Fault Fracture Density and Mineralization

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Journal of Structural Geology 26 (2004) 1087–1108


Fault/fracture density and mineralization: a contouring method for

targeting in gold exploration
Gerard I. Trippa,*, Julian R. Vearncombeb
Placer Dome Asia Pacific, PO Box 862, Kalgoorlie WA 6430, Australia
Vearncombe & Associates Pty Ltd, 38b Kintail Road, Applecross WA 6153, Australia
Received 27 November 2002; received in revised form 4 August 2003; accepted 25 September 2003

A widely observed correlation between high fracture density and mineralization throughout terranes and geological time indicates a
fundamental underlying ore-forming process. In Archaean greenstone-hosted deposits, high-density fracturing was accompanied by
enhanced fluid flow during fault/fracture network development, producing regional-scale fluid pressure gradients that focussed hydrothermal
fluids into preferentially fractured areas. Fracture density is both increased and decreased during faulting and fault healing, and fracture
density accumulates over time, in zones of high palaeo-fluid flow. Localised zones where the density of fracturing is increased by
deformation, become permeability nodes for migrating hydrothermal fluids leading to large zones of alteration and gold precipitation. The
Ora Banda mining centre in Western Australia contains significant gold deposits that appear to demonstrate a close association between high-
density fracturing and gold precipitation. Fracture density in the Ora Banda mines was enhanced by fault– fault intersections, fault– contact
intersections and changes in fault geometry. The mine-scale relationships between fracture density and gold mineralization are repeated at
smaller and larger scales, hence these relationships may be used in targeting for gold exploration. Contouring the density of fracturing in a
region provides a semi-quantitative way to rank areas for exploration and uses data from mapping, drilling and high-quality geophysical data
as a basis for analyses. Fracture density contouring is complementary to other prospectivity-analysis methods.
q 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Keywords: Fault; Fracture density; Mineralization; Gold; Exploration

1. Introduction Archaean lode gold deposits in the north Kalgoorlie

district, Western Australia, are mainly hosted by faults of
The relationship between fracture density, fluid flow and small dimensions: up to several kilometres long, 0.5 –20 m
ore deposition is well known and is extensively documented wide and with small displacements of tens of metres or less.
in the geological literature (Agricola, 1556; Lindgren, 1933; The faults cross-cut stratigraphy and earlier regional-scale
Bartley, 1948; Bateman, 1948; Lang, 1948; Meyer et al., ductile shear zones forming a regionally developed inter-
1968; Phillips, 1972; Sibson, 1987, 1996, 2002; Castaing, linked network or mesh (Sibson, 1996; Vearncombe, 1998).
1991; Caine et al., 1996; Oliver, 1996; Jamtveit and Ore shoots in gold deposits of the Kalgoorlie district are
Yardley, 1997; Oliver et al., 1998; Cox, 1999; Lonergan generally controlled by fault/fracture interaction: high-
et al., 1999; Gudmundsson et al., 2001; Robert and Poulsen, grade ore shoots are developed at intersections with other
2001; Madrid and Garwin, 2002; McLellan, 2002). Recent faults/fractures or zones of anisotropy and at changes in
studies also document regional spatial links between gold orientation of a host fault. Such areas including dilational
mineralization and highly fractured zones in small-displa- jogs, fault bends/terminations and fault – fault intersections,
cement faults in Archaean greenstone belts (Hodgson, 1989; occur as components of interlinked fault/fracture networks.
Solomon and Groves, 1994; Witt et al., 1997; Vearncombe, Fault/fracture networks are characterised by internal zones
1998; Vearncombe and Vearncombe, 1999; Tripp, 2000a). of high-density fracturing, controlled by fault/fracture
geometry and intersection density. A simple positive
* Corresponding author. correlation exists between the locations of perturbations in
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (G.I. Tripp), julian@ faults, the density of rock fracturing and fluid flow, as
vearncombe.com (J.R. Vearncombe). inferred from the distribution of rock alteration and
0191-8141/$ - see front matter q 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
1088 G.I. Tripp, J.R. Vearncombe / Journal of Structural Geology 26 (2004) 1087–1108

mineralization. These zones may be further localised by

anisotropy such as primary layering and intrusions (Tripp,
A contouring method of quantifying the distribution of
fault/fracture density is presented here to assist in the
ranking of areas based on their potential as palaeo-conduits
of enhanced fluid flow. The purpose of this paper is to
present the fault/fracture relationships of gold mineraliz-
ation at Ora Banda, Western Australia (Tripp, 2000a,b), and
to communicate the exploration potential of fault/fracture
density contouring as a complementary technique to the
more common methods of prospectivity analysis (e.g.
Knox-Robinson and Robinson, 1993).

2. Controls on fracture density during crustal faulting

Faults formed during fluid-pressure dominated defor-

mation have resultant anastomosing to planar geometry. The
faults may be manifest as a single plane of breakage, or may
form zones of fracturing and brecciation of up to several
metres thickness with low displacements on the order of
tens of metres and rarely kilometres. The terms ‘fault’ and
‘fracture’ are used interchangeably in this paper. At a
regional scale (1:100,000) the low displacements, which
may be characteristic of the faults, are represented by
negligible offset of stratigraphic markers with the faults
appearing as simple fractures on regional plans. At a mine
scale (1:10,000) the displacements are more pronounced Fig. 1. Diagram of various fault–fault interactions: (a) mutual overprinting;
(b) cross-cutting; (c) master/splay fault relationships. In (a) and (b) the
and the same features are manifest as faults with offset. At
interactions may result in either a simple offset or a zone of enhanced
hand specimen and microscopic scales, the faults may be fracturing.
manifest as zones of highly fractured rock with no
indications of offset: the same structures are observable at
different scales, with different characteristics dictated by the between faults and pre-existing anisotropy. Fault/fracture
scale of observation. density may also be high from a concentration of sub-
The textural characteristics of fault rocks indicate that parallel faults in an area more amenable to faulting and
space creation during faulting is temporary with fault fracturing. Vein emplacement is a common characteristic in
healing by hydrothermal vein precipitation. Pore volume faults, with variable relationships of emplacement timing
and fluid flow rates increase with each failure episode, but including undeformed vein emplacement, intra-vein brec-
then decrease as the fault is healed with the rock mass cia, and shear vein development. The processes that enhance
returning to an intact state. Faults that behave in this manner fracture density control the degree and type of vein
are analogous to valves that open and shut and control the emplacement in sites of low mean stress. Vein mineralogy
flow of fluid during failure and healing (Sibson et al., 1988). and texture usually reflect the fluid composition and fluid
The creation of space in rocks increases the existing pressure conditions, respectively, at the time of fracturing.
permeability of the immediate rock mass and influences Fluid flow can also be effective in faults and shear zones
the permeability structure of the crust in regions of fault without a vein component (Craw et al., 1999).
network development. In this paper we focus on the
processes that increase fracturing in a rock mass over 2.1.1. Fault geometry
time, providing evidence for high volume fluid flow through Changes of fault geometry localise zones of dilation
spatially restricted zones. leading to fluid influx and wallrock rupturing during fault
movements (Sibson, 1987; McCaig, 1989) The orientational
2.1. Fracture density enhancement change and kinematics can control the dilational character
of faults (e.g. right-hand bends in right-lateral faults; left-
There are three primary ways that fracture density is hand bends in left-lateral faults), and the concept is also
enhanced within a fault; (1) changes of fault geometry; (2) applicable to normal and reverse faults where the faults
fault – fault intersections (Fig. 1); and (3) intersections either steepen or flatten in dip (Branquet et al., 1999; Jolley
G.I. Tripp, J.R. Vearncombe / Journal of Structural Geology 26 (2004) 1087–1108 1089

et al., 1999). Opposing fault bends can produce zones of facilitate dilation (if parallel), shear (if at a low-moderate
enhanced fracturing in restrictional bends where the wall angle), or constriction (if normal).
rocks are brecciated and abraded.
Fault bends may develop over time as a consequence of 2.2. Fluid flow considerations
rupture arrest and dissipation of the fault displacement into
horsetail splays, providing a process for linkage between
Fault rocks commonly contain a significant vein
adjacent faults. Fault bends are typically areas where
component. Veins in rocks are characterised as planar
dilational jogs develop, and may result from fault linkage
zones of hydrothermal precipitation infilling rock fractures.
between two parallel but separate structures with enhanced
Rock mass permeability and therefore fluid flow in a rock
fracture-induced permeability and fluid migration pathways
sequence is controlled by the amount of available pore
developed at the site of dilation (Connolly and Cosgrove,
space, and in regional metamorphic rocks may be
principally controlled by grain boundary connectivity
(Sanderson and Zhang, 1999). Fracturing developed as a
result of imposed stresses increases the permeability of a
2.1.2. Fault –fault intersection
Fault – fault intersections are commonly zones of rock mass and the rates of fluid flow by orders of magnitude
enhanced fracturing, but the nature of the intersection can (Bolton et al., 1999), and may link fluid sources and
also be influenced by the kinematic characteristics of depositional sites at a percolation threshold, which is
individual faults that are synchronously developed and dependant on several variables including fracture connec-
mutually cross-cutting (Fig. 1a). If an earlier generation of tivity (Cox, 1999). Fracture density therefore is an important
faults is cross-cut by a later generation, the intersection may control on permeability, and a time-control on fracture
produce a linear body of more highly fractured rock or a density accumulation needs to be considered when attempt-
simple offset. Where synchronous, the faults may be ing to qualify the palaeo-permeability of a rock mass.
through going with a simple cross-cutting relationship Levels of permeability within the architecture of a fault zone
(Fig. 1b), or have a master-and-splay fault relationship can be distinguished (Caine et al., 1996), with the
(Fig. 1c). hydrologic properties of high-density fracture networks in
Interactions of conjugate faults are either volume neutral, the damage zone of a fault acting as the dominant control on
net dilatant or net constrictional. A dilational zone may fault permeability.
result if the kinematics of the two intersecting faults are Palaeo-permeability nodes are localised zones of crust
different because of fault wedges in opposing quadrants of a that accommodated large-volume fluid flow. Identifying
fault couple moving away from the intersection point. these nodes requires a control for detecting the palaeo-flow
Conversely where the kinematics of the two faults are the of fluid. In mineralized terranes, large-scale alteration
same, a net constriction may result if the fault blocks behave systems are characteristic of areas that were the focus of
rigidly, have similar displacements and fault rotation is fluid flow. Regional metamorphic assemblages are locally
minimal. Torsion in the wall rocks of splay faults may also replaced by new minerals, indicating the passage of a fluid
produce high density fracturing locally (e.g. Martel, 1999). through the rocks that was out of equilibrium with
Multiple intersections of synchronous faults in variable conditions in the local environment. These zones may be
orientations can result in high-density fracturing at the spatially restricted to the wallrocks of centimetre-thick
intersection point regardless of individual fault kinematics. veins, or may produce kilometre-scale wallrock alteration
zones around major structures and intrusions (e.g. Eastern
Goldfields Province, Western Australia). Recognition of
2.1.3. Anisotropy these nodes in ancient terranes is indicative of regional fluid
The presence of anisotropy is an important control on the flow gradients when developed at kilometre scales: the flow
partitioning of strain. Zones of anisotropy such as bedding of hydrothermal fluids was enhanced at the location of the
contacts, igneous layering, rigid body rock contacts and node with decreasing flow rates and subsequently less
zones of alteration hardening produce variations in rock alteration of the wallrocks away from the node.
properties (tensile rock strength, layer cohesion), which Faulting and fracturing may enhance fluid flow, whereas
may lead to enhanced fracturing where the contacts are high fluid pressure can also generate crustal faulting and
traversed by faults (e.g. Bateman, 1948). fracture networks (e.g. Sibson and Scott, 1998). Hence a
The geometry and orientation of anisotropy and its type simple cause and effect relationship cannot be established
(rock layers, intrusion contacts, etc.) may also contribute to between fault development and fluid flow. The most likely
the development of high density fracturing at the point of relationship is a feedback relationship controlled by a
intersection. Geometrical changes in granite contacts can balance between deviatoric stress and fluid pressure. A
provide sites of dilation where intersected by faults, whereas coincidence of high density fracturing with recognised
the orientation of bedding and igneous layering to the palaeo-permeability nodes indicates a close spatial relation-
principal shortening direction in an orogenic belt may ship between fracture-density and fluid flow.
1090 G.I. Tripp, J.R. Vearncombe / Journal of Structural Geology 26 (2004) 1087–1108

3. Fracture density and mineralization broad, evenly distributed low strains (Oliver, 1996), or an
intergranular film localised along grain boundaries (e.g.
Fault/fracture-controls on mineralization (faulting/shear- Fyfe et al., 1978). Fluid-flow during metamorphism may be
ing) are well documented throughout the economic either pervasive or channelised (Oliver et al., 1998), and
literature and most authors recognise structure as a first channelised flow is more likely to operate in the focussing
order control on the siting of ore (e.g. Phillips, 1972; and precipitation phase of fluid flow (Fyfe, 1991). Faults/
Hodgson, 1989; Vearncombe et al., 1989; Groves and Ho, fractures are conduits that localise gold fluids during
1990). This control may be: (1) in major shear zones or in deformation, whereas the grain – boundary network is a
higher order splay structures genetically related to move- pervasive system that may not provide conditions favour-
ments on the main shear zone (Vearncombe et al., 1989; able to ore formation.
Phillips et al., 1998); (2) in zones of intersecting multiple Gold mineralisation occurs as a result of destabilisation
faults of similar or markedly different orientation (Meyer of a fluid that transports gold. This destabilisation may occur
et al., 1968); (3) in high strain zones localised by layer by changing any combination of a number of variables that
anisotropy such as bedding-parallel thrusts (Jolley et al., work to maintain the solubility of gold in a fluid. Variation
1999); (4) in stockwork-type associations within highly- in temperature, pressure, pH, oxygen fugacity (fO2), sulphur
fractured rigid bodies (Ridley and Mengler, 2000); and (5) fugacity (fS2) and mole fraction of CO2 (XCO2) may result
in folded structures such as saddle reefs in slate belt deposits in precipitation of gold through fluid – wallrock interaction,
(Cox et al., 1986; Forde and Bell, 1994). The intensity of mixing of two or more fluid species or phase separation in
structural development may be enhanced by other factors fluids associated with rapid loss of confining pressure during
such as discussed in Section 2.1, and the processes of faulting. The particular control on ore precipitation may
mineralization may be further enhanced by structures vary locally when rock chemistry or multiple fluid species
cutting rocks of favourable chemistry (e.g. Phillips, 1986; are important controls (e.g. Groves and Phillips, 1987;
Groves and Phillips, 1987; Kerrich, 1989). Ridley et al., 1996). Destabilisation of equilibrium fluid
The concept addressed in this paper of the relationship conditions during fracturing is a common catalyst in all fault
between fault/fracture density and mineralization is exten- controlled ore systems (Mikucki and Groves, 1990). Space
sively dealt with in the economic geology literature. From creation during fracturing dramatically changes the ambient
such wide recognition throughout terranes globally and in pressure and temperature conditions and materially affects
rocks of various geological ages, we consider the fault/- the permeability of a rock mass. Phase separation in general
fracture density – mineralization relationship as a funda- results in increasing pH and fO2 with a decrease in reduced
mental control on the development of ore in structurally sulphur content, with competing effects on the gold-
controlled ore systems. References can be found as far back solubility of the remaining ore fluid (Mikucki and Groves,
as Agricola (1556) and more recently Lindgren (1933), 1990).
Bateman (1948), Lang (1948) and Meyer et al. (1968),
dealing with the fracture-density and mineralization
relationship in some detail especially in the control of 4. Fault controls on Archaean gold deposits at Ora
high grade ore shoot location. Most of the references listed Banda, Western Australia
deal with the intersection of fractures, but some also deal
with the time controls on cumulative fracturing (Meyer Examples of fault-controlled ore deposits are discussed
et al., 1968; Castaing, 1991), the controls of lithological in detail from the Ora Banda mining centre, 69 km
diversity and planar anisotropy on the density of fracturing northwest of Kalgoorlie in Western Australia (Fig. 2). Ora
(Bateman, 1948), and geometrical changes of the hosting Banda mining centre is a gold production district of
structure (Lindgren, 1933). Our approach is a logical significance (85 tonnes Au) in the Ora Banda Domain of
outgrowth of this recognition, which attempts to use the the Kalgoorlie Terrane (Swager et al., 1990), which
relationship in exploration for high-grade shoots in known forms part of the Archaean Norseman – Wiluna greenstone
districts, and for the discovery of new mineralized districts. belt.
The introduction of hydrothermal minerals into a rock The geology of the Ora Banda mining centre is
mass via veins or foliation zones is an obvious result of the dominated by a moderately southwest-dipping sequence of
flow of mineralizing fluids. Pervasive fluid-flow is igneous and sedimentary rocks, with extensive layer-
suggested as the most efficient regional process for parallel syn-volcanic mafic sills (Fig. 3). The sequence
extraction of ore fluid components from the crust under was intruded by late-tectonic granitoid stocks and porphyry
greenschist – amphibolite facies conditions (Oliver et al., dykes and sills. The Ora Banda mining centre is particularly
1998). This occurs via an interconnected grain-scale suited to this analysis since the faults that control gold
network across large regions driven by thermal or deposits have no major effect on the distribution of the
deformation induced regional fluid pressure gradients. The greenstones, and hence do not suffer from equivocal
interconnected grain-scale network may be either a micro- movement and mineralization timing-relationships, as is
crack network produced during deformation, resulting in characteristic of the larger greenstone controlling shear
G.I. Tripp, J.R. Vearncombe / Journal of Structural Geology 26 (2004) 1087–1108 1091

Fig. 2. Geology of the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia showing the location of .1 million ounce gold deposits and the location of Kalgoorlie and Ora
Banda, in the Eastern Goldfields Province.

zones. The faults are mostly small displacement structures are stacked in a NW – SE direction with a similar geometry
(up to 1 km) with minor offsets and disruptions of a to ore shoots described by Peters (1993).
continuous stratigraphic sequence, and are readily identified
on aeromagnetic images (cf. Figs. 3 and 4). 4.1. D2 Shear zone/fault network
Two other gold mining centres at Grants Patch and
Mount Pleasant are located within the same igneous The structural geological history of the north Kalgoorlie
succession as Ora Banda with similar fault controls on district involved two main phases of shortening. Early D1
gold mineralization documented in each of these areas. The S – N thrusting produced localised stratigraphic repetition
three major controls on fracture density (Section 2.1) are and folding of the greenstones. The D1 phase was followed
identified in the Slippery Gimlet, Gimlet South and by a major thick-skinned phase of shortening (D2) from an
Enterprise mines at Ora Banda (Fig. 5). The ore structures ENE –WSW direction resulting in upright folds (D2a) with
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Fig. 4. Greyscale image of aeromagnetic data processed as a first vertical derivative of the raw data, reduced to pole, with auto gain control filtering applied.
Light shades: high magnetic susceptibility; dark shades: low susceptibilities. Compare with the geological map in Fig. 3 for magnetic response of the various
rock types.

subvertical axial plane cleavage. Folding was followed by in the Ora Banda mining district with three principal fault
partitioning of strain into NW- and NNW-trending shear orientations recognised as N –S, NE –SW and E – W. These
zones; and reactivation of NW – SE-trending rock contacts three orientations are distinct in detailed aeromagnetic
as thrusts (D2b). As the crust was exhumed or strain rate images as revealed from offsets of stratigraphic marker
increased with elevated fluid pressures, a regionally units, but the majority of mineralized structures have a NE –
developed fault network cross-cut all earlier structures SW orientation (Fig. 5). Mine-scale observations confirm
(D2c; Tripp, 2002). The faults are distributed as a network the three fault orientations, whereas analysis of the

Fig. 3. Geology of the north Kalgoorlie district (Australian Map Grid; AGD84). Elongate belts of greenstone are interspersed with batholithic monzogranite
intrusions, and folded into upright, shallow plunging megascopic folds. The folds are truncated by narrow shear zones, and all structures are cross-cut by a
regionally developed, interlinked fault network.
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historic production was primarily focussed on the Gimlet

South deposit (Harrison et al., 1990). Slippery Gimlet was
the initial discovery in a system of sub-parallel anastomos-
ing faults with a dominant northeast structural trend, which
cut across the strike of igneous layering at about 808– 908.
The host sequence is the Victorious Basalt, a plagioclase-
phyric series of lava flow rocks of the Grants Patch Group
(Witt, 1990). Several continuous flow layers were distin-
guished petrographically and geochemically defining a
‘volcanic stratigraphy’ (Harrison et al., 1990). Individual
flows are represented by zones of variable grainsize from
fine-glassy pillow basalt to coarse-grained non-pillowed
flow rocks. The coarse-grained varieties are integral parts of
the sequence with preserved primary-gradational contact
relationships that indicate an extrusive origin.
At the Slippery Gimlet mine, significant dilation
occurred where a NE – SW-trending fault cross-cuts a
rheologic boundary between fine-grained and coarse-
grained pillow basalt units (Fig. 7). The Slippery Gimlet
ore shoot is an example of a dilational jog at the mine-scale,
Fig. 6. Lower hemisphere, equal area stereogram showing the orientation of where dilation and brecciation were enhanced by a change
66 gold deposits in the Ora Banda Domain. Great circles and triangular pole in fault orientations, or linkage of two sub-parallel faults
symbols are for deposits with .300,000 ounces endowment including the along primary igneous contacts. In longitudinal section, the
Gimlet South, Enterprise, and Quarters deposits: all .1 million ounces
gold endowment.
host structure exhibits lithologically controlled ore shoots
plunging in the plane of the fault. The location of the
dilational jog appears to be controlled by a significant
distribution of gold compared with orientation shows that change in grain-size of the basalt sequence, where it is
the majority of the endowment is contained in NE – SW- to intersected by the host fault. A mineral elongation lineation
E –W-trending faults (Fig. 6). The fault sets are mutually in the fault defined by aligned micas trending 208 ! 2458
overprinting in all exposures with no consistent distinction indicates dominantly strike-slip movement sense, S –C
in timing between the sets. Correlation of faults with fabric geometry indicates right-lateral displacement, and
mineralization indicates that the NE –SW faults are the best the mineral elongation lineation confirms normal oblique-
mineralized. However, there are no specific fault timings slip movement on the fault. Very little displacement of the
that preferentially relate to mineralization. Three examples contacts is observed, which can be explained by the slip
of mines developed in these faults are discussed in detail as vector plunging at an angle close to the dip of bedding. The
follows. contact between fine-grained and coarse-grained basalt is a
Gold mineralization is timed as beginning early in D2 0.6-m-wide layer-parallel shear zone with a strong mineral
and continuing throughout the various D2 shortening phases elongation lineation developed in the plane of foliation.
(Tripp, 2002). From this timing all thrusts, partitioned shear The two segments of the NE – SW-trending host fault are
zones, network faults and their intersections are potential separated by a 35-m-wide jog zone that contains a series of
targets for mineralization. This deformation sequence treats planar parallel cataclasite zones and cross-cutting randomly
only the contractional phases of deformation, which appear distributed breccia lodes. Within the dilational jog, sub-
to be the main controls on mineralization. Earlier and parallel quartz veins are spaced at 2 m intervals, whereas
intervening extensional deformation phases controlled the breccia zones are irregularly developed. Individual veins
deposition of clastic basins, but, to date, are not demon- average 10 mm wide, with calcite – muscovite – pyrite –
strated as controlling mineralization. pyrrhotite alteration halos up to several metres wide. The
breccias and cataclasites display a wide range of textures
4.2. Slippery Gimlet mine from weakly deformed planar fracture zones with sub-
parallel wallrock fragments, to complex mill breccia with
The Slippery Gimlet gold deposit is a small satellite rounding of clasts.
deposit of the Ora Banda mining centre (Fig. 7), where In summary, the presence of layer anisotropy at the

Fig. 5. Geology and mineralization of the Ora Banda mine corridor. Upper figure showing the NW-trending interlayered mafic volcanic sequence, cross-cut by
high angle, low displacement faults; lower figure showing the distribution of gold mineralization over the same area contoured from exploration drilling, and
the close association of fault–fault and fault–contact intersections on the distribution of high grade gold.
1096 G.I. Tripp, J.R. Vearncombe / Journal of Structural Geology 26 (2004) 1087–1108

Fig. 7. Geology and mineralization of the Slippery Gimlet open pit mine. Upper figure showing the NW-trending grain-size variation in the layered basalt
sequence cross-cut by the Slippery Gimlet fault; lower figure showing the distribution of gold mineralization over the same area, with the high grade zone
located at the grain-size change (gold distribution map from C. Handley written communication, 1988).
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Slippery Gimlet mine appears to be a major control on the fault with a moderately dipping igneous layering produced
location of the ore. The intersection of a NE – SW-trending broad SW-plunging moderate grade ore shoots. Within
fault pair with this planar anisotropy resulted in a zone of these ore shoots, very high-grade zones are controlled by
high density fracturing controlled by linkage of the two structural fault –fault intersections between the main faults
faults along primary igneous layer contacts. Fluid flow was and E – W-trending splay faults. These structural intersec-
enhanced through this zone with the introduction of tions are mapped as intensely fractured zones.
hydrothermally precipitated minerals in veins and breccia
lodes of markedly different mineralogy to the basaltic host 4.4. Enterprise mine
The Enterprise gold deposit is located 2.5 km northeast
4.3. Gimlet South mine of the Gimlet South mine at Ora Banda and is discussed in
detail in Tripp (2000b). A large zone of intense fracturing
The Gimlet South gold deposit is located 800 m south of and vein emplacement forms the Enterprise fault zone,
the Slippery Gimlet mine with a similar NE – SW-trending which is a linking structure within the Ora Banda fault
fault control within the Victorious Basalt and Bent Tree network (Figs. 5 and 9).
Basalt host rocks (Fig. 8a). The gold deposit here termed The host unit of the Enterprise deposit is a differentiated
‘Gimlet South’ includes the Victorious East lode, Wilson’s layered dolerite sill with tholeiitic bulk chemistry (Gregory,
Lode, Gimlet South lode, Far East lode, Farther East lode, 1998), which intruded a 1 – 2-m-thick sulphidic interflow
Old Mate spur lode, Corsair spur lode, Avenger and Hornet sedimentary unit (Cashmans Sedimentary Horizon). The
lodes, which are all components of the same fault system. Enterprise dolerite has an upper and lower chilled margin
Full descriptions of the Gimlet South gold deposit are given against its wallrocks with a crystallization sequence that
in Petersen (1987) and Harrison et al. (1990). resulted in the most differentiated part of the sill (Fe-
At Gimlet South, the igneous formations are multi- enriched quartz dolerite) being located in the centre of the
layered sequences with a well-defined volcanic stratigraphy intrusion (unit 4). The sill is mostly concordant with
similar to those at the Slippery Gimlet mine. As host rocks surrounding country rocks and strikes 1208 regionally,
to gold deposits, specific layers within the flows appear to be whereas its orientation changes to 1508 in the vicinity of the
more favourable for gold mineralization. Each of the units Enterprise fault zone, and then to 1108 further north. These
consists of alternating pillowed, massive doleritic and changes in attitude may have been instrumental in localising
coarse-grained layers; with the pillowed and massive units the E – W-trending mineralized fault system.
hosting gold ore-shoots (Fig. 8a). The intersection of NE – The intersection of the Enterprise fault zone with igneous
SW-trending faults with layering that dips SW, has layering in the host rocks produced a series of plunging ore
produced southwest plunging ore shoots contained within shoots at about 308 to 2608. The major structural controls in
the fault, along the line of intersection with the pillowed and the area are the E –W-trending Enterprise fault zone, NW –
massive units (Harrison et al., 1990) indicating strong SE-trending Cashmans Shear Zone and NE –SW-trending
fault – fault and fault – contact intersection controls on faults such as the Enterprise 0308 fault. Ore shoot controls
plunge (Fig. 8a). depend on the intersection of these faults with specific
The Gimlet South ore envelope is controlled by NE – layers within the Enterprise dolerite sill, and on fault
SW-trending brittle – ductile faults with steep northwest intersections with the Enterprise dolerite –Mount Pleasant
dips. Secondary structural controls result from the intersec- Sill contact. A major change in grain size from the lower
tion of E– W-trending splay faults (Wilson’s Lode, Old coarse-grained norite and hornblende peridotite layers of the
Mate spur lode and Corsair spur lode) with the NE – SW- Mount Peasant Sill across a contact into fine-grained,
trending main structures. The intersection of these two plagioclase-dominated Enterprise dolerite may produce a
structural orientations has produced zones of high fracture- gradient in tensile rock strength. This relationship is
density with coincident high-grade ore shoots located at the suggested by intense meso- and micro-fracturing in the
junctures (Fig. 8b). Fault – fault intersections at Gimlet vicinity of the contact and development of a large sheeted
South are of two types; cross-cutting and splay intersections quartz vein system, which is restricted to the Enterprise
(Laing, 1994). The gold lodes typically get wider at both dolerite. This large system of sheeted veins is the most
types of fault – fault intersection and are coincident with striking group of structures in the Enterprise mine, with
well-developed zones of enhanced fracturing, which strike persistent veins that are sub-parallel over hundreds of
demonstrates the increased efficiency of fluid infiltration metres. Strong vein development in the Enterprise dolerite
and fluid – wallrock interaction in the high fracture-density that does not extend into the overlying Mount Pleasant Sill
areas (Fig. 8b). This relationship also demonstrates a indicates that the Enterprise dolerite was more amenable to
specific spatial relationship between mineralization and fracturing than the surrounding rocks. High-grade ore
fault – fault intersections. shoots at Enterprise are localised in steeply plunging linear
In summary, gold ore is coincident with high density zones that coincide with the intersection of brittle –ductile
fracturing at Gimlet South mine. The intersection of the host faults and veins with enhanced gold-grade and fracturing at
1098 G.I. Tripp, J.R. Vearncombe / Journal of Structural Geology 26 (2004) 1087–1108
G.I. Tripp, J.R. Vearncombe / Journal of Structural Geology 26 (2004) 1087–1108 1099

Fig. 8 (continued )

the intersections. Although planar faults are the primary shoots are associated with grain-size changes, particularly
control, the distribution of gold within any given brittle – in fine-grained pillow basalt over coarser-grained doleritic
ductile fault is variable along strike and at depth, and is layers, and at the intersection of spur lodes (splay faults)
controlled by fault –fault and fault –contact intersections. with the Gimlet South main lode. Fine-grained flow layers
In summary the Enterprise mine displays several controls appear to be more brittle and preferentially fractured over
on fracture density including changes in fault/contact the coarser grained doleritic layers, which may be an effect
orientation, fault –fault intersections and fault intersections of the overall rock rheology rather than the microstructural
with layer anisotropy. High-grade ore shoots are distributed controls of grain size on the propagation and growth of
tightly around these locations, and their geometry is cracks. The Enterprise gold deposit (40 tonnes Au) is
predictable from analysing the structural controls. controlled by a series of E – W-trending faults that intersect
a contact between fine –medium-grained dolerite (Enter-
4.5. Fracture density and mineralization at Ora Banda prise dolerite) and coarse-grained hornblende peridotite
(Mount Pleasant Sill). The contact represents a sharp
The relationship between fault/fracture density and gradient in tensile rock strength evinced by the presence
mineralization is amply demonstrated at a mine scale by of extensive vein emplacement in the Enterprise dolerite. A
the gold deposits of the Ora Banda mining centre (Fig. 5). A zone of high-density fracturing is located adjacent to the
fractal relationship is demonstrated at a smaller scale on contact within the Enterprise dolerite, and is also the
regional aeromagnetic imagery, with abundant kilometre- location of the Enterprise gold ore shoot.
scale faults coinciding with mapped faults in the Ora Banda At Ora Banda, the Slippery Gimlet, Gimlet South and
mining centre. Areas of localised high fracture-density Enterprise mines are located where variations in grain-size
within the mining centre are individual gold deposits. At the of the dolerite/basalt host rocks influenced vein develop-
deposit scale, fault – fault intersections or fault – contact ment, fluid focussing and ore precipitation. However, the
intersections produce high-grade ore shoots, and at a localisation of high fracture density zones in fine-grained
mesoscopic scale, high-fracture density zones are usually rocks is unexpected considering that coarse grain size pro-
manifest as meso-fracture arrays at the intersection of two motes fracture propagation and growth over finer grain sizes
differently oriented structures or in the wallrocks of major in rocks of comparable composition (Eberhardt et al., 1999).
brittle – ductile faults.
In the Ora Banda mine corridor, a series of sub-parallel
faults characterises the structural framework. The Gimlet 5. North Kalgoorlie district fault/fracture-density
South gold deposit (31 tonnes Au) and Slippery Gimlet gold analysis
deposit (8 tonnes Au) are located within these faults with ore
shoots located at the intersection of the faults with the A regional-scale fault/fracture density analysis is applied
southwest dipping basaltic host rocks. High-grade ore to a typical Archaean granite– greenstone terrane in the

Fig. 8. (a) Plan of the Gimlet South mine showing lode size increase at the intersection of cross and splay faults with the main lode. Cross-sectional view
showing the preferential development of high-grade ore shoots within the main lode, at the intersection with pillow basalt host rocks (modified from Harrison
et al., 1990). (b) Schematic diagram showing the increase in fracture density at the intersection of splays with the Gimlet South fault. The high fracture density
zone forms a plunging pipe of fractured rock and high-grade gold ore (modified from Laing, 1994).
1100 G.I. Tripp, J.R. Vearncombe / Journal of Structural Geology 26 (2004) 1087–1108

Fig. 9. Geology and mineralization of the Enterprise open pit mine. Figure showing the E–W-trending fault system cross-cutting a stratigraphic contact and the
distribution of gold mineralization over the same area, with the high grade ore zones located at fault intersections and against the contact.

north Kalgoorlie district of Western Australia. The terrane is close-spaced (, 300 m £ 150 m) vertical exploration dril-
composed of elongate linear belts of greenstone interspersed ling, which provides bedrock sampling over a grid and
with batholithic monzogranite intrusive complexes, and is allows the alteration mineralogy and geology to be mapped
cross-cut by a network of interlinked faults that are at a regional scale.
intimately associated with gold mineralization (Fig. 3). The mineral assemblages that provide indicators of gold
The area of the study is 7000 km2, encompassing rocks of mineralization are recorded as present or absent from each
the Ora Banda Domain of Swager et al. (1990) and slightly drillhole and the results are contoured on regional 1:50,000
overlapping adjacent fault bounded domains. The rationale and 1:100,000 scale plans. Pertinent assemblages include
of selecting this area for fault/fracture density analysis is the evidence of sulphidation (pyrite, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite,
widespread observation of fault/fracture density control on chalcopyrite); carbonation (calcite, dolomite – ankerite);
gold mineralization at a mine scale within the Ora Banda potassic alteration (biotite – white mica, muscovite); evi-
Domain, as demonstrated by examples from the Ora Banda dence of oxidised fluids (magnetite, fuchsite, hematite); and
mining centre in Section 4. An essential pre-requisite to evidence of silica-rich fluids (vein quartz). These minerals
applying fracture-density contouring is the demonstration of are the most commonly observed in alteration zones around
fault – fault or fault – contact intersections as controls on gold deposits in the North Kalgoorlie district. In the area
gold deposit location regionally, and as controlling high- covered by this study, significant alteration zones are
grade shoot development at the deposit scale. A lack of located in the vicinity of the Ora Banda, Grants Patch,
these structural controls may indicate the need to apply Mount Pleasant and Paddington mining districts and along
additional geological criteria or may affect the ranking of an some major shear zones. These alteration zones are
area in targeting and area selection. interpreted as regional palaeo-permeability nodes, which
reveal the areas of focussed fluid flow active at the time of
5.1. Method mineralization in the Archaean.

A paucity of quality exposure in the Archaean Kalgoorlie 5.1.1. Mapping

Terrane necessitates alternative approaches to mapping the Meaningful interpretation of fault/fracture density con-
distribution of hydrothermal alteration in space. Rock touring is largely dependent on the detail with which faults
outcrop accounts for , 10% of the surface exposure in the and geological contacts are mapped This mapping may
north Kalgoorlie district, hence exploration grid-drilling include a combination of standard field mapping in areas of
augments classical geological mapping as a way to map surface exposure and mines, interpretation from aeromag-
the widescale distribution of gold alteration. The north netic data where faults are poorly exposed and extrapolation
Kalgoorlie district has blanket coverage of most areas by of known faults and contacts from exploration drilling
G.I. Tripp, J.R. Vearncombe / Journal of Structural Geology 26 (2004) 1087–1108 1101

Fig. 10. (a)–(c) Stereograms showing kinematic analyses of fault slip data from the Enterprise mine by the method of Marrett and Allmendinger (1990). (a)
Faults and slip lineations from 32 faults; (b) kinematic P-axes with a resolved axis of 0558 or ENE–WSW; (c) kinematic T-axes.

(Fig. 4). In the example presented here, detailed mapping 1:10,000 scale. A given deposit may be represented on a
was conducted at all scales using each of the above map at 1:1000 scale, where high-grade ore shoots can be
approaches. The Archaean in the north Kalgoorlie district recognised at fault – fault and fault – contact intersections. At
has extensive coverage with high-detail aeromagnetic data, this ‘deposit scale’ the faults are usually internal splay faults
mine exposure and exploration drilling. Field observations of a larger fault zone, whereas the lithological contacts are
can be weighted relative to the type of exposure used to both bounding and internal lithological contacts within
identify a given fault, and most of the faults presented here sedimentary and igneous successions (flow layering in
are identified on aeromagnetic imagery and then ground basalt, differentiated layering in sills).
truthed by mapping, drilling, etc. The degree to which
ground truthing can be used to weight observations is 5.1.3. Plotting technique
diminished by the variable character of faults/contacts along Fault –fault and fault – contact intersections are plotted as
strike and with depth, as demonstrated in well-exposed points from the regional aeromagnetic interpretation on an
areas (e.g. Tripp, 2002). Individual characteristics (width, overlay At a regional scale (1:100,000), fault –fault and
kinematic character, texture, trace length) may change over fault – contact intersections and gold deposits are best
a short distance, hence assigning a high or low quality to the represented as points since the true surface area of each of
observations of a given fault/fracture may have no basis in these features is much less than this at 1:100,000 scale (Fig.
fact. 3). Points for the intersections are counted using a grid of
The analysis presented here is designed for exploration squares with each square equal to 1% of the area of the map.
targeting at 1:100,000 scale. Examples from the Ora Banda The results are then re-calculated to give a percentage of
mining camp are used to document the detailed structural fault intersections per 1% area of the map. Percentages of
controls at a larger scale, and to demonstrate a self-similar fault intersections are contoured using contours of 1, 2, 3, 4,
nature of the fracture-density concept across scales. A 5 and 6% per 1% area, or a suitable range of percentages
mining camp scale analysis has not been applied here, but depending on the density of intersections.
would be a useful future exercise to predict the locations of
new gold deposits or high-grade ore shoots within a mature 5.1.4. Fault/fracture network kinematics
mining camp. Kinematic data have a valuable use in the analysis
presented here to identify fault – fault intersections that are
5.1.2. Scale predisposed to dilation A large data set of structural
Application of fracture-density contouring is dependent observations and kinematic analyses is used to determine
upon scale and the goals of the analysis: regional or local the kinematic character of the fault sets that comprise the
exploration targeting. In the example presented here gold regional fault network in the north Kalgoorlie district. These
deposits are distributed in clusters at a regional scale data show similar kinematics for each of the fault sets.
(1:100,000), and fault/fracture density contouring is applied Inferences are made about the kinematic character of
at this scale to attempt the prediction of areas of high faults that are interpreted from aeromagnetic imagery,
fracture-density, for targeting as new mining camps. supported by detailed observations in well-exposed areas.
Known historic mining camps in the north Kalgoorlie From these studies, consistent kinematics are demonstrable
district are located at Siberia, Ora Banda, Grants Patch, for each of the principal fault orientations of N – S dextral,
Mount Pleasant and Paddington (Fig. 3). Individually, each NE –SW dextral and E –W sinistral. Variation from these
of the mining camps listed is best represented on a map at summary relationships is due to strain field perturbation,
1102 G.I. Tripp, J.R. Vearncombe / Journal of Structural Geology 26 (2004) 1087–1108

Fig. 11. Contour plot of fault– fault intersections in the north Kalgoorlie district, generated from the fault map in Fig. 3. Contacts from the geological
interpretation form a background for reference.
G.I. Tripp, J.R. Vearncombe / Journal of Structural Geology 26 (2004) 1087–1108 1103

Fig. 12. Contour plot of fault–contact intersections in the north Kalgoorlie district, generated from the fault map in Fig. 3. Contacts from the geological
interpretation form a background for reference.
1104 G.I. Tripp, J.R. Vearncombe / Journal of Structural Geology 26 (2004) 1087–1108

Fig. 13. Contour plot of kinematically favourable fault–fault intersections in the north Kalgoorlie district, generated from the fault map in Fig. 3. Contacts from
the geological interpretation form a background for reference.
G.I. Tripp, J.R. Vearncombe / Journal of Structural Geology 26 (2004) 1087–1108 1105

induced by the orientation of layer anisotropy or the Economic occurrences of fault-controlled gold deposits in
presence of granitoid intrusions, which may alter local Archaean granitic rocks elsewhere make this an interesting
kinematic histories (e.g. Tripp, 2002). However, the extent exploration target (Kehal et al., 1999; Phillips and Zhou,
of this variation is generally minor and confined to specific 1999).
localities. As discussed in Section 2.1, intersections between A low fracture density at the Grants Patch area is
faults of different kinematics may produce zones of observed in an area of small to moderate gold occurrences.
high fracture density at the juncture. Hence intersections The Grants Patch area has similar fracture density and gold
of N – S faults with E – W faults, and NE – SW faults with endowment to the Zuleika area, hence the results are not
E –W faults are rated preferentially over N – S/NE –SW unexpected. The prospectivity of this area would be either
fault – fault intersections. downgraded based on the results of the study, or alternate
In well-exposed areas the fault network components are controls on mineralization assessed, since the corridor is not
mutually overprinting with consistent kinematics and hence devoid of gold occurrences. Several major N – S faults are
are interpreted as synchronously developed during the D2c mapped in this area, whereas the number of intersections
contractional deformation phase. A small data set from the is low due to few faults in the other principal orientations
Enterprise mine demonstrates an ENE –WSW directed axis (Fig. 3).
of principal shortening for faults produced in the D2c
faulting event using the method of Marrett and Allmendin- 5.2.2. Fault – contact intersection analysis
ger (1990) (Fig. 10). The faults at Enterprise and in many The contoured fault – contact intersections show a
other exposures (e.g. Tripp, 2000b) are dominantly strike- markedly different distribution of fracture density to the
slip faults with shallow to moderately plunging slip vectors. fault – fault intersection analysis. Two elongate areas of high
fracture density are delineated, oriented parallel to the gross
5.2. Results of the analysis and prospectivity interpretation trend of the greenstone layering (Fig. 12). One of these areas
lies on the Ora Banda – Mount Pleasant mafic sequence and
5.2.1. Fault –fault intersection analysis the other on the Bardoc Tectonic Zone sequence. On the Ora
The results of fault/fault fracture density analysis for the Banda – Mount Pleasant trend, a peak of 6% intersections
north Kalgoorlie district reveal high fracture density zones per 1% area of the map is located at the Ora Banda mining
located in the vicinity of the Ora Banda, Paddington and centre on the western limb of the regional anticline. A S-
Mount Pleasant mining centres, which broadly match with trending tail of high density fracturing of 4% intersections
the known distribution of high gold endowment areas (Fig. per 1% area, extends over the Grants Patch district and into
11) Some highly fractured areas are highlighted to the west the northern reaches of the Mount Pleasant district. On the
of Bardoc, whereas low fracture densities at Grants Patch Bardoc Tectonic Zone trend, a peak of 5% intersections per
are also resolved by the analysis. 1% area is located to the north of the Paddington mining
Three fracture density peaks are located at the positions centre, with north and south tails of . 4% intersections per
of high gold endowment at Ora Banda and Paddington (6% 1% area, of limited strike extent.
intersections per 1% area) and Mount Pleasant (5% The two major zones of high fracture density delineated
intersections per 1% area). The high fracture density in the fault/contact analysis are broadly distributed along the
zones are tightly distributed in the mining districts within limbs of the major regional anticline and coincide with areas
broader zones of moderate density fracturing: the gold that have an elongate trend, at a high angle to the swarm of
deposits appear to flank the highest density areas but are interpreted NE –SW striking cross faults. This distribution
contained within the contour of moderate to high fracture reflects an underlying bias for lithological units that are
density. Contours at 3% intersections per 1% area delineate favourably oriented geometrically, with respect to the
the periphery of high density fracturing, and form a broad regional fault network. Reactivation of moderately SW-
anomaly along the Zuleika Shear Zone (Fig. 11). dipping lithological contacts as thrust faults in the Ora
An elongate zone of high fracture-density to the west of Banda sequence may favour this area for dilation over the
the Bardoc township is highlighted as an interesting target steeply-dipping Bardoc Tectonic Zone sequence: the latter
zone for which there are no known economic gold accommodated the regional shortening deformation by
occurrences. The area is well defined on the aeromagnetic constriction of bedding contacts.
image as contained within granitic rocks and intersected by
multiple faults in various orientations (Fig. 11). This 5.2.3. Analysis of kinematically favourable fault – fault
anomaly has similar fracture densities (6% intersections intersections
per 1% of area) as recorded at all the major mining centres Intersecting faults with different kinematic modes
with the exception of Mount Pleasant (5%). The zone also (dextral vs sinistral) may induce dilation and high density
appears to be the result of several major structures that trend fracturing, given certain conditions (Section 2.1.2). The
about N –S, intersecting with a swarm of E –W and NE –SW kinematic modes of some of the fault groups in the north
faults. An elongate distribution of the anomaly is projected Kalgoorlie district produce such interactions: (intersection
south from the peak along the same N – S-trending faults. of E – W sinistral faults with N – S and NE – SW dextral
1106 G.I. Tripp, J.R. Vearncombe / Journal of Structural Geology 26 (2004) 1087–1108

faults), whereas others may produce interactions with a located in all rock types present in the Kalgoorlie Terrane;
predicted net-constriction (e.g. intersection of N – S dextral hence, the combined distribution of lithotype and structure
and NE –SW dextral faults). The former is considered promotes a widespread spatial distribution of gold deposits
kinematically favourable for high fracture density develop- with no spatial restrictions controlled by specific host units
ment (Fig. 13). or major shear zones. The regional fault network in the north
The distribution of high density fracturing produced by Kalgoorlie district contains zones of high density fracturing
kinematically favourable fault intersections shows results that coincide with broad zones of alteration. Greater
that are somewhat unexpected. Three mineralized districts intensity of alteration leads to an interpretation of the
are highlighted by the analysis: (1) Federal/Golden Cities in zones as palaeo-permeability nodes where fluid flow and
granitic rocks west of Paddington, (2) Ora Banda, in a NE – mineralization were enhanced. Identifying zones of high
SW-trending zone of high density fracturing that extends density fracturing is a method of revealing potential ore
southwest from Ora Banda into the Carbine area, and (3) targets prior to extensive exploration drilling.
Kundana, with a bulls-eye anomaly in the southeastern The contouring technique presented here is designed for
corner of the map (Fig. 13). Several large areas of . 6% identification of fracture-density anisotropy in two dimen-
intersections per 1% area are highlighted in areas composed sions (i.e. on a geological map), but the two-dimensional
mostly of granitic rocks (cf. Fig. 3), which may include nature of the analysis does not address the high likelihood
some bias from the greater visibility of faults and shear for variations of fracture density in the depth dimension.
zones in these rocks, on aeromagnetic imagery (Fig. 4). Orientational change of individual faults is more useful
Other major mineralized districts at Paddington and generally at a mine scale to determine the geometry and
Mount Pleasant are represented by low order fracture- location of high-grade ore shoots along a one-dimensional
density anomalies, at the periphery of the granitic intrusions. line. Fault –fault intersections and fault –layer intersections
The highlighted areas in granitic rocks are potential areas of define the fracture connectivity at a regional scale, whereas
interest regardless of the visibility bias, since the linears orientational change of individual faults influences connec-
recognised on aeromagnetic imagery are confirmed as shear tivity at a local scale only. Contouring fault/fracture density
zones and faults at the Federal mine (Phillips and Zhou, is a direct way of assessing the fracture connectivity of a
1999), with similar high fracture density. region.
Our method of dealing with the fault/fracture density –
mineralization relationship is to attempt to quantify the
6. Discussion fracture density of a region, by contouring some of the
factors that enhance the density of fracturing in faults
A comparison of the fracture density analyses and the (fault– fault intersections, fault/host rock contact intersec-
locations of the known major gold districts demonstrates a tions and kinematically favourable intersections). A close
close association between fracture density and mineraliz- relationship between fault/fracture density and mineraliz-
ation in the north Kalgoorlie district. Fault –fault intersec- ation is an empirical observation of ore body character in the
tion analysis shows a better correlation with known gold Archaean Ora Banda Domain. This relationship appears to
deposits than fault – contact intersection and fault-kinematic continue across scales, and mapping of this relationship to
analyses, and highlights new areas of potential high density identify high-grade shoot locations (a routine task in
fracturing unrelated to the trend of stratigraphic successions. operating mines) can be applied also at a regional scale as
At the scale of the analysis, fault – fault intersection contours a potential targeting tool.
show a correlation between high fracture densities (. 5%
intersections per 1% area of the map) and the areas of high
gold endowment. However the highest fracture densities 7. Conclusions
(. 6% intersections per 1% area) are flanked by the gold
deposits within the highlighted districts. This result is an Structure is arguably one of the principal controls on
effect of scale that shows the highest density of fracturing at Archaean gold ores, and the formation of high fracture-
the mine corridor location, but due to the coarseness of the density zones within faults and shear zones may provide
fault interpretation and analysis at 1:100,000 scale, pathways of enhanced permeability and fluid-flow during
individual mine locations are not highlighted. The apparent metamorphism. In the north Kalgoorlie district, a spatial
mismatch demonstrates the need for mine-scale fault/frac- relationship exists between the density of fracturing and the
ture density analyses if mine-scale targeting is the goal of distribution of gold mineralization. Fracture density con-
the analysis. touring is a method of quantifying the density of fracturing
The regional distribution of gold deposits in camps with of a region and can be applied to terranes where ore deposits
coincident clustering of high density fracturing appears to have a demonstrated relationship between high-density
be a good match. Locations of individual gold deposits may fracture and ore-shoot development.
be affected locally by factors such as host rock chemistry Using low level aeromagnetic images, geological
and alternate fluid sources. Significant gold deposits are mapping and exploration drilling to map the distribution
G.I. Tripp, J.R. Vearncombe / Journal of Structural Geology 26 (2004) 1087–1108 1107

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