Transfer of Learning

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Transfer of learning

Learning is transferable. It consists of many phases and experiences, which connect one
kind of learning to the other. Learning experience facilitating other kinds of learning.
The influence of previous learning on present learning is called as “transfer of
learning”. The transfer of learning helps in optimizing the learning process. 

The carry-over of knowledge could be termed as “transfer”. Transfer of learning is

defined as the thinking, feeling, habit, knowledge and skill that are carried over from
one learning task to another task.

The essence of learning is that a previously learnt fact (previous experiences) should be
linked with a present experience. This is because human being must be dynamic and
that the prior experience will make them to develop the new skills and knowledge. The
influence that past experience has on the succeeding experience is called transfer of

 It is the application of skills and knowledge learned in one context being applied in
another context.
 When we talk about the transfer of generalization, it is the extension of an idea to
a new field. 
 Transfer of learning is possible only when a person develops the ability of finding
out the identity of relationships and using it to solve solutions in new situations
and for this, insight is necessary.
 Transfer of learning can also be viewed as problem solving, in which experience in
one task influences the performance of another.
 Transfer of learning comes from similarity of contents, similarity of techniques,
similarity of principles, or a combination of these.
There are two important theories which explain transfer of learning. These are
known as modern theories

1. Theory of mental Faculties/ Theory of Formal Discipline:

 This theory was propounded by the Greek Philosophers, notable among
them was Aristotle.
 The basic tenet of the theory is that human mind is sub-divided into
different powers of faculties like memory, judgment, reasoning or thinking.
 This theory believes that exercises and regular practice will strengthen the
mental faculties.
 (in the same way that exercise strengthens the body; the more difficult
the mental exercise, the more impact it would have on the faculties).
 Although the formal discipline theory was subsequently rejected on
several grounds, some aspects of the theory are still upheld today. 

The theory therefore dismisses the concept of transfer of learning. To it, a well trained
and disciplined mind is the ingredient needed for understanding of new information.

2. Theory of identical elements:

 This theory has been developed by E.L.Thorndike. According to him
most of transfer occurs from one situation to another in which there
are most similar or identical elements.
 This theory explains that carrying over from one situation to another is
roughly proportional to the degree of resemblance in situation,
in other words- more the similarity, more the transfer.
 The degree of transfer increases as the similarity of elements
increase. For example, learning to ride moped is easy after learning to
ride a bicycle. Here, transfer is very fast because of identical elements
in both vehicles.
 Thorndike was convinced that the method used in guiding a pupil’s
learning activities had a great effect upon the degree of transferability
of his learning.
3. Theory of generalization of experience: 
 This theory was developed by Charles Judd. Theory of generalization
assumes that what is learnt in task ‘A’ transfers to task ‘B’, because in
studying ‘A’, the learner develops a general principle which applies in
part or completely in both ‘A’ and ‘B’.
 Experiences, habits, knowledge gained in one situation help us to
the extent to which they can be generalized and applied to another
 Generalization consists of perceiving and understanding what is
common to a number of situations. The ability of individuals to
generalize knowledge varies with the degree of their intelligence.

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