Seismic Vulnerability Analysis of The Historic Sultaniya Dome

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13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering

Vancouver, B.C., Canada

August 1-6, 2004
Paper No. 1309





This paper presents the results of seismic vulnerability analysis of the historic sultaniya dome constructed
for the tomb of Uljaytu. This monumental building is 47 meter high brick masonry structure with a dome
type roof. The roof is a two layer shell structure with a base diameter of 25.5 meters. The building was
constructed about 700 years ago and is now one of the largest masonry structures in the world. Finite
element analysis is used for the structural analysis. Static push-over analysis is performed to assess the
seismic resistant of the building for three level of seismic hazard. For an earthquake with return period of
75 years some portions the structure cracks but main portion of the structure remains intact. For an
earthquake with return period of 475 years the cracking pattern is similar to the previous case. However
due to higher tensile stresses, the crack widths are expected to larger than the previous case. There may be
local compression failure in some of main pillar of the structure but the structure is not expected to
collapse at this seismic level. For an earthquake with return period of 2500 years the structure is expected
to collapse due to compression failure of main pillars.


The Ilkhanid dynasty, one of the Mongol successor tribes centered in north-western Iran, rose to power in
the years after the early thirteenth-century Mongol invasions of Iran. From their capital of Tabriz, Ilkhanid
rulers adopted Persian culture and were enthusiastic patrons of architecture, instituting large-scale building
campaigns including the foundation of the new royal city of Sultaniya.

The monumental Sultaniya dome is all that remains of city of Sultaniya, the much praised Mongol city
founded about 700 years ago in 1285 by the IlKhan Arghun and dedicated as the capital by his son, Sultan
Uljaytu Khudabanda. The construction of this building lasted 10 years between years 1302 and 1312. This
shows the exceptional knowledge of the engineers/architects at that time. This is the largest dome type
building in Iran and before construction of the famous Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence and

1 Assistant professor, IIEES, Tehran, Iran. Email: [email protected]

2 Assistant professor, IIEES, Tehran, Iran
3 Sr. Research Engineer, IIEES, Tehran, Iran
4 Professor, IIEES, Tehran, Iran
the aya Sofia mosque in turkey was the largest dome type structure in the world. This monumental
building is 47 meter high brick masonry structure with a dome type roof. The roof is a two layer shell
structure with a base diameter of 25.5 meters. According to professor Sanpaolesi [1], there can not be
found any two layer shell dome before construction of this building neither in the West nor in the East.
Figure 1 shows a picture of the building.

Figure-1 Soltaniya Building

The plan comprises an octagon with a rectangular burial chamber protruding from the southern side. The
exterior is built out with triangles on the northern end, extending the north, east, and west facades. The
dome rests on the upper terrace, carried on the interior by the corbels of a thick wall. Minarets rise from
the upper terrace at each of the eight corners. The interior is divided into two stories of eight-bay arcades.
A third arcade runs below the base of the dome, opening to the exterior and not the interior. Figure 2
shows the architectural representation of main feature of the octagonal structure [1].
Figure-2 The architectural representation of main feature of the structure [1]


Description of the Finite Element Model

In this study only the main building is analyzed and the burial chamber and minarets are disregarded.
Shell elements with both bending and membrane capabilities are used to model the double crust domes
and the ribs that connect the outer crust to the inner crust. Figure 3 shows the finite element representation
of the dome structure. Structural solid elements are used for modeling the rest of the structure. Figure 4
shows a cross section of the finite element model which indicates all vaulted elements and arches within
the structure is adequately represented in the mathematical model.
Figure-3 Finite element representation of the dome structure

Figure-4 Cross section of the finite element model

The mathematical model consisted of 1624 shell elements and 112009 structural solid elements with a
total of about 100000 degrees of freedom. Because of the large size of the model and limited hardware
capabilities, linear material behavior is used in analyses. Of course with this method cracking and crushing
of masonry material is not considered in the analyses. However, after post-processing of the results and
comparing that with failure surface in principle stress space of such brittle material, the locations where
the structure cracks or crushes under high tensile or compressive stresses are identified. Figure 5 shows an
example of a failure surface in principle stress space in where fp is the ultimate compressive stress in
uniaxial loading condition [2].
Figure-5 Failure surface in principle stress space [2]

The materials of Soltaniya building consist of brick masonry and lime/gypsum mortar. Based on test
results [1] the ultimate tensile stress ft and ultimate compressive fc are respectively taken as 175 kN/m2 and
3000 kN/m2. In the space where principle stresses are compressive, we conservatively ignore the principle
stress S2 and use Kupfer [2] Formulas in the principle stress state.

⎛ s1 s3 ⎞ s 3.65s3
Compression failure: ⎜⎜ + ⎟⎟ + 3 + =0
⎝ fc fc ⎠ fc fc

s1 0.8s3
Tensile cracking: =1+
ft fc

The specific weight of material is 1.6 ton/m3 and elastic modulus and poisson’s ratio are taken as 200 Mpa
and 0.15 respectively.

Modal Analysis
Modal analysis of the building is performed using fixed boundary condition at the base of the building.
The first and second modes are translation in ortagnol directions with fundamental period of 0.34 second.
Figure 6 shows the first mode shape. The third mode is a torsional mode with a period 0.22 second. Figure
7 shows the torsional mode shape of the building.
Figure-6 The first mode shape

Figure-7 The torsional mode shape

Analysis of the Building under Gravity and Seismic Load

The analysis of the building under gravity load is performed with vertical acceleration of 9.81 m/s2. The
maximum vertical displacement is 7 mm which occurs at top of the dome. Figure 8 shows the distribution
of maximum compressive stress in the building. The maximum compressive stress at the base of dome is
515 kN/m2. The compressive stress at the base of the main columns is about 500 kN/m2 while locally at
the tip of main arches supporting the dome the maximum compressive stress is 1025 kN/m2. The
maximum tensile stress is also less than the ultimate tensile capacity of the material.


Figure-8 Distribution of maximum compressive stress due to gravity load

The seismic analyses are performed for three levels of seismic hazard with return period of 75 years, 475
years and 2500 years using static push-over analysis. The lateral accelerations for these return periods are
found respectively 0.23g, 0.44g and 0.76g [3].

The results of seismic analysis for a return period of 75 year and PGA= 0.23g indicate a maximum drift of
10 mm at top of the dome. Figure 9 shows the distribution of maximum compressive stress in the building.
It indicates that the maximum compressive stress, S3=1704 kN/m2, occurs at the corner of one of the main
columns is well below the ultimate compressive strength of the material.


Figure-9 Distribution of maximum compressive stress at PGA= o.23g

Figures 10 through 13 compare the results of the analysis with cracking zones of the failure surface shown
in Figure 5. The locations with light color shades indicate cracking of the material. These Figures indicate
that some portions the main structure, the dome, and walls in the second story cracks but main portion of
the structure remains intact at this seismic level.

Figure-10 Cracking of the main structure and the dome

Figure-11 Cracking at a cross section of the main structure

Figure-12 Cracking of the exterior walls on the second story

Figure-13 Cracking of the dome structure

The results of seismic analysis for a return period of 475 year and PGA= 0.44g indicate a maximum drift
of 19.6 mm at top of the dome. Figure 14 shows the distribution of maximum compressive stress in the
main building. It indicates that the maximum compressive stress, S3=2480 kN/m2, occurs at the corner of
one of the main columns. This stress is about 20% below the ultimate compressive strength of the
material, fc= 3000 kN/m2. Figure 15 shows the maximum compressive stress in the exterior walls on the
second story. It indicates that at the corner of openings the maximum compressive stress exceeds the
ultimate compressive strength of 3000 kN/m2. The cracking of the structure is similar to those shown in
Figures 10-13. However due to higher tensile stresses, the crack widths are expected to higher than the
previous case.



Figure-14 Distribution of maximum compressive stress at PGA= o.44g


Figure-15 Distribution of maximum compressive stress in the exterior walls

The results of seismic analysis for a return period of 2500 year and PGA=0.76g indicate a maximum drift
of 33.9mm at top of the dome. The cracking of the structure is similar to those shown in Figures 10-13.
However due to higher tensile stresses, the crack widths are expected to higher than the previous cases.

Figure 16 shows the distribution of maximum compressive stress in the main building. It indicates that the
maximum compressive stress, S3=3725 kN/m2, occurs at the corner of one of the main columns. This
stress is exceeds the ultimate compressive strength of the material and indicates crushing at that location.
Crushing zone is expected to expand significantly in an earthquake due to stress redistribution caused by
cracking and crushing of material.



Figure-16 Distribution of maximum compressive stress at PGA= o.76g


The results of analyses indicate for an earthquake with return period of 75 years the structures remains
intact while some cracking occurs on some part of the structure. But the extent of cracking will not cause
collapse of the structure.

For an earthquake with a return period of 475 years the cracking intensifies especially within the dome
and the walls on the second story. But the major portion of the octagonal supporting structure remains
intact while the maximum elastic compressive stress at base of one of the main columns reaches to about
80% of the crushing strength of the material. Due to cracking of other portions of the structure, this stress
is expected to increase significantly and some crushing of portions of the cross sections of large column
may occur. For short and normal duration of earthquakes, the intact portion of the columns are expected to
be able to prevent collapse of the structure because only about 20% of column area is required to carry the
weight of the structure after the earthquake. However, for an earthquake with long duration the damage
may be so extensive that part of the structure may collapse at this earthquake level.

For an earthquake with a return period of 2500 years the cracking intensifies further while the maximum
elastic compressive stress at base of one of the main columns exceeds the crushing strength of the
material. Due to cracking of other portions of the structure, the compressive stress is expected to increase
significantly and crushing of major portions of the cross sections of large column may occur. The damage
will be so extensive that would cause collapse the structure at this earthquake level.


The results of seismic vulnerability analysis of the historic sultaniya dome constructed about 700 years
ago are presented. This is the largest dome type building in Iran and before construction of the famous
Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence and the aya Sofia mosque in turkey was the largest dome
type structure in the world. This monumental building is 47 meter high brick masonry structure with a
dome type roof. The roof is a two layer shell structure with a base diameter of 25.5 meters.

The seismic analyses are performed for three levels of seismic hazard with return period of 75 years, 475
years and 2500 years using static push-over analysis. The results of analyses indicate for an earthquake
with return period of 75 years the structures remains intact while some cracking occurs on some part of
the structure. For an earthquake with a return period of 475 years the cracking intensifies especially within
the dome and the walls on the second story. But the major portion of the octagonal supporting structure
remains intact. For short and normal duration of earthquakes, the intact portion of the columns are
expected to be able to prevent collapse of the structure but for an earthquake with long duration the
damage may be so extensive that part of the structure may collapse at this earthquake level. For an
earthquake with a return period of 2500 years the damage will be so extensive that would cause collapse
the structure at this earthquake level.


1- Sanpaolesi, P., and Kassai, R. “Progetto di Restauro Del Mausoleo di Olgeitu a Soltanieh”, Universita
nazionale di Teheran, Istituto di restauro monumenti, 1972.
2- Kupfer, H., Hilsdorf, H. K., and Rusch, H., “Behavior of Concrete Under Biaxial Stresses”, ACI journal
proc., Vol. 66, Aug. 1969.
3- Vasseghi, A., Eshghi, S., and Jabbarzadeh, M.J., “Study of Seismic Behavior and Strength of Soltaniya
Structure”, Research Report 82-05, International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and
Seismology, 2004.

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