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Exploring Carry Trade and Exchange Rate toward
Sustainable Financial Resources: An application of
the Artificial Intelligence UKF Method
Qian Zhang 1, *, Kuo-Jui Wu 2, * and Ming-Lang Tseng 3,4, *
1 SHU-UTS SILC Business School, Shanghai University, Shanghai 201899, China
2 School of Business, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 124221, China
3 Institute of Innovation and Circular Economy, Asia University, Taichung 41354, Taiwan
4 Department of Medical Research, China Medical University, Taichung 40402, Taiwan
* Correspondence: [email protected] (Q.Z.); [email protected] (K.-J.W.);
[email protected] (M.-L.T.)

Received: 17 March 2019; Accepted: 8 June 2019; Published: 12 June 2019 

Abstract: This paper constructs a heterogeneous agent model for the foreign exchange market that is
based on the law of supply and demand and includes carry trade, central bank intervention, and
macroeconomic fundamentals. With the artificial intelligence method of the unscented Kalman filter,
this paper investigates carry traders’ expectation formation and risk aversion and the impact of their
activities on the movement of the Chinese yuan exchange rate and on the efficiency of central bank
intervention. The findings demonstrate that carry traders’ activities are partially responsible for
fluctuations in the Chinese yuan exchange rate; carry traders behave with obvious risk aversion; their
activities tend to weaken the ability of the central bank to intervene in China’s foreign exchange
market; and the volatility of the Chinese yuan exchange rate and the weight of carry traders are
negatively related. Based on these empirical results, specific suggestions for exploring sustainable
financial resources are provided.

Keywords: Chinese yuan exchange rate; carry trade; unscented Kalman filter

1. Introduction
Since the concept of the triple bottom line to address sustainability issues by balancing the aspects
of the economy, environment and society, proposed in [1], increasing numbers of countries and firms
have explored the use of sustainable resources to achieve sustainability goals. However, it is noted that
most countries and firms are underinvesting in environmental and social aspects due to insufficient
economic resources, among which financial resources are an important part [2]. If institutions or firms
enable the generation of sufficient financial resources, they can assist firms in pursuing sustainability
without suffering from the limitations of the economy.
The managed floating exchange rate system of the Chinese yuan, which was established in 1994,
has been largely improved since the foreign exchange reform on 11 August 2015. The current system
determining the Chinese yuan exchange rate is more market-oriented and transparent. With the
constant improvement in the marketization of the exchange rate, the Chinese yuan has attracted much
attention among academics and practitioners [3]. The law of supply and demand is not the only
determinant of the Chinese yuan exchange rate; the activities of heterogeneous traders in the exchange
rate market are playing an increasingly important role. Especially since the international financial
crisis in 2007 and the major developed economies beginning to operate a quantitative easing policy, the
global monetary system has had the characteristics of low interest rates and high liquidity. The Chinese
yuan, which appreciates unilaterally and has low volatility, has become the world’s most attractive

Sustainability 2019, 11, 3240; doi:10.3390/su11123240

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carry trade currency [4], leading to the entry of hot money into China for arbitrage with the carry trade
strategy, and the cross-border capital flow has become increasingly volatile in China [5,6]. Therefore,
carry trade in China’s foreign exchange market is a current problem and deserves more attention.
Heterogeneous traders with heterogeneous beliefs in the foreign exchange market have long
been recognized by the literature [7]. Early heterogeneous agent models were established with only
two types of heterogeneous traders, i.e., fundamentalists and chartists, and did not provide sufficient
interpretation of exchange rate formation and other puzzles, such as the forward premium puzzle in
the foreign exchange market [8]. Later, carry trade, as one kind of trading strategy and one kind of
heterogeneous belief, was introduced into the heterogeneous agent model used in many studies. Carry
traders’ activities have been proven to have a significant and increasing influence on the exchange
rate [9]. Studies have examined various characteristics of carry traders’ activities in the foreign exchange
market, such as the ability to explain the forward premium and currency funds, factors determining
carry traders’ profits, the linkage between carry trade risk premia and customer order flow, and the
potential asymmetric dependence between carry trade and currency return [10–12]. Meanwhile, the
heterogeneous agent model for carry traders explains the forward premium puzzle, exchange rate
disconnects, deviation of the market-determined exchange rate from the fundamental value, and the
microstructure of the foreign exchange market [13–15].
However, the law of supply and demand is seldom valued in the related literature concerning
heterogeneous agent models. Also ignored are the central bank’s activities and the influence of
changing exchange rate policies in the foreign exchange market, such as the adjustment of carry traders’
activities based on the changing exchange rate policy and its impact on the implementation of central
bank intervention. In fact, the central bank, as one of the main participants in the foreign exchange
market, adjusts the supply and demand of foreign exchange market funds by purchasing or selling
currencies directly in the foreign exchange market to maintain the exchange rate at a certain level or
within a certain range [16]. The central bank and the traders compose the supply and demand in the
foreign exchange market and are of great importance to the formation of exchange rates. After the
foreign exchange reform on August 11, 2015, Chinese yuan exchange rate fluctuations became more
strongly determined by the supply and demand in China’s foreign exchange market [17]. The effect of
carry traders’ behaviors on the movement of the Chinese yuan exchange rate and the efficiency of the
foreign exchange intervention of the Chinese central bank after the reform, as well as the potential
sustainable financial resources in China’s foreign exchange market, are therefore worth exploring.
Discussion of these issues is expected to provide theoretical suggestions to relevant government
departments in China and participants in the foreign exchange market.
Therefore, this paper contributes to the existing literature along the following lines. First, based on
the heterogeneous agent literature, a heterogeneous agent model that considers carry trade observations
and the law of supply and demand in the foreign exchange market is constructed for exchange rate
determination. Second, carry traders’ expectations and risk aversion and the impact of their activities
on the efficiency of central bank intervention are highlighted in this theoretical model. Heterogeneous
traders are also allowed to switch among all three forecasting rules according to the past performance of
the Chinese yuan exchange rate. Third, this paper discusses the adjustment of carry traders’ activities
due to changing foreign exchange reform and the influence of this adjustment on the effect of central
bank intervention. Fourth, this paper analyzes the exploration of sustainable financial resources in the
foreign exchange market in terms of the interaction between carry traders’ behavior and exchange
rate formation. In summary, by offering a modified heterogeneous agent model, this paper provides
a better explanation of the exchange rate formation mechanism and carry traders’ activities in the
foreign exchange market.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 first reviews the literature on
sustainability and heterogeneous beliefs, provides a definition of sustainable financial resources and
addresses the research gaps. Section 3 develops a heterogeneous agent model including fundamentalists,
chartists, and carry traders under the consideration of central bank intervention. Section 4 outlines the
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unscented Kalman filter (UKF) method, which is used for empirical analysis in this paper. Section 5
describes the data and reports the empirical results generated by the model. Section 6 discusses the
implications of the present study. Finally, Section 7 concludes the article.

2. Literature Review

2.1. Sustainable Financial Resources

‘Sustainable financial resources’ is never properly defined. In this section, we attempt to provide a
reasonable definition. To this end, the analysis starts from the definition of sustainability. Sustainability
or sustainable development is a vast concept that has hundreds of definitions. Following the publication
of the UN-sponsored World Commission on Environment and Development report Our Common
Future, it has been discussed during the last decades. According to WCED, sustainable development is
a process of change in which the exploitation of resources, the direction of investments, the orientation
of technological development, and institutional change are all in harmony and enhance both current
and future potential to meet human needs and aspirations [18]. Despite its acclaimed vagueness and
ambiguity, the WCED definition of sustainable development has been highly instrumental in developing
a “global view” with respect to our planet’s future [19–21]. For many in the field, sustainability is
defined through the following interconnected domains or pillars: environment, economic, and
social [22]. However, sustainability is not only “being green” or “maintenance forever” [23]. In general,
sustainability is more focused on increasing the quality of life with respect to environmental, social,
and economic considerations both in the present and for future generations, and it can be regarded as
a type of stability or a system state characterized by some quantity that remains invariant [24,25].
In recent decades, the term ‘sustainability’ has been expanded in different domains. In the
economic domain, sustainability provides a guiding framework for defining, creating, and managing
wealth [24]. For example, a sustainable economy is defined as one in which resources are not used
up faster than nature renews them. It also marks a thriving climate for business that balances
environmental, social, and economic vitality, issued by Oregon Environmental Council in 2010;
“Sustainable Micro-enterprise”, which is from the context of self-sustainability, is defined as financial
institutions or firms’ long-term ability to meet goals and requires private profitability, including a
return on equity, net of subsidy, that exceeds the private opportunity cost of resources through financial
markets [26,27]; and “corporate sustainability”, which is the code for long-term corporate success with
the consideration of multiple dimensions [24,28]. In conclusion, ‘sustainable’ is defined in this paper
from the perspective of ‘meeting business needs in the long term’.
According to the concepts related to sustainability mentioned above, exploring sustainable
resources is undoubtedly covered in the concept of sustainable development. Meanwhile, sustainable
resources are supposed to meet human needs and aspirations, and sustainable financial resources
should meet the needs and aspirations of the business in the long term. To give a specified definition
of sustainable financial resources, we then focus on the definition of financial resources. In most of the
literature, “financial resources” have been discussed without a specified definition. However, from the
analysis of these papers, “sources of funding for investment” plays a key role [29–33]. One definition
of financial resources was proposed as follows: it is the resources—including financial institutions,
capital markets, and owner’s equity—from which enterprises obtain the funds they need to finance
their investments, capital, and current activities [34]. Although providing funds plays a key role in
these analyses, it cannot be the only function for financial resources, and being able to meet or help to
meet the needs for funding is more important here. Accordingly, this paper suggests the following
definition of sustainable financial resources: they are stable resources that could meet or help meet the
institutions’ and firms’ need for funding to finance their investments, capital and current activities in
the long term.
Although a large amount of literature has studied financial resources from different angles,
including their features and implications on multiple aspects of business, the sustainability of financial
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resources is seldom mentioned. Meanwhile, discussions about financial resources focus more on the
capital market and pay little attention to the foreign exchange market and its connection to sustainable
financial resources, which is complicated but worth studying.

2.2. Heterogeneous Agents

The existence of heterogeneous traders and the deviation of their expectations from rational
expectations have long been explored by extensive literature dating back to a heterogeneous agent
model with two types of agents, fundamentalists and chartists, introduced in [7]. According to them,
fundamentalists compare the market-determined exchange rate with the fundamental rate to forecast
the future movement of the exchange rate, while chartists forecast the future movement of the exchange
rate by calculating the last change in the market-determined exchange rate. Similar results are also
drawn by [35,36]. Later, the strategy switching of heterogeneous traders was noted in the literature
on heterogeneous agent models. According to the typical switching mechanism with heterogeneous
beliefs, traders adjust investment strategies according to the efficiency of recent strategies [37,38]. A
similar model emphasizing nonlinear dynamics in the exchange rate is introduced by [39], which
was later developed by [40–42]. Among the first to estimate a fully dynamic heterogeneous agent
model with survey data, it is confirmed in [43] that the expectations of investors can be dynamic with
three forecasting rules and that investors switch between these forecasting rules depending on their
past performance. These heterogeneous agent models with nonlinear switching mechanisms have
an absolute advantage in describing exchange rate dynamics and explaining volatility clustering, the
heavy tail property, and disconnect puzzles, which are not covered by the linear model [44–46].
However, as the existing heterogeneous agent models consider only two types of traders, they
fail to provide convincing explanations for the forward premium puzzle. Therefore, carry traders’
activities should be introduced into dynamic models of the exchange rate for further research. Carry
trade, which is a popular trading strategy among currency investors, is designed to exploit deviations
from uncovered interest parity (UIP). If UIP holds, the interest rate differential of two countries is
offset, on average, by the expected change in the exchange rate. In a carry trade, an investor borrows
currencies of low interest and then buys and invests in high-yielding currencies. Although the exact
size of carry trade flow is uncertain, the results reported in the literature have suggested that the
influence of carry traders on the exchange rate is large and increasing [9,47].
Characteristics related to different aspects of carry traders’ activities in the foreign exchange
market have been considered in many studies [48–50]. Based on investment styles, including carry
trade, it is shown that carry trade is one of the most important factors that can explain most of the
index of returns on professionally managed currency funds [51,52]. The carry trade strategy also
represents the magnitude of the forward premium, and the reduction in the profits of carry traders with
increasing investment size causes the forward premium anomaly to disappear [10]. Carry trade returns,
which have been proven to have long-range dependence in developed markets, can be explained
mostly by the risk factors related to the foreign exchange market and have predictive power with other
contemporaneous drivers, such as interest rate differentials and foreign exchange rate volatility [53–56].
By comparing a portfolio based on expectations with trend and carry trade portfolios, it is found
that carry trade strategies become less profitable with low interest rate differentials and note that
the time-varying characteristic of monetary policy affects expectations [57]. The investigations show
that currency carry trade risk premia and the linkage between carry trade risk premia and customer
order flow could explain most of the term structure of exchange rate predictability [12]. Consistent
with the literature on nonlinear exchange rate models, the excess returns with carry trading strategies,
along with the potential asymmetric dependence between the carry trade and currency return, have
been found in the foreign exchange market [58–60]. Studies on carry trade are key to understanding
currency excess returns, especially for emerging currencies [61,62]. Furthermore, it is argued that
the carry-to-risk ratio considering credit default swaps could help the central bank understand the
attractiveness of the carry trade strategy and operate effective policies to restrict the activities of carry
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traders [63]. With an endogenous regime switching model, it is found that carry trades are profitable
in a regime with low exchange rate volatility and unprofitable during economic downturns [64].
In the research concerning carry trade strategies and the foreign exchange market, the
heterogeneous agent model with three types of agents is presented and applied. A heterogeneous
agent model was introduced with carry traders as a third group of investors, and it is noted that
the weights of the three types of traders adjust over time [13]. Another model with carry traders,
fundamentalists, and chartists is proposed and the interactions between chartists and carry traders are
part of the explanation of the forward premium puzzle has been demonstrated in [8], which contradicts
the results in [10]. In line with the heterogeneous agent model developed in [8], a private data set
was used to study the returns of carry trade strategies for emerging and developed markets, and it is
found that carry trade strategies are not significant regressors for the Mexican peso during the Great
Recession [54]. It is noted that the heterogeneous agent model with carry traders helps explain the
puzzles of carry trading profits and exchange rate disconnects, as well as the microstructure of the
market in terms of aspects such as the interactions between heterogeneous agents [14]. However, the
uncertainty related to economic policy and the subsequent adjustment of exchange rate expectations,
which should also be included in the heterogeneous agent model, are rarely considered [65]. Based on
the assumption of three types of heterogeneous beliefs, it is found that there are multiple heterogeneous
equilibria in China’s foreign exchange market and that carry traders’ activities are responsible for the
deviation of the market-determined Chinese yuan exchange rate from its fundamental level [15]. With
an empirical heterogeneous agent model, two trading strategies are designed considering carry trade
and momentum signals and they prove that these new strategies are a good hedge with desirable
diversification merits [66].
These empirical studies on heterogeneous beliefs, which challenge the traditional rational agent
framework, confirm the good performance of heterogeneous agent models in describing, explain and
forecast foreign exchange market dynamics and show that they are fit for studying issues associated
with the market microstructure [67,68]. The performance of carry trades in the foreign exchange market
has always been an important question of the heterogeneous trader model, and the literature has
studied the characteristics of carry traders and the effect of their activities on the foreign exchange
market from various aspects. However, the heterogeneous agent model does not consider the law of
supply and demand in a foreign exchange market with a floating exchange rate system and central
bank intervention or the adjustment of carry traders’ activities based on the changing exchange rate
policy and the resulting impact on the implementation of central bank intervention.

2.3. Research Gaps

In a floating exchange rate system, the exchange rate is determined according to the law of
supply and demand. The activities of all the participants in the foreign exchange market compose the
supply or demand of domestic or foreign currencies [69]. The central bank, as the maker and executor
of monetary policy, is also one of the main participants in the foreign exchange market. The main
purpose of the central bank participation in the foreign exchange market is maintaining exchange
rate stability and rationally adjusting the international reserves. By purchasing or selling currencies
directly in the foreign exchange market, the supply and demand of foreign exchange market funds
can be adjusted to maintain the exchange rate at a certain level or within a certain range [70]. In a
floating exchange rate system, the free trade of heterogeneous traders in the foreign exchange market
may cause the market-determined exchange rate to be overvalued or undervalued for a long time,
which has a negative impact on the economy. In this situation, the central bank will purchase or
sell domestic currency in the foreign exchange market to maintain the exchange rate of the domestic
currency [16]. For traders with heterogeneous beliefs and the central bank that regulates the market,
their transactions in the foreign exchange market are part of the supply and demand in the foreign
exchange market [69]. Therefore, on the basis of the law of supply and demand, the interaction between
the central bank and heterogeneous traders in the foreign exchange market cannot be ignored. In this
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paper, the market-clearing exchange rate is computed within the law of supply and demand, and
central bank intervention is included in the model. The model constructed in this paper provides a
better illustration of the activities of heterogeneous traders and the central bank and of the impact of
the interaction of their activities on the formation of the exchange rate.
The existing heterogeneous agent models, which consider the behaviors of fundamentals, chartists,
and carry traders, tend to ignore the interaction between the behaviors of various market participants,
especially carry traders, exchange rate policies, and the central bank. In fact, the interest rate, which
is an important indicator carry traders consider when choosing trading strategies, is the main tool
central banks use to regulate financial markets and the supply and demand of domestic currencies [71].
Therefore, carry traders’ activities will affect the currencies the central bank sells and purchases in
the foreign exchange market to a certain extent. In other words, the carry trade strategy will have an
impact on the effectiveness of central bank intervention, especially in China’s foreign exchange market
with its managed floating exchange rate system in a state of continuous improvement [72]. With a
model of exchange rate determination considering heterogeneous traders, this paper analyzes the
influence of carry traders’ activities on central bank intervention. The results show that the trading
behavior of carry traders has weakened the effect of central bank intervention on the formation of the
exchange rate.
To maintain the stability of the domestic foreign exchange market, the central bank implements
some relevant macro policies, such as restrictions on the volume or the mechanism of currency trading,
as well as the quotation of the benchmark exchange rate [73]. The monetary policy uncertainty causes
the adjustment of carry trade excess returns, which is highly related to the interest rate and macro
policies [49]. The adjustment of carry trading strategies will have an influence on the formation of
the exchange rate and central bank intervention. This paper emphasizes the impact of the exchange
rate policies related to an important foreign exchange rate reform on traders’ behavior in the foreign
exchange market and conducts a detailed analysis with the samples before and after the implementation
of the exchange rate policies. The results prove that the implementation of exchange rate policies
related to an important foreign exchange rate reform has a significant impact on the weight and risk
aversion of carry traders.
Furthermore, since the foreign exchange market is one of the most important financial markets,
exploration of sustainable financial resources from the foreign exchange market is also an important
issue. The literature focuses on the sources of funding in domestic currency for institutions and firms,
ignoring the important relationship of foreign currency assets and the foreign exchange market. With
trading strategies highly related to exchange rate policies, carry traders’ activities and their association
with exchange rate formation have an important impact on the potential financial resources in the
foreign exchange market. Based on the empirical results of the exchange rate determination model, the
financial resources associated with the foreign exchange market and their sustainable character are
first analyzed in this paper.

3. Theoretical Model
In this section, a nonlinear empirical model of the Chinese yuan exchange rate is outlined to
identify the behaviors of heterogeneous agents. Assume that there are three types of heterogeneous
agents in China’s foreign exchange market: fundamentalists, chartists, and carry traders. Expectation
formation and risk preference differ for each type of agent. Traders will adjust their expectations
according to the profit in the last period, which means that the weights attributed by heterogeneous
agents change over time. Additionally, the Chinese yuan exchange rate is assumed to be determined
by the interaction of supply and demand in China’s foreign exchange market, which is also due to the
further development of the exchange rate formation system after August 11, 2015.
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3.1. Hypothesis and Derivation of the Model

The model starts with the expectation formation of the three types of agents mentioned previously.
The first forecasting rule is the fundamentalist rule. Fundamentalists forecast the exchange rate
according to the belief that the market-determined exchange rate will return to its fundamental value.
When using this rule, agents expect the exchange rate to converge to the UIP fundamental rate;
therefore, they calculate the difference between the market-determined rate and the fundamental rate
in the last period to forecast the movement of the exchange rate in the next period

ef (st+1 ) = st−1 + α f s∗ − st−1 ,

Et t−1 (1)

e (st+1 ) is the exchange rate expected by fundamentalists at time t+1 given the information
where E t
available at time t, which includes s0 , s1 , . . . , st−1 , s∗0 , s∗1 , . . . , s∗t−1 . It is assumed that agents do not know
the values of st and s∗t and forecast the exchange rate at the beginning of period t. This assumption can
also be found in [42]. st−1 is the spot exchange rate at time t-1, s∗t−1 presents the fundamental exchange
rate at time t-1, and α f is a parameter describing the speed at which the agents using a fundamentalist
rule expect the spot exchange rate to return to its fundamental value. Empirical results suggest that α f
is a small positive value, and this paper follows the literature to assume that 0 < α f < 1 [7,42,74].
Assuming that the fundamental exchange rate s∗t is given by UIP, the change in the log of the
exchange rate is determined by the interest rate differential [75],

∆ log(s∗t ) = β rdt−1 − rt−1 + ξt , (2)

where ∆ log(s∗t ) is the difference of the logistic value of the fundamental rate at time t and t-1; rt
presents the foreign risk-free interest rate, and rdt is the domestic risk-free interest rate; the parameter β
presents the importance of the interest rate differential in forecasting the fundamental exchange rate
and is supposed to be smaller than 1; and ξt is a parameter of white noise. For convenience, we rewrite
Equation (2) and have
s∗t = elog(st−1 )+β(rt−1 −rt−1 )+ξt ,
∗ d

The second forecasting rule is a chartist rule. With this rule, agents expect that the exchange rate
in the next period will follow the same pattern as it did in the previous period. Chartists calculate the
last change in the exchange rate to forecast the exchange rate in the next period

ec (st+1 ) = st−1 + αc (st−1 − st−2 )

E (4)

where Eec (st+1 ) is the exchange rate expected by the chartists at time t+1 given the information available
at time t, and st−2 is the spot exchange rate at time t-2. The parameter αc is the degree of extrapolation;
a positive αc reflects the trending forecast, and a negative αc implies mean-reverting expectations.
Following [8] and [42], αc is assumed to be a positive value and smaller than 1.
The last forecasting rule is carry trade. Carry traders expect that the exchange rate will change in
a direction opposite the UIP. If the domestic interest rate is greater than the foreign interest rate, the
domestic currency will depreciate under the UIP theory, and carry traders will borrow the currency
with a lower interest rate and obtain profit from investing the currency with a higher interest rate.
Therefore, carry traders use the interest rate differential to forecast the exchange rate in the next period,
as in the equation
ei (st+1 ) = st−1 + αi r f − rd
E t t−1 t−1 (5)

ei (st+1 ) is the exchange rate expected by the chartists at time t + 1 given the information
where Et
available at time t, rt−1 is the risk-free interest rate in a foreign country during the last period, and
rdt−1 is the risk-free interest rate in the domestic country during the last period. As mentioned above,
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it is assumed that carry traders forecast the exchange rate at the beginning of period t and have no
information about the contemporaneous exchange rate st or interest rates rt and rdt . The parameter αi
reflects the degree to which carry traders expect the interest rate differential to have an impact on the
exchange rate. Positive αi reflects the expectations formed by carry traders, while negative αi reflects
the expectations based on the UIP. Assume that 0 < αi < 1 similar to the suggestions in [8] and [76].
In this paper, it is assumed that only Chinese yuan and U.S. dollars are traded in China’s foreign
exchange market. Since over 90% of the transactions in China’s foreign exchange market are between
Chinese yuan and U.S. dollars, this assumption is legitimate. Assume that a typical trader in China’s
foreign exchange market has a disposable position of Pt at time t, where j represents three types of
heterogeneous agents and j = f , c, i. Traders invest It in foreign currency with a foreign interest rate of
f j j
rt and invest the remaining position Pt − st It in domestic currency with a domestic interest rate of rdt .
st is the direct quote of the Chinese yuan, and all other values are measured in Chinese yuan. After
investing for one period, the trader’s disposable position will be Pt+1 at t + 1. Then, we have

j f j
    j j

Pt+1 = 1 + rt st+1 It + 1 + rdt Pt − st It . (6)

The position of Pt will be determined according to the principle of expected utility maximization.
Following the suggestions in [39], assume that the expected utility of Pt+1 is positively related to the
expected value of the position at time t and negatively related to the conditional variance generated by
j j
investing the position of Pt+1 , which will be defined later. Therefore, the expected utility of Pt+1 for
the three types of traders would be

j j
ej P j j j
Ut Pt+1 = Et t+1 − 2 µ j σt (Pt+1 ), (7)

j j j ej (P j ) is the expected value of P j at time t, µ j

where Ut (Pt+1 ) is the expected utility of Pt+1 , Et t+1 t+1
j j j
presents the trader’s risk aversion, σt (Pt+1 ) is the conditional variance of Pt+1 . Substituting Equation
(6) into Equation (7), we have

j j
 f ej
  j j
 1 h f j 2 j
t st+1 It + 1 + rt Pt − st It − 2 µ j 1 + rt It σt st+1
Ut (Pt+1 ) = 1 + rt E ( ) ( ) (8)

j j
Then, the first derivative of Ut (Pt+1 ) is

j j
∂Ut Pt+1 f ej
   f 2 j j

t st+1 − st 1 + rt − µ j 1 + rt It σt st+1 .
= ( 1 + rt ) E ( ) ( ) (9)

Let it be zero; then, we have the optimal amount of the position to invest in foreign currency for
each type of trader at time t
f ej
1 + rt E ( ) d
j t st+1 − 1 + rt st
It = , (10)
f 2 j
µ j 1 + rt σt (st+1 )
j j
where σt (st+1 ) is the conditional variance of st+1 and presents the risk of st+1 . In [39], σt (st+1 ) is
defined as the weighted average of the squared forecasting errors made by heterogeneous traders. It is
argued that agents have very short memory and the forecasting errors made in the latest period are the
most important [8]. Therefore, we follow it to give the definition of σt (st+1 ),

j j 2
σt (st+1 ) = [E
e (st−1 ) − st−1 ]
Sustainability 2019, 11, 3240 9 of 26

A larger deviation degree represents a greater risk.

3.2. Switching Mechanism for Agents

The next step is to introduce the possibility for agents to switch their forecasting rules of the
exchange rate, which is based on discrete choice theory and called fitness learning, assuming that agents
evaluate forecasting rules by computing the past risk-adjusted rates of return with these rules [77].
If one of the forecasting rules is more or less profitable than the others, then the traders will adjust
(increase or reduce) the weight of the forecasting rule used currently [42]. In this paper, the weights are
modified in the following based on the literature [8,42]. For j = f , t,
 j

e t−1 rd − r f > τ

i f

 δe
δe πi
δe t t
ωt = 

 e t−1 +e t−1 +e t−1 (12)


e t−1
i f rdt − rt ≤ τ

 f c

 δe
π δe
e t−1 +e t−1

and for j = i,
 j

e t−1
i f rdt − rt > τ

j  δeπ f
ωt =  πc πi

δe δe (13)
 e
t−1 +e t−1 +e t−1

 0
 i f rdt − rt ≤ τ
where ωt , ωct , and ωit are the weights given to the forecasting rules of fundamentalists, chartists, and
carry traders, respectively.
The weights depend on whether the absolute value of interest rate differential rd − r is greater t t
than the threshold τ, which should be a positive but small value. Following [8], τ is set at a value of
0.03 in this paper. τ measures the implementation costs and is similar to transaction costs. Higher
implementation costs lead to higher volatility and risk, so carry traders will not be active in the
market [78]. Only if the carry trade strategy is expected to be profitable will it be implemented, and
then the weights of different types of forecasting rules would be the upper parts of Equations (12) and
(13). If r − r is lower than the threshold τ, then the carry trade strategy will not yield substantial
t t
profit, and carry traders will disappear from the market. The weights are mainly formed by δ and e πt−1 .
The parameter δ represents the intensity with which agents switch the weights of forecasting rules,
and δ should be a positive value. However, if δ goes to infinity, all agents shift to the best forecasting
rule and make the optimal decisions. Therefore, under the limited assumption of rational expectation,
πt−1 is the risk-adjusted profit at time t-1 for each type of
δ is not supposed to be a large positive value. e
forecasting rule. This profit is also based on the assumption mentioned above that agents forecast the
exchange rate at the beginning of period t, and they do not know the contemporaneous profit at that
time. Since traders will take the risk into account when estimating the profit with each forecasting rule,
πt is defined as
j j j
πt = πt − µ j σt (st+1 ),
e (14)
where j = f , c, i; πt is the investment profit of time t−1 realized at the beginning of period t.
To simplify the analysis, the investment profit of one-unit currency is considered for only one
period; then, we have

j f
i h j
e (∆st ) + r f E
ej ( ) d
h    i
πt = 1 + rt st − 1 + rdt st−1 sgn Et−1 t t−1 st − rt st−1 (15)

1 f or x > 0

f or x < 0 . The first part of Equation (15) presents the investment profit based

where sgn(x) =  −1

 0 f or x = 0
h j
e (∆st ) + r f E
ej (st ) − rd st−1 indicates whether the
on the movement of the exchange rate, and sgn E t−1 t t−1 t
Sustainability 2019, 11, 3240 10 of 26

forecasted changing direction of the exchange rate is the same as the market-determined changing

3.3. Model Solution

In this section, the market-clearing exchange rate in the foreign exchange market is determined to
close the model. For each heterogeneous forecasting rule, traders demand a certain amount of foreign
currency based on the expected utility of investment, in which traders’ heterogeneous expectations
and behaviors are all included. Then, the total demand for foreign currency in the foreign exchange
market will be the weighted sum of the demand with each heterogeneous rule. Therefore, the total
demand of foreign currency at time t is
 j j j
Dt = ωt eπt It E
e ,
t (16)

where j = f , c, i; Dt is the total demand of foreign currency in the foreign exchange market at time
j j ej , which presents the expectations of
t. From Equation (16), we find that Dt depends on ωt , It , and E t
heterogeneous traders.
The supply of foreign currency is mainly composed of the amount of foreign currency supplied
by the central bank for intervention and the domestic trade surplus. Then, we have

Ct = ζ1 Tt + ζ2 Vt , (17)

where Ct is the total supply of foreign currency in the foreign exchange market at time t, Tt is a measure
of the domestic trade balance, and Vt is the amount of foreign currency that the central bank purchases
or sells for intervention in the foreign exchange market. A positive Tt indicates a positive current
account balance, and the domestic currency tends to appreciate, and vice versa. When the central bank
purchases foreign currency, Vt is negative, and the domestic currency tends to depreciate, and vice
versa. The parameters ζ1 and ζ2 represent the influence of the central bank intervention and domestic
trade balance on the foreign exchange market, and they should be positive.
Equations (16) and (17) are combined to solve the market-clearing exchange rate, which is

ei (st+1 )ω j
− ζ1 Tt − ζ2 Vt ]
P t t
 j= f ,c,i [ 

1 + rt µ j 1+rt σt (st+1 )
st =  ∗   + ηt , (18)
1 + rdt P 
 ωt
j 
j= f ,c,i  

µ 1+rt σt (st+1 ) 
 

where st is the market-clearing exchange rate of the Chinese yuan at time t; and ηt is a parameter of
white noise. Equation (18) indicates that the market-clearing exchange rate is mainly determined
by some microeconomic factors, such as heterogeneous expectations and risk aversion of different
agents, and some macroeconomic factors, such as the interest rate in domestic and foreign countries
and central bank intervention. Additionally, the lags of the actual exchange rate and the fundamental
exchange rate play an important role in the exchange rate determination. This completes the theoretical
model of this paper.

4. Methodology
To study the performance of carry traders in China’s foreign exchange market and its impact on
the efficiency of central bank intervention, all the parameters in Equation (18) are estimated, including
α f , αc , αi , δ, β, µ f , µc , µi , ζ1 , ζ2 . However, the estimation of nonlinear models is always challenging, and
the estimation of Equation (18) is particularly challenging given that the fundamental value of the
Chinese yuan exchange rate—one of the variables in Equation (18)—is unobservable. In this case,
it is not a good idea to estimate the parameters in our model with common empirical methods. In
Sustainability 2019, 11, 3240 11 of 26

this paper, the artificial intelligence method of the unscented Kalman filter (UKF), which is a novel
development in the field of nonlinear system estimation, will be used for the empirical analysis.
The UKF method, proposed by [79], is an extension model of the Kalman filter (KF) and a typical
nonlinear filter algorithm. The UKF has been widely used in unilinear control systems, especially
in the field of target tracking [80–82]. Similar to the KF method, the UKF requires a state function
and a measurement function for the target. A state model describes the state of transition and is used
for prediction. A measurement model describes the relationship between the state variable and the
measurement variable. Based on the measurements of observable signals in the nonlinear system, the
aim of the UKF is to produce several sampling points with the covariance of the current state and
propagate these sampling points through an unscented transform to obtain a more accurate estimation
of the mean and covariance of the measurement variable. This method avoids the need to calculate the
Jacobian matrix and thus greatly improves the accuracy of nonlinear system estimation.
In this paper, the empirical model is constructed to track the formation and movement of the
exchange rate. The actual value of the exchange rate is a measurement value, which is observable. The
fundamental exchange rate, which is measured based on macroeconomic fundamentals, is a state value
of the exchange rate and unobservable. The model in this paper has the characteristics of a nonlinear
system: the fundamental exchange rate and the market-determined exchange rate can be considered a
state variable and a measurement variable, respectively. Meanwhile, Equations (18) and (3) can be
taken as a measurement model and a state model, respectively. Therefore, the UKF method is suitable
for estimating the model in this paper.

4.1. Introduction of the UKF

The basic approach of the UKF is similar to the random samples of a specific distribution function
in Monte Carlo simulations. The unscented transformation (UT), which is founded on the intuition that
it is easier to approximate a probability distribution than it is to approximate a nonlinear function or
transformation, is used in the UKF for nonlinear system estimation [83]. As mentioned above, the UKF
method is used in a nonlinear system with a state function and a measurement function. First, a set of
sigma points for the state variable will be constructed with given mean and covariance, and then each
sigma point will be substituted into the nonlinear measurement function to construct the transformed
sigma points and estimate the transformed mean and covariance. The approach is specified as follows.
Initially, the state function and measurement function with vector form variables are established.
The two equations are
yt , h(xt , ut , nt ) (19)

xt , g(xt−1 , ut , vt ) (20)

where yt is the noisy observation of the system; xt is the system state; nt is the observation noise; vt is
the process noise; and ut is the input. Assume that nt and vt are normally distributed with a mean R
and a variance Q, respectively. Combining the state variable, observation noise variable and process
noise variable into a matrix form yield.
xat , xTt , vTt , nTt (21)

Then, initialize the mean matrix xa0 and covariance matrix Pa0 of the fundamental exchange rate xt
at the initial point
 
  T  Px0 00 
xa0 , xT0 , vT0 , nT0 , Pa0 ,  0Pv0 0
 , (22)
 

where x0 = E[x0 ], Px0 = E[(x0 − x0 )(x0 − x0 )T )]. Then, the dimension of xat is

na = nx + nv + nn (23)
Sustainability 2019, 11, 3240 12 of 26

With this dimension, 2na + 1 sigma points are constructed based on the initial mean and
variance matrices 
 x0 ,
 i = 0,
χai,t−1/t−1 ,  ϕ . . . , na ,
 p
x + P , i = 1, (24)

 0 x0
 x − ϕ pP , i = n + 1, . . . , 2n ,

0 x0 a a

where ϕ is a scale parameter p

ϕ= na + λ, λ = α2 (na + κ) − na . (25)

Normally, the parameter of κ is a positive value to ensure the semipositive definiteness of the
covariance matrix. The parameter α limits the size of the 2na sigma point distribution, and it is not
supposed to be large.
Transform the sigma points χai,t−1/t−1 through the state function in Equation (20) to the sigma
points χi,t/t−1 and obtain
χi,t/t−1 = g χai,t−1/t−1 , ut , vt , (26)
where i = 1, . . . na , na + 1, . . . , 2na . For the transformed sigma points χi,t/t−1 , calculate their weighted
mean value and covariance value,
X2na .a
xt/t−1 = ωm
i χi,t/t−1 , (27)
X2na h
.a i h.a iT 
Pxt/t−1 = ωci χi,t/t−1 − xt/t−1 × χi,t/t−1 − xt/t−1 + Q, (28)
where xt/t−1 is the mean and Pxt/t−1 is the variance of χi,t/t−1 . The weights ωm
and ωci are defined as

0 = , (29)
na + λ

ωc0 = + 1 − α2 + β , (30)
na + λ
ωm c
0 = ω0 = , i = 1, . . . , (31)
2(na + λ)
The parameter β is a nonnegative value used to incorporate knowledge of the higher order
moments of the distribution. Normally, the optimal value of β is 2 for a Gaussian prior [84]. With xt/t−1
and Pxt/t−1 , the weighted sigma points are

 xt/t−1 i = 0,
 q
 xt/t−1 + ϕ Px i = 1, . . . , na ,


, , (32)

 q t/t−1
 xt/t−1 − ϕ Pxt/t−1 , i = na + 1, . . . , 2na ,

Transform the sigma points of χai,t/t−1 through the measurement function of Equation (19),
Yi,t/t−1 = h χai,t/t−1 , ut , nt , (33)

where i = 1, . . . na , na + 1, . . . , 2na . Then, calculate the mean and covariance of the measurement vector
Yi,t/t−1 ,
yt/t−1 = ωm Y , (34)
i=0 i i,t/t−1
X2na h i h iT 
P yt/t−1 = ωci Yi,t/t−1 − yt × Yi,t/t−1 − yt + R, (35)
Sustainability 2019, 11, 3240 13 of 26

where yt/t−1 is the mean and P yt/t−1 is the covariance of yt/t−1 . Furthermore, calculate the covariance
of the station vector and the measurement vector,
X2na h i h iT 
Pxt yt = ωci χai,t/t−1 − xat/t−1 × Yi,t/t−1 − yt , (36)

where Pxt yt is the covariance. Then, the Kalman gain is defined as

Kt =Pxt yt P−1
, (37)

where Kt is the Kalman gain, which is used to update the state estimates from measurements of the
system. With this Kalman gain, the updated UKF estimate and its covariance are given by
xt/t = xt/t−1 + Kt yt − yt/t−1 , (38)

Pxt/t = Pxt/t−1 − Kt P yt/t−1 KtT (39)

Finally, the conditional distribution of xt is obtained. With this distribution, the maximum
log-likelihood principle is used for estimating the optimal values of all the parameters in the
nonlinear system.

4.2. Procedures
This part outlines the procedures followed in this paper to perform empirical analysis with the
UKF method. First, to simplify the model, rewrite Equations (39) and (40) into

f f

st , h(st−1 , st−2 , st−3 , st−4 , st−5 , st−6 , s∗t−1 , s∗t−3 , s∗t−5 , rt , rt−2 , rdt , rdt−2 , Tt , Vt , ηt , (40)

s∗t , g s∗t−1 , rdt−1 , rt−1 , ξt . (41)

Equations (40) and (41) are taken as a measurement model and a state model, respectively.
Second, initialize the mean and variance in the fundamental exchange rate of the Chinese yuan to
construct sigma points of the fundamental exchange rate with the state model. Third, use unscented
transformation on these sigma points to map them into sigma points of the measurement variable.
Fourth, calculate the covariance of the fundamental exchange rate vector and the measured exchange
rate vector to obtain the Kalman gain for updating the sigma points of the fundamental exchange rate
in the next cycle. Finally, find the maximum log-likelihood in each cycle to obtain the optimal values
for the parameters in our model.

5. Results

5.1. Data Description

The data for estimation is monthly data from July 2005 through August 2018. All data used are
sourced from the WIND database. The currency data are the monthly middle rate of the Chinese yuan
quoted against the U.S. dollar. Take the one-month bond yield in the Chinese interbank bond market
as the risk-free return of Chinese yuan assets and the one-month treasury rate as the risk-free return of
U.S. dollar assets. The change in foreign exchange reserves held by the People’s Bank of China is used
for the measurement of the central bank intervention policy. The current account balance is calculated
as the domestic trade balance. In addition to conducting empirical analysis with the whole sample,
this paper studies the results with two subsamples, one from July 2005 to July 2015 and the other from
August 2015 to August 2018.
Table 1 reports the descriptive statistics of the data. Table 1 shows the statistical values of the
whole sample (group A), the subsample before August 2015 (group B), and the subsample after the
Sustainability 2019, 11, 3240 14 of 26

foreign exchange reform in August 2015 (group C). The mean of the Chinese yuan exchange rate is
close to 6.8 for the whole sample period. The average rate of the subsample from July 2005 to July
2015 is slightly higher, while that for the subsample after the reform in 2015 is close to 6.6. This result
indicates the appreciation of the Chinese yuan after the reform. The full sample of the Chinese yuan
exchange rate exhibits higher skewness and kurtosis. The foreign interest rate has a lower mean and
higher kurtosis than the domestic interest rate. The monthly mean of the foreign interest rate is close to
zero, which indicates the expansionary monetary policy in the United States. The change in the foreign
exchange rate after the reform in 2015 is much less than that before the reform. This finding indicates
that the Chinese central bank did reduce its intervention in China’s foreign exchange market. The
current account balance gradually increases after the foreign exchange reform in 2015, and its kurtosis
is higher than that before the reform.

Table 1. Descriptive statistics.

Mean St. dev. Max Min Skewness Kurtosis

Group A: July 2005–August 2018
Chinese yuan rate 6.777 0.594 8.222 6.104 1.004 2.955
Foreign interest rate 0.011 0.017 0.052 0.000 1.405 3.429
Domestic interest rate 0.035 0.014 0.078 0.010 0.232 2.794
Change in foreign exchange reserves 151.819 414.936 1125.960 −1079.220 −0.442 3.748
Current account balance 248.246 165.834 612.862 −320.020 −0.007 3.545
Group B: July 2005–July 2015
Chinese yuan rate 6.830 0.661 8.222 6.104 0.736 2.213
Foreign interest rate 0.012 0.019 0.052 0.000 1.143 2.548
Domestic interest rate 0.035 0.015 0.078 0.010 0.316 2.597
Change in foreign exchange reserves 243.003 386.851 1125.960 −928.040 −0.370 3.644
Current account balance 207.009 144.523 604.621 −320.020 0.033 4.983
Group C: August 2015–August 2018
Chinese yuan rate 6.603 0.198 6.918 6.298 0.059 1.785
Foreign interest rate 0.007 0.006 0.019 0.000 0.666 2.155
Domestic interest rate 0.038 0.009 0.057 0.027 0.382 1.877
Change in foreign exchange reserves −146.377 364.251 240.340 −1079.220 −1.284 3.825
Current account balance 383.103 160.950 612.862 −109.390 −1.168 5.176

5.2. Model Estimation and Testing

To avoid the local maximization of log-likelihood values, all initial values of the parameters to be
estimated are randomly generated within a reasonable range, and the optimal parameter set is found
through the estimated value of 100,000 times. Table 2 lists the parameter settings used in the estimation.

Table 2. Parameter selection of the model.

Parameter Value Explanation

αf (0, 1) Speed of mean reversion
αc (0, 1) Extrapolation parameter of the chartists
αi (0, 1) Importance of the interest rate differential in forecasting the exchange rate
δ (1, 10) Intensity of choice parameter
Importance of the interest rate differential in forecasting the fundamental
β (0.1, 1)
exchange rate
µf (0, 6) Coefficient of risk aversion for fundamentalists
µc (0, 6) Coefficient of risk aversion for chartists
µi (0, 6) Coefficient of risk aversion for carry traders
ζ1 (2, 20) Coefficient of foreign exchange intervention
ζ2 (2, 20) Coefficient of domestic trade balance
Sustainability 2019, 11, 3240 15 of 26

Following the data set in [42], the speeds of mean reversion of fundamentalists α f , chartists αc ,
and carry traders αi are chosen in the open interval (0,1), so all three strategies are attractive, and none
of them dominates the foreign exchange market. The intensity of choice parameter δ is set to be a
value no more than 10, following the suggestions in [8]. The parameter β is chosen between 0.1 and 1.
The risk aversion parameters µ f , µc , and µi are set to be values not exceeding 6. The coefficients of
foreign exchange intervention ζ1 and domestic trade balance ζ2 are set to no more than 10, according
to the regression results in [44]. The values of all these parameters will be chosen randomly from
the corresponding interval each time. Table 3 shows the estimation results. The Taylor inequality
coefficient is used to test the model fit and ranges from 0 to 1, where a smaller value indicates better
fit. Additionally, a stationarity test is performed on the fitted residuals of the model. If the residual is
stationary, then the estimation results of the model are reasonable. In Table 3, all three coefficients of
Taylor’s inequality are smaller than 0.3, which indicates that the model fits well in China’s foreign
exchange market. Residual-based augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) statistics show that the unit root
hypothesis is rejected at the 1% significance level for the residual sequence. That is, the residual
sequence of the model constructed in this paper is stable, and the estimation results of the parameters
in the model are reasonable.

Table 3. Estimation results.

Group A: Group B: Group C:

July 2005–August 2018 July 2005–July 2015 August 2015–August 2018
αf 0.414 * 0.097 * 0.472 *
αc 0.863 * 0.873 * 0.698 *
αi 0.892 * 0.484 * 0.505 *
δ 7.443 ** 10.000 *** 7.782 *
β 0.812 *** 0.925 *** 0.843 ***
µf 3.350 * 5.240 * 1.198 *
µc 0.122 * 0.102 * 0.115 *
µi 2.954 * 2.248 * 2.720 *
ζ1 2.433 ** 2.984 ** 2.278 **
ζ2 2.780 ** 2.284 ** 2.132 **
Log-likelihood value −166.339 −73.412 −64.333
Taylor’s inequality 0.248 0.080 0.290
Residual-based ADF statistic −6.376 *** −2.653 *** −2.970 ***
Notes: The table above presents coefficient estimates from estimating Equation (16). Significance is listed as ***, **,
and * for significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% level, respectively.

The results in Table 3 show that fundamentalists, chartists and carry traders do exist in China’s
foreign exchange market, and these traders have heterogeneous expectations regarding the Chinese
yuan exchange rate. Meanwhile, all related parameters are significant at the 10% significance level,
indicating that the optimal values of these parameters obtained by the log-likelihood maximization
method are reasonable. The values shown in the second column of Table 3 are the estimation results for
the full sample. Fundamentalists expect that the Chinese yuan exchange rate will gradually return to
its fundamental value with a speed of 0.414. Chartists expect that the Chinese yuan exchange rate will
follow its previous behavior with a parameter of 0.863. The estimated value of parameter αi is 0.892,
which indicates that carry traders believe the interest rate differential of China and the United States
is of great importance in the formation of the Chinese yuan exchange rate. The values shown in the
second and third columns of Table 3 are estimation results for the sample from July 2005 to July 2015
and from August 2015 to August 2018, respectively. These results indicate that the forecasting rules are
changing over time. After the foreign exchange reform in 2015, the speed at which the Chinese yuan
exchange rate moves to its fundamental value greatly increases from 0.097 to 0.472, but the parameter
for the Chinese yuan exchange rate following its previous behavior significantly decreases from 0.873
to 0.698. Regarding the carry trade rule, the parameter for the Chinese yuan exchange rate deviating
from the interest rate differential of China and the United States increases from 0.484 to 0.505.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 3240 16 of 26

The risk aversion values of the three types of traders are also reported. Based on the full sample,
the risk aversion value is 3.350 for fundamentalists, 0.122 for chartists, and 2.954 for carry traders. This
result indicates the stronger risk aversion of fundamentalists; in particular, the risk aversion value
of fundamentalists is greater than 5.2 in the subsample before the exchange reform of 2015. That is,
fundamentalists are sensitive to market shifts and exhibit the characteristic of strong risk aversion.
Chartists show a preference for risk or risk neutrality, with a risk aversion value of approximately 0.1.
The risk aversion of carry traders is in a middle position among the three types of traders. The risk
aversion values of carry traders estimated with the samples before and after the reform of 2015 are
below 2.8. According to the forecasting rules mentioned above, the fundamentalists and carry traders
expect that the Chinese yuan exchange rate will return to its fundamental value, or the interest rate
differential of China and the United States. If the actual exchange rate deviates far from its fundamental
value or the interest rate differential, then fundamentalists and carry traders will not have a strong
incentive to adopt a reverse strategy, and this is the most likely reason for their higher risk aversion.
As to the chartists, if the market declines, then they will expect the Chinese yuan exchange rate to
follow its previous behavior for a while and will have the incentive to adopt the reverse strategy in the
market. Therefore, they do not exhibit obvious risk aversion.
The intensity of the estimated choice parameter δ is 7.443, 10, and 0.782 for the full sample and
the subsamples before and after the foreign exchange reform of 2015, respectively. These results
indicate that the related policy of the foreign exchange reform has reduced the intensity of choice in the
switching mechanism. Regarding the parameter β in the function of the fundamental exchange rate,
the estimated value is 0.812 for the full sample, 0.925 for the sample before the reform, and 0.843 for
the sample after the reform. These results show that the fundamentalists have to some extent adjusted
to the interest rate parity when they forecast the exchange rate, but the degree of adjustment is not
obvious. The results also show that the importance of the interest rate differential in fundamentalists’
forecast of the exchange rate declines after the reform.
Now, we consider the impact of central bank intervention on the formation of the Chinese yuan
exchange rate. The coefficient of foreign exchange intervention is 2.433 for the full sample, a value
much smaller than that found in [44], which is 8.27. The coefficient decreases from 2.987 to 2.278 after
the reform, indicating that the impact of central bank intervention on the Chinese yuan exchange
rate declines notably after the foreign exchange reform. This result is consistent with the goal of the
foreign exchange reform policy in August 2015. The coefficient of the domestic trade balance for the
full sample is 2.78, which is close to the value of 3.04 estimated in [44]. The impact coefficient of the
domestic trade balance on the formation of the Chinese yuan exchange rate falls from 2.284 to 2.132
after the foreign exchange reform. The empirical results based on the model we construct in this paper
fully reflect the economic reality in China.
To analyze the impact of the carry traders’ activities on the effectiveness of central bank intervention,
the model with only fundamentalists and chartists is further studied in this paper. All the results are
shown in Table 4. Tables 3 and 4 show that the coefficient of foreign exchange intervention ζ1 estimated
with the sample before the reform is 2.214, which is lower than the value of 2.984 estimated in the
model with carry traders. This finding indicates that the central bank’s foreign exchange intervention
is more effective with the existence of carry traders before the foreign exchange reform. However, for
the sample after the foreign exchange reform in 2015, the coefficient of foreign exchange intervention
estimated in our model is 3.051, which is obviously higher than the value of 2.278 estimated in the
model without carry traders. That is, carry traders’ behaviors, including the prediction of the Chinese
yuan exchange rate and the purchase and selling of currencies, weaken the power of the Chinese
central bank to intervene in the formation of the Chinese yuan exchange rate. Furthermore, China’s
foreign exchange market tends to be a market with liberalized transactions driven by market supply
and demand, and the Chinese yuan exchange rate is close to the market equilibrium rate.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 3240 17 of 26

Table 4. Estimation results of the model without carry traders.

Group A: Group B: Group C:

July 2005–August 2018 July 2005–July 2015 August 2015–August 2018
αf 0.919 * 0.011 * 0.793 *
αc 0.892 * 0.661 * 0.912 *
δ 4.085 * 8.329 * 7.210 *
β 0.855 *** 0.848 *** 0.993 ***
µf 5.326 * 3.031 * 2.842 *
µc 0.106 * 0.115 * 0.103 *
ζ1 2.006 ** 2.219 ** 3.051 **
ζ2 2.962 ** 2.087 ** 3.952 **
Log-likelihood value −142.666 −59.600 −70.416
Taylor’s inequality 0.155 0.228 0.060
Residual-based ADF statistic −5.024 *** −3.126 *** −4.990 ***
Notes: In Section 3, a model is built with three types of forecasting rules. If it is assumed that there are no carry
traders in the foreign exchange market, and the model can be modified to a two-agent model, which is similar to the
model in [44]. The table above presents the coefficient estimates from estimating the two-agent model without carry
traders. Significance is listed as ***, **, and * for significance at the 1%, 5%, or 10% level, respectively.

5.3. Other Results and Analysis

With the parameters listed in Table 3, the relevant variables in the model can be calculated for
further analysis. We focus on the relationship between the weight of carry traders and the interest rate
differential; this paper is mostly concerned with the movements of the Chinese yuan exchange rate
forecasted by carry traders. Additionally, the relationship between the weight of carry traders and the
volatility of the Chinese yuan exchange rate is analyzed.
Figure 1 shows the weight of carry traders and the interest rate differential. The axis on the left
side of Figure 2 represents the weight of carry traders, and the right axis represents the interest rate
differential between China and the United States. The interest rate differential begins to decrease
from the year 2005 and is close to zero during the initial stage of the global financial crisis in 2007.
Then, the interest rate differential becomes negative. This finding indicates that the Federal Reserve
Bank operates the expansionary monetary policy continuously, and the benchmark interest rate of
the United States is lower than that of China following the international financial crisis. The interest
rate gap between the United States and China is expanding until the end of 2015. In December 2015,
the benchmark interest rate of the United States begins to increase, and the interest rate gap starts to
shrink. Meanwhile, the weight of carry traders in China’s foreign exchange market is stable before the
end of 2015. That is, carry traders take the interest rate differential as the most important factor related
to the formation of the Chinese yuan exchange rate. During the period from August 2015 to August
2018, the interest rate differential is approximately −0.03, but the weight of carry traders is frequently
changing. This phenomenon explains the significant impact of policies related to foreign exchange
reform on the expectation formation of carry traders.
United States begins to increase, and the interest rate gap starts to shrink. Meanwhile, the
weight of carry traders in China’s foreign exchange market is stable before the end of 2015.
That is, carry traders take the interest rate differential as the most important factor related to
the formation of the Chinese yuan exchange rate. During the period from August 2015 to
August 2018, the interest rate differential is approximately −0.03, but the weight of carry traders
Sustainability 2019, 11, 3240 18 of 26
is frequently changing. This phenomenon explains the significant impact of policies related to
foreign exchange reform on the expectation formation of carry traders.

0.6 0.04
0.5 0.02
0.4 0.00
0.2 -0.06
0.1 -0.08
0 -0.10
Weight of carry traders The interest rate differential

Figure1. Weight
1. Weight ofofcarry
carrytraders andthe
traders and theinterest
interest rate
rate differential.
The movement of the Chinese yuan exchange rate forecasted by carry traders for the full
sample is shown in Figure 2. The trend of the actual movement of the Chinese yuan exchange
rate is also0.3 plotted as a comparison. Comparison of the trend of the Chinese yuan exchange
rate movements0.2 forecasted by carry traders with the trend of the actual movement of the
Chinese yuan 0.2 exchange rate shows that carry traders expect the Chinese yuan exchange rate to
be less volatile
0.1 than it actually is. According to the forecasting rules discussed above, carry
traders believe
0.1 that the movement of the Chinese yuan exchange rate is a certain multiple value
of the domestic
0.0 and foreign interest rate differential. After the initial stage of the international
financial crisis, the interest rate differential of China and the United States continues to be
negative and -0.1
falls, and the movement of the Chinese yuan exchange rate forecasted by carry
traders is negative. Thus, carry traders make judgments based on the interest rate differential
and believe that the Chinese yuan should appreciate after the financial crisis. After the foreign
exchange reform in August 2015, carry traders still expect the appreciation of the Chinese yuan,
but the magnitudeThe ofmovement
appreciation of theforecasted
Chinese Yuanisexchange
lower than rate expected by carry traders
that forecasted during the period
before the foreignThe exchange reform. of
actual movement Therefore,
the ChinesecarryYuan traders
exchangeare rateuncertain about the direction
of the Chinese yuan exchange rate after the reform; they take a wait-and-see approach and even
expect 2. Actual movement of the Chinese yuan exchange rate and the change expected
Chinesebyby carry traders.
Figurethe Chinese
2. Actual yuan to
movement ofdepreciate
the Chineseto yuana certain
exchange extent. Actually,
rate and the changetheexpected yuan
rate does show frequent fluctuations and depreciates in most cases after the foreign exchange
reform movement
in Augustof
to thetheabove
2015. Chinese analysis, carry traders
yuan exchange require anbyincentive
rate forecasted to enter
carry traders thefull
for the foreign
exchange market. It is normally the case that carry traders’
is shown in Figure 2. The trend of the actual movement of the Chinese yuan exchange rate activity is negatively related to is
plotted of foreign exchange
as a comparison. Comparison rates. A of strong
the trendnegative
of therelationship
Chinese yuan between
exchange foreign
rate exchange
market volatility and the carry trade strategy is found
forecasted by carry traders with the trend of the actual movement of the Chinese yuan exchangein [85] and [8]. In this paper, therate
shows that carry between
tradersthe volatility
expect of the Chinese
the Chinese yuan exchange
yuan exchange rate to rate
be lessandvolatile
the weight thanof it carry
is. traders
According 𝜔𝑡 to in the
Equation (11) isrules
forecasting also studied.
discussed Figure
above, 3 shows the scatter
carry traders plotthat
believe of thethevolatility
movement of of
the Chinese yuan exchange rate is a certain multiple value of the domestic and foreign interest arate
the Chinese yuan exchange rate and the weight of carry traders. After the reform, there is
differential. increase in Chinese
the initial stageyuan of theexchange
internationalrate volatility,
financial which can interest
crisis, the also be found in Figure of
rate differential
2 in our paper. Therefore, we do not use the same proportional
China and the United States continues to be negative and falls, and the movement of the Chinese scales in Figure 3, as the real yuan
trends in the scatter plots would not be shown clearly. The
exchange rate forecasted by carry traders is negative. Thus, carry traders make judgments based figure on the left is based on the
on the
interest of the Chinese
rate differential andyuan
that therate and the
Chinese yuanweight
should of carry tradersafter
appreciate in thethesample
July 2005 to July 2015, and the right figure is based on the
After the foreign exchange reform in August 2015, carry traders still expect the appreciation of the volatility of the Chinese yuan
Chinese yuan, ratebutandthethe weight ofofcarry
magnitude traders inforecasted
appreciation the sample from August
is lower than that 2015 to August
forecasted 2018.the
The dotted line is the trend line. Figure 3 shows the negative relationship
period before the foreign exchange reform. Therefore, carry traders are uncertain about the direction of between the volatility
theof the Chinese
Chinese yuan exchange
yuan exchange rate after ratetheand the weight
reform; they take of carry traders during
a wait-and-see approach the and
two even
especially during the period from August 2015 to August 2018. Thus,
the Chinese yuan to depreciate to a certain extent. Actually, the Chinese yuan exchange rate does show after the foreign exchange
frequent in August 2015, China’s foreign
and depreciates in most exchange
cases aftermarket clearly exchange
the foreign shows thereform characteristics
in August of 2015.
market under the floating exchange rate system, and the market
According to the above analysis, carry traders require an incentive to enter the foreign exchange for the Chinese yuan is
market. It is becoming
gradually normally the more mature
case that with
carrythe law ofactivity
traders’ supply is and demand. related to the volatility of
Group B: Group C:
July 2005-July 2015 August 2015-August 2018

0.02 0.07
The movement of the Chinese Yuan exchange rate expected by carry traders
The actual movement of the Chinese Yuan exchange rate

Figure 2. Actual movement of the Chinese yuan exchange rate and the change expected by carry traders.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 3240 19 of 26
According to the above analysis, carry traders require an incentive to enter the foreign
exchange market. It is normally the case that carry traders’ activity is negatively related to the
foreign exchangeof foreign
rates. Aexchange rates. Arelationship
strong negative strong negative relationship
between between market
foreign exchange foreignvolatility
the market
carry tradevolatility
strategy and the carry
is found in [85]trade
and strategy
[8]. In thisis paper,
foundthe in relationship
[85] and [8]. In thisthe
between paper, the of
Chinese yuan between
exchangethe rate
and theof the
weightChinese yuantraders
of carry exchange ωt in rate and the(11)
Equation weight of carry
is also studied.
Figure 𝜔𝑡 in
3 shows theEquation (11) of
scatter plot is the
studied. of Figure 3 showsyuan
the Chinese the scatter
of theandvolatility
the weightof of
carry ChineseAfteryuan exchange
the rate and
reform, there the weightincrease
is a significant of carryintraders.
ChineseAfteryuanthe reform,rate
exchange there is a
which can alsoincrease
be foundininChinese
Figure 2yuanin our exchange rate volatility,
paper. Therefore, we dowhich
not use can also
the samebe proportional
found in Figure scales
2 in our paper. Therefore, we do not use the same proportional scales in
in Figure 3, as the real trends in the scatter plots would not be shown clearly. The figure on the left is Figure 3, as the real
based on thein volatility
the scatter ofplots would yuan
the Chinese not be shown clearly.
exchange rate andThe figure on
the weight the left
of carry is based
traders onsample
in the the
July 2005 ofto
the Chinese
July yuanthe
2015, and exchange
right figurerateisand the on
based weight of carry traders
the volatility in the sample
of the Chinese from
yuan exchange
and 2005 to Julyof2015,
the weight carry and theinright
traders figure from
the sample is based
Auguston 2015
the volatility
to Augustof2018. the TheChinese yuan
dotted line is
trend line.rate and the
Figure weight
3 shows theofnegative
carry traders in the sample
relationship between from theAugust 2015
volatility ofto August
the 2018.
Chinese yuan
The dotted
exchange rate line
and is theweight
the trend line. Figure
of carry 3 shows
traders the negative
during relationship
the two periods, between
especially the volatility
during the period
fromof August
the Chinese2015 to yuan exchange
August 2018. rate
Thus, and thethe
after weight
foreignof exchange
carry traders during
reform the two
in August periods,
2015, China’s
foreign exchangeduring the period
market clearlyfrom
showsAugust 2015 to Augustof
the characteristics 2018. Thus, under
a market after thetheforeign exchange
floating exchange
system, inand
August 2015, China’s
the market foreign exchange
for the Chinese market clearly
yuan is gradually becoming showsmore themature
with the of
lawa of
supply andunder
demand. the floating exchange rate system, and the market for the Chinese yuan is
gradually becoming more mature with the law of supply and demand.

Group B: Group C:
July 2005-July 2015 August 2015-August 2018

0.02 0.07
0.02 0.05

0.01 0.02
0.00 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6

Figure 3.3.Scatter
Figure plot
Scatter plotofofthe
Chinese yuan
yuan exchange rate and
exchange rate and the

To test the robustness of the negative relationship between the volatility of the Chinese yuan
exchange rate and the weight of carry traders, we calculate the correlation coefficients of the Chinese
yuan exchange rate volatility and the weight of carry traders for the two sample periods—which are
−0.127 and −0.257, respectively—which also supports our results.

6. Implications

6.1. Theoretical Implications

The foreign exchange market is a worldwide network and the largest financial market in the
world that enables the exchanges of currencies around the globe. The main functions of the foreign
exchange market are conversion of one currency to another, securing short-term credit and hedging
foreign exchange risks. Participants in the foreign exchange market can be categorized into five major
groups: commercial banks, foreign exchange brokers, the central bank, multinational corporations
(MNCs), and individuals and small businesses. Although most of the volume of the transactions is
represented by interbank transactions, transactions between banks and their nonbank customers is a
large amount. This study analyzes the direct and indirect relationship between the foreign exchange
market and financial resources from these features. First, transfer of funds (foreign currency) from one
country to another is the basic and the most visible function of the foreign exchange market for the
settlement of payments. Regardless of whether firms or institutions are considered, it is inevitable that
Sustainability 2019, 11, 3240 20 of 26

they will change currencies or ask foreign exchange brokers to change currencies during the course
of normal business activities, including investment and payment. Among them, commercial banks,
who serve their bank customers as retail clients that conduct foreign commerce or make international
investments in financial assets that require foreign exchange, are the major participants in the foreign
exchange market. Second, the foreign exchange (forex) provides a short-term credit to importers to
facilitate the smooth flow of goods and services from country to country, and an importer can use credit
to finance foreign purchases. Other firms that are unable to obtain this credit can transfer currencies in
the forex market so that they can invest in different currencies or hedge the risk or transfer the risk of
their assets in domestic currencies, etc. Even small businesses can use the foreign exchange market
to facilitate the execution of commercial or investment transactions and hedge the foreign exchange
risk. Third, hedging risk—an important function provided by the foreign exchange market—is an
essential feature that is of great importance in institutions’ or firms’ investment. Foreign currency
positions can be added or reduced to adjust the composition of investments or avoid financial risks,
especially foreign exchange risks. Actually, risks of foreign exposure are not only faced by those firms
or institutions that directly make financial transactions in foreign currency denominations but are also
faced by other firms that are indirectly related to the foreign currency and, as such, are exposed to
foreign currency risk during business operations.
Based on the discussion above, it can be concluded that the foreign exchange market plays
an important and essential role in financial resources, and this is closely related to the functions of
the foreign exchange market. Therefore, only a foreign exchange market with a stable transaction
environment and complete functions can provide sustainable resources for institutions or firms. With
the continuous advancement of the Chinese yuan exchange rate reform policy, the Chinese yuan
exchange rate system has gradually become a completely floating exchange rate system. Trading is
becoming more transparent, transactions are more active, and the trading environment in China’s
foreign exchange market is becoming more stable. However, the results in both the full sample and
the subsamples show that under the influence of carry traders’ activities, and the impact of carry
traders’ activities on the formation of the Chinese yuan exchange rate, the ability of the central bank
to intervene in the foreign exchange market is weakened. Furthermore, these findings indicate that
it is not easy for the central bank to manage the fluctuations caused by carry traders’ activities in
China’s foreign exchange market and to maintain the stable development of the market, which is
obviously harmful to the stability of financial resources in China’s foreign exchange market. Therefore,
exploring sustainable financial resources associated with carry traders’ activities is of great importance
for China’s foreign exchange market.
In this context, the following problems related to sustainable financial resources in the market
could be expected. (1) Speculative activities will be motivated in the international financial market,
and noise trading may dominate the foreign exchange market. The carry trade strategy is a common
currency speculation strategy used by many hedge fund managers and institutional traders. Investors
using the carry trade expose themselves to currency risk and are rewarded by positive returns over time.
Carry traders’ activities will promote the narrowing of the interest rate differential, and accordingly,
the risk of international lending by financial institutions or enterprises will be relatively high. (2) In a
floating exchange rate system, exchange rate fluctuations are large and frequent, and exchange rate
risk will be relatively high. Meanwhile, carry traders’ activities have a significant impact on exchange
rate fluctuations and exchange rate risk. Therefore, enterprises must consider the risk of exchange
rate fluctuation when importing or exporting commodities. At the same time, due to the changing
exchange rates, commodity prices may change very quickly. The resulting high cost of raw materials
and management will cause certain obstacles to the operation of financial institutions and enterprises.
(3) With the frequent fluctuations in the exchange rate, the foreign exchange market will become more
volatile. Especially after the foreign exchange reform in August 2015, carry traders have become more
sensitive to the changes in the interest rate differential and have a higher risk aversion to risks in the
foreign exchange market. Meanwhile, carry traders’ behavior in the foreign exchange market weakens
Sustainability 2019, 11, 3240 21 of 26

the impact of central bank intervention on the formation of the exchange rate. Therefore, for the central
bank to maintain the sustainable stability of the financial markets in China, especially China’s foreign
exchange market, it is necessary to pay attention to the impact of carry traders’ behavior.

6.2. Managerial Implications

Based on the abovementioned problems related to the exploration of sustainable financial resources
in the foreign exchange market, this paper proposes strategies to help institutions, firms, and central
banks obtain or maintain sustainable financial resources in China’s foreign exchange market.
First, although the People’s Bank of China has consistently promoted the foreign exchange rate
reform policy in accordance with the three principles of initiative, controllability, and gradualism since
1994, there are drawbacks to the managed floating exchange rate system that cannot be ignored. To
maintain the stability of the foreign exchange market function, the central bank needs to consider
the indirect impact of interest rate policies on the foreign exchange market by accounting for carry
traders’ activities when formulating exchange rate policies. The offshore lending rate and short-selling
cost could be adjusted to reduce the motivation for arbitrage and indirectly manage exchange rate
fluctuations. Additionally, the central bank must pay close attention to the changing order flows of
traders with heterogeneous beliefs in the foreign exchange market.
Second, the impact of carry traders’ activities on the formation of the exchange rate and the return
of currency assets cannot be ignored. To obtain ongoing liquidity, as well as asset returns, enterprises
should pay attention to the behavior of carry traders and the interaction between carry traders and
noise traders. Since carry trade strategies are based on the interest rate differential, enterprises and
financial institutions should make use of interest rate swaps or other interest rate derivatives when
conducting a transaction to avoid foreign exchange risk and the exchange rate fluctuations that may be
caused by carry traders’ activities.
Third, short-term contracts would be helpful to reduce organizational costs and maintain the
long-term stable development of enterprises and financial institutions. Especially for export companies
receiving foreign currencies, it is necessary for contract makers to take the changing interest rate and
exchange rate risk into account when specifying contract terms. Additionally, the foreign currency
collection should be completed in advance, and foreign exchange derivatives can be used to help avoid
the risk of the asset systems, especially for small businesses.

7. Conclusions
This study introduces a heterogeneous agent model that includes carry traders in addition to
fundamentalists and chartists for foreign exchange rate determination, with the consideration of
the law of supply and demand and central bank intervention. With the UKF artificial intelligence
method, this paper empirically analyzes the Chinese yuan exchange rate formation, the weight and
risk aversion of carry traders, the impact of carry traders’ activities on the formation of the Chinese
yuan exchange rate, the effectiveness of central bank intervention in China’s foreign exchange market,
and the relationship between the impact of carry traders’ activities and the exploration of sustainable
financial resources in China’s foreign exchange market.
This paper contributes to the existing literature in several ways. First, the carry trade observation
and the law of supply and demand are considered in the heterogeneous agent model constructed in
this paper. Second, carry traders’ expectations and risk aversion and the impact of their activities
on the efficiency of central bank intervention are considered in the theoretical model. Third, the
adjustment of carry traders’ activities due to the changing foreign exchange reform and the influence
of this adjustment on the effect of central bank intervention are discussed. Fourth, this paper analyzes
the exploration of sustainable financial resources in the foreign exchange market considering the
interaction between carry traders’ behavior and exchange rate formation. In summary, based on the
modified heterogeneous agent model presented, the results in this paper offer a better explanation of
exchange rate formation and carry traders’ activities in the foreign exchange market. Furthermore, the
Sustainability 2019, 11, 3240 22 of 26

empirical analysis of the carry trades’ activities provides theoretical guidance for exploring sustainable
financial resources for institutions and firms in China’s foreign exchange market.
Based on the above research and analysis, this paper draws the following conclusions. First,
carry trade is partly responsible for determining the Chinese yuan exchange rate. Although carry
traders’ activities do not dominate China’s foreign exchange market, they explain basically half of
the expectation of traders in the market, especially after the foreign exchange reform in August 2015.
Second, risk aversion differs across trader types. Carry traders behave with obvious risk aversion, but
their aversion to risk is weaker than that of fundamentalists; chartists show a preference for risk or
risk neutrality. Third, the impact of central bank intervention on the formation of the Chinese yuan
exchange rate is examined, as well as the influence of carry trader activities on this impact. The results
show that the impact of foreign exchange intervention on China’s foreign exchange market declines
notably after the reform, which is consistent with the goal of the foreign exchange reform policy in
August 2015. Carry traders’ activities weaken the power of Chinese central bank intervention in the
formation of the Chinese yuan exchange rate. Fourth, the foreign exchange reform policy is found to
have significant influence on the expectation formation of carry traders. In addition, the relationship
between the volatility of the Chinese yuan exchange rate and the weight of carry traders turns out to
be negative, especially during the period after the foreign exchange reform in August 2015. Finally, the
dominance of carry traders’ activities in China’s foreign exchange market would deter the market from
providing sustainable financial resources for institutions and firms.
However, the model constructed in the paper does not describe the characteristics of heterogeneous
agents’ behavior very well. Without considering the ambiguity of individuals’ utility and the ambiguity
of subjective probability, the expected utility theory used to analyze the optimal position of the foreign
currency does not well describe the risk decision of the agents. In addition, the parameters of the risk
attitudes of heterogeneous agents—which are supposed to be time-varying with the accumulation
of wealth, heterogeneous expectations and decisions, and changing returns from investment—are
assumed to be constant. Overall, the characteristics of traders with heterogeneous beliefs in the foreign
exchange market are worth further examination.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Q.Z.; Methodology, Q.Z.; Supervision, M.-L.T.; Writing— original
draft, Q.Z.; Writing—review & editing, K.-J.W.
Funding: This research was funded by the National Social Science Foundation of China (grant no. 17CJY062).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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