BS 5266-1-1988 Emergency Lighting
BS 5266-1-1988 Emergency Lighting
BS 5266-1-1988 Emergency Lighting
Emergency lighting —
Part 1: Code of practice for the
emergency lighting of premises other
than cinemas and certain other
specified premises used for
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UDC 628.978.6:696.6:621.32
BS 5266-1:1988
Association of Ballrooms
Association of British Generating Set Manufacturers
Association of British Theatre Technicians
Association of County Councils
Association of Manufacturers Allied to the Electrical and Electronic Industry
(BEAMA Ltd.)
Association of Metropolitan Authorities
British Battery Makers’ Society
British Bingo Association
British Retailers’ Association
Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers
Chief and Assistant Chief Fire Officers’ Association
Cinematograph Exhibitors’ Association of Great Britain and Ireland
Department of Health and Social Security
Department of Trade and Industry, Consumer Safety Unit, CA Division
Electrical Contractors’ Association
Electricity Supply Industry in England and Wales
Home Office
Incorporated Association of Architects and Surveyors
Institution of Electrical Engineers
Institution of Gas Engineers
Licensed copy:RMJM, 07/09/2005, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI
Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword ii
1 Scope 1
2 Definitions 1
3 Consultation and records 2
4 Need for emergency lighting 3
5 Illumination for safe movement 3
6 Emergency lighting design 5
7 Batteries 8
8 Wiring systems and circuit requirements 8
9 Choice of appropriate emergency lighting systems 11
10 Emergency lighting design procedure 14
11 Certificate and log book 15
12 Servicing 16
Appendix A Measuring illuminance of emergency lighting 19
Appendix B Model completion certificate 20
Appendix C Model periodic inspection and test certificate 22
Appendix D Model servicing schedule 24
Publications referred to Inside back cover
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© BSI 10-1998 i
BS 5266-1:1988
This Part of BS 5266 has been prepared under the direction of the Electrical
Illumination Standards Committee and is a revision of BS 5266-1:1975, which is
This code of practice is the first Part of a British Standard dealing with
emergency lighting. Part 2 will also be a code of practice and will constitute a
revision of CP 1007:1955, which covers maintained lighting for cinemas, to
include requirements for other similar types of premises to which the general
provisions of CP 1007 are at present applied, e.g. dance halls, ballrooms, licensed
bingo premises and ten-pin bowling establishments.
Safety legislation applicable to premises designated by the Home Secretary is
likely to be extended and encouragement given towards the rationalization of the
fire precautions in the many types of premises.
The aim of this code is to promote wider understanding of the different types of
emergency lighting system which may be employed and to give guidance on their
correct application to the varied requirements of different categories of premises.
The recommendations given in this code of practice have been drawn up to
encourage uniformity of application, based on providing adequate safety to
persons in the event of interruption of the normal lighting and having due regard
to the hazard level and degree of familiarity of occupants with particular
premises. The code recognizes that in addition to ensuring safe unobstructed
means of escape from the premises at all times, an important function of
emergency lighting is to make possible the immediate location and operation of
fire alarm points and fire fighting equipment and another is to minimize the
chance of panic arising in enclosed spaces, such as lifts. Although the code makes
recommendations for the provision of emergency lighting in a wide variety of
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Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 24, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on
the inside front cover.
ii © BSI 10-1998
BS 5266-1:1988
1 Scope 2.4
emergency lighting
This Part of BS 5266 relates to the provision of
electric emergency lighting in most types of lighting provided for use when the supply to the
premises, other than private domestic premises, normal lighting fails
cinemas and existing premises to which the 2.5
provisions of CP 1007, covering maintained lighting emergency lighting systems
for cinemas, have been applied by the enforcing
a complete but discrete emergency lighting
authority. This code does not apply to premises that
installation from the standby power source to the
will be covered in detail in a revision of CP 1007
emergency lighting lamp(s), e.g. a self-contained
which will be published as BS 5266-2. Premises not
emergency luminaire or a circuit from central
covered are those used primarily as:
battery/generator connected through wiring to
ballrooms and dance halls several escape luminaires
cinemas licensed under the Cinemas Act 1985 2.6
bingo premises licensed under the Gaming end of duration battery voltage
Act 1968 as amended by the Gaming the minimum voltage of the battery as declared by
(Amendment) Act 1982 the manufacturer that will occur at the end of the
ten-pin bowling establishments rated duration at the end of the declared battery
Although the code does not cover private domestic replacement interval
premises, its provisions are applicable to common 2.7
access routes within multistorey dwellings. escape lighting
The code gives recommendations for the indication that part of the emergency lighting which is
and illumination of escape routes in the event of provided to ensure that the escape route is
failure of the normal supply, and proposes minimum illuminated at all material times
continuous periods of operation of such emergency
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© BSI 10-1998 1
BS 5266-1:1988
2.14 2.23
luminaire self-contained emergency luminaire
apparatus which distributes, filters and transforms a luminaire providing maintained or
the light given by a lamp or lamps and which non-maintained emergency lighting in which all the
includes all the items necessary for fixing and elements, such as the battery, the lamp, the control
protecting these lamps and for connecting them to unit and the test and monitoring facilities, where
the supply circuit provided, are contained within the luminaire or
NOTE Internally illuminated signs are a special type of adjacent to it (that is, within 1 m)
2.15 slave luminaire
maintained emergency lighting
luminaire supplied from a central emergency power
a lighting system in which all emergency lighting source and not having its own internal secondary
lamps are in operation at all material times supply
2.16 2.25
material times standby lighting
times during which the emergency lighting is that part of emergency lighting which may be
required to be illuminated, e.g. at all times that provided to enable normal activities to continue
persons are on the premises, or at the times the
main lighting is not available, according to the
regulations, conditions of certificate or licence as
appropriate the ratio of the minimum illuminance to the average
illuminance applied to the values on the working
mounting height
NOTE Throughout this code the floor is taken to be the working
the vertical distance between a luminaire and the plane.
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working plane
NOTE Throughout this code the floor is taken to be the working 3 Consultation and records
3.1 Consultation
nominal battery voltage Consultation between the owner and/or occupier of
the premises, the architect, the lighting engineer,
the nominal voltage of a battery as declared by the the installation contractor, the enforcing authority
manufacturer (e.g. the fire authority), the electricity authority and
2.19 any others concerned should be arranged at a very
non-maintained emergency lighting early stage. In addition to the recommendations of
a lighting system in which all emergency lighting this code it is important that the requirements of
any national and/or local legislation which may
lamps are in operation only when the supply to the
apply to the premises in question are fully
normal lighting fails
recognized and discussed at this time.
3.2 Supply of plans
normal lighting
Plans showing the layout of the building and of all
all permanently installed electric lighting operating
existing or proposed escape routes, fire alarm call
from the normal supply which, in the absence of
points and fire fighting equipment and indicating
adequate daylight, is intended for use during the
the positions of all items, structural or otherwise,
whole time that the premises are occupied
which may offer obstruction to escape, should be
NOTE Also known as “general lighting”.
provided at an early stage for use during the
2.21 consultations referred to in 3.1.
normal supply
3.3 Records
that source of electrical energy used to provide
On completion of the work, drawings of the
normal lighting
emergency lighting installation should be provided
2.22 and retained on the premises. Such drawings should
premises be regularly updated to keep them in line with any
the whole or part of a building which is to be treated subsequent changes to the system.
as a single unit for the purposes of applying the
recommendations of this code
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BS 5266-1:1988
In addition, and in accordance with 11.3, a log book 5 Illumination for safe movement
should be provided for the recording of routine
5.1 General
examinations, tests, defects and alterations.
A manual of operation and maintenance should be The safe movement of persons along escape routes
handed to the occupier. Recommendations on the towards and through the exits provided to a place of
measuring of illuminance of emergency lighting are safety depends upon the illumination and the ability
given in appendix A. to see hazards, changes of level and direction.
5.2 Vision and visibility
4 Need for emergency lighting The stimulus for vision is not the light which falls on
4.1 General objects but the light reflected to the eyes. Different
objects are distinguished by contrast, the changes in
When the supply to normal lighting of premises
fails, emergency lighting may be required. light reflected to the eyes. A light coloured object on
Throughout this code reference to “emergency a dark background can be made conspicuous with
far less light than a dark coloured object on a dark
lighting” covers “escape lighting” in particular, but
also includes any element of standby lighting which
may be used for escape lighting. All calculations of illuminance should be made
ignoring reflectance; however, once the system is
4.2 Escape lighting
designed it is preferable to maximize the
When the supply to the normal lighting or parts of illumination by reflectance where acceptable.
the normal lighting to occupied premises fails, The amount of light falling on an object
escape lighting is required to fulfil the following (illuminance) is affected not merely by the power
functions: and position of the lamps used for illumination but
a) to indicate clearly and unambiguously the also by reflection from the surroundings. In most
escape routes; interior spaces a very high proportion of the light
b) to provide illumination along such routes to falling on any surface comes from light reflected
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allow safe movement towards and through the from the light sources by the other surfaces in the
exits provided; room. Where the walls, floor and ceiling are light in
c) to ensure that fire alarm call points and fire colour, up to 60 % of the illuminance at floor level
fighting equipment provided along escape routes may have been reflected from the walls or ceiling.
can be readily located. In a room where the decorative finishes are dark in
Escape lighting is required not only on complete colour (i.e. have low reflectance) the contribution of
failure of the supply to the normal lighting but also reflected light to the illuminance is much smaller.
on a localized failure if such a failure would present The reflected light may be negligible in, say, a
a hazard, e.g. a single subcircuit on stairways. discotheque or restaurant, where the carpets, walls
and ceiling have been deliberately kept dark in
4.3 Standby lighting colour to produce a feeling of intimacy and
For areas where a continuous operation is needed relaxation.
during the failure of the supply to the normal All potential obstructions or hazards on an escape
lighting, standby lighting should be installed to route should be light in colour with contrasting
meet some suitable proportion of the standard surround. Such hazards include the nosings of stair
service illuminance required for that task. treads, barriers and walls at right angles to the
For extreme situations this may mean direction of movement.
providing 100 % service illuminance. In restricted spaces such as corridors, light coloured
If the standby lighting forms part of the escape decoration throughout is an advantage. Prominent
lighting, then that part of the escape lighting should edges to vertical surfaces at changes of direction can
be segregated from the rest of the standby lighting assist emergency evacuation.
circuit and comply with the provisions of this code. 5.3 Minimum illuminance and adaptation
If the whole of the standby lighting is used for 5.3.1 General. Visual acuity varies considerably
escape lighting then the installation should comply from one person to another with regard to the
with the provisions of this code. amount of light required to perceive an object
clearly and the time taken to adapt to changes in the
illuminance (visual adaptation). In general, older
people need more light to follow an escape route and
have longer visual adaptation times.
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BS 5266-1:1988
to be occupied for the most part by persons who are route to it is easily recognized and followed in an
familiar with them and the escape routes. emergency.
Where direct sight of an exit or emergency exit is not
5.3.5 Design conditions. The recommended
possible and doubt may exist as to its position, a
illuminances that are specified as a maximum or
directional sign (or series of signs) should be
average should be regarded as the lowest value
provided, placed such that a person moving towards
acceptable during the rated discharge period or due
it will be progressed towards an exit or emergency
to the effects of the system ageing.
In designing a system, allowances should be made
A supplementary directional arrow may be either
for all of the relevant factors including reduction in
integral or placed adjacent to the sign carrying the
voltage, voltage drop in the system wiring, lamp appropriate legend.
ageing and the accumulation of dirt and dust.
All signs marking exits, emergency exits, and
Recommendations on the measuring of illuminance
escape routes are to comply with the graphic
of emergency lighting are given in appendix A of this
requirements of BS 5499 and be illuminated
(see 6.9.3).
NOTE Further guidance on design can be found in CIBSE
technical memorandum TM12 “Emergency lighting” (1986), All signs marking exits, emergency exits or escape
published by the Chartered Institution of Building Services routes in a particular building should be uniform in
Engineers1). colour and format.
1) Obtainable from CIBSE, Delta House, 222 Balham High Road, London SW12 9BS.
4 © BSI 10-1998
BS 5266-1:1988
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BS 5266-1:1988
6.8.3 Lift cars. Except in very special circumstances 6.9.3 Illumination of signs. All exit, emergency exit
and then normally only when they are fitted with and escape route signs should be illuminated so that
their own emergency operating power supply, lifts they are legible at all material times. In the event of
cannot be considered as escape routes. However, failure of the supply to the normal lighting, such
lifts do present a problem because the experience of signs should be illuminated utilizing the emergency
being confined in the dark within a small space for lighting supply. Any of the following methods of
an indefinite period is not only unpleasant, but may illumination may be used.
cause harm to those who are nervous or suffer from a) Externally illuminated signs, usually
claustrophobia. An emergency lighting luminaire associated with painted or applied lettering,
should therefore be fitted in a lift car in which should comply with BS 5499-1. The average
persons may travel. Such luminaires should illuminance on externally illuminated signs
preferably be of the self-contained type. should be at least 5 lx with a uniformity of 0.7.
NOTE If the disabled are given access to a building, their
means of escape in emergency conditions may only be available
b) Internally illuminated signs, where the lamps
by lift car (in accordance with BS 5588-5 or BS 5588-8). are contained within the sign. These should
comply with BS 25602).
6.8.4 Moving stairways and walkways. Moving
stairways and walkways should be illuminated as if NOTE It is usual to require that this type of illumination be
used within any area where the normal lighting may be
they were part of an escape route. deliberately dimmed or extinguished, e.g. places of
6.8.5 Toilets, lobbies and closets. Facilities entertainment.
exceeding 8 m2 gross area and facilities of less c) Self-luminous signs in accordance with
than 8 m2 without borrowed light should be BS 5499-2.
provided with escape lighting complying as if they 6.10 Escape lighting luminaires
were part of an escape route.
6.10.1 Construction. Emergency lighting luminaires
6.8.6 Motor generator, control and plant rooms. can be either self-contained (sometimes referred to
Battery powered emergency lighting should be as self-contained emergency luminaires) or slave
provided in all motor generator rooms, control
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6 © BSI 10-1998
BS 5266-1:1988
6.11.2 Maintained operation. With maintained If separate lamps are required to provide normal
operation the emergency lighting system is lighting and emergency lighting in the same place,
energized continuously, using the normal supply these lamps may either be housed in separate
source when available, employing the same lamps to luminaires or may be combined in single sustained
provide at least the minimum specified illuminance luminaires. Such sustained luminaires may also
from an emergency supply whenever the normal contain a separate charger, battery and control
supply is interrupted. circuit for use with non-centralized battery systems.
The effect of this method of operation is continually As the emergency lighting only comes into operation
to prove the wiring and lamps, but not the battery. on failure of the normal supply it is important to
Any failure should be noted at normal times and ensure that the recommendations given in clause 5
defective lamps can be replaced before an for the emergency lighting are fully met by the
emergency arises. normal lighting at all other material times.
A maintained mode of operation may be achieved 6.11.4 Prime mover driven generator operation. The
using a prime mover driven generator as the enforcing authority may permit a prime mover
emergency lighting power source, provided that it driven generator as the sole source of supply to an
can be run up and put on load in the required time emergency lighting system provided that it can be
(see 5.3). In such circumstances, failure of the run up to the required output in 5 s (or 15 s in
normal supply would automatically start up the certain circumstances, see 5.3). Where a generator
generator and switch the input to the lighting supplied for emergency lighting takes longer than
circuits from the normal supply to the generator the required period to run up, a back-up battery
output. system will be necessary to supply the emergency
Where batteries are used, either as the sole source lighting load for the first hour of the emergency.
of emergency lighting supply or as back-up to a The alternative of using a continuously running
generator, there are two methods of achieving generator to supply the emergency lighting load is
maintained operation. unlikely to be economically acceptable except in
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© BSI 10-1998 7
BS 5266-1:1988
3) Obtainable from the Institution of Electrical Engineers, Savoy Place, London WC2R 0BL.
8 © BSI 10-1998
BS 5266-1:1988
Where appropriate, compliance is for stability, that, in the applications in which it is to be used, the
integrity and insulation. The test by fire is following apply.
considered to be applied to the side of the a) The resistance to heat and fire is not less than
construction remote from the cable. In certain that of the type described in 8.2.4 as being
premises a longer duration of fire resistance suitable for the application.
may be necessary for escape purposes.
b) The resistance to ambient conditions,
c) Any wiring system giving equivalent including mechanical impact, is not less than that
protection. of the type described in 8.2.4 as being suitable for
NOTE Test requirements for cables in conduit or protected by a the application.
fire wall are not currently given in BS 6387, but are to be
included in a revision currently in preparation. c) It is not prone to failure due to faulty assembly
8.2.3 Cable sizes. In selecting cable sizes, due regard or installation.
should be paid to limitations imposed by voltage 8.2.6 Segregation. It is essential that the wiring of
drop and physical strength. Each conductor shall be escape lighting installations is exclusive to the
of copper having a nominal cross-sectional area of installation and separate from the wiring of any
not less than 1 mm2. other circuits, either by installation in a separate
The voltage drop in cables connecting a central conduit, ducting, or trunking or by separation from
battery or generator to a slave luminaire is not to the conductors of all other services by a
exceed 10 % of the system nominal voltage at mechanically strong, rigid and continuous partition
maximum rated current and at the highest working of non-combustible material.
temperature likely to be experienced (see also 8.3.5 Escape lighting system cables should be separated
regarding the compatibility of slave luminaires with from the cables of other services by a minimum
central systems). distance of 300 mm between centre lines of the
8.2.4 Conduit, ducting, trunking and channel. If an cables. Where such separation is not provided,
emergency lighting system cable is to be run in mineral-insulated copper-sheathed cable, with or
without PVC oversheath, in accordance with
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© BSI 10-1998 9
BS 5266-1:1988
8.2.8 Overhead lines. Overhead lines for an 8.2.13 Wiring to emergency lighting supply power
emergency lighting system should be avoided. sources. Where the emergency lighting supply
Where they are unavoidable the methods source is a secondary battery/battery charger
recommended in the IEE “Regulations for electrical combination, the wiring from the normal supply to
installations” should be followed. If overhead lines the battery charger should be a fixed installation,
cross or are installed in close proximity to electricity not incorporating plugs and sockets unless they are
power lines, public telephone or other overhead of a type requiring a tool to separate them or are
lines, agreement relating to protection should be sited so as to prevent unauthorized interference.
reached with the appropriate authority. The cables forming the load circuit from the battery
8.2.9 Damp, corrosive or underground locations. to the load fuses or other protective devices should
Cables intended for installation in damp, corrosive be separated from each other along their length and
or underground locations should be PVC-sheathed should not be contained within a harness, loom,
overall. Where the environment may attack PVC conduit, ducting or trunking constructed of metal.
then a suitable alternative sheath should be Battery cables should be separately supported on
adopted. In some locations further protection may insulating material. Multicore cables should not be
be necessary. Some plasters have a corrosive effect used.
on metals. At the point where any battery conductor passes
8.2.10 Ambient temperatures. Cables should not be through an aperture, the conductor should be
installed in locations where the combination of protected by the provision of a suitable insulated
ambient temperature and temperature rise due to bushing or grommet; d.c. conductors should not pass
load currents results in a conductor temperature through the same aperture as a.c. conductors and
exceeding the cables’ rated temperature. (The PVC should be separated from them along their entire
insulated cables listed in 8.2.2 are rated at 70 ºC.) If length.
such locations cannot be avoided, cables having 8.3 Circuit requirements
appropriate heat-resistant properties should be
used, such as: 8.3.1 General. The normal supply to the emergency
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10 © BSI 10-1998
BS 5266-1:1988
If an emergency lighting system is fed from a 8.4 Radio and electrical interference
standby supply, other than a safety source installed Emergency lighting systems should be so designed
in accordance with the supplies for safety sources and installed that they do not cause radio
detailed in the IEE “Regulations for electrical interference in excess of the limits specified in
installations”, the earth leakage and protective BS 800 or BS 5394 as appropriate.
measures will need special consideration.
Special care should be taken in the design and
8.3.3 Test facility. Each emergency lighting system installation of emergency lighting equipment to
should have suitable means for simulating failure of reduce the possibility of interference signals from
the normal supply for test purposes. other services affecting the normal operation of the
8.3.4 Isolation and maintenance hazards. Warning emergency lighting. High levels of interference may
labels should be provided in positions where they be likely from equipment such as discharge lighting
can be readily seen and read. The labels should state and external sources such as mains-borne power
that switching off the normal supply to an supply transients.
emergency lighting system may not make it safe for Where an emergency lighting system is controlled
maintenance purposes. Such warnings are by a programmable electronic device, care should be
necessary because, for example, non-illumination of taken that the device cannot be influenced
a lamp does not always indicate that a circuit is adversely by spurious signals or electromagnetic
dead, and a circuit still alive could present a hazard transmissions.
to maintenance personnel.
A test for voltage should be made before touching 9 Choice of appropriate emergency
parts which may be live. lighting systems
8.3.5 Voltage compatibility of a slave luminaire 9.1 Duration
and a central battery system The time required to evacuate premises depends General. The considerations in upon their size and complexity but it should
or should be taken into account to ensure normally be possible to complete an orderly
Licensed copy:RMJM, 07/09/2005, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI
that a slave luminaire is compatible with the central evacuation, even of the largest premises, in less
power supply to which it is connected. than 1 h. However, in an emergency, evacuation
times may be considerably increased because, for A d.c. only system. Slave luminaires have to
example, some of the escape routes may have been
be capable of operating over the following input
cut off, or injured people may have to be found and
voltage range.
possibly given on-the-spot medical treatment. The
a) Maximum voltage: battery float voltage. time for which escape lighting is required to operate
b) Minimum voltage: voltage at end of duration will therefore always be longer than the absolute
battery voltage less a further allowance for minimum time required to evacuate the premises
cabling voltage drop, up to a maximum of 10 % of under ideal conditions. Furthermore, particularly in
the system nominal voltage. larger premises, emergency lighting which will
NOTE For maintained systems the luminaires have also to be remain in operation after the evacuation of the
capable of operating continuously at the maximum system building has been substantially completed may be a
voltage plus the r.m.s. voltage ripple content of the d.c. supply necessary safety requirement in order, for example,
which should not be above 3.5 %.
to enable an adequate search of the premises to be A combined a.c. and d.c. supplied system. In carried out easily and quickly to ensure that no-one
the d.c. condition the luminaire should operate as has been left behind, or to allow reoccupation of the
in In the a.c. condition the luminaire should premises after the emergency in order to get people
operate continuously over the following voltage off the street and into a place of relative safety.
range. In some premises, continued occupation for a
a) Maximum voltage: the design transformer limited period following a simple failure of the
voltage plus the supply voltage variations plus normal lighting may be permitted by the enforcing
transformer load regulation, not exceeding 11 % authority. In such cases the minimum duration of
total. the emergency lighting should be 1 h plus any such
b) Minimum voltage: the design transformer period of permitted occupation.
voltage less the supply variation less an
allowance for cabling voltage drop up to a
maximum of 10 % of the system nominal voltage.
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BS 5266-1:1988
Emergency lighting systems designed, installed and 9.3.2 Premises used as sleeping accommodation.
subjected to routine tests in accordance with the This class includes such premises as hospitals4),
recommendations of this code should normally nursing homes, hotels, guest houses, clubs, colleges
provide their rated output and duration whenever and schools.
called upon to so do. However, consideration may Persons using premises of this kind may be
have to be given to a possible degradation of the unfamiliar with their overall layout and/or may be
performance of emergency lighting systems due to infirm. Furthermore, particularly in the case of
unforeseen circumstances immediately preceding hospitals and similar premises, large hotels on busy
the emergency. It would be unwise to design any thoroughfares, etc., it may be desirable to reoccupy
system to meet the bare requirements of the the premises immediately the emergency has
premises under consideration, particularly as to passed or to delay evacuation after the initial failure
duration of operation, and an additional safety of the normal supply, should this be permitted.
factor should be built into the design to cover
possible technical problems which may reduce the Based on these considerations, it is recommended
light output and duration to less than the rated that the category of emergency lighting to be
value. installed in hospitals, nursing homes and similar
premises should invariably be NM/3 or M/3 except
Taking all these factors into account, it is considered for small premises, as defined in this subclause,
that a design period of operation of the emergency where a minimum category of NM/2 or M/2 should
lighting system of 1 h should be the absolute be used. For other types of premises in this general
minimum for even the smallest premises considered class the category should be related to size, ranging
in this code. from NM/1 for small premises up to M/3 for large
9.2 Category of system to be adopted hotels, etc.
The type and category of system to be used is For the purposes of this recommendation, small
dependent upon the size and function of the premises are defined as those having not more
premises. than 10 bedrooms and not more than one floor above
or below ground level. However, designating orders
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4) Hospital Technical Memorandum No. 11 “Emergency electrical services” gives guidance on the provision of all emergency
electrical services in hospitals, and compliance with the recommendations of the memorandum may, at the discretion of the
enforcing authority, supplement or replace the recommendations of this code. The memorandum is obtainable from
HMSO, 49 High Holborn, London WC1 for personal callers, or by post from HMSO, PO Box 276, London SW8 5DT.
12 © BSI 10-1998
BS 5266-1:1988
The people using such premises may be expected to In general, persons using this class of premises will
be unfamiliar with their layout and regard should be reasonably familiar with the layout and safety
be paid to the possible effects of the consumption of provisions and orderly evacuation can normally be
alcohol. In parts of premises where the normal expected in the event of an emergency. Also, except
lighting may be dimmed it is considered essential possibly in some types of process laboratories, there
that a maintained emergency lighting system will not normally be any safety requirement for
should be installed, but even where this is not the early reoccupation after an emergency and the
case a maintained system may still have minimum duration of escape lighting should
advantages, particularly in respect of exit signs, etc. therefore be adequate.
However, early reoccupation of such premises It is recommended, therefore, that emergency
following an emergency is not usual and a maximum lighting systems of NM/1 category be used in
duration of emergency lighting of 2 h should premises of this type unless there is a particular
normally be satisfactory, even for the largest types requirement for early reoccupation, in which case a
of premises in this class. longer duration may be necessary.
It is recommended, therefore, that a M/2 emergency 9.3.6 Non-residential public premises. This class
lighting system should be used for theatres, concert includes such premises as town halls, libraries,
halls, discotheques and any other premises in this offices, shops, art galleries and museums.
class in which there is either provision for dimming
the normal lighting or facilities for the consumption The majority of persons present in this class of
of alcoholic liquor. For all other types of premises in premises will be unfamiliar with the layout, and
this class a NM/2 category system may be used. In evacuation may involve discharging large numbers
small premises, i.e. with not more than 250 persons of persons (large shops) or gathering together
present at any time, a M/1 or NM/1 system, as smaller numbers of persons from large dispersed
appropriate, may be employed. areas. However, early reoccupation following an
emergency is not usual.
For some theatre auditoria where the recommended
maintained illuminance of 0.2 lx is likely to affect Except within areas of such premises where the
Licensed copy:RMJM, 07/09/2005, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI
© BSI 10-1998 13
BS 5266-1:1988
Where, however, the differing uses are contained 10.2 Determine requirements
within separate fire compartments having Complete the following actions, by consultation
independent escape routes, they may be considered (see clause 3), when necessary.
a) Verify escape routes (see 6.7).
9.3.9 Common access routes within multistorey
b) Establish fire alarm call point positions
dwellings. The majority of persons using access
(see 6.7).
routes within multi-storey dwellings will be familiar
with them and the identification of such routes by c) Establish position of fire fighting equipment
signs may not, therefore, always be necessary. (see 6.7).
However, the routes should be provided with d) Establish position of fire and safety signs
emergency illumination for safe movement meeting (see 6.7).
the recommendations of 5.3. A NM/1 system will e) Investigate potential hazards on escape routes
usually be satisfactory for buildings of up (see 6.7).
to 10 storeys but for buildings in excess of 10 storeys
it is recommended that a NM/3 system should be f) Establish open areas (see 6.8).
installed. g) Establish requirements for external escape
lighting (see 6.8.2).
In premises where occupants are unlikely to be
familiar with the escape routes illuminated signs h) Locate lifts (see 6.8.3).
should be used even during daylight hours. i) Locate moving stairways and walkways
9.3.10 Enclosed shopping malls. There are often (see 6.8.4).
many types of commercial premises within these j) Locate toilet accommodation over 8 m2 gross
enclosed malls without natural light and evacuation area (see 6.8.5).
may involve discharging large numbers of people k) Locate motor generator, control and plant
along extensive escape routes to safety. Many of the rooms (see 6.8.6).
people may be unfamiliar with the layout of the
l) Locate covered car parks (see 6.8.7).
Licensed copy:RMJM, 07/09/2005, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI
5) Obtainable from HMSO, 49 High Holborn, London WC1 for personal callers, or by post from HMSO, PO Box 276,
London SW8 5DT.
14 © BSI 10-1998
BS 5266-1:1988
© BSI 10-1998 15
BS 5266-1:1988
NOTE The log book may also include pages relating to other 12.4 Routine inspections and tests
safety records, e.g. fire alarms. Details of replacement
components of luminaires such as lamp type, battery, fusing may 12.4.1 General. Because of the possibility of a failure
also be recorded in the log book. of the normal lighting supply occurring shortly after
a period of testing of the emergency lighting system
12 Servicing or during the subsequent recharge period, all tests
12.1 Supervision should wherever possible be undertaken at time of
minimum risk.
Regular servicing is essential. The occupier/owner of
the premises should appoint a competent person to Alternatively suitable temporary arrangements
supervise the system. This person should be given should be made until the batteries have been
sufficient authority to ensure the carrying out of any recharged.
work necessary to maintain the system in correct Inspections and tests should be carried out at the
operation. following intervals as recommended in 12.4.2
12.2 Batteries to 12.4.6.
In all cases the manufacturer’s instructions should a) Daily.
be followed. It is particularly important that where b) Monthly.
applicable: c) Six-monthly.
a) the tops of batteries and their terminals are d) Three-yearly.
kept clean and unobstructed and that battery e) Subsequent annual test.
cases are periodically checked for leaks;
12.4.2 Daily. An inspection should be made every
b) the electrolyte is at all times kept at the correct
day to ascertain that:
level as recommended by the manufacturer;
a) any fault recorded in the log book has been
c) any replacement battery should be compatible
given urgent attention and the action noted;
with the battery charger;
b) every lamp in a maintained system is lit;
d) any replacement cell should be compatible
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16 © BSI 10-1998
BS 5266-1:1988
b) Each central battery system should be At the end of the test period the system should
energized from its battery by simulation of a be restored to normal operation and the charging
failure of the supply to the normal lighting for a arrangements for the back-up and the engine
period sufficient only to ensure that each lamp is starting batteries checked for proper functioning.
illuminated. The fuel tanks should be left filled and the oil
The period of simulated failure should not exceed and coolant levels topped up as necessary.
one quarter of the rated duration of the battery. 12.4.4 Six-monthly. The monthly inspection
During this period all luminaires and/or signs (see 12.4.3) should be carried out and the following
should be examined visually to ensure that they tests made.
are functioning correctly. a) Each 3 h self-contained luminaire and
If it is not possible to examine visually all internally illuminated sign should be energized
luminaires and/or signs in this period, further from its battery for a continuous period of 1 h, by
tests should be made after the battery has been simulation of a failure of the supply to the normal
fully recharged. lighting. If the luminaire is rated as having a
At the end of each test period the supply to the duration of 1 h, then the period of simulated
normal lighting should be restored and any failure should be 15 min.
indicator lamp or device checked to ensure that During this period all luminaires and/or signs
it is showing that the normal supply has been should be examined visually to ensure that they
restored. The charging arrangements should be are functioning correctly.
checked for proper functioning. At the end of this test period the supply to the
c) Each engine-driven generating plant should be normal lighting should be restored and any
started up by a simulation of a failure of the indicator lamp or device checked to ensure that
supply to the normal lighting and allowed to it is showing that the normal supply has been
energize the emergency lighting system for a restored.
continuous period of at least 1 h. b) Each 3 h central battery system should be
Licensed copy:RMJM, 07/09/2005, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI
During this time all luminaires and/or signs energized from its battery for a continuous period
should be examined visually to ensure that they of 1 h by simulation of a failure of the supply to
are functioning correctly. the normal lighting. If the system is rated as
At the end of the test period the system should having a duration of 1 h then the period of
be restored to normal operation and the charging simulated failure should be 15 min.
arrangements for the engine-starting battery During this period all luminaires and/or signs
checked for proper functioning. The fuel tanks should be examined visually to ensure that they
should be left filled and the oil and coolant levels are functioning correctly.
topped up as necessary. At the end of the test period the supply to the
Frequent starting of the plant followed by a few normal lighting should be restored and any
minutes on load is not recommended. indicator lamp or device checked to ensure that
d) The engine of each engine-driven generating it is showing that normal supply has been
plant with back-up batteries should be prevented restored. The charging arrangements should be
from starting. checked for proper functioning.
The emergency lighting system should then be c) Each engine-driven plant should be tested in
energized solely from the back-up battery by accordance with the monthly schedule detailed
simulation of a failure of the supply to the in 12.4.3 c).
normal lighting for a period sufficient only to d) The engine of each engine-driven generating
ensure that the change-over from normal supply plant with back-up battery should be prevented
to battery is functioning properly. After this from starting.
check the starting system of the engine should be The emergency lighting system should then be
returned to normal operation and the engine energized solely from the back-up battery for a
allowed to start up in the normal way to energize continuous period of 1 h by simulation of failure
the emergency lighting system for a continuous of the supply to the normal lighting.
period of at least 1 h.
The starting system of the engine should then be
During these periods all luminaires and/or signs restored to normal operation and the engine
should be examined visually to ensure that they allowed to start up in the normal way to energize
are functioning correctly. the emergency lighting system for a further
continuous period of 1 h.
© BSI 10-1998 17
BS 5266-1:1988
During these periods all luminaires and/or signs c) Each central battery system should be tested
should be examined visually to ensure that they for its full duration.
are functioning correctly. At the end of the test At the end of the test period the supply to the
period the system should be restored to normal normal lighting should be restored and any
operation and the charging arrangements for the indicator lamp or device checked to ensure that
back-up and engine-starting batteries checked it is showing that normal supply has been
for proper functioning. Any indicator lamp or restored. The charging arrangements should be
device should then be checked to ensure that it is checked for proper functioning.
showing that the normal arrangements have
d) Each generator back-up battery, where fitted,
been restored.
should be tested for its full duration.
The fuel tanks should be left filled and the oil
At the end of the test period the system should
and the coolant levels topped up as necessary.
be restored to normal operation and the charging
12.4.5 Three-yearly. The monthly inspection arrangements for the back-up and
(see 12.4.3) should be carried out and the following engine-starting batteries checked for proper
additional tests made. functioning. Any indicator lamp or device should
a) Each emergency lighting installation should be then be checked to ensure that it is showing that
tested and inspected to ascertain compliance with normal arrangements have been restored.
this code (see appendix C). The fuel tanks should be left filled and the oil
b) Each self-contained luminaire and/or and coolant levels topped up as necessary.
internally illuminated sign should be tested for 12.4.6 Subsequent annual test. For self-contained
its full duration. luminaires with sealed batteries, after the first
At the end of the test period the supply to the three-yearly test the three-yearly test should be
normal lighting should be restored and any carried out annually.
indicator lamp or device checked to ensure that
it is showing that normal supply has been
Licensed copy:RMJM, 07/09/2005, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI
18 © BSI 10-1998
BS 5266-1:1988
Appendix A. Measuring illuminance of Tests should not be carried out in areas where
emergency lighting people will not normally tread, i.e. in extreme
corners where a wall meets a floor or stairway.
Measurement of illuminance of emergency lighting
installations can be very difficult and should be For measurement of average illuminance where
carried out with good instrumentation and great there is no defined escape route, tests should be
carried out over the whole of the relevant area.
care. All site test work should be carried out by
simulating a failure of the normal electrical supply In practice the illuminance over an area is seldom
and where practicable this should be done using the uniform. The interior should therefore be
test facilities provided. theoretically divided into a number of zones; the
It is essential that the light meter used has a illuminance in each zone should be measured and
photocell having good cosine correction as a large the mean value calculated. The total number of
measurements taken in any open space should not
proportion of the incident light is at glancing angles.
be less than the total area in square metres divided
The meter should be suitable for taking readings at
by a constant value of 25, and in any case should not
the low illuminances involved. It should have a
be less than four.
minimum range of 1 mlx to 100 lx and sensitivity
of 1 mlx. Care has to be taken not to overshadow the The results of the measurements should be checked
light sensor and for this reason a sensor remote from against design data.
the readout is preferable. The rated duration of self-contained luminaires will
The measurement of the illuminance should be need to be checked individually. For a central
made on the same plane as that used for design system it is only necessary to carry out the test at
which should accord with the recommendations of one luminaire, preferably that luminaire subject to
clause 10. the highest volt drop.
The effect of stray light (e.g. street or moonlight) can On-site testing will only prove or indicate to some
be substantial and as far as practicable it should be degree the accuracy of the design data and in most
masked out. Where it cannot be excluded the cases the illuminance measured will be higher than
Licensed copy:RMJM, 07/09/2005, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI
illuminance from the emergency lighting should be the minimum design level. The minimum value of
obtained by taking readings at appropriate illuminance will always occur at 5 s after switch on,
positions inside the building with all interior at the end of the battery discharge when the voltage
lighting, including the emergency lighting, switched is at a minimum value, and at the end of useful lamp
off. The readings so obtained should be deducted life. Such combinations are not usually encountered
from readings taken at the same positions with the on-site, except where unsatisfactory equipment has
emergency lighting switched on. been used or maintenance has been poor. When
carrying out these tests it is therefore necessary to
The light output of the emergency lighting system
have data which relates to the lumen output of the
will vary with time. The test should therefore be
completed as quickly as is practicable within the luminaire during the lamp/battery life cycle.
rated duration. This is particularly relevant in an
occupied building or one in daily use as with
discharged batteries the building could have
reduced emergency lighting cover for up to 24 h
following the test.
For measurement of emergency lighting on clearly
defined escape routes it is advisable to select for test
a number of specific areas likely to have minimum
Suggested locations are:
a) half-way between luminaires, especially in
stair wells;
b) critical task areas;
c) where highest luminaire mounting height
d) where widest spacing of luminaires occurs;
e) changes in direction of route;
f) at thresholds of doorways forming part of the
exit route.
© BSI 10-1998 19
BS 5266-1:1988
Occupier/owner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Address of premises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tel. no. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Designer’s name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Designer’s address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tel. no. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Work carried out and covered by this certificate shown on drawings nos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (see 3.3 of BS 5266-1:1988).
I/We hereby certify that the emergency lighting installation, or part thereof, at the above premises has
been designed by me/us and to the best of my/our knowledge and belief, the system complies with the
appropriate recommendations given in BS 5266 “Emergency lighting” Part 1:1988 “Code of practice for the
emergency lighting of premises other than cinemas and certain other specified premises used for
entertainment”, published by BSI, for a category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6) installation, except as stated
below. Photometric design data is appended to this certificate.
Signature of person responsible for design of the system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Qualification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
For and on behalf of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Licensed copy:RMJM, 07/09/2005, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI
Installer’s name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Installer’s address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tel. no. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Work carried out and covered by this certificate shown on drawing nos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (see 3.3 of BS 5266-1:1988).
20 © BSI 10-1998
BS 5266-1:1988
I/We hereby certify that the emergency lighting installation, or part thereof, at the above premises has
been installed by me/us in accordance with the system designer’s specification and to the best of my/our
knowledge and belief, the installation complies with the appropriate recommendations given in BS 5266
“Emergency lighting” Part 1:1988 “Code of practice for the emergency lighting of premises other than
cinemas and certain other specified premises used for entertainment”, published by BSI, for a
category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7) installation, except as stated below.
Signature of person responsible for the installation of the system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Qualification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
For and on behalf of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
System verifier’s name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
System verifier’s address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tel. no. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I/We hereby certify that the emergency lighting installation, or part thereof, at the above premises has
been inspected and tested by me/us and to the best of my/our knowledge and belief the installation complies
at the time of my/our test with the recommendations given in BS 5266 “Emergency lighting” Part 1:1988
“Code of practice for the emergency lighting of premises other than cinemas and certain other specified
premises used for entertainment”, published by BSI, for a category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7) installation, except
as stated below. Photometric verification data is appended, including light loss factors on photometric
design, or the test data obtained from the measurements carried out in accordance with appendix A of
BS 5266-1:1988.
Signature of person responsible for system verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Qualification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Licensed copy:RMJM, 07/09/2005, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI
NOTE Where this certificate relates to a major alteration or addition it should be accompanied by an “Emergency lighting —
Periodic inspection and test certificate” for the entire emergency lighting installation (see 11.2 of BS 5266-1:1988).
Enter M/l, 2 or 3 or NM/1,2 or 3 as appropriate (see 6.12 of BS 5266-1:1988).
8) Qualifications:a suitably qualified electrical engineer or a member of the Electrical Contractors’ Association or the Electrical
Contractors’ Association of Scotland; or a certificate holder of the National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation
Contracting; or a qualified person acting on behalf of one of these (in which case it should be stated on whose behalf he is acting).
Where acceptable to the enforcing authority the authorized representative of a manufacturer of emergency lighting equipment
may be deemed to be a suitably qualified person.
© BSI 10-1998 21
BS 5266-1:1988
Occupier/owner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Address of premises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tel. no. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Date of inspection and test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Inspection and test carried out by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Name and address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tel. no. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I/We hereby certify that the emergency lighting installation at the above premises has been inspected and
tested in accordance with the schedule below by me/us and to the best of my/our knowledge and belief
complies at the time of my/our test with the recommendations of BS 5266 “Emergency lighting” Part 1:1988
“Code of practice for the emergency lighting of premises other than cinemas and certain other specified
premises used for entertainment”, published by BSI, for a category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9) installation, except
as stated below.
Signature of person responsible for inspection and test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Qualification10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
For and on behalf of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Details of variation from the code of practice (BS 5266-1:1988).
Licensed copy:RMJM, 07/09/2005, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI
Enter M/1, 2 or 3 or NM/1, 2 or 3 as appropriate (see 6.12 of BS 5266-1:1988).
10) Qualifications:a suitably qualified electrical engineer or a member of the Electrical Contractors’ Association or the Electrical
Contractors’ Association of Scotland; or a certificate holder of the National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation
Contracting; or a qualified person acting on behalf of one of these (in which case it should be stated on whose behalf he is acting).
Where acceptable to the enforcing authority the authorized representative of a manufacturer of emergency lighting equipment
may be deemed to be a suitably qualified person.
22 © BSI 10-1998
BS 5266-1:1988
© BSI 10-1998 23
BS 5266-1:1988
24 © BSI 10-1998
BS 5266-1:1988
Publications referred to
© BSI 1998 25
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