In The High Court of Delhi at New Delhi: Date of Decision: 6 January, 2022
In The High Court of Delhi at New Delhi: Date of Decision: 6 January, 2022
In The High Court of Delhi at New Delhi: Date of Decision: 6 January, 2022
Date of Decision: 6th January, 2022
+ W.P.(C) 1271/2020
SATULA DEVI ..... Petitioner
Through: Mr. Vikas Singh, Sr. Adv. with Mr.
Varun Singh, Ms. Deepeika Kalia,
Mr. Kapish Seth, Mr. Mrityunjay
Singh, Ms. Alankrit Dwivedi, Mr.
Akshay Dev, Mr. Abhijeet Pandey
and Mr. Ytharth Kumar, Advocates.
Hon’ble Court.
(d) Till the pendency of final hearing of the application, the
status of Petitioner and her son quo prior 27.12.2021 to be
(e) The amounts used by Respondent No.5, Respondent No.6
and Mr Umesh Sharma from the personal and company
accounts of DMP in violation of the undertaking given before
this Hon’ble Court should be utilized for payment of Costs of
lawyers fee and after adjustment towards the same, the
remaining costs shall also be awarded as exemplary costs in
favor the Petitioner;
(f) Pass any other order which this Hon’ble Court may deem
fit and proper in the facts and circumstances of the case.”
6. There are manifold allegations levelled in the application, against the
contesting Respondents in this matter, consequent to which the afore-stated
directions are sought. The allegations include the following:
(i) That the documents relating to various assets and bank accounts
of Mr. DMP were not provided to Mrs. SD, despite specific
directions of this Court and of the Supervising Guardian.
Various entries in the bank statements and details of matured
assets such as fixed deposits and dividends have been cleverly
concealed from Mrs. SD, contrary to orders passed by this
Court on 29th October, 2021.
(ii) The Guardianship Committee has not been allowed to operate
Mr. DMP’s bank accounts and the same continued to be
operated by or under directions of Ms. UD.
(iii) Consultation with the empanelled doctors, appointed vide order
dated 29th October, 2021, was delayed and Mr. DMP was
admitted in the ICU of Apollo Hospital instead of AIIMS,
where the empanelled doctors could not have reviewed Mr.
DMP’s condition.
(iv) Various unpleasant events took place upon the demise Mr.
DMP, which even involved scuffles between the grandsons of
Mr. DMP.
(v) Even in respect of conduct of cremation of Mr. DMP and last
rites, there was no consensus. Under such circumstances, orders
had to be passed by Justice Endlaw (Retd.) in respect of the
conduct of the cremation of Mr. DMP, etc.
(vi) The details of certain amounts, stated to be worth more than Rs
900 crores, have been mentioned in the application, which are
stated to have been moved from Mr. DMP’s account and
withdrawn in an unexplained manner.
(vii) Respondent Nos.5&6 attempted to withdraw money from the
bank account of Mr. DMP, contrary to the orders passed by the
Supervising Guardian.
(viii) The death certificate issued for Mr. DMP wrongly reflects Ms.
UD as his wife instead of Mrs. SD.
7. At the outset, upon being queried as to the maintainability of the
present application and reliefs sought, in view of the demise of Mr. DMP,
Mr. Vikas Singh, ld. Senior Counsel appearing for Mrs. SD, has relied upon
Section 41(4) of the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890 to argue that even upon
the demise of the ward, till the report of the guardian is received by the
Court, the guardian need not be discharged. The said section reads as under:
“41. Cessation of authority of guardian.—
(1) The powers of a guardian of the person cease—
(a) by his death, removal or discharge;
(b) by the Court of Wards assuming superintendence of the
8. Reliance is also placed by Mr. Vikas Singh, upon the judgment of the
Supreme Court in Sudish Prasad v. Babui Jonhia, (2013) 9 SCC 181 to
state that even upon the death of the ward, the guardian continues to be the
custodian of his estate, i.e., the property becomes custodia legis. He also
submits that the directions given by the Supervising Guardian in respect of
various bank account statements and transactions, dealing with the various
assets of Mr. DMP have not been complied with, as such documents have
not been supplied to Mrs. SD. There are various missing pages/documents in
the said documents, which have been provided. Accordingly, it is argued
that proper action needs to be taken in accordance with law, to safeguard the
assets of Mr. DMP and consider the unlawful conduct of the Respondents.
9. Dr. Singhvi, ld. Senior Counsel appearing for Ms. UD, submits that an
attempt is being made to sensationalize the entire issue and the application is
not maintainable as there is no legal basis for the same. He submits that the
allegation relating to the siphoning off of Rs.900 crores is completely
baseless, inasmuch as this movement of funds from one account of Mr.
DMP has been made to another account of Mr. DMP himself, in order to put
them in fixed deposits, etc., as also for paying advance tax, approved
expenditure by the Supervising Guardian, and to make payments to be made
in compliance of the order of this Court dated 29th October, 2021. He, thus,
submits that there are no unauthorised expenditures/withdrawals that have
been made from Mr. DMP’s account. He relies upon certain bank statements
of Mr. DMP, which have been placed on record by email through Court
Master, to give reasons for the withdrawal/movement of the amounts
between the accounts of Mr. DMP.
10. On a query from the Court as to the reason for movement of the
amounts from one account of Mr. DMP in SBI, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi to
the account in SBI, Mumbai, he responds that the standing instructions of
Mr. DMP were to broadly keep the balance in both accounts at the same
level. On further query being put to Dr. Singhvi, as to who instructed the
bank for movement of such large sums i.e., Rs. 70 crores, Rs. 25 crores etc.,
from one account of DMP to another account, considering that Mr. DMP has
been suffering from mental ill-health for several months while the Court has
been hearing the matter, the Court has been informed that usually Mr.
Narayanan, Mr. DMP’s secretary, gives the instruction for transfers.
11. Mr. Sethi, ld. Senior Counsel appearing for Mr. US submits that the
conduct of the meetings of the Guardianship Committee, and dealings with
the movable and immovable assets of Mr. DMP and the bank accounts, have
been strictly in terms of the directions issued by the Supervising Guardian
and there has been no unauthorised transfer or withdrawal by his client.
12. Mr. K.K. Rai, ld. Senior Counsel appearing on behalf of Mr. RJS,
brings to the notice of this Court that the shradh ceremonies and rituals of
Mr. DMP are to conclude on 8th January, 2022. Repeatedly, there is
impediment in ingress and egress of the family members in the official
residence where Mr. DMP lived till his demise. He, therefore, prays that
appropriate directions may be issued in this regard.
13. Mr. Mahesh Jethmalani, ld. Senior Counsel appearing for Mr. RS, the
elder son of Mr. DMP, submits that there have been unpleasant events
between the family members, even leading to physical fights, which would
be visible in recordings/CCTV recordings that are available. A perusal of the
same would also show who instigated the acts of violence. He further
submits that transfer of Rs.900 crores in this manner raises suspicion and the
question as to who had given instructions for maintaining equitable balance
between the accounts is also not clear.
14. Heard. At the outset, this Court notes that the present application is a
fresh application which has been filed and the matter is taken up for the first
time after the demise of Mr. DMP on 27th December, 2021. The last rites of
Mr. DMP are still underway. Accordingly, all ld. Senior Counsels appearing
for various parties have only been heard on a preliminary basis.
15. In view of the submissions, this Court observes that it is unfortunate
that the family members have not been able to come together in order to
perform the cremation and last rites of Mr. DMP and there are serious
disputes even in respect thereof. It is clear from a perusal of the minutes of
proceedings before Justice Endlaw (Retd.), dated 27th December, 2021,
placed on record, that Justice Endlaw (Retd.) had to intervene to even decide
as to who would perform the cremation and last rites of Mr. DMP, in the
following terms:
“9. At this moment, no cognizance can be taken of the desire if
any expressed by DMP in his Will if any, as to who should or
who should not perform the ceremonies pertaining to his
cremation. The cremation and other ceremonies to be thus
performed by Mr. Rajeev Sharma as the eldest son of DMP.
Needless to state that performance or nonperformance of
such ceremonies shall not affect the rights if any in law of
either party to claim succession as an heir of DMP.
Whichsoever party wants to perform any other
ceremony/donation, can perform so in private but all essential
rituals relating to the demise of DMP be performed by Mr.
Rajeev Sharma only.
Committee and Supervising Guardian vide its previous order dated 29th
October, 2021, in order to safeguard the movable and immovable assets of
Mr. DMP, considering his demise and the continuous disputes between the
family members brought to the notice of this Court today, it is clear that the
Guardianship Committee cannot effectively function. Moreover, since Mr.
DMP has passed away, the members of the Guardianship Committee may
possibly also have claims in the estate of Mr. DMP and would be conflicted
in taking decisions. There is also a need to safeguard and secure the assets so
that the same, which run into thousands of crores, are not frittered away or
misused in any manner. In view of the same, the following directions are
(i) In view of the fact that Mr. DMP is no more, the Guardianship
Committee shall stand disbanded and Justice Rajiv Sahai
Endlaw (Retd.), shall act as the Sole Guardian for the estate and
all assets of Mr. DMP henceforth. He shall exercise the same
powers mutatis mutandis, as those of the Supervising Guardian
and the Guardianship Committee, in terms of order dated 29th
October, 2021. Mr. T.R. Narayanan and Mr. Shrinath Banerjee,
Personal Assistants of Mr. DMP, and all parties, shall now
proceed strictly in accordance with the instructions given by the
Sole Guardian in respect of the assets of Mr. DMP.
(ii) A report shall be placed before this Court, by Justice Endlaw
(Retd.), within a period of two weeks, in respect of the
following aspects:
(a) Whether the various directions concerning Mr. DMP and
his assets, passed by this Court have been complied with
17. In so far as the DMP’s bank accounts are
concerned, the current position is that he is
suffering from dementia and is unable to operate
his own bank accounts. From the submissions
made, it appears that Ms. Uma Devi and the
Secretary of the DMP are operating his accounts
or spending therefrom. Accordingly, the status quo,
as volunteered above, shall apply to all the bank
accounts of the DMP. If any amounts are
withdrawn, spent or transferred from the accounts
of the DMP for living needs and other expenses, a
statement of such amounts and expenses incurred
every month along with the bank statements of the
bank accounts of the DMP shall be filed, for the
perusal of the Court in a sealed cover.”
shall however be without prejudice to Ms. UD’s stand that she is entitled to
enjoy the status of the wife of Mr. DMP. Accordingly, Mr. Sanjeev Sagar,
ld. Standing Counsel for SDMC, has appeared before the Court upon
intimation, and has agreed to ensure rectification of this certificate and
compliance by the SDMC of today’s order. Details, if any required, of Mrs.
SD to ensure the rectification of the death certificate, shall be provided by
ld. Counsel for the Petitioner, to the Ld. Standing Counsel for SDMC within
2 days. Copy of this petition along with the application be served by Mrs.
SD on Mr. Sanjeev Sagar as well.
27. Reply to the application be filed in two weeks. Rejoinder to the same
be filed by one week before the next date of hearing.
28. List for hearing, on 24th February, 2022. This shall be treated as a
part-heard matter.
29. Copy of this order be communicated immediately by the Registrar
(Writs) of this Court to the Sole Guardian, i.e., Justice Rajiv Sahai Endlaw
(Retd.), Mr. Joy Tirkey, DCP (Crime Branch) and Mr. Sanjeev Sagar, ld.
Standing Counsel, SDMC, for ensuring compliance.
30. The digitally signed copy of this order, duly uploaded on the official
website of the Delhi High Court,, shall be treated
as the certified copy of the order for the purpose of ensuring compliance. No
physical copy of orders shall be insisted by any authority/entity or litigant.
JANUARY 6, 2022/dk/Rahul/MS