13: Determinethetone, Purpose, or Course: Example From The Paper TOEFL Test The Passage

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READING QUESTIONS (Paper and Computer)


Other types of review questions occur occasionally in the reading section of both the paper
TOEFL test and the computer TOEFL test. Possible questions of this type are multiple-
choice questions that ask about (1) the tone of the passage, (2) the author's purpose in writ­
ing the passage, and (3) the course in which the passage might be used.
A question about the tone is asking if the author is showing any emotion in his or her
writing. The majority of the passages on the TOEFL test are factual passages presented
without any emotion; the tone of this type of passage could be simply informational, explana-
tory, or factual. Sometimes the author shows some emotion, and you must be able to recog­
nize that emotion to answer a question about tone correctly. If the author is being funny,
then the tone might be humorous; if the author is making fun of something, the tone might
be sarcastic; if the author feels strongly that something is right or wrong, the tone might be
impassioned. Look at a multiple-choice example from the paper TOEFL test that asks about
the tone of a passage.

Example from the Paper TOEFL Test

The passage:
Military awards have long been considered symbolic of
royalty, and thus when the United States was a young nation
just finished with revolution and eager to distance itself from
Line anything tasting of monarchy, there was strong sentiment
(5) against military decoration. For a century, from the end of the
Revolutionary War until the Civil War, the United States
awarded no military honors. The institution of the Medal of
Honor in 1861 was a source of great discussion and concern.
From the Civil War until World War I, the Medal of Honor was
(10) the only military award given by the United States
government, and today it is awarded only in the most extreme
cases of heroism. Although the United States is still somewhat
wary of granting military awards, several awards have been
instituted since World War I.

The question:
The tone of this passage is
(A) angered
(B) humorous
(C) outraged
(D) informational

This question asks about the tone of the passage. To determine the tone of a passage, you
should look for any indications of emotion on the part of the author. In this passage, the
author uses historical facts, using time expressions such as for a century, in 1861, and since
World War I, to make a point about America's sentiment against military awards; the author
does not make any kind of emotional plea. The best answer to this question is therefore
answer (D), an informational tone. There is nothing in the passage to indicate anger (A), or
humor (B), or outrage (C) on the part of the author.

A question about purpose is asking what the author is trying to do in the passage. You
can draw a conclusion about the author's purpose by referring to the main idea and the
organization of details in the passage. For example, if the main idea is that George Wash­
ington's early life greatly influenced his later career and if the details give a history of his
early life, the author's purpose could be to show how George Washington's early life influenced
his later career. However, the answer to a purpose question is often considerably more gen­
eral than the main idea. A more general author's purpose for the main idea about George
Washington would be to demonstrate the influence of early experiences on later life (without any
mention of George Washington). Now look at a multiple-choice example from the com­
puter TOEFL test that asks about the author's purpose in writing a passage.

Example from the Computer TOEFL Test


Military awards have long been considered symbolic The author's purpose in this passage is
of royalty, and thus when the United States was a young to
nation just finished with revolution and eager to distance C D describe the history of military
itself from anything tasting of monarchy, there was strong awards prior to the Civil War
sentiment against military decoration. For a century,
C D demonstrate an effect of America's
from the end of the Revolutionary War until the Civil attitude toward royalty
War, the United States awarded no military honors. The
C D give an opinion of military awards
institution of the Medal of Honor in 1861 was a source
C D outline various historical symbols
of great discussion and concern. From the Civil War
of royalty
until World War I, the Medal of Honor was the only
military award given by the United States government,
and today it is awarded only in the most extreme cases
of heroism. Although the United States is still somewhat
wary of granting military awards, several awards have
been instituted since World War I.

This question asks about the author's purpose in writing the passage. To answer this ques­
tion correctly, you should refer to the main idea of this passage as outlined in the first sen­
tence. The main idea is that there was strong sentiment against military awards in the United
States because military awards have been considered symbolic of royalty. The author gives histori­
cal facts about military awards as details to support the main idea. Since the purpose is
determined from the main idea and overall organization of details, the author's purpose is
to describe, explain, or demonstrate that America's sentiment against military awards is
because of its negative sentiment against royalty. The second answer is therefore the best
answer to this question, so you should click on the second answer. You should notice that
the correct answer is considerably more general than the main idea: according to the sec­
ond answer, the purpose is to demonstrate an effect (America's dislike of military awards) of
America's attitude toward royalty.
A question about the course is asking you to decide which university course might have
this passage as assigned reading. \ b u should draw a conclusion about the course by refer­
ring to the topic of the passage and organization of details. For example, if the passage is
about George Washington and the details give historical background on his early life, then
this would probably be assigned reading in an American history class. However, if the pas­
sage is about George Washington and the details show the various influences that he had
READING QUESTIONS (Paper and Computer) 437

on the formation of the American government, then the passage might be assigned read­
ing in a government or political science class. Now look at a multiple-choice example from
the computer TOEFL test that asks about the course.

Example from the Computer TOEFL Test


Military awards have long been considered symbolic This passage would probably be assigned
of royalty, and thus when the United States was a young reading in a course on
nation just finished with revolution and eager to distance
CZ} military science
itself from anything tasting of monarchy, there was strong
C D psychology
sentiment against military decoration. For a century,
from the end of the Revolutionary War until the Civil CZ} American history
War, the United States awarded no military honors. The C D interior decoration
institution of the Medal of Honor in 1861 was a source
of great discussion and concern. From the Civil War
until World War I, the Medal of Honor was the only
military award given by the United States government,
and today it is awarded only in the most extreme cases
of heroism. Although the United States is still somewhat
wary of granting military awards, several awards have
been instituted since World War I.

This question asks about the course in which you might be assigned this reading passage. To
draw a conclusion about the course, you should refer to the topic of the passage and the
overall organization of details. Since this passage is about American military awards in the
United States, and the details discuss the history of American military awards using such
time expressions as for a century, in 1861, and since World War I, you can determine that this
passage might be assigned in a course on American history. You should click on the third
answer to this question.

T h e following c h a r t outlines the key information that you should r e m e m b e r about

questions on the t o n e , p u r p o s e , or course:


HOWTO IDENTIFY on both paper What is the tone of the passage?

THE QUESTION and computer What is the author's purpose in this passage?
tests (Ojl 111 In which course would this reading be assigned?

WHERETO FIND tone Look for clues throughout the passage that show if
THE ANSWER the author is showing some emotion rather than
just presenting facts.

purpose Draw a conclusion about the purpose from the main

idea and supporting ideas.

course Draw a conclusion about the course from the topic

of the passage and the supporting ideas.

H O W T O ANSWER tone 1. Skim the passage looking for clues that the
THE QUESTION author is showing some emotion.
2. Choose the answer that identifies the emotion.

purpose 1. Study the main idea in the topic sentence and

the details used to support the main idea.
2. Draw a conclusion about the purpose.

course 1. Study the main idea in the topic sentence and

the details used to support the main idea.
2. Draw a conclusion about the course.

TOEFL EXERCISE 13: Study each of the passages a n d choose the best answers to the
questions that follow.

PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1-3)

Truman Capote's In Cold Blood (1966) is a well-known example of the "nonfiction novel,"
a popular type of writing based upon factual events in which the author attempts to describe the
underlying forces, thoughts, and emotions that lead to actual events. In Capote's book, the
author describes the sadistic murder of a family on a Kansas farm, often showing the point of view
of the killers. To research the book, Capote interviewed the murderers, and he maintains that his
book presents a faithful reconstruction of the incident.
READING QUESTIONS (Paper and Computer) 439

1. The purpose of this passage is to 3. This passage would probably be assigned

reading in which of the following
(A) discuss an example of a particular
literary genre
(B) tell the story of In Cold Blood (A) Criminal Law
(C) explain Truman Capote's reasons (B) American History
for writing In Cold Blood (C) Modern American Novels
(D) describe how Truman Capote (D) Literary Research
researched his nonfiction novel

Which of the following best describes the

tone of the passage?
(A) Cold
(B) Sadistic
(C) Emotional
(D) Descriptive

PASSAGE TWO (Questions 4-6)

Up to now, confessions that have been obtained from defendants in a hypnotic state have
not been admitted into evidence by courts in the United States. Experts in the field of hypnosis
have found that such confessions are not completely reliable. Subjects in a hypnotic state may
Line confess to crimes they did not commit for one of two reasons. Either they fantasize that they
(5) committed the crimes, or they believe that others want them to confess.
A landmark case concerning a confession obtained under hypnosis went all the way to the
U.S. Supreme Court. In the case of Layra v. Denno, a suspect was hypnotized by a psychiatrist for
the district attorney; in a posthypnotic state the suspect signed three separate confessions to a
murder. The Supreme Court ruled that the confessions were invalid because the confessions had
(10) been the only evidence against him.

4. Which of the following best describes the The tone of this passage could best be
author's purpose in this passage? described as
(A) To explain the details of a specific (A) outraged
court case (B) judicial
(B) To demonstrate why confessions (C) hypnotic
made under hypnosis are not (D) informative
(C) To clarify the role of the Supreme 6. This passage would probably be assigned
Court in invalidating confessions reading in a course on
from hypnotized subjects (A) American law
(D) To explain the legal status of (B) psychiatric healing
hypnotically induced confessions (C) parapsychology
(D) philosophy

PASSAGE THREE (Questions 7-9)

The rate at which the deforestation of the world is proceeding is alarming. In 1950
approximately 25 percent of the earth's land surface had been covered with forests, and less than
twenty-five years later the amount of forest land was reduced to 20 percent. This decrease from 25
Line percent to 20 percent from 1950 to 1973 represents an astounding 20 million square kilometers
(5) of forests. Predictions are that an additional 20 million square kilometers of forest land will be
lost by 2020.
The majority of deforestation is occurring in tropical forests in developing countries, fueled
by the developing countries' need for increased agricultural land and the desire on the part of
developed countries to import wood and wood products. More than 90 percent of the plywood
(10) used in the United States, for example, is imported from developing countries with tropical rain
forests. By the mid-1980s, solutions to this expanding problem were being sought, in the form of
attempts to establish an international regulatory organization to oversee the use of tropical

The author's main purpose in this This passage would probably be assigned
passage is to reading in which of the following
(A) cite statistics about an courses:
improvement on the earth's land (A) Geology
surface (B) Geography
(B) explain where deforestation is (C) Geometry
occurring (D) Marine Biology
(C) make the reader aware of a
worsening world problem
(D) blame developing countries for

8. Which of the following best describes the

tone of the passage?
(A) Concerned
(B) Disinterested
(C) Placid
(D) Exaggerated
READING QUESTIONS (Paper and Computer)


On the computer TOEFL test, there may be a question following a particular paragraph
or at the end of the reading passage that asks where a particular piece of information
should be inserted. In this type of question, you must click on one of a number of squares
in a passage to indicate that the piece of information should be inserted in that position.
Look at an example from the computer TOEFL test that asks where to insert a piece of

Example from the Computer TOEFL Test

The origins of the game of chess are not known with The following sentence could be
certainty, and traditional stories in a number of cultures added to paragraph I.
claim credit for developing the game.nj] One legend W h e n one brother was killed,
claims that chess was invented during the Trojan Wars. m
the remaining brother had the
IHJ According to another legend, chess was developed to game invented to explain the
depict the battle between two royal brothers for the tragic events to his mother.
crown of Persia. [ Q In a third legend, chess was the
Where would it best fit in the
creation of the mythical Arab philosopher Sassa. HJJ
passage? Click on the square ( ■ ) to
Whatever its origins, chess was known to exist in add the sentence to the passage.
India as early as 500 B.C., and it eventually spread from M
India to Persia, where it took on much of the
terminology that today is part of the game. Foot soldiers
in the Persian army were called piyadah, which became
the pawns of today's game, and the Persian chariot was a
rukh, which became the rook. The Persian king was the
shah, which evolved into the name chess. Shahmat, which
means "the king is dead" became the expression

This question asks you to decide where a sentence could be added to one of the paragraphs.
To answer this question, you should study the sentence to be inserted and then look at the
context before and after each insertion box. The sentence mentions one brother and the
remaining brother, and the context before insertion box IB mentions two royal brothers. From
this, it can be determined that the sentence should be added at insertion box IS. You
should click on IS to answer this question.

Now look at another example from the computer TOEFL test that asks where to insert
a riiece of information.

Example from the Computer TOEFL Test

_ _ Reading

The origins of the game of chess are not known with U: The following sentence could be
certainty, and traditional stories in a number of cultures added to paragraph 2.
claim credit for developing the game. One legend claims This expression is used during
that chess was invented during the Trojan Wars. the game to indicate that one
According to another legend, chess was developed to player's king is on the verge of
depict the battle between two royal brothers for the losing.
crown of Persia. In a third legend, chess was the creation
Where would it best fit in the
of the mythical Arab philosopher Sassa,
passage? Click on the square ( ■ ) to
Whatever its origins, chess was known to exist in add the sentence to the passage.
India as early as 500 B.C., and it eventually spread from
India to Persia, where it took on much of the
terminology that today is part of the game. JJJ Foot
soldiers in the Persian army were called piyadah, which
became the pawns of today's game, and the Persian
chariot was a rukh, which became the rook. E3 The
Persian king was the shah, which evolved into the name
chess. [ 3 Shahmat, which means "theking is dead"
became the expression checkmate. ED

This question asks you to decide where a sentence could be added to one of the paragraphs.
To answer this question, you should study the sentence to be inserted and then look at the
context before and after each insertion box. The sentence mentions this expression about
the king, and the context before insertion box BD mentions the king and the expression check-
mate. From this, it can be determined that the sentence should be added at insertion box
BD. You should click on EE to answer this question.
The following chart outlines the key information that you should remember when you
are trying to determine where to insert a particular sentence:


H O W T O IDENTIFY on computer The following sentence could be added!..

THE QUESTION test only MB Click on the square to add the sentence to the passage.

WHERETO FIND The places where the sentence may be inserted are marked in the
THE ANSWER passage.

HOWTO ANSWER 1. Look at the sentence to be inserted for any key words or ideas at the
THE QUESTION beginning or the end of the sentence.
2. Read the context before and after the insertion squares for any ideas
that relate to the sentence to be inserted.
3. Choose the insertion square that is most related to the sentence to
be inserted.
READING QUESTIONS (Paper and Computer)

TOEFL EXERCISE 14: Study each of the passages a n d choose the best answers to the
questions that follow.

PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1-3)

Something unusual about lions is that they hunt in groups. ID Group hunting is
beneficial to lions because it means that much larger prey can be captured by the lions and that
individual lions expend much less energy during a hunt. |Q
line There is a standard pattern to the process of hunting in groups. EQ The process is initiated
(5) by a single female, who stations herself at a raised elevation to serve as a lookout to spot potential
prey. EQ When prey is spotted, a group of young lionesses advances on the herd and pushes the
herd in the direction of a different lioness who has hidden herself downwind. Q It is up to this
concealed female to choose the weakest member of the herd for the kill. EQ
EQ As can be seen from this description of the process, it is the females rather than the male
(10) or males in the pride that take part in the kill. EQ While the young and strong females are on the
attack, the males stay behind to protect the rest of the pride from attack from predators such as
hyenas. ES

1. The following sentence could be added 3. The following sentence could be added
to paragraph 1. to paragraph 3.
Other cats do not. The males have a defensive rather than
an offensive role.
Where would it best fit into the
paragraph? Click on the square (■) to Where would it best fit into the
add the sentence to the paragraph. paragraph? Click on the square (■) to
add the sentence to the paragraph.
2. The following sentence could be added
to paragraph 2.
This is usually accomplished by knocking
the prey to the ground and breaking its
Where would it best fit into the
paragraph? Click on the square (■) to
add the sentence to the paragraph.

PASSAGE TWO (Questions 4-5)

A number of products that we commonly use today were developed quite by accident. Two
of many possible examples of this concept are the leotard and the popsicle, each of which came
about when an insightful person recognized a potential benefit in a negative situation.
Line The first of these accidental inventions is the leotard, a close-fitting, one-piece garment
(5) worn today by dancers, gymnasts, and acrobats, among others. ED In 1828, a circus performer
named Nelson Hower was faced with the prospect of missing his performance because his
costume was at the cleaners. EQ Instead of canceling his part of the show, he decided to perform
in his long underwear. EQ Soon, other circus performers began performing the same way. EQ
When popular acrobat Jules Leotard adopted the style, it became known as the leotard.
(10) Q Another product invented by chance was the popsicle. EQ In 1905, eleven-year-old Frank
Epperson stirred up a drink of fruit-flavored powder and soda water and then mistakenly left the
drink, with the spoon in it, out on the back porch overnight. EQ As the temperature dropped that
night, the soda water froze around the spoon, creating a tasty treat. Q3 Years later, remembering
how enjoyable the treat had been, Epperson went into business producing popsicles.

The following sentence could be added 5. The following sentence could be added
to paragraph 2. to paragraph 3.
They enjoyed the comfort of performing It was a taste sensation that stayed on his
in underwear rather than costumes. mind.
Where would it best fit into the Where would it best fit into the
paragraph? Click on the square (■) to paragraph? Click on the square (■) to
add the sentence to the paragraph. add the sentence to the paragraph.

PASSAGE THREE (Questions 6-7)

Uranium, a radioactive metal named after the planet Uranus, is a primary source of energy
in nuclear power plants and certain nuclear weapons. It occurs naturally in three different
isotopes, which differ in their facility in undergoing nuclear fission.
E3 The three naturally occurring isotopes of uranium are U-234, U-235, and U-238. Q3 Each
of these isotopes has the same atomic number of 92, which is the number of protons in the
nucleus. Q3 However, each has a different number of neutrons and thus has a different atomic
mass, which is the sum of the number of protons and neutrons. Q3
Of these three naturally occurring isotopes of uranium, U-238 is by far the most common,
while U-235 is the most capable of undergoing nuclear fission. ED More than 99% of all naturally
occurring uranium is U-238, while U-234 and U-235 each make up less than 1%. ED Nuclear
fission can occur when a U-235 nucleus is struck by a neutron, and the nucleus splits, releasing
energy and releasing two or more neutrons. E3 However, nuclear fission rarely involves a U-238
nucleus or a U-234 nucleus because it is unusual for either of these nuclei to break apart when
struck by a neutron. ED

The following sentence could be added The following sentence could be added
to paragraph 2. to paragraph 3.
U-234 has 92 protons and 142 neutrons These neutrons can create a chain
for an atomic mass of 234, U-235 has 92 reaction by causing other U-235 nuclei to
protons and 143 neutrons for a total of break up.
235, and U-238 has 92 protons and 146
Where would it best fit into the
neutrons for a total of 238.
paragraph? Click on the square (■) to
Where would it best fit into the add the sentence to the paragraph.
paragraph? Click on the square (■) to
add the sentence to the paragraph.
READING QUESTIONS (Paper and Computer)

TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 12-14): Study each of the passages a n d choose the best answers
to the questions that follow.

PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1-7)

Q The causes of schizophrenia are not clear, but schizophrenia has long been attributed to
faulty parenting. ED In cases where schizophrenia developed, the parents were often considered
responsible. ED However, recent studies are now pointing to heredity and prenatal environmental
factors as the chief culprits in this disease. ED
Recent studies of identical twins have been used to demonstrate that heredity plays a role in
the development of schizophrenia. These studies have shown that in cases where one identical
twin is afflicted with schizophrenia, the other twin has a 50 percent probability of also suffering
from it.
ED However, heredity is not believed to be the only culprit. ED Studies of the fingerprints of
identical twins have lent credence to the theory that prenatal environmental factors are likely
contributors to the development of schizophrenia. B3 In studies of pairs of identical twins in
which one is afflicted with schizophrenia and one is not, abnormalities were found in the
fingerprints of one-third of the twins, always in the afflicted twin. ED Since fingers develop in the
second trimester of pregnancy, the hypothesis has been proposed that the abnormalities in the
fingerprints were due to a second-trimester trauma that affected only one of the twins and that
this same trauma was a factor in the onset of schizophrenia.

1. The author's purpose in this passage is 4. Where in the passage does the author
to present the idea that people may inherit
the tendency for schizophrenia?
(A) enumerate examples
(B) cause the development of (A) Lines 3-4
schizophrenia (B) Line 9
(C) prove that faulty parenting is the (C) Lines 11-13
main cause of schizophrenia (D) Lines 13-16
(D) refute a common misconception
5. The following sentence can be added to
2. Where in the passage does the author paragraph 3.
discuss the traditionally held view about
Further research into this hypothesis is
the cause of schizophrenia?
(A) Lines 1-2
Where would it best fit into the
(B) Lines 3-4
paragraph? Click on the square (■) to
(C) Lines 6-8
add the sentence to the paragraph.
(D) Lines 9-11
6. Click on the sentence in paragraph 3
3. The following sentence can be added to
that gives the fraction of twins under
paragraph 1.
study with irregular fingerprints.
They were faulted for having been
uncaring, or manipulative, or 7. This passage would probably be assigned
emotionally abusive. reading in which of the following
Where would it best fit into the
paragraph? Click on the square (■) to (A) Criminology
add the sentence to the paragraph. (B) Public Administration
(C) Statistics
(D) Psychology

PASSAGE TWO (Questions 8-13)

QQ To Americans, the Pony Express was a fixture of the Old West; most Americans are
rather surprised to find out that in reality the Pony Express was in existence for only a short
period of time, about a year and a half. DEB A short-lived forefather of "express" mail service, the
Pony Express operated between St. Joseph, Missouri, and Sacramento, California, a distance of
just under 2,000 miles. US Letters and small packages could be delivered in under 10 days instead
of the 3 to 4 weeks that it had taken prior to the institution of the Pony Express. QjQ
In 1860, St. Joseph was the westernmost terminal of the country's railroad system; mail
destined for the West Coast could come to St. Joe by train, but the only way to get it farther west
was on horseback. The Pony Express service was established on April 3, 1860, to fill this need: a
letter carried on horseback with only minimal downtime for changes in horses and riders could
cover 200 miles in one twenty-four hour period.
The Pony Express system consisted of approximately 80 riders, 400 horses, and 190 stations
every 10 to 15 miles along the route. One rider took a mail pouch and carried it for 75 miles,
changing his tired horse for a fresh one at every station; he then passed the pouch to another
rider. Riders traveled day and night, and the mail never stopped.
QQ On October 24, 1861, only a year and a half after the start of the Pony Express, the first
transcontinental telegraph opened for business, ending the need for the Pony Express. IEB The
Pony Express officially closed for business on October 26, 1861. EE Obviously, its owners were
quick to recognize that the need for their services no longer existed.

8. In which course would this passage most 11. Where in the passage does the author
likely be assigned reading? mention the technological device that
put the Pony Express out of business?
(A) Veterinary Medicine
(B) Speech Communication (A) Lines 5-6
(C) Audiology (B) Lines 9-11
(D) American History (C) Lines 12-13
(D) Lines 16-17
Where in the passage does the author
mention the amount of time it took to 12. The following sentence could be added
deliver a letter before the Pony Express? to paragraph 4.
(A) Lines 1-3 Only two days later, the Pony Express
(B) Lines 5-6 went out of business.
(C) Lines 9-11
Where would it best fit into the
(D) Lines 12-13
paragraph? Click on the square (■) to
add the sentence to the paragraph.
10. The following sentence could be added
to paragraph 1.
13. What is the author's purpose in writing
This brief existence started in 1860 and this passage?
was over before the end of 1861.
(A) To warn of the dire effects of
Where would it best fit into the ending the Pony Express
paragraph? Click on the square (■) to (B) To describe a little-known reality
add the sentence to the paragraph. about a historical subject
(C) To incite readers to action on
behalf of the Pony Express
(D) To describe the development of
express mail service
READING QUESTIONS (Paper and Computer) 447

PASSAGE THREE (Questions 14-18)

The grand jury is an important part of the American legal system. QU The grand jury is
composed of private citizens who are appointed to serve for a designated period of time. DEQ
Grand juries, which hold meetings in private, serve one of two functions: charging or
Line investigatory. B 2 A grand jury that is serving a charging function listens to evidence presented by
(5) the prosecutor and decides whether or not the prosecution has adequate evidence to charge a
suspect with a crime; if the grand jury feels that there is adequate evidence, then it issues an
indictment, and the suspect must then proceed with a trial. [Q3 A grand jury that is serving an
investigatory function investigates cases of suspected dishonesty, often by public officials. [El
The primary reason for the existence of the grand jury is that it is supposed to ensure that
(10) citizens are not subject to unfair prosecution; under the grand jury system, prosectors must first
convince an unbiased group of citizens that there is justification for the charges that they want to
bring. However, the grand jury system has come under attack from numerous directions. Grand
juries are routinely criticized for being too slow and too costly; the grand jury system really means
that there are two trials, the grand jury hearing to decide whether or not there should be a trial
(15) and then the actual trial itself. Another criticism of the grand jury results from the fact that the
meetings are held in private; the grand jury is not open to public scrutiny and is therefore not
publicly responsible for its actions, and this has cast doubt on some of its findings. A final
common criticism of the grand jury is that the evidence it hears is one-sided, from the perspective
of the prosecution, so that the grand jury serves as the right arm of the prosecution rather than
(20) as a defender of the rights of a suspect.

14. In which course might this passage be 17. Where in the passage does the author
assigned reading? discuss the problem associated with
holding grand jury meetings in private?
(A) Sociology of Criminal Behavior
(B) Introduction to Law (A) Lines 4-6
(C) American History (B) Lines 7-8
(D) Research Methodologies (C) Lines 10-12
(D) Lines 15-17
15. Click on the sentence in paragraph 1
that mentions who serves on a grand 18. How does the author seem to feel about
jury. the grand jury system?

16. The following sentence could be added (A) Quite assured as to its usefulness
to paragraph 1. (B) Somewhat doubtful about its
The investigatory function of the grand (C) Highly supportive of its use
jury is different from the charging (D) Extremely negative about all
function. aspects
Where would it best fit into the
paragraph? Click on the square (■) to
add the sentence to the paragraph.

T O E F L REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-14): Study each of the passages a n d choose the best
answers to the questions that follow.

PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1-11)

Another noteworthy trend in twentieth-century music in the United States was the use of
folk and popular music as a base for more serious compositions. QQ The motivation for these
borrowings from traditional music might be a desire on the part of a composer to return to
simpler forms, to enhance patriotic feelings, or to establish an immediate rapport with an
audience. DD For whatever reason, composers such as Aaron Copland and Charles Ives offered
compositions featuring novel musical forms flavored with refrains from traditional Americana.
[E3 Copland drew upon folk music, particularly as sources for the music he wrote for the ballets
Billy the Kid, Rodeo, and Appalachian Spring. QjQ Ives employed the whole gamut of patriotic songs,
hymns, jazz, and popular songs in his compositions.

1. The paragraph preceding this passage 4. Look at the word novel in the passage.
most probably discusses This word could best be replaced by
(A) nineteenth-century music literary
(B) one development in music in the new
last century cultural
(C) the works of Aaron Copland bookish
(D) the history of folk and popular
music Look at the word he in the passage.
Click on the word or phrase that he
2. Which of the following best describes the refers to.
main idea of the passage?
Which of the following is NOT listed in
(A) Traditional music flavored some
the passage as a source for Ives's
American musical compositions
in the twentieth century.
(B) Ives and Copland have used folk (A) National music
and popular music in their (B) Religious music
compositions. (C) Jazz
(C) A variety of explanations exist as to (D) American novels
why a composer might use
traditional sources of music. Click on the word in the passage that
(D) Traditional music is composed of could best be replaced by "range."
various types of folk and popular
music. 8. Click on the sentence in the passage that
gives reasons composers might use
3. It can be inferred from this passage that traditional melodies in their
the author is not sure compositions.
(A) when Ives wrote his compositions Click on the sentence in the passage that
(B) that Ives and Copland actually lists examples of titles of Copland's
borrowed from traditional music works.
(C) why certain composers borrowed
from folk and popular music
(D) if Copland really featured new
musical forms
READING QUESTIONS (Paper and Computer) 449

10. The following sentence could be added 11. The passage would most probably be
to the passage. assigned reading in which of the
following courses?
Ives drew inspiration from an even wider
array of music than did Copland. (A) American History
(B) The History of Jazz
Where would it best fit into the
(C) Modern American Music
paragraph? Click on the square (■) to
(D) Composition
add the sentence to the paragraph.

PASSAGE TWO (Questions 12-21)

The ratdesnake has a reputation as a dangerous and deadly snake with a fierce hatred for
humanity. Although the rattlesnake is indeed a venomous snake capable of killing a human, its
nature has perhaps been somewhat exaggerated in myth and folklore.
Line The ratdesnake is not inherently aggressive and generally strikes only when it has been put
(5) on the defensive. In its defensive posture the rattlesnake raises the front part of its body off the
ground and assumes an S-shaped form in preparation for a lunge forward. At the end of a
forward thrust, the rattlesnake pushes its fangs into the victim, thereby injecting its venom.
Wl There are more than 30 species of rattlesnakes, varying in length from 20 inches to 6
feet. [ED In the United States there are only a few deaths annually from rattlesnakes, with a
(10) mortality rate of less than 2 percent of those attacked.

12. Which of the following would be the best 16. Click on the drawing that shows a
title for this passage? rattlesnake that is ready to defend itself.
(A) The Exaggerated Reputation of the
(B) The Dangerous and Deadly
(C) The Venomous Killer of Humans
(D) Myth and Folklore about Killers

13. According to the passage, which of the

following is true about ratdesnakes?
(A) They are always ready to attack.
(B) They are always dangerous and
(C) Their fierce nature has been
17. It can be inferred from the passage that
underplayed in myth and folklore.
(D) Their poison can kill people. (A) all rattlesnake bites are fatal
(B) all rattlesnake bites are not equally
14. Click on the word in paragraph 1 that is harmful
closest in meaning to "partially." (C) the few deaths from rattlesnake
bites are from six-foot snakes
15. The word "posture" in line 5 is closest in (D) deaths from rattlesnake bites have
meaning to which of the following? been steadily increasing
(A) Mood
(B) Fight
(C) Position
(D) Strike

18. Look at the word mortality in paragraph 20. The author's purpose in this passage is
3. This word is closest in meaning to to
CD percentage (A) warn readers about the extreme
CD illness danger from rattlesnakes
O death (B) explain a misconception about
CD survival rattlesnakes
(C) describe a rattlesnake attack
19. The following sentence could be added (D) clarify how rattlesnakes kill humans
to paragraph 3.
21. Click on the paragraph that explains
They also vary in toxicity of venom.
what people believe about rattlesnakes.
Where would it best fit into the
paragraph? Click on the square (O) to
add the sentence to the paragraph.

PASSAGE THREE (Questions 22-30)

For a century before the Erie Canal was built, there was much discussion among the general
population of the Northeast as to the need for connecting the waterways of the Great Lakes with
the Atlantic Ocean. A project of such monumental proportions was not going to be undertaken
Line and completed without a supreme amount of effort.
(5) The man who was instrumental in accomplishing the feat that was the Erie Canal was DeWitt
Clinton. As early as 1812, he was in the nation's capital petitioning the federal government for
financial assistance on the project, emphasizing what a boon to the economy of the country the
canal would be; his efforts with the federal government, however, were not successful.
In 1816, Clinton asked the New York State Legislature for the funding for the canal, and this
(10) time he did succeed. A canal commission was instituted, and Clinton himself was made head of it.
One year later, Clinton was elected governor of the state, and soon after, construction of the
canal was started.
The canal took eight years to complete, and Clinton was on the first barge to travel the
length of the canal, the Seneca Chief, which departed from Buffalo on October 26, 1825, and
(15) arrived in New York City on November 4. Because of the success of the Erie Canal, numerous
other canals were built in other parts of the country.

22. The information in the passage 24. The word "boon" in line 7 is closest in
meaning to which of the following?
(A) gives a cause followed by an effect
(B) is in chronological order (A) Detriment
(C) lists opposing viewpoints of a (B) Disadvantage
problem (C) Benefit
(D) is organized spatially (D) Cost

23. When did Clinton ask the U.S. 25. Look at the expression
government for funds for the canal? financial assistance in paragraph 2.
Click on the word or phrase in
(A) One hundred years before the
paragraph 3 that is closest in meaning to
canal was built
financial assistance.
(B) In 1812
(C) In 1816
(D) In 1825
READING QUESTIONS (Paper and Computer) 451

Look at the word it in paragraph 3. Click 29. Click on the paragraph that mentions a
on the word or phrase that it refers to. committee that worked to develop the
In what year did the actual building of
the canal get underway? 30. The paragraph following the passage
most probably discusses
(A) In 1812
(B) In 1816 (A) the century before the building of
(C) In 1817 the Erie Canal
(D) In 1825 (B) canals in different U.S. locations
(C) the effect of the Erie Canal on the
Click on the drawing that most closely Buffalo area
resembles the Seneca Chief. (D) Clinton's career as governor of
New York

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