Gamakatsu 2021 Catalog

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The document highlights several new fishing hooks and apparel from Gamakatsu including the G-Power Flip and Punch, G-Power Stinger Trailer Hook, Treble SP Medium Heavy Hypershield, and Gika Rig.

The G-Power Flip and Punch, G-Power Stinger Trailer Hook, Treble SP Medium Heavy Hypershield, and Gika Rig are some of the new products highlighted.

The G-Power Stinger Trailer Hook has a strategically designed eye angle that allows it to run straight through the water column at any retrieve speed, producing more hookups. It also has a silicone stopper to prevent it from sliding up the main hook.


G-Power Flip and Punch Spin Bait

Designed by Aaron Martens, Walleye anglers across the Midwest have become
Gamakatsu has developed the dependent upon the spin style hooks for walleye rigs.
new G-Power Heavy Cover Flip The Spin Bait hook can be rigged behind spinner
& Punch Hook. A step up from blades, prop blades or used
the G-Finesse Heavy Cover alone with just a simple
Hook, for serious flipping and bead in front of them. It’s
punching with heavy fluorocarbon and braid. The TGW (Tournament unique design incorporates
Grade Wire) hook, paired with its welded eye, make this the strongest Gamakatsu swivels that is
Heavy Cover hook in Gamakatsu’s G-Series lineup. Ideal for larger baits independent of the hook, giving the hook more freedom to spin while
and weights, punching through grass mats and flipping into heavy reducing line twist. The Spin Bait hook features Nano Smooth Coat for
timber. G-Power Flip and Punch ideally matches to all types of cover stealth presentations and unsurpassed hook penetration and the bait
and able to withstand extreme conditions. Page 26 keeper barbs on the shank hold live and plastic baits on more securely.
Page 48
G-Power Stinger Trailer Hook
The new G-Power Stinger Trailer Hook Superline Offset Round Bend
brilliance comes from Gamakatsu’s famous Gamakatsu’s Superline Offset Round
B10S series of fly hooks and the expertise Bend is designed with a heavier
of Professional Bass angler Aaron Martens. Superline wire best suited for heavy
The Stinger Trailer has a strategically braided and fluorocarbon lines. This
designed eye angle. This allows the popular design in heavy wire enables
hook to run straight through the water anglers to fish any plastic in the heaviest
column at any retrieve speed which of cover with no worries. The Round Bend offers a larger bite area
produces more hookups. To make perfect for any worm presentation while increasing your hook-up
this stinger hook even more efficient, ratios. The newly enhanced Z-Bend holds your plastics on the hook
Gamakatsu has paired it with a silicone longer, reducing the number of pull-offs and reducing damage to
stopper to be placed just above the eye, preventing the hook from plastics. A more durable worm hook designed for heavier lines that
sliding up to the barb of the main hook. Featuring Tournament Grade hold your bait on longer. Page 59
Wire, Nano Smooth Coat finish and the new silicone stopper, the
G-Power Stinger Trailer Hook is a game-changer. Page 26 Gika Rig
Gika Rig combines the
Treble SP Medium Heavy Hypershield natural presentation
The Treble SP Medium Heavy Hypershield of finesse fishing with
features TGW (Tournament Grade Wire). the speed of power
TGW is thinner, stronger and sharper fishing. The Gika Rig
than the standard wire and ensures uses an off-set shank worm hook with an elongated drop
the hook point stays sharper, longer. shot style weight attached directly to the eye via a solid ring.
Hypershield coating dramatically The position of the weight allows anglers to ‘feel’ the bottom,
increases corrosion resistance allowing anglers detecting transitions in composition and helping find fish-
to spend more time fishing and less time changing holding structures. Gika Rig produces a natural swimming and
out old rusty hooks. Hypershield also keeps hooks sharper longer, dropping motion. The solid ring allows the plastic bait to float freely
making it the perfect treble hook for big, toothy fish. The Treble SP MH and rotate from side to side as it descends. It slips through vegetation
is paired with the iconic ME (Magic Eye), making it extremely simple to with ease and grabs the attention of bass. Page 63
replace existing hooks on to any split ring of a crankbait or plug.
Page 28


Gika Rig Weight Under Spin Head
Gika Rig weights attach directly to The Under Spin Head features
the Gika Rig eye via a solid ring. The Gamakatsu Heavy Cover 60-degree
weight features a snap that allows hook. The heavy wire and wide
anglers to quickly change the size gap design of the Heavy Cover
of the weight when the situation gives anglers a better hook up
calls for it and is painted black for ratio and retention when using
stealthy presentations. The weight bulky swim baits. Ideal for heavy
size is permanently stamped into the braid or fluorocarbon line. The head profile is streamlined to glide
side of each weight making it easy to identify when it’s time to make through cover. Gamakatsu Spring Lock holds swim baits and other
a change. Changing weights controls the depth and drop speed of the plastics gently but firmly, keeping your presentation straight on the
bait adding to the rig’s versatility. Page 63 hook. Recessed lifelike eyes on the Under Spin provide a focal point
for predators. The small chrome blade is attached to a quality ball-
Jig 90 Big River bearing swivel allowing it to spin freely, even at the slowest retrieves,
The Jig 90 Big River will quickly to simulate baitfish and create a subtle trigger. Page 71
become a staple for anglers desiring
a versatile jig hook capable of Assist 720 HD
performing in different environments Gamakatsu calls the Assist 720
and for a variety of species. The hooks “heavy-duty,” but that’s
large gap and acute bend offer great an understatement with these
holding power, locking fish in place bruisers! Gamakatsu’s Assist
when hooked. DIY anglers will like the longer shank to pour heavier 720 Heavy Duty is the ultimate
jig heads on. This unique design comes in a wide range of sizes for in big game fish rigging and
fisherman, targeting everything from steelhead to walleye. Page 70 uses an ultra-strong, incredibly sharp Gamakatsu saltwater hook. A
four-strand braid of abrasion-resistant polyethylene cord provides a
Jig 60 Round Bend whopping 880-lb combined test strength, while the ring makes it fast
(New Color NS Black) and easy to connect the assist hook to the jig eye using a split ring.
The Jig 60 Round Bend hook delivers in Page 91
terms of both simplicity and function
for anglers and is now available in our Silicone Stopper
popular NS Black (nickel silver black) The premium quality Silicone Stopper
color. The 60-degree round bend design aids in keeping a trailer hook from
makes this a go-to jig hook for flipping getting tangled in the skirt when fishing
and pitching. The bite area is fantastic, helping anglers connect on spinnerbaits and buzzbaits. It prevents
difficult hooksets. Adding the NS Black color gives DIY anglers more the hook from sliding up and down the hook shank, and ensures that
options when pouring their own jigs. Page 68 when bass bite, they get hooked. Although designed for spinnerbaits
and buzzbaits, the Silicone Stopper can be used with Texas- rigged
Jig 90 Salty HD worms, too. The only limit to their application is your imagination.
In the saltwater world, few jig hooks are Page 112
built to withstand the hardest fighting
fish in the ocean. Hard strikes and wild Spring Lock
runs from species like striped bass will The new Gamakatsu Spring Lock makes
test the strength of any hook. The Jig 90 rigging plastics easy with the stress relieved
Salty HD is specially made with a round stainless steel center point. The center point
bend and heavy wire that can hold form makes it easy to find the exact midpoint of
against the toughest fish out there. The the bait. It’s then just a simple matter of twisting the plastic on to the
Jig 90 Salty HD is forged for strength and the NS Black (nickel silver Spring Lock where it stays fastened and secure. Lures stay centered
black) coating resists corrosion. Page 70 and run straight and true. Page 112


Superline Swivel Big River Bait Mooching Rig
The Superline Swivel is manufactured from The innovative design of the Big River
premium components offering a superior Hook has gained popularity from coast
strength to size ratio and an NS Black (nickel to coast. It’s unique acute bend is
silver black) coating is applied for a stealthy designed to hold fish tight once
finish that resists corrosion. Swivels are available hooked. The rigs are slip tied to
in sizes 10 to 1, with break strengths of 35 to 330 pounds. adjust to various sized baits and are
Whether you chase Bluegill or Bigeye, Gamakatsu has a swivel pre-tied on 6’ of premium Japanese
for you. Page 112 monofilament. Anglers can use
these pre-tied rigs straight out of the package for all mooching and
Duo Lock Snap with Superline Swivel trolling applications. Page 97
Freshwater anglers, and those employing light
tackle out in saltwater will gravitate toward the Kokanee 2 Hook Snell
lightweight Duo Lock Snap with Superline The Kokanee 2 Hook Snell rigs
Swivel, rated from 35- to 120-pound test, in are geared for chasing kokanee
sizes from 12 to 5. Featuring an NS Black (nickel silver black) coating and other freshwater species like
that that provides stealth and corrosion resistance with strength walleye and trout. The fluorescent
beyond its size. Page 112 colored octopus hooks used on
the rigs add an attractant and
Cross Lock Snap with Superline Swivel Features are pre-tied on 6’ of premium
The Cross Lock Snap with Superline Swivel was Japanese monofilament. Anglers
designed for anglers chasing larger quarry and is can use these pre-tied rigs straight out of the package and customize
offered in sizes 7 through 2 rated from 75 to as desired with blades and beads or your favorite hoochie rig
230 pounds. This heavy-duty version offers combinations. Page 95
superior strength to size ratio and features an NS Black (nickel silver
black) coating providing a stealthy presentation. Page 112 B10S Stinger Fluorescent
The B10S Stinger is one of
Superline Split Ring Gamakatsu’s most popular fly
The new Superline Split Ring is available hooks and it just got better
in sizes to outfit everything from panfish with the addition of fluorescent
spinners to baits intended for hard-chargers colors. The fluorescent UV coating
such as roosterfish. The Japanese-made provides a subtle glow which
split ring is constructed of high strength stainless steel giving you has been scientifically proven to
confidence that it can handle that trophy catch. All of the edges are attract fish and provides a focal
rounded, preventing wear on your line during the most intense battle. point when they decide to eat. The B10S Stinger is beneficial in both
Page 112 freshwater and saltwater fly patterns and the 1X strong wire gives you
that extra confidence when a trophy fish is on the line. Page 104
Superline Solid Ring
Gamakatsu’s new Superline Solid Ring is the R-19 Retainer Bend Barbless
perfect complement to their line of assist The R19-B Retainer Bend Barbless
hooks, providing a solid connection that utilizes a customized bend that holds
even the most headstrong tuna can’t bust. fish tight and offers a revolutionary
The solid ring is completely rounded to keep your line in good shape as advancement in true barbless hook
the battle enters extra innings. When you need to apply extra pressure design. The barbless design makes
on that fish of a lifetime, the welded high strength stainless steel it easier to release fish and conforms to the catch and release ethic
construction won’t let you down. Page 112 and conservational model of many fishing streams. A nano smooth
coating and razor-sharp hook point reduce resistance, creating more
penetrating power and a seriously effective hookset. Page 103


Shoulder Bag Tackle Storage G-Case 7000
The perfect mobile storage solution when The all-new G-Case 7000 is an
you’re on the go and need fast, easy access ultra-durable, hard-sided tackle
to your gear. Designed for over-the-shoulder storage case that is compatible
carrying: Swing bag to your chest for access, with G-Boxes in all sizes, creating
swing around to your back when walking, a flexible system that has endless
casting or battling fish. Includes two (2) storage configuration possibilities The
G3200 G-Boxes in the main compartment G-Case 7000 utilizes a strong, sturdy
and features multiple, heavy-duty zippered pockets to store handle and the lid can be opened from
everything else. The 1680 denier ballistic nylon is tough so it will hold either side, allowing for quick access. The
up for years of use and the padded shoulder strap is adjustable for interior has an open tray for loose items like line spools and tools.
length. Page 118 Add the optional rod stand, jig compartment, and shoulder strap to
transform the G-Case 7000 into a real-time fishing asset. Size 19” x
Tuna Dry Bag Backpack 13” x 13”. Page 117
Designed specifically for teams
competing in the Los Cabos Tuna G-Case 7000 Rod Stand
Jackpot, these highly- coveted The G-Case 7000 has three different
drybag backpacks are now positions on either side to attach the
available for all. This mid-sized, optional rod stand. A simple mounting
extra-tough, ultra-dry backpack is perfect for storing clothes and gear bracket makes a firm connection,
on those wet and wild offshore runs. Made from ballistic nylon, it will transforming the case into a rod holder with
take a beating without putting the contents in jeopardy. The interior a permanent locking mechanism. The rod
pouch is wide open to fit boots, rain gear, bulky jackets or heaps of stand offers rod height adjustments to hold a variety of rod types. In
tackle. Easy to carry with padded straps and waist belt. Compacts addition, the rod stand features an adjustable foot, making it a sturdy
tightly for storage when not in use. Page 119 base for the G-Case. Size 2.6” x 2.8 “ x 13”. Page 117

G-Box 3700D Deep Utility Case: G-Case 7000 Jig Compartment

The G-Box 3700D Deep Utility Case is perfect Anglers are always changing lures and
for those larger bulky lures and features the cycling through gear, and the optional
single-hand, easy-open lid clasp. Adjustable exterior side mounted jig compartment
storage with micro-slit compartmental attaches securely to the G-Case 7000 and
dividers allows the angler to adjust each bin offers an open, top-slotted compartment
size to fit specific gear. Tight tolerances ensure for quick access to your go-to lures.
that small terminal tackle doesn’t jump from Store and dry them after use as well before moving lures back into
one compartment to the other. The 3700D permanent G-Box utility cases. This exterior storage option is a time
is made in Japan and is an excellent storage saver when quick changes are needed in the field. Size 10” x 5.7” x
solution for a variety of larger tackle. Size 14” x 9” x 3.2”. Page 115 2.2”. Page 117

G-Box 3200D Deep Utility Case G-Case 7000 Shoulder Strap

The G-Box 3200D Deep Utility Case features If you need to free up your hands while trying to
the single-hand, easy-open lid clasp and carry all your gear simply add the optional
offers adjustable storage with micro-slit shoulder strap to make carrying the G-Case
compartmental dividers. This feature allows the 7000 a breeze. Size 1.5” x 79”. Page 117
angler to adjust each bin size to fit specific gear.
Tight tolerances ensure that small terminal tackle
doesn’t jump from one compartment to the
other. The 3200D is made in Japan and is an
excellent storage solution for both terminal
tackle and lures. Size 8.1” x 5.7” X 3.2”. Page 114
G-Box 388DD Pocket Utility Case Fishing Pliers 7”
The G-Box 388DD Pocket Utility Case is made for Made of stainless steel to ward off
anglers on the move. The 388DD is designed corrosion and rust, Gamakatsu’s
for adventurous anglers who walk the heavy-duty pliers will become
shorelines of lakes and rivers in search of the tool you reach for whether
secret spots and untouched fish. The G388DD you’re an avid salt or
compartments are not adjustable but have freshwater angler.The
multiple compartments that are designed Gamakatsu Stainless Steel
to carry a wide variety of terminal tackle. Pliers have precise crimping jaws to
Carry the essentials and always have critical fit various sizes of sleeves. The precision
terminal tackle and spare lures at your fingertips split ring feature on the needle nose tool makes
without hauling a heavy pack. Size 4.8” x 3.8” x 1.3”. changing or replacing split rings easy. The multi-tasking jaws on
Page 116 the pliers utilize an outside cutter and are able to cut braid, mono or
fluorocarbon, and also feature a PTFE coating to aid against corrosion
G-Box 318SD Pocket Utility Case and rust. The handles feature a non-slip grip that helps you hold on
The G-Box 318SD Pocket Utility Case is during wet conditions. Included is a lanyard and sheath so the pliers
made for anglers on the move. The 318SD are right where you need them. Page 122
is designed for adventurous anglers who
walk the shorelines of lakes and rivers in Micro Split Ring Plier
search of secret spots and untouched fish. The 5-inch long pliers are made from stainless steel
The G318SD features adjustable dividers and feature a premium non-slip grip giving
one side allowing anglers to customize anglers a secure hold for fine operations
their terminal tackle storage. Carry the like manipulating split rings. A spring
essentials and always have critical terminal in the handle holds the pliers open
tackle and spare lures at your fingertips during use, and a corresponding lock keeps
without hauling a heavy pack. Size 4.8” x them closed for storage. Its precision micro-tip
3.4” x 1.3”. Page 116 grips and opens super small split rings, and it is just as
effective on large ones, too. A built-in braided line cutter cleanly
Fishing Pliers 6” shears tough fishing line. Page 123
Made of stainless steel to ward off corrosion
and rust, Gamakatsu’s heavy-duty Folding Braid Scissors with Split Ring Opener
pliers will become the tool you The Folding Braid Scissors with Split Ring
reach for whether you’re an Opener is a compact multi-function fishing
avid salt or freshwater scissor with similar construction elements
angler.The Gamakatsu as other Gamakatsu fishing tools. Its
Stainless Steel Pliers have sharp stainless-steel blades will
precise crimping jaws to fit various provide years of hard use snipping
sizes of sleeves. The precision split ring mono and cutting braided fishing
feature on the needle nose tool makes changing or line. The scissor’s tips feature
replacing split rings easy. The multi-tasking jaws on the pliers are able a handy split ring opener. The blades fold
to cut braid, mono or fluorocarbon, and also feature a PTFE coating to safely into the tool’s blue handles for safe storage. When open, the
aid against corrosion and rust. The handles feature a non-slip grip that 4-inch scissors proudly display the Gamakatsu name. A quality tool at
helps you hold on during wet conditions. Included is a lanyard and a value-price. Page 123
sheath so the pliers are right where you need them.
Page 122 Octopus Circle Inline Point 25 Pack
We just added this new 25 pack to our series of Octopus inline point.
Page 38


Invention of hooks Simply the best
20,000 years ago, the invention of the fish hook marked the beginning Gamakatsu’s dedication to producing the highest quality fish hook
of sport fishing. The first hooks were made of wood or bones. As tech- made, as well as the innovation they bring to the industry has kept the
nology improved, so did the hooks. Records show that copper hooks company at the forefront of the premium hook market. Among the
were made in Banchen 7,000 years ago and artificial flies were used in innovative ideas that Gamakatsu has introduced are:
Egypt 4,000 years ago. Fishing was also a popular form of entertain-
ment in ancient China. • Durability - A unique tempering process allowing us to make
a hook of superior strength and durability.
Today, modern materials and manufacturing techniques have resulted
in hundreds of styles of extremely high quality hooks, designed for • Strength - Hooks made of high carbon steel for superior
specific types of fish and fishing methods. strength.

Quality of hooks • Sharpness - Conically needle honed points that are sharp from
Gamakatsu hooks are the corner stone of the Gamakatsu company, the package and stay sharp.
and are famous worldwide. Material and technology are what makes
these hooks superior to all other brands. The Gamakatsu company, • Color Variation - Colored hooks in red, blue, green, gold, nickel,
in conjunction with a material manufacturer, developed a material Bronze, black, shrimp and fluorescent colors F-red, F-chartreuse,
known as High Carbon steel specifically for the manufacture of fish F-pink, F-orange, F-glow, F-green,F-purple to match the color of
hooks. This material not only contains a higher percentage of carbon, your lure or bait.
but also has very few impurities. As a result, GAMAKATSU has earned
Anglers’ trust throughout the world. The life of a fish hook is measured • Style Variation - Innovative hook designs like the extra wide
by the sharpness, hardness, and viscosity of the point. Using low gap (EWG) that hook and hold fish better.
quality materials results in points that are weak and not truly sharp.
In order to use High Carbon steel, Gamakatsu developed a unique Gamakatsu makes a hook for any and every fishing situation. So go
electronic tempering process which enables hooks to be tempered ahead, tie on a Gamakatsu because it is “Simply the best!”
in a stable condition. As a result, Gamakatsu is able to manufacture
consistently high quality, extremely sharp hooks in large quantities.
Hook producing
The methods used in creating Gamakatsu hooks is what makes it so Western United States
superior to all other brands. First, only the most premium grade of
high carbon steel is used. This insures against any blemishes in the
metal which can weaken the hook.

Secondly, Gamakatsu has the most advanced tempering system P.O. Box 1797 • Tacoma, WA 98401
in the world. Every hook is heated to the exact temperature that is 3900-C1 Industry Drive. E, Tacoma, WA 98424
perfect for that particular style and size then cooled in oil. This process 253-922-8373 • Fax 800-223-9383
produces hooks which are super strong, but not brittle. It is extremely
difficult to achieve a balance between strength and flexibility, and it
took many years for Gamakatsu to perfect this process. Eastern United States

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, our sharpening process is the

most modern in the world, and results in a perfectly conical point that
is unequaled in sharpness. 3655 Kennesaw 75 Pkwy, STE 135, Kennesaw GA 30144
770-919-1722 • Fax 770-919-8141


Gamakatsu started producing fish hooks in 1955. At that time, they Market Leader GAMAKATSU
were the smallest hook manufacturer in Japan and all of their hooks Gamakatsu is the leading fish hook manufacturer in Japan. They are
were made by hand. In 1963 they introduced a new automated constantly testing new materials, trying to improve their product
heating facility which catapulted them to the forefront of the Japa- which already sets the standard for the rest of the industry.
nese market. In 1974, they introduced fully automated hook making
machines and found it necessary to build a second factory in order to In 1992 Gamakatsu USA Inc. was established to provide Gamakatsu
meet the demand they had created. brand hooks to the U.S. market. Obviously, Gamakatsu is well on it’s
way of achieving their goal of becoming the market leader in the USA
In 1976, being well established as the leading Japanese hook manu- and the world!
facturer, Gamakatsu started building a new factory to produce high
quality fishing rods for the Japanese market. Environment has our attention
Since 1955, Gamakatsu has strictly stuck to the theme of “Nature and
After upgrading the hook manufacturing machines in 1986, they Technology”. We work hard to develop new, hi-tech products that ben-
expanded their product line. As a result, Gamakatsu Co. Ltd became a efit the outdoorsman without adversely effecting the environment.
major manufacturer with a full line of high quality fishing rods, hooks,
apparel, and fishing related items by 1987. Gamakatsu’s policy of technical development has always been
“the best of quality”. We are always searching for new ways
In 1988, after upgrading the automated tempering facilities and to make our existing products better in addition to constantly
expanding the hook factory, Gamakatsu Co. Ltd opened Gamakatsu looking for unique products which are not yet available. We
International Co., Ltd. in Thailand and Gamakatsu Shantou Co. Ltd. in believe that only this attitude can give our customers the best
China in 1989. they deserve!
When anglers purchase Gamakatsu hooks, they are buying an original
product made by GAMAKATSU. Many hook suppliers are using All over the world
fabricated Japanese sounding names bought from several different Gamakatsu products are used worldwide. With offices located around
manufacturers. the world, Gamakatsu is able to research its markets and develop
unique products that meet the needs of even the most demanding

Aaron Martens
Gamakatsu Pro




G-Finesse by Aaron Martens Page All Purpose Page
G-Finesse Drop Shot 19 Octopus 34
G-Finesse Heavy Cover Worm 19 Walleye and Steelhead Assortment 35
G-Finesse Treble 19 Fluorescent Walleye and Steelhead Assortment 35
G-Finesse Treble MH 19 Octopus Light 35
Octopus Barbless 36
G-Finesse by Shin Fukae Octopus Straight Eye 36
G-Finesse Swivel Shot 20 Octopus Straight Eye, 4x Strong 37
G-Finesse Swivel Shot Drop Shot 20 Octopus Straight Eye, 4x Strong (Inline-Point) 37
G-Finesse Swivel Shot Worm 20 Octopus Circle (Offset-Point) 38
G-Finesse Weedless Wacky 20 Octopus Circle (Inline-Point) NEW Pack 38
G-Finesse Jig Head Wacky 21 Octopus Circle Barbless (Inline-Point) 38
G-Finesse Tricky Head 21 Octopus Circle Outbarb 1x Strong 39
G-Finesse Worm Light with Tin Keeper 21 Octopus Circle Straight Eye (Inline-Point) 40
G-Finesse Tournament Snap 21 Octopus Circle Straight Eye 4x Strong 40
Octopus Circle Straight Eye 4x Strong (Inline-Point) 41
G-Finesse by Mike McClelland Page Big River Bait 42
G-Finesse Hybrid Worm 22 Big River Bait Barbless 43
Big River Bait Open Eye 43
G-Finesse by Brent Ehrler Page Big River Bait Open Eye Barbless 44
G-Finesse Stinger 23 Baitholder Hooks 44
G-Finesse Weedless Stinger 23 Siwash Open Eye 45

G-Power by Aaron Martens Page Fresh Water Hooks Page

G-Power Heavy Cover Worm Flip and Punch NEW 26 Spin Bait NEW 48
G-Power Stinger Trailer NEW 26 TW Hook 48
Single Egg Hook 48
Treble Double Hooks Page Aberdeen 48
Treble SP Medium Heavy Hypershield NEW 28 Crappie Assortment 48
Treble Round Bend 28 Walleye Wide Gap 49
Treble Round Bend Barbless 28 Shiner Straight Eye 49
Treble 2x Strong Round Bend 29 Shiner Upturned Eye 49
Treble (Magic Eye) Round Bend 29 Wicked Wacky 50
Treble Short Shank, (Magic Eye) Round Bend 29 Split Shot/Drop Shot 50
Treble 23 (Magic Eye) 2x Strong, Round Bend 29 Split Shot/Drop Shot Weedless 50
Treble Extra Wide Gap (EWG) 30 Finesse Wide Gap 51
Treble EWG Short Shank (Magic Eye) 30 Finesse Wide Gap Weedless 51
Treble EWG Short Shank 2x Strong (Magic Eye) 30 G-Stinger 51
Treble 4x Strong 30 Trailer Hook SP 52
Trout Treble 31 Spinner Bait Trailer 52
Feathered Treble 31 Spinner Bait 52
Double 22 Medium Shank 31
EWG Double 31 Ice Fishing 53
Micro V Gap 53
Micro Perfect Gap 53
Micro Wide Gap 53


Fresh Water Hooks, continued Page Jig Hooks, continued Page
G-Carp 53 Jig 90 Heavy Wire Round Bend 70
G-Carp Super Hook 53 Jig 90 Salty HD NEW 70
G-Carp Specialist RX 53 Jig 90 Big River NEW 70
G-Carp Specialist R 53
G-Carp Hump Back 53 Jig Heads and Lures Page
Under Spin Head NEW 71
Catfish 54 Superline Swim Bait Head 71
Big Cat Circle 54 Stand Up Alien Head 72
Catfish Assortment 54 Skip Gap Head 72
Finesse Jig Head 72
Worm Hooks Page Finesse Jig Head Offset 72
Worm, Extra Wide Gap (EWG) 56 Bottom Knocker Offset 73
Worm, Superline Extra Wide Gap (EWG) 56 Crappie Jig Head 73
Worm, Superline EWG with Ring 56 Round 26 73
Worm Superline EWG, Weighted 57 Round 211 73
EWG Worm Assortment 57 Football 24 74
Worm, G-Lock 57 Cobra 27 74
Worm, Deep Throat Wide Gap 58 Darter 26 74
Worm, Super Deep Throat Wide Gap 58 Tube Head 74
Worm, Offset Shank, O’Shaughnessy Bend 58
Worm, Offset Shank, Round Bend 59 Saltwater Page
Worm Superline Offset Round Bend NEW 59 Live Bait 76
Worm, Skip Gap 59 Live Bait with Solid Ring 76
Extra Wide Gap (EWG) Monster 60 Live Bait Light Wire 76
Extra Wide Gap (EWG) Monster, Weighted 60 Live Bait Light Wire with Solid Ring 76
Worm, Straight Shank, O’ Shaughnessy Bend 61 Live Bait Heavy Duty 77
Worm, Straight Shank, Wire Guard 61 Live Bait Heavy Duty with Solid Ring 77
Worm, Straight Shank, Light Wire 61 Live Bait Heavy Duty Circle 78
Worm, Straight Shank, Round Bend 62 Nautilus Circle 78
Finesse Heavy Cover with Tin Keeper 62 Nautilus Circle with Solid Ring 78
Heavy Cover Worm with Tin Keeper 62 Nautilus Light 79
Super Heavy Cover Worm with Tin Keeper 62 Nautilus Circle Heavy Duty 79
Gika Rig NEW 63 Nautilus Circle Heavy Duty with Solid Ring 79
Gika Rig Weight NEW 63 Super Nautilus Circle 80
Superline Spring Lock 64 Octopus Circle, 4x Strong , Straight Eye 80
Superline Spring Lock, Weighted 64 Octopus Circle, 4x Strong , Straight Eye (Inline-Point) 81
Superline Spring Lock Monster, Weighted 65 O’Shaughnessy 82
Single 510 82
Jig Hooks Page Magic Eye Tuna Plug 3X 83
Jig 30 Extra Wide Gap (EWG) 68 Tuned Tuna Plug with Ring 83
Jig 60 Round Bend NEW COLOR 68 Big Eye Circle 84
Jig 60 Flat Eye, Light Wire, Round Bend 68 Tuned Tuna with Welded Eye 85
Jig 60 Flat Eye, Round Bend 69
Jig 60 Extra Wide Gap (EWG) 69
Jig 90 69
Jig 90 Round Bend 69
Assist Hook Page Fly Hooks Executive Series, continued. Page
Double Assist 520 88 R10-B • Retainer Bend Barbless 103
Assist 510 88 R17-B • Retainer Bend Barbless 3x Fine 103
Tuned Assist HD 89 R18-B • Barbless 2x Strong 103
Magnum Assist 89 R19-B • Retainer Bend Barbless NEW 103
Steel Assist with Magic Eye Swivel 90 B10S • Stinger, 1x Strong Forged 104
Assist 520, Ringed 90 B10S • Tournament Grade Wire, Nano Smooth Coat 104
Assist 620 Heavy Duty with Solid Ring 91 B10S • Stinger Fluorescent NEW 104
Assist 720 Heavy Duty NEW 91 C14S • Glo Bug 104
C16-B • Crippled Emerger 104
Rigs and Snells Page C13U • Keel Balance 105
Drop Shot Rig 94 C15-BV • Vertical eye, Emerger, Barbless 105
Single Egg Hooks, Barb on Shank Snell 94 C12-BM • Barbless Midge, Large Eye 105
Baitholder Snell 94
Kokanee Two Hook Snell NEW 95 Traditional Series Page
EWG Wallye Snell 95 S11-4L2H • Steamer, 4x Long, 2x Strong 105
Walleye Snell with Glow Bead 95 S11S-4L2H • Straight Eye Streamer 105
Walleye LG Two Hook Rig 95 L11S-3H • Salmon and Steelhead 3x Strong 105
Treble Stinger Rig, Wire Leader 96 C12 • Down Eye Scud 105
Treble Stinger Rig, Fluorocarbon Leader 96 C12U • Caddis 105
Catfish Rig 96 C12-B • Down Eye Scud Barbless, Red 105
Catfish Rig Circle 96 T10-3H • Salmon Dry 1x Fine 106
Mooching Rig (Slip Tie) 97 T10-6H • Salmon Tapered Loop Up-Eye 106
Mooching Rig (Solid Tie) 97 Russian River Fly 106
Mooching Rig (Slip Tie) Barbless 97 Double 22 Medium Shank 106
Mooching Rig Big River Bait (Slip Tie) NEW 97
Two Hook Bait Rig 97 Saltwater Series Page
Salmon/Steelhead Leader 97 SL12-S 1x Short • Big Game, Wide Gap 106
Sockeye Rig 98 SL12S • Big Game, Wide Gap 107
Top and Bottom Rig 98 SL45 • Bonefish 107
Fluke Rig with Teaser 98 SC15-2H • Wide Gap 107
Striper Rig 98 SL11-3H • 3x Strong 107
Striper Rig with Sliding Sinker Lock 99 SS15 • Standard 108
Jigging Rig, Gold 99 SP11-3L3H • Perfect Bend 108
Jigging Rig, Nickel, Smelt/Herring 99 SC15 • Wide Gap 108
Jigging Rig, Special Assorted Hook 99 SC17 • Tarpon Fly 108
Jigging Rig, Special Weighted Assorted Hook 99
Terminal NEW Page
Fly Hooks Executive Series Page Silicone Stopper NEW 112
S10 • Standard Down Eye 103 Spring Lock NEW 112
S10-B • Standard Down Eye Barbless 103 Superline Swivel NEW 112
S10S • Straight Eye Dry 103 Duo Lock Snap w/ Superline Swivel NEW 112
Jig Nymph • J20 Barbed 103 Cross Lock Snap w/ Superline Swivel NEW 112
Jig Nymph • J20 Barbless 103 Superline Split Ring NEW 112
Superline Solid Ring NEW 112


Tackle Storage Page Apparel and Gear, continued. Page
G-Box 3200, Utility Case 114 Ladies Hooded Sweatshirt NEW 127
G-Box 3200D Deep Utility Case NEW 114 Trucker Mesh Cap -Black with White Mesh 127
G-Box 3500D, Deep Utility Case 114 Trucker Mesh Cap -Navy with White Mesh 127
G-Box 3600, Utility Case 115 Pro Cotton Cap 127
G-BOX 3700, Utility Case 115 Low Profile Visor 128
G-Box 3700D Deep Utility Case NEW 115 Alaska Hat 128
G-Box 250, Duo Side Case, Slit Foam 115 G-Finesse Cap 128
G-Box 3200, Slit Foam Case 116 G-Finesse Flat Bill 128
G-Box 3600, Slit Foam Case 116 Flat Bill Triple Black 128
G-Box 318SD Pocket Utility Case NEW 116 T-Shirt 128
G-Box 388DD Pocket Utility Case NEW 116 G-Finesse T-Shirt 128
G-Case 7000 NEW 117 Luxxe T-Shirt 128
G-Case 7000 Jig Compartment NEW 117 Performance LS Shirt White 128
G-Case 7000 Rod Stand NEW 117 Performance LS Shirt Black 128
G-Case 7000 Shoulder Strap NEW 117 SoftShell Performance Jacket 129
Shoulder Bag Tackle Storage NEW 118 Fleece Performance Jacket 129
Backpack Tackle Storage 118 Hooded Sweatshirt 129
G-Finesse Dry Bag Backpack 118 Hooded Sweatshirt 129
Tuna Dry Bag Backpack NEW 119 Japanese Chara T-Shirt 129
Dry Bag 10L 119 Samurai Fisherman Trucker Mesh Cap 129
Dry Bag Backpack 20L 119 Samurai Fisherman T-Shirt Black 129
Samurai Fisherman T-Shirt White 129
Tools and Accessories Page Samurai Fisherman Long Sleeve 129
Aluminum Heavy Duty Pliers 122
Fishing Pliers 6” NEW 122 Stickers Page
Fishing Pliers 7” NEW 122 G-Finesse Decals - Yellow, White, Solid 130
Micro Split Ring Plier NEW 123 Tuna Boat Decal - White, Red, Blue 130
Folding Braid Scissors w/ Split Ring Opener NEW 123 Embroidered Patch 130
Finger Protector 123 Small Boat Decal 130
Luxxe Fishing Line 123 Large Boat Decal 130
Small Decal Sheet 130
Apparel and Gear Page Gamakatsu Carpet Sticker NEW 130
Trucker Hat Mesh Blk/Charcoal NEW 126
Flexfit Multicam Hat NEW 126 Representative Page Page
Sun Shield Gray NEW 126 Gamakatsu Regions 131
T-Shirt Heather Gray NEW 126 SPRO Regions 131
T-Shirt Retro Logo Navy NEW 126
Performance LS Shirt Blue NEW 126
Performance LS Shirt Gray NEW 126
Performance LS Shirt Flag NEW 126
Performance Hoodie Blue NEW 126
Performance Hoodie Steel NEW 127
Shadow Technical Hoodie NEW 127
Performance Shirt LS (SKY) NEW 127
Performance Shirt LS (STEEL) NEW 127
Ladies Performance LS Shirt Blue NEW 127
Gamakatsu continues to forge new paths by The G-Finesse hooks are designed for technical and finesse fishing
applications whereas the G-Power hooks are better suited for heavy
combining exciting new hook designs with industry- cover and power techniques. Both G-Finesse and G-Power feature
leading technology. The Gamakatsu G-Finesse and Tournament Grade Wire and Nano Smooth Coating.
G-Power hooks are a perfect example of the brand’s
Hook a few thousand bass a year and you know what works and what
commitment to innovation. doesn’t. That’s exactly what Gamakatsu’s pro team does year-in and
year-out. Every cast, every hookset can be a game-changer…and that
was the genesis of the G-Series. Designed and tested by bass fishing’s
The G-Series is a result of endless hours of product top pro’s, G-Series takes hook design, “sharp” and “strong” to new and
testing from some of the world’s leading pro anglers. unimagined levels of excellence. The top professionals’ livelihoods
Every hook in this premium line was designed with a depend on being the best and using the best equipment available and
with G-Series, they have the competitive edge.
specific application, utilizing critical input from our
professional fishing team. As a result, not only are Gamakatsu’s long held the reputation as the sharpest hooks on the
water and the G-Series takes that to a whole new level. Using an
these hooks, sharper, stronger and more durable, but ultra-strong material called TGW (Tournament Grade Wire), that’s
they also create pro-type fishing advantages as seen thinner, stronger and sharper, Gamakatsu has been able to achieve
in an increase in hook-ups, fewer lost fish, and overall what no other hook company has, the world’s most effective fishing
superior fishability.
But TGW is only part of the G-Series story. Gamakatsu’s exclusive
Nano Smooth Coat finish reduces resistance for superior
penetration. A slicker, faster penetrating hook surface enhances the
design and material attributes of the G-Series.

G-Series is more than an innovative, revolutionary, new hook

material and finish. Gamakatsu’s exclusive, proprietary design
makes these singularly unique hooks even better!


G-Finesse… A Ground-Breaking Achievement In Hook Design
Gamakatsu entered the market on the promise of the sharpest hooks
produced. It was Gamakatsu that created the “super sharp” hook
category and continues to add new application-specific hooks to its
offering every year.

“Over my entire career fishing Gamakatsu I envisioned making the best

finesse hook in the world. Gamakatsu’s New G-Finesse Series combine
Ultra Sharp Tournament Grade Wire with Nano Smooth Technology for A a ro n
the ultimate in hook penetration. This new technology will take my M a rt en
finesse fishing to a whole new level”. ~ Aaron Martens

G-Finesse Heavy Cover Worm G-Finesse Treble Hook MH Hook

Aaron Martens Signature G-Finesse Heavy G-Finesse for big, tough fish that live
Cover Worm hook does what others can’t. in the heaviest cover. Aaron Martens
Extreme versatility. frequently chases them and he asked us
for medium heavy G-Finesse treble to
Martens says it best, “This hook let’s me do so much, easily the most meet those needs. We answered. The new
versatile soft plastics hook on the market”. G-Finesse Treble MH features a tougher
medium heavy, tournament grade wire
Featuring Aaron’s custom designed keeper that holds plastics tight for for additional strength. The same Nano Smooth Coat
endless casts without rips or tears. The rock solid keeper is made finish and short shank promote instant hook penetration.
of non-corrosive tin, not plastic or lead, so it won’t wear out or add Available in Sizes 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1/0.
unwanted weight. Like all G-Finesse hooks, tournament grade wire
and Nano Smooth Coat finish perfect the design.
Available is sizes 2, 1, 1/0, 2/0, 3/0, 4/0.
G-Finesse Drop Shot Hook
Martens has been instrumental in the
G-Finesse Treble Hook development of Gamakatsu’s new
Thinner, Stronger, Sharper, Better. G-Finesse Drop Shot Hook. Completely “
Gamakatsu continues to expand its pro-designed”, Gamakatsu’s new
ground-breaking G-Finesse series hooks G-Finesse series is a giant leap forward
with the G-Finesse Treble Hook. Designed in fishing hook technology.
by Tournament pro, Aaron Martens, the
G-Finesse Treble redefines “sharp” and “effective”.

Gamakatsu’s G-Finesse Treble Hook is patterned after traditional Martens has been instrumental in the development of Gamakatsu’s
O’Shaughnessy style hooks. Aaron has long been a proponent of G-Finesse Drop Shot Hook. Completely “pro-designed”, Gamakatsu’s
the O’Shaughnessy hook style with its distinctive acute angle G-Finesse series is a giant leap forward in fishing hook technology. “The
at the bottom of the hook. Martens believes the addition of the G-Finesse Drop Shot Hook is like Gamakatsu’s standard Drop Shot Hook
O’Shaughnessy bend, hooks and holds fish better than round bend except that I had them pull the point more towards the eye to open up
designs. He should know, a past B.A.S.S. Angler of the Year, had three the gap. Also, the hook wire, called TGW (Tournament Grade Wire) is a
second place finishes in Bassmaster’s Classics and is always in the hunt smaller diameter, but just as strong as their other hooks.” Gamakatsu’s
on the pro tours. When you fish as much as Aaron does, small details G-Finesse Drop Shot Hooks are available in sizes, 2, 1, 1/0 and 2/0. Nano
make a big difference. The G-Finesse Treble Hooks is available in sizes Smooth Coat finish.
6,5,4,3,2, 1, 1/0. Nano Smooth Coat finish.


G-Finesse Swivel Shot G-Finesse Tricky Head.
Drop-shot fishing for bass is nothing From the master finesse
new but Gamakatsu’s approach to magician himself, Shin
it is. Our Swivel Shot eliminates Fukae, comes the Tricky
line twist that’s commonly associated with drop shotting and Shinichi F u Head jig head. Designed to be
vastly improves rigging efficiency. Gamakatsu’s produced fished with the popular shaky head technique, it brings
a revolutionary “Twist Free” design using a premium swivel above several additional advantages to the tackle box. The
the hook. The hook, a super-sharp Gamakatsu offset point Octopus Tricky Head is snag free. The weighted lead head is uniquely shaped to
hook, is strong enough to winch big bass out of slop --- another remain vertical during presentation, allowing the jig to bounce in and
unique attribute of their Swivel Shot system. The Easy-Change weight around structure while the worm or swimbait is held firmly in place
system below the hook improves rigging efficiency and easy leader by a lockdown tin keeper. You’ve got to see it to believe it. Available in
length adjustments without retying your rig. Pro Shinichi Fukae black or plain lead, in sizes 1/16, 3/32, 1/8 or 3/16 oz.
was instrumental in the development and testing of Gamakatsu’s
Swivel Shot and shared that it has been an essential element in his G-Finesse Weedless Wacky
tournament success. Without a doubt, the Swivel Shot is an enormous Gamakatsu’s Tournament-winning Pro
leap forward in drop shot fishing that’s sure to maximize angler’s Staffer, Shinichi Fukae, never rests. He
efficiency, increase hook-ups and land trophy-sized bass without the worked tirelessly with Gamakatsu’s
worry posed by conventional drop shot hooks and rigging. engineers to develop the G-Finesse
Available in NS Black. Sizes: 2 - 3/0 Weedless Wacky hook. Look closely and
you’ll see, it’s not an ordinary weedless
G-Finesse Swivel Shot Drop Shot design. The weed guards are not plastic, they’re titanium wire—
The original G-Finesse Swivel Shot solidly encased and directly molded to the hook shank. They won’t
changed the game and professional come loose and they don’t vibrate or add resistance. The extremely
anglers were eager to play. Some, like thin gauge wire retains its shape, yet is flexible enough to compress
Shin Fukae, recognized the G-Finesse with even the gentlest nibbles. Bass won’t feel a thing, until of course,
advantage but didn’t want to break from tradition entirely. The the precision sharpened Gamakatsu hook does its job. The G-Finesse
G-Finesse Swivel Shot Drop Shot features our top of the line Weedless Wacky hook features Gamakatsu’s exclusive Nano Smooth
Tournament Grade Wire Drop Shot hook. Both the hook and swivel Coat finish to add stealth and reduce friction for effortless hook
system feature the benefits of a Nano Smooth Coat finish. penetration. The hook itself features Tournament Grade Wire (TGW)
Available in sizes 2, 1, 1/0 and 2/0. that is a smaller diameter, yet stronger, than other Drop Shot hooks.
Available in sizes 2, 1, 1/0, 2/0 and 3/0
G-Finesse Swivel Shot Worm
This design is the origination of a G-Finesse Worm Light with Tin Keeper
revolutionary new technique made When conditions require finesse, the pros
possible by Gamakatsu’s industry- use G-Finesse Worm Light hooks. The light
changing G-Finesse series. Pro Staff wire allows for threading of extremely
Shinichi Fukae spent the over a year perfecting the concept and small diameter worms with ease. Even
proving its power. We’ve combined our G-Finesse Worm Light w/ Tin the most fragile plastics are less likely to
Keeper hook with the G-Finesse Swivel Shot System to create the tear, saving on baits and increasing fishing time. The non-corrosive
Swivel Shot Worm. Unique in form, function and finesse. Texas Rig tin keeper doesn’t add weight. Like all G-Finesse hooks, the Worm
the Swivel Shot Worm to be fished in and around cover. The light wire Light hook penetrates with significantly less force making them
allows for threading extremely small diameter worms, held firmly in substantially more effective. Available in sizes 1, 1/0, and 2/0, all with
place by the near weightless, tin keeper. The hook also features our Nano Smooth Coat Finish.
unique Nano Smooth Coat Finish. Adding the “twist-free” advantage
of the Swivel Shot allows super fast rigging without tangles. You can
be assured the presentation is always perfect, and that translates into
more strikes and more bent rods.
Available in sizes 1, 1/0, 2/0. Nano Smooth Coat finish.
G-Finesse Gamakatsu Tournament Snap G-Finesse Jig Head Wacky Black
Gamakatsu’s Tournament Snap is better by Gamakatsu’s Jig Head Wacky is a vast
design. Primarily used on plugs for bass, improvement over other wacky jigs. The
walleye, salmon, stripers, steelhead, trout, nickel/titanium weed guard is the first
panfish and other species, Gamakatsu’s indication that Gamakatsu’s raised the bass
Tournament Snap is stainless steel and fishing bar. This weed guard is small but Green Pumpkin
enables a full range of movement, enhancing mighty as it effectively clears hazards yet
the effectiveness of whatever plug is used. Better yet, and unlike maintains its shape and rigidity under the
other plug snaps, Gamakatsu’s Tournament Snap will not accidentally most demanding use. The jig head is an improvement as well. Better
open. The clever design of the Tournament Snap stays closed at designed to resist snags the hook eye is recessed to prevent getting
all times as the plug eye is threaded onto the snap. It’s easy and hung-up in structure. Even the hook is different, a custom addition
effective! Tested extensively and used under rigorous tournament that’s based on a shiner hook but modified for the Jig Head Wacky.
conditions. Gamakatsu’s Tournament Snaps are available in two sizes, The result is a much higher ratio of hook-ups and landed fish than any
(M) Medium and (L) Large. other comparable brand. Available in Black and Green Pumpkin. Sizes:
1/0-1/16, 1/0-3/32, 1/0-1/8, 1/0-3/16


G-Finesse Weedless Stinger
G-Finesse Stinger
We heard from pro staff,
Tournament pro and
Brent Ehrler, and many others,
Gamakatsu pro staff, Brent
that anglers were spending
Ehrler, developed and Brent E
hrler far too much time tying custom
fine-tuned the G-Finesse
weed guards with wire or heavy
Stinger for use with the popular Neko and Wacky rig techniques. The
monofilament on their Neko rigs…because they couldn’t find the
G-Finesse Stinger follows in the footsteps of similar, game-changing
right finesse hook with the right weed guard already attached.
G-Finesse hooks engineered by Gamakatsu. It features Tournament
Problem solved! The G-Finesse Stinger Weedless is just what the
Grade Wire (TGW) which is thinner and stronger than anything else
tournament trail needed. Titanium wire weed guard, Nano Smooth
on the market, and an application of Nano Smooth Coat to decrease
Coat and Tournament Grade Wire. Available in size 6 through 1/0.
penetration resistance. This hook can be perfectly positioned exactly
where you want it, and even moved, without damaging the bait.
When the bite is tough, G-Finesse opens new ways to stick it to’em.
Available in size 6 through 1/0.


Mike McClelland Inspired G-Finesse Hybrid Worm acute hook angle to keep baits aligned perfectly
The G-Finesse Hybrid Worm is the brainchild of straight. Hence, the “Hybrid” name. The Nano
pro-staffer; Mike McClelland. He’s spent more Smooth Coat finish makes it easy to thread the
Mi ke
than a few hours on the water, competing M cCle
ll an d thinnest finesse baits or the fattest Senkos with ease.
in over 234 tournaments, including 10 Add industry-changing Tournament Grade Wire (TGW)
times at the Bassmaster Classic. to the package and things couldn’t be more perfect. Take our word for
Mike knows the subtleties of rigging it, or better yet, fish it yourself. The G-Finesse Hybrid Worm is available
worms and soft plastic like no one else, in sizes 1/0 to 8/0.
so he and Gamakatsu’s designers combined the best of his current
favorite Gamakatsu worm hook and incorporated a distinctive new




“Over my entire career fishing Gamakatsu I envisioned making the best finesse hook in the world. Gamakatsu’s G-Finesse Series combine Ultra
Sharp Tournament Grade Wire with Nano Smooth Technology for the ultimate in hook penetration. This technology will take my finesse
fishing to a whole new level”. ~ Aaron Martens

Aa ro n
M ar te
G-Finesse Drop Shot
Martens has been instrumental in the development of Gamakatsu’s G-Finesse Drop Shot Hook. Completely “pro-designed”, Gamakatsu’s new
G-Finesse series is a giant leap forward in fishing hook technology.

SIZES 2 1 1/0 2/0

Nano Smooth Coat LS 338209(6) 338210(6) 338211(6) 338212(6) 2/0

G-Finesse Heavy Cover Worm

Aaron Martens designed Finesse Heavy Cover, now available in Tournament Grade Wire (TGW), Nano Smooth Coat finish and Aaron’s custom designed Tin Keeper.

SIZES 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0

Nano Smooth Coat LS 357209(4) 357210(4) 357211(4) 357212(4) 357213(4) 357214(4)

G-Finesse Treble
Gamakatsu’s G-Finesse Treble Hook is patterned after traditional O’Shaughnessy style hooks. Aaron has long been a proponent of the O’Shaughnessy hook style with its
distinctive acute angle at the bottom of the hook. Martens believes the addition of the O’Shaughnessy bend, hooks and holds fish better than round bend designs.
SIZES 6 5 4 3 2 1 1/0
Nano Smooth Coat LS 339207(6) 339207.5(6) 339208(6) 339208.5(6) 339209(6) 339210(6) 339211(6)

G-Finesse Treble MH
Aaron Martens designed G-Finesse Treble MH features a tougher medium heavy Tournament Grade Wire (TGW) for additional strength and Nano Smooth Coat Technology for
instant hook penetration.
SIZES 6 5 4 3 2 1 1/0
Nano Smoot Coat LS 347207(6) 347207.5(6) 347208(6) 347208.5(6) 347209(6) 347210(6) 347211(6)




Swivel Shot Drop Shot Features. Designed and endorsed by Pro Shinichi Fukae
A. High quality swivel above the hook to minimize line twist.
B. Easy-Change Weight System.
C. Nano Smooth Coat finish for stealth presentations and unsurpassed hook penetration.
Shinichi Fu
D. Tournament Grade Wire - hook points stays sharper longer. kae

G-Finesse Swivel Shot

SIZES 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0
NS Black LS 316409(3) 316410(3) 316411(3) 316412(3) 316413(3)

G-Finesse Swivel Shot Drop Shot

SIZES 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0
Nano Smooth Coat LS 316409(3) 316410(3) 316411(3) 316412(3) 316413(3)

G-Finesse Swivel Shot Worm

SIZES 1 1/0 2/0
Nano Smooth Coat LS 362210(3) 362211(3) 362212(3)

G-Finesse Weedless Wacky

SIZES 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0
Nano Smooth Coat LS 367209(4) 367210(4) 367211(4) 367212(4) 367213(4)


G-Finesse Jig Head Wacky
Gamakatsu’s Jig Head Wacky is a vast improvement over other wacky jigs. The nickel/titanium weed guard is the first indication that Gamakatsu’s raised the bass fishing bar.
This weed guard is small but mighty as it effectively clears hazards yet maintains its shape and rigidity under the most demanding use. The jig head is an improvement as well.
Better designed to resist snags the hook eye is recessed to prevent getting hung-up in structure. Even the hook is different, a custom addition that’s based on a shiner hook but
modified for the Jig Head Wacky. The result is a much higher ratio of hook-ups and landed fish than any other comparable brand.

SIZES 1/0-1/16 1/0-3/32 1/0-1/8 1/0-3/16

Black LS 312411-BK-1/16(3) 312411-BK-3/32(3) 312411-BK-1/8(3) 312411-BK-3/16(3)
Green Pumpkin LS 312411-GP-1/16(3) 312411-GP-3/32(3) 312411-GP-1/8(3) 312411-GP-3/16(3)

G-Finesse Tricky Head

From the master finesse magician himself, Shin Fukae, comes the Tricky Head jig head. Designed to be fished with the popular shaky head technique, it brings several
additional advantages to the tackle box. The Tricky Head is snag free. The weighted lead head is uniquely shaped to remain vertical during presentation, allowing the jig to
bounce in and around structure while the worm or swimbait is held firmly in place by a lockdown tin keeper. You’ve got to see it to believe it. Available in black or plain lead.

SIZES 3/0-1/16 3/0-3/32 3/0-1/8 3/0-3/16

Plain Lead LS 370413-1/16(3) 370413-3/32(3) 370413-1/8(3) 370413-3/16(3)
Black LS 370413-BK-1/16(3) 370413-BK-3/32(3) 370413-BK-1/8(3) 370413-BK-3/16(3)



G-Finesse Worm Light with Tin Keeper

When conditions require finesse, the pros use G-Finesse Worm Light hooks. The light wire allows for threading of extremely small diameter worms with ease. Even the most
fragile plastics are less likely to tear, saving on baits and increasing fishing time. The non-corrosive tin keeper doesn’t add weight. Like all G-Finesse hooks,
the Worm Light hook penetrates with significantly less force making them substantially more effective.
SIZES 1 1/0 2/0
Nano Smooth Coat LS 358210(4) 358211(4) 358212(4)

G-Finesse Tournament Snap

SIZES Medium (60 lb.) Large (80 lb.)
LS 333000-M(10) 333000-L(10)




Gamakatsu Hybrid Worm is the definitive choice for all of my soft plastic rigs on tour. The unique hybrid design helps me hook and land more fish than
ever before. When combined with Tournament Grade Wire and Nano Smooth Coat technology, Hybrid Worm is the ultimate fish catching machine.
~ Mike McClelland

G-Finesse Hybrid Worm

The G-Finesse Hybrid Worm is the brainchild of pro-staffer; Mike McClelland. He’s spent more than a few hours on the water, competing
in over 234 tournaments, including 10 times at the Bassmaster Classic. Mike knows the subtleties of rigging worms and soft plastic
like no one else, so he and Gamakatsu’s designers combined the best of his current favorite Gamakatsu worm hook and incorporated a
distinctive new acute hook angle to keep baits aligned perfectly straight. Hence, the “Hybrid” name. The Nano Smooth Coat finish makes
it easy to thread the thinnest finesse baits or the fattest Senkos with ease. Add industry-changing Tournament Grade Wire (TGW) to the
package and things couldn’t be more perfect. Take our word for it, or better yet, fish it yourself.

SIZES 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0 7/0 8/0

Nano Smooth Coat LS 366211(4) 366212(4) 366213(4) 366214(4) 366215(4) 366216(4) 366217(4) 366218(4)




G-Finesse Stinger
Tournament pro and Gamakatsu pro staff, Brent Ehrler, developed and fine-tuned the G-Finesse Stinger for use with the popular Neko and
Wacky rig techniques. The G-Finesse Stinger follows in the footsteps of similar, game-changing G-Finesse hooks engineered by Gamakatsu.
It features Tournament Grade Wire (TGW) which is thinner and stronger than anything else on the market, and an application of Nano Brent E
Smooth Coat to decrease penetration resistance. This hook can be perfectly positioned exactly where you want it, and even moved, without
damaging the bait. When the bite is tough, G-Finesse opens new ways to stick it to ’em.
SIZES 6 4 2 1 1/0
Nano Smooth Coat LS 374207(6) 374208(6) 374209(6) 374210(6) 374211(6)

G-Finesse Weedless Stinger

We heard from pro staff, Brent Ehrler, and many others, that anglers were spending far too much time tying custom weed guards with wire or heavy monofilament on their
Neko rigs…because they couldn’t find the right finesse hook with the right weed guard already attached. Problem solved! The G-Finesse Weedless Stinger is just what the
tournament trail needed. Titanium wire weed guard, Nano Smooth Coat and Tournament Grade Wire.

SIZES 6 4 2 1 1/0
Nano Smooth Coat LS 375207(4) 375208(4) 375209(4) 375210(4)) 375211(4)




M ar te

G-Power Heavy Cover Worm Flip and Punch

Designed by Aaron Martens, Gamakatsu has developed the new G-Power Heavy Cover Flip & Punch Hook. A step up from the G-Finesse Heavy Cover Hook, for serious
flipping and punching with Heavy fluorocarbon and braid. The TGW (Tournament Grade Wire) hook, paired with its welded eye, make this the strongest Heavy Cover
hook in Gamakatsu’s G-Series lineup. Ideal for larger baits and weights, punching through grass mats and flipping into heavy timber. G-Power Flip and Punch ideally
matches to all types of cover and able to withstand extreme conditions.
SIZES 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0
Nano Smooth Coat LS 392212(4) 392213(4) 392214(4) 392215(4)

G-Power Stinger Trailer

The new G-Power Stinger Trailer Hook brilliance comes from Gamakatsu’s famous B10S series of fly hooks and the expertise of Professional Bass angler Aaron Martens. The
Stinger Trailer has a strategically designed eye angle. This allows the hook to run straight through the water column at any retrieve speed which produces more hookups. To
make this stinger hook even more efficient, Gamakatsu paired it with a silicone stopper to be placed just above the eye, preventing the hook from sliding over the barb of the
main hook. Featuring Tournament Grade Wire, Nano Smooth Coat finish and the new silicone stopper, the G-Power Stinger Trailer Hook is a game-changer.
SIZES 2 1 1/0
Nano Smooth Coat LS 411209(6) 411210(6) 411211(6)


Treble SP Medium Heavy Hypershield
The Treble SP Medium Heavy Hypershield features TGW (Tournament Grade Wire) which is thinner, stronger and sharper than standard wire. Hypershield coating
dramatically increases corrosion resistance allowing anglers to spend more time fishing and less time changing out old rusty hooks. Hypershield also keeps hooks sharper
longer, making it the perfect treble hook for big, toothy fish. The Treble SP MH is paired with the iconic ME (Magic Eye), making it extremely simple to replace existing
hooks on to any split ring of a crankbait or plug.

SIZES 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0

Hyper Shield LS 390807(6) 390808(6) 390809(5) 390810(5) 390811(4) 390812(4)

Treble Round Bend

When you want to get serious about your hard baits our Round Bend Treble is the standard worldwide.
SIZES 12 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1/0 2/0
NS Black LS 47406(12) 47406.5(12) 47407(12) 47407.5(10) 47408(11) 47408.5(8) 47409(8) 47410(8)
25 47406-25 47406.5-25 47407-25 47407.5-25 47408-25 47408.5-25 47409-25 47410-25
Tin LS 47006(12) 47007(12) 47008(11) 47009(9) 47010(7) 47011(6) 47012(5)
Bronze LS 47104(12) 47105(12) 47106(12) 47107(12) 47107.5(11) 47108(11) 47108.5(9) 47109(9) 47110(7) 47111(6) 47112(5)
25 47106-25 47107-25 47108-25 47109-25 47110-25 47111-25 47112-25
Red LS 47304(10) 47305(10) 47306(10) 47307(10) 47307.5(9) 47308(9) 47308.5(8) 47309(8)


Treble Round Bend Barbless

SIZES 8 6 4 2 1 1/0
Bronze LS 64106(12) 64107(12) 64108(11) 64109(9) 64110(7) 64111(6)


Treble 2x Strong, Round Bend
Anytime your situation requires a stout Round Bend Treble our 2X strong is the answer. The perfect hook for hard charging Stripers or Peacock Bass.
SIZES 6 4 2 1 1/0
NS Black LS 57407(12) 57408(11) 57409(9) 57410(7) 57411(6)
Red LS 57307(10) 57308(9) 57309(8) 57310(7) 57311(5)


Treble (Magic Eye), Round Bend

The special eye shape easily opens split rings, eliminating the need for split ring pliers and saving your fingernails.
Just insert it into the split ring, give a twist and simply slide the new hook on while pushing the old one off.

SIZES 6 4 2
NS Black LS 261407(12) 261408(11) 261409(9)

Treble Short Shank, (Magic Eye), Round Bend

Developed for the discerning hard bait angler. Featuring our award winning “Magic Eye”. When rigged, the Short Shank hook points run parallel to the bait creating a perfect
balance point. This is the ideal treble hook for optimal lure performance.
SIZES 6 4 2 1 1/0
NS Black LS 298407(12) 298408(11) 298409(9) 298410(7) 298411(6)

Treble 23 (Magic Eye), 2x Strong, Round Bend

Our popular Magic Eye Treble in 2x strong.
SIZES 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0
NS Black LS 245411(4) 245412(4) 245413(4) 245414(4) 245415(4)
Red LS 245312(4) 245313(4) 245314(4) 245315(4)


Treble Extra Wide Gap (EWG)
SIZES 6 4 2
Bronze LS 77107(12) 77108(11) 77109(9)
NS Black LS 77407(12) 77408(11) 77409(9)
Red LS 77307(10) 77308(9) 77309(8)

Treble EWG, Short Shank, (Magic Eye)

For crankbaits of all types --- there’s nothing better --- it’s the perfect replacement hook. First, we opened the points of this treble up slightly for even better hooking
performance. The Short Shank EWG Treble converts those fish that slash at your bait into sure hook-ups. The shorter shank and wide gap design provides less room for fish to
throw the hook. In fact, this attribute actually wedges the fish between the hook and the’s the ultimate in fish holding, which means fish landing performance.
That’s not all. It also features Gamakatsu’s exclusive “Magic Eye” that makes changing hooks a breeze. The hook’s inline points run parallel to the bait creating a perfect balance
point so your crankbaits run true.

SIZES 6 4 2 1 1/0
NS Black LS 330407(6) 330408(6) 330409(6) 330410(6) 330411(6)

Treble EWG, Short Shank, 2X Strong (Magic Eye)

All the attributes of the Short Shank EWG Treble just beefed up to 2X Strong dimensions for tackle-busting big game species like striper, musky and peacock bass.
SIZES 6 4 2 1 1/0
NS Black LS 317407(6) 317408(6) 317409(6) 317410(6) 317411(6)

Treble 4x Strong
SIZES 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0
Tin LS 62010(5) 62011(5) 62012(4) 62013(4) 62014(3) 62015(3)
NS Black LS 62407(8) 62408(7) 62409(6) 62410(5) 62411(5) 62412(4) 62413(4) 62414(3) 62415(3)


Trout Treble
Developed for that discerning trout fishermen in mind. With the advances and popularity of artificial dough and paste type baits, it was only a matter of time that an added
extra edge was needed. These high quality, sticky sharp trebles fit the bill. The light wire design will allow your bait to float higher and keep it more in the strike zone. Also,
the fine wire design will allow for quick and deeper hook penetration.
SIZES 18 16 14
Red LS 273301(4) 273302(4) 273303(4)
Gold LS 273201(4) 273202(4) 273203(4

Feathered Treble
Add one of our Feathered Trebles to the back of any topwater bait and watch your lure come to life. Beautifully hand tied on our premium Round Bend treble.
SIZES 6 4 2
NS Black (White and White) LS 216407-WW(2) 216408-WW(2) 216409-WW(2)
(White and Red) LS 216407-WR(2) 216408-WR(2) 216409-WR(2)

Double 22 Medium Shank

Medium shank length designed with a straight eye manufactured in durable Nickel Silver Black.
SIZES 10 8
NS Black LS 302405(12) 302406(12)

EWG Double
The perfect hook for all your soft bodied frogs. The angle of the hook makes it ride weedless.
The wide gap increases your hook up ratio.

SIZES 3/0 4/0

NS Black LS 226413(3) 226414(3)


Our most versatile hook, known for its durability and strength. The Octopus hook comes in a wide variety of colors and finishes including fluorescent.
SIZES 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0 7/0 8/0 9/0 10/0
Nickel LS 02005(10) 02006(10) 02007(10) 02008(10) 02009(8) 02010(8) 02011(6) 02012(6) 02013(6) 02014(6) 02015(6) 02016(6) 02017(6) 02018(6) 02019(5) 02020(5)
25 02006-25 02007-25 02008-25 02009-25 02010-25 02011-25 02012-25 02013-25 02014-25 02015-25 02016-25 02017-25 02018-25 02019-25 02020-25
100 02007-100 02008-100 02009-100 02010-100 02011-100 02012-100 02013-100 02014-100 02015-100 02016-100 02017-100
Bronze LS 02106(10) 02107(10) 02108(10) 02109(8) 02110(8) 02111(6) 02112(6) 02113(6) 02114(6) 02115(6)
25 02106-25 02107-25 02108-25 02109-25 02110-25 02111-25 02112-25 02113-25 02114-25 02115-25
100 02106-100 02107-100 02108-100 02109-100 02110-100 02111-100 02112-100 02113-100 02114-100 02115-100
NS Black LS 02403(10) 02404(10) 02405(10) 02406(10) 02407(10) 02408(10) 02409(8) 02410(8) 02411(6) 02412(6) 02413(6) 02414(6) 02415(6) 02416(6) 02417(6) 02418(6) 02419(5) 02420(5)
25 02406-25 02407-25 02408-25 02409-25 02410-25 02411-25 02412-25 02413-25 02414-25 02415-25 02416-25 02417-25
100 02406-100 02407-100 02408-100 02409-100 02410-100 02411-100 02412-100 02413-100 02414-100 02415-100 02416-100 02417-100 02418-100 02419-100 02420-100
Red LS 02303(10) 02304(10) 02305(10) 02306(10) 02307(10) 02308(10) 02309(8) 02310(8) 02311(6) 02312(6) 02313(6) 02314(6) 02315(6) 02316(6) 02317(6) 02318(6) 02319(5) 02320(5)
25 02306-25 02307-25 02308-25 02309-25 02310-25 02311-25 02312-25 02313-25 02314-25 02315-25 02316-25 02317-25
100 02306-100 02307-100 02308-100 02309-100 02310-100 02311-100 02312-100 02313-100 02314-100 02315-100 02316-100 02317-100
Green LS 02306-G(10) 02307-G(10) 02308-G(10) 02309-G(8) 02310-G(8) 02311-G(6) 02312-G(6)
25 02306-G-25 02307-G-25 02308-G-25 02309-G-25 02310-G-25 02311-G-25 02312-G-25
100 02306-G-100 02307-G-100 02308-G-100 02309-G-100 02310-G-100 02311-G-100 02312-G-100
Blue LS 02306-B(10) 02307-B(10) 02308-B(10) 02309-B(8)
25 02306-B-25 02307-B-25 02308-B-25 02309-B-25
100 02306-B-100 02307-B-100 02308-B-100 02309-B-100 02310-B-100 02311-B-100 02312-B-100
F-Red LS 02606-FR(7) 02607-FR(7) 02608-FR(7) 02609-FR(6) 02610-FR(6) 02611-FR(5) 02612-FR(5) 02613-FR(5)
Chartreuse LS 02606-C(7) 02607-C(7) 02608-C(7) 02609-C(6) 02610-C(6) 02611-C(5) 02612-C(5) 02613-C(5)
25 02606-C-25 02607-C-25 02608-C-25 02609-C-25
F-Pink LS 02606-P(7) 02607-P(7) 02608-P(7) 02609-P(6) 02610-P(6) 02611-P(5 02612-P(5) 02613-P(5))
F-Orange LS 02606-OR(7) 02607-OR(7) 02608-OR(7) 02609-OR(6) 02610-OR(6) 02611-OR(5) 02612-OR(5) 02613-OR(5)
Glow LS 02606-GL(7) 02607-GL(7) 02608-GL(7) 02609-GL(6) 02610-GL(6)
F-Green LS 02606-LG(7) 02607-LG(7) 02608-LG(7) 02609-LG(6)
F-Purple LS 02606-PU(7) 02607-PU(7) 02608-PU(7) 02609-PU(6)
Ultra Violet LS 02606-UV(7) 02607-UV(7) 02608-UV(7) 02609-UV(6) 02610-UV(6) 02611-UV(5) 02612-UV(5) 02613-UV(5)


Walleye And Steelhead Assortment ®

SIZES 8 6 4 2
Assortment 25 02506 02507 02508 02509 &
Stock No.
Size Qty.

5 Colors: GREEN


Bronze RED


5 hooks per color, 25 hooks total


Fluorescent Walleye And Steelhead Assortment

SIZES 8 6 4 2
Assortment 20 02706 02707 02708 02709 FLUORESCENT
Stock No.
Size Qty.

5 Colors:





4 hooks per color, 20 hooks total


Octopus Light
Gamakatsu answered the call for a fine wire Octopus hook, the Octopus Light for use in drop shot and trout fishing. Gamakatsu’s Octopus Light features an offset beak point for
optimal penetration with bait or plastics. The smaller diameter hook wire enhances hook penetration and is a certain advantage when fishing timid or light-biting fish.
SIZES 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0
NS Black LS 341406(10) 341407(10) 341408(10) 341409(8) 341410(8) 341411(6) 341412(6) 341413(6)
Red LS 341306(10) 341307(10) 341308(10) 341309(8) 341310(8) 341311(6) 341312(6) 341313(6)


Octopus Barbless
Specially designed bend allows the hook to penetrate quickly and hold, while still complying with the barbless hook regulations.

SIZES 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0 7/0 8/0 10/0
Nickel LS 75008(10) 75009(8) 75010(8) 75011(6) 75012(6) 75013(6) 75014(6) 75015(6) 75016(6) 75017(6) 75018(6) 75020(5)
25 75008-25 75009-25 75010-25 75011-25 75012-25 75013-25 75014-25 75015-25 75016-25 75017-25
100 75008-100 75009-100 75010-100 75011-100 75012-100 75013-100 75014-100 75015-100
Red LS 75308(10) 75309(8) 75310(8) 75311(6) 75312(6) 75313(6) 75314(6) 75315(6)
25 75308-25 75309-25 75310-25 75311-25 75312-25 75313-25 75314-25 75315-25
100 75308-100 75309-100 75310-100 75311-100 75312-100 75313-100 75314-100 75315-100
NS Black LS 75408(10) 75409(8) 75410(8) 75411(6) 75412(6) 75413(6) 75414(6) 75415(6)
25 75408-25 75409-25 75410-25 75411-25 75412-25 75413-25 75414-25 75415-25

Octopus Straight Eye

West coast anglers love salmon. Salmon love herring. Herring love to rip and tear apart when you rig them with traditional hooks. Hence, the reason we designed the Octopus
Straight Eye hook. The ultra-thin, yet ultra-strong, wire slides through soft baits without damaging the tender tissue. The hook eye is narrower and smoother too, so it can slide
through as well. The result is a herring with that perfect spin, followed by a chrome bright chinook or coho in the net shortly thereafter.

SIZES 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0

NS Black LS 387406(10) 387407(10) 387408(10) 387409(8) 387410(8) 387411(6) 387412(6) 387413(6) 387414(6)
25 387406-25 387407-25 387408-25 387409-25 387410-25 387411-25 387412-25 387413-25 387414-25


Octopus Straight Eye, 4x Strong
One of the more versatile hooks in our line up, this hook is built to handle big fish. Used for everything from Catfish to Tarpon, the offset beak point penetrates quickly and can
be used on either bigger live baits or for chunk baits.
SIZES 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0 7/0 8/0 9/0 10/0
NS Black LS 98411(6) 98412(6) 98413(6) 98414(6) 98415(6) 98416(6) 98417(6) 98418(6) 98419(5) 98420(5)
25 98415-25 98416-25 98417-25 98418-25

Octopus Straight Eye, 4x Strong (Inline-point)

Same hook as the 4x Octopus Straight Eye, but without any offset. This makes a great trolling hook and
will upgrade any trolling lures.
SIZES 4/0 5/0 6/0 7/0 8/0 9/0 10/0
NS Black LS 263414(6) 263415(6) 263416(6) 263417(6) 263418(6) 263419(5) 263420(5)


Octopus Circle (Offset-point)
Specially designed to set in the corner of the fish’s mouth, making it a great choice for the fresh and saltwater fisherman still wanting to use bait.
SIZES 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0 7/0 8/0
NS Black LS 208406(10) 208407(10) 208408(10) 208409(8) 208410(8) 208411(6) 208412(6) 208413(6) 208414(6) 208415(6) 208416(6) 208417(6) 208418(6)
25 pk 208406-25 208407-25 208408-25 208409-25 208410-25 208411-25 208412-25 208413-25 208414-25 208415-25 208416-25 208417-25 208418-25

Octopus Circle (Inline-point) TOURNAMENT LEGAL

Same design as the Octopus Circle, but without any offset to conform with some Billfish tournament regulations and some fisheries that require non-offset circle hooks.
SIZES 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0 7/0 8/0
NS Black LS 221408(10) 221409(8) 221410(8 221411(6) 221412(6) 221413(6) 221414(6) 221415(6) 221416(6) 221417(6) 221418(6)
NEW > 25 pk 221411-25 221412-25 221413-25 221414-25 221415-25 221416-25 221417-25 221418-25
Red LS 221308(10) 221309(8) 221310(8) 221311(6) 221312(6) 221313(6) 221314(6) 221315(6) 221316(5) 221317(5) 221318(4)

Octopus Circle (Inline-point) Barbless TOURNAMENT LEGAL

SIZES 3/0 4/0 5/0
NS Black LS 224413(6) 224414(6) 224415(6)


Octopus Circle Out Barb, 1x Strong
Will Gamakatsu’s Octopus Circle “Outbarb” 1x Strong hook change angling forever? There’s a strong possibility, and for good reason. Traditional hooks place the barb on the
inside of the hook bend. With certain techniques, like jigging, chunk baiting, and bottom fishing, if your line becomes limp or goes slack it could get entangled by the hook
barb and possibly be nicked or cut. The outbarb design eliminates that risk. But there’s more. Tests have proven that when an outbarb is combined with Gamakatsu’s circle
hook design, it results in deeper penetration and a higher hook retention rate. Think about it: a barb on the inner side of a hook bend is somewhat protected. A barb on the
outside of the hook bend will come into contact with whatever flesh it touches and prevent movement in the opposite direction from which it entered. Consistently, Gamakatsu
researchers and prostaffers documented increased retention of hooked species.

SIZES 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0 7/0 8/0 10/0 12/0

NS Black LS 363413(6) 363414(6) 363415(6) 363416(6) 363417(5) 363418(5) 363420(3) 363422(3)


Octopus Circle Straight Eye (Inline-point) TOURNAMENT LEGAL
SIZES 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0 7/0 8/0
NS Black LS 265407(10) 265408(10) 265409(8) 265410(8) 265411(6) 265412(6) 265413(6) 265414(6) 265415(6) 265416(6) 265417(6) 265418(6)
25 pk 265410-25 265411-25 265412-25 265413-25 265414-25 265415-25 265416-25 265417-25 265418-25
100 pk 265413-100 265414-100 265415-100 265416-100

Octopus Circle 4x Strong, Straight Eye

This hook is designed for heavier lines and bigger fish. The offset point makes it a good choice for many chunk bait situations.
SIZES 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0 7/0 8/0
NS Black LS 209411(6) 209412(6) 209413(6) 209414(6) 209415(6) 209416(6) 209417(6) 209418(6)
25 209415-25 209416-25 209417-25 209418-25


Octopus Circle 4x Strong, Straight Eye (Inline-point), TOURNAMENT LEGAL
To comply with new angling regulations in the Gulf of Mexico, we’ve redesigned and reinforced our most popular circle hook. The 4X Strong Circle Hook is built for the toughest
battles in the deep sea. The straight eye, NS Black finish and inline point (not offset) complies with the new rules, but doesn’t reduce the hook’s effectiveness. This is the new
“go-to” hook charter captains and professional anglers are using for deep dropping and reef and wreck fishing. Heavy up your rods, reels and line, because the 4X Strong Circle
Hook will never give up when it comes to pulling snapper and monster grouper out of their fortified hangouts.
SIZES 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0 7/0 8/0 9/0 10/0
NS Black LS 360411(6) 360412(6) 360413(6) 360414(6) 360415(6) 360416(6) 360417(6) 360418(6) 360419(5) 360420(5)


Big River Bait
The Big River Bait hook is forged for extra strength with an up eye for easy snelling. The large gap allows for quick penetration and the unique bend offers great holding power.
The NS Black finish is durable and corrosion resistant.
SIZES 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0 7/0 8/0 9/0 10/0 12/0
NS Black LS 225407(10) 225408(10) 225409(8) 225410(8) 225411(6) 225412(6) 225413(6) 225414(6) 225415(6) 225416(6) 225417(6) 225418(5) 225419(4) 225420(3) 225422(3)
25 pk 225407-25 225408-25 225409-25 225410-25 225411-25 225412-25 225413-25 225414-25 225415-25 225416-25 225417-25 225418-25
Red LS 225307(10) 225308(10) 225309(8) 225310(8) 225311(6) 225312(6) 225313(6) 225314(6) 225315(6) 225416(6)
25 pk 225307-25 225308-25 225309-25 225310-25 225311-25 225312-25 225313-25 225314-25 225315-25 225316-25


Big River Bait Barbless
The innovative design has overtaken bait fisheries from coast to coast. Now the Big River Bait Hook is available as barbless to comply with conservation initiatives and new
regulations. No need to pinch the barb on these forged shank hooks. The large gap and unique shape enable instant penetration and holding power. Corrosion resistant and
available in all popular sizes.

SIZES 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0

NS Black LS 376412(6) 376413(6) 376414(6) 376415(6) 376416(6)
25 pk 376412-25 376413-25 376414-25 376415-25 376416-25

Big River Bait Open Eye

The reception to our Big River Bait Hook has been so strong that angler’s immediately began asking for a siwash-style hook they could use on their spinners, spoons and plugs
for salmon. The answer…this fast penetrating hook holds better than conventional hook designs. When fished barbless (which requires pinching the barb down) it’s the best
barbless hook you’ll find. The unique Big River hook design locks fish in place when hooked. Forged for exceptional strength and built Gamakatsu sharp the Big River Open Eye
is sure to make great lures even better.

SIZES 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0 7/0

NS Black LS 225911(5) 225912(5) 225913(5) 225914(5) 225915(5) 225916(5) 225917(4)
25 225911-25 225912-25 225913-25 225914-25 225915-25 225916-25


Big River Bait Open Eye Barbless
The advantage of the Big River Open Eye over conventional siwash hooks, is the unique hook design that features an additional bend at the bottom of the hook. This innovative
design feature hooks and holds fish tight. The “Open Eye” feature allows this hook to be easily attached to a split ring, barrel swivel, welded ring or hook hanger simply by
closing the eye with a pair of pliers.

SIZES 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0 7/0

NS Black LS 340411(5) 340412(5) 340413(5) 340414(5) 340415(5) 340416(5) 340417(4)

Baitholder Hooks (See page 94 for snells.)

The ever popular baitholder hook is used for a variety of fish and comes in either a Bronze finish or a corrosion resistant NS Black finish for use in saltwater. It also comes in a
handy snell pack.

SIZES 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0

Bronze LS 05103(10) 05104(10) 05105(10) 05106(10) 05107(10) 05108(10) 05109(8) 05110(8)
100 05103-100 05104-100 05105-100 05106-100 05107-100 05108-100 05109-100 05110-100
SNL 05603(10) 05604(10) 05605(10) 05606(10) 05607(10) 05608(10) 05609(8) 05610(8)
NS Black LS 05409(8) 05410(8) 05411(7) 05412(7) 05413(6) 05414(6) 05415(5) 05416(5)
25 05409-25 05410-25 05411-25 05412-25 05413-25 05414-25 05415-25 05416-25


Siwash Open Eye
A must have replacement hook for your favorite spinner, spoon, or plug. The open eye makes for fast and easy attachment and the closed eye is a
popular hook for spinnerbait trailers.

SIZES 10 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0 7/0 8/0

Nickel LS 10005(10) 10006(10) 10007(10) 10008(10) 10009(8) 10010(8) 10011(6) 10012(6) 10013(6) 10014(6) 10015(6) 10016(5) 10017(4) 10018(3)
25 10011-25 10012-25 10013-25 10014-25 10015-25 10016-25
Bulk 10005-100 10006-100 10007-100 10008-100 10009-100 10010-100 10011-100 10012-100 10013-100 10014-50 10015-50
Red LS 10311(6) 10312(6) 10313(6) 10314(6) 10315(6)


Spin Bait
Walleye anglers across the Midwest have become dependent upon the spin style hooks for walleye rigs. The Spin Bait hook can be rigged behind spinner blades, prop blades or
used alone with just a simple bead in front of them. It’s unique design incorporates Gamakatsu swivels that is independent of the hook, giving the hook more freedom to spin
while reducing line twist. The Spin Bait hook features Nano Smooth Coat for stealth presentations and unsurpassed hook penetration and the bait keeper barbs on the shank
hold live and plastic baits on more securely.

SIZES 4 2 1 1/0
Nano Smooth Coat LS 389208(4) 389209(4) 389210(4) 389211(4)

TW Hook
The TW stands for “Trout Worm” and is the perfect hook for those soft plastic finesse worms that
require a delicate presentation. It has the right gap to accommodate the worm and hold the fish.

SIZES 16 14 12 10 8 6
Bronze LS 262102(10) 262103(10) 262104(10) 262105(10) 262106(10) 262107(10)

Single Egg Hooks, Barb On Shank (See page 94 for snells.)

A premier bait hook for single eggs. Also great for floating trout bait.

SIZES 14 12 10 8 6
Red LS 04303(10) 04304(10) 04305(10) 04306(10) 04307(10)
SNL 04803(10) 04804(10) 04805(10) 04806(10) 04807(10)
Gold LS 04203(10) 04204(10) 04205(10) 04206(10) 04207(10)
SNL 04704(10) 04705(10) 04706(10) 04707(10)

Aberdeen Crappie Assortment
Designed with a long shank, as a light wire bait hook. 3 hooks per color, 15 hooks total
SIZES 8 6 4 2 1 SIZES 8 6 4 2 ASSORTMENT
Bronze LS 09106(10) 09107(10) 09108(10) 09109(8) 09110(8) 5 COLORS LS 02606 02607 02608 02609 Stock No.
Size Qty.





Walleye Wide Gap
In-line needle point design won’t roll or twist when trolled. Light weight for live bait presentations. Foraged for extra strength.

SIZES 8 6 4 2 1
NS Black LS 202406(10) 202407(10) 202408(10) 202409(8) 202410(8)
25 202406-25 202407-25 202408-25 202409-25 202410-25

Shiner Straight Eye

Great hook for live shiners, crawdads, and shrimp. This style is also very popular for many different types of Catfish baits.

SIZES 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0

NS Black LS 51407(8) 51408(7) 51409(7) 51410(6) 51411(6) 51412(6) 51413(5) 51414(4) 51415(4)
NS Black 25 51408-25 51409-25 51410-25 51411-25 51412-25 51413-25 51414-25

Shiner Upturned Eye

Same great shape, only with an upturned eye, makes it great for snelling.

SIZES 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0

NS Black LS 52411(6) 52412(6) 52413(5) 52414(4)
25 52411-25 52412-25 52413-25 52414-25


Wicked Wacky
The new standard in wacky hook designs. Built on Gamakatsu proven Shiner hook, the Wicked Wacky features a durable hand tied weed guard that provides anglers the
confidence to throw their wacky rig in and around heavy cover. In addition the Wicked Wacky takes the power drop shot to a new level. Gamakatsu designed an innovative
hollow tube, hand tied on the shank. Simply run the tag end of your line through the tube, tie on your weight, and pitch into the heaviest cover for a whole new power drop
shot presentation.
SIZES 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0
NS Black LS 306411(3) 306412(3) 306413(3) 306414(3) 306415(3)

Split Shot/Drop Shot

The ultimate hook for nose hooking a Roboworm, small Gitzit, or any number of soft plastic drop shot baits. When it’s time to get serious about finesse fishing this hook will
amaze you.
SIZES 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0
NS Black LS 50408(6) 50409(6) 50410(6) 50411(6) 50412(6) 50413(6)
25 50408-25 50409-25 50410-25 50411-25 50412-25 50413-25
Red LS 50308(6) 50309(6) 50310(6) 50311(6)
25 50308-25 50309-25 50310-25 50311-25

Split Shot/Drop Shot Weedless

Gamakatsu has done it…again! Another fishing hook first with the introduction of the new Weedless Split Shot/Drop Shot Hook. The wide gap hook design is paired to a hair-
trigger hand-tied, weed-guard for instant hook-ups. The weed guard maintains its shape and consistency fish-after-fish and is ultra-effective in staying weedless with exposed
hook riggings.
SIZES 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0
NS Black LS 50908(5) 50909(5) 50910(5) 50911(5) 50912(5) 50913(4)


Finesse Wide Gap
The perfect hook for wacky rigging for bass, also great for free drifting for salmon and steelhead with small baits.

SIZES 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0

NS Black LS 230408(6) 230409(6) 230410(6) 230411(6) 230412(6) 230413(5) 230414(5) 230415(5) 230416(5)
25 pk 230408-25 230409-25 230410-25 230411-25 230412-25 230413-25 230414-25 230415-25 230416-25
Red LS 230308(6) 230309(6) 230310(6) 230311(6) 230312(6) 230313(5) 230314(5)
25 pk 230308-25 230309-25 230310-25 230311-25 230312-25 230313-25 230314-25

Finesse Wide Gap Weedless

Featuring an innovative nylon weed guard, allowing you to pitch your wacky rig into the heaviest cover.
SIZES 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0
NS Black LS 230908(5) 230909(5) 230910(5) 230911(5) 230912(5) 230913(4) 230914(4) 230915(4) 230916(4)

The ultimate utility hook. Easily attaches to any hook or lure. Great for spinnerbaits, buzz baits, jerkbaits
and jigging spoons, braided line, sizes 1-2/0 have a 50 lb. loop.

SIZES 1 1/0 2/0

NS Black LS 219410(4) 219411(4) 219412(4)


Trailer Hook Sp
Speed up the process of attaching a trailer hook to your spinnerbait or buzzbait
with our Trailer Sp. The hook features a rubberized coating molded on to the eye.
Attaching is fast and secure.

SIZES 1 1/0 2/0 3/0

NS Black LS 284410(5) 284411(4) 284412(4) 284413(4)
Red LS 284310(5) 284311(4) 284312(4) 284313(4)

Spinner Bait Trailer Give any spinner bait or buzzbait that extra edge.
SIZES 1/0 2/0 3/0
Nickel LS 210011(5) 210012(5) 210013(5)
Red LS 210311(5) 210312(5) 210313(5)

Tube Included.

Spinner Bait
SIZES 3/0 4/0 5/0
Nickel 25 55013-25 55014-25 55015-25
100 55013-100 55014-100 55015-100



Gamakatsu Micro Gap hooks
Offering sport fisherman the ultimate in design, the finest quality forged steel and unparalleled workmanship. Originally designed for finesse presentations for ice fishing, the
Micro Gap selections are perfectly suited to many fly tying techniques as well. The fine wire design penetrates with less pressure, lessening tissue damage allowing for easier
removal in catch and release fisheries. All Micro Gap hooks are finished in NS Black.

The Micro Perfect Gap hook has an up-eye design for easy snelling and optimal gap for minnows or small plastics.
The Micro Wide Gap features a straight hook eye for minnow and soft plastics.
The Micro V Gap also features a straight hook eye, but adds a deep V bend to improve retention.

Gamakatsu G-Carp Hooks
We’ve dialed in our carp hook selection to make it the best selling line of hooks in many European countries.There’s two simple points that are critical for carp – hide the hook and hold
the bait. That’s why we’ve carefully shaped all the new G-Carp hooks to hide perfectly concealed within every type of bait. Furthermore, we’ve included unique micro barbs to grab onto
soft dough balls and putty baits and hold them in place.

All G-Carp hooks are forged for strength and feature the innovative Nano Smooth Coat for fast penetration.



Big Cat Circle
There’s a new dog in the fight for cat fishermen. The Gamakatsu Big Cat Circle Hook is designed specifically for tough-lipped, thick-mouthed catfish. The offset, precision
sharpened hook point penetrates quickly even with light hook sets. It features an “up eye” so snelling is fast and easy. 2X strong forged steel is plenty of power for the biggest
Blues -- even Wels and Mekong cats if you ever get the opportunity. It’s the right hook for the job because it never stops working

SIZES 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0 7/0 8/0 10/0 12/0
NS Black LS 356411(6) 356412(6) 356413(6) 356414(6) 356415(6) 356416(6) 356417(5) 356418(5) 356420(3) 356422(3)

Catfish Hook Assortment Catfish Hook Assortment

5 each of the Best All Around Sizes & Colors
A 20 pack featuring 5 each of the best all around Catfish hooks. This pack includes 8/0
st# 258000
and 6/0 Octopus Circle Hooks, 4/0 Shiner Hooks, and 1/0 NS Black Baitholder hooks.
Assort 20 258000


Worm, Extra Wide Gap (EWG)
Our most popular and versatile hook, the legendary EWG worm hook is the gold standard in high performance wide gap
hook designs. This hook fishes a Senko to perfection. Use it to pitch a Brush Hog or Sweet Beaver to shoreline targets. It’s
great for Texas rigging or Carolina rigging a 10” worm. A soft plastic jerkbait fisherman’s dream hook.

SIZES 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0

NS Black LS 58408(6) 58409(6) 58410(6) 58411(6) 58412(6) 58413(5) 58414(5) 58415(5)
25 58408-25 58409-25 58410-25 58411-25 58412-25 58413-25 58414-25 58415-25
100 58408-100 58409-100 58410-100 58411-100 58412-100 58413-100 58414-100 58415-100
Red LS 58308(6) 58309(6) 58310(6) 58311(6) 58312(6) 58313(5) 58314(5) 58315(5)
25 58308-25 58309-25 58310-25 58311-25 58312-25 58313-25 58314-25 58315-25



Worm, Superline Extra Wide Gap (EWG)

An EWG on steroids. This high carbon heavy wire hook was designed to fish braided line in heavy cover. For serious flipping in the tulles’, overhead mats, or pads. The EWG
Superline will increase your strike to hook ratio when you need to get nasty. Perfect when you require a quicker descent rate without increasing size or adding weights. Want to
turn up the heat with a Senko? Go with a Superline for that deadly quick descent!
SIZES 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0
NS Black LS 74412(5) 74413(5) 74414(4) 74415(4) 74416(3)
25 74412-25 74413-25 74414-25 74415-25 74416-25
100 74412-100 74413-100 74414-100 74415-100
Red LS 74312(5) 74313(5) 74314(4) 74315(4) 74316(3)

Worm, Superline EWG With Ring

There are times when calling up fish requires a little something extra. For this purpose we designed the EWG Ringed
Superline. Need to fish a Horny Toad in the slop and want it to walk? Our solid piece ring allows the bait to swing freely.
Fishing a Fluke for schooling smallmouth or big spots and want that super erratic action? This is your hook. Handles braided
line and heavy monofilament with ease.

SIZES 2/0 4/0

NS Black LS 74412R(4) 74414R(4)


Worm, Superline EWG Weighted
The Weighted EWG Superline is a perfect compliment to the EWG arsenal. Do you need more casting distance with a soft plastic
frog? This hook will get you back in the junk. Want to flip into heavy cover without the hassle of pegging a bullet sinker? Consider
the EWG Weighted Superline your new best friend. The Lead is strategically placed and milled to perfection.

SIZES 2/0 - 1/16 2/0 - 1/8 3/0 - 1/16 3/0 - 1/8 4/0 - 1/16 4/0 - 1/8 5/0 - 1/16 5/0 - 1/8
NS Black LS 74412-1/16(5) 74412-1/8(5) 74413-1/16(5) 74413-1/8(5) 74414-1/16(5) 74414-1/8(5) 74415-1/16(5) 74415-1/8(5)


EWG Worm Hook Assortment

EWG Worm Hook Assortment 5 each of the Best All Around Sizes & Colors
A 25 pack featuring 5 each of the best all around worm hook sizes and colors. It includes 2 Red and 3 NS Black hooks in 3/0 and 4/0
st# 257000
Superline EWG, and the standard EWG in 2/0, 3/0 and 4/0.

Assort 25 257000

Worm G-Lock
The unique G-Lock hook locks soft plastics tight and secure in any situation. Designed to be used in heavy cover.
SIZES 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0
NS Black LS 204408(6) 204409(6) 204410(6) 204411(6) 204412(6) 204413(5) 204414(5) 204415(5)
25 204411-25 204412-25 204413-25 204414-25 204415-25


Worm, Deep Throat Wide Gap
The deeper throat, extended point, and locking offset make this a good hook for soft plastic frog baits.
SIZES 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0
NS Black LS 242411(6) 242412(6) 242413(5) 242414(5) 242415(5)
25 pk 242411-25 242412-25 242413-25 242414-25 242415-25

Worm, Super Deep Throat Wide Gap

Deep Throat design, only heavier wire for “super lines”.
SIZES 3/0 4/0 5/0
NS Black LS 243413(5) 243414(4) 243415(4)

Worm, Offset Shank, O’Shaughnessy Bend

This is our standard offset shank worm hook. The O’Shaughnessy bend is preferred by our top pro Aaron Martens
for a variety of soft plastic rigging.

SIZES 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0

Bronze LS 07109(6) 07110(6) 07111(6) 07112(6) 07113(5) 07114(5) 07115(5)
25 07109-25 07110-25 07111-25 07112-25 07113-25 07114-25 07115-25
Aa ro n
M ar te
100 07109-100 07110-100 07111-100 07112-100 07113-100 07114-100 07115-100 ns
NS Black LS 07409(6) 07410(6) 07411(6) 07412(6) 07413(5) 07414(5) 07415(5)
25 07409-25 07410-25 07411-25 07412-25 07413-25 07414-25 07415-25
100 07409-100 07410-100 07411-100 07412-100 07413-100 07414-100 07415-100


Worm, Offset Shank, Round Bend
Our standard offset shank hook with a round bend to give a larger bite area. Perfect for Carolina rigging, or any time you need a stealthy presentation.
SIZES 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0
Bronze LS 54111(6) 54112(6) 54113(5) 54114(5) 54115(5)
25 54111-25 54112-25 54113-25 54114-25 54115-25
100 54111-100 54112-100 54113-100 54114-100 54115-100
NS Black LS 54411(6) 54412(6) 54413(5) 54414(5) 54415(5)
25 54411-25 54412-25 54413-25 54414-25 54415-25
100 54411-100 54412-100 54413-100 54414-100 54415-100
Red LS 54311(6) 54312(6) 54313(5) 54314(5)

Worm, Superline, Offset, Round Bend

Gamakatsu’s Superline Offset Round Bend is designed with a heavier Superline wire best suited for heavy braided and fluorocarbon lines. This popular design in heavy wire
enables anglers to fish any plastic in the heaviest of cover with no worries. The Round Bend offers a larger bite area perfect for any worm presentation while increasing your
hook-up ratios. The newly enhanced Z-Bend holds your plastics on the hook longer, reducing the number of pull-offs and reducing damage to plastics. A more durable worm
hook designed for heavier lines that hold your bait on longer.

SIZES 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0

NS Black LS 398412 (5) 398413(5) 398414(4) 398415(4)

Worm, Skip Gap

There is no better hook for skipping plastics under docks and cover. The Skip Gap is a multiple use hook that is perfect for a variety of soft plastic baits. Top water buzz frogs,
Texas rigging, Carolina rigging, the Skip Gap can do it all!

SIZES 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0

NS Black LS 266411(6) 266412(6) 266413(5) 266414(5) 266415(5)
25 266411-25 266412-25 266413-25 266414-25 266415-25


Extra Wide Gap (EWG) Monster
When only a high carbon heavy wire hook will do your choice should be the EWG Monster. Hard core doesn’t even begin to describe the Monster. Slinging a Mission Fish back in
the cover? We now have the perfect hook. Loading for bear with a giant Gitzit, Double Wide Beaver, or oversized Slug-O? The Monster has you covered. Headed to El Salto, Clear
Lake, or the California Delta for double digit behemoths? Gamakatsu Monster is the choice when you are taking no prisoners. Heavy line, heavy rods, big baits, and big fish is
EWG Monster time!

SIZES 5/0 6/0 7/0

NS Black LS 283415(5) 283416(4) 283417(4)

Extra Wide Gap (EWG) Monster, Weighted

On the heels of the EWG Monster we have introduced the Weighted Monster. When the situation calls for a bulletproof weighted hook, look no further than the Monster
Weighted. Strategically placed milled weights are perfectly balanced and serve as a keel for large swimbaits or any oversized offering. The hook also features a slightly higher
hook point in relation to the eye to help aid in hook setting power.

SIZES 5/0 - 1/8 5/0 - 1/4 6/0 - 3/16 6/0 - 1/4 7/0 - 1/4 7/0 - 3/8
NS Black LS 283415-1/8(3) 283415-1/4(3) 283416-3/16(3) 283416-1/4(3) 283417-1/4(3) 283417-3/8(3)


Worm, Straight Shank, O’Shaughnessy Bend
Our standard straight shank worm hook.
SIZES 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0
Bronze LS 01109(6) 01110(6) 01111(6) 01112(6) 01113(5) 01114(5) 01115(5)
25 01109-25 01110-25 01111-25 01112-25 01113-25 01114-25 01115-25
100 01109-100 01110-100 01111-100 01112-100 01113-100 01114-100 01115-100
NS Black LS 01409(6) 01410(6) 01411(6) 01412(6) 01413(5) 01414(5) 01415(5)
25 01409-25 01410-25 01411-25 01412-25 01413-25 01414-25 01415-25
100 01409-100 01410-100 01411-100 01412-100 01413-100 01414-100 01415-100

Worm, Straight Shank, Wire Guard

Like our popular standard worm hook, only with a weed guard.
SIZES 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0
Bronze LS 65109(4) 65110(4) 65111(4) 65112(4) 65113(3) 65114(3) 65115(3)

Worm, Straight Shank, Light Wire

We have all you finesse fishermen covered with this worm hook. The Light Wire excels when the bite gets tough.
SIZES 2 1 1/0 2/0
NS Black LS 49409(6) 49410(6) 49411(6) 49412(6)
25 49409-25 49410-25 49411-25 49412-25
100 49409-100 49410-100 49411-100 49412-100


Worm, Straight Shank Round Bend
Perfect round bend for a wider bite area and superior holding power.
SIZES 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0
Bronze LS 48112(6) 48113(5) 48114(5)
25 48112-25 48113-25 48114-25
100 48112-100 48113-100 48114-100
NS Black LS 48411(6) 48412(6) 48413(5) 48414(5) 48415(5)
25 48411-25 48412-25 48413-25 48414-25 48415-25
100 48411-100 48412-100 48413-100 48414-100 48415-100

Finesse Heavy Cover Worm with Tin Keeper

The Finesse Heavy Cover Worm Hook is a light wire, finesse hook that features the first wide gap straight shank hook for finesse worm fishing. Just like all the
Heavy Cover Hooks the Finesse features a welded eye and wire keeper that assures your worm doesn’t slide down the hook.

SIZES 1 1/0 2/0 3/0

NS Black LS 311410(4) 311411(4) 311412(4) 311413(4)

Heavy Cover Worm with Tin Keeper

The Heavy Cover Worm hook has been built to the highest standards to fight the biggest fish in the
heaviest cover. The Heavy Cover Worm features our rock solid welded eye, perfect for tying a Snell
knot with braid. Gamakatsu has worked with our top pros to design an improved keeper. Instead of
a bulky heat shrink barb, the Heavy Cover Worm features a small wire keeper. The keeper has a small
compact profile and is strategically placed for superior holding power.

SIZES 3/0 4/0 5/0

NS Black LS 304413(4) 304414(4) 304415(4)

Super Heavy Cover Worm with Tin Keeper

The Super Heavy Cover Worm Hook is indestructible with a welded eye and extra heavy duty cold-forged
hook wire that will not flex. It’s perfect for flipping into heavy cover or punching through thick overhead
cover. The addition of an oversized barb holds hooked fish solid and the punch wire/keeper firmly secures
worms so they stay rigged cast-after-cast.

SIZES 3/0 4/0 5/0

NS Black LS 310413(4) 310414(4) 310415(4)


Gika Rig
Gika Rig combines the natural presentation of finesse fishing with the speed of power fishing. The Gika Rig uses an off-set shank worm hook with an elongated drop shot style
weight attached directly to the eye via a solid ring. The position of the weight allows anglers to ‘feel’ the bottom, detecting transitions in composition and helping find fish-
holding structures. Gika Rig produces a natural swimming and dropping motion. The solid ring allows the plastic bait to float freely and rotate from side to side as it descends.
It slips through vegetation with ease and grabs the attention of bass.
SIZES 2/0-1/8 2/0-3/16 3/0-3/16 3/0-1/4 4/0-1/4 4/0-3/8
Black LS 399412-1/8 (2) 399412-3/16 (2) 399413-3/16(2) 399413-1/4(2) 399414-1/4 (2) 399414-3/8 (2)

2/0-1/8 2/0-3/16

Gika Rig Weight

Gika Rig weights attach directly to the Gika Rig eye via a solid ring. The weight features a snap that allows
anglers to quickly change the size of the weight when the situation calls for it and is painted black for stealthy
presentations. The weight size is permanently stamped into the side of each weight making it easy to identify
when it’s time to make a change. Changing weights controls the depth and drop speed of the bait adding to the
rig’s versatility.
SIZES 1/8 3/16 1/4 3/8
Black LS 400400-1/8(4) 400400-3/16(4) 400400-1/4(4) 400400-3/8(4)





Superline Spring Lock
The Superline Spring Lock is based on the proven Superline EWG. The Spring Lock features a 28 degree eye with a stress relieved stainless steel
center point spring lock. This is the ideal soft plastic hook when the situation requires your bait to stay locked and secure.
SIZES 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0 7/0
NS Black LS 296413(3) 296414(3) 296415(3) 296416(2) 296417(2)

Superline Spring Lock, Weighted

We designed the EWG Spring-Lock to be the perfect hook for paddle tail swim baits. Based on the proven Superline EWG hook, the Spring Lock features a new 28 degree eye
with a stress relieved stainless steel center point spring lock so baits stay locked and secure. Beautifully milled, strategically placed weights help your bait track perfectly at any
depth. Offered in a variety of sizes and weights to take your paddle tail swim bait fishing to a new level.
SIZES 3/0 - 1/16 3/0 - 1/8 4/0 - 1/16 4/0 - 1/8 5/0 - 3/16 5/0 - 1/4 6/0 - 3/16 6/0 - 1/4 7/0 - 1/4 7/0 - 3/8
NS Black LS 296413-1/16(4) 296413-1/8(4) 296414-1/16(4) 296414-1/8(4) 296415-3/16(4) 296415-1/4(4) 296416-3/16(4) 296416-1/4(4) 296417-1/4(4) 296417-3/8(4)


Superline Spring Lock Monster, Weighted
Go big or go home. When conditions call for big baits, Gamakatsu’s new Spring Lock Monster is precisely designed to hold and position them perfectly straight and firmly
attached. Weighted with 3/8 or ½ ounce lead, the Spring Lock Monster stands up to aggressive casts and viciously hard hook sets. The “center point” spring lock is easy to start
and tighten. Baits stay straight every time and all the time. 9/0, 10/0 or 12/0 hook sizes await trophy-caliber catches.

SIZES 9/0 - 3/8 10/0 - 3/8 12/0 - 3/8 9/0 - 1/2 10/0 - 1/2 12/0 - 1/2
NS Black LS 371419-3/8(3) 371420-3/8(2) 371422-3/8(2) 371419-1/2(3) 371420-1/2(2) 371422-1/2(2)


Jig 300 Extra Wide Gap (EWG)
Designed for a wide variety of popular techniques, emerging trends, and do-it-yourself lead jig head pouring. The 30º hook eye angle compliments the 60º and 90º jig hooks
that have been the standard for decades. This extra wide gap (EWG) will handle larger baits too. The points are incredibly sticky-sharp right out of the package. Fits most 30º
lead molds

SIZES 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0 7/0

NS Black 25 382413-25 382414-25 382415-25 382416-25 382417-25
100 382413-100 382414-100 382415-100 382416-100 382417-100

Jig 600 Round Bend

The Jig 60 Round Bend hook delivers in terms of both simplicity and function for anglers and is now available in our popular NS Black (nickel silver black) color. The 60-degree
round bend design makes this a go-to jig hook for flipping and pitching. The bite area is fantastic, helping anglers connect on difficult hooksets. Adding the NS Black color gives
DIY anglers more options when pouring their own jigs

SIZES 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0

Bronze 25 29109-25 29110-25 29111-25 29112-25 29113-25 29114-25 29115-25
100 29109-100 29110-100 29111-100 29112-100 29113-100 29114-100 29115-100
NS Black 25 NEW COLOR >> 29412-25 29413-25 29414-25 29415-25
100 29412-100 29413-100 29414-100 29415-100

Jig 600 Flat Eye, Light Wire, Round Bend

A light wire version for those finesse applications and lighter jigs.

SIZES 3/0 4/0 5/0

NS Black 25 61413-25 61414-25 61415-25
100 61413-100 61414-100 61415-100


Jig 600 Flat Eye, Round Bend
A heavy wire hook in a corrosion resistant NS Black finish for use in fresh or saltwater.

SIZES 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0

NS Black 25 59412-25 59413-25 59414-25 59415-25
100 59412-100 59413-100 59414-100 59415-100

Jig 600 Extra Wide Gap (EWG)

Designed with an extra wide gap for the larger bodied plastics and skirts. The extra wide gap gives you more surface area
for better hook ups.
SIZES 3/0 4/0
NS Black 25 201413-25 201414-25
100 201413-100 201414-100

Jig 900
Our standard 90 degree jig hook, with a traditional O’Shaugnessy bend.

SIZES 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0

Bronze 25 11110-25 11111-25 11112-25 11113-25 11114-25 11115-25
100 11110-100 11111-100 11112-100 11113-100 11114-100 11115-100

Jig 900 Round Bend

SIZES 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0
NS Black 25 11409-25 11410-25 11411-25 11412-25 11413-25 11414-25 11415-25
100 11409-100 11410-100 11411-100 11412-100 11413-100 11414-100 11415-100


Jig 900 Heavy Wire, Round Bend
Our most popular jig hook, and most versatile. Made with a heavy wire and is saltwater ready.
SIZES 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0 7/0 8/0
NS Black 25 60409-25 60410-25 60411-25 60412-25 60413-25 60414-25 60415-25 60416-25 60417- 25 60418- 25
50 60417- 50 60418- 50
100 60409-100 60410-100 60411-100 60412-100 60413-100 60414-100 60415-100 60416-100

Jig 900 Salty HD

In the saltwater world, few jig hooks are built to withstand the hardest fighting fish in
the ocean. Hard strikes and wild runs from species like striped bass will test the strength
of any hook. The Jig 90 Salty HD is specially made with a round bend and heavy wire
that can hold form against the toughest fish out there. The Jig 90 Salty HD is forged for
strength and the NS Black (nickel silver black) coating resists corrosion.
SIZES 6/0 7/0 8/0
NS Black 25 223416-25 223417-25 223418-25

Jig 900 Big River

The Jig 90 Big River will quickly become a staple for anglers desiring a versatile jig hook capable of performing in different environments
and for a variety of species. The large gap and acute bend offer great holding power, locking fish in place when hooked. DIY anglers will like
the longer shank to pour heavier jig heads on. This unique design comes in a wide range of sizes for fisherman, targeting everything from
steelhead to walleye.
SIZES 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0
NS Black 25 412409-25 412410-25 412411-25 412412-25 412413-25 412414-25
100 412409-100 412410-100 412411-100 412412-100 412413-100 412414-100


Under Spin Head
The Under Spin Head features Gamakatsu Heavy Cover 60-degree hook. The heavy wire and wide gap design of the
Heavy Cover gives anglers a better hook up ratio and retention when using bulky swim baits. Ideal for heavy braid or
fluorocarbon line. The head profile is streamlined to glide through cover. Gamakatsu Spring Lock holds swim baits
and other plastics gently but firmly, keeping your presentation straight on the hook. Recessed lifelike eyes on the
Under Spin provide a focal point for predators. The small chrome blade is attached to a quality ball-bearing swivel
allowing it to spin freely, even at the slowest retrieves, to simulate baitfish and create a subtle trigger.

SIZES 4/0-3/16 4/0-1/4 4/0-3/8 4/0-1/2

394414-3/16(1) 394414-1/4(1) 394414-3/8(1) 394414-1/2(1)

Superline Swim Bait Head

Until now, you simply couldn’t find a premium, swim bait jig head with a premium Gamakatsu hook. The new Superline Swim Bait Head changes all that. The head profile is
streamlined for a natural action. Choose premium painted heads or unpainted for anglers that prefer a do-it-yourself custom look. A heavy wire, 60-degree Superline hook
performs optimally with braided line and heavy monofilament. Completing the package, The Spring Lock keeper holds all soft plastic swim baits secure and tight.
SIZES 4/0 - 1/8 4/0 - 3/16 4/0 - 1/4 5/0 - 3/8 5/0 - 1/2
Clear LS 353414-1/8(3) 353414-3/16(3) 353414-1/4(3) 353415-3/8(3) 353415-1/2(3)
Pearl White LS 353414-PW-1/8(3) 353414-PW-3/16(3) 353414-PW-1/4(3) 353415-PW-3/8(3) 353415-PW-1/2(3)


Stand Up Alien Head
Looking for the quintessential stand-up jig head? Gamakatsu’s developed the answer with its all-new Stand-Up Alien Head. Perfect for rock
or hard bottom fishing, The innovative keeper pin holds plastics without tearing. The benefit is a better presentation, more casts and more
mileage out of your plastics. Features a NS Black finesse hook and is available in Green Pumpkin and Black jig heads.
SIZES 3/0-1/8 3/0-3/16 3/0-1/4 3/0-5/16
Black 309413-BK-1/8(4) 309413-BK-3/16(4) 309413-BK-1/4(4) 309413-BK-5/16(4)
Green Pumpkin 309413-GP-1/8(4) 309413-GP-3/16(4) 309413-GP-1/4(4) 309413-GP-5/16(4)

Skip Gap Head

Gamakatsu has developed it’s own jig head based on the Skip Gap worm hook. It has the same innovative bend that holds your bait secure on the hook. There are no barbs or
pegs that can tear apart a small finesse worm. The unique bend lends itself to simplicity and will change the way you shaky fish.

SIZES 3/0-1/8 3/0-3/16 4/0-3/16 4/0-1/4

Black 293413-BR-1/8(4) 293413-BR-3/16(4) 293414-BR-3/16(4) 293414-BR-1/4(4)
Green Pumpkin 293413-GP-1/8(4) 293413-GP-3/16(4) 293414-GP-3/16(4) 293414-GP-1/4(4)

Finesse Jig Head

When new tournament techniques emerge, our pro-staff are usually holding the rod. Case in point, the Finesse Jig Head is designed to optimize the “Ned Rig.” It’s all about
precise positioning of small soft plastics in a manner that translates into that slow, gliding fall that big bass can’t resist. The spring keeper and size #1 hook are critical features.
Lead heads are unpainted allowing for easy customization.
SIZES 1 1 1
WEIGHT LS 1/16 3/32 1/8
506410-1/16(4) 506410-3/32(4) 506410-1/8(4)

Finesse Jig Head Offset

If you’re familiar with the Ned rig technique, you probably haven’t seen this before: An offset eye, countersunk into the jig head, with a premium forged steel Gamakatsu hook.
Well, now you have. Reduce time rigging and spend more time fishing. This all-in-one design is tough to beat when bass are spooked or finicky in overfished conditions.

SIZES 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0

WEIGHT LS 3/32 1/8 3/16 1/4
386411-3/32(4) 386411-1/8(4) 386411-3/16(4) 386411-1/4(4)


Bottom Knocker Offset
Anglers on the other side of the “big pond” have been boasting about the advantages of using an offset bottom knocker for many years now. We put them in the hands of
several of our most trusted pros and tackle testers in the U.S. and waited to hear what they had to say. What a surprise, they slay bigmouths here in the States as well. Notice
the finesse football head designed for fishing deep structure, and the fact that the hook eye is offset to tantalize the “lay down” action. And of course, the genuine Gamakatsu
hook is as sharp as they come.
SIZES 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0
WEIGHT LS 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4
383411-3/8(4) 383411-1/2(4) 383411-5/8(4) 383411-3/4(4)

Crappie Jig Head

Designed for tournament focused crappie anglers. This premium design, specialized Crappie Jig Head, features a sticky sharp Gamakatsu
hook fully molded through the lead head. The smooth eye won’t burr even the lightest line. A heavy-duty spring lock keeper encircles
the shank for nearly half its length. Soft plastics won’t move a millimeter with this innovation. #2 light wire jig hooks in NS Black.
SIZES 2 2 2
WEIGHT LS 1/16 3/32 1/8
507409-1/16(5) 507409-3/32(5) 507409-1/8(5)

Round 26
The standard round head design makes this a very versatile jig head. It features our 604 series jig hook which is very popular
with Salmon and Steelhead anglers and also has two keeper type rings behind the head to hold soft plastic baits firmly in place.
SIZES 1/0 1/0 2/0 2/0 3/0 3/0
WEIGHT LS 1/16 1/8 3/16 1/4 3/16 1/4
500411-1/16(5) 500411-1/8(5) 500412-3/16(5) 500412-1/4(5) 500413-3/16(5) 500413-1/4(5)

Round 211
A totally unique design with a short shank and a matte black beak point. Great for live and finesse baits.

SIZES 2 2 2 SIZES 1 1 1
WEIGHT LS 1/32 1/16 1/8 WEIGHT LS 1/32 1/16 1/8
501409-1/32(5) 501409-1/16(5) 501409-1/8(5) 501410-1/32(5) 501410-1/16(5) 501410-1/8(5)


Football 24
The Football 24 is the choice when fishing around rock or ledges. It is designed to be very snag resistant. The 24 is the way to go when dragging a Hula Grub or Beaver on deep
structure. The 24 features a fine wire hook for fast penetration.
SIZES 1/0 2/0 2/0 3/0 5/0 5/0
WEIGHT LS 3/16 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1
502411-3/16(5) 502412-1/4(5) 502412-3/8(5) 502413-1/2(5) 502415-3/4(4) 502415-1(4)

Cobra 27
Named for its unique head design, the Cobra 27 comes with optional nylon brush guards for weedless presentations. It features a very stout 60 degree jig hook and is great
for building your own Bass jigs or for fishing plastic baits in saltwater for inshore fish like Redfish and Speckled Trout.
SIZES 1/0 2/0 3/0
WEIGHT LS 1/4 3/8 1/2
504411-1/4(5) 504412-3/8(5) 504413-1/2(5)

Darter 26
This jig comes with optional nylon brush guards and features a heavy duty 90 degree jig hook. The streamlined head design makes it ideal in both fresh and saltwater
SIZES 2/0 2/0 3/0 3/0
WEIGHT LS 1/8 3/16 1/4 3/8
505412-1/8(5) 505412-3/16(5) 505413-1/4(5) 505413-3/8(5)

Tube Head
The ultimate finesse tube head design for precise presentations and smaller baits. Comes on a strong, sticky sharp NS Black hook that ensures solid hook ups.
SIZES 2 2 2
WEIGHT LS 1/32 1/16 1/8
503409-1/32(5) 503409-1/16(5) 503409-1/8(5)


Live Bait
Our most versatile Live Bait Hook. Sticky sharp, super strong and designed to handle tough saltwater fish.

SIZES 12 10 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0 7/0 8/0 9/0
NS Black LS 18404(9) 18405(9)
18406(8) 18407(8) 18408(7) 18409(7) 18410(6) 18411(6) 18412(5) 18413(4) 18414(4) 18415(4) 18416(3) 18417(3) 18418(2) 18419(2)
25 18406-25 18407-25 18408-25 18409-25 18410-25 18411-25 18412-25 18413-25 18414-25 18415-25 18416-25 18417-25 18418-25 18419-25
100 18404-100 18405-100 18406-100 18407-100 18408-100 18409-100 18410-100 18411-100 18412-100 18413-100 18414-100 18415-100 18416-100 18417-100 18418-50 18419-50

Live Bait with Solid Ring

Our standard Live Bait hook with a solid one piece ring for a natural presentation. Much smoother than any welded ringed hook, these are designed
for larger baits and heavier lines.
SIZES 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0
NS Black LS 18409R(7) 18410R(6) 18411R(6) 18412R(5) 18413R(5) 18414R(4)
25 18409R-25 18410R-25 18411R-25 18412R-25 18413R-25 18414R-25

Live Bait Light Wire

SIZES 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0
NS Black LS 220407(8) 220408(7) 220409(7) 220410(6) 220411(6) 220412(5) 220413(5)

Live Bait Light Wire with Solid Ring

Super smooth solid one piece ring attached to the Light Wire Live Bait hook. The perfect hook for small live baits and delicate presentations.
SIZES 6 4 2 1
NS Black LS 220407R(7) 220408R(7) 220409R(7) 220410R(6)
25 220407R-25 220408R-25 220409R-25 220410R-25


Live Bait Heavy Duty
Heavy wire and forged for extra strength, this hook is the go to hook for big fish on big baits.

SIZES 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0 7/0 8/0 9/0 10/0 11/0 12/0
NS Black LS 00411(8) 00412(7) 00413(7) 00414(6) 00415(6) 00416(5) 00417(5) 00418(4) 00419(4) 00420(3) 00421(3) 00422(2)
25 00411-25 00412-25 00413-25 00414-25 00415-25 00416-25 00417-25 00418-25 00419-25 00420-25 00421-25 00422-25
Bulk 00411-100 00412-100 00413-100 00414-100 00415-100 00416-100 00417-100 00418-50 00419-50 00420-50 00421-50 00422-40

Live Bait Heavy Duty with Solid Ring

A heavier Live Bait hook with a ring. Designed for bigger baits and heavier lines.
SIZES 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0
NS Black LS 00411R(5) 00412R(5) 00413R(5) 00414R(4) 00415R(4) 00416R(4)
25 00411R-25 00412R-25 00413R-25 00414R-25 00415R-25 00416R-25


Live Bait Heavy Duty Circle, TOURNAMENT LEGAL
Same design as the Live Bait Heavy Duty, but with a non-offset circle hook point. The perfect hook for giant fish on big chunk baits.
SIZES 5/0 6/0 7/0 8/0 9/0 10/0 11/0 12/0
NS Black LS 210415(6) 210416(5) 210417(5) 210418(4) 210419(3) 210420(3) 210421(2) 210422(2)

Nautilus Circle
One of the meanest circle hook designs around. The Nautilus grabs its prey and simply doesn’t let go. This hook can be used for live bait or chunk bait presentations and has
proven its strength many times.

SIZES 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0

NS Black LS 42410(8) 42411(7) 42412(7) 42413(6) 42414(6) 42415(5) 42416(5)
25 42410-25 42411-25 42412-25 42413-25 42414-25 42415-25 42416-25

Nautilus Circle with Solid Ring

The most popular circle hook with solid ring, grabs its prey and simply does not let go.

SIZES 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0

NS Black LS 42412R(5) 42413R(5) 42414R(4) 42415R(4) 42416R(4)
25 42412R-25 42413R-25 42414R-25 42415R-25 42416R-25


Nautilus Light
A light wire hook that was developed for fishing fragile live baits. Produced from forged high carbon steel, it features a straight eye and offset point for superior hooking
performance. The unique circle hook shape is designed to hook and hold which is precisely why more saltwater anglers make Gamakatsu their hook-of-choice. Superior
strength, sharpness and design add-up to make a sure bet for live bait and chunk bait anglers from coast-to-coast.

Sizes 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0 7/0 8/0

NS Black LS 332409(8) 332410(8) 332411(7) 332412(6) 332413(5) 332414(5) 332415(4) 332416(3) 332417(3) 332418(3)

Nautilus Circle Heavy Duty

To go ringed or not to go ringed… that is the question! And we’ve got the answer, whichever you prefer. The standard Nautilus HD hook features a ringless eye and 30%
heavier wire than the regular Nautilus. (Roughly 50% less heavy than the Super Nautilus.) Whether you simply prefer the stealthiness of having less metal in the water or just
have great confidence in the loop knots you’ve tied for years, the standard Nautilus HD hook will do the trick. You can feel the superiority by just holding it in your hand. Be
careful when checking the sharpness; it doesn’t differentiate between fish or fingers.

SIZES 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0

NS Black LS 377412(7) 377413(6) 377414(6) 377415(5) 377416(5)
25 377412-25 377413-25 377414-25 377415-25 377416-25

Nautilus Circle Heavy Duty With Solid Ring

The new solid, one-piece ringed version of the Nautilus HD hook allows live bait to swim more freely, keeping it alive longer and enticing more prey to engulf its goodness. At
that point, the finest high carbon steel penetrates deep and locks in tight for the battle ahead. The Ringed Nautilus HD features 30% heavier wire than the regular Nautilus
and 50% less than the Super Nautilus. While its core credibility has been proven in the southern California Bluefin Tuna fisheries, there is absolute evidence of its prowess in
many other heavyweight bouts with monster gamefish worldwide. Therefore, you owe it to yourself to try the Nautilus HD Ringed for all live bait techniques and bottomfish
applications. Big blues and channel cats? Absolutely! Sturgeon? Oh yeah. Halibut? It’s a no-brainer. Tie one on without a single regret.

SIZES 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0

NS Black LS 377412R(5) 377413R(5) 377414R(4) 377415R(4) 377416R(4)
25 377412R-25 377413R-25 377414R-25 377415R-25 377416R-25


Super Nautilus Circle
Made of high carbon steel, it’s a heavier wire hook than our standard “Nautilus” and forged for quality and added strength. This hook has become a favorite amongst
demanding saltwater fishermen.
SIZES 4/0 5/0 6/0 7/0 8/0 10/0 11/0
NS Black LS 272414(6) 272415(6) 272416(6) 272417(5) 272418(4) 272420(3) 272421(2)

Octopus Circle, 4x Strong, Straight Eye

This hook is designed for heavier lines and bigger fish. The offset point makes it a good choice for many chunk bait situations.

SIZES 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0 7/0 8/0

NS Black LS 209411(6) 209412(6) 209413(6) 209414(6) 209415(6) 209416(6) 209417(6) 209418(6)
25 209415-25 209416-25 209417-25 209418-25


Octopus Circle, 4x Strong, Straight Eye (Inline-point) TOURNAMENT LEGAL
To comply with new angling regulations in the Gulf of Mexico, we’ve redesigned and reinforced our most popular circle hook. The new 4X Strong Circle Hook is built for the
toughest battles in the deep sea. The straight eye, NS Black finish and inline point (not offset) complies with the new rules, but doesn’t reduce the hook’s effectiveness. This
is the new “go-to” hook charter captains and professional anglers are using for deep dropping and reef and wreck fishing. Heavy up your rods, reels and line, because the 4X
Strong Circle Hook will never give up when it comes to pulling snapper and monster grouper out of their fortified hangouts.

SIZES 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0 7/0 8/0 9/0 10/0
NS Black LS 360411(6) 360412(6) 360413(6) 360414(6) 360415(6) 360416(6) 360417(6) 360418(6) 360419(5) 360420(5)


Traditional saltwater style for trolling or general purpose bait fishing.
SIZES 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0 7/0 8/0 9/0 10/0
Tin LS 13011(6) 13012(5) 13013(5) 13014(4) 13015(4) 13016(3) 13017(3) 13018(2) 13019(2) 13020(2)
100 13011-100 13012-100 13013-100 13014-100 13015-100 13016-50 13017-50 13018-30 13019-30 13020-20

Single 510
Single 510 has an open eye so it can be used as a replacement hook for spoons, plugs and other lures. It features a sticky sharp curved point with an outbarb for fast
penetration and secure hook ups.

SIZES 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0

Tin LS 232511(5) 232512(5) 232513(4) 232514(4)
25 232511-25 232512-25 232513-25 232514-25



Magic Eye Tuna Plug 3X
You’ve likely heard about the advantages of using tandem Gamakatsu double, single-point hooks instead of factory trebles on your favorite tuna plugs. Hookup ratios increase
and releases are far kinder to our finned friends. Magic Eye Tuna Plug 3X Hooks make rigging the system dramatically easier because the hook eyes are beveled so they slide
right on a split ring without needing special pliers or tools. It’s faster, easier and foolproof. Attach with hook points opposed.

SIZES 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0 7/0

TIN LS 365513(5) 365514(5) 365515(5) 365516(4) 365517(4)

Tuned Tuna Plug with Ring

Angler preferences can differ on whether to use a ringed hooked or not. And that’s just fine with us because we manufacture both. Our Tuned Tuna Plug hook is now available
with a welded ring. The ring provides more freedom for the hook(s) to swing unencumbered. Anglers have also found success using the ringed Tuned Tuna Plug hook for stiff
rigs, thus eliminating the need for a shackle. Without reservation, they’re ready for battle.

SIZES 10/0 11/0 12/0

TIN LS 379520(2) 379521(2) 379522(2)


Our standard circle hook designed with a big eye for rigging heavier monos or dacrons. Also good for chunking for tuna and halibut.
SIZES 6/0 7/0 8/0 9/0 10/0 11/0 12/0
TIN LS 12050(5) 12051(4) 12052(4) 12053(3) 12054(3) 12055(2) 12056(2)


Tuned Tuna With Welded Eye
A great hook for Stiff Rigs and other trolling applications. The forged needle point helps ensure a solid hook set. New welded eye will not open or flex.
SIZES 8/0 9/0 10/0 11/0
TIN LS 369018(3) 369019(3) 369020(2) 369021(2)


Double Assist 520
New vertical jigging techniques like “slow pitch” and “shore” jigging are gaining attention at a rapid rate. Many of the top anglers are using two assist hooks instead of one.
Think about it, you’re doubling your odds of hooking short or soft biters. Gamakatsu’s Double Assist hooks are designed for fast and easy replacement on all types of butterfly,
flat fall and “iron” jigs. The 6” super strong braided line loop can be adjusted to position each hook at the exact desired length, even or offset. Red heat shrink tubing on the
hook shank is an added attractor and prevents chafing and bite-offs. And there’s no concern of knots coming undone. Hooks are forged and barbed. Available in 2/0 and 4/0 in
packages of two.

SIZES 2/0 4/0

Tin LS 368512(2) 368514(2)

1 2 3

Assist 510
The Assist 510 features a curved point with an outbarb that will not nick the leader if it were to catch the line. No vertical jig should be fished without one. The super strong
braided line loop easily attaches to any jig. One of the first Assist hooks introduced in this country and still the best designed.

SIZES 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0

Tin LS 219510(4) 219511(4) 219512(3) 219513(3) 219514(2)


Tuned Assist HD
This addition to our Assist hook line up is for deep jigging and big fish. These heavy duty assist hooks come in two sizes, 8/0 and 10/0 with 270lb braided line. Both feature a
solid ring at the top for easy and secure attachment to the jig.

SIZES 8/0 10/0

Tin LS 270518(1) 270520(1)

Magnum Assist
Featuring a 200lb. braided line loop and our 4x Strong Octopus hook in 8/0 and 10/0, the Magnum Assist is perfect for larger Halibut jigs and deep drop speed jigs.
SIZES 8/0 10/0
NS Black LS 256418(2) 256420(2)


Steel Assist with Magic Eye Swivel
Don’t sacrifice your favorite jig to toothy fish like Wahoo and Mackerel. This Assist Hook features our Magic Eye Swivel for fast and easy attachment to the split ring on any jig.
No pliers needed. 90lb. wire and a 4x Strong Straight Eye Octopus hook make this the ultimate big game, toothy fish Assist hook. Comes in a 3/0 short version and 5/0 long
version for bigger jigs.
SIZES 3/0 5/0
NS Black LS 269413(2) 269415(2)

Assist 520, Ringed

In our relentless pursuit of perfection, and simplicity, we added a welded ring to our tournament-winning Assist 520 hook. The constant jigging motion is tough on looped
monofilament, fluorocarbon, and braid. We took every nuance of uncertainty out of the technique by adding a welded ring. Not only is it nearly unbreakable, but the ring is
also much faster and easier to connect to the jig eye using a split ring. Rigged with 160 lb. (3/0, 4/0) and 220 lb. (5/0, 6/0) braided line.

SIZES 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0

Tin LS 380513(2) 380514(2) 380515(2) 380516(2)


Assist 620 Heavy Duty with Solid Ring
When you pursue the fish of a lifetime, chances are it’s going to be really, really big; and have really, really, really sharp teeth. Take no chances! We call these “heavy-duty” Assist
620 hooks but they’ll live up to tenacious-duty, gargantuan-duty or leviathan-duty equally as well. There’s nothing stronger. One-piece solid rings make connections easy.
Rigged with 270 lb. (5/0, 6/0) and 400 lb. (7/0, 8/0) braided line.

SIZES 5/0 6/0 7/0 8/0

Hypershield LS 381515(1) 381516(1) 381517(1) 381518(1)

Assist 720 Heavy Duty

Gamakatsu calls the Assist 720 hooks “heavy-duty,” but that’s an understatement with these bruisers! Gamakatsu’s Assist 720 Heavy Duty is the ultimate in big game fish
rigging and uses an ultra-strong, incredibly sharp Gamakatsu saltwater hook. A four-strand braid of abrasion-resistant polyethylene cord provides a whopping 880-lb
combined test strength, while the ring makes it fast and easy to connect the assist hook to the jig eye using a split ring.

SIZES 10/0 11/0 12/0

Tin LS 395520(1) 395521(1) 395522(1)


Drop Shot Rig
Each leader is 6’ long with the hook tied in the middle using high quality clear monofilament.
Hook Size 4 2 1
Line Size 6 8 8
NS Black LS 214408-06(3) 214409-08(3) 214410-08(3)

Single Egg Hooks, Barb On Shank Snell

A premier bait hook for salmon eggs. Also great for floating dough baits.
SIZES 14 12 10 8 6
Red LS 04303(10) 04304(10) 04305(10) 04306(10) 04307(10)
SNL 04803(10) 04804(10) 04805(10) 04806(10) 04807(10)
Gold LS 04203(10) 04204(10) 04205(10) 04206(10) 04207(10)
SNL 04704(10) 04705(10) 04706(10) 04707(10)

Baitholder Snell
The ever popular Baitholder hook available in pre packed snells.

SIZES 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 1
Bronze LS 05103(10) 05104(10) 05105(10) 05106(10) 05107(10) 05108(10) 05109(8) 05110(8)
100 05103-100 05104-100 05105-100 05106-100 05107-100 05108-100 05109-100 05110-100
SNL 05603(10) 05604(10) 05605(10) 05606(10) 05607(10) 05608(10) 05609(8) 05610(8)


Kokanee Two Hook Snell
The Kokanee Two Hook Snell rigs are geared for chasing kokanee and other freshwater species like walleye and trout. The fluorescent colored octopus hooks used on the rigs
add an attractant and are pre-tied on 6’ of premium Japanese monofilament. Anglers can use these pre-tied rigs straight out of the package and customize as desired with
blades and beads or your favorite hoochie rig combinations.
Color Hook Size Line(LB) Stock#
Red 4 12 415308(3)
F-Red 4 12 415608-FR(3) 72”
Chartreuse 4 12 415608-C(3)
F-Pink 4 12 415608-P(3)
F-Orange 4 12 415608-OR(3)
F-Purple 4 12 415608-PU 3)
Ulta Violet 4 12 415608-UV(3)
Glow 4 12 415608-GL(3)

EWG Walleye Snell

Red wide gap baitholder hook with 7 feet of premium clear 8 lb. monofilament. A molded glow bead
secures and covers the snell for extra knot strength and added attraction. Three rigs per pack. 84”

Hook Size Line (LB) Stock #

6 8 228307-08(3)
4 8 228308-08(3)
2 8 228309-08(3)

Walleye Snell with Glowbead

Our Walleye Snell blends all of the premium components walleye anglers have come to expect from the premium hook leader. Featuring our sticky sharp Octopus hook in the
most popular walleye catching colors. All tied on a 7’ premium Japanese 8 lb. monofilament.

SIZES 6-08 4-08 2-08

F-Red 297607-FR-08(5) 297608-FR-08(5) 297609-FR-08(5)
Chartreuse 297607-C-08(5) 297608-C-08(5) 297609-C-08(5)
F-Pink 297607-P-08(5) 297608-P-08(5) 297609-P-08(5)
F-Orange 297607-OR-08(5) 297608-OR-08(5) 297609-OR-08(5)
Glow 297607-GL-08(5) 297608-GL-08(5) 297609-GL-08(5)
Red 297607-R-08(5) 297608-R-08(5) 297609-R-08(5)

Walleye LG Two Hook Rig

Two hook rig with adjustable top hook. Includes glowbead and tube.
Hook Size 6 4
Line Size 8 10
NS Black LS 278307-08(10) 278308-10(10)


Treble Stinger Rig, Wire Leader
It’s widely known that trailing stinger rigs are the ticket for catching short-biting walleyes when jigging in cold water conditions. For years, seasoned anglers have
painstakingly tied their own stinger rigs using premium Gamakatsu hooks. Now, we’ve done all the work for you. Gamakatsu Treble Hook Stinger Rigs are 100% ready to use
and will outlast most others on the market. A coated steel wire is machine crimped and then dipped in a durable rubberized coating; allowing it to hang perfectly behind your
jig or bait. And since they’re connected to a premium Gamakatsu treble hook, they’ll stay sticky sharp, fish after fish, after fish. Save time. Save money. Keep fishing longer
with Gamakatsu Treble Hook Stinger Rigs.
Hook Size 12 10 8 6
NS Black 364404(3) 364405(3) 364406(3) 364407(3)

Treble Stinger Rig, Fluorocarbon Leader

Bass and walleye will certainly grab hold of this stealthier version of our trailing stinger rig. We’ve pre-tied two inches of premium, 16-pound test fluorocarbon line instead of
the coated steel wire. It works well with a wide variety of baits; however, it is most suited for trolling baits or any scenarios where fish are coming from behind and just striking
the tail of the bait. Many anglers consider it mandatory for cold weather angling when fish are sluggish.

Hook Size 12 10 8
Red 378304(3) 378305(3) 378306(3)

Catfish Rig
The new Catfish Rigs are pre-tied and ready to fish. Both rigs are tied with 28” of 50 lb. premium
Japanese monofilament and a SPRO Power Swivel.

SIZES 5/0 6/0 7/0 8/0

NS Black 299415-50(2) 299416-50(2) 299417-50(2) 299418-50(2)

Catfish Rig Circle

SIZES 5/0 6/0 7/0 8/0
NS Black 300415-50(2) 300416-50(2) 300417-50(2) 300418-50(2)


Mooching Rig (Slip Tie) “3 individually packed leaders, 6 ft. rig.” Mooching Rig (Solid Tie) “3 individually packed leaders, 6 ft. rig.”
Line (LB.) Hook Size Nickel Red Line (LB.) Hook Size Stock#
20 2/0, 3/0 215023-20(3) 15 2/0, 3/0 218023-15(3)
20 3/0, 4/0 215034-20(3) 15 3/0, 4/0 218034-15(3)
25 2/0, 3/0 215023-25(3) 20 2/0, 3/0 218023-20(3)
25 3/0, 4/0 215034-25(3) 20 3/0, 4/0 218034-20(3)
30 3/0, 4/0 215034-30(3) 215334-30(3) 25 2/0, 3/0 218023-25(3)
30 4/0, 5/0 215045-30(3) 215345-30(3) 25 3/0, 4/0 218034-25(3)
30 5/0, 6/0 215056-30(3) 215356-30(3) 30 3/0, 4/0 218034-30(3)
40 4/0, 5/0 215045-40(3) 215345-40(3) 30 4/0, 5/0 218045-30(3)
40 5/0, 6/0 215056-40(3) 215356-40(3) 30 5/0, 6/0 218056-30(3)
40 4/0, 5/0 218045-40(3)
40 5/0, 6/0 218056-40(3)
Mooching Rig (Slip Tie) Barbless
As barbless hook regulations expand, Gamakatsu has met the challenge with a better designed, sharper and stronger Barbless Octopus hook. Designed expressly for the
application, Gamakatsu’s Barbless Octopus hooks feature a slightly wider gap that provides better fish-holding benefits than traditional barbed Octopus hooks. These hooks
comply with state regulations requiring “barbless hooks”. Proven effective for a variety of species, Gamakatsu’s Barbless hooks are now available in pre-tied mooching rigs.
Tied on premium monofilament line with 6 foot leaders, Gamakatsu Barbless Mooching Rigs are packaged individually. “3 individually packed leaders, 6 ft. rig!”
Line (LB.) Hook Size Nickel Red
20 2/0, 3/0 215023-20(3)
20 3/0, 4/0 215034-20(3)
25 2/0, 3/0 215023-25(3)
25 3/0, 4/0 215034-25(3)
30 3/0, 4/0 215034-30(3) 215334-30(3)
30 4/0, 5/0 215045-30(3) 215345-30(3)
30 5/0, 6/0 215056-30(3) 215356-30(3)
40 4/0, 5/0 215045-40(3) 215345-40(3)
40 5/0, 6/0 215056-40(3) 215356-40(3)

Mooching Rig Big River Bait (Slip Tie)

The innovative design of the Big River Hook has gained popularity from coast to coast. It’s unique acute bend is designed to ®

hold fish tight once hooked. The rigs are slip tied to adjust to various sized baits and are pre-tied on 6’ of premium Japanese STYLE Mooching Rig SIZE
Big River Bait (Slip Tie) 3/0
monofilament. Anglers can use these pre-tied rigs straight out of the package for all mooching and trolling applications. LINE Stock # Qty.
LB. 3

Line (LB.) Hook Size Stock#

30 3/0 414413-30(3)
30 4/0 414414-30(3)
40 4/0 414414-40(3)
40 5/0 414415-40(3)

Two Hook Bait Rig

Two red hooks snelled about 1 inch apart to 6 ft piece of premium Salmon/Steelhead Leader
monofilament. Perfect for fishing salmon egg clusters. “3 rigs per pack!” “3 individually packed leaders, 4 ft rig!”
Hook Size Line (LB) Stock # Line (LB.) Hook Size Stock#
3/0, 4/0 25 233334-25(3) 8 2 217309-08(3)
3/0, 4/0 30 233334-30(3) 8 1 217310-08(3)
4/0, 5/0 30 233345-30(3) 10 1 217310-10(3) 48”
5/0, 6/0 30 233356-30(3) 10 1/0 217311-10(3)
4/0, 5/0 40 233345-40(3) 12 1/0 217311-12(3)
5/0, 6/0 40 233356-40(3) 12 2/0 217312-12(3)
6/0, 7/0 40 233367-40(3) 15 2/0 217312-15(3)
20 3/0 217313-20(3)
30 3/0 217313-30(3)
30 4/0 217314-30(3)
40 4/0 217314-40(3)
30 5/0 217315-30(3)
40 5/0 217315-40(3)
Sockeye Rig
When the sockeye start running, you better be ready to get in the game fast. With
our Sockeye Rigs, you are geared up in seconds. Tied on 30 lbs. leaders with sticky
sharp 3/0 red Octopus hooks, available in 2 colors - chartreuse or flame red. Nothing
is easier or faster, except maybe your limit. We’ve done the work for you to maximize
your time on the water.
Hook Size Line (lb) Stock #
3/0 Chartreuse 30 372313-C-30(3)
3/0 Flame Red 30 372313-FR-30(3)

Top And Bottom Rig

Designed primarily for bottom fishing, this rig uses two size 2 NS Black Baitholder hooks attached to a 40lb. leader so they stick out about 4” from the main line and are spaced
about 10” apart. It includes a barrel swivel at the top of the rig and a cross lock for easy weight attachment at the bottom.
Hook Size Line (lb) Stock #
2 30 238409(1)

Fluke Rig With Teaser

Two different color combination fluke rigs available in a size 2/0 hooks with a 40 lb. leader. The Fluke Rigs feature a spinner blade and a teaser made with synthetic hair
material that is more tooth resistant and durable in saltwater. The teasers are in either red and white or a chartreuse and white combination with either red or green beads to
match. They also feature a 3 way swivel with a crosslock to attach the weight.

Hook Size Line (lb) Stock #

2/0 White/Red 40 239412-RW(1)
2/0 White/Chartreuse 40 239412-CW(1)

Striper Rig
Striper fishermen are a demanding group. Striper anglers have asked for a dependable pre-tied rig to meet their needs and Gamakatsu has answered. The Striper Rig features
a proven Octopus hook, tied on 28” of premium 40 lb. monofilament. The rig also includes a high quality #4 Gamakatsu barrel swivel rated at 130 lb. This rig is sure to give any
striper fisherman the confidence they need to catch that trophy of a lifetime.
Hook Sizes 4/0 5/0 6/0 7/0 8/0
NS Black 305414-40(2) 305415-40(2) 305416-40(2) 305417-40(2) 305418-40(2)


Striper Rig With Sliding Sinker Lock
This rig features a 5/0 NS Black Baitholder hook snelled to a 80 lb. clear leader with a 100 lb. barrel swivel and a
sliding sinker lock that goes on the main line above the swivel.
Hook Size Line (lb) Stock #
5/0 80 241415(2)

Jigging Rig, Gold Jigging Rig, Nickel, Smelt/Herring

SIZES 8 6 4 SIZES 5 4 4
Fish Skin Rig 64306(1) 64307(1) 64308(1) Fish Skin Rig 58108(1) 58109(1) 64308(1)
Glow Rig 62306-G(1) 62307-G(1) 62308-G(1)

Jigging Rig, Special Assorted Hook Jigging Rig, Special Weighted Assorted Hook
Fish Skin Rig 207307 (Gold, Nickel, Red, Green)(1) Fish Skin Rig 206307 (Gold, Nickel)(1)
Gold Gold Gold
Nickel Nickel Nickel Nickel



FLY HOOK REPRESENTATIVES Gamakatsu has been making premium quality hooks since 1955. Every hook is made using
Gamakatsu’s own high quality, high carbon steel and is meticulously crafted to the highest of standards.
Skip Gibson Unlike other hook manufacturers, Gamakatsu hooks are made in their own facility which is one of the
5145 Bigelow Rd, Bozeman, MT. 59718 most technologically advanced in the world and their consistency is unmatched. What you’ll find in this
Ph: 406-556-0822 Fx: 406-556-0823
catalog are super sharp, super strong fly hooks made for the serious fly tyer and fly angler who will settle
[email protected]
for nothing but the best. While an investment in a good fly rod, fly reel, fly line and the knowledge on
how to properly use them can enhance the fly fishing experience, the hook is the one piece of equipment
Bob Lamson at the end of it all that has to hang on to the object of pursuit. Don’t settle for anything less than
152 Gates Rd, Lebanon, CT. 06249 Gamakatsu quality.
Ph: 860-423-2911 Fx: 973-423-4500
[email protected] The Executive Series - The most advanced fly hook available.
ME, VT, MA, RI, CT, NH, NY (North of Route 84) Executive Series fly hooks offer some very unique designs like the R10B Retainer Bend and the C13U
Keel Balance. Hooks like the S10 series of hooks have beak points that allow for effortless penetration,
Ken Lagerveld especially with light tippets and a slightly wider gap. They also have a shank length just a little longer
175 Tamboer Drive
than standard dry fly hooks. While the R10B and C13U are matte black, the B10S
North Haledon, NJ. 07508
Ph: 973-216-8979 Fx: 860-423-7825
Stinger hooks and the rest of the Executive series have a beautiful NS Black finish
[email protected] that not only looks good, but is also very corrosion resistant. There’s no other
NJ, Metro NY (NYC, Long Island and area hook series like it.
north of NYC to Route 84) PA, Maryland,
Delaware, Virginia • Corrosion Resistant NS Black Finish
• Beak Points
Dan Marshall - Northwest Outdoor Sales • Unique Designs
3409 140th St Ct NW, Gig Harbor, WA
Ph: 800-445-8150 Fx: 253-445-8153 Traditional Series - A necessity for patterns of time honored tradition.
[email protected]
The Traditional Series hooks are mostly all Bronze finished, have needle points, and are designed to match
up in style and size with other popular hook brands. The key difference being the quality of the steel used
Marty Holding - L H French Co in them and the sharpness of the hook. The Traditional Series hooks also feature the traditional Salmon/
Ph: 801-302-8448 Cl: 801-580-7290 Steelhead tapered loop up eye hooks, but in non-traditional finishes like Red in addition to the traditional
Fx: 801-302-8449 [email protected] NS Black finish. The styles all match, but the quality is
UT, MT, Southern Idaho unmatched.

Len Vinci - L H French Co • Traditional Sizing

Ph: 916-543-8690 Cl: 916-718-3926 • Traditional Bronze Finish
Fx: 916-543-8698 [email protected] • Gamakatsu Strength and Sharpness
Northern CA, Northern NV

Guy Tillotson - Grand Slam Group LLC

Saltwater Series - The most complete line of saltwater fly hooks.
1580 Eileen PL, Englewood, FL 34223 By far and away the finest selection of Saltwater fly hooks available. Multiple styles featuring our most
Cl: 904-347-3138 popular SC15 and other hooks ranging in sizes from 18 to 10/0. The SC15 is used for many different
[email protected] patterns but is also a great hook for tube flies. The SP11-3L3H makes a great popper hook. There’s a
FL, GA, NC, SC hook style for every saltwater application imaginable. Every Saltwater Series fly hook is made from the
highest quality high carbon steel and has a durable tin plating or NS Black finish for corrosion resistance.
Tom Jindra - Grand Slam Group LLC Because of the steel used, even the 3x strong hooks are surprisingly light for their size and their strength
2501 Prancer St, New Orleans, LA 70131 is unparalleled. These hooks will hold a point much better than stainless steel hooks and are sticky sharp
Ph: 504-392-7511 Fx: 504-324-1889 right out of the bag. No sharpening is ever needed before fishing with a Gamakatsu hook and because
[email protected] |
they’re not stainless, they will eventually corrode out of a fish’s mouth if the hook is taken deep and
cannot be removed. From the flats to blue water, there’s no hook selection better than this.
Tom Timmerberg
6604 Devonshire Ave 1 So, St Louis, MO 63109 • Corrosion Resistant Tin Finish
Ph: 314-255-3692 [email protected] • Multiple styles to choose from
MO, KS, IL, MN, WI, IA • Innovative designs

Ben Hunting
6777 Old Darby Trail NE, Ada, Mi 49301
Ph: 616-901-1926 [email protected]


S10 • S10-B • S10S • Jig Nymph • J20
Standard Down Eye Standard Down Eye Barbless Straight Eye Dry Beads and Slotted Beads
Multi-use Dries and Wets Multi-use Dries and Wets Multi-use and Specialty Dry Flies 20 pk: Color: MB
25 pk & 100 pk: Color: NSB 25 pk & 100 pk: Color: NSB 25 pk & 100 pk: Color: NSB

6 6 4 10 354405-20
08407-25 41407-25 33408-25
08407-100 41407-100 33408-100
8 8 12 354404-20
08406-25 41406-25 12 33404-25
08406-100 41406-100 33404-100
14 354403-20
10 08405-25 10
41405-25 14 33403-25
08405-100 33403-100
41405-100 354402-20
08404-100 12 41404-25
14 08403-25
08403-100 14 41403-25
16 08402-25
08402-100 16 41402-25
18 08401-25

R17-B • R18-B • R19-B • NEW Jig Nymph • J20

Retainer Bend Barbless 3x Fine Barbless 2x Strong Retainer Bend Barbless Barbless
Multi-use. Unique Bend holds fish Multi-use. Unique Bend holds fish Multi-use. Unique Bend holds fish Beads and Slotted Beads
firm. Nano Smooth Coat firm. Nano Smooth Coat firm. Nano Smooth Coat 20 pk: Color: MB
20 pk: Color: 20 pk: Color: 20 pk: Color:
10 355405-20

12 335204-20 8 10 373205-20
346206-20 12 355404-20

14 335203-20
12 373204-20 355403-20
10 346205-20
16 335202-20
373203-20 16 355402-20
18 335201-20 12 346204-20

16 373202-20
20 335200-20 14 346203-20
18 373201-20
22 335299-20
16 346202-20
The R19-B Retainer Bend Barbless utilizes a
24 customized bend that holds fish tight and offers
a revolutionary advancement in true barbless
hook design. The barbless design makes it
R10-B • easier to release fish and conforms to the catch
and release ethic and conservational model of
Retainer Bend Barbless many fishing streams. A nano smooth coating
Multi-use. Unique Bend holds fish firm and razor-sharp hook point reduce resistance,
25 pk & 100 pk: Color: MB creating more penetrating power and a
seriously effective hookset.
10 85405-25
Numbering System 1) �STYLE OF BEND
85405-100 � (S) Sproat� (L) Limerick� (P) Perfect� (T) Tapered� (C) Curve
12 85404-25 � (R) Retainer�(B) Bend�
2) �MODEL NUMBER Examples:
14 2H = 2x Hard/Strong

85403-100 3) �EYE STYLE�
1F = 1x Fine
85402-25 � (S) Straight�(U) Up
16 85402-100
4)�LENGTH� S11S-4L2H = Sproat Bend, Model 11,
18 � (L) Long� (S) Short Straight Eye, 4X Long and 2X Strong
20 85400-25 3) EYE STYLE 4) LENGTH 5) STRENGTH � (F) Fine� (H) Hard/Strong


B10S • B10S Stinger • C14S •
Stinger, 1x Strong Forged Tournament Grade Wire, Glo Bug
Hair Bugs, Streamers Nano Smooth Coat Glo Bugs and other Egg Patterns
25 pk & 100 pk: Color: NSB Hair Bugs, Streamers • 20 pk: 25 pk & 100 pk: Color: NSB
212415-25 79409-25
212415-100 79409-100

4 79408-25
5/0 212211-20 79408-100
6 79407-25
212414-25 1 8
212414-100 212410-25 79406-25
212410-100 79406-100
4/0 1
10 79405-25
2 12 79404-25
212413-25 212409-25
212409-100 79404-100
212413-100 212209-20
4 C16-B •
212408-25 Crippled Emerger
212408-100 212208-20
Emerger Patterns, Mult-use
212412-25 4 25 pk & 100 pk: Color: NSB
2/0 6
212407-25 12
212407-100 212207-20 290404-100
6 290403-25
8 212406-25 290403-100
212411-100 290402-25
16 290402-100
10 212405-25
212405-100 18

12 212404-25


B10S Stinger • Fluorescent

Stinger, 1x Strong Forged
Hair Bugs, Streamers
The B10S Stinger is one of Gamakatsu’s most popular fly hooks and it just got better with the
addition of fluorescent colors. The fluorescent UV coating provides a subtle glow which has
been scientifically proven to attract fish and provides a focal point when they decide to eat.
The B10S Stinger is beneficial in both freshwater and saltwater fly patterns and the 1X strong
wire gives you that extra confidence when a trophy fish is on the line.

SIZES 4 2 1 1/0 2/0

Ultra Violet 212408-UV(20) 212409-UV(20) 212410-UV(20) 212411-UV(20) 212412-UV(20)
F-Red 212408-FR(20) 212409-FR(20) 212410-FR(20) 212411-FR(20) 212412-FR(20)
F-Pink 212408-P(20) 212409-R(20) 212410-P(20) 212411-P(20) 212412-P(20)
Chartreuse 212408-C(20) 212409-C(20) 212410-C(20) 212411-C(20) 212412-C(20)


C13U • S11-4L2H • S11S-4L2H • L11S-3H •
Keel Balance Streamer, 4x long, 2x strong Straight Eye Streamer, Salmon & Steelhead 3x strong
Multi-use and Keel Style dry Flies Streamers and Large Wet Flies 4x long, 2x strong Heavy Salmon/Steelhead Flies
25 pk & 100 pk: Color: MB 25 pk & 100 pk: Color: BR, NSB Woolly Buggers, Streamers and Large and tube fly trailer. .
10 Wet Flies 20 pk: Color: NSB
90405-25 25 pk & 100 pk: Color: BR
90405-100 37409-25 2
12 90404-25 6 13109-20
90404-100 4 32107-100
14 90403-25 37408-100
8 4
90403-100 32106-25
6 32106-100
16 37107-25
90402-100 37107-100
10 32105-25 6
18 90401-25 8
90401-100 37106-25 32105-100 13107-20
90400-25 37106-100
20 90400-100
12 32104-25 8
10 32104-100
37105-25 13106-20

12 37104-25 10
37104-100 13105-20

C15-BV • C12 • C12U • C12-B •

Vertical Eye, Emerger, Down Eye Scud Caddis Down Eye Scud
Barbless Scud and Shrimp Patterns Caddis and other Pupae Patterns Barbless, Red
25 pk & 100 pk: Color: NSB 25 pk & 100 pk: Color: BR 25 pk & 100 pk: Color: BR Scud and Shrimp patterns
25 pk & 100 pk: Color: RD
12 10 87105-25 6 34107-25
267404-25 87105-100 34107-100
12 268304-25
14 12 87104-25 8 34106-25
267403-25 87104-100 34106-100
267403-100 14 268303-25
14 87103-25 10 34105-25 268303-100
16 87103-100 34105-100
267402-100 16 268302-25
16 87102-25
12 34104-25 268302-100
18 267401-25 34104-100
267401-100 268301-25
18 268301-100
34102-25 20 268300-100
C12-BM • 16
Barbless Midge, Large Eye
25 pk & 100 pk: Color: NSB
26 277497-100
30 277495-100


T10-3H • T10-6H • Russian River Fly
Salmon Dry 1x Fine Salmon Tapered Loop Up-eye Streamers
Salmon/Steehead Dry Flies Salmon/Steelhead Wet Flies Meets Russian River Regulations
20 pk: Color: NSB 634 = NS Black 25 pk, 100 pk: Color: BR, RD
10 pk: Color: NSB, RD 20 pk: Colors: NSB, RD
Sizes: 1/0, 2/0 Sizes: 8 - 1 733 = Red
2 2
2/0 14109-25
73312-10 14109-100
4 2
64408-20 4 73308-20
6 73311-10
6 73307-20

8 1
64406-20 73310-20

8 73306-20


Double 22 Medium Shank

Medium shank length designed with a straight eye manufactured in durable Nickel Silver Black.
SIZES 10 8
NS Black LS 302405(12) 302406(12)



SL12-S 1X Short •
Big Game • Wide Gap
Tarpon and Billfish Flies • Loose pk, 100 pk: Color: NSB

4/0 2/0 1 4
69414-7 69412-10 69410-12 69408-12
69414-100 69412-100 69410-100 69408-100

3/0 1/0 2 6
69413-8 69411-12 69409-12 69407-15
69413-100 69411-100 69409-100 69407-100


SL12S • SL45 • SL11-3H •
Big Game • Wide Gap Bonefish 3x strong
Tarpon and Billfish Flies Small Bonefish Flies Standard Bonefish/Tarpon Flies and
Loose: Color: TN Sizes: 2, 1/0, 2/0, 4/0, 6/0, 8/0, 10/0 Loose: Color: MB Sizes: 10-4 Billfish Flies
50 pk: Color: TN Sizes: 8/0, 10/0 Loose: Color: TN Sizes: 8 - 4/0
100 pk: Color: TN Sizes: 2, 1/0, 2/0, 4/0, 6/0 100 pk: Color: TN Sizes: 8 - 4/0

6 227407-12
99520-4 4/0 13514-7
99520-50 13514-100

SC15-2H • 13513-10
8/0 13513-100
Wide Gap • 2x Strong
Tarpon and Billfish Flies
Loose: Color: TN Sizes: 3/0 - 5/0
100 pk: Color: TN Sizes: 3/0 - 5/0
5/0 13512-10
6/0 99516-6
1/0 13511-12

4/0 1
99514-100 211514-7

99512-10 13509-12
2/0 99512-100 3/0 13509-100

211513-100 4 13508-12
99511-12 13508-100
1/0 99511-100
2 99509-100 8 13506-15


SS15 • SP11-3L3H • SC15 •
Standard Perfect Bend Wide Gap
Standard Inshore Flies and Longer Saltwater Streamers, Poppers and Billfish Flies Shrimp, Small Tarpon Flies,
Surface Patterns Loose: Color: TN Sizes: 8 - 3/0 Tube Fly Trailer
Loose: Color: TN Sizes: 10 - 3/0 100 pk: Color: TN Sizes: 8 - 3/0 Loose: Color: TN Sizes: 8 - 3/0
50 pk: Color: TN Sizes: 3/0 100 pk: Color: TN Sizes: 8 - 3/0
100 pk: Color: TN Sizes: 10 - 3/0

3/0 3/0 3/0

96513-10 82513-10
22513-7 96513-100 82513-100

2/0 2/0
22512-7 96512-100

1/0 96511-12
96511-100 1/0 82511-12

1 1 96510-12
22510-10 96510-100 1 82510-12
22510-100 82510-100

2 2 96509-12 82509-12
22509-12 96509-100 2 82509-100

4 96508-12 4 82508-100
4 96508-100
22508-100 82507-15
6 82507-100
6 96507-15
6 22507-12 96507-100 82506-15
22507-100 8 82506-100

8 96506-15
8 22506-12
22506-100 SC17 •
Tarpon Fly
22505-15 Multi-use Dries and Wets
10 Loose pk &100 pk: Color: NB

3/0 275413-10

2/0 275412-10





Standard Down Eye S10 94840 5210 1170 300
Standard Down Eye Barbless S10B 94845 900BL 1190
Straight Eye Dry S10S 94859 101 1110 310
Retainer Bend Barbless R10-B
Retainer Bend Barbless 3X Fine R17B
Retainer Bend Barbless 2X Strong R18B
Retainer Bend Barbless R19-B
Stinger 1x Strong Forged B10S 37187 2720
TGW / Nano Smooth B10S
Stinger Fluorescent B10S
Glo Bug C14S 9479 105 1510
Keel Balance C13U
Vertical Eye Emerger Barbless C15-BV
Emerger Patterns Multi Use C16-B
Barbless Midge Large Eye C12-BM
Jig Nymph Barbed J-20
Jig Nymph Barbless J-20 C403BL
Salmon Steelhead 3x Strong L11S-3H 3406 800 2451
Streamer 4x Long 2x Strong S11-4L2H 79580 9395 2220 700
Streamer 4x Long 2x Strong SE S11S-4L2H 9674 9395 2220
Scud C12 80250 2487 1130
Caddis C12U 37160 205BL 1140
Scud, Barbless C12-B 2487BL
Salmon Steelhead Dry 1x Fine T10-3H 90240 7989 2421
Salmon Steelhead Wet T10-6H 36890 7999 2161 899
Russian River Fly Russian River 36717
Double Hook Medium Shank Double 22
Saltwater Big Game SL12S
Bonefish SL45
Saltwater 3x Strong SL11-3H
Standard Saltwater SS15 34007 811S 2546 930
Saltwater Perfect Bend SP11-3L3H
Saltwater Wide Gap SC15
Saltwater Wide Gap 2x Strong SC15-2H
Tarpon Fly SC17
Saltwater SL12-S 1X Short


Silicone Stopper
The premium quality Silicone Stopper aids in keeping a trailer hook from getting tangled in the skirt when fishing
spinnerbaits and buzzbaits. It prevents the hook from sliding up and down the hook shank, and ensures that when bass bite,
they get hooked. Although designed for spinnerbaits and buzzbaits, the Silicone Stopper can be used with Texas- rigged
worms, too. The only limit to their application is your imagination.
SIZES Medium Large Extra Large X Extra Large
Black 393000-M(12) 393000-L(12) 393000-XL(10) 393000-XXL(10) Medium Large X-Large XX-Large

Spring Lock
The new Gamakatsu Spring Lock makes rigging plastics easy with the stress relieved stainless steel center point. The
center point makes it easy to find the exact midpoint of the bait. It’s then just a simple matter of twisting the plastic on to
the Spring Lock where it stays fastened and secure. Lures stay centered and run straight and true.
Medium Large
SIZES Large Extra Large
Stainless Steel 397000-L(5) 397000-XL(5)

Superline Swivel
The Superline Swivel is manufactured from premium components offering a superior strength to size ratio
and an NS Black (nickel silver black) coating is applied for a stealthy finish that resists corrosion. Swivels are
available in sizes 10 to 1, with break strengths of 35 to 330 pounds. Whether you chase Bluegill or Bigeye,
Gamakatsu has a swivel for you.
SIZES 10 (35 lb) 8 (50 lb) 7 (75 lb) 6 (80 lb) 5 (120 lb) 4 (130 lb) 2 (230 lb) 1 (330 lb)
NS Black 405400-10(10) 405400-8(8) 405400-7(8) 405400-6(8) 405400-7(8) 405400-4(8) 405400-2(6) 405400-1(5)

Duo Lock Snap with Superline Swivel

Freshwater anglers, and those employing light tackle out in saltwater will gravitate toward the lightweight Duo Lock Snap
with Superline Swivel, rated from 35- to 120-pound test, in sizes from 12 to 5. Featuring an NS Black (nickel silver black)
coating that that provides stealth and corrosion resistance with strength beyond its size.
SIZES 12 (35 lb) 10 (35 lb) 8 (50 lb) 7 (75 lb) 5 (120 lb)
NS Black 406400-12(5) 406400-10(5) 406400-8(5) 406400-7(5) 406400-5(5)

12 10 8 7 5

Cross Lock Snap with Superline Swivel

The Cross Lock Snap with Superline Swivel was designed for anglers chasing larger quarry and is offered in sizes 7
through 2 rated from 75 to 230 pounds. This heavy-duty version offers superior strength to size ratio and features
an NS Black (nickel silver black) coating providing a stealthy presentation.
SIZES 7(75 lb) 6(80 lb) 4(130 lb) 2(230 lb)
NS Black 407400-7(4) 407400-6(4) 407400-4(4) 407400-2(4)

Superline Split Ring

The new Superline Split Ring is available in sizes to outfit everything from panfish spinners to baits intended for hard-chargers such
as roosterfish. The Japanese-made split ring is constructed of high strength stainless steel giving you confidence that it can handle
that trophy catch. All of the edges are rounded, preventing wear on your line during the most intense battle.
SIZES 1 (10 lb) 2 (18 lb) 3 (44 lb) 4 (48 lb) 5 (97 lb) 6 (130 lb) 7 (180 lb) 8 (255 lb)
Stainless Steel 408000-1(12) 408000-2(12) 408000-3(12) 408000-4(10) 408000-5(9) 408000-6(8) 408000-7(7) 408000-8(5)

Superline Solid Ring

Gamakatsu’s new Superline Solid Ring is the perfect complement to their line of assist hooks, providing a solid connection that even the most
headstrong tuna can’t bust. The solid ring is completely rounded to keep your line in good shape as the battle enters extra innings. When you need
to apply extra pressure on that fish of a lifetime, the welded high strength stainless steel construction won’t let you down.
SIZES 4 (200 lb) 5 (350 lb) 6 (400 lb) 7 (700 lb)
Stainless Steel 409000-4(10) 409000-5(8) 409000-6(7) 409000-7(6)


G-Box 3200, Utility Case
• Size 8.1” x 5.7” x 1.6”.
• Great for terminal tackle and small lures.
• Micro Rib System- Micro Adjustable Dividers.
• Easily opened with one hand.
• Does not open when dropped.
• Tackle stays in place and does not go to other compartments.
• Rounded corners easy to get out of tackle bags or boat compartments.
Item #G3200

In between the rib On the rib

Micro Rib System - Micro Adjustable Dividers

G-Box 3200D Deep Utility Case

The G-Box 3200D Deep Utility Case features the single-hand, easy-open lid clasp and offers adjustable storage with micro-slit compartmental
dividers. This feature allows the angler to adjust each bin size to fit specific gear. Tight tolerances ensure that small terminal tackle doesn’t jump
from one compartment to the other. The 3200D is made in Japan and is an excellent storage solution for both terminal tackle and lures.
• Size 8.1” x 5.7” X 3.2”
• Great for terminal tackle and small lures.
• Micro Rib System- Micro Adjustable Dividers.
• Easily opened with one hand.
• Does not open when dropped.
• Tackle stays in place and does not go to other compartments.
• Rounded corners easy to get out of tackle bags or boat compartments.
Item #G3200D

G-Box 3500D Deep Utility Case

The G-Box 3500 is nearly 2.4” deep, so big-lipped and fat-bodied, baits fit with ease. It’s 7.4” wide to ac-
commodate stick baits, long spinners and spinner blades. The clear top lets you see what’s inside and the
one-handed, easy-opening design makes access exceptionally convenient. Of course, the dividers are fully
adjustable too
.•  Size 10” x 7.4”x 2.4”.
•  Great for plastic baits and hardbaits.
•  Micro Rib System- Micro Adjustable Dividers.
•  Easily opened with one hand.
• Does not open when dropped.
• Adjustable Layout Vertically and Horizontally.
• Tackle stays in place and does not go to other compartments.
•  Rounded corners easy to get out of tackle bags or boat compartments.
Item #G3500D


G-Box 3600, Utility Case
• Size 10.8” x 7.4” x 1.7”.
•  Great for plastic baits and hardbaits.
•  Micro Rib System- Micro Adjustable Dividers.
•  Easily opened with one hand.
• Does not open when dropped.
• Adjustable Layout Vertically and Horizontally.
• Tackle stays in place and does not go to other compartments.
•  Rounded corners easy to get out of tackle bags or boat compartments.
Item #G3600

G-Box 3700, Utility Case

• Size 14” x 9” x 2”.
• Great for terminal tackle and small lures.
• Micro Rib System- Micro Adjustable Dividers.
• Easily opened with one hand.
• Does not open when dropped.
• Tackle stays in place and does not go to other compartments.
• Rounded corners easy to get out of tackle bags or boat compartments.
Item #G3700

G-Box 3700D Deep Utility Case

The G-Box 3700D Deep Utility Case is perfect for those larger bulky lures and features the single-hand, easy-open lid clasp. Adjustable storage with
micro-slit compartmental dividers allows the angler to adjust each bin size to fit specific gear. Tight tolerances ensure that small terminal tackle
doesn’t jump from one compartment to the other. The 3700D is made in Japan and is an excellent storage solution for a variety of larger tackle.
• 14” x 9” x 3.2”
• Great for terminal tackle and small lures.
• Micro Rib System- Micro Adjustable Dividers.
• Easily opened with one hand.
• Does not open when dropped.
• Tackle stays in place and does not go to other compartments.
• Rounded corners easy to get out of tackle bags or boat compartments.
Item #G3700D

G-Box 250, Duo Side Case, Slit Foam

•  Size 7” x 4.2”x 1.6”.
• Great for Rigs, Hooks, Flies and Jig Heads.
• Easy to See Slit Foam on one side.
•  Micro Rib System- Micro Adjustable Dividers on other side.
• Easily opened with one hand.
• Product stays in place and organized.
• Rounded corners easy to get out of tackle bags or boat compartments.
Item #G250DS


G-Box 3200, Slit Foam Case
• Size 8.1” x 5.7” x 1.6”.
• Great for Rigs, Hooks, Flies and Jig Heads.
• Easy to See Slits.
• Easily opened with one hand.
• Product stays in place and organized.
•  Rounded corners easy to get out of tackle bags or
boat compartments.
Item #G3200SF

G-Box 3600, Slit Foam Case

•  Size 10” x 7.5”x 1.1”.
• Great for Rigs, Hooks, Flies and Jig Heads.
• Easy to See Slits.
• Easily opened with one hand.
• Product stays in place and organized.
• Rounded corners easy to get out of tackle bags or
boat compartments.
Item #G3600SF

G-Box 318SD Pocket Utility Case

The G-Box 318SD Pocket Utility Case is made for anglers on the move. The 318SD is designed for adventurous anglers who walk the shorelines
of lakes and rivers in search of secret spots and untouched fish. The G318SD features adjustable dividers one side allowing anglers to customize
their terminal tackle storage. Carry the essentials and always have critical terminal tackle and spare lures at your fingertips without hauling a
heavy pack.
•  Size 4.8 x 3.4 x 1.3
• Great for Hooks, Flies and Jig Heads.
• Easily opened with one hand.
• Product stays in place and organized.
• Rounded corners easy to get out of tackle bags or
boat compartments.
Item #G318SD

G-Box 388DD Pocket Utility Case

The G-Box 388DD Pocket Utility Case is made for anglers on the move. The 388DD is designed for adventurous anglers who walk the shorelines
of lakes and rivers in search of secret spots and untouched fish. The G388DD compartments are not adjustable but have multiple compartments
that are designed to carry a wide variety of terminal tackle. Carry the essentials and always have critical terminal tackle and spare lures at your
fingertips without hauling a heavy pack.
•  Size 4.8” x 3.8” x 1.3”
• Great for Hooks, Flies and Jig Heads.
• Easily opened with one hand.
• Product stays in place and organized.
• Rounded corners easy to get out of tackle bags or
boat compartments.
Item #G388DD


G-Case 7000
The G-Case 7000 is an ultra-durable, hard-sided tackle storage case that is compatible
with G-Boxes in all sizes, creating a flexible system that has endless storage configuration
possibilities The G-Case 7000 utilizes a strong, sturdy handle and the lid can be opened
from either side, allowing for quick access. The interior has an open tray for loose items like
line spools and tools. Add the optional rod stand, jig compartment, and shoulder strap to
transform the G-Case 7000 into a real-time fishing asset.
•  Size 19” x 13” x 13”
Item #G7000

G-Case 7000 Jig Compartment

Anglers are always changing lures and cycling through gear, and the optional exterior
side mounted jig compartment attaches securely to the G-Case 7000 and offers an open,
top-slotted compartment for quick access to your go-to lures. Store and dry them after
use as well before moving lures back into permanent G-Box utility cases. This exterior
storage option is a time saver when quick changes are needed in the field.
•  Size 10 x 5.7 x 2.2
Item #G7000-JC

G-Case 7000 Rod Stand

The G-Case 7000 has three different positions on either side to attach the optional rod
stand. A simple mounting bracket makes a firm connection, transforming the case
into a rod holder with a permanent locking mechanism. The rod stand offers rod height
adjustments to hold a variety of rod types. In addition, the rod stand features an
adjustable foot, making it a sturdy base for the G-Case.
•  Size 2.6 x 2.8 x 13
Item #G7000-RS

G-Case 7000 Shoulder Strap

If you need to free up your hands while trying to carry all your gear simply add the
optional shoulder strap to make carrying the G-Case 7000 a breeze.
• Size 1.5” x 79”
Item #G7000-SS


Shoulder Bag Tackle Storage
The perfect mobile storage solution when you’re on the go and
need fast, easy access to your gear. Designed for over-the-shoulder
carrying: Swing bag to your chest for access, swing around to your
back when walking, casting or battling fish. Includes two (2) G3200
G-Boxes in the main compartment and features multiple, heavy-duty
zippered pockets to store everything else. The 1680 denier ballistic
nylon is tough so it will hold up for years of use and the padded
shoulder strap is adjustable for length.
Item #BAG006

Back Pack Tackle and Storage

When you need to carry enough tackle for wherever your
angling adventure may lead you, strap on our Backpack
Tackle Storage solution. Made from 1680 Denier Ballistic
Nylon, it’s tough, light and easy to carry. The interior pouch
can be adjusted from one large compartment to two smaller
ones. Exterior carry pockets on both sides are designed to
hold fishing rods or water bottles. Compacts tightly for
storage when not in use. Includes two (2) G3600 and one
(1) G3500D G-Boxes.
• Dimensions: 17” x 12” x 8”.
• Backpack design with adjustable waist strap.
•  Comfortable 3d mesh padding.
Item #BAG005

G-Finesse Dry Bag Backpack

Secure your gear and keep it dry with our Waterproof Backpack. Double
sealed seams are impervious to moisture even when submerged.
The top closures open wide for easy access, then roll down tight and
buckles quick to protect contents. Padded shoulder straps and waist
belt complete the package.
• Waterproof PVC Material.
• Backpack design with adjustable waist strap.
•  Velcro and latch closure cinches down for water tight transport.
Item #BAG001


Tuna Dry Bag Backpack
Designed specifically for teams competing in the Los Cabos Tuna
Jackpot, these highly- coveted drybag backpacks are now available
for all. This mid-sized, extra-tough, ultra-dry backpack is perfect for
storing clothes and gear on those wet and wild offshore runs. Made
from ballistic nylon, it will take a beating without putting the contents
in jeopardy. The interior pouch is wide open to fit boots, rain gear, bulky
jackets or heaps of tackle. Easy to carry with padded straps and waist
belt. Compacts tightly for storage when not in use.
• Waterproof PVC Material.
• Backpack design with adjustable waist strap.
•  Velcro and latch closure cinches down for water tight transport.
Item #BAG002

Dry Bag 10L

For extreme conditions where rain, waves, boat spray, or unforeseen accidents could really
dampen the fun, store your gear in our Dry Bag 10L. 100% waterproof with sealed seams and
convenient shoulder strap for easy carrying. Top rolls and clip securely to prevent leakage. The
front zippered pocket is perfect for wallets, phones, licenses, or other valuables. Compacts tightly
for storage when not in use.
• Waterproof PVC Material.
• Convenient shoulder strap.
•  Closure cinches down for water tight transport.
Item #BAG003

Dry Backpack 20L

When you need guaranteed watertight storage for long walks out to
the boat, down the beach or deep into the woods, just let this Dry Bag
Backpack 20L carry the load. 100% waterproof with sealed seams and
breathable back padding for comfort. Top rolls and clips securely to prevent
leakage. The front zippered pocket protects valuables. Compacts tightly for
storage when not in use. Large enough for any overnight or multi-day trip.
• Waterproof PVC Material.
• Backpack design with adjustable straps.
•  Velcro and latch closure cinches down for water tight transport.
Item #BAG004



Split Ring Opener

Gamakatsu Aluminum Heavy Duty Pliers

5 x Heavy
Item #P001(1)
Hook Removal


Braided or Mono Line

Cutting and more ...

Fishing Pliers 6”
Made of stainless steel to ward off corrosion and rust, Gamakatsu’s
heavy-duty pliers will become the tool you reach for whether you’re an avid
salt or freshwater angler.The Gamakatsu Stainless Steel Pliers have precise
crimping jaws to fit various sizes of sleeves. The precision split ring feature
on the needle nose tool makes changing or replacing split rings easy. The
multi-tasking jaws on the pliers are able to cut braid, mono or fluorocarbon,
and also feature a PTFE coating to aid against corrosion and rust. The handles
feature a non-slip grip that helps you hold on during wet conditions. Included
is a lanyard and sheath so the pliers are right where you need them.
Item #P002

Fishing Pliers 7”
Made of stainless steel to ward off corrosion and rust, Gamakatsu’s
heavy-duty pliers will become the tool you reach for whether you’re an avid
salt or freshwater angler.The Gamakatsu Stainless Steel Pliers have precise
crimping jaws to fit various sizes of sleeves. The precision split ring feature
on the needle nose tool makes changing or replacing split rings easy. The
multi-tasking jaws on the pliers utilize an outside cutter and are able to cut
braid, mono or fluorocarbon, and also feature a PTFE coating to aid against
corrosion and rust. The handles feature a non-slip grip that helps you hold on
during wet conditions. Included is a lanyard and sheath so the pliers are right
where you need them. Item #P003



Micro Split Ring Plier

The 5-inch long pliers are made from stainless steel and feature a premium non-slip grip
giving anglers a secure hold for fine operations like manipulating split rings. A spring in
the handle holds the pliers open during use, and a corresponding lock keeps them closed
for storage. Its precision micro-tip grips and opens super small split rings, and it is just as
effective on large ones, too. A built-in braided line cutter cleanly shears tough fishing line.
Item #P004

Folding Braid Scissors w/ Split Ring Opener

The Folding Braid Scissors with Split Ring Opener is a compact multi-function fishing
scissor with similar construction elements as other Gamakatsu fishing tools. Its sharp
stainless-steel blades will provide years of hard use snipping mono and cutting braided
fishing line. The scissor’s tips feature a handy split ring opener. The blades fold safely into
the tool’s blue handles for safe storage. When open, the 4-inch scissors proudly display the
Gamakatsu name. A quality tool at a value-price.
Item #SC001

Gamakatsu Fingertip Protector

Protects your finger from the abuse of stripping line all day. One size.
Item #GF003(1)

Gamakatsu Luxxe Fishing Line

A PE based filament, that is much stronger than classic braided line. It is a 4 strand braided line, along with the PE
fibers makes it more abrasion resistant and has less memory. In turn the benefits are less tangles, and better casting
distances. Available in the following test # 8, 10, 12, 14, 16.

TEST# 8 10 12 14 16
164 YD Spool 19511-08 19511-10 19511-12 19511-14 19511-16



Trucker Hat Mesh Blk/Charcoal Flexfit Multicam Hat Sun Shield Gray
60/40 cotton/polyester. 100% polyester 98/2 cotton/spandex. Structured, mid-pro- 100% Polyester Microfiber. Seamless. Speed
back. Structured, mid-profile, six panel. file, six-panel, 3 1/2” crown. Permacurv Dry. Size 20” L x 9 1/8” W. One size fits most.
Pre-curved contrast stitched visor. Underbill visor with silver undervisor. Item #SS001
matches the color of the visor. Adjustable Item #H016 • S/M-L/XL
plastic snapback. Item #H015

T-Shirt Heather Gray T-Shirt Retro Logo Navy Performance LS Shirt Blue
90/10 cotton/polyester blend . Retail 4.2 ounce 100% ringspun cotton. Retail fit. 100% Polyester, lightweight, roomy and
fit. Unisex Sizing. Comfortable Ringspun Unisex sizing. higly breathable, moisture wicking.
Cotton. Sizes S-XXXL • Item #T010 Sizes S-XXXL • Item #T011 Sizes M-XXXL • Item #T008BL

Performance LS Shirt Gray Performance LS Shirt Flag Performance Hoodie Blue

3.8 ounce 100% polyester. 3.8 ounce 100% polyester. 92/8 Polyester/Spandex. Antimicrobial
Lightweight, roomy and highly Lightweight, roomy and highly treatment for odor control. UPF 50 sun
breathable. Moisture wicking. breathable. Moisture wicking. protection. Stain resistant. Quick dry,
Sizes M-XXXL • Item #T008GY Sizes S-XXXL • Item #T009BL moisture wicking. Active fit.
Sizes S-XXXL • Item #PF001BL

Performance Hoodie Steel Shadow Technical Hoodie Performance Shirt LS (SKY)

92/8 Polyester/Spandex. Antimicrobial treatment 100% Poly Bonded Microfleece. Hood shock- 98/2 Polyester/Elastane. Vertical rear venting.
for odor control. UPF 50 sun protection. Stain cord cinch stopper. Velcro Pocket Closure. Dual front pockets with snap closure. UPF
resistant. Quick dry, moisture wicking. Active fit. Active fit. Sizes S-XXXL • Item #S003 50 sun protection. Stain Resistant ultralight
Sizes S-XXXL • Item #PF001ST fabric. Classic fit. Sizes S-XL • Item #SHIRT004

Performance Shirt LS (STEEL) Ladies Performance LS Shirt Blue Ladies Hooded Sweatshirt
98/2 Polyester/Elastane. Vertical rear venting. 3.8 ounce 100% polyester. Lightweight, 7.3 ounce 60/40 cotton/polyester fleece.
Dual front pockets with snap closure. UPF 50 roomy and highly breathable. Moisture Front pouch pockets. Ribbed cuffs and
sun protection. Stain Resistant ultralight fabric. wicking. Sizes S-XXL • Item #T012BL waistband. Sizes S-XXL • Item #S004
Classic fit. Sizes S-XXXL • Item #SHIRT005

Trucker Mesh Cap Trucker Mesh Cap Pro Cotton Cap

Mid-profile cap made from cotton twill Mid-profile cap made from cotton twill 100% cotton material. Embroidered logos
fabric. Breathable nylon mesh in back. fabric. Breathable nylon mesh in back. on both front and back. Velcro closure.
Embroidered logo. Black with white mesh. Embroidered logo. Navy with white mesh. Black, Item #H007
Velcro closure. Item #H010 Velcro closure. Item #H014



Low Profile Visor Alaska Hat Knit Beanie G-Finesse Cap

100% garment washed cotton. 100% cotton material. 8”cap stretches to most head 100% cotton material.
Embroidered Logo. Adjustable Velcro Embroidered logo. Flex Fit. sizes. Made of cotton/poly Embroidered logo.
closure in back. Black, Item #V002 Black, Item #H012-S/M knit blend. Embroidered Flex Fit. Black,
Black, Item #H012-L/XL logo. Black Item #B001 Item #H009

G-Finesse Flat Bill Flat Bill Triple Black T-Shirt G-Finesse T-Shirt
100% cotton material. 100% cotton material. 100% cotton short sleeve 100% cotton short sleeve .
Embroidered logo. Embroidered logo. t-shirt. Screen printed logo. Screen printed design.
Snap Back. Black. Adjustable Snap Back White. Sizes M-2XL. Sizes M-XL.
Item #H011 Closure. Triple Black. Item #T001 Item #T007W
Item #H013

Luxxe T-Shirt White Performance LS Shirt, White Performance LS Shirt, Black

100% cotton Beefy T short sleeve. Screen Long sleeve, dry wicking performance Long sleeve, dry wicking
Printed logo. White. Sizes L material. Screen Printed logo. performance material. Screen
Item #53358-23-0 Sizes S- XXXL Printed logo. Sizes S-XXXL
Item #T008W Item #T008B

Softshell Performance Jacket Fleece Performance Jacket Hooded Sweatshirt Hooded Sweatshirt
Polyester stretch fabric bonded to 13 oz fleece material with nylon 9.3 oz cotton/poly material 9.3 oz cotton/poly material
soft microfleece inside. capped shoulders. Full zipper. shoulders. Adjustable shoulders. Adjustable
Embroidered logo. Adjustable waist. Embroidered drawstring. Kangaroo drawstring. Kangaroo pouch.
Wind and water resistant. logo. Gray with black trim. pouch. Screen printed Screen printed logo. Athletic
Black. Sizes M-2XL. Sizes M-2XL. logo. Navy. Sizes S-2XL. gray. Sizes M-2XL.
Item # J001 Item #F001 Item #S002 Item #S001

Japanese Chara Samurai Fisherman Samurai Fisherman

100% cotton short sleeve t-shirt with Trucker Mesh Cap Mid-profile cap made 100% cotton short sleeve t-shirt.
pocket. Screen printed logo. Black. from cotton twill fabric. Breathable nylon Screen printed design. Black.
Sizes M-XL. mesh in back. Embroidered logo. Sizes M-2XL.
Item #T006B Black with black mesh. Snap Back closure. Item #T004B
Item #H008

Samurai Fisherman Long Sleeve Samurai Fisherman

100% cotton short sleeve 100% cotton long sleeve
t-shirt. Screen printed t-shirt. Screen printed
design. White. design. White.
Sizes M-2XL. Sizes M-2XL.
Item #T004W Item #T005W



G-Finesse Decal Tuna Boat Decal Embroidered Patch

Yellow #21 9 inch - white #14 4 1/2 inch
White # 20 9 inch - red #18 #124
Solid #19 9 inch -blue #15

Small Boat Decal

7 inch
White #7
Blue #7-B
Lime Green #7-LG

Large Boat Decal

18 inch
Blue #1
White #2

Small Decal Sheet

Aprox 3”, 2”, 1.25”
White #23-W
Blue #23-B

Gamakatsu Carpet Sticker

18 Inch. Item #24


P.O. Box 1797 Tacoma, WA 98401 3655 Kennesaw 75 Pkwy, Suite 135
253-922-8373 • Fax 800-223-9383 Kennesaw, GA 30144
770-919-1722 • FAX 770-919-8141
Washington N. Dakota Minnesota

Montana 2 Wisconsin
6 Maine

S. Dakota Vermont
New Hampshire
Idaho New York
Rhode Island
Wyoming Iowa Connecticut
Nebraska Pennsylvania
Illinois Michigan

New Jersey

1 Nevada
Colorado Kansas
7 Ohio


California Virginia

1 Arizona
New Mexico
N. Carolina
5 S. Carolina


4 Alabama

Texas Mississippi

8 Louisiana

Alaska Florida

Regions 4, 5, 6, 7 Call:
SPRO Corporation ... 770-919-1722
or the following representatives:

REGION 4: Frontier Marketing

6227 Paddle Wheel • Katy, TX 77449
TERRITORY: Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Texas

REGION 5 : Outdoor Brand Team

645 Hwy T-14, Pella, IA 50219
TERRITORY: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, South
Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia

REGION 6: Sheridan - Nisito Marketing

9 Academy Road • Hatboro, PA 19040
TERRITORY: Delaware, Maryland, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York,
New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island

REGION 7: Heinzman and Associates

11 Terry Drive • Jacksonville, IL 62650


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