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Ageless Body, Timeless Mind: by Deepak Chopra

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by Deepak Chopra

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781846041044
Imprint: Rider
Released in April, 2008


The Land Where No One Is Old

People don't grow old.

When they stop growing, they
become old,

If you were to destroy in mankind the

belief in immortality, not only love
but every living force maintaining
the life of the world would at once
be dried up.

I move with the infinite in Nature's power

I hold the fire of the soul
I hold life and healing

Look at these worlds spinning

out of nothingness
That is within your power

I WOULD LIKE YOU to join me on a journey of discovery. We will explore a place where the
rules of everyday existence do not apply. These rules explicitly state that to grow old, become
frail, and die is the ultimate destiny of all. And so it has been for century after century.
However, I want you to suspend your assumptions about what we call reality so that we can
become pioneers in a land where youthful vigor, renewal, creativity, joy, fulfillment, and
timelessness are the common experience of everyday life, where old age, senility, infirmity,
and death do not exist and are not even entertained as a possibility.

If there is such a place, what is preventing us from going there? It is not some dark
continental landmass or dangerous uncharted sea. It is our conditioning, our current collective
worldview that we were taught by our parents, teachers, and society. This way of seeing
things—the old paradigm—has aptly been called "the hypnosis of social conditioning," an
induced fiction in which we have collectively agreed to participate.

Your body is aging beyond your control because it has been programmed to live out the rules
of that collective conditioning. If there is anything natural and inevitable about the aging

Extract from AGELESS BODY, TIMELESS MIND by Deepak Chopra

Available in bookshops April, 2008
ISBN: 9781846041044 | Imprint: Rider | Publisher: Random House Australia
process, it cannot be known until the chains of our old beliefs are broken. In order to create
the experience of ageless body and timeless mind, which is the promise of this book, you
must discard ten assumptions about who you are and what the true nature of the mind and
body is. These assumptions form the bedrock of our shared worldview.

They are:

1. There is an objective world independent of the observer, and our bodies are an aspect of
this objective world.

2. The body is composed of clumps of matter separated from one another in time and space.

3. Mind and body are separate and independent from each other.

4. Materialism is primary, consciousness is secondary. In other words, we are physical

machines that have learned to think.

5. Human awareness can be completely explained as the product of biochemistry.

6. As individuals, we are disconnected, self-contained entities.

7. Our perception of the world is automatic and gives us an accurate picture of how things
really are.

8. Our true nature is totally defined by the body, ego, and personality. We are wisps of
memories and desires enclosed in packages of flesh and bones.

9. Time exists as an absolute, and we are captives of that absolute. No one escapes the
ravages of time.

10. Suffering is necessary—it is part of reality. We are inevitable victims of sickness, aging,
and death.

These assumptions reach far beyond aging to define a world of separation, decay, and death.
Time is seen as a prison that no one escapes; our bodies are biochemical machines that, like
all machines, must run down. "At a certain age," Lewis Thomas once affirmed, "it is in our
nature to wear out, to come unhinged, and to die, and that is that." This position, the hard line
of materialistic science, overlooks much about human nature. We are the only creatures on
earth who can change our biology by what we think and feel. We possess the only nervous
system that is aware of the phenomenon of aging. Old lions and tigers do not realize what is
happening to them—but we do. And because we are aware, our mental state influences what
we are aware of.

It would be impossible to isolate a single thought or feeling, a single belief or assumption, that
doesn't have some effect on aging, either directly or indirectly. Our cells are constantly
eavesdropping on our thoughts and being changed by them. A bout of depression can wreak
havoc with the immune system; falling in love can boost it. Despair and hopelessness raise
the risk of heart attacks and cancer, thereby shortening life. Joy and fulfillment keep us
healthy and extend life. This means that the line between biology and psychology can't really
be drawn with any certainty. A remembered stress, which is only a wisp of thought, releases
the same flood of destructive hormones as the stress itself.

Extract from AGELESS BODY, TIMELESS MIND by Deepak Chopra

Available in bookshops April, 2008
ISBN: 9781846041044 | Imprint: Rider | Publisher: Random House Australia
Because the mind influences every cell in the body, human aging is fluid and changeable; it
can speed up, slow down, stop for a time, and even reverse itself. Hundreds of research
findings from the last three decades have verified that aging is much more dependent on the
individual than was ever dreamed of in the past.

However, the most significant breakthrough is not contained in isolated findings but in a
completely new worldview. The ten assumptions of the old paradigm do not accurately
describe our reality. They are inventions of the human mind that we have turned into rules. To
challenge aging at its core, this entire worldview must be challenged first, for nothing holds
more power over the body than beliefs of the mind.

Each assumption of the old paradigm can be replaced with a more complete and expanded
version of the truth. These new assumptions are also just ideas created by the human mind,
but they allow us much more freedom and power. They give us the ability to rewrite the
program of aging that now directs our cells.

The ten new assumptions are:

1. The physical world, including our bodies, is a response of the observer. We create our
bodies as we create the experience of our world.

2. In their essential state, our bodies are composed of energy and information, not solid
matter. This energy and information is an outcropping of infinite fields of energy and
information spanning the universe.

3. The mind and body are inseparably one. The unity that is "me" separates into two streams
of experience. I experience the subjective stream as thoughts, feelings, and desires. I
experience the objective stream as my body. At a deeper level, however, the two streams
meet at a single creative source. It is from this source that we are meant to live.

4. The biochemistry of the body is a product of awareness. Beliefs, thoughts, and emotions
create the chemical reactions that uphold life in every cell. An aging cell is the end product of
awareness that has forgotten how to remain new.

5. Perception appears to be automatic, but in fact it is a learned phenomenon. The world you
live in, including the experience of your body, is completely dictated by how you learned to
perceive it. If you change your perception, you change the experience of your body and your

6. Impulses of intelligence create your body in new forms every second. What you are is the
sum total of these impulses, and by changing their patterns, you will change.

7. Although each person seems separate and independent, all of us are connected to
patterns of intelligence that govern the whole cosmos. Our bodies are part of a universal
body, our minds an aspect of a universal mind. 8. Time does not exist as an absolute, but
only eternity. Time is quantified eternity, timelessness chopped up into bits and pieces
(seconds, hours, days, years) by us. What we call linear time is a reflection of how we
perceive change. If we could perceive the changeless, time would cease to exist as we know
it. We can learn to start metabolizing non-change, eternity, the absolute. By doing that, we will
be ready to create the physiology of immortality.

Extract from AGELESS BODY, TIMELESS MIND by Deepak Chopra

Available in bookshops April, 2008
ISBN: 9781846041044 | Imprint: Rider | Publisher: Random House Australia
9. Each of us inhabits a reality lying beyond all change. Deep inside us, unknown to the five
senses, is an innermost core of being, a field of non-change that creates personality, ego, and
body. This being is our essential state—it is who we really are.

10. We are not victims of aging, sickness, and death. These are part of the scenery, not the
seer, who is immune to any form of change. This seer is the spirit, the expression of eternal

Copyright © Deepak Chopra, 2008

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in
any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior
written permission of the publisher.

Extract from AGELESS BODY, TIMELESS MIND by Deepak Chopra

Available in bookshops April, 2008
ISBN: 9781846041044 | Imprint: Rider | Publisher: Random House Australia

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