SAP Ariba Catalog

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Objectives Solution Benefits Quick Facts

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SAP Ariba Procurement | SAP Ariba Catalog

Increase Procurement Compliance and Control with

Rich Content and Faster Enablement
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SAP Solution Brief Objectives Solution Benefits Quick Facts

Drive Adoption While Strengthening

Procurement Compliance
Procurement managers need greater compliance and control while driving down Drive Adoption While Strengthening
Procurement Compliance
costs and raising profit margins. To succeed, you need tools to make more-insightful
purchasing decisions. A simplified and centralized procurement catalog helps
companies realize the outcomes leadership wants and expects. With the
SAP® Ariba® Catalog solution, you can achieve these objectives and more.

All organizations need to have the right materials With SAP Ariba Catalog, you can increase
delivered at the right time with the right quality. procurement visibility and control while gaining
In today’s competitive business environment, greater operational flexibility, repeatable cost
© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

tightening control of procurement processes and savings, and compliant processes. This cloud-
sourcing the best supplies at the lowest cost are based offering defines, validates, and enriches
necessities. Businesses must have an easier catalog content with enterprise-grade content
way to limit purchases to preferred suppliers management tools to give procurement profes-
and buying channels. What’s needed is a solution sionals an easier way to get what they need. At the
that displays relevant, validated, and always same time, you can meet the expectations of
up-to-date procurement content. the C-suite, such as lower risk, lower total cost of
ownership, and a rapid return on investment.

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SAP Solution Brief Objectives Solution Benefits Quick Facts

Transform Purchasing and Boost

SAP Ariba Catalog displays the items available SAP Ariba Catalog simplifies even the most complex Transform Purchasing and Boost
for purchase from the suppliers with whom your catalog management processes. You can display Transparency
company has negotiated purchasing relationships. items ranging from regular goods, punchout items,
and collaborative items to catalog kits and inventory Manage All Types of Catalogs – From
The solution combines, consumer-like shopping items. It all begins with the catalog home page Local to Multiple Business Units
with a sophisticated procurement process. It gives (see the next page), which lets you search,
employees user-friendly catalog and shopping cart browse, and add compliant items to the catalog. Key Differentiators That Deliver Value
functionality so they can easily buy what’s needed.
Advanced content management tools help your Enhancements to Transform the Catalog
purchasing agents efficiently validate and sort Experience
the best of what your suppliers have to offer.
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Provide a rich buying experience for

procurement agents while ensuring
more-efficient procurement processes.
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SAP Solution Brief Objectives Solution Benefits Quick Facts

Transform Purchasing and Boost


Manage All Types of Catalogs – From

Local to Multiple Business Units

Key Differentiators That Deliver Value

Enhancements to Transform the Catalog

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Figure: Catalog Home Page
SAP Solution Brief Objectives Solution Benefits Quick Facts

Manage All Types of Catalogs – From

Local to Multiple Business Units
SAP Ariba Catalog supports multiple approaches Remote Catalogs Transform Purchasing and Boost
to managing and accessing catalog content, Users can access and procure items from catalogs Transparency
including the following. hosted and managed by suppliers on selected
third-party provider platforms. Manage All Types of Catalogs – From
Local Catalogs Local to Multiple Business Units
Authorized users can load, manage, and access Multiple Catalog Formats
catalogs and prices. SAP Ariba Catalog supports SAP Ariba Catalog supports a wide variety of Key Differentiators That Deliver Value
catalogs in both the catalog interchange format catalog formats such as CIF, XLSX, cXML, BMECat,
(CIF) and commerce extensible markup language and punchout. Suppliers can upload catalogs Enhancements to Transform the Catalog
(cXML) format and allows loading of catalogs using Ariba Network, which buyers can then Experience
from Ariba Network. access through SAP Ariba Procurement solutions.
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Upload catalog content from a single user interface

to help make catalog maintenance a painless process.

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SAP Solution Brief Objectives Solution Benefits Quick Facts

Cross-Catalog Support Multiple Business Units Transform Purchasing and Boost

SAP Ariba Procurement solutions support cross- With SAP Ariba Catalog, companies can manage Transparency
catalog searches for buyer catalogs, supplier catalog content across business units. Using
uploaded catalogs, punchout catalogs, ERP SAP Ariba Procurement solutions, companies Manage All Types of Catalogs – From
inventory catalogs, and spot buy catalogs. can track spend and corresponding content by Local to Multiple Business Units
A Google-like search bar allows purchasing agents business units, departments, and purchasing
to search for items in company catalogs. You can organization. You can map different types of Key Differentiators That Deliver Value
narrow your search across a category menu. data, such as suppliers or business-unit cost
Depending on how the search functionality is centers, to corresponding purchasing units. Enhancements to Transform the Catalog
configured, you may be able to use “AND” and Experience
“OR” search strings. SAP Ariba Catalog supports Certain common data, such as language, currency,
© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

type-ahead searches, in which suggestions are unit of measure, and other company-wide
provided based on keywords, part numbers, and parameters, can be shared across business units.
supplier name. You can also see catalog items associated with
specific purchasing organizations. When users
perform searches, run reports, or perform
management operations, the data they see is
restricted to specific purchasing units.

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SAP Solution Brief Objectives Solution Benefits Quick Facts

Key Differentiators That Deliver Value

One of the most compelling features of SAP Ariba API integration means your catalog content is Transform Purchasing and Boost
Catalog is its ability to integrate with other always up to date with real-time pricing and Transparency
SAP Ariba solutions, enterprise software, and inventory availability information. There is a direct
other procurement tools. The solution offers open connection between your inventory system and Manage All Types of Catalogs – From
API integration and catalog APIs to help automate SAP Ariba Catalog. You can search and buy across Local to Multiple Business Units
tasks such as uploading lookup data and updating all catalogs in one interface, including items listed
enterprise software systems. in a material master database, inventoried items, Key Differentiators That Deliver Value
and maintenance, repair, and operations supplies
and spares, along with stock levels by plant location. Enhancements to Transform the Catalog
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Maverick spend is 50% lower for SAP Ariba solutions

customers that have 92% of PO line items originating from
catalogs and contracts produced by SAP Ariba solutions.
Source: SAP Ariba benchmarking, June 2018.

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SAP Solution Brief Objectives Solution Benefits Quick Facts

Enhancements to Transform
the Catalog Experience
SAP Ariba Catalog offers several new features to search results and provides users with rich content. Transform Purchasing and Boost
transform procurement processes and provide Content normalization increases the number and Transparency
an intuitive user experience, rich content, and quality of filters users can apply to their searches.
better catalog enablement. Manage All Types of Catalogs – From
Catalog Enablement Local to Multiple Business Units
Improved User Experience SAP Ariba Catalog offers fast enablement for
Not only does SAP Ariba Catalog help simplify and catalogs ranging from simple to complex. Full Key Differentiators That Deliver Value
control purchasing processes, it helps make catalog catalog enablement is provided as part of your
creation easier for suppliers as well. An intuitive subscription to use SAP Ariba Catalog, which Enhancements to Transform the
user interface provides a streamlined content and includes comprehensive collection, validation, Catalog Experience
catalog creation process. Your suppliers can simply enrichment, classification, and approval to enable a
© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

create master content on Ariba Network and wonderful shopping experience. With the solution’s
support tail spend generated by buyers. content-management functionality, catalogs can
now be updated in minutes. Automated verification
Rich Content functionality in SAP Ariba Catalog speeds updates,
SAP Ariba Catalog now features content normaliza- reduces workload, and improves accuracy.
tion, which improves the accuracy and relevance of

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SAP Solution Brief Objectives Solution Benefits Quick Facts

Gain Greater Compliance and Control

While Cutting Costs
SAP Ariba Catalog drives a culture of compliance, Buyers can view catalogs of approved suppliers Gain Greater Compliance and Control
which helps you reduce cost and risk while gaining only. Preferred suppliers and products are priori- While Cutting Costs
greater control over procurement processes. tized based on relevance to search criteria, and
contract pricing is applied proactively. The solution
From a single user interface, you can easily log in also helps enforce contractual agreements, with
and immediately see all available items from your tools to ensure compliance for shopping carts.
supply network in real time. Advanced content
management tools simplify the upload of catalog Overall, SAP Ariba Catalog increases procurement
content. Plus, collaboration tools for buyers and visibility and control while providing greater
suppliers make it easier to finalize the price or operational flexibility and repeatable cost savings.
specifications for goods or services, before an The solution makes it easier to create rules to
© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

item is ordered. cleanse and enrich catalog content – and help

ensure catalogs are compliant and error free.

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SAP Solution Brief Objectives Solution Benefits Quick Facts

Summary Solution
The SAP® Ariba® Catalog solution combines • Cloud-based solution for fast enablement
simplified, consumer-like shopping with a • Enterprise-grade content management tools
sophisticated procurement process. It gives your • Open API to link catalogs to live inventories
employees a user-friendly catalog and shopping and enterprise software
cart functionality so they can easily buy what • Easier catalog management
they need. And buyers get advanced content • Always-on support
management tools to efficiently validate and sort • Compliance with purchasing rules, prices,
the best of what their suppliers offer. and contracts

Objectives Benefits
• Simplify and centralize purchasing with consistent • Better procurement visibility and control
processes and e-procurement • Greater operational flexibility
• Enforce compliance with purchasing policies • Repeatable cost savings
and prices • More-compliant processes
• Drive higher profitability through lower costs • Lower risk and cost of ownership
and increased margins
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• Make more-insightful purchasing decisions Learn more

based on greater visibility To find out more, call your SAP representative
today or visit us online.

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