2020 YP Forum Report
2020 YP Forum Report
2020 YP Forum Report
Positioning Young Professionals For The Transitioning Future Of The Oil And
Gas Industry: The Way Ahead
Date: 07Mar2020
Venue: 7th Floor, The Wings Office Complex,
17A Ozumba Mbadiwe Road,
Victoria Island, Lagos
Who We Are… SPE Lagos Section 61
• The mission of SPE is to collect, disseminate and exchange technical knowledge concerning
the exploration, development and production of Oil and Gas resources, and related
technologies for the public benefit; and to provide opportunities for professionals to
enhance their technical and professional competence
• SPE Lagos section held the 2020 YP Forum on 07Mar2020 with the theme: “Positioning
Young Professionals for the Transitioning Future of the Oil and Gas Industry”
Our Sponsors and VIPs Lagos Nigeria Section
Lagos Nigeria
SPE Section 61 wishes to express our sincere THANKS to you for your outstanding contribution to the success of our Young Professional
Forum event. Your contribution has helped to strengthen the mission of SPE through the activities of the Lagos Section and provided the
opportunity for you to influence the wider society in a non-traditional way. Please accept the thanks and appreciation of SPE Lagos
Section, its Board of Directors and staff. I hopeyou continue to participate in SPE activities as we can not meet the changing needs of our
members and our community without yoursupport
Mr. Abdulrahman Mijinyawa Yewande Jinadu Mr. Demola Ogunbanjo Mr. Adango Hart
Manager, Asset Optimization Digital & Founder Careeerlife Nigeria/ Convener General Manager, Business Support Petroleum Engineering Research and
Technology SNEPCO Employability Fitness Program (EFP) Group, Oando Energy Resources Integration Manager, CypherCrescent
Event Highlights – Keynote Address Lagos Nigeria Section
“Positioning Young Professionals for the Transitioning Future of the Oil and Gas Industry”
by Abdulrahman Mijinyawa
Key Highlights
• The current dynamics of the energy industry is Volatile, Uncertain, Complex &
Ambiguous (VUCA)
• With changing energy dynamics, CEOs think about:
Providing more and cleaner energy
To increase renewable energy availability and use by x3
Thoughts to Ponder
• Great rewards will accrue to those who can take conceptual knowledge from
one problem and apply it in an entirely new one.
• The more constrained and repetitive a challenge, the more likely it will be
• What are you naturally good at? Think about what you’re PASSIONATE about
• What is your most significant non-academic achievement?
Book Recommendation
“Range: Why generalists triumph in a specialized world” by David Epstein
Event Highlights Lagos Nigeria Section
“Soft Skills for Accelerating Development of Young Professionals in the Future of the Energy Industry”
by Yewande Jinadu
Key Highlights
• Soft Skills are personal attributes that can affect relationships,
communication, etc.
Intangible and difficult to quantify and are very crucial to growth
Drives your hard (technical) skills
• Relevant Skills for Young Professionals in the Energy Industry:
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Effective Communication; includes verbal, non-verbal & written
Emotional Intelligence; depicts diplomacy and tact in dealing with
Leadership: Be intentional about leading. Do you carry people along?
Passion: The fuel that drives your career
Openness to Feedback: Be teachable
Adaptability: Be open to ambiguity
Teamwork: Are you someone everyone wants on their team? It’s a
buildable skill
Strong Work Ethics: Integrity, Reliable, Your word is your bond
Book Recommendation
“Think Like an Entrepreneur, Act Like a CEO” by Beverly E. Jones
Event Highlights Lagos Nigeria Section
“Career Advancement: The Transitioning Future of Oil and Gas Industry; Set-backs, Challenges and
Opportunities for Career Advancement” by Demola Ogunbanjo
Key Highlights
• Sustainable development refers to the way you put the resources of the
earth to use that does not negatively affect the incoming generations
• Renewable sources of energy would at some point in the future take pre-
eminence over Oil and Gas (O&G)
• O&G utility may reduce given the environmental challenges
accompanying its consumption
• Technology (and its applications in the oil and gas industry) is coming… if
you are ready, you will be able to take full advantage
• Technology would change the oil and gas industry at 2 levels;
Subsurface work: Gathering data would become more precise than ever;
the next decade will see more data analyst and scientists than ever before
Surface level: Leakages in production systems would be more easily
detected using technology
• Embrace the world of Technology and its advancement
• O&G needs to fund research in renewable energy to stay relevant when
renewables become the “new oil”
• Adaptability is therefore a vital skill required to navigate the change that is
Thoughts to Ponder
• The world is moving at a fast pace. Upskill yourself as an individual for the
• Always keep learning; Stop repeating mistakes and learn from your
Event Highlights Lagos Nigeria Section
“Relevant Technical Skillset for Entrenching Young Professionals in the Transitioning Future of
the Oil and Gas industry” by Adango Hart
Key Highlights
• GRIT!!!!! What is your level of GRIT???
• The ability to persevere, to understand what you need to know is the key
to being successful (Angela Leibonnat)
• Participants in the energy industry needs hybrid engineers combining the
following skillset;
Domain Engineering
Applied Mathematics &
Ability to perform digital skills
• Other technical skills which are direly relevant include: Numerical
Optimization, Computational Modelling, PDE & modelling, Computational
Statistics, Machine Learning and Linear Algebra etc.
Thoughts to Ponder
• Try to possess the ability to PERSEVERE
• What you lack with your soft skill replace with your technical skill
• Learn! LeArN!! LEARN!!! Upgrade yourself
Feedback From Participants Lagos Nigeria Section
#WeAreTheFuture #HappyPeople