Health & Safety Policy Template: WWW - Iso-9001-Checklist -

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ISO 45001:2018
Health & Safety Policy Template

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ISO 45001:2018
Health & Safety Policy Template


The signatures below certify that this health and safety policy has been authorized and demonstrates that the
signatories are aware of all the requirements contained herein and are committed to ensuring their provision.

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This safety management system manual is reviewed to ensure its continuing relevance to the systems and
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ISO 45001:2018
Health & Safety Policy Template

1 Occupational Health & Safety Policy

1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this section is to provide the context for the development of our organization’s health and
safety policy. The management of health and safety is one of our core business functions. We are committed
to developing, implementing, maintaining and constantly improving strategies and processes to ensure
that all our activities take place under a balanced allocation of organizational resources, aimed at
achieving the highest level of safety performance and meeting national and international standards, while
delivering our services.

1.2 Scope
All of our organization’s business activities involving direct employees. It also includes activities of contractors
and visitors to our facilities. The key mechanisms for promoting continuous improvement in workplace health
and safety, and reducing the number and impact of workplace injuries and illness, are set out in our Health and
Safety Management System.

1.3 Health & Safety Policy Statement

1.3.1 General
Your organization recognises its duties under the prevailing Health and Safety legislation and is fully committed
to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of its employees. We will take all practicable steps to meet, and,
where required, exceed, our statutory duties at all times.

We also acknowledge that we have responsibilities for the health and safety of others, such as contractors,
visitors to our workplaces, members of the public and service users who may be affected by our undertakings.

In order to provide safe and healthy workplaces, systems of work, substances, equipment and working
environment, we have developed and made available for all relevant persons this Policy Statement which shall
be subject to regular reviews.

Your organization is dedicated to actively detecting and eliminating or controlling risks through risk
assessments of new and existing work methods, areas, substances and equipment in order to eliminate or
minimise risk. Such assessments shall be conducted through consultation so that as far as possible, employees
will have input. Your organization shall provide time, resources and opportunity for this to occur.

Existing equipment and workplaces shall also be subject to regular inspection and maintenance. Your
organization is committed to preventing accidents and cases of work-related ill health.

Appropriate training, education and information, instruction or supervision shall be provided as required.
Procedures shall also be provided to assist with any emergencies. Your organization will be responsible and
accountable to ensure that hazards are identified, reported and controlled and that Employees have what is
required for them to work safely.

All Employees are required to cooperate with preventative actions by complying with work procedures,
reporting issues they become aware of, using information and skills imparted to them through training and
participating in any consultative forums.

Employees of our organization will also be expected to comply with local site safety requirements and report
any hazard or incident to their line Manager. Contractors and Visitors to our sites are expected to also cooperate Page 2 of 4

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