Technique For Two-Frequency Optimization of An ECR Magnetic Nozzle Thruster
Technique For Two-Frequency Optimization of An ECR Magnetic Nozzle Thruster
Technique For Two-Frequency Optimization of An ECR Magnetic Nozzle Thruster
I. Introduction
Low power magnetic nozzle thrusters promise several features that make them ideal for small
satellite applications. They offer simple operation, with only a single required power supply, and lack
the often life-limiting neutralizer cathode that is required by most mature Electric Propulsion (EP)
technologies. However, performance to date has typically been much lower than more established
EP thruster designs, with low power thrust efficiency typically on the order of 1% 1 . Magnetic nozzle
thruster designs using Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) heating, in particular those designed
at Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales (ONERA), have shown great promise in
overcoming the historically poor performance. Their recent experiments have demonstrated thrust
efficiency over 10% and 1000s during a 50 W test, while previous Helicon thruster experiments have
typically seen efficiencies under 2% at these power levels 2–6 .
Magnetic nozzle thrusters generate force by converting the random thermal energy of a plasma,
typically generated by externally applied radiofrequency (RF) or microwave fields, to directed kinetic
Ph.D Candidate, [email protected]
Assistant Professor, [email protected]
The 36th International Electric Propulsion Conference, University of Vienna, Austria
September 15–20, 2019
energy. In the case of ECR, heating is a achieved when the frequency of the applied electromagnetic
wave matches that of the natural electron cyclotron motion that occurs when a DC magnetic field is
present within the plasma. This condition can be described mathematically as ωin = eB/me , where
e is the electron charge, B is magnetic field strength, and me is the electron mass. Because the DC
magnetic field is not constant is space, typical ECR discharges contain a single resonant surface over
which the plasma absorbs most of its energy 7 . The hot electrons generated through ECR are then
expelled through an expanding magnetic nozzle, pulling the ions with them in an ambipolar diffusion
process. Finally, the plasma must detach from the magnetic field lines in order to generate useful
thrust. This process has been characterized in many magnetic nozzle thrusters, but to this day is not
well understood and is the subject of ongoing research 8–10 .
ECR magnetic nozzle thrusters have a long history in the EP community, with many earliest
thruster concepts built around the technology 11 . Though there was some success operating these
thrusters at kilowatt power levels, the bulky microwave sources of the time prohibited their use
on satellites, and research on this topic declined sharply as gridded ion and hall effect thrusters
matured 12 . While not suited for spaceflight at the time, ECR technologies have seen extensive use
in both plasma processing reactors and as ion sources for particle accelerators 13,14 . Since the 1960’s,
the miniaturization of microwave sources has enabled ECR to once again become a viable technology
for both medium and small scale satellites, and it has been recently used as the ionization source for
gridded ion thrusters in deep space missions 15 .
The goal of the experiment detailed in this paper is to continue to improve ECR magnetic nozzle
thrusters using optimization techniques inspired by the ECR ion source technology, namely two-
frequency heating. As such, this paper is organized in the following way. In Sec. II, we outline
different design parameters that can be tuned to improve ECR performance and explain why two-
frequency heating was selected for the initial optimization experiment. In Sec. III, we describe the
optimization algorithm used in the experiments, and in Sec. IV we present the experimental setup
including the thruster, vacuum chamber, thrust stand, and trial point testing techniques used in the
The 36th International Electric Propulsion Conference, University of Vienna, Austria
September 15–20, 2019
As such, it is highly desirable to find design variables that do not require physical changes be made
to the thruster geometry. The primary such parameter is the input RF or microwave waveform
that is supplied to the plasma. While this variable has remained largely untouched in EP studies,
there have been many techniques developed for plasma processing and ECR ion sources that rely on
tailoring the input waveform. These include pulsed power techniques used in plasma processing and
multi-frequency heating, a common practice in ECR ion sources since the 1990s 19,20 .
Given the virtually unlimited number of variables that can be tuned when creating a custom
input waveform (frequency, duty cycle, modulation type, bandwidth to name a few), we intentionally
choose to limit the scope of our initial optimization experiments to focus on two-frequency heating.
This technique was first successfully implemented in the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories Advanced
ECR ion source in the 1990s, and is now standard practice in highly charged ion sources 21–24 . Simply
stated, two-frequency heating adds a second resonance zone to the discharge, as shown in Fig. 2 (b).
By increasing the volume over which the electrons are efficiently heated, it has been postulated that
power coupling efficiency can be enhanced. This effect increases the density of hot electrons, which
in turn leads to better ion source performance. Subsequent experiments showed that the addition of
a second frequency dampened the discharge oscillations by suppressing kinetic instabilities typically
present in ECR ion sources 25 . The underlying physics of these improvements are still not fully
understood 26 . These experiments did, however, demonstrate just how sensitive ECR plasmas are to
small changes in input waveform with changes of only a few MHz significantly modifying the output
ion beam of a 14 GHz experiment 24,27 . Although the operating regimes of the ECR ion sources for
highly charged ions are quite different than those of ECR thrusters (i.e. much higher frequencies and
magnetic field strengths), the experiments indicate that two-frequency heating may be a promising
starting point for ECR thruster optimization.
By using two independent frequencies and holding the total input power constant, we have opened
the design space to 3 independent parameters: f1 , f2 , and P1 /P2 . Here, f1 and f2 are the two input
frequencies, and P1 /P2 is the ratio of their powers. These input parameters can be tuned at different
total power and flow rate settings to find optimal operating conditions at alternate thrust levels and
specific impulses. By optimizing at several set points, we can generate a Pareto front of optimal
parameters such as that shown in Fig. 1. This information would allow the thruster to be operated
more efficiently across a wider envelope of mission-dependent operating conditions.
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September 15–20, 2019
Fig. 1 Hypothetical Pareto front showing the highest efficiency operating points at
various flow rates and power levels. By optimizing the input waveform at these flow
rates and power levels, we can potentially widen the operating envelope of the thruster.
The 36th International Electric Propulsion Conference, University of Vienna, Austria
September 15–20, 2019
IV. Experimental Setup
A. ECR Thruster
The thruster used in this experiment, shown firing in Fig. 2, is based on the ECR thruster
designed at ONERA 2 . This thruster utilizes a coaxial design in which microwave power is injected
from the back of the thruster between an inner antenna and an outer conductor which serves as both
a waveguide and as the walls of the plasma source. A DC block is placed between the input coaxial
cable and the thruster allowing the thruster body to float with respect to the chamber. The magnetic
field is generated by permanent NdFeB magnets with a peak magnetic field of 1100 gauss inside the
thruster. For the design used in this paper, gas is injected radially into the discharge region, however
both axial and radial gas injection schemes have been utilized in other experiments with varying
levels of success 30 .
(a) (b)
Fig. 2 (a) ECR thruster firing on 2 SCCM xenon at 20 watts input power, (b) Schematic
of the thruster showing the ECR resonance zones created by two-frequency heating
B. Vacuum Facility
Initial experiments were performed in a 0.9 meter diameter by 0.9 meter vacuum chamber at
PEPL, shown in Fig. 4. This chamber is equipped with a cryogenic pump capable of approximately
1,300 L/s pumping speed on xenon. Because high background pressure has been previously shown
to inhibit the performance of these devices, the experiment was moved to the Junior vacuum facility,
a 1 meter diameter by 3 meter chamber equipped with both turbomolecular and cryogenic pumps
capable of a combined pumping speed of roughly 32,000 L/s on xenon.
The 36th International Electric Propulsion Conference, University of Vienna, Austria
September 15–20, 2019
signals, such as those generated by two-frequency heating, cannot be measured by standard Contin-
uous Wave (CW) power sensors. Instead "True Power" sensors are required, and even with these
devices, measurement bandwidth must be carefully taken into account.
Fig. 3 Schematic showing the microwave signal generation and diagnostic components
D. Thrust Stand
The thrust stand used in these experiments, shown in Fig. 4, employs a hanging pendulum design.
For our implementation, we use a counterweight on top of the pivots to increase the displacement
caused by the thruster. This design is similar to that used in Ref. 3. We measure thruster displace-
ment with a Philtec DMS-63 fiber-optic displacement sensor giving a ∼ 10 nm resolution. For the
initial tests, we do not employ active control to null the thruster displacement, however, this feature
may be added to future tests. The thrust stand is calibrated by placing a series of ∼ 0.5 gram weights
at a known moment arm with respect to the pendulum pivots. A typical calibration curve is shown
in Fig. 5(a).
Initial tests were performed at a 20 watt, 2 SCCM-Xe operating condition. We show a raw data
trace from this test in Fig. 5 (b). Using the calibration data in Fig. 5 (a), the measured thrust was 535
The 36th International Electric Propulsion Conference, University of Vienna, Austria
September 15–20, 2019
giving a thrust efficiency of 3.4%. However, these tests were performed at a relatively high background
pressure (over 30µTorr), which is known to cause a decrease in thruster performance. Furthermore,
these tests were conducted prior to adding several features to the thrust stand to improve the accuracy
of measurements taken with microwave powered thrusters, as discussed below. The measurements
taken during this initial test, therefore, may not be reflective of true thrust numbers.
(a) (b)
Fig. 5 (a) Typical thruster calibration curve showing displacement as successive ∼ 0.5
gram weights are added, and (b) displacement as the thruster is turned on and off at a
20 watt, 2 SCCM operation condition
Thrust produced by RF and microwave powered thrusters can be particularly difficult to measure
due both thermal deformation and RF/microwave interference issues. Delivering microwave power
to the thruster requires the use of relatively stiff coaxial cables that both limit the sensitivity of the
thrust stand and expand during operation causing false readings. Initial tests of the ECR thruster
using RG-400 coaxial cable showed that cable heating could cause thrust readings on the order of
those produced by the thruster itself. Although no microwave interference issues were encountered
during initial tests, the thruster’s proximity to sensitive electronics makes it vital to consistently check
for false readings. The thrust stand therefore features several additions to make it suitable for testing
low-power ECR thrusters. These include wireless power coupling, a microwave power diverter, and
PID temperature control of the thruster and thrust stand.
The 36th International Electric Propulsion Conference, University of Vienna, Austria
September 15–20, 2019
(a) (b)
Fig. 6 (a) Simulated S parameters of the microwave wireless power coupler and (b)
the final design undergoing testing with the network analyzer
2. Power Diverter
Because false readings due to microwave interference and thermal expansion are often difficult to
identify, we have added a microwave power diverter to the thrust stand as an additional sanity check.
For our design, a JFW RF switch is used to route incoming microwave power to either the thruster
or a 50Ω dummy load. By comparing the thrust measured with power sourced to the dummy load
to that measured with no power input to the thrust stand, we can quickly determine if the input
microwave signal is causing false thrust readings.
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September 15–20, 2019
Fig. 7 Initial optimization experiment during operation. The thruster can be seen
firing on the left while the LabView VI controlling the experiment is shown on the right
power (∼ 30 watt) operating point, and then slowly transitioned down to the new test point using
variable attenuators. Once steady state is reached at the trial point, which was found to take around
10 seconds, the thruster is quickly transitioned to the low-power operating point, and thrust is
determined using the change in thrust. Finally, a new trial point is calculated by the optimizer and
the process repeats.
Fig. 8 Diagram showing the routine used to measure thrust at each new test point.
Relative thrust is measured by taking the ∆ Thrust between the test point and the
known low-power set point.
VI. Conclusions
In this paper, we have presented the preparations for an upcoming optimization experiment using
two-frequency heating to improve the performance of a low-power ECR magnetic nozzle thruster. We
show that ECR thrusters are well suited for optimization using custom input waveforms, and present
our choice of optimization variables: f1 , f2 and P1 /P1 . The thrust measurement techniques and
experiment facilities were presented, including a newly developed thrust stand. Finally, we present a
new technique for quickly iterating through trial points while avoiding the effects of hysteresis. The
full results of the tests implementing these new techniques will be the subject of future publications.
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The 36th International Electric Propulsion Conference, University of Vienna, Austria
September 15–20, 2019