Brush Up Your Teeth To Brush Up Your Heart A Clinical Review On The Association of Oral Hygiene With Cardiovascular Diseases

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Volume 6, Issue 12, December – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Brush Up Your Teeth to Brush Up Your Heart: A

Clinical Review on the Association of Oral Hygiene
with Cardiovascular Diseases
Hayder Abdul-Amir Makki Al-Hindy Ghazi Mohamad Ramadan Mohammed Ihsan Chabuk
College of Pharmacy, Ahlulbayt University College, Ph.D., Department of dentistry,
University of Babylon, Babylon, Iraq Karbala, Iraq. Al-Safwa University College, Iraq.

Amal Talib Al Sa’ady Safa Jihad, Suhad Hafidh

Prof. (Microbiology), College of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy,
University of Babylon, Babylon, Iraq. University of Babylon, Babylon, Iraq.

Abstract:- Several pieces of the research described a

cross-talk between oral hygiene and CVDs. Oral hygiene Several lines of evidence give reason to believe that an
was linked with CVDs, and the relations between the two oral pathology could be one of the putative candidate risk
issues are signified by oral bacterial colonies and their factors for CVD [8, 9]. Oral disorder, the most prevalent
by-products released into the bloodstream, initiating chronic illness, is an essential public medical issue regarding
endothelial dysfunction in addition to presenting its prevalence, its influence on wellbeing and life quality, as
proatherogenic influences, inflammatory as well as well as therapy expenditures[10].In the last decades, shreds
immune responses. These mechanisms elucidate the of evidence have accumulated that correlates oral health to
described relations of PD with strok, coronary artery CVD through inflammatory or immune mechanisms [11].
diseases, and peripheral vascular diseases. Dental caries Periodontal medicine was invented to define the potential
and PD were also linked with diabetes mellitus (DM) and several systemic effects induced by periodontitis on other
dyslipidemia. Several experimental trials did not affirm body systems away from the mouth [12]. The interrogation
the relationship between oral hygiene and CVDs. Dental consequently a rose, do oral inflammations have impacts on
loss, the most significant equal of PD, has been also other human systems? The preliminary acceptance of the
related to CVD. Carious teeth were also described as a idea brings about the extensive practice of annoying
risk factor for arteriosclerosis independently, where as unjustified tooth extractions[13]. Up till now, different
dental restorations were associated with the antibiotics are still suggested, in predisposed cardiac
arteriosclerotic burden inversely. Improving cognizance subjects, for prophylaxis of infective endocarditis. Such
of perfect dental health can heighten cardiovascular trend lends appreciation to the “focus of infection” concept
health. of old.

The existing article aims to have a review on the Dental caries and periodont it is are the two most
vital biological pathways associated with oral and CVDs, mutual forms of oral diseases distressing the majority of
the important path physiologies which might be related, people, with an incidence rate that may reach 90%
and potentials for interventional therapeutic measures. together[14-16]. There are plentiful studies that link dental
pathologies to IHD [8, 17]. The hallmark of periodontitis
Keywords:- Oral hygiene, oral health, cardiovascular involves inflammation of the dental supportive attachment,
diseases, ischemic heart diseases, atherosclerosis, besides loss of alveolar bone, of periodontitis, which could
arteriosclerosis, periodontitis, periodontal diseases, dental have been associated with loss of gingival attachment[18].
loss, dental caries, inflammation. Periodontitis is a long-lasting inflammation caused by
odontopathogenic bacteria, superadded by susceptible host
I. INTRODUCTION immune response that has an essential contribution in its
pathogenicity [19]. Both hard and soft depositions on the
Universally, the main causes of mortality are tooth on supra gingival and sub gingival are as may
cardiovascular disorders (CVD) [1-4]. The conventional risk subsidize the destructive process. dental mobility or
factors for CVD are well recognized, but they possibly migration may issue in advanced cases of periodontitis[14].
account simply for 50- 70% of arteriosclerotic events.
Although arteriosclerosis is the most common substrate for The present global incidence of periodontal disease
CVD, several risk factors include dyslipidemia, DM, (PD) is not well distinct but the severe type is ranged from
genetic, obesity, hypertension, smoking, stress, 5-15% among the population of the developed world. Owing
inflammations, and others [5, 6]. CVD constitutes a to the marked variable research designs, the incidence rates
spectrum of disorders affecting the heart and circulation. from various countries are hard to compare. Moreover, no
Arteriosclerosis is a commonly shared pathology from standardized tools of PD extent were performed[18].
which several other vascular modalities originate, like This review considers the contemporary evidence for
ischemic cardiac disease, cerebro vascular disease as well as the association of oral hygiene with CVD.
peripheral vascular diseases. Failure of early diagnosis and
management can dispose of possibly lethal events [7].

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Volume 6, Issue 12, December – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
II. PERIODONTAL DISEASES [33]. Meanwhile, oral microbes and their injurious products
may release into the blood and cause insulin resistance and
The mouth habitat hundreds of microbes that colonize systemic inflammatory response, which are involved in all
dental exteriors, and dental plaque is covered by certain bio atherogenic stages, explaining the periodonto-systemic link
film, which acclimates to the environmental micro flora [34].
variations[20]. Gingival inflammation progresses when the
plaque spreads to the nearby gingiva, initiating host Additionally, P. gingivalis can infiltrate the aortic
immunity and inflammatory response. Gingivitis could endothelium by its own"fimbriae, and fimbrillin peptides"
evolve to PD once microbial inflammation migrates apically causing expression of "monocyte chemotactic protein"and
alongside the root exterior and invade the dental supportive IL-8 [35]. This bacterium can proliferate inside the
structures, plus the alveolar bony tissue. As well, chronic endothelium and trigger TLR2, and the release of
PD can induce permanent loss of connective tissue fibers inflammatory cytokines [24]. Vascular endothelium invaded
near the alveolar bone, tooth resorption, and eventual dental by P. gingivalis highly expressing adhesion molecules that
loss. Several predisposing risk factors had detected for has a proatherogenic activity [35]. Bacteria or their noxious
periodontitis include tobacco smoke, genetic, defective oral products may directly trigger vascular endothelium and
health, DM, psychosocial stresses, bad teeth, immunological several inflammatory cells inducing an inflammatory
dysfunction, imperfect fillings, interventions causing dry response and expressing metalloproteinase’s [33].
mouth, unfit bridges, and female physiological changes Periodontal microbes can induce plaque rupture resulting
(pregnancy and oral contraceptives)[21]. Dysbiosis is a from endothelial apoptosis and degeneration of the
discrepancy of the micro flora of the oral cavity that may extracellular matrix [24].
generate bacteremia in addition to systemic spreading of
oral micro biota [20]. Consequently, periodontitis by Adhesins, proteases, and lectins are toxic products of
triggering bacteremia can result in intense local and periodontial flora, can regulate the dental bio film; also
systemic inflammation and immune reactions[9, deteriorate the host immunity, by affecting interleukins; and
22].Notably, the risk factors for PD are the same as the CVD allows clerotic plaque synthesis by activating vascular
thereby confusing the association between PD and smooth muscle cells proliferation and platelets aggregation
arteriosclerosis [9, 11, 23]. Several clinical, experimental [36].
cohorts confirmed a positive link between PD and CVD,
perhaps due to endothelial dysfunction, and atherosclerotic Finally, probiotics can be beneficial, by inhibiting
vascular diseases [2, 24]. dental decay and decreasing incidences of streptococcal
throat infections, pocket depth, as well as plaque index [33].
III. BIOLOGICAL LINKAGE ASSOCIATING ORAL Several benefits of probiotics have been also defined for
HEALTH WITH CVD CVD, like decreasing systemic blood pressure and lipidemic
profile [37].
A. Bacteria, oral health, and CVD
Systematic analyses have delivered indications for C. Oral interventions and outcomes of CVD
periodontal infections as a latent mediator of atherosclerosis, Oral interventions decreased the risk of CVD, systemic
either by direct bacterial translocation or via inflammatory response, lipidemic state, arterial pressure,
inflammatory/immune-mediated process[25]. The severity vascular endothelial dysfunction, which possibly will inhibit
of bacteremia is influenced by the intensity of PD [24]. The thromboembolic events and recurring attacks of arrhythmias
mouth and dental pocket mutually present reservoirs of [38, 39]. Dental scaling more than twice/year was related to
anaerobes and bacteria of gram-negative species, that are a reduced risk of a trial arrhythmias, by its protecting
capable to invade the vascular tissue [26]. Several systemic influence on PD [40]. Oral interventions do not always
biomarkers of inflammation have been correlated with improve cardiovascular outcomes even with the link
bacteremia, which has been reported by many researchers between PD and CVD [41].
directly after tooth brushing or extraction[27].
Odontopathogenic bacterial DNA has also been identified in D. Biological linkage associating oral health with risk
thrombotic plaques of the aorta[28] and emboli from factors of CVD
patients with acute coronary syndrome[29], signifying direct Oral hygiene is linked with numerous CVD risk factors,
systemic influences of oral flora. Along the same channel, specially arterial hypertension, tobacco smoke, DM, and
oral bacteria like A. actinomycetemcomitans and P. lipidemic disorders [31]. Cigarette smoking is identified to
gingivalis, have also been reported as a cause of vascular influence the blood supply of periodontium, immune
endothelial dysfunction by the lipopolysaccharide-mediated response, fibroblast functions, and body tissue healing, and
process [30]. also causing vascular endothelial dysfunction [32]. Several
CVDs were related to PD, including stroke, coronary artery
B. Inflammation, oral health, and CVD diseases, peripheral vascular diseases, cardiac arrhythmias,
Similar inflammatory biomarkers are intricate in and aortic aneurysm [26].
arteriosclerosis and PD [31].PD is a good site of
immunological mediators, like TNF-α,IL-1, and IL-6 [32]. E. Oral health and abdominal aortic aneurysm
Immunoglobulin’s against P. gingivalis interact biologically Abdominal aorta aneurysm has been associated with oral
with "heat shock proteins", which are expressed by vascular health[26]. Periodontal micro flora and their byproducts
endothelium, subsidizing injurious vascular consequences may be intricate in local and systemic patho physiology
related to the progress and development of aortic aneurysms,

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Volume 6, Issue 12, December – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
signifying an infective model of aneurysmal pathogenesis lipoproteins in relating PD with arteriosclerosis
[42]. As mentioned previously, a trans located oral micro [36].Lipoprotein lipase action may be inhibited by TNF-α,
biota from the gingival to the circulation and then to the wall which may increase triglycerides [51].However, the relation
of the aorta, which might subsidize to the weekend aortic between dyslipidemia and PD was not established by all
wall or secondary colonization of aneurysm [43]. Suzuki studies[52, 53].
et al. described more severe bleeding on probing and deeper
gingival pocket in aortic aneurysm patients compared to J. Periodontitis, inflammation, and dyslipidemia
non-aneurysmal patients [44]. A bi-directional link of PD with dyslipidemia was
proposed also. Dyslipidemia rises the vulnerability for PD
F. Oral health and peripheral artery diseases owing to the concomitant inflammatory response, and at the
Atherosclerosis may disturb the gums also and impair same time, Periodontal inflammatory response constrains
local blood vessels flow and this might elucidate the link of lipids metabolism[36]."Pro-protein convertase
CVD or peripheral vascular diseases with PD [41]. Poor oral subtilisin/Kexin-9 (PCSK9)"regulates plasma LDL
health and elevated biomarkers of inflammation were cholesterol levels critically, and appears to be upregulated in
reported in patients with peripheral arterial disease. A shared patients with PD with P. gingivalis immunoglobulins [54].
inflammatory mechanism in subjects with both PD and According to a study Japanese including 108 males, the
peripheral vascular diseases was reported earlier [45]. serum levels of PCSK9 correlated with oral parameters [55].

G. Oral health and myocardial diseases K. Oral hygiene and arterial hypertension
Oral health was connected with cardiac hypertrophy Periodontitis was linked with poorly controlled
too[46]. Remodeling of the ventricles and myocardial hypertension, mainly in elders; while a good oral health
hypertrophy after myocardial ischemia were intensified by status can improve systolic blood pressure during an
A. actinomycetemcomitans[47]. Oral microbes upsurge the antihypertensive course [56]. An elevated systolic pressure.
level of matrix metalloproteinase’s, which destroy the has also been related to the severity of PD. Based on
gingival extracellular matrix. Metalloproteinase’s are also research comprising 3352 cases with a history of arterial
secreted and are causing myocardial inflammatory response, hypertension and myocardial infarction, the number of the
myocardial hypertrophy, perivascular and interstitial remaining teeth and dental pockets were significantly linked
myocardial fibrotic changes, triggering systolic/diastolic to hypertension [57]. Reduced inflammatory biomarkers and
dysfunction [46]. systolic pressure and better lipidemic states and risk of CVD
in cases of severe PD, in a prospective clinical trial[39].
H. Periodontitis and cardiac arrhythmias
Cardiac arrhythmia revealed significant associations in L. Periodontal diseases and diabetes
some recent studies with PD. Study In a study comprising The reciprocal association between DM and PD was
227 patients with atrial fibrillation, PD was an independent detected by several biochemical and clinical studies. DM
predictor of arrhythmic events[38]. This link is partially results in vascular changes of periodontium caused by
described by the inflammation of atriomyocytes producing macro- and micro-angiopathy and bone loss due to several
hypertrophy, oxidative stress, and injured myocardium postulated mechanisms including protein glycation, upturns
prompted by antibodies synthesized as an immune response collagenase action, impaired functions polymorph nuclear
to P. gingivalis and P. intermedia bacteria [48]. It was leukocytes, and immune response. Other potential
reported that control of PD may amend inflammation and explanations can be attributed to the following facts: PD is a
may inhibit arrhythmia recurrence [38]. Chen et al. failed to good body source for immune mediators into the circulation
repeat the relationship between periodontitis and atrial and high insulin resistance. Shared pathological mechanisms
arrhythmia (flutter or fibrillation) in hyper thyroid subjects, and genetic components had been described for DM and
an illness closely related to arrhythmias [40]. Other cardiac periodontitis, [32].
arrhythmias, like atrial and ventricular tachycardia or
premature beats, were also more prevalent in patients with M. Association of periodontitis with aging
PD [38]. Tachyarrhythmia progress may be influenced by Age is an unmodifiable risk factor for CVD, and the
PD. Specifically, P.intermedia plus P. gingivalis were populace of oral flora increases with age [58]. Several
identified from the salivaoftachyar rhythmic subjects as well researchers described a greater arterial stiffness in patients
as both bacteria may contribute to ventricular remodeling with POD. A higher arterial stiffness specifies reduced
also [49]. vascular wall elasticity, and hence arteriosclerosis, which is
a predictor of coronary vascular events [59].
I. Periodontitis and lipidemic profile
The association between PD and lipid metabolism has N. Association of dental loss and CVD
been evaluated by quite a few scholars. PD was significantly Dental caries among adults is the most significant reason
linked with high LDL and triglyceride and low HDL for the dental loss, while in subjects more than 40years,PD
concentrations in a meta-analysis included19 studies, is the more common cause. In subjects with PD, chronic
conducted among patients with chronic PD [50]. The inflammation is accountable for alveolar bone resorption,
relation between PD and lower HDL might enhance and dental loss[8, 16, 17]. The dental loss reflects poor oral
periodontal inflammation. Specific bacteria may as well, hygiene, which intern affects dietary consumption and
elevatelevels of VLDL and LDL and prompt apoprotein- nutrient selections result in decreased ingestion of
B100 proteolysis, explaining the influential effects of vegetables and nutritional fibers. A healthy food, enriched

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
with fruits, fibers, and vegetables, is a keystone of lesions of endodontic source and a risk factor of coronary
preventing CVD [60]. Dental loss is also linked with risk vascular events [8, 9, 38]. Raised cytokine levels were
factors of CVD including aging, coronary artery disease, linked with a trial fibrillation in PD patients [38]. Brain
peripheral vascular disease, cardiac failure, stroke, and natriuretic peptides, secreted from ventricular myocytes
cardiovascular mortality [17, 41]. This linkage might be stimulated by volume and pressure overload, were also
clarified by the presence of oral bacteria, specially A. elevated in patients with PD [36]. A biomarker of ischemic
actinomycetemcomitans, and S. sanguis which subsidize a myocardium and end product of oxidative stress,"ischemia-
systemic inflammatory response accompanied by increased modified albumin"was found to be high in long-lasting PD
concentrations of plasma C-reactive protein[3-5, 9], vascular compared with controls and declined once a conservative
endothelial dysfunction, arteriosclerosis evolution, and periodontal treatment was initiated [68]."Matrix
instability of thrombotic plaque [61]. metalloproteinase’s", a biomarker of vulnerable plaque, and
subclinical arteriosclerosis were also related to PD [46].
O. Carious teeth and endodontic lesions
PD of the chronic dental apex and carious teeth are R. Future suggested works
varied steps for a similar inflammation, and this local Researches that inspect genetic predisposition and
infective model has gained concern[31, 51].Bacteria like S. molecular pathways are desirable to expand our appreciation
mutans, generally related to tooth caries and recognized in of the association between oral hygiene and CVDs. It would
the sclerotic plaques, signifying a pro-atherogenicity of be remarkable to perform a prospective study follow up
carious teeth that may result in bacterial endocarditis[31]. subjects with periodontal diseases and screen them for the
For the dental flora to reach the myocardium or the distal progress of clinical CVDs, and on the contrary, screen those
capillaries, it takes <1 minute after any periodontal with clinical CVDs for the progress of periodontal diseases.
intervention[31]. The inflammatory injury round the dental As well, there is a necessity for high-standard records from
apex (Apical PD), caused by bacteria of gram-negative several random clinical studies to assess whether oral
species, may arouse systemic inflammation induced by hygiene subsidizes the evolution of CVD when the
inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, IL-2, 6, 8, & 17, and TNF- confounders are being adjusted.
α), matrix metalloproteinase, and reactive oxygen species,
like chronic PD[31, 51]. The levels ofIL-1that existed in IV. CONCLUSIONS
injuries of endodontic originareintricate in the evolution,
progress, and destabilization of the atheromatous plaques. Despite the absence of causation, oral hygiene and
The pro-inflammatory IL-6 was linked with the acute CVD are inflammations sharing several mutual
coronary syndrome (unstable angina), left ventricle etiopathology and a collection of risk factors like biological,
dysfunction, arterial hypertension, obesity, and DM and its pro-inflammatory, and molecular biomarkers. Hence, it is
sequels. Interleukin-8 is related to permanent pulp crucial to identify the significance of oral hygiene, chronic
inflammation and osteolytic abscesses of the dental apex oral inflammation in particular, for better cardiovascular
and with plaque synthesis and angiogenesis. TNF-α was wellbeing and better life quality, since the oral diseases are
linked to alveolar bone resorption, synthesis of Il-6, and easily and early detected compared with CVD.
smooth muscle cell proliferation, besides lipid metabolism. Dentists, physicians, and other medical staff should
Interleukin-17 regulates MMPs, vascular endothelial extend their knowledge, given these interactions between
damage, and cell apoptosis [51]. oral hygiene and CVDs. As well, biomarkers used for oral
P. Periodontitis and vascular endothelial effects hygiene support screening of diseases of the cardiovascular
Subjects with a severe form of periodontit is have base.
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