Minimum Standards: Provincial and Country "A"

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Provincial and Country “A”

Minimum Standards
• Racing and Training Surfaces
• Water Reticulation
• Rails and Fences
• Crossing and Gaps
• Grounds
• Raceday Equipment, Other Equipment and Training Infrastructure
• Maintenance and Staff Facilities
• Safety Standards for Buildings including Public Facilities & Food Premises
• WH&S and Environmental
• Staff Safety and Policies and Procedures
• Corporate Governance and Financial Policies and Procedures
• Reporting

Minimum Standards
Provincial & Country (Category “A”) Clubs

1.1 Objectives 1.5 Racing NSW Venue Audit & Review

In accordance with the provisions of the Thoroughbred Racing NSW will conduct up to two (2) audits per year
Racing Act 1996 (“the Act”), Racing NSW has of each Club Venue to assess compliance with Minimum
determined Minimum Standards to be met by all Standards (“Venue Audit”), and each Venue Audit will be
NSW racecourse Venue Operators (Clubs) (“Minimum included in a Venue Audit Report.
An audit may be conducted at any venue by Racing
These Minimum Standards are designed to ensure NSW with or without prior notice to the Club.
consistent performance of racing and training so as to
benefit welfare; prolong racing careers; establish ideal Racing NSW will provide Clubs with the necessary
conditions for competitive racing and make racing more advice and technical plus other resources to assist the
accessible, enjoyable and rewarding for all. Club in complying with the Audit requirements.

1.2 Category Levels Racing NSW will review the Venue Audit Report in
Racing NSW recognises the diversity of venues across consultation with the relevant Club as soon as possible
NSW and acknowledges regional & local variances in after each Venue Audit.
community and participant standards & expectations.
1.6 Non-conformance
Accordingly, each Club shall be required to meet the Arising from powers bestowed to Racing NSW under
standards set out for its relevant category. The Clubs Section 29C of the Act, a determination by Racing NSW
are categorised as follows: that a Club has failed to meet Minimum Standards will
i. Metropolitan; initially result in one or more of the following outcomes:
ii. Provincial & Country (Regional – Category “A”); i. A review conducted by Racing NSW to identify
iii. Country (Major – Category “B” and “C”). causes of the failure in consultation with the Club
ii. A formal Notice of Breach issued by Racing NSW to
1.3 Minimum Standards Report (“MSR”) the Club
iii. Remedial actions and timeline set by Racing NSW
– All Clubs
The CEO (or equivalent) of every Club must prepare Consistent with Section 29C of the Act, deficiencies in
a monthly report detailing activities in progress that Minimum Standards determined by Racing NSW that
are intended to ensure compliance with Minimum remain unresolved by a Club after the above steps (i to
Standards. iii) or that represent an immediate unacceptable safety
The monthly MSR must be tabled at each Board risk may result in one or more of the following outcomes
Meeting of the Club. for that Club:
All MSR’s must be made available to Racing NSW upon i. Suspension of affected Services at the Venue
written request.
ii. Reduction in Club funding from the Distribution
iii. Transfer of race meetings to other Clubs or Venues
1.4 Failure to meet a Minimum Standard
iv. Cancellation or suspension of Club licence
If a Club fails to, or cannot meet, a Minimum Standard
it must:
i. Immediately notify Racing NSW of that failure;
ii. Investigate the cause and take all reasonable steps
to rectify that failure;
iii. Provide Racing NSW with a report identifying the
cause of the failure and the steps taken to:
a. remedy that failure, and;
b. prevent future failure;
iv. Notify Racing NSW of any other impact of that
failure on the provision of Club Services.

Minimum Standards: Provincial & Country (Category “A”) Clubs 2

Minimum Standards
Provincial & Country (Category “A”) Clubs


1. Racing and Training Surfaces
1.1. Turf Tracks
Item Minimum Standard

1.1.1 Presentation Tracks present a uniform dense mat of turf capable of withstanding the rigors of the Club’s horse
training and racing schedule, subject to normal climatic conditions.
Tracks provide a safe and consistent surface for all users at all times under normal climatic conditions.

1.1.2 Drainage Tracks are freely draining and capable of use after moderate rain.
Tracks remain useable during light rain.

1.1.3 Condition Tracks are to provide a safe, consistent galloping surface at all times under normal climatic
Turf is in optimum health with a strong root system and seasonal leaf growth.

1.1.4 Grass Type A mono standard of the Club’s selected cultivar

............................................................................................................................. ......... (Club to

1.1.5 Grass Standard All turf surfaces are of high density, smooth, free of scalping and weed free.

1.1.6 Weed Control A site-wide weed control program is documented.

The program complies with the legal requirements of the site and relevant Government
All applications are selected for the least possible residual effect on the colour, root depth and plant
health of the Club’s turf cultivar.
Regard to horse and human health is given the highest priority.

1.1.7 Pest and All turf surfaces have a documented, integrated pest and disease management program.

1.1.8 Turf All turf replacement works required after a race meeting are completed within four (4) working days.
Replacement Replacement turf is sourced from a turf nursery or other designated on-site area.
Works Replacement turf blocks are cut to a minimum depth of 150mm, no larger than 300mm x 300mm.

1.1.9 Filling-in Timing All filling-in work is completed after conclusion of racing/training or within two (2) working days.

1.1.10 Filling-in Weather permitting, divots are replaced manually or alternatively with a brush roller or similar.
Procedure Following mechanical divot reinstatement, any partially detached turf divots are manually
returned to track depressions prior to filling with soil.
Remaining depressions are manually filled with an approved soil.
The approved soil conforms to the existing (in-situ) profile with good drainage characteristics.
After compression & levelling with foot pressure, added soil is level with the surrounding track surface.

1.1.11 Mowing and The mowing program accords with prevailing growing conditions. For guidance, in summer 2-3
Vacuuming times per week and in winter every second week.
Frequency In high growth periods, all tracks are to be scarified/vacuumed to remove clippings & prevent thatch
build-up. Tracks should normally be de-thatched at least once (1) per year.

1.1.12 Mowing Height Determined by seasonal conditions and adjusted to suit the racing program.
Turf is presented at a height of 75mm – 125mm for racing and training throughout the year.

1.1.13 Fertiliser The fertiliser program is documented in consultation with Racing NSW based upon results of topsoil
Program chemistry tested one (1) time per year.
All chemistry tests are conducted by a Racing NSW-approved laboratory.

Minimum Standards: Provincial & Country (Category “A”) Clubs 3

Minimum Standards
Provincial & Country (Category “A”) Clubs

1.1.14 Topsoil Topsoil chemistry testing is to be undertaken at least annually by a suitably-qualified laboratory.
Chemistry After reviewing results, clubs will implement appropriate measures with the objective of achieving
the following benchmarks:
• pH: 6.0 – 7.0
• electrical conductivity (EC): <0.1mS/cm
• cation exchange capacity (CEC): 10meq%
• phosphorus (P): 20 – 40 mg/kg
• potassium (K): 1.5 – 10% of CEC
• calcium (Ca): 60 – 70% of CEC
• magnesium (Mg): 15 – 25% of CEC
• calcium:magnesium ratio (Ca:Mg): 4 – 6

1.1.15 Water Sufficient water is applied via the irrigation system to meet plant health needs throughout the year.
Management The track should be prepared so that it is in best possible condition in the prevailing circumstances
with the objective of achieving a Good 3 track rating by race time, in order to provide a safe and fair
racing surface.

1.1.16 Tyre Foot- All equipment used on the track is fitted with suitable turf tyres; however where this is not
Printing possible, deployment of machinery must be avoided when tracks are wet in order to cause
minimal footprinting.
Other than track maintenance equipment, no vehicular traffic is permitted on the Course Proper.

1.1.17 Rolling Tracks are rolled with a mid-range roller immediately following each race meeting or daily
training session, as necessary to stabilise/re-instate the surface if conditions are suitable.

1.1.18 Programmed The course renovation program is documented in consultation with Racing NSW based on
Course procedures including deep aeration, scalping, scarifying, vacuuming and topdressing to a
Renovation maximum depth of 7mm.
Topdressing is controlled to avoid altering the track camber outside specification.
A track survey report prepared by a Qualified Surveyor (detailing turn radius, length of straights,
camber, any surface undulations, all race distances and all marker post positions for each turf
track) is provided to Racing NSW by Friday 18 December 2009.
Particle size of all topdressing material applied is consistent with the existing growing medium.
Where feasible, all works are implemented during optimum growing periods with minimum
disruption to the racing and training schedule.

1.1.19 Drains Drains are designed with sufficient capacity to promptly remove flows arising from typical rainfall
All drains are mowed/slashed and cleared to ensure performance to design specification.

Minimum Standards: Provincial & Country (Category “A”) Clubs 4

Minimum Standards
Provincial & Country (Category “A”) Clubs

1.2 Track Preparation for Raceday, Barrier Trials & Trackwork

Item Minimum Standard

1.2.1 Irrigation Irrigation system is shut down by 6:00am on raceday.

1.2.2 Training All training tracks are groomed to a pleasing visual standard for patrons and broadcast viewers on
tracks raceday.

1.2.3 Finish Line The raceday finish line is set up to provide an appropriate gap for photography.
1.2.4 Knock-in Knock-in is performed during and after races.

1.2.5 Rolling Rolling is completed after race meetings, if conditions are suitable.

1.2.6 Trackwork Trackwork operating hours are defined and published.

Schedules Tracks are cleared of horses prior to commencement of maintenance activities.

1.3 Sand Tracks and Cinders Tracks

Item Minimum Standard

1.3.1 Track Basecourse:

Structure • uniform compacted base;
• no loose/unbound gravel or stone;
• no visible marking, soft spots or pavement failure.
Surface course:
• depths are suitable for apropriate use and recommended as follows:
*100 mm – 120mm (Fast Sand);
*125 mm – 150mm (Slow Sand);
*100mm (Cinders).
• sand is correctly graded with 98% of particles 0.1 – 1.0mm and no particles > 2mm in size.
• free of debris (and clinkers – cinders tracks).

1.3.2 Daily Surface Tracks are harrowed, rolled and trimmed at the conclusion of training each day as follows:
Preparation • footprints and hollows are levelled by power harrowing the top 30 mm;
• solid tyne drag harrows, pasture or diamond harrows attached to any standard tractor are an
acceptable substitute for a power harrow;
• the track is dragged in both directions to completely reinstate the surface when necessary;
• ridges from harrowing are smoothed using a tyre roller;
• the surface is further firmed/consolidated where necessary using a medium to heavy roller.
Care is taken to ensure the roller is not “bridging” (ie. part of the roller surface is suspended on
high ground, creating false footing);
• if the track is rain affected, the power harrow is replaced with a dragging mat or smudge.

1.3.3 Daily Water Prior to each training session, sufficient water is applied to:
Management • relieve jarring;
• provide secure footing;
• ensure a dust-free training environment;
• bind track particles; and
• consolidate the surface without causing ponding.
In areas or periods of high evaporation, water is applied outside daylight hours.
Where possible, water carts/trucks are driven inside/outside the track alignment and discharge via
a spray boom or similar.

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Minimum Standards
Provincial & Country (Category “A”) Clubs

1.3.4 Drainage Drains are shaped or cast to fall, allowing water to flow and not pond. Drains
are kept in a clean and free flowing state.
All drains are cleaned at least twice per year (or more regularly if required), with any accumulated
sand/cinders returned to the track, graded and re-levelled.
Drainage sumps/pits and pipes are cleaned at least twice per year (or more regularly if required)
with inlet and outlet pipes clear.
All drains are clearly railed-off from tracks and inaccessible to horses.
Grates/covers are clear of debris, secure & structurally sound.

1.3.5 Grading/ Compliance with track design levels and drainage specification is maintained by grading when
De-compaction required.
Deep ripping and surface restoration is applied to packed-down cinders tracks with a hard sub-
surface layer.

1.4 Synthetic All Weather Tracks

Item Minimum Standard

1.4.1 Surface Layer Test parameters fall within manufacturer’s specifications at all times.
Characteristics A consistent PSL (Proprietary Synthetic Layer) depth of 150mm (+10mm tolerance).
Proprietary Intermediate Fibre Layer (PIFL) and underlying Gravel Drainage Layer (GDL)
thicknesses in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications.
Clegg Hammer readings (Clegg Impact Values) in a range conforming to manufacturer’s
specifications consistently at all test locations (CIV range 60 – 90 on 3rd drop).
1.4.2 Maintenance Maintenance program follows manufacturer’s specifications at all times. Horse
Tasks droppings are removed daily.
Procedures are in place that minimise contamination from vehicles and machinery (sand, dirt,
stone, etc.).
Only suitably trained & qualified staff are engaged in track maintenance.

1.5 Underground and Overhead Services

Item Minimum Standard
1.5.1 Location of all in- Clubs must ensure that the locations of all on-course in-ground and overhead services are formally
ground and overhead documented on a Work As Executed (WAE) Services Map.
services. 1. Initially, clubs must create a (free) Dial Before You Dig (“DBYD”) account at and conduct a desktop services search.
2. Thereafter, clubs should engage the services of a DBYD-certified services locator to accurately
locate & map all on-site services in the field as it is
important to note that not all services will be shown on the DBYD plans.
3. Clubs should also overlay on their WAE Services Map the location of any other known services
such as fibre optic cable, PVC or poly irrigation mains, etc. as these latter installations can be
difficult to locate without specialised equipment.
The preparation of a WAE Services Map for the racecourse property is an important initiative in
de-risking training, racing & commercial activity, all of which can potentially be adversely
impacted by the existence of unknown (underground) services.
1.5.2 Inspection of Clubs must arrange for an inspection of all underground drainage structures that are located either
underground drainage underneath their racing & training surfaces, or in the vicinity of the tracks and may affect the
structures and pits integrity of the surface/s. Drainage pipes should be documented on a WAE Plan (see point 1.6.1)
and inspected for their soundness & integrity by a suitably-accredited person on an annual basis.
An inspection report must be retained by the club and a copy provided to Racing NSW as part of
the club's annual race club registration process. Suspect or damaged pipes must be either re-lined
(if appropriate), repaired or replaced as necessary.

Minimum Standards: Provincial & Country (Category “A”) Clubs 6

Minimum Standards
Provincial & Country (Category “A”) Clubs

2. Water Reticulation
2.1 Irrigation Management
The following specification outlines the maintenance requirements for the Irrigation System. This specification is not a
recommendation or general guidelines but states the minimum maintenance procedures required. Other items may need to be
addressed on a regular or “one off” basis.
A qualified Irrigation technician/operator familiar with the club’s irrigation assets is locally-available at all times. The qualified
Irrigation Technician has an alternate qualified person available during absences.
All aspects of the irrigation system are kept in full working order at all times.

2.2 Irrigation System Operation

The following are minimum requirements that must be included but not limited to:

Item Minimum Standard

2.2.1 General The irrigation system performs consistently to design specifications in respect of both flowrates
Operation and uniformity of application.

2.2.2 Inspection The system is tested and recorded against the performance criteria at least twice yearly.

2.2.3 Faults/Repairs Designated Club staff visually inspect the system for leaks, functionality of sprinkler heads and
uniformity of water application regularly. A suitable log is kept to record system checks and

2.2.4 Mowing Sprinklers and valve boxes are trimmed-around twice weekly in the growing season and monthly in
non-growing periods.

2.2.5 Leaks All leaks are identified and repaired immediately.

2.2.6 Filters All filters are cleaned, backwashed or replaced in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications/
recommended service intervals.

2.3 Water Carts and Trucks

Item Minimum Standard
2.3.1 Sand, Cinders & Water is delivered as required for dust prevention, track stabilisation and surface management.
Dirt Tracks

2.3.2 Horse Stalls Water is delivered as required for daily cleaning.

2.3.3 All Unpaved Water is delivered as required for dust suppression on racedays and as otherwise necessary.
Vehicle Access

2.3.4 All Other Dusty Water is delivered as required for dust suppression on racedays and otherwise.
Public Areas on

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Minimum Standards
Provincial & Country (Category “A”) Clubs

3. Rails and Fences

Item Minimum Standard
3.1 Specifications Rails and fences are placed and secured in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications. Only
manufacturer-approved materials and components are used to repair and maintain rails &

3.2 Upkeep All components (posts, rails, mesh panels and fittings) are kept in sound condition to ensure
structural integrity and are replaced as required under the Club’s programmed maintenance plan.
Any damage repair to training track running rails is carried out without delay prior to the next
training session.
No temporary repair measures are utilised for the long term.
An adequate supply of manufacturer-approved components is available on-site at all times to
meet all replacement needs.

3.3 Height Heights from ground level to top of rail are:

• 1080mm (Steriline Racing rail)
• 1150mm (Simtrack rail)
• To BCA code (fences)
• or a safe working level.
3.4 Inspections Rails are inspected the day before any race meeting or barrier trial session and re-checked the
morning of the fixture.
Training track rails are inspected daily before and after trackwork sessions.
Procedure: the entire circuit is inspected by an authorised Club official who verifies -
• no disruption to inside and outside rails;
• no exposed pins or ends (end caps required);
• no joint protrusion;
• satisfactory foundation;
• conforming height;
• satisfactory visibility.
The results of each inspection and any required repairs are recorded by the Racecourse Manager
in a suitable log.

3.5 Safety and During race meetings, visual checks of rails are completed after each race and reported to the
Inspections Racecourse Manager and/or the officiating Stewards.
during Any repairs/rectification works or chute guide-rail movements are completed before horses leave
Meetings the mounting enclosure for the next race.
Repairs are made between races only with the knowledge and approval of the Stewards.

3.6 Presentation The top lines of rails and fences are level vertically & horizontally and follow the ground lines of
the track, free of any depressions and gaps.
All rails and fences are free of vegetation and freshly painted at all times.
Rails and fences are completely straight where appropriate with smooth sweeping curves on the
There is no visible evidence of staining from irrigation water or other sources.

3.7 Movement The Racecourse Manager takes into account projected race field sizes, track shape, seasons,
Criteria track conditions and upcoming race programs in recommending the location and extent of the

3.8 Movement All rail movement recommendations to be reviewed and approved by the Club CEO and Track
Authorisation Manager in consensus with Racing NSW.
Prior to close of nominations for the affected meeting, the Club CEO or delegate consults with
Racing NSW in making any rail movement which reduces field capacity from the maximum.

3.9 Movement The moveable rail, all cross-overs, race-specific adjustments and chutes are in the authorised
Timing position as soon as practical prior to any race meeting.

3.10 Equipment The impacts of activities required for rail movements do not affect the visual appearance of turf
Impact on raceday.

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Minimum Standards
Provincial & Country (Category “A”) Clubs

4. Crossings and Gaps

Item Minimum Standard

4.1 Inspection, Prior to trackwork commencing and on race & trial days, all gaps are inspected by the Club
Preventive official with designated responsibility to ensure they are safe and that all exposed rail ends are
and Remedial enclosed in shock absorbent padding.
4.2 Check List A check list is in use to ensure all gap safety procedures are followed daily for trackwork and at all
race meetings & trials.

4.3 Traffic Damage Crossings provide an even, consistent surface from work area to work area, free of ridges &
depressions caused by vehicular traffic.

4.4 Limb Injury Jarring to horses traversing the crossing at speed is prevented by a covering of suitable materials
Prevention during racedays and conformance with Item 4.3 at all times including track work.
Suitable materials for use are turf clippings, lucerne hay, rubber shreds or similar.

4.5 Track The track crossing must present identical characteristics to the course proper in terms of:
Crossings • surface levels;
• camber/crossfall;
• surface hardness;
• profile depth;
• visual appearance/colour

Any depressions or humps must be eliminated and if necessary, the crossing is to be de- compacted
& watered to achieve a surface hardness rating consistent with that for the course proper.

4.6 Drainage To alleviate ponding, all crossings should be able to shed water from their surface in a suitable

5. Grounds
5.1 All Turf Areas except Turf Tracks, Mounting Enclosure & Club Lawns
All areas are to be regularly maintained to a good, aesthetically pleasing standard at all times. More attention must be given to
all areas nearer to a race meeting to ensure a high standard of presentation.

5.2 Club Lawns

All areas are to be regularly maintained to a good, aesthetically pleasing standard at all times. More attention must be given to
all areas nearer to a race meeting to ensure a high standard of presentation.

Minimum Standards: Provincial & Country (Category “A”) Clubs 9

Minimum Standards
Provincial & Country (Category “A”) Clubs

5.3 Mounting Enclosure Lawns

All areas are to be regularly maintained to a good, aesthetically pleasing standard at all times. More attention must be given to
all areas nearer to a race meeting to ensure a high standard of presentation.

Item Minimum Standard

5.3.1 Presentation Highest feasible condition for all race days.
5.3.2 Inspections General inspections made prior to each public usage to ensure all areas are free of holes or
An inspection report will be given by the Racecourse Manager prior to each race day and major

5.4 Gardens & Trees

All areas are to be regularly maintained to a good, aesthetically pleasing standard at all times. More attention must be given to
all areas nearer to a race meeting to ensure a high standard of presentation.
Item Minimum Standard
5.4.1 Presentation Highest feasible, showing imagination and style
5.4.2 Supervising The Club’s WH&S Officer and contracted arborist co-ordinate & supervise all tree works
• branch trimming
• tree & limb removal
• major storm damage cleanup;
• stump removal

Minimum Standards: Provincial & Country (Category “A”) Clubs 10

Minimum Standards
Provincial & Country (Category “A”) Clubs

6. Raceday Equipment, Other Equipment and Training Infrastructure

Item Minimum Standard
6.1 Mobile Starting Inspected prior to every day of use as follows:
Barriers • superstructure (sound, no corrosion);
• padding (present with no rips or tears);
• front & rear gates (operational, undamaged, no rust, hardware functional);
• barrier dividers (Racing NSW standard);
• flashing red & blue lights (operational);
• electric start (battery charged, wiring safe, switch OK, operational);
• manual start (operational);
• hydraulic steering (operational, no leaks);
• towing vehicle (operational).
The results of each inspection are recorded by the Club in a log suitable for the purpose.
6.2 Semaphore Inspected prior to raceday to ensure satisfactory operation, including:
Board • support bracket (structurally sound);
• electrical/cabling (insulation intact, cabling in conduit);
• display operational (placegetters, margin, timing, track condition, message area);
• sectional timing (operational, infrared beam OK, correctly calibrated).
6.3 Other • Photo finish operational and calibrated. Mirrorbox clean, undamaged and correctly aligned.
Equipment • Totalisator secure and operational.
• Public address system wiring/cabling in sound condition and system operational.
• Distance markers visible, correct location – distances surveyed 610mm off face of inside rail.
• Saddlecloths for use on raceday – minimum requirements (dimensions) - click here.
• A clean set of saddlecloths must be used for every race – no sets are to be re-used without
hygienically cleaning first.
• A clean set of strapper’s bibs for parading must be used for every race – no sets are to be re-
used without hygienically cleaning first.
• Jockey’s Silks (colours) – are not to be re-used between jockeys without hygienically cleaning
first unless the same jockey has more than one ride in the same Colours.
• NSW Official Price (Fluctuations and Starting Price for runners) - Race clubs to adopt the NSW
OP model and associated fees as determined by Racing NSW and facilitate where practical
display of the NSWOP at their TAB race meeting.

6.4 Surveillance Structural adequacy (sound foundations, structure exhibits no corrosion, stairs or ladders/cages
Towers intact, overall compliance with AS 1657 – 1992).

6.5 Injured Horse The Club provides a fully serviced horse ambulance and sight reduction screens, strategically
Welfare placed for immediate action when required.

6.6 Horse Walkers Inspected prior to every day of use as follows:

• pre-operating instructions available;
• superstructure (sound, no corrosion);
• padding/dividers (present with no rips or tears);
• floor (even surface, free-draining, non-slip).
6.7 Equine Pool Inspected prior to every day of use as follows:
• chemicals added (chlorine) and water quality tested as required (pH, etc.)
• handrail (BCA compliant, satisfactory ground fixing, structurally sound);
• flotation device (life-vest) available – to be worn by all users;
• temperature settings correct if pool is heated (normally around 18ºC).

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Minimum Standards
Provincial & Country (Category “A”) Clubs

7. Maintenance and Staff Facilities

7.1 Maintenance of Equipment and Other Training Infrastructure
Item Minimum Standard

7.1.1 Full Working All equipment is kept in full working order at all times and complies with all safety requirements.

7.1.2 Redundant No redundant equipment or parts are held on site.


7.1.3 WH&S All operators are trained to operate all equipment in accordance with standard procedures and
WH&S requirements.
Operators protect themselves and others in the operating area by applying safe work practices and
designated personal protective equipment (PPE).
All electrical equipment is tested and tagged as per WorkCover NSW requirements.

7.1.4 Risk Risk Assessments and Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) are maintained and used in the
Assessments operation of all equipment. (Refer to WH&S guidelines issued by Racing NSW).

7.1.5 Mowers All mower blades are kept sharp and provide a quality cut. Mower
guards are functional and intact.

7.1.6 Servicing All equipment is serviced in accordance with the Club’s programmed maintenance schedule.

7.2 Staff Facilities

Item Minimum Standard
7.2.1 WH&S All areas are kept clean and tidy at all times with equipment stored in a safe, orderly manner that
satisfies WH&S requirements.
Access to workshop, tools and equipment is restricted to employees authorised by the Club’s WH&S

7.2.2 Cleaning – High The lunch room, toilets and lockers are cleaned daily after last break.
Use Areas

7.2.3 Cleaning – The maintenance compound is swept and kept clean of debris weekly.

7.2.4 Security All areas are protected by security.

Minimum Standards: Provincial & Country (Category “A”) Clubs 12

Minimum Standards
Provincial & Country (Category “A”) Clubs

8. Safety Standards for Buildings including Public Facilities & Food Premises
Race Clubs (as owner/occupier/controller) are responsible for maintaining their premises as a safe environment. Clubs are
required to ensure that all safety measures are in place and operating as intended in accordance with statutory mandate.

Item Minimum Standard

8.1 Building Compliance with the guidelines and standards contained in the Racing NSW publication
Services “Racecourse Facilities Inspection Guide & Essential Services Checklist” (as updated from time to
Compliance & time and available on the Racing NSW website at the following link:
A systems and facilities audit report is prepared annually by a suitably qualified person verifying
that the inspection records of the Club for the period comply with the “Racecourse Facilities
Inspection Guide & Essential Services Checklist”.
The annual systems & facilities audit report contains a current dilapidation report and verifies that
all buildings & services comply with BCA requirements.
A current Verification Certificate is in place confirming that all essential safety measures have
been maintained to the relevant standard and are operating to the required level of performance.

9. WH&S and Environmental

Item Minimum Standard
9.1 WH&S The Club retains staff with current industry certification to train colleagues in WH&S or engages
local WorkCover NSW-accredited training resources for the purpose.
The Club’s WH&S training program provides the levels of training to staff specified in the WH&S
Form Guide published by Racing NSW in 2000.

9.2 Environmental The Club is a current active member of E-Par Racing® and has in place an Environmental
Management System (EMS) satisfying relevant statutory legislation plus ISO14001.

9.3 On-course The Club is to provide a fully operational ambulance for all race meetings and barrier trials, with
ambulance the ambulance to be present on the racecourse 30 minutes prior to the commencement of the first
race or barrier trial. That ambulance must be fully licensed and certified to treat persons on and off
the racecourse and to transport injured persons to hospital.

Minimum Standards: Provincial & Country (Category “A”) Clubs 13

Minimum Standards
Provincial & Country (Category “A”) Clubs

10. Staff Safety and Policies and Procedures

Item Minimum Standard
10.1 Uniforms and Staff are at all times properly attired in appropriate WH&S attire and are supplied with proper
Equipment plant and equipment to carry out their duties safely.

10.2 No Smoking No smoking is allowed in vehicles/machinery or the maintenance facility or other indoor areas.
Suitable signs are posted supporting Club no-smoking policy in these areas.

10.3 Policies and Comprehensive Club policies & procedures are documented governing industrial relations and
Procedures human resources matters including workplace behaviour standards; equal opportunity;
harassment and discrimination; random drug and alcohol testing.
Records are kept verifying the training of all staff in Club policies and procedures.

11. Corporate Governance and Financial Policies and Procedures

Item Minimum Standard
Item Minimum Standard
11.1 Tendering Competitive tendering processes are conducted in respect of any significant expenditure [in
excess of $50,000] (unless otherwise agreed by RNSW in writing) involving consideration of a
minimum of three (3) fee proposals obtained through the issue of a formal request for tender to
persons qualified and with experience to perform the services for which the tenders are issued.

11.2 Related Party Approval of Racing NSW and the members of the Club in respect of any contract, arrangement or
Transactions understanding (other than a contract of employment on standard commercial terms) that results
in any payment (or any other form of direct or indirect financial benefit) to a director or employee
or related party of a director or employee (or any other direct or indirect pecuniary interest).

11.3 Financial The Club has in place appropriate internal financial control mechanisms including:
internal control • Stringent control mechanisms in respect of receipt, collection and handling of cash, particularly
mechanisms on race days;
• Proper procedures to minimize cash accidental and intentional cash loss
• Proper processes and controls over the allocation and reporting of race day cash receipts to
the correct revenue item;
• Bank accounts and cash holdings reconciliation;
• Regular stocktakes including before and after each race day;
• Accounts payable and accounts receivable ageing;
• Other payables and receivables reconciliations (ATO, Racing NSW etc.);
• Trading summary (gross profit margins for bar and food);
• Proper processes in place to ensure the adequate reporting of both sides of any ‘contra’ items,
provided both to and by the Club.

Minimum Standards: Provincial & Country (Category “A”) Clubs 14

Minimum Standards
Provincial & Country (Category “A”) Clubs

11. Corporate Governance and Financial Policies and Procedures

Item Minimum Standard
Item Minimum Standard
11.4 Audit & reporting Annual report to Racing NSW addressing each of the matters detailed in 11.3 and in the format
approved by Racing NSW.
Specific additional audit sign-off for:

• Reconciliation of the year end Racing NSW Club stakes payment account to the financial
• Review race day cash reconciliation processes and confirm that this is in accordance to the
Racing NSW minimum standards for financial internal control mechanisms;
• Conduct annual stock take of inventory on hand and reconcile to appropriate accounting
treatment in the financial statements;
• Review the annual report to Racing NSW addressing each of the matters detailed in 11.3.

12. Reporting
Item Minimum Standard
12.1 System A reporting system is in place at the Club which identifies the level of conformance to all
minimum standards.
As a priority, Club Management implements remedial actions to remedy non-conformance(s).
The Club Board regularly reviews minimum standards non-conformances and sets policy
The Club Board ensures non-conformances are promptly notified to Racing NSW.

Minimum Standards: Provincial & Country (Category “A”) Clubs 15

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