render

escape from any part thereof in the event of a fire materially
more difficult or less easy than it would be if the alteration
had not been made;

(b) the overcrowding of any place of public entertainment or

public gathering such as might render escape from any part
thereof in the event of a fire difficult;

(c) any removal or absence from any building of any fire-

fighting equipment or fire safety installation that is required
by law to be provided in the building;

(d) the presence within or outside any building of any fire-fighting

equipment or fire safety installation or any facility, installed
in accordance with the requirement of any written law or as
required by the Fire and Rescue Department, that is not in
efficient working order;

(e) inadequate means of exit from any part of a building to any

place, whether within or outside the building, that provides
safety to persons in the event of a fire; or

(f) any other matter or circumstance that materially increases the

likelihood of a fire or the danger to life or property that would
result from the outbreak of a fire, or that would materially
hamper the Fire and Rescue Department in the discharge of
its duties in the event of a fire;

“calamity” means an occurrence by which life or property is or is

likely to be endangered;
Fire Services 9

“prescribed” means prescribed by regulations made under this Act;

“Committee” means the Fire Services Department Welfare Fund

Committee established under section 48A;

“fire-fighting equipment or fire safety installation” means any

equipment or installation for—

(a) extinguishing, fighting, preventing, or limiting a fire;

(b) giving warning of a fire;

(c) providing access to any premises or place or to any part

thereof for the purpose of extinguishing, fighting, preventing,
or limiting a fire;

(d) providing emergency power supply in the event of normal

power failure;

(e) providing emergency lighting for purposes of escape from


(f) giving direction towards an escape route or place of refuge;

(g) providing adequate, safe egress for the purpose of evacuation

or exit of occupants in the event of fire; or

(h) controlling the spread of smoke resulting from a fire;

“vehicle” has the meaning assigned to it in the Road Transport Act

1987 [Act 333];

“Director General” means the Director General of Fire and Rescue

appointed pursuant to subsection 3(2);

“Fund” means the Fire Services Department Welfare Fund

established under section 48;

“contravention” includes failure to comply, and “contravene” has a

corresponding meaning;
10 Laws of Malaysia ACT 341

“court” means a court of a Magistrate of the First Class;

“State” includes the Federal Territory;

“notice” means a notice in writing;

“Voluntary Fire Brigade” means a Voluntary Fire Brigade established

under section 4B;

“Fire Officer” means a person employed in the Fire and Rescue

Department to perform duties in the performance of which he is
required or permitted to wear a uniform;

“Auxiliary Fire Officer” means an Auxiliary Fire Officer appointed

under section 4;

“authorized officer” means the Director General and any Fire Officer
or Auxiliary Fire Officer authorized by the Director General in writing
to act under the provisions of this Act;

“Senior Fire Officer” means a Fire Officer of any rank from and
including that of Director General down to and including that of
Assistant Fire Superintendent;

“owner”, in relation to any premises, means—

(a) the registered proprietor of the premises;

(b) if the registered proprietor of the premises cannot be traced,

his agent or trustee;

(c) if the registered proprietor of the premises is dead, his legal

personal representative;

(d) if none of the persons mentioned in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c)
exists, the person who for the time being is receiving the rent
of the premises, whether on his own account or as an agent
or trustee of another person or as a receiver, or who would be
receiving the rent if the premises were let;
Fire Services 11

“Registrar” means the Director General;

“Director” includes a State Director;

“State Director” means a Director of Fire and Rescue appointed for

a State pursuant to subsection 3(3);

“fire certificate” means a fire certificate issued by the Director

General under subsection 29(4);

“closing order” means an order made under section 13 that prohibits

such use of any premises as is specified in the order, the use of which
may materially increase the likelihood of a fire or the danger to life or
property resulting from the outbreak of a fire in or on the premises or
other premises;

“water authority” means any person or body who is authorized or

required under any written law to supply water and to levy charges for
such supply;

“premises” includes messuages, houses, buildings or part of a

building, lands, tenements, easements and hereditaments of any tenure,
whether open or enclosed, whether built on or not, whether public or
private, and whether maintained or not under statutory authority;

“designated premises” means premises the use, size, or location, of

which has been designated under section 27 for the purpose of issuance
of a fire certificate;

“special duty” means any duty or service rendered by any Fire

Officer, Auxiliary Fire Officer or Voluntary Fire Officer, other than
fire-fighting or emergency duties, as authorized by the Director
General under section 50;

“vessel” includes every kind of steam or sailing vessel, hulk, junk,

boat, sampan or any kind of raft used for the conveyance of persons or
things by water or for storage.
12 Laws of Malaysia ACT 341



The Fire and Rescue Department and its officers

3. (1) There shall be a Fire and Rescue Department of the


(2) There shall be a Director General of Fire and Rescue and such
number of Deputy Directors General of Fire and Rescue, Directors of
Fire and Rescue, and other Senior Fire Officers and Fire Officers as
may be necessary for the effective and efficient functioning of the

(3) There shall be a Director of Fire and Rescue for each of the
States of Malaysia.

(4) The appointment of the Director General and of every Deputy

Director General and Director shall be notified in the Gazette.

(5) Every Fire Officer shall be subject to the control and direction
of the Director General.

(6) The ranks of Fire Officers, Auxiliary Fire Officers and

Voluntary Fire Officers are as set out in the Second Schedule.

(7) The Minister may, by order published in the Gazette, amend

the Second Schedule.

Auxiliary Fire Officers

4. (1) The Director General may, with the concurrence of the

Minister, appoint such number of Auxiliary Fire Officers for each State
on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed.

(1A) The Director General may promote an Auxiliary Fire Officer.

Fire Services 13

(2) Auxiliary Fire Officers shall not be paid any remuneration

other than such allowances as the Minister may, with the concurrence
of the Minister of Finance, prescribe.

(3) Auxiliary Fire Officers shall be subject to the immediate

control and direction of the respective State Directors.

(4) An Auxiliary Fire Officer shall be deemed to be a public

servant within the meaning of the Penal Code [Act 574].

Voluntary Fire Officers

4A. (1) The Director General may, with the concurrence of the
Minister, appoint such number of Voluntary Fire Officers on such
terms and conditions as may be prescribed.

(2) The Director General may promote a Voluntary Fire Officer.

(3) The Director General may terminate the appointment made

under subsection (1).

(4) Voluntary Fire Officers shall not be paid any remuneration

other than such allowances as the Minister may, with the concurrence
of the Minister of Finance, prescribe.

(5) Voluntary Fire Officers shall be subject to the immediate

control and direction of the Director General.

Establishment of Voluntary Fire Brigade

4B. (1) A Voluntary Fire Brigade consisting of at least two

Voluntary Fire Officers may apply to be registered with the Registrar.

(2) The Registrar may, after considering the application under

subsection (1), approve or reject the application.
14 Laws of Malaysia ACT 341

(3) The Registrar shall, when approving the registration of the

Voluntary Fire Brigade, assign a fire cover to the Voluntary Fire

(4) For the purpose of this section, “fire cover” means an area
where rescue and support is made available in the event of a fire.

Registrar, Deputy Registrar and Assistant Registrar

4C. (1) The Registrar shall maintain a register of Voluntary Fire

Officers and a register of Voluntary Fire Brigades.

(2) The register shall contain—

(a) the names and any other particulars as required by the

Registrar of every Voluntary Fire Officer appointed and
every Voluntary Fire Brigade registered and their fire
cover; and

(b) the names and any other particulars as required by the

Registrar of every Voluntary Fire Officer whose
appointment has been terminated and every Voluntary Fire
Brigade whose registration has been cancelled.

(3) The Registrar may appoint a Deputy Registrar and such number
of Assistant Registrars from amongst the Fire Officers who shall be
subject to the direction and control of the Registrar.

(4) The Registrar shall have the powers and exercise the functions
conferred on him by this Act, and in his absence such powers and
functions may be exercised by the Deputy Registrar.

(5) The Deputy Registrar or the Assistant Registrar may exercise

all the powers and functions conferred on the Registrar by or under this
Act, subject to any restriction that may be imposed by the Registrar.
Fire Services 15


4D. Where an appointment of an Auxiliary Fire Officer or a

Voluntary Fire Officer is terminated by the Director General, an appeal
may be made to the Minister, as prescribed.

Duties of Fire and Rescue Department

5. (1) The duties of the Fire and Rescue Department shall include—

(a) the taking of lawful measures for—

(i) extinguishing, fighting, preventing, and

controlling fires;

(ii) protecting life and property in the event of a fire;

(iii) securing the provision, maintenance, and proper

regulation of fire-escapes; and

(iv) securing the provision of adequate means of exit

in the event of fire from all designated premises;

(b) the making of investigations into the cause, origin, and

circumstances of fires; and

(c) performing humanitarian services, including the

protection of life and property in any calamity.

(2) The Fire and Rescue Department may, in addition to its duties
under subsection (1), perform such other duties as may be imposed on
it by law or as the Minister may direct it to perform.

Uniform and identification card

6. (1) Every Fire Officer, Auxiliary Fire Officer and Voluntary Fire
Officer shall be issued with uniform and rank markings as may be
prescribed by the Minister.
16 Laws of Malaysia ACT 341

(2) Every Fire Officer and Auxiliary Fire Officer shall be issued
with an identification card in the prescribed form.

Exercise of powers and performance of duties

7. (1) The powers and duties of the Director General under

subsections 4(1), 22(1), sections 29, 35A, 46 and 50 may, subject to the
control and direction of the Director General, be exercised or
performed by a State Director, but the exercise or performance by a
State Director of those powers and duties shall be confined to the State
for which he is appointed unless the Director General, by notification
in the Gazette, extends his jurisdiction generally in respect of those
powers and duties or any of them to some other State or States or part

(2) Subject to the provisions of subsection (1) and subject to such

conditions or restrictions as the Director General thinks fit, the Director
General may, in writing, delegate the exercise of any of his powers or
the performance of any of his duties under this Act to any Fire Officer,
and where the Director General acts under this subsection, he shall
specify the territorial limits and the duration of the delegated

(3) The exercise of powers or the performance of duties delegated

under subsection (2) shall be subject to the control and direction of the
Director General.

Conferment of medal or honorary rank

7A. The Director General may determine matters relating to the

conferment of medal or honorary rank to any person as he deems fit.

Standing orders

7B. The Director General may issue standing orders for the general
control, direction and information of Fire Officers, Auxiliary Fire
Officers and Voluntary Fire Officers under this Act.
Fire Services 17



Fire-hazard abatement notice

8. (1) The Director General, if satisfied of the existence in any

premises of any fire-hazard, may serve—

(a) on the person by reason of whose act, default, or

sufferance the fire-hazard arose or continues, if he is the
occupier of the premises at the time the notice is to be
served; or

(b) if the person by reason of whose act, default, or sufferance

the fire-hazard arose or continues is not the occupier of the
premises at the time the notice is to be served or is not
known, on the owner of the premises; or

(c) if the owner of the premises cannot readily be ascertained

or found or is absent from Malaysia, on the occupier of the
premises, regardless of whether he is the person by reason
of whose act, default, or sufferance the fire-hazard arose
or continues,

a fire-hazard abatement notice in Form A in the First Schedule,

requiring him to abate the fire-hazard within the period specified in the
notice, and to do all such things as may be necessary for that purpose;
and the notice may, if the Director General thinks fit, specify any work
to be executed for that purpose.

(2) If the Director General considers that the fire-hazard is likely

to recur, he may also, by the fire-hazard abatement notice under
subsection (1) or by a subsequent fire-hazard abatement notice in Form
B in the First Schedule, require the person on whom the notice is served
to do whatever is necessary for preventing the recurrence of the fire-
hazard to which the notice relates and, if the Director General thinks it
desirable, specify any works to be executed for that purpose; and a
notice containing such a requirement may be served notwithstanding
18 Laws of Malaysia ACT 341

that the fire-hazard to which it relates may for the time being have been

Power of Director General to abate fire-hazard in vacant or

unoccupied premises

9. Where the premises in which the fire-hazard exists are vacant or

unoccupied, the Director General may, by force if necessary, using the
means at his disposal, abate the fire-hazard and do whatever is
necessary to prevent a recurrence thereof.

Offence of failing to comply with fire-hazard abatement notice

10. Any person who fails to comply with any requirement of a

fire-hazard abatement notice served on him pursuant to section 8
within the time specified in the notice, whether or not an order under
section 13 has been made in respect of him, shall be guilty of an
offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding five
thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three
years or to both and shall also be liable to a further fine of one hundred
ringgit for each day during which the offence is continued after the

Power of Director General to abate fire-hazard on non-compliance

with fire-hazard abatement notice

11. Where a fire-hazard abatement notice has been served on any

person pursuant to section 8, and if that person fails to comply with
any of the requirements of the notice within the time specified therein,
the Director General may cause to be carried out in the premises such
work as appears to him to be necessary to abate the fire-hazard and to
prevent a recurrence thereof.
Fire Services 19

Power of Director General to abate fire-hazard in cases of urgency

12. If the Director General is satisfied that any fire-hazard existing

in any premises—

(a) constitutes an immediate and substantial danger of fire in

the premises; or

(b) is likely, if a fire breaks out in the premises, to increase

substantially the risk to life or property that would
normally arise in the event of a fire,

the Director General may cause to be carried out in the premises such
work as appears to him to be necessary to abate the fire-hazard and to
prevent a recurrence thereof.

Closing order

13. (1) Where a fire-hazard abatement notice has been served on

any person, if—

(a) that person fails to comply with any of the requirements of

the notice within the time specified therein; and

(b) the fire-hazard, although abated since the service of the

notice, is, in the opinion of the Director General, likely to
recur in the same premises,

and the Director General is of the opinion that it is necessary to prohibit

any use of the premises that may materially increase the likelihood of
a fire or the danger to life or property resulting from the outbreak of a
fire in or on the premises or other premises, the Director General may,
by way of a complaint, apply to a court for a closing order.

(2) Upon receipt of a complaint and an application for a closing

order under subsection (1), the court shall serve a notice in Form C in
the First Schedule on the owner or occupier of the premises, or on both,
calling on them to show cause why a closing order should not be made;
20 Laws of Malaysia ACT 341

and if cause is not shown by either the owner or occupier or both, the
court may make such an order.

(3) A closing order shall be in Form D in the First Schedule and

shall be served on both the owner and occupier of the premises in

(4) Upon the application by the owner or occupier of premises, or

upon being informed by the Director General, the court, if satisfied that
the premises in respect of which a closing order is in force have been
rendered suitable for the use specified in the order, may revoke the
closing order.

(5) Any person who without reasonable excuse knowingly

contravenes a closing order shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on
conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding five thousand ringgit or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to both and shall
also be liable to a further fine of one hundred ringgit for each day
during which the offence is continued after the conviction.

Appeals against closing order or refusal to make closing order

14. (1) Any owner or occupier who is dissatisfied with the closing
order made under subsection 13(2) may, within ten days of the making
of the order, appeal to the High Court.

(2) Where the court refuses to make a closing order the Director
General may, within ten days of the decision of the court, appeal to the
High Court against the decision.

(3) An appeal against a closing order shall not operate as a stay of

execution, but the court may, on application and on sufficient cause
being shown, grant stay of execution on such terms as it may think fit.
Fire Services 21

Disposal of property removed by Director General

15. (1) The Director General, in abating or doing what is necessary

to prevent the recurrence of a fire-hazard, may remove any property
which would directly cause a fire-hazard.

(2) Any property removed under subsection (1) may be taken into
the custody of the Director General for a period not exceeding seven
days within which time the owner shall have the right to claim such
property upon payment of expenses incurred by the Director General.

(3) Upon the failure of the owner to make a claim, the Director
General may apply to the court for an order for the sale or disposal of
such property.

(4) The money arising from the sale of any property may be
retained by the Director General and applied in payment of the
expenses incurred by him in connection with the abatement, or the
prevention of the recurrence, of the fire-hazard, and the surplus, if any,
shall be paid to the owner of the property.

Recovery of expenses incurred in carrying out work under

section 11

16. The expenses incurred by the Director General in carrying out

any work under section 11 shall be a debt due to the Government and
shall be recoverable in court from the person on whom the fire-hazard
abatement notice was served.

Recovery of expenses incurred in carrying out work under

section 12

17. (1) The expenses incurred by the Director General in carrying

out any work under section 12 shall be a debt due to the Government
and shall be recoverable in a court—

(a) from the person by reason of whose act, default, or

sufferance the fire-hazard arose or continued, if he was the
22 Laws of Malaysia ACT 341

occupier of the premises at the time the work was


(b) if the person by reason of whose act, default, or sufferance

the fire-hazard arose or continued was not the occupier of
the premises at the time the work was commenced or is not
known, from the owner of the premises; or

(c) if the owner of the premises cannot readily be ascertained

or found or is absent from Malaysia, from the occupier of
the premises at the time the work was commenced,
regardless of whether he is the person by reason of whose
act, default, or sufferance the fire-hazard arose or

(2) Nothing in this section shall be construed as affecting any right

that the person from whom expenses may be recovered under
subsection (1) may have to any contribution, indemnity, or damages
from any other person.

Powers of Fire Officers or Auxiliary Fire Officers on occasion of


18. (1) On the occasion of a fire, a Fire Officer or an Auxiliary Fire

Officer may—

(a) take such measures as appear to him to be necessary or

expedient for the protection of life and property;

(b) remove any person interfering by his presence or actions

with the operations of the Fire and Rescue Department;

(c) enter, break into or through, and take possession of or

demolish, or cause to be taken possession of or
demolished, any premises, place, or thing for the purpose
of putting an end to the fire, or protecting the premises,
place, or thing from the fire, or for rescuing any person or
Fire Services 23

(d) close any street near the site of the fire or control the traffic
or crowd in any such street;

(e) use any convenient supply of water;

(f) remove or direct the transfer of flammable, explosive or

hazardous material within or in the vicinity of the

(g) shut off or disconnect or direct any person having the

control thereof to shut off or disconnect any energy supply
including gas supply, fuel supply or electricity supply
within or in the vicinity of the premises; and

(h) remove, by force if necessary, any vehicles or objects

obstructing the operations of the Fire and Rescue

(2) The powers conferred by subsection (1) may, to such extent as

may be necessary, be exercised where a fire is reasonably believed to
have broken out or to have occurred.

(3) For the purpose of paragraph (1)(e), no payment shall be

imposed by any person or water authority on the Fire and Rescue
Department for the use of water in carrying out their duties under this

Power to obtain information

18A. (1) For the purpose of paragraph 5(1)(b), a Fire Officer may,
by notice in writing served on a person, require the person—

(a) to provide all information relating to the fire; and

(b) to appear before a Fire Officer to give an oral statement

and a Fire Officer shall, as soon as practicable, reduce the
oral statement in writing.
24 Laws of Malaysia ACT 341

(2) Any person who fails to comply with subsection (1) shall be
guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not
exceeding one thousand ringgit.

Powers of Fire Officers in emergencies not involving fire

19. On the occasion of an emergency not involving fire or the risk of

fire, the powers referred to in section 18 shall be exercised by any Fire
Officer if he is of the opinion that lives or property are in imminent

Protection of Fire Officers, Auxiliary Fire Officers and Voluntary

Fire Officers

20. No Fire Officer, Auxillary Fire Officer or Voluntary Fire Officer

acting in good faith under powers conferred by this Act shall be liable
to any action for damages for any act done or omitted to be done by
him in connection with his duties on the occasion of a fire or any

Loss by fire to include damage resulting from fire-fighting

21. Any damage or loss suffered in consequence of any action taken

or thing done by a Fire Officer or Auxiliary Fire Officer in the exercise
of his powers or the performance of his duties on the occasion of a fire,
in order to put an end to the fire or to check its progress, shall,
notwithstanding the terms of any contract of insurance against fire or
the provisions of any law, be regarded as loss by fire for the purposes
of the contract.
Fire Services 25



Storage of water in premises for fire-fighting purposes

22. (1) The Director General may, for the purpose of ensuring that
there is adequate storage of water at suitable locations on the premises,
issue such directions to any person in control, or the owner, of such
premises, to provide facilities and water supply for fire-fighting

Provided that this subsection shall not apply to a water authority.

(2) Any direction issued under subsection (1) shall be made in

writing and shall be binding on the person to whom the direction is

(3) Any person who fails to comply with any direction given under
subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence.

Notice of works affecting fire hydrants

23. (1) No person, other than a water authority and its agents, shall
commence or carry out, or authorize or direct the commencement or
carrying out of, any works that affect any fire hydrant or the flow of
water to it unless written notice of the proposals or intention to carry
out such works had been given by him to the appropriate State Director
at least seven days before the works are commenced:

Provided that in cases of emergency, where it is not practicable for

the notice to be given within the requisite time, this provision shall be
deemed to have been complied with if the notice is given as soon as
possible after the event.

(2) All fire hydrants shall be rendered in good working condition

upon the completion of any works carried out by any person under
subsection (1).
26 Laws of Malaysia ACT 341

(3) Any works in or around the vicinity of a fire hydrant affecting

access to the fire hydrant, the position of the fire hydrant in relation to
the existing edge of the road, or alignment of the outlet to the level of
the road, shall be deemed to be works affecting a fire hydrant.

(4) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) or (2) shall be

guilty of an offence.

Duty of water authority to notify the State Director of any action

affecting the flow of water to a fire hydrant

24. Where a water authority decides to take any action or do any act
or carry out any work that will or is likely to reduce or stop the flow of
water to any fire hydrant, it shall be the duty of the water authority to
notify the appropriate State Director in writing of such decision as soon
as possible after it is made.

Power to fix fire hydrant location plates

25. (1) Upon giving seven days’ notice in writing to the owner of
any property situated in the vicinity of a fire hydrant, the Director
General may cause a plate indicating the location of the fire hydrant to
be fixed to such part of the property as, in the opinion of the Director
General, is best suited to indicate such location.

(2) Any person who refuses to allow the fixing of any such plate
as is referred to in subsection (1) or obstructs any person in the course
of the fixing thereof or removes or defaces any such plate after it has
been fixed shall be guilty of an offence.

Concealment and misuse of fire hydrants

26. Any person who covers up, encloses, or conceals any fire hydrant
so as to render its location difficult to ascertain, or tampers with any
fire hydrant, or uses a fire hydrant other than for fire fighting purposes
shall be guilty of an offence.
Fire Services 27



Power of Director General to determine and designate particular

uses, size, or location, of premises

27. (1) The Director General may by order published in the Gazette
determine and designate particular uses, size, or location, of premises
for the purpose of issuance of a fire certificate under this Act.

(2) Where a part of any premises constitutes designated premises

any other part of the said premises shall be treated as forming part of
the designated premises.

Fire safety organization in designated premises

27A. (1) The owner, occupier or person having the overall

management of the designated premises shall establish a fire safety

(2) Any owner, occupier or person having the overall management

of the designated premises who fails to comply with subsection (1)
shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine
not exceeding fifty thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding five years or to both.

Requirement of fire certificate

28. (1) Every designated premises shall require a fire certificate.

(2) A fire certificate shall be renewable annually.

(3) Subsection (1) shall not apply to premises appropriated to, and
used solely or mainly for, public religious worship, or premises
consisting of or comprised in a house that is occupied as a single
private dwelling:
28 Laws of Malaysia ACT 341

Provided that if in the opinion of the Director General there exists in

the premises mentioned in this subsection any fire-hazard, the Director
General may require such premises to be subject to periodic inspection
and any necessary direction may be issued to the owner of such
premises for due compliance of the provisions of this Act.

Application for, and issue of, fire certificate

29. (1) An application for a fire certificate in respect of any

designated premises shall be made to the Director General in the
prescribed form.

(2) On receipt of an application for a fire certificate in respect of

any designated premises the Director General may require the
applicant, within a specified time, to furnish him with such plans of the
premises and any other relevant particulars as he may specify.

(3) If the applicant fails to furnish the required plans and the
relevant particulars within the specified time, the application shall be
deemed to have been withdrawn.

(4) Where an application for a fire certificate has been duly made,
the Director General shall cause to be carried out an inspection of the
designated premises, and on being satisfied that there exists adequate
fire-fighting equipment or fire safety installation in relation to the use
of the designated premises, the Director General shall issue a fire
certificate in respect of the premises subject to such conditions as he
thinks fit to impose or which may be prescribed.

(5) Where the Director General, after causing to be carried out

under subsection (4) an inspection of the relevant premises, is not
satisfied that there exists such adequate fire-fighting equipment or fire
safety installation in relation to the use of the designated premises as
aforesaid, he shall, by notice served on the applicant, inform him of the
requirements to be complied with within a specified time before the
fire certificate can be issued to the applicant.

(6) In this section, “applicant” means the owner, occupier or the

person having the overall management of the designated premises.
Fire Services 29

Form of fire certificate

30. Every fire certificate issued in respect of any designated premises

shall be in the prescribed form.

Prescribing of fees for the issue of fire certificate

31. The Director General may prescribe the fees payable for the issue
of a fire certificate and the charges for the inspection of any designated
premises for which the certificate is issued.

Change of conditions affecting adequacy of fire-fighting

equipment or fire safety installation

32. (1) So long as a fire certificate is in force in respect of any

premises, the Director General may cause any part of the relevant
premises to be inspected at any reasonable time for the purposes of
ascertaining whether there has been a change of conditions by reason
of which the fire-fighting equipment or fire safety installation have
become inadequate in relation to any use of the premises covered by
the certificate.

(2) Where the occupier of any designated premises proposes to

make a material change to the premises while a fire certificate is in
force in respect thereof, he shall, before the carrying out of the
proposals is begun, give notice of the proposals to the Director
General; and if the carrying out of the proposals is begun without such
notice having been given the occupier shall be guilty of an offence.

(3) If the Director General is satisfied, as regards any premises

with respect to which a notice under subsection (2) has been given to
him, that the carrying out of the proposals notified would result in any
of the fire-fighting equipment or fire safety installation mentioned in
subsection (1) becoming inadequate in relation to any use of the
premises covered by the relevant fire certificate, the Director General
may by notice served on the occupier inform him of the steps that
would have to be taken to prevent the fire-fighting equipment or fire
safety installation in question from becoming inadequate in the event
30 Laws of Malaysia ACT 341

of the proposals being carried out, and if those steps are duly taken in
connection with the carrying out of the proposals, the Director General
shall amend the fire certificate or, on the payment of the prescribed fee,
issue a new one.

(4) If the Director General is satisfied, as regards any premises

with respect to which a fire certificate is in force, that any of the fire-
fighting equipment or fire safety installation mentioned in subsection
(1) have, in consequence of a change of conditions, become inadequate
in relation to any use of the premises covered by the certificate, the
Director General may by notice served on the occupier—

(a) inform him of that fact and direct him to take such steps as
the Director General considers appropriate to make the
fire-fighting equipment or fire safety installation in
question adequate; and

(b) notify him that if those steps are not taken, the fire
certificate may be cancelled,

and if those steps are duly taken shall, if necessary, amend the fire
certificate or, on the payment of the prescribed fee, issue a new one.

(5) Any person who fails to comply with the direction given by the
Director General under paragraph (4)(a) shall be guilty of an offence.

Offence in relation to fire certificate

33. Where there is no fire certificate in force in respect of any

designated premises the owner of the premises shall be guilty of an
offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty
thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years
or to both.

Rights of appeal

34. Any person who is aggrieved—

Fire Services 31

(a) by the refusal of the Director General to issue a fire

certificate under subsection 29(4);

(b) by the conditions imposed by the Director General on a

fire certificate issued to him; or

(c) by any decision made by the Director General under

subsection 32(3) or (4),

may, within twenty-one days of the notification of such refusal or

decision, appeal in writing to the Minister, whose decision thereon
shall be final.

Court’s power to prohibit or restrict use of certain premises

35. (1) If the Director General is satisfied with regard to any

premises, whether designated or not, that the risk to persons or property
in case of fire is so serious that, until steps have been taken to reduce the
risk to a reasonable level, the use of the premises ought to be prohibited
or restricted, the Director General may, by way of a complaint, apply to a
court for a prohibitory order.

(2) Upon receipt of a complaint and an application for a

prohibitory order under subsection (1), the court shall serve a notice in
Form E in the First Schedule on the owner or occupier of the premises,
or on both, calling on them to show cause why a prohibitory order
should not be made; and if cause is not shown by either the owner or
occupier or both, the court may make such an order prohibiting or
restricting the use of the said premises.

(3) A prohibitory order shall be in Form F in the First Schedule and

shall be served on both the owner and occupier of the premises in

(4) Upon the application by the owner or occupier of the premises

for revocation of the prohibitory order or upon being informed by the
Director General that the risks have been reduced to a reasonable level,
the court, if satisfied that the premises in respect of which a prohibitory
32 Laws of Malaysia ACT 341

order is in force would not pose any serious risk to person or property
in case of fire, may revoke the prohibitory order.

(5) Any person who without reasonable excuse knowingly

contravenes a prohibitory order shall be guilty of an offence and shall,
on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding ten thousand ringgit or
to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or to both and shall
also be liable to a further fine of one hundred ringgit for each day
during which the offence is continued after the conviction.

Power of Director General to order activity to cease in cases of


35A. (1) Notwithstanding any of the provisions of this Act, where

the Director General is satisfied that—

(a) any continued activity in any premises would constitute an

immediate danger of fire prejudicial to the safety of life or
property; and

(b) the delay in applying for and obtaining a prohibitory order

under subsection 35(2) would substantially increase the
risk to such life or property,

he may, by order, direct the owner or occupier of the premises to cease

such activity.

(2) An order to cease activity shall be in Form G and shall be

served on both the owner and occupier of the premises.

(3) Any person who fails to comply with an order of the Director
General made under subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence.

Appeal against order of Director General to cease activity

35B. (1) An owner or occupier who is dissatisfied with an order to

cease activity made by the Director General under subsection 35A(1)
Fire Services 33

may, within ten days of the making of the order, appeal to the High

(2) An appeal against an order to cease activity shall not operate as

a stay of execution, but the court may, on application and on sufficient
cause being shown, grant a stay of execution on such terms as it may
think fit.

Appeals against prohibitory order or refusal to make prohibitory


36. (1) Any owner or occupier who is dissatisfied with the

prohibitory order made under subsection 35(2) may, within ten days of
the making of the order, appeal to the High Court.

(2) Where the court refuses to make a prohibitory order the

Director General may, within ten days of the decision of the court,
appeal to the High Court.

(3) An appeal against a prohibitory order shall not operate as a stay

of execution, but the court may, on application and on sufficient cause
being shown, grant stay of execution on such terms as it may think fit.



Enforcement of Act

37. It shall be the duty of the Director General to enforce the

provisions of this Act.

Power of entry

38. (1) An authorized officer may, together with such other

persons as the officer thinks necessary, enter any premises for the
purpose of—
34 Laws of Malaysia ACT 341

(a) ascertaining whether there is, or has been, on or in

connection with the premises, any contravention of any
provision of this Act;

(b) obtaining such information concerning the premises as is

required for fire-fighting purposes, including the water
supplies available to or at the premises and the means of
access to such water supplies;

(c) ascertaining whether there exists any fire-hazard in or

affecting the premises;

(d) making any inquiry which he considers necessary in

relation to any matter within the provisions of this Act; or

(e) exercising any power or performing any duty of the

Director General under any other written law, for the
exercise or performance of which no power of entry is
given by such law.

(2) No private dwelling shall be entered by virtue of this section

between the hours of seven in the evening and seven in the morning.

(3) Before entering any premises by virtue of this section, an

authorized officer shall display to the occupant thereof, if any, his
identification card and, in the case of an authorized officer other than
the Director General, the written authorization of the Director General
and it shall be lawful for the occupant of the premises to deny entry to
an authorized officer or to eject him from the premises if, on demand
by the occupant, he fails or refuses to produce the said identification
card, and, as the case may be, authorization.

(4) An authorized officer shall leave any vacant or unoccupied

premises that he has entered by virtue of this section as effectively
secured against trespassers as he found them to be at the time of entry.
Fire Services 35

Restriction on disclosure of information

39. Any person who discloses, otherwise than in the performance of

his duty or for the purpose of any legal proceedings, including an
arbitration, or for the purpose of a report at any such proceedings, any
information obtained by him in relation to any manufacturing process
or any trade, in the course of exercising powers conferred upon him by
this section shall be guilty of an offence.

Power to arrest without warrant

40. (1) Any authorized officer may without warrant arrest any

(a) found committing an offence under section 47; or

(b) whom he reasonably suspects to have committed any other

offence under this Act if the person refuses to furnish his
name and address or furnishes an address out of Malaysia
or there are reasonable grounds for believing that he has
furnished a false name and address or that he is likely to

(2) Where any person has been arrested pursuant to subsection (1)
by an authorized officer, the officer making the arrest shall comply
with section 28 of the Criminal Procedure Code [Act 593] as if he were
a police officer.

Power of investigation

41. (1) Any authorized officer shall have the power to investigate
the commission of any offence under this Act.

(2) Every person required by an authorized officer to give

information or produce any document or other article relating to the
commission of such offence which is in the person’s power to give
shall be legally bound to give the information or to produce the
document or other article.
36 Laws of Malaysia ACT 341

Power to require attendance of witnesses

42. (1) An authorized officer making an investigation under

section 41 may by order in writing require the attendance before
himself of any person who appears to the officer to be acquainted with
the circumstances of the case, and such person shall attend as so

(2) If any such person fails to attend as so required, such officer

may report such failure to a Magistrate who may thereupon in his
discretion issue a warrant to secure the attendance of such person as
required by such order aforesaid.

(3) A person attending as required under subsection (1) shall be

entitled to be paid the reasonable travelling and subsistence expenses
incurred by him; and it shall be lawful for the Director General to pay
such expenses.

Examination of witnesses

43. (1) An authorized officer making an investigation under

section 41 may examine orally any person supposed to be acquainted
with the facts and circumstances of the case.

(2) Such person shall be bound to answer all questions relating to

such case put to him by such officer:

Provided that such person may refuse to answer any question the
answer to which would have a tendency to expose him to a criminal
charge or penalty or forfeiture.

(3) A person making a statement under this section shall be legally

bound to state the truth, whether or not such statement is made wholly
or partly in answer to questions.

(4) An authorized officer examining a person under subsection (1)

shall first inform that person of the provisions of subsections (2)
and (3).
Fire Services 37

(5) A statement made by any person under this section shall,

whenever possible, be reduced into writing and signed by the person
making it or affixed with his thumb-print, as the case may be, after it
has been read to him in the language in which he made it and after he
has been given an opportunity to make any corrections he may wish.

Conduct of prosecution

44. Every authorized officer shall have the authority to appear in

court and conduct any prosecution in respect of any offence under this



Fire Enquiry Commission

45. (1) The Minister may appoint any person or persons to form a
commission and to hold an inquiry into the cause and circumstances of
any fire and the action taken to fight or extinguish the fire and to report
on such cause, circumstances, and action and make recommendations,
on the basis of the findings in the inquiry, as to the steps to be taken to
prevent the outbreak of, and to improve the method of fighting or
extinguishing, fires generally.

(2) Sections 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 21 and 22 of the
Commissions of Enquiry Act 1950 [Act 119] shall, with the necessary
modifications and to such extent as may be applicable, apply to an
inquiry under subsection (1) and to any person holding the inquiry as
if the inquiry and the person were respectively an inquiry and a
Commissioner under that Act.
38 Laws of Malaysia ACT 341

Taking possession of premises and other property damaged or

destroyed by fire

46. (1) Where, as a result of a fire, any premises or part of any

premises is rendered uninhabitable, the Director General may, at any
time within seven days after the occurrence of the fire, take possession
of the premises or part thereof and any other property or thing
damaged, or the remains of any other property or thing destroyed, by
the fire, and may retain possession of such premises, part, property, or
thing for a period not exceeding thirty days after taking possession
thereof, unless within that period a person or persons have been
appointed to hold an inquiry under section 45, in which case the
Director General may continue to retain possession of the premises,
part, property or thing until the completion of the inquiry.

(2) Where possession of any premises or a part of any premises has

been taken by the Director General under subsection (1), the Director
General may, wherever necessary, cause a barrier or barriers to be put
up around the premises or part thereof.

(3) The Director General shall thereafter post up notices, in such

positions that a person approaching the premises or part from any
direction will be able to notice one of the notices by the time he reaches
any or any part of the barriers, informing the public that possession of
the premises or part has been taken by the Fire and Rescue Department
and that entry into the premises or part is prohibited.

Unauthorized presence in premises possession whereof has been

taken under section 46

47. Any person who, without the permission of a Fire Officer, enters
or remains in any premises or part of any premises, possession whereof
has been taken by the Director General under section 46, shall be guilty
of an offence.
Fire Services 39



Establishment of Fund

48. (1) There shall be established a fund to be known as the “Fire

Services Department Welfare Fund” which shall be operated as a Trust
Account within the Federal Consolidated Fund.

(2) The Fund shall consist of—

(a) all fines inflicted upon Fire Officers in any disciplinary


(b) one-half of the sums paid for the services of Fire Officers
detailed to do special duty under section 50 and for the use
of equipment furnished therefor;

(c) all sums of moneys and other property offered to Fire

Officers and forfeited by an order of court;

(d) donations or reward offered to the Fund or individual

members of the Fire and Rescue Department respectively
and accepted by the Director General;

(e) income arising from the disposal of property or

investments purchased or arising from the moneys of the

(f) all sums of moneys or benefit derived from the sponsoring

of seminars or other events; and

(g) all sums of moneys contributed by the Government.

40 Laws of Malaysia ACT 341

Fire Services Department Welfare Fund Committee

48A. (1) There shall be established a Fire Services Department

Welfare Fund Committee which shall have the control of the Fund.

(2) The Committee shall consist of the following members:

(a) the Director General as Chairman;

(b) two Senior Fire Officers to be appointed by the Minister;


(c) two public officers to be appointed by the Minister.

(3) No meeting of the Committee shall be held in the absence of

the Director General.

(4) The quorum for meetings of the Committee shall be three.

(5) Subject to this Act, the Committee shall have power to regulate
its proceedings.

Moneys for Fund to be raised only with consent

48B. (1) No person shall carry on any activity to raise moneys for
the Fund without the prior written consent of the Committee.

(2) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of

an offence.

Administration and application of Fund

49. The Fund shall be administered in accordance with regulations

made under this Act, and applied—

(a) in recompensing Fire Officers for extra or special services

rendered by them;
Fire Services 41

(b) for the purpose of—

(i) procuring comforts, convenience and other benefits,

which are not chargeable to public revenue, for; or

(ii) granting loans to,

Fire Officers, former Fire Officers who have retired on pension,

gratuity or other allowance or persons who were wholly or partially
dependent on deceased Fire Officers or former Fire Officers at the time
of their death.



Special duty and expenses thereof

50. (1) On the application of any person, the Director General may,
if he thinks fit, detail any authorized officer to do special duty in, upon
or about any premises, vessel, vehicle, aircraft or any movable
structures specified by the applicant and, for that purpose, furnish such
equipment as he may deem necessary.

(2) The applicant shall pay to the Director General for the services
of any authorized officer so detailed and for the use of equipment so
furnished such fees as may be prescribed.

Interfering with Fire Officers, Auxiliary Fire Officer or Voluntary

Fire Officer in execution of his duty

51. Any person who wilfully abuses, assaults, disturbs, hinders,

obstructs, or interferes with any Fire Officer, Auxiliary Fire Officer or
Voluntary Fire Officer acting in the execution of his duty or any other
person assisting the Fire and Rescue Department under specific
directions of a Fire Officer shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on
conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty thousand ringgit or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or to both.
42 Laws of Malaysia ACT 341

Failure to comply with direction

52. Any person who fails to comply with any direction given by an
authorized officer carrying out his duty under this Act shall be guilty
of an offence.

Unauthorized wearing of uniform

53. Any person who, not being a Fire Officer or an Auxiliary Fire
Officer, wears without the permission of the Director General any
uniform of the Fire and Rescue Department or any dress which bears
the distinctive marks of, or which is likely to be mistaken for, any such
uniform shall be guilty of an offence.

Falsification of documents, false statements, etc.

54. Any person who—

(a) with intent to deceive, makes or forges a fire certificate or

has in his possession an unauthorized fire certificate; or

(b) on the application of a fire certificate, makes any statement

or gives any information that he knows to be false in a
material particular or recklessly makes any statement or
gives any information that is so false; or

(c) in purported compliance with any obligation to give

information under this Act, gives any information that he
knows to be false in a material particular or recklessly
gives any information that is so false; or

(d) makes in any register, book, notice, or other document

required under this Act to be kept, served, or given, any
entry that he knows to be false in a material particular,

shall be guilty of an offence.

Fire Services 43

Offences in respect of fire alarm

55. Any person who damages, conceals, activates or deactivates any

fire alarm without reasonable excuse shall be guilty of an offence.

Giving of false report of fire

56. Any person who wilfully gives or causes to be given a false report
of fire or other calamity shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on
conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding twenty thousand ringgit or
to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to both.

Offences by body corporate

57. (1) Where an offence under this Act committed by a body

corporate is proved to have been committed with the consent or
connivance of, or to be attributable to any neglect on the part of, any
director, manager, secretary, or other similar officer of the body
corporate, or any person purporting to act in any such capacity, he as
well as the body corporate shall be guilty of that offence.

(2) Where the affairs of a body corporate are managed by its

members, subsection (1) shall apply in relation to the acts and defaults
of a member in connection with his functions of management as if he
were a director of the body corporate.

General penalty

58. Any person guilty of an offence under this Act for which no
penalty is expressly provided shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine
not exceeding five thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding three years or to both.
44 Laws of Malaysia ACT 341

Compounding of offences

59. (1) The Director General or any Fire Officer authorized by him
in writing may compound any offence, which is prescribed to be a
compoundable offence, by accepting from the person reasonably
suspected of having committed such offence a sum of money not
exceeding five hundred ringgit:

Provided that the Director General or the officer so authorized shall

not exercise his powers under this section unless that person in writing
admits that he has committed the offence and requests the Director
General or such officer to deal with the offence under this section.

(2) On the payment of such sum of money the person reasonably

suspected of having committed an offence, if in custody, shall be
released and no further proceedings shall be taken against such person.

Power to apply Act to vessels and movable structures

60. The provisions of this Act shall apply, subject to such

modifications as may be prescribed, to—

(a) vessels remaining moored or on dry land for such periods

or in such circumstances as may be prescribed; and

(b) tents and other movable structures.

Service of notices and other documents

61. (1) A notice or other document may be served on a person or

body for the purpose of this Act—

(a) by delivering the notice or document to the person; or

(b) by delivering the notice or document—

Fire Services 45

(i) at the person’s usual or last known abode or place of

business, to his servant or an adult member of his
family; or

(ii) at the body’s registered office or usual or last known

place of business, to its servant or agent; or

(c) by leaving the notice or document in a cover addressed to

the person or body—

(i) at the person’s usual or last known abode or place of

business; or
(ii) at the body’s registered office or usual or last known
place of business; or

(d) by sending the notice or document by prepaid registered

post to the person or body—

(i) at the person’s usual or last known abode or place of

business; or

(ii) at the body’s registered office or usual or last known

place of business.

(2) If the name or the address of any owner or occupier of premises

on whom any such notice or other document as aforesaid is to be served
cannot after reasonable inquiry be ascertained by the person seeking to
serve it, the notice or document may be served by addressing it to the
person on whom it is to be served by the description of “owner” or
“occupier” of the premises (describing them) to which the notice or
document relates, and by delivering it to some responsible person
resident or appearing to be resident on the premises, or, if there is no
such person to whom it can be delivered, by affixing it or a copy of it
to some conspicuous part of the premises.

(3) A notice or document served by prepaid registered post under

paragraph (1)(d) shall be deemed to have been served at the time when
the letter containing the notice or document would be delivered in the
ordinary course of post; and it shall be sufficient proof of service that
the letter was properly addressed in accordance with that paragraph
46 Laws of Malaysia ACT 341

and placed in the post; but where the letter is returned through the post
undelivered, the notice or document shall not be deemed to have been

(4) In this section, “body” includes a body corporate or partnership.

Duty to inform upon an outbreak of fire

61A. Upon an outbreak of fire on any premises, vehicle or vessel, the

owner of the premises, vehicle or vessel, or the occupier or the person
having the overall management of the premises, shall immediately
inform the outbreak of a fire to the nearest fire station.

Power to make regulations

62. (1) The Minister may make regulations for the better carrying
out of the purposes and the provisions of this Act, and in particular, but
without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, for all or any of
the following matters:

(a) regulating the manufacture, sale, installation, testing,

servicing, and recharging of fire-fighting equipment or fire
safety installation;

(b) prescribing the types, locations, and testing of fire-fighting

equipment or fire safety installation used in any premises;

(c) regulating the establishment of fire-brigades in private

organizations, educational institutions and voluntary

(ca) regulating the establishment, duties and powers of

voluntary fire-brigades;

(d) regulating the establishment, duties and powers of fire

safety organization in designated premises;
Fire Services 47

(e) prescribing the uniforms, rank markings, identification

cards and necessaries to be supplied to Fire Officers,
Auxiliary Fire Officers and Voluntary Fire Officers;

(f) providing for all matters relating to Auxiliary Fire Officers

and Voluntary Fire Officers, including their duties,
powers, allowances and compensation;

(g) prescribing the code of conduct of Fire Officers;

(h) prohibiting, restricting, or controlling the burning by any

person of forest, shrub, or other vegetation in any area;

(i) regulating all matters relating to fire safety and fire


(j) prohibiting, restricting, or controlling the burning of

flammable materials;

(k) regulating the transportation, use, handling, or storage of

flammable materials;

(l) prescribing the fees payable under the provisions of this


(m) prescribing matters that may be or are required to be


(n) prescribing the offences under this Act which may be

compounded, the procedure to be followed and the forms
to be used in compounding;

(o) regulating the administration of the Fire Services

Department Welfare Fund.

(2) The Minister may, in regulations made under subsection (1),

prescribe penalties of a fine not exceeding ten thousand ringgit or
imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or both for the
contravention of any provision of such regulations and, in the case of
48 Laws of Malaysia ACT 341

a continuing offence, a sum not exceeding one hundred ringgit for each
day during which such offence is continued after conviction.


63. (1) Part X of the Local Government Act 1976 [Act 171] is

(2) The Fire Service Enactment of the State of Sabah [En. 12 of 1971]
is repealed.




[Subsection 8(1)]

To ............................................................

TAKE NOTICE that the †Director General of Fire and Rescue, being satisfied
of the existence in .............................................................................................
of a fire-hazard, being .....................................................................................
(describe the fire-hazard)
do hereby, pursuant to subsection 8(1) of the Fire Services Act 1988, require
you, within ............................................ from the service of this notice, (1) to
abate the fire-hazard, and for that purpose to ....................................................
(specify the works to be executed)
Fire Services 49

and (2)* to do whatever is necessary for preventing the recurrence of the fire-
hazard and for that purpose to ..........................................................................
(specify the works to be executed)

TAKE NOTICE THAT if you fail to comply with any requirement of this notice
within the time specified, you will be committing an offence for which, on
conviction, you may be liable to a fine not exceeding five thousand ringgit or
to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to both and to a
further fine of one hundred ringgit for each day during which the offence is
continued after conviction.

Dated the ................. day of ............... 20 ...............

(Director General of Fire and Rescue)

†“or any Fire Officer to whom the Director General has delegated his power”.
*Delete if the need does not arise.



[Subsection 8(2)]
To .............................................................

TAKE NOTICE that the †Director General of Fire and Rescue, being satisfied
that the fire-hazard for the abatement of which a fire-hazard abatement notice
dated the of ..................................was served on you* [and
which has since been abated] is likely to recur in..............................................
50 Laws of Malaysia ACT 341

do hereby, pursuant to subsection 8(2) of the Fire Services Act 1988, require you,
within ..............................from the service of this notice, to do whatever is
necessary for preventing the recurrence of the fire-hazard, and for that purpose
(specify the works to be executed)

TAKE NOTICE that if you fail to comply with any requirement of this notice
within the time specified, you will be committing an offence for which, on
conviction, you may be liable to a fine not exceeding five thousand ringgit or
to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to both and to a
further fine of one hundred ringgit for each day during which the offence is
continued after conviction.

Dated the ................ day of ............... 20 ..................

(Director General of Fire and Rescue)

†“or any Fire Officer to whom the Director General has delegated his power”.
*Delete if fire-hazard has not been abated.



[Subsection 13(2)]

WHEREAS complaint has been received by me from..........................................

(name and rank of Fire Officer)
that ...................................................................................................................
(substance of the complaint received)

IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT .............................................................................

do attend at the Magistrate’s Court at ...............................................................
on the ........................... day of ..................................20 ..................................
Fire Services 51

at .................... o’clock to show cause why a closing order should not be made
in respect of ......................................................................................................

Given under my hand and the seal of the court, this ......................................
day of ...................20 ……………..




[Subsection 13(3)]

WHEREAS the †Director General of Fire and Rescue has, by way

of a complaint, applied to this court for a closing order in
respect of ..........................................................................................................
on the grounds ..................................................................................................

AND WHEREAS ...............................................................................................

..............................................................................., the owner of the premises,
and ..................................................................................................................,
the occupier of the premises, have been served with a notice calling on them
to show cause why a closing order should not be made* [and the said ..............
..............................................................................................have/has failed to
show cause, and the said ...................................................................................
..........................................................have/has failed to appear to show cause]:

NOW, on being satisfied that such use of the premises as is specified

hereunder may materially increase the likelihood of a fire or other calamity
or the danger to life or property resulting from the outbreak of a fire or the
52 Laws of Malaysia ACT 341

occurrence of any other calamity and that therefore it is necessary to prohibit

such use, I, in pursuance of subsection 13(2) of the Fire Services Act 1988,
do hereby prohibit the following use of the premises, that is to say...................

Given under my hand and the seal of the court this
of ................................ 20 ............


†“or any Fire Officer to whom the Director General has delegated his power”.
*Modify as circumstances require.



[Subsection 35(2)]

WHEREAS complaint has been received by me from ..........................................

(name and rank of Fire Officer)
that ...................................................................................................................
(substance of the complaint received)

IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT..............................................................................

do attend at the Magistrate’s Court at ...........................................................on
the ............................ day of .........................................20 ...............................
at ................................ o’clock to show cause why a prohibitory order should
not be made in respect of ..............................................................................
Fire Services 53

Given under my hand and the seal of the court, this ......................................
day of ...................20 ……………..




[Subsection 35(3)]

WHEREAS the †Director General of Fire and Rescue has, by way

of a complaint, applied to this court for a prohibitory order in respect of ..........
on the grounds ..................................................................................................

AND WHEREAS ........................................................................................,

the owner of the premises, and ..................................................................., the
occupier of the premises, have been served with a notice calling on them to
show cause why a prohibitory order should not be made *[and the said............
has failed to show cause, and the said…….............................................
have/has failed to appear to show cause]:

NOW, on being satisfied that such use of the premises as is specified

hereunder would be a risk to person or property in case of fire and that
therefore it is necessary to prohibit such use, I, in pursuance of subsection
35(2) of the Fire Services Act 1988, hereby *prohibit the use of the above
said premises/restrict the use of the above said premises, that is to say.............
54 Laws of Malaysia ACT 341

Given under my hand and the seal of the court, this ......................................
day of ...................20 ……………..

†“or any Fire Officer to whom the Director General has delegated his power”.
*Modify as circumstances require.



[Subsection 35A(1)]

WHEREAS the Director General of Fire and Rescue is satisfied that there is in
respect of..........................................................................................................
an activity, namely ...........................................................................................
and that any continuation of this activity would constitute an immediate
danger of fire prejudicial to the safety of life and property;

AND WHEREAS the Director General of Fire and Rescue is satisfied that any
delay occasioned by an application for, and the obtaining of, a prohibitory
order from the High Court would substantially increase the risk to such life
or property:

NOW THEREFORE I, in pursuance of subsection 35A(1) of the Fire Services

Act 1988, hereby order that the activity of .......................................................
..................................................................... in the above said premises do
cease forthwith.
Fire Services 55

Dated the ................... day of ............................ 20 ……….…...

(Director General of Fire and Rescue)


[Subsection 3(6)]


(i) Fire Superintendent
Chief Fire Commissioner
Fire Commissioner
Deputy Fire Commissioner
Senior Assistant Fire Commissioner
Assistant Fire Commissioner
Senior Fire Superintendent I
Senior Fire Superintendent II
Fire Superintendent

(ii) Assistant Fire Superintendent

Deputy Fire Superintendent
Senior Assistant Fire Superintendent
Assistant Fire Superintendent

(iii) Fire Officers

Lead Fire Officer
Senior Fire Officer I
Senior Fire Officer II
Fire Officer
56 Laws of Malaysia ACT 341


Lead Auxiliary Fire Officer
Senior Auxiliary Fire Officer I
Senior Auxiliary Fire Officer II
Auxiliary Fire Officer


Lead Voluntary Fire Officer
Senior Voluntary Fire Officer I
Senior Voluntary Fire Officer II
Voluntary Fire Officer



Act 341



Amending law Short title In force from

Act A799 Fire Services (Amendment) Act 1991 12-04-1991

Act A879 Fire Services (Amendment) Act 1994 04-03-1994

Act A1568 Fire Services (Amendment) Act 2018 01-09-2018



Act 341



Section Amending authority In force from

Long Title Act A1568 01-09-2018

2 Act A799 12-04-1991

Act A1568 01-09-2018

3 Act A879 04-03-1994

Act A1568 01-09-2018

4 Act A1568 01-09-2018

4A Act A1568 01-09-2018

4B Act A1568 01-09-2018

4C Act A1568 01-09-2018

4D Act A1568 01-09-2018

6 Act A1568 01-09-2018

7 Act A879 04-03-1994

7A Act A1568 01-09-2018

7B Act A1568 01-09-2018

18 Act A1568 01-09-2018

18A Act A1568 01-09-2018

20 Act A1568 01-09-2018

27A Act A1568 01-09-2018

Fire Services 59
Section Amending authority In force from

29 Act A1568 01-09-2018

32 Act A1568 01-09-2018

33 Act A1568 01-09-2018

35A Act A879 04-03-1994

35B Act A879 04-03-1994

45 Act A1568 01-09-2018

48 Act A799 12-04-1991

48A Act A799 12-04-1991

49 Act A799 12-04-1991

51 Act A1568 01-09-2018

56 Act A1568 01-09-2018

61A Act A1568 01-09-2018

62 Act A879 04-03-1994

Act A1568 01-09-2018

First Schedule Act A879 04-03-1994

Second Schedule Act A879 04-03-1994

Act A1568 01-09-2018


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