Trinity Power Plant Power Evacuation Study

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Abak LGA - Akwa Ibom State


October, 2013

0 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant

Table of Contents
Executive Summary……………………………………………………………………. 3
I Background……………………………………………………………….…….. 4
II Location Study............................................................................................ 4
III Proposed Evacuation Point……………………………………………….…… 5
1 Connection Option A………………………………………………......... 5
2 Connection Option B………………………………………………......... 6
3 Connection Option C…………………………………………………….. 7
IV Power Evacuation Study…………………………………………………........ 8
1 The main objectives of the study are ………………………………..……. 8
2 Power Flow……………………………………………………………….. 9
IV Short Circuit Study……………………………………………………………... 9
V Transient Stability Study……………………………………………………….. 10
1 Three Phase Short Circuit on Trinity Generator Unit 80ms or 4 cycles. 11
2 Three Phase Short Circuit on Trinity Generator Unit 100ms or 5 cycles 12
3 Three Phase Short Circuit on Trinity Generator Unit 150ms or 7.5 cycles 13
4 Three Phase Short Circuit on Trinity Generator Unit 200ms or 10 cycles 14
VI Cost of Connection…………………………………………………………….... 15
VII Recommendations……………………………………………………………… 15
1.0 Introduction …………………………………………………………………….... 17
1.1 Background………………………………………………………………... 17
1.2 Basis of Study ………………………………………………………….…. 17
1.3 Grid Development Criteria……………………………………………….. 17
1.3.1 Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) Network …………………. 17
1.3.2 Transmission System Planning Criteria ……………………………… 19
1.3.2 (a) Nominal Ratings on PHCN Grid …………………………….…… 19
1.3.2 (b) Voltage limits ……………………………………………………. 20
1.3.2 (c) Frequency limits ……………………………………………………. 20
1.3.2 (d) Thermal Ratings for Transmission lines ………………………… 20
2.0 Power Flow Studies……………………………………………………………... 23
2.1 Study Scenarios………………………………………………………..…. 23
2.2 Scenario 0: Base Case ………………………………………………….. 25
2.3 Scenario 1: ………………………………………………………………… 25
3.0 Short Circuit Study……………………………………………………………… 26
4.0 Stability Study…………………………………………………………………… 28
4.1 Transient Stability………………………………………………………... 28

1 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant

4.1.1 Three Phase Short Circuit on Trinity Generator Unit 80ms or 4 cycles. 28
4.1.2 Three Phase Short Circuit on Trinity Generator Unit 100ms or 5 cycles… 29
4.1.3 Three Phase Short Circuit on Trinity Generator Unit 150ms or 7.5 cycles. 29
4.1.4 Three Phase Short Circuit on Trinity Generator Unit 200ms or 10 cycles. 30
5.0 Dynamic Stability………………………………………………………………… 31
6.0 Voltage Stability…………………………………………………………………. 31
7.0 Over loaded Elements………………………………………………………...... 33
8.0 Electrical Protection …………………………………………………………….. 34
8.1 General Requirement ………………………………………………..... 34
8.2 Zones of Protection……………………………………………….….... 34
8.3 Line Protection ……………………………………………………….... 35
8.4 Generator Protection……………………………………………….….. 35
8.5 Generator Transformer Protection……………………………………. 36
8.6 Unit Transformer………………………………………………………… 36
8.7 Main Protection…………………………………………………………. 37
8.8 Backup Protection………………………………………………….…... 37
9.0 Connection Cost………………………………………………………….....….. 38
10.0 Conclusions and Recommendations………………………………………….. 39
10.1 Connection Option C …………………………………………………… 39
11.0 APPENDICES …………………………………………………………… 41
Appendix 1 Single Phase Fault Level without Trinity Generation
Appendix II Three Phase Fault Level without Trinity Generation
Appendix III Single Phase Fault Level with Trinity Generation
Display (Option 1)
Appendix IV Three Phase Fault Level with Trinity Generation
Display (Option 1) .
Appendix V Single Phase Fault Level with Trinity Generation (Option 2)
Appendix VI Three Phase Fault Level with Trinity Generation (Option 2)
Appendix 6 Power Flow Results – Output Listing

Figure 1 Grid Sub-system showing Trinity 505MW Generation – Option 1
Figure 2 Grid Sub-system showing Trinity 505MW Generation – Option 1

2 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant


Executive Summary 

3 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant

I   Background 
Thompson & Grace Investments Limited intends to develop Trinity Power Plant IPP
using Multi-shaft 2 x 1 Siemens Combined Cycle Power Plant SGT5-2000E gas
turbines; with a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) in a combined cycle mode
with net power output of 505MW. The proposed power plant is expected to ready for
connection to the grid by the end of the 4th quarter of 2018; and it will be
implemented as a turnkey project scheduled for an Engineering design, Procurement
and Construction process (EPC).

II Location Study
The proposed 505MW Trinity Power Plant will be located at Abak in Abak Local
Government Area; on coordinates Lat: 5.03807 and Long: 7.75302 Akwa Ibom State.
Plans are on the way to upgrade the Abak town to a city; and one of such plans is
the dualisation of the Abak- Ikot Ekpene road as well as construction of new roads
and housing estates. The location of the power plant at Abak will further facilitate the
industrialization of the area.

(i) Trinity Power Plant Location - Abak

Fig 1 Showing Abak Site for the Trinity Power Plant

The selected site for the Trinity power plant is a portion of land on a 100-acre land
acquired by Thompson & Grace Investment for its Medical City in Afaha Obong-
Abak Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. The site for the power

4 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant

plant is about 25km from the Niger Delta Power Holding Company of Nigeria
(NDPHC) on-going Ikot Ekpene 330kV Switching Station. See Fig 1 above for the
location of the power plant:

III TCN Grid Network Development Plan Around Ikot Ekpene Switching Station
Ikot-Ekpene 330kV Switching station where the plant is proposed to be connected
has been designed as generation evacuation hub. The 330kV circuits linking Ikot-
Ekpene station are:
(i) 4 no. 330kV circuits to New Haven (North) 1800MW under N-1 (2400MW capacity)
(ii) 2 no. 330kV circuits to Calabar 600MW under N-1 (1200MW capacity)
(iii) 2 no. 330kV circuits to Ikot Abasi 600MW under N-1 (1200MW capacity)
(iv) 2 no. 330kV circuits to Afam 600MW under N-1 (1200MW capacity)
(v) 2 no. 330kV circuits to Alaoji 600MW under N-1 (1200MW capacity)
See Fig 2 below shows Ikot Ekpene 330kV Switching Station layout.

Fig 2 Showing Ikot Ekpene 330kV Switching Station Layout

The study considered other generations on the grid, especially those that would
directly impact on power evacuation from Ikot-Ekpene 330kV switching station; for
example the study considered those power plants in the proximity of the switching
station, such as Calabar (634.5MW), Afam (1000MW) and Alaoji (831.3MW) power

5 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant

stations. The outcome of the study showed that the 505MW generation from the
Trinity Power plant would still be accommodated on the grid without any constraint.
The power-flow study cases for the integration and evacuation study are presented
in the Table below:
Study Description Total Peak Demand Notes
Generation (MW)
1 Base-Case Existing 4800
System 2013
2 Base Case + FGN 11,232
Phase 1
3 Base Case + FGN 20,181

IV Connection Options to the Grid

In deciding on the most appropriate connection point, a reconnaissance survey was
carried out to physically inspect the location of the project site vis-à-vis available
connection points. The survey revealed the followings connection options.

1. Connection Option A
This involves connecting the power plant to the grid at 132kV Voltage level: This
Option entails constructing a 25km four circuits 132KV (2 no. D.C circuit), panther
conductor line from the power plant and breaking into Aba - Itu 132kV S.C at a point
on Lat:5.1655 N, Long 7.7294 E using one of D.C circuits, while one circuit each
from the other D.C circuit terminates at Aba and Itu respectively as shown in Fig 2
below. The thermal rating of each line is 238MW, with a total capacity of 952MW.
Thus, the combined 4 circuits would be more than adequate for the evacuation of the
505MW total installed capacity of the plant under single line outage contingency
However, the existing 132kV network configuration downstream of Uyo and Itu
would not allow for smooth evacuation of power from the plant; the 132kV lines from
Itu - Calabar, Itu - Uyo and Uyo - Eket are of single circuit configuration; the
conductor used on these lines is wolf conductor rated about 68MW and the same
type of conductor is used on the S.C Itu - Aba 132kV line where the plant is
proposed to be connected to the grid.

6 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant

Presently, reconductoring of the existing Eket - Uyo - Itu - Calabar 132kV single
circuit Wolf line to high temperature low sag conductor of higher capacity is currently
being undertaken by TCN/NIPP and additional transformation at the associated
substations (Uyo and Itu) will also be provided. However the additional capacity to be
provided through the re-conductoring exercise will not be sufficient enough for the
evacuation of 505MW generation from the Trinity Power plant. This aside Ibom and
Alscon IPP with first their phase I generation of 191 and 100MW respectively are
also to be connected to the grid 132kV For this reason, Option A is considered not
feasible for smooth evacuation of the 505MW from the Trinity Power Plant.

2. Connection Option B
This involves connecting the power plant to the grid at 132Kv bus to be provided at
the proposed Ikot-Ekpene 330KV switching substation. The substation is currently
under construction by Niger Delta Power Holding Company (NDPHC). This Option
entails constructing a 25km four circuits 132KV (2 no. D.C circuit), panther conductor
line from the power plant to Ikot-Ekpene 330kV Switching station. The thermal rating

7 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant

of each line is 238MW, with a total capacity of 952MW. Thus, the combined 4 circuits
would be more than adequate for the evacuation of the 505MW total installed
capacity of the plant under single line outage contingency condition.
However the proposed Ikot Ekpene 330kV substation has been designed as a

switching station; and does not incorporate 330/132kV transformation capacity.

Therefore based on the At least 5 no. inter-bus 330/132kV transformers (637.5MW

combined capacity @ 0.85 p.f) has to be provided to enable the connection of Trinity

505MW plant to TCN grid. This option is therefore not economically viable because

of the 5 no. inter-bus 330/132kV transformers to be provided. , Option B is

considered not feasible for smooth evacuation of the 505MW from the Trinity Power


3. Connection Option C

Option C involves connecting the power plant to the grid by Constructing

approximately 25kM of 330kV D.C transmission from the plant to link the Ikot
Ekpene 330kV substation. Power transfer capability of this scheme is 2 x 777MVA (2
x 620MW) using standard bison conductor, the type used on TCN 330kV grid. This

8 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant

option is technically feasible considering the magnitude of power to be evacuated
from the Trinity Power Plant.
This aside, the Ikot-Ekpene 330kV Switching station where the plant is proposed to
be connected has been designed as generation evacuation hub. The 330kV circuits
linking Ikot-Ekpene station are:
(i) 4 no. 330kV circuits to New Haven (North) 1800MW under N-1 (2,400MW
(ii) 2 no. 330kV circuits to Calabar 600MW under N-1 (1200MW capacity)
(iii) 2 no. 330kV circuits to Ikot Abasi 600MW under N-1 (1200MW capacity)
(iv) 2 no. 330kV circuits to Afam 600MW under N-1 (1200MW capacity)
(v) 2 no. 330kV circuits to Alaoji 600MW under N-1 (1200MW capacity)

From the foregoing Option C is the most technically viable and preferred option when
compared with the other two options. Therefore option C is subjected to detail
evaluation in this report.

IV    Power Evacuation Study 

This report is on Integration and Power Evacuation Study of Trinity Power Plant
505MW generation. The study has been carried out to determine among others, the

9 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant

impact and behaviour of the Power Plant with respect to the rest of the grid and the
ability of the grid to evacuate all the 505MW generation from the plant.

1 The main objectives of the study are:

To determine the main parameters of the grid connection

To assess effects of the excess power evacuated from the power plant on the
Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) network and

To identify any grid constraints or reinforcement required to support power

evacuation from the proposed power plant.

The study was carried out under the background of international engineering best
practice consistent with PHCN/TCN criteria for development of the transmission
system and Grid operation.

The study was done in line with guidelines contained in the Nigerian Grid Code for
generator connection to the transmission system.

The base case used in this study is the TCN network structure built around the
existing and all on-going / committed transmission projects. Over 11,000 MW
generations was assumed for the study; made up of all outputs from the existing /
committed FGN/NIPP/IPP power plants. A load of 10,000 MW was simulated on the
system; distribution based on established load profile at various locations on the grid.

The power flow and short circuit analysis of the networks studied are shown in the
appendices. The results of the analysis provide basis for comparisons between the
different connection options studied.

2 Power Flow
The TCN network was modelled using NEPLAN 5.4.5 Power System Analysis
Software. Power flow analysis was carried out with respect to the two proposed
connection options to determine branch loadings, losses, and network bus voltages.
Power flow on the spur line to the grid is good, within the range of the thermal rating
of the 330 kV Bison conductor and 132kV Bear conductor.

IV   Short Circuit Study 
A series of short circuit studies have been undertaken to determine the transmission

10 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant

system fault levels in the base case (i.e. Without Trinity Power Plant) and also for
each connection options. Balanced three-phase short circuits and single-phase-to-
ground faults were studied.
The study shows that the fault level at the Trinity Power Plant 330kV bus is
Trinity Power Plant 330kV switchgear ratings must not be less than 40KA (Standard
rating for 330kV switchgear in locations prone to high fault level on the grid).

The result of the short circuit study shows that the switchgear rating that will be
suitable for Trinity Power Plant 330kV substation should not be less than 40KA so as
to accommodate future development in other parts of Ikot Ekpene. Table 1
Base Case
With Trinity IPP
330/132 kV Switchgear (Without Trinity 505MW IPP)
Rating (kA)
Substation (kA)
Single Phase Single Phase
Three Phase Three Phase
Ikot Ekpene 40 19.395 18.963 24.007 22.883
Ikot Ekpene 31.5 9.990 9.793 10.441 17.665
Afam 330kV 31.5 26.443 23.761 28.131 25.723

Afam 132kV 31.5 15.027 13.599 15.210 13.819

Calabar 330kV 31.5 11.125 10.006 12.112 13.001

Calabar 132kV 31.5 12.657 9.913 13.025 10.231

Trinity 330kV 40 Nil Nil No 132kV 18.315

V    Transient Stability Study 
To run the dynamic analysis (transient stability), the regulators and turbines in data
have been collected from System Planning Division of TCN. Standard IEE
Regulators and controllers have been adopted for some generators that had no
proper data

• Three phase short circuit durations of 80, 100, 150 and 200ms was applied at Trinity
Synchronous machine bus and simulated one after the order.

11 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant

During the simulation the terminal voltages and Rotor angular swing for the Trinity
generator are monitored. The exciter voltage EFD a n d the r o t o r angular
oscillations can be seen; which show a weakly damped oscillations; the use of
appropriate controllers and Power System Stabilizer (PSS) will mitigate against the
weakly damped oscillations recorded in the simulation.
1. Three Phase Short circuit on Trinity Generator Unit 80ms or
2 cycles

12 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant

2. Three Phase Short circuit on Trinity Generator Unit 100ms or
5 cycles

13 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant

3. Three Phase Short circuit on Trinity Generator Unit 150ms or
7.5 cycles

14 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant

4. Three Phase Short circuit on Trinity Generator Unit for 200ms or
10 cycles

15 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant

VI   Cost of Connection 

The cost considered here relates to the connection of Trinity power plant to TCN grid
based on the feasible option C. This does not include the cost of substation expected to be
constructed at the Power Plant site. The cost excludes VAT and ancillary costs such as
marine insurance, CISS, custom duties, surcharges.

The cost estimates are based on recent contracts by TCN, as shown in the Table 2 below:

Connection Description of Works / Unit Unit Length Total Cost

Options Service cost, k$ (km/No.) k$
Construction of a. 330 kV overhead line 2 x 250 k$/km 25 6,250
25km 330KV Panther DC to Ikot Ekpene
Double circuit 330/132 kV substation
Transmission b. Acquiring right-of-way 10% of a k$ - 625
line (Panther)
from Trinity c. Consultancy/Supervision 3% of a k$ - 187.5
Power Plant to
Ikot Ekpene Transmission line cost
330/132kv ($7,062.5 Million)
Total Cost $7,062.5

Table 1: Project Cost Estimates

VII    Recommendations 

Three possible connection options to the TCN grid explored in this study are

1. Option A: This involves connecting the power plant to the grid at 132kV Voltage
level: This Option entails constructing a 25km four circuits 132KV (2 no. D.C circuit),
panther conductor line from the power plant and breaking into Aba - Itu 132kV S.C at a
point on Lat:5.1655 N, Long 7.7294 E using one of D.C circuits, while one circuit each
from the other D.C circuit terminates at Aba and Itu respectively This involves
connecting the power plant to the grid at 132kV Voltage level: This Option entails
constructing a 20km double circuit 132KV, panther conductor line from the power plant
and breaking into Aba - Itu 132kV S.C at point on Lat:5.1655 N, Long 7.7294 E.

16 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant


2. Option B: This Option entails constructing a 25km four circuits 132KV (2 no. D.C
circuit), panther conductor line from the power plant to Ikot-Ekpene 330kV Switching
station and installation of at least 5 no. inter-bus 330/132kV transformers (637.5MW
combined capacity @ 0.85 p.f) has to be provided to enable the evacuation of all the
505MW from the plant to TCN grid.

3. Option C: This involves connecting the power plant to the grid at 330Kv bus Ikot-
Ekpene 330KV switching substation currently under construction by Niger Delta Power
Holding Company (NDPHC). This Option entails constructing a 25km double circuit
330KV, Bison conductor line from the power plant to Ikot-Ekpene 330kV Switching
The Ikot-Ekpene 330kV Switching station where the plant is proposed to be connected
to the grid has been designed as generation evacuation hub. The 330kV circuits linking
Ikot-Ekpene station are:

(i) 4 no. 330kV circuits to New Haven (North) 1800MW under N-1 (2,400MW capacity)
(ii) 2 no. 330kV circuits to Calabar 600MW under N-1 (1200MW capacity)
(iii) 2 no. 330kV circuits to Ikot Abasi 600MW under N-1 (1200MW capacity)
(iv) 2 no. 330kV circuit to Afam 600MW under N-1 (1200MW capacity)
(v) 2 no. 330kV circuit to Alaoji 600MW under N-1 (1200MW capacity)

With other generations from Calabar (634.5MW), Afam (1000MW) and Alaoji
(831.3MW) the Ikot-Ekpene 330kV switching station will still accommodate the 505MW
generation from the Trinity Power plant for evacuation into the grid without any

The first two options A and B are not considered because of the various reasons stated
previously. Estimated budget for Option C is as follows:

17 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant


Connection Description Cost

C (i) Construction of 25km 330KV Double circuit $7,062.5
Transmission line (Bison Conductor) from the power
plant to Ikot-Ekpene 330kV Switching station

Table 3 Summary of Connection Option C

18 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant


1.0  Introduction 
1.1 Background
It will be noted that the quantity and quality of power infrastructures provided to a Nation
facilitates its industrial development and civilization.

With the passage of the Electricity reform bill in 2005, the Power Sector opened up for the
participation of Independent Power Producers (IPPs) and The Trinity Power Plant 505MW
I.P.P plant being sponsored by Thompson & Grace Investments Limited is one of them.
The power plant is to be sited at Abak LGA, Akwa Ibom State. The site for the power plant
is located about 25km from the Niger Delta Power Holding Company of Nigeria (NDPHC)
on-going Ikot Ekpene 330kV Switching Station.

The Trinity Power Plant IPP comprises of Multi-shaft 2 x 1 Siemens Combined Cycle
Power Plant SGT5-2000E gas turbines; with a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) in a
combined cycle mode with net power output of 505MW. The proposed power plant is a
turnkey project scheduled for an Engineering design, Procurement and Construction
process (EPC).

1.2 Basis of Study

Thompson & Grace Investments Limited plans to seek for licence from Nigeria Electricity
Regulatory Commission (NERC) to generate and sell its generated power to TCN grid to
achieve the goal of improving the power supply delivery

The objectives of the study are:

 To determine the main parameters of the grid connection.

 To assess effects of the excess power evacuated from the power plant on the
Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) network and

 To identify any grid constraints or reinforcement required to support power evacuation

from the proposed power plant.

19 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant


1.3 Grid Development Criteria

The study was carried out under a background of international engineering best practice
consistent with PHCN/TCN criteria for development of the transmission system and Grid
The study took due notice of the Grid Code issued by NERC – the regulatory body for the
Nigerian electricity supply industry and other applicable statutory requirements.

1.3 .1 Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) Network

The PHCN Generation and Transmission System are shown geographically in Figure 1.3.1
Transmission voltage levels are 330KV and 132KV while the entire 33 KV and 11KV
constitute the distribution networks. System normal frequency is 50Hz.

Figure 1.3.1 – TCN Existing Network

20 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant


Figure 1.3.2 – TCN Study Network

1.3.2 Transmission System Planning Criteria

1.3.2 (a) Nominal Ratings on PHCN Grid

Power systems operate at different voltage levels coupled together by transformers and
their associated circuit breakers. Nominal ratings of the PHCN Grid equipment are as
listed below.
1. Transmission voltage: 330kV
2. Sub- transmission voltages: 132kV, 33kV
3. Primary distribution feeder voltages: 11kV, 33kV
4. Secondary distribution feeder voltage: 415V, 230V
5. Power transformer voltage ratings: 330/132/33kV, 330/132/13.8kV,
132/33/11kV, 132/33kV, 132/11kV
6. Power transformer power ratings: 162MVA, 150MVA, 90MVA, 60MVA, 45MVA,
30MVA, 15MVA, & 7.5MVA
21 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant

7. Circuit Breaker current ratings: 16kA, 17kA, 20kA, 30kA, 31.5kA, 40kA, 50kA
8. Circuit Breaker voltage ratings: 11kV, 33kV, 132kV, 330kV

1.3.2 (b) Voltage limits

The control of the different bus bar voltages is within the Voltage Control ranges specified
in Table 4.3 for the different voltage levels.
Table 4 Voltage Control ranges
Voltage level Minimum Maximum
kV (pu) kV (pu)
330 kV 280.5(0.85) 346.5 (1.05)
132 kV 112.2 (0.85) 145.0 (1.10)
33 kV 31.02 (0.94) 34.98 (1.06)

1.3.2 (c) Frequency limits

The Frequency Control on the Power System is within the limits of 50 Hz +/- 2.5% (48.75 –
51.25 Hz). The Frequency needs to be scheduled at 50 Hz and must be controlled within
these limits.
The Transmission Network is considered to be under normal frequency conditions when:
The immediate demand can be met with the available scheduled generation,
including any expensive contingency generation.
The frequency is not less than 48.75 Hz for longer than 10 minutes.
The frequency is within the range 48.75 to 51.25 Hz; and
There are no security and safety contraventions.
Transmission Network is considered to be under abnormal condition if it is not in a normal
condition as defined above, however National Control Center (NCC) specified the following
frequency limits:-
Statutory Limits: 50Hz ±1% (49.5HZ – 50.5HZ)
Operational Limits: 50Hz ± 0.4% (49.8HZ – 50.2HZ)

1.3.2 (d) Thermal Ratings for Transmission lines

The PHCN 330kV transmission system uses double and single circuit twin Bison and Bear
ACSR (Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced) overhead lines. These are 350 mm2 and
250mm2 conductors with a continuous current rating at site conditions of about 680A and
650Amps per conductor, which equates to a continuous maximum thermal limit for each

22 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant


circuit of 777MVA. Nigeria has a low seasonal temperature variation and therefore the
thermal limits of the lines do not vary significantly throughout the year.

A close examination of the location of the power plant relative to possible transmission
connection point reveals three viable options and which are subjected to detail scrutiny as
outlined below.

Connection Option A
This involves connecting the power plant to the grid at 132kV Voltage level: This Option
entails constructing a 25km four circuits 132KV (2 no. D.C circuit), panther conductor line
from the power plant and breaking into Aba - Itu 132kV S.C at a point on Lat:5.1655 N,
Long 7.7294 E using one of D.C circuits, while one circuit each from the other D.C circuit
terminates at Aba and Itu respectively as shown in Fig 2 below. The thermal rating of each
line is 238MW, with a total capacity of 952MW. Thus, the combined 4 circuits would be
more than adequate for the evacuation of the 505MW total installed capacity of the plant
under single line outage contingency condition.
However, the existing 132kV network configuration downstream of Uyo and Itu will not
allow for smooth evacuation of power from the plant; the 132kV lines from Itu - Calabar, Itu
- Uyo and Uyo - Eket are of single circuit configuration; the conductor used on these lines
is wolf conductor rated about 68MW and the same type of conductor is used on the S.C Itu
- Aba 132kV line where the plant is proposed to be connected to the grid.
Presently, reconductoring of the existing Eket - Uyo - Itu - Calabar 132kV single circuit
Wolf line to high temperature low sag conductor of higher capacity is currently being
undertaken by TCN/NIPP and additional transformation at the associated substations (Uyo
and Itu) will also be provided. However the additional capacity to be provided through the
re-conductoring exercise will not be sufficient enough for the evacuation of 505MW
generation from the Trinity Power plant. For this reason, Option A is considered not
feasible for smooth evacuation of the 505MW from the Trinity Power Plant.

Connection Option B
This involves connecting the power plant to the grid at 132Kv bus to be provided at the
proposed Ikot-Ekpene 330KV switching substation. The substation is currently under
construction by Niger Delta Power Holding Company (NDPHC). This Option entails
23 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant

constructing a 25km four circuits 132KV (2 no. D.C circuit), panther conductor line from the
power plant to Ikot-Ekpene 330kV Switching station. The thermal rating of each line is
238MW, with a total capacity of 952MW. Thus, the combined 4 circuits would be more than
adequate for the evacuation of the 505MW total installed capacity of the plant under single
line outage contingency condition.
The proposed Ikot Ekpene 330kV substation is designed to be a switching station; and

does not incorporate 330/132kV transformation capacity. At least 5 no. inter-bus

330/132kV transformers (637.5MW combined capacity @ 0.85 p.f) has to be provided to

enable the connection of Trinity 505MW plant to TCN grid. This option is therefore not

economically viable because of the 5 no. inter-bus 330/132kV transformers to be

provided. , Option B is considered not feasible for smooth evacuation of the 505MW from

the Trinity Power Plant.

Connection Option C

Option C involves connecting the power plant to the grid by Constructing about 25kM of
D.C 330kV transmission from the plant to link the Ikot Ekpene 330kV substation. Power
transfer capability of this scheme is 777MVA (620MW) using standard bison conductor, the
type used on TCN 330kV grid. This option is technically feasible considering the
magnitude of power to be evacuated from the Trinity Power Plant.
This aside, the Ikot-Ekpene 330kV Switching station where the plant is proposed to be
connected has been designed as generation evacuation hub. The 330kV circuits linking
Ikot-Ekpene station are:
(i) 4 no. 330kV circuits to New Haven (North) 1800MW under N-1 (2,400MW capacity)
(ii) 2 no. 330kV circuits to Calabar 600MW under N-1 (1200MW capacity)
(iii) 2 no. 330kV circuits to Ikot Abasi 600MW under N-1 (1200MW capacity)
(iv) 2 no. 330kV circuit to Afam 600MW under N-1 (1200MW capacity)
(v) 2 no. 330kV circuit to Alaoji 600MW under N-1 (1200MW capacity)

24 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant


With other generations from Calabar (634.5MW), Afam (1000MW) and Alaoji (831.3MW)
the Ikot-Ekpene 330kV switching station will still accommodate the 505MW generation
from Trinity Power plant for evacuation into the grid without any constraint. See below

2.0  Power Flow Studies 

Power flow analysis was conducted to determine the grid connections and circuit
reinforcement requirement for evacuation of power from the proposed Trinity Power Plant.
The power flow studies was also conducted for the connection Option C described above,
the branch loadings, losses and network bus voltages were also considered for the option.

The PHCN network was modelled using NEPLAN power system analysis software (version
5.4.5). The graphical results show only the Ikot Ekpene area which includes the Plant
Trinity Power Plant 330kV bus, Calabar and Afam area. The network is electrically
connected to the rest of the grid as shown in the base case.

25 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant


The base case used in this study is the network with a generation status of 11,000 MW
and a load of 10,000 MW with a total loss of 285 MW.

This network power flow and short circuit analysis is shown in the appendices.

2.1 Study Scenarios

Different Network configurations for scenarios considered are described in data listed.
These scenarios were studied to determine the impact of Trinity Power Plant 505 MW) on
PHCN Transmission Network considering different connection options.
The following criteria were used to analyze each option:
a. Power flow on the associated transmission lines against their loading limits.
b. Voltage profile
c. Total Losses
d. and other requirements (if needed for system stability)

The generation capacity assumed for these studies splits into existing and other power
plants already committed and under implementation stage of construction as contained in
Table 5: Schedule of Power Plants.

Unit Size
Generation + Trinity Generation
Generation Station (MW) (MW) NIPP
OKPAI 3 x 178.5 535.5 428.4 428.4
DELTA II 6 x 25 150 120 120
DELTA III 6 x 25 150 120 120
DELTA IV 6 x 100 600 480 480
SAPELE ST 6 x 120 720 576 576
EGBIN 6 x 220 1320 1056 1056
AES 9 x 30 270 216 216
JEBBA 6 x 95 570 456 456
KAINJI (GT5 & GT6) 2 x 120 240 192 192
KAINJI (GT7, 8, 9 & 10) 4 x 80 320 256 256
KAINJI (GT11 & GT12) 2 x 100 200 160 160
SHIRORO 4 x 150 600 480 480
AFAM I-III (GT5 & GT6) 2 x 20 40 32 32
AFAM IV - 0 0 0
AFAM V 2 x 138 276 220.8 220.8

26 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant


AJAOKUTA 2 x 55 60 48 48
PAPALANTO PHASE 1 8 x 42 336 268.8 268.8
OMOTOSO PHASE 1 8 x 42 336 268.8 268.8
PHASE 2 754 0 0
GEREGU PHASE 1 3 x 148 444 355.2 355.2
PHASE 2 434 0 0
ALAOJI PHASE 1 3 x 126 378 302.4 302.4
PHASE 2 570 0 0
CALABAR 5 x 113 565 452 452
EGBEMA PHASE 1 3 x 113 339 271.2 271.2

PHASE 2 3 x 113 378 0 0

EYAEN 4 x 113 452 361.6 361.6
GBARAN PHASE 1 2 x 113 226 180.8 180.8

PHASE 2 4 x 113 504 0 0

IKOT ABASI 3 x 113 339 271.2 271.2
SAPELE 4 x 113 452 361.6 361.6
OMOKU PHASE 1 2 x 113 226 180.8 180.8
PHASE 2 2 x 113 252 0 0
AFAM VI (SHELL) 5 x 150 750 600 600
Omoku Rivers state 100 80 80
ALSCON 6 x 90 200 160 160
2 x 38, 1 x
IBOM POWER 1 112 150 120 120
NOTORE Power Plant 256 256
Trinity IPP 505
TOTAL 14,990.5 9331.6 9,851.6

Table 5: Schedule of Power Plants

2.2 Scenario 0: Base Case

This scenario was considered as the base case for the study. It is made up of all the
ongoing projects (both by Government and IPPs) together with the existing plants. Plant
details are shown in Table 4. Generation of 10,000 MW was scheduled.

The relevant section of the network studied and the power flow results are shown in
Appendix 1.

2.3 Scenario 1: Base Case + Construction of 25km 330kV Double circuit

Transmission line (Panther) from Trinity Power Plant to Ikot Ekpene 330/132kV
The network studied and the power flow results are shown in Appendix 2.
27 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant

Branch Loading
Loading on the network branches in the region are within reasonable limits.

Voltage Profile
Voltage profile is generally good and within the acceptable operational and planning limits.
3.0  Short Circuit Study 
All the generating plants contribute to the current that flows in the event of a short circuit
fault on the power system. Generating plants which are close to the fault location will
provide the greatest contribution and those remote from the fault will provide very limited
contribution to the total fault current. Generators equidistant from a short circuit will provide
fault current contribution approximately in proportion to their rating.

The short circuit current must be interrupted by one or more circuit breakers, which must
have sufficient fault current interruption capability to interrupt the total prospective fault
current at the point on the system at which they are located.

As the level of generation increases on a power system due to increased demand, so will
the short circuit levels. When the prospective short circuit level exceeds the switchgear
rating at a particular location, it will be necessary to replace it with switchgear of a higher
rating or adopt other means to reduce the fault level.

A series of short circuit studies have been undertaken to determine the transmission
system fault levels in the base case (i.e. without Trinity Power Plant) and also for the
Option C possible connection to the grid.

Balanced three-phase short circuits and single-phase-to-ground faults were studied. From
the short circuit studies as compiled in the tables associated with the connecting option, it
is clear that the existing circuit breakers in the substations considered are all adequate,
they are capable of withstanding the short circuit current with the introduction of Trinity
Power Plant.

28 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant


The result of the maximum fault levels at each node of the project area is shown in
Table 6 below
Base Case
With Trinity IPP
330/132 kV Switchgear (Without Trinity 505MW IPP)
Rating (kA)
Substation (kA)
Single Phase Single Phase
Three Phase Three Phase
Ikot Ekpene 40 19.395 18.963 24.007 22.883
Ikot Ekpene 31.5 9.990 9.793 10.441 17.665
Afam 330kV 31.5 26.443 23.761 28.131 25.723

Afam 132kV 31.5 15.027 13.599 15.210 13.819

Calabar 330kV 31.5 11.125 10.006 12.112 13.001

Calabar 132kV 31.5 12.657 9.913 13.025 10.231

Trinity 330kV 40 Nil Nil No 132kV 18.315

Table 3: Short Circuit Levels in the Calabar - Ikot Ekpene Area

It can be seen from table 2 that the fault level at Trinity Power Plant, Ikot Ekpene and
Calabar and environ will not exceed their present switchgear ratings.

The result of the short circuit study shows that the switchgear rating that will be suitable for
Trinity 330V substation should not be less than 40kA so as to accommodate future
development in other parts of Abak and Ikot Ekpene.

29 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant


4.1 Transient Stability
Transient stability is concerned with the period up to a few seconds following a major
disturbance such as a short circuit and considers the ability of the generators to regain
synchronism once the short circuit has been cleared.

The regulators and governors data used are those from Abuja Feasibility Study compiled
by BCP of Switzerland.
4.1.1 Three Ph ase Short circuit on Trinity Generator Unit 80ms or
4 cycles

30 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant


4.1.2. Three Phase Short circuit on Trinity Generator Unit 100ms or

5 cycles

4.1.3 Th ree Phase Short circuit on Trinity Generator Unit 150ms or

7.5 cycles

31 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant


4.1.4. T h ree Phase Short circuit on Trinity Generator Unit for 200ms or
10 cycles

In particular, the terminal voltage of generators close to the fault location will drop sharply
and therefore the electrical power output will reduce. The mechanical power will initially be
unchanged from the pre-fault condition and therefore the speed of the machines close to
the fault location will increase. See below graph showing the terminal voltage.

Transient stability studies were conducted to assess the stability of the power system
following short circuits at a number of locations on the 330kV system in and around the

32 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant


Ikot Ekpene and Trinity Power Plant area. In each case, a three-phase short circuit was
assumed, as this is more onerous items of transient stability than a single phase to earth
or two-phase short circuit. A short circuit causes a major disturbance on the system and
the rotors of the various groups of generators swing with respect to each other. Power
systems usually have sufficient damping which causes these oscillations to substantially
reduce in magnitude within a few seconds. A short-circuit durations of 80ms, 100ms,
150ms and 200ms were simulated. The fault clearance time should be less than 200ms or
10 cycles for 330kV system faults and the simulations is too show impact in fault durations
on the stability of the grid.
5.0    Dynamic Stability 
Dynamic stability usually involves analysis over a longer period than transient stability, of
up to around 1 minute following a disturbance and requires detailed models of controllers
to study with accuracy. Speed governor response is particularly important.

Typical disturbances considered for dynamic stability studies include generator trips and
load trips. When a generator trips, the remaining generators connected to the system
must respond to pick up the shortfall in generated power. This is done through speed
governor response but is only possible if there is sufficient spinning reserve within the
connected machines.
If there is insufficient spinning reserve, the system frequency will drop and will eventually
reach a point where total system collapse occurs.

The rate at which the frequency drops is dependent on the power shortfall and the
combined inertia of the machines still connected to the system. Nigerian grid code states
that system frequency is to be maintained between +/- 2.5% of 50 Hz.
6.0     Voltage Stability 
Voltage stability is maintained mainly through provision of sufficient reactive (capacitive)
power support at major load centres and through the use of shunt reactors at the remote
ends of long lightly loaded lines. Tables 3 and 4 below show nodes with lower and upper
voltage limits respectively

33 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant


Nodes with lower voltage limit (less than 95%) - Table 7

1 Nodes (lower) %
2 OTURKPO 1 94.53
3 OGOJA-GAKEM 1 94.4
5 OGOJA 1 94.35
6 OBUDU 1 94.32
7 RIVERS 94.28
8 AMASIRI 1 94.24
9 ABAKALIKI 1 93.73
10 AWKA 1 93.65
11 OJI RIVER 33 93.61
12 ALIADE 1 93.58
13 IKOM 1 93.28
14 YANDEV 1 93.1
15 APIR 1 93.08
16 MAKURDI 33 92.94
17 MAKURDI 1 92.94
18 OBA 1 92.77
19 OJI RIVER 1 92.66
20 OMOKU GEN BUS 92.51
21 YOLA 132 92.43
22 NENWE 1 92.1
23 IKOM 33 91.55
24 APIR 33 91.53
25 ABAKALIKI 33 91.25
26 MPU 1 91.08
27 OBUDU 33 91.03
28 AMASIRI 33 90.95
29 AGIP GT 1-3 90.18
30 OKIGWE 1 89.82
31 AYANGBA 1 89.82
32 IDEATO 1 89.8
33 NNEWI 1 89.72
34 IHIALA 1 88.42
35 DELTA GT 15-20 87.68
36 ORLU 1 87.14

34 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant


Nodes with upper voltage limit (more than 105%) - Table 8

Nodes (upper) %
1 B-65521 110.12
2 GUSAU 106.74
3 IKOT A 132 105.61
4 MPU 33 105.41

The reactive power capability of the generators in the Niger Delta area including Trinity
Power plants will provide most of this requirement but to be supplemented by shunt
capacitor banks as earlier mentioned.
7.0  Over loaded Elements 
The overloaded elements in this study are mainly transformers.
Table 9
Elements % Type
1 EL234 241.97 2W Transformer
TR2-EGBIN 138.22 2W Transformer
3 TR1-EGBIN 138.22 2W Transformer
4 TR3-EGBIN 138.22 2W Transformer
5 KANJI HYD 5-6 132.91 Machine
6 EL223 127.62 2W Transformer
7 1229954531 124.92 2W Transformer
8 1229955311 122.43 2W Transformer
9 1229955376 121.25 2W Transformer
10 1229955377 121.25 2W Transformer
11 EL693 110.9 2W Transformer
12 1229955302 102.83 2W Transformer
13 1229955334 101.46 2W Transformer

35 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant


8.0  Electrical Protection 

8.1 General Requirement

Protective relaying is very important to dictate system disturbances and thus respond to
the fault by tripping or opening the unhealthy circuit thereby protecting other equipment in
the system.

It equally monitors synchronising, load transfer and out of step operating conditions that
might be generated by faults created by man or nature.
TCN has standard specification of protection facilities required for a generator to be
interconnected to its network.

This includes:
 Line Protection
 Transformer Protection
 Bus Protection
 Generator Protection
 Synchronising equipment
 Reclosing and Transfer Tripping
 Load Shedding
 Relaying interface and interlocks.
8.2  Zones of Protection 
The zones of protection includes:-
 Interconnection of Tie lines
 Generator Transformer and high voltage connections
 Isolated phase busbars
 Generator (including excitation transformers)
 Unit transformers

36 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant


Discrimination between the above zones is desirable where possible to avoid equipment
being isolated unnecessarily.

For electrical faults, within the protected zones (i.e phase and earth faults) the design
should be such that no failure of a secondary component should permit the fault to remain
in the network. This is achieved by providing high speed main protection plus back –up
(time delayed) protection for the whole zone. Note that the generator and the generator
transformer may be combined into one main protection zone with a separate main zone
provided for the generator.

Faults on adjoin systems and transformer auxiliary devices such as Bucholz, winding
temperature) should be included in the tripping logic.

8.3 Line Protection

In TCN the transmission lines are usually protected from faults by using distance and unit
relay protection which sometimes we regard as the double main protection with non
directional/earth fault back – up. Time over current relays may also be provided at the
generating plant main step –up transformer for back – up protection.

In the case of the Trinity Power plant, we may need to calculate the various distances to
the connection point and compare with TCN standards before applying it to the connecting

8.4 Generator Protection

In general terms we tend to use one tenth of the cost of an equipment to protect it in order
to avert failure and huge losses. This can be achieved if we protect the turbine
(mechanical) part of the machine as well as the generator(electrical part). We usually
employ the following protection.

 A differential protection for the winding phase to phase fault. this can either be
dedicated to the generator or part of the generator/generator transformer scheme. The
protection can either be biased or high impedance.
 100% stator earth fault protection
 Back up earth fault protection
37 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant

 Negative phase sequence protection

 Reverse power protection
 Loss of excitation protection
 Over – fluxing protection
 Under frequency and over frequency protection
 Pole slip protection
 Breaker fail protection

8.5 Generator Transformer Protection

It is a common practice to provide the following protection for large generator transformers:

 Differential protection for winding phase to phase fault

 High Voltage winding restricted earth fault protection
 Zero sequence voltage protection for unearthed operation of the delta winding
 Back up over current and earth fault protection for system fed faults on the generator
 Back up over current and earth fault protection for system fed faults on the high
voltage HV connections.
 Also it is a normal practice to equip large generator transformer with the following
auxiliary devices.
 High winding temperature
 Bucholz relay
 High oil temperature
 Pressure relief device
 Low conservator oil level

8.6 Unit Transformer

The following protection is vital:
 Differential protection for winding phase to phase fault
 Low voltage restricted earth fault protection
 Back up phase and earth fault protection
 Bucholz relay
 High oil temperature
38 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant

 Low conservator oil level

8.7 Main Protection

Existing unit protection should not be affected by the new Trinity Power plant. The high
system fault levels brought about by the additional generation shall improve the sensitivity
of the relays.
Existing distance protection zone2 and zone 3 reaches will be reduced due to fault in feed
from the new plant as these zones provides back-up protection.
These effects shall be considered during the detail design of the plant of the Front End
Engineering Design (FEED).

8.8 Backup Protection

If over-current relays are used for back-up protection, their settings should be reviewed to
ensure that the relay pick-up is above the maximum power flows with the Trinity Power
Plant connected. The revised settings should also be reviewed to ensure that the
protection is adequately sensitive under minimum plant conditions.

The increased fault levels caused by the IPP plant will affect the existing protection grading
margins which should be reviewed. Grading will also need to be considered between the
utility protections and the system back-up protection provided by the IPP.

39 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant


9.0  Connection Costs 
The costs considered here relates to the connection of the Trinity thermal Power Plant to
the PHCN grid based on the two feasible options earlier discussed in this report. It does
not include the cost of transformation capacity at Trinity Substation. The cost also excludes
VAT and ancillary costs such as marine insurance, CISS, custom duties, surcharges, etc.

The budget costs which are based on recent contracts by PHCN are shown in Table 10.

Connection Description of Works / Unit Unit Length Total Cost

Options Service cost, k$ (km/No.) k$
Construction of a. 330 kV overhead line 2 x 250 k$/km 25 6,250
25km 330KV Panther DC to Ikot Ekpene
Double circuit 330/132 kV substation
Transmission b. Acquiring right-of-way 10% of a k$ - 625
line (Panther)
from Trinity c. Consultancy/Supervision 3% of a k$ - 187.5
Power Plant to
Ikot Ekpene Transmission line cost
330/132kv ($7,062.5 Million)
Total Cost $7,062.5

Table 10 Summary of Connection Options

40 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant


10.0  Conclusions and Recommendations 

Thompson & Grace Investments Limited is seeking for license from Nigeria Electricity
Regulatory Commission (NERC) to generate and power to TCN grid. The proposed IPP is
505MW Thermal plant to be sited at Abak in Abak Local Government of Akwa Ibom State.

Among the three options explored for connection to TCN grid, option C is the most viable
of all the options considered and is described below;

10.1 Connection Option C

Option C involves connecting the power plant to the grid by Constructing about 25kM of
D.C 330kV transmission from the plant to link the Ikot Ekpene 330kV substation. Power
transfer capability of this scheme is 777MVA (620MW) using standard bison conductor, the
type used on TCN 330kV grid. This option is technically feasible considering the
magnitude of power to be evacuated from the Trinity Power Plant.

Estimated budget connection cost for Option C is as follows:

Connection Description of Works / Unit Unit Length Total Cost

Options Service cost, k$ (km/No.) k$
Construction of a. 330 kV overhead line 2 x 250 k$/km 25 6,250
25km 330KV Panther DC to Ikot Ekpene
Double circuit 330/132 kV substation
Transmission b. Acquiring right-of-way 10% of a k$ - 625
line (Panther)
from Trinity c. Consultancy/Supervision 3% of a k$ - 187.5
Power Plant to
Ikot Ekpene Transmission line cost
330/132kv ($7,062.5 Million)
Total Cost $7,062.5

41 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant


        11.0   APPENDICES 

42 Thompson & Grace Investments Limited - Trinity Power Plant

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