Spare Parts Catalogue: Purebilge System

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PureBilge system
Spare Parts Catalogue

Specification No. 591250-80/6

Book No. 593209 02 Rev. 4

Spare parts catalogue Catalogo parti di ricambio

Reservdelskatalog Catalogo de pecas sobressalentes
Ersatzteilkatalog Varaosaluettelo
Catalogue de piéces de Καταλογοσ ανταλλακτικων
Catalogue de piezas de Reserveonderdelen-catalogus
Каталог запасных Reservedelskatalog
Published By:
Alfa Laval Tumba AB
SE-147 80 Tumba, Sweden

Telephone: +46 8 530 650 00

Telefax: +46 8 530 310 40

© Alfa Laval Tumba AB 2012-12-11

Original instructions
This publication or any part there of may not be
reproduced or transmitted by any process or
means without prior written permission of
Alfa Laval Tumba AB.
1 Read this first 5
1.1 General information 6
1.2 Translation list 9

2 PureBilge 12
2.1 Heater block S&T(2,5) 14
2.2 Sludge outlet with butterfly valve 30
2.3 Sludge removal kit block 32
2.4 Replacement piping block 34
2.5 Connection CIP block 46
2.6 Polishing filter block 48
2.7 Cabinet 52
2.8 Oil monitoring block 64
2.9 Valve block water 66
2.10Valve block air 68
2.11Inlet filter block 72
2.12Recirculation block 82
2.13Outlet piping block 84
2.14Flexible hose kit 86

3 Solenoid valve 2-way 88

4 Filter unit 90
4.1 Control panel 92

5 Cover interlocking kit 94

6 Spare parts OMD-24 96

7 Cross reference list 98

1 Read this first

1 Read this first

Check the machine unit number on the name-plate before using this catalogue

Kontrollera maskinenhetens nummer på maskinskylten innan du använder katalogen

Das Typenschild - ein Hinweis zur korrekten Ersatzteilnummer

La plaque de la machine, un guide pour trouver le numéro de piéce de rechange correct

La placa-marca de la máquina - guía del número correcto del repuesto

Фирменная табличка машины — указатель правилного номера запасной части

La targhetta della macchina - guida al corretto numero dei ricambi

La placa do fabricante da máquina - um guia do número correto das partes sobressalentes

Konekilpi - opastin oikeaan varaosanumeroon

Η πινακίδα της μηχανής είναι ο οδηγός του σωστού ανταλλακτικού

Het gegevensplaatje - een wegwijzer naar het juiste onderdeelnummer

Typeskiltet - en guide til det rette reservedelsnummer

PureBilge system

1.1 General information

Safeguard your commitment to quality by always using genuine

Alfa Laval spare parts.
Remember, Alfa Laval cannot accept responsibility for the
failure of a separator equipped with non-original spare parts.
We guarantee the quality and reliability of our products.

Följ ditt kvalitetstänkande genom att endast använda Alfa Laval

Kom ihåg att Alfa Laval inte tar något ansvar för fel på en
separator, som innehåller icke-originaldelar. Vi garanterar
kvaliteten och driftsäkerheten endast hos våra egna produkter.

Aus Rücksicht auf Ihr Bestreben um beste Qualität sollten Sie

nur Alfa Laval Originalersatzteile benutzen.
Vergessen Sie nicht, Alfa Laval kann keine Verantwortung für
das Versagen eines Separators übernehmen, der nicht mit
Originalersatzteilen versehen ist. Wir garantieren Qualität und
Zuverlässigkeit unserer Produkte.

Préservez la qualité de vos équipments en n‘employant que des

pièces de rechange Alfa Laval.
N’oubliez pas q’Alfa Laval décline toute responsabilité en cas
de panne d’un séparateur non équipé de pièces de rechange
d’origine. Nous garantissons la qualité et la fiabilité de nos

Mantenga su compromiso con la calidad, al usar siempre piezas

de repuesto Alfa Laval auténticas.
Recuerde que Alfa Laval no acepta responsabilidad por el
fallo de una separadora equipada con piezas de repuesto no
originales. Garantizamos la calidad y fiabilidad de nuestros

1.1 General information 1 Read this first

Гарантируйте надежность качества всегда используя

подлинные запасные части фирмы Alfa Laval.
Запомните, что Alfa Laval не несет ответственности за
повреждение сепаратора, оснащенного неподлинными
запчастами. Мы гарантируем качестьо и надежность наших

Salvaguardate la vostra garanzia di qualità facendo sempre uso

di parti di ricambio Alfa Laval autentiche.
Tenete presente che la Alfa Laval non può accettare
responsabilità per avaria ad un separatore attrezzato con parti
di ricambio non originali. Noi garantiamo la qualità l’affidabilità
dei nostri prodotti.

Proteja o seu cometimento a qualidade usando sempre peças

sobressalentes genuinas Alfa Laval.
Não esqueça que Alfa Laval não aceita responsabilidade por
falha de uma separadora equipada com peças sobressalentes
não genuinas. Nós garantimos a qualidade e a confiança dos
nossos produtos.

Varmistakaa vastuunne laadusta käyttämällä aina alkuperäisiä

Alfa Laval varaosia.
Muistakaa, Alfa Laval ei voi hyväksyä vastuuta ei-alkuperäsillä
varaosilla varustetun separaattorin vaurioista. Me takaamme
tuotteidemme laadun ja käyttövarmuuden.

Εξασφαλίοτε υψηλή ποιότητα χρησιμοποιώντας μόνο γνήσια

ανταλλακτικά της Alfa Laval.
Έχετε υπόψην ότι η Alfa Laval δεν αναλαμβάνει καμμιά ευθύνη
για βλάβες βουτυρομηχανής, οτην οποία έχουν εφαρμοστεί μή
γνήσια ανταλλακτικά. Εγγυόμαστε ποιότητα και καλή λειτουργία
μόνο για τα δικά μας προϊόντα.

PureBilge system

Streef naar een zo hoog mogelijke kwaliteit en gebruik

uitsluitend originele Alfa Laval reserveonderdelen. Streef naar
een zo hoog mogelijke kwaliteit en gebruik uitsluitend originele
Alfa Laval reserveonderdelen.
Vergeet niet dat Alfa Laval niet verantwoordelijk is voor een
defecte separator die niet-originele onderdelen bevat. Wij
garanderen de kwaliteit en betrouwbaarheid van onze eigen

Hold Dem til den kvalitet, De har valgt at satse på, ved altid at
anvende ægte Alfa Laval reservedele.
Husk, at Alfa Laval ikke kan påtage sig noget ansvar for fejl
på en separator, som indeholder uoriginale dele. Vi kan kun
garantere kvalitet og driftsikkerhed på vore egne produkter.

1.2 Translation list 1 Read this first

1.2 Translation list

Liste de traduction
Lista de traducciones

Part no. Reservdelsnummer Teil-Nr. Numéro de pièce Pieza No.

Qty Antal Anzahl Quantité Cantidad

Description Benämning Bezeichnung Dénomination Descripción

Notes Anmärkningar Anmerkungen Remarques Notas

Machine type Maskintyp Maschinentyp Type de machine Tipo de máquina

Product no. Produktnr Produktnummer Numéro de produit Número de producto

Machine unit description Maskinblocksbenämning Bezeichnung des Dénomination de partie Descripción de sección de
Maschinenblocks de machine la máquina

Machine unit no. Maskinblocksnr Maschinenblock Nr. Partie de machine nº No. de sección de

Subassembly description Undergruppsbenämning Bezeichung der Dénomination de Descripción de

Untergruppe sous-ensemble subconjunto

Subassembly no. Undergruppsnr Untergruppe Nr. Nº de sous-ensemble Número de subconjunto

See page Se sidan Siehe Seite Vòir page Véase la página

Fig. ref. Figurhänvisning Bildhinweise Réf. de fig. Referencia de figura

Product name Produktnamn Produktname Nom du produit Nombre del producto

Exchange necessitates Utbyte nödvändiggör Austausch erfordert Le remplacement El racmbio requiere el

rebalancing of bowl ombalansering av kulan Wiederauswuchtung der nécessite le rééquilibrage reequilibrado del rotor
Trommel du bol
See separate spare parts Se separat reservdelslista Siehe separate Voir liste séparée des Véase la lista de piezas
list Ersatzteilliste pièces de rechange separada

Not delivered as spare Levereras ej som Nicht als Ersatzteil Non livré comme piéce de No se entrega como pieza
part reservdel geliefert rechange de recambio

PureBilge system

Словарь перевда
Lista traduzioni
Lista para tradução

Part no. Деталь № Nr. parte Numero de peca Varaosanumero

Qty Кол—во Quantita Quantidade Lukumäärä

Description Наименование Descrizione Descricao Nimitys

Notes Примечания Note Notas Huomautuksia

Machine type Машина тнпа Tipo macchina Tipo de maquina Konetyyppi

Product no. Артикул № Nr.prodotto No. do produto Tuotteen no

Machine unit description Наименование блока Descrizione unita Descricao da unidade da Koneenosan nimitys
машины macchina maquina

Machine unit no. Блок машины № Nr. unita macchina Numero de unidade da Koneenosan no

Subassembly description Наименование группы Descrizione sottogruppo Descriao do subconjunto Alaryhmän nimitys

Subassembly no. Группа № Nr. sottogruppo Número de subconjunto Alaryhmän no

See page См. страницу Vedi pagina Véase la página Ks sivu

Fig. ref. Ссылка на зскиз Rif. fig. Referencia de figura Kuvaviite

Product name Наименование артикула Nome prodotto Nombre del producto Tuotteen nimi

Exchange necessitates Замена требует La sostituzione comporta El racmbio requiere el Vaihdettaessa kuula
rebalancing of bowl балансировки барабана la equilibratura del reequilibrado del rotor tasapainoitettava
tamburo uudelleen
See separate spare parts См. отдельный перечень Vedi lista separata delle Véase la lista de piezas Katso erillistä
list запасных частей parti di ricambio separada varaosaluetteloa

Not delivered as spare Не поставлена вместе с Non fornito come parte di No se entrega como pieza Ei toimiteta varaosana
part запасными частями ricambio de recambio

1.2 Translation list 1 Read this first


Part no. Λριθμός ανταλλακτικού Onderdeelnr. Reservedelsnummer

Qty Σύνολο Hoeveelheid Antal

Description Περιγραφή Beschrijving Betegnelse

Notes Παρατηρήσεις Opmerkingen Bemaerkninger

Machine type Τύπος μηχανήματος Machinetype Maskintype

Product no. Αριθμός προϊόντος Produktnr. Produktnr.

Machine unit description Περιγραφή συγκροτήματος Machineblokbenaming Maskinbetegnelse


Machine unit no. Αριθμός συγκροτήματος Machineblokbenamning Maskinnr.


Subassembly description Περιγραφή υποσυγκροτήματος Subgroepbenamning Undergruppsbetegnelse

Subassembly no. Αριθμός υποσυγκροτήματος Subgroepnr. Undergruppenr.

See page Βλέπε σελίδα Zie blz. Se side

Fig. ref. Παραπομπή σε εικόνα Afb. ref. Figurhenvisning

Product name Ονομασία προϊόντος Produktnaam Produktnavn

Exchange necessitates Ανταλλαγή απαιτεί Vervangning vereist Udskriftning kraever

rebalancing of bowl επαναρρύθμιση ισορροπίας herbalanceren van de kogel afbalcering af kuglen
του τύμπανου
See separate spare parts list Βλέπε ειδική λίστα Vervangning vereist van de Se spaat reservedelsliste
ανταλλακτικών kogel

Not delivered as spare part ∆εν παραδίδεται ως Niet geleverd als Levereres ikke som reservedel
ανταλλακτικό reserveonderdeel

PureBilge system

2 PureBilge
Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 -81 -82 -83 Notes
PureBilge 2515 ↓
PureBilge 2505 ↓
PureBilge 5015 ↓
PureBilge 5005 ↓
3 589470 80 Heater block S&T(2,5) 1 1 Steam application
See page 14
3 589470 81 Heater Block S&T(5) 1 1 Steam application
See page 14
3 589470 82 Heater Block S&T(2,5) 1 1 Thermal oil application
See page 14
3 589470 83 Heater Block S&T(5) 1 1 Thermal oil application
See page 14
4 590111 80 Cabinet 1 1 1 1 See page 52
5 590907 80 Oil monitoring block 1 1 1 1 See page 64
6 590033 80 Polishing filter block 1 1 See page 48
7 590146 80 Valve block water 1 1 1 1 See page 66
8 590161 80 Valve block air 1 1 See page 68
8 590161 81 Valve block air 1 1 1 1 To be used with SRK
See page 68
8 590161 82 Valve block Air 1 1 To be used with SRK
See page 68
9 590068 80 Inlet filter block 1 1 1 1 See page 72
10 590143 80 Recirculation block 1 1 1 1 See page 82
11 590074 80 Outlet piping block 1 1 1 1 See page 84
12 590144 80 Flexible hose kit 1 1 1 1 See page 86
13 589459 80 Sludge removal kit block 1 1 1 1 See page 32
13 590173 80 Sludge outlet with butterfly valve 1 1 1 1 See page 30
13 590173 81 Sludge outlet with butterfly valve 1 1 1 1 See page 30
14 589981 80 Heater block PHE 1 1 See page 34
14 589981 81 Recovery block heater 1 See page 34
14 589981 82 Recovery block heater (5) 1 See page 34
14 589981 83 Replacement piping block 1 1 See page 34
14 589981 84 Recovery block heater (2,5) 1 See page 34
14 589981 85 Recovery block heater (5) 1 See page 34
16 591156 80 Connection CIP block 1 1 1 1 See page 46

2 PureBilge


10 5




PureBilge system

2.1 Heater block S&T(2,5)

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 -82 -81 -83 Notes
Steam application ↓
Thermal oil application ↓
Steam application ↓
Thermal oil application ↓
1 589794 01 Heat Exchanger 1 1 Thermal oil / Hot water application
2 591027 80 Top heater block 1 1 See page 28
2 591044 80 Top heater block 1 1 See page 16
3 590006 80 Heating inlet pipe arrangement 1 DN20
See page 18
3 590006 81 Heating inlet pipe arrangement 1 DN15
See page 18
3 590006 82 Heating inlet pipe arrangement 1 DN25
See page 18
3 590006 83 Heating inlet pipe arrangement 1 DN20
See page 18
4 590008 80 Heating outlet pipe arrangement 1 1 DN20
See page 24
4 591198 80 Heating outlet pipe arrangement 1 1 DN25
See page 26
5 569944 03 Valve, compact type, DN25 1 1 1 1
6 1761805 01 Safety valve, 6 bar 1 1 1 1 Preset at 600 kPa ( 6 bar )
7 591030 01 Bend 1 1 1 1
8 1765908 01 Gasket 2 2 2 2 DN25
9 591057 01 Gasket 1 1 1 1
11 591025 01 Adapter union DN15 1 1 1 1
12 591055 01 Pipe clamp 2 2 2 2
13 569600 02 Gasket 2 2 2 2
14 1762672 01 Hexagon plug 1 1 1 1
15 590922 02 Pipe D.15 1 1 1 1
18 221803 34 Nut, M16 4 4 M16
20 2210462 45 Screw, M16x45 4 4 4 4
21 221040 47 Screw 8 8 8 8
22 41456 Washer 8 8 8 8
23 221045 59 Screw 4 4 4 4
24 223101 49 Washer 13x24x2,5 4 4 4 4
25 591197 02 Orifice, D.12 1 1
25 591197 03 Orifice D.15 1 1

2.1 Heater block S&T(2,5) 2 PureBilge

8 25

19 8
18 9


PureBilge system

2.1.1 Top heater block

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
2 569944 03 Valve, compact type, DN25 1
3 1765908 01 Gasket 1
4 223101 49 Washer 13x24x2,5 4
5 221045 29 Screw, M12x50 4 M12x50
6 1763491 03 Nipple 1
7 568969 03 Valve 1
8 590923 01 Elbow coupling 1

2.1 Heater block S&T(2,5) 2 PureBilge

2 3

5 4

PureBilge system

2.1.2 Heating inlet pipe arrangement

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -81 -83 -80 -82 Notes
DN15 ↓
DN20 ↓
DN20 ↓
DN25 ↓
1 578787 06 Regulating valve with drive 1 DN15
See page 20
1 578787 07 Regulating valve with drive 1 1 DN20 Kvs value 6,3
See page 20
1 578787 08 Regulating valve with drive 1 DN25 Kvs value 10
See page 20
1 578788 06 Regulating valve with drive, spring 1 DN15
See page 22
1 578788 07 Regulating valve with drive, spring 1 1 DN20 Kvs value 6,3
See page 22
1 578788 08 Regulating valve with drive, spring 1 DN25 Kvs value 10
7 1765908 04 Gasket 2 DN15
7 1765908 05 Gasket 2 2 2 DN20
8 578785 03 Extension kit, 240 C 1 1

2.1 Heater block S&T(2,5) 2 PureBilge


PureBilge system

2.1.3 Regulating valve with drive

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -06 -07 -08 Notes
DN15 ↓
DN20 ↓
DN25 ↓
1 578784 06 Regulating valve 1
1 578784 07 Regulating valve 1
1 578784 08 Regulating valve 1
2 578785 01 Valve drive 1 1 1
3 539436 01 Article number sign 1 1 1 Marked with article No for valve with

2.1 Heater block S&T(2,5) 2 PureBilge


PureBilge system

2.1.4 Regulating valve with drive, spring

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -06 -07 Notes
DN15 ↓
DN20 ↓
1 578784 06 Regulating valve 1
1 578784 07 Regulating valve 1
2 578785 02 Valve drive 1 1
3 539436 01 Article number sign 1 1 Marked with article No for valve with

2.1 Heater block S&T(2,5) 2 PureBilge


PureBilge system

2.1.5 Heating outlet pipe arrangement

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
1 596980 02 Steam trap 1 DN20
4 579853 03 Ball valve with flange FA 1 DN25
5 569540 03 Non return valve 1 DN25
7 1765908 05 Gasket 2 DN20
11 1765908 01 Gasket 2 DN25

2.1 Heater block S&T(2,5) 2 PureBilge

5 11

PureBilge system

2.1.6 Heating outlet pipe arrangement

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
2 579853 03 Ball valve with flange FA 1 DN25
3 569540 03 Non return valve 1 DN25
4 1765908 01 Gasket 2 DN25
6 223101 49 Washer 13x24x2,5 4 13x24x2,5

2.1 Heater block S&T(2,5) 2 PureBilge


PureBilge system

2.1.7 Top heater block

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
2 591026 01 Capacitance Level Transm. 1
4 1764621 03 Shut-off valve 1
5 569944 03 Valve, compact type, DN25 1
7 1765908 01 Gasket 1 DN25
8 591025 02 Adapter union DN20 1
9 223101 49 Washer 13x24x2,5 4 13x24x2,5
10 221045 59 Screw 4 M12x40
12 223101 47 Washer 3 6,4x12x1,6
13 1763491 01 Nipple 1
14 574409 83 3-way solenoid valve 1
15 580759 04 Push-In Fittings 1
17 1764011 01 Silencer 1
18 1765934 02 Flexible connection 1
19 591055 01 Pipe clamp 2
20 589888 02 Adapter DN20 1

2.1 Heater block S&T(2,5) 2 PureBilge

10 9



PureBilge system

2.2 Sludge outlet with butterfly valve

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 -81 Notes
3 1762017 13 Hose, L= 300 1 1
4 2245102 02 Hose clip 2 2
5 53551320 03 Hose 1 1
6 1766096 01 Plug 1 1
8 1766007 03 Butterfly valve DN100 1
9 1762751 29 Flange 1 DN 100
10 2210462 46 Hexagon screw M16x50 2
15 528920 06 Hose nipple 1 1
16 42174 Hose clip 2 2
17 569763 02 Nipple, G3/4-G3/4 1 1

2.2 Sludge outlet with butterfly valve 2 PureBilge



PureBilge system

2.3 Sludge removal kit block

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
2 1766699 02 Sludge pump T70 1
3 594546 01 Plate 1
4 595233 01 Flexible hose 1
5 580318 02 Gasket 1
6 1762017 13 Hose, L= 300 1
7 2245102 02 Hose clip 3
8 42179 Hose clip 2
9 580753 01 Level switch 1
10 590359 80 Connecting pipe 1
11 1763780 06 Nipple 1
12 1766002 01 Non-return valve 1
13 569763 02 Nipple, G3/4-G3/4 5
14 574351 02 Flexible hose L=520 1
15 1761834 04 Cu-washer 3
16 1762672 03 Hexagon plug 1
17 221035 45 Screw 6
18 70560 Washer 10
19 27345 Nut, M8 2
20 1779917 01 Level switch 1
21 2521101 05 Nut 1
24 598251 01 Reg. valve with silencer 1
29 595571 01 Support 1
30 571395 04 Elbow coupling G3/4 1
31 528920 06 Hose nipple 1
32 53551320 03 Hose 1
33 42174 Hose clip 2
34 1766096 01 Plug 1
35 591055 04 Pipe clamp 1
36 594547 01 Flange Connection 1
37 221040 04 Screw 2
38 41456 Washer 2
39 595572 01 Pipe D.12 th. 1,5 1
40 595573 01 Pipe D.12 th. 1,5 1
41 595950 01 Pipe clamp 2
42 221711 03 Screw 2
43 221803 02 Nut 2
44 223101 47 Washer 2

2.3 Sludge removal kit block 2 PureBilge


PureBilge system

2.4 Replacement piping block

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -83 -84 -80 -81 -85 -82 Notes
Replacement piping block ↓
Recovery block heater (2,5) ↓
Recovery block heater (5) ↓
2 590027 80 Connecting pipe inlet 1 1 1 1 1 1 See page 36
3 590028 80 Connecting pipe outlet 1 1 1 See page 44
3 594721 80 Connecting pipe 1 1 1 See page 38
4 590029 80 Connecting pipe inlet 1 1 1 1 1 1 See page 40
5 590030 80 Connecting pipe outlet 1 1 1 1 1 1 See page 42
6 591105 07 Nipple 1 1 1 1 1 1
7 221045 10 Screw 4 4 4 4 4
8 223101 49 Washer 13x24x2,5 8 8 8 8 8
9 221803 33 Nut, M12 4 4 4 4 4 4

2.4 Replacement piping block 2 PureBilge


PureBilge system

2.4.1 Connecting pipe inlet

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
2 597255 01 Pressure transmitter 1
3 543054 03 Pressure gauge 1
4 591064 03 Bend 1
7 568969 03 Valve 2
8 1763491 03 Nipple 2

2.4 Replacement piping block 2 PureBilge


PureBilge system

2.4.2 Connecting pipe

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
1 591022 01 Pipe Ø 28 mm 3
2 591105 07 Nipple 1
3 589888 03 Adapter DN25 1
4 591064 03 Bend 1
5 589889 01 Bend Pipe 3
6 572086 03 Ball valve 1
8 591062 01 Bend Union 1
9 591025 03 Adapter union DN25 1
10 591030 03 Bend 1
11 591055 02 Pipe clamp 3
13 221035 07 Screw, M8x25 2
14 70560 Washer 6
15 27345 Nut, M8 4
16 594017 01 Support 1

2.4 Replacement piping block 2 PureBilge


PureBilge system

2.4.3 Connecting pipe inlet

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
1 572086 03 Ball valve 1
2 591105 11 Nipple 1
3 591105 07 Nipple 1
5 591030 04 Bend 1

2.4 Replacement piping block 2 PureBilge


PureBilge system

2.4.4 Connecting pipe outlet

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
1 591022 01 Pipe Ø 28 mm 1
2 589890 01 Bend Pipe DN25 2
3 591055 02 Pipe clamp 1
4 589887 01 Flange DN25 1
5 1765908 01 Gasket 1
6 591025 03 Adapter union DN25 1
7 591039 03 Hexagonal bushing 1
8 223101 49 Washer 13x24x2,5 4
9 221045 59 Screw 4
10 591030 04 Bend 1

2.4 Replacement piping block 2 PureBilge


PureBilge system

2.4.5 Connecting pipe outlet

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
1 591022 01 Pipe Ø 28 mm 2
2 591105 07 Nipple 1
3 589888 03 Adapter DN25 1
4 591064 03 Bend 1
5 589889 01 Bend Pipe 2
6 572086 03 Ball valve 1
8 591062 01 Bend Union 1
9 591055 02 Pipe clamp 2

2.4 Replacement piping block 2 PureBilge


PureBilge system

2.5 Connection CIP block

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
2 546229 11 Rectangular ring 4
3 591061 04 Flexible hose 1
4 221045 60 Screw 2
5 223101 49 Washer 13x24x2,5 2
6 1766378 03 Cover nut 2
7 569763 07 Nipple, G1-G1 2
8 591061 05 Flexible hose 1
9 260104 22 O-ring 2

2.5 Connection CIP block 2 PureBilge

3 2 4 5

2 8


PureBilge system

2.6 Polishing filter block

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
2 590909 01 Filter element 1
4 591018 80 Pipe arrangement 1 See page 50
5 570973 04 O-Ring 8925 1
6 591031 03 Non return valve 1 DN25
7 568969 03 Valve 1
9 526350 04 Plug 1
10 526350 02 Plug 1/4" 2
11 2210462 10 Screw 3 M16x40
12 70490 Washer 3 17x30x3
13 590923 01 Elbow coupling 1
14 1763491 03 Nipple 1
15 590922 01 Pipe D.8 1
16 1765908 01 Gasket 3 DN25
17 221803 33 Nut, M12 12 M12
18 223101 49 Washer 13x24x2,5 24 13x24x2,5
19 221045 34 Screw 4 M12x80
20 221045 29 Screw, M12x50 4 M12x50
21 221045 09 Screw 4 M12x30
23 260137 06 Pop rivet 4
24 1779813 03 Valve, 1/2" AISI 316 1
25 569763 03 Nipple, G1/2-G1/2 1
26 594103 80 Deaerator Kit 1

2.6 Polishing filter block 2 PureBilge




PureBilge system

2.6.1 Pipe arrangement

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
1 590139 80 Three way valve with act. 1
2 589887 01 Flange DN25 2
3 589889 01 Bend Pipe 1
4 589893 01 T-pipe equal 1
5 591022 01 Pipe Ø 28 mm 4 The length to be define during assembly
6 589892 01 Bend Pipe DN25 2
7 589890 01 Bend Pipe DN25 3
8 589888 01 Adapter DN15 1
9 591030 03 Bend 1
11 221035 07 Screw, M8x25 4
12 70560 Washer 4
13 590579 01 Support 3 way valve 1

2.6 Polishing filter block 2 PureBilge


PureBilge system

2.7 Cabinet
Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
1 590114 80 Control cabinet 1 See page 54
2 590114 81 Vibration Transmitter kit 1 Optional
2A 580999 83 Vibration board 1 A15
2B 580989 07 Separator for terminals 1 X15
3 590114 82 Pump Control kit 1 Optional
3A 590107 81 PLC opt. Electric Heater 1 A16, A17
3B 589945 01 Circuit Breaker 2A 2 F2, F3
3C 591480 84 Relay kit 2c/o 24VDC 2 K4, K5
3D 580989 07 Separator for terminals 1 X16
5 590114 85 Space Heating kit 1 optional
5A 591480 85 Relay kit 24VAC 2c/o 1 K6
5B 589945 01 Circuit Breaker 2A 1 F4
5C 589953 12 Aux. contact block (1NC) 1 To be mounted on K1
5D 596791 20 Pilot light, 230VAC White 1 H1
6 590114 86 GPS kit 1 Optional
6A 590107 84 PLC opt. GPS 1 A19
6B 580989 07 Separator for terminals 1 X19
7 590114 87 ESD kit 1 Optional
7A 591480 87 Relay kit 24VDC 4c/o 1 K112
7B 580989 07 Separator for terminals 1 X20
8 590114 88 Transformer kit 1
8A 597247 01 Transformer 1 T4
8B 597259 04 Thermostat 1 TS
8C 597259 01 Filter fan 1
8D 597259 02 Filter unit 1
8E 590968 09 Motor Circuit Br. 4-6,3A 1 Q5

2.7 Cabinet 2 PureBilge


PureBilge system

2.7.1 Control cabinet

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
1 590117 01 Enclosure box 1
2 590185 83 Main switch 32A 1 Q1
2A 590025 04 Main Switch 40A 1
2B 590025 09 Auxiliary Contact NC 1
2C 590025 12 Terminal Shrouds 1
2D 590025 16 Extended Shaft 250mm 1
3 590198 85 Starter kit 6,3-9A 1 Q2, K1
3 590198 86 Starter kit 9-12,5A 1 Q2, K1
3 590198 87 Motor Starter kit 16kW 1 Q2, K1
3A 589953 03 Contactor 17/10A 1
3A 589953 04 Contactor 26/17A 1
3B 590968 10 Motor Circuit Br. 6,3-9A 1
3B 590968 11 Motor Circuit Br. 9-12,5A 1
3B 590968 12 Motor Circuit Br 12,5-16A 1
3C 590968 15 Auxilary switch 1NO+1NC 1
4 590968 07 Motor Circuit Br. 2,5A 1 Q3
5 581005 83 Ammeter kit 20A 1 P1, T3
5A 580991 12 Cover for terminals 1
5B 580991 04 Ammeter transformer 1
5C 580991 10 Ammeter 20/5A 1
6 589945 04 Circuit Breaker 10A 1 F1
7 580993 10 Transformer 1 T1
8 581803 18 Power supply 24VDC 5A 1 T2
9 590107 80 PLC standard kit 1 A1...A14, OP1
See page 56
10 581040 80 RJ45 connector kit 1
11 581016 01 Fan 1
12 593398 80 Terminals 1 See page 58
13 590198 84 Starter kit 4-6,3A 1 Q4, K2
See page 60
14 580936 01 Cable 1
15 589945 01 Circuit Breaker 2A 1 F5
19 581009 01 Emergency stop 1 S21
21 598759 80 USB connector kit 1 See page 62

2.7 Cabinet 2 PureBilge


PureBilge system

2.7.2 PLC standard kit

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
1 580986 70 CPU 1 A1
2 580986 04 6 Digital input 1 A2
3 580986 04 6 Digital input 1 A3
4 580986 04 6 Digital input 1 A4
5 580986 65 4 Digital Output 1 A5
6 580986 06 6 Relay output 1 A6
7 580986 06 6 Relay output 1 A7
8 580986 06 6 Relay output 1 A8
9 580986 08 4 Analogue input 1 A9
10 580986 05 2 Relay output 1 A10
11 580986 10 4 Digital Input Namur 1 A11
12 580986 09 2 Analogue input 1 A12
13 580986 53 2 Analogue Output 1 A13
14 580986 06 6 Relay output 1 A14
15 580986 17 Bus module 13 A2...A14
16 580986 16 Terminal block 12-pin 13 A2...A14
17 580986 55 Compact Flash 1
18 580986 57 Operator Panel 1 OP1
19 580986 26 Terminal block 1

2.7 Cabinet 2 PureBilge


PureBilge system

2.7.3 Terminals
Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
1 580989 11 Terminal 4 X401
1.1 580989 07 Separator for terminals 1 X401
2 580989 11 Terminal 7 X400
2.1 580989 07 Separator for terminals 1 X400
3 580989 11 Terminal 6 X501
3.1 580989 07 Separator for terminals 1 X501
4 580989 11 Terminal 4 X500
4.1 580989 07 Separator for terminals 1 X500
5 580989 11 Terminal 1 X502
5.1 580989 07 Separator for terminals 1 X502
6.1 580989 07 Separator for terminals 1 X1
7.1 580989 07 Separator for terminals 1 X2
8.1 580989 07 Separator for terminals 1 X3
9.1 580989 07 Separator for terminals 1 X4
11 580989 10 Bridge 3 X400, X401, X500, X501
12 584257 08 Terminal 6 mm2 6 X1
13.1 580989 07 Separator for terminals 1 X5

2.7 Cabinet 2 PureBilge



PureBilge system

2.7.4 Starter kit 4-6,3A

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -84 Notes
1 589953 03 Contactor 17/10A 1
2 590968 09 Motor Circuit Br. 4-6,3A 1

2.7 Cabinet 2 PureBilge


PureBilge system

2.7.5 USB connector kit

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
1 590640 29 USB cable type A/B 1
2 590640 30 Panel mounting frame 1
3 590640 31 Protective cover IP67 1
4 590640 32 USB female insert type A/ 1

2.7 Cabinet 2 PureBilge


PureBilge system

2.8 Oil monitoring block

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
2 9001841 01 Flow Switch 3/8" 1
3 590918 02 Straight connection 3
4 590930 01 Bending passing connectio 2
5 590923 01 Elbow coupling 5
6 590922 01 Pipe D.8 8
7 584898 80 Solenoid 3-way vale 1
8 571593 01 Plate heat exchanger 1
9 591035 01 Coupling, 3/4" 1/2" 2
10 591039 01 Bushing 2
11 591030 02 Bend 2
12 591105 01 Nipple, G3/4-G1/2 2
13 1762912 01 Flow valve arrangement 1
14 221030 07 Screw 2 M6
15 223101 47 Washer 2
16 591023 01 Support 1
17 1765936 02 Flexible connection wate 1
18 1765936 03 Flexible connection water 1
19 590923 02 Elbow Coupling 2
20 569763 03 Nipple, G1/2-G1/2 3
21 571730 08 Extension, G1/2-1/2 1
22 591558 01 Regulating valve 1
23 1765930 01 Ball valve 1
24 591030 01 Bend 1
25 591105 03 Nipple 2
26 590130 01 Non return valve 1
27 590911 01 Straight connection 1
28 9004858 01 Adjustable coupling 2
Z 596707 80 Spare parts OMD-24 See page 96

2.8 Oil monitoring block 2 PureBilge


PureBilge system

2.9 Valve block water

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
1 582496 80 Valve block water 1
2 1765934 04 Flexible connection 1 Length = 1200
3 591690 01 Flexible Hose 1 Length = 1600
4 1765934 07 Flexible connection 1 Length = 600
5 1766037 06 Flow valve, 5.5 l/min 1 SV16
6 1766037 02 Flow valve, 11.0 l/min 1 SV15
7 1766037 08 Flow valve, 8.0 l/min 1 SV10
8 221030 07 Screw 4 M6x16
9 223101 47 Washer 4
10 569763 02 Nipple, G3/4-G3/4 2
11 572074 04 T-Coupling G 1/2 1
12 568969 01 Valve 1
13 1763510 03 Bushing 1
14 591030 02 Bend 1
15 1765934 01 Flexible connection 1 Length = 350
16 569763 03 Nipple, G1/2-G1/2 2
17 590678 01 Y strainer 1
18 591684 01 Non return valve 1
19 1763510 02 Bushing 1
20 590923 01 Elbow coupling 1
21 591055 03 Pipe clamp 1
22 1763444 01 Magnetic field indicator 3

2.9 Valve block water 2 PureBilge




16 17 21

9 18
5 19



PureBilge system

2.10 Valve block air

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 -81 -82 Notes
1 596343 80 Air distributor block 1
1 596821 80 Air distributor block 1
1 596826 80 Air distributor block 1
1A 596344 01 Manifold 1 1 1
3 591237 01 Regulator 1 1
3 593305 80 Proportional pres. valve 1
4 591236 01 Pressure gauge 1 1 1
5 592168 01 Air distributor 1 1 1
6 580769 04 Flexible hose, air D.10 1 1 1 Length to be defined at assembly
7 568969 01 Valve 1 1 1
8 569763 03 Nipple, G1/2-G1/2 1 1 1
9 580769 03 Flexible hose, air D.8 6 7 8 Length to be defined at assembly
10 592174 03 Female stud elbow 1 1 1
11 580759 08 Push-In Fittings 3 4 4
12 580758 05 Push-In Fittings 7 7 7
13 580759 10 Push-In Fittings 1 1 1
14 585249 04 Plug D.10 1 1 1
15 2210295 28 Screw 2 2 2
16 2210293 01 Screw 4
16 221030 07 Screw 4 4
17 223101 41 Washer, 4,3x9x0,8 4
17 223101 47 Washer 4 4
18 592052 80 Pressure regulator kit 1 1 1 Optional
18A 539483 82 Air pressure regulator 1 1 1 See page 70
19 580759 06 Push-In Fittings 1

2.10 Valve block air 2 PureBilge

7 16


PureBilge system

2.10.1 Air pressure regulator

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -82 Notes
1 539483 03 Air pressure regulator 1 Tecnova code A2480009
2 539483 06 Pressure gauge 1 Tecnova code -012
4 539483 09 Lock nut 2 Tecnova code 1417-0002-4

2.10 Valve block air 2 PureBilge


PureBilge system

2.11 Inlet filter block

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
1 590048 80 Complete Body 1 See page 74
2 590478 80 Outlet pipe 1 See page 76
3 590477 80 Inlet pipe 1 See page 78
4 590479 80 By-pass 1 See page 80
5 568969 03 Valve 1
6 597255 01 Pressure transmitter 1
7 221045 34 Screw 4 M12x80
8 223101 49 Washer 13x24x2,5 16 13x24x2,5
9 221045 50 Screw 4 M12x50
10 221803 33 Nut, M12 8 M12
11 1765908 01 Gasket 3 DN25
12 591031 03 Non return valve 1 DN25
13 27345 Nut, M8 4 M8
14 1763491 03 Nipple 1
15 221035 07 Screw, M8x25 4 M8x25
16 70560 Washer 8 8,4x16x1,6
17 590774 01 Basket 1 Delivery loose

2.11 Inlet filter block 2 PureBilge


PureBilge system

2.11.1 Complete Body

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
2 590774 01 Basket 1
3 570973 04 O-Ring 8925 1
4 569312 01 Hexagon plug 1
5 590870 01 Three-arm knobs 2

2.11 Inlet filter block 2 PureBilge


PureBilge system

2.11.2 Outlet pipe

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
1 590073 01 3-way valve 1
2 591064 01 Bend 1
3 589888 01 Adapter DN15 2
4 589893 01 T-pipe equal 1
5 591090 03 Flange 1
6 591022 01 Pipe Ø 28 mm 2

2.11 Inlet filter block 2 PureBilge


PureBilge system

2.11.3 Inlet pipe

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
1 590073 01 3-way valve 1
2 590069 80 Flange 1
3 591105 07 Nipple 1
4 591090 03 Flange 1

2.11 Inlet filter block 2 PureBilge


PureBilge system

2.11.4 By-pass
Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
1 589890 01 Bend Pipe DN25 1
2 591022 01 Pipe Ø 28 mm 1
3 589888 01 Adapter DN15 1
5 591064 01 Bend 1

2.11 Inlet filter block 2 PureBilge

5 3 2 1


PureBilge system

2.12 Recirculation block

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
1 590139 80 Three way valve with act. 1
5 591105 14 Nipple 1
6 1779813 01 Valve, 1/4" 1
7 70560 Washer 1
8 597256 01 Temperature sensor 1
9 581447 09 Pipe clamp 1
10 221045 34 Screw 4
11 223101 49 Washer 13x24x2,5 4
12 1765908 01 Gasket 1
13 526350 02 Plug 1/4" 1
14 590918 02 Straight connection 1
15 590130 01 Non return valve 2
16 569763 03 Nipple, G1/2-G1/2 3
18 591105 07 Nipple 1
19 590579 01 Support 3 way valve 1
20 221035 07 Screw, M8x25 6
21 70560 Washer 8
22 27345 Nut, M8 2
23 594017 01 Support 1
24 221030 54 Screw 2

2.12 Recirculation block 2 PureBilge


PureBilge system

2.13 Outlet piping block

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
1 590139 80 Three way valve with act. 1
2 591074 80 Connection 1 Flow meter 50 Hz
2 591074 81 Flow meter block 1 Flow meter 60 Hz
2 591158 80 Flow meter block 1
3 591069 80 Connection 1
4 591075 80 Connection 1
5 590075 80 Pipe connection 1
6 526350 02 Plug 1/4" 1
8 590579 01 Support 3 way valve 1
9 580759 06 Push-In Fittings 1
10 581447 09 Pipe clamp 1
11 591105 14 Nipple 1
12 26853 Screw 2
13 223101 47 Washer 2
14 1779813 01 Valve, 1/4" 1
15 526350 02 Plug 1/4" 1
16 591050 80 Limit switch kit 1 Optional
17 221706 06 Screw 2
18 223101 17 Washer 2
19 221030 54 Screw 1
20 221035 07 Screw, M8x25 4
21 70560 Washer 4

2.13 Outlet piping block 2 PureBilge



PureBilge system

2.14 Flexible hose kit

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
1 591061 01 Flexible hose 1 221 Clean water outlet
2 591061 02 Flexible hose 1 201 Oily water inlet
3 591061 03 Flexible hose 1 220 Oil outlet
4 546229 17 Rectangular ring 4
5 546229 11 Rectangular ring 2

2.14 Flexible hose kit 2 PureBilge


PureBilge system

3 Solenoid valve 2-way

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
0.1 569712 01 Rectangular connector 1

3 Solenoid valve 2-way


PureBilge system

4 Filter unit
Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
2 573201 80 Barrel 1
3 573179 80 Control panel 1 See page 92
8 526336 05 Nipple 1 R207 3/4
11 558710 02 Air Hose Nipple 1
12 558710 01 Air Hose Nipple 1
13 526350 05 Plug 1 R236 3/4
14 571447 01 Hose 4/6 1
15 2521701 01 Hood 1
16 573250 80 Valve, 3/2 1
18 223101 41 Washer, 4,3x9x0,8 2 BRB 4,3x9x0,8 fzb
19 221035 03 Screw 4 M6S 8x16 fzb
20 70560 Washer 4 BRB 8,4x16x1,6
21 27345 Nut, M8 4 M6M 8 fzb
22 558663 03 Gasket washer 1
24 260137 06 Pop rivet 1

4 Filter unit




PureBilge system

4.1 Control panel

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
1 573173 01 Box 1
2 53500201 22 Legend plate 1 Text: Filter Off/On
3 53500201 22 Legend plate 1 Text: Manual Discharge
4 569673 01 Cable gland 1
S1 53500201 05 Selector switch 1
S2 53500201 21 Push button 1

4.1 Control panel 4 Filter unit


PureBilge system

5 Cover interlocking kit

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
4 221030 07 Screw 8 M6x16
5 223101 47 Washer 8 6,4x12x1,6
8 223101 41 Washer, 4,3x9x0,8 8 4,3x9x0,8
9 221803 20 Nut 4 M4
10 2210293 41 Screw 4 M4x30

5 Cover interlocking kit


PureBilge system

6 Spare parts OMD-24

Machine unit number or
Subassembly description
Ref Part No Description -80 Notes
3 596707 03 Computer Unit 1 DECKMA part. No. 79100 (15ppm)
4 596707 04 Computer Unit 1 DECKMA part. No. 79105 (5ppm)
5 596707 05 Electric Valve 1 DECKMA part. No. 13215
7 596707 07 Cell Cleaning Brush 1 DECKMA part. No. 77555
8 596707 08 Dessicator 1 DECKMA part. No. 79550
10 596707 10 Head screw 1 DECKMA part. No. 77770
11 596707 11 Memory Card 1 DECKMA part. No. 79186
15 596707 15 Measuring Cell 1 DECKMA part. No. 77500

6 Spare parts OMD-24





7 Cross reference list

7 Cross reference list

+ Part No. Page Ref. Part No. Page Ref. Part No. Page Ref.

1761805 01 14 6 1779917 01 32 20 223101 47 84 13

1761834 04 32 15 2210293 01 68 16 223101 47 94 5
1762017 13 30 3 2210293 41 94 10 223101 47 28 12
1762017 13 32 6 2210295 28 68 15 223101 49 34 8
1762672 01 14 14 221030 07 64 14 223101 49 42 8
1762672 03 32 16 221030 07 66 8 223101 49 46 5
1762751 29 30 9 221030 07 68 16 223101 49 48 18
1762912 01 64 13 221030 07 94 4 223101 49 72 8
1763444 01 66 22 221030 54 82 24 223101 49 82 11
1763491 01 28 13 221030 54 84 19 223101 49 14 24
1763491 03 36 8 221035 03 90 19 223101 49 16 4
1763491 03 48 14 221035 07 38 13 223101 49 26 6
1763491 03 72 14 221035 07 50 11 223101 49 28 9
1763491 03 16 6 221035 07 72 15 2245102 02 30 4
1763510 02 66 19 221035 07 82 20 2245102 02 32 7
1763510 03 66 13 221035 07 84 20 2521101 05 32 21
1763780 06 32 11 221035 45 32 17 2521701 01 90 15
1764011 01 28 17 221040 04 32 37 260104 22 46 9
1764621 03 28 4 221040 47 14 21 260137 06 48 23
1765908 01 42 5 221045 09 48 21 260137 06 90 24
1765908 01 48 16 221045 10 34 7 26853 84 12
1765908 01 14 8 221045 29 48 20 27345 32 19
1765908 01 72 11 221045 29 16 5 27345 38 15
1765908 01 82 12 221045 34 48 19 27345 72 13
1765908 01 16 3 221045 34 72 7 27345 82 22
1765908 01 24 11 221045 34 82 10 27345 90 21
1765908 01 26 4 221045 50 72 9 41456 32 38
1765908 01 28 7 221045 59 42 9 41456 14 22
1765908 04 18 7 221045 59 14 23 42174 30 16
1765908 05 18 7 221045 59 28 10 42174 32 33
1765908 05 24 7 221045 60 46 4 42179 32 8
1765930 01 64 23 2210462 10 48 11 526336 05 90 8
1765934 01 66 15 2210462 45 14 20 526350 02 48 10
1765934 02 28 18 2210462 46 30 10 526350 02 82 13
1765934 04 66 2 221706 06 84 17 526350 02 84 6
1765934 07 66 4 221711 03 32 42 526350 02 84 15
1765936 02 64 17 221803 02 32 43 526350 04 48 9
1765936 03 64 18 221803 20 94 9 526350 05 90 13
1766002 01 32 12 221803 33 34 9 528920 06 30 15
1766007 03 30 8 221803 33 48 17 528920 06 32 31
1766037 02 66 6 221803 33 72 10 53500201 05 92 S1
1766037 06 66 5 221803 34 14 18 53500201 21 92 S2
1766037 08 66 7 223101 17 84 18 53500201 22 92 2
1766096 01 30 6 223101 41 68 17 53500201 22 92 3
1766096 01 32 34 223101 41 90 18 53551320 03 30 5
1766378 03 46 6 223101 41 94 8 53551320 03 32 32
1766699 02 32 2 223101 47 32 44 539436 01 20 3
1779813 01 82 6 223101 47 64 15 539436 01 22 3
1779813 01 84 14 223101 47 66 9 539483 03 70 1
1779813 03 48 24 223101 47 68 17 539483 06 70 2

PureBilge system

Part No. Page Ref. Part No. Page Ref. Part No. Page Ref.

539483 09 70 4 578784 06 22 1 580989 07 58 2.1

539483 82 68 18A 578784 07 20 1 580989 07 58 3.1
543054 03 36 3 578784 07 22 1 580989 07 58 4.1
546229 11 46 2 578784 08 20 1 580989 07 58 5.1
546229 11 86 5 578785 01 20 2 580989 07 58 6.1
546229 17 86 4 578785 02 22 2 580989 07 58 7.1
558663 03 90 22 578785 03 18 8 580989 07 58 8.1
558710 01 90 12 578787 06 18 1 580989 07 58 9.1
558710 02 90 11 578787 07 18 1 580989 07 58 13.1
568969 01 66 12 578787 08 18 1 580989 10 58 11
568969 01 68 7 578788 06 18 1 580989 11 58 1
568969 03 36 7 578788 07 18 1 580989 11 58 2
568969 03 48 7 578788 08 18 1 580989 11 58 3
568969 03 72 5 579853 03 24 4 580989 11 58 4
568969 03 16 7 579853 03 26 2 580989 11 58 5
569312 01 74 4 580318 02 32 5 580991 04 54 5B
569540 03 24 5 580753 01 32 9 580991 10 54 5C
569540 03 26 3 580758 05 68 12 580991 12 54 5A
569600 02 14 13 580759 04 28 15 580993 10 54 7
569673 01 92 4 580759 06 68 19 580999 83 52 2A
569712 01 88 0.1 580759 06 84 9 581005 83 54 5
569763 02 30 17 580759 08 68 11 581009 01 54 19
569763 02 32 13 580759 10 68 13 581016 01 54 11
569763 02 66 10 580769 03 68 9 581040 80 54 10
569763 03 48 25 580769 04 68 6 581447 09 82 9
569763 03 64 20 580936 01 54 14 581447 09 84 10
569763 03 66 16 580986 04 56 2 581803 18 54 8
569763 03 68 8 580986 04 56 3 582496 80 66 1
569763 03 82 16 580986 04 56 4 584257 08 58 12
569763 07 46 7 580986 05 56 10 584898 80 64 7
569944 03 14 5 580986 06 56 6 585249 04 68 14
569944 03 16 2 580986 06 56 7 589459 80 12 13
569944 03 28 5 580986 06 56 8 589470 80 12 3
570973 04 48 5 580986 06 56 14 589470 81 12 3
570973 04 74 3 580986 08 56 9 589470 82 12 3
571395 04 32 30 580986 09 56 12 589470 83 12 3
571447 01 90 14 580986 10 56 11 589794 01 14 1
571593 01 64 8 580986 16 56 16 589887 01 42 4
571730 08 64 21 580986 17 56 15 589887 01 50 2
572074 04 66 11 580986 26 56 19 589888 01 50 8
572086 03 38 6 580986 53 56 13 589888 01 76 3
572086 03 40 1 580986 55 56 17 589888 01 80 3
572086 03 44 6 580986 57 56 18 589888 02 28 20
573173 01 92 1 580986 65 56 5 589888 03 38 3
573179 80 90 3 580986 70 56 1 589888 03 44 3
573201 80 90 2 580989 07 52 2B 589889 01 38 5
573250 80 90 16 580989 07 52 3D 589889 01 44 5
574351 02 32 14 580989 07 52 6B 589889 01 50 3
574409 83 28 14 580989 07 52 7B 589890 01 42 2
578784 06 20 1 580989 07 58 1.1 589890 01 50 7

7 Cross reference list

Part No. Page Ref. Part No. Page Ref. Part No. Page Ref.

589890 01 80 1 590117 01 54 1 590968 09 60 2

589892 01 50 6 590130 01 64 26 590968 10 54 3B
589893 01 50 4 590130 01 82 15 590968 11 54 3B
589893 01 76 4 590139 80 50 1 590968 12 54 3B
589945 01 52 3B 590139 80 82 1 590968 15 54 3C
589945 01 52 5B 590139 80 84 1 591018 80 48 4
589945 01 54 15 590143 80 12 10 591022 01 38 1
589945 04 54 6 590144 80 12 12 591022 01 42 1
589953 03 54 3A 590146 80 12 7 591022 01 44 1
589953 03 60 1 590161 80 12 8 591022 01 50 5
589953 04 54 3A 590161 81 12 8 591022 01 76 6
589953 12 52 5C 590161 82 12 8 591022 01 80 2
589981 80 12 14 590173 80 12 13 591023 01 64 16
589981 81 12 14 590173 81 12 13 591025 01 14 11
589981 82 12 14 590185 83 54 2 591025 02 28 8
589981 83 12 14 590198 84 54 13 591025 03 38 9
589981 84 12 14 590198 85 54 3 591025 03 42 6
589981 85 12 14 590198 86 54 3 591026 01 28 2
590006 80 14 3 590198 87 54 3 591027 80 14 2
590006 81 14 3 590359 80 32 10 591030 01 64 24
590006 82 14 3 590477 80 72 3 591030 01 14 7
590006 83 14 3 590478 80 72 2 591030 02 64 11
590008 80 14 4 590479 80 72 4 591030 02 66 14
590025 04 54 2A 590579 01 50 13 591030 03 38 10
590025 09 54 2B 590579 01 82 19 591030 03 50 9
590025 12 54 2C 590579 01 84 8 591030 04 40 5
590025 16 54 2D 590640 29 62 1 591030 04 42 10
590027 80 34 2 590640 30 62 2 591031 03 48 6
590028 80 34 3 590640 31 62 3 591031 03 72 12
590029 80 34 4 590640 32 62 4 591035 01 64 9
590030 80 34 5 590678 01 66 17 591039 01 64 10
590033 80 12 6 590774 01 72 17 591039 03 42 7
590048 80 72 1 590774 01 74 2 591044 80 14 2
590068 80 12 9 590870 01 74 5 591050 80 84 16
590069 80 78 2 590907 80 12 5 591055 01 28 19
590073 01 76 1 590909 01 48 2 591055 01 14 12
590073 01 78 1 590911 01 64 27 591055 02 38 11
590074 80 12 11 590918 02 64 3 591055 02 42 3
590075 80 84 5 590918 02 82 14 591055 02 44 9
590107 80 54 9 590922 01 48 15 591055 03 66 21
590107 81 52 3A 590922 01 64 6 591055 04 32 35
590107 84 52 6A 590922 02 14 15 591057 01 14 9
590111 80 12 4 590923 01 48 13 591061 01 86 1
590114 80 52 1 590923 01 64 5 591061 02 86 2
590114 81 52 2 590923 01 66 20 591061 03 86 3
590114 82 52 3 590923 01 16 8 591061 04 46 3
590114 85 52 5 590923 02 64 19 591061 05 46 8
590114 86 52 6 590930 01 64 4 591062 01 38 8
590114 87 52 7 590968 07 54 4 591062 01 44 8
590114 88 52 8 590968 09 52 8E 591064 01 76 2

PureBilge system

Part No. Page Ref. Part No. Page Ref.

591064 01 80 5 596343 80 68 1
591064 03 36 4 596344 01 68 1A
591064 03 38 4 596707 03 96 3
591064 03 44 4 596707 04 96 4
591069 80 84 3 596707 05 96 5
591074 80 84 2 596707 07 96 7
591074 81 84 2 596707 08 96 8
591075 80 84 4 596707 10 96 10
591090 03 76 5 596707 11 96 11
591090 03 78 4 596707 15 96 15
591105 01 64 12 596707 80 64 Z
591105 03 64 25 596791 20 52 5D
591105 07 34 6 596821 80 68 1
591105 07 38 2 596826 80 68 1
591105 07 40 3 596980 02 24 1
591105 07 44 2 597247 01 52 8A
591105 07 78 3 597255 01 36 2
591105 07 82 18 597255 01 72 6
591105 11 40 2 597256 01 82 8
591105 14 82 5 597259 01 52 8C
591105 14 84 11 597259 02 52 8D
591156 80 12 16 597259 04 52 8B
591158 80 84 2 598251 01 32 24
591197 02 14 25 598759 80 54 21
591197 03 14 25 70490 48 12
591198 80 14 4 70560 32 18
591236 01 68 4 70560 38 14
591237 01 68 3 70560 50 12
591480 84 52 3C 70560 72 16
591480 85 52 5A 70560 82 7
591480 87 52 7A 70560 82 21
591558 01 64 22 70560 84 21
591684 01 66 18 70560 90 20
591690 01 66 3 9001841 01 64 2
592052 80 68 18 9004858 01 64 28
592168 01 68 5
592174 03 68 10
593305 80 68 3
593398 80 54 12
594017 01 38 16
594017 01 82 23
594103 80 48 26
594546 01 32 3
594547 01 32 36
594721 80 34 3
595233 01 32 4
595571 01 32 29
595572 01 32 39
595573 01 32 40
595950 01 32 41


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