Kindergarten Screening Sheet 2022

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We are excited to help you and your child begin the next steps towards Kindergarten Readiness.
Kindergarten Screenings are opportunities for teachers and families to work together to prepare your child for
a successful, fun, and engaging learning journey!

What is the NCSD Kindergarten Screening?

Natrona County School District teachers will be giving the Brigance III for 4 or 5-year-olds. The screening takes between 15
and 20 minutes.
The screening includes questions about demographic information (name, age, birthdate, etc.), letter and number
identification, sorting objects, and experiences with books. It also checks for visual and gross motor skills (drawing,
standing, walking, etc).
Parents/Guardians may sit with their child during the screening, but are not allowed to prompt or help with questions.
Screening results will be given to family members at the end of the screening.

Why does every child need to be screened?

The Universal Kindergarten screening allows provides NCSD with information so we can prepare classrooms, resources,
and opportunities to meet the educational needs of all incoming Kindergarten students.
The screening is one way to determine the child’s readiness for school which provides families with more information and
time to work with their child before kindergarten begins, if necessary.
No child will be turned away from kindergarten, all children who are 5 years old by August 1, 2022, will be admitted into a
kindergarten program.

How do I sign my child up for a Kindergarten Screening?

Families of incoming kindergarten students for the 2022-2023 school year can go online NOW to enter student information
to create their Parent Portal, and sign-up for a Kindergarten Screening, by visiting > clicking on
Enrollment > clicking on the Blue Gear - New Student Enrollment. This proactive measure will ensure you have a Parent
Portal account ready for the upcoming School Choice Registration.
Parents may register children for kindergarten during the School Choice Registration period, December 30th, 2021 -
January 24th, 2022.

If my child is currently in a Classic Kindergarten program does he/she need to be

screened again?
Students currently in Classic Kindergarten do not need to be screened again. However, families who wish for their child in
Classic Kindergarten to be rescreened for 2022 may sign up for a screening. (Parent choice)

If my child is currently in an NCSD Preschool program at an elementary school, do I have

to register them for kindergarten?
Yes, all families with new kindergarten students need to go online to fill out a registration.
Students currently in an NCSD Preschool program DO need to register for a Kindergarten screening.

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