Parkin (Chapter 7)
Parkin (Chapter 7)
Parkin (Chapter 7)
i Pods, Wii games, and Nike shoes are just three of the items you might buy
that are not produced in the United States. In fact, most of the goods that you
buy are produced abroad, often in Asia, and transported here in container
ships and FedEx cargo jets. And it’s not just goods produced abroad that you
buy—it is services too. When you make a technical support call, most likely
you’ll be talking with someone in India, or to a voice recognition system that
was programmed in India. Satellites or fiber cables will carry your conversation
along with huge amounts of other voice messages, video images, and data.
All these activities are part of the globalization process that is having a
profound effect on our lives. Globalization
GLOBAL MARKETS IN ACTION is controversial and generates heated
debate. Many Americans want to know
how we can compete with people whose wages are a fraction of our own.
Why do we go to such lengths to trade and communicate with others in
faraway places? You will find some answers in this chapter. And in Reading
Between the Lines at the end of the chapter, you can apply what you’ve
learned and examine the effects of a tariff that the Obama government has put
on tires imported from China.
152 CHAPTER 7 Global Markets in Action
Comparative advantage is the fundamental force that Source of data: Bureau of Economic Analysis.
drives international trade. Comparative advantage (see
Chapter 2, p. 38) is a situation in which a person can
perform an activity or produce a good or service at a This same principle applies to trade among
lower opportunity cost than anyone else. This same nations. Because China has a comparative advantage
idea applies to nations. We can define national com- at producing T-shirts and the United States has a
parative advantage as a situation in which a nation can comparative advantage at producing airplanes, the
perform an activity or produce a good or service at a people of both countries can gain from specialization
lower opportunity cost than any other nation. and trade. China can buy airplanes from the United
The opportunity cost of producing a T-shirt is States at a lower opportunity cost than that at which
lower in China than in the United States, so China Chinese firms can produce them. And Americans can
has a comparative advantage in producing T-shirts. buy T-shirts from China for a lower opportunity cost
The opportunity cost of producing an airplane is than that at which U.S. firms can produce them.
lower in the United States than in China, so the Also, through international trade, Chinese producers
United States has a comparative advantage in pro- can get higher prices for their T-shirts and Boeing can
ducing airplanes. sell airplanes for a higher price. Both countries gain
You saw in Chapter 2 how Liz and Joe reap gains from international trade.
from trade by specializing in the production of the Let’s now illustrate the gains from trade that we’ve
good at which they have a comparative advantage just described by studying demand and supply in the
and then trading with each other. Both are better off. global markets for T-shirts and airplanes.
How Global Markets Work 153
Why the United States Imports T-Shirts of a shirt would be $8 and 40 million shirts a year
The United States imports T-shirts because the rest of would be produced by U.S. garment makers and
the world has a comparative advantage in producing bought by U.S. consumers.
T-shirts. Figure 7.1 illustrates how this comparative Figure 7.1(b) shows the market for T-shirts with
advantage generates international trade and how international trade. Now the price of a T-shirt is
trade affects the price of a T-shirt and the quantities determined in the world market, not the U.S. domes-
produced and bought. tic market. The world price is less than $8 a T-shirt,
The demand curve DUS and the supply curve SUS which means that the rest of the world has a compar-
show the demand and supply in the U.S. domestic ative advantage in producing T-shirts. The world
market only. The demand curve tells us the quantity price line shows the world price at $5 a shirt.
of T-shirts that Americans are willing to buy at vari- The U.S. demand curve, DUS, tells us that at $5 a
ous prices. The supply curve tells us the quantity of shirt, Americans buy 60 million shirts a year. The
T-shirts that U.S. garment makers are willing to sell U.S. supply curve, SUS, tells us that at $5 a shirt, U.S.
at various prices—that is, the quantity supplied at garment makers produce 20 million T-shirts a year.
each price when all T-shirts sold in the United States To buy 60 million T-shirts when only 20 million are
are produced in the United States. produced in the United States, we must import
Figure 7.1(a) shows what the U.S. T-shirt market T-shirts from the rest of the world. The quantity of
would be like with no international trade. The price T-shirts imported is 40 million a year.
15 15
Quantity Quantity
produced bought
No trade decreases increases
10 10
Price with
no trade
8 8
Price World
falls price
5 5
bought equals DUS Quantity DUS
quantity imported
produced Quantity Quantity
produced bought
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60
Quantity (millions of T-shirts per year) Quantity (millions of T-shirts per year)
(a) Equilibrium with no international trade (b) Equilibrium in a market with imports
Part (a) shows the U.S. market for T-shirts with no interna- tional trade. World demand and world supply determine
tional trade. The U.S. domestic demand curve DUS and U.S. the world price, which is $5 per T-shirt. The price in the
domestic supply curve SUS determine the price of a T-shirt at U.S. market falls to $5 a shirt. U.S. purchases of T-shirts
$8 and the quantity of T- shirts produced and bought in the increase to 60 million a year, and U.S. production of T-
United States at 40 million a year. shirts decreases to 20 million a year. The United States
Part (b) shows the U.S. market for T-shirts with interna- imports 40 million T-shirts a year.
154 CHAPTER 7 Global Markets in Action
Why the United States Exports Airplanes ing airplanes. The world price line shows the world
Figure 7.2 illustrates international trade in airplanes. price at $150 million.
The demand curve DUS and the supply curve SUS The U.S. demand curve, DUS, tells us that at $150
show the demand and supply in the U.S. domestic million an airplane, U.S. airlines buy 200 airplanes a
market only. The demand curve tells us the quantity year. The U.S. supply curve, SUS, tells us that at $150
of airplanes that U.S. airlines are willing to buy at million an airplane, U.S. aircraft makers produce 700
various prices. The supply curve tells us the quantity airplanes a year. The quantity produced in the United
of airplanes that U.S. aircraft makers are willing to States (700 a year) minus the quantity purchased by
sell at various prices. U.S. airlines (200 a year) is the quantity of airplanes
Figure 7.2(a) shows what the U.S. airplane market exported, which is 500 airplanes a year.
would be like with no international trade. The price
of an airplane would be $100 million and 400 air- REVIEW QUIZ
planes a year would be produced by U.S. aircraft
makers and bought by U.S. airlines. 1 Describe the situation in the market for a good
Figure 7.2(b) shows the U.S. airplane market with or service that the United States imports.
international trade. Now the price of an airplane is 2 Describe the situation in the market for a good
determined in the world market and the world price or service that the United States exports.
is higher than $100 million, which means that the
You can work these questions in Study
United States has a comparative advantage in produc-
Plan 7.1 and get instant feedback.
200 200
Quantity Quantity
bought produced
decreases increases
150 150
No trade
equilibrium World
Price price
Price with rises
no trade
100 100
50 50
Quantity bought Quantity
equals quantity exported DUS
produced Quantity Quantity
bought produced
In part (a), the U.S. market with no international trade, the world demand and world supply determine the world price,
U.S. domestic demand curve DUS and the U.S. domestic sup- which is $150 million per airplane. The price in the U.S.
ply curve SUS determine the price of an airplane at $100 mil- market rises. U.S. airplane production increases to 700 a
lion and 400 airplanes are produced and bought each year. year, and U.S. purchases of airplanes decrease to 200 a
In part (b), the U.S. market with international trade, year. The United States exports 500 airplanes a year.
Winners, Losers, and the Net Gain from Trade 155
◆ Winners, Losers, and the trade in T-shirts. U.S. domestic demand, DUS, and
U.S. domestic supply, SUS, determine the price and
Net Gain from Trade quantity. The green area shows consumer surplus and
the blue area shows producer surplus. Total surplus is
In Chapter 1 (see p. 5), we asked whether globalization
the sum of consumer surplus and producer surplus.
is in the self-interest of the low-wage worker in
Figure 7.3(b) shows how these surpluses change
Malaysia who sews your new running shoes and the
when the U.S. market opens to imports. The U.S.
shoemaker in Atlanta—whether it is in the social inter-
price falls to the world price. The quantity bought
est. We’re now going to answer these questions. You
increases to the quantity demanded at the world price
will learn why producers complain about cheap foreign
and consumer surplus expands from A to the larger
imports, but consumers of imports never complain.
green area A + B + D. The quantity produced in the
United States decreases to the quantity supplied at the
Gains and Losses from Imports world price and producer surplus shrinks to the
We measure the gains and losses from imports by smaller blue area C.
examining their effect on consumer surplus, producer Part of the gain in consumer surplus, the area B, is a
surplus, and total surplus. In the importing country loss of producer surplus—a redistribution of total sur-
the winners are those whose surplus increases and the plus. But the other part of the increase in consumer
losers are those whose surplus decreases. surplus, the area D, is a net gain. This increase in total
Figure 7.3(a) shows what consumer surplus and surplus results from the lower price and increased pur-
producer surplus would be with no international chases and is the gain from imports.
15 15 surplus
surplus expands
Equilibrium with no
Increase in
international trade
total surplus
10 10 A
8 8
B D price
5 5
Producer Producer
surplus surplus
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60
Quantity (millions of T-shirts per year) Quantity (millions of T-shirts per year)
(a) Consumer surplus and producer surplus with no (b) Gains and losses from imports
international trade
In part (a), with no international trade, the green area world price of $5 a shirt. Consumer surplus expands from
shows the consumer surplus and the blue area shows the area A to the area A + B + D. Producer surplus shrinks to area
producer surplus. C. Area B is a transfer of surplus from producers to consumers.
In part (b), with international trade, the price falls to the Area D is an increase in total surplus—the gain from imports.
156 CHAPTER 7 Global Markets in Action
Gains and Losses from Exports surplus results from the higher price and increased pro-
We measure the gains and losses from exports just like duction and is the gain from exports.
we measured those from imports, by their effect on
consumer surplus, producer surplus, and total surplus. Gains for All
Figure 7.4(a) shows the situation with no interna- You’ve seen that both imports and exports bring
tional trade. Domestic demand, DUS, and domestic gains. Because one country’s exports are other coun-
supply, SUS, determine the price and quantity, the con- tries’ imports, international trade brings gain for all
sumer surplus, and the producer surplus. countries. International trade is a win-win game.
Figure 7.4(b) shows how the consumer surplus
and producer surplus change when the good is
exported. The price rises to the world price. The REVIEW QUIZ
quantity bought decreases to the quantity demanded 1 How is the gain from imports distributed
at the world price and the consumer surplus shrinks between consumers and domestic producers?
to the green area A. The quantity produced increases
to the quantity supplied at the world price and the 2 How is the gain from exports distributed
producer surplus expands to the blue area B + C + D. between consumers and domestic producers?
Part of the gain in producer surplus, the area B, is a 3 Why is the net gain from international trade
loss in consumer surplus—a redistribution of the total positive?
surplus. But the other part of the increase in producer You can work these questions in Study
surplus, the area D, is a net gain. This increase in total Plan 7.2 and get instant feedback.
200 200
Consumer Increase in
surplus shrinks total surplus
100 100
50 50 surplus
Producer DUS
In part (a), the U.S. market with no international trade, the Consumer surplus shrinks to area A. Producer surplus
green area shows the consumer surplus and the blue area expands from area C to the area B + C + D. Area B is a
shows the producer surplus. In part (b), the U.S. market with transfer of surplus from consumers to producers. Area D is
international trade, the price rises to the world price. an increase in total surplus—the gain from exports.
International Trade Restrictions 157
◆ International Trade Restrictions Tariffs raise revenue for governments and serve the
self-interest of people who earn their incomes in
Governments use four sets of tools to influence inter- import-competing industries. But as you will see,
national trade and protect domestic industries from restrictions on free international trade decrease the
foreign competition. They are gains from trade and are not in the social interest.
■ Tariffs The Effects of a Tariff To see the effects of a tariff,
■ Import quotas let’s return to the example in which the United States
■ Other import barriers imports T-shirts. With free trade, the T-shirts are
■ Export subsidies imported and sold at the world price. Then, under
pressure from U.S. garment makers, the U.S. govern-
ment imposes a tariff on imported T-shirts. Buyers of
Tariffs T-shirts must now pay the world price plus the tariff.
A tariff is a tax on a good that is imposed by the Several consequences follow and Fig. 7.5 illustrates
importing country when an imported good crosses them.
its international boundary. For example, the govern- Figure 7.5(a) shows the situation with free
ment of India imposes a 100 percent tariff on wine international trade. The United States produces 20
imported from California. So when an Indian million T-shirts a year and imports 40 million a year
imports a $10 bottle of Californian wine, he pays at the world price of $5 a shirt. Figure 7.5(b) shows
the Indian government a $10 import duty. what happens with a tariff set at $2 per T-shirt.
15 15
10 10 revenue
World price
8 plus tariff
World 7
price Tariff
5 5
Imports Imports DUS
with free DUS
with tariff
0 20 40 60 0 20 35 45 60
Quantity (millions of T-shirts per year) Quantity (millions of T-shirts per year)
(a) Free trade (b) Market with tariff
The world price of a T-shirt is $5. With free trade in part the U.S. market rises to $7 a T-shirt. U.S. production
(a), Americans buy 60 million T-shirts a year. U.S. gar- increases, U.S. purchases decrease, and the quantity
ment makers produce 20 million T-shirts a year and the imported decreases. The U.S. government collects a tariff
United States imports 40 million a year. revenue of $2 on each T-shirt imported, which is shown by
With a tariff of $2 per T-shirt in part (b), the price in the purple rectangle.
158 CHAPTER 7 Global Markets in Action
The following changes occur in the market for supply curve. Figure 7.5(b) shows the increase from
T-shirts: 20 million T-shirts at $5 a shirt to 35 million a year
at $7 a shirt.
■ The price of a T-shirt in the United States rises by
$2. Decrease in Imports T-shirt imports decrease by 30
■ The quantity of T-shirts bought in the United million, from 40 million to 10 million a year. Both
States decreases. the decrease in purchases and the increase in domes-
■ The quantity of T-shirts produced in the United tic production contribute to this decrease in
States increases. imports.
■ The quantity of T-shirts imported into the United Tariff Revenue The government’s tariff revenue is $20
States decreases. million—$2 per shirt on 10 million imported
■ The U.S. government collects a tariff revenue. shirts—shown by the purple rectangle.
Rise in Price of a T-Shirt To buy a T-shirt, Americans Winners, Losers, and the Social Loss from a Tariff A
must pay the world price plus the tariff, so the price tariff on an imported good creates winners and losers
of a T-shirt rises by the $2 tariff to $7. Figure 7.5(b) and a social loss. When the U.S. government imposes
shows the new domestic price line, which lies $2 a tariff on an imported good,
above the world price line. The price rises by the full
amount of the tariff. The buyer pays the entire ■ U.S. consumers of the good lose.
tariff because supply from the rest of the world is per- ■ U.S. producers of the good gain.
fectly elastic (see Chapter 6, p. 137). ■ U.S. consumers lose more than U.S. producers
Decrease in Purchases The higher price of a T-shirt gain.
brings a decrease in the quantity demanded along the ■ Society loses: a deadweight loss arises.
demand curve. Figure 7.5(b) shows the decrease from
U.S. Consumers of the Good Lose Because the price of a
60 million T-shirts a year at $5 a shirt to 45 million a
T-shirt in the United States rises, the quantity of T-
year at $7 a shirt.
shirts demanded decreases. The combination of a
The higher price of a
Increase in Domestic Production higher price and smaller quantity bought decreases
T-shirt stimulates domestic production, and U.S. gar- consumer surplus—the loss to U.S. consumers that
ment makers increase the quantity supplied along the arises from a tariff.
Economics in Action 20
Average tariff rate (percentage of total imports)
U.S. Tariffs Almost Gone Hawley
The Smoot-Hawley Act,
which was passed in 1930, 15
took U.S. tariffs to a peak
average rate of 20 percent in Kennedy Round
tariff cuts began
1933. (One third of imports
was subject to a 60 percent
Tokyo Round
tariff.) The General Agreement tariff cut
on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was Uruguay
established in 1947. Since 5
then tariffs have fallen in a
series of negotiating rounds,
the most significant of which
are identified in the figure. 0
1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Tariffs are now as low as they
have ever been but import
quotas and other trade barri- Tariffs: 1930–2009
ers persist. Sources of data: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1970,
Bicentennial Edition, Part 1 (Washington, D.C., 1975); Series U-212: updated from Statistical Abstract of the
United States: various editions.
International Trade Restrictions 159
U.S. Producers of the Good Gain Because the price of Consumer surplus—the green area—shrinks for
an imported T-shirt rises by the amount of the tariff, four reasons. First, the higher price transfers surplus
U.S. T-shirt producers are now able to sell their T- from consumers to producers. The blue area B
shirts for the world price plus the tariff. At the higher represents this loss (and gain of producer surplus).
price, the quantity of T-shirts supplied by U.S. pro- Second, domestic production costs more than
ducers increases. The combination of a higher price imports. The supply curve SUS shows the higher cost
and larger quantity produced increases producer sur- of production and the gray area C shows this loss of
plus—the gain to U.S. producers from the tariff. consumer surplus. Third, some of the consumer
surplus is transferred to the government. The purple
U.S. Consumers Lose More Than U.S. Producers Gain
area D shows this loss (and gain of government
Consumer surplus decreases for four reasons: Some
revenue). Fourth, some of the consumer surplus is
becomes producer surplus, some is lost in a higher
lost because imports decrease. The gray area E
cost of production (domestic producers have higher
shows this loss.
costs than foreign producers), some is lost because
imports decrease, and some goes to the government Society Loses: A Deadweight Loss Arises Some of the
as tariff revenue. Figure 7.6 shows these sources of loss of consumer surplus is transferred to producers
lost consumer surplus. and some is transferred to the government and spent
Figure 7.6(a) shows the consumer surplus and pro- on government programs that people value. But the
ducer surplus with free international trade in T-shirts. increase in production cost and the loss from
Figure 7.6(b) shows the consumer surplus and pro- decreased imports is transferred to no one: It is a
ducer surplus with a $2 tariff on imported T-shirts. social loss—a deadweight loss. The gray areas labeled
By comparing Fig. 7.6(b) with Fig. 7.6(a), you can C and E represent this deadweight loss. Total surplus
see how a tariff changes these surpluses. decreases by the area C + E.
15 Consumer 15
surplus surplus
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60
Quantity (millions of T-shirts per year) Quantity (millions of T-shirts per year)
(a) Free trade (b) Market with tariff
The world price of a T-shirt is $5. In part (a), with free trade, of a T-shirt to $7. The quantity imported decreases.
the United States imports 40 million T-shirts. Consumer surplus, Consumer surplus shrinks by the areas B, C, D, and E.
producer surplus, and the gains from free trade are as large Producer surplus expands by area B. The government’s tariff
as possible. revenue is area D, and the tariff creates a deadweight loss
In part (b), a tariff of $2 per T-shirt raises the U.S. price equal to the area C + E.
160 CHAPTER 7 Global Markets in Action
Import Quotas Figure 7.7(a) shows the situation with free inter-
We now look at the second tool for restricting trade: national trade. Figure 7.7(b) shows what happens
import quotas. An import quota is a restriction that with an import quota of 10 million T-shirts a year.
limits the maximum quantity of a good that may be The U.S. supply curve of T-shirts becomes the
imported in a given period. domestic supply curve, SUS, plus the quantity that
Most countries impose import quotas on a wide the import quota permits. So the supply curve
range of items. The United States imposes them on becomes SUS + quota. The price of a T-shirt rises to
food products such as sugar and bananas and manu- $7, the quantity of T-shirts bought in the United
factured goods such as textiles and paper. States decreases to 45 million a year, the quantity of
Import quotas enable the government to satisfy T-shirts produced in the United States increases to
the self-interest of the people who earn their incomes 35 million a year, and the quantity of T-shirts
in the import-competing industries. But you will dis- imported into the United States decreases to the
cover that like a tariff, an import quota decreases the quota quantity of 10 million a year. All the effects
gains from trade and is not in the social interest. of this quota are identical to the effects of a $2 per
shirt tariff, as you can check in Fig. 7.5(b).
The Effects of an Import Quota The effects of an
import quota are similar to those of a tariff. The price Winners, Losers, and the Social Loss from an
rises, the quantity bought decreases, and the quantity Import Quota An import quota creates winners and
produced in the United States increases. Figure 7.7 losers that are similar to those of a tariff but with an
illustrates the effects. interesting difference.
15 15
SUS + quota
10 10
Price with
World 7 World
price price
5 5
Imports Imports DUS
with free DUS Quota
with quota
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 35 45 60 80
Quantity (millions of T-shirts per year) Quantity (millions of T-shirts per year)
(a) Free trade (b) Market with import quota
With free international trade, in part (a), Americans buy 60 the supply of T-shirts in the United States is shown by the
million T-shirts at the world price. The United States produces curve SUS + quota. The price in the United States rises to
20 million T-shirts and imports 40 million a year. With an $7 a T-shirt. U.S. production increases, U.S. purchases
import quota of 10 million T-shirts a year, in part (b), decrease, and the quantity of T-shirts imported decreases.
International Trade Restrictions 161
When the government imposes an import quota, than the world price. The gray area C represents this
loss. Third, part of the consumer surplus is trans-
■ U.S. consumers of the good lose.
ferred to importers who buy T-shirts for $5 (the
■ U.S. producers of the good gain. world price) and sell them for $7 (the U.S. domestic
■ Importers of the good gain.
price). The two blue areas D represent this loss of
■ Society loses: a deadweight loss arises. consumer surplus and profit for importers. Fourth,
Figure 7.8 shows these gains and losses from a part of the consumer surplus is lost because imports
quota. By comparing Fig. 7.8(b) with a quota and decrease. The gray area E represents this loss.
Fig. 7.8(a) with free trade, you can see how an import The losses of consumer surplus from the higher
quota of 10 million T-shirts a year changes the con- cost of production and the decrease in imports is a
sumer and producer surpluses. social loss—a deadweight loss. The gray areas labeled
Consumer surplus—the green area—shrinks. This C and E represent this deadweight loss. Total surplus
decrease is the loss to consumers from the import decreases by the area C + E.
quota. The decrease in consumer surplus is made up You can now see the one difference between a
of four parts. First, some of the consumer surplus is quota and a tariff. A tariff brings in revenue for the
transferred to producers. The blue area B represents government while a quota brings a profit for the
this loss of consumer surplus (and gain of producer importers. All the other effects are the same, provided
surplus). Second, part of the consumer surplus is lost the quota is set at the same quantity of imports that
because the domestic cost of production is higher results from the tariff.
15 15 Consumer
Consumer surplus
surplus shrinks
Deadweight loss
from quota
Gain from
SUS + quota
10 free trade 10
World 7 World
price D price
5 5
Imports A Imports Importers’ DUS
with free DUS
surplus with quota profit
trade Producer
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 35 45 60 80
Quantity (millions of T-shirts per year) Quantity (millions of T-shirts per year)
(a) Free trade (b) Market with import quota
The world price of a T-shirt is $5. In part (a), with free In part (b), the import quota raises the price of a T-shirt to
trade, the United States produces 20 million T-shirts a year $7. The quantity imported decreases. Consumer surplus
and imports 40 million T-shirts. Consumer surplus, producer shrinks by the areas B, C, D, and E. Producer surplus
surplus, and the gain from free international trade (darker expands by area B. Importers’ profit is the two areas D,
green area) are as large as possible. and the quota creates a deadweight loss equal to C + E.
162 CHAPTER 7 Global Markets in Action
◆ The Case Against Protection Second, even if the case is made for protecting an
infant industry, it is more efficient to do so by giving
For as long as nations and international trade have the firms in the industry a subsidy, which is financed
existed, people have debated whether a country is out of taxes. Such a subsidy would encourage the
better off with free international trade or with protec- industry to mature and to compete with efficient
tion from foreign competition. The debate continues, world producers and keep the price faced by con-
but for most economists, a verdict has been delivered sumers at the world price.
and is the one you have just seen. Free trade pro-
motes prosperity for all countries; protection is ineffi- The Dumping Argument
cient. We’ve seen the most powerful case for free
Dumping occurs when a foreign firm sells its exports
trade—it brings gains for consumers that exceed any
at a lower price than its cost of production.
losses incurred by producers, so there is a net gain for
Dumping might be used by a firm that wants to
gain a global monopoly. In this case, the foreign
But there is a broader range of issues in the free
firm sells its output at a price below its cost to drive
trade versus protection debate. Let’s review these
domestic firms out of business. When the domestic
firms have gone, the foreign firm takes advantage of
Two classical arguments for restricting interna-
its monopoly position and charges a higher price for
tional trade are
its product. Dumping is illegal under the rules of
■ The infant-industry argument the WTO and is usually regarded as a justification
■ The dumping argument for temporary tariffs, which are called countervailing
But there are powerful reasons to resist the
dumping argument for protection. First, it is virtu-
The Infant-Industry Argument ally impossible to detect dumping because it is hard
The infant-industry argument for protection is that it is to determine a firm’s costs. As a result, the test for
necessary to protect a new industry to enable it to dumping is whether a firm’s export price is below its
grow into a mature industry that can compete in domestic price. But this test is a weak one because it
world markets. The argument is based on the idea can be rational for a firm to charge a low price in a
that comparative advantage changes or is dynamic market in which the quantity demanded is highly
and that on-the-job experience—learning-by- sensitive to price and a higher price in a market in
doing—is an important source of changes in compar- which demand is less price-sensitive.
ative advantage. The fact that learning-by-doing can Second, it is hard to think of a good that is produced
change comparative advantage doesn’t justify protect- by a global monopoly. So even if all the domestic firms
ing an infant industry. in some industry were driven out of business, it would
First, the infant-industry argument is not valid if always be possible to find alternative foreign sources of
the benefits of learning-by-doing accrue only to the supply and to buy the good at a price determined in a
firms in the infant industry. The reason is that these competitive market.
firms will anticipate and reap the benefits of learning- Third, if a good or service were a truly global
by-doing without the additional incentive of protec- monopoly, the best way of dealing with it would be
tion from foreign competition. by regulation—just as in the case of domestic
For example, there are huge productivity gains monopolies (see Chapter 13, pp. 313–315). Such
from learning-by-doing in the manufacture of air- regulation would require international cooperation.
craft, but these gains benefit Boeing and other air-
craft producers. Because the people making the The two arguments for protection that we’ve just
decisions are the ones who benefit, they take the future examined have an element of credibility. The coun-
gains into account when they decide on the scale of terarguments are in general stronger, however, so
their activities. No benefits accrue to firms in other these arguments do not make the case for protec-
industries or other parts of the economy, so there is no tion. But they are not the only arguments that you
need for government assistance to achieve an efficient might encounter. There are many other new argu-
outcome. ments against globalization and for protection.
164 CHAPTER 7 Global Markets in Action
The most common ones are that protection unit of output is $2. If a Mexican auto assembly
worker earns $3 an hour and produces 1 unit of out-
■ Saves jobs
put an hour, the average labor cost of a unit of output
■ Allows us to compete with cheap foreign labor is $3. Other things remaining the same, the higher a
■ Penalizes lax environmental standards worker’s productivity, the higher is the worker’s wage
■ Prevents rich countries from exploiting developing rate. High-wage workers have high productivity; low-
countries wage workers have low productivity.
Although high-wage U.S. workers are more pro-
Saves Jobs ductive, on average, than low-wage Mexican work-
First, free trade does cost some jobs, but it also creates ers, there are differences across industries. U.S. labor
other jobs. It brings about a global rationalization of is relatively more productive in some activities than
labor and allocates labor resources to their highest- in others. For example, the productivity of U.S.
valued activities. International trade in textiles has workers in producing movies, financial services, and
cost tens of thousands of jobs in the United States as customized computer chips is relatively higher than
textile mills and other factories closed. But tens of their productivity in the production of metals and
thousands of jobs have been created in other countries some standardized machine parts. The activities in
as textile mills opened. And tens of thousands of U.S. which U.S. workers are relatively more productive
workers got better-paying jobs than as textile workers than their Mexican counterparts are those in which
because U.S. export industries expanded and created the United States has a comparative advantage. By
new jobs. More jobs have been created than engaging in free trade, increasing our production
destroyed. and exports of the goods and services in which we
Although protection does save particular jobs, it have a comparative advantage, and decreasing our
does so at a high cost. For example, until 2005, U.S. production and increasing our imports of the goods
textile jobs were protected by an international agree- and services in which our trading partners have a
ment called the Multifiber Arrangement. The U.S. comparative advantage, we can make ourselves and
International Trade Commission (ITC) has esti- the citizens of other countries better off.
mated that because of import quotas, 72,000 jobs
existed in the textile industry that would otherwise Penalizes Lax Environmental Standards
have disappeared and that the annual clothing Another argument for protection is that many poorer
expenditure in the United States was $15.9 billion countries, such as China and Mexico, do not have the
($160 per family) higher than it would have been same environmental policies that we have and,
with free trade. Equivalently, the ITC estimated that because they are willing to pollute and we are not, we
each textile job saved cost $221,000 a year. cannot compete with them without tariffs. So if
Imports don’t only destroy jobs. They create jobs poorer countries want free trade with the richer and
for retailers that sell imported goods and for firms “greener” countries, they must raise their environ-
that service those goods. Imports also create jobs by mental standards.
creating income in the rest of the world, some of This argument for protection is weak. First, a poor
which is spent on U.S.-made goods and services. country cannot afford to be as concerned about its
environmental standard as a rich country can. Today,
some of the worst pollution of air and water is found
Allows Us to Compete with Cheap in China, Mexico, and the former communist coun-
Foreign Labor tries of Eastern Europe. But only a few decades ago,
With the removal of tariffs on trade between the London and Los Angeles topped the pollution league
United States and Mexico, people said we would hear chart. The best hope for cleaner air in Beijing and
a “giant sucking sound” as jobs rushed to Mexico. Mexico City is rapid income growth. And free trade
Let’s see what’s wrong with this view. contributes to that growth. As incomes in developing
The labor cost of a unit of output equals the wage countries grow, they will have the means to match their
rate divided by labor productivity. For example, if a desires to improve their environment. Second, a poor
U.S. autoworker earns $30 an hour and produces country may have a comparative advantage at doing
15 units of output an hour, the average labor cost of a “dirty” work, which helps it to raise its income and at
The Case Against Protection 165
the same time enables the global economy to achieve Offshoring has been going on for hundreds of years,
higher environmental standards than would otherwise but it expanded rapidly and became a source of con-
be possible. cern during the 1990s as many U.S. firms moved
information technology services and general office
services such as finance, accounting, and human
Prevents Rich Countries from Exploiting resources management overseas.
Developing Countries
Another argument for protection is that international Why Did Offshoring of Services Boom During the
trade must be restricted to prevent the people of the 1990s? The gains from specialization and trade that
rich industrial world from exploiting the poorer peo- you saw in the previous section must be large enough
ple of the developing countries and forcing them to to make it worth incurring the costs of communica-
work for slave wages. tion and transportation. If the cost of producing a T-
Child labor and near-slave labor are serious prob- shirt in China isn’t lower than the cost of producing
lems that are rightly condemned. But by trading with the T-shirt in the United States by more than the cost
poor countries, we increase the demand for the goods of transporting the shirt from China to America, then
that these countries produce and, more significantly, it is more efficient to produce shirts in the United
we increase the demand for their labor. When the States and avoid the transportation costs.
demand for labor in developing countries increases, The same considerations apply to trade in services.
the wage rate also increases. So, rather than exploiting If services are to be produced offshore, then the cost
people in developing countries, trade can improve of delivering those services must be low enough to
their opportunities and increase their incomes. leave the buyer with an overall lower cost. Before the
The arguments for protection that we’ve reviewed 1990s, the cost of communicating across large
leave free-trade unscathed. But a new phenomenon is distances was too high to make the offshoring of
at work in our economy: offshore outsourcing. Surely we business services efficient. But during the 1990s,
need protection from this new source of foreign com- when satellites, fiber-optic cables, and computers cut
petition. Let’s investigate. the cost of a phone call between America and India
to less than a dollar an hour, a huge base of offshore
resources became competitive with similar resources
Offshore Outsourcing in the United States.
Citibank, the Bank of America, Apple, Nike, Wal-
Mart: What do these U.S. icons have in common?
What Are the Benefits of Offshoring? Offshoring
They all send jobs that could be done in America to
brings gains from trade identical to those of any other
China, India, Thailand, or even Canada—they are
type of trade. We could easily change the names of
offshoring. What exactly is offshoring?
the items traded from T-shirts and airplanes (the
examples in the previous sections of this chapter) to
What Is Offshoring? A firm in the United States can
banking services and call center services (or any other
obtain the goods and services that it sells in any of four
pair of services). An American bank might export
banking services to Indian firms, and Indians might
1. Hire American labor and produce in America. provide call center services to U.S. firms. This type of
2. Hire foreign labor and produce in other countries. trade would benefit both Americans and Indians pro-
3. Buy finished goods, components, or services vided the United States has a comparative advantage
from other firms in the United States. in banking services and India has a comparative
advantage in call center services.
4. Buy finished goods, components, or services
Comparative advantages like these emerged during
from other firms in other countries.
the 1990s. India has the world’s largest educated
Activities 3 and 4 are outsourcing, and activities 2 English-speaking population and is located in a time
and 4 are offshoring. Activity 4 is offshore outsourcing. zone half a day ahead of the U.S. east coast and mid-
Notice that offshoring includes activities that take way between Asia and Europe, which facilitates 24/7
place inside U.S. firms. If a U.S. firm opens its own operations. When the cost of communicating with a
facilities in another country, then it is offshoring. worker in India was several dollars a minute, as it was
166 CHAPTER 7 Global Markets in Action
before the 1990s, tapping these vast resources was just Avoiding Trade Wars
too costly. But at today’s cost of a long-distance tele- We have reviewed the arguments commonly heard in
phone call or Internet connection, resources in India favor of protection and the counterarguments against
can be used to produce services in the United States at it. There is one counterargument to protection that is
a lower cost than those services can be produced by general and quite overwhelming: Protection invites
using resources located in the United States. And with retaliation and can trigger a trade war.
the incomes that Indians earn from exporting services, The best example of a trade war occurred during
some of the services (and goods) that Indians buy are the Great Depression of the 1930s when the United
produced in the United States. States introduced the Smoot-Hawley tariff. Country
after country retaliated with its own tariff, and in a
Why Is Offshoring a Concern? Despite the gain from
short period, world trade had almost disappeared.
specialization and trade that offshoring brings, many
The costs to all countries were large and led to a
people believe that it also brings costs that eat up the
renewed international resolve to avoid such self-
gains. Why?
defeating moves in the future. The costs also led to
A major reason is that offshoring is taking jobs in
the creation of GATT and are the impetus behind
services. The loss of manufacturing jobs to other
current attempts to liberalize trade.
countries has been going on for decades, but the U.S.
service sector has always expanded by enough to create
new jobs to replace the lost manufacturing jobs. Now Why Is International Trade Restricted?
that service jobs are also going overseas, the fear is that Why, despite all the arguments against protection, is
there will not be enough jobs for Americans. This fear trade restricted? There are two key reasons:
is misplaced.
Some service jobs are going overseas, while others ■ Tariff revenue
are expanding at home. The United States imports ■ Rent seeking
call center services, but it exports education, health
care, legal, financial, and a host of other types of Tariff Revenue Government revenue is costly to col-
services. Jobs in these sectors are expanding and will lect. In developed countries such as the United
continue to expand. States, a well-organized tax collection system is in
The exact number of jobs that have moved to place that can generate billions of dollars of income
lower-cost offshore locations is not known, and esti- tax and sales tax revenues. This tax collection system
mates vary. But even the highest estimate is a tiny is made possible by the fact that most economic
number compared to the normal rate of job creation. transactions are done by firms that must keep prop-
erly audited financial records. Without such records,
Winners and Losers Gains from trade do not bring revenue collection agencies (the Internal Revenue
gains for every single person. Americans, on average, Service in the United States) would be severely ham-
gain from offshore outsourcing, but some people lose. pered in their work. Even with audited financial
The losers are those who have invested in the human accounts, some potential tax revenue is lost.
capital to do a specific job that has now gone offshore. Nonetheless, for industrialized countries, the
Unemployment benefits provide short-term tempo- income tax and sales taxes are the major sources of
rary relief for these displaced workers. But the long- revenue and tariffs play a very small role.
term solution requires retraining and the acquisition of But governments in developing countries have a
new skills. difficult time collecting taxes from their citizens.
Beyond providing short-term relief through unem- Much economic activity takes place in an informal
ployment benefits, there is a large role for government economy with few financial records, so only a small
in the provision of education and training to enable amount of revenue is collected from income taxes
the labor force of the twenty-first century to be capable and sales taxes. The one area in which economic
of ongoing learning and rapid retooling to take on new transactions are well recorded and audited is inter-
jobs that today we can’t foresee. national trade. So this activity is an attractive base
Schools, colleges, and universities will expand and for tax collection in these countries and is used
get better at doing their jobs of producing a highly much more extensively than it is in developed
educated and flexible labor force. countries.
The Case Against Protection 167
Rent Seeking Rent seeking is the major reason why Agreement (NAFTA) with Canada and Mexico, it set
international trade is restricted. Rent seeking is lob- up a $56 million fund to support and retrain workers
bying for special treatment by the government to who lost their jobs as a result of the new trade agree-
create economic profit or to divert consumer sur- ment. During NAFTA’s first six months, only 5,000
plus or producer surplus away from others. Free workers applied for benefits under this scheme. The
trade increases consumption possibilities on average, losers from international trade are also compensated
but not everyone shares in the gain and some people indirectly through the normal unemployment com-
even lose. Free trade brings benefits to some and pensation arrangements. But only limited attempts are
imposes costs on others, with total benefits exceed- made to compensate those who lose.
ing total costs. The uneven distribution of costs and The main reason why full compensation is not
benefits is the principal obstacle to achieving more attempted is that the costs of identifying all the losers
liberal international trade. and estimating the value of their losses would be
Returning to the example of trade in T-shirts and enormous. Also, it would never be clear whether a
airplanes, the benefits from free trade accrue to all the person who has fallen on hard times is suffering
producers of airplanes and to those producers of T- because of free trade or for other reasons that might
shirts that do not bear the costs of adjusting to a be largely under her or his control. Furthermore,
smaller garment industry. These costs are transition some people who look like losers at one point in time
costs, not permanent costs. The costs of moving to might, in fact, end up gaining. The young autoworker
free trade are borne by the garment producers and who loses his job in Michigan and becomes a com-
their employees who must become producers of other puter assembly worker in Minneapolis might resent
goods and services in which the United States has a the loss of work and the need to move. But a year
comparative advantage. later, looking back on events, he counts himself
The number of winners from free trade is large, fortunate.
but because the gains are spread thinly over a large Because we do not, in general, compensate the los-
number of people, the gain per person is small. The ers from free international trade, protectionism is a
winners could organize and become a political force popular and permanent feature of our national eco-
lobbying for free trade. But political activity is costly. nomic and political life.
It uses time and other scarce resources and the gains
per person are too small to make the cost of political
activity worth bearing.
In contrast, the number of losers from free trade is REVIEW QUIZ
small, but the loss per person is large. Because the 1 What are the infant industry and dumping
loss per person is large, the people who lose are will- arguments for protection? Are they correct?
ing to incur considerable expense to lobby against 2 Can protection save jobs and the environment
free trade. and prevent workers in developing countries
Both the winners and losers weigh benefits and from being exploited?
costs. Those who gain from free trade weigh the ben-
3 What is offshore outsourcing? Who benefits
efits it brings against the cost of achieving it. Those
from it and who loses?
who lose from free trade and gain from protection
weigh the benefit of protection against the cost of 4 What are the main reasons for imposing a tariff?
maintaining it. The protectionists undertake a larger 5 Why don’t the winners from free trade win the
quantity of political lobbying than the free traders. political argument?
You can work these questions in Study
Plan 7.4 and get instant feedback.
Compensating Losers
If, in total, the gains from free international trade
exceed the losses, why don’t those who gain compen-
sate those who lose so that everyone is in favor of free ◆ We end this chapter on global markets in action
trade? in Reading Between the Lines on pp. 168–169, where
Some compensation does take place. When we apply what you’ve learned by looking at the effects
Congress approved the North American Free Trade of a U.S. tariff on imports of tires from China.
A Tariff on Tires
China: Tire Trade Penalties Will Hurt Relations with U.S.
September 12, 2009
170 CHAPTER 7 Global Markets in Action
Key Terms
Doha Development Agenda Import quota, 160 Rent seeking, 167
(Doha Round), 162 Imports, 152 Tariff, 157
Dumping, 163 Infant-industry argument, 163 World Trade Organization
Exports, 152 Offshore outsourcing, 165 (WTO), 162
General Agreement on Tariffs and Offshoring, 165
Trade (GATT), 159 Outsourcing, 165
Study Plan Problems and Applications 171
How Global Markets Work (Study Plan 7.1) trading company to import oil to support Brazil’s
Use the following information to work Problems 1 growing economy. Two years ago, Brazil reached its
to 3. long-sought goal of energy self-sufficiency.
Wholesalers of roses (the firms that supply your local Source: International Herald Tribune,
flower shop with roses for Valentine’s Day) buy and January 11, 2008
sell roses in containers that hold 120 stems. The table 4. Describe Brazil’s comparative advantage in pro-
provides information about the wholesale market for ducing oil and explain why its comparative
roses in the United States. The demand schedule is advantage has changed.
the wholesalers’ demand and the supply schedule is 5. a. Draw a graph to illustrate the Brazilian market
the U.S. rose growers’ supply. for oil and explain why Brazil was an importer
Price Quantity Quantity of oil until a few years ago.
(dollars demanded supplied b. Draw a graph to illustrate the Brazilian market
per container) (millions of containers per year) for oil and explain why Brazil may become an
exporter of oil in the near future.
100 15 0
125 12 2 6. Postcard: Bangalore. Hearts Set on Joining the
150 9 4 Global Economy, Indian IT Workers are
175 6 6 Brushing Up on Their Interpersonal Skills
200 3 8 The huge number of Indian workers staffing the
225 0 10 world’s tech firms and call centers possess cut-
ting-edge technical knowledge, but their inter-
Wholesalers can buy roses at auction in Aalsmeer, personal and communication skills lag far
Holland, for $125 per container. behind. Enter Bangalore’s finishing schools.
1. a. Without international trade, what would be Source: Time, May 5, 2008
the price of a container of roses and how
a. What comparative advantages does this news
many containers of roses a year would be
clip identify?
bought and sold in the United States?
b. At the price in your answer to part (a), does b. Using the information in this news clip, what
the United States or the rest of the world have services do you predict Bangalore (India)
a comparative advantage in producing roses? exports and what services do you predict it
2. If U.S. wholesalers buy roses at the lowest possi-
ble price, how many do they buy from U.S. Winners, Losers, and the Net Gain from Trade
growers and how many do they import? (Study Plan 7.2)
3. Draw a graph to illustrate the U.S. wholesale
market for roses. Show the equilibrium in that 7. In the news clip in Problem 6, who will gain and
market with no international trade and the equi- who will lose from the trade in services that the
librium with free trade. Mark the quantity of news clip predicts?
roses produced in the United States, the quantity 8. Use the information on the U.S. wholesale
imported, and the total quantity bought. market for roses in Problem 1 to
Use the following news clip to work Problems 4 a. Explain who gains and who loses from free
and 5. international trade in roses compared to a
situation in which Americans buy only roses
Underwater Oil Discovery to Transform Brazil into
grown in the United States.
a Major Exporter
A huge underwater oil field discovered late last year b. Draw a graph to illustrate the gains and losses
has the potential to transform Brazil into a sizable from free trade.
exporter. Fifty years ago, Petrobras was formed as a c. Calculate the gain from international trade.
172 CHAPTER 7 Global Markets in Action
International Trade Restrictions (Study Plan 7.3) 17. Explain who gains and who loses from the lower
Use the following news clip to work Problems 9 tariff on imported cars.
and 10. 18. Draw a graph to show how the price of a car,
the quantity of cars bought, the quantity of cars
Steel Tariffs Appear to Have Backfired on Bush
produced in Australia, and the quantity of cars
President Bush set aside his free-trade principles last imported into Australia changed.
year and imposed heavy tariffs on imported steel to
Use the following news clip to work Problems 19
help out struggling mills in Pennsylvania and West
and 20.
Virginia. Some economists say the tariffs may have
cost more jobs than they saved, by driving up costs Why the World Can’t Afford Food
for automakers and other steel users. As [food] stocks dwindled, some countries placed
Source: The Washington Post, September 19, 2003 export restrictions on food to protect their own sup-
plies. This in turn drove up prices, punishing coun-
9. a. Explain how a high tariff on steel imports can tries—especially poor ones—that depend on imports
help domestic steel producers. for much of their food.
b. Explain how a high tariff on steel imports can Time, May 19, 2008
harm steel users.
10. Draw a graph of the U.S. market for steel to 19. a. What are the benefits to a country from
show how a high tariff on steel imports importing food?
i. Helps U.S. steel producers. b. What costs might arise from relying on im-
ported food?
ii. Harms U.S. steel users.
iii. Creates a deadweight loss. 20. If a country restricts food exports, what effect
does this restriction have in that country on the
Use the information on the U.S. wholesale market
price of food, the quantity of food it produces,
for roses in Problem 1 to work Problems 11 to 16.
the quantity of food it consumes, and the quan-
11. If the United States puts a tariff of $25 per con- tity of food it exports?
tainer on imports of roses, what happens to the
U.S. price of roses, the quantity of roses bought, The Case Against Protection (Study Plan 7.4)
the quantity produced in the United States, and 21. Chinese Tire Maker Rejects U.S. Charge of
the quantity imported? Defects
12. Who gains and who loses from this tariff? U.S. regulators ordered the recall of more than
13. Draw a graph to illustrate the gains and losses 450,000 faulty tires. The Chinese producer of
from the tariff and on the graph identify the the tires disputed the allegations and hinted that
gains and losses, the tariff revenue, and the dead- the recall might be an effort by foreign competi-
weight loss. tors to hamper Chinese exports to the United
14. If the United States puts an import quota on States. Mounting scrutiny of Chinese-made
roses of 5 million containers, what happens to goods has become a source of new trade frictions
the U.S. price of roses, the quantity of roses between the United States and China and fueled
bought, the quantity produced in the United worries among regulators, corporations, and con-
States, and the quantity imported? sumers about the risks associated with many
15. Who gains and who loses from this quota? products imported from China.
16. Draw a graph to illustrate the gains and losses Source: International Herald Tribune,
from the import quota and on the graph identify June 26, 2007
the gains and losses, the importers’ profit, and a. What does the information in the news clip
the deadweight loss. imply about the comparative advantage of
Use the following news clip to work Problems 17 producing tires in the United States and
and 18. China?
Car Sales Go Up as Prices Tumble b. Could product quality be a valid argument
Car affordability in Australia is now at its best in 20 against free trade?
years, fueling a surge in sales as prices tumble. In c. How would the product-quality argument
2000, Australia cut the tariff to 15 percent and on against free trade be open to abuse by domes-
January 1, 2005, it cut the tariff to 10 percent. tic producers of the imported good?
Source: Courier Mail, February 26, 2005
Additional Problems and Applications 173
Does auction theory enable us to predict the differ-
SUSAN ATHEY is Professor of Economics at Har- ences in the outcomes of an open ascending-bid
vard University. Born in 1970 in Boston and grow- English auction and a sealed-bid auction?
ing up in Rockville, Maryland, she completed high
Sure. In some of my research, I compared open ascend-
school in three years, wrapped up three majors—in
ing auctions and pay-your-bid, sealed-bid auctions. I
economics, mathematics, and computer science—at
showed how the choice of auction format can make a
Duke University at 20, completed her Ph.D. at Stan-
big difference when you have small bidders bidding
ford University at 24, and was voted tenure at MIT
against larger,
and Stanford at 29. After teaching at MIT for six
stronger bidders
years and Stanford for five years, she moved to
who usually (but Sealed-bid auctions can do
Harvard in 2006. Among her many honors and
not always) have a better job of deterring
awards, the most prestigious is the John Bates Clark
higher valuations.
Medal given to the best economist under 40. She collusion ... and generate
In an open as-
is the first woman to receive this award. larger revenue
cending auction, it
Professor Athey’s research is broad both in
is hard for a small
scope and style. A government that wants to auction
weaker bidder to
natural resources will turn to her fundamental dis-
ever win, because a stronger bidder can see their bids,
coveries (and possibly consult with her) before de-
respond to them, and outbid them.
ciding how to organize the auction. An economist
But in a pay-your-bid, sealed-bid auction, bidders
who wants to test a theory using a large data set
shade their bids—they bid less than their value, assur-
will use her work on statistics and econometrics.
ing themselves of some profit if they win—and a large
Michael Parkin talked with Susan Athey about
bidder doesn’t have the opportunity to see and respond
her research, the progress that economists have
to an unusually high bid from a weak bidder. Strong
made in understanding and designing markets, and
bidders realize that their competition is weak, and they
her advice to students.
shade their bids a lot—they bid a lot less than their
value. That gives a small bidder the opportunity to be
aggressive and outbid a larger bidder, even if it has a
acting in their own interest. The design is a two-step lower value. So what that does is encourage entry of
process: you need to design an auction that is going small bidders. I found empirically that this entry effect
to achieve an efficient allocation; and you need to de- was important and it helps sealed-bid auctions generate
sign both the auction and the overall structure of the larger revenue than open ascending-bid auctions.
marketplace to attract participation.
In the case of eBay, the platform itself chooses
the possible auction formats: auctions take place over Does a sealed-bid auction always generate more revenue,
time and bidders have the opportunity to outbid the other things equal, than an open ascending-bid auction?
standing high bidder during that time. The platform Only if you have asymmetric bidders—strong large
also allows sellers to use the “buy it now” option. The bidders and weaker small bidders—and even then the
platform also makes certain tools and services avail- effect is ambiguous. It’s an empirical question, but it
able, such as the ability to search for items in various tends to be true. We also showed that sealed-bid auc-
ways, track auctions, provide feedback, and monitor tions can do a better job of deterring collusion. There
reputation. The sellers can select the level of the re- are theoretical reasons to suggest that sealed bid auc-
serve price, whether they want to have a secret reserve tions are more difficult to collude at than open as-
price, how long the auction will last, whether to use cending auctions, since at open ascending auctions,
“buy it now,” what time of day the auction closes, bidders can detect an opponent who is bidding high-
how much information to provide, how many pic- er than an agreement specifies and then respond to
tures they post. that. We found empirically in U.S. Forest Service
These are all factors that impact participation of timber auctions that the gap between sealed-bid auc-
bidders and the revenue the seller will receive. The tions and ascending auctions was even greater than
success of the platform hinges on both buyers and what a competitive model would predict, suggesting
sellers choosing to participate. that some collusion may be at work.
What is the connection between auctions and the a little higher or a little lower but over all we believe
supply and demand model? that the prices on eBay auctions will represent mar-
The basic laws of supply and demand can be seen in ket-clearing (equilibrium) prices.
evidence in a market like eBay. The more sellers that
are selling similar products, the lower the prices they Is economics a good subject in which to major? What
can expect to achieve. Similarly the more buyers there subjects work well as complements with economics?
are demanding those objects, the higher the prices Of course I think economics is a fabulous major and
the sellers can achieve. I am passionate about it. I think it’s a discipline that
An important thing for an auction marketplace is trains you to think rigorously. And if you apply
to attract a good balance of buyers and sellers so that yourself you’ll finish an economics major with a
both the buyers and the sellers find it more profitable more disciplined mind than when you started.
to transact in that Whether you go into the business world or academ-
marketplace rather ics, you’ll be able to confront and think in a logical
The basic laws of supply than using some and structured way about whether a policy makes
and demand can be seen other mechanism. sense, a business model makes sense, or an industry
in evidence in a market From a seller’s per- structure is likely to be sustainable. You should look
like eBay. spective, the more for that in an undergraduate major. You should not
bidders there are on be looking to just absorb facts, but you should be
the platform, the looking to train your mind and to think in a way
greater the demand and the higher the prices. And that you will be able to apply to the rest of your
from the buyer’s perspective, the more sellers there career. I think that economics combines well with
are on the platform, the greater the supply and the statistics and mathematics or with more policy-
lower the prices. oriented disciplines.
Can we think of this thought experiment you just de- Do you have anything special to say to women who
scribed as discovering demand and supply curves? might be making a career choice? Why is economics a
Exactly. When you study supply and demand curves, good field for a woman?
you wave your hands about how the prices actually On the academic side, economics is a fairly objective
get set. In different kinds of market settings, the actu- field, where the best ideas win, so it’s a level playing
al mechanisms for setting prices are different. One field. Academics is not very family friendly before
way of setting prices is through auctions. But we tend you get tenured and extremely family friendly after.
to use auctions in settings where there are unique ob- Within academics or outside of it, there are a wide
jects, so there isn’t just one market price for the thing range of fairly high-paying jobs that still allow some
you are selling. If you were selling something that autonomy over your schedule and that have a deeper
had lots of market substitutes, you can think of there and more compelling meaning. For both men and
being a market price in which this object can trans- women, if you choose to have a family, you reevaluate
act. An auction is a way to find a market price for your career choices, and the tradeoff between time
something where there might not be a fixed market. and money changes. And you’re more likely to stick
with and excel in a career if you find some meaning
in it. So economics combines some of the advantages
Can we think of an auction as a mechanism for find- of having a strong job market and opportunities to
ing the equilibrium price and quantity? have a large enough salary to pay for child care, and
Exactly. We can think of the whole collection of auc- makes it economically worthwhile to stay in the work
tions on eBay as being a mechanism to discover a force, without sacrificing the sense of the greater
market clearing price, and individual items might sell good.