AGASO: Arduino Based Garbage Sorter For Solid Waste Management in Quezon National High School

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AGASO: Arduino based Garbage Sorter for Solid Waste Management

in Quezon National High School

Science Investigatory Project

An Entry to Regional Inter-High School Science Investigatory Project Competition 2019

Quezon National High School

Ibabang Iyam, Lucena City


Xchyrha A. Amo

Carla Marie V. Baldovino, Ed. D

Research Adviser


Preliminaries Page
Table of Contents I
Abstract II

Chapter I: Introduction
Statement of the Problem 5
Hypotheses 6
Significance of the Study 8
Scope and Limitations 10
Conceptual Framework 6
Definition of Terms 10

Chapter II: Review of Related Literature

Local Studies
Foreign Studies

Chapter III: Materials and Methods

Materials 30
Research Design 30
Construction of AGASO 32
Data Gathering Procedure 36
Statistical Treatment 36
Research Instrument 37
Validation Procedure 38
Sampling Procedure 38
Respondents of the Study 38

Chapter IV: Results and Discussion
Results and Findings

Chapter V: Conclusions and Recommendation

Summary of Findings 60
Recommendation 63

Post Chapters
Bibliography 64
Raw Data 66
Communication Letter 76
Code of the Device 79
Research Instrument 86
Curriculum Vitae 88
Documentation 90


These days people suffer environmental issues with respect to improper waste

disposal. It has been concluded that solid wastes are generated from institutional

wastes that accounts for more than 25 percent of total solid wastes (National Solid

Waste Management Collection, 2017). Also, as time passes by, the pollution due to

improper waste disposal keeps getting bigger. For this reason, the researcher proposed

a way on addressing the crisis which aimed to lessen the potential issues by making a

prototype solely for waste segregation in schools using Arduino as the main processor.

Quantitative research design was used to gather and analyzed the data. The overall

acceptability of the product was tested by conducting a survey, and the data gathered

shows that the device’s adaptability, cost-effectiveness, functionality, and originality

were highly acceptable with an average weighted mean of 3.8107, 3.719, 3.7700, and

3.8136 respectively. Moreover, the difference in the respondent’s perception in terms of

adaptability, cost-effectiveness, and originality occur between grade 10 students and

teachers and between all the students and teachers. However, when it comes to

functionality, the respondents had all the same perception. The prototype’s capability to

accurately detect a certain trash such as paper, plastic and metal was also tested, and it

takes 5 seconds to detect a trash. Lastly, in determining the level of fullness of the bin

with use of ultrasonic sensors and led lights the following colors were observed - blue

for low, blue and yellow for medium and blue, yellow and red for high.

Chapter 1

This chapter presents the statement of the problem, hypothesis, significance of

the study, conceptual framework, as well as its scope and limitations and the definition

of terms in the study.

Statement of the Problem

This research study generally aimed to make an Arduino based garbage sorter for

waste segregation management in Quezon National High School.

Specifically, it sought to:

1. To determine the overall level of acceptability of the product in terms of its:

1.1 adaptability

1.2 cost-effectiveness

1.3 functionality

1.4 originality

2. To determine the difference in the perception of the respondents in terms of

2.1 adaptability

2.2 cost-effectiveness

2.3 functionality

2.4 originality

3. To document the time it takes for the sensor to identify the given waste.

4. To test the certainty of the sensors in reading the level of fullness of the garbage


H01: There is no significant difference in the respondent’s perception in terms of the

overall acceptability of the product.

H02: There is a significant difference in the respondent’s perception in terms of the

overall acceptability of the product.

Significance of the Study

Improper waste disposal can prompt a progressively disastrous difficulty. Which

by time can mean one of the serious issues in our general public, cases like global

warming, including water and soil contamination that can cause loss of resources and if

this doesn't stop it can almost certainly prompt passing of an extensive number of

human lives. Negative effects of improper waste management not only ends in a

disgusting view but also affects the overall economy of a country. The government has

to spend a lot of money to counter the effects of improper waste management. With the

measure of waste produced every year steadily increasing it is becoming more and

more challenging for government to monitor and manage waste disposal throughout the

country. Thusly it is the responsibility of citizens to not only carry out safe, eco-friendly,

waste disposal practices but to encourage others around them to do the same. In spite

of the fact that the commonality of individuals are familiar with common methods of

waste management we still find ourselves living in a world loaded with waste.

This study would serve as a significant prototype for all associates under school

domains for them to be guided and to execute proper waste segregation. Implementing

this project will help individuals practice proper segregation regularly and by doing so

will abide by the laws Republic Act (RA) 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste

Management Act of 2000. RA 9003 declares the policy of the state in adopting a

systematic, comprehensive and ecological solid waste management program that

ensures the protection of public health and the environment which includes proper

segregation. The use of this prototype can generally lessen issues regarding solid

waste management as for; reduction of residual waste, improving public health which

correlates to how garbage are properly segregated to be free of contamination,

conservation of natural resources, because segregation of waste plays a big role in the

field of recycling, reduction of pollution and in general will improve environmental

aesthetic. Furthermore, diverting waste from landfill and incineration, which will limit the

effect of global warming. Proper Waste Segregation should be all-around practiced; the

project will serve as a commencement to enact such action and to also initiate other

future innovations to helping bigger parts of the environment. Many different sorts of

waste are made in schools and it's important that faculties recognize what are often

recycled and what cannot. Hence the prototype is assessed to be interactive, by

technology throwing trash the right way is made easy and engaging. Thus, this will have

a significant impact on the performance of the school community and will result to

greater height of success in solid waste management related aspects

Scope and Limitations

The study investigated the effectiveness of Arduino Mega 2560 as the main chip

of a garbage type sorter trash bin. The researcher conducted tests and proved that

Arduino boards are able to read inputs, able to sense matter, and turn it into an output

by activating the motor. The limitations of this study was school garbage specifically

papers, plastics and metals. The Arduino Mega 2560 based garbage type sorter bin

was made in Lucena City, Quezon Province and underwent programming, constructing

and detailing of the parts of the bin. The product is only a prototype, limited to trash of

small sizes and only three types of trash namely papers, plastic and metals. The

detection of plastic is in transparent matter for the light to pass through and for the

sensor to easily detect the trash. Detection of trash was done one at a time within a

certain time interval. The researcher released survey a prior to all students of different

levels to test the adaptability, cost-effectiveness, functionality and originality of the trash


Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

• Arduino • Programming • Arduino
Mega 2560 of Arduino based
• Three Trash Mega 2560 garbage
Bins • Constructing sorter.
• Plywood of the
• Electrical garbage
Components sorter

Figure 1 shows the input, process and output of the study.

This study needed Arduino mega2560 which is designed for more complex

projects that includes programming and has a large space capacity for the projects that

need large amount of input pins and output pins or if high processing power is required,

three trash bins for the division of three different trash mainly paper, plastics and

metals. The structure of the prototype is made out of plywood instead of metal due to

cost-cutting of the researcher to ensure the cost-effectiveness of the product as it is

made from veneers of wood glued together with grains that run in a perpendicular

direction so the properties are balanced about the central veneer. Having good

insulation properties akin to that of solid wood of comparable density and moisture

content, plywood can be used through different temperatures for as low as -200

degrees to 120 degrees celsius that fits and adapts to its environment. Lastly are the

the electric components which include LED lights, proximity sensors, wires, servo

motors, metal detectors and the like which are essential in completing the automated

trash bin powered by the Arduino.

This garbage sorter underwent the process of programming the Arduino

mega2560 and constructing the garbage sorter. The Mega 2560 can be powered via the

USB connection or with an external power supply. The power source is selected

automatically. Each of the 54 digital pins on the Mega can be used as an input or

output, using pin Mode, digital Write, and digital Read functions. They operate at 5 volts.

Each pin can provide or receive 20 mA as recommended operating condition and has

an internal pull-up resistor (disconnected by default) of 20-50 k ohm. A maximum of

40mA is the value that must not be exceeded to avoid permanent damage to the

microcontroller. The process includes familiarization of the said components and

sensors needed as well as the software requirements and the design of the outcome to

be implemented to the detection of garbage and data processing. Garbage level

detection is then done by ultrasonic sensors (HC-SR04). The ultrasonic sensors were

placed on top of the dustbin facing the bottom. The sensors continuously emits the

sonic waves, whether sonic waves hit the object and reflect back, the echo in the

sensors senses the waves and calculates the distance of the object. Arduino Mega2560

is used for controlling whole the process detecting garbage in different places and

depending on the program first display in LCD to reminding the garbage level in the bin

even though the garbage is not take out from the bin then the particular bin information

is sent to higher officials through GSM. After the process, this study is expected to have

an outcome which is the Arduino based garbage sorter.

Definition of Terms

Analog input is a hardware interfaces that accept non-digital signals. For,

decades all the plugs and sockets on traditional audio and video equipment connected

analog lines.

Arduino it is an open-source hardware and software company, project and user

community that designs and manufactures single-board microcontrollers and

microcontroller kits for building digital devices and interactive objects that can sense

and control both physically and digitally.

AREF means Analogue Reference. It allows us to feed the Arduino a reference

voltage from an external power supply.

ATmega2560 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560 (datasheet).

It has 54 digital input/output pins (of which 14 can be used as PWM outputs), 16 analog

inputs, 4 UARTs (hardware serial ports), a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a USB connection,

a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains everything needed to

support the microcontroller.

Catastrophic is involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering.

Light-emitting Diode (LED) an electronic device that gives off light when it

receives an electrical current.

Microcontroller (MCU for microcontroller unit, or UC for μ-controller) is a

small computer on a single integrated circuit.

Segregation is a system that keeps different groups separate from each other,

either through physical dividers or using social pressures and laws.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

Related Studies

Today, one of the challenges of most cities and towns are confronting is the

decline in condition of cleanness of the environment regarding the garbage

management. This occurs due to the mismanagement of the garbage collection. This

mismanagement creates the spread of garbage in community which in turn creates

unhealthy condition in the immediate area. It also stimulates several serious diseases

amongst the people in close proximity and degrades the beauty of the area. To avoid

mismanagement of the garbage and to improve the cleanness of the society, Garbage

monitoring system is designed. In the proposed system, the level of the garbage is

detected with the help of ultrasonic sensor and sent to the authorized agency for

garbage collection through GSM system. PIR sensor is used to detect the motion of the

people coming to the garbage bin with trash while the bin is at full status and block

adding of any more garbage to the bin through informing them by speaker. The GSM

and the peripheral sensors used are interfaced through the Arduino microcontroller. A

GUI is also developed to monitor the desired information related to the garbage bins for

different selected locations. Depending on the received messages through the GSM at

control room it is displayed on LCD and the authorized person inform the drivers to

collect the garbage on time. This will capably help to monitor the garbage collection to

make the environment smart, clean and safe. (Abdurahman, F., Assefa, C., & Aweke,

S., 2018)

The protection of society and environment from garbage accumulation and its

polluting effects is carried by waste management companies, the services provided by

these companies are improving life overall quality. By preserving raw materials, proper

collecting and elimination of trash have reduced pollution and environmental impact. On

the other hand, areas which are suffered from inappropriate negative service appreciate

the garbage collector’s valuable efforts. Appropriate garbage collection and

management facilities have made a recycling process improvement which caused a

reduction in waste generation. Also controlling the released contaminators and

pollutants has decreased the impact on landfills and protected the environment from the

pollution negative effects. Using mobile and electronic technology to enable waste

management companies to finish its work and make it easier for collecting trash in a

simple and an easy way. We introduce Trash Sensor Android Application to help waste

management companies detect trash levels to collect it and help citizens from undesired

odours. (Foudery, A., & Alkandari, A., & Almutairi, N., 2018)

In today’s world, the trash cans placed in the cities are jam-packed due to the

increase in the waste. A lot of stinking and sewage problems causes bad hygienic

conditions and leads to deadly diseases & human illness. To avoid these, we have

designed a “Smart Trash Can Monitoring System” where it can overcome this in an

innovative and efficient way. This idea can be implemented for Smart Buildings, Cities,

Colleges, Hospitals, Public spots and Bus stands. Each trash can contain a smart

device for level detection of the trash can which transmits the garbage/trash level with

its token ID, accessed by the concerned municipal/regional authorities through the

mobile app, so that they can take immediate actions to clean the trash can once it gets

filled. The device consists of an Ultra Sonic Sensor, Arduino Uno, GPS and Wi-Fi

module. (Thota, S., Neelima, S., Pruthvi, L., Mounika, K., Pravallika, M., & Sowmya, N.,


Waste management is one of the primary problem that the world faces

irrespective of the case of developed or developing country. The key issue in the waste

management is that the garbage bin at public places gets overflowed well in advance

before the commencement of the next cleaning process. It in turn leads to various

hazards such as bad odor & ugliness to that place which may be the root cause for

spread of various diseases. To avoid all such hazardous scenario and maintain public

cleanliness and health this work is mounted on a smart garbage system. The main

theme of the work is to develop a smart intelligent garbage alert system for a proper

garbage management. This paper proposes a smart alert system for garbage clearance

by giving an alert signal to the municipal web server for instant cleaning of dustbin with

proper verification based on level of garbage filling. This process is aided by the

ultrasonic sensor which is interfaced with Arduino UNO to check the level of garbage

filled in the dustbin and sends the alert to the municipal web server once if garbage is

filled. After cleaning the dustbin, the driver confirms the task of emptying the garbage

with the aid of RFID Tag. RFID is a computing technology that is used for verification

process and in addition, it also enhances the smart garbage alert system by providing

automatic identification of garbage filled in the dustbin and sends the status of clean-up

to the server affirming that the work is done. The whole process is upheld by an

embedded module integrated with RF ID and IOT Facilitation. The real time status of

how waste collection is being done could be monitored and followed up by the

municipality authority with the aid of this system. In addition to this the necessary

remedial / alternate measures could be adapted. An Android application is developed

and linked to a web server to intimate the alerts from the microcontroller to the urban

office and to perform the remote monitoring of the cleaning process, done by the

workers, thereby reducing the manual process of monitoring and verification. The

notifications are sent to the Android application using Wi-Fi module. (Sathish Kumar,N.,

Vuayalakshmi,B., Jenifer Prarthana,R., & Shankar, A.,2016)

In the recent decades, Urbanization has increased tremendously. At the same

phase there is an increase in waste production. Waste management has been a crucial

issue to be considered. This paper is a way to achieve this good cause. In this paper,

smart bin is built on a microcontroller based platform Arduino Uno board which is

interfaced with GSM modem and Ultrasonic sensor. Ultrasonic sensor is placed at the

top of the dustbin which will measure the stature of the dustbin. The threshold stature is

set as 10cm. Arduino will be programmed in such a way that when the dustbin is being

filled, the remaining height from the threshold height will be displayed. Once the

garbage reaches the threshold level ultrasonic sensor will trigger the GSM modem

which will continuously alert the required authority until the garbage in the dustbin is

squashed. Once the dustbin is squashed, people can reuse the dustbin. At regular

intervals dustbin will be squashed. Once these smart bins are implemented on a large

scale, by replacing our traditional bins present today, waste can be managed efficiently

as it avoids unnecessary lumping of wastes on roadside. Foul smell from these rotten

wastes that remain untreated for a long time, due to negligence of authorities and

carelessness of public may lead to long term problems. Breeding of insects and

mosquitoes can create nuisance around promoting unclean environment. This may

even cause dreadful diseases. (Kumar, S., Arun Kumar, S., Naveen, S., & Kumar Ray,

K., 2017).

Today we see the garbage waste bins are overflowing and all garbage is split out

from dust bins, which results into unhygienic condition, illness and bad smell for all

people near that area. Hence, we are designing the system based on Arduino for

monitoring garbage from particular area to avoid pollution, unhygienic condition, bad

smell, etc. The dustbin is interfaced with microcontroller based system having ultrasonic

sensor and gas sensor monitoring the status of garbage. When garbage reaches the

level of sensor, then that indication will be given to the microcontroller unit and

microcontroller sends signal to the user through GSM. So continuous monitoring of

garbage bins will keep the environment clean. The app helps the public to get directly

connected to the authorities and to know about the current status of facilities in their

area. The main aim of this project is to reduce human resources and efforts along with

the enhancement of a smart city vision. (Vinitha S.,Vimalaa, P., Rajagiri, V.,

Senthilkumar, A., Raja, S., 2018)

Chapter 3

Materials and Method

This chapter illustrates how the process in creating the device was conducted.

Along with that, the materials used in the design of the experimentation and statistical

analysis that was employed are also shown in this chapter.


Arduino MEGA2560 Ultrasonic Sensor Solenoid Lock

Wire IDR Sensor Power Supply

LED lights Plywood Angle Bar

Servo Motor Metal Detector Capacitive

Proximity Sensor

Solar Panel Solar Charge Controller

The first part of the flow, the materials gathered were: Arduino Mega2560, four

ultrasonic sensors, three solenoid locks, three servo motors, metal detector, capacitive

proximity sensor, LDR, ten LED lights, power supply, wires, three trash bins, an angle

bar, plywood for the framework, solar panel, solar charge controller, and computer for

the programming.

Construction of the AGASO

The construction procedure of the automated trash can was processed in

determining each circuit board design. It determined the settlement of components.

Design development in the preparation of the detailed design was secured in place. The

schematic diagram was used to describe the design of the project. The circuit functions

were designed without regard to the actual physical size, shape or location of the

components devices or parts by means of its graphic, symbols, the electrical

connections and functions of specific circuit management

Figure 2 demonstrates the schematic diagram of the Arduino Mega 2560 chip.

Figure 3 demonstrates the schematic diagram of the Ultrasonic Sensors inside the trash


Figure 4 demonstrates the schematic diagram of the detectors outside the trash


Programming of the Device

The automated trash bin was programmed using the Arduino’s integrated

development environment (IDE). The program was designed only to detect the

composition of the trash and monitoring its level of fullness using a dedicated version of

the C and C++ programming languages for Arduino’s platform programming.

Data Gathering Procedure

The overall acceptability of the device in terms of adaptability, cost-effectiveness,

functionality and originality was evaluated using a survey which was conducted on the

students and teachers of Quezon National High School, whereas they had used the

device. Furthermore, the testing of the functions of the device was performed by

recording the time it takes to detect the trash and checking the certainty of reading level

of fullness of the sensors.

Statistical Treatment

The data accumulated from the survey through the research instrument was

appropriately coded and encoded using Statistical Package for Social Sciences version

25 (SPSS version 25). The study employed descriptive statistics such as mean,

standard deviation, and rank. Oneway ANOVA and post hoc (Scheffe) tests were also

used in comparing the respondent’s perception.

∑ 𝒘𝒎

Where: AWM=Average Weighted Mean

∑ 𝑤𝑚= Summation of Weighted Mean
n= Number of Items

𝜮  𝐱 − 𝐱𝟐
𝑺𝑫 = √

Where: SD=Standard Deviation

x = Individual data
x = Mean
n= Number of Items

𝒄 𝒏𝒋

𝑺𝑺𝒕 = ∑ ∑(𝑿𝒊𝒋 − 𝑿)𝟐

𝒋=𝟏 𝒊=𝟏

∑𝒄𝒋=𝟏 ∑𝒊=𝟏 𝑿𝒊𝒋
Where: 𝑿= = Grand Mean
𝑿𝒊𝒋 =ith value in the group j
𝒏𝒋 =number of values in group J
𝒏 = total number of values in all groups combined
𝒄 =number of groups
Research Instrument

This study was evaluated using a survey type questionnaire to identify the

acceptability of the project design. A four-point Likert scale was used in the research

instrument in which the highest is 4 and the lowest is 1.

Evaluation Criteria for the Acceptability of the Device

Numerical Equivalent Range Scale Description

4 3.25-4.00 Highly Acceptable
3 2.50-3.24 Acceptable
2 1.76-2.49 Unacceptable
1 1.0-1.75 Highly Unacceptable
Note: The highest grade is 4 that show the efficiency of the functionality of the device, and 1 is the lowest
if the device does not meet the expected functionality.

This table explained how the device was evaluated and given its scale according

to its mean scores of its acceptability in terms of functionality, adaptability, cost

effectiveness of materials, and originality.

Validation of Instrument

The research instrument has been crafted using a focus group discussion of

professionals related to the field of study and had undergone reliability testing using

Cronbach Alpha with a result of 0.721 and a verbal interpretation of accepted. This

result implies that the internal consistency of the instrument was established. The study

has been piloted to 15 respondents outside the chosen sample population.

Sampling Procedure

The total population of this study is 2642 comprising of 1851 grade 10 students,

300 grade 11 students, 110 grade 12 students and 380 teachers. The sample size was

drawn using the G-Power analysis with 95% confidence and a 5% margin of error which

generated a sample size of 245 grade 10 students, 40 grade 11 students, 15 grade 12

students and 50 teachers of Quezon National High School.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this research were 245 grade 10 students, 40 grade 11

students, 15 grade 12 students and 50 teachers coming from Quezon National High

School. All in all, the respondents were 350 individuals.

Chapter 4

Results and Discussion

This part presents an interpretation of the data gathered from the grade 10, 11,

12 students and teachers of Quezon National High School. It includes the results and

analysis of data from the survey and transcripts collected from the interview.

The following results and analysis were derived from the three hundred fifty

completed questionnaires.

Part 1: Overall Acceptability of the Device

Table 1

Level of Acceptability of the Device in Terms of Adaptability (n = 350)

Rank Variables / Statement Standard Weighted Verbal

Deviation Mean Interpretation
1 The user can control the .19823 3.9714 Highly
machine. Acceptable
2 It centres a proper program .36958 3.8457 Highly
application. Acceptable
3 It has an arrangement for .44823 3.7229 Highly
improvement and adjustment. Acceptable
4 The device can be easily .48205 3.7029 Highly
installed in certain places. Acceptable
General Weighted Mean 3.8107 (Highly
Legend: Highly Acceptable - 3.25 - 4.0; Acceptable - 2.50 - 3.24; Unacceptable - 1.76 - 2.49;
Highly Unacceptable- 1.01 - 1.75
As can be seen from table 1, variable “The user can control the machine.” was

ranked first with a standard deviation of .19823 and a weighted mean of 3.9714

corresponding to a verbal interpretation of “highly acceptable”, while the variable that

ranked second is “It centres a proper program application.” with a standard deviation of

.36958 and a weighted mean of 38457. corresponding to a verbal interpretation of

“highly acceptable”. Overall, the level of acceptability of the device in terms of

adaptability has a verbal interpretation of “highly acceptable” with a weighted mean of


The result implies that the device can be controlled easily, and the Arduino used

in programming this device is appropriate. The said program was also a perfect fit with

the sensors for detecting things like trash and can be easily installed online. Moreover,

the program application can be found in a public domain and the sample codes can be

accessed, making it an easy-to-use program.

Likewise, with the study of Fetulhak Abdurahman (2018), where he used an

Arduino for garbage monitoring. The monitoring of garbage was successfully done due

to that his invention can be controlled easily with the use of android phone and with the

help of the powerful Arduino. Overall, the study successfully monitored garbage

automatically in their institution. In addition, there was a study made, a system alerts a

certain person by using an Arduino and android application IoT (Internet of Things)

about that condition of the trash bin, whether it is full, or it has hazardous chemicals in it.

Also, the condition can be monitored from time to time using the said android

application. All in all, their study had been successfully made and left a big mark on their

society not just in the environment, but also in the health of people. (Sathish Kumar,N.,

Vuayalakshmi,B., Jenifer Prarthana,R., & Shankar, A.,2016)

Table 1.1

Level of Acceptability of the Device in Terms of Cost-effectiveness (n = 350)

Rank Variables / Statement Standard Weighted Verbal

Deviation Mean Interpretation
1 It performs accurate with less .33642 3.9000 Highly
expense’s consumption Acceptable
2 The device materials and .49608 3.6657 Highly
components are affordable. Acceptable
3 It is economical in terms of system .51312 3.6657 Highly
hardware services. Acceptable
4 Can prevent future costing in terms .50234 3.6457 Highly
of manpower. Acceptable
General Weighted Mean 3.7193 (Highly
Legend: Highly Acceptable - 3.25 - 4.0; Acceptable - 2.50 - 3.24; Unacceptable - 1.76 - 2.49;
Highly Unacceptable- 1.01 - 1.75
. As can be seen from table 1.1, variable “It performs accurate with less expense’s

consumption.” was ranked first with a standard deviation of .33642 and a weighted

mean of 3.9000 corresponding to a verbal interpretation of “highly acceptable”, while the

variable that ranked second is “The device materials and components are affordable.”

with a standard deviation of .49608 and a weighted mean of 3.6657 corresponding to a

verbal interpretation of “highly acceptable”. Overall, the level of acceptability of the

device in terms of cost-effectiveness has a verbal interpretation of “highly acceptable”

with a weighted mean of 3.7193.

From this result, it can be deduced that the device needs are economically

affordable, and 0can prevent future costing such as manpower. For instance, the

garbage collector does not need to segregate the waste since it is already segregated

automatically by the trash bin. Moreover, it performs accurate functions such as

detection and monitoring and produces great results without costing a lot of money.

Also, the materials or components can easily be bought in shops.

Similar with the project of Roroid (2015), where the researcher used Arduino in

making sms alarm system and costs only 15 USD. The device works when the alarm is

triggered and sends a text message to a certain mobile to arm or disarm the alarm

wirelessly. However, the researcher only used a few items which made the project

affordable. Thinking that the project only costs 15 USD, the Arduino can do really great

things without spending much.

Likewise, with the study of Stafford Michahial (2016), where he used the cheap

Arduino in making a fire fighting robot. The fire extinguisher robot is a DTMF tone-

controlled robot that has a small fire extinguisher unit added on to it. This mobile robot is

controlled using a mobile phone through DTMF tones for its movement and reaching the

fire, the flame sensor detects the fire and gives the further signal to the extinguisher

units to trigger the pump and spray the water. The whole system is programmed using

an Arduino UNO board (ATmega328P microcontroller) which forms the brain of the

system. His project costs him only 50 USD. Thinking that it only costs approximately

2500 in Philippine Peso, it is cheap to build a robot that detects and burns out fire.

Table 1.2

Level of Acceptability of the Device in Terms of Functionality (n = 350)

Rank Variables / Statement Standard Weighted Verbal
Deviation Mean Interpretation
1 The device performs the task .41385 3.7914 Highly
requirements. Acceptable
2 It is a user-friendly device. .42544 3.7743 Highly
3 It has a provision to comfort and .43212 3.7743 Highly
convenience Acceptable
4 The device is easy to operate. .45212 3.7400 Highly
General Weighted Mean 3.7700 (Highly Acceptable)
Legend: Highly Acceptable - 3.25 - 4.0; Acceptable - 2.50 - 3.24; Unacceptable - 1.76 - 2.49;
Highly Unacceptable- 1.01 - 1.75

As can be seen from table 1.2, variable “The device performs the task

requirements.” was ranked first with a standard deviation of .41385 and a weighted

mean of 3.7914 corresponding to a verbal interpretation of “highly acceptable”, while the

variable that ranked second is “It is a user-friendly device.” with a standard deviation of

.42544 and a weighted mean of 3.7743 corresponding to a verbal interpretation of

“highly acceptable”. Overall, the level of acceptability of the device in terms of cost-

effectiveness has a verbal interpretation of “highly acceptable” with a weighted mean of


Given the results, it is noted that the device performs the task it needs to do

which provide convenience not just financially but also reduce manpower. Moreover, the

device is a user-friendly that are easy to understand and has controls that are easy to


Just like the smart alert system that is designed for garbage clearance by giving

an alert signal to the municipal web server for instant cleaning of dustbin with proper

verification based on level of garbage filling. This process is aided by the ultrasonic

sensor which is interfaced with Arduino UNO to check the level of garbage filled in the

garbage bin and sends the alert to the municipal web server once if garbage is 90%

filled via IoT. Once the alert is received, Municipal Corporation takes initiative to clean

the same. After cleaning the garbage bin, municipal web server gets updated about the

garbage bin been cleaned. This system provides information regarding status of how

waste collection is being done and followed up by the municipality authority. (Rashinkar,

S., Ghatole, S., Kadapatti, S., Yadave, V., & Jambotkar, C., 2017).

Table 1.3

Level of Acceptability of the Device in Terms of Originality (n = 350)

Rank Variables / Statement Standard Weighted Verbal

Deviation Mean Interpretation
1 It synthesizes information in a .14020 3.9800 Highly
new different way. Acceptable
2 It reinterprets an existing theory, .39841 3.8029 Highly
in different context. Acceptable
3 The device is different from the .41783 3.7857 Highly
existing one. Acceptable
4 It adds knowledge in a way that .46490 3.6857 Highly
has not previously been done Acceptable
General Weighted Mean 3.8136 (Highly Acceptable)
Legend: Highly Acceptable - 3.25 - 4.0; Acceptable - 2.50 - 3.24; Unacceptable - 1.76 - 2.49; Highly Unacceptable- 1.01 - 1.75.

As can be seen from table 1.3, variable “It synthesizes information in a new

different way.” was ranked first with a standard deviation of .14020 and a weighted

mean of 3.9800 corresponding to a verbal interpretation of “highly acceptable”, while the

variable that ranked second is “It reinterprets an existing theory, in different context .”

with a standard deviation of .39841 and a weighted mean of 3.8029 corresponding to a

verbal interpretation of “highly acceptable”. Overall, the level of acceptability of the

device in terms of cost-effectiveness has a verbal interpretation of “highly acceptable”

with a weighted mean of 3.8136.

The result implies that the device reinterprets an existing theory of Arduino in

different context and synthesizes information in a new different way. Moreover, the

device’s process is completely different from the related ones and different from the

existing ones. This device may have the same concept as other studies but this one has

different approach. It segregates trash automatically by not making people lazy and

encourages people to practice solid waste management. Thus, the device adds

knowledge in a way that has not previously been done before.

Most studies, like Fetulhak Abdurahman’s (2018), used Arduino in automated

garbage monitoring system. But in this study, the device is a garbage sorter whether it

is paper, metal or plastic specifically most garbage in school. It is purposely designed

for schools like Quezon National High School, the school of the researcher, where

produces a lot of waste in just a day since it has a big population. Thru this device, it

encouraged students to segregate and develop technologies at the same time.

Part 2: Difference in the Respondent’s Perception in Terms of the Overall

Acceptability of the Device

Table 2

One-way ANOVA of the Significant Difference of the Respondent’s Perception in Terms

of Adaptability.
F- Decision
Statements/ Standard F-
N Mean Tabulated (α = Conclusion
Variables Deviation Calculated
α = 0.05 0.05)
It centres a proper There is no
program 3.8457 .36958 1.260 2.65 Accept
350 significant
application. H0
difference between
It has an these respondents.
arrangement for There is no
improvement and 350 3.7229 .44823 .146 2.65 Accept
adjustment. H0
difference between
The user can these respondents.
control the 350 3.9714 .19823 .469 2.65 There is no
machine. Accept
difference between
these respondents.
The device can be
There is a
easily installed in 350 3.7029 .48205 3.530 2.65
Reject significant
certain places.
H0 difference between
these respondents.

The said assessments were based from the respondents which are grade 10, 11

and 12 students and teachers of Quezon National High School. To compare the

perception of the respondents in terms of adaptability, One-way ANOVA was employed.

As can be seen from table 2, three out of four statements had no significant difference.

The variable, “The device can be easily installed in certain places.”, with a f-calculated

of 3.530 which is greater than the f-tabulated of 2.65 has a significant difference. Thus,

the hypothesis is rejected.

Table 2.1

Post-hoc Multiple Comparison Test on the Respondent’s Perception in Terms of

Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: The device can be easily installed into places.
Mean p-value Decision
Respondents Conclusion
Difference (Sig.) (α = 0.05)
There is no significant difference
Grade 11 -.01531 .998 Accept H0
between these respondents.
There is no significant difference
Grade 10 Grade 12 .00136 1.000 Accept H0
between these respondents.
There is a significant difference
Teachers .23469* .019 Reject H0
between these respondents.
There is no significant difference
Grade 10 .01531 .998 Accept H0
between these respondents.
There is no significant difference
Grade 11 Grade 12 .01667 1.000 Accept H0
between these respondents.
There is no significant difference
Teachers .25000 .109 Accept H0
between these respondents.
There is no significant difference
Grade 10 -.00136 1.000 Accept H0
between these respondents.
There is no significant difference
Grade 12 Grade 11 -.01667 1.000 Accept H0
between these respondents.
There is no significant difference
Teachers .23333 .431 Accept H0
between these respondents.
There is a significant difference
Grade 10 -.23469* .019 Reject H0
between these respondents.
There is no significant difference
Teachers Grade 11 -.25000 .109 Accept H0
between these respondents.
There is no significant difference
Grade 12 -.23333 .431 Accept H0
between these respondents.

*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level

Since there is a significant difference in the variable, “The device can be easily

installed in certain places.”, Post-hoc were performed to determine where the difference

in the respondent’s perception occurred. As shown in table 2.1, grade 10 students had

higher means compared to the teachers and its p-value of .019 is less than alpha level

which is 0.05.

The difference in perception in the said variable occurred between grade 10

students and teachers. Though grade 10 students are already knowledgeable enough

with adaptability, teachers have deep understanding about it. Usually, students focus

more on the device’s functions while teachers consider every aspect of the device.

Moreover, teachers considered the size of the device since it is bigger than usual trash

bins. However, the acceptability of the device in terms of the overall adaptability is still

highly acceptable based from the respondents.

Likewise, with the study of Spence (2016), teachers normally have different

perceptions compared to students. Since they are more experienced and more

knowledgeable. Additionally, the generation of the teachers is different with the

generation of students. Teachers grew up with different environment and culture. Also,

the educational curriculum is different from back then. Recently, K-12 based curriculum

is being experienced by the students. Therefore, teachers don’t have the same

understanding as the student’s, making their perception different with each other.

Table 3

One-way ANOVA of the Significant Difference of the Respondent’s Perception in Terms

of Cost-effectiveness
Statements/ Standard F- Tabulate
N Mean (α = Conclusion
Variables Deviation Calculated d
α = 0.05
The device There is no
materials and Accept significant
components 350 3.6657 .49608 2.487 2.65 H0 difference
are between these
affordable. respondents.
There is a
Can prevent
future costing Reject
350 3.6457 .50234 4.931 2.65 difference
in terms of H0
between these
It performs There is a
accurate with significant
less 350 3.9000 .33642 15.276 2.65 difference
expense’s between these
consumption. respondents.
It is
There is no
Accept significant
in terms of
350 3.6657 .51312 .911 2.65 H0 difference
between these

To compare the perception of the respondents in terms of cost-effectiveness,

One-way ANOVA was employed. As can be seen from table 3, two out of four

statements had no significant difference. The variables, “Can prevent future costing in

terms of manpower.” and “It performs accurate function with less expense’s

consumption” had a significant difference with a f-calculated of 4.931 and 15.276

respectively which are greater than the f-tabulated of 2.65. Thus, the hypotheses are

rejected and difference in perception occurred within those two variables.

Table 3.1

Post-hoc Multiple Comparison Test on the Respondent’s Perception in Terms of Cost-

Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: Can prevent future costing in terms of manpower.
Mean p-value Decision
Respondents Conclusion
Difference (Sig.) (α = 0.05)
Accept There is no significant difference
Grade 11 .03980 .974 H0 between these respondents.
Grade Accept There is no significant difference
Grade 12 -.04354 .991
10 H0 between these respondents.
There is a significant difference
Teachers .28980* .003 Reject H0
between these respondents.
Accept There is no significant difference
Grade 10 -.03980 .974 H0 between these respondents.
Grade Accept There is no significant difference
Grade 12 -.08333 .958
11 H0 between these respondents.
Accept There is no significant difference
Teachers .25000 .130 H0 between these respondents.
Accept There is no significant difference
Grade 10 .04354 .991 H0 between these respondents.
Grade Accept There is no significant difference
Grade 11 .08333 .958
12 H0 between these respondents.
Accept There is no significant difference
Teachers .33333 .156 H0 between these respondents.
There is a significant difference
Grade 10 -.28980* .003 Reject H0
between these respondents.
Teach Accept There is no significant difference
Grade 11 -.25000 .130
ers H0 between these respondents.
Accept There is no significant difference
Grade 12 -.33333 .156 H0 between these respondents.

*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level

Since there is a significant difference in the variable, “Can prevent future costing

in terms of manpower.”, Post-hoc were performed to determine where the difference in

the respondent’s perception occurred. As shown in table 3.1, grade 10 students had

higher means compared to the teachers and its p-value of .003 is less than alpha level

which is 0.05.

Moreover, the significant difference can be seen in the answers between grade

10 and teachers. Though grade 10 students are already knowledgeable enough with

cost-effectiveness, teachers have deep understanding about it. Usually, students don’t

care about the cost while teachers consider it as an important factor in inventions.

Moreover, teachers are the one who work for a living, making the finance sector

different from the grade 10 students.

Table 3.2

Post-hoc Multiple Comparison Test on the Respondent’s Perception in Terms of Cost-

Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: It performs accurate with less expense’s consumption
Mean p-value Decision
Respondents Conclusion
Difference (Sig.) (α = 0.05)
There is no significant difference
Grade 11 -.00714 .999 Accept H0
between these respondents.
Grade There is no significant difference
Grade 12 -.05714 .928 Accept H0
10 between these respondents.
There is a significant difference
Teachers .32286* .000 Reject H0
between these respondents.
There is no significant difference
Grade 10 .00714 .999 Accept H0
between these respondents.
Grade There is no significant difference
Grade 12 -.05000 .965 Accept H0
11 between these respondents.
There is a significant difference between
Teachers .33000* .000 Reject H0
these respondents.
There is no significant difference
Grade 10 .05714 .928 Accept H0
between these respondents.
Grade There is no significant difference
Grade 11 .05000 .965 Accept H0
12 between these respondents.
There is a significant difference
Teachers .38000* .001 Reject H0
between these respondents.
There is a significant difference
Grade 10 -.32286* .000 Reject H0
between these respondents.
Teach There is a significant difference
Grade 11 -.33000* .000 Reject H0
ers between these respondents.
There is a significant difference
Grade 12 -.38000* .001 Reject H0
between these respondents.

*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level

Since there is a significant difference in the variable, “It performs accurate with

less expense’s consumption.”, Post-hoc were performed to determine where the

difference in the respondent’s perception occurred. As shown in table 3.2, grade 10, 11,

and 12 students had higher means compared to the teachers and its p-value of .000,

.000, .001 respectively that are less than alpha level which is 0.05.

The result implied that the difference in perception in the said variable occurred

between grade 10 ,11, and 12 students and teachers. Since for most of the students,

the device’s functions are more important than the cost, they are satisfied with it. While

on the other hand, teachers considered that with a given cost it must be parallel with the

function it can do. However, given the circumstances, the device of this study is still

cost-effective with a verbal interpretation of highly acceptable.

Table 4

One-way ANOVA of the Significant Difference of the Respondent’s Perception in Terms

of Functionality.

F- Decision
Statements Standard F-
N Mean Tabulated (α = Conclusion
/Variables Deviation Calculated
α = 0.05 0.05)
There is no
The device is Accept significant
easy to 350 3.7400 .45212 1.608 2.65 H0 difference
operate. between these
There is no
It has a
Accept significant
provision to
350 3.7743 .43212 .086 2.65 H0 difference
comfort and
between these
There is no
Accept significant
It is a user-
350 3.7743 .42544 .826 2.65 H0 difference
friendly device.
between these
There is no
The device Accept significant
performs the task 350 3.7914 .41385 1.428 2.65 H0 difference
requirements. between these
To compare the perception of the respondents in terms of functionality, One-way

ANOVA was employed. As can be seen from table 4, four out of four statements had no

significant difference. All the variables had less f-calculated compared to the f-tabulated.

Thus, the hypotheses are accepted and there is no difference in the respondent’s


Table 5

One-way ANOVA of the Significant Difference of the Respondent’s Perception in Terms

of Originality.

F- Decision
Statements/ Standard F-
N Mean Tabulated (α = Conclusion
Variables Deviation Calculated
α = 0.05 0.05)
There is a
The device
is different
Reject difference
from the 350 3.7857 .41783 4.495 2.65
H0 between
There is a
Reject difference
information in 350 3.9800 .14020 3.763 2.65
H0 between
a new
different way.
There is no
It adds
knowledge in Accept
a way that 350 3.6857 .46490 .288 2.65 H0
has not
It There is no
reinterprets significant
an existing difference
350 3.8029 .39841 .244 2.65 H0
theory, in between
different these
context respondents.

To compare the perception of the respondents in terms of originality, One-way

ANOVA was employed. As can be seen from table 5, two out of four statements had no

significant difference. The variables, “The device is different from the existing one.” and

“It synthesizes information in a new different way.” had a significant difference with a f-

calculated of 4.495 and 3.763 respectively which are greater than the f-tabulated of

2.65. Thus, the hypotheses are rejected and difference in perception occurred within

those two variables.

Table 5.1

Post-hoc Multiple Comparison Test on the Respondent’s Perception in Terms of


Multiple Comparisons

Dependent Variable: The device is different from the existing one.


Mean p-value Decision

Respondents Conclusion
Difference (Sig.) (α = 0.05)

.04133 .951 Accept There is no significant difference

Grade 11
H0 between these respondents.
Grade -.11701 .767 Accept There is no significant difference
Grade 12
10 H0 between these respondents.
.21633* .010 There is a significant difference
Teachers Reject H0
between these respondents.
-.04133 .951 Accept There is no significant difference
Grade 10
H0 between these respondents.
Grade -.15833 .657 Accept There is no significant difference
Grade 12
11 H0 between these respondents.
.17500 .262 Accept There is no significant difference
H0 between these respondents.
.11701 .767 Accept There is no significant difference
Grade 10
H0 between these respondents.
Grade .15833 .657 Accept There is no significant difference
Grade 11
12 H0 between these respondents.
.33333 .058 Accept There is no significant difference
H0 between these respondents.
-.21633* .010 There is a significant difference
Grade 10 Reject H0
between these respondents.
Teach -.17500 .262 Accept There is no significant difference
Grade 11
ers H0 between these respondents.
-.33333 .058 Accept There is no significant difference
Grade 12
H0 between these respondents.

*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level

Since there is a significant difference in the variable, “The device is different from

the existing one.”, Post-hoc were performed to determine where the difference in the

respondent’s perception occurred. As shown in table 5.1, grade 10 had higher means

compared to the teachers and its p-value of .010 that is less than alpha level which is


The result implied that the difference in perception in the said variable occurred

between grade 10 and teachers. Since some teachers have already been exposed with

this field, they have known some devices related to this study. In contrast, the students

are not yet experienced enough as the teachers in this field of study. Thus, this device

is new to the them.

Table 5.2.

Post-hoc Multiple Comparison Test on the Respondent’s Perception in Terms of

Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: It synthesizes information in a new different way.
Mean p-value Decision
Respondents Conclusion
Difference (Sig.) (α = 0.05)
Grade 11 -.01224 .966 Accept H0 There is no significant difference between these respondents.
Grade 12 -.01224 .991 Accept H0 There is no significant difference between these respondents.
Teachers .06776* .020 Reject H0 There is a significant difference between these respondents.
Grade 10 .01224 .966 Accept H0 There is no significant difference between these respondents.
Grade 12 .00000 1.000 Accept H0 There is no significant difference between these respondents.
Teachers .08000 .062 Accept H0 There is no significant difference between these respondents.
Grade 10 .01224 .991 Accept H0 There is no significant difference between these respondents.
Grade 11 .00000 1.000 Accept H0 There is no significant difference between these respondents.
Teachers .08000 .280 Accept H0 There is no significant difference between these respondents.
Grade 10 -.06776* .020 Reject H0 There is a significant difference between these respondents.
Grade 11 -.08000 .062 Accept H0 There is no significant difference between these respondents.
Grade 12 -.08000 .280 Accept H0 There is no significant difference between these respondents.
Since there is a significant difference in the variable, “It synthesizes information
*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level

in a new different way.”, Post-hoc were performed to determine where the difference in

the respondent’s perception occurred. As shown in table 5.2, grade 10 had higher

means compared to the teachers and its p-value of .020 that is less than alpha level

which is 0.05

The difference in perception in the said variable occurred between grade 10 and

teachers. Since some teachers have already been exposed with this field, this study’s

concept and ideas are not new to them. In contrast, the students are not yet

knowledgeable in this field of study, making this study’s information new to them.

Part 3: Time it Takes to Detect a Certain Trash

Table 6

Time it Takes to Detect a Plastic

Different Kinds of Plastic Time it takes to detect the Average Time

plastic(s) (s)
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
Polyethylene Terephthalate 4.5 4.4 4.6 4.5
High-Density Polyethylene 4.6 4.8 4.1 4.5
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) 4.9 4.6 4.9 4.8
Low-Density Polyethylene 4.7 4.4 4.2 4.4
Polypropylene (PP) 4.7 4.6 4.7 4.7
Polystyrene or Styrofoam (PS) 4.5 4.9 4.3 4.6
Miscellaneous Plastics 4.3 4.3 4.6 4.4
General Average Time 4.6s

As can be seen from table 6, the researcher has tested different kinds of plastic

which are mostly used in schools. The variable “Miscellaneous Plastics” ranked first with

an average time of 4.4s and the variable “Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)” came last with an

average time of 4.8s to be detected by the device. Overall, it took 4.6s for a plastic to be

detected by the device. Analyzing the results, it just proves that the device functioned

just how it was programmed, since the programmed time is 5s for the device to detect a


Table 6.1

Time it Takes to Detect a Paper

Different Kinds of Time it takes to detect the papers(s) Average Time

Papers (s)
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
Photopaper 4.9 4.7 4.6 4.7
Index Card 4.6 4.5 4.8 4.6
Oslo Paper 4.8 4.8 4.6 4.7
Colored Paper 4.4 4.7 4.7 4.6
Art Paper 4.1 4.5 4.6 4.4
Manila Paper 4.5 4.8 4.7 4.7
Bristol Paper 4.6 4.8 4.7 4.7
Bond Paper 4.7 4.6 4.8 4.7
Text Paper 4.5 4.4 4.4 4.4
Yellow Pad 4.9 4.6 4.7 4.7
Cartolina 4.4 4.8 4.6 4.6
Coated Paper 4.8 4.8 4.9 4.8
General Average Time 4.6s

As interpreted from table 6.1, the researcher had tested different kinds of papers

mostly used in schools. The variables “art paper” and “text paper” ranked first with the

average time of 4.4s to be detected by the device. Overall, it took 4.6s for a paper to be

detected by the device.

Likewise, the result implies that the time it takes to detect a paper is 4.6s which

means the function was performed by the device as it was programmed, since the

programmed time is 5s for the device to detect a trash.

Table 6.2

Time it Takes to Detect a Metal

Different Kinds Time it takes to detect the metal(s) Average Time

of Metal Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 (s)
Aluminium Foil 4.7 4.8 4.8 4.8
Tin Can 5.3 4.8 4.7 4.9
Stainless Steel 4.7 5 5 4.9
General Average Time 4.9s

As can be seen from table 6.2, the researcher had tested the device with three

kinds of metal which are mostly used in schools, aluminium foil, tin can and stainless

steel which took 4.8s, 4.9s and 4.9s respectively to be detected by the device. Overall, it

took 4.9s for a metal to be detected by the device. The result implies that the function

was performed by the device as it was programmed, since the programmed time is 5s

for the device to detect a trash.

Table 7

Color Displayed by the Device That Depends in the Distance of the Sensor from the
Garbage Inside the Device

Distance of the trash Color displayed by the trash bin

from the sensor (cm) Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
10 Red, Yellow & Blue Red, Yellow & Blue Red, Yellow & Blue
20 Yellow & Blue Yellow & Blue Yellow & Blue
30 Yellow & Blue Yellow & Blue Yellow & Blue
40 Blue Blue Blue
50 Blue Blue Blue
As interpreted from table 7, there are certain color/s displayed by the trash bin

that depends on the distance of the sensor form the garbage inside it. When the

garbage has the distance of equal and greater than 40cm from the sensor, the trash bin

displays the color blue. While it displays blue and yellow, when the garbage has the

distance of greater than 10cm and less than 40cm from the sensor. Lastly, it displays

blue, yellow and red, when the garbage has the distance of equal and less than 10 cm

from the sensor.

The result implies that the certainty of the reading level of fullness of the trash bin

is accurate. The trash bin displays a blue colored light when the level of fullness is low,

it displays blue and yellow colored light when the level fullness is medium, and it

displays blue, yellow, and red colored light when the level of fullness is high.

Like the study of Fetulhak Abdurahman (2018), the researcher used ultrasonic

senosor as their sensor to monitor the level of fullness of the trash bin which contributed

a big help in solid waste management of their community.

Chapter 5

Conclusions and Recommendation


The following conclusions can be drawn from the findings of the study:

1. The overall acceptability of the product was furthermore subdivided into four topics

and anticipated results were assessed by surveys:

1.1. Adaptability: The points that were asked under the topic are classified

and/or has a verbal interpretation of highly acceptable with an overall weighted

mean of 3.727. This states that the prototype is capable of centering a

program application, it can easily be controlled, and the maintenance is easy

and tolerable and has room for adjustments and improvements. The following

results have been thoroughly agreed by the respondents.

1.2. Cost Effectiveness: Proven by the research instrument, the prototype

being classified as highly acceptable with a weighted mean of 3.696 is

economical in terms of hardware services, can prevent future costing in terms

of manpower, can perform accurate with less expense’s consumption, and

certainly can produce a great result without costing a lot of money. The

following results have been thoroughly agreed by the respondents.

1.3. Functionality: In terms of functionality it gained a weighted mean of 3.767

that has a verbal interpretation of highly acceptable. Further discussion, the

prototype being a user-friendly device concealed the highest grade with a

weighted mean of 3.815 while having the least is the device being easy to

operate with a weighted mean of 3.745 which then is still considered as highly

acceptable. The following results have been thoroughly agreed by the


1.4. Originality: In terms of level of agreement the device being able to process

uniquely from other related ones ranked first with a weighted mean of 3.790,

while the least rated variable is the device being different from existing one

with a weighted mean of 3.705 which then are both still considered as highly

acceptable. The following results have been thoroughly discussed by the


2. The difference in the respondent’s perception in terms of the overall acceptability of

the product was furthermore subdivided into four topics and anticipated results were

assessed by surveys:

1.1. Adaptability: There were three out of four statements had no significant

difference. The variable, “The device can be easily installed in certain places.”,

only had a significant difference with a f-calculated of 3.530 which is greater

than the f-tabulated of 2.65. Furthermore, the difference in perception occurred

between Grade 10 students and teachers.

1.2. Cost Effectiveness: two out of four statements had no significant difference.

The variables, “Can prevent future costing in terms of manpower.” and “It

performs accurate function with less expense’s consumption” had a significant

difference with a f-calculated of 4.931 and 15.276 respectively which are greater

than the f-tabulated of 2.65. Moreover, the difference in perception occurred

between Grade 10 students and Teachers and between all the students and

teachers respectively.

1.3. Functionality: There was no significant difference in the respondent’s

perception in all the statements regarding functionality.

1.4. Originality: In terms of originality, two out of four statements had no

significant difference. The variables, “The device is different from the existing

one.” and “It synthesizes information in a new different way” had a significant

difference with a f-calculated of 4.495 and 3.763 respectively which are greater

than the f-tabulated of 2.65. Furthermore, the difference in perception occurred

between Grade 10 students and teachers.

3. The prototype’s capability to accurately depict and detect a certain trash is subdivided

into three parts:

3.1. Time it takes to detect a plastic: From the tabulated results accumulating

an average time of 4.6s to detect a plastic implies that the device performed as

it was designed, since the programmed time is 5s for the prototype to detect a


3.2. Time it takes to detect a paper: From the tabulated results overall it took

4.6s for a metal to be detected by the device and clearly this implies that the

device functioned as it was programmed.

3.3. Time it takes to detect a metal: From the tabulated results accumulating

an average time of 4.9s to detect a metal implies that the device performed as

it was designed.

4. The colour to be displayed by the prototype depending on the distance of the

garbage from the sensor: The tabulated result implies that the certainty of the reading

level of fullness of the trash bin is accurate. As it did display colour blue if the level was

low, blue and yellow if the level was medium and red colored light when the level of

fullness was high.


The following recommendations were drawn from the findings of this study:

a. The variation of trash to be included in the study should be finely considered but

in thought of a certain place’s needs.

b. Researchers should consider having to widen the scope of the project, reaching

out to bigger communities other than school area.

c. Researchers should consider the use of Arduino in another innovative way that is

related to the prototype other than that of existing.

d. Improve the visual appearance of the prototype.


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Raw Data

It has an
It centres a for The device
proper improvement The user can can be easily
program and control the installed in
If a student or teacher application. adjustment. machine. certain places.
Grade 10 Mean 3.8571 3.7306 3.9673 3.7347
N 245 245 245 245
Std. Deviation .35064 .44455 .21934 .46056
Grade 11 Mean 3.8500 3.7250 4.0000 3.7500
N 40 40 40 40
Std. Deviation .36162 .45220 .00000 .49355
Grade 12 Mean 3.9333 3.6667 4.0000 3.7333
N 15 15 15 15
Std. Deviation .25820 .48795 .00000 .45774
Teachers Mean 3.7600 3.7000 3.9600 3.5000
N 50 50 50 50
Std. Deviation .47638 .46291 .19795 .54398
Total Mean 3.8457 3.7229 3.9714 3.7029
N 350 350 350 350
Std. Deviation .36958 .44823 .19823 .48205

It is
economical in
The device Can prevent It performs terms of
materials and future costing accurate with system
components in terms of less expense’s hardware
If a student or teacher are affordable. manpower. consumption services.
Grade 10 Mean 3.6694 3.6898 3.9429 3.6653
N 245 245 245 245
Std. Deviation .48848 .46352 .24959 .48988
Grade 11 Mean 3.7750 3.6500 3.9500 3.7500
N 40 40 40 40
Std. Deviation .42290 .48305 .22072 .43853
Grade 12 Mean 3.8000 3.7333 4.0000 3.7333
N 15 15 15 15
Std. Deviation .41404 .45774 .00000 .45774
Teachers Mean 3.5200 3.4000 3.6200 3.5800
N 50 50 50 50
Std. Deviation .57994 .63888 .60238 .67279
Total Mean 3.6657 3.6457 3.9000 3.6657
N 350 350 350 350
Std. Deviation .49608 .50234 .33642 .51312

It has a The device
The device is provision to performs the
easy to comfort and It is a user- task
If a student or teacher operate. convenience. friendly device. requirements
Grade 10 Mean 3.7673 3.7714 3.7551 3.8122
N 245 245 245 245
Std. Deviation .43296 .42077 .44032 .39132
Grade 11 Mean 3.7500 3.8000 3.8500 3.8000
N 40 40 40 40
Std. Deviation .49355 .46410 .36162 .40510
Grade 12 Mean 3.6000 3.8000 3.8667 3.8000
N 15 15 15 15
Std. Deviation .50709 .41404 .35187 .41404
Teachers Mean 3.6400 3.7600 3.7800 3.6800
N 50 50 50 50
Std. Deviation .48487 .47638 .41845 .51270
Total Mean 3.7400 3.7743 3.7743 3.7914
N 350 350 350 350
Std. Deviation .45212 .43212 .42544 .41385

It adds
knowledge in a It reinterprets
The device is It synthesizes way that has an existing
different from information in not previously theory, in
the existing a new different been done different
If a student or teacher one. way. before. context.
Grade 10 Mean 3.8163 3.9878 3.6939 3.8000
N 245 245 245 245
Std. Deviation .38801 .11020 .46182 .40082
Grade 11 Mean 3.7750 4.0000 3.6500 3.8500
N 40 40 40 40
Std. Deviation .47972 .00000 .48305 .36162
Grade 12 Mean 3.9333 4.0000 3.6000 3.8000
N 15 15 15 15
Std. Deviation .25820 .00000 .50709 .41404
Teachers Mean 3.6000 3.9200 3.7000 3.7800
N 50 50 50 50
Std. Deviation .49487 .27405 .46291 .41845
Total Mean 3.7857 3.9800 3.6857 3.8029
N 350 350 350 350
Std. Deviation .41783 .14020 .46490 .39841

ANOVA of Adaptability
Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
It centres a Between Groups .515 3 .172 1.260 .288
proper Within Groups 47.153 346 .136
program Total 47.669 349
It has an Between Groups .088 3 .029 .146 .932
arrangement Within Groups 70.029 346 .202
for Total 70.117 349
The user Between Groups .056 3 .019 .469 .704
can control Within Groups 13.659 346 .039
the machine. Total 13.714 349
The device Between Groups 2.409 3 .803 3.530 .015
can be Within Groups 78.688 346 .227
easily Total 81.097 349
installed in

Post Hoc of Adaptability

Multiple Comparisons
(J) If a Mean 95% Confidence Interval
Dependent (I) If a student student or Differenc
Variable or teacher teacher e (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
It centres aGrade 10 Grade 11 .00714 .06295 1.000 -.1697 .1840
proper Grade 12 -.07619 .09819 .896 -.3520 .1997
program Teachers .09714 .05729 .412 -.0638 .2581
application.Grade 11 Grade 10 -.00714 .06295 1.000 -.1840 .1697
Grade 12 -.08333 .11177 .906 -.3973 .2307
Teachers .09000 .07831 .724 -.1300 .3100
Grade 12 Grade 10 .07619 .09819 .896 -.1997 .3520
Grade 11 .08333 .11177 .906 -.2307 .3973
Teachers .17333 .10868 .468 -.1320 .4786
Teachers Grade 10 -.09714 .05729 .412 -.2581 .0638
Grade 11 -.09000 .07831 .724 -.3100 .1300
Grade 12 -.17333 .10868 .468 -.4786 .1320
It has an Grade 10 Grade 11 .00561 .07672 1.000 -.2099 .2211
arrangemen Grade 12 .06395 .11966 .963 -.2722 .4001
t for Teachers .03061 .06981 .979 -.1655 .2267
improveme Grade 11 Grade 10 -.00561 .07672 1.000 -.2211 .2099
nt and Grade 12 .05833 .13621 .980 -.3243 .4410
Teachers .02500 .09543 .995 -.2431 .2931
Grade 12 Grade 10 -.06395 .11966 .963 -.4001 .2722
Grade 11 -.05833 .13621 .980 -.4410 .3243
Teachers -.03333 .13244 .996 -.4054 .3387
Teachers Grade 10 -.03061 .06981 .979 -.2267 .1655
Grade 11 -.02500 .09543 .995 -.2931 .2431
Grade 12 .03333 .13244 .996 -.3387 .4054
The user Grade 10 Grade 11 -.03265 .03388 .818 -.1278 .0625
can control Grade 12 -.03265 .05285 .944 -.1811 .1158
the Teachers .00735 .03083 .996 -.0793 .0940
machine. Grade 11 Grade 10 .03265 .03388 .818 -.0625 .1278
Grade 12 .00000 .06016 1.000 -.1690 .1690

Teachers .04000 .04215 .825 -.0784 .1584
Grade 12 Grade 10 .03265 .05285 .944 -.1158 .1811
Grade 11 .00000 .06016 1.000 -.1690 .1690
Teachers .04000 .05849 .926 -.1243 .2043
Teachers Grade 10 -.00735 .03083 .996 -.0940 .0793
Grade 11 -.04000 .04215 .825 -.1584 .0784
Grade 12 -.04000 .05849 .926 -.2043 .1243
The device Grade 10 Grade 11 -.01531 .08133 .998 -.2438 .2132
can be Grade 12 .00136 .12685 1.000 -.3550 .3577
easily Teachers .23469* .07400 .019 .0268 .4426
installed in Grade 11 Grade 10 .01531 .08133 .998 -.2132 .2438
certain Grade 12 .01667 .14439 1.000 -.3890 .4223
Teachers .25000 .10116 .109 -.0342 .5342
Grade 12 Grade 10 -.00136 .12685 1.000 -.3577 .3550
Grade 11 -.01667 .14439 1.000 -.4223 .3890
Teachers .23333 .14039 .431 -.1611 .6277
Teachers Grade 10 -.23469* .07400 .019 -.4426 -.0268
Grade 11 -.25000 .10116 .109 -.5342 .0342
Grade 12 -.23333 .14039 .431 -.6277 .1611
*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

ANOVA of Cost-effectiveness
Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
The device Between Groups 1.813 3 .604 2.487 .060
materials Within Groups 84.075 346 .243
and Total 85.889 349
Can prevent Between Groups 3.611 3 1.204 4.931 .002
future Within Groups 84.458 346 .244
costing in Total 88.069 349
terms of
It performs Between Groups 4.620 3 1.540 15.276 .000
accurate Within Groups 34.880 346 .101
with less Total 39.500 349
It is Between Groups .720 3 .240 .911 .436
economical Within Groups 91.168 346 .263
in terms of Total 91.889 349

Post Hoc of Cost-effectiveness

Multiple Comparisons
(I) If a Mean 95% Confidence Interval
Dependent student or (J) If a student Difference Std.
Variable teacher or teacher (I-J) Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
The device Grade 10 Grade 11 -.10561 .08406 .665 -.3418 .1305
materials Grade 12 -.13061 .13112 .803 -.4990 .2377
and Teachers .14939 .07650 .284 -.0655 .3643
components Grade 11 Grade 10 .10561 .08406 .665 -.1305 .3418
are Grade 12 -.02500 .14925 .999 -.4443 .3943

affordable. Teachers .25500 .10457 .116 -.0388 .5488
Grade 12 Grade 10 .13061 .13112 .803 -.2377 .4990
Grade 11 .02500 .14925 .999 -.3943 .4443
Teachers .28000 .14512 .295 -.1277 .6877
Teachers Grade 10 -.14939 .07650 .284 -.3643 .0655
Grade 11 -.25500 .10457 .116 -.5488 .0388
Grade 12 -.28000 .14512 .295 -.6877 .1277
Can prevent Grade 10 Grade 11 .03980 .08425 .974 -.1969 .2765
future Grade 12 -.04354 .13141 .991 -.4127 .3256
costing in Teachers .28980* .07667 .003 .0744 .5052
terms of Grade 11 Grade 10 -.03980 .08425 .974 -.2765 .1969
manpower. Grade 12 -.08333 .14958 .958 -.5036 .3369
Teachers .25000 .10481 .130 -.0444 .5444
Grade 12 Grade 10 .04354 .13141 .991 -.3256 .4127
Grade 11 .08333 .14958 .958 -.3369 .5036
Teachers .33333 .14545 .156 -.0753 .7419
Teachers Grade 10 -.28980* .07667 .003 -.5052 -.0744
Grade 11 -.25000 .10481 .130 -.5444 .0444
Grade 12 -.33333 .14545 .156 -.7419 .0753
It performs Grade 10 Grade 11 -.00714 .05415 .999 -.1593 .1450
accurate Grade 12 -.05714 .08445 .928 -.2944 .1801
with less Teachers .32286* .04927 .000 .1844 .4613
expense’s Grade 11 Grade 10 .00714 .05415 .999 -.1450 .1593
consumptio Grade 12 -.05000 .09613 .965 -.3201 .2201
Teachers .33000* .06735 .000 .1408 .5192
Grade 12 Grade 10 .05714 .08445 .928 -.1801 .2944
Grade 11 .05000 .09613 .965 -.2201 .3201
Teachers .38000* .09347 .001 .1174 .6426
Teachers Grade 10 -.32286* .04927 .000 -.4613 -.1844
Grade 11 -.33000* .06735 .000 -.5192 -.1408
Grade 12 -.38000* .09347 .001 -.6426 -.1174
It is Grade 10 Grade 11 -.08469 .08754 .817 -.3306 .1612
economical Grade 12 -.06803 .13653 .969 -.4516 .3155
in terms of Teachers .08531 .07966 .766 -.1385 .3091
system Grade 11 Grade 10 .08469 .08754 .817 -.1612 .3306
hardware Grade 12 .01667 .15541 1.000 -.4199 .4533
Teachers .17000 .10889 .488 -.1359 .4759
Grade 12 Grade 10 .06803 .13653 .969 -.3155 .4516
Grade 11 -.01667 .15541 1.000 -.4533 .4199
Teachers .15333 .15112 .794 -.2712 .5779
Teachers Grade 10 -.08531 .07966 .766 -.3091 .1385
Grade 11 -.17000 .10889 .488 -.4759 .1359
Grade 12 -.15333 .15112 .794 -.5779 .2712
*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

ANOVA of Functionality
Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
The device Between Groups .981 3 .327 1.608 .187
is easy to Within Groups 70.359 346 .203
operate. Total 71.340 349
It has a Between Groups .049 3 .016 .086 .968
provision Within Groups 65.120 346 .188

to comfort Total 65.169 349
It is a user- Between Groups .449 3 .150 .826 .480
friendly Within Groups 62.719 346 .181
device. Total 63.169 349
The device Between Groups .731 3 .244 1.428 .234
performs Within Groups 59.043 346 .171
the task Total 59.774 349

Post-hoc of Functionality
Multiple Comparisons


(I) If a (J) If a Mean 95% Confidence Interval

Dependent student or student or Differenc Std.

Variable teacher teacher e (I-J) Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound

The device Grade 10 Grade 11 .01735 .07690 .997 -.1987 .2334

is easy to Grade 12 .16735 .11994 .584 -.1696 .5043

operate. Teachers .12735 .06998 .348 -.0692 .3239

Grade 11 Grade 10 -.01735 .07690 .997 -.2334 .1987

Grade 12 .15000 .13653 .751 -.2336 .5336

Teachers .11000 .09566 .724 -.1587 .3787

Grade 12 Grade 10 -.16735 .11994 .584 -.5043 .1696

Grade 11 -.15000 .13653 .751 -.5336 .2336

Teachers -.04000 .13275 .993 -.4129 .3329

Teachers Grade 10 -.12735 .06998 .348 -.3239 .0692

Grade 11 -.11000 .09566 .724 -.3787 .1587

Grade 12 .04000 .13275 .993 -.3329 .4129

It has a Grade 10 Grade 11 -.02857 .07398 .985 -.2364 .1793

provision to Grade 12 -.02857 .11539 .996 -.3527 .2956

comfort and Teachers .01143 .06732 .999 -.1777 .2006
convenienc Grade 11 Grade 10 .02857 .07398 .985 -.1793 .2364
e. Grade 12 .00000 .13135 1.000 -.3690 .3690

Teachers .04000 .09203 .979 -.2185 .2985

Grade 12 Grade 10 .02857 .11539 .996 -.2956 .3527

Grade 11 .00000 .13135 1.000 -.3690 .3690

Teachers .04000 .12772 .992 -.3188 .3988

Teachers Grade 10 -.01143 .06732 .999 -.2006 .1777

Grade 11 -.04000 .09203 .979 -.2985 .2185

Grade 12 -.04000 .12772 .992 -.3988 .3188

It is a user- Grade 10 Grade 11 -.09490 .07261 .635 -.2989 .1091

friendly Grade 12 -.11156 .11325 .808 -.4297 .2066

device. Teachers -.02490 .06607 .986 -.2105 .1607

Grade 11 Grade 10 .09490 .07261 .635 -.1091 .2989

Grade 12 -.01667 .12890 .999 -.3788 .3455

Teachers .07000 .09032 .896 -.1837 .3237

Grade 12 Grade 10 .11156 .11325 .808 -.2066 .4297

Grade 11 .01667 .12890 .999 -.3455 .3788

Teachers .08667 .12534 .924 -.2655 .4388

Teachers Grade 10 .02490 .06607 .986 -.1607 .2105

Grade 11 -.07000 .09032 .896 -.3237 .1837

Grade 12 -.08667 .12534 .924 -.4388 .2655

The device Grade 10 Grade 11 .01224 .07045 .999 -.1857 .2101

performs Grade 12 .01224 .10988 1.000 -.2964 .3209
the task Teachers .13224 .06410 .237 -.0478 .3123
requirement Grade 11 Grade 10 -.01224 .07045 .999 -.2101 .1857
s Grade 12 .00000 .12507 1.000 -.3514 .3514

Teachers .12000 .08763 .599 -.1262 .3662

Grade 12 Grade 10 -.01224 .10988 1.000 -.3209 .2964

Grade 11 .00000 .12507 1.000 -.3514 .3514

Teachers .12000 .12161 .808 -.2216 .4616

Teachers Grade 10 -.13224 .06410 .237 -.3123 .0478

Grade 11 -.12000 .08763 .599 -.3662 .1262

Grade 12 -.12000 .12161 .808 -.4616 .2216

ANOVA of Originality
Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
The device is Between Groups 2.286 3 .762 4.495 .004
different from Within Groups 58.643 346 .169
the existing Total 60.929 349
It synthesizes Between Groups .217 3 .072 3.763 .011
information in Within Groups 6.643 346 .019
a new Total 6.860 349
different way.

It adds Between Groups .188 3 .063 .288 .834
knowledge in Within Groups 75.241 346 .217
a way that has Total 75.429 349
not previously
been done
It reinterprets Between Groups .117 3 .039 .244 .865
an existing Within Groups 55.280 346 .160
theory, in Total 55.397 349

Post-hoc of Originality
Multiple Comparisons


Mean 95% Confidence Interval

Dependent (I) If a student (J) If a student Difference Std.

Variable or teacher or teacher (I-J) Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound

The device is Grade 10 Grade 11 .04133 .07021 .951 -.1559 .2386

different from the Grade 12 -.11701 .10950 .767 -.4246 .1906

existing one. Teachers .21633* .06389 .010 .0368 .3958

Grade 11 Grade 10 -.04133 .07021 .951 -.2386 .1559

Grade 12 -.15833 .12465 .657 -.5085 .1918

Teachers .17500 .08733 .262 -.0703 .4203

Grade 12 Grade 10 .11701 .10950 .767 -.1906 .4246

Grade 11 .15833 .12465 .657 -.1918 .5085

Teachers .33333 .12120 .058 -.0071 .6738

Teachers Grade 10 -.21633 .06389 .010 -.3958 -.0368

Grade 11 -.17500 .08733 .262 -.4203 .0703

Grade 12 -.33333 .12120 .058 -.6738 .0071

It synthesizes Grade 10 Grade 11 -.01224 .02363 .966 -.0786 .0541

information in a Grade 12 -.01224 .03686 .991 -.1158 .0913

new different way. Teachers .06776* .02150 .020 .0073 .1282

Grade 11 Grade 10 .01224 .02363 .966 -.0541 .0786

Grade 12 .00000 .04195 1.000 -.1179 .1179

Teachers .08000 .02939 .062 -.0026 .1626

Grade 12 Grade 10 .01224 .03686 .991 -.0913 .1158

Grade 11 .00000 .04195 1.000 -.1179 .1179

Teachers .08000 .04079 .280 -.0346 .1946

Teachers Grade 10 -.06776* .02150 .020 -.1282 -.0073

Grade 11 -.08000 .02939 .062 -.1626 .0026

Grade 12 -.08000 .04079 .280 -.1946 .0346

It adds knowledge Grade 10 Grade 11 .04388 .07952 .959 -.1795 .2673

in a way that has Grade 12 .09388 .12404 .903 -.2546 .4423

not previously Teachers -.00612 .07237 1.000 -.2094 .1972
been done Grade 11 Grade 10 -.04388 .07952 .959 -.2673 .1795
before. Grade 12 .05000 .14119 .989 -.3466 .4466

Teachers -.05000 .09892 .968 -.3279 .2279

Grade 12 Grade 10 -.09388 .12404 .903 -.4423 .2546

Grade 11 -.05000 .14119 .989 -.4466 .3466

Teachers -.10000 .13728 .912 -.4857 .2857

Teachers Grade 10 .00612 .07237 1.000 -.1972 .2094

Grade 11 .05000 .09892 .968 -.2279 .3279

Grade 12 .10000 .13728 .912 -.2857 .4857

It reinterprets an Grade 10 Grade 11 -.05000 .06816 .910 -.2415 .1415

existing theory, in Grade 12 .00000 .10632 1.000 -.2987 .2987

different context. Teachers .02000 .06203 .991 -.1543 .1943

Grade 11 Grade 10 .05000 .06816 .910 -.1415 .2415

Grade 12 .05000 .12102 .982 -.2900 .3900

Teachers .07000 .08479 .877 -.1682 .3082

Grade 12 Grade 10 .00000 .10632 1.000 -.2987 .2987

Grade 11 -.05000 .12102 .982 -.3900 .2900

Teachers .02000 .11767 .999 -.3106 .3506

Teachers Grade 10 -.02000 .06203 .991 -.1943 .1543

Grade 11 -.07000 .08479 .877 -.3082 .1682

Grade 12 -.02000 .11767 .999 -.3506 .3106

*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

Reliability Statistics
Alpha Based on
Cronbach's Standardized
Alpha Items N of Items
.721 .713 16

Item-Total Statistics
Scale Mean if Item Scale Variance if Corrected Item- Squared Multiple Cronbach's Alpha
Deleted Item Deleted Total Correlation Correlation if Item Deleted
It centres a 53.3333 16.810 .083 . .733
proper program
It has an 53.2667 14.210 .655 . .669
arrangement for
improvement and
The user can 53.2667 16.638 .123 . .728
control the
The device can 53.2667 17.495 -.023 . .736
be easily installed
in certain places.
The device 53.4000 14.829 .487 . .688
materials and
components are
Can prevent 53.5333 16.124 .309 . .709
future costing in
terms of
It performs 53.2000 16.314 .301 . .710
accurate with less
It is economical in 53.4000 13.686 .748 . .656
terms of system
The device is 53.5333 15.838 .214 . .722
easy to operate.
It has a provision 53.4000 16.257 .268 . .712
to comfort and
It is a user- 53.4667 14.981 .454 . .692
friendly device.
The device 53.3333 15.095 .436 . .694
performs the task
The device is 53.2667 18.210 -.194 . .749
different from the
existing one.
It synthesizes 53.2667 15.352 .394 . .699
information in a
new different way.
It adds knowledge 53.6000 15.971 .198 . .723
in a way that has
not previously
been done
It reinterprets an 53.4667 14.838 .637 . .678
existing theory, in
different context.

Communication Letters

1819 August 2019

Principal IV
Quezon National High School

Peaceful salutations!

I would like to ask permission from your good office to use school facilities, specifically
Room SB2 this coming Semester Break for our Scientific Investigatory Projectallow me
to conduct a survey on the students and faculty members of Quezon National High
School, specifically Grade 10, 11, and 12 students and teachers regarding my study
“AGA SO: Arduino based Garbage type Sorter for Solid Waste Management in Quezon
National High School”.
Rest assured that precautions will be taken, and any harm is hismy personal
responsibility and will not be taken against the school. Anything that the student will
cause in this setting with your blessing will be taken care of with utmost diligence. The
student involved will have a Parent’s Permit so that their task is consented by their
I believe that this will strengthen my project in order to realize its full potential and be at
its best form when the competition comes. Thank you for your endless support and
Respectfully yours,
Harvy Angelo D. Tan
Xchyrha A. Amo
Grade 10 STE Student


Carla Marie Baldovino

Research Teacher


Feliza B. Quevada, Ed. D.

Principal IV

Hon. Roderick A. Alcala
Lucena City Government Complex
Kanlurang Mayao, Lucena City
Quezon, 4301

08 November 2019

Greetings of peace, Mayor Alcala!

I am humbly writing this letter to ask your good office for your valuable donation towards my academic
endeavor for the Regional Science and Technology Fair on November 11 to 15, 2019 at the province of
Batangas. It is a competition that is driven towards the collective development of young, creative and
innovative minds like the students in your city and my own.

The research study that I made involving an Arduino-based solution for sorting solid waste material is in
my opinion, a vital step towards a greener society that I wish we could incorporate within cities across
the country. My institution, Quezon National High School, will be proudly representing the city to
compete against other provinces within the region.

Therefore, I would like to ask for your assistance financially in order to accomplish one of my life’s best
work. Alongside this, I would also like to bring honor to my school and the city, and this would not be as
easily attainable without your generous support. I hope this appeal will find a place in your heart.


Xchyrha A. Amo
Quezon National High School

Noted by

Carla Marie V. Baldovino

Research Adviser

Ariel R. Viñas
Secondary Head Teacher VI

Hon. Roderick A. Alcala
Lucena City Government Complex
Kanlurang Mayao, Lucena City
Quezon, 4301

08 November 2019

Greetings of peace !

I am humbly writing this letter to ask your good office for your valuable donation towards my academic
endeavor for the Regional Science and Technology Fair on November 11 to 15, 2019 at the province of
Batangas. It is a competition that is driven towards the collective development of young, creative and
innovative minds like the students in your city and my own.

The research study that I made involving an Arduino-based solution for sorting solid waste material is in
my opinion, a vital step towards a greener society that I wish we could incorporate within cities across
the country. My institution, Quezon National High School, will be proudly representing the city to
compete against other provinces within the region.

Therefore, I would like to ask for your assistance financially in order to accomplish one of my life’s best
work. Alongside this, I would also like to bring honor to my school and the city, and this would not be as
easily attainable without your generous support. I hope this appeal will find a place in your heart.


Xchyrha A. Amo
Quezon National High School

Noted by:

Carla Marie V. Baldovino

Research Adviser

Ariel R. Viñas
Secondary Head Teacher VI

Code of the device

#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd (0x27, 20, 4);

#include <Servo.h>

Servo myservo1, myservo2, myservo3; // create servo object to control a servo

int potpin = 0; // analog pin used to connect the potentiometer

int val; // variable to read the value from the analog pin

#define lock1 2

#define lock2 3

#define lock3 4

#define buzzer 45

#define led1_low 48

#define led1_mid 50

#define led1_high 52

#define led2_low 42

#define led2_mid 44

#define led2_high 46

#define led3_low 36

#define led3_mid 38

#define led3_high 40

#define trigPin1 23

#define echoPin1 25

#define trigPin2 27

#define echoPin2 29

#define trigPin3 31

#define echoPin3 33

#define trigPin4 35

#define echoPin4 37

long duration1, duration2, duration3, duration4;

int distance1, distance2, distance3, distance4;

int stat1, stat2, stat3, stat4, stat5;

void setup() {


pinMode(trigPin1, OUTPUT); // Sets the trigPin as an Output

pinMode(echoPin1, INPUT); // Sets the echoPin as an Input

pinMode(trigPin2, OUTPUT); // Sets the trigPin as an Output

pinMode(echoPin2, INPUT); // Sets the echoPin as an Input

pinMode(trigPin3, OUTPUT); // Sets the trigPin as an Output

pinMode(echoPin3, INPUT); // Sets the echoPin as an Input

pinMode(trigPin4, OUTPUT); // Sets the trigPin as an Output

pinMode(echoPin4, INPUT); // Sets the echoPin as an Input

myservo1.attach(5); // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object


myservo2.attach(6); // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object


myservo3.attach(7); // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object





lcd.print("Trash Segregator");

pinMode(lock1, OUTPUT);

digitalWrite(lock1, LOW);

pinMode(lock2, OUTPUT);

digitalWrite(lock2, LOW);

pinMode(lock3, OUTPUT);

digitalWrite(lock3, LOW);

pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT);

pinMode(led1_low, OUTPUT);

pinMode(led1_mid, OUTPUT);

pinMode(led1_high, OUTPUT);

pinMode(led2_low, OUTPUT);

pinMode(led2_mid, OUTPUT);

pinMode(led2_high, OUTPUT);

pinMode(led3_low, OUTPUT);

pinMode(led3_mid, OUTPUT);

pinMode(led3_high, OUTPUT);

stat1 = 0;

stat2 = 0;

stat3 = 0;

stat4 = 0;

stat5 = 0;









void loop() {


void readUS1() {

// Clears the trigPin

digitalWrite(trigPin1, LOW);


// Sets the trigPin on HIGH state for 10 micro seconds

digitalWrite(trigPin1, HIGH);


digitalWrite(trigPin1, LOW);

// Reads the echoPin, returns the sound wave travel time in microseconds

duration1 = pulseIn(echoPin1, HIGH);

// Calculating the distance

distance1 = duration1 * 0.034 / 2;

// Prints the distance on the Serial Monitor

Serial.print("Distance1: ");


void readUS2() {

// Clears the trigPin

digitalWrite(trigPin2, LOW);


// Sets the trigPin on HIGH state for 10 micro seconds

digitalWrite(trigPin2, HIGH);


digitalWrite(trigPin2, LOW);

// Reads the echoPin, returns the sound wave travel time in microseconds

duration2 = pulseIn(echoPin2, HIGH);

// Calculating the distance

distance2 = duration2 * 0.034 / 2;

// Prints the distance on the Serial Monitor

Serial.print("Distance2: ");


void readUS3() {

// Clears the trigPin

digitalWrite(trigPin3, LOW);


// Sets the trigPin on HIGH state for 10 micro seconds

digitalWrite(trigPin3, HIGH);


digitalWrite(trigPin3, LOW);

// Reads the echoPin, returns the sound wave travel time in microseconds

duration3 = pulseIn(echoPin3, HIGH);

// Calculating the distance

distance3 = duration3 * 0.034 / 2;

// Prints the distance on the Serial Monitor

Serial.print("Distance3: ");


void readUS4() {

// Clears the trigPin

digitalWrite(trigPin4, LOW);


// Sets the trigPin on HIGH state for 10 micro seconds

digitalWrite(trigPin4, HIGH);


digitalWrite(trigPin4, LOW);

// Reads the echoPin, returns the sound wave travel time in microseconds

duration4 = pulseIn(echoPin4, HIGH);

// Calculating the distance

distance4 = duration4 * 0.034 / 2;

// Prints the distance on the Serial Monitor

Serial.print("Distance4: ");


Research Instrument


I, Xchyrha A. Amo, from Quezon National High School, under the Science Technology
and Engineering (STE) program, conducting a project entitled “AGASO: Arduino based Garbage
Type Sorter for Solid Waste Management in Quezon National High School.
This survey aims to gather a comprehensive evaluation of the said study’s device from
respondents in relation to the field of study.
Rest assured that the data that will be acquired from you are kept for research purposes
only. I thank you for your participation for they will contribute very much to my research.

I,_________________________________, confirm that I have understood the
information about the project and that I have had the opportunity to ask questions and the
researcher has answered any question about the study to my satisfaction.
I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw from the
project at any time, without having to give a reason and without any consequences.

Printed Name and Signature

“AGASO: Arduino based Garbage Sorter for Solid Waste Management in Quezon
National High School”


If a student:
o Grade 10
o Grade 11
o Grade 12

If a teacher:
o Master Teacher II
o Master Teacher I

INSTRUCTION: Please evaluate the device using the given scale and placing a checkmark (/)
under the corresponding numerical rating.

4 – Highly Acceptable (HA)
3 – Acceptable (A)
2 – Unacceptable (U)
1 – Highly Unacceptable (HU)

System Requirements Specification System Features (HA) (A) (U) (AU)

4 3 2 1

It centres a proper program application.

It has an arrangement for improvement and
The user can control the machine.
The device can be easily installed in certain places.
The device materials and components are affordable.
COST – EFFECTIVENESS Can prevent future costing in terms of manpower.
It performs accurate with less expense’s consumption
It is economical in terms of system hardware services.
The device is easy to operate.
FUNCTIONALITY It has a provision to comfort and convenience.
It is a user-friendly device.
The device performs the task requirements
The device is different from the existing one.
ORIGINALITY It synthesizes information in a new different way.
It adds knowledge in a way that has not previously
been done before.
It reinterprets an existing theory, in different context.




[email protected]



Age : 15

Gender : Female

Birthdate : December 15, 2003

Address : Blk. 34 Lot 18 Franc St. Leveriza Heights Subdivision,

Tayabas City, Quezon Province

2008-2009 : Barangay VI Day Care Center


2009-2010 : Sacred Heart College, Lucena City

Senior Kinder

2010-2016 : Lucena West I Elementary School

Grade 1-6

2016- 2020 : Quezon National High School

Junior High School - Science Technology and Engineering Program


2015-2016 : Achiever Awardee - Elementary Graduation

: Girl Scout of the Year - Elementary Graduation
: Most Responsible Student - Elementary Graduation

2016- 2017 : 3rd Place Mathematical Investigation – School Level

: With Honors with an average of 93
: Conduct Awardee

2017- 2018 : 3rd Place Pagsulat ng Dagli (Filipino Month) – Curricular Level
: 3rd Place Science Quiz Bee –School Level
: 3rd Place (Individual) Environmental Science Quiz Bee in
ASEP Regional Science Quest
: 1st Place (Group) Environmental Science Quiz Bee in

ASEP Regional Science Quest
National Science Quest Qualifier
: With High Honors with an average of 96
: Conduct Awardee
2018- 2019 : 1st Place Pagsulat ng Dagli (Filipino Month)- School Level
: 1st Place Speech Choir – Curricular Level
: 1st Place Science Quiz Bee – School Level
: 6th Place Geoid Quiz Bee in UP Diliman
: 4th Place Chemical Collision Quiz Bee in Batangas State University
: 3rd Place Tagis Talino Quiz Bee (Values Month) - School Level
: With High Honors with an average of 97
: First Honor of Grade 9 Overall Batch
: Conduct Awardee


2017-2018 : Overall Yes-O President
: PIO of Grade 8 Math Club Officers

2018-2019 : President of Grade 9 Math Club Officers

: Overall Grade 9 Representative of Math Club

2019-2020 : Supreme Student Government Grade 10 Representative


Testing of the device Programming Surveying

Installation of Arduino Construction of the Painting of the device

in the framework


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