SSE1G4 Course Version1

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Front cover
Course Guide
IBM Storwize V7000 Implementation
Course code SSE1G   ERC 4.0
May 2019 edition
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Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xx

Course description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxi

Agenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxiii

Unit 0. Course introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-1

Course overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-2
Course prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-3
Course objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-4
Agenda: Day 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-5
Agenda: Day 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-6
Agenda: Day 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-7
Agenda: Day 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-8
Lab resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-9
Introductions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-10
Class logistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-11

Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Define IBM Spectrum Virtualize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Spectrum Virtualize terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
Complexity of a storage administrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
IBM Spectrum Storage: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6
IBM Spectrum Storage family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
IBM Spectrum Storage solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
IBM software-defined storage family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10
Implementation of storage virtualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11
Defining IBM Spectrum Virtualize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12
IBM Spectrum Virtualize layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13
Benefits of IBM Spectrum Virtualize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-15
Transparent disk subsystem replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-16
Increased availability through SVC mirroring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-17
Data reduction technology (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-18
Data reduction technology (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-19
Tiering and Easy Tier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-20
IBM Spectrum Virtualize with pooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-21
IBM SAN Volume Controller history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-22
IBM Systems Flash offerings portfolio for block storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-23
IBM Storwize V7000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-25
Storwize V7000 Model hardware characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-26
Storwize V7000 machine type 2076 warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-27
Key benefits Storwize V7000 2076-724/U7B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-28
Storwize V7000 SAS-attached expansions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-29
Comparison between Storwize V7000 models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-30
Keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-31
Review questions (1 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-32
Review answers (1 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-33
Review questions (2 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-34
Review answers (2 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-35

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2019 iii

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

TOC Review questions (3 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-36

Review answers (3 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-37
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-38

Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1

Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Storwize V7000 : Hardware characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
Storwize V7000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
Enhanced NVMe Flash Core Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Self-encrypting drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
Key facts on NVMe drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
Supported NVMe capacities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
Space savings configuration guidance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
Effective Capacity per control enclosure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
Storwize V7000 interior view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12
Storwize V7000 block diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13
System-level compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14
Storwize V7000 dual CPU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15
Storwize V7000 DIMM slots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16
DIMM memory population for CPU 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17
DIMM memory population for CPU 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18
Storwize V7000 M2 Flash Boot drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-19
Storwize V7000 battery module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20
Battery module lifespan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21
Storwize V7000 fan modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22
Storwize V7000 power supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-23
Storwize V7000 control enclosure rear connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-24
Technician port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26
Storwize V7000 PCIe3 interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-27
IBM Spectrum Virtualize 32 Gb adapter support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-28
IBM SAS Expansion Enclosure Attach Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-29
Port numbering and WWPN assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-30
Storwize V7000 communication types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-31
Storwize V7000 : Hardware characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-32
IBM Storwize V7000 storage virtualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-33
Storwize V7000 scaling beyond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-34
Different ways to cluster an IBM Spectrum Virtualize system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-35
Storwize V7000 scaling for performance and capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-36
I/O port counts per V7000 Gen3 cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-37
Max Limitations and Best Practice recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-38
Adding a control enclosure to an existing cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-39
Storwize V7000 : Licensing and software features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-40
Storwize V7000 Licensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-41
Storwize V7000 software features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-43
Spectrum Virtualize licensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-44
Differential Licensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-46
Keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-47
Review questions (1 of 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-48
Review answers (1 of 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-49
Review questions (2 of 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-50
Review answers (2 of 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-51
Review questions (3 of 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-52
Review answers (3 of 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-53
Review questions (4 of 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-54
Review answers (4 of 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-55
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-56

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2019 iv

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

TOC Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1

Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
IBM FlashCore Technology: Hardware Accelerated I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
IBM FlashCore Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
FlashCore: Hardware Accelerated I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
IBM FlashCore Technology: Flash Core Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
IBM Flash Core Module leverage technology leadership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
IBM 3D Triple-level cell (TLC) NAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8
Benefits of FlashCore with 3D TLC NAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
FPGAs in the data path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10
Line speed data-at-rest encryption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11
Always-on Inline hardware compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12
IBM FlashCore Technology: Advanced Flash Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13
IBM FlashCore: Advanced Flash management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14
Layers of data protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15
System-level DRAID protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16
DRAID initialization behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17
Flash challenges and solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18
Variable Stripe RAID advantage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-19
IBM Engineered ECC (detection and correction) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-21
Compression/decompression in the drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-22
Garbage collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-23
Wear-leveling (Health Binning ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-24
Health segregation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-25
Proactive voltage-level shifting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26
Keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-27
Review questions (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-28
Review answers (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-29
Review questions (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-30
Review answers (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-32

Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1

Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
IBM SAS expansion enclosures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
Storwize V7000 scales with SAS-attached expansions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached tiered solution models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
IBM disk drives common characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
IBM SAS-attached drive enclosure models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7
IBM 2U SAS expansion enclosures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
IBM 2U SAS expansion model front view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9
IBM 2U SAS expansion model rear view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10
IBM 2U expansion power specifications per PSU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11
IBM 5U High Density Drawer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12
IBM 5U High Density Drawer front view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13
Model 92F power specifications per PSU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14
IBM 5U High Density Drawer interior view (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15
IBM 5U High Density Drawer interior view (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16
IBM 5U High Density Drawer rear view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17
IBM 5U High Density Drawer expansion canisters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18
IBM 5U High Density Drawer fan modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-19
IBM 5U High Density Drawer system airflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20
12 Gb SAS interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-21
IBM SAS expansion disk drive options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-22
Scaling up Storwize V7000 capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-23
Scaling up internal capacity with 2U SAS-Attached storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-24

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2019 v

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

TOC Scaling up internal capacity with 5U SAS-Attached storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-25

Storwize V7000 intermix per SAS chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-26
Storwize V7000 intermix of SAS expansions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-27
12 Gb SAS interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-28
IBM SAS Expansion Enclosure Attach Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-29
Independent SAS Chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-30
IBM SAS cable options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-31
Keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-32
Review questions (1 of 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-33
Review answers (1 of 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-34
Review questions (2 of 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-35
Review answers (2 of 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-36
Review questions (3 of 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-37
Review answers (3 of 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-38
Review questions (4 of 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-39
Review answers (4 of 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-40
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-41

Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1

Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
Storwize V7000: Managed Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
RAIDs are built from managed resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
IBM Storwize V7000 supported tiers of drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
IBM SAN Volume Controller storage tier hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
Storwize V7000: Traditional RAID levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7
Traditional RAID levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8
Traditional RAID 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9
Traditional RAID 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10
Traditional RAID 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11
Traditional RAID 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12
Traditional RAID 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-13
Traditional RAID hot spare rebuild performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14
Traditional arrays: Drive counts and redundancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-15
Traditional array member goals and spare attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-17
Spare drive use attribute assignment by GUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-18
Spare selection for array member replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-19
Drive-Auto Manage/Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-20
Storwize V7000: Distributed RAID arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-21
Distributed RAID 5/6 (DRAID) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-22
Distributed RAID arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-23
Distributed RAID array creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-24
DRAID failed drive spares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-25
I/O performance comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-26
Rebuild performance comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-27
DRAID Slow write priority settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-28
Why DRAID 6? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-29
DRAID configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-30
Useful CLI commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-31
Drive types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-32
Keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-33
Review questions (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-34
Review answers (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-35
Review questions (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-36
Review answers (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-37
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-38

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2019 vi

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

TOC Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
Installation and configuration: System installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
Pre-install Technical Delivery Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
TDA pre-installation checklist and worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
Determine installation requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7
Storwize V7000 planning tables and charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9
Storwize V7000 physical installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10
System power requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12
Storwize V7000 node 12F/24FSAS cable requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13
Storwize V7000 node 92F SAS cable requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15
Storwize V7000 cable options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-16
Cable management arm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-17
Device power on order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-18
System initialization using the Technician port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-19
Management GUI access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-20
System Setup tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-21
Additional system configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-22
Installation and configuration: Client system setup (1 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-23
Required IP addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-24
Storwize V7000 management interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-25
Cluster communication and management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-26
Installation and configuration: Client system setup (2 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-27
Cluster zoning requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-28
Dual fabric for high availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-30
Storwize V7000 port destination recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-31
Storwize V7000 port assignment recommendations for isolating traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-32
Zone definitions by port number or WWPN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-33
Name and addressing convention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-34
WWN addressing scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-35
Storwize V7000 and FlashSystem 900 switch zoning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-36
Storwize V7000 and DS3500 switch zoning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-37
Storwize V7000 Fiber Channel Connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-38
FC Zoning and multipathing LUN access control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-40
Multipathing and host LUN access control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-41
Host zoning preferred paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-42
Zoning multi HBA hosts for resiliency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-43
SAN zoning documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-44
Installation and configuration: Client system setup (3 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-45
Storwize V7000 GUI Dashboard view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-46
Default authorize users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-47
User authentication methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-48
User group roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-49
Access menu: User groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-50
Managing user authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-51
Remote Authentication configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-52
CLI SSH keys encrypted communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-53
PuTTYgen key generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-54
Save the generated keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-55
User with SSH key authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-56
Create CLI session with SSH key authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-57
Accessing CLI from Microsoft Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-58
Command-line interface commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-59
Monitoring view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-60
System-Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-61
Keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-62

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2019 vii

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

TOC Review questions (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-63

Review answers (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-64
Review questions (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-65
Review answers (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-66
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-67

Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1

Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
IBM Spectrum Virtualize: Storage logical resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3
Virtualized storage resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4
Managed disks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5
Managed disks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-6
Managed disks access modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7
Storage pools and extents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8
Pool extent size and storage capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9
MDisk to striped VDisk mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-10
Supported storage tiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-11
Storage pool types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-13
Parent pool limitations and restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-14
Child pool limitations and restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-16
Child pool attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-17
Data protection with encryption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-18
Child pool encryption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-19
Data protection with encryption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-20
Data reduction pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-21
Spectrum Virtualize Pools options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-22
Internal SAS drive roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-23
Virtualized External Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-24
External storage virtualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-25
Virtualizing existing storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-26
MDisk multipath selection algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-28
Best practices Pools and MDisks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-29
Spectrum Virtualize system access to storage system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-30
External Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-31
MDisks naming convention examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-32
Pools > MDisks by Pools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-33
System Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-34
Dashboard physical capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-35
Keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-36
Review questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-37
Review answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-38
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-39

Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1

Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2
Volume allocation: Defining volume allocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3
Volume allocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4
Three types of virtualized volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5
Type of volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-6
Volume allocation: Creating virtual volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-8
Creating basic (generic) volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9
Capacity indicators for volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-10
CLI mkvdisk command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-11
Creating mirrored volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-12
Creating custom volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-13
Volume format or formatting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-14

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2019 viii

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

TOC Volume’s unique identifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-15

Volume cache modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-16
Volume commands (1 of 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-17
Volume commands (2 of 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-18
Volume commands (3 of 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-19
Volume commands (4 of 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-20
Volume commands (5 of 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-21
Volume status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-22
Volume allocation: Mapping volume to host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-23
Mapping volumes to host object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-24
Host mapping volume view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-25
Host lshostvdiskmap command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-26
Remove volume mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-27
Volume allocation: Managing volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-28
Running jobs and suggested tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-29
Volume properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-30
Managing volume resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-31
Enable volume protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-32
Expand volume capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-33
Shrink volume capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-34
Removing MDisk migrates volume extents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-35
Volume allocation: Caching I/O group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-36
Volume caching I/O group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-37
I/O group and write I/O distributed cache . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-38
I/O group control node failover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-39
Volume allocation: Host storage access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-40
Discover volumes on the Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-41
Windows host paths view by using SDDDSM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-42
Discover volumes on the AIX host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-43
Mounting IBM Spectrum Virtualize system volume on AIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-44
AIX host paths view using SDDPCM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-45
Host paths to volume’s preferred control enclosure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-46
Integration of VMware applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-47
Enabling VVOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-48
Creating ESXi host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-49
Creating VVOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-50
Volume allocation: Non Disruptive Volume Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-52
Moving volume between I/O groups: Host perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-53
NDVM: Supported OS and multipath drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-54
Moving volume between I/O groups: Volume perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-55
Changing preferred storage enclosure using GUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-56
Changing preferred storage enclosure using CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-58
Volume allocation: Throttling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-59
System throttles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-60
Types of object throttling (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-61
Types of object throttling (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-62
Creating and editing object throttles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-63
Throttling CLI commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-64
Keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-65
Review questions (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-66
Review answers (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-67
Review questions (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-68
Review answers (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-69
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-70

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2019 ix

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

TOC Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1

Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2
Host integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3
Storage system functional categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4
Open-system host support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5
Host object types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-6
NVM Express protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-8
Preparation guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-9
Goals of a multi-path design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-10
Host integration: FC host connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-11
Fibre Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-12
FC hosts to the IBM Spectrum Virtualize systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-13
How many paths are required? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-14
Calculating potential paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-15
Typical 4 path design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-16
Alternative 8 path design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-17
Handling high I/O workload hosts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-18
Issues with too many or too few paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-19
Host zoning alternatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-20
Balancing hosts and their I/Os across I/O groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-22
Hosts using more than one I/O group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-23
Defining a FC host object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-24
Identifying AIX adapter port attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-25
Identifying Linux adapter attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-26
Host integration: MPIO implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-27
Host multipath I/O requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-28
Windows host FC configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-29
Verifying Windows host configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-30
Identifying HBAs for servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-31
Identifying Fibre Channel connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-32
Host integration: FC-NVMe host connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-33
FC-NVMe protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-34
NVMe terminologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-35
FC-NVMe host discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-36
NVME I/O operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-37
Defining an NVMe host object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-38
Host integration: iSCSI host connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-39
iSCSI host connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-40
Internet SCSI network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-41
iSCSI architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-42
Example of an IPv4 management and iSCSI shared subnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-43
MPIO and iSCSI initiator support for iSCSI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-44
Configuring iSCSI IP addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-45
iSCSI initiator and iSCSI target . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-46
iSCSI host discover target (storage encl) portal (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-47
iSCSI host discover target (storage encl) portal (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-48
Discovered targets properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-49
Defining an iSCSI host object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-50
Netstat command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-51
Host integration: iSER host connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-52
ISCI Extensions for RDMA (iSER) communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-53
iSER host attach considerations (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-55
iSER host attach considerations (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-56
Defining an iSER host object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-57
Host integration: iSCSI/iSER IP address failover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-58
Example of an auto iSCSI IP addresses failover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-59

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2019 x

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

TOC Node failover: Advantage versus disadvantage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-60

Examples of an auto iSCSI IP addresses failback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-61
Host integration: Host clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-62
Host (shared disk) clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-63
Host cluster unique ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-64
Creating a host cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-65
Creating a host cluster: Volume shared mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-66
Creating a host cluster: Volume private mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-67
Creating a host cluster: Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-68
Additional host cluster commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-69
Host port discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-70
Manage host object counts per I/O group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-71
Maximum host configurations (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-72
Maximum host configurations (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-73
Host integration: N_Port ID Virtualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-74
OS native multipathing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-75
N_Port ID Virtualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-76
NPIV FC target port modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-77
Configuring NPIV port for existing clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-78
Virtual WWPNs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-79
Keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-80
Review questions (1 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-81
Review answers (1 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-82
Review questions (2 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-83
Review answers (2 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-84
Review questions (3 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-85
Review answers (3 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-86
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-87

Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-1

Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2
Spectrum Virtualize: Thin Provisioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-3
Defining data reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-4
Spectrum Virtualize: Thin Provisioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5
Thin Provisioning concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-6
Fully allocated versus Thin-Provision volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-7
Thin Provision total transparency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-8
Creating a thin provisioned volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-9
Thin provision mkvdisk command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-10
Thin provision limitations of virtual capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11
Thin-Provision metadata management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-12
Best practices: Monitoring thin-provisioned capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-13
Convert fully allocated volume to thin-provisioned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-14
Spectrum Virtualize: RACE Compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-15
RACE Compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-16
Spectrum Virtualize RACE Compression delivers efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-17
Compression embedded architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-18
Traditional compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-19
RACE innovation: Temporal locality compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-20
Example of a compression using a sliding window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-21
Compression from host and copy services perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-22
Compression enhancements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-23
RACE Compression license . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-24
Changing volume type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-25
Creating a compressed volume (1 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-26
Creating a compressed volume (2 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-27

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2019 xi

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

TOC Creating a compressed volume (3 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-28

Compression mkvdisk command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-29
Compressed volume copy details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-30
Compressed volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-31
Types of compression ratios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-32
Integrated comprestimator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-33
Comprestimator: Compression benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-34
IBM Comprestimator Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-35
IBM Comprestimator for FlashSystems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-36
IBM Comprestimator Utility examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-37
RACE Compression: Recommendations for implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-38
Spectrum Virtualize: Data Reduction Pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-39
Data reduction pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-40
Mechanisms of data reduction pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-41
Data reduction internal management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-42
DRP supported volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-44
Existing volume types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-45
Data reduction pool compression I/O stack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-46
IBM Spectrum Virtualize I/O stack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-47
Freeing storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-48
What storage gets free? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-49
Garbage collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-50
Data reduction pool and SCSI unmap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-51
Data reduction pool with de-duplication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-52
Data reduction attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-54
Data reduction pool recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-55
Data reduction pool volume performance recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-57
Data reduction pool with data reducing backend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-58
Supported systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-59
Keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-60
Review questions (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-61
Review answers (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-62
Review questions (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-63
Review answers (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-64
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-65

Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-1

Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-2
Spectrum Virtualize: Easy Tier overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-3
IBM Spectrum Virtualize IO stack architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-4
Easy Tier 3 functional overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-5
IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-6
Easy Tier supported tiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-8
Easy Tier license requirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-9
Easy Tier mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-10
Spectrum Virtualize: Easy Tier modes of operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-11
Evaluation mode: I/O activity monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-12
Automatic data placement mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-13
Easy Tier acceleration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-14
Automated Storage Pool Balancing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-15
What is considered to be hot? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-16
Spectrum Virtualize: Easy Tier settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-17
Easy Tier settings summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-18
Easy Tier extent automated movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-19
Extent migration types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-20
Automated data placement plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-22

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2019 xii

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

TOC Easy Tier default settings: Summary notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-23

Easy Tier overload protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-24
Spectrum Virtualize: Storage Tier Advisor Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-25
Advisor Tool download STAT.exe file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-26
Easy Tier STAT CSV files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-27
Iometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-28
Configuring Iometer (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-29
Configuring Iometer (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-30
Heat map files for analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-31
Best Practices: Easy Tier free extents in pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-32
Keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-33
Review questions (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-34
Review answers (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-35
Review questions (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-36
Review answers (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-37
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-38

Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-1

Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2
Spectrum Virtualize: Data migration overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-3
Data migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-4
Data migration concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-5
Facilitating migration using volume extent pointers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-6
Replace storage system or migrate to different storage tier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-7
Import existing LUN data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-8
Reverse migration: Export from striped to image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-9
Removing MDisk from storage pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-10
Data migration options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-11
Pre-requisite for virtualizing existing storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-12
Spectrum Virtualize: Data migration options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13
Migrate volume to another pool (another tier/box) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-14
Volume copy migration is transparent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-15
Spectrum Virtualize: Import wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-16
Image mode volumes overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-17
Migrating existing data using Image mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-18
Importing LUN to MDisk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-19
Perform SAN device discovery to detect MDisk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-20
Importing MDisk to image mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-21
Import as image volume then migrate to striped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-22
Generated commands to import (create) volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-23
Map image volume to host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-24
Migration volume to new storage pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-25
Delete MigrationPool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-26
Spectrum Virtualize: Export wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-27
Export volume from striped to image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-28
Create temporary export pool to match extent size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-29
Export volume from striped to image mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-30
Volume Details: Extents being migrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-31
Spectrum Virtualize: System migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-32
Storage system migration overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-33
Remap host server’s LUNs to IBM storage system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-34
System Migration wizard tasking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-35
System migration verification restrictions and prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-36
Preparing for data migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-37
Preparing host and SAN environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-38
System Migration MDisk (LUN) discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-39

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2019 xiii

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

TOC Select MDisks to import . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-40

Create image type volume for each MDisk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-41
Verify host mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-42
Review and rename image type volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-43
Map image volumes to host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-44
Select pool and create mirrored volume copies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-45
Data migration to virtualize has begun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-46
System migration complete: Managed volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-47
Finalize system migration: Delete image volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-48
Delete MigrationPool_8192 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-49
Spectrum Virtualize: Volume mirroring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-50
Volume Mirror concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-51
Volume mirroring offers better performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-52
Volume Mirroring nondisruptive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-53
Volume Mirroring flexibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-54
Volume copies on different storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-55
Volume Mirror I/O processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-56
Create a (simple) volume Copy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-57
Create a volume mirror using Mirrored or Custom presets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-58
Volume copy created: Sync the two copies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-59
Writes performed on both copies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-60
Mirrored volume properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-61
Volume Mirroring high availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-62
Change volume primary copy (read/write) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-63
Delete volume mirror copy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-64
Transparent to host and user applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-65
Volume Mirroring protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-66
Volume Mirroring summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-67
Benefit of the add/remove MDisks options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-68
Data migration: Review summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-69
Keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-70
Review questions (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-71
Review answers (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-72
Review questions (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-73
Review answers (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-74
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-75

Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-1
Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-2
Spectrum Virtualize Copy Services: FlashCopy (1 of 6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-3
Spectrum Virtualize software architecture: FlashCopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-4
Data consistency after a crash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-5
FlashCopy point in time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-6
Different types of FlashCopy PiT images (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-7
Different types of FlashCopy PiT images (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-8
FlashCopy implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-9
FlashCopy attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-10
FlashCopy process (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-11
FlashCopy process (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-12
FlashCopy full copy process complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-13
FlashCopy: Background copy rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-14
FlashCopy reads/writes: Full background copy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-16
FlashCopy reads/writes: No background copy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-17
FlashCopy: Sequence of events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-18
FlashCopy mapping states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-20
Copy Services: FlashCopy options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-22

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2019 xiv

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

TOC Fast path one-click preset selection (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-23

Fast path one-click preset selection (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-25
FlashCopy event notifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-26
Spectrum Virtualize Copy Services: FlashCopy (2 of 6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-27
Create Snapshot volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-28
Create Snapshot volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-29
FlashCopy mapping details using CLI (no writes) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-30
FlashCopy mapping details with writes using CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-31
Spectrum Virtualize Copy Services: FlashCopy (3 of 6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-32
Consistency groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-33
Create Clone as Consistency Group with multi-select . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-34
Generated commands for both selected volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-35
FlashCopy mappings and consistency group details (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-36
FlashCopy mappings and consistency group details (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-37
Clone consistency copy completed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-38
Spectrum Virtualize Copy Services: FlashCopy (4 of 6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-39
Incremental Backup FlashCopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-40
Create incremental FlashCopy mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-41
Backup preset (full copy + incremental) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-42
Start FlashCopy mapping manually . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-43
Background copy completed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-44
Host I/O operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-45
Example: Source and target content differences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-46
Example: Incremental copy to sync target . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-47
Issue: Data corruption occurs on source volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-48
Solution: Reverse FlashCopy to restore source from target . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-49
Create Clone FlashCopy mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-50
Reverse Flash Copy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-51
FC mappings and rename volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-52
Start FlashCopy PiT copy restore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-53
Monitor FlashCopy progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-54
Source restored: Rebooted host view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-55
Reverse multi-target FlashCopy operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-56
Benefits of backup as consistency group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-58
Spectrum Virtualize Copy Services: FlashCopy (5 of 6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-59
FlashCopy internal cache operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-60
Example: Bitmap space defaults for data replication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-61
Bitmap space and copy capacity (per I/O group) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-62
Example: Bitmap space configuration and usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-63
Spectrum Virtualize Copy Services: FlashCopy (6 of 6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-64
IBM Spectrum Protect Snapshot (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-65
IBM Spectrum Protect Snapshot (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-66
Keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-67
Review questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-68
Review answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-69
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-70

Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-1

Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-2
Spectrum Virtualize Remote Mirroring: Remote Copy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-3
When disaster occurs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-4
Remote Mirroring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-5
Remote Mirroring definitions (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-6
Remote Mirroring definitions (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-7
Remote Mirroring types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-8
Spectrum Virtualize software architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-9

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2019 xv

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

TOC Spectrum Virtualize Remote Mirroring: MM/GM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-10

Synchronous Metro Mirror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-11
Synchronous Metro Mirror communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-12
Asynchronous Global Mirror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-13
Asynchronous Global Mirror operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-14
Global Mirror without cycling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-15
Global Mirror with cycling and change volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-16
Global Mirror cycling mode processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-17
Global Mirror change volume processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-19
Create GM with change volume using GUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-20
Start GMCV relationship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-21
GMCV next cycle progress and freeze time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-22
Relationship view at auxiliary site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-23
Remote mirror components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-24
Write order consistency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-25
Failover and failback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-26
Failure detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-27
Spectrum Virtualize Remote Mirroring: Inter-cluster connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-28
Partnerships using SAN ISLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-29
Long distance SAN ISL partnerships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-30
Inter-cluster zoning for ISL partnerships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-31
Partnerships using Ethernet connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-32
Considering inter-site latency and bandwidth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-33
Inter-site bandwidth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-34
Spectrum Virtualize Remote Mirroring: Partnership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-35
Multi-cluster Remote Copy partnerships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-36
Multi-cluster Remote Copy topologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-37
Requirements for defining a partnership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-38
Partnership code compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-39
Fibre Channel vs IP partnership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-40
Creating a partnership between clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-41
Verifying system availability using CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-43
Creating a partnership using CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-44
Remote volume relationship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-45
Define a MM/GM relationship (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-46
Define Metro Mirror relationship (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-47
Metro Mirror relationship: View from each cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-48
Start relationship mirroring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-49
Relationship background copy rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-50
Relationship synchronization and mirroring suspended . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-51
Relationship resynchronization (out of sync) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-52
MM/GM in consistency groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-54
Impact of disconnected clusters on mirroring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-55
Master after link restore: consistent_stopped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-57
Out of sync indications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-58
Remote Copy replication sequence of events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-59
Copy Services: Supported features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-61
Copy Services configuration limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-62
IP Partnership configuration limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-63
Spectrum Virtualize: HyperSwap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-64
High availability with HyperSwap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-65
HyperSwap volume characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-66
HyperSwap independent failure domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-68
HyperSwap prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-69
Creating HyperSwap volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-70
Keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-71

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2019 xvi

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

TOC Review questions ( 1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-72

Review answers (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-73
Review questions (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-74
Review answers (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-75
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-76

Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-1

Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-2
Administration management: System monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-3
System Health and status alert indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-4
System Event Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-5
System Event Log access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-6
Directed Maintenance Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-7
Directed Maintenance Procedure (Scenario 1 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-8
Directed Maintenance Procedure (Scenario 2 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-9
Directed Maintenance Procedure Example (Scenario 3 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-10
Event notifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-11
Why Call Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-12
Email notifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-13
SNMP notifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-14
Syslog notifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-15
Monitoring overall system performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-16
Administration management: Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-18
IBM Support Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-19
Remote Support Assistance features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-20
Enabling remote support assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-21
Remote Support Assistance user mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-22
Remote Support topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-23
Support Package data collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-24
Standard logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-25
Configuration backup: System metadata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-26
Download config backup file from the GUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-27
Managing the system environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-28
Management IP address redundancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-29
Setting security using Remote Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-30
System licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-31
Preparing for software upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-32
Software upgrade methods: Automatic versus Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-33
Software upgrade improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-34
Launch Update System wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-35
Update System: Running update test utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-36
Update System: Node is taken offline during upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-37
Update System: Partner node assumes I/O operates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-38
Update System: Host path discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-39
Software upgrade improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-40
Update System: Upgrade stall notifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-41
Update System: When upgrade stalls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-42
Update System: Upgrade stalls (Scenario 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-43
Update System: Upgrade stalls (Scenario 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-44
Error event IDs and error codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-45
1300: NPIV port failed to be operational . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-46
1380: Spare node configuration issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-47
3220: Incorrect fabric configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-48
3180: Spare node failback required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-49
System warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-50
Managing Copy Service resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-51

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2019 xvii

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

TOC Refresh GUI Preferences - Login . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-52

Refresh GUI Preferences - General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-53
Clear web browser cache . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-54
Verify management GUI web browser settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-55
Administration management: Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-56
System audit log entries using GUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-57
System audit log entries using CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-58
CLI commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-59
Administration management: Quorum devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-60
Spectrum Virtualize quorum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-61
Types of quorum devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-62
What Problems Does the IP Quorum App solve? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-63
IP quorum over Ethernet networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-64
Active quorum device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-65
Quorum size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-66
Quorum in HyperSwap clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-67
[No title] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-68
[No title] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-69
[No title] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-70
Additional Spectrum Virtualize IP quorum improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-71
Requirements for IP quorum application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-73
Installing IP quorum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-75
Quorum disks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-76
Administration management: Service Assistant Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-77
Service Assistant IP interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-78
Service Assistant interface overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-79
When to use the Service Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-80
Service Assistant Tool related actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-81
Restart system services using Service Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-82
Set node’s service IP using Service Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-83
Recovery loss data using the Service Assistant Tool T3 recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-84
Service Assistant CLI available to superuser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-85
IBM Support with Technical Advisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-86
Best practices: My Notifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-87
Keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-88
Review questions (1 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-89
Review answers (1 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-90
Review questions (2 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-91
Review answers (2 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-92
Review questions (3 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-93
Review answers (3 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-94
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-95

Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-1

Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-2
IBM Storage Insights: Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-3
IBM Storage Insights introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-4
Millions of telemetry data points collected daily from a single device! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-5
IBM Spectrum Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-7
[No title] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-8
IBM Storage Insights product comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-9
IBM Storage Insights Pro comprehensive view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-10
[No title] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-11
Data collector designed for security and efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-12
What gets collected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-13
Deploying multiple data collectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-14

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2019 xviii

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

TOC IBM Storage Insights: Getting started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-15

IBM Storage Insights enrollment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-16
IBM Storage Insights download . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-17
Installing data collector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-18
Supported IBM storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-19
Connecting your IBM Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-20
Complete your storage connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-21
Performance interval, retention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-22
Managing dashboard access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-23
IBM Storage Insights: Storage insights GUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-24
IBM Storage Insight GUI (Dashboard > Overview) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-25
Unified dashboard of the storage environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-27
System detailed view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-28
Dashboard table inventory view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-29
Customizing your environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-30
Monitoring your diverse workloads with Call Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-31
Monitoring your diverse workloads performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-32
Overview of block storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-33
System Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-34
Event notifications – Example 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-35
Event notifications – Event 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-36
Generating problem tickets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-37
IBM simplified ticket workflows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-38
Viewing system properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-39
Viewing inventory information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-40
IBM Storage Insights: Launch Interactive Demo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-41
IBM Storage Insights Demos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-42
Additional resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-43
Keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-44
Review questions (1 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-45
Review answers (1 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-46
Review questions (2 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-47
Review answers (2 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-48
Review questions (3 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-49
Review answers (3 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-50
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-51

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Course description


Course description
IBM Storwize V7000 Implementation Workshop

Duration: 4 days

This course is designed to leverage SAN storage connectivity by integrating a layer of intelligence
of virtualization, the IBM Storwize V7000 to facilitate storage application data access independence
from storage management functions and requirements. The focus is on planning and
implementation tasks associated with integrating the Storwize V7000 into the storage area network.
It also explains how to:
• Centralize storage provisioning to host servers from common storage pools using internal
storage and SAN attached external heterogeneous storage.
• Improve storage utilization effectiveness using Thin Provisioning and Real-Time Compression.
• Implement storage tiering and optimize solid state drives (SSDs) or flash systems usage with
Easy Tier.
• Facilitate the coexistence and migration of data from non-virtualization to the virtualized
• Utilize network-level storage subsystem-independent data replication services to satisfy backup
and disaster recovery requirements.
This course lecture offering is a the Storwize V7000 V8.2 level.


This course consists of several independent modules. The modules, including the lab exercises,
stand on their own and do not depend on any other content.

This lecture and exercise-based course is for individuals who are assessing and/or planning to
deploy IBM System Storage networked storage virtualization solutions.

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Course description

• Introduction to Storage (SS01G)
• Storage Area Networking Fundamentals (SN71G) or equivalent experience
• An understanding of the basic concepts of open systems disk storage system and I/O

After completing this course, you should be able to:
• Distinguish the concepts of IBM Spectrum virtualization.
• Recall the history for IBM Storwize V7000.
• Distinguish the core principles of the IBM FlashCore Technology.
• Classify the characteristics and components of the IBM SAN Volume Controller system and the
SAS-attached expansion enclosures.
• Outline setups required to integrate an Storwize V7000 system solution.
• Compare the characteristics of the RAID and DRAID.
• Summarize the virtualization process converting physical storage space into virtual resources.
• Recall the process to create host access storage on an Storwize V7000 system.
• Differentiate the advanced software features designed to simplify data management, reclaim
storage space, and preserve storage investments.
• Differentiate methods in which to migrate data to and from the virtualized system environment.
• Summarize the methods of remote data replications to improve availability and support for
disaster recovery.
• Employ administrative operations to manage, monitor, and troubleshoot the system.
• Summarize the characteristics of IBM Storage Insights’ ability to identify, troubleshoot and
minimize potential system downtime.

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The following unit and exercise durations are estimates, and might not reflect every class

Day 1
(00:30) Course Introduction
(00:30) Unit 1: Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000
(01:00) Unit 2: IBM Storwize V7000 hardware architecture
(00:00) Unit 3: IBM FlashCore Technology
(00:30) Unit 4: IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage
(00:45) Unit 5: IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions
(01:15) Unit 6: IBM Storwize V7000 system installation and management access
(00:15) Exercise 0: Lab environment overview
(00:15) Exercise 1: Storwize V7000 system initialization
(00:45) Exercise 2: Storwize V7000 system configuration
(00:30) Exercise 3: Configure user authentication

Day 2

(00:30) Unit 7: IBM Spectrum Virtualize storage provisioning

(00:45) Unit 8: IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation
(00:45) Unit 9: IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration
(00:45) Unit 10: IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies
(00:15) Exercise 4: Provision internal storage
(00:15) Exercise 5: Examine external storage resources
(00:45) Exercise 6: Managing external storage resources
(00:45) Exercise 7: Host definitions and volume allocations
(00:30) Exercise 8: Access storage from Windows and AIX
(01:00) Exercise 9: Hybrid pools and Easy Tier

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Day 3

(00:30) Unit 11: IBM Easy Tier

(01:00) Unit 12: IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration
(01:00) Unit 13: IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency group
(00:30) Exercise 10: Access Storwize V7000 through iSCSI host
(00:30) Exercise 11: Volume dependencies and tier migration
(00:30) Exercise 12: Reconfigure internal storage: RAID options
(00:30) Exercise 13: Thin provisioning and volume mirroring
(01:00) Exercise 14: Migrate existing data: Import Wizard

Day 4

(01:15) Unit 14: IBM Spectrum Virtualize remote data replication

(01:00) Unit 15: IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management
(00:45) Unit 16: IBM Storage Insights
(01:00) Exercise 15: Copy Services: FlashCopy and consistency groups
(00:30) Exercise 16: User roles and access
(01:00) Exercise 17: Migrate existing data: Migration Wizard
(00:30) Exercise 18: Easy Tier and STAT analysis

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Unit 0. Course introduction


Unit 0. Course introduction

Estimated time

This unit provides a high-level overview of the course deliverables and overall course objectives
that will be discussed in detail in this course.

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Unit 0. Course introduction


Course overview
This is a 4-day lecture and exercise-based course for individuals who are assessing and planning
to deploy IBM Storwize V7000 networked storage virtualization solutions.


Figure 0-1. Course overview

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Unit 0. Course introduction


Course prerequisites
• Introduction to Storage (SS01G)
• Storage Area Networking Fundamentals (SN71G) or equivalent experience
• A basic understanding of the concepts of open systems disk storage systems and I/O


Figure 0-2. Course prerequisites

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Unit 0. Course introduction


Course objectives
• Distinguish the concepts of IBM Spectrum virtualization.
• Recall the history for IBM Storwize V7000.
• Distinguish the core principles of the IBM FlashCore Technology.
• Classify the characteristics and components of the IBM SAN Volume Controller system and the SAS-
attached expansion enclosures.
• Outline setups required to integrate an Storwize V7000 system solution.
• Compare the characteristics of the RAID and DRAID.
• Summarize the virtualization process converting physical storage space into virtual resources.
• Recall the process to create host access storage on an Storwize V7000 system.
• Differentiate the advanced software features designed to simplify data management, reclaim storage
space, and preserve storage investments.
• Differentiate methods in which to migrate data to and from the virtualized system environment.
• Summarize the methods of remote data replications to improve availability and support for disaster
• Employ administrative operations to manage, monitor, and troubleshoot the system. environment.
• Summarize the characteristics of IBM Storage Insights’ ability to identify, troubleshoot and minimize
potential system downtime.

Figure 0-3. Course objectives

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Unit 0. Course introduction


Agenda: Day 1
• Unit 1: Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000
• Unit 2: IBM Storwize V7000 hardware architecture
• Unit 3: IBM FlashCore Technology
• Unit 4: IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage
• Unit 5: IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions
• Unit 6: IBM Storwize V7000 system installation and management access
ƒ Exercise 0: Lab environment overview
ƒ Exercise 1: Storwize V7000 system initialization
ƒ Exercise 2: Storwize V7000 system configuration
ƒ Exercise 3: Configure user authentication


Figure 0-4. Agenda: Day 1

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Unit 0. Course introduction


Agenda: Day 2
• Review
• Unit 7: IBM Spectrum Virtualize storage provisioning
• Unit 8: IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation
• Unit 9: IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration
• Unit 10: IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies
ƒ Exercise 4: Provision internal storage
ƒ Exercise 5: Examine external storage resources
ƒ Exercise 6: Managing external storage resources
ƒ Exercise 7: Host definitions and volume allocations
ƒ Exercise 8: Access storage from Windows and AIX
ƒ Exercise 9: Hybrid pools and Easy Tier


Figure 0-5. Agenda: Day 2

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Unit 0. Course introduction


Agenda: Day 3
• Review
• Unit 11: IBM Easy Tier
• Unit 12: IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration
• Unit 13: IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency group
ƒ Exercise 10: Access Storwize V7000 through iSCSI host
ƒ Exercise 11: Volume dependencies and tier migration
ƒ Exercise 12: Reconfigure internal storage: RAID options
ƒ Exercise 13: Thin provisioning and volume mirroring
ƒ Exercise 14: Migrate existing data: Import Wizard


Figure 0-6. Agenda: Day 3

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Unit 0. Course introduction


Agenda: Day 4
• Review
• Unit 14: IBM Spectrum Virtualize remote data replication
• Unit 15: IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management
• Unit 16: IBM Storage Insights
ƒ Exercise 15: Copy Services: FlashCopy and consistency groups
ƒ Exercise 16: User roles and access
ƒ Exercise 17: Migrate existing data: Migration Wizard
ƒ Exercise 18: Easy Tier and STAT analysis
• Class wrap-up and evaluation


Figure 0-7. Agenda: Day 4

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Unit 0. Course introduction




Figure 0-8. Lab resources

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Unit 0. Course introduction


• Name
• Company
• Where you live
• Your job role
• Current experience with products and technologies in this course
• Do you meet the course prerequisites?
• Class expectations


Figure 0-9. Introductions

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Unit 0. Course introduction


Class logistics
• Course environment
• Start and end times
• Lab exercise procedures
• Materials in your student packet
• Topics not on the agenda
• Evaluations
• Breaks and lunch
• Outside business
• For classroom courses:
ƒ Lab room availability
ƒ Food
ƒ Restrooms
ƒ Fire exits
ƒ Local amenities


Figure 0-10. Class logistics

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize

Estimated time

This module provides an overview of IBM Spectrum Virtualize, which provides the ability to
transform storage, streamlining deployments, enabling better data value and management in your
physical infrastructure. It also introduces the evolution of the IBM Storwize V7000 enclosures.

How you will check your progress

• Checkpoint
• Hands-on Lab exercises

Implementing IBM Storwize V7000 with IBM Spectrum Virtualize V8.2.1

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2019 1-1

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000



‡ Summarize the concept of IBM

Spectrum Virtualize
‡ Outline the benefits of IBM Spectrum
‡ Recall the history of the IBM Storwize
V7000 storage solutions
‡ Distinguish between the Storwize V7000
Model 724 and the Storwize V7000
Model U7B


Figure 1-1. Objectives

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

• Summarize the concept of IBM Spectrum Virtualize.
• Outline the benefits of IBM Spectrum Virtualize.
• Recall the history of the IBM Storwize storage solutions.
• Distinguish between the Storwize V7000 Model 724 and the Storwize V7000 Model U7B.

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


Define IBM Spectrum Virtualize

• Define IBM Spectrum Virtualize

• Benefits of IBM Spectrum Virtualize
• IBM SAN Volume Controller history


Figure 1-2. Define IBM Spectrum Virtualize

This module provides an overview of the IBM Spectrum Virtualize solutions.

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


Spectrum Virtualize terminology

System Two node canisters in a control enclosure. Up to four control enclosures can be clustered to form one system.

A SCSI logical unit also sometimes referred to as a LUN, virtual disk, volume, virtual volume, virtual drive, or SCSI
Managed disk (MDisk)
disk, built from an internal or served from external RAID array
Physical Flash/Enterprise drives within a control enclosure or expansion enclosure used to create DRAID/RAID
Internal storage
arrays and managed disks

Managed disks that are configured from system-level RAID array or for SCSI logical units (also known as LUNs)
External storage
presented by storage systems that are attached to the SAN and managed by the system

Virtualization refers to the act of creating a virtual (rather than actual) version of something, including virtual
computer hardware platforms, operating systems, storage devices, and computer network resources.

A collection of MDisks providing real capacity for volumes.

Storage pool
SVC/CLI term: Managed disk group (MDG)
A VDisk (sometimes called a LUN, virtual disk, volume, virtual volume, virtual drive, SCSI disk, hdisk<#>, or
drive) served from the system cluster to a host
I/O group The pair of nodes is known as input/output (I/O) group.
Distributed RAID distributes data across a higher amount of physical drives, reducing the load on each individual
Distributed RAID drive from rebuild activity and increase performance as data can be read from/written to more drives for a given
A cluster quorum disk is the storage medium on which the configuration database is stored for a cluster
Quorum disks
computing network.

Figure 1-3. Spectrum Virtualize terminology

This table introduces IBM Spectrum Virtualize terminologies.

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


Complexity of a storage administrator

Configuring SAN for $VVLJQLQJ/81V

best performance WRWKHQHWZRUN

All data Implementing Updating and

storage must high availability periodically testing
be accessible and disaster solutions features
to all users recovery solutions and functions

Diagnose and
address disk
JURZWK performance
issues and disk
hot spots


Figure 1-4. Complexity of a storage administrator

The role of a storage administrator can become more complex every year with the demands of a
growing heterogeneous storage environment. This inherent growth does not change the task that
must be performed, which involves configuring storage arrays so that its capacity can be portioned
off for different purposes.
With hundreds of storage environments to be provisioned, this can be unpleasant and tedious,
which can also result in storage capacity being sealed off-from-use.
A provisioning process requires several steps to be performed in a specific order. Storage has to be
configured for the best SAN performance, such as zoning switches and other network appliances
for optimal performance. All logical unit numbers (LUNs) must be assigned to its required device or
shared across the network. Data must be accessible to the users who need it.
High availability and disaster recovery solutions must be included to maintain the SAN network
environment in the event of partial or catastrophic failure. Once everything has been provisioned
and all the programs and applications are installed, the entire SAN environment must be tested
before sensitive and valuable data is committed to it. These solution features must be updated and
tested periodically to maintain accessibility.
The administrator must also make sure that the SAN environment can accommodate expected
future growth, while diagnosing and addressing disk performance issues and disk hot spots -
making this a never ending job.
Many different storage environments adds complexity to the administrator's job while Spectrum
Virtualize simplifies the environment, making it appear as practically a single storage environment.

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


IBM Spectrum Storage: Introduction

‡ IBM Spectrum Storage family defines the IBM’s approach to Software Defined Storage (SDS)
‡ Software built on proven storage technologies and expertise with simplified management

Agility Control Efficiency

‡ Speed Spectrum ‡ Insight Spectrum ‡ Utilization
Accelerate Control Spectrum Virtualize

‡ Elasticity ‡ Governance ‡ Placement

Spectrum Scale Spectrum Protect Spectrum Archive


Figure 1-5. IBM Spectrum Storage: Introduction

The IBM Spectrum Storage family is the industry’s first software family based on proven
technologies and designed specifically to simplify storage management, scale to keep up with data
growth, and optimize data economics. It represents a new, more agile way of storing data, and
helps organizations prepare themselves for new storage demands and workloads. The software
defined storage solutions included in the IBM Spectrum Storage family can help organizations
simplify their storage infrastructures, cut costs, and start gaining more business value from their
IBM Spectrum Storage provides the following benefits:
▪ Simplify and integrate storage management and data protection across traditional and new
▪ Deliver elastic scalability with high performance for analytics, big data, social, and mobile
▪ Unify siloed storage to deliver data without borders with built-in hybrid cloud support
▪ Optimize data economics with intelligent data tiering from flash to tape and cloud
▪ Build on open architectures that support industry standards that include OpenStack and

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


IBM Spectrum Storage family

IBM Spectrum Control Analytics-driven hybrid cloud data management to reduce costs by up to 73%
Family of storage management
and optimization software IBM Spectrum Connect Fast, easy integration of storage in multiple cloud environments

IBM Spectrum Protect Optimized hybrid cloud data protection to reduce backup costs by up to 53%
Complete VM protection and availability with that’s easy to set up and manage
IBM Spectrum Protect Plus yet scalable for the enterprise
Private, Public
or Hybrid Cloud
Flash Cloud Services Reduces CAPEX, OPEX of multi-vendor block environments through storage
IBM Spectrum Virtualize
virtualization – stores up to 5x more data
IBM Spectrum Virtualize for Real-time hybrid cloud disaster recovery, replication and migration
Public Cloud

IBM Spectrum Archive Fast data retention that reduces TCO for active archive data by up to 90%
Any Storage Rich
Storage Servers
IBM Spectrum Accelerate Enterprise block storage for hybrid cloud deployed in minutes instead of months

IBM Spectrum Scale High-performance, highly scalable hybrid cloud storage for unstructured data

High- Hybrid
Efficient Performance Cloud
IBM Spectrum NAS Easy to manage software-defined file storage for the enterprise
Flexible, scalable and simple hybrid cloud object storage with geo-dispersed
IBM Cloud Object Storage enterprise availability and security

IBM Spectrum CDM Manage copies to increase business velocity and efficiency
Enables rapid deployment of IBM Cloud Private in hours with a pre-tested,
IBM Spectrum Access Blueprint validated IT stack


Figure 1-6. IBM Spectrum Storage family

The IBM’s Spectrum storage family comprises of the following software-defined products:
IBM Spectrum Control - an analytics-driven data management software that is designed to reduce
costs by up to 73 percent.
IBM Spectrum Control provides efficient infrastructure management for virtualized, cloud, and
software-defined storage to simplify and automate storage provisioning, capacity management,
availability monitoring, and reporting.
The functionality of IBM Spectrum Control is provided by IBM Data and Storage Management
IBM Spectrum Connect - fast, easy integration of storage in multiple cloud environments.
IBM Spectrum Protect - optimized data protection to reduce backup costs by up to 53 percent.
IBM Spectrum Protect enables reliable, efficient data protection and resiliency for software-defined,
virtual, physical, and cloud environments.
The functionality of IBM Spectrum Protect is provided by IBM Backup and Recovery Solutions.
IBM Spectrum Protect Plus - complete VM protection and availability with that’s easy to set up
and manage yet scalable for the enterprise.
IBM Spectrum Virtualize - is a virtualization software capable of supporting mixed environments,
storing up to 5x more data.
IBM Spectrum Virtualize is an industry-leading storage virtualization product that enhances existing
storage to improve resource utilization and productivity to achieve a simpler, more scalable and
cost-efficient IT infrastructure. The functionality of IBM Spectrum Virtualize is provided by IBM SAN
Volume , the FlashSystem V9000 and the entire Storwize family.

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000

IBM Spectrum Virtualize for Public Cloud - Real-time hybrid cloud disaster recovery, replication
and migration.
IBM Spectrum Archive - provides fast data retention that reduces TCO for active archive data by
up to 90%.
IBM Spectrum Archive enables you to automatically move infrequently accessed data from disk to
tape so you can lower costs while retaining ease of use and without the need for proprietary tape
The functionality of IBM Spectrum Archive is provided by IBM Linear Tape File System.
IBM Spectrum Accelerate - supports enterprise storage for cloud, deployed in minutes instead of
months. IBM Spectrum Accelerate is a software defined storage solution, using Intel processors
and their attached storage to create a disk subsystem that works like an XIV system. This solution
is designed to help speed delivery of data across the organization and add extreme flexibility to
cloud deployments. IBM Spectrum Accelerate delivers hotspot-free performance, easy
management scaling, and proven enterprise functionality such as advanced mirroring and flash
caching to different deployment platforms.
IBM Spectrum Scale - supports high-performance, highly scalable storage for unstructured data
that scales to yottabytes (YB) of data. IBM Spectrum Scale is a proven high-performance data and
file management solution that can manage over one billion petabytes of unstructured data.
Spectrum Scale redefines the economics of data storage using policy-driven automation: as time
passes and organizational needs change, data can be moved back and forth between flash, disk
and tape storage tiers without manual intervention.
IBM Spectrum Scale, delivered by IBM General Parallel File System (GPFS), or the Elastic Storage
IBM Spectrum NAS - easy to manage software-defined file storage for the enterprise.

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


IBM Spectrum Storage solutions

IBM’s comprehensive set of software-defined storage
delivered across appliance, converged and cloud






‡ Proven technology, open standards, modular adoption

‡ Brings three key components required to begin the transformation of a traditional datacenter to
an agile, cloud-like environment: Visibility, Control, and Automation

Figure 1-7. IBM Spectrum Storage solutions

With the IBM Spectrum Storage Suite, you get unlimited access to all members of the IBM
Spectrum Storage software family with licensing on a flat, cost-per-TB basis. This reduce the
complexity of trying to manage multiple software license and predictable as capacity grows. Each
Spectrum Storage solution is structured specifically to meet changing storage needs.

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


IBM software-defined storage family

Available as software, appliance or as a service in the cloud









All of IBM SDS can adapt to high performance or high capacity needs by leveraging appropriate underlying
storage media – Flash, NL-SAS, or Tape.

Figure 1-8. IBM software-defined storage family

IBM's software-defined storage (SDS) management and optimization software products help with
the challenges of managing your storage environment.
Software-defined storage is an IT advancement automating infrastructure configuration via
software, providing rapid deployment aligned to real-time application requirements. SDS also
allows architects and administrators to take advantage of IBM storage product features such as the
many optimization features of Spectrum Virtualize
In a virtualized storage infrastructure, a software-defined storage architecture is concealed from
users who require a storage volume resource that provides the capacity and performance attributes
that are suited to the application workload they're running.
All resources can then be assigned based on application workload requirements with best-available
resources aligned to business-requirements-based service level policies.
IBM's software-defined storage (SDS) management and optimization software products help with
the challenges of managing your storage environment.
Software-defined storage is an IT advancement automating infrastructure configuration via
software, providing rapid deployment aligned to real-time application requirements. SDS also
allows architects and administrators to take advantage of IBM storage product features such as the
many optimization features of Spectrum Virtualize
In a virtualized storage infrastructure, a software-defined storage architecture is concealed from
users who require a storage volume resource that provides the capacity and performance attributes
that are suited to the application workload they're running.
All resources can then be assigned based on application workload requirements with best-available
resources aligned to business-requirements-based service level policies.

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


Implementation of storage virtualization

SNIA shared storage model v2
‡ Model is comprised of the
following layers Management
ƒ Application application
‡ User of the storage domain
ƒ Storage domain split into: Discovery

virtualization (Optional)
‡ File/record/namespace File/record/subsystem

virtualization and Configuration




file/record subsystem File system Security

(Optional) Auditing
‡ Block virtualization
Block Billing
‡ Block subsystem +RVW
'HYLFH Virtualization Capacity
Block subsystem
Storage devices (disks,etc.)

Data Management

Figure 1-9. Implementation of storage virtualization

Storage virtualization is a term that is used comprehensively throughout the storage industry, as it
can apply to various technologies and fundamental capabilities. Understanding storage
virtualization means knowing what is created. Where does it take place? And, how storage
virtualization gets implemented? Storage virtualization, as defined in the Storage Networking
Industry Association’s (SNIA) shared storage model version 2, represents one of the most
heterogeneous environments integrated in IT infrastructures, with a multitude of different systems
at all levels of the stack. This complexity has become a hindrance to achieving business goals such
as 100% uptime.
The first level of the storage virtualization is “what is created”. It specifies the types of virtualization,
such as file, file system, share, or block device virtualization.
The next level describes “where” the virtualization can take place. This requires a multilevel
approach that characterizes virtualization at all three levels of the storage environment: host server,
network, and devices. An effective virtualization strategy distributes the intelligence across all three
levels while centralizing the management and control functions. This does not reflect the data
storage functions handled by the array, or how the host should control application and its volume
management, or path redirection, path failover, data access, and distribution or load-balancing
capabilities that should be moved to the switch or the network level.

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


Defining IBM Spectrum Virtualize


‡ Acts as target and initiator to process and accept

I/O requests

‡ Virtualization is a technique of abstracting physical

resources into a logical view

‡ Hides the complexity of disparate storage devices

Storage pool

Figure 1-10. Defining IBM Spectrum Virtualize

IBM Spectrum Virtualize supports symmetric virtualization, as it sits directly in the data path of all
I/O traffic, acting as both the target (accepting I/O requests from the host) and the initiator
(processing I/O requests from the storage) prospectively.
Storage virtualization is a technique of abstracting physical resources into a unified view of all
deployed storage devices, both internal and external, by adding an abstraction layer to the existing
SAN infrastructure separating the application servers from the underlying physical storage
In an IBM Spectrum clustered environment, virtualization hides the complexity created by having a
variety of disparate storage devices supporting different tiers of storage from different vendors with
different interfaces and multi-pathing drivers. It collectively manages all storage resources enabling
more efficiency, facilitating balanced use of resources, and other efficiency features across all the
storage that isn't possible with individual disk subsystems by themselves.
With IBM Spectrum Virtualize, businesses can avoid the complexity of storage management with
dependable software that is capable of transforming their storage data, by streamlining
deployments, improving data value, security, and simplicity for new and existing storage
infrastructure. These terminologies are consistently emphasized as IBM Spectrum Virtualize

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


IBM Spectrum Virtualize layer

Adding intelligence to the storage network
Virtualize the I/O stack
on the host

Storage Area Manage the storage pool

Make changes to the Network from a central point
storage without
disrupting host Virtual Virtual Virtual Virtual Virtual Virtual Virtual
applications Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk
Volumes Volumes Volumes Volumes

Node1 Node2 Node3 Node4 Node5 Node6 Node7 Node8

Virtual disks start as images of initial Virtualization Layer
disks. The 1:1 relation is not mandatory
afterward. Managed Disks (MDisks)

IBM HDS EMC NetApp Oracle Sun HP NEC


Fujitsu Nexsan Texas

Storage Pools Xiotech Complellent Pillar
Memory Data
Combine the capacity from
Internal multiple arrays into a single
Disk Subsystem A pool of storage
Disk Subsystem C
Changing genetic profile of storage boxes

Figure 1-11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize layer

An IBM Spectrum Virtualization layer allows minimal hardware configuration of a device’s I/O group
to be connected to the SAN. This includes redundant hardware that runs with dual clustered nodes
providing the advantages to manage storage, independently of the disk systems that are assigned
to it.
Each system is built upon the IBM Spectrum Virtualize software, which supports different tiers of
storage from different vendors with different interfaces and multi-pathing drivers, while maintaining
isolation from the host. The host sees only one device type, one multi-pathing driver, and one
management interface regardless of the number of types of storage controllers being managed by
the IBM Spectrum Storage product.
Considering multiple devices as a single logical pool of storage brings more flexibility than only
allowing users to see storage capacity in a single device. Once you look at storage logically and
provision from the virtualization layer, the constraints of individual devices go away and so do many
potentially wasteful practices.
IBM Spectrum Virtualize spreads virtual disks and their I/Os across all the MDisks in a pool; thus,
balancing use of physical resources in the pool, eliminating hot spots and hot spot management.
This leads to more effective utilization of the storage, better overall application performance, and
better use of administrator time.
IBM Spectrum Virtualize uses image mode which facilitates the creation of a one-to-one direct
mapping between a volume and disk subsystem LUN that contains existing data.
Image mode simplifies the transition of existing data from a non-virtualized to a virtualized
environment without requiring physical data movement or conversion.
This diagram shows the basic function of Spectrum Virtualize, pooling storage from external or
internal storage presented as MDisks to Spectrum Virtualize, then serving up virtual disks, or

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000

VDisks, to host; thus, allowing us to virtualize all the storage. Then other efficiency features can
also be utilized which will be discussed later.

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


Benefits of IBM Spectrum Virtualize

• Define IBM Spectrum Virtualize

• Benefits of IBM Spectrum Virtualize
• IBM SAN Volume Controller history


Figure 1-12. Benefits of IBM Spectrum Virtualize

This module highlights the benefits of IBM Spectrum Virtualize.

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


Transparent disk subsystem replacement

‡ Scale-out clustered architecture

‡ Virtual disks remain constant and online
during physical infrastructure changes
SAN ‡ One host code set
‡ No interoperability issues
Virtual Virtual Virtual Virtual
Disk Disk Disk Disk

Spectrum Virtualize
Virtualization Layer

Oracle HDS EMC NetApp IBM HP

Disk subsystem A Disk subsystem B

Virtual disks remain constant and online
during physical infrastructure changes


Figure 1-13. Transparent disk subsystem replacement

With each release of the IBM Spectrum Virtualize software comes more innovated software
functionality that offers many advanced features for storage virtualization.
The Spectrum Virtualize approach is based on a scale-out clustered architecture and lifecycle
management tasks. Spectrum Virtualize allows for non-disruptive replacements of any part in the
storage infrastructure, including the SVC devices themselves. It also simplifies compatibility
requirements that are associated in heterogeneous server and storage environments.
Therefore, all advanced functions are implemented in the virtualization layer, which allows
switching storage array vendors without impact. This enables the application server storage
requirement needs to be articulated in terms of performance, availability, or cost.
Storage virtualization moves all existing data mapped by volumes in one storage pool of a legacy
storage system to another storage pool in another storage system. The legacy storage system can
then be decommissioned without impact to existing applications.
The entire data migration can happen while the application continues running. The storage systems
can also be from different vendors.

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


Increased availability through SVC mirroring

‡ Mirror across disk subsystems on one SVC
ƒ Enhanced Stretched Clusters
‡ Mirror across SVCs at different sites
ƒ Metro Mirror, Global Mirror, or Global Mirror with Change Volumes, or HyperSwap
‡ Save money on licensing
‡ One SVC license vs. multiple vendor licenses &KDQJH 9LUWXDO

Virtual Virtual Virtual Virtual Virtual Virtual Virtual Virtual

Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Diskv

Spectrum Virtualize Spectrum Virtualize

Virtualization Layer (Mirroring) Virtualization Layer (Mirroring)

Oracle HDS EMC NetApp Oracle HDS EMC NetApp

License $$
Virtualization takes place quickly, efficiently, and in real time

Figure 1-14. Increased availability through SVC mirroring

By using volume mirroring or VDisk mirroring, a volume can have two physical copies. Each volume
copy can belong to a different storage pool, and each copy has the same virtual capacity as the
You can also use VDisk mirroring to mirror data across disk subsystems, or remotely mirror VDisks
to another IBM Spectrum Virtualize system to enhance data availability in case of disk subsystem
failure or site failure respectively.
These functions can be performed using Remote Mirroring features of Metro Mirroring, Global
Mirroring, or Global Mirroring with Change Volumes where FlashCopy is used to create backup of
the Changed Volume. This usually involves systems that are part of a HyperSwap or Enhanced
Stretched Cluster system.
All functions are moved from the storage system into the virtualization layer, which means these
functions will stay constant even if the back-end hardware is eventually upgraded/changed. Instead
of purchasing multiple licenses for back-end storage such as encryption, remote mirroring,
FlashCopy, thin provisioning, and so on, one can just purchase a license on the SVC to provide
these functions, thus saving significant cost.
Bottom-line, virtualization is a process that takes place quickly, efficiently, and in real time, while
avoiding increases in administrative costs.

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


Data reduction technology (1 of 2)

‡ Provides a comprehensive range of data

reduction and efficiency capabilities

‡ Thin provisioning
SAN ƒ Reduced storage cost for allocated but
unused storage
‡ Compression
ƒ Applying algorithms to reduce the
Spectrum Virtualize
Virtualization Layer
capacity required to store a block of
Oracle HDS EMC NetApp

Size: 100 GB
Disk Subsystem B
Storage pools (HDD/Flash)

Significantly reduce storage cost with no

performance impact

Figure 1-15. Data reduction technology (1 of 2)

IBM Spectrum Virtualize software offers a comprehensive range of data reduction and efficiency
capabilities including compression, deduplication, thin provisioning, compaction, SCSI unmap, and
space-efficient snapshots that can be coordinated with IBM Spectrum Copy Data Management
Flash storage benefits immensely from data reduction due to its cost, write amplification and
performance, often reducing the storage and cost by half. Thin provisioning optimize efficiency by
allocating disk storage space in a flexible manner among users based on the minimum space
required by users at any given time. Thin provisioning extends storage utilization and reduce the
consumption of electrical energy as less hardware space is required, and enable more frequent
recovery points of data to be taken (point in time copies) without a commensurate increase in
storage capacity consumption.
Data compression provides storage savings by applying algorithms that reduce the capacity
required to store a block of data. IBM now guarantees an incredible savings rate of up to 80 percent
when you deploy IBM Real-time Compression, provided analysis of the customer data set supports
it, or up to 50% savings without analysis of the customer data. This process enables up to five times
as much data to be stored in the same physical disk space. The goal of compression is to reduce
data footprint.

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


Data reduction technology (2 of 2)

‡ Data deduplication
ƒ Applying algorithms to reduce number of
time duplicated data block are stored

SAN ‡ Data reduction pool

ƒ Ability to free back unused (unmapped, or
DUP data
overwritten) capacity at a fine grain
Spectrum Virtualize
ƒ Using log structured array to sequential
Virtualization Layer stream of compressed data with small
metadata writes mixed through
Data reduction Oracle
ƒ Provides consistent and predictable
Size: 100 GB performance
Disk Subsystem B
Storage pools (HDD/Flash)
ƒ Transparent to host applications

Significantly reduce storage cost with no

performance impact

Figure 1-16. Data reduction technology (2 of 2)

Data deduplication and compression both use in-line compression technology that allows systems
to operate with uncompressed data. Unlike compression that reduces the amount of bits required to
store the data, deduplication eliminates the number of times duplicate data blocks are kept.
Only one copy of a block is kept, while duplicate copies are eliminated (by virtue of intelligent
metadata handling). Deduplication can save a huge amount of storage capacity for applications that
have similar data, or not reduce capacity at all.
Data reduction pools increase existing infrastructure capacity utilization by leveraging new
efficiency functions. The pools enable you to automatically de-allocate and reclaim capacity of
thin-provisioned volumes containing deleted data and, for the first time, enable this reclaimed
capacity to be reused by other volumes. With a new log-structured pool implementation, data
reduction pools help deliver more consistent performance from compressed volumes. Data
reduction pools also support compressing all volumes in a system, potentially extending the
benefits of compression to all data in a system. Data is deduplicated on a pool basis in data
reduction pools.
When deploying IBM Spectrum virtualize products under the Data Reduction Guarantee, IBM gives
organizations two options for how to leverage the program’s advantages. The IBM Flexible Data
Reduction Guarantee option provides capacity savings of up to 5:1 based on analyzing the data to
be stored to determine the data reduction rates that are possible. If that analysis is not feasible, the
IBM Estimate Free Data Reduction Guarantee option provides an effortless 2:1 capacity savings
without collecting data and generating reports. There is no charge for these guarantees and users
can select the option that works best for them.

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


Tiering and Easy Tier

‡ Multi-tier pools
ƒ Moves the data to the right tier
ƒ Improve storage price performance
ƒ Improve application performance with
Virtual Virtual Virtual small investment in flash storage
1024 MB extents
Disk Disk
ƒ Requires a license
Spectrum Virtualize
Virtualization Layer ‡ Single tier pools
ƒ Automated balancing across MDisks in
Flash Cold data
Hot data
Cold data Cold data

Size: 100 GB
ƒ No license required
Enterprise Disk Subsystem B
Storage pools (HDD/Flash)



Figure 1-17. Tiering and Easy Tier

IBM Spectrum Virtualize enables the implementation of a tiered storage scheme using multiple
storage pools through Lifecycle Management, which facilitates the migration of aged or inactive
volumes to a lower-cost storage tier in a different storage pool, possibly a cheaper storage.
Effectively using storage means putting the right data on the right type of storage, and Easy Tier
does this automatically. So frequently accessed data is placed on Flash, while other data may
reside on 15K RPM disks, and infrequently or sequentially accessed data would be placed on near
line storage.
Often most of the I/Os reside on a small subset of the data space, so storing that data on a faster
tier offers a great performance return on the investment in a little flash. For example, it is not
uncommon for 90% of the I/Os to occur on 10% of the data. Data movement is seamless to the host
application regardless of the storage tier in which the data resides.
With Spectrum Virtualize's capability to dynamically add and remove disk subsystems, customers
can purchase flash or nearline storage and implement Easy Tier without disruption to host
In single-tier pools, Easy Tier performs automated storage pool balancing; moving data among
MDisks in the pool to balance I/Os across them when the I/Os aren't evenly balanced. This
balances use of the storage hardware resources in the pool. This facilitates adding or removing
storage from a pool and keeping the I/Os balanced across the storage in the pool. This part of Easy
Tier doesn't require a license.

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


IBM Spectrum Virtualize with pooling

1. Higher (pool) utilization

2. Cross-pool-striping: IOPS
3. Data reduction: free GB

Virtual Virtual Virtual Virtual

Disk Disk Disk Disk

Spectrum Virtualize
Virtualization Layer (Pooling)

Oracle NetApp

Oracle EMC
Oracle HDS


Figure 1-18. IBM Spectrum Virtualize with pooling

Since all disks with various types data are collected in a pool, there is less waste and off-cut. It also
provides wide striping across all disks in one pool increase the performance (IO per second)
As a standard part of the solution are built-in functions like thin provisioning, real-time data
compression and other data reduction technologies - all provide reduction of capacity requirements
for internal and attached storage so that less disk space is required.

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


IBM SAN Volume Controller history

• Define IBM Spectrum Virtualize

• Benefits of IBM Spectrum Virtualize
• IBM SAN Volume Controller history


Figure 1-19. IBM SAN Volume Controller history

This topic recalls the history of the IBM SAN Volume Controller 2145 storage engine, and highlights
key milestones in the storage engine hardware architecture.

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


IBM Systems Flash offerings portfolio for block storage


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Figure 1-20. IBM Systems Flash offerings portfolio for block storage

IBM offers an innovation of high-performance system storage offerings in a wide range of different
types of Flash storage solutions. With a common set of values, IBM Spectrum Virtualize offers
storage solutions in the IBM Storwize V7000 models for entry to mid-range all-flash requirements
with its latest Storwize v7000 Next Gen model featuring Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe)
end-to-end offering, same as the FlashSystem 9100. Each IBM Spectrum Virtualize family member
offers flash-driven application performance, scale-out clustering, simplified management, a flexible
consumption model, storage virtualization, a comprehensive set of enterprise data services and
optional data reduction capability.
The FlashSystem 9100 and the FlashSystem A9000 all use IBM’s FlashCore technology, with
FS9100 using the NVMe FlashCore Module. Although SVC-SV1 is not listed, it is still an integral
part of the IBM Spectrum Virtualize solution using the FlashCore technology.
IBM FlashSystem A9000 has a common set of values with the FlashSystem A9000R, using the
Spectrum Accelerate code to deliver simplified management, large grid scale, enterprise system for
large VDI consolidation, on-premises cloud requiring QoS and multi-tenancy as well as ERP, CRM,
SAP and Epic workloads, and full-time data reduction, and in common with the Spectrum Virtualize
offerings, has a flexible consumption model.
In addition, each flash storage solution:
• Delivers sophisticated capabilities that are easy to deploy and help control costs for growing
• Performance optimized flash solutions to achieve the highest performance across a wide
variety of workloads and environments.
• A strong focus on data reduction to store massive amounts of capacity in a minimum amount of

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000

• Majority of members in this family have cloud-centric abilities to support the shift to multi-cloud
IBM FlashSystem 900 is positioned for clients with the very lowest latency workload requirements,
such as HPC, Analytics or even metadata storage for other applications and data protection
offerings, and can be paired with SVC to drive application acceleration across a heterogeneous
And last but not least, the DS8000 range for business critical, mainframe and multi-site replication
requirements, offering the highest levels of business continuity as well as OLTP workloads.

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


IBM Storwize V7000

IBM Storwize V7000 systems are designed to meet modern high-
performance storage requirements: ultra-low latency, cost-
effectiveness, operational efficiency, and mission-critical reliability.
• Hybrid solution 850mm
• Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) end- (33.5”)

to-end performance and flexibility

• IBM FlashCore technologies
• IBM Spectrum Virtualize
• Multi-Cloud ready
• Extended system capabilities 87.6mm
446.4mm (3.45”)
• Intelligent support with IBM Storage Insights (17.58”) 2U

• Built-in redundancy
• Single 2U platform
39 kg
(86 lb)


Figure 1-21. IBM Storwize V7000

IBM Storwize V7000 has been redesigned as a virtualized, all-flash, powerful end-to-end
Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) hybrid storage system, that combines the performance of
IBM FlashCore technology; built on the efficiency of IBM Spectrum Virtualize; and delivered on a
proven IBM software solution with extremely low latencies to support multi cloud deployments. It
also provides the intuitive of IBM Storage Insights to help optimize your storage infrastructure using
predictive analytics.
IBM Storwize V7000 systems are 19” rack mount, 2U enclosures, loaded with built-in redundancy
and is Storage Class Memory (SCM) capable.
Each enclosure weights approximately 46.6 kilograms (which is 102.5 pounds) fully loaded. The
node canisters weights approximately 14 kilograms each.

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


Storwize V7000 Model hardware characteristics

IBM Storwize V7000
MTM 2076-724 2076-U7B

CPUs per controller Intel 4 x 8 core 1.7GHz

Integrated hardware-assisted compression acceleration
1.1TB 1.1TB
Max System Cache
24 DIMMs slot - cache options from 128 GB (64 GB per canister) to 1.1 TB (576 GB per canister)

Flash Boot M2 Drive One boot drive – per node canister

Inbuilt Host Interface
Eight 10 Gb Ethernet (iWARP) ports standard for 10 Gb iSCSI connectivity
Interface card options Up to three x16 lane PCIe Gen3 I/O adapter features
per canister
(x2) 4-port 16 Gb Fibre Channel (FC)
(x2) 2-port 25 Gb Ethernet (iWARP or RoCEv2) for iSCSI connectivity
(x1) 4-port 12 Gb SAS ports for Tier 1 SAS Flash expansion enclosure attachment
Support for up to twenty-four 2.5-inch NVMe Flash Core Modules (FCM) or industry-standard NVMe flash
Flash Drives
drives, or a intermix of both types.
Power Dual AC power supplies

Figure 1-22. Storwize V7000 Model hardware characteristics

IBM Storwize V7000 system is introduced with two SFF NVMe Control Enclosure models: IBM
2076 Storwize V7000, Model 724 for hybrid configurations, and IBM 2076 Storwize V7000, Model
U7B. The Model U7B is the Storwize V7000 hardware component to be utilized in the Storage
Utility Offering space. It is physically and functionally identical to the V7000 model 724 with the
exception of target configurations and variable capacity billing.
Both Storwize V7000 models are designed to cater to the high demands of today’s data driven
application with NVMe capabilities at the lowest price point.

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


Storwize V7000 machine type 2076 warranty

Storwize V7000

MTM 2076-724 2076-U7B

Warranty 3 Year; 9x5

Services Optional priced service offerings

Miscellaneous All-flash Hybrid All-flash Hybrid

Requires IBM Spectrum Virtualize Software for Storwize V7000 V8.2.0.2,
or later, for operation


Figure 1-23. Storwize V7000 machine type 2076 warranty

The Storwize V7000 models offers three-year warranty, and are customer installed and maintained.
Each system consists of several Customer Replaceable Units (CRUs), such as cables, SFP
transceivers, canisters, power supply units, batteries, drives, and enclosure chassis, with one FRU
(system board only) replacement support by IBM Service Support Representatives (SSRs). Without
a Same Day Warranty Service Upgrade, 2076 models carry a next business day between 9 a.m.
and 5 p.m., Limited On-site - Mandatory CRU. With the Same Day Warranty Service Upgrade,
clients have a choice to have an SSR perform the repair action.

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


Key benefits Storwize V7000 2076-724/U7B

.,236 3%


Extreme Performance Resiliency Extreme Capacity

'53 )&0V

Efficiency Package of guarantees Non-disruptive infrastructure


Figure 1-24. Key benefits Storwize V7000 2076-724/U7B

IBM Storwize V7000 solutions offer innovative all-flash arrays designed to deliver fast, flexible
storage, whether on-premises or in cloud or hybrid-cloud environments, with enough speed to
support today’s virtualization and machine-learning applications.
The key benefits of the Storwize V7000 includes:
• Extreme Performance: Offers up to 750 thousands IOPS support coupled with extremely low
latency with NVMe optimized technology in a single 2U control enclosure. With the added
benefit of Easy Tier and high-speed hardware compression all help to deliver greater
• Resiliency: Full hardware redundancy with 2 nodes per controller, remote mirror and
HyperSwap for high availability configurations. FlashCore technology for greater flash
endurance; Ensure continuous operations, data protection and data security. Extreme Capacity:
With an NVMe-optimized all-flash arrays, Storwize V7000 can provide up to 2 petabytes (PB) of
effective storage in only 2U of rack space. Offers tremendous scaling and performance with up
to a massive 32 petabytes of all flash in a single industry standard 42U rack. Consolidates
different storage, with 440 arrays supported.
• Efficiency: Provides 2.7 times greater throughput than the previous generation of Storwize
V7000. Offers Data Reduction Pools(DRP) with data deduplication and compression providing
25% more capacity, virtualization and pooling to balance use of resources, and EasyTier to
efficiently use different tiers of storage.
• Package of guarantees.
• Non-disruptive infrastructure modernization based on the capabilities of storage virtualization.

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


Storwize V7000 SAS-attached expansions

Delivers internal drives providing flash-optimized tiered capacity solution

12 Gb

Control Expansion
Enclosures Enclosures

IBM Storwize V7000 2076-724 IBM Storwize V7000 2076

control enclosure SAS expansion enclosures


Figure 1-25. Storwize V7000 SAS-attached expansions

With the support of internal SAS-attached enclosures, IBM Storwize V7000 can scale up its storage
capacity to deliver internal drives providing flash-optimized tiered capacity solution. Expansion
enclosures are designed to be dynamically added with virtually no downtime, helping to quickly and
seamlessly respond to growing capacity demands.
IBM SAS-attached expansion enclosures complement external storages offering virtually limitless
scalability, while still maintain high performance and reliability. SAS attached controllers can provide
a cheaper all-flash array solution with or without EasyTier.
When adding the IBM SAS expansion enclosures to the clustered system configuration, the
expansion enclosures must be of the same machine type as the control enclosure it is being
attached to, and running on the IBM Spectrum Virtualize software.
Each control enclosure must also have a 12 Gb PCIe SAS adapter installed. This supports SAS
connectivity between the expansions to the controllers.

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


Comparison between Storwize V7000 models

Storwize V7000 Gen2+ Storwize V7000 Gen3
Models - Control 624, AF6, U7A 724, U7B
Hybrid, All Flash, Utility All Flash, Utility

Models - Expansion 24F,12F,92F Hybrid/ AFF,A9F All-Flash 24F,12F,92F Hybrid

Warranty 3 year 3 year

9X5, NBD / WSU 9X5, NBD / WSU

Install/ maintain Client - CSU Client - CSU

ECS included No No
Software Base SW with features Base SW with features
Clustering V7000 V7000
Min / Max Cache (per I/O Group) 64GB / 256GB 128GB / 1.1 TB

Host Adapter slots 2 2

SAS Expansion 2 SAS Expansion ports 2 SAS Expansion ports
Multi-Cloud Ready Ready


Figure 1-26. Comparison between Storwize V7000 models

When comparing the Storwize V7000 Gen 3 model to the previous generation Storwize V7000
Gen2+, the Gen3 control enclosure provides more powerful hardware that enables storage
capability for more data, more servers, more workloads featuring:
▪ Latest generation Intel processor.
▪ Up to 30% more performance than the Gen2+.
▪ 4x more cache to improve application responsiveness.
▪ Up to 2x number of 10 Gbps Ethernet ports for server and storage attachments.
▪ Protect investments by clustering with older generation hardware.
▪ And, complies with US Federal requirements (CFIUS and TAA) with its overall system

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


‡ Battery modules ‡ IBM Spectrum Virtualize
‡ Control canister ‡ iSCSI Extensions over RDMA (iSER)
‡ Data-at-rest encryption ‡ iWARP (internet Wide-area RDMA
‡ Fibre Channel (FC)
‡ Mirrored Boot Drives
‡ Hardware-assisted compression
• RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE)

‡ IBM Storwize V7000 Gen1 • Real-time Compression (RtC)

‡ IBM Storwize V7000 Gen2 • Real-time Compression Acceleration

‡ IBM Storwize V7000 Gen2+
• Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS)
‡ IBM Storwize V7000 Gen 3


Figure 1-27. Keywords

Listed are keywords that were used in this unit.

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


Review questions (1 of 3)
1. Which of the following IBM Spectrum Virtualize features apply algorithms to reduce the
capacity required to store a block of data?
a. Data Deduplication
b. Thin Provisioning
c. Compression
d. Tier Storage

2. Which of the following IBM Spectrum Virtualize features apply algorithms to reduce the
number of times duplicated data block are stored?
a. Thin Provisioning
b. Compression
c. Data Deduplication
d. Tier Storage


Figure 1-28. Review questions (1 of 3)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


Review answers (1 of 3)
1. Which of the following IBM Spectrum Virtualize features apply algorithms to reduce the
capacity required to store a block of data?
a. Data Deduplication
b. Thin Provisioning
c. Compression
d. Tier Storage
The answer is Compression.

2. Which of the following IBM Spectrum Virtualize features apply algorithms to reduce the
number of times duplicated data block are stored?
a. Thin Provisioning
b. Compression
c. Data Deduplication
d. Tier Storage
The answer is Data Deduplication.


Figure 1-29. Review answers (1 of 3)

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


Review questions (2 of 3)
3. Which of the following IBM Spectrum Virtualize features reduces storage cost for
allocated but unused storage?
a. Data Deduplication
b. Thin Provisioning
c. Compression
d. Tier Storage

4. Which of the following IBM Spectrum Virtualize features offer better performance by
putting hot data on a faster (flash) tier.
a. Thin Provisioning
b. Compression
c. Easy Tier
d. Tier Storage


Figure 1-30. Review questions (2 of 3)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


Review answers (2 of 3)
3. Which of the following IBM Spectrum Virtualize features reduces storage cost for
allocated but unused storage?
a. Data Deduplication
b. Thin Provisioning
c. Compression
d. Tier Storage
The answer is Thin Provisioning.

4. Which of the following IBM Spectrum Virtualize features offer better performance by
putting hot data on a faster (flash) tier.
a. Thin Provisioning
b. Compression
c. Easy Tier
d. Tier Storage
The answer is Easy Tier.


Figure 1-31. Review answers (2 of 3)

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


Review questions (3 of 3)
5. Which of the following SVC storage engine requires the use of the 1U 2145
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)?

6. Which of the following SVC storage engine inherited the nickname of “Big Fat Node”
with this massive design change?


Figure 1-32. Review questions (3 of 3)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000


Review answers (3 of 3)
5. Which of the following SVC storage engine requires the use of the 1U 2145
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)?
The answer is IBM SVC-CG8. Each IBM SVC-CG8 requires the support of a 2145 external
Uninterruptible Power Supply (or UPS) to provide temporary power while the contents of the
SVC cache and cluster information was written to the internal disk drive of each node of the SVC.
6. Which of the following SVC storage engine inherited the nickname of “Big Fat Node”
with this massive design change?
The answer is IBM SVC-DH8. IBM SVC DH8 unveiled the 2U chassis.


Figure 1-33. Review answers (3 of 3)

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Unit 1. Introduction of IBM Storwize V7000



‡ Summarize the concept of IBM Spectrum

‡ Outline the benefits of IBM Spectrum
‡ Recall the history of the IBM Storwize
V7000 storage solutions
‡ Distinguish between the Storwize V7000
Model 724 and the Storwize V7000
Model U7B


Figure 1-34. Summary

Having completed this unit, you should be able to:

• Summarize the concept of IBM Spectrum Virtualize.
• Outline the benefits of IBM Spectrum Virtualize.
• Recall the history of the IBM Storwize V7000 storage solutions.
• Distinguish between the Storwize V7000 Model 724 and the Storwize V7000 Model U7B.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture

Estimated time

The module introduces the hardware components and features that defines the IBM Storwize
V7000 NVMe-attached drive controle enclosures.

How you will check your progress

• Checkpoint
• Hands-on Lab exercises

Implementing IBM Storwize V7000 with IBM Spectrum Virtualize V8.2.1

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview



• Identify the common elements of the

Storwize V7000 control enclosure
• Describe the license features for the
Storwize V7000 systems


Figure 2-1. Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:

• Identify the common elements of the Storwize V7000 control enclosure.
• Describe the license features for the Storwize V7000 systems.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview



• Hardware characteristics
• Virtualize clustering
• Licensing and software features


Figure 2-2. Storwize V7000 : Hardware characteristics

This topic highlights components and features of the IBM Storwize V7000 2076-724.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Storwize V7000
• Specifications:
ƒ Dual Active-Active Array Controllers with NVMe to Flash Media
ƒ Dual-ported SFF twenty-four 2.5-inch NVMe Flash bays
í Supports redesigned 2.5-inch Flash Core Modules (FCM) and standard NVMe flash drives
í Supports intermix of IBM FlashCore Modules NVMe-attached Flash drives of different sizes

‡ *UHHQ 3RZHU/('
‡ %OXH ,GHQWLI\/('
‡ $PEHU )DXOW/('

Front view


Figure 2-3. Storwize V7000

The Storwize V7000, Model 724 is a uniquely designed low rack density, and high performance
control enclosure that is built on the enhancements of the IBM FlashSystem 9100, contains
twenty-four 2.5-inch drive sloys using NVMe interfaces to support NVMe-attached IBM FlashCore
Modules or r self-encrypting NVMe-attached SSD drives as the basis of the storage array, all
compacted in a two-rack unit chassis. An intermix of IBM FlashCore Module NVMe-attached Flash
drives of different sizes can be used simultaneously in ancontrol enclosure. NVMe drives are
supported for use in control enclosures only (not supported for use in the expansion enclosures).
This visual identifies the components located in the front of the IBM Storwize V7000. In addition to
the 24 FCMs, each enclosure front features:
• The drives are accessible from the front of the control enclosure. NVMe Flash bays are
numbered 01 – 24. In addition, each drive has two ports that connect the drive to each canister.
The system automatically detects the drives that are attached to it. These drives are configured
into arrays and presented as MDisks. Each drive slot contains a Green Activity LED and an
Amber Fault LED (also blinks when a drive is being identified to user by software).
▪ Located in on the left bezel shows the Product name, MTM and Serial Number for
identification. It also contains three system LED indicators: Green Activity LED, Blue Identify
LED, and an Amber Fault LED.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Enhanced NVMe Flash Core Modules

‡ SFF 2.5” NVMe PCIe 3.0 2x2 connectivity
‡ Optimized 3D TLC 8DP (3Tb) Flash Card design
‡ Inline, hardware accelerated data-compression
‡ Updated FPGAs for better error handling and
‡ Added read ahead cache enabling improved read
latency on highly compressed pages
‡ Four-plane programming to lower the overall power
during write operations
‡ Variable Stripe RAID (VSR) stripes bad blocks within
each FCM


Figure 2-4. Enhanced NVMe Flash Core Modules

IBM Storwize V7000 FlashCore Modules integrate IBM MicroLatency technology, advanced flash
management, and reliability into a 2.5-inch SFF NVMe supporting PCIe 3.0 2x2 connectivity, with
built-in, performance-neutral hardware compression. Each FCM leverages the advantages of IBM
FlashCore-enhanced 3D TLC storage media that provides greater flash density and storage
capacity than multi-level cell (MLC) solutions. Along with the move to 3D TLC flash, the
purpose-engineered FCMs utilize powerful inline, hardware accelerated data-compression
technology using the Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) within each FCM that provides
consistent, high-performance data compression across the full range of workloads. This approach
allows the FS 9100 to deliver the level of performance that you expect without compression, with
the added benefit of better utilization of the physical storage.
The FCMs have also updated FPGAs for better error handling and recovery. With each FPGA
contains inline speed data compression, providing ultra-fast and always-on data reduction, IBM has
added read ahead cache to enable read latency on highly compressed pages.
IBM also took in consideration of the higher capacity modules generating more power. Therefore, a
four-plane programming was added to reduce the overall power during write operations using the
same power profile as the Storwize V7000.
IBM Storwize V7000 uses enterprise-class, two-dimensional flash RAID technology, leveraging
both the patented Variable Stripe RAID with the enhanced system-level DRAID 6 to deliver 99.999
percent availability. Variable Stripe RAID maintains system performance and capacity in the event
of partial or full flash chip failures, helping reduce downtime and avoid system repairs. System-wide
DRAID 6 with hot spare and dual parity also helps prevent data loss and improves availability by
striping data across multiple drives. These data protection and system reliability features are
backed by a seven-year flash endurance guarantee to deploy in mission-critical environments.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


• All NVMe drives used in the control enclosures are self-
• SEDs comply with FIPS 140-2 as required by some
• Data encryption is completed within the drive – no
impact to performance
• Encrypted drive can be eased using a single command
ƒ Replace the Data Encryption Key (DEK), or reset device to
factory default
• Supports automatic locks of encrypted drives when the
system or drive is powered down
• Drives automatically lock themselves on power loss
ƒ Access key is require at boot time to unlock and allow I/O


Figure 2-5. Self-encrypting drives

The NVMe drives used in the control enclosures are self-encrypting drives (SEDs). The NVMe
drives are designed to support FIPS 140-2 Level 1 encryption3 with IBM Security Key Lifecycle
Manager (SKLM) centralized key management and full hot-swap capabilities. Spectrum Virtualize
allows you to use the SKLM, which uses key servers, to store Master Access Keys (MAKs). The
MAKs are required to read data that is already encrypted on the system, by providing access to the
Data Encryption Keys (DEKs) that are securely stored on the system.
Encryption of data is done in the electrical circuit of the drive without being impacted by
performance issues from software encryption. During write operations, the host I/O travels through
the software stack unencrypted, and is written out to the individual NVMe drives, where it is
Data encryption keys remain on the drive without being stored in system memory. Every encrypted
NVMe array is created with a unique Security ID (SID) as an access key for locking and unlocking
the self encrypting NVMe drive. When the SEDs are powered up, the system retrieves the key and
unlocks the drives. All SEDs in the same encrypted array share the same unlocking key.
An SED can be crypto-erased using a single command, to replace the DEK, or to revert the whole
device to its factory default settings. In addition, the system supports a security feature called
auto-lock, which protects against thieves plugging your drive into another system and accessing
your data. It also, drives automatically lock themselves on power loss, which requires an access
key at boot time to unlock and allow I/O operations. When an SED is locked, no I/O operations are
possible, and must be unlocked to read or write data.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Key facts on NVMe drives

‡ NVMe drive transport protocol is faster than SAS
‡ NVMe-attached drives support multiple queues
allowing each CPU core to communicate directly with
the drive
‡ All NVMe drives are classed as tier0_flash for EasyTier
for performance reasons

‡ All NVMe drives are a no-worries on endurance while

under maintenance agreement
‡ All NVMe drives report temperature and drive health
metrics (introduced in the SV 7.8.1 updates)
‡ FCMs will not throttle on temperature


Figure 2-6. Key facts on NVMe drives

• NVMe is a protocol designed specifically for flash technologies, offering lower latency, and less
complicated storage drive transport protocol than SAS. NVMe-attached drives support multiple
queues so that each CPU core can communicate directly with the drive. This avoids the latency
and overhead of core-core communication, to give the best performance. NVMe multi-queuing
supports the Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) queue pair model for fast system access
to host-attached iWARP or RoCE communications using iSCSI Extensions for RDMA (iSER).
• The local MDisks are classified as tier 0 flash and the drives that uses the NVMe architecture
are also considered Tier 0 flash drives. For EasyTier, Tier 0 flash drives are high-performance
flash drives that process read and write operations and provide faster access to data than
enterprise or nearline drives. For most Tier 0 flash drives, as they are used the system monitors
their wear level and issues warnings when the drive is nearing replacement.
• All NVMe drives are a no-worries on endurance while under maintenance agreement. IBM
offers a flash endurance assurance program intended to help address concerns associated with
using even the most demanding workloads with IBM flash technology.
• All NVMe drives report temperature and drive health metrics (see SV 7.8.1 updates). When a
flash drive has exceeded the temperature warning threshold, the system will identify the flash
drive by this error, and then reported that its temperature is higher than the warning threshold.
• The FlashSystem has an internal mechanism to control the temperature in the specific
operating range and reacts when this range is left.
• FlashCore Modules will not throttle on temperature.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Supported NVMe capacities

Multiple petabytes of effective data storage to form the basic of the
storage array, moving at NVMe speeds to tackle even the most
demanding real-time analytics or artificial intelligence (AI)
applications and workloads



)&07% 7%± 7% 7%± 7% 7%± 7% 7% ± 7%

)&07% 7%± 7% 7%± 7% 7%± 7% 7%± 3%
)&07% 7%± 7% 7%± 7% 7%± 3% 7% ± 3%

190H7% 7%± 7% 7%± 7%
190H7% 7%± 7% 7%± 7%
190H7% 7%± 7% 7%± 7%
190H7% 7%± 7% 7%± 3%


Figure 2-7. Supported NVMe capacities

Storwize V7000 Flash media can easily provide significant amounts of capacity and capacity
savings, either by employing performance optimized hardware compression, or by using Data
Reduction Pools. The first table identifies engineering estimates of potential capacity for the various
FCM sizes and whether deduplication via DRPs is applied to the data. The second table provides
estimates for the NVMe drives. DRAID-6 is assumed. Actual savings will vary. Several factors can
have significant effect on capacity savings including:
• Compressibility of data
• How much data is duplicated within a DRP
• Configuration choice of using DRPs or not
• Configuration choice of using compressed volumes or not, if not using DRPs
• If FCMs are used or not
• The FCM size as compression savings vary among the different sizes
▪ Estimated compression savings for the 4.8 TB FCMs are 4.5:1 while it's 2.3:1 for the 9.6
and 19.2 TB FCMs
Flexibility is built into the Storwize V7000 architecture, you can choose IBM FCMs offering 4.8 TB,
9.6 TB, and 19.2 TB 3D TLC capacity points, or you can opt for industry standard NVMe standard
form factor drives offering 1.92 TB, 3.84 TB, 7.68 TB and 15.36 TB. You can also choose whether
to use DRPs or compressed volumes not in DRPs.
The tables provide engineering's best guidance. However, if you have a good idea of the
compression and deduplication savings, you can create your own estimate of expected capacity by
determining the RAID configuration, its raw capacity, and applying the compression and
deduplication savings. Plan on keeping about 15% of this space free for garbage collection - as

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview

running out of space will lead to an outage, insufficient free space inhibits effective space
This solution provides the ability to grow capacity up to 2 petabytes (PB) of effective storage in only
2U of rack space, depending on the data set characteristics. In an industry standard 42U rack the
FlashSystem 9100 delivers the ability to cluster, scale out, or scale up capacity and performance up
to a massive 32 petabytes of all flash and up to 10 million IOPS. With the added benefit of IBM
Storwize V7000 arrays equip to support NVMe over Fabrics, provides the ability to extend
extremely low latency across entire storage area networks.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Space savings configuration guidance

• Consider the following factors in choosing among the configuration alternatives:
ƒ If expected to use more duplicated data, then you should use DRPs to save space and reduce
í Ability to free back unused (unmapped, or overwritten) capacity at a fine grain

ƒ If the system is configured with FCMs and you expected to use more duplicated data, it's
preferable to not configure compressed volumes
í The FCMs provides inline compression (FPGAs) and offloads to the Storwize V7000 system processors -
insure the best latency

ƒ If a volume contains data that is not compressible, then compressed volumes shouldn't be used


Figure 2-8. Space savings configuration guidance

It's important the administrator monitor actual space savings and keep sufficient free space for
garbage collection and to effectively manage space, as actual space savings may not be as
expected. The system can provide estimated savings for compressing a volume, however, there
are no tools for estimating deduplication savings.
Therefore, you will need to consider the following factors in choosing among the configuration
• If expected to use more duplicated data, then you should use DRPs to save space and reduce
costs. This allows the system to reduce the amount of data that is stored on the storage
systems by reclaiming previously used storage resources that are no longer needed by host
• If the system is configured with FCMs and you expected to use more duplicated data, it's
preferable to not configure compressed volumes. This is because the FCMs provides inline
hardware compress through the FPGAs and offloads to the Storwize V7000 system processors,
which also insure the best latency.
• If a volume contains data that is not compressible, then compressed volumes shouldn't be
used. Not all workloads are good candidates for compression since some data are already
compressible by design. Therefore, you should only implement compression for data with an
expected compression ratio of 45% or higher.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Effective Capacity per control enclosure


)&07% )&07% )&07% 190H7% 190H7% 190H7% 190H7%


Figure 2-9. Effective Capacity per control enclosure

This diagram shows the astounding capacity capabilities of the IBM Storwize V7000 2U system
when using FCMs or NVMe standard Flash drives. For example, when populated with 24 NVMe
FCMs using 19.2 TB each, the system gives you a raw capacity of 460.8 TB. After DRAID-6 and
spare configurations, that leaves you 403.2 TB of Usable Capacity.
When you factor in the FCM’s built in hardware compression (for no performance penalty) with a
guarantee ratio of 2:1, which yields 800 TB of usable effective system capacity. Taking this a step
further with de-duplication to the volumes you provision, you can achieve at least 1 PB and possible
beyond in 2U for almost all workload types.
If you are using standard NVMe Flash drives, you can compress data using data reduction pools for
a 5:1 ratio using the inbuilt hardware compression assist engines in each of the control canisters.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Storwize V7000 interior view

Five (standard) fan CPU 0 encased by Flash Boot M2 Drive TPM
12 DIMM slots (1-12) CMOS
modules 1- 3) (Single shown)

1 DIMM Bank

Three (standard) PCIe3 riser cards

(Slot 3)

supporting up to 3 slots
Midplane connectors

PCIe riser card 3

(Slot 2)
4 PCIe riser card 2

(Slot 1)
5 DIMM Bank
PCIe riser card 1

Battery Backup Five (standard) fan CPU 1 encased by

Module modules 4- 5) 12 DIMM slots (13-24)

Figure 2-10. Storwize V7000 interior view

The IBM Storwize V7000 system is a fully IBM SSR installed product. There are no customer
installed parts.
This interior view of the IBM Storwize V7000 highlights the locations of each component. The
system contains:
• Five fan modules that are standard for each control canister.
• Two Intel processors available in 8-core 2U system.
• Each processor is attached directly to twelve DIMM slots for a total of 24 DIMM slots.
• Single flash boot M2 drive (optional to support dual flash boot drives).
• One Trusted Platform Module (TPM) which is a dedicated microcontroller designed to secure
hardware through integrated cryptographic keys.
• Adjacent to the TPM, is a complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) power cell that is
used to keep the system time when there is no power to the canister.
• Three PCIe Gen 3 riser cards (supporting one adapter each) which are standard installed to
support I/O connectivity.
• Two redundant AC power supplies (not shown).

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Storwize V7000 block diagram

Comms PCIe-3 x16


Dual- UPI
Intel-SP DMI
drives Lewisburg 10GbE
w/ Quick
Assist Technician Port

Technology USB

DDR4 DDR4 Boot

Boot TPM2


Figure 2-11. Storwize V7000 block diagram

This visual illustrates the Storwize V7000 block diagram. Some of the key features include:
• A high performance, scalable PCI Express switching solution that optimizes performance per
watt for the FlashSystem 9100 dual-ported NVMe drive connections, system interconnects and
I/O expansions. It offers lower latency and higher bandwidth to the FCMs.
• The latest series of Intel processor providing scalable performance (SP) with 16 GB/s PCIe Gen
3 lanes, using 128/130-bit encoding. PCIe Gen 3 supports the implementation of higher
bandwidth protocols like 10Gb Ethernet, 16Gb Fibre channel, and 25 Gb Ethernet connections
and beyond – without oversubscribing the bandwidth.
• The Direct Media Interface (DMI) links to the on-board Intel’s Lewisburg PCH, providing a faster
generation of QuickAssist supporting compression assist, and a significant improvement of
bandwidth to support up the four 10GbE integrated ports with Remote Direct Memory Access
(RDMA) capabilities, Flash M2 Boot drives, a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) which can be
used for encryption, and the battery backup unit.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


System-level compression
Control enclosure on-board hardware-assist
FCM in-line hardware compression




2076-724 40 Gb/s

9846-AC3 40 Gb/s = 20 Gb/s pre card


Figure 2-12. System-level compression

Each NVMe Flash Core Module implements data compression and decompression algorithm using
integrated in-line hardware compression. This data reduction feature requires no processor
intervention as it is embedded in the FCM’s Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGAs) and is
“always on.
Compression and decompression are automatically performed on individual logical pages, and are
completely transparent above the NVMe FCMs except for management of space.
FCM in-line hardware will not process data that has been already compressed as part of its normal
workload. Data that is already compressed is analyzed and then written without doing additional
compression. However, storage administrators should not to create compressed VDisks when they
are backed by the FCMs.
In-line hardware compression is faster compared to the existing supported software level RTC
function, providing greater performance as well as cost savings. All manufactured NVMe Flash
drives does not support self-compression.
The Storwize V7000 control enclosure Lewisburg PCH chip provides on-board hardware-assist
compression assist which allows all system volumes and volumes created with in a data reduction
pool (DRPs) to be compressed without any standard Compression Accelerator adapter installed.
With the on-board compression, the Storwize Model 724 provides compression assist of 40
Gigabits per second. The Model 724 compares favorably to the FlashSystem V9000 AC3 Control
Enclosure which offers 40 Gb/s using two compression accelerator adapter cards.
Although both techniques helped in reduced IO bandwidth consumption, and increased capacity of
the underlying storage device, compression in the FCM FPGAs has much less latency than the
compression that is provided in the Intel Lewisburg PCH which is controlled by the Spectrum
Virtualize software.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Storwize V7000 dual CPU

• Dual Intel-SP processor subsystem
ƒ 8-core CPUs = total of 32 cores at 1.7 GHz per 2U
ƒ Scales up to 128 cores per an 8U system (four
I/O groups) &38
• Up to two Intel UPI channels
• Six memory channels
• x16 lanes of PCIe 3.0 (per adapter) and to the PCIe
Switch &38


Figure 2-13. Storwize V7000 dual CPU

IBM Storwize V7000 system features dual Intel-Scalable platform CPUs per controller canister
offering higher per-core performance with eight cores per CPU at 1.7 GHz, for a total of 32 Cores
per a 2U system.
The IBM Storwize V7000 system can also be clustered up 128 Cores per an 8U system, delivering
the highest performance and scalability for compute-intensive workloads across server, storage,
and network usages.
The Intel-SP processors are connected together using Ultra Path Interconnect (UPI) links which
replaces the obsolete older QuickPath Interconnect (QPI) links. Intel-SP offers foundational
enhancements that delivers 50 percent increased memory bandwidth and capacity with six memory
channels for memory-intensive workloads. Expands the I/O capabilities with x16 lanes of PCIe 3.0
bandwidth and throughput (per adapter card) and to the PCIe Switch for demanding I/O-intensive

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Storwize V7000 DIMM slots

• Twenty-four DDR4 DIMM slots per control canister (48 DIMM Bank
DIMMs per enclosure)
ƒ Each CPU supports up to 12 DIMMs
ƒ Supports 16 GB and 32 GB memory capacity
í Memory is installed in specific locations, based upon the memory size
ƒ Shipped standard with 128 GB of cache memory D0 D0
Supported Memory Configurations DIMM Bank
Canister Control DDR4 DIMM CPU 2
Enclosure Use/Canister
64GB * 128GB 4 x 16GB A0
128GB 256GB 8 x 16GB
192GB 384GB 12 x 16GB
384GB 768GB 12 x 32GB
576GB 1.15TB 12 x 16GB
12 x 32GB


Figure 2-14. Storwize V7000 DIMM slots

Each Storwize V7000 control canister system board contains 24 DDR4 DIMM slots, with each CPU
socket supporting up to 12 DIMMs (encased by six DIMM slots per channel on each side). Each
control canister supports 16 GB and 32 GB DIMMs, which can be installed in four distinct memory
configurations of four, eight, twelve, or twenty-four. (Each canister must have the same amount of
memory and the same configuration.) A Storwize V7000 control canister ships standard with four 16
GB memory per canister for a total of 128 GB of cache memory capacity.
Up to 576 GB of memory can be configured per control canister, giving a single cluster the
capability of 1.15 TB of cache using twelve 16 GB DIMMs and twelve 32 GB DIMMs in a 2U
system. This allows the Storwize V7000 2U storage arrays to leverage the performance and
efficiency of more than a terabyte of memory and multiple petabytes of storage, all moving at NVMe
speeds, to tackle even the most demanding real-time analytics or AI application workloads.
Memory capacity will be used for a number of purposes including read cache, the operating
system, deduplication, compression and 12 GB of write cache. Storwize V7000 systems may also
require significantly more DRAM for deduplication and additional persistent storage.
This image shows the location of each DIMM Bank, the DIMM slots and the CPUs. On the system
board, DIMM slots for CPU 2 are a 180 degrees rotation of CPU 1. The DIMM slots are labeled
according to their memory channel and slot; they are associated with the CPU nearest to their
DIMM slots. To maintain consistent airflow and cooling, each DIMM slot must contain either a
memory module or a filler blank.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


DIMM memory population for CPU 1

DIMM locations and memory configurations
DIMM slot Configuration of DIMMs and blanks
DIMM Bank 1
F0 16 GB 32 GB
F1 16 GB
E0 16 GB 16 GB 32 GB
E1 16 GB

D0 16 GB 16 GB 16 GB 32 GB
D1 16 GB
DIMM Bank 2
A1 16 GB
A0 16 GB 16 GB 16 GB 32 GB
B1 16 GB
B0 16 GB 16 GB 32 GB
C1 16 GB
C0 16 Gb 32 GB

Figure 2-15. DIMM memory population for CPU 1

Each memory channel has 2 DIMM slots, numbered 0-1. For example, DIMM slots A0 and A1 are in
memory channel A. This chart indefinites the DIMM slots on the system board that are encased by
CPU 1, defining the assigned slot numbers, and the DIMM size population rules.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


DIMM memory population for CPU 2

DIMM locations and memory configurations
DIMM slot Configuration of DIMMs and blanks
DIMM Bank 3
C0 16 GB 32 GB
C1 16 GB
B0 16 GB 16 GB 32 GB
B1 16 GB

A0 16 GB 16 GB 16 GB 32 GB
A1 16 GB
DIMM Bank 4
D1 16 GB
D0 16 GB 16 GB 16 GB 32 GB
E1 16 GB
E0 16 GB 16 GB 32 GB
F1 16 GB
F0 16 Gb 32 GB

Figure 2-16. DIMM memory population for CPU 2

This chart indefinites the twelve DIMM slots on the system board that are encased by CPU 2,
defining the assigned slot numbers, and the DIMM size population rules.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Storwize V7000 M2 Flash Boot drive

• Supports dual internal 120 GB M2 Flash Boot
drives per node canister
ƒ Storwize V7000 Model 724 is shiped with a
single Flash Boot Drive per node canister
í Can be upgraded two M2 Flash Boot drives

ƒ Used during Emergency Power-Loss to store 6LQJOHERRWGULYH

the system write cache and cluster state data
ƒ Used to store the Software Image and log files
for data capture



Figure 2-17. Storwize V7000 M2 Flash Boot drive

IBM Storwize V7000, Model 724 node canister contain a single 120 GB M2 internal boot drive with
the option to add an addition boot drive.
In the event of a node power failure, the integrated batteries will maintain the node power long
enough to save hardened data to the single or dual boot drives. This functionality is referred to as a
Fire Hose Dump (FHD), allowing the system to quickly stripe non-volatile system data (such as
write cache) to the boot drives for full system restore when power is returned. As an additional
feature, the dual Flash boot drives will mirror partitions for higher resiliency. Order of insertion is
important, as the single boot drive must be in Slot 1 for the system to boot.
In the event catastrophic node failure, in which there is a total boot drive failure (dual or single boot
drive), the node will fail to boot entirely. However, because there are two active-active nodes in the
IO Group and with NPIV is enabled by default, the partner node gets the virtual ports from the failed
canister and maintains system IO operations. Note that cache is disabled when the system is not
running redundantly.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Storwize V7000 battery module

• Each node canister contains one internal
battery module
• Allows systematic shutdown in the event of a
loss of system power or node failure
• Battery is maintained in a charged state by
the battery subsystem
ƒ Can withstand two power failures

• Maintains power to allow node to write

volatile data to the Flash boot drive(s)


Figure 2-18. Storwize V7000 battery module

Each Storwize V7000 node canister in a system contains a battery module that function as a UPS
to provide sufficient power to the node canister to allow a systematic shutdown in the event of a
loss of power from the electrical utility.
The battery is maintained in a charged state by the battery subsystem. In this state, the battery can
save critical data and state information in two back-to-back power failures. This means that the
node canister can start immediately after the first power failure without waiting to recharge. After
rebooting, if the battery does not have enough charge for a node to save its internal state, the node
remains in service until the battery is charged sufficiently. The batteries periodically recondition to
maintain an accurate calibration of the full charge capacity of the battery. If the power to a node
fails, the node can write its configuration state and cache state to its internal boot drive(s) using the
power provided by the battery.
If both battery modules in the enclosure are not healthy or sufficiently charged, and if one battery is
removed and the still-installed battery is not healthy or sufficiently charged, the entire system is
placed in a service state. All I/O stops and there is no access to the data. This is a data-access
event, not a data-loss event.
To display information about the battery in the command-line interface, use the
lsenclosurebattery command.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Battery module lifespan

• Battery has a lifespan of 5 years
• Each battery provides power only for the canister
in which it is installed
• Approximately every 3 months Event log
provides notification on reconditioning and
ƒ Reconditioning is rescheduled or canceled if the
system loses redundancy
• When battery capacity is below the planned
threshold the system reports it End-of-life Every 3 month
• System Event log provides notification messages recalibration
every 120-240 days prior to End-of-life


Figure 2-19. Battery module lifespan

The lifespan of each battery modules is approximately five years. The lifespan might be consumed
in less than five year depending on how often the battery modules are used during system
shutdowns, with a two year shelf life. The system Event Log will provide notification messages 120
or 240 days prior to the end-of-life date.
Approximately every 3 months and depending on the number of discharge cycles, each battery is
automatically reconditioned to measure the battery capacity. Batteries in the same enclosure are
not reconditioned within two days of each other. As a battery ages, it loses capacity. When a battery
no longer has capacity (which is below the planned threshold) to protect against two power loss
events, it reports the battery End Of Life event and it should be replaced.
Each battery provides power only for the canister in which it is installed. If a battery fails, the
canister goes offline and reports a node error. The single running canister destages its cache and
runs the I/O group in write-through mode until its partner canister is repaired and online. The
system sends an event log notification that a battery needs reconditioning or recalibrating.
However, reconditioning is rescheduled or canceled if the system loses redundancy. The
reconditioning feature is automatically disabled. The customer must enable it to provided
reconditioning or recalibration of the IBM FlashSystem 9100. The default is OFF and there is no
change during a code upgrade. All IBM Storwize V7000 systems are set to OFF during
manufacture. After the machine is installed, the battery must enabled for reconditioning by setting
the option to ON.
To access information about the battery in the management GUI, select Monitoring > System. On
the System - Overview page, click the directional arrow next the enclosure that contains the battery
module. On the Enclosure Details page, select Battery Module under Internal Components to
display information about the battery module. To display information about the battery in the
command-line interface, use the lsenclosurebattery command.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Storwize V7000 fan modules

• Each Storwize V7000 Model control canister
contains five, dual-motor fan modules
ƒ Enclosed within each control enclosure
ƒ Each fan module contains two speed-controlled
N+1 redundant fan units
ƒ Fan modules are numbered left to right 1 – 5
í All five fans must be installed at all times
ƒ Not hot-swappable
í Node power-down required


Figure 2-20. Storwize V7000 fan modules

The image highlights a close-up image of the Storwize V7000 control canister fan modules.
To maintain system cooling, each Storwize V7000 controller canister utilizes five integrated
dual-motor fan modules and a connecting cable to plug onto the motherboard. Each fan module is
a speed-controlled N+1 redundant fan unit that provides counter-rotating speed.
The five FRU fan modules are housed within a fan cage (also referred to as fan banks) which is
covered by an air baffle to help moderate the airflow. Fan modules are numbered from left side of
the bezel 1 through 3 to the right side of bezel 4 through 5 (from the front view of the chassis).
Fan modules are not hot-swappable components that can be removed while system is in operation.
To remove a fan, the node must be powered off to prevent the hosts from losing access to data in
volumes. This will ensure that the partner node in the I/O group takes over all I/O group operations.
Air flow through the canisters is channeled through the fans by an air dam that runs the width of the
canister and is interspersed with each fan module. Louvres on the rear of the module are free to
open under the pressure of the expelled air, and close under gravity to prevent backflow if a fan

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Storwize V7000 power supplies

• Dual 2000-watt AC auto-sensing PSUs
ƒ Redundant configuration
ƒ PSU1 (left) and PSU2 (right)
ƒ PSU is seated on a power interposer 3RZHU
System element Specification
Voltage range 200-240 VAC
Frequency 50 – 60 Hz
Airflow path Front-to-rear VXSSO\LVFRQQHFWHGWRVHSDUDWH836

Heat dissipation (BTU per hour) 6825

5°C to 35°C (41°F to 95°F) from 0 to 3048 m (0

Operating to 10,000 ft). Above 900 m, de-rate maximum
air temperature 1 degree per 300 m

Nonoperating 1°C to 50°C (34°F to 122°F)

Acoustical noise emission 8.1 bels (idling), 8.1 bels (operating)


Figure 2-21. Storwize V7000 power supplies

The Storwize V7000 control enclosure includes dual redundant 2000-watts AC high efficiency
power supply units (PSU) that are located on the rear of the unit. The power supplies are vertically
positioned with PSU1 on the left side of the enclosure and PSU2 on the right. These power supplies
are auto-sensing and can be connected to 200-240 Voltage AC.
Each power supply is seated on a power interposer that forms part of the PSU slot and help fills the
space between the PSU and the midplane connection. The blue colored touch point on the each
PSU and the power interposer indicates that it is warm-swappable component (meaning one at a
time). In the event of a power supply failure, do not operate the enclosure without a power
interposer and PSU in a PSU slot for longer than 5 minutes. Operating for longer than this period
might cause the control enclosure to shut down due to overheating. As long as one power supply is
functional, a failed power supply can be replaced without software intervention by following the
directed maintenance procedure while the unit is still in operation.
There are various power cables available for regional main outlets, and two different PDU
connector cables are available for connection to 10 amp or 16 amp PDU outlets.
Each power supply has three status indication LEDs, two green and one amber reporting its health
The system airflow is from the front to the rear of each enclosure. The airflow passes between drive
carriers as it is drawn through the control enclosure by fans in each node canister and each power
supply. With the combined power and cooling modules air is exhaust from the rear of each canister.
To display information about the PSU in the command-line interface, use the lsenclosurepsu

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Storwize V7000 control enclosure rear connectors

• Control canister 1 installed in the top slot at 180ஈ rotation
• Control canister 2 installed in bottom slot

Slot 3 Slot 2 Slot 1

Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3

PSU (1) Interface Card VGA PSU (2)

Tech Port Port USB 3.0
Slots (3)
Ports (2)
10GbE Ports (4)
On Board Ethernet Ports per canister Speed Function

1 10 GbE Management IP, Service IP, Host IO

2 10 GbE Secondary Management IP, Host IO
3 10 GbE Host IO
4 10 GbE Host IO
Technician 1 GbE Technician Port – DHCP/DNS for direct attach service management

Figure 2-22. Storwize V7000 control enclosure rear connectors

The IBM Storwize V7000 control enclosure rear view offers multiple external connectors for data,
video, and power components.
• Each control enclosure contains two power supply units (PSUs) for normal operation.
• Dual control canisters: Control canister 1 installed in the top slot at 180ᵒ rotation and control
canister 2 installed in bottom slot. Therefore the slots and ports on control canister 1 are
numbered right to left and control canister 2 slots and ports are numbered left to right.
• Each control canister features:
▪ Up to three 16 lane PCIe Gen3 I/O slots per node (via riser cards) for a total of six active
host I/O adapters.
▪ There are also a number of port connectors that are used during normal operation for
service procedures:
- Total of eight 10 Gb Ethernet ports standard with Ports 3 and 4 used for 10 Gb iSCSI
Host I/O connectivity. On each node canister, Port 1 must be used for system
management IP and Service IP services. Port 2 can be used for a secondary
management IP.
- One 1 Gb Ethernet port for service technician also referred to as the Technician Port to
support DHCP/DNS for direct attach service management. You should connect to the
Technician port only when you are directed to do so by a service procedure or by an IBM
service representative. Ethernet cables are not supplied as part of your order. Ensure
the cables used meet the minimum standards for the Ethernet port type of the switch.
- One VGA video port
- Two rear USB 3.0 ports.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview

- And, a host of rear-panel indicators that consist of LEDs to indicate the status of the
Fibre Channel ports, Ethernet connection and activity, power, and electrical current.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Technician port
• Required for service access and cluster initialization
• Only possibility to reset superuser password (can be disabled)
• Do not connect to network (switch) infrastructure
• Supports auto-negotiation and Auto-MDI-X (cross-cable is
• Provides DHCP addresses to connected computer and
responds to every URL entered
• Only superuser can log in to service menu
• Independent of configured service IP
• USB key based actions are still supported


Figure 2-23. Technician port

The purpose and key benefit of the Technician port is to simplify and ease the initial basic
configuration of the Spectrum Virtualize system by the local administrator or by service personnel.
This port runs a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server to facilitate
service/maintenance out-of-the-box. The Technician port (T-port) is a dedicated port that is marked
with a T (Ethernet port 4).

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Storwize V7000 PCIe3 interface

Number of Cards Ports Protocol Possible Slots

0–3 4 16Gb Fibre Channel 1, 2

0–3 2 25Gb Ethernet (iWARP) 1, 2
0–3 2 25Gb Ethernet (ROCE) 1, 2
0–1 4 (only 2 ports active) 12Gb SAS Expansion 3

Slot 3 Slot 2 Slot 1

Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3


Figure 2-24. Storwize V7000 PCIe3 interface

IBM Storwize V7000 scales I/O by adding adapters via 6 adapter slots using low profile PCIe Gen3
riser cards (three per canister). The number of host connections vary, depending on the adapter
types and quantities installed. The following Storwize V7000 PCIe adapters quantities are
supported on the 2076-724/U7B control enclosure (other V7000 models vary in the quantity of
adapter slots and supported adapters):
A maximum of four 4-port 16 Gbps Fibre Channel adapters can be using slots 1 and 2 in both
nodes. With a 4-port 16 Gb FC adapter, the Storwize V7000 node provides link speeds of 2, 4, 8
and 16 Gb, offering high throughput. A maximum of four 2-port 25 Gb Ethernet host interface
adapters that use either the RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) networking protocol or the
iWARP (Internet Wide-area RDMA protocol) networking protocol using slots 1 and 2 in both nodes.
The IBM Statement of Direction (issued February 2018), states the Storwize V7000 16 Gbit Fibre
Channel and 25 Gbit Ethernet hardware for host interfaces are NVMe-oF ready.
Customers also have the option to support iSCSI host connection using the rear 10 Gbps Ethernet
ports 1 through 4 on each node.
A maximum of two 2-port 12 Gb SAS Expansion Enclosure Attach Card can be installed using only
slot 3 in both nodes. This is a 4-port card with only 2 ports active. The 12-Gb SAS adapter
supports IBM attached SAS 2U and 5U expansion enclosures.
The system also includes an integrated hardware-assisted compression acceleration processor to
offload compression and deduplication. A minimum quantity of one 16 Gb FC adapter feature or
one 25 Gb Ethernet adapter feature is required. A filler must be installed in all unused PCIe slots.
PCIe population must be identical in both node canisters within a control enclosure.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


‡ 32 Gb Fibre Channel adapter PCIe3 x8 2-port LP adapter
‡ Improved bandwidth performance with a maximum of 56 Gbps
‡ Improved in read/write latency over 16Gb adapters

‡ Backward and Interop Compatibility

‡ Connects to 32Gb FC, 16Gb FC, and 8Gb FC switch port over fabric
‡ Direct attach topology would be supported for SCSI Initiator/Target/Clustering function


Supported Supported adapters/node ports/node
V5100 Yes No 1 4
V7000 Gen3 Yes Yes 2 8
FS9110 Yes Yes 3 12
FS9150 Yes Yes 3 12

Figure 2-25. IBM Spectrum Virtualize 32 Gb adapter support

IBM Spectrum Virtualize Storwize V5100, Storwize V7000 Gen3, FlashSystem 9110 and
FlashSystem 9150 supports a 32 Gb Fibre Channel adapter PCIe3 x8 2-port LP adapter that uses
SR optics. Each port can provide up to 32 Gb Fibre Channel functions simultaneously, offering
maximum bandwidth performance of 56 Gb per seconds, and offers improved read/write latency
over 16 Gb adapters. The adapter can be used in either a x8 or x16 PCIe slot in the system.
The 32 Gb adapter delivers enhanced performance with up to 2.6 million IOPS (650 K per port) and
up to 24,000 MB/s of aggregate throughput, and providing unsurpassed reliability and resiliency. It
provides advanced storage networking features, capable of supporting the most demanding
virtualized and private cloud environments, while fully using the capabilities of high-performance
FC, all-flash arrays, and demanding enterprise applications
Each port provides single initiator capability over a fiber link or with NPIV, multiple initiator
capabilities is provided. The 32 Gb adapter can connect to 32 Gb, 16 Gb FC, and 8 FC port speeds
over fabric.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


IBM SAS Expansion Enclosure Attach Card

• IBM Storwize V7000 supports flash-optimized tiered storage configuration for mixed
workloads with IBM SAS standard and high-density expansion enclosure Models
• Each control enclosure requires a 4-port IBM SAS Expansion Enclosure Attach adapter
ƒ Only port 2 is used

SAS cables
1.5 m 12 Gb SAS Cable (mSAS HD)
3 m 12 Gb SAS Cable (mSAS HD)
6 m 12 Gb SAS Cable (mSAS HD)

IBM Storwize V7000 SAS expansion enclosures


Figure 2-26. IBM SAS Expansion Enclosure Attach Card

IBM Storwize V7000 supports flash-optimized tiered storage configuration for mixed workloads with
the optional 2076-12F, 2076-24F, 2076-92F SAS expansion enclosures. A 4-port SAS Expansion
Enclosure Attach Card must be installed in port 2. This feature is used to attach up to two
expansion SAS standard or high-density expansion enclosures to an Storwize V7000 controller.
The 12 Gb SAS ports interconnect and transport protocol that defines the rules for information
exchange between all enclosures to include external devices that are connected to the cluster. The
4-port SAS card does not support connection to Storwize V7000 or SAN Volume Controller
expansion enclosures.
The table lists the available 12Gb SAS cables options available to attach the Storwize V7000
controllers to the SAS expansions are connected by using the IBM 1.5 m, 0.3 m, 0.6 m 12 Gb SAS
Cable (mSAS HD to mSAS).

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Port numbering and WWPN assignment

• WWPNs values are assigned as follows: 5005076810<P>XXXX
ƒ 5 - the IEEE Network Address Authority field format number (identifies registered port name)
ƒ 005076 - the Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) for IBM
ƒ 810 - the product unique identifier for an Slot
Adapter Port
FS 9100 control enclosure Numbers
1 1 500507681011xxxx
ƒ <SP> - the adapter slot/port ID number 1 2 500507681012xxxx
ƒ XXXX - a unique number for each control 1 3 500507681013xxxx
canister in the system 1 4 500507681014xxxx
2 1 500507681021xxxx
... 500507681034xxxx





Figure 2-27. Port numbering and WWPN assignment

The Storwize V70000 control enclosure use the 80c product ID that includes the standard
worldwide node name (WWNN) and the worldwide port names (WWPN). The Fibre Channel (FC)
port numbers and worldwide port names (WWPNs) depend on the type of adapters that are
installed in the control enclosure.
The image shows the FC port numbers for the Storwize V70000 control enclosure. You can identify
port number to the WWPN that is listed in the table.
The WWPNs values are assigned as follows: 5005076810<P>XXXX
• 5 The IEEE Network Address Authority field format number. This value identifies a registered
port name.
• 005076 The Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) for IBM.
• 810 The product unique identifier for an Storwize V70000 control canister.
• <SP> The adapter slot/port ID number.
• XXXX A unique number for each Storwize V70000 control enclosure in the system.
Note that the XXXX value is based on the control enclosure WWNN which can be set via the
Service Assistant GUI or via the satask chvpd command when replacing a control enclosure, so
that the SAN zoning doesn't have to be changed when a control enclosure is replaced. Further
when FC adapters are replaced, they will pick up the WWPNs used by the previous adapters,
based on the node WWNN.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Storwize V7000 communication types

Communications type Host to node Node to storage system Node to Node

Fibre Channel SAN Yes Yes Yes

iSCSI 10 GbE Yes Yes No
iSCSI 25 GbE Yes Yes No
iSER 25 GbE Yes Yes No

‡ All fabric types can be used at the same time

‡ FCoE is not support


Figure 2-28. Storwize V7000 communication types

This table identifies the fabric types that can be used for communicating between host to node,
node to storage system, and node to node systems. These fabric types can be used at the same
time. Note that iSCSI runs at all speeds, whereas the RoCE and iWARP only at 25 Gb.
The latency for these iSER interface is a bit lower than for Fibre Channel, however, new clients who
are looking to set cloud connectivity requirements are more likely to go for iSER Ethernet based
IBM Storwize V70000 does not support Fiber Channel over Ethernet.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview



• Storwize V7000 Model 2076-

724/U7B overview
• Hardware characteristics
• Virtualize clustering
• Licensing and software features


Figure 2-29. Storwize V7000 : Hardware characteristics

This topic highlights components and features of the IBM Storwize V7000 2076-724.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


IBM Storwize V7000 storage virtualization

Redundant, modular, and scalable solution


Managed Disks are clustered resources


Figure 2-30. IBM Storwize V7000 storage virtualization

IBM Storwize V7000 uses the same virtualization as the other IBM Spectrum Storage built on the
IBM Spectrum Virtualize software. The Storwize V7000 system functions as a software-defined
storage virtualization layer between hosts and storage arrays, isolating application servers from
having direct associations with the physical storage systems. Internal storage and external storage
are configured as MDisks (Managed Disks) and placed in pools (also known as managed disk
groups) for balancing use of those resources. Virtual Disks or Volumes (or VDisks) are created from
the pools and presented to attached hosts, virtualizing the storage resources. Therefore, as the
central configuration point, all input/output (I/O) must flow through the Storwize V7000 virtualization
A single Storwize V7000 can scale its resources, each paired with external storages, networking,
virtualization, and management for a single infrastructure system solution. Storwize V7000 uses an
in-band approach to provide block-level aggregation and volume management for all storages
within the SAN, enabling enterprises to centralize storage provisioning with a single point of control.
This inline (or gateway) virtualization approach also allows for non-disruptive replacements of any
part in the storage infrastructure, including the node canisters themselves for a redundant, modular,
and scalable solution.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Storwize V7000 scaling beyond

Common Look and Feel, Centralized Management
Shared Functions & Simplicity
Virtualized storage


Cluster-Style Control and Scalability Easy Tier

External Virtualization External


‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ Protection
‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ Extensive Interoperability Support – 440+
‡ Added value to legacy systems

‡ Enables multi-vendor strategies

‡ Rich set of shared heterogeneous data services


Figure 2-31. Storwize V7000 scaling beyond

IBM Storwize V7000 is a scalable solution that can be configured as a single or multi-clustered
solution to scale up to add more capacity and scale out for more performance and capacity to
expand virtualized system. You can scale storage capacity by using either SAS-attached
SSDs/HDDs or external storage controllers/systems.
IBM Storwize V7000 uses the IBM Spectrum Virtualize, which the system foundation that provides a
rich set of shared enterprise-class data services with extensive interoperability support to over 440
heterogeneous storage arrays from multiple vendors. All attached storage enclosures to the IBM
Storwize V7000 system deliver IBM Spectrum Virtualize enterprise-class, advanced storage
capabilities and advanced data services.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


• Up to 4 I/O groups can be clustered into one logical system to scale workload
ƒ Storwize V7000 can cluster with V7000 Gen2+, FlashSystem 9100 and SVC-SV1/DH8 control
í Provides no hardware upgrade path – only data migration path
ƒ Fibre Channel or Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE), or iSCSI is required
í Control enclosures require Ethernet connections for Spectrum Virtualize management
í Same level of Spectrum Virtualize code is required on all cluster I/O groups (except during upgrades)
ƒ Intermixing FlashSystem V9000 with Storwize V7000 are not supported
ƒ A Spectrum Virtualize cluster, can virtualize another cluster behind it as external storage
ƒ Cluster across sites:
í Enhanced Stretched Cluster SAN Fabric
í Remote mirroring across sites
í HyperSwap Clustered


Figure 2-32. Different ways to cluster an IBM Spectrum Virtualize system

There are several ways to cluster an IBM Spectrum Virtualize system such as the IBM Storwize
V7000. One way is create a cluster with 4 I/O groups, which is a maximum of 8 node. Another is to
virtualize one Spectrum Virtualize system cluster behind another. And then the last way is remote

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Storwize V7000 scaling for performance and capacity

Up to 6 12Fs
Up to 8 AE3 Up to 20 24Fs Up to 8 92Fs
Up to 4 92Fs

(adds capacity)
Up 32 PB capacity effective with hardware compression

1X 2X 3X 4X
6FDOHRXW(add controller, capacity, and performance)


Figure 2-33. Storwize V7000 scaling for performance and capacity

Each I/O group has its own bandwidth limits (in both MB/s and IOPS) and to scale workload, one
simply adds up to a total of 4 I/O groups. Workload can be moved from one I/O group to another to
balance the workload across I/O groups.. Bandwidth is also affected by the number and types of
adapters in the I/O groups.
The nodes in the I/O groups might have different performance bandwidths, thus offering customers
a range of performance options.
The Storwize V7000 can deliver internal storage resources with the attachment of flash, SAS, and
NL-SAS in 2U and 5U expansion enclosures. External storage systems such as the IBM
FlashSystem 900 all-flash storage enclosure, can provide fast and resilient to minimize latency by
using IBM FlashCore hardware-accelerated architecture, IBM MicroLatency modules. Regardless
of the configuration, a single optimized array can provide a maximum up to 32 PB of effective
storage in only 2U system with the attachment of any combination of storage enclosures.
This image illustrates the increments of IBM Storwize V7000 systems in a scale up and scale out
four scalable system solutions. It also shows that additional storage enclosures can be added to
each scalable system configuration. Expansion enclosures can be dynamically added with virtually
no downtime, helping to quickly and seamlessly respond to growing capacity demands.
Performance of IBM Spectrum Virtualize nodes varies across the family, so solutions can be sized
to customer I/O workloads, I/O adapters can be added to scale I/O performance as well.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


• Up to 64 host ports (depending on the host type)
ƒ Host ports can also be used for inter-node and external storage I/O
• Storwize V7000 control enclosures support host connectivity
ƒ Direct host attachment to storage enclosures are not supported
ƒ Support FC-SAN, FC-P2P, or iSCSI topology for host connectivity

16 Gb FC/ 16 Gb FC and
I/O Groups 25 Gb ETH

1X 16 8,4,8 8,4

2X 24 16,8,16 16,8

3X 32 24 24,12

4X 64 32 32, 16


Figure 2-34. I/O port counts per V7000 Gen3 cluster

The capability to support multiple cards allows the Storwize V7000 control enclosure to dramatically
increase the I/O bandwidth, and gives administrators flexibility to dedicate I/O ports for
host/external storage attachment, communications between Storwize V7000 controllers, or for
inter-site communications. More ports support more I/O bandwidth. The chart lists the maximum I/O
ports that are supported for one to four I/O groups.
All host connections are made to the control enclosures. IBM Storwize V7000 control enclosures
require either native Fibre Channel (FC) storage area network (SAN), FC Point to Point (P2P), or
iSCSI topology for host connectivity.
Port counts for other V7000 models and other Spectrum Virtualize nodes will vary depending on the
number and types of supported adatpers and integrated ports.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


• Storwize V7000 Limits and Restrictions, Supported Hardware, and Product Documentation URL


Figure 2-35. Max Limitations and Best Practice recommendations

With every Storwize V7000 release, a collection of supported hardware and recommended
software level pages are maintained and published to ensure that your environment is running at an
optimal level. This URL page contains a series of links to these pages, by version, for all supported
Storwize V7000 releases in a single place for your convenience. For each release, a cumulative list
of Problems Resolved and New Features can be found in the code download document.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Adding a control enclosure to an existing cluster

• From the Storwize V7000 management GUI, select
Monitoring > System
ƒ On the System-Overview page, select Add Enclosure
í Option only available upon configuration
í Complete instruction in the Add Enclosure wizard
í Enclosures automatically displays with in the System-
Overview page
• No system initialization required
• Becomes under Storwize V7000 management
ƒ All Spectrum Virtualize systems added to the cluster
attributes are unchanged, such as Call Home prefix and
support site URLs


Figure 2-36. Adding a control enclosure to an existing cluster

If the new enclosure is cabled and zoned correctly to the Storwize V7000 SAN network correctly,
the GUI (Spectrum Virtualize V8.2.1) Monitoring > System-Overview page presents the option Add
Enclosure. Next, complete the instructions in the Add Enclosure wizard to configure the new control
enclosure into your existing system.
There is no system initialization that is required when another Spectrum Virtualize system is added
to the Storwize V7000 system. If the system does not appear, recheck the system zoning and

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview



• Storwize V7000 Model 2076-

724/U7B overview
• Hardware characteristics
• Virtualize clustering
• Licensing and software features


Figure 2-37. Storwize V7000 : Licensing and software features

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Storwize V7000 Licensing

• Base functions licensed based on capacity and type of attached storage
‡ Encryption license and key included with base license based on geography
‡ External storage licensed via SCU and storage type
‡ Internal storage licensed via enclosure
• Advanced functions licensed together or individually
‡ EasyTier
‡ Flash Copy
‡ Remote Mirror
‡ Compression (for compressed capacity)


Figure 2-38. Storwize V7000 Licensing

IBM Storwize V7000 Models 724 and U7B require IBM Spectrum Virtualize for Storwize V7000
Software V8.2.0.2, or later, for operation. Licenses are required per Controller, Expansion, and
External Data Virtualization.
IBM Spectrum Virtualize for Storwize V7000 software is preloaded by IBM on Storwize V7000
machines. Use of the software is entitled through the acquisition of IBM Spectrum Virtualize
software licenses. For the BASE virtualization, it is licensed by the PHYSICAL USABLE capacity
that Spectrum Virtualize is managing. Basically, the number of drawers of storage and storage type
(SCUs or Storage Configuration Units) per the Storwize V7000 system.
IBM Storwize V7000 Models 724 and U7B support external virtualization. Use of the external
virtualization capability is entitled through the acquisition of IBM Spectrum Virtualize Software for
SAN Volume Controller (SW PID 5641-VC8 in AAS and SW PID 5725-M19 in Passport
Storwize V7000 Models 724 and U7B require IBM Multi-Cloud starter software for Storwize V7000
(SW PIDs 5639-MC4, 5639-MC5, and 5639-MC6).
In a mixed clustered environment, additional licenses for Storwize V7000 are also required. You
must ensure that the Spectrum Virtualize system to be added to the cluster is licensed on an
enclosure basis for base, copy services, and compression. Additionally if the to be added Spectrum
Virtualize system manages externally virtualized storage, then the licenses for this capacity must be
converted to storage capacity units (SCU) or terabyte licenses. In cases with External Virtualization
with copy services, there is no way to differentiate the virtualized and internal storage at the volume
level. This means that there is no easy way to determine the amount of external storage used in a
copy service operation, and determine the amount of external virtualization copy service license

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview

In addition to these licenses, if the Storwize V7000 system support encryption through an optional
license, then the cluster system to be added must also have an encryption license before it can be
added to the Storwize V7000 clustered environment.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Storwize V7000 software features

6\VWHP System
Software Features Software Features
V7000: 724 & U7B V7000: 724 & U7B
Array level encryption Licensed by enclosure Thin Provisioning Included
Licensed by enclosure (for use on Volume Mirroring Included
Pool level encryption
virtualized storage) iSER Host support with 25Gb HBA
TRAID 0/1/10
Traditional RAID VVols Yes
(not w/ FCMs)
HyperSwap Yes
DRAID 6 recommended DRAID 5
DRAID Encryption for external virtualized
supported Yes
External Virtualization Storwize V7000/SCU
IP Quorum Yes
Encryption – Internal/External Enabled by Feature code IP Replication Yes
Data Reduction Pool (compression) Included T10Diff Yes
RACE Compression Not included 10K VDisks Yes
Flash Copy Included Transparent Cloud Tiering / Cloud
Remote Copy Included Snapshot
Easy Tier Included SRA Yes



Figure 2-39. Storwize V7000 software features

This chart lists the software features that are supported, included, and optional by licensing for IBM
Storwize V7000.
IBM Spectrum Virtualize combines a variety of IBM technologies, including deduplication,
compression, compaction, thin provisioning, and SCSI Unmap, HyperSwap (high-availability
solution), Easy Tier (automatic and dynamic data tiering), FlashCopy (snapshot), and remote data
replication. It also includes leading third-party technologies, such as Bridgeworks WANrockIT
network optimization. Encryption of internal and external virtualized capacities is also available
using a Feature code. Once enabled, it can be activated per storage pool. These technologies
enable Storwize V7000 to offer a rich set of functional capabilities and deliver extraordinary levels
of storage efficiency.
All of the Storwize V7000 functional capabilities shown are provided through IBM Spectrum
Virtualize Software for Storwize V7000.
In addition, IBM Storwize V7000 is capable of engaging in a multicloud world with the optional cloud
platform offerings that can be purchased to enhance your cloud storage environment.

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview



)/(;,%/(237,216 )8//%81'/(
; %DVH ; %DVH

… (DV\7LHU ; (DV\7LHU


Figure 2-40. Spectrum Virtualize licensing

IBM Storwize V7000 offers two ways of license procurement: Fully flexible and Bundled (license
packages) The license model is based on license-per-enclosure concept known from the first
generation of IBM Storwize V7000, however the second generation offers more flexibility that
exactly matches your needs.
The base module is represented by IBM Spectrum Virtualize family and is mandatory for every
controller, enclosure, or externally managed controller unit. For advanced functions, there will be a
choice. The Full bundle, entitles the user to all advanced functions available on the system, and will
cost less than the sum of the those licenses. This full bundle will be the default pre-select, as we
expect the majority of customers will select this, for the value for money it offers.
We would expect almost all customers to be using Easy Tier and Flashcopy, and with the new
assurance and performance of Real-time compression, we would again expect this to be sold in all
but the most exceptional situation.
• IBM Spectrum Virtualize Software for Storwize V7000 Controller Software V8.2.1 (5639-CB8)
provides core software functions, and is required in all Storwize V7000 offerings. This software
includes components that are installed on Storwize V7000 expansion enclosures (2076), but
licensing is based solely on the quantity of control enclosures that are included in the system.
• IBM Spectrum Virtualize Software for Storwize V7000 Expansion Software V8.2.1 (5639-XB8).
Each Storwize V7000 expansion enclosure (2076-12F/24F) requires one 5639-CB8 Storwize
V7000 Base Software license. The 2076-92F enclosure requires four 5639-XB8 Base Software
Optional license for external storage only presents all externally virtualized storage that is not
part of the Storwize V7000 machine type, and that do not have a 5639-RB8 license require a
Storage Capacity Units license.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview

• IBM Spectrum Virtualize Software for Storwize V7000 External Data Virtualization Software
V8.2.1 (5639-EB8).
Additional licensed features can be purchased on-demand either as a full software bundle or each
feature separately.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Differential Licensing
• Differential Licensing is used to calculate the license needed for a configuration
ƒ License change from ‘per TB’ to ‘per SCU’ (storage capacity unit) (for external virtualized storage)
ƒ SCU is defined in terms of the category of the storage capacity:
í Category 1: Flash and SSD flash drives
í Category 2: SAS drives, Fibre Channel drives, and systems that use drives with advanced architectures to
deliver high-end storage performance
í Category 3: Nearline SAS (NL-SAS) and Serial ATA (SATA) drives
í Example: 92F High Density Storage Enclosures count as 4 SCU licenses per enclosure
• For each SCU, the following number of terabytes (TB) by storage classification applies:
ƒ Flash = 1 SCU equates to 1.00 TB usable of Category 1
ƒ FC/SAS = 1 SCU equates to 1.18 TB usable of Category 2
ƒ NL/SATA = 1 SCU equates to 4.00 TB usable of Category 3


Figure 2-41. Differential Licensing

Starting with version 7.7 of IBM Spectrum Virtualize, Differential Licensing is used to calculate the
license needed for a configuration. With Differential Licensing, licenses change from per terabyte to
per storage capacity unit (SCU). SCUs are only needed for virtualized storage that does not have
the 5639-CB8 base license. SCU is defined in terms of the category of the storage capacity:
• Category 1: Flash and SSD flash drives
• Category 2: SAS drives, Fibre Channel drives, and systems that use drives with advanced
architectures to deliver high-end storage performance
• Category 3: Nearline SAS (NL-SAS) and Serial ATA (SATA) drives
For example, the 92F High Density Storage Enclosures count as 4 SCU licenses per enclosure.
Any storage use case that is not listed is classified as Category 1.
For each SCU, the following number of terabytes (TB) by storage classification applies:
• 1 SCU equates to 1.00 TB usable of Category 1
• 1 SCU equates to 1.18 TB usable of Category 2
• 1 SCU equates to 4.00 TB usable of Category 3
When you calculate the count of SCUs per category, fractions must be rounded up to the next
higher integer number. For the IBM Spectrum Virtualize Real-time Compression for external
storage software license, enough SCUs are required to cover actual managed disk capacity that is
used by the compressed volumes. FlashCopy and Remote Replication licensing are unchanged
and remain based on the virtual disk capacity.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


‡ Control canister ‡ Internet Wide-area RDMA Protocol
‡ Distributed RAID (DRAID)
‡ iSCSI Extensions over RDMA (iSER)
‡ Traditional RAID (TRAID)
‡ Mirrored Flash Boot M2 Drive
‡ Dual Flash Boot M2 Drives
‡ NVM Express (NVMe)
‡ External Virtualization
‡ PCIe Switch
‡ Flash Core Module (FCM)
‡ RDMA over Converged Ethernet
‡ IBM FlashCore Technology Protocol (RoCE)
‡ IBM Storwize V7000 Model 724 ‡ Single Flash Boot M2 Drive
‡ IBM Storwize V7000 Model U7B ‡ Scale-out & Scale-up
‡ IBM Multi-Cloud ‡ Self-encrypting drives
‡ IBM Spectrum Virtualize
‡ IBM Storage Insights
‡ On-board Compression Assist


Figure 2-42. Keywords

Listed are keywords that were used in this unit.

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Review questions (1 of 4)

1. True or False: IBM Spectrum Virtualize in Storwize V7000 complements server

virtualization with technologies such as PowerVM, Microsoft Hyper-V, VMware
vSphere, Kubernetes and Docker.

1. Which of the following components are standard features of the 7026-724/U7B

control enclosure or I/O group model:
A. 128 GB cache
B. 6 PCIe slots
C. 12 Gb SAS adapter card
D. Integrated compression processor
E. Five dual-motor fan modules


Figure 2-43. Review questions (1 of 4)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Review answers (1 of 4)
1. True or False: IBM Spectrum Virtualize in Storwize V7000 complements server
virtualization with technologies such as PowerVM, Microsoft Hyper-V, VMware
vSphere, Kubernetes and Docker.
The answer is True .

1. Which of the following components are standard features of the 7026-

724/U7B control enclosure or I/O group model:
A. 128 GB cache
B. 6 PCIe slots
C. 12 Gb SAS adapter card
D. Integrated compression processor
E. Five dual-motor fan modules
Answer A, B, D and E SAS adapters are optional.


Figure 2-44. Review answers (1 of 4)

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Review questions (2 of 4)
3. During a system power failure, the integrated batteries provide enough power to
allow the system to write data that is in __________ to the boot/dump drives.
1. Battery module(s)
2. NVMe flash Drives
3. Volatile memory

4. True or False: IBM Storwize V7000 slots are numbered from left to right for both
nodes in a control enclosure.


Figure 2-45. Review questions (2 of 4)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Review answers (2 of 4)
3. During a system power failure, the integrated batteries provide enough
power to allow the system to write data that is in __________ to the
boot/dump drives.
A. Battery Module(s)
B. NVME flash drives
C. Volatile memory
The answers is C. IBM Storwize V7000 flash boot drives supporting a larger write cache
capacity and provides faster processing between the boot time and the ‘dump to disk’ time.

4. True or False: IBM Storwize V7000 slots are numbered from left to right for
both nodes in a control canister.
The answer is False. Control canister 1 installed in the top slot at 180ஈ rotation. Therefore the
slots and ports on control canister 1 are numbered right to left and control canister 2 slots
and ports are numbered left to right.


Figure 2-46. Review answers (2 of 4)

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Review questions (3 of 4)
5. How many SAS I/O adapters can be installed into a Storwize V7000 control
A. One
B. Two
C. Three

6. True or False: To provide a fully redundant IBM Storwize V7000 solution, you
must purchase two control enclosures.


Figure 2-47. Review questions (3 of 4)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Review answers (3 of 4)
5. How many SAS I/O adapters can be installed into a Storwize V7000 control
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
The answer is Two. When required, IBM Storwize V7000 supports a maximum of two 2-port 12 Gb
SAS Expansion Enclosure Attach Card installed only in slot 3 (one per control canister).

6. True or False: To provide a fully redundant IBM Storwize V7000 solution, you must
purchase two control enclosures.
The answer is False. A single Storwize V7000 control enclosure consists of two canisters or nodes,
which provides full redundancy.


Figure 2-48. Review answers (3 of 4)

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Review questions (4 of 4)
7. True or False: The integrated 10 Gb Ethernet ports can be used for node-node

8. True or False: External storage can be either Fibre Channel or iSCSI attached?


Figure 2-49. Review questions (4 of 4)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview


Review answers (4 of 4)
7. True or False: The integrated 10 Gb Ethernet ports can be used for node-node
The answer is False, only FC or 25 Gb iSER can be used for node-node communications.

8. True or False: True or False: External storage can be either Fibre Channel or iSCSI
The answer is True


Figure 2-50. Review answers (4 of 4)

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Unit 2. IBM Storwize V7000 architecture overview



• Identify the common elements of the

Storwize V7000 control enclosure
• Describe the license features for the
Storwize V7000 systems


Figure 2-51. Summary

Having completed this module, you should be able to:

• Identify the common elements of the Storwize V7000 control enclosure.
• Describe the license features for the Storwize V7000 systems.

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology


Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology

Estimated time

This unit introduces the key elements of the IBM FlashCore Technology Hardware Accelerated I/O,
IBM FlashCore Module, and Advanced Flash Management.

How you will check your progress

• Checkpoint
• Hands-on Lab exercises

Implementing IBM Storwize V7000 with IBM Spectrum Virtualize V8.2.1

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology


• Summarize the attributes of IBM
FlashCore Technology


Figure 3-1. Objectives

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

• Summarize the attributes of IBM FlashCore Technology

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology



• IBM FlashCore Technology

ƒ Hardware Accelerated I/O
ƒ IBM Flash Core Module
ƒ Advanced Flash Management


Figure 3-2. IBM FlashCore Technology: Hardware Accelerated I/O

The topic highlights IBM FlashCore Technology beginning with the Hardware Accelerated I/O
all-hardware data path which delivers the highest performance and lowest latency for all-flash
storage arrays.

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology


IBM FlashCore Technology

Industry standard interface

Hardware accelerated I/O

IBM Flash Core module

Advanced flash management

Industry standard chip technology


Figure 3-3. IBM FlashCore Technology

Today's smarter data center is built with systems that are increasingly instrumented,
interconnected, and intelligent; thus meeting challenges to businesses that need to stay responsive
to dynamic environments.
IBM FlashCore technology innovations are fundamental to the FlashSystem 900 which is the
unified building block to the Storwize V7000 (724), FlashSystem 9100, FlashSystem V9000,
FlashSystem A9000 and FlashSystem A9000R storage systems. This engineered technology
maximizes flash’s lightning-fast I/O speed while at the same time supplying the most reliable flash
storage available on the market today. This design enables the use of IBM enhanced 3D
Triple-level cell (TLC) NAND technology, which increases density and further reduces storage
The IBM FlashCore technology employs several IBM patented mechanisms, to achieve greater
capacity and throughput, at a lower cost than the previous generation of IBM FlashSystem systems
which results in higher improvement in endurance with a potential less reduction in write
We will review the essentials of the FlashCore technology and the unique approach using
high-performance architecture, reliability, and efficiency with Hardware Accelerated I/O, IBM Flash
Core Module, and Advanced flash management that features such as Variable Stripe RAID
technology, IBM-engineered error correction codes, and proprietary garbage collection algorithms.

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology



‡ Full Active-Active design

Canister-2 • End-to-end all-flash NVMe optimized
ƒ Extremely low latencies
• IBM patented Variable Stripe RAID within
‡ IBM FlashCore-enhanced 3D TLC storage

PCI Express (PCIe) switch interfaces

‡ High resiliency


Figure 3-4. FlashCore: Hardware Accelerated I/O

FlashSystem Hardware Accelerated I/O is an advanced switch fabric that built on a flash-optimized
full active/active design, with an end-to-end NVMe strategy in mind to bring extremely low latencies
to multi-cloud environments.
This high performance, scalable PCI Express switching solution helps optimize performance per
watt for the Storwize V7000 dual-ported NVMe Flash Core Modules and NVMe standard drive
connections, system interconnects and I/O expansions, allowing I/Os to pass through any port and
come out with the same number of hops.
The dual RAID canister form a logical cluster with no single point of failure in the design (assuming
that all host connections have at least one path to each canister). The Variable Stripe RAID
protection functionality for the NVMe flash core modules to remove any bad plane that occurs from
use without impacting the available capacity of other devices within the RAID stripe.
In addition, each FCM leverages the advantages of IBM FlashCore-enhanced 3D Triple-Level Cell,
(TLC) storage media providing greater flash density and storage capacity than multi-level cell
(MLC) solutions.
IBM Storwize V7000 maintains the high resiliency with the latest generation of micron flash
providing you with the same life expectancy that are in all of our flash core products.

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology



• IBM FlashCore Technology

ƒ Hardware Accelerated I/O
ƒ IBM Flash Core Module
ƒ Advanced Flash Management


Figure 3-5. IBM FlashCore Technology: Flash Core Module

Our next sub-topic details the IBM Flash Core Module’s ability to deliver extreme performance,
greater density, unlimited scalability, and mission-critical reliability to the Storwize V7000 system.

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology


• IBM Engineered SFF 2.5” Flash Core Module with NVMe

• Supports PCIe 3.0

• Inline hardware compression with no negative

performance impact

• Line speed data-at-rest self-encryption

• Updated FPGAs for better error handling and recovery

• All hardware data path



Figure 3-6. IBM Flash Core Module leverage technology leadership

FlashCore technology leverages the powerful characteristics of IBM Micron TLC technology to
create an industry-leading enterprise storage solution. IBM has engineered and designed its own
FlashSystem MicroLatency Module’s flash storage to complement the hardware accelerated
architecture at the controller level. In order to offer the fastest I/O response time, IBM’s
MicroLatency Modules use industry standard NAND chips to support NAND data storage available
Leveraging this patented design, IBM unveils in a 2.5-inch smaller foot print, the Flash Core Module
supporting PCIe 3.0 2x2 connectivity; offering higher capacity, extreme performance and reliability
advantages of a flash drive. The Flash Core Module exclusively utilizes the Non-Volatile Memory
Express (NVMe) drive protocol. It also includes a powerful built-in performance neutral in-line
hardware-based data compression technology using the Gateway/Controller Field Programmable
Gate Arrays (FPGA) within each FCM. This provides ultra-fast and always-on data reduction across
the full range of workloads to include self-encryption features. IBM has also added read ahead
cache to enable read latency on highly compressed pages – improving the overall performance.
In addition, this design has consolidated multiple chips (Power PC (PPC), and updated FPGAs for
better error handling and recovery.

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology


,%0'7ULSOHOHYHOFHOO 7/& 1$1'

• 3D Triple-level cell (TLC) card memory
ƒ 50 nm flash chips X

ƒ Implemented in XYZ dimensions 111

ƒ 3 bits per cell 110

Flash Stacking
• Provides 3X the density compared to eMLC 101
ƒ Unique patented designs ensure maximum availability Z
ƒ Uses die stacking to increase density
ƒ Provides enterprise reliability, higher-performance, and
higher capacity 010
Supports flash wear guarantee 000
‡ Seven years hardware support and
optional post warranty hardware
maintenance for six years.


Figure 3-7. IBM 3D Triple-level cell (TLC) NAND

Each FCM leverage the advantages of IBM FlashCore-enhanced 3D Triple-level cell (TLC) flash
NAND chip that provides greater flash density and storage capacity than multi-level cell (MLC)
solutions. Implementing IBM-enhanced 3D within each flash module provides three times higher
storage density than previous systems.
IBM-enhanced 3D TLC 50nm flash memory provides a major boost in its enterprise reliability,
achieving high-performance and memory than any of the previous micron technologies. Although
TLC is still not quite as fast as DRAM, with its 1 microsecond read latency, but it is 10 times denser
than the DRAM chips, and 50 % larger than the previous generation 20nm eMLC chips, which
means a higher capacity for more data storage.
The implements a three-dimensional (3D) TLC flash chip stacking architecture which takes the
previous flash chip xy coordinates, providing smaller cells that are now stack on top of each other –
one after the other. IBM then added a z coordinate to expand the cell in diagonal – creating a larger
denser cell and a denser product.
TLC flash implements 3-bits per cell which help improves storage capacity by 50% in the latest
Flash Core Modules for better performance and wear.
With the latest generation of FlashSystems and its flash modules, you have up to seven (7) years of
total hardware support, this includes the applicable warranty period plus up to six years of optional
post-warranty hardware maintenance, which can be purchased with the system or at a later date.
The latest generation of IBM FlashSystem storage supports 3D TLC flash.

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology


• 3D TLC NAND flash
ϯd>&ůĂƐŚ • Program/Erase cycle spec: 5k cycles
• Specification assumes strong error
correction of 0.01 raw BER
• IBM FlashCore technology:
ƒ Voltage threshold calibration
ƒ Strong error correction
ƒ Health binning
• With FlashCore technology we can
achieve 18.8k P/E cycles
• Raw endurance gain: 18.8/5.0 = 3.8x
• With 2.5-to-1 compression: over 9x


Figure 3-8. Benefits of FlashCore with 3D TLC NAND

By comparison, today's NAND flash lasts for between 3,000 and 10,000 erase-write cycles.
IBM-enhanced 3D TLC can achieve roughly 5000 read/writes cycles and from a raw NAND
respective which is the number of bit errors per unit time, we can assume strong error correction of
0.01 raw bit error rate (BER). These cycles are improved upon with the voltage threshold
calibration, inline hardware compression, strong error correction software, and health binning with
garbage collection and wear-leveling. Therefore, you can achieve around 18.8k program/erase
cycles with an endurance gain which is 3.8 times the cycles when factor in the FlashCore
Advanced Flash Management. In addition the raw endurance gain is 18.8/5.0 equaling to 3.8x, and
with a 2.5 to 1 compression which improves TLC flash endurance 9x over standard
implementations without sacrificing latency.

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology


‡ All operations to the flash modules are controlled by a single FPGA
Gateway interface FPGA
ƒ Responsible for providing I/O to ƒ Controls I/O for multiple flash chips
the flash module
ƒ Sits on the card itself ƒ Maintains write ordering and layout
ƒ Has dual connection to the backplane ƒ Responsible for garbage collection, error
handling, and VSR (along with PPC chip)

Gateway / Control FPGA

mapping tables

NAND storage

Embedded Controller and DRAM

Write Buffer

Figure 3-9. FPGAs in the data path

All I/O data transfers operations to the Flash Core Modules are processed and controlled by a
dedicated Gateway/Controller Interface Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) hardware-only
data path.
The Gateway/Controller Interface FPGA that is located on the Flash Core Module and has two
connections to the backplane. It is also responsible for the following functions:
• Provides direct memory access (DMA) path and hardware I/O logic
• Uses lookup tables and a write buffer
• Maintains write ordering and layout
• Provides write setup
• Maintains garbage collection
• Provides error handling
As an enterprise storage system, FlashSystems use controller-level DRAM caching as a staging
area for data being accessed and as a means of holding frequently accessed data to provide faster
I/O performance than reading from or writing to disk or SSD. And, since FlashCore technology
systems contain no disk or SSDs; instead, storage operates at speeds (reads and writes from flash

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology


• XTS-AES-256 drive level encryption
ƒ Hardware encryption/decryption occur at internal
data path line speed business’s most
• Zero performance Impact valuable asset
• Compression before encryption
ƒ Encryption and compression possible
• USB based keys or use IBM Security Key Lifecycle
Manager (SKLM) to simplify, centralize, and
automate key management
ƒ Provides support for multiple redundant SKLM servers
• Apply encryption to all virtualized storage
ƒ Centralize encryption management
Secure data at rest when drives
are removed from the system


Figure 3-10. Line speed data-at-rest encryption

Flash Core Modules utilizes innovative line speed data–at-rest encryption that is implemented
below the RAID level in each module. The hardware-accelerated compression provides more
consistent data reduction than ever before across an even wider range of workloads, without
negatively impacting performance.
A dedicated chip inside each FCM provides an AES 256 hardware-based, data-at-rest encryption,
supporting industry standard AES-XTS 256 required by most leading compliance regulations such
as HIPAA and FIPS. Data-at-rest encryption protects against those potential exposure of sensitive
user data and user metadata that are stored on discarded or stolen flash modules.
Hardware encryption and decryption occur at internal data path line speed and have no impact on
I/O latency when in operation, and there is no performance degradation, making it much easier to
deploy data security for the all-flash storage systems. The encryption of system data and metadata
is not required, so system data and metadata are not encrypted.
FCM hardware encryption is supported by key management using either USB based keys or via
IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager (SKLM) to simplify, centralize and automate key management.
IBM Spectrum Virtualize also features software encryption for all of the storage that doesn’t use
hardware encryption. This can simplify your management as well as extending the life of your
existing investments at the same time as adding more security.

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology


Always-on Inline hardware compression

• Implements data compression/decompression
modified dynamic GZIP algorithms
ƒ Implemented completely in flash controller hardware 22 TB of data
(FPGA chip) - no processor intervention
ƒ Takes advantage of already existing LSA mapping
ƒ Always-on compression
ƒ Extremely low latency
ƒ No negative performance impact
ƒ Support inline hardware compression for all flash modules
4.8 capacity


Figure 3-11. Always-on Inline hardware compression

Inline hardware compression is the latest enhanced feature that has been added the IBM
FlashCore Technology and now implemented in purpose-built TLC flash modules with inline
high-performance compression. FlashSystem inline hardware compression supports data
compression/decompression algorithm based on the Modified Dynamic GZIP algorithm.
This technology originated with Z and has been adapted to work in an IBM FlashCore flash
controller (FPGA chip) and always-on, providing faster compression with extremely low latency to
optimize performance and cost effectiveness.
Inline hardware compression can compress up to about 2.6 times that data depending capacity size
of the flash modules, and the compressibility of the data at hand. For example, using the 4.8 TB
flash modules provides the ability to compress 22 TB of data with zero performance impact while
still achieving the full 1.2 IOPS with this always-on compression feature with zero performance

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology





Figure 3-12. IBM FlashCore Technology: Advanced Flash Management

Our sub-topic discusses how IBM Storwize V7000 uses the IBM FlashCore Advanced Flash
Management to maintain flash data storage.

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology


IBM FlashCore: Advanced Flash management

IBM FlashCore technology delivers key differentiators
‡ Built in, performance neutral hardware compression
and encryption
‡ Using next gen 64 layer 3DTLC
‡ Outstanding data reliability
‡ Cognitive Algorithms for Wear Levelling, Health
binning, Heat segregation and media management
‡ Intelligent media management that intelligently keeps
settings ideal to prevent inconsistent performance. 4.8TBu, 9.6TBu, 19.2TBu
capacity options with up to 3:1
‡ Endurance without latency penalty compression

‡ FIPS 140 certification

‡ Self Protection on Power Loss


Figure 3-13. IBM FlashCore: Advanced Flash management

Advanced Flash Management is the final piece of the IBM FlashCore technology which strengthens
NAND endurance and performance reliability by using special--purpose hardware and patented
algorithms to extend the life of NAND memory. This includes the following:
• Built in, performance neutral hardware compression and encryption
• Using next gen 64 layer 3DTLC
• Outstanding data reliability
• Cognitive Algorithms for Wear Levelling, Health binning, Heat segregation and media
• Intelligent media management that intelligently keeps settings ideal to prevent inconsistent
• Endurance without latency penalty
• FIPS 140 certification
• Self Protection on Power Loss

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology


Layers of data protection

System-level DRAID

Variable Stripe RAID

IBM engineered ECC

error correction


Figure 3-14. Layers of data protection

The System-level DRAID is managed by centralized IBM Spectrum Virtualize system cluster and
provide protection against data loss and data unavailability resulting from flash module failures.
In addition, IBM FlashCore technology offer data protection using a combination of Variable Stripe
RAID technology (at the flash module level) and IBM-engineered error correction codes.
The module-level Variable Stripe RAID technology is a patented highly granular DRAID type data
protection arrangement and your first level of protection. It also compliments the system-level
DRAID by allowing data to be rebuilt onto a hot spare flash module across each flash chip in the
system, so that flash modules can be replaced without data disruption.
In addition to the 2D Flash RAID technology, the FlashSystems are protected by IBM Engineered
ECC error correction protections in which bit and block errors are managed by each module using
its chips.

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology


System-level DRAID protection

• FCMs communicate with the System-level DRAID
ƒ Distributed RAID 6 (GUI) and Distributed RAID 5
(CLI only)
ƒ DRAID 6 is used for better performance and
í Minimum 6 drives
‡ One array/MDisk (3+P+Q+S)

í Strips data over all member drives with two parity on

every strip
ƒ No impact to hosts performance –providing
consist performance all the time


Figure 3-15. System-level DRAID protection

Each Flash Core Module communicates with the System-level DRAID to reconstruct the data rather
than dedicating large amounts of spare flash per module in order to perform the RAID rebuild.
DRAID-6 is recommended due to its enhanced availability. Typically DRAID-6 will give equivalent
performance to DRAID-5 for most scenarios. DRAID 5 is also supported, but you can only create
DRAID6 within the GUI (as it is highly encouraged). DRAID 5 can only be configured using the CLI.
Implementing System-level DRAID enhances the solution reliability. The high IOPS and low
latency NVMe offers, along with the disturbed spare space in the array facilitates rebuilding the
array in the event a FCM fails, without impact to the hosts' performance – thus providing consistent
performance all the time.

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology


• Drives will low-level format when transitioning
from candidate to array member

ƒ Can be incredibly quick or slightly over one

minute (depending more so on vendor) DRAID
ƒ Array-level initialization will progress (relatively
slowly) after the individual drives have formatted


Figure 3-16. DRAID initialization behavior

When the DRAID starts its initialization process, FCMs will have a low-level format when
transitioning from candidate to array member. After all flash modules have been formatted, the
array-level initialization will have a relatively slow start and eventually speed up as it progress.

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology


• Limited write cycles
ƒ Some logical blocks more frequently updated
ƒ Wear leveling
í Write updates sequentially to the flash
ƒ Overprovisioning
ƒ Variable stripe RAID
ƒ Health binning and heat segregation
ƒ ECC designed for flash
ƒ Voltage level shifting
ƒ Compression
• Write amplification
ƒ Physical write size a multiple of logical write size
ƒ Write updates sequentially and implement garbage collection
í Keep track of LBA to PBA via meta-data
• Erase required before write
ƒ Large blocks must be erased, leading to more write amplification
ƒ Write cache to address write latency

Figure 3-17. Flash challenges and solutions

A major challenge for flash storage is the flash cell’s limited number of write cycles before it wears
out, which is exacerbated by the fact that some data is more frequently updated than other data.
So typically a file system is kept for the flash tracking logical block addresses (LBAs) to physical
block addresses (PBAs) in meta-data, whereby updates are written out sequentially to the flash
This also addresses the write amplification that occurs with flash, where we have to erase large
amounts of flash as a group compared to the much smaller write sizes we often see from hosts. By
writing out updates sequentially to the storage rather than updating in place, we are performing a
form of wear leveling. Overprovisioning is providing more extra flash cells than the Spectrum
Virtualize system sees from a FCM or SSD, and using that as extra redundant space to replace
worn out flash cells. Variable Stripe RAID is a form of overprovisioning whereby failed flash chips
are bypassed and data is restriped onto that overprovisioned storage. The ECC designed for flash
facilitates tracking cell health and implementing health binning and segregations algorithms
whereby hotter, more frequently updated data, is directed to healthier cells and vice versa.
Compressing the data before writing it to flash also lengthens the life of the flash cells, by writing
less data. And voltage level shifting is used to adjust read voltage as the flash cells age,
lengthening their life.
Without write cache, writes to flash would have lower latency than reads because we must first
erase the cell before we can write to it. But the Spectrum Virtualize write cache hides this latency
from the host.

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology


• Protects data from a chip failure
• Tracks failures at block levels
ƒ Parity treats each drive as a failure domain
• Dynamically re-stripes data at a sub-chip level
• Preserves life, protection and performance
Performance across all spare
capacity (no dedicated reserve) ‡ Maximum level of
flash module data
‡ Maximum wear life
‡ Fast writes
‡ Scalable
‡ Fast at reads
Faster Rebuilds ‡ Non-volatile
‡ Very low power
Initial chip data usage After failure
Variable Stripe RAID (VSR) recovery process is automatic and
transparent to the user and administrator

Figure 3-18. Variable Stripe RAID advantage

Variable Stripe RAID (VSR) is a patented IBM technology that provides maximum level data
protection on the page, block, or chip level. VSR provides an intra-module RAID stripe on each
Flash Core Module (FCM), just like the MicroLatency modules in FlashSystem 900. This
technology eliminates the necessity to replace a whole flash module when a single chip or plane
fails. This, in turn, expands the life and endurance of flash modules and reduces considerably
maintenance events throughout the life of the system.
No system-level rebuild process is necessary to maintain data protection or usable capacity after a
failure caught by Variable Stripe RAID. Furthermore, the entire DSR recovery process is automatic
and transparent to the user and administrator, and typically takes place in less than a second.
Variable Stripe RAID activities are not normally tracked in system logs, but the root causes of
failures that are typically handled by Variable Stripe RAID-plane failures and block failures are
tracked in system counters and reflected in the overall flash module and system health metrics.
With Variable Stripe RAID, every flash controller creates a striped data layout across its set of chips
similar to a 9+P+Q+S System-DRAID level array with rotating parity. When the Variable Stripe RAID
algorithm detects a failure affecting one or more flash module in a DRAID stripe, the following
process happens:
• Data that is stored in the affected regions is reconstructed from the remaining data/parity
elements in the stripe.
• All pages in the affected stripe, including the reconstructed data, are moved to reserved space
(overprovisioned area).
• Subsequent requests for data in the affected stripe are directed to the new locations (now part
of the normal storage area in the system).

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology

• The original location of the affected stripe is added to the available overprovisioned area as a
(n-1) + parity stripe. (For example, if the affected stripe was a 9+2 stripe, it becomes an 8+2
stripe.). No spare drive is required, DRAID will only allow a single spare area which is
associated with the effective capacity of each flash module.

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology



Without With
• IBM has implemented stronger ECC code that IBM ECC IBM ECC
does not require read-retry
Write Write
Reread Write
‡ ECC in IBM FlashSystems maintains latency Write Write
and results in large endurance improvements Write
with no performance penalties Reread

‡ Corrects a large amount of errors

‡ Compensate for errors to ensure delivery of
accurate data


Figure 3-19. IBM Engineered ECC (detection and correction)

IBM NAND technology all-flash storage systems uses a strong error correcting code (ECC)
algorithm to protect data as it is accessed in flash memory to meet its flash reliability specifications.
IBM Engineered ECC error correction (ECC) algorithms are integral modules of flash controllers in
storage systems. IBM enhanced milt-level cell flash memory, which stores 2 bits per cell and has
four states, requires more energy to manage the electrical charge during write/erase operations.
This means that the enhanced TLC flash requires higher voltage, which degrades the
characteristics of its memory cell, requiring better error correction codes and mechanisms. The
error detection code and error correction code algorithms maintain data reliability by allowing
single-bit or multiple-bit corrections to the data that is stored. If the data is corrupted due to aging or
during the programming process, the error detection code and error correction code algorithms
compensate for the errors to ensure the delivery of accurate data to the host application.
In addition, the most IBM innovations provide the capability to handle most ECC activity using
hardware rather than software. Many systems rely on ECC hardware detection but may correct bit
errors using software functionality. However, software correction takes longer to fix bit errors, which
occur more frequently with higher density NAND chips. With FlashCore technology designed
hardware ECC, the latest FlashSystem storage systems can take advantage of this high-?density
but more volatile NAND memory without suffering any undue performance degradation. This
means that IBM ECC correct information without having to reread the information or write
information back to the flash and read it a second time. Therefore you not only benefit from the
lower cost and higher density of the latest--generation NAND technologies but you also gain
consistent high I/O performing flash storage.

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology


• Combines LZ1 (LZ77) with a form of Pseudo Dynamic Huffman
• Compression and decompression are performed on individual logical pages
ƒ Performs the inbound data path before any logical-to-physical mapping occurs
í Less data to transfer from/to backend making up for small added latency (7uS)
ƒ Decompression is performed as the last step in the outbound data path immediately prior to returning the
requested data
• Data protection (ECC) is implemented on top of compressed data
• Compression and Decompression completely transparent

Data path for the compression function in FCMs


Figure 3-20. Compression/decompression in the drive

Inline hardware compression is implemented below the System DRAID layer which combines the
LZ1 lossless data compression algorithms that maintains a sliding window with a form of Pseudo
Dynamic Huffman. Compression and decompression is performed on individual logical pages:
• The compression is performed in the inbound data path, before any logical-to-physical mapping
occurs. This reduces the data to transfer to/from the backend, reducing the transfer time. This
reduction in transfer time, offsets the time to process the compression/decompression
instructions. Only read latency is affected by the time to compress the data since we have write
cache in the I/O group, but it's offset by the reduced transfer time.
• Inline hardware compression is capable of compressing up to approximately 128:1 data ratio. If
the data is not compressible, the engine will 'bypass' compression. During this process, no data
expansion' can occur when attempting to compress uncompressible data.
• Compression in-line occurs before DDR write-buffer, after that the data is stored compressed in
write buffer.
• Next error correction code (ECC) is applied to the compressed data.
• Decompression is performed as the last step in the outbound data path. This is completed
immediately prior to returning the requested data.

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology


• Reclaim invalidated space due to out-of-place writes.
• Relocation of valid data leads to write amplification (WA).
ƒ Smarter data placement using heat segregation reduces write amplification

Writing Writing Writing Writing Written Written Written Written

Written Written Written Written Written Written Written


Erasing Written Written Written Written Written Written


Blank Written Written Written Erase Written Written Written


Figure 3-21. Garbage collection

Garbage collections is a process that involves reclaiming invalidated space due to out-of-space
writes. Once data has been written to flash block, you cannot write again until a block has been
erased – freeing the block for use again.
A block is much larger than a page, therefore, this process requires ongoing statistics to determine
when a block becomes invalidated as it is rewritten. Because garbage collection involves
time-consuming erase operations and numerous internal reads and writes, an ongoing garbage
collection process can stall incoming user requests until it completes. As a consequence of the
queuing delay, the performance of flash can be significantly degraded. IBM FlashSystem has
hardware capabilities that allow it to simultaneously run garbage collection activities without
impacting the I/O. This is achieved using heat segregation to reduce write amplification, which is a
simple algorithm that measures how much invalidity is used. If a block that is selected for erasure
has some valid pages, those pages are migrated to other blocks before erasing the block. This
process is commonly done in the background or as needed, if the system is low on available space.

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology


• Equalize block health instead of P/E cycles
ƒ Dynamic wear leveling: Smarter data placement using health binning.
í Counts writes and dynamically remap blocks
í Enhances its endurance to keep performance consistent
í Ensures the same memory blocks are not overwritten
• Static wear leveling: Reduce to strict minimum to ensure retention targets
ƒ Predicts and projects the health status of each flash block

Written Written Written Written

+ + - -

Written Written Written Written

+Hot data+ -Cool data

Enhances is measured by the healthiest block instead of the least healthiest block

Figure 3-22. Wear-leveling (Health Binning )

IBM FlashCore technology offers continuous health monitoring of each flash block and performs
asymmetrical wear-leveling and sub-chip tiering. This asymmetrical advanced wear-leveling
mechanisms offers significantly higher endurance in real life workloads and works in conjunction.
Health binning provides longevity enhancement to prolong the service life of erasable flash
memory. IBM FlashCore technology uses a wear-leveling algorithms for smarter data placement so
that erase cycles are equalized evenly among all of the flash memory by therefore, enhancing its
endurance up to 57%.
The wear-leveling algorithms can be classified into dynamic wear-leveling and static wear-leveling.
In combination with the over-provisioning algorithm, the goal of the wear-leveling algorithm is to
ensure that the same memory blocks are not overwritten too often. With this mechanism, the flash
controller distributes the erase and write cycles across all the flash memory blocks, advantage of
even more NAND storage to better preserve Storwize V7000 flash storage.
With the enhancement of 3D TLC, flash controller still predicts and projects the health status of
each flash block – evening predicting which blocks are healthier than others and therefore placing
the hot data on the healthiest block and the cold data resides on the less healthy blocks. This
process measures the endurance by the average health of the block instead being determined by
the least healthiest block.
With continuous health management, IBM can actively improve storage health by adjusting the
threshold to make blocks healthier which helps to prolong its longevity.

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology


• Continuously monitor block health and shift threshold voltages accordingly
ƒ Determines those blocks that are frequently used versus less frequently used
ƒ Group blocks based on heat access
• Actively narrow health distribution of all blocks with health binning
ƒ At end-of-life remaining good blocks only have little P/E cycles left
• Enhanced write amplification

Written Written Written Written Written Written Written Written

Written Written Written Written Written Written Written Written

Frequently accessed Infrequently accessed


Figure 3-23. Health segregation

Blocks that reach the error correction capability of the ECC must be retired. These retired blocks
eat up over-provisioning and ultimately limit device endurance even if there are still many good
blocks available.
With an ongoing algorithm of collection statistical data, IBM has improved the process of garbage
collection even more by performing health segregation which is a heat level grouping, allows data
that has the same approximate access heat to be written together; providing up to 45% reduction in
write amplification.
One of the critical key factors is write amplification which is a measure of how often data that is
written from the host data gets written to the flash. Based on the size of host data megabytes or
gigabytes, the garbage collection will write data x number of times which can leave to high write
amplifications. When there are higher write amplifications, the harder it is for the garbage collection
to keep up without interfering the host writes and reads. When there are relatively large number of
stale pages detected for the same address, those pages get isolated into a separate set of flash
blocks to reduce write amplification.
In transaction workloads such as Oracle databases, FlashCore technology write amplification can
be as much as three times less garbage collection than what is used in SSDs. Low latency not only
strengthens flash endurance but provides consistent performance continuously.

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology


• Flash Conditioning (proactive voltage-level shifting)
ƒ Dynamic read level shifting over life of flash blocks
ensures that the flash cells will have the longest possible
ƒ Predictive techniques adjust internal flash settings in
advance, minimizing probability of uncorrectable errors


Figure 3-24. Proactive voltage-level shifting

FlashCore technology provides the ability to provide proactive voltage-level shifting which can
actually adjust the voltage level being used to trigger flash cells. As flash cells age, FlashCore
evaluates the health of each block by implementing a dynamic read level shifting over the life of
flash blocks to ensures that the flash cells will have the longest possible lifespan. It also uses
predictive techniques to adjust internal flash settings in advance, minimizing probability of
uncorrectable errors, and determines the best voltage levels to set a block as it ages proactively.
This ensures proper operation, particularly when weak cells might be involved.

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology


‡ FlashCore Technology • Triple-level cell (TLC)
‡ Hardware accelerated I/O • Inline hardware compression
‡ IBM MicroLatency Module • System-level DRAID
‡ IBM Flash Core Module • Hardware only data path
‡ Advanced Flash Management
• IBM Variable Stripe RAID
‡ Latency
• IBM engineered ECC
‡ Flash performance
• Advanced wear leveling
‡ High IOPS
• IBM optimized overprovisioning
‡ High bandwidth
• Write buffer
‡ Low latency
• Hardware offload
• Line speed data-at-rest encryption
• Garbage collection


Figure 3-25. Keywords

Listed are keywords that were used in this module.

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology


1. What are the three core principles of IBM FlashCore technology?
A. Gateway/Controller FPGA
B. IBM Hardware Accelerated I/O
C. IBM Flash Core Modules
D. IBM Advanced Management

2. What is the advantage of System-level DRAID and Variable Stripe RAID


3. True or False: IBM Storwize DRAID 5 is not supported for FCM’s.


Figure 3-26. Review questions (1 of 2)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology


Review answers (1 of 2)
1. What are the three core principles of IBM FlashCore technology?
The answers are IBM Hardware Accelerated I/O, IBM Flash Core Modules, and IBM
Advanced Management.

2. What is the advantage of System-level DRAID and Variable Stripe RAID

The answer is it provides protection at flash module level and chip level.

3. True or False: IBM Storwize DRAID 5 is not supported for FCM’s.

The answer is False. Although DRAID 6 is highly recommended, DRAID is still supported
but can only be configured using the CLI.


Figure 3-27. Review answers (1 of 2)

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology


Review questions (2 of 2)
4. Which of the following RAID solution provides an intra-module RAID stripe
within each Flash Core Module?
A. IBM Variable Stripe RAID
B. IBM engineered ECC
C. System-level RAID
D. Distributed RAID 6

4. Which of the following IBM Flash Core Advanced Flash Management features
allows data that has the same approximate access heat to be written together to
reduce write amplification.
A. Health binning
B. Garbage collection
D. Health segregation


Figure 3-28. Review questions (2 of 2)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology


Review answers (2 of 2)
4. Which of the following RAID solution provides an intra-module RAID stripe on
each Flash Core Module?
A. IBM Variable Stripe RAID
B. IBM engineered ECC
C. System-level RAID
D. Distributed RAID 6
The answer is IBM Variable Stripe RAID

5. Which of the following IBM Flash Core Advanced Flash Management features
allows data that has the same approximate access heat to be written together to
reduce write amplification.
A. Health binning
B. Garbage collection
D. Health segregation
The answers is Health segregation.


Figure 3-29. Review answers (2 of 2)

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Unit 3. IBM FlashCore technology


• Summarize the attributes of IBM
FlashCore Technology


Figure 3-30. Summary

Having completed this unit, you should be able to:

• Summarize the attributes of IBM FlashCore Technology

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000

SAS-Attached storage
Estimated time

This module identifies the IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached expansion enclosure options.

How you will check your progress

• Checkpoint
• Hands-on exercises

Implementing IBM Storwize V7000 with IBM Spectrum Virtualize V8.2.1

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage



‡ Identify the supported IBM SAS

expansion enclosures
‡ Describe the characteristics of the 2U
IBM SAS Expansion Enclosures
‡ Describe the characteristics of the 5U
IBM Dense Drawer Expansion Enclosure
‡ Understand the maximum SAS attached
disk limits


Figure 4-1. Objectives

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

• Identify the supported IBM SAS expansion enclosures.
• Describe the characteristics of the 2U IBM SAS Expansion Enclosures.
• Describe the characteristics of the 5U IBM Dense Drawer Expansion Enclosure.
• Understand the maximum SAS attached disk limit.

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


IBM SAS expansion enclosures

• IBM disk drive enclosure options

• IBM 2U SAS expansion enclosures
ƒ IBM Expansion Enclosure Model 12F
ƒ IBM Expansion Enclosure Model 24F
drive model

• IBM 5U High Density Expansion

Drawer Model 92F
• Scalability
• 12 Gb SAS interface


Figure 4-2. IBM SAS expansion enclosures

This topic examines the IBM Storwize V7000 SAS expansion enclosures that can be configured to
scale up and scale out the storage system infrastructure.

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


Storwize V7000 scales with SAS-attached expansions

IBM Storwize V7000 system can scale up its storage capacity to deliver internal SAS-attached
flash drives that uses the IBM 2U SAS expansion enclosures and IBM 5U SAS High Density

12 Gb

Control Expansion
Enclosures Enclosures



Figure 4-3. Storwize V7000 scales with SAS-attached expansions

With the support of internal SAS-attached enclosures, IBM Storwize V7000 can scale up its storage
capacity to deliver internal flash drives providing tier 1 capacity solution. Expansion enclosures are
dynamically added with no downtime, helping to quickly and seamlessly respond to growing
capacity demands.
IBM SAS-attached expansion enclosures complement external storages, offering limitless
scalability, while maintaining high performance and reliability. SAS attached controllers can provide
a cheaper all-flash array solution with or without EasyTier.
When adding the IBM SAS expansion enclosures to the system configuration, the expansion
enclosures must be of the same machine type as the control enclosure it is being attached to, and
running on the IBM Spectrum Virtualize software.
Each control enclosure must contain a 12 Gb PCIe SAS adapter. The SAS adapter supports SAS
connectivity between the expansions to the controllers.

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached tiered solution models

‡ Storwize SAS Expansion Enclosures LFF 12F and SFF 24F:
ƒ 2U, 19-inch rack mount enclosure
ƒ Two expansion canisters
ƒ 12 Gb SAS ports for control enclosure and expansion enclosure
ƒ Model 12F 12 slots 3.5” drives - Model 24F 24 2.5” drives
ƒ Dual AC power supplies Dynamically added
with virtually no
‡ Storwize LFF High Density Expansion Enclosure Model 92F: downtime
ƒ 5U, 19-inch rack mount enclosure
ƒ Two expansion canisters
ƒ 12 Gb SAS ports for control enclosure and expansion enclosure
ƒ Ninety-two slots for SAS drives in a 3.5 inch carrier
ƒ Dual AC power supplies


Figure 4-4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached tiered solution models

IBM Spectrum Virtualize products are designed to deliver the benefits of storage virtualization and
advanced storage capabilities for environments from large enterprises to small businesses and
midmarket companies. You can scale up and scale out your storage infrastructure to start small and
pay as you grow for performance or capacity while still managing a single enterprise-class system.
A single Storwize V7000 control enclosure can support multiple attached SAS expansion
enclosures. Options include a 2U, LFF Model 12F supporting twelve 3.5-inch SSD/HDD SAS
drives, SFF Model 24F supporting twenty-four 2.5-inch SSD/HDD drives, and a 5U, LFF Model 92F
supporting ninety-two 3.5-inch drives. The different models of these expansion enclosures can be
intermixed within an V7000 system.
These 12 Gbps SAS expansion enclosures connect to a pair of SAS adapters, one in each control
enclosure/node in an I/O group. This ensures availability in a node or SAS adapter failure.
IBM SAS-attached expansion enclosures offer significantly scalability, while still maintaining high
performance and reliability, supporting various optional IBM disk drive expansion enclosures
options to complement external storage.
All IBM SAS-attached expansion enclosures appear in the system management GUI as internal
storage resources, which are directly attached to the system, with the same machine type as the
control enclosure.
With SAS attachment, hot-spare nodes or stretch clusters are not supported.

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


IBM disk drives common characteristics

‡ 2U and 5U intuitive architecture design
ƒ Redundant hardware components and modules
௅ Hot-replacement modules
௅ Same SAS expansion canisters for all 2U and 5U models
௅ Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) indicate status and activity
௅ Power supply units (PSUs) and drives
‡ 12 Gb Serial-attached SCSI (SAS) architecture
‡ All SAS expansion enclosure and drives are CRUs
‡ All functional capabilities are provided through IBM
Spectrum Virtualize software


Figure 4-5. IBM disk drives common characteristics

Expanding on a set of intuitive architecture design concept, IBM repeats the same redundant
hardware components and features for its 2U and 5U SAS expansion enclosures - making the units
physically identical. Even though many of these components are hot-swappable, they are intended
to be used only when your system is not active (no I/O operations). Each replaceable unit has its
own removal procedure, and should be removed or replaced only when you are directed to do so.
The SAS expansion canisters on the expansion enclosures are the same for all 2U and 5U
expansion enclosure models. Each component that makes up expansion enclosures are indicated
by light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that indicate the status and the activity of the part.
Each expansion enclosure's SAS status LED indicators has the same meaning as the LED
indicators of SAS ports as its storage controller node. An expansion enclosure houses the following
more hardware: Power supply units (or PSUs) and drives.

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


IBM SAS-attached drive enclosure models

Control Enclosure MT / Expansion Expansion Expansion
Control Enclosure Name
Model number 12 drive model 24 drive model 92 drive model
IBM Storwize Family (Gen2)
2077-112 / 124
IBM Storwize 5010
2078-112 / 124*
2077-212 / 224 2077-12F 2077-24F 2077-92F
IBM Storwize 5020
2078-212 / 224* 2078-12F* 2078-24F* 2078- 92F*
2077-312 / 324
IBM Storwize 5030
2078-312 / 324*
IBM Storwize 5030F 2077-AF3 2077-AFF 2077-A9F
(Flash drives only) 2078-AF3* 2078-AFF* 2078-92F*
IBM Storwize V7000 2076-624 2076-12F 2076-24F 2076-92F
IBM Storwize V7000F
2076-AF6 _______ 2076-AFF 2076-A9F
(Flash drives only)
IBM Storwize V7000
2076-724 2076-12F 2076-24 2076-92F
(All-flash array)
IBM FlashSystem 9100 9846-AF7 9846-AFF 9846-AF9
(All-flash array) 9848-AF9* 9848-AFF* 9848-AF9*
IBM FlashSystem V9000 9846-AC3 9846-12F 9846-24F 9846-92F
(All-flash array) 9848-AC3* 9848-12F* 9848-24F* 9848-92F*
2145-SV1 2145-12F 2145-24F 2145-92F
IBM SAN Volume Controller
2147-SV1* 2147-12F* 2147-24F* 2147-92F*
* 3-year warranty

Figure 4-6. IBM SAS-attached drive enclosure models

This table identifies the IBM control enclosures by its machine types and model numbers, and its
supported expansion models. The drive expansion enclosure models for 12 drives, 24 drives, and
92 drives are based on the IBM Systems Storage control enclosure model number running on the
IBM Spectrum Virtualize software.
Storwize V7000 offers three 12 Gb SAS expansion enclosure machine type/model numbers.
Storwize V7000 LFF Expansion Enclosure Model 12F supports up to twelve 3.5-inch flash drives,
Storwize V7000 SFF Expansion Enclosure Model 24F supports up to twenty-four 2.5-inch flash
drives, while Storwize V7000 LFF HD Expansion Enclosure Model 92F supports up to ninety-two
flash drives a 3.5-inch carrier. SFF and LFF HD expansion enclosures can be intermixed within an
Storwize V7000 system.
Intermixing different expansion enclosure machine type/model numbers are not supported. For
example, Storwize V7000 -branded expansion enclosures are not supported for use with
FlashSystem 9100, FlashSystem V9000, or SVC systems and vice versa.
All control enclosures supporting the Model 92F drawer must be running at the IBM Spectrum
Virtualize V7.8 software level or higher, and all control enclosures supporting the Model AFF and
AF9 expansions must be running at the IBM Spectrum Virtualize V8.2 software level or higher.
Each expansion enclosure can be purchased with a 1 year or 3-year warranty. Optional warranty
service upgrades are available for enhanced levels of warranty service. Expansion enclosure drives
and cables are CRU while some expansion components are FRU replaced by IBM service

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


IBM 2U SAS expansion enclosures

• IBM disk drive enclosure options

• IBM 2U SAS expansion enclosures
ƒ IBM Expansion Enclosure Model 12
drive model
ƒ IBM Expansion Enclosure Model 24
drive model

• IBM 5U High Density Expansion

Drawer Model
• Scalability
• 12 Gb SAS interface


Figure 4-7. IBM 2U SAS expansion enclosures

This topic introduces the characteristics of the optional IBM 2U expansion enclosures, 12-drive
model, and 24-drive model.

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


IBM 2U SAS expansion model front view

‡ 2U 19 inch rack-mount enclosure
ƒ Front load drives bays supporting 12 drives or 24 drives (model dependent)
í Storwize 5010, Storwize 5030F, Storwize V700F, Storwize V7000 (724), and FlashSystem 9100 are not
available in the 12 drive model type.
ƒ Drive bays are numbered left to right
ƒ Installed drives can be any mixture of the supported drives models
ƒ Three window LEDs (Power, Status, and Fault) per enclosure

Installed drives
have two LEDs:
Fault and Activity
Twelve drive bays supporting 3.5-inch SAS drives

Twenty-four drive bays supporting 2.5-inch SAS drives


Figure 4-8. IBM 2U SAS expansion model front view

The IBM 2U SAS expansion model types are 12F, 24F, and AFF are all housed in a 19-inch rack
mount enclosures. All drives are front loaded in drives bays that support:
▪ Model type 12F contains 12 slots supporting 3.5-inch large form factor SAS drives.
▪ Model AFF and 24F both contain 24 slots supporting 2.5-inch small form factor SAS drives.
IBM Storwize 5010, IBM Storwize 5030F, IBM Storwize V7000F, IBM Storwize V7000 (724),
and the IBM FlashSystem 9100 expansion enclosures are not available in the twelve drive
model type.
The 2U SAS expansion enclosure has several sets of LEDs that provide information about the
overall status of the enclosure, power, drives, fans, canisters, and SAS connections. Each installed
drive on the expansion enclosure has two light-emitting diode (LED) indicators: Fault and Activity;
they have no controls or connectors. This enclosure is designed to accommodate large terabytes of
disk drives, supporting a mixture of supported drive models.

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


IBM 2U SAS expansion model rear view

• Dual side-by-side expansion canisters
ƒ Used to attach control enclosures and additional expansion enclosures
ƒ Four 12 Gb SAS ports for attachment to storage controller
• Dual side-by-side AC power supplies with cooling modules
ƒ Power on and off automatically using power cord
• Hot-swappable components
1 Expansion canister 1 6 Expansion canister 2

2 Canister 1 SAS port 1 (IN) required 7 Canister 2 SAS port 1 (IN) required

3 Canister 1 SAS port 2 (Not in use) 8 Canister 2 SAS port 2 (Not in use)

4 Canister 1 LED pane 9 Canister 2 LED pane

5 Expansion power supply 1 10 Expansion power supply 2

1 6
2 3 4 7 8 9

5 10


Figure 4-9. IBM 2U SAS expansion model rear view

All 2U expansion enclosures contain two side-by-side expansion canisters to provide SAS
connectivity to the controller and expansion enclosures sequentially through two integrated 12 Gb
SAS In and Out ports. Integrated SAS ports provide redundant connection paths to the control
nodes in an I/O group and paths to other expansion enclosures in the chain.
The SAS ports are numbered from left to right as SAS port 1 and SAS port 2. The SAS port 1 (the
IN port) connects up to four data channels that use the control enclosure or to the previous
expansion enclosure in the chain with the control enclosure at the end of the chain. The SAS port 2
(the OUT) port connects to the next expansion enclosure in the chain.
There are four indicator LEDs (two per SAS ports) providing the port Link and Fault connection
status information, and three canister indicator LEDs (power, status, and fault) providing status
information for the expansion canister as a whole.
It also contains two side-by-side dual redundant hot-swappable, auto-sensing, AC 764-watt power
supplies. Each power supply also contains a cooling module that exhausts air from the rear of each
canister allowing airflow passes between drive carriers and through each expansion canister.
The 2U expansion canisters do not cache volume data or store state information in volatile memory.
Therefore, expansion canisters do not require battery power. If AC power to both power supplies in
an expansion enclosure fails, the enclosure powers off. When AC power is restored to at least one
power supply, the enclosure restarts without operator intervention.
Although these are hot-swappable components, they are intended to be replaced only when your
system is not active (therefore no I/O operations). If your system is powered on and processing I/O
operations, go to the management GUI and follow the fix procedures. Initiating replacement
actions without the assistance of the fix procedures can result in loss of data or loss of access to
data. Before removing a drive, administrators should migrate data off them before removing them
by using the GUI Fix procedures.

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


IBM 2U expansion power specifications per PSU

Model and Input power Maximum input Maximum Caloric value

type requirements current power output (BTU/hr)

2076-12F/24F 764 W (2) AC 100 V to 240 V 10A for 100V 764 W 2607
6A for 240V

Single phase AC at Requires 2.8-

frequency of 50 Hz meter PDU C13-
to 60 Hz C14 power cable
for each PSU


Figure 4-10. IBM 2U expansion power specifications per PSU

To ensure that the 2U expansion enclosures meet your environment power requirements, this table
lists the power specifications for each power supply. The 2U expansion 764-watt power supplies
are auto-sensing and can be connected to 100 - 240 volt AC power. The power supply has no
physical power button or switch. Power is provided by plugging a 2.8 meter PDU C13-C14 power
cable into each power supply unit single-phase (100V - 240V) electrical outlets. The 2U expansion
enclosure has a British Thermal Unit (BTU) per-hour rating of approximately 2607 BTU in heat
A power supply is never to be removed from an active enclosure until a replacement power supply
unit is ready to be installed. If a power supply unit is not installed, then airflow through the enclosure
is reduced and the enclosure can overheat. Replace the power supply within 5 minutes of replacing
a faulty unit. The canister is ready with no critical errors when Power is illuminated, Status is
illuminated, and Fault is off.

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


IBM 5U High Density Drawer

• IBM disk drive enclosure options

• IBM 2U SAS expansion enclosures
ƒ IBM Expansion Enclosure Model 12
drive model
ƒ IBM Expansion Enclosure Model 24
drive model

• IBM 5U High Density Expansion

Drawer Model
• Scalability
• 12 Gb SAS interface


Figure 4-11. IBM 5U High Density Drawer

This topic introduces the characteristics of the optional IBM 5U High Density expansion Drawer
supporting 92 drives.

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


IBM 5U High Density Drawer front view

‡ IBM 5U High Density Drawer rack-mount enclosure
ƒ 4U front fascia covers display pane
ƒ 1U PSU fascia covers power supplies Identity Enclosure
í Two 2400 watts power supplies (auto-sensing)
í Dual-redundant configuration
í Connects at 200-240V AC
‡ Three pane LEDs (Power, Identity, and Enclosure
fault) per enclosure
4U Front fascia

1U PSU fascia


Figure 4-12. IBM 5U High Density Drawer front view

IBM 5U expansion enclosure is a high density expansion drawer in a 19-inch rack mount enclosure.
The 5U model contains 92 drive slots supporting large form factor 3.5-inch drives. The front of the
chassis contains a 4U fascia that covers the front of the drive bays area and a 1U fascia covers the
two side-by-side dual redundant hot-swappable, auto-sensing, ac 2400-watt power supply units
(PSUs). Each power supply contains a cooling module that cools the lower bay and exhausts air
from the rear of each canister.
There are three display LEDs indicators that are located almost mid-center of the chassis. These
LEDs indicate the expansion status of the enclosure power, identify status and enclosure fault
status as a whole.
The high density enclosure is designed to accommodate large terabytes of disk drives, more than
four times the capacity then other drive enclosures.

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


Model 92F power specifications per PSU

Model and Input power Maximum Caloric value
PSU power
type requirements input current (BTU/hr)
2076-92F 2400 W (2) AC 200 - 240 V~, 12 A (x2 – per 2400 W 8189
(nominal; +/- 10% inlet
tolerant redundancy)

50/60 Hz Requires an IEC

(nominal; 47 – 63 C20 appliance
Hz tolerant) coupler (16 –
20A branch
circuit or C19
power socket


Figure 4-13. Model 92F power specifications per PSU

This table lists the power specifications for each 5U expansion drawer power supply. The dual
redundant 2400-watts auto-sensing high efficiency power supplies are front loaded and can be
connected with C19-C20 power cables to the power connectors on the rear of the enclosure. In
additional, one or more C19 power distribution units (PDU) are needed in the rack to connect power
to 9848-A9F power supplies.
With the dual 2400 watts power supplies the optimal operation is achieved when operating between
200-240AC (Nominal) with minimum voltage range of 200V. The 5U expansion drawer has a British
Thermal Unit (BTU) per-hour rating of approximately 8189 BTU in heat dissipation.

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


IBM 5U High Density Drawer interior view (1 of 2)

• Ninety-two slots for 3.5-inch large form factor SAS drive
ƒ Drives are numbered left to right 1-92 in rows A-G
ƒ Drives installed in slot number order
ƒ Each drive has two SAS ports
ƒ Two LEDs (Online and Fault)


Figure 4-14. IBM 5U High Density Drawer interior view (1 of 2)

IBM 5U expansion drawer interior drive view shows the location of the 92 drive slots supporting
3.5-inch large form factor disk drives and two secondary expander modules. The two secondary
expanders are installed in the center of the drive bays.
The drive locations chart identifies the drive slots in the enclosure, which are numbered 1-92 from
left to right in rows A to G. The drive locations are also marked on the enclosure itself. The rows (A
to G) are marked on the left and right edges of the enclosure. The first column of drives (1 through
14) is marked on the front edge of the enclosure, and there after. The row and column marks are
visible when the top cover is removed. The drive slots must be populated sequentially, starting from
the back-left corner position (slot 1, grid A1). Sequentially install the drive in the slots from left to
right and back row to front. Always complete a full row before installing drives in the next row.

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


IBM 5U High Density Drawer interior view (2 of 2)

• Two-Secondary expander modules
ƒ Provides SAS connectivity between the
expansion canisters and drives
ƒ Each expansion canister is connected to both
secondary expander modules
í SAS port 1 of each drive is connected to
secondary expander modules 1
í SAS port 2 of each drive is connected to
secondary expander modules 2
ƒ Two LEDs (Online and Fault)


Figure 4-15. IBM 5U High Density Drawer interior view (2 of 2)

The secondary expander modules provide SAS connectivity between the expansion canisters and
the drives. Each drive has 2 SAS ports. SAS port 1 of each drive is connected to secondary
expander module 1 and SAS port 2 of each drive is connected to secondary expander module 2.
Each expansion canister is connected to both secondary expander module 1 and secondary
expander module 2.
If secondary expander module 2 is missing or is faulty, the expansion canisters can communicate
only with SAS port 1 on each drive. Similarly, if secondary expander module 1 is missing or is faulty,
the expansion canisters can communicate only with SAS port 2 on each drive.
The secondary expander modules also contain two LEDs, an online indicator and a fault indicator
that is on top of each secondary expansion module to monitor the status.

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


IBM 5U High Density Drawer rear view

‡ Four redundant fan modules provide cooling to
the upper drive bays
Power connectors
‡ Two 2.8 meter PDU C19-C20 power cords
ƒ Power on and off automatically using power

‡ Dural side-by-side reserved expansion
ƒ Used to attach control enclosures and
additional expansion enclosures
‡ Hot-swappable components
Expansion Expansion ƒ Remove only when there is no I/O operations
canister 1 canister 1


Figure 4-16. IBM 5U High Density Drawer rear view

The rear view of the 5U expansion drawer contains four hot-swappable fan modules to provide
cooling to the chassis drive bays and secondary expander modules; two power connectors, and
dual reversed installed expansion canisters to provide SAS connectivity to the controller and
expansion enclosures.
After the C19-C20 power cables are connected to the power connector, the enclosure automatically
powers on and begins its Power On Self-Tests (POST). Power is removed from an individual power
supply by physically unplugging the cable power supply. However, when powering off an enclosure,
initiate the process through the software and then disconnect both of the power cords from the
Always initiate the power off process through software, such as the management GUI, the service
assistant GUI, or the CLI. After shutting down an enclosure through the software, you can then
disconnect the power cords from both power supply units in the node or enclosure to completely
remove power.
Although these are hot swappable components, I/O to them should be stopped before they are
The 5U expansion canisters within the enclosure do not cache volume data or store state
information in volatile memory. Therefore, expansion canisters do not require battery power. If AC
power to both power supplies in an expansion enclosure fails, the enclosure powers off. When AC
power is restored to at least one power supply, the enclosure restarts without operator intervention.

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


IBM 5U High Density Drawer expansion canisters

SAS link fault SAS link operational
• Two SAS expansion canisters Off No link connected
ƒ Canisters are installed upside down Flashing Link connected and activity

• Two integrated 12 Gb x4 SAS interface for On Link connected

enclosure attachment SAS (OUT Fault

port 2
SAS (IN) Status
ƒ SAS port 1 (IN) and SAS port 2 (OUT) port 1 Power
í Supports mini-SAS HD SFF 8644
ƒ Supports up to 4 expansion enclosures per SAS
• SAS ports have link fault and operational status
• Three canister LEDs (power, status, and fault)
per canister

Expansion Expansion
canister 1 canister 2

Figure 4-17. IBM 5U High Density Drawer expansion canisters

The 5U expansion drawer contains two expansion canisters that are located in the rear of the
expansion unit. These expansion canisters are physically identical to the 24F expansion enclosures
except they are installed in a reversed order. Integrated SAS ports provide redundant SAS
connectivity connection paths between control nodes in an I/O group and to other expansion
enclosures in the chain sequentially through two integrated 12 Gb SAS ports.
The SAS ports are numbered from left to right as SAS port 1 and SAS port 2. The SAS port 1, the
IN port connects up to four data channels that use the control enclosure or to the previous
expansion enclosure in the chain, with the control enclosure at the end of the chain. SAS port 2, the
OUT port connects to the next expansion enclosure in the chain. Expansion enclosures can be
included in a SAS chain, with up to a total of 4 expansion enclosures per SAS chain.
There are four indicator LEDs (two per SAS ports) providing the port Link and Fault connection
status information, and three canister indicator LEDs (power, status, and fault) providing status
information for the expansion canister as a whole.
The canister is ready with no critical errors when Power is illuminated, Status is illuminated, and
Fault is off. When both ends of a SAS cable are inserted correctly, the green link LEDs next to the
connected SAS ports are lit.

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


IBM 5U High Density Drawer fan modules

• Four hot-swappable 80 mm fan modules

ƒ Fans are numbered left to right
ƒ Fans connect to interface boards (FIBs)
í FIB 1 connects fan module 1 and 2
í FIB 2 connects fan module 3 and 4
• All four fans are required for proper cooling
ƒ Replace all fault fans immediately


Figure 4-18. IBM 5U High Density Drawer fan modules

IBM 5U expansion drawer contains four fan modules and two fan interface boards (FIBs). The FIBs
act as the interface between the fans and the system drive board. FIB 1 connects fan modules 1
and 2 to the drive board; FIB 2 connects fan modules 3 and 4.
As airflows from the front to the rear of the chassis, the hot-swappable 80 mm fan modules provide
cooling to the chassis drive bays. If the fault LED on each fan module is yellow, it is possible that
the FIB that controls those modules needs to be replaced. You can remove a fan module without
powering off the expansion enclosure. However, to maintain proper operating temperature, do not
remove more than one fan module at a time.

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


IBM 5U High Density Drawer system airflow

‡ System airflow is from the front to the rear of each enclosure:
ƒ Airflow passes between drive carriers and through each enclosure
ƒ Airflow for the upper 4U of the 5U enclosure enters the front, passes between the disk drives, and
exits through the large fans in the rear of the enclosure
ƒ Airflow for the lower 1U of the 5U enclosure is driven through the power supplies through 40 mm
X 56 mm fans
Air exhausts
from the


Figure 4-19. IBM 5U High Density Drawer system airflow

To achieve optimum airflow, all bays and slots must have fillers to prevent the system from
overheating. System airflow is from the front to the rear of each enclosure:
• Airflow passes between drive carriers and through each enclosure.
• Airflow for the upper 4U of the 5U enclosure enters the front, passes between the disk drives,
and exits through the large fans in the rear of the enclosure.
• Airflow for the lower 1U of the 5U enclosure is driven through the power supplies through 40
mm X 56 mm fans. Air continues through the chassis cooling the ESMs or controllers and exits
the rear of the enclosure.
• With the combined power and cooling module, air is exhausted from the rear of each canister.

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


12 Gb SAS interface

• IBM disk drive enclosure options

• IBM 2U SAS expansion enclosures
ƒ IBM Expansion Enclosure Model 12
drive model
ƒ IBM Expansion Enclosure Model 24
drive model

• IBM 5U High Density Expansion

Drawer Model
• Scalability
• 12 Gb SAS interface


Figure 4-20. 12 Gb SAS interface

This topic identifies the IBM SAS Expansion Enclosures requirements to scale out storage.

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


IBM SAS expansion disk drive options

12 Gb SAS industry-standard drives

Description Drive Sizes

Flash 800 GB, 1.6 TB, 1.92 TB, 3.2 TB, 3.84 TB, 7.68 TB, and 15.35 TB

600 GB and 900 GB 15K

600 GB, 900 GB, 1.2 TB, 1.8 TB, 2.4 TB 10K
Nearline-SAS SFF 2 TB 7.2K
Nearline-SAS LFF 4 TB, 6 TB, 8 TB, 10 TB and 12 TB 7.2K

All drives are dual-port and hot-swappable.


Figure 4-21. IBM SAS expansion disk drive options

All IBM Storwize V7000 SAS expansion enclosures supports 12 Gb SAS industry-standard drives in
form factor features of 2-inch and 3.5-inch drives, allowing clients' to expand total capacity and
deliver tiered data solutions that scales beyond their storage capacity needs, delivering all-flash
data processing solutions with industry-leading flash storage technology. The Storwize V7000 SAS
expansion enclosures support up to 32 PB of usable storage capacity.
All drives are dual-port and hot-swappable. Drives of the same form factor and connector type can
be intermixed within an enclosure. SFF and LFF HD expansion enclosures can be intermixed
behind the SFF control enclosure.

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


Scaling up Storwize V7000 capacity

(2076-12F) (2076-24F) (2076-92F)

Up twenty 12F Up twenty 24F

Maximum configuration expansion expansion Up to eight 92F
enclosures enclosures
with a single scalable expansion
building block drawers

Up to 264 drives Up to 504 drives Up to 760 drives


Figure 4-22. Scaling up Storwize V7000 capacity

On each SAS chain, the system can support up to a SAS chain weight of 10. And each I/O group
can support two SAS chains, with a total weight of 20. Each or 2076-92F expansion enclosure
adds a value of 2.5 to the SAS chain weight. Each 2147-12F or 2147-24F expansion enclosure
adds a value of 1 to the SAS chain weight. This results in a maximum of 264 drives using twenty
12F enclosures in two SAS chains, plus the 24 drives in the control enclosure, or 504 drives using
twenty 24F expansion enclosures, or 760 drives using eight 92F expansion enclosures.
With a maximum of up to 264 drives that use large form factor 3.5 inch drives, and up to 504 drives
that use small form factor 2.5 inch drives per control enclosure.
The maximum total of internal drives can vary depending on whether the control enclosures contain
internal drives. Large form factor and small form factor can be intermixed behind the storage
controllers. Therefore, all SAS expansion enclosures are shared between each control canisters in
the system, they must be physically attached to both controllers in the pair. Regardless of the type
of storage (SAS attached or virtualized), there is a limit of 32 PB per system.

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


Scaling up internal capacity with 2U SAS-Attached storage

Up to 10 expansion enclosures per SAS chain and 20 per I/O group
Scales up to 264 using 3.5” drives or 504 using SFF 2.5” drives
Rack 1 Rack 2

Models Models
12F/24F 12F/24F
installed the installed in
same racks separate racks


Figure 4-23. Scaling up internal capacity with 2U SAS-Attached storage

With the attachment of the IBM 2U expansion enclosures, IBM Storwize V7000 can scale up to a
total of SAS weight of 10 per SAS chain and a SAS weight of 20 per I/O group for a maximum of up
to 264 drives that use large form factor 3.5-inch drives, and up to 504 drives that use small form
factor 2.5-inch drives per control enclosure. Intermixing of expansion enclosures in a system is
The rack illustrations show the redundant cabling paths to the SAS storage chains when the
expansion enclosures are installed in the same rack or in a separate rack that is next to the control

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2019 4-24

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


Scaling up internal capacity with 5U SAS-Attached storage

Up to 4 expansion drawers per SAS chain and 8 per I/O group
Scales up to 760 drives that use large form factor 3.5 inch drives per control enclosure

Models 12F and

92F installed the
same racks


can be


Figure 4-24. Scaling up internal capacity with 5U SAS-Attached storage

With the attachment of the IBM 5U 92F high density expansion drawers, IBM Storwize V7000 can
scale up to a total of eight HD drawers per I/O group (4 per SAS chain) for a total of 760 drives that
use large form factor 3.5-inch drives. Intermixing of expansion enclosures in a system is supported.
This rack illustration shows the redundant cabling paths to the SAS storage chains with different
expansion enclosure models that are installed in the same rack as the control enclosures. This
example shows two 12F expansion enclosures and two 92F high density enclosures in each SAS

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


Storwize V7000 intermix per SAS chain

Number of
expansion Config 1 Config 2 Config 3 Config 4 Config 5
1 Standard Dense Dense Dense Dense

2 Standard Standard Dense Dense Dense

3 Standard Standard Standard Dense Dense

4 Standard Standard Standard Standard Dense

5 Standard Standard Standard Standard

6 Standard Standard Standard Standard

7 Standard Standard Standard

8 Standard Standard


10 Standard
10x12 or (1x92) + (2x92) + (2x92) +
Max drives 4x92
10x24 (7x12 / 7x24) (5x12 / 24) (3x12 / 24)


Figure 4-25. Storwize V7000 intermix per SAS chain

This table shows SAS chains with multiple configurations from 10 to 4 expansion enclosures per
SAS chain. The SAS chains has limits based on the number of 2U and 5U SAS expansion
enclosures to be attached. Standard refers to the Model 2U expansion enclosures. Dense refers to
the Model 5U HD expansion enclosure.

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


Storwize V7000 intermix of SAS expansions

Number of expansion
Config 1 Config 2 Config 3 Config 4 Config 5
1 Standard Dense Dense Dense Dense
2 Standard Standard Dense Dense Dense
3 Standard Standard Standard Dense Dense
4 Standard Standard Standard Standard Dense
5 Standard Standard Standard Standard Dense
6 Standard Standard Standard Standard Dense
7 Standard Standard Standard Dense Dense
8 Standard Standard Dense Dense Dense
9 Standard Dense Dense Dense
10 Standard Standard Standard Standard
11 Standard Standard Standard Standard
12 Standard Standard Standard
13 Standard Standard Standard
14 Standard Standard Standard
15 Standard Standard Standard
16 Standard Standard
17 Standard Standard
18 Standard
20 Standard

Figure 4-26. Storwize V7000 intermix of SAS expansions

The second table shows the maximum allowed intermix of expansion enclosures per the
FlashSystem 9100 system cluster. Each of the following expansion enclosure configurations has a
total SAS chain of 10, which must be balanced across both chains to support the maximum limits
specified per chain.
In this scalable solution, up to ten AFF expansion enclosures are supported per SAS chain for a
total of twenty AFF expansion enclosures for the I/O group. The maximum standard 2U SAS
expansion enclosures that are supported in a full scale-out configuration is 80 using twenty AFF
expansion enclosures. In a full scale-out configuration, a maximum of thirty-two A9F expansion
drawers are supported.
When mixing SAS enclosure in the SAS chains, up to two A9F enclosures and five AFF enclosures
per SAS chain for a total of four A9F and ten AFF expansion enclosures for the I/O group.
With four-way system clustering, the size of the system can be increased to a maximum of 3,040

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


12 Gb SAS interface

• IBM disk drive enclosure options

• IBM 2U SAS expansion enclosures
ƒ IBM Expansion Enclosure Model 12
drive model
ƒ IBM Expansion Enclosure Model 24
drive model

• IBM 5U High Density Expansion

Drawer Model
• Scalability
• 12 Gb SAS interface


Figure 4-27. 12 Gb SAS interface

This topic identifies the scalability requirements to scale out storage capacity that uses a 12 Gb
SAS interface. This topic also discusses the system power-on and power-off requirements.

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


IBM SAS Expansion Enclosure Attach Card

• 12Gb SAS adapter support the attachment of the control
enclosures to the expansion enclosure system capacity
Only port 1 and ƒ 3rd generation SAS interface
3 is used
ƒ Doubles the performance rate
• SAS port and SAS cables contain four physical (PHY) lanes
ƒ Full duplex transmission
ƒ Total transmission bandwidth of 48 Gb
SAS port PHY port SAS port SAS port



chain1 chain2



Figure 4-28. IBM SAS Expansion Enclosure Attach Card

Each Storwize V7000 control enclosure must be configured with a 4-port 12 Gb SAS adapter (only
2 ports are active) to support the attachment of the IBM Storwize V7000 SAS expansion
enclosures. The SAS ports of both units are connected by using SAS connectors. The 12 Gb SAS
port is a third-generation SAS interface that uses PCI Express 3.0 bandwidth.
The improved bandwidth backed by I/O processing capabilities to maximize link utilization supports
increased scaling of traditional hard disk drives as well as improved flash performance. Each 12 Gb
SAS port as well as the SAS cable contains four physical (PHY) lanes. Each lane uses multiple
links (as the 6 Gb SAS technology) for full duplex transmission to transmit and receive higher date
rates up to 4800 Mb (which is 48 Gb).
Above each port is a green LED that is associated with each PHY (eight LEDs in total). The LEDs
are numbered 1 - 4. The LED indicates activity on the PHY. For example, if traffic starts it goes over
PHY 1. If the line is saturated, the next PHY starts working. If all four Phy LEDs are flashing, the
backend is fully saturated. The 12 Gb SAS also provides investment protection with compatibility
with an earlier version with 6 Gb SAS.
When connecting to an expansion enclosure, only ports 1 and 3 on the SAS PCIe adapter in each
of the control nodes in the I/O group are used to connect control nodes to expansion enclosures.
SAS port 1 supplies the connection path for one SAS chain and SAS port 3 supplies the connection
path for the other SAS chain. This configuration creates two separate chains of storage.

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


Independent SAS Chains

‡ Two independent SAS chains Control Canister

ƒ Balanced distribution of the expansion enclosures

SAS links
Control Adapter
‡ SAS port 0 (SAS chain 0) connects control ‘SAS port 0’
enclosures Chain 0
SAS port 1 SAS port 3
Chain 1 Chain 2
‡ SAS port 1 (SAS chain 1)
ƒ Connects control enclosure to the first expansion
canister “IN” port providing fault-tolerance
Expansion Expansion
‡ SAS port 3 (SAS chain 2)
ƒ Connects control enclosure to the first expansion
canister “OUT” port continuing the SAS chain Expansion Expansion
8 more 8 more

‡ Enclosure IDs are assigned dynamically by the SAS port 2 (output) on the expansion
SAS fabric enclosure is not in use

Figure 4-29. Independent SAS Chains

Each independent SAS chain connects the control enclosures to the expansion enclosures. This
provides a symmetrical way to balanced distribution of the expansion enclosures on both SAS
chains for performance and availability.
All internal disk drives of the control enclosure belong to SAS Chain 0. Each of the independent
SAS chain (SAS port 1 and SAS port 3) supports a maximum of 10 expansion enclosures per SAS
chain (depending on the model).
SAS port 1 in each control node connects to the “in” ports of the canisters in the first SAS expansion
enclosure in one of the SAS storage chains, providing fault-tolerance.
The “out” port from the first expansion enclosure connects to the “in” port on the second SAS
expansion enclosure in the chain. This cabling pattern continues for all of the SAS expansion
enclosures in the chain. The last expansion enclosure in the chain does not have a loop-back cable
or other special terminating connection.
SAS port 3 in each control node connects to the “in” ports of the canisters in the first SAS expansion
enclosure in the other SAS storage chain, that uses the same cabling pattern as for the top SAS
storage chain. Enclosure IDs are assigned dynamically by SAS fabric device discovery.
SAS port 2 (output) on the expansion enclosure does not contain a SAS cable.
When powering off an expansion enclosure breaks the SAS chain and connection to any drives in
expansion enclosures beyond that expansion enclosure. But since each end of the SAS chain is
connected to a node in an I/O group, access to powered on SAS enclosures continue to work.

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


IBM SAS cable options

Control / Expansion
Enclosures Cable description

2U only 0.6 m 12 Gb SAS Cable (mSAS HD)

2U only 1.5 m 12 Gb SAS Cable (mSAS HD)

2U and 5U 3 m 12 Gb SAS Cable (mSAS HD)

2U and 5U 6 m 12 Gb SAS Cable (mSAS HD)

Internal mini SAS

HD connector


Figure 4-30. IBM SAS cable options

IBM SAS expansion enclosures are connected to the IBM Spectrum Virtualize control enclosures
that use the IBM 0.6 meter, 1.5 meter, 3.0 meter, and 6.0 meter 12 Gb SAS Cables (mini SAS HD to
mini SAS HD) terminated with SF8644 connectors.

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


‡ IBM Storwize V7000 GUI ‡ Internal drives
‡ 12 Gb SAS interface ‡ Virtualization
‡ SAS chains ‡ Redundant Array of Independent Disks
‡ Mini-SAS HD cable
‡ IBM 2U SAS Expansion Enclosure
‡ Effective capacity
‡ IBM 5U High Density Expansion Drawer
‡ Internal disks
‡ Secondary expander modules
‡ Storage pool
‡ FAN interface board (FIB)
‡ SAS IN and OUT ports
‡ Hot-swappable components


Figure 4-31. Keywords

Listed are keywords that were used in this unit.

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


Review questions (1 of 4)
1. True or False: All IBM Storwize V7000 12F/24F/92F expansion enclosures are
displayed in the management GUI as external storage resources.

2. True or False: All 2U SAS expansion enclosures must be installed in the same rack as
the control enclosures.

3. True or False: All drive modules in an enclosure must be the same size and type.


Figure 4-32. Review questions (1 of 4)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


Review answers (1 of 4)
1. True or False: All IBM Storwize V7000 12F/24F/92F expansion enclosures are
displayed in the management GUI as external storage resources.
The answer is False. IBM Storwize V7000 12F/24F/92F are configured as internal storage
arrays with in the management GUI.

2. True or False: All 2U SAS expansion enclosures must be installed in the same rack as
the control enclosures.
The answer is False. IBM Spectrum Virtualize products can be installed in separate racks as
well as the same rack as the Storwize V7000 control enclosures.

3. True or False: All drive modules in an SAS attached enclosure must be the same size
and type.
The answer is False. IBM SAS expansion enclosures LFF and SFF drive models can be
intermixed behind the same control enclosures.


Figure 4-33. Review answers (1 of 4)

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


Review questions (2 of 4)
4. Which of the following SAS expansion enclosures can be configured into a chain of 10
expansion enclosures? (Choose all that apply)
a. IBM SAS Expansion Enclosure, Model 12F
b. IBM SAS Expansion Enclosure, Model 24F
c. IBM SAS High Density Expansion Drawer, Model 92F
d. All of the above

5. True or False: Drives can be installed in any empty slot in the IBM 5U High Density SAS
Expansion Drawer.


Figure 4-34. Review questions (2 of 4)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


Review answers (2 of 4)
4. Which of the following SAS expansion enclosures can be configured into a chain of 10
expansion enclosures? (Choose all that apply)
a. IBM SAS Expansion Enclosure, Model 12F
b. IBM SAS Expansion Enclosure, Model 24F
c. IBM SAS High Density Expansion Drawer, Model 92F
d. All of the above
The answers are A and B. Models 12F and 24F can both scale up to 10 SAS expansion
enclosure per SAS chain for a maximum of 20 SAS expansion enclosures per I/O group.

5. True or False: True or False: Drives can be installed in any empty slot in the IBM 5U
High Density SAS Expansion Drawer.
The answer is False. All 5U High Density SAS Expansion Drawer drive slots are populated in
sequential order, starting from the back-left corner position (slot 1, grid A1).


Figure 4-35. Review answers (2 of 4)

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


Review questions (3 of 4)
6. How many Storwize V7000 SAS High Density Drawer can be attached to one Storwize
V7000 I/O group?
a. Ten
b. Eight
c. Six
d. Four

7. Which port on the IBM 12 Gb SAS adapter are used to connect to the expansion
a. Ports 1 and 2
b. Ports 3 and 4
c. Ports 1 and 3
d. Ports 1 through 4


Figure 4-36. Review questions (3 of 4)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


Review answers (3 of 4)
6. How many Storwize V7000 SAS High Density Drawer can be attached to one Storwize
V7000 I/O group?
a. Ten
b. Eight
c. Six
d. Four
The answer is Eight. IBM 5U High Density Expansion Drawer support a maximum of 8 SAS
expansion enclosures per I/O group.

7. Which port on the IBM 12 Gb SAS adapter are used to connect to the expansion
a. Ports 1 and 2
b. Ports 3 and 4
c. Ports 1 and 3
d. Ports 1 through 4
The answer is ports 1 and 3. Only ports 1 and 3 are used to create SAS chains for the attached
expansion enclosures.

Figure 4-37. Review answers (3 of 4)

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


Review questions (4 of 4)
8. True or False: A SAS chain can be connected to nodes in two I/O groups.


Figure 4-38. Review questions (4 of 4)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage


Review answers (4 of 4)
8. True or False: A SAS chain can be connected to nodes in two I/O groups.
The answer is False. SAS chains must be connected to the node pairs within an I/O


Figure 4-39. Review answers (4 of 4)

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Unit 4. IBM Storwize V7000 SAS-Attached storage



‡ Identify the supported IBM SAS

expansion enclosures
‡ Describe the characteristics of the 2U
IBM SAS Expansion Enclosures
‡ Describe the characteristics of the 5U BM
Dense Drawer Expansion Enclosure
‡ Understand the maximum SAS attached
disk limits


Figure 4-40. Summary

Having completed this unit, you should be able to:

• Identify the supported IBM SAS expansion enclosures.
• Describe the characteristics of the 2U IBM SAS Expansion Enclosures.
• Describe the characteristics of the 5U BM Dense Drawer Expansion Enclosure.
• Understand the maximum SAS attached disk limit.

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID

protection solutions
Estimated time

This module introduces IBM supported traditional RAID arrays and Distributed RAID arrays, and
the benefits of implementing DRAIDs as part of your production solution.

How you will check your progress

• Checkpoint
• Hands-on exercises

Implementing IBM Storwize V7000 with IBM Spectrum Virtualize V8.2.1

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions



‡ Identify the characteristics of standard

RAID levels

‡ Identify the characteristics of the

distributed RAID arrays

‡ List the benefits of DRAID 6 arrays


Figure 5-1. Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:

• Identify the characteristics of standard RAID levels.
• Identify the characteristics of the distributed RAID arrays.
• List the benefits of DRAID 6 arrays.

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


Storwize V7000: Managed Resources

• Managed Resources
• Traditional RAID levels
• Distributed RAID arrays


Figure 5-2. Storwize V7000: Managed Resources

This topic defines the managed resources.

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


RAIDs are built from managed resources

‡ IBM Spectrum Virtualize systems supports two different types of managed resources:
ƒ Internal Array managed disk (MDisks)
í Presented internal to the IBM storage system
í Drives configured into RAID array represents MDisks
‡ SAS-Attached Expansion Enclosure (models based on the control enclosure) supporting 3.5-inch and 2.5-inch drives

ƒ External SAN-attached MDisks

í External storage systems or storage controllers are independent of the Spectrum Virtualize systems
(FlashSystem 900 enclosures, SVC, Storwize Family, XIV, and so on)
í MDisks discovered on the storage system as part of an RAID array or presented from volumes with exiting
data (logical units (LUNs)

External storage
Internal storage
resources 6$1


Figure 5-3. RAIDs are built from managed resources

An IBM Spectrum Virtualize system such as IBM SAN Volume Controller, FlashSystem 9100,
FlashSystem V9000, and IBM Storwize family can manage a combination of internal and supported
external storage systems. Internal storage is the RAID-protected storage that is Flash, SAS, or
SATA drives that are directly attached to the system that uses SAS-Attached expansion enclosures.
The system automatically detects the drives that are attached to it and displays them within the GUI
as internal or external storage.
An external storage subsystems, or storage controller is an independent backend device that
coordinates and controls the operations for its disk drives or logical units. External storage must be
configured to the same SAN fabric to be virtualized by the Spectrum Virtualize system.
The IBM Spectrum Virtualize system manages the capacity of other disk systems with external
storage virtualization (an External Virtualization license is required for each storage device to be
managed). For example, when Spectrum Virtualize system virtualizes a storage enclosure, such as
the FlashSystem 900, its capacity becomes part of the system. The FlashSystem 900 becomes
managed as external storage in the same way as the capacity on internal capacity. Capacity in
external storage systems inherits all the rich functions and ease of use of Spectrum Virtualize
When virtualizing the FlashSystem 900 Model AE2 Flash enclosures behind the IBM FlashSystem
V9000, each enclosure is configured into a single managed disk group and RAID array. The
FlashSystem 900 Model AE2 is then managed as internal storage for redundancy in a module
failure. However, the FlashSystem V9000 with Model AE3 enclosures is managed as external
storage, and its capacity is separately managed and configured into LUNs, which become multiple
managed MDisks, and to evenly balance use of physical resources.

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


IBM Storwize V7000 supported tiers of drives

• Tier 0 flash
ƒ High-performance flash drives that process read and write
ƒ Provide faster access to data than enterprise or nearline

• Tier 1 flash
ƒ Lower-cost flash drives, typically with larger capacities
ƒ Lower performance and write endurance characteristics dŝĞƌϭ


Figure 5-4. IBM Storwize V7000 supported tiers of drives

Tiered storage is an underlying principle of ILM (information lifecycle management). It is a storage

networking method where data is stored on various types of media based on performance,
availability, and recovery requirements.
IBM Storwize V7000 supports the following tiers of drives:
• Tier 0 flash drives are high-performance flash drives that process read and write operations and
provide faster access to data than enterprise or nearline drives. For most Tier 0 flash drives, as
they are used the system monitors their wear level and issues warnings when the drive is
nearing replacement. Drives that use Non-Volatile memory Express (NVMe) architecture are
considered Tier 0 flash drives. With the demand of Flash and solid-state storage, Tier 0
promotes a level of data storage that is faster than any other level in the storage hierarchy.
• Tier 1 flash drives are lower-cost flash drives, typically with larger capacities, but slightly lower
performance and write endurance characteristics. As these drives are used, the system
monitors their wear level and issues warnings when the drive is nearing replacement. Tier 1
solution is more for mission-critical, high-performance workloads that are often stored on
expensive, high-quality media such as double-parity RAID.

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


IBM SAN Volume Controller storage tier hierarchy

Recent Past and Present

Flash /
Distant Past dŝĞƌϬ SSDs Now and Future
15K 15K Flash
dŝĞƌϭ HDDs dŝĞƌϭ HDDs dŝĞƌϭ

10K 10K SSDs

dŝĞƌϮ HDDs dŝĞƌϮ HDDs dŝĞƌϮ

7.2K 7.2K
dŝĞƌϯ HDDs dŝĞƌϯ HDDs dŝĞƌϯ Near Line

Tape 7.2K
HDDs Near Line
dŝĞƌϰ dŝĞƌϰ or Tape dŝĞƌϰ (NL) or

Online = T1, T2 Online = T0, T1, T2 Online = T1, T2

Online and/or Archive = T3 Archive = T3 Archive = T3
Backup = T4 Backup = T4 Backup = T4


Figure 5-5. IBM SAN Volume Controller storage tier hierarchy

Tiered storage is the assignment of different categories of data to various types of storage media to
reduce total storage cost. Tiers are determined by performance and cost of the media, and data is
rank by how often it is accessed. In the past, the amount or percentage of storage per tier was
based on ‘rule of thumb’ or a rough approximation. Now and in the Future, IBM have tools available
to determine the appropriate amount of storage that is needed for each storage tier based on
An IBM SAN Volume Controller solution can also support the following tiers of drives:
• IBM uses a 4 tiered storage solution that is based on the client’s storage media need. A Tier 4
solution is used by businesses that require both greater data currency and faster recovery. Tier
4 incorporates more disk-based solutions than tape backups, making it easier to make such
point-in-time (PiT) copies with greater frequency.
• Tier 3 often used for data that is event-driven, rarely used or unclassified files on slow-spinning
hard disk drives (HDDs), recordable compact disks, or tapes.
• Tier 2 can be used for data such as financial, seldom-used, or classified files, as well as the
ability to store on less-expensive media in the SAN.

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


Storwize V7000: Traditional RAID levels

• Managed Resources
• Traditional RAID levels
• Distributed RAID arrays


Figure 5-6. Storwize V7000: Traditional RAID levels

This topic recalls the standard RAID levels.

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


Traditional RAID levels

‡ Traditional RAID levels:

ƒ RAID 0: Striping with no redundancy (1 to 8 drives)
ƒ RAID 1: Mirroring (2 drives)
ƒ RAID 5: Striping with parity, can survive one drive fault (3 to 16 drives)
ƒ RAID 6: Striping with double parity, can survive two drive faults (4 to 16 drives)
ƒ RAID 10: RAID 0 on top of RAID 1 ( 2 to 16 drives)

Array Array
Array Array Array Array Array
MDisk RAID0 MDisk MDisk MDisk MDisk
Array Array
MDisk MDisk Storage RAID10 RAID10 RAID10 RAID10
Array Pool Array Array Array Array
MDisk MDisk MDisk MDisk
Pool Storage


Figure 5-7. Traditional RAID levels

Traditional RAID levels have been around for decades, providing data storage reliability on how
data is stored on the disk array and the level of protection that is provided. When you plan to attach
expansion enclosures to the IBM Spectrum Virtualize storage system, the first aspect to consider is
which RAID level is the most suited and appropriate for your environment. The preferred RAID type
varies according to the capacity, performance, and protection level required.
Traditional RAID, except for RAID 0, most RAID levels provide various degrees of redundancy and
performance, and various restrictions based on the number of members in the array. When a part of
the RAID system fails, different RAID levels help to recover lost data in different ways.
The SAS RAID controller supports RAID 0, 1, 5, 6, and 10.

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


Traditional RAID 0
• Data striped across two or more drives
• Created without parity information, redundancy,
or fault tolerance 6WULSHGYROXPH

• Total data loss if one drive fails

• Superior I/O performance, both in read/writes EORFN EORFN
ƒ No capacity overhead EORFN EORFN

• Ideal for non-critical storage of data



Figure 5-8. Traditional RAID 0

RAID 0 (also known as a stripe set or striped volume) stripes data evenly across two or more disks,
without parity information, redundancy, or fault tolerance. Since RAID 0 provides no fault tolerance
or redundancy, the failure of one drive can cause the entire array to fail. This failure occurs because
data is striped across all disks, which results in total data loss.
By using multiple disks (at least 2) at the same time, this offers superior I/O performance for both
read and write operations. Thus achieving more IOPS bandwidth with more disks and more
throughput for sequential I/O threads since we can write to all the disks in the array at the same
RAID 0 is ideal for non-critical storage of data that must be read/written at a high speed, and are
able to tolerate lower reliability such as on an image correction or video editing station. RAID 0 is
primarily used in applications that require high performance, where loss of data is acceptable.

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


Traditional RAID 1
• Data is mirrored to second drive
ƒ Writes data to both drives
• Does not support parity, striping or spanning
drive space
ƒ Array can be only as large as the smallest EORFN
member disk EORFN
• Supports a single drive failure

ƒ Data recovery that is handled by the controller EORFN

from working drive 'ULYH

• Double the read IOPS and the same write

IOPS of a single drive for random I/O


Figure 5-9. Traditional RAID 1

RAID 1 consists of an exact copy (or mirror copy) of a set of data on two or more disks. A RAID 1
configuration offers no parity, striping, or spanning of disk space across multiple disks. Since the
data is mirrored on all disks in the array, the array can be only as large as the smallest member
The array continues to operate when at least one member drive is operational. Data is stored twice
by writing them to both drives. If a drive fails, data does not have to be rebuilt, the controller uses
the data drive on the working drive and continues operations.
From a performance standpoint, a RAID-1 array provides twice the read IOPS as a single disk, but
the same write IOPS as a single disk since a write must be done to each disk for each application
write. Similarly, for sequential I/O you can read up to twice as fast from two disks as one, but we
can’t write faster to a RAID 1 array than we can to a single disk. Usually write latency depends on
the use of write cache in the disk controller.

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


Traditional RAID 5
‡ Requires at least 3 drives but can work with
up to 16
‡ Data and parity striped across the drive set Striping with parity across the drives

‡ Parity strip is checksum of the data blocks

block 1a
‡ Supports a single drive failure block 1a block 1a parity1a

block 2a block 2a parity 2a block 2a

ƒ No loss of data block 3a parity 3a block 3a block 3a
parity 4a
ƒ Continuous access to data block 4a block 4a block 4a
Drive 1 Drive 2 Drive 3 Drive 4

‡ Write penalty: each application write

generates 4 physical disk I/Os
ƒ Full stripe writes - avoids most of the penalty
for large block sequential application I/O
‡ Rebuild time can be lengthy

Figure 5-10. Traditional RAID 5

RAID 5 is the most common secure RAID level. It requires at least three drives but can work with up
to 16. Data blocks, or strips, are striped across the drives and on one drive a parity checksum of all
the block data is written. The parity data is also spread across all the disks in the array. A RAID 5
array can withstand a single drive failure without losing data or access to data. Although RAID 5
can be achieved in software, a hardware controller is recommended. Usually write cache memory
is used on these controllers to improve write latency, and also read latency when the data exists in
the cache.
The RAID 5 writes penalty, while usually masked through the controller’s write cache, does affect
the IOPS workload to the disks. Each application write requires reading the data that is being
written over, associate parity information on another disk, and update to the data and the parity.
Therefore, each application write I/O requires four physical disk I/Os. If the application or disk
controller is doing sequential write I/O, then the controller can calculate the new parity for the entire
stripe and update the parity strip.
Drive failures affect throughput, for example: reads from a failed disk require reading all the other
disks in the array to determine the data. Also, since spare drives are located outside the array,
replacing the failed drive generates read from the remaining drives during the rebuild. If a second
drive fails during the hot spare replacement process, data in the array is lost and must be recovered
from a backup so any data changes since that backup is lost.
RAID 5 rebuild can take a while to process, depending on the disk sizes (larger data writes require
more time) and existing application workload (application I/Os are competed with rebuild I/Os).
The capacity downside of RAID 5, is that one drive worth of space gets used by parity information in
each array.

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


Traditional RAID 6
• Requires at least 4 drives but can work with
up to 16
• Data blocks (or strips) are striped across the Striping with double parity
• Two drives of parity space striped across the
array block 1a block 1a block 1a parity 1a

block 2a block 2a parity 2a block 2a

• Supports up to 2 drive failures parity 3a parity 3a block 3a block 3a

ƒ No loss of data parity 4a block 4a block 4a parity 4a

Drive 1 Drive 2 Drive 3 Drive 4
ƒ Continuous access to data
• RAID-6 write penalty: each application write
generates 6 physical I/Os
ƒ Full stripe writes - avoids most of the penalty
for large block sequential application I/O writes
• Rebuild times can be lengthy

Figure 5-11. Traditional RAID 6

RAID 6 is like RAID 5, but the parity data is written to two drives instead of one. Therefore, RAID-6
array can survive two disk failures in the array without data loss, thus making it reliable then RAID
The RAID 6 writes penalty means that each application write requires 6 physical disk I/Os. This
means that it reads the data that is written over one disk, and associate the parity information on
two other disks, which calculates the new parity and then update the data and parity on those three
drives. Usually write I/O latency is masked via write cache on the controller, but the IOPS workload
to the disks is limited by the disk IOPS limits. Similar to RAID 5 full stripe writes, typically from
sequential I/O streams, RAID 6 avoids most of the penalty as it calculates the parity for a full stripe
immediately and then writes a full stripe, which includes the parity data.
The capacity downside of RAID 6 is that two drives worth of space is consumed by parity
information in each array.

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


Traditional RAID 10
• Combines RAID 1 and RAID 0
ƒ Data is mirrored to second drive
Mirroring + Striping
ƒ Stripes data across each set of drives
• Supports a single drive failure
ƒ No loss of data block 1 block 1 block 2 block 2

block 3 block 3 block 4 block 4

ƒ Continuous access to data
block 5 block 5 block 6 block 6
• High cost for redundancy block 7 block 7 block 8 block 8

• Faster rebuild times compared to RAID-5/6 Drive 1 Drive 2 Drive 3 Drive 4


Figure 5-12. Traditional RAID 10

RAID level 10 combines RAID 1 and RAID 0 by mirroring all data on secondary drives while using
striping across each set of drives. RAID 10 can deliver higher throughput for random read
workloads, since twice as many disks provide twice the IOPS bandwidth. With certain workloads,
such as sequential writes, RAID 5 often shows a performance advantage.
If an issue occurs with one of the disks in a RAID 10 configuration, the rebuild time is fast since all
that is needed is copying all the data from the surviving mirror to a new drive. This process can take
as little as 30 minutes for drives of 1 TB.
RAID 10 can be an expensive way to maintain redundancy, as half of the usable capacity goes to

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


Traditional RAID hot spare rebuild performance

‡ Traditional RAID 5 or RAID 6
ƒ Spare drives are allocated to assume read/write operations if of a drive failure
ƒ Data is read from single or multiple drives
ƒ Rebuild limited by throughput of single drive
ƒ Spare drives are idle and cannot contribute to system I/O operations

Example of a RAID 6 Active drives Spare

Stripe data 1 data 2 P Q data 1a

data 2 data 3 Q data 1 data 2
data 3 P data 1 data 2 data 3

Parity 1 = P P Q data 2 data 3 P

Parity 2 = Q Q data 1 data 3 P Q

Read from all drives Write to one drive


Figure 5-13. Traditional RAID hot spare rebuild performance

For redundancy, spare drives (also known as hot spares or global hot spares) are configured and
are used to automatically replace a failed drive. As part of the rebuild process, data is read from the
remaining drives in the array (both data and parity), the data on the failed drive is calculated and
written to the spare. Theoretically, data can be recovered as quickly as it takes to sequentially write
a full drive of data (or less if the array isn’t full). However, as application I/O continues it competes
for disk access and can slow down the sparing process significantly. Further, since the application
might be trying to read data from the drive that failed, those reads require reading the associated
data strips/blocks in the array plus one of the parity disks; thus, use more of the read IOPS
bandwidth of the array. As a consequence, arrays that are built from larger drives take longer to go
through the sparing process. Higher application workloads can also cause the sparing process to
take longer. The longer the sparing process takes, the more chance exists that second drive fails in
a RAID 5 array resulting in more data loss. RAID-6 can survive two disk failures so it’s more reliable
than RAID-5 because there’s significantly less chance of a two drive failure during the hot spare
replacement process.
In this example of a RAID 6, each stripe is made up of data strips (represented by D1, D2, and D3)
and two parity strips (P and Q), with the ability withstand two simultaneous drive failures. Because
the rebuild time is limited by throughput of single drive, and as drives grow in capacity, the rebuild
time increases – especially with larger drives.

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


Traditional arrays: Drive counts and redundancy

‡ Traditional arrays are created with the mkarray command by using GUI or CLI
ƒ GUI RAID presets implement best practice guidelines
‡ A drive undergoes I/O tests before it is added to an array
‡ An array is instantly available for I/O operations once created
ƒ Array initialization is performed as a background task
‡ Array redundancy is determined by its RAID level
‡ System cache management attempts to combine writes into full stride writes for better performance
5$,'   '& '6 1RQH
5$,'  '6 
5$,' ±  '&±   '6 
5$,' ±   '&±   '6 
5$,' ±  HYHQRQO\ '&  '6 ± '&



Figure 5-14. Traditional arrays: Drive counts and redundancy

Traditional arrays can be created by using the GUI or CLI. Both use the mkarray command. The
management GUI offer presets implemented based on best practices guidelines. After the array is
created, it can be used instantly and moved to a pool where volumes can be created. Volumes can
be written immediately after creation and mapping.
Redundancy depends on the type of RAID level that is selected at creation time. To reduce the
calculation of parity information and to improve performance, the cache attempts to combine writes
together into full stripe writes. The usable capacity for RAID 0 is the drive count time the drive size,
which is 100% usage but with the cost of no redundancy. A redundancy of 1 means that one drive
can fail without failing the array. The usable capacity for RAID 1 is the size of one drive since the
other is just a mirror. The supported drive counts for RAID 5, 6, and 10 are higher, but a default size
is used in the GUI. The GUI default is to use eight drives for a RAID 5 array, which helps balance
cost and reliability.
For external controllers, where possible, create a single logical disk from the entire capacity of each
RAID array. You can intermix different block size drives within an array and a storage pool.
However, performance degradation can occur if you intermix 512 block-size drives and 4096
block-size drives within an array. For example, with a configuration of 24 disks, and one hot spare,
23 does not evenly balance. Therefore, you might choose two spares, using two (11 disks) RAID 5
arrays to have two equivalent (in terms of size and performance) MDisks.
Do not mix managed disks (MDisks) that greatly vary in performance in the same storage pool tier.
The overall storage pool performance in a tier is limited by the slowest MDisk. Because some
storage systems can sustain much higher I/O bandwidths than others, do not mix MDisks that are
provided by low-end storage systems with MDisks that are provided by high-end storage systems in
the same tier. Doing so negates the benefit of Spectrum Virtualize system balancing use of physical
disk resources.

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions

Keep in mind that RAID data redundancy is not to the same as data backup. You still need to
ensure data safety by backing up your data daily to offline or off-site storage.

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


Traditional array member goals and spare attributes

‡ Array member goals are derived from the drives specified
ƒ Capability goals: Technology type, RPM, and capacity
ƒ Location goals: Chain of enclosure and enclosure slot of drive

‡ Array member goals are used for hot spare selection and can be displayed with the lsarraymembergoals

‡ Both the array and its member drives have a property called balanced (suitability in the GUI) which indicates
whether member goals are met
ƒ Exact: All member goals have been met
ƒ Yes: All member goals except location have been met
ƒ No: One or more of the capability goals has not been met

‡ Each array has a spare goal property that is specified at creation

ƒ Indicates how many global spares must be available to protect the array
í Alert is generated in system event log if available spares drop below goal

‡ For an array and its members, the system dynamically maintains a spare protection count of non-degrading

Figure 5-15. Traditional array member goals and spare attributes

Administrators can design the RAID arrays explicitly, or can allow the system to build arrays based
on specified goals.
If you use the GUI to create a traditional array, several parameters are used to select the used to
determine suitable drives that are based on different goals. One goal is to have only drives from the
same type in one array (Flash and SSDs). Also, the drive RPM is a goal; all members should have
the same speed. The same is true for the capacity. Another goal is the location goal, which places
the members on a special chain, enclosure, or slot ID.
Spectrum Virtualize system supports hot-spare drives. To decide for a spare drive, the member
goals are used. They can be listed with the lsarraymembergoals command.
From a planning perspective, you should have about 1 hot spare for every 20-30 physical disks that
are configured in RAID 1, 5, 6 or 10 arrays.

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


Spare drive use attribute assignment by GUI

‡ Internal storage spares are created automatically
‡ Algorithm to change the drive use attribute from candidate to spare
ƒ For every 23 array members with the same drive class on a single chain, which is
not RAID 0 members, a single spare is created
‡ Twenty-four identical drives on a single chain
‡ One spare, 23 members RAID5
mdisk mdisk mdisk

System automatically reconfigures the Spare

replacement drive as a spare and the Array
replaced drive is removed from the
configuration Storage Pool

IBM_cluster:Admin1>lsdrive -filtervalue use=spare -delim ,


Figure 5-16. Spare drive use attribute assignment by GUI

When a RAID member drive fails, the system automatically replaces the failed member with a
hot-spare drive and resynchronizes the array to restore its redundancy. When creating internal
storage by using the wizards, the management GUI automatically creates and marks all spare
drives. The rule is to create one spare for every 23 array members. Which results in one enclosure
with 24 disks in the following setup: 23 drives have the Candidate state while one has the state of
The selection of a spare drive that replaces a failed disk is done by the system. A drive with a lit
fault LED indicates that the drive has failed and is no longer in use by the system. When the system
detects that such a failed drive is replaced, it reconfigures the replacement drive to be a spare and
the drive that was replaced is automatically removed from the configuration. The new spare drive is
then used to fulfill the array membership goals of the system. The process can take a few minutes.
If the replaced drive was a failed drive, the system automatically reconfigures the replacement drive
as a spare and the replaced drive is removed from the configuration.

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


Spare selection for array member replacement

‡ Spare drives are global spares
ƒ Any spare with at least the same capacity as the array member being replaced is eligible to be

‡ When the system selects a spare for member replacement, the spare that is the best
possible match to array member goals is chosen based on
ƒ An exact match of member goal capacity, performance, and location

ƒ A performance match: the spare drive has a capacity that is the same or larger and has the same or
better performance

‡ If a better spare is introduced to the system, the better spare is exchanged automatically to
rebalance the array


Figure 5-17. Spare selection for array member replacement

The goal is always to replace them with the same type and properties as the failed disk. If they are
not available, the system searches for the best solution. The spare drives are global and can be
used from any array. There is not limit to number of spare drives allowed in an array.

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


Drive-Auto Manage/Replacement
‡ No longer must follow the DMP (directed maintenance procedure) for step-by-step
‡ Drive-Auto Manage/Replacement
ƒ Simply swap the old drive for new
í New drive in that slot takes over from the replaced drive

2/' 1(:

5$,' 5$,'



Figure 5-18. Drive-Auto Manage/Replacement

Replacing an old drive is much easier since you no longer must follow the guidance of DMP (direct
maintenance procedure) to exchange an old drive for a new one. With Drive-Auto Manage, you can
swap the drives and the new drive in that slot takes over from the replaced drive.
Wait at least 20 seconds before you remove the drive assembly from the enclosure to enable the
drive to spin down and avoid possible damage to the drive. Do not leave a drive slot empty for
extended periods. Do not remove a drive assembly or a blank filler without having a replacement
drive or a blank filler.

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


Storwize V7000: Distributed RAID arrays

• Managed Resources
• Standard RAID levels
• Distributed RAID arrays


Figure 5-19. Storwize V7000: Distributed RAID arrays

This topic introduces the supported Distributed RAID arrays.

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


Distributed RAID 5/6 (DRAID)

‡ Improved RAID solution
ƒ Distributes data and parity across all disks in the array
ƒ Spare space spread across all disks in the array
ƒ No “idle” spare drives as all drives contribute to performance
‡ Improves availability
ƒ More drives provide faster rebuild improves availability
í Up to 10x faster than traditional RAID
ƒ Distributed spare space distributes rebuild load across all drives
í Bottleneck of one drive is removed
‡ Improves performance
ƒ More drives provide more IOPS bandwidth
ƒ Enables the use of lower-cost larger
drives with confidence
ƒ Especially beneficial when controller writes sequentially
í Applies to thin volumes, which are compressed volumes and DRP
í Avoids RAID 5/6 write penalty

Figure 5-20. Distributed RAID 5/6 (DRAID)

With the IBM Spectrum Virtualize 7.6 release, IBM introduced an advanced RAID array technology
solution that is known as IBM Distributed RAID array technology (typically referred to as DRAID).
DRAID offers an improved RAID solution as it distributes data across all drives in the array,
therefore, reducing the load on each individual drive, with no spare drive. Since no idle disks are
used as spares, all disks in a DRAID array contribute to the performance. Both DRAID 5 and
DRAID 6 are supported.
With more drives and the demand for high availability, DRAID offers up to 10 times faster RAID
array rebuild times than traditional RAID, as a result of incorporating and striping the hot spare
space within the array, which is especially important when using large drives. DRAID also delivers
increased application I/O bandwidth by incorporating the hot spare drives into the array, unlike
traditional RAID. Think of an 80 drive array as 40 pairs of drives, all processing the rebuild work
simultaneously, versus a single hot spare disk performing the write half of that work.
When using Spectrum Virtualize system thin-provisioning, compressed volumes, or Data Reduction
Pools (DRP), data gets written sequentially by the Spectrum Virtualize system to the MDisks.
Therefore, negating the traditional RAID 5 and RAID 6 write penalties.
Since traditional RAID is likely used for decades to come, the system still maintains support.
Traditional and distributed arrays can be combined in the same pool. However, it is not possible to
convert a traditional array to a distributed array or vice versa though you can dynamically migrate
data from one to the other.

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


Distributed RAID arrays

• Supports Distributed RAID 5 and Distributed RAID 6
• Up to 128 drives in an array
ƒ Including up to 4 hot spare rebuild areas
• Distributed RAID 5
ƒ Minimum 4 drives
í One array/MDisk (2+P+S)
ƒ Stripes data over all member drives with one
parity strip on every stripe
• Distributed RAID 6
ƒ Minimum 6 drives
í One array/MDisk (3+P+Q+S)
ƒ Stripes data over all member drives with two
parity strips on every stripe
• Support encryptions (IBM Spectrum Virtualize v7.7 and above)


Figure 5-21. Distributed RAID arrays

Distributed RAID arrays provide the ability to create arrays from 4 to 128 drives in size.
The system supports the following RAID levels for distributed arrays.
• DRAID 5 arrays are created with a drive count (array width 4-128), a hot spare or rebuild area
count (0-4), and a stripe width (3-16).
• DRAID 6 arrays are created with a drive count (array width 6-128), a hot spare or rebuild area
count (0-4), and a stripe width (5-16).
• Distributed arrays support encryption as of IBM Spectrum Virtualize version 7.7 and above.

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


Distributed RAID array creation


• MDisk capacity
ƒ DRAID 5 = Drive capacity x (#Drives - #Spares) x {(Stripe width – 1)/Stripe width}
ƒ DRAID 6 = Drive capacity x (#Drives - #Spares) x {(Stripe width – 2)/Stripe width}


Figure 5-22. Distributed RAID array creation

When creating DRAID RAID array, the MDisk representing the array is a logical size as specified by
the formulas. For example, the graphic shows a DRAID 5 creation that uses eighteen 278.9 GiB
SAS drives with one hot spare, and an array width of 9. This yields an MDisk with a size calculated
as: 278.9 GiB x (18-1) x (9-1)/9 = 4,214 GiB = 4.12 TiB in capacity.
Think of the space as the array width minus the spares and the remaining space split between data
and parity space based on the DRAID type and stripe width. The mkdistributedarray command is
used to create the DRAID arrays, with an array width or drive count (4-128 for DRAID5, and 6-128
for DRAID 6), number of hot spares aka. rebuild areas (1-4) and stripe width (3-16 for DRAID 5 and
5-16 for DRAID 6).

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


DRAID failed drive spares

‡ Example of Distribute RAID 6 3+P+Q over 10 drives with two distributed spares
ƒ Drive #3 fails
ƒ Loss data on “D3” is rebuilt that uses “D1, D2, and P (shown with white letters)
ƒ Spare is allocated depending on the pack number
' '
' ' 33 44 '
' '
' '
' ' ZŽǁ
33 44 ' '
' '
' 33 44 '
' '
In this instance, the '
3 44
4 ' ' ' 3 4 ' ' '
5 rows make up a '
' 33 4 '
' '
' '
' 33 44 4
Rebuild areas are
moved based on the
pack number

Number of rows in a
pack depends on the
number of strips in a
stripe – pack size is
constant for an array


Figure 5-23. DRAID failed drive spares

Distributed RAID arrays solve the traditional RAID problems because rebuild areas are distributed
across all the drives in the array. In this example, of a DRAID 6 that distributes 3+P+Q over 10
drives with two distributed spares. The five rows that make up a pack. Distributed arrays remove
the need for separate drives that are idle until a failure occurs. Instead of allocating one or more
drives as spares, the spare capacity is distributed over specific rebuild areas across all the member
drives. The spare space is depended on the pack number. The number of rows in a pack depend
on the number of strips in a stripe, means that the pack size is constant for an array. A stripe, which
can also be referred to as a redundancy unit, is the smallest amount of data that can be addressed.
For distributed arrays, the strip size can be 128 or 256 KiB. The stripe width indicates the number of
strips of data that can be written at one time when data is regenerated after a drive fails.
When a drive failure occurs (as shown with Disk 3), to recover data, data is first read from multiple
drives. For example, to recover a data strip requires reading the remaining data strips in the stripe
plus one of the associated parity strips, then the missing data is calculated from that information.
The recovered data is then written to the rebuild areas, which are distributed across all of the drives
in the array. The remaining rebuild areas are distributed across all drives, which support data to be
copied faster, allowing redundancy to be restored much more rapidly. Additionally, as the rebuild
progresses, the performance of the pool is more uniform because all of the available drives are
used for every volume extent. The number of rebuild areas is based on the width of the array. The
size of the rebuild area determines how many times the distributed array can recover failed drives
without risking becoming degraded. After the failed drive is rebuilt, the array can tolerate another
two drive failures. If all of the rebuild areas are used to recover data, the array becomes degraded
on the next drive failure.

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


I/O performance comparison


Figure 5-24. I/O performance comparison

This graph shows that IBM Distributed RAID arrays provide up to 20% better performance
compared to traditional non-distributed RAID arrays, even with both arrays contains the same
number of drives, for the same I/O workload.

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


Rebuild performance comparison

Relative rebuild time


Figure 5-25. Rebuild performance comparison

This graph shows array rebuild performance comparison for traditional RAID array and distributed
RAID array technologies while application I/O was running on the arrays. This example compares
the rebuild for a member drive failure in non-distributed RAID 6 with 12 drives of 1 TB nearline
technology to the rebuild for a member drive failure in distributed RAID 6 with 128 drives of 1 TB
nearline technology.
The array rebuild test showed 10 times faster rebuild performance in case of distributed RAID
array. However, the rebuild times can vary depending on the distributed array configuration, disk
sizes, and types.

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


DRAID Slow write priority settings

‡ During read/write I/O operations, performance of the array is bound by the performance of
the slowest member drive
‡ Slow_write_priority attribute defaults to latency mode when array is created
ƒ Array allowed to be taken out of synchronization to quickly complete write operations that take
excessive time
ƒ Avoid reading a component that is in redundancy mode
ƒ System evaluates the drive regularly to assess performance reliability
‡ Use the charray command to change slow_write_priority attribute to redundancy
ƒ Slow write operations are completed in normal time and the arrays remain synchronized
ƒ Does not allow the array to become out of sync


Figure 5-26. DRAID Slow write priority settings

When a redundant array is doing read/write I/O operations, the performance of the array is bound
by the performance of the slowest member drive. If the SAS network is unstable or if too much work
is being driven to the array when drives do internal ERP processes, performance to member drives
can be far worse than usual. In this situation, arrays that offer redundancy can accept a short
interruption to redundancy to avoid writing to, or reading from, the slow component. Writes that are
mapped to an under performance drive are committed to the other copy or parity, and are then
completed with good status (assuming no other failures). When the member drive recovers, the
redundancy is restored that uses a background process of writing the strips that were marked out of
sync while the member was slow.
• This technique is managed by using the setting of the slow_write_priority attribute of the
distributed array, which defaults to latency when the array is created. When set to latency, the
array is allowed to be taken out of synchronization to quickly complete write operations that take
excessive time. When the array uses latency mode or attempts to avoid reading a component
that is in redundancy mode, the system evaluates the drive regularly to assess when it
becomes a reliable part of the system again. If the drive never offers good performance or
causes too many performance failures in the array, the system fails the hardware to prevent
ongoing exposure to the poor-performing drive. The system fails the hardware only if it cannot
detect another explanation for the bad performance from the drive.
• To modify the response time goal, use the charray command to change the slow_write_priority
attribute to redundancy. When set to redundancy, slow write operations are completed in
normal time and the arrays remain synchronized, the array is not allowed to become out of
sync. However, the array can avoid suffering read performance loss by returning reads to the
slow component from redundant paths.

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


Why DRAID 6?
‡ Better reliability and availability than traditional RAID or DRAID 5
ƒ Less chance of losing data due to drive failures during a rebuild
ƒ Ability to recover from drive read errors
‡ Better performance than traditional RAID with unused hot spare drives
‡ DRAID offers faster rebuild time, especially when
ƒ Customers have spinning disks as opposed to flash
ƒ Large disks are used
ƒ Under heavy application I/O workloads
‡ Spectrum Virtualize system features of thin volumes, compressed volumes, and
Data Reduction Pools (DRPs) avoid most of the RAID write penalty through full
stripe writes as new data is written sequentially to storage


Figure 5-27. Why DRAID 6?

The basic benefit of DRAID 6 is higher reliability, higher availability, and lower chance of data loss
as compared to traditional RAID 5 and RAID 6, or even DRAID 5. Compared to traditional RAID 5
or DRAID 5, you avoid data loss if a second drive fails before the first drive failure is handled via the
sparing process. Though isn’t likely, it is a risk, which increases as the size of the array increases,
as larger drives are used, and as production workload increases. Therefore, increase the time to go
through the sparing process, which increases probability of a second drive failure. Second, while
read errors are unlikely to occur, it is possible (and usually fixed during disk scrubbing processes
done by the hardware). These types of errors can be recovered with RAID 1, 5, 6, or 10, but they
can’t be recovered during the sparing process except for RAID 6 or DRAID 6 with a single drive
failure. DRAID also offers better IOPS bandwidth since spare drives are incorporated into the array.
Finally, with the support of thin provisioning, compressed volumes, and volumes in Data Reduction
Pools (DRPs), as new data is written it is written sequentially to the storage to avoid the RAID write
penalties through full stripe writes, which is the significant disadvantage of traditional or distributed
RAID 5 and 6, though is less of a concern with flash. In any event, write latency is normally
minimized due to the use of DRAM-based write cache in the Spectrum Virtualize system.

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


DRAID configurations

6WRUDJH '5$,' '5$,'



Figure 5-28. DRAID configurations

Distributed array supports up to 10 arrays in an I/O group and 32 arrays in a system. When creating
an array, the GUI provides default array stripe width (not array width for DRAID which is the same
as drive count), on the storage GUI, is 9 disks for DRAID 5 and 12 disks for DRAID 6. However, the
preferences for the array width can vary according to the number of disks and number of tiers on
storage. The GUI recommends between 40 and 80 assuming that you have at least 40 of the drive
class you want to use. Typically, the best benefit for rebuild times is around 48 HDD drives in a
single DRAID. Faster rebuild times results in task completed in a couple of hours with the least
impact, with the load spread over many drives. As you increase the number of drives the rebuild
time shortens. However, the rebuild time can be unusual, unless you are deploying an All Flash
system rather than storage with Flash drives. It is not recommended to have heterogeneous pools
with different drive classes within the same tier.
Before IBM Spectrum Virtualize version 7.7.1, each array was assigned to a single CPU core. Now
a single DRAID array can achieve maximum system performance with DRAID multi-threading
across all cores, making full use of the multi-core environment.
The system assigns spare options by default, which varies according to the array size:
• Up to 36 disk drives: One spare rebuild area
• 37 - 72 disk drives: Two spare rebuild areas
• 73 - 100 disk drives: Three spare rebuild areas
• 101 - 128 disk drives, with a maximum number of rebuild areas per distributed array is 4

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


Useful CLI commands

‡ Use the lsarrayrecommendation command to display the system recommendations for
configuring an array
ƒ lsarrayrecommendation -driveclass 145 -drivecount 20 DevPool
ƒ lsarrayrecommendation -driveclass 145 -drivecount 20 -filtervalue distributed="yes" DevPool

‡ A DRAID is created by using the mkdistributedarray command

ƒ mkdistributedarray -level raid6 -driveclass 145 -drivecount 20 DevPool

‡ Use the lsdriveclass command to display information about all drive classes


Figure 5-29. Useful CLI commands

Listed are useful CLI commands:

• Use the lsarrayrecommendation command to display the system recommendations for
configuring an array.
• For greatest control and flexibility, you can use the mkarray command-line interface (CLI)
command to configure a nondistributed array on your system.
• To configure a distributed array, you can use the mkdistributedarray command.
To display information about all of the drive classes that are available on the system, use the
lsdriveclass command.

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


Drive types
The system uses the following information to determine the drive class of each drive:
‡ Block size (512 or 4096)
‡ Capacity
‡ I/O group
‡ RPM speed (7.2 K 10 K, or 15 K; blank for flash/SSD)
‡ Technology (unknown, SAS_HDD, SAS_Nearline, or Flash)
‡ Array can only contain drives from the same drive class or superior drive class

*% 6$6 6$6


Figure 5-30. Drive types

To enhance performance of a distributed array, all of the drives must come from the same, or
superior, drive class. Each drive class can be identified by its drive_class_id. The system uses the
following information to determine the drive class of each drive:
• Block size (512 or 4096)
• Capacity
• I/O group
• RPM speed (7.2 K 10 K, or 15 K; blank for flash and SSD)
• Technology (unknown, SAS_HDD, SAS_Nearline, or flash and SDD)
When replacing a failed member drive in the distributed array, the system can use another drive
that has the same drive class as the failed drive, or the system can also select a drive from a
superior drive class. For example, two drive classes can contain drives of the same RPM speed,
technology type, and block size but different data capacities. In this case, the superior drive class is
the drive class that contains the higher capacity drives.

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


‡ Distributed arrays • RAID 1
‡ Distributed RAID (DRAID) • RAID 5

‡ Distributed RAID 6 • RAID 6

‡ Distributed RAID 5 • RAID 10

‡ Distributed drive replacement ‡ Rebuild time

‡ Rebuild area
‡ I/O Reads
‡ Redundancy
‡ I/O writes
‡ Spare space
‡ Latency
‡ Stripe width
‡ RAID 0
‡ Traditional RAID arrays


Figure 5-31. Keywords

Listed are keywords that were used in this unit.

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


Review questions (1 of 2)
1. What is the maximum number of distributed arrays allowed per system?
A. 32
B. 36
C. 48
D. 128

2. True or False: IBM Storwize V7000 supports conversion from traditional to distributed

3. True or False: IBM Storwize V7000 supports the intermix of Flash, SAS, and SATA
drives in the same DRAID array.


Figure 5-32. Review questions (1 of 2)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


Review answers (1 of 2)
1. What is the maximum number of distributed arrays allowed per system?
A. 10
B. 32
C. 48
D. 128
The answer is 32. A maximum of 10 arrays are supported per I/O group, 32 arrays per system and
up to 128 drives per array.

2. True or False: IBM Storwize V7000 supports conversion from traditional to distributed
The answer is False. Conversion from traditional to distributed RAID is not supported.

3. True or False: IBM Storwize V7000 supports the intermix of Flash, SAS, and SATA
drives in the same DRAID array.
The answer is False. For performance and redundancy purpose, you cannot mix SAS and SATA drives
in the same DRAID array.


Figure 5-33. Review answers (1 of 2)

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


Review questions (2 of 2)
4. Which of the following RAID arrays offers improved performance, faster rebuild times, and
double drive failure?




Figure 5-34. Review questions (2 of 2)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions


Review answers (2 of 2)
4. Which of the following RAID arrays offers improved performance, faster rebuild times, and
double drive failure?
The answer is DRAID 6. DRAID 6 offers the best performance in rebuild times and redundancy
protection with double drive failures.


The answer is True.


Figure 5-35. Review answers (2 of 2)

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Unit 5. IBM Storwize V7000 RAID protection solutions



• Identify the characteristics of standard

RAID levels
• Identify the characteristics of the
distributed RAID arrays
• List the benefits of DRAID 6 arrays


Figure 5-36. Summary

Having completed this module, you should be able to:

• Identify the characteristics of standard RAID levels.
• Identify the characteristics of the distributed RAID arrays.
• List the benefits of DRAID 6 arrays.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation

and management access
Estimated time

This module describes the physical and logical requirements to prepare for installation,
initialization, configuring, and managing the IBM Storwize V7000 system.

How you will check your progress

• Checkpoint
• Hands-on Lab exercises

Implementing IBM Storwize V7000 with IBM Spectrum Virtualize V8.2.1

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access



‡ Identify the system installation and

initialization requirements provided by
the customer or IBM SSR or IBM Business

‡ Identify requirements to complete

system setup


Figure 6-1. Objectives

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

• Identify the system installation and initialization requirements provided by customer or IBM SSR
or IBM Business Partner.
• Identify client requirements to complete system setup.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Installation and configuration: System installation

‡ System installation
ƒ Rack installation
ƒ Initial setup
‡ System setup


Figure 6-2. Installation and configuration: System installation

This topic discusses the installation requirements and the initial system setup that is performed by
client for an IBM Storwize V7000 storage enclosure.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Pre-install Technical Delivery Assessment

The Pre-install TDA (Technical Delivery Assessment) is performed after the sale (usually after
products have been ordered) and before the installation.

The focus of the Pre-install TDA is on the:

‡ Installation and implementation plan
‡ Site readiness (ex: Receiving Dock, Security Access,
Electricity, Cooling, Rack Space, Network, and so on)
‡ Client readiness to support the product and solution
‡ Call Home and Remote Support Setup


Figure 6-3. Pre-install Technical Delivery Assessment

IBM Storwize V7000 planning can be categorized into two types: physical planning and logical
planning. For a smooth and efficient installation, planning, and preparation, tasks must take place
before the system is scheduled for delivery and installed. A sales representative arranges a
Technical Delivery Assessment (also known as the TDA) meeting to go over site-specific details,
and to ensure that the correct information is gathered, before the delivery of the system. This
assessment meeting will also include, your IBM installation planning representative, IBM service
support representative (also known as SSR), and IBM Technical Advisor (TA).
Expert Pre-install TDA is mandatory for all installations and its focus is on the:
• Installation and implementation plan based on the client expectations, requirements, and
acceptance criteria.
• Before the systems are delivered, the physical requirements for the location where the
equipment will be installed must be verified. Therefore, IBM performs a site readiness review on
the receiving and the handling of the equipment according to guidelines, and security access.
During this time IBM provides technical recommendations, and accesses risks.
• IBM will also verify that the client’s electricity is suitable to handle to workload, and whether the
facility meets the cooling requirement, especially if the rear-door heat exchanger was part of the
purchase; adequate rack space for the Storwize V7000. This will also include network
requirements, and other parameters.
• IBM TDA will also make ensure client readiness to support the product and or solution.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


TDA pre-installation checklist and worksheet

‰ Logical Planning
9 System Management IP address
9 Node and iSCSI IP addresses
9 Domain name server (DNS)
9 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) gateway
9 Email sender address
9 Network Time Protocol (NTP) server
9 Time zone
9 Remote access
9 Contact information


Figure 6-4. TDA pre-installation checklist and worksheet

In addition, a TDA pre-installation checklist, and worksheets document must be completed for each
Storwize V7000, and given to the IBM Installation Planning Representative or IBM SSR. The listed
required information, must be provided in each worksheet to prevent further inquiry, and delays
during the installation.
Other configuration tasks, such as defining storage pools, volumes, and hosts, are the
responsibility of the storage administrator.
• System Management IP address requires an IP address for each node with the appropriate
netmask, gateway, and any planned iSCSI IP addressees.
• All-flash storage enclosure IP address that uses an Ethernet port to management of the flash
• If Domain Name System (DNS) is used in your environment, then the systems must have the IP
address of the primary DNS server, and, if available, the secondary server.
• Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) gateway, is needed for event notification through email.
This allows the system to be able to initiate an email notification, which is sent out through the
configured SMTP gateway (IP address or DNS name).
• Email sender address required, to show as the sender in the email notification.
• Network Time Protocol (NTP) server if required, systems can be used with an NTP server to
synchronize the system time with other systems.
• Establish a time zone, based on the location where the system is installed.
• Establish Remote Access, by using remote support network connection that is outbound
connectivity to the Internet.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access

• Finally, your contact information, the person who can authorize remote support access and can
enable Storwize V7000 for remote support.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Determine installation requirements

‡ Collect the number of hosts to be attached
ƒ Include its activity and performance requirements

‡ Collect storage requirements and capabilities:

ƒ Number of new or existing storage devices to be provisioned
ƒ Types of volumes and capacity to be created
í To include host LUNs quantity and sizes
í Virtual capacity
‡ Define local or remote SAN fabrics and clustered systems
ƒ Include the number of pairs of nodes required

‡ Identify how the SAN is defined

ƒ Number of ports and bandwidth required

‡ Design the iSCSI network

‡ Determine the Storwize V7000 service IP address, Storwize V7000 system IP addresses and for the host that
connects through iSCSI
‡ Determine the IP addresses for IP replication
‡ Define a naming convention for Storwize V7000 nodes, host, and storage subsystem

Figure 6-5. Determine installation requirements

Before proceeding with the rack hardware configuration, ensure that all the required information is
collected and that it is valid:
1. Collect and document the number of hosts (application servers) to attach to the Storwize
V7000, the traffic profile activity (read or write, sequential, or random), and the performance
requirements (I/O per second - IOPS).
2. Collect and document the storage requirements and capacities:
▪ The total storage (2076-24F or backend storage) existing in the environment to be
provisioned on Storwize V7000.
▪ The required storage capacity for volumes: volume mirroring, FlashCopy, compressed
volumes, or remote copy.
▪ Per host: Storage capacity, the host logical unit number (LUN) quantity, and sizes.
▪ The required virtual storage capacity that is used as a fully managed volume and used as a
thin-provisioned volume.
3. Define the local and remote SAN fabrics and clustered systems, if a remote copy or a
secondary site is needed.
4. Define the number of clustered systems and the number of pairs of nodes (between one and
four) for each system. Each pair of nodes (an I/O group) is the container for the volume. The
number of necessary I/O groups depends on the overall performance requirements.
5. Design the SAN according to the requirement for high availability and best performance.
Consider the total number of ports and the bandwidth that is needed design the iSCSI network
according to the requirements for high availability and best performance. Consider the total
number of ports and bandwidth that is needed between the host and the Storwize V7000.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access

6. Determine the Storwize V7000 service IP address, and the IP addresses for the Storwize V7000
system and for the host that connects through iSCSI.
7. Determine the IP addresses for IP replication.
8. Define a naming convention for the Storwize V7000 nodes, host, and storage subsystem.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Storwize V7000 planning tables and charts



Figure 6-6. Storwize V7000 planning tables and charts

Plan the details of the physical system setup by using the planning tables for cable connections,
configuration data, hardware location, and redundant AC power connection. The location charts
include a suggested layout as well as blank worksheets. The completed tables and charts are also
useful as a record of the installation.
Download the hardware location chart, the cable connection table, the configuration data table, and
the optional redundant ac-power switch connection chart from the following website:
• Go to:
• Select the version or edition of IBM Storwize V7000 documentation.
• From the Storwize V7000 documentation, click Planning under Getting Started.
• Click the Planning worksheets.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Storwize V7000 physical installation

Connect all
Customer installation Confirm that you have all the power cords
planning information and DO NOT
hardware POWER ON
OPTIONAL devices
IBM SSR or IBM lab Install the support rails to
based service support hardware
(switches, node, expansion)

Install switches (FC/ETH)

Connect FC and ETH

Install the cable management cables to each node
arms in the rack cabinet

Install the nodes

Connect expansion
Install the optional storage enclosures to node
expansion enclosures


Figure 6-7. Storwize V7000 physical installation

To install the Storwize V7000 hardware, complete the following steps.

1. Prepare for the hardware installation by confirming that you have all the planning information
and all hardware parts that are required.
2. Based on your installation design, install the support rails for each hardware component
(switches, nodes, expansion enclosures).
3. Install the cable-management arms in the rack cabinet. Cable management arms help eliminate
cable stress and maintain a neat, organized cable layout for all components within the rack
4. Install the nodes.
5. Install the expansion enclosures. Storage expansions are optional to provide internal storage to
the control nodes. You can also install storage expansion enclosures in a separate adjacent
6. Before you connect the Storwize V7000 to the SAN, you must connect the Ethernet and Fibre
Channel cables to the nodes.
▪ Connect the Ethernet cables to the Ethernet ports on the rear of the Storwize V7000. Ports
1-3 are standard. If you have a 10-Gbps Optical Ethernet adapter that you want to connect
to a suitable Ethernet switch for iSCSI communications, then Ethernet ports 4-7 are also
▪ Based on the FC feature installed, connect FC cables to the FC ports as required by your
7. Connect the nodes to the expansion enclosures by using the 12-Gb SAS Cable (mSAS HD to

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access

8. Connect all power cords to the required component (DO NOT power ON any devices)
9. Verify that the installation is correct, and all cables are connected properly.
If you elect to have IBM SSR install the Storwize V7000 control enclosures and storage enclosures,
they would perform the same procedures to install and connect the components to each other, to
Fibre Channel switches, the Ethernet management switch, and to the power distribution units. This
includes cabling any for an initial system cluster installation. However, for a scalable system cluster
installation, IBM lab-based services completes the cabling.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


System power requirements

‡ Power requirements
ƒ Each V7000 control enclosure and expansion
enclosure requires two IEC-13 power cable
connections to connect to their perspective power

Right side internal PDU

Left side internal PDU
í Country specifics power cables can be order
í Maximum of two power cables required for each Storwize
V7000 I/O group

‡ Upstream high availability

ƒ One power cord from each rack component gets
plugged into left side internal PDU and the right side
internal PDU
í PDU is fed by separated power sources


Figure 6-8. System power requirements

Each V7000 control enclosure, or I/O group, and storage enclosure requires two IEC-C13 power
cable connections to connect to their 800-W and 1300-W power supplies. Country specifics power
cables are available for ordering to ensure that proper cabling is provided for the specific region. A
total of four power cords are required to connect the Storwize V7000 system to power. For
upstream high availability, one power cord from each Storwize V7000 system gets plugged into the
left side in-cabinet PDU, and the second power cord into the right side in-cabinet PDU. PDUs are
fed by separate power sources.
For upstream high availability, each rack cabinet is equipped with dual power strips or in-cabinet
PDUs. One power cord from each node is plugged into the left side in-cabinet PDU, and the second
node power cord is plugged into the right side in-cabinet PDU. The in-cabinet PDUs are fed by
separate redundant upstream power sources. The PDUs are fed by separate power sources. This
enables the cabinet to be split between two independent power sources for greater upstream high
availability. When adding more Storwize V7000s to the system cluster, the same power cabling
scheme should be continued for each additional enclosure.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Storwize V7000 node 12F/24FSAS cable requirements

10 units up

Enclosure 1
2076-24F expansion enclosure, the
blue pull tab must be below the cable Node Canister 1
Storwize V7000-724 node canister,
I/O Group
the blue pull tab must be above the Node Canister 2
1 1

Enclosure 2

10 units down

Both ends of a SAS cable must be inserted correctly (green

link LEDs next to the connected SAS ports are lit)


Figure 6-9. Storwize V7000 node 12F/24FSAS cable requirements

When installing the Storwize V7000 into a rack environment, it is recommended to place the
expansion units 2076-24F adjacent their parent (Storwize V7000) nodes in a rack. This helps to
manage simplicity and transparency of system layout within the rack. Also, ensure that the SAS
cables are run within the cable management arms in the back of the Storwize V7000 nodes. A
single control enclosure can support up to 20 expansion enclosures in two chains: 10 in the upper
chain (above the control enclosure) and 10 in the lower chain.
The visual illustrates how to connect 2076-12F/24F to the Storwize V7000 using the supplied SAS
1. Connect the top node 1 to the expansion enclosures.
a. Connect SAS port 1 of the top node 1 to SAS port 1 of the left canister in the first expansion
enclosure 1.
b. Connect SAS port 3 of the top node 1 to SAS port 1 of the left canister in the second
expansion enclosure 4.
2. Connect the second node 2 to the expansion enclosures.
a. Connect SAS port 1 of the bottom node 2 to SAS port 1 of the right canister in the first
expansion enclosure 1.
b. Connect SAS port 3 of the bottom node 2 to SAS port 1 of the right canister in second
expansion enclosure 4.
When connecting to a 2076-12F/24F expansion enclosure, the blue pull tab must be below the
cable, and for Storwize V7000 node, the blue pull tab must be above the connector. Insert the
connector gently until it clicks into place. If there is resistance, the connector is probably oriented
the wrong way. Do not force it. When inserted correctly the connector can be removed only by
pulling the tab.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access

This configuration creates two separate chains of one enclosure each. No cable can be connected
between a port on a left canister and a port on a right canister of the expansion enclosures.
Ensure that cables are installed in an orderly way to reduce the risk of cable damage when
replaceable units are removed or inserted. The cables need to be arranged to provide clear access
to Ethernet ports, including the technician port.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Storwize V7000 node 92F SAS cable requirements

4 units up

6 units up
2076-24F expansion enclosure, the Enclosure 1
blue pull tab must be below the cable

Storwize V7000-724 node canister, Node Canister 1

the blue pull tab must be above the I/O Group
Node Canister 2

Enclosure 2
6 units down

The 5U SAS expansion canisters are installed upside down 4 units down


Figure 6-10. Storwize V7000 node 92F SAS cable requirements

The 5U High Density Drawer expansion canisters are physically identical to the 12F and 24F SAS
expansion enclosures except they are installed in a reversed order. The SAS ports are numbered
from left to right as SAS port 1 and SAS port 2. The SAS port 1, the IN port connects up to four data
channels that use the control enclosure or to the previous expansion enclosure in the chain, with
the control enclosure at the end of the chain. SAS port 2, the OUT port connects to the next
expansion enclosure in the chain. Expansion enclosures can be included in a SAS chain, with up to
a total of 4 expansion enclosures per SAS chain.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Storwize V7000 cable options


$&8$ P*E6$6FDEOH P6$6+'WRP6$6+'

$&8% P*E6$6&DEOH P6$6+'WRP6$6+'

$&8& P*E6$6&DEOH P6$6+'WRP6$6+'

$&8' P*E6$6&DEOH P6$6+' WRP6$6+'

*Components available at the time of publication

Mini SAS

Figure 6-11. Storwize V7000 cable options

The visual lists the available cable components for the Storwize V7000 2076-12F/24F expansion
enclosures. Both the Storwize V7000 2076 control enclosure and expansion enclosure are
connected using the IBM 0.6m, 1.5 m, 3.0 m, 6.0 m 12 Gb SAS Cable (mSAS HD to mSAS). Check
Interoperability Guide for the latest supported options. Cable requirements are discussed in the
installation unit.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Cable management arm

‡ Reduce the complexity of cabling the Storwize V7000 rack environment

Lost in translation


Figure 6-12. Cable management arm

The cable-management arm is an optional feature and is used to efficiently route cables so that you
have proper access to the rear of the system. Cables are routed through the arm channel and
secured with cable ties or hook-and-loop fasteners. You should allow slack in the cables to avoid
strain in the cables as the cable management arm moves.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Device power on order

Reverse order

SAS Expansion Stop all I/O operations to the system

Enclosures do
not have power
Power on the control nodes

Power on SAS expansion 3

enclosures and any disk systems

Power on any Fibre Channel
or Ethernet network switches

Figure 6-13. Device power on order

Once all the installation requirements are completed, use the following steps in the order that is
given to power on the system environment. Typically, the Storwize V7000s are implemented in
existing environments where the hosts are already in production.
1. Power on FC and Ethernet switches. This is necessary to access the nodes, and for inter-node
communication for the Storwize V7000 cluster to operate.
2. Power on the SAS expansion enclosures. Note that expansion enclosures do not have a power
button. Wait approximately one minute to allow the expansion enclosures to complete their
Power On Self-Tests (also referred to as POST) and discover the drives. SAS expansion
enclosures are powered on before the control enclosures or nodes to allow the SAS storage to
be discovered and configured on the attached control enclosures when they are powered on.
3. Power on the control nodes. The nodes begin to power on and begin their POST, which might
take as long as five minutes to complete. The node appears idle during this time. And after
POST is complete, no yellow, amber, or fault LEDs should be lit and the green LEDs; you can
power on (or restart) the host servers.
4. Finally administrators can configure the Storwize V7000 cluster, storage pools, hosts and
VDisks for the hosts, and start applications.
To power off devices reverse order of the procedures. Before doing so, you need to stop all host I/O
operations to the volume on the system followed by the host.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


System initialization using the Technician port

‡ Initialization must be directly configured by using the Technician port is
marked with a T
Technician port (Ethernet port 4)
‡ Connect Ethernet cable between a laptop’s Ethernet
port and the upper node 10 GbE Technician port (only
Node canister 1
one node required)
‡ Open a new web browser page and point to
‡ Browser automatically directs to the for Node canister 2
initial configuration of the cluster
ƒ Wait for the initialization GUI to display in the web
ƒ If not, service assistant interface is displayed


Figure 6-14. System initialization using the Technician port

In order to create an Storwize V7000 clustered system, you must initialize the system by using the
Technician service port. The technician port is designed to simplify and ease the initial basic
configuration of the Storwize V7000 storage system. This process requires the administrator to be
physically at the hardware site.
To initialize a node, you simply connect a personal computer (PC) to the Technician port (Ethernet
port 4) on the rear of a node canister ─ only one node required. This port can be identified by the
letter “T”. The node uses DHCP to configure IP and DNS settings of the personal computer. If your
laptop is not DHCP enabled, configure the IP addresses by using the system default static IP
addresses for the node.
After the Ethernet port of the laptop is connected to the technician port, open a supported web
browser and point to https://install. If the node has Candidate status, you are automatically
redirect initialization wizard. Otherwise, the service assistant interface is displayed.
Administrators can access the interface of a node that uses its Ethernet port 1 service IP address
through either a web browser or open an SSH session.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Management GUI access

‡ Must have a supported web browser to access the management GUI
‡ Enable cookies in your web browser
‡ Enable scripts to disable or replace context menus (Mozilla Firefox only)
‡ Web Browsers might issue certificate warnings


Figure 6-15. Management GUI access

To access the IBM Storwize V7000 management GUI, you will need a valid we browser. To ensure
that you have the latest supported browser and the appropriate settings are enabled, visit the IBM
Storwize V7000 Knowledge Center.
Your web browser might feel compelled to protect certain access it has been deemed as untrusted.
These certificate warnings are self-issued and not harmful.
If required, acknowledge that you understand the ricks and confirm the following security exception
to continue.
If you are unable to connect to the management GUI from your web browser and received a Page
not found or similar error, you need to verify that both nodes are functioning working. You can’t
connect if the system is not operational with at least one node online. If you know the service
address of a node canister, either use the service assistant to verify that the state of at least one
node canister is active, or if the node canister is not active, use the LEDs to see if any node canister
state is active.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


System Setup tasks

Initialize the system using

the IBM Service (SA) GUI
‡ LAN administration
‡ Back end storage
Client, IBM SSR, or IBM lab based configuration
Log in to management GUI to service ‡ SAN zoning
complete System Setup ‡ Host disk

Configure tasks:
‡ Verify system name
‡ Add license functions
‡ Set System Data & Time
System Setup
‡ Enable Encryption
(License required)
‡ Configure Call Home (POC,
Location and Email address
‡ Enable Remote Support
‡ Enable IBM Storage Insight Review Summary


Figure 6-16. System Setup tasks

You need to complete the following System Setup tasks or have them completed by an IBM SSR or
IBM Business Partner:
1. If you’re redirected to the IBM Service Assistant GUI, you need to initialize the system for
management access by using the client-supplied worksheet. The SA provides a default user ID
(superuser) and password (passw0rd with a zero “0” instead of the letter “o”). Administrators
can also use the Service Assistant IP address to access the GUI and perform recovery tasks
and other service-related issues.
2. Next, you open a browser window and login into the Storwize V7000 management GUI using
the management IP address that is established during the initialization.
3. Follow the System Setup Wizard to verify the system name, add license functions as required,
set date and time, enable system encryption (license required), configure Call Home, enable
Remote Support, and enable IBM Storage Insights.
4. Review Summary. If modifications are required, you can use the Back button to do so.
5. Finalize the system setup.
The customer’s SAN, LAN and host administrators will also be involved in the setup process. IP
address from the LAN team are entered into the SA GUI, and inter-node communications must be
setup either via SAN zones between the node ports, or via 25 Gb Ethernet ports, prior to cluster
initialization. Eventually host and backend storage administrators will get involved migrating
workloads into the environment.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Additional system configurations

Log in to the
management GUI

Add Verify
additional nodes Software
Code level

Add Suggested Tasks

internal expansion

Other features:


Figure 6-17. Additional system configurations

After the successfully completing all mandatory steps of the initial configuration, log in to the
management GUI to verify the system settings. During the initialization, only two nodes on the
fabric are configured in to a cluster, and presented automatically. If you have purchased more
control enclosures, you must manually add them to the cluster. After all control enclosures are part
of the cluster, you can install the optional expansion enclosures. However, it is strongly
recommended to ensure that the system is running at the appropriate firmware level before
configuring your system storage.
When a new enclosure is cabled correctly to the system, the Add Enclosures action automatically
displays on the System > Overview page. If this action does not appear, review the installation
instructions to ensure the new enclosure is cabled correctly. You can also add a new enclosure by
selecting Add Enclosure from the System Actions menu.
You might be required to complete any addition administration settings that might have not been
completed during the system setup wizard such as Call Home. In this case, the GUI offers
suggested tasks to help remind to include, create a volume and configure a storage pool. You can
directly perform the tasks from the pop-up window or cancel them and run the procedure later at
any convenient time. Optionally, you can configure other features, such as user authentication, and
secure communications.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Installation and configuration: Client system setup (1 of 3)

‡ System installation
‡ System setup
ƒ Management IP
ƒ SAN zoning
ƒ Management interfaces


Figure 6-18. Installation and configuration: Client system setup (1 of 3)

This topic discusses the client requirement for completing the system setup of the Storwize V7000.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Required IP addresses
‡ Cluster management IP address on ethernet port 1
ƒ One management IP address per cluster
‡ Node service IP address on ethernet port 1
ƒ One per node
‡ Optional IP address
ƒ Alternate cluster management IP address (ethernet port 2 on separate subnet)
‡ iSCSI IP addresses
ƒ Both IPv4 and IPv6 address format is supported

10 GbE cluster
10 GbE port is used for ETH1 ETH2 ETH3 ETH4 management ports
system initialization

Figure 6-19. Required IP addresses

The management IP addresses are assigned during the initialization of the system and represent a
set of nodes on the system that contains the management GUI and the command-line interface,
which manage the system. A management IP addresses is required to manage the Storwize V7000
storage system through either a graphical user interface (GUI), command-line interface (CLI)
accessed by using a Secure Shell connection (SSH), or by using an embedded CIMOM that
supports the Storage Management Initiative Specification (SMI-S). The system IP address is also
used to access remote services like authentication servers, NTP, SNMP, SMTP, and syslog
systems, if configured. Each Storwize V7000 control enclosure contains a default management IP
address that can be changed to allow the device to be managed on a different address than the IP
address assigned to the interface for data traffic.
The system cluster requires the following IP addresses:
• Cluster management IP address: Address used for all normal configuration and service access
to the cluster. There are two management IP ports on each control enclosure. Port 1 is required
to be configured as the port for cluster management. Both Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4)
and Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) are supported.
• Service assistant IP address: One address per node. The cluster operates without the nodes’
service IP addresses but it is highly recommended that each node is assigned an IP address
for service-related actions.
• A 10/100/1000-Mb Ethernet connection is required for each cable.
An alternative management IP address on another subnet can be configured on ethernet port 2.
This provides redundancy to mange the cluster in case of a LAN subnet failure. Note that the
cluster handles SAN based I/O even if the IP network is down.
ISCSI addresses can also be assigned to any of the Ethernet ports.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Storwize V7000 management interfaces

Open industry-standard interfaces

Control node

2 - 8 nodes https
GUI, CLI, and
GUI: Web browser
over https
with key or password
Embedded GUI with password
with best practices
presets resource
SMI-S to
CIM interface


Figure 6-20. Storwize V7000 management interfaces

The Storwize V7000 simplifies storage management by providing a single image for multiple
controllers and a consistent user interface for provisioning heterogeneous storage.
The Storwize V7000 provides cluster management interfaces that include:
• An embedded Storwize V7000 graphical user interface (GUI) that supports a web browser
connection for configuration management, which is similar to the common source code base as
IBM Storwize V7000 (Storwize V7000).
• A command-line interface (CLI) accessed by using a Secure Shell connection (SSH) with
• An embedded CIMOM that supports the SMI-S, which allows any CIM-compliant resource
manager to communicate and manage the system cluster.
To access the cluster for management, there are two user authentication methods available:
• Local authentication: Local users are those managed within the cluster, that is, without using
a remote authentication service. Local users are created with a password to access the
Storwize V7000 GUI, and/or assigned an SSH key pair (public/private) to access the CLI.
• Remote authentication: Remote users are defined and authenticated by a remote
authentication service. The remote authentication service enables integration of system with
LDAP (or MS Active Directory) to support single sign-on. We take a closer look at the remote
authentication method later in this unit.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Cluster communication and management

System cluster I/O Group2

time can be Cluster State Data I/O Group3
obtained from an
NTP server

I/O Group0 I/O Group1

Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of
cluster state cluster state cluster state cluster state
Node1 Node2 Node3 Node4

Configuration Node
Boss Node
• Owns cluster IP address (up to two addresses) • Controls cluster state updates
• Provides configuration interface to cluster • Propagates cluster state data to all nodes


Figure 6-21. Cluster communication and management

IBM Storwize V7000 cluster can contain up to four I/O groups, which is eight Storwize V7000 node
When the initial node is used to create a cluster, it automatically becomes the configuration node
for the system cluster. The configuration node responds to the cluster IP address and provides the
configuration interface to the cluster. All configuration management and services are performed at
the cluster level. If the configuration node fails another node is chosen to be the configuration node
automatically and this node takes over the cluster IP address. Thus, configuration access to the
cluster remains unchanged.
The cluster state holds all configuration and internal cluster data for the cluster. This cluster state
information is held in non-volatile memory of each node. If the main power supply fails, then the
battery modules maintain battery power long enough for the cluster state information to be stored
on the internal disk of each control enclosure. The read/write cache information is also held in
non-volatile memory. If power fails to a node, then the cached data is written to the internal disk.
A control enclosure in the cluster serves as the Boss node. The Boss node ensures
synchronization and controls the updating of the cluster state. When a request is made in a node
that results in a change being made to the cluster state data, that node notifies the boss node of the
change. The boss node then forwards the change to all nodes (including the requesting node) and
all the nodes make the state-change at the same point in time. This ensures that all nodes in the
cluster have the same cluster state data. The system cluster time can be obtained from an NTP
(Network Time Protocol) server from time synchronization.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Installation and configuration: Client system setup (2 of 3)

‡ System installation
‡ System setup
ƒ Management IP
ƒ SAN zoning
ƒ Management interfaces


Figure 6-22. Installation and configuration: Client system setup (2 of 3)

This topic discusses the SAN zoning requirements for an Storwize V7000 clustered system.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Cluster zoning requirements

Hosts see only
SAN the volumes

Fabric 1
Host Zones

zoning SVC
Redundancy V7000

V7000 V7000

Fabric 2 Storage
External storage

FS 900 AE3
Storwize V5030
Local storage


Figure 6-23. Cluster zoning requirements

The SAN fabric zones allow the IBM Spectrum Virtualize system to see each other to include other
supported control enclosures being added to an I/O group, and all storage devices that is attached
to the fabrics, and for all hosts to see only the managing controllers. SAN zoning configuration is
implemented at the switch level. Ensure system I/O groups are zoned correctly and is part of the
same storage area network (SAN). For high availability, a dual fabric network that uses two
independent fabrics or SANs (up to four fabrics are supported) is recommended.
The switches can be configured into four distinct types of fabric zones:
• Intra-cluster zoning needs to be configured prior to creating a cluster to allow controllers or
nodes communication. This requires internal switches to create up to two zones per fabric and
include a single port per node, which is designated for intra-cluster traffic. A Spectrum Virtualize
system can be connected to up to four fabrics. No more than four ports per node should be
allocated to intra-cluster traffic.
• A host zone consists of the control enclosure and the host. You need to create a host zone for
every server that needs access to storage from the controller. A single host should not have
more than eight paths to an I/O group. IBM Storwize V7000 supports up to three inter-switch
link (ISL) hops in the fabric, which means that connectivity between the server and the control
enclosure can be separated by up to five FC links, four of which can be 10 km long (6.2 miles) if
longwave small form-factor pluggables (SFPs) are used.
• Storage zones is a single zone that consists of all the storage systems that is virtualized by an
Spectrum Virtualize controller enclosure. If you plan to virtualize storage behind the Storwize
V7000, such as the V7000, it is zoned as external FC storage to the Spectrum Virtualize
controller enclosure.
• Remote copy zones is an optional zone to support Copy Services features for Metro Mirroring
and Global Mirroring operations if the feature is licensed. This zone contains half of the system

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access

ports of the system clusters in partnerships. When using a Spectrum Virtualize system for
remote mirroring, alternatives exist for connecting the clusters through the Ethernet ports on the
system, or for interconnecting the SAN fabrics at both sites.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Dual fabric for high availability

• To maintain performance and high availability:
ƒ Two SAN fabric switches
í Four FC switch ports to maintain a dual fabric with )DEULF
each Storwize V70000 node adapter ports spread 6ZLWFK
evenly across both fabrics
ƒ One or two (recommended) Ethernet switches
í All V7000 control enclosures in the clustered 1RGH
system must be on the same LAN 1RGH

í Eth port 1 must be on one LAN segment and

Eth port 2 must be on the second LAN
í Each V7000 node can assume the clustered
system management IP address


Figure 6-24. Dual fabric for high availability

To ensure proper performance and to maintain application high availability in the unlikely event of
an individual node canister failure, it is recommended that all V7000 control enclosures in a
clustered system must be on dual SAN fabrics with each Storwize V7000 node adapter ports
spread evenly across both fabrics. All V7000 control enclosures must also be on the same local
area network (LAN) segment, which allows for any node in the clustered system to assume the
clustered system management IP address. For a dual LAN segment, port 1 of every node is
connected to the first LAN segment, and port 2 of every node is connected to the second LAN
segment. Therefore, if a node fails or is removed from the configuration, the remaining node
operates in a degraded mode, but the configuration is still valid for the I/O Group.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Storwize V7000 port destination recommendations






Figure 6-25. Storwize V7000 port destination recommendations

The visual lists options that represent optimal configurations based on port assignment to function.
Using the same port assignment but different physical locations will not have any significant
performance impact in most client environments.
This recommendation provides the wanted traffic isolation while also simplifying migration from
existing configurations with only 4 ports, or even later migrating from 8-port or 12-port
configurations to configurations with additional ports. More complicated port mapping
configurations that spread the port traffic across the adapters are supported and can be considered
but these approaches do not appreciably increase availability of the solution since the mean time
between failures (MTBF) of the adapter is not significantly less than that of the non-redundant node

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Storwize V7000 port assignment recommendations for isolating traffic

IBM Storwize V7000 2076-724

Slot: Port Port # SAN 4-port Nodes 8-port Nodes 12-port Nodes 16-port Nodes

S3:P1 1 A /1 Intra-node or Host/Storage Inter-node Inter-node Inter-node

S3:P2 2 B/2 Intra-node or Host/Storage Host/Storage or Replication* Host/Storage or Replication* Host/Storage or Replication*
S3:P3 3 A /1 Host/Storage or Replication Host/Storage Host/Storage Host/Storage
S3:P4 4 B/2 Host/Storage or Replication Host/Storage Host/Storage Host/Storage
S4:P1 5 A /1 Host/Storage or Replication* Host/Storage or Replication* Host/Storage or Replication*
S4:P2 6 B/2 Host/Storage Host/Storage Host/Storage
S4:P3 7 A /1 Host/Storage Host/Storage Host/Storage
S4:P4 8 B/2 Inter-node Inter-node Inter-node
S6:P1 9 A /1 Host/Storage Host/Storage
S6:P2 10 B/2 Host/Storage Host/Storage
S6:P3 11 A /1 Inter-node or Host/Storage Inter-node or Host/Storage
S6:P4 12 B/2 Inter-node or Host/Storage Inter-node or Host/Storage
S7:P1 13 A /1 Host/Storage
S7:P2 14 B/2 Host/Storage
S7:P3 15 A /1 Host/Storage
S7:P4 16 B/2 Host/Storage

* Use for Host/Storage in case no replication is in place.


Figure 6-26. Storwize V7000 port assignment recommendations for isolating traffic

Improving maximum performance requires careful customer planning to ensure non-disruptive

scalability. The chart list the suggested optimal use of SAN switch zoning port assignments for
isolating traffic and simplify migrations to configurations with greater number of ports in an IBM
Storwize V7000 system environment that uses 4-ports, 8-ports, 12-ports, or 16-ports nodes. This
includes the options that represent optimal configurations based on where the port is assigned and
the use of the HBA port such as intra-cluster traffic, ports for host/storage traffic, and dedicated
ports for remote copy. Any ports that are designated for remote copy can be used for host/storage
The system also supports more complicated port-mapping configurations that spread the port traffic
across the adapters. However, these approaches do not appreciably increase availability of the
solution. Although, alternative port mappings that spread traffic across HBAs might allow adapters
to come back online following a failure. However, they do not prevent a node from going offline
temporarily to restart and attempt to isolate the failed adapter and then rejoin the cluster. Also, the
mean time between failures (MTBF) of the adapter is not significantly shorter than that of the
non-redundant node components. The presented approach takes all of these considerations into
account with a view that increased complexity can lead to migration challenges in the future, and a
simpler approach is usually better.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Zone definitions by port number or WWPN

Zoning by port WIN AIX Zoning by

(Domain ID and Port #) WWPN


Switch domain#

Lw Ls

Figure 6-27. Zone definitions by port number or WWPN

Two different zoning methods that can be used are zoning by port, or the most common practice of
zoning by WWPN. When zoning by port, if a cable is moved on a switch or to another switch on the
fabric, the zoning definition must be changed. While if the HIC on the host is changed, (which
results in a new WWPN on that HIC) the port zoning doesn't need to be changed.
Zoning by WWPN provides the granularity at the adapter port level. If the cable is moved to another
port or to a different switch in the fabric the zoning definition is not affected. However, if the HIC is
replaced and the WWPN is changed (this does not apply to the Spectrum Virtualize system
WWPNs) then the zoning definition needs to be updated accordingly.
When zoning by switch domain ID, ensure that all switch domain IDs are unique between both
fabrics and that the switch name incorporates the domain ID. Having a unique domain ID makes
troubleshooting problems much easier in situations where an error message contains the Fibre
Channel ID of the port with a problem. For example, have all domain IDs in first fabric to start with
10 and all domain IDs in second fabric to start with 20.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Name and addressing convention

64-bit port WWN

24-bit port address

+RVW+%$ QRGH+%$


64-bit port WWN

24-bit port address Node name
64-bit node WWN


Figure 6-28. Name and addressing convention

IBM storage uses a methodology whereby each world wide port name (WWPN) is a child of the
world wide node name (WWNN). The unique world wide name (WWN) is used to identity the
Fibre Channel storage device in a Storage Area Network (SAN). This means that if you know
the WWPN of a port, you can easily identify the vendor and match it to the WWNN of the
storage device that owns that port.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


WWN addressing scheme





  HE  ,(((([WHQGHG






Figure 6-29. WWN addressing scheme

Each N_port on a storage device contains persistent (16 hexadecimal) World Wide Port Name
(WWPN) that is actually 8 bytes.
The first table is an example of an Emulex HBA IEEE Standard format (10). Section 1 identifies
the WWN as a standard format WWN. Only one of the 4 digits is used, the other three must be
zero filled. Section 2 is called the OUI or “company_id” and identifies the vendor (more on this
later). Part 3 is a unique identifier created by the vendor.
Our next example is an QLogic HBA identifying an IEEE Extended format (20). Section 1
identifies the WWN as an extended format WWN. Section 2 is a vendor specific code and can
be used to identify specific ports on a node or to extend the serial number (section 4) of the
WWN. Section 3 identifies the vendor. Section 4 is the unique vendor-supplied serial number for
the device.
The last two tables identifies vendor IEEE Registered Name format of the WWN. This is
referred to a Format 5 which enables vendors to create unique identifiers without having to
maintain a database of serial number codes. IBM owns the 005076 company ID. Section 1: 5
identifies the registered name WWN. Section 2: 00: 05: 07:6 identifies the vendor. Section 3:
3:00:c7:01:99 is a vendor-specific generated code, usually based on the serial number of the
device, such as a disk subsystem.
All vendors wishing to create WWNs must register for a company ID or OUI (Organizationally
Unique Identifier). These are maintained and published by IEEE.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Storwize V7000 and FlashSystem 900 switch zoning

Canister 1 Canister 2 Canister 3 Canister 4
Connect the P1-ports to one fabric P1 P2 P1 P2 P1 P2 P1 P2

and the P2-ports to the other fabric

For 8 Gb connect the P3 and P4 ports to the SAN Fabric 1 SAN Fabric 2
same fabrics as P1 and P2 ports respectively

1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 P1 P2 P3 P4 P1 P2 P3 P4 P1 P2 P3 P4 P1 P2 P3 P4 P1 P2 P3 P4 P1 P2 P3 P4
P1 P2 P3 P4 P1 P2 P3 P4
Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 1 Slot 2
Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 Node 1 Node 6 Node 7 Node 8

I/O Group 0 I/O Group 1 I/O Group 2 I/O Group 3

Storwize V7000 8-node with 4 FC ports per node (8 per I/O Grp)

Figure 6-30. Storwize V7000 and FlashSystem 900 switch zoning

This example illustrates an Storwize V7000 scalable building block with four ports per I/O group and
the IBM FlashSystem 900 two ports per canister are connected to a redundant fabric by using 8-Gb
FC connections. Both system ports are evenly split between two SAN fabrics.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Storwize V7000 and DS3500 switch zoning

SAN Fabric 1 SAN Fabric 2

1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
P1 P2 P3 P4 P1 P2 P3 P4 P1 P2 P3 P4 P1 P2 P3 P4 P1 P2 P3 P4 P1 P2 P3 P4 P1 P2 P3 P4 P1 P2 P3 P4
Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 1 Slot42 Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 1 Slot 2
Node 1 Node-2 Node-3 Node-4 Node-5 Node-6 Node-7 Node-8
I/O Group 0 I/O Group 1 I/O Group 2 I/O Group 3

Storwize V7000 scalable BB with 4 FC ports per node (8 per I/O Grp)

Cntrl A Cntrl B
Channels Channels
1 and 3 2 and 4

C2 C4
C1 C3

Controller 1 Controller 2

Figure 6-31. Storwize V7000 and DS3500 switch zoning

This example illustrates an Storwize V7000 scalable building block with four ports per I/O group,
and the IBM System Storage DS3500 two port are connected to a redundant fabric by using 8-Gb
FC connections. Both system ports are evenly split between two SAN fabrics.
This follows the best practice of alternating FC adapter ports across SAN fabrics, which typically
yields more application bandwidth under FC cable, port, or fabric failure conditions.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Storwize V7000 Fiber Channel Connectivity

• List out configured paths to nodes, hosts and or storage, and verify I/O paths


Figure 6-32. Storwize V7000 Fiber Channel Connectivity

SAN zoning connectivity of an Storwize V7000 environment can be verified by using the system
management GUI by selecting Settings > Network and then select Fibre Channel Connectivity
in the Network filter list. The Fibre Channel Connectivity view displays SAN connectivity data as
seen by the Storwize V7000 cluster, that is, the port-to-port connectivity between the configuration
control nodes ports in the cluster with the attached host ports, and storage system ports that are
attached through the Fibre Channel network.
This output allows you to verify that the SAN cabling and zoning are properly setup. E.G., if you
select a host, the paths from the V7000 to the host will be listed and you can compare it to the
planned design. Note this output doesn’t tell us on which fabric, in the typical dual SAN fabric
environment, each port resides.

Each row in the example output shows an I/O path as reflected by the local and remote WWPN
pair, where the local WWPN is a Storwize V7000 port, and the remote WWPN is another Storwize
V7000, host or storage port. The first four rows represent two inter-node I/O paths between node 1
and node 2. Note that the paths between nodes in the cluster are listed twice; once from each
node's point of view. Paths to hosts and storage (or remote Storwize V7000s), which are the ones
listed after the first four, are only listed once.
The host ports are initiators to the Storwize V7000 target ports, while Storwize V7000 ports are
initiators to the back end storage. It is common that Storwize V7000 ports act as both initiators and
The Fibre Channel Connectivity is useful in validating the connections that arise from the cabling
and zoning. The initiator ports must have completed the port login (PLOGI) process before it can be

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access

Multiple ports or connections from a given storage system can be defined to provide greater data
bandwidth and more availability.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


FC Zoning and multipathing LUN access control

6'''60 03,2 +RZPDQ\/81V"




Figure 6-33. FC Zoning and multipathing LUN access control

A host system is generally equipped with two HBAs requiring one to be attached to each fabric.
Each storage system also attaches to each fabric with one or more adapter ports. A dual fabric is
also highly recommended when integrating the Storwize V7000 into the SAN infrastructure.
LUN masking is typically implemented in the storage system and in an analogous manner in the
Storwize V7000 to ensure data access integrity across multiple heterogeneous or homogeneous
host servers. Zoning is deployed often complementing LUN masking to ensure resource access
integrity. Issues that are related to LUN or volume sharing across host servers are not changed by
the Storwize V7000 implementation. Additional shared access software, such as clustering
software, is still required if sharing is desired.
Another aspect of zoning is to limit the number of paths among ports across the SAN and thus
reducing the number of instances the same LUN is reported to a host operating system.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Multipathing and host LUN access control

/ / / /




Figure 6-34. Multipathing and host LUN access control

The SDD provides multipath support for certain OS environments that do not have native MPIO
capability. SDD also enhances the functions of the Windows DSM and AIX PCM MPIO frameworks.
For availability, host systems generally have two HBA ports installed; and storage systems typically
have multiple ports as well. The number of multiple instances of the same LUN increases as more
ports are added. In a SAN environment, a host system with a multiple Fibre Channel adapter ports
which connect through a switch to multiple storage ports is considered to have multiple paths. Due
to these multiple paths, the same LUN is reported to the host system more than once.
For coexistence and gradual conversion to the Storwize V7000 environment, a storage system
RAID controller might present LUNs to both the Storwize V7000 as well as other hosts attached to
the SAN. Dependent upon some restrictions, a host might be accessing SCSI LUNs surfaced either
directly from the storage system or indirectly as volumes from the Storwize V7000. Besides
adhering to the support matrix for storage system type and model, HBA brand and firmware levels,
device driver levels and multipath driver coexistence, and OS platform and software levels, the
fabric zoning must be implemented to ensure resource access integrity as well as multipathing
support for high availability.
Although attached storage is supported, it is the Storwize V7000 and not the individual host
systems that interacts with these storage systems, their device drivers, and multipath drivers.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Host zoning preferred paths

Preferred path for vdisk1 Dual paths per

are to ports on Node1, the V1 P1 P2
fabric per HBA
caching node for the
DIR 1 SAN Fabric DIR 2 SAN Fabric
Non-preferred paths for
vdisk1 are to ports on
Node2. Node 2 will
forward I/O requests for
Preferred Paths Non Preferred Paths
vidsk1 to node1.

Logical ports 4 3 1 3 5 6 7 8 4 3 1 3 5 6 7 8

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Physical ports HIC 1 HIC 2 HIC 1 HIC 2

Node 1 Node 2

V1 I/O Group 0

SDD path selection algorithm drives I/O and load

balances across the paths to the preferred node

Figure 6-35. Host zoning preferred paths

By default, the Storwize V7000 GUI assigns ownership of even-numbered volumes to one node of
a caching pair and the ownership of odd-numbered volumes to the other node. When a volume is
assigned to an V7000 node at creation, this node is known as the preferred node through which the
volume will normally be accessed. The preferred node is responsible for I/Os for the volume and
coordinates sending the I/Os to the alternative node.
This illustration is of a 2-node system with dual paths to both the fabric and HBA to the Storwize
V7000 I/O group. Each host HBA port is zoned with one port of each V7000 node of an I/O group in
a four-path environment. The first volume (vdisk1), whose preferred node is NODE 1, is accessed
for I/O then the path selection algorithms will load balance across the two preferred paths to NODE
1. The other two non preferred paths defined in this zone are to NODE 2, which is the alternate
node for volume (vdisk1).
The reason for not assigning one HBA to each path is because, one node solely serves as a
backup node for any specific volume. That is, a preferred node scheme is used. The load is never
be balanced for that particular volume. Therefore, it is better to load balance by I/O group instead
so that the volume is assigned to nodes automatically.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Zoning multi HBA hosts for resiliency

Spread IO across multiple V7000 Ports

Host HBA ports accessing only V7000-

surfaced volumes should not be in the
+%$ +%$ same zone as back-end storage ports
P1 P2 P1 P2


1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4





Figure 6-36. Zoning multi HBA hosts for resiliency

Multiple fabrics increase the redundancy and resilience of the SAN by duplicating the fabric
infrastructure. With multiple fabrics, the hosts and the resources have simultaneous access to both
fabrics, and have zoning to allow multiple paths over each fabric.
In this example, the host has two HBAs installed, and each port of the HBA is connected to a
separate SAN switch. This allows the host to have multiple paths to its resources. This also means
that the zoning has to be done in each fabric separately. If there is a complete failure in one fabric,
the host can still access the resources through the second fabric.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


SAN zoning documentation

• SAN administrator table of information connected to the SAN
ƒ SAN switch and switch port number
ƒ Device name: host, storage or switch
ƒ Device adapter and port
ƒ Cable label
• Used to design the zoning and disk pathing
• Typically 4 host ports zoned to 4 Spectrum Virtualize ports


Figure 6-37. SAN zoning documentation

To track host zoning, you can create a worksheet that documents which host ports should be
assigned to which Storwize V7000 ports to ensure the workload is spread across the Storwize
V7000 HBA ports. This might be particularly helpful when host ports are set up with four paths to
the Storwize V7000 I/O group.
Not all OS platforms recommend or support eight (or even four) paths between the host ports and
the I/O group. Consult the Storwize V7000 Information Center for platform-specific host attachment

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Installation and configuration: Client system setup (3 of 3)

‡ System installation
‡ System setup
ƒ Management IP
ƒ SAN zoning
ƒ Management interfaces
‡ Management GUI

‡ Command-line interface (CLI)


Figure 6-38. Installation and configuration: Client system setup (3 of 3)

This topic discusses the management requirements for accessing the graphical user interface
(GUI) and assigning of user IDs and roles. This topic also describes the steps that are required to
configure an SSH (PuTTYGen) connection and create user authentication for access.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Storwize V7000 GUI Dashboard view

‡ Default home page
ƒ Provides high-level view of the system overall performance, capacity, and system health

Navigation Event notification Location/Help Menu

Suggest Tasks
Side Menu

Storwize V7000 GUI Dashboard view


Figure 6-39. Storwize V7000 GUI Dashboard view

The Dashboard is the default home page that provides a high-level view of information about the
system, its performance, capacity, and system health.
The Dashboard serves as a quick view to assess the overall condition of the system and view
notifications of any critical issues that require immediate action.
• At a glance overview of performance, capacity, and system health.
• Enhancements for use with mobile devices, including Event Flag based performance charts.
• Performance graphs overlaid with events.
• Improvements to “strongly encourage” enabling of Call Home and Remote Access.
• Capacity over time GUI provides clients more insight on how they are using their capacity over

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Default authorize users

‡ Superuser (Security Administrator role)
ƒ Manage all function of the system (manage
users, user groups, and user authentication
ƒ Can run any commands from the command-
line interface (CLI) to include sainfo and
satask commands
ƒ Can assign other users to security
administrator role
‡ Remote Support Assistance users:
ƒ Enabled during the System Setup wizard or
as a stand-alone enablement
í System generates two sra_IDs that are used
only by IBM Support


Figure 6-40. Default authorize users

The Access > Users option can be used to perform user administration such as create new users,
apply password administration, plus add and remove SSH keys. By default, a superuser ID and
default password are generated. A superuser operates in a security administrator role, which
provides the ability to manage all functions of the system, including managing users, user groups,
and user authentication. They can also run any system commands from the command-line
interface (CLI). You can assign other user to a security administrator role, however, only a
superuser can run sainfo or satask commands, or access the Service Assistant interface on a
When Remote Support Assistance has been enabled, either during the system setup wizard or as a
stand-alone enablement, the system generates two user IDs. These are support remote access
users (sra_IDs) to enable system access. These IDs are restricted and only used by IBM Support
personnel. When logging with an sra_ID, the support personnel must respond to the challenge
code presented with a response code that is received from the IBM Support Center.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


User authentication methods

‡ User authentication controls access to the
web-based management interface (GUI)
and the CLI
‡ Local authentication
ƒ Performed within the system
ƒ Requires user name and password or SSH
key authentication, or both
‡ Remote authentication
ƒ Access is performed from a remote server Service Assistant Tool is
displayed when accessing
ƒ Requires validation of user’s permission to
via the config node
login as: superuser
[email protected]’s password:
IBM_Storwize V7000:superuser>lscurrentuser
name superuser
role SecurityAdmin
BM_Storwize V7000:superuser>

Figure 6-41. User authentication methods

Part of an administrator’s role is managing the authentication of users. In addition to authenticating

with private/public SSH key, the Storwize V7000 supports the following methods of user
authentication to control access to the web-based management interface (GUI) and the CLI:
• Local authentication is performed within the Storwize V7000 and requires local CLI
authentication methods (Secure Shell (SSH) key authentication and user name and password).
• Remote authentication requires validation of a user’s permission to access the management
CLI or GUI. Access is performed at a remote authentication server. That is, except for the
superuser account there is no need to administer local user accounts on the Storwize V7000.
If you log in to the GUI using a node that is the configuration node, you will get an additional option
“Service Assistant Tool”. Clicking this button will redirect you to the service assistant, rather than the
cluster GUI.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


User group roles

Access to all the functions provided by both the management GUI and CLI
including those related to managing users, user groups, and authentication

Same as SecurityAdmin, except those related to managing users, user

groups, and authentication

Authority to start, modify, change direction, and stop FlashCopy mappings

and Remote Copy relationships, but cannot create or delete definitions

User has a limited command set related to servicing the cluster, and has
access to all the functions associated with monitor role

User does not have the authority to change the state of the cluster or cluster

User can perform the same tasks and run most of the same commands as
administrator-role users

Figure 6-42. User group roles

There are five default user groups and roles. When adding a new user to a group, the user must be
associated with one of the corresponding roles:
• Security Administrator: User has access to all the functions provided by both the management
GUI and CLI including those related to managing users, user groups, and authentication.
• Administrator: User has access to all the functions provided by both the management GUI and
CLI except those related to managing users, user groups, and authentication.
• Copy Operator: User has the authority to start, modify, change direction, and stop FlashCopy
mappings and Remote Copy relationships at the stand-alone or consistency group level, but
cannot create or delete definitions. The user has access to all the functions associated with
monitor role.
• Service: User has a limited command set related to servicing the cluster. It is designed primarily
for IBM service personnel. The user has access to all the functions associated with monitor
• Monitor: User can access panes and commands, back up configuration data, initiate change to
its own password and SSH key, and issue the following commands: finderr, dumperrlog,
dumpinterallog, and chcurrentuser. This role cannot perform actions that change the state of
the system or the resources that the system manages.
• RestrictedAdmin: User can perform the same tasks and run most of the same commands as
administrator-role users. However, users with the Restricted Administrator role are not
authorized to run the rmvdisk, rmvdiskhostmap, rmhost, or rmmdiskgrp commands and
cannot remove volumes, host mappings, hosts, or pools. When secure remote assist is enabled
on the system, support personnel can be assigned this role to help resolve errors and fix

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Access menu: User groups

• User group represents access levels that are defined by the roles
ƒ Roles define a specific set of privileges on the system
ƒ All local users must be part of a single user group
• Role is specified during the creation of a User group

A local user can only

belong to a single group


Figure 6-43. Access menu: User groups

Administrators can create role-based user groups where any users that are added to the group
adopt the role that is assigned to that group. Roles apply to both local and remote users on the
system and are based on the user group to which the user belongs. A local user can only belong to
a single group; therefore, the role of a local user is defined by the single group to which that user
The User Group navigation pane lists the user groups pre-defined in the system. To create a user
group, you must define its Roles. Once created, you can determine the authentication type and the
number of users who are assigned with this group.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Managing user authentication

‡ Select Access > Users to perform user administration
ƒ Create new users, delete, change, and remove passwords,
plus add and remove SSH keys
ƒ With a valid password and username, users are allowed to
login into both GUI and CLI


Superuser SSH key

authentication that is
required for access to the CLI


Figure 6-44. Managing user authentication

When a clustered system is created, the authentication settings default to local, which means that
the system contains a local database of users and their privileges. Users can be created on the
system by using the user accounts that they are given by the local superuser account. With a valid
password and username, users are allowed to log in into both GUI and CLI with the defined access
level privileges. If a password is not configured, the user will not be able to log in to the GUI.
SSH keys are not required for CLI access. However, you can choose either to use SSH or a
password for CLI authentication. The CLI can be accessed with a pair of public and private SSH
keys. A public key is uploaded to the Storwize V7000 for each user, while the private key is typically
stored on the user's local system in a connection profile for the program used to access the CLI
such as Putty.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Remote Authentication configuration

• Click Configure Remote Authentication
• Select the LDAP type:
• Select Security:
ƒ Choose Transport Layer Security; the LDAP server’s certificate is
configured later
ƒ Choose SSL certificates for securing web services
ƒ Choose None if your LDAP server requires a secure connection
• Select Advanced Settings:
ƒ For MS AD server, enter the credentials of an existing user on the
LDAP server with permission to query the LDAP directory
ƒ Leave the credential fields blank if your LDAP server supports
anonymous bind
ƒ Specify the LDAP server IP address

LDAP Authentication must be enabled

before creating a user group, and assigning
user remote access


Figure 6-45. Remote Authentication configuration

IBM Storwize V7000 supports remote authentication using LDAP. This enables authentication with
a domain user name and password instead of a locally defined user name. If the enterprise has
multiple Storwize V7000 clusters, then user names are no longer need to be defined on each of
these systems. Centralized user management is at the domain controller level instead of the
individual Storwize V7000 clusters.
Before configuring authentication for a remote user, you first verify that the remote authentication
service is configured for the SAN management application. You also need to configure remote
authentication before you can create a new user.
To configure the remote authentication service, navigate to the Directory Services window. Click
Configure Remote Authentication. The supported types of LDAP servers are IBM Tivoli Directory
Server, Microsoft Active Directory (MS AD), and Open LDAP (running on a Linux system).
The user that is authenticated remotely by an LDAP server is granted permission on the Storwize
V7000 system according to the role that is assigned to the group of which the user is a member.
That is, the user group must exist with an identical name on the system and on the LDAP server for
the remote authentication to succeed.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


CLI SSH keys encrypted communications

1 Generate public/private keys for CLI

Private PuTTYGEN

Install public key
in cluster

Storwize V7000

Secure communications
Storwize V7000



Figure 6-46. CLI SSH keys encrypted communications

To use the CLI, the PuTTY program (on any workstation with PuTTY installed) must be set up to
provide the SSH connection to the Storwize V7000 cluster. The command-line interface (CLI)
commands use the Secure Shell (SSH) connection between the SSH client software on the host
system and the SSH server on the system cluster. For Windows environments, the Windows SSH
client program PuTTY can be downloaded.
A configured PuTTY session that uses a generated Secure Shell (SSH) key pair (Private and
Public) is needed to use the CLI. The key pair is associated with a given user. The user and its key
association are defined by using the superuser. The public key is stored in the system cluster as
part of the user definition process. When the client (for example, a workstation) tries to connect and
use the CLI, the private key on the client is used to authenticate with its public key stored in the
system cluster.
The CLI can be accessed using password instead of SSH. However, when invoking commands
from scripts by using the SSH key interface is recommended as it is more secure.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


PuTTYgen key generation

• PuTTYGen SSH-2 RSA (default) offers the
best key size and security level
ƒ Separated into modules and consists of three
protocols working together
‫ ޤ‬SSH Transport Layer Protocol (SSH-TRANS) Private
‫ ޤ‬SSH Authentication Protocol (SSH-AUTH) Public
‫ ޤ‬SSH Connection Protocol (SSH-CONN)

Only choose SSH-1 if the server/client you Default values

Default values
want to connect to does not support SSH-2 Recommend 2048


Figure 6-47. PuTTYgen key generation

Since most desktop workstations are Windows-based, we are using PuTTY examples.
To generate a key-pair on the local-host, you need to specify the key type. PuTTYGen defaults to
the SSH-2 RSA, which is recommended to provide better security level.
SSH2 is separated into modules and consists of three protocols working together:
• SSH Transport Layer Protocol (SSH-TRANS)
• SSH Authentication Protocol (SSH-AUTH)
• SSH Connection Protocol (SSH-CONN)
The SSH-TRANS protocol is the fundamental building block, which provides the initial connection,
packet protocol, server authentication, basic encryption services, and integrity services. PuTTYGen
supports bits up to 4096 and defaults to 1024. However it is recommended to set this at a minimum
of 2048. Once you have chosen the type of key-pair to generate, click Generate. This procedure
generates random characters that are used to create a unique key.
A helpful tip is to move the cursor over the blank area in the Key Generator window until the
progress bar reaches the far right. Movement of the cursor causes the keys to be generated faster.
The progress bar moves faster with more mouse movement.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Save the generated keys


-John Doe@JohnsWindows System \Keys.PRIVATEKEY.PPK

SSH Keys to be
unique for a user



Figure 6-48. Save the generated keys

The result of the key generation shows the public key (in the box that is labeled Public key for
pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file).
The Key comment enables you to generate multiple keys. Therefore, it is recommended to set this
to username@hostname for easy identification.
The Key passphrase is an additional way to protect the private key and is never transmitted over
the internet. If your set a passphrase then you are asked enter it before any connection is made
through SSH. If you cannot remember the key passphrase, then there is no way to recover it.
Save the generated keys by using the Save private key and Save public key buttons respectively.
The name and location of the file to place the key will be prompted. The default location is
C:\Support Utils\PuTTY. If another location is chosen, then make a record for later reference.
The public key can be saved in any format such as *.PUB or *.txt. The public key is stored into
the cluster as part of user management. However, the private key uses the PuTTY format of *.PPK,
which is required for authentication.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


User with SSH key authentication

‡ From the management GUI, navigate to Users >
Create User
ƒ New user:
í Enter Name of the user and password
ƒ Modify user:
í Right-click the user and select Properties
ƒ Click Browse button to upload the public.PPK file
ƒ Click Create
ƒ CLI mkuser command is generated to define or add
user with SSH key authentication for a CLI no-
password required login


Figure 6-49. User with SSH key authentication

The SSH-AUTH protocol defines three authentication methods: public key, host based, and
password. Each SSH-AUTH method is used over the SSH-TRANS connection to authenticate itself
to the server.
After the generating the SSH key pair, if a user requires CLI access for Storwize V7000
management through SSH you must upload a valid SSH public key file for the user definition on the
Storwize V7000. The SSH public key option can also be configured later after user creation. In this
case, a password for the user is required.
To upload the SSH public key for an existing user, right-click on the user and select Properties.
From the Create User pane, click the Browse button, which opens the windows explorer. Navigate
to the \Keys folder to upload the public.PPK file, and click Create. The CLI mkuser command is
generated to define or add user with SSH key authentication for a CLI no-password required login.
This is an optional feature for users and is not compulsory for Storwize V7000 management.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Create CLI session with SSH key authentication

‡ Open PuTTY.exe SSH client
ƒ Click Session (if required):
í Provide IP Address/DNS name
í Accept default SSH Protocol port 22
í Select SSH as connection type
ƒ Navigate to Connection > SSH > Auth
í Click Browse next to the Private key file for
authentication field
Upload the Private.PPK file

ƒ Return to the Session pane

í Click Save > Open
í If no mismatch, private key authentication has been
established with no password requirement


Figure 6-50. Create CLI session with SSH key authentication

Now that you have stored the public key in the Storwize V7000 cluster, you need to establish a CLI
SSH connection and upload the private key .PPK file. To do so, open the PuTTY client. From the
Category navigation tree, click Session and enter the management IP address or DNS host name
of the cluster and accept the default port 22 that is used for SSH Protocol. Ensure that SSH is
selected as the connection type.
Next, select Connection > SSH > Auth. You need to use the private key that matches the
corresponding public key. In the Private key file for authentication field box, use the Browse
button to navigate to the location of the generated private.PPK file, or copy paste the file path into
the field.
Once the session parameters are specified, return to the Session pane and provide a name to
associate with the new session environment definition in the Saved Sessions field. Click Save to
save the PuTTY session settings and establish SSH private key authentication by using CLI SSH
connection. PuTTY is a commonly used Terminal client.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Accessing CLI from Microsoft Windows

‡ PuTTY Client prompts for user ID only
ƒ User ID must be established with a public.ppk file
ƒ SSH authentication validates password access in the form of private key with
public key
‡ Install and set up the standard SSH client software on each system that is
used to access the CLI

login as: superuser

IBM_Storwize V7000:superuser>lscurrentuser
name superuser
role SecurityAdmin
BM_Storwize V7000:superuser>

For Windows Machines

Use Portable, no-charge PuTTY Software's.
Download URL:


Figure 6-51. Accessing CLI from Microsoft Windows

Providing the SSH authentication has been enabled, the PuTTY client will only prompt login for the
user ID. This is the same user ID that was authenticated with the public.PPK file. Once the login
ID is entered, SSH authentication validates password access in the form of the private key and
management IP address against the public key and user ID in the cluster.
In this example, we have issued the lscurrentuser command, which list the username by which
the current terminal is logged in.
The PuTTY SSH client software's are available in portable form and requires no need of special
setup. For other operating systems, use the default SSH clients or installed ones.
One sets up saved sessions in PuTTY, via the Save button, to later access terminal sessions, with
a session name, an IP address, the local private authentication key if one is used, character size
and other parameters. Then later one selects a save session in the pane and uses the Load
button to load it, then the Open button to open the terminal interface.
Once the SSH authentication has been established, upon the next log in using the PuTTY Client,
you will need to only select the name saved session and click Load > Open to recall the saved
management IP address.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Command-line interface commands

‡ Complemented with logically consistent
command-line syntax: Command Grouping Samples
ƒ action_argument parameters ‡ ls => Lists information
‡ mk => Create Object
‡ Listing information examples: ‡ ch => Change Object properties
‡ rm => Remove or delete object.
ƒ lsvdisk
ƒ lshost AIXHOST
‡ Performing tasks -examples: Storwize V7000info/Storwize
ƒ mkvdisk –size 10 –unit gb –name V7000task svctask, svcinfo, and
testvol1 satask prefixes are no longer needed
when you are issuing a command.
ƒ chhost -name newname oldname However, if they are still contained in
scripts, scripts are still functional.
ƒ rmvdisk testvol1


Figure 6-52. Command-line interface commands

The command-line interface (CLI) enables you to manage the Storwize V7000 by typing
commands. Based on the user’s privilege level, commands can be issued to list information and
execute the commands for performing actions. Commands can be complemented with logically
consistent command-line syntax. The syntax of a command is basically the rules for running the
command. It is important to understand how to read syntax notation so that you can use a
command properly.
Visit the IBM Knowledge Center to search for a list of CLI commands, or navigate to the latest
version of the IBM Spectrum Virtualize software.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Monitoring view
‡ Monitoring menu has four menu options
ƒ System (dynamic view
í Hardware appears in 3-D form
ƒ Events (View and manage storage events reported)
ƒ Performance (View system performance statistics)
ƒ Background Tasks (Displays all long running tasks)


Figure 6-53. Monitoring view

The System window allows you to monitor the entire system capacity as well as view details on
control and expansion enclosures and various hardware components of the system. The hardware
is represented in a 3-D form to view front and rear components. Components can be selected
individually to view the status and properties in detail.
The Events window tracks all informational, warning, and error messages that occurs in the system,
and provides access to problems that must be fixed and maintenance procedures that step you
through the process of correcting the problem. You can apply various filters to sort them or export
them to an external comma-separated values (CSV) file. A CSV file can be created from the
information listed.
The Performance view provides real-time statistics in graphical views to monitor CPU utilization,
volume, interface, and MDisk bandwidth of the system and node. Each graph represents 5 minutes
of collected statistics and provides a means of assessing the overall performance of the system.
The Background Tasks displays all long running tasks that are currently in progress on the system,
such as volume synchronization, array initialization, and volume formatting. Once tasks are
completed, they are automatically removed from the display.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access



Shown with a Storwize V7000 Gen2 model


Figure 6-54. System-Overview

As of Spectrum Virtualize 8.2.1, the System-Overview provides a graphical view of the IBM
Storwize V7000 2076 nodes in the system cluster. Each node pane lists key details of the node’s
configuration. The System Actions menu and the Node Actions provide additional management
options. If SAS-attached storage enclosures were configured, they would appear in its own pane as
an Expansion Enclosure, and this would include its own Expansion Actions menu.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


‡ Management interface • Remote authentication
‡ Clustered system • Service Assistant Tool
‡ I/O group
• Management GU
‡ Configuration node
• Managed disks (MDisks)
‡ Boss node
‡ SSH client • Logical unit number (LUN)
‡ SAN zoning • LUN masking
‡ Host zoning • Storage pool
‡ Virtualization • Worldwide node name (WWNN)
‡ Local authentication
• Worldwide port name (WWPN)
‡ SSH key authentication


Figure 6-55. Keywords

Listed are keywords that were used in this unit.

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Review questions (1 of 2)
1. Which of the following IP addresses can be configured to the Ethernet port 1 of each
node? (Choose all that apply)
A. Cluster management IP address
B. Alternative cluster management IP address
C. iSCSI IP address
D. DNS management IP address
E. Node IP address

2. True or False: IBM Storwize V7000 control nodes can use dedicated (private) SAN or
Ethernet switches to provide intra-cluster communication.

3. True or False: Zoning is used to control the number of paths between host servers and
the Storwize V7000.


Figure 6-56. Review questions (1 of 2)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Review answers (1 of 2)
1. Which of the following IP addresses can be configured to the Ethernet port 1 of each
node? (Choose all that apply)
A. Cluster management IP address
B. Alternative cluster management IP address
C. DNS management IP address
D. Node IP address
The answer is A., C., and E.
2. True or False: IBM Storwize V7000 control nodes can use dedicated (private) SAN or
Ethernet switches to provide intra-cluster communication.
The answer is True.

3. True or False: Zoning is used to control the number of paths between host servers and
the Storwize V7000.
The answer is True.


Figure 6-57. Review answers (1 of 2)

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Review questions (2 of 2)


Figure 6-58. Review questions (2 of 2)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access


Review answers (2 of 2)

The answer is False. The customer is responsible for providing Ethernet cables for
management network.


Figure 6-59. Review answers (2 of 2)

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Unit 6. IBM Storwize V7000 installation and management access



• Identify the system installation and

initialization requirements provided by
the customer or IBM SSR or IBM Business
• Identify requirements to complete
system setup


Figure 6-60. Summary

Having completed this unit, you should be able to:

• Identify the system installation and initialization requirements that are provided by customer or
IBM SSR or IBM Business Partner.
• Identify requirements to complete system setup.

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning


Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage

Estimated time

This module identifies the characteristics of IBM Spectrum Virtualize storage provisioning.

How you will check your progress

• Checkpoint
• Hands-on Lab exercises

Implementing IBM Storwize V7000 with IBM Spectrum Virtualize V8.2.1

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning



• Identify the characterizes of virtualized

storage resources


Figure 7-1. Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:

• Identify the characterizes of virtualized storage resources.

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning


IBM Spectrum Virtualize: Storage logical resources

• IBM Spectrum Virtualize storage

logical resources


Figure 7-2. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: Storage logical resources

This module discusses the IBM Spectrum Virtualize storage logical resources.

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning


Virtualized storage resources

• Managed disks (Mdisks) from internal
or external storage are used to create
Volumes (VDisks)
storage pools
• Pools provide capacity to create virtual
disks (Vdisks) to assign/map to hosts
ƒ Volume created then mapped to host
Storage Pool
• Facilitates balanced use of storage
Managed Disks (MDisks)


Figure 7-3. Virtualized storage resources

All managed storage resources provides the foundation for a logical building block that represents
basic storage units called managed disks (MDisks). MDisks are added to storage pools to create
virtual disk volumes (Vdisks) that are mapped to a host. By pooling the storage, and spreading
VDisks across MDisks, the I/Os on those volumes get evenly spread across the Mdisks, helping to
balance the I/O workload to backend storage MDisks, RAID arrays, physical disks, processors, and

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning


Managed disks
• IBM Spectrum Virtualize supports two different types of managed disks:
ƒ Internal SAS storage
í IBM SAS Expansion Enclosure Models 12F/24F/92F expansion enclosures (supporting 3.5-inch and 2.5-
inch drives)
í Configured into RAID array as managed disk (MDisks)
í SAS chains cabled to partner nodes in an I/O group as cluster wide resource
ƒ External SAN-attached MDisks
í External storage systems or storage controller are independent of the Spectrum Virtualize system
(FlashSystem 900, Storwize Family, and so on)
í External storage volumes (logical units or LUNS) presented as a managed disk (MDisk)

Internal storage External storage

resources resources



Figure 7-4. Managed disks

A Spectrum Virtualize system can manage a combination of internal storage and a large variety of
external storage systems. Internal storage is SAS attached to an I/O group. The system
automatically detects SAS storage presenting those drives for configuration into RAID arrays which
then become MDisks that Spectrum Virtualize manages. External storage is discovered using SAN
protocols and LUNs from that storage are presented as MDisks to Spectrum Virtualize.
An external storage subsystem, or storage controller, is an independent back-end device that
coordinates and controls the operations for its disk drives or logical units. External storage must be
configured to the same SAN fabrics or now can be ISCSI attached, to be virtualized by the
Spectrum Virtualize system.
The Spectrum Virtualize system manages the capacity of other disk systems (an External
Virtualization license is required for each storage device to be managed). When virtualizing an
external storage system, its capacity becomes part of the Spectrum Virtualize system cluster.
Capacity in external storage systems inherits all the rich functions and ease of use of IBM Spectrum
Virtualize system.

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning


Managed disks
• MDisks are either arrays (RAID) from internal storage or volumes from external storage
• MDisks are used to create storage pools from which VDisks are created for hosts
• A managed disk must be protected by RAID to prevent loss of the entire storage pool

8.5 TB Member Member Member

disk disk disk
Flash module Member Member Member
disk disk disk

1.8 TB
Member Member Member Member Member
SAS 10K RPM disk disk disk disk disk

2 TB
NL SAS 7.5 K RPM Member Member Member Member Member
disk disk disk disk disk


Figure 7-5. Managed disks

MDisks are either arrays (RAID) from internal storage or volumes from external storage systems.
For external storage, MDisks are typically the entire RAID arrays in the storage system, or might be
just part of a RAID array, while for internal storage a MDisk is an entire RAID array.
MDisks are not visible to host systems, however, it is possible to map a MDisk to a single VDisk or
volume, for external storage with existing data, with that VDisk visible to the host.
The administrator allocates these MDisks into various storage pools for different usage or
configuration needs. If zoning has been configured correctly, MDisks are not be visible to a host
system on the storage area network as it should only be zoned to the Spectrum Virtualize storage
system (migrating backend storage LUNs with existing data is covered later).
Managed disks are grouped by the storage administrator into one or more storage pools, also
referred to as managed disk groups. Typically a storage pool will consist of MDisks with the same
performance and availability characteristics, such as a group of equally sized MDisks from the
same disk subsystem, which is based on best practices for configuring a specific disk subsystem
behind the storage system, as EasyTier's automated single tier storage pool balancing will
eventually balance I/Os across MDisks in a pool.

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning


Managed disks access modes

• MDisks are associated by one of the following
access modes: MDisk0
ƒ Unmanaged mode MDisk:
í An MDisk is reported as unmanaged when it is not a
member of any storage pool.
ƒ Managed mode MDisk: managed

í Managed mode Managed mode MDisks reside in a pool,

from which one or more volumes, or VDisks, can be created. mdiskgrp0
ƒ Image mode MDisk:
í SCSI LUNs that contains existing data. Image mode
provides a direct block-for-block translation from the MDisk MDisk0
to the volume. An image mode MDisk is associated with VDisk
exactly one volume.

Physical LUN = VDisk

Image mode

Figure 7-6. Managed disks access modes

MDisks are associated by one of the following access modes:

• External storage is configured on Spectrum Virtualize using the same methods the hosts use to
detect and configure either SAN or iSCSI based LUNs. It also facility for the administrator to
scan for new storage exists. These methods detect the external storage, and MDisks are
configured into unmanaged mode on Spectrum Virtualize.
• Once a MDisk is placed to a storage pool, it becomes a managed disk. Pools and their MDisks
are split up into extent size units from which VDisks are later created.
• Spectrum Virtualize systems provides a special image mode that is used for SCSI LUNs that
contain existing data. An image mode MDisk is mapped one to one to an image mode VDisk of
the same size, which can then be configured on the host so it can access the data. Image mode
volumes have a minimum size of one block (512 bytes) and always occupy at least one extent.

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning


Storage pools and extents

Extent 0

Extent 1
Extent 2
Pool_IBM Flash
Extent 3

Extent 4



Extent size: 16 MB to 8192 MB


Figure 7-7. Storage pools and extents

Once the MDisks are placed into a storage pool they are divided into a number of extents. The
extents are numbered sequentially starting with 0. The extent size is a property of pools which can
range in size from 16 MB to 8192 MB as defined by the system administrator with a default size of
1 Gb.
A warning can be setup so that when a certain percentage of the extents have been used, an entry
in the event log is created and the administrator is notified using an icon on the administrative GUI.
It is good practice to keep free extents in every pool to facilitate automated storage pool balancing,
and other reasons.

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning


Pool extent size and storage capacity

‡ Determine extent size based on storage growth trends/forecasts and the desired
cluster storage capacity
‡ Total cluster capacity values assumes that all of the storage pools in the system
use the same extent size
Total storage capacity manageable per
Extent size Maximum MDisk capacity in GB
16 MB 2048 (2 TB) 64 TB
32 MB 4096 (4 TB) 128 TB
64 MB 8192 (8 TB) 256 TB
128 MB 16,384 (16 TB) 512 TB
256 MB 32,7868 (32 TB) 1 PB
512 MB 65,536 (64 TB) 2 PB
1024 MB 131,072 (128 TB) 4 PB
2048 MB 262,144 (256 TB) 8 PB
4096 MB 524,288 (512 TB) 16 PB
8192 MB 1,048,576 (1024 TB) 32 PB


Figure 7-8. Pool extent size and storage capacity

The extent size can be set to 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, or 8192 MB. It is set by
the administrator at the storage pool level when it is defined. Once set, the extent size stays
constant for the life of the pool.
The choice of the extent size affects maximum supported MDisk size and the total amount of
storage that can be managed by the clustered system. A 16 MB extent size supports MDisk
capacity of 2 TB for a maximum capacity of 64 TB per system. Increasing capacity based on the
powers of 2, the 8192 MB extent size allows for a maximum total storage capacity of 32 PB of
managed storage per system. The total capacity values assumes that all of the storage pools in the
system use the same extent size.
For most systems, a capacity of 1 to 2 PB is sufficient. A preferred practice is to use 256 MB for
larger clustered systems. The default extent size is 1024 MB, supporting up to 4096 MDisks, (2048
per I/O group). To avoid wasting storage capacity, the volume size should be allocated as a multiple
of the extent size.

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning


MDisk to striped VDisk mappings

ƒ Unallocated extents taken from each MDisk in a storage pool (round robin) to fulfill
the required capacity of a specified volume
ƒ Striped VDisks facilitate balancing I/Os across MDisks in a pool
Storage pool
(name, extent size)
Striped Volume

Extent 1a
Extent 1a Extent 2a Extent 3a Extent 2a
Extent 1b Extent 2b Extent 3b Extent 3a
Extent 1c Extent 2c Extent 3c Extent 1b
Extent 1d Extent 2d Extent 3d Extent 2b
Extent 1e Extent 2e Extent 3e Extent 3b
Extent 1f Extent 2f Extent 3f
Extent 1c
Extent 1g Extent 2g Extent 3g
Extent 2c
Extent 3c
Managed Disks (MDisks)

Figure 7-9. MDisk to striped VDisk mappings

The extents from a given storage pool are used by the storage system to create volumes which are
known as logical or virtual disks (also commonly referred to as VDisks). A volume is
host-accessible storage that was provisioned from one storage pool. Or, if it is a mirrored volume, it
was provisioned from two storage pools. These volumes are presented to hosts as logical units that
the host sees as physical disks.
When an application server needs a disk capacity of a given size, a volume of that capacity can be
created from a storage pool that contains MDisks with free space (unallocated extents). The
storage system management GUI creates the volume by allocating extents from a given storage
pool. The number of extents that are required is based on the extent size attribute of the storage
pool and the capacity that is requested for the volume. By default, extents are taken from all MDisks
contained in the storage pool in round robin fashion until the capacity of the volume is fulfilled.
Striped VDisks help ensure that I/Os are evenly balanced across MDisks in a pool. Assuming that
I/Os are randomly distributed across the space in a VDisk, then we can show that I/Os will be
evenly distributed across all the MDisks in the pool when using striped VDisks. Even if some
VDisks handle much more I/O than others.

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning


Supported storage tiers

• Single-tiered storage pool Pool_IBMSAS

ƒ Tier 0 flash
R5 R5
ƒ Tier 1 flash
ƒ Tier 2 Enterprise R5

ƒ Tier 3 Nearline
ƒ MDisk should have the same hardware
í Same RAID type, RAID array size, disk type, and Pool_Hybrid
R5 R5
• Multi-tiered storage pool R5
ƒ Combinations of mix disk tiers (HDD and
flash/SDD) in one pool *Tier 0 MDisks can
also be SCSI LUNs
ƒ Mix hardware characteristics from storage systems
í Different drive types


Figure 7-10. Supported storage tiers

MDisks that are used in a single-tiered storage pool should have the same performance and
availability characteristics to balance the hardware resource use to optimize the price performance
of the storage and avoid hot spot disk management, such as the same RAID type, RAID array size,
disk type, and RPMs.
A multi-tiered storage pool contains a mix of MDisks with more than one type of disk tier attribute. A
multi-tiered storage pool that contains both generic_hdd and generic_ssd or flash MDisks is also
known as a hybrid storage pool. Therefore a multi-tiered storage pool contains MDisks with various
characteristics as opposed to a single-tiered storage pool. However, it is a preferred practice for
each tier to have MDisks within a tier of the same size, performance and availability characteristics,
as this helps balance hardware resource use within a tier.
A hybrid pool contains multiple types of MDisks with one MDisk being flash based. If the MDisks
are created from different tiers of storage, Easy Tier can be used to automatically manage the
migration of highly used data to faster drives.
All external storage system or storage controller MDisks are identified and the administrator might
need to change the tier based on what the storage is providing.
Ensure that all MDisks that are allocated to the same tier of a parent pool are the same have the
same size, performance characteristics and RAID type. Doing this takes advantage of the ability of
the Spectrum Virtualize system to spread I/Os evenly across all the back end resources in the pool,
get the best performance, and eliminate hot spot management.
IBM Spectrum Virtualize storage system supports these tiers:
• Tier 0 flash: Storage from an IBM FlashSystem MicroLatency module or external flash backed

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning

• Tier 1 flash: Storage from a SSD or flash with typically less endurance or higher latencies than
Tier 0 flash.
• Tier 2 Enterprise: Storage from typically 15K or 10K RPM disk drives.
• Tier 3 Nearline: Storage from nearline-class MDisks typically operating at 7200 RPM.
Some customers might use 15K disk drives in Tier 2, while using 10K drives in Tier 3.

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning


Storage pool types

• Parent pools receives its capacity from MDisks
• Child pools are fully allocated and created from existing capacity that is allocated from a
parent pool
ƒ Child pools limit the total capacity for volumes in it
Child Pool 1
57 TB capacity

Parent pool Extent 1a Extent 1a

Extent 2a Extent 2a
Extent 3a Extent 3a
Extent 1b Extent 1b
Extent 2b Extent 2b
MDisk 1 MDisk 2 MDisk 3 Extent 3b
Extent 1c
Extent 2c
Extent 3b
Extent 1c
Extent 2c
Extent 3c Extent 3c

Extent 1a Extent 2a Extent 3a Child Pool 2

Extent 1b Extent 2b Extent 3b 102 TB capacity
Extent 1c Extent 2c Extent 3c
Extent 1d Extent 2d Extent 3d
Extent 1e Extent 2e Extent 3e
Extent 1f Extent 2f Extent 3f Extent 1a Extent 1a
Extent 1 g Extent 2 g Extent 3 g Extent 2a
Extent 3a
Extent 2a
Extent 3a
Extent 1b Extent 1b
Extent 2b
180 TB capacity
Extent 1a Extent 2b
Extent 3b Extent 2a Extent 3b
Extent 1c Extent 3a Extent 1c
Extent 2c Extent 1b Extent 2c
Extent 3c Extent 2b Extent 3c
Extent 3b
Extent 1c
Extent 2c
Extent 3c


Figure 7-11. Storage pool types

The are two types of storage pools, the parent pool and the child pool.
• Parent pools receive their capacity from MDisks. There are often cases where you want to
sub-divide a storage pool (or managed disk group) but maintain a larger number of MDisks in
that pool. Such as where a host administrator has the permission and authority to create
volumes in a child pool, and the business has allocated him a specific amount of storage. This
allows I/Os from all volumes in the parent pool, including the child pools, to be balanced across
all the MDisks. A Parent pool is a standard pool creation that receive its capacity from MDisks
that are divided into a defined extent size.
• Child Pools were introduced in V7.4.0 code release. Instead of being created directly from
MDisks, child pools are created from existing capacity that is allocated to a parent pool. Child
pools are created with fully allocated physical capacity. The capacity of the child pool must be
smaller than the free capacity that is available to the parent pool. The allocated capacity of the
child pool is no longer reported as the free space of its parent pool. Child pools are logically
similar to storage pools, but allow you to subdivide the parent pool into multiple child pools,
limiting the space consumption for volumes within each child pool.
The same mkmdiskgrp command that is used to create physical storage pools is also used to
create child pools.

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning


Parent pool limitations and restrictions

• An MDisk can only be associated with one parent pool
ƒ MDisks can be added to a pool at any time to increase the number of extents or expand volume
ƒ Specify a warning capacity for a pool
í Generates an event warning when the amount of space allocated in the pool exceeds the warning capacity
• Volumes are associated with just one pool, except when you migrate between parent pools
or mirror volumes across pools
• MDisks can be dynamically removed from a pool provided enough free space exists in the
• If a pool is deleted, one cannot recover VDisk to MDisk extent mappings
• Child pools must be deleted prior to deleting the parent pool


Figure 7-12. Parent pool limitations and restrictions

Consider the following general guidelines when you create a parent pool:
• An MDisk can be associated with just one parent pool.
▪ You can add only MDisks that are in unmanaged mode to increase storage capacity. When
MDisks are added to a parent pool, their mode changes from unmanaged to managed.
▪ You can specify a warning capacity for a pool. A warning event is generated when the
amount of space that is used in the pool exceeds the warning capacity. The warning
threshold is especially useful with thin-provisioned volumes that are configured to
automatically use space from the pool.
• Volumes are associated with just one pool, except when mirroring across pools.
▪ Volumes that are allocated from a parent pool are striped by default across all the storage
that is placed into that parent pool. This also enables nondisruptive migration of data from
one storage system to another storage system and helps simplify the decommissioning
process. Volumes can be mirrored across pools, and are as part of the process to migrate
volume from one pool to another.
• You can delete MDisks from a parent pool under the following conditions:
▪ Volumes are not using any of the extents that are on the Mdisk.
▪ Enough free extents are available elsewhere in the pool to move any extents that are in use
from this MDisk
▪ The system ensures that all extents that are used by volumes in the child pool are migrated
to other MDisks in the parent pool to ensure that data is not lost.
If the parent pool is deleted, you cannot recover the mapping that existed between extents that are
in the pool or the extents that the volumes use. If the parent pool has associated child pools, then

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning

you must delete the child pools first and return its extents to the parent pool. Once the child pools
are deleted, then you can delete the parent pool. The MDisks that were in the parent pool are
returned to unmanaged mode and can be added to other parent pools. Because the deletion of a
parent pool can cause a loss of data, you must force the deletion if volumes are associated with it.
If the volume is mirrored and the synchronized copies of the volume are all the same pool, the
synchronized mirrored volumes are destroyed when the storage pool is deleted. If the volume is
mirrored and there is a synchronized copy in another pool, and the pool is deleted, the copy in the
other pool remains as an unmirrored volume.

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning


Child pool limitations and restrictions

• Maximum capacity cannot exceed parent pool’s size
• Parent storage pool must be always specified; child pool does not own any MDisks
• Child pools can be created also from GUI
• Maximum number of child pools in one parent pool is 127
• Image and sequential mode VDisks aren't allowed in child pools
• Child pools are not supported in data reduction pools


Figure 7-13. Child pool limitations and restrictions

Listed are some child pool limitations and restrictions.

• You need to ensure that any child pools that are associated with a parent pool have enough
capacity for the volumes that are in the child pool before removing MDisks from a parent pool.
The system automatically migrates all extents that are used by volumes to other MDisks in the
parent pool to ensure data is not lost.
• The system also supports migrating a copy of volumes between child pools within the same
parent pool or migrating a copy of a volume between a child pool and its parent pool. However,
you can migrate a VDisk in a child pool to other pools via volume mirroring, or via multiple
migrations (Example, to it's parent pool, then to the parent pool of destination child pool, and
finally to the destination child pool).

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning


Child pool attributes

• Child pool provides most of the functions as any storage pool or mdiskgrp
ƒ Maximum of 128 storage pools, each storage pool can have a maximum of 127 child pools

Table describe commands that are used to assign a given storage pool
Parameter Child pool usage Storage pool usage
-name Optional Optional
-mdisk Cannot be used with child pools Optional
-tier Cannot be used with child pools Optional
-easytier Cannot be used with child pools Optional
-size Mandatory Cannot be used with parent pools
-parentmdiskgrp Mandatory Cannot be used with parent pools
-unit Optional Optional
-warning Optional Optional
-encrypt Optional Optional for both parent pools and child pools
-datadeduction Cannot be used with -parentmdiskgrp Data reduction pools must be a parent pool.


Figure 7-14. Child pool attributes

Child pools are similar to parent pools with similar properties and provides most of the functions
that MDiskgrps have such as creating volumes that specifically use the capacity that is allocated to
the child pool.
Maximum number of storage pools remains at 128 and each storage pool can have up to 127 child
pools. Child pools can be created used both the GUI and CLI however they are shown as child
pools with all their differences to parent pools in the GUI.
Child pools can be encrypted independently of parent pools, but a child pool within an encrypted
parent pool can not be created using the -encrypt yes option, as the child pool's data will be
encrypted by being in the parent pool.

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning


Data protection with encryption

• Supports software encryption of data at rest for
volumes created from encrypted internal storage
pools or external storage pools on storage
• Required encryption license (AF14 Encryption Encrypted
Enablement Pack) MDisk 3
• Encryption keys kept on USB drives or in Security Encrypted MDisk 2

Key Lifecycle Management (SKLM) repository MDisk 1

ƒ Key required when Storwize cluster boots

ƒ USB keys can be removed after boot for


Figure 7-15. Data protection with encryption

IBM Spectrum Virtualize support encryption of data at rest for both internal and external storage, by
creating encrypted storage pools. Oftentimes, purchasing an encryption license on Spectrum
Virtualize is the less expensive option.
To use encryption on the system, you must purchase an encryption license, activate the function on
the system, enable encryption using the management GUI or CLI, and create copies of the keys.
The encryption license is per system, not per TB or SCU.
After you have enabled the system encryption, you can create an encrypted storage pool by
specifying the option to encrypt the pool. If the backend storage has its own encryption capability,
that can be used instead by specifying that the MDisk supports encryption using the chmdisk
-encrypt yes command. This offloads the encryption work for that MDisk from Spectrum
Both pools and volumes have an encrypted attribute. All volumes in an encrypted pool will have its
encrypt attribute set to yes. For systems with encryption enabled, you can also migrate existing
volumes from non-encrypted pools to encrypted pools. The encryption attribute is independent of
the volume class created, therefore it is transparent to applications, easing implementation and
Encryption on internal SAS storage is done by the SAS adapters, while encryption on external
storage resources is done by the Spectrum Virtualize system processors.
Encryption keys are kept on USB sticks, and are needed to boot the cluster. Alternatively keys may
be kept in a SKLM repository on a server.

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning


Child pool encryption

• If a parent pool has no encryption enabled, a child pool can still enable encryption
• If a parent pool is encrypted, its key is used for data within its child pools
• Volume mirroring can be used to migrate the volumes from the non-encrypted parent pool
to the encrypted child pool

MDisk 1 Encrypted
Encrypted MDisk 3
MDisk 1 Encrypted
MDisk 2

Child pool to take on

different encryption


Figure 7-16. Child pool encryption

You can not change an existing parent or child pool without encryption, to one with encryption. You
will need to delete and recreate the pool with encryption. Furthermore, SAS RAID array MDisks
must be recreated to enable encryption. Therefore, it is best to get encryption enabled when the
Spectrum Virtualize system is initially setup, to avoid the needed extra space and a lot of data
migration to get one's data into encrypted pools.
However, if a customer wants to start using encryption they simply create new child or parent pools,
and migrate existing volumes to them using migratevdisk command, or one can also migrate the
data using volume mirroring.
You can create encrypted child pools within unencrypted parent pools, but not within encrypted
parent pools. With an encrypted parent pool, the data in a child pool will be encrypted using the
parent pool's key.
Once the child pool has been defined, you can create a child pool volume by using the same
procedural steps listed within the Create Volumes wizard, as well as map volume directly to a host.
Administrators can use child pools to control capacity allocation for volumes that are used for
specific purposes such as assigning application/server administrator their own child pool of storage
to manage, without allowing them to access or manage other storage.

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning


Data protection with encryption

• Volumes are automatically encrypted when created from an encrypted storage pool
• Ability to migrated existing volumes from non-encrypted pools to encrypted pools
• Encrypted volumes are transparent to applications

MDisk 3
Encrypted MDisk 2
MDisk 1 Encrypted


Figure 7-17. Data protection with encryption

All volumes created in encrypted pool will take on an encrypted attribute. For systems with
encryption enabled, you can also migrate existing volumes from non-encrypted pools to encrypted
pools. The encryption attribute is independent of the volume class created, therefore it is
transparent to applications, easing implementation and operation.

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning



Minimum capacity requirements for data reduction pools

Extent sizes (GB) Capacity requirements (TB)
1 Gb (or smaller) 1.1 TB
2 GB 2.1 TB
4 GB 4.2 TB
8 GB 8.5 TB

‡ Minimum recommended capacity of 20 TB

‡ Sweet spot 100-200 TB
‡ Expect metadata to consume a minimum of 1 TB
‡ With data reduction volumes, plan to keep at least
15% of pool space free


Figure 7-18. Data reduction pool

Spectrum Virtualize supports data reduction pools, which reduce storage space needed via
thin-provisioned, compressed, and deduplicated volumes, and also through host SCSI unmap
A data reduction pool can be created via selecting the Data Reduction option in the GUI, or via the
CLI mkmdiskgrp command. It’s recommended that DRPs be at least 20 TB in size, with a sweet
spot of 100-200 TB. The minimum meta-data size is around 1 TB. Also, one should always plan to
Keep at least 15% of the space free for garbage collection purposes to free up and consolidate
empty space created via overwrites of data, or SCSI unmap operations when using data reducing
As customer applications write data to the pool (for other than fully allocated volumes), data is
written to the pool sequentially getting the benefits of RAID full stripe writes. Then the old location is
marked as freed. So overwrites and SCSI unmaps result in a lot of scattered free block holes that
the garbage collection process reclaims by reading the data and rewriting it without the empty
holes. The cost of the garbage collection process depends heavily on the amount of valid data in
the extents. As a result it has to work harder when free space is limited. A general guideline is to
ensure that the volume capacity with the data reduction pool does not exceed 85% of the total
capacity of the data reduction pool. The table lists the extent size and the minimum data reduction
pool capacity that is required to be able to create a volume within the DRP.
Note that SCSI unmap is turned off by default, and you need to enable it using the chsystem
-hostunmap on command. Similarly to allow backend storage to reclaim deleted space via SCSI
unmap, be sure it’s enabled via the chsystem -backendunmap on command.

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning


• Pools: List/manage all parent & child pools
• Volumes by Pool: List/manage VDisks in each pool
• Internal Storage: List/manage SAS disks and to create
RAID and DRAID array MDisks
• External Storage: List/manage MDisks from external
controllers/backend storage
• MDisks by Pools: List/manage MDisks including
unassigned MDisks
• System Migration: Wizard to migrate existing data from
external storage to Spectrum Virtualize


Figure 7-19. Spectrum Virtualize Pools options

The GUI Pools menu is used to configure and manage storage pools, internal and external storage,
MDisks, and to migrate existing storage to the system.
• The Pools menu lists all storage pools created under the IBM Spectrum Virtualize system
management. This includes standard pools, data reduction pools, child pools and multi-tiered
• Volumes by Pools lists and manages the VDisks in each pool.
• Internal Storage contains a collection of physical disks that are directly attached to the
Spectrum Virtualize system. After the GUI is started, these disks are detected and configured
into RAID or DRAID arrays MDisks to be used in a storage pool.
• External Storage s used to list and manage MDisks from external storage controllers,
discovering those unmanaged MDisks, and virtualizing it.
• MDisks by Pools is used to list and manage all the MDisks sorted by the pool they are in, or if
not in a pool in the list of unmanaged MDisks.
• System migration presents a wizard to migrate or import existing data on external storage so
that it is managed by Spectrum Virtualize.

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning


Internal SAS drive roles

• SAS disk drive role
ƒ Unused
ƒ Candidate
ƒ Member
ƒ Spare
ƒ Failed


Figure 7-20. Internal SAS drive roles

Internal storage attached drives are automatically detected by the IBM Spectrum Virtualize system.
The system determines the available drive classes, and recommends array configurations. These
arrays are presented as MDisks, which can be added to pools in the same way as MDisks that are
discovered on external storage systems are added.
All drives detected in the Spectrum Virtualize system initially are configured as candidate disks.
Once they are configured into a RAID or DRAID array, they become member disks. Hot spare disks
can also be configured.

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning


Virtualized External Storage

Multiple IBM and OEM systems supported

Storwize V7000F
Storwize V7000 A9000 FlashSystem 900

Storwize V5030F
FlashSystem 840

Storwize V5000 FlashSystem


XIV Gen3 SAN Volume

Controller DH8/SV1

Investment Protection

Over 440+ supported external storage systems


Figure 7-21. Virtualized External Storage

Further scalability, IBM Spectrum Virtualize offers storage virtualization, enables IBM SAN Volume
Controller to manage the capacity of other disk systems (over 440+) with external storage
Although the Spectrum Virtualize system controller supports an intermix of differing storage within
storage pools, the best approach is to always use the same array model, RAID mode, RAID array
size, and drive speeds. Multi-tiered pools are only recommended for use with EasyTier.
When an external storage system is virtualized, its capacity becomes part of the Spectrum
Virtualize system clustered system and managed in the same way as the capacity on internal
flash/SAS/Nearline-SAS drives within the system. Capacity in external storage systems inherits all
the rich functions and ease of use of Spectrum Virtualize system. Recommend that you exercise
caution with large disk drives so that you do not have too few spindles to handle the load. With
implementation of flash drives as the performance tier, and even with the Enterprise Tier-0 Flash
drives, RAID-5 was the standard. However, with larger 10K drives in particular, DRAID-6 is
recommended as it meets the performance requirements, and is more reliable especially with larger
DRAID arrays.
If you do not have an external storage subsystem for which the Spectrum Virtualize system
provides a round robin I/O path algorithm, make the number of MDisks per storage pool a multiple
of the number of storage ports that are available. This approach ensures sufficient bandwidth to the
storage controller and an even balance across storage controller ports.
Use of the external virtualization capability is entitled through the acquisition of IBM Spectrum
Virtualize Software for SAN Volume Controller (SW PID 5641-VC8 in AAS and SW PID 5725-M19
in Passport Advantage (R)).

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning


External storage virtualization

• Supports external storage systems that are
attached to and storage system SAN: SCSI LUNs become
ƒ Independent of the storage system managed disks (MDisks)

ƒ SCSI LUNs assigned to the storage system as

MDisks in a one-to-one relationship
mdisk6 Mdisk1 mdisk7

ƒ Storage system serves as the virtualization

layers SCSI LUNs assigned to Spectrum Virtualize system
from SAN-attached storage systems
ƒ Virtualized storage capacity (SDD/HDD)
becomes part of the Spectrum Virtualize R6 R1 R
system LUN LUN LUN

ƒ Inherits all the rich functions and ease of use

SCSI LUNs "surfaced" from RAID controllers
• Storage virtualized to efficiently use
physical resources and optimize External storage



Figure 7-22. External storage virtualization

Any IBM Spectrum Storage system that runs on the IBM Spectrum Virtualize (such as the V7000)
software serves as the insulating layer, SCSI LUNs become the foundational storage resource that
is owned by the storage system and are referred to as managed disks (MDisks). A one-to-one
relationship exists between the SCSI LUNs and the managed disks.
The storage system takes advantage of the basic RAID controller features (such as traditional
RAIDs 1, 5, 6, or 10) but does not depend on large controller cache or host-independent copy
functions that are associated with the storage systems.
Typically external storage is configured such that each LUN uses an equivalent set of physical
resources from a performance standpoint to facilitate balanced used of the entire external storage
system. The MDisks representing those LUNs are typically placed into a single pool while VDisks or
volumes for hosts are striped across the MDisks, therefore, balancing the I/O workload across the
physical resources.

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning



Create list of LUNs, UDID, size, tunings

Hosts Install supported software and multi-path code

Setup/power up Storage device (controller/expansion),

scan for internal attached disks to FLOGI
Storage controller
Zone storage to Storage device
SAN Zone hosts to Storage device

Storage device scans for disks to PLOGI into storage

Backend storage enclosures

Host scans for disks to PLOGI into Storage controller

Hosts Create Storage host object

Create host objects
Storage controller enclosures

Figure 7-23. Virtualizing existing storage

Before attaching external disk subsystem (referred to as backend storage) to behind an IBM
Spectrum Virtualize system such as a V7000 running IBM Spectrum Virtualize for virtualization,
there are certain tasks that needs completed in a specific order by the host, SAN, Spectrum
Virtualize system, and external storage administrators. Many of these steps can be performed at
the same time since there are different administrators who are involved in the various tasks.
Before storage with existing data is virtualized by the Spectrum Virtualize system, it's important to
create a list of the LUNs so that the correct LUNs or VDisks can be mapped to the correct hosts as
part of the virtualization/migration procedure.
The host administrators must install the multi-path code the Spectrum Virtualize system requires (if
not already installed or in the host operating system). They must also configure the Spectrum
Virtualize system storage and remove any definitions of storage to be virtualized. These tasks
might include starting and stopping applications as part of the process to virtualize the storage
where the application and data reside.
The SAN administrator must setup zones for the Spectrum Virtualize system including host zones,
backend storage zones, and Spectrum Virtualize system inter-node zones for Spectrum Virtualize
system cluster communications. This might require removing existing zones between external
storage and hosts previously configured before that storage was virtualized.
The backend storage administrators need to configure LUNs, unmap LUNs from eternal storage,
and reassign LUNs to the Spectrum Virtualize system. When the storage is virtualized, there is less
work to do as they no longer must deal with changes for new or existing application configurations.
The Spectrum Virtualize system administrator is creating host objects, storage pools, and then
mapping VDisks to hosts.
Host and storage devices must log in to the SAN fabric (referred to as a fabric login (FLOGI)), so
the SAN switch can see the device WWPNs. Similarly, the hosts, which include the Spectrum

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning

Virtualize system from the backend storage point of view, must log in to the storage (referred to as
port login (PLOGI)) so the storage system can see the host WWPNs, and the Spectrum Virtualize
system can see the storage system FC adapter WWPNs respectively. This facilitates the creation of
the host objects and the assigning of storage to host.
FLOGIs and PLOGIs occur when host/storage devices power up and scan to configure storage.
PLOGIs require that the SAN is zoned so the hosts can see the Spectrum Virtualize system

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning


MDisk multipath selection algorithms

‡ Round robin: I/Os for the MDisk are distributed over multiple ports of the storage system.
‡ MDisk group balanced: I/Os for the MDisk are sent to one target port of the storage
system. The assignment of ports to MDisks is chosen to spread all the MDisks within the
MDisk group (pool) across all of the active ports as evenly as possible.
‡ Single port active: All I/Os are sent to a single port of the storage system for all the
MDisks of the system.
‡ Controller balanced: I/Os are sent to one target port of the storage system for each
MDisk. The assignment of ports to MDisks is chosen to spread all the MDisks (of the given
storage system) across all of the active ports as evenly as possible.


Figure 7-24. MDisk multipath selection algorithms

Backend storage system MDisks are accessed based on one of four multipathing methods upon
Spectrum Virtualize system’s discovery of the storage system model. The objective is to evenly
balance the use of backend storage ports for the best performance.
The four multipathing methods or options to access an MDisk of an external storage system are:
• Round robin: I/Os for the MDisk are distributed over multiple ports of the storage system.
• MDisk group balanced: I/Os for the MDisk are sent to one target port of the storage system.
The assignment of ports to MDisks is chosen to spread all the MDisks within the MDisk group
(pool) across all of the active ports as evenly as possible.
• Single port active: All I/Os are sent to a single port of the storage system for all the MDisks of
the system.
• Controller balanced: I/Os are sent to one target port of the storage system for each MDisk.
The assignment of ports to MDisks is chosen to spread all the MDisks (of the given storage
system) across all of the active ports as evenly as possible.
For example, MDisks presented by a DS3500 are accessed by using the MDisk group balancing
method while MDisks presented by a FlashSystem are accessed by using the round robin method.
In most cases, disk subsystems where the Spectrum Virtualize system uses MDisk group balanced
or controller balanced should configure the number of MDisks as a multiple of the storage ports
available to balance use of the backend storage ports.

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning




::31 ::31 ::31 ::31

.6$6 .6$6 .6$6 .6$6

1/6$6 1/6$6 1/6$6 1/6$6



Figure 7-25. Best practices Pools and MDisks

As a general practice ensure the number of MDisks presented from a given storage system is a
multiple of the number of its storage ports that are zoned with the IBM Spectrum Storage product
running IBM Spectrum Virtualize. This approach is particularly useful for storage systems where the
round robin method is not implemented for MDisk access.

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning


Spectrum Virtualize system access to storage system

Node1 Node2
(controller ID 1) (controller ID 2)
w w w w w w w w
w w w w w w w w
p p p p p p p p
n n n n n n n n

L0 L2 L4 L6 L1 L3 L5 L7

• Each controller/node has a unique WWNN

ƒ Each port has a unique WWPN
• If controller/node fails, the partner node handles the I/Os
Best practice: Assign MDisks in multiples of storage ports
zoned with system cluster (8 WWPNs – 8 MDisks/16 MDisks)

Figure 7-26. Spectrum Virtualize system access to storage system

Each Spectrum Virtualize node has a unique WWNN, which remains the same even if the node
hardware is replaced as the WWNN is configurable. The Spectrum Virtualize system adapter
WWPNs also remain the same if they are replaced because their WWPNs are determined through
the node's WWNN and the adapter placement in the unit. All backend storage ports are zoned to all
Fibre Channel ports on the Spectrum Virtualize system used for attaching backend storage.
Therefore, replacing nodes or adapters for a Spectrum Virtualize cluster does not require rezoning,
as replacement of host and storage adapters normally do. Depending upon the number of FC ports,
some may be dedicated for remote mirroring, inter-node communications, or host and storage I/O.

Since Spectrum Virtualize uses a specific multi-path algorithm, based on the storage model, that
send I/O requests for a specific MDisk to a specific storage port, balancing I/Os across those
backend storage ports requires at least one MDisk per backend storage port. The example shows
a situation in which 8 backend storage ports exist (not in the diagram) thus 8 MDisks were created.

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning


• Displays all MDisks detected by the system (unmanaged, managed and image)
• MDisks are organized by the external storage system that presents them


Figure 7-27. External Storage

External Storage MDisks are organized by the external storage system that presents them. To
display the unique ID that is associated with the external storage system, use the filter function in
the management GUI to display the UID column. If new external storage is added to the system,
select Actions > Discover storage. If no MDisks display, ensure that you have cabled the system
correctly to the external storage system.
Managed disks have associated access modes. These modes, which govern how the Spectrum
Virtualize system cluster uses the MDisks.
• Unmanaged: The default access mode for LUNs discovered from the SAN fabric by the
Spectrum Virtualize system. These LUNs have not yet been assigned to a storage pool.
• Managed: The standard access mode for a managed disk that has been assigned to a storage
pool. The process of assigning a discovered SCSI LUN to a storage pool automatically changes
the access mode from unmanaged to managed mode. In managed mode space from the
managed disk can be used to create virtual disks.
• Image: A special access mode that is reserved for SCSI LUNs that contain existing data. Image
mode preserves the existing data when control of this data is turned over to the Spectrum
Virtualize system. Image mode is specifically designed to enable existing data to become
Spectrum Virtualize system-managed. SCSI LUNs containing existing data must be added to
the SAN Volume Controller as image mode.

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning





/81VIURP [[*%


Figure 7-28. MDisks naming convention examples

Since the logical unit names (LUNs) namespaces are local to the external storage systems, it is not
possible for the managing storage system to determine the name and the generic mdisk# that is
automatically assigned. The storage administrator typically changes the MDisk name to reflect the
disk subsystem and storage technology from which it sourced from. If the MDisk contains data,
then the name is changed to reflect the host and or application for the data it holds.
Renaming MDisks and VDisks facilitates putting the MDisks into appropriate pools, or ensuring the
VDisks are assigned to the correct hosts. You can correlate these MDisks/VDisks that uses its
UDID (Universal Device ID), LUN ID, or based on its size of the corresponding LUNs on the
external storage system.

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning


Pools > MDisks by Pools

Pools > Pools

Pools > MDisks by Pools


Figure 7-29. Pools > MDisks by Pools

The management GUI Pools and MDisk by Pools window list MDisks in the pools, and how much
space each pool has and how full the pools are. You can to add the Data Reduction column to the
display to distinguish between DRPs and regular pools.

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning


System Overview
Click any of the component options to view its detail.


Figure 7-30. System Overview

The Spectrum Virtualize GUI System > Overview provides a visual display of the nodes in the
system cluster. Each node panel lists the hardware components used in the configuration.
Select a node to view component characteristics. You can also click on each component to view a
brief pop-up description, which also displays a full component details in the far right panel of the
screen. You can also right-click on any component to view other options.
If storage expansion enclosures were configured, they would appear in its own panel as an
Expansion Enclosure and this would include an Expansion Actions menu with additional options.

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning


Dashboard physical capacity

• At a glance view of system activity and state


Figure 7-31. Dashboard physical capacity

The Dashboard is the default home page of the IBM Spectrum Virtualize GUI. It contains high-level
information about the system such as the performance, capacity, and system health that provide an
overall understanding of what is happening on the system. The Dashboard also serves as quick
view of the overall condition of the system, and displays notifications of any critical issues that
require immediate action.

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning


• IBM Spectrum Virtualize GUI • Extents
• Internal Storage • Virtualization
• Dashboard • Redundant Array of Independent Disks
• External Storage (RAID)

• Storage provisioning • Distributed RAID

• Physical capacity • Hot spare drive
• Effective capacity • IBM Expansion Enclosures
• MDisks • Data reduction pool
• Storage pool • Managed
• Internal drives • Unmanaged
• External drives • Image mode


Figure 7-32. Keywords

Listed are keywords that were used in this unit.

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning


Review questions
1. List at least 3 of the 5 SAS drive roles.

2. What is the default mode of an external storage MDisk once it is detected by IBM
Spectrum Virtualize GUI?
A. Array
B. Unmanaged
C. Managed
D. Image

3. True or False: The back-end storage system LUNs discovered on the same fabric
as the Spectrum Virtualize system are assigned to the system as MDisks.

4. True or False: MDisks can be dynamically added to or removed from a storage



Figure 7-33. Review questions

Write your answers here:

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning


Review answers
1. List at least 3 of the 5 SAS drive roles.
The answers are unused, failed, candidate, member, and spare.

2. What is the default mode of an external storage MDisk once it is detected by

IBM Spectrum Virtualize GUI?
A. Array
B. Unmanaged
C. Managed
D. Image

3. True or False: The back-end storage system LUNs discovered on the same
fabric as the Spectrum Virtualize system are assigned to the system as

4. True or False: MDisks can be dynamically added to or removed from a

storage pool?


Figure 7-34. Review answers

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Unit 7. IBM Spectrum Virtualize: storage provisioning



• Identify the characterizes of virtualized

storage resources


Figure 7-35. Summary

Having completed this module, you should be able to:

• Identify the characterizes of virtualized storage resources.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume

Estimated time

This module identifies striped, sequential, and image volume allocations to the supported host to
include benefits of I/O load balancing and nondisruptive volume movement between the caching
I/O groups.

How you will check your progress

• Checkpoint
• Hands-on Lab exercises

Implementing IBM Storwize V7000 with IBM Spectrum Virtualize V8.2.1

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation



‡ Understand the concept of volume

‡ Recall the configuration procedures
required to create volumes and map
volumes to a host
‡ Differentiate between a volume’s caching
I/O group and accessible I/O groups
‡ Identify subsystem device driver (SDD)
commands to monitor device path
‡ Perform nondisruptive volume movement
from one caching I/O group to another
‡ Summarize the concept of system
throttling objects


Figure 8-1. Objectives

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

• Understand the concept of volume allocation.
• Recall the configuration procedures required to create volumes and map volumes to a host.
• Differentiate between a volume’s caching I/O group and accessible I/O groups.
• Identify subsystem device driver (SDD) commands to monitor device path configuration.
• Perform nondisruptive volume movement from one caching I/O group to another.
• Summarize the concept of system throttling objects.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Volume allocation: Defining volume allocation

‡ Volume allocation
ƒ Creating virtual volume (VDisk)
ƒ Mapping volumes to host
ƒ Managing volume
ƒ Caching I/O group
‡ Host storage access
‡ Non Disruptive Volume Movement
‡ Throttling


Figure 8-2. Volume allocation: Defining volume allocation

This topic identifies the concept of volume allocation, the virtualization types, and types of volumes
that can be created and assigned to a host system.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Volume allocation
‡ Host or host cluster objects are defined Host objects
via the WWPNs or IQNs via FC or
ethernet respectively FC host iSCSI
‡ Volume is mapped to a host or host WWPNs IQNs
cluster object
‡ System/administrator assigns V3
controlling I/O group and preferred
Node 0
V1 Node 1

node using a round-robin algorithm


MDisk1 MDisk 3
MDisk 2

Storage pool
A volume is also known as a VDisk


Figure 8-3. Volume allocation

A volume is a logical disk, logical volume or virtual disk (VDisk for short) that provides an area of
usable capacity which can be mapped to an attached host or hosts. The system does not
automatically present volumes to the host system. You must map each volume to a host or host
cluster object, with the host WWPNs or IQNs tied to the host or host cluster object.
When a volume is created, it is assigned to an I/O group, called the caching I/O group. Further, an
I/O group contains two nodes, one of which handles I/Os for volumes assigned to the node, and is
known as the preferred or caching node for a volume. While the system cluster can have multiple
I/O groups, the I/O requests and write cache for a volume are handled exclusively by a node of a
single I/O group under normal working conditions. Host I/Os are normally directed to a port on the
caching node, but if those paths aren’t working, I/Os can be directed to other ports on the cluster,
and the I/O will be forwarded to the caching node. Note that read and write cache for the volume
resides on the caching node. In the event a node fails, the partner node in the I/O group starts
handling I/Os and read cache for the failing node’s volumes until the failed node is repaired (note
that in failed node scenarios, write cache is disabled on the partner node and write I/Os operate in
write through mode).
The caching node or the preferred node, is automatically assigned by the system cluster using a
round-robin algorithm across the nodes. Alternatively one can specify the I/O group and caching
node for a volume. This facilitates scaling of the system cluster I/O workload, and balancing of I/Os
across I/O groups and nodes.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Three types of virtualized volume

1. Striped Extent 1a
Extent 2a
Extent 3a MDisk1
• Striped volumes (default) have extents spread Extent 1b
Extent 2b
1.4 TB

across the MDisks in the pool VW_WV1

10 GB
Extent 3b MDisk3
Extent 1c
MDisk2 1.4 TB
Extent 2c
Extent 3c
1.4 TB
Extent 1d

2. Sequential
Extent 4a
Extent 4b
Extent 4c • Sequential volumes have extents residing on a
1 GB
Extent 4d MDisk4 single MDisk in the pool
Extent 4e 300 GB
Extent 4f
Extent 4 g

3. Image Existing data

Extent 5a

• Image volumes are mapped directly to an MDisk Extent 5b

with existing data. Both the volume and MDisk

Extent 5c
800 MB
are image volumes Extent 5e
Extent 5f
800 MB

Extent 5 g
Partial extent

Figure 8-4. Three types of virtualized volume

When defining a volume, one of the three volume virtualization types is specified:
• The first method is striped mode (default). A striped volume is allocated one extent in turn from
each managed disk that has free extents (or a subset of managed disks that are known as a
stripe set) in the storage pool. This process continues until the space required for the volume
has been satisfied.
▪ Striped volumes facilitate balancing the I/Os across the physical resources improving I/O
performance. They also allow one to create volumes with more capacity than any single
physical disk.
• The second method is sequential mode. A sequential volume is where the extents are allocated
one after the other from one managed disk to the next manage disk to create the volume, given
enough consecutive free extents are available on that managed disk. This is typically used for
large managed disks with applications that are designed to balance their I/O across volumes;
therefore, using the application to balance I/Os across physical resources, rather than using
striped volumes to do it.
• Image mode volumes are special volumes that have a direct relationship with one managed
disk, and are used to move existing storage LUNs with data, into Spectrum Virtualize system
management and virtualization. The backend storage LUN is presented to Spectrum Virtualize
as an MDisk, and a VDisk is created that maps directly to the MDisk. That image mode VDisk is
typically mapped back to the host that uses the data, from Spectrum Virtualize. At that point the
storage is virtualized and under Spectrum Virtualize management. Usually image move volume
are dynamically changed and spread out across a storage pool as a striped volume. Note that
image or sequential mode volumes cannot exist in a child pool.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Type of volumes

Volume type Description

Basic A simple fully allocated volume.

Mirrored A volume with two physical copies. Each volume copy can belong to a different storage pools.

Custom A volume created with user-defined customization rather the standard default settings.

Creates volume copies on separate sites for systems that are configured with HyperSwap
A volume created with virtual and real (physical) capacity. Presents virtual capacity to hosts/user
rather than the actually physical capacity.
A volume created with virtual and real capacity. Data is compressed as it is written to disk, saving
more space.

Deduplicated A volumes that reside in a DRP, and are individually selected for deduplication.
A volume that is a PIT copy of a local volume, that's stored in the cloud for availability and DR


Figure 8-5. Type of volumes

The IBM Spectrum Virtualize management GUI provides presets, which are templates with supplied
default values that incorporate best practices for creating volumes. The presets are designed to
minimize the necessity of having to specify many parameters during object creation while providing
the ability to override the predefined attributes and values. Each volume preset relates to one of
more of the three types of virtualization modes.
All volumes are created from the unallocated extents that are available in the storage pool. The
following table displays a list of volume types.
• A basic volume is the simplest type of volume whose data is striped across all available
managed disk in a single pool. It services I/O using readwrite cache and is classified as fully
allocated, therefore it reports real capacity and virtual capacity and equal.
• A mirrored volume is a volume with two physical copies, where each volume copy can belong to
a different storage pools.
• A custom volume is created with user-defined customization rather than taking the standard
default settings for each of the options under quick volume creation.
• HyperSwap volumes use Metro Mirror to mirror a volume across sites, whereby the host will
access the local copy if it's available, else it will access the copy at the remote site if the local
storage becomes unavailable. HyperSwap enhances availability in case of disk subsystem
• Thin-provisioned volume presents virtual storage capacity to hosts or user rather than the
actual physical capacity. When you create a volume, you can designate that it is
thin-provisioned to save capacity for the volume. A thin-provisioned volume has different virtual
capacity and a real capacity.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation

• Compressed volume are like thin-provision volumes, compressed volumes have virtual, real,
and used capacities. When you create volumes, you can specify compression as a method to
save capacity for the volume. With compressed volumes, data is compressed as it is written to
disk, saving more space. To use the compression function on external storage, you must obtain
the IBM Real-time Compression license.
• Deduplicated volumes reside in a DRP, and are individually selected for deduplication.
Deduplicated volumes can also be fully allocated, thin, or compressed. Deduplication occurs on
a pool basis for the selected volumes in the pool.
• A cloud volume is a PIT copy of a local volume, that's stored in the cloud for availability and DR
purposes. One needs a connection and account with a cloud service provider for this capability.
Note that often volumes can have combinations of these types; e.g., a volume can be compressed
and mirrored, deduplicated and mirrored, thin-provisioned with a copy in the cloud, etc.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Volume allocation: Creating virtual volumes

‡ Volume allocation
ƒ Creating virtual volume (VDisk)
ƒ Mapping volumes to host
ƒ Managing volume
ƒ Caching I/O group
‡ Host storage access
‡ Non Disruptive Volume Movement
‡ Throttling


Figure 8-6. Volume allocation: Creating virtual volumes

This topic identifies the process of creating virtual volumes (VDisks).

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Creating basic (generic) volumes

‡ Select the Basic Preset:
ƒ Select the pool location where volumes will be sourced by extents
ƒ Specifies the volume’s quantity, capacity size, unit of measurement (bytes, KB, MB, GB, or TB), and name
ƒ Capacity savings: None (default) with the option to create volume as thin-provisioned or compressed
ƒ I/O group: Automatic (volume ownership adjust for automatic load balancing between control enclosures, or
assign volume to a specific I/O group
‡ A Volume can be created (map to host later) or created and mapped to a host during volume



Figure 8-7. Creating basic (generic) volumes

To create a basic volume you will need to select the pool location where volumes will be sourced by
extents that are contained in only one storage pool. Next, you will need to specify the volume
quantity, capacity size, unit of measurement (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes or terabytes,
and name. Multiple volumes can be created at the same time by using an automatic sequential
numbering suffix. We recommend using an appropriate naming convention of volumes to help you
easily identify the associated host or cluster of hosts.
The Capacity Savings is set to none by default. However, this feature provides the ability to alter the
provisioning of a basic volume into Thin-provisioned volume or compressed volume.
By default, volumes are accessible via ports on the caching I/O group, and I/Os are normally
directed to the caching node via the host multi-path code. As volumes are created in the I/O group,
by default Spectrum Virtualize alternates the node which will be the caching node to help balance
the workload across nodes.
Once you have specified the parameters, the summary provides a quick view of volume details
before creation. You have the option to just create the volume, or to create it and map it to a host.
Volumes can be mapped to a host simply by right-clicking on the volume and choosing the Map to
Host option.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Capacity indicators for volumes

• IBM Spectrum Virtualize GUI and the CLI use different abbreviations to indicate capacity

Metric GUI Abbreviation CLI Abbreviation Value

Kibibyte KiB KB 1024
Mebibyte MiB MB 1,048,576
Gibibyte GiB GB 1,073,741,824
Tebibyte TiB TB 1,099,511,627,776


Figure 8-8. Capacity indicators for volumes

The Spectrum Virtualize GUI and the CLI use different abbreviations to indicate capacity. The
following table displays the differences in how capacity indicators are displayed in the management
GUI versus the CLI.
The metrics presented as KiB, MiB, GiB and TiB represent 2^10, 2^20, 2^30, and 2^40 respectively,
and this metric was defined in part to avoid confusion between powers of 10 and powers of 2 (for
example, a million bytes vs. a MB). As a consequence KB, MB, GB and TB have changed to be
powers of 10: 10^3, 10^6, 10^9 and 10^12 respectively.
Currently Spectrum Virtualize uses both KB and KiB (and similarly for the other metrics) to
represent the same thing, namely powers of 2.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


CLI mkvdisk command

‡ The mkvdisk command is to create volumes
svctask mkvdisk –mdiskgrp 0 –name WIN1VOL1 –size 10737418240 –unit b

Example 2
Space from assigned storage pool volume
Volume capacity = 10 GB
Capacity striped across MDisks
3 exts 3 exts 4 exts
MDisk1 MDisk2 MDisk 3
The lsvdiskextent
<volume name> displays the
extents assigned Extent = 1GB


Figure 8-9. CLI mkvdisk command

Whether you chose the option to Create or Create and Map, the GUI will generate a mkvdisk
command for each volume and the volume parameters specified.
The mkvdisk command creates a 10 GB volume in the pool (or managed disk group) with ID 0, and
the volume is given a name of WINVOL1 with an ID of 1. All volumes are assigned a volume ID.
The volume capacity is rounded to a whole number of extents for extent allocation, so it’s
recommended to make volume sizes a multiple of the extent size so space isn’t wasted. The
lsvdiskextent command (with the volume name or ID) can be used to view on which MDisks the
VDisk and its extents reside.
Example 2 graphically shows a VDisk striped across the 3 MDisks in a storage pool.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Creating mirrored volumes

‡ Mirrored volumes provides the ability to create two identical mirrored volumes
ƒ Select Mirrored option
௅ Specifies the volume’s quantity, capacity size, unit of measurement (bytes, KB, MB, GB, or TB), and name
௅ Capacity savings: None (default) with the option to create volume as thin-provisioned or compressed
௅ Select the pool where each volume copy will reside
௅ I/O group and node: Automatic (volume ownership adjust for automatic load balancing between I/O
groups and the nodes in the I/O group, or assign volume to a specific I/O group and specific node)
‡ Volume can be created (map to host later) or created and mapped to a host during volume creation

&RS\ &RS\
*% *%



Figure 8-10. Creating mirrored volumes

A mirrored volume is created using the same preset as a basic volume, except it is created with two
identical volume copies of the same virtual capacity, providing a simple RAID 1 function. Typically
each volume copy will reside in a different storage pool from different disk subsystems, maintaining
availability in case a disk subsystem fails.
In the management GUI, an asterisk (*) indicates the primary copy of the mirrored volume. The
primary copy indicates the preferred volume for read requests.
The volume copy can be any type: image, striped, or sequential. The volume copies can be created
as fully allocated volumes or with capacity savings of thin-provisioned or compressed.
Mirrored volumes are discussed in detail in a later topic.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Creating custom volumes

‡ Custom volume provides an alternative method of defining Capacity savings options such as thin-
provisioned volumes, thin-provisioned mirrored volumes, custom mirrored volume, compression
volumes, and or deduplicated volumes
‡ Creating custom volumes consists of a number of submenus:
ƒ Volume location: Defines the pool(s) to be used and I/O group preferences
ƒ Volume Details: Defines the capacity savings option
ƒ Thin Provisioning: Defines settings to create thin-provisioned volume
ƒ Compressed: Defines settings to create compressed volume
ƒ General: Changes default options for Cache mode, Mirror synch rate, and formatting




Figure 8-11. Creating custom volumes

The custom volume option provides options to create volumes with thin-provisioning, compression
and deduplication capabilities. It also expands the base level default options for basic and mirrored
volumes. A custom volume can be customized with respect to mirror synch rate, cache mode and

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Volume format or formatting

‡ Basic and Mirrored volumes are automatically formatted (filing the volume with zeros) using a
background process
‡ Volume is available for use immediately
ƒ Task actions such as moving, expanding, shrinking, or adding a volume copy are disabled during the format
‡ Feature can be disabled in the Custom General Panel
ƒ Recommended to leave it on


 &RS\ &RS\

Basic Mirrored


Figure 8-12. Volume format or formatting

Fully allocated volumes are automatically formatted and initialized through the quick initialization
process after the volume is created. This process fills the volume with zeros right after it is
formatted, making it available for immediate use, with the format completing in the background. The
system formats any new fully allocated volume copy by default. Quick initialization requires a small
amount of I/O to complete and limits the number of volumes that can be initialized at the same time.
Some volume actions such as moving, expanding, shrinking, or adding a volume copy are disabled
when the specified volume is formatting. Those actions can be done when the formatting process
The quick initialization process can be disabled in circumstances where it is not necessary. For
example, if the volume is the target of a Copy Services function, the Copy Services operation
formats the volume.
The quick initialization process can also be disabled for performance testing so that the
measurements of the raw system capabilities can take place without waiting for the process to
complete. Filling new volumes with zeros is a good practice because otherwise, there may be
non-referenced old data on the storage, that results in wasted resource use later. For example, if
we create a fully allocated volume but don't format it, then later make a volume copy, all that
unused data gets unnecessarily copied, or if we convert it to a thin volume, that old data will use up

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Volume’s unique identifier

‡ A unique identifier (UID) is an identifier that is assigned to storage-system volumes (know as LUNs)
when they are created
‡ All the volumes from the same system cluster are assigned a Unique Identifier (UID) value
ƒ Imported LUN UID embedded in Spectrum Virtualize volume UID
ƒ Host volume UID maps to Spectrum Virtualize UID
ƒ Facilitates correlating Spectrum Virtualize volume to host volume


Figure 8-13. Volume’s unique identifier

Volumes from disk subsystems use a UID to uniquely identify them, and Spectrum Virtualize is no
exception. The UID for a LUN on backend storage can be compared to the UIDs of SV MDisks to
correlate the SV MDisk to the disk name used on the backend storage. Similarly, as a VDisk is
configured on a host, the UID on the host disk can be compared to the VDisk UIDs on SV to
correlate it to the SV name. After we correlate the two names, we typically change the VDisk name
on Spectrum Virtualize to reflect the host to which it belongs and its use.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


‡ By default, when a volume has been created the cache is set to readwrite mode


readwrite All read and write I/O operations that are performed by the volume are stored
in cache. This is the default cache mode for all volumes.

readonly All read I/O operations that are performed by the volume are stored in cache.
Required when backend storage is doing remote mirroring or FlashCopy to
maintain write order data consistency.
none All read and write I/O operations that are performed by the volume are not
stored in cache.


Figure 8-14. Volume cache modes

Cache in IBM Spectrum Virtualize storage system can be set at a single volume granularity. For
each volume, the cache can be readwrite, readonly, or none.
By default, when a volume has been created the cache is set to readwrite, so write latency is
improved and operates at cache speeds. Reads also are faster when the data is in cache. You use
cache-disabled (none) volumes primarily when you are virtualizing an existing storage
infrastructure and you want to retain the existing storage system copy services. You need to use
cache-disabled volumes where copy services are being used in the backend rather than controlled
via Spectrum Virtualize, to maintain write order and data consistency. Note that for DRP volumes,
readwrite is always used.
Keep the use of cache-disabled volumes to minimum for normal workloads, because turning off
write cache increases write latency, though if the backend storage has write cache that offsets most
of the increased latency.
You can also use cache-disabled volumes to control the allocation of cache resources. By disabling
the cache for certain volumes, more cache resources are available to cache I/Os to other volumes
in the same I/O group. This technique of using cache-disabled volumes is effective where an I/O
group serves volumes that benefit from cache and other volumes, where the benefits of caching are
small or nonexistent.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Volume commands (1 of 5)
‡ Additional CLI commands for administering volumes:
ƒ mkvolume
ƒ mkimagevolume
ƒ Addvolumecopy
ƒ rmvolumecopy
ƒ rmvolume

‡ The lsvdisk now includes volume_idvolume_name and function fields to easily identify the
individual volumes that make up a HyperSwap volume


Figure 8-15. Volume commands (1 of 5)

IBM Spectrum Virtualize introduced additional CLI commands for administering volumes in
stretched clusters or for HyperSwap, but the GUI will also continue to use legacy commands, for all
volume administration.
The new volume commands:
The lsvdisk command has also been modified to include volume_id, volume_name, and function
fields to easily identify the individual volumes that make up a HyperSwap volume. The
mkimagevolume was implemented to have separate commands for creating a VDisk from an MDisk
with existing data, vs. creating a new empty VDisk. The mkimagevolume is still equivalent to
mkvdisk -vtype image.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Volume commands (2 of 5)
‡ The mkvolume command:
ƒ Determined by the system topology and the number of storage pools specified
ƒ Create an empty volume using storage from existing storage pools
ƒ Used to create HyperSwap or stretched system topology volumes:
í Stretched volume = two mirrored copies
í HyperSwap volume = two volume Metro Copy copies

ƒ Volume is always formatted (zeroed)


Figure 8-16. Volume commands (2 of 5)

The mkvolume command, as opposed the mkvdisk command creates an new empty volume using
storage from existing storage pools, which is determined by the system and by the number of
storage pools specified topology. This command is used for high availability configurations that
includes HyperSwap or stretched systems topologies. Volumes are always formatted (zeroed).

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Volume commands (3 of 5)
‡ The mkimagevolume command:
ƒ Create a new image mode volume
ƒ Can be used to import a volume, preserving existing data
‡ Implemented to have different commands to create new a empty VDisks versus
VDisks with existing data. Equivalent to mkvdisk -vtype image
ƒ Fully allocated image:
mkimagevolume -mdisk 2 -pool 0
ƒ Thin-provisioned image:
mkimagevolume -mdisk 7 -pool 1 -thin -size 25 -unit gb


Figure 8-17. Volume commands (3 of 5)

The mkimagevolume command creates a new image mode volume. This command be used to
import a volume, preserving existing data. Implemented as a separate command to provide greater
distinction between the action of creating a new empty volume and creating a volume by importing
data on an existing MDisk.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Volume commands (4 of 5)
‡ The addvolumecopy command:
ƒ Adds new copy to an existing volume (synchronized from the existing copy)
ƒ Used for stretched and HyperSwap topologies to create high availability volumes
ƒ The command addvolumecopy can be used to create:
í Mirrored volume - Standard topology
addvolumecopy -pool 2 volume5
addvolumecopy -pool site2pool1 –thin volume4
addvolumecopy -image mdisk12 -pool 3 volume2
í Stretched volume - Stretched topology (Stretch cluster is not supported for V7000, V9000, and FS9100)
í HyperSwap volume - HyperSwap topology
Example: addvolumecopy -pool site2pool volume5
(This command is used for both topologies)


Figure 8-18. Volume commands (4 of 5)

The addvolumecopy command adds a new copy to an existing volume. It can be used for stretched
and HyperSwap topology systems that requires a high available volumes split across the two sites.
It can also be used on a standard topology system to add a mirrored copy to an existing volume.
The new copy will always be synchronized from the existing copy.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Volume commands (5 of 5)
‡ The rmvolumecopy command:
ƒ Removes a copy of a volume but leaves the actual volume intact
ƒ Converts a Mirrored, Stretched, or HyperSwap volume into a basic volume
ƒ For a HyperSwap volume this includes deleting the active-active relationship and the change volumes
ƒ Allows a copy to be identified simply by its site
‡ The rmvolume command:
ƒ Removes a volume, including volumes in remote mirroring relationships
ƒ The -force parameter from rmvdiskcopy and rmvdisk replaced by individual override parameters, -
removercrelationships and –removefcmaps, making it clearer to the user exactly what protection they are
‡ More specific than the rmvdisk and rmvdiskcopy commands


Figure 8-19. Volume commands (5 of 5)

The rmvolumecopy command removes a copy of a volume, leaving the volume fully intact. It also
converts a Mirrored, Stretched or HyperSwap volume into a basic volume.
The rmvolume command deletes the volume. For a HyperSwap volume this includes deleting the
active-active relationship and the change volumes. This command also allows a copy to be
identified simply by its site.
The –force parameter with rmvdiskcopy is replaced by individual override parameters, making it
clearer to the user exactly what protection they are bypassing.
The new commands are more specifically for high availability volumes.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Volume status

Volume status Description

online At least one synchronized copy of the volume is online and available if both nodes in
the I/O group can access the volume. A single node can only access a volume if it
can access all the MDisks in the storage pool that are associated with the volume.

offline The volume is offline and unavailable if both nodes in the I/O group are missing, or if
none of the nodes in the I/O group that are present can access any synchronized
copy of the volume. The volume can also be offline if the volume is the secondary of
a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror relationship that is not synchronized. A thin-
provisioned volume goes offline if a user attempts to write an amount of data that
exceeds the available disk space.

degraded The status of the volume is degraded if one node in the I/O group is online and the
other node is either missing or cannot access any synchronized copy of the volume.


Figure 8-20. Volume status

A volume can be in one of three states: online, offline, and degraded.

• At least one synchronized copy of the volume is online and available if both nodes in the I/O
group can access the volume. A single node can only access a volume if it can access all the
MDisks in the storage pool that are associated with the volume.
• The volume is offline and unavailable if both nodes in the I/O group are missing, or if none of the
nodes in the I/O group that are present can access any synchronized copy of the volume. The
volume can also be offline if the volume is the secondary of a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror
relationship that is not synchronized. A thin-provisioned volume goes offline if a user attempts to
write an amount of data that exceeds the available disk space.
• The status of the volume is degraded if one node in the I/O group is online and the other node is
either missing or cannot access any synchronized copy of the volume.
If you are unable to resolve the issue or if you have a degraded volume and all of the associated
nodes and MDisks are online, call the IBM Support Center for assistance.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Volume allocation: Mapping volume to host

‡ Volume allocation
ƒ Creating virtual volume (VDisk)
ƒ Mapping volumes to host
ƒ Managing volume
ƒ Caching I/O group
‡ Host storage access
‡ Non Disruptive Volume Movement
‡ Throttling


Figure 8-21. Volume allocation: Mapping volume to host

This topic identifies the process of mapping volumes to host objects.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Mapping volumes to host object

‡ Right click on a volume(s) and select Map to Host
ƒ Host must be predefined on the system
‡ The GUI generates the mkvdiskhostmap command for each volume being mapped to a host
Running command:
svctack mkvdiskhostmap –force –host 0 0 Host ID and volume ID specified.
The task is 100% complete LUN ID can also be specified via –scsi <LUN ID>
ƒ Volume can be mapped to multiple hosts

Host 1 Host 2 Host 3


SCSI mapping SCSI mapping

ID = 1 SCSI mapping ID = 5
ID = 0
VOL 1 SCSI mapping VOL 2 SCSI mapping VOL 3
ID = 4 ID = 2


Figure 8-22. Mapping volumes to host object

If you chose to Create and Map volumes to a host object, the host must be predefined on the
system. During the map volume to host process, the GUI generates a mkvdiskhostmap command
for each volume being mapped to a host object. This command automatically assigns the LUN
number or SCSI ID (as seen by the host) for each volume using the lowest available SCSI ID. This
SCSI ID controls the sequence in which the volumes are presented to the host. For example, if you
present three volumes to the host, and those volumes have SCSI IDs of 0, 1, and 3, the volume that
has an ID of 3 might not be found because no disk is mapped with an ID of 2.
A volume can be mapped to multiple host objects, and in such shared disk clusters, it’s usually
required to have the same LUN ID for a volume on each host, in which case we can specify the
LUN ID using the –scsi <LUN ID> parameter.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Host mapping volume view

‡ The Hosts > Mappings window provides an alternative view to all host volumes and their
assigned SCSI ID
ƒ Private Mappings is the default view that list all host accessed volume


Figure 8-23. Host mapping volume view

The Hosts > Mappings window in the management GUI provides an alternative view to all host
volumes and their assigned SCSI ID. The Private Mappings is the default view that list all host
accessed volume. You also have the option to view Shared Mappings for volumes that are mapped
to host clusters, or All Host Mappings for a collective view of both.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Host lshostvdiskmap command

‡ The lshostvdiskmap command displays all volume to host mappings
Running commnd:
IBM_system cluster:superuser>lshostvdiskmap -delim , PODA_WIN1


Figure 8-24. Host lshostvdiskmap command

The lshostvdiskmap command can be used to display a list of volumes that are mapped to host
objects. It can be filtered to a specific host by specifying the host name or ID. In this example, we
list the volumes mapped to the PODA_WIN1 host (alternatively we can specify its host ID of 0).
The –delim , parameter reduces the width of the resulting output by replacing blank spaces
between columns with a delimiter (which is a comma). When the CLI displays a summary list of
objects each entry generally begins with the object ID followed by the object name of the object.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Remove volume mappings

‡ Volume mappings can be removed from a host or a host cluster
‡ Host cannot access volume without a mapping
ƒ All other host in a shared mapping remains in a host to volume relationship
ƒ If data is to be preserved, host must unmount the disk before the volume is unmapped to close the disk
connection so no updated data is left in the host cache
‡ Volume mappings can be removed using several GUI methods.
‡ To unmap:
ƒ Select one or more volumes, the right-click and select Unmap Volumes
ƒ Confirm the number of volumes being unmapped


Figure 8-25. Remove volume mappings

When deleting a volume mapping, you are only removing the connection from the host to the
volume, the volume will then appear on the system as an unmapped volume. If the volume is
mapped to multiple hosts, removing a mapping from one host doesn't remove the ability of the other
hosts to access the volume.
If data on a volume is to be preserved, the host must unmount the disk before the volume is
unmapped. This will ensure that the connection to the disk is closed correctly by the host, and to
ensure that no data is left in the host cache while being unmapped.
Volume mappings can be removed using several methods in the GUI by selecting one or more
volumes (holding the Ctrl key), then right click and select Unmap Volumes. You will need to
confirm how many volumes are to be unmapped by entering that number in the Verify field, and
then click Unmap.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Volume allocation: Managing volumes

‡ Volume allocation
ƒ Creating virtual volume (VDisk)
ƒ Mapping volumes to host
ƒ Managing volumes
ƒ Caching I/O group
‡ Host storage access
‡ Non Disruptive Volume Movement
‡ Throttling


Figure 8-26. Volume allocation: Managing volumes

This topic identifies the management of system volumes.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Running jobs and suggested tasks

‡ The following information can be displayed as part of running tasks:
ƒ Volume migration
ƒ Managed disk (MDisk) removal
ƒ Image mode migration
ƒ Extent migration
ƒ IBM FlashCopy
ƒ Metro Mirror and Global Mirror
ƒ Volume formatting
ƒ Space-efficient copy repair
ƒ Volume copy verification and synchronization
ƒ Estimated time for the task completion


Figure 8-27. Running jobs and suggested tasks

The management GUI Notification icon (middle icon highlighted in the image) provides an overview
of currently running tasks triggered by the administrator and the suggested tasks recommending
users to perform specific configuration actions. Depending on the task initiated, the system might
suggests that a task needs to be performed and offers direct access to the associated location
using the Run Task option. In this example, a host has not been defined. If you do not want to
complete the suggested task, click the Not Now link and the suggestion message disappears.
Similarly, you can analyze the details of running tasks, either all of them together in one window or
of a single task. The View option opens a single task (volume format job as shown). The View All
Tasks option will direct you to the Monitoring Background Tasks menu which displays all tasks in
progress on the system. After the task completes, the task is automatically deleted from the display.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Volume properties
• Volume UID is the equivalent of a hardware volume
serial number
• Caching I/O Group
ƒ Identifies the I/O group to which the volume belongs
• Accessible I/O Groups
ƒ Identifies the I/O groups whose ports can be used to
access the volume
ƒ By default only the caching I/O group
• Preferred node
ƒ Identifies the caching node in the I/O group


Figure 8-28. Volume properties

The volume properties option provides an overview of the selected volume as seen within the GUI.
You can expand the view by selecting View more details.
• All volumes are created with a Volume ID which is assigned by the system cluster at volume
creation. The Volume UID is the equivalent of a hardware volume serial number. This UID is
transmitted to the host OS and on some platforms it can be displayed by host-based
• The Caching I/O Group specifies the I/O group to which the volume belongs.
• The Accessible I/O groups identifies the I/O groups whose ports are can be used to access and
do I/O to the volume. This capability is used during non disruptive volume movement (NDVM).
Normally I/O is directed to ports on the caching node, and typically hosts have volumes served
by only one I/O group, so it makes sense to limit the accessible I/O group to the caching I/O
group for that host’s volumes. Though SAN zoning and LUN/port masking features on
Spectrum Virtualize are typically also used to limit the number of disk paths.
• The Preferred node identifies the caching node in the I/O group and to which the host sends
I/Os when working paths to the caching node exist.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


‡ The Action menu displays lists resource option to manage volumes
ƒ Includes resources to reduce the complexity of moving data that is transparent to the host
Add to column


Figure 8-29. Managing volume resources

The volume Actions menu displays a list resource options to manage volumes such as modify
volume mappings, unmap volume, rename volume, or create new volumes. In addition, it offers
resources to reduce the complexity of moving data that is transparent to the host.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Enable volume protection

‡ Administrators can use a global system setting to enable volume protection by setting an inactive
interval to prevent deletion of volumes
chsystem -vdiskprotectionenabled yes -vdiskprotectiontime 60

‡ The following commands are affected by this setting:



Figure 8-30. Enable volume protection

The system supports a global setting that can prevent active volumes or host mappings from being
deleted inadvertently if the system detects recent I/O activity to the volume. This feature is called
volume protection.
When a volume is deleted, the system verifies whether it is a part of a host mapping, FlashCopy
mapping, or remote-copy relationship. In these cases, the system fails to delete the volume, unless
the -force parameter is specified. However, using the -force parameter can lead to unintentional
deletions of volumes. With volume protection enabled, administrators have to wait for the specified
time to pass without any I/O occurring to a volume, before it can be deleted, regardless if the
-force parameter is used.
To prevent an active volume from being deleted unintentionally, administrators can enable volume
protection using the CLI chsystem -vdiskprotectionenabled yes -vdiskprotectiontime 60
command. The parameter -vdiskprotectionenabled yes enables volume protection and the
-vdiskprotectiontime parameter indicates how long a volume must be inactive before it can be
deleted. In this case, volumes can only be deleted if they have been inactive for over 60 minutes.
Administrators who don't want to wait, can disable volume protection, delete the volumes, and turn
volume protection back on.
The following commands are affected by this setting:

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Expand volume capacity

• Expand volume capacity without interruptions to user availability
ƒ Right-click a volume and select Expand
expandvdisksize – size 5368709120 –unit –b VOL3
ƒ Host also needs a method to recognize a disk that's grown in size
௅ Windows use diskpart utility
௅ $,;chvg –g vgname
ƒ Extents become striped regardless of the virtualization type in which it was created
ƒ Image type volumes cannot be expanded

IBMcluster:superuser>lsvdiskextent VOL3
id number_extents
92/ 0 10   
*% 1 9  H[WV H[WV  H[WV
2 8
*% 3 3 '6. '6. '6.



Figure 8-31. Expand volume capacity

The size of a volume can be expanded to present a larger capacity disk to the host operating
system. This can be accomplished in just a few clicks using management GUI or using the CLI
using the expandvdisksize command. Increasing the size of the volume is done without
interruptions to the user availability of the system. However, before increasing the volume capacity,
you must ensure that the host operating system provides support to recognize that a volume has
increased in size.
For example:
• AIX 5L V5.2 and higher issuing the chvg –g vgname
• Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2012 for basic and dynamic disks
This example shows the a 10 GB volume’s capacity was increased by 5 GB. When a volume is
expanded its virtualization type becomes striped even if it was previously defined as sequential.
Image type volumes cannot be expanded. Expanding a sequential VDisk will make the volume
striped, unless one uses the -mdisk flag to ensure added extents come from the same MDisk
leaving it as a sequential VDisk.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Shrink volume capacity

• Shrinking a volume can be data destructive
ƒ Recommend that volume NOT be in use by a host
• Extents are removed from the end of the volume
• Best practice
ƒ Always have a consistent backup before attempting to shrink volume
• Typical usage
ƒ FlashCopy target or mirroring secondary of source volume with virtualization type = image

92/ IBMcluster:superuser>lsvdiskextent VOL3

*% id number_extents
0 7   
1 7
*%  H[WV H[WV  H[WV
2 6
'6. '6. '6.


Figure 8-32. Shrink volume capacity

The method that system cluster uses to shrink a volume is to remove the required number of
extents from the end of the volume. Depending on where the data is on the volume, this action can
be data destructive. Therefore, the recommendation is that the volume should not be in-use by a
host. The shrinking of a volume is similar to expanding volume capacity. Ensure that the operating
system supports shrinking (natively or by using third-party tools) before you use this function. In
addition, it is best practice to always have a consistent backup before you attempt to shrink volume.
The shrinkvdisksize command that is generated by the GUI decreases the size of the volume
by the specified size. This interface to reduce the size of a volume is not intended for in-use
volumes that are mapped to a host. It is used for volumes whose content will be overlaid after the
size reduction, such as being a FlashCopy target volume where the source volume has an esoteric
size that needs to be matched.
Alternatively, to avoid losing data on the VDisk when shrinking it, is to simply create a smaller
volume of the size (assuming it's large enough to hold all the data), map volume to the host, and
then have the host administrator migrate the data to the new smaller volume - this can often be
done dynamically. After migrating the data, one can reclaim the original larger volume.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Removing MDisk migrates volume extents

• If an MDisk is removed from a storage pool then all of its allocated extents are redistributed to
the other MDisks in the pool
• The GUI issues the rmmdisk –force command to remove MDisk from the storage pool
• The lsvdiskextent command displays the MDisk extents that are allocated for a specific

IBMcluster:superuser> lsvdiskextent VOL3
id number_extents
0 7   
1 7  H[WV  H[WV H[WV
2 6

IBMcluster:superuser> lsvdiskextent VOL3

Migrate data from the MDisk
id number_extents 2 to other MDisks in the
0 10   same storage pool
1 10  H[WV H[WV



Figure 8-33. Removing MDisk migrates volume extents

If an MDisk is removed from a storage pool then all of its allocated extents are redistributed to the
other MDisks in the pool, this includes migrating any volumes that were allocated from the MDisk.
The rmmdisk command is generated by the GUI contains the -force parameter to remove the
MDisk from its current pool. The -force specification enables the removal of the MDisk by
redistributing the allocated extents of this MDisk to other MDisks in the pool. You can use the
lsvdiskextent command followed by the volume name to view the extent distribution for the

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Volume allocation: Caching I/O group



Figure 8-34. Volume allocation: Caching I/O group

This topic discusses the process of volume caching, and the system read and write distribution.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Volume caching I/O group

‡ A volume caching I/O group is an I/O group in which volumes are owned and managed by the
assigned control nodes
‡ Write I/Os are processed by the caching node and data is mirrored to the partner node’s cache.

I/O Group0 I/O Group1

Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4

Cache Cache Cache Cache

V1 V2 V3 V4

MDisk1 MDisk2 MDisk3 MDisk1 MDisk2

200 GB 200 GB 200 GB Storage pools 1.8 TB 1.8 TB


Figure 8-35. Volume caching I/O group

Although each control enclosure of the system cluster has a copy of the cluster state data, MDisks
and storage pools are cluster-wide resources available to all I/O groups in the cluster. Volumes, on
the other hand, are owned by, and handle I/Os for the volume, by the caching node in the caching
I/O group. If the caching node fails, the other node in the I/O group then takes over control for the
volume. The I/O group is known as the volume’s caching I/O group. When a write operation is
performed to a volume, the node that processes the I/O duplicates the data onto the partner node
that is in the I/O group.
It’s important to protect the write cache data for data consistency purposes; thus we must have an
extra copy elsewhere (in the other node’s cache) to make sure it’s not lost in the event of a node

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


I/O group and write I/O distributed cache

1 Write I/O request 4 Write acknowledgment

I/O Group0
V1 V2
Preferred Alternative
control node control node
Node 1 3 Node2
Boot disks Mirrors write I/O in Boot disks
Cache write data cache Cache

MDisk1 MDisk2 MDisk3

200 GB 200 GB 200 GB


Figure 8-36. I/O group and write I/O distributed cache

When write operations occurs the host request to send I/O writes to a volume that is assigned to a
preferred control node, which the volume is normally accessed. The distributed cache can be
managed by both control nodes of the caching I/O group.
The host initiates a write I/O request (1) where the multi-path algorithm selects the caching node.
The I/O then goes into the caching node's cache (2), and a copy of the data is sent into the I/O
group's other node's cache (3). After the data is protected on the partner node, a write complete
acknowledgment is returned to the requesting host (4).
The data is physically written to the storage disk (5) later in which cache management in control
Node 1 (the preferred storage enclosure) will cause the cached data to be destaged to the system
cluster and the other control node is notified that the data has been destaged. The system cluster
write cache is partitioned to ensure that no heavily accessed or slow performing pool consume all
the cache,
To protect write cache data, in case of power loss or I/O group failure, data in volatile memory is
written to both internal boot drives.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


I/O group control node failover

I/O Group0
V1 V2
Control node path

1 Node 1 2
Mirrors write I/O in Node 2
Boot disks Boot disks
write data cache
Cache Cache

MDisk1 MDisk2 MDisk3 Node 2 accelerate

200 GB 200 GB 200 GB destaging of cache


Figure 8-37. I/O group control node failover

If a node failure should occur within an I/O group, the other node in the I/O group assumes the I/O
responsibilities of the failed node (1). Data loss during a node failure is prevented by mirroring the
write data cache between the two nodes’ caches in the I/O group (2). A node failure will cause the
surviving control node to accelerate the destaging of all modified data in the cache (3), and then to
storage disk to minimize the exposure to failure (4). At this point, all I/O writes are processed in
write-through mode.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Volume allocation: Host storage access

‡ Volume allocation
‡ Host storage access
‡ Non Disruptive Volume Movement
‡ Throttling


Figure 8-38. Volume allocation: Host storage access

This topic describes the process that hosts use to configure volumes on the host, and examine their

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Discover volumes on the Windows

‡ Disk Management:
ƒ Rescan to detect disks (extended partitions)
presented to Windows
ƒ All volumes that are mapped to a Windows
host are listed by a disk # and letter
ƒ IBM Spectrum Virtualize system volumes are
seen as standard SCSI disks
ƒ Disks must be initialized and formatted by the
Windows administrator for use
ƒ Install disk multi-path code before configuring
multi-path disks


Figure 8-39. Discover volumes on the Windows

From the Windows host perspective, the storage volumes are presented as standard SCSI disks.
All volumes that are mapped to Windows host via Fibre Channel or via iSCSI, are discovered and
displayed collectively within the Windows Disk Management interface. Windows presents volumes
as unallocated disks that must be initialized and formatted for use as a logical drive.
Disk MPIO support should be installed before configuring multi-path disks; otherwise, the system
will configure a disk for each path to it which could lead to problems later.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Windows host paths view by using SDDDSM

‡ SDDDSM datapath query device Paths can be
used to
ƒ Used to validate disk path design validate zoning

ƒ Disk# correlates to disk presented in the

Windows Disk Management interface
ƒ Serial # correlates to the IBM Spectrum
Virtualize system UID # for volumes

The asterisk (*) indicates non-

preferred paths that don’t go
directly to the caching node


Figure 8-40. Windows host paths view by using SDDDSM

The SDDDSM datapath query device command can be used to correlate IBM Spectrum Virtualize
system volumes based on the serial number that is shown for the disk (which is the storage system
UID for the volume).
Disk paths are displayed and can be used to validate the disk path design, zoning, and cabling, and
compared to the disk paths as seen by the Spectrum Virtualize system. Paths without an (*) are
preferred or optimized paths that go to the caching node for the volume, and are normally used for
I/Os to the disk, though non-preferred paths are used as part of the disk configuration process or in
some failure scenarios. This is reflected in the Select column indicating how many times that path
was selected for an I/O. Non-preferred paths typically go to the non-caching node, or to ports on
other access I/O groups if so configured.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Discover volumes on the AIX host

# lsdev -Cc disk
hdisk0 Available Virtual SCSI Disk Drive
# cfgmgr
# lsdev -Cc disk
hdisk0 Available Virtual SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk1 Available 02-00-02 MPIO FC 2145
hdisk2 Available 02-00-02 MPIO FC 2145



,' 8,'«
8,'« 6&6,,'


Figure 8-41. Discover volumes on the AIX host

AIX uses the cfgmgr command to discover newly added devices including disks, while the lsdev
-Cc disks lists the configured disks. The example shows two 2145 disks that were configured,
while before only hdisk0 was configured which contains the rootvg or operating system.
AIX offers built in MPIO or one can use the SDDPCM product (which uses the built in MPIO) for
displaying and managing paths.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Mounting IBM Spectrum Virtualize system volume on AIX

# mkvg -y FA1-AIXVG hdisk1 hdisk2

0516-1254 mkvg: Changing the PVID in the ODM
0516-1254 mkvg: Changing the PVID in the ODM mkvg FRPPDQGLV
mkvg command issued
to create and activate VG
New VG label for each hdisk
# lspv included in the VGs
hdisk0 00f66aa5063da6c1 rootvg active
hdisk1 00f66aa5fcda0802 FA1-AIXVG active
hdisk2 00f66aa5fce32766 FA1-AIXVG active

lsvg –l <vgname> lists

# lsvg -l FA1-AIXVG logical volumes in the VGs


Figure 8-42. Mounting IBM Spectrum Virtualize system volume on AIX

Once hdisks are discovered and configured on the AIX system, they are typically put into a Volume
Group (VG) for use with AIX's Logical Volume Manager (LVM). The mkvg command creates the VG,
and then typically Logical Volumes are created often for holding a file system. The lspv output
correlates hdisks with the VG to which they belong. The lsvg -l <vgname> command lists logical
volumes in the VG, none of which have been created yet. Typically one will create Logical Volumes
(LVs) on which file systems will be created and formatted.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


AIX host paths view using SDDPCM

# pcmpath query device

Total Dual Active and Active/Asymmetric Devices : 2

DEV#: 1 DEVICE NAME: hdisk1 TYPE: 2145 ALGORITHM: Load Balance

SERIAL: 6005076801810787D800000000000003
Path# Adapter/Path Name State Mode Select Errors
0 fscsi0/path0 OPEN NORMAL 100 0
1 fscsi0/path1 OPEN NORMAL 87 0
2* fscsi0/path2 OPEN NORMAL 63 0
3* fscsi0/path3 OPEN NORMAL 63 0
4 fscsi1/path4 OPEN NORMAL 92 0 Paths without an (*) are preferred paths that
5 fscsi1/path5 OPEN NORMAL 90 0 go directly to the caching node
6* fscsi1/path6 OPEN NORMAL 63 0
7* fscsi1/path7 OPEN NORMAL 63 0
Paths with an (*) are non-preferred paths
DEV#: 2 DEVICE NAME: hdisk2 TYPE: 2145 ALGORITHM: Load Balance
SERIAL: 6005076801810787D800000000000007
Path# Adapter/Path Name State Mode Select Errors
0 fscsi0/path0 OPEN NORMAL 100 0
1 fscsi0/path1 OPEN NORMAL 89 0
2* fscsi0/path2 OPEN NORMAL 63 0
3* fscsi0/path3 OPEN NORMAL 63 0
4 fscsi1/path4 OPEN NORMAL 88 0
5 fscsi1/path5 OPEN NORMAL 92 0
6* fscsi1/path6 OPEN NORMAL 63 0
7* fscsi1/path7 OPEN NORMAL 63 0

Figure 8-43. AIX host paths view using SDDPCM

To confirm that the new disks are discovered and that the paths have been configured correctly, the
SDDPCM pcmpath query device command is used. The output of this command is the same
structure as the SDDDSM. The pcmpath query device command validates the I/O distribution
across the paths of the preferred storage enclosure of the volume (or hdisk). SDDPCM identifies
eight paths for each hdisk because this host is zoned for eight paths access in the example.
Currently, all eight paths show a state of OPEN because of the volume group it varied on.
Paths without an (*) are paths to the caching node of the volume, and called preferred, optimized or
primary paths.
The SERIAL number of the AIX hdisk correlates to the storage system UID value of the volume.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Host paths to volume’s preferred control enclosure

# lspath -l hdisk2 -F"status parent connection path_status path_id"

Enabled fscsi0 203900a0b8478dda,f000000000000 Available 0
Enabled fscsi0 201800a0b8478dda,f000000000000 Available 1
Enabled fscsi1 201900a0b8478dda,f000000000000 Available 2
Enabled fscsi1 203800a0b8478dda,f000000000000 Available 3


3DWK '% '$ 3DWK
3DWK )$$,;



Figure 8-44. Host paths to volume’s preferred control enclosure

From the previous two command output sets, an understanding of the path configuration can be
obtained and host zoning can be validated. Under normal circumstances the SDDPCM or AIC
MPIO distributes I/O requests across these four paths to the volume’s preferred storage enclosure.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Integration of VMware applications

• vCenter Web Client (VWC)
• vStorage APIs for Storage Awareness (VASA)
• vStorage APIs for Array Integration (VAAI)
• vCenter Site Recovery Manager (SRM/SRA)
ƒ Greater communication between vSphere and Spectrum

ƒ Ability of vSphere to monitor and directly manage

Spectrum Virtualize allowing greater efficiencies

ƒ Enables migration or offloading of specific host

operations to storage, improving overall performance of
virtual environment


Figure 8-45. Integration of VMware applications

IBM SAN Volume Controller, Storwize Family, FlashSystem 9100, and FlashSystem V9000
supports guest host operating systems that are running on the VMware operating system. With the
tight integration with VMware vSphere workloads (including vCenter Web Client (VWC), vStorage
APIs for Storage Awareness (VASA), and vStorage APIs for Array Integration (VAAI)) clients can
benefit from the extreme performance and macro efficiency attributes of IBM FlashSystems.
Each storage system integrates with the VMware vCloud suite of applications that includes those
listed to include vCenter Site Recovery Manager (SRM/SRA) to facilitate administration,
management and monitoring.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Enabling VVOL
• Prerequisites for VVOL support:
ƒ IBM Spectrum Virtualize version 7.6.0 or later
ƒ IBM Spectrum Control Base Edition (version 2.2.1 or later)
ƒ VMware vSphere (ESXi hosts and vCenter) version 6.0 (or later)
ƒ Requires Network Time Protocol (NTP) server
௅ Configured on both the storage system and the IBM Spectrum Control
Base server
ƒ Requires network information for both VMware vCenter and IBM
Spectrum Control Base Edition
௅ IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and fully qualified domain name
(FQDN) such as
• VVOL must be enabled using Settings > System > VVOL.
ƒ Select On to enable Virtual Volumes
í A utility volume is automatically created to store critical metadata -
managed by Spectrum Control


Figure 8-46. Enabling VVOL

The system supports VMware vSphere Virtual Volumes, sometimes referred to as Virtual Volumes
or VVols, which allow VMware vCenter to automate the management of system objects like
volumes and pools. VVOl must be enabled for support using the GUI Settings > System >VVOL
Before you configure Virtual Volumes, the following prerequisites must be met:
• Ensure that your system is running version 7.6.0 or later.
• Ensure that IBM Spectrum Control Base Edition (version 2.2.1 or later) is installed.
• Ensure that you are running VMware vSphere (ESXi hosts and vCenter) version 6.0 (or later).
• Ensure that Network Time Protocol (NTP) server is configured on the system and the IBM
Spectrum Control Base server. NTP ensures that time settings are consistent between the
system and the IBM Spectrum Control Base server.
• Confirm that you have the network information for both VMware vCenter and IBM Spectrum
Control Base Edition: the IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and fully qualified domain name
(FQDN) such as
Once you have meet the prerequisites, select On to enable VVOL. A utility volume is automatically
created to store critical metadata that is required for Virtual Volumes. This utility volume is managed
by the IBM Spectrum Control Base Edition server.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Creating ESXi host

• Define a ESXi host using the Host > Add Host
ƒ Enter the name of an ESXi host server
ƒ Select VVOL for the host type
ƒ You can also enable VVols on existing hosts by
changing the host type to VVol
• Define ESXi host using CLI
mkhost -name esx1 -type adminlun –fcwwpn number


Figure 8-47. Creating ESXi host

After VMware vSphere Virtual Volumes are enabled on the system, you need to define ESXi hosts
that are enabled for Virtual Volumes on the system. Enter the name of an ESXi host server that will
access storage from the system and enter connection information. Select VVOL for the host type.
Click Add Host. Repeat this step for each ESXi host server.
If the ESXi host was previously configured, the host type can be changed by selecting the ESXi
host. Click Action and select Properties or right-click on the existing ESXi host. On the Overview
panel, select Edit and change the host type to VVOL.
ESXi host can also be configured using the command-line interface, by entering the command:
mkhost -name esx1 -type adminlun –fcwwpn number. The -type adminlun indicates the host is
used for Virtual Volumes management. The same command syntax can be issued for an existing
ESXi server by using chhost instead of mkhost.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Creating VVOL
• Create a user VASA Provider security role on the IBM
Spectrum Connect server to manage VVOLs
• Assign a storage pool to store provide capacity for the
utility volume
ƒ Best practice store a mirrored copy in a second storage
ƒ System admin can complete certain management actions on 0JPWSDWK

VVOLs and pools owned by VASA Provider (primary owner)

‡ VVOLs cannot be deleted or mapped to other storage
system host objects
‡ To remove VVOL support:
ƒ Stop use of any VVOL VDisks and delete them
ƒ Removal pool that provided capacity for VVOL data
ƒ Change VVOL setting to Off


Figure 8-48. Creating VVOL

To manage the VVOLs, the system administrator can assign ownership of Virtual Volumes to IBM
Spectrum Control Base Edition by creating a user with the VASA Provider security role. IBM
Spectrum Control Base Edition provides communication between the VMware vSphere
infrastructure and the clustered system.
Defining the user account for the IBM Spectrum Control Base Edition server automatically
configures a new user with the VASA Provider role. IBM Spectrum Control Base Edition server uses
these storage credentials and role privileges to access the system and to run the automated tasks
that are required for Virtual Volumes. It also provides communication between the VMware vSphere
infrastructure and the storage system. Pools and VVOLs can also be configured using the CLI.
The system administrator selects or create a pool that will provide capacity for the utility volume.
With each new volume created by the VASA provider, VMware vCenter defines a few kilobytes of
metadata that are stored on the utility volume. The utility volume can be mirrored to a second
storage pool from different storage systems or a different I/O group to ensure that the failure of a
storage pool does not result in loss of access to the metadata. Utility volumes are exclusively used
by the VASA provider and cannot be deleted or mapped to other host objects.
The system administrator can complete certain actions on volumes and pools that are owned by
the VASA Provider security role, IBM Spectrum Control Base Edition retains the primary
management responsibility for all Virtual Volumes.
VVOL support can only be removed by system administrator. This requires the removal of any
associated pools. Ensure that the VMware vCenter administrator has migrated any virtual
machines off VVols datastores hosted by the storage system. If data still remains, the pool cannot
be deleted.
To disable VVOLs support using the Settings > System > VVOL changing the setting to Off.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation

For information about IBM Spectrum Control Base Edition management of VVOLs, refer to the IBM
Spectrum Control Base Edition documentation.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation



‡ Volume allocation
‡ Host storage access
‡ Non Disruptive Volume Movement
‡ Throttling


Figure 8-49. Volume allocation: Non Disruptive Volume Movement

This topic identifies the process in which volumes can be moved to a different caching I/O group.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Moving volume between I/O groups: Host perspective

• Only applicable to multiple I/O group
• Host mapped to volumes must support non
disruptive volume movement +RVW
ƒ Can be done concurrently with I/O operations
ƒ Requires a rescan at the host level to ensure
multipathing drive is notify changes in the 9 9
preferred storage enclosure
ƒ Host must have permission to access VDisks
from the target I/O group
• Not supported with DRPs


Figure 8-50. Moving volume between I/O groups: Host perspective

Moving a volume between I/O groups is considered a migration task, which involving the SAN
Fabric, storage system cluster and host administrators. Hosts mapped to the volume must support
non disruptive volume movement (NDVM). Modifying the I/O group that services the volume can be
done concurrently with I/O operations if the host supports non disruptive volume move. However,
the cached data that is held within the system must first be written to the system disk before the
allocation of the volume can be changed. Since paths to the new I/O group need to be discovered
and managed, the multipath driver support is critical for nondisruptive volume move between I/O
groups. Typically, the SAN administrator has to change the zoning to first allow FC communication
to the target I/O group, then to remove zoning from the source I/O group after the VDisk has been
migrated. Rescanning at the host level ensures that the multipathing driver is notified that the
allocation of the preferred storage enclosure has changed and the ports by which the volume is
accessed has changed. The general reason to do a NDVM is to reduce the workload of an I/O
group and more evenly balance the workload across the cluster.
If there are any host mappings for the volume, the host must have permission to access LUNs from
the target I/O group as specified via the -iogrp flag of mkhost, or added with the addvdiskaccess
command. Keep in mind that the commands and actions on the host vary depending on the type of
host and the connection method used. These steps must be completed on all hosts to which the
selected volumes are currently mapped.
For example, Windows rescan for disks will remove paths after moving a volume to a new I/O
group. The cfgmgr on AIX will rescan the paths and set the pathing appropriately.
Note that NDVM is not supported with DRP volumes.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


NDVM: Supported OS and multipath drivers

A volume in a Metro/Global Mirror relationship cannot

change its caching I/O group

Figure 8-51. NDVM: Supported OS and multipath drivers

Support information for an IBM Spectrum Virtualize storage product is based on code level. One
easy way to locate its web page is to perform a web search using the key words. For example ‘IBM
SAN Volume Controller supported hardware list’.
The NDVM provides a list of host environments that supports non-disruptively moving a volume
between I/O groups. The Multipathing column identifies the multipath driver required. After the
move, paths to the prior I/O group might not be deleted until a host reboot occurs.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Moving volume between I/O groups: Volume perspective

‡ By default, the VDisk is only accessible from the caching I/O group
ƒ I/O data for the volume is only cached in the volume’s caching I/O group
ƒ The maximum number of paths that are supported between the host and all its I/O groups is 8-paths
‡ Using NDVM might cause the SCSI ID for the VDisk to change
ƒ Might require an outage when dealing with a cluster of hosts accessing the volume
‡ A volume in a Metro or Global Mirror relationship cannot change its caching I/O group
‡ If a volume in a FlashCopy mapping is moved, its bitmap is left in the original I/O group
ƒ This causes additional inter-storage enclosure messaging during FlashCopy operations


Figure 8-52. Moving volume between I/O groups: Volume perspective

The visual shows some addition notes and summary on Non-Disruptive Volume Move (NDVM).

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Changing preferred storage enclosure using GUI

‡ Select Volumes > Volumes
ƒ Right-click volume to be moved and select Modify I/O Group or select Actions > Modify I/O
ƒ The Wizard provides guided steps to move volume from one I/O to another I/O group
í GUI generates the following svctask commands to move volume ID 3 to a new caching I/O group:
‡ The movevdisk -iogrp command enables the caching I/O group of the volume to be changed
‡ 7KHaddvdiskaccess -iogrp command adds the specified I/O group to the volume’s access list
‡ 7KHrmvdiskaccess -iogrp command removes the access to the volume from the ports of the
specified I/O group


Figure 8-53. Changing preferred storage enclosure using GUI

You can also use the management GUI to move volumes between I/O groups non-disruptively. In
the management GUI, select Volumes > Volumes. On the Volumes panel, select the volume that
you want to move and select Modify I/O Group or select Actions > Modify I/O Group. The wizard
guides you through all the steps that are necessary for moving a volume to another I/O group,
including any changes to hosts that are required.
A volume is owned by a caching I/O group as active I/O data of the volume is cached in the storage
enclosures of this I/O group. If a volume is not assigned to a host, changing its I/O group is simple,
as none of its data is cached yet.
Make sure you create paths to I/O groups on the host system. After the system has successfully
added the new I/O group to the volume's access set and you have moved selected volumes to
another I/O group, detect the new paths to the volumes on the host.
The GUI generates the following commands to a new caching I/O group:
• The movevdisk -iogrp command enables the caching I/O group of the volume to be changed.
The -storage enclosure parameter allows the preferred storage enclosure of the volume to
be explicitly specified. Otherwise, the system load balances between the two storage
enclosures of the specified I/O group.
• The addvdiskaccess -iogrp command adds the specified I/O group to the volume’s access
list. The volume is accessible from the ports of both I/O groups. However, the volume’s data is
only cached in its new caching I/O group.
• The rmvdiskaccess -iogrp command removes the access to the volume from the ports of the
specified I/O group. The volume is now only accessible through the ports of its newly assigned
caching I/O group.
The chvdisk -iogrp option is no longer available beginning with v6.4.0.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation

Keep in mind that the SAN administrator will typically be involved. First to add zones so the host
can access ports on the target I/O group. Then later after migrating the volume to the target I/O
group, to remove zones so the host no longer accesses the source I/O group.
The host administrator is also involved. This includes rescans of the disk from the host to pick up
the new paths to the target I/O group, and then to correctly configure the preferred paths to the new
I/O group after the volume is moved.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Changing preferred storage enclosure using CLI

To move a volume between I/O groups using the CLI, complete the following steps:
1. Issue the following command:
addvdiskaccess -iogrp iogrp id/name volume id/name
2. Issue the following command:
movevdisk -iogrp destination iogrp -storage enclosure new preferred storage
enclosure volume id/name
3. Issue the appropriate commands on the hosts mapped to the volume to detect the new paths to the volume
in the destination I/O group.
4. Once you confirm the new paths are online, remove access from the old I/O group:
rmvdiskaccess -iogrp id/name volume id/name
5. Issue the appropriate commands on the hosts mapped to the volume to remove the paths to the old I/O
If no new I/O group is specified, the volume stays in the same I/O group but changes to the
preferred storage enclosure specified


Figure 8-54. Changing preferred storage enclosure using CLI

Changing the caching node in an I/O group for a volume is a simpler task than NDVM which
changes the I/O group handling j a volume. Note the host administrator should rescan disks after
this change as well, because the preferred paths also change, and need to be reflected on the host.
The storage system allows you to issues the CLI movevdisk command to move the preferred
storage enclosure of a volume either within the same caching I/O group or to another caching I/O

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Volume allocation: Throttling

‡ Volume allocation
‡ Host storage access
‡ Non Disruptive Volume Movement
‡ Throttling


Figure 8-55. Volume allocation: Throttling

This module discusses the ability to set I/O throttling for IBM Spectrum Virtualize storage objects.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


System throttles
‡ System supports throttles on hosts, host clusters, volumes, copy
offload operations and storage pools
ƒ Controls the amount of resources used during processing I/Os
ƒ Set limitation of both bandwidth and IOPS Host cluster
í Host cluster
í Host
í Volumes Input Output

í Copy offload operations Throttling

í Storage pools

ƒ Bandwidth limit and IOPS limit are the maximum amount that can be
processed before the system delays processing
‡ If more than one throttle applies to an I/O operation, the lowest
and most stringent throttle is used


Figure 8-56. System throttles

Throttling is a mechanism that is intended to favor the performance of critical business applications
that run concurrently with less critical applications. Based on the IBM Spectrum Virtualize system
ability to process shared capacity and cache among all applications, and all hosts that are attached
to the same resources, equal allocation of these resources among both critical and less critical
applications might negatively affect the performance of the business-critical applications.
Therefore, throttling is a mechanism to, volumes, copy offload operations, and storage pools.
control the maximum amount of resources based on the bandwidth and IOPS that are used when
the system is processing I/Os on a specific host, or host cluster.
When you configure throttles on the system, keep in mind the following guidelines:
The throttle limit is a per node limit. For example, if a throttle limit is set for a volume at 100 IOPS,
each node on the system that has access to the volume allows 100 IOPS for that volume. Any I/O
operation that exceeds the throttle limit are queued at the receiving nodes. The multipath policies
on the host determine how many nodes receive I/O operations and the effective throttle limit. If
more than one throttle applies to an I/O operation, the lowest and most stringent throttle is used.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Types of object throttling (1 of 2)

‡ Host cluster/Host throttle:
ƒ All the hosts in the host cluster share the throttle limit Host cluster
ƒ Provides better performance for critical host
applications sharing storage resources

‡ Volumes:
ƒ Can be used to limit I/O for lower priority volume
workloads so that volume I/O intensive operations are
not affected


Figure 8-57. Types of object throttling (1 of 2)

In case of a host cluster throttle, all the hosts in the host cluster share the throttle limit. The
response to this issue is to limit the input/output operations per second (IOPS) rate and bandwidth
of certain applications by specifying and then enforcing limits. As a result, throttling enables better
performance for the critical host applications sharing storage resources, concurrently with the
noncritical host applications.
If throttles are configured on any of the selected hosts, the throttles must be removed to be included
in the host cluster. Throttles can be applied only to the host cluster and not individual hosts within
the cluster. If you choose not to remove the throttles from the host, the host is excluded from the
host cluster.
The system supports throttles to delay processing of I/O operations for volumes. If storage systems
provide storage to a wide variety of applications, then production volumes with more critical I/O can
be competing with volumes that have lower priority operations. For example, volumes that are used
for backup or archive operations can have I/O intensive workloads, potentially taking bandwidth
from production volumes. Volume throttle can be used to limit I/Os for these types volumes so that
I/O operations for production volume are not affected.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Types of object throttling (2 of 2)

‡ Managed disk groups (storage pools):
ƒ Can be used to avoid overwhelming the back-end Backup/
Oracle Archive
storage and be used with virtual volumes (VVOL)
í Parent and child pool throttles are independent of each

‡ Copy offload operations:

ƒ Offloaded data transfer (ODX) on Microsoft Windows
Server 2012 or for XCOPY/WRITESAME features on
VMware hosts
ƒ Single throttles for entire system


Figure 8-58. Types of object throttling (2 of 2)

Throttles can be defined for storage pools to control I/O operations on back-end storage systems.
Storage pool throttles can be used to avoid overwhelming the back-end storage and be used with
virtual volumes. Since virtual volumes use child pools, a throttle limit for the child pool limits I/O
operations for that pool's volumes. Parent and child pool throttles are independent of each other. A
child pool can have higher throttle limits than its parent pool.
You can also create throttles for systems that have copy offload features enabled, such as
offloaded data transfer (ODX) on Microsoft Windows Server 2012 or for XCOPY/WRITESAME
features on VMware hosts. Copy offload frees up host cycles for some host copies (e.g. copying a
boot volume for creating a VM), by having Spectrum Virtualize do it. Copy offload must be enabled
through a chsystem -odx on command, and also requires a certain level of SDDDSM multi-path
code on Windows. For systems with these features enabled, administrators can define throttles to
delay processing for copy offloads to free bandwidth for other more critical operations. When a
throttle for copy offload is defined, the throttle is applied for all copy offload I/O on the Spectrum
Virtualize system. Like other throttles on the system, you can set IOPS throttles, bandwidth
throttles, or both; however, bandwidth throttles are more effective for copy offload operations.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Creating and editing object throttles

‡ To create a throttle for a specific object, complete these steps:
ƒ From the GUI, select whether you want to set throttle limit for a Host cluster, Host, Volume, Pool
ƒ To set an offload throttle, on the System Overview page, select System Actions > Edit System Offload
í Multiple objects can be selected
ƒ Edit Throttle page contain the same parameters for all objects, enter values for the following throttles:


Figure 8-59. Creating and editing object throttles

To create a new throttle for a specific object, complete these steps:

1. Whether you are defining throttle limits for a host cluster host, volume or pool. This can be
completed from the management GUI.
2. Once you have select the object task, you will need to right-click the specific object (multiple
objects can be selected) and select Edit Throttle.
3. On the Edit Throttle page, enter values to set the limit for throttles:
▪ Bandwidth Limit, you need to specify the maximum amount of bandwidth between 1 to 256
TBps, the value with Unit GBps or TBps can be up to two fractional digits.
▪ IOPS Limit, you need to specify the maximum amount of I/O operations per second
between the values of 1 to 33,554,432.
▪ Each value entered determines when the system or host delays I/O processing for specified
Modification to an object throttle can be done using the same Edit Throttle option, and then
changing the specified parameters. You can view throttles activity using the GUI Host Clusters,
Hosts, Volumes, or Pool menu, click the Actions menu and select the View ALL Throttles…
option for each object.
Throttles for pools, volumes, hosts, and host clusters can be configured in both the management
GUI and the command line interface (CLI) using the mkthrottle command. Throttles for copy
offload can be configure in the CLI only.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Throttling CLI commands

‡ Additional CLI commands
ƒ mkthrottleCreate new throttle for a volume or offloaded I/O
ƒ chthrottleModify properties of an existing throttle
ƒ lsthrottleList all configured throttles

‡ Continued existing CLI commands

ƒ chvdiskModify volume to set throttle limits
ƒ lsvdiskLists throttle parameters


Figure 8-60. Throttling CLI commands

Additional CLI commands were created to support the throttling feature, to include existing CLI
• Use the mkthrottle command to create a new throttle object and associate it with an object
(such as a volume) or offloaded I/O.
• Use the chtrottle command to change attributes associated with a specified throttle object.
• Use the lsthrottle command to list throttle objects that are configured in the clustered
• The chvdisk command is used to modify the properties of a volume also can be used to set
throttle limits.
• The lsvdisk command is commonly use to display a concise list or a detailed view of volumes
that are recognized by the clustered system.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


‡ Battery modules • iSCSI Extensions over RDMA (iSER)
‡ Control canister • iWARP (internet Wide-area RDMA
ProtocolMirrored Boot Drives)
‡ Data-at-rest encryption
• Non Disruptive Volume Movement (NDVM)
‡ Fibre Channel (FC)
• RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE)
‡ Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP)
• RACE Compression
‡ Hardware-assisted compression
acceleration • Real-time Compression Acceleration card
‡ Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) • Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS)
‡ IBM Spectrum Virtualize


Figure 8-61. Keywords

Listed are keywords that were used in this unit.

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Review questions (1 of 2)
1. For a host to access volumes that are provisioned by the system cluster, which of the
following must be true?
A. The host WWPNs or IQN must be configured on the volume’s owning I/O group.
B. Fibre Channel zoning or iSCSI IP port configuration must have been set up to allow appropriate
ports to established connectivity.
C. The volumes must have been created and mapped to the given host object.
D. All of the above

2. True or False: Data consistency is protected in the event of a node failure by mirroring
write cache between the two nodes in an I/O group.


Figure 8-62. Review questions (1 of 2)

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Review answers (1 of 2)
1. For a host to access volumes that are provisioned by the system cluster, which of the
following must be true?
A. The host WWPNs or IQN must be configured on the the volume’s owning I/O group.
B. Fibre Channel zoning or iSCSI IP port configuration must have been set up to allow appropriate
ports to established connectivity.
C. The volumes must have been created and mapped to the given host object.
D. All of the above
The answer is all of the above.

2. True or False: Data consistency is protected in the event of a node failure by mirroring
write cache between the two nodes in an I/O group.
The answer is True. When a node fails within an I/O group, the other node in the I/O group
assumes the I/O responsibilities of the failed node.


Figure 8-63. Review answers (1 of 2)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Review questions (2 of 2)
3. Host objects are defined to Spectrum Virtualize via (choose all that apply):
$ IP address
C. Hostname and domain name
E. Automatically

4. True or False: Extents for a striped volume are allocated in a round robin fashion from
all the MDisks in a pool with free extents.


Figure 8-64. Review questions (2 of 2)

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation


Review answers (2 of 2)
3. Host objects are defined to Spectrum Virtualize via (choose all that apply):
$ IP address
C. Hostname and domain name
E. Automatically
The answer is WWPNs and IQNs.
4. True or False: Extents for a striped volume are allocated in a round robin fashion from
all the MDisks in a pool with free extents.
The answer is True.


Figure 8-65. Review answers (2 of 2)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 8. IBM Spectrum Virtualize volume allocation



‡ Understand the concept of volume

‡ Recall the configuration procedures
required to create volumes and map
volumes to a host
‡ Differentiate between a volume’s caching
I/O group and accessible I/O groups
‡ Identify subsystem device driver (SDD)
commands to monitor device path
‡ Perform nondisruptive volume movement
from one caching I/O group to another
‡ Summarize the concept of system
throttling objects


Figure 8-66. Summary

Having completed this unit, you should be able to:

• Understand the concept of volume allocation.
• Recall the configuration procedures required to create volumes and map volumes to a host.
• Differentiate between a volume’s caching I/O group and accessible I/O groups.
• Identify subsystem device driver (SDD) commands to monitor device path configuration.
• Perform nondisruptive volume movement from one caching I/O group to another.
• Summarize the concept system throttling objects.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host

Estimated time

This module provides an overview of integrating FC and Ethernet application servers into an IBM
Spectrum Virtualize system environment for volume access.

How you will check your progress

• Checkpoint
• Hands-on exercises

Implementing IBM Storwize V7000 with IBM Spectrum Virtualize V8.2.1

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration



‡ Describe the concept of host integration

‡ Summarize the requirements for
establishing a Fibre Channel connection

‡ Summarize the requirements for

establishing an iSCSI connection

‡ Recall the procedures to define a host


‡ Differentiate between cluster and host


‡ Identify the characteristics of the N-Port

ID Virtualization


Figure 9-1. Objectives

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

• Describe the concept of host integration.
• Summarize the requirements for establishing a Fibre Channel host connection.
• Summarize the requirements for establishing an Ethernet connection.
• Recall the procedures to define a host object.
• Differentiate between cluster and host object.
• Identify the characteristics of the N-Port ID Virtualization.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Host integration

‡ Host integration
ƒ Fibre Channel host types
ƒ Ethernet host types
ƒ Host clusters
ƒ N_Port ID Virtualization (NPIV)


Figure 9-2. Host integration

This topic discusses the concept of host server integration in an storage system environment.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Storage system functional categories

Managing host systems:
y Host objects (FC, iSCSI)
Front-end y Volumes

V1 V2 V3 V4 V5

Managing system cluster:

IBM Spectrum Virtualize system
y storage enclosures and I/O groups
Advance Enabling data migration
Functions Optimizing storage utilization
Facilitating data replication:
y FlashCopy: Intracluster
y Remote Mirroring: Intercluster Array
Array Array
mdisk1 mdisk2
mdisk0 mdisk3
Managing storage systems:
y Storage systems
y MDisks Array
y Storage pools Array

Figure 9-3. Storage system functional categories

An IBM Spectrum Virtualize system integrates intelligence into the SAN fabric by placing a layer of
abstraction between the host server’s logical view of storage (front-end) and the storage systems’
physical presentation of storage resources both internal and external.
By providing this virtualization layer, the host servers can be configured to use volumes and be
uncoupled from physical storage systems for data access. This uncoupling allows storage
administrators to make storage infrastructure changes and perform data migration to implement
tiered storage infrastructures transparently without the need to change host server configurations.
Additionally, the virtualization layer provides a central point for management of block storage
devices in the SAN through its provisioning storage to host servers that spans across multiple
storage systems. It also provides a platform for advanced functions such as data migration, thin
provisioning, and data replication services.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Open-system host support

• Allow IBM and non-IBM storage systems to consolidate storage capacity and multiple
application workloads for open-system hosts

Win AIX Sun HP VMware Linux Xen NetWare Blade Tru64 Apple SGI

And so on


SAN Storage Zones


Figure 9-4. Open-system host support

IBM Spectrum Virtualize storage products supports IBM and non-IBM storage systems to
consolidate storage capacity and multiple application workloads for open system hosts provides:
• Easier storage management.
• Increased utilization rate of the installed storage capacity.
• Advanced Copy Services functions offered across storage systems from separate vendors.
• Only one multipath driver is required for attached hosts.
In environments where the requirement is to maintain high performance and high availability, hosts
are attached through a storage area network (SAN) with Fibre Channel protocol (FCP).

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Host object types

• Host can be connected to the IBM Spectrum Virtualize
system by using any of the following protocols: Fibre-attached 8 Gb/16 Gb hosts

ƒ Fibre Channel (FC)

ƒ Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE)
ƒ Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) over FC FC
ƒ Internet Small Computer Interface (iSCSI)
ƒ iSCSI Extensions over RDMA (iSER)
Ethernet Host servers with
1 Gb / 10 GbE iSCSI NICs or 25 BG



Figure 9-5. Host object types

A host object is a logical object that is presented to the storage system for management. Hosts can
be connected to the IBM Spectrum Virtualize systems through Fibre Channel, Fibre Channel over
Ethernet, NVM Express (NVMe) over Fibre Channel (FC-NVMe), or an IP network using iSCSI or
• Fibre Channel (FC) and Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) host connections using 8 Gb or 16
Gb FC connections. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FC-based hosts must be connected to either SAN
switches or directly connected, and must be zoned appropriately. To verify the system
compatibility to use 16 Gb connections or the IBM Spectrum Virtualize system without the need
for FC fabric switches or visit the IBM System Storage Interoperation Center (SSIC) web page:
• Internet Small Computer Interface (iSCSI) and iSCSI Extensions over RDMA (iSER) host
connections enables the convergence of storage traffic on to standard lower-cost TCP/IP
networks. For iSCSI host attachment, connections can be obtained using the native 1 Gb ports
or 10Gb ports. The 10Gb connects offers higher-performance, supporting up to seven times per
port throughput over the 1Gb ports. The 10 Gb FCoE also supports iSCSI connectivity, as well
as FC connectivity for hosts. The 10Gb port cannot be used for inter-cluster communication nor
can it be used to attach backend storage.
• IBM Spectrum Virtualize V8.2.1 introduced support for iSER host attachment for the 2145-SV1
using either RoCE or iWARP transport protocol through a 25 Gbps Ethernet adapter installed
on each node.
• In addition, IBM Spectrum Virtualize V8.2 supports the attachment of (Non-Volatile Memory
Express (NVMe) hosts by using FC-NVMe over Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP) as its underlying

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration

For a given host, it is recommended that the attachment should be either with Fibre
Channel-based, iSCSI-based, but generally not both at the same time.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


• NVMe protocols delivers high bandwidth and low NVMe Host
latency storage access
• NVMe over Fabrics (NVMe-oF) is across the network Host-side transport abstraction
• Two types of fabric transports for NVMe currently
part of the standard
1. NVMe over Fabrics using Remote Direct Memory

Future Fabrics
Fibre Channel
Access (RDMA)


ƒ InfiniBand
ƒ RoCE (Ethernet/UDP)
2. NVMe over Fabrics using the Fibre Channel
Protocol (FCP)
ƒ FC-NVMe (FCP) Controller-side transport abstraction

ƒ Target controls data transfer, which transfers data NVMe SDDs

directly to host memory

Figure 9-6. NVM Express protocols

The NVMe protocol is an open collection of standards and interfaces that fully exposes the benefits
of non-volatile memory in all types of computing environments, from mobile to data center. It is
designed to deliver high bandwidth and low latency storage access.
Fibre Channel is a fabric transport option for NVMe over Fabrics (NVMe-oF), a specification
developed by NVM Express Inc. The T11 committee of the International Committee for Information
Technology Standards (INCITS) defined a frame format and mapping protocol to apply NVMe-oF to
Fibre Channel.
NVMe-oF defines a common architecture that supports a range of storage networking fabrics for
NVMe block storage protocol over a storage networking fabric. This includes enabling a front-side
interface into storage systems, scaling out to large numbers of NVMe devices and extending the
distance within a datacenter over which NVMe devices and NVMe subsystems can be accessed.
There are two types of fabric transports for NVMe are currently supported:
1. NVMe over Fabrics using Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) includes InfiniBand, RoCE
and iWARP. The development of NVMe over Fabrics with RDMA is defined by a technical
sub-group of the NVM Express organization.
2. NVMe over Fabrics using the Fibre Channel for host connections is referred to as FC-NVMe.
Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP) is the underlying transport for FC-NVMe, which already puts the
data transfer in control of the target and transfers data direct from host memory, similar to
FC-NVMe is also designed work with Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE).The goal of NVMe over
Fabrics is to provide distance connectivity to NVMe devices with no more than 10 microseconds
(μs)of additional latency over a native NVMe device inside a server.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Preparation guidelines
‡ List of general procedures that pertain to all hosts:

ƒ Determine the preferred operating system

ƒ Ensure that the HBA is supported

ƒ Check the LUN limitations for your host operating system

ƒ Check the optimum number of paths that should be defined

ƒ Install the latest supported HBA firmware and driver

ƒ Install the latest supported multipath driver



Figure 9-7. Preparation guidelines

When managing a storage system that is connected to any host, you must follow basic
configuration guidelines. These guidelines pertain to determining the preferred operating system,
driver, firmware, and supported host bus adapters (HBAs) to prevent unanticipated problems due to
untested levels.
Next, what is the number of paths through the fabric that are allocated to the host, the number of
host ports to use, and the approach for spreading the hosts across I/O groups. They also apply to
logical unit number (LUN) mapping and the correct size of virtual disks (volumes) to use.
For load balancing and access redundancy on the host side, the use of a host multipathing driver is

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Goals of a multi-path design

‡ Balance use of resources
ƒ Host and storage adapters and adapter ports
ƒ Storage processors – for ALUA storage
ƒ SAN fabrics and switches
ƒ SAN cables
‡ Provide availability under failure scenarios SAN SAN
ƒ Adapters, ports, SAN fabrics
ƒ Quick failure detection and recovery
‡ Provide adequate bandwidth for the application
ƒ Including under failure scenarios
‡ Keep it simple


Figure 9-8. Goals of a multi-path design

A disk multi-path design, balance use of the physical resources. Typically, when host and storage
solutions are designed, it assumes that the resources will be used in a balanced method of access.
If not, this can lead to performance bottlenecks. Clients also rely on availability, requiring that the
applications continue to work at the required performance even under scenarios where various
pieces of redundant hardware fails. The most typical worst case would be a SAN fabric failure
which causes the loss of half the available designed bandwidth. An exception might be those hosts
using only two SAN ports or two SAN adapters, failure of a host or storage adapter or port usually
leaves more than half the designed bandwidth.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Host integration: FC host connection

‡ Host integration
ƒ Fibre Channel host types
௅ FC host connection
௅ MPIO implementation
௅ FC-NMVe host connection
ƒ Ethernet host types
ƒ Host clusters
ƒ N_Port ID Virtualization (NPIV)


Figure 9-9. Host integration: FC host connection

This topic discusses the Fibre Channel connection as it relates to disk multi-path implementation.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Fibre Channel
‡ Fibre Channel (FC) is a technology for transmitting data between computer devices at data
rates of up to 32 Gb
‡ FC uses a worldwide name (WWN) as a unique identity for each Fibre Channel device
ƒ End-points in FC communication (host/storage port) have a specific WWN, called a WWPN
‡ Worldwide port names (WWPNs) associated with the HIC ports are used to define host
‡ Direct connection of control enclosures and external storage systems are not supported

Host switch disk


Figure 9-10. Fibre Channel

Fibre Channel (FC) is the prevalent technology standard in the storage area network (SAN) data
center environment. This standard has created a multitude of FC-based solutions that have paved
the way for high performance, high availability, and the highly efficient transport and management
of data.
Each device in the SAN is identified by a unique worldwide name (WWN). The WWN also contains
a vendor identifier field and a vendor-specific information field, which is defined and maintained by
the IEEE.
You can attach the system to open-systems hosts using Fibre Channel connections that are
attached to the system either directly or through a switched Fibre Channel fabric. Each port on a
node is identified by a worldwide port name (WWPN). Worldwide port names (WWPNs) associated
with the HIC ports are used to define host objects. However, direct connection to IBM Spectrum
Virtualize storage systems and external storage systems are not supported

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


FC hosts to the IBM Spectrum Virtualize systems

• A path is defined as:
ƒ Host/initiator port to a storage/target port
ƒ Storage/initiator port to a storage/target port
௅ A WWPN to WWPN pair, or usually alias names
FC Host
Open-system hosts

SCSI initiator
Fabric 1 Fabric 2
Dual fabrics are highly recommended

SCSI target
AC3 storage
SCSI initiator
AE3 storage AE3 storage
enclosure 1 enclosure 2
SCSI target

Figure 9-11. FC hosts to the IBM Spectrum Virtualize systems

From the perspective of the SCSI protocol, the IBM Spectrum Virtualize storage systems are no
different from any other SCSI device. It appears as a SCSI target to the host SCSI initiator. The
storage enclosure does behave as a SCSI device to the host objects it services and in turn it acts a
SCSI initiator that interfaces with the back-end storage systems. Therefore, a path is defined as a
logical connection from a host/initiator port to a storage/target port or a Spectrum Virtualize
storage/initiator port to a back-end storage/target. The path can exist only if the two Fibre Channel
ports are in the same zone.
For high availability, the recommendation for attaching the system cluster to a SAN is consistent
with the recommendations of designing a standard SAN network. That is, build a dual fabric
configuration in which if any one single component fails then the connectivity between the devices
within the SAN is still maintained although possibly with degraded performance.
• Modern SAN switches have at least two types of zoning: port zoning, and worldwide port name
(WWPN zoning, which is the preferred method of use.
• Zoning with alias names can make zoning easier to configure and understand, with the
possibilities of fewer errors.
• When mounting LUNs to a host, every LUN has its own set of paths (and they are usually the
same for all LUNs on a host).

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


How many paths are required?

‡ Number of paths through the SAN from control enclosures to a host must not exceed eight
per LUN
‡ Possible paths = Host ports x Storage ports = H x S
ƒ Reduced by dual SAN fabrics: H/2 x S/2 + H/2 x S/2 = possible paths assuming equal ports on
each fabric
ƒ Reduced by zoning
ƒ Reduced by LUN masking at the storage SAN
Fabric 1
í Administrator limits which Spectrum Virtualize
ports can be used for host I/O

Fabric 2


Figure 9-12. How many paths are required?

In a SAN fabric, a host system can be connected to a storage device across the network. A path
can exist only if the two FC ports are in the same zone
For Fibre Channel host connections, the storage system must be connected to either SAN switches
or directly connected to a host port. There are no particular limits on the actual distance between
storage enclosures and host servers. Therefore, a server can be attached to an edge switch in a
core-edge configuration with the IBM Spectrum Virtualize storage system at the core of the fabric.
The storage enclosure detects Fibre Channel host interface card (HIC) ports that are connected to
the SAN. For any given volume, the number of paths through the SAN from the control enclosure to
the host must not exceed eight. However, before you can determine the number of disk paths, you
must know the cabling, the SAN zoning, and what if any LUN masking has been implemented at
the storage. Spectrum Virtualize implements LUN masking using the mkhost command -iogrp
option specifying I/O groups from which it can access LUNs, and also via the mkvdisk
-accessiogrp option specifying which I/O groups' ports can be used to access the volume.
Further, a port mask may be specified for the host further limiting the ports used for I/O from specific
I/O groups.
The paths must also be configured on the host, which typically occurs during boot or a scan for
LUNs by the host.
The number of potential paths is based on the number of storage ports times the number of host
ports, assuming all host ports can see all storage ports. This is typically reduced in half by the use
of dual SAN fabrics, and can be further reduced through SAN zoning and LUN masking. Also, since
Spectrum Virtualize is ALUA storage, typically only half the available paths are used for I/Os, those
paths going to the caching node for the volume.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Calculating potential paths

‡ Host with 4 ports and storage with 4 ports
ƒ Potential paths = 4x4 = 16 paths
‡ Dual SAN fabrics: ports split evenly across fabrics
ƒ Paths = 2x2 for fabric 1 + 2x2 for fabric 2 = 8 paths
‡ Zone host port 1 to storage port 1, …, host port 4 to
storage port 4
ƒ Equals to 4 paths: H1-S1, H2-S2, H3-S3, H4-S4
‡ Best practice is to keep paths simple and few in numbers
ƒ A host is generally zoned to a single I/O group H = host port
ƒ Must be connected to both nodes S = storage port
ƒ Typically 2 host ports, 2 ports/node, and 2 fabrics yielding 4
paths with zoning


Figure 9-13. Calculating potential paths

The potential number of host paths to Spectrum Virtualize can easily exceed the multi-path code
limits, and simplicity is a virtue in setting up zones and path. So, a simple and command approach
to zoning is to create single initiator single target zones for a 4 path solution that provides
availability for many dual failure scenarios, and still maintains adequate bandwidth under failure
scenarios. Typically with 2 host ports, 2 ports per node in an I/O group, and with hosts generally
zoned to a single I/O group (which serves up the VDisks for the host) one typically zones 4 paths. In
some cases hosts are zoned to more than one I/O group (e.g., with HyperSwap or NDVM).
To effectively balance use of Spectrum Virtualize resources, hosts are spread across I/O groups.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Typical 4 path design

Component failure analysis

Host ports H1 thru H4
‡ Host port failure
ƒ One path fails
‡ Host adapter failure
SAN SAN ƒ Two paths fail
‡ Storage port failure
Zoned H1-S1, H2-S2, H3-S3, H4-S4 ƒ One path fails

SAN link cable

‡ Storage adapter failure
SAN zone ƒ Two paths fails
Storage ports S1 thru S4
Storage ‡ Switch port/cable failure
ƒ One path fails
• Two dual-port FC adapters (host and control enclosure ‡ SAN fabric failure
• Provides 4 (single initiator/single target) paths with 8 ƒ Two paths fail
potential paths (4-port adapter)
‡ Can be used for smaller I/O workloads

Figure 9-14. Typical 4 path design

As an SAN best practice, IBM recommends a single initiator zone because it prevents
malfunctioning initiators from delaying I/O from other initiators in the same zone. For optimum
performance and availability, this is a common configuration for SAN attached storage providing 4
This configuration uses two dual-port FC adapter cards on the host, and a similar configuration on
the storage. This zoning follows the single initiator and single target strategy yielding 4 paths in a
dual fabric environment.
This design provides redundancy for failure of any component (except the host), and the number of
path failures are shown for each type of failure. If a SAN fabric fails, we lose half the paths and half
the available bandwidth. Based on customer requirements, it's usually advisable to size the
interconnects to meet the customer's performance objectives under maintenance and/or failure

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Alternative 8 path design

Component failure analysis

Host ports H1 thru H4 • Host port failure
ƒ Two paths fail
• Host adapter failure
ƒ Four paths fail
SW1 SW2 • Storage port failure
ƒ Two paths fail
Fabric 1 paths: H1-S1, H1-S3, H3-S1, H3-S3
Fabric 2 paths: H2-S2, H2-S4, H4-S2, H4-S4 • Storage adapter failure
SAN link cable ƒ Four paths fail
SAN zone
Storage ports S1 thru S4 • Switch port/cable failure
Storage ƒ Two paths fail
• SAN fabric failure
‡ Provides 2x2 + 2x2 = 8 (single initiator/single target) ƒ Four paths fail
paths (max.)
• Single initiator/single target zones


Figure 9-15. Alternative 8 path design

This physical hardware configuration is exactly the same as the typical 4 path design, only with 8
paths as a result of the zoning. Comparison to the previous zoning that shows this solution with the
same hardware and cabling, which has twice as many paths due to a different SAN zone
configuration. However, it offers little in the way of improved availability or performance. Meanwhile,
the additional paths add complexity and overhead in the multi-path driver with double the paths to
In comparing the 4-path to 8-path design from an availability perspective, with the 4 path design
when we lose a host/storage port, we lose the ability to use the storage/host port on the path, but
not for the 8 path design. Nevertheless, both options survive most dual failure scenarios (failures of
both SAN fabrics, both host adapters, both nodes; cause an outage for both the 4 and 8 path
Examining these two options from a performance standpoint, in both cases you have 4 host ports
and 4 storage ports to handle the performance. Therefore, if a host port fails in the 4 path solution,
you also lose use of a storage port, but not in the 8 path solution. Assuming host port and storage
port bandwidths are relatively close to one another (which they often are), then in both the 4 and 8
path cases, you are limited to the bandwidth of 3 ports. However, there's no performance
There is also a benefit in the 4 path case regarding path failure recovery time. In the 8 path case,
assuming a cable from the host to the switch fails, the system waits for the first I/O using that cable
to time out, then the multi-path driver will resubmit the I/O down the next path. However, if that next
path also uses the same host port, the system has to wait for it to time out again, lengthening path
failure recovery time as compared to the 4 path solution.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Handling high I/O workload hosts


+LJK,2+RVW ,ŝŐŚ/K,ŽƐƚ ,ŝŐŚ/K,ŽƐƚ


,WϯͲ^Wϯ ,WϰͲ^Wϰ
,WϱͲ^Wϱ ,WϲͲ^Wϲ
6$16: 6$16:
‡ Storage administrator creates two host objects
‡ Assigns half the LUNs to each host to balance
‡ Host administrator knows only one host, and
sees 4 paths per LUN
ƒ Two sets of different paths
ƒ Volumes/LUNs split across path sets


Figure 9-16. Handling high I/O workload hosts

If a host needs more I/O bandwidth than can be supplied with 4 paths, there are two approaches a
storage administrator can implement:
• One is to simply add more adapter ports; typically on both the host and storage though there
are exceptions when for example, the storage port bandwidths are much higher than host
adapter ports.
• The other approach is to create two logical host objects (as shown in this example). Each
logical host uses a separate set of 4 host adapter ports, with each set of 4 ports connected
across adapters, fabrics and nodes as before. Then the Spectrum Virtualize administrator
assigns half the volumes for the host to one host object, and the other half to the other host
object. This solution evenly balances the I/O workload across two sets of paths, resulting in
lower path counts while using more adapters and ports assuming the I/O workload across the
two sets of volumes is equal.
▪ This design concept can be applied to solutions requiring even numbers of ports such as a
6 port with 6 paths and one logical host, or 3 logical hosts each using 2 paths. The results
offers better balance of I/O operations across physical paths, verses having faster path
failure recognition and recovery. Having odd number of ports doesn’t allow for evenly
balancing the I/O across SAN fabrics.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Issues with too many or too few paths

‡ Problems with too many paths
ƒ Lengthened path failure detection and recovery time
í Host multi-path code waits for long I/O timeout to distinguish failed I/Os from slow I/Os
í One failure affecting multiple paths means waiting for multiple time outs
ƒ Performance overhead keeping track of additional paths
ƒ More complexity for the administrators with many paths
‡ Problems with too few paths
ƒ Reduced reliability with fewer redundant components
ƒ Limited bandwidth for high workload applications
ƒ Unused available hardware resources


Figure 9-17. Issues with too many or too few paths

In designing disk path solutions, there are issues with too many paths, and issues with not enough
• Too many paths can significantly lengthen the time to recognize and recover from a hardware
failure when that failure causes multiple paths to fail. The host multi-path code must distinguish
between slow I/Os and failed I/Os via a path timeout, often 30 seconds. If the hardware failure
affects multiple paths, and we resend a failed I/O down another path also affected, we have to
wait twice as long. Preferably problems in the SAN are communicated via a RSCN message to
host adapter driver, but that's not always possible. Further, lots of paths add complexity for the
administrators, and overhead to keep track of all the paths.
• Too few paths can reduce redundancy below what customers want, and limit bandwidth.
Typically, solutions are sized to provide the desired performance under failure or maintenance

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Host zoning alternatives




Storage +6+6

‡ Single initiator zones are SAN best practice

ƒ Prevents malfunctioning initiators from interfering with I/O for other zones
‡ Option 4 is preferred method - zones also map to disk paths


Figure 9-18. Host zoning alternatives

Listed are five different zoning alternatives for a very simple and minimal environment, to
understand the zoning alternatives you might find in the field, and why some ways are better than
• Option 1 doesn't implement zoning where all ports connected to the switch can see all the
others, or the SAN administrator creates such a zone with zoning implemented. This isn't a best
practice, partly because we have multiple initiators in the one zone. Single initiator zoning is a
SAN best practice, as is implementing zoning rather than open zoning. Single initiator zoning
prevents malfunctioning initiators from interfering with I/Os from other initiators in the zone.
• Option 2 uses single initiator zoning, and is fully supported. There are 2 disk paths in each
• Option 3 uses single target zoning, therefore it doesn't meet the single initiator zoning best
• Option 4 uses single initiator, single target zoning and is the preferred simple approach, zoning
each host port to a single corresponding storage port. This option only has 2 disk paths, but the
disk paths map to the zones one to one, keeping it simple. While 2 paths isn't what you typically
want in a production environment, this is a minimal configuration for educational purposes.
• Option 5 uses single initiator, single target zoning as well, but with twice the number of paths.
This option does have a slight advantage from an availability perspective as compared to option
4. For example, if ports H1 and S2 fail, option 5 continues to work where option 4 doesn't since
we still have the H2 to S1 path in option 5. However, typical production environments with 4
paths handle this double failure, the likelihood of it occurring is very rare, and we assume that
things are reliable enough that we can fix something that breaks before something else that

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration

Option 5 has disadvantages regarding complexity, failure detection and recovery time (time to
get figure out a path has failed and then resend failed I/Os down a working path), and overhead.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Balancing hosts and their I/Os across I/O groups

Zoning for HostA
SAN Cabling

‡ Single initiator/target zones

ƒ HAP1-N0P1 HAP2-N1P1
ƒ HAP3-N0P2 HAP4-N1P2
‡ Zoning for other hosts is similar but
spread evenly across I/O groups
ƒ HostB to I/O group 2
ƒ HostC to I/O group 3 ….

Figure 9-19. Balancing hosts and their I/Os across I/O groups

Typically, most hosts are zoned to one I/O group, which is the caching I/O group for the host
volumes or VDisks. In case where there are high I/O workloads, zoning the host to two or more I/O
groups will increase the number of paths to a VDisk for each host port or I/O group. It can also be
used keep paths to a minimum of 4.
The storage administrator can also create multiple host objects for a single host, one for each set of
host ports connected to an I/O group. Each host port will be zoned to only one storage port. The
administrator can then balance the VDisk workload across nodes and I/O groups. Host
administrator should also balance I/O across the VDisks.
In this example, zoning limits each host I/O operation with a single I/O group. This is the common
practice when the I/O workload of the hosts is modest compared to the I/O bandwidth of the I/O
groups. The idea is to assign hosts across the I/O groups so that the I/O workload is evenly
balanced across the I/O groups.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Hosts using more than one I/O group

• System Administrator creates 2 host objects

ƒ HighIOHostA – two adapters
ƒ HighIOHostB – the other two adapters
• System Administrator assigns half the VDisks to each host object

Single initiator zones


‡ For high I/O workloads or for more resource


Figure 9-20. Hosts using more than one I/O group

A host might use two I/O groups for more I/O bandwidth, or temporarily for Non Disruptive Volume
Move (NDVM). If the hardware has a limited I/O bandwidth, and using two I/O groups will double
the available resources including the write cache available, then NDVM might be your best solution.
NDVM provides the capability to change the I/O group and node owning a VDisk, dynamically while
the application runs.
In this example, two host objects are created for the host, one for each I/O group, and the host
WWPNs are split among the host objects, as well as the VDisks assigned to the host objects. For
critical workloads like this, usually the application, host, and storage administrators can create a set
of VDisks designed so that the application workloads are balanced across I/O groups. If that is not
an option, then one can use NDVM to move VDisks from one I/O group to another to manually
balance the workload.
Alternatively, by default you can use the Spectrum Virtualize LUN masking capability to keep the
disks paths to 4. The list of I/O groups whose ports can be used for I/O to a VDisk is known as the
I/O group access set, and by default is just the caching I/O group. This approach is the simplest to
keeping 4 disk paths when accessing VDisks from multiple I/O groups. By default, disk paths will be
only to the caching I/O group limiting the paths even if the host is connected to other I/O groups.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Defining a FC host object

• Host objects are defined by using Hosts > Add Host
ƒ Create a host name
í Max. of 63 characters
ƒ Select Fibre Channel (SCSI)
í FCoE hosts are configured using
the FC (SCSI) Host connection
ƒ Click Host Port (WWPN) to add WWPNs that
corresponds to the host ports
í Click (+) button to add second FC port
ƒ Optional fields:
í Generic is the default host type
í All I/O groups are selected by default
• Entitles host to access volumes owned by any I/O groups
௅ Add host to a cluster (must be defined first)


Figure 9-21. Defining a FC host object

Fibre Channel host objects can be created by using the GUI Hosts > Add Host option. When you
create a new Fibre Channel host object, the system presents a list of candidate WWPNs that have
logged into the system but are not yet configured in host objects. Before you proceed, make sure
you have knowledge of the host WWPNs to verify that it matches back to the selected host.
Some Fibre Channel HBA device drivers do not leave their ports logged in if no disks are detected
on the fabric, so they are not visible in the list of candidate ports. You must enter the WWPNs for
such hosts manually.
By default, new hosts are created as generic host types and can access volumes from all I/O
groups in the cluster. You can select the option to modify the host OS type such as Hewlett-Packard
UNIX (HP-UX) or Sun, select HP_UX (to have more than eight LUNs supported for HP_UX
machines), TPGS for Sun hosts using MPxIO, or VMware Virtual Volumes (VVOL). Or you can
restrict the I/O groups access to volumes. By default, when you make the host it will have access to
volumes from all I/O groups, though usually it will be zoned to one I/O group. You can also add the
host to an already defined host cluster. A typical configuration has one host object for each host
system that is attached to the system.
The management GUI generates the mkhost command to correlate the selected WWPN values
with the host object defined and assigns a host ID. When a host object is defined the host count is
incremented by one for each I/O group specified.
If required, you can right-click on any host and select the Properties option to modify a host attribute
such as changing the host name and host type or restricting host access to volumes in a particular
I/O group.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Identifying AIX adapter port attributes

‡ Issue the cfgmgr command to force the port to perform FC login and to display WWPN within the
management GUI The WWPNs can also be identified using SDDPCM
pcmpath query wwpn command
‡ Discovering AIX WWPNs
ƒ Run the lsdev -Cc adapter |grep fcs command to list the installed adapters.
௅ fcs0 Available 97-T1 Virtual Fibre Channel Client Adapter
௅ fcs1 Available 97-T1 Virtual Fibre Channel Client Adapter
ƒ Issue the lscfg -vl fcs* | grep Network command with an asterisk (*) wildcard character to display
WWPNs collectively
Network Address …………………………………………………C0507604AFA3007C
Network Address …………………………………………………C0507604AFA3007E
‫ ޤ‬You can run lscfg -vpl fcs# (per port)


Figure 9-22. Identifying AIX adapter port attributes

The AIX host ports have to perform a port login to Spectrum Virtualize for their WWPNs to display
with the Host Port (WWPN) panel. This is accomplished via a reboot or running the cfgmgr
command from AIX, provided the cabling and zoning are setup. You can display the installed AIX
host adapters by using the lsdev -Cc adapter |grep fcs command. The fscsi0 and fscsi1
devices are protocol conversion devices in AIX. They are child devices of fcs0 and fcs1
Display the WWPN, along with other attributes including the firmware level, by using the lscfg
-vpl fcs* wildcard command or using the adapter number.
Once the AIX host ports has completed its Fibre Channel port login to the storage system, the
WWPN should be available for selection. Defining an AIX host object can be done in the same
manner as the Windows host.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Identifying Linux adapter attributes

‡ The ls /sys/class/fc_host command to manually scan the directory to list the fc_host
‡ The cat /sys/class/fc_host/host*/port_name command displays all the HBA adapter
ƒ Example 1:
# cat /sys/class/fc_host/host*/port_name
ƒ Example 2:
# cat /sys/class/fc_host/host1/port_name
# cat /sys/class/fc_host/host2/port_name

Figure 9-23. Identifying Linux adapter attributes

Before defining a Linux host, enter the ls /sys/class/fc_host command to manually scan the
directory to list the number of fc_host entries in your Linux environment. In most production
environments this could be an extensive list, depending on the number of HBA adapters per host.
To identify the host WWPNs that are attached to the storage system, enter the cat
/sys/class/fc_host/host*/port_name command. The * indicates that all hosts configured with
fibre HBA adapters attached to the system will be listed, or you can append the command with the
host ID as shown in example 2.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Host integration: MPIO implementation

‡ Host integration
ƒ Fibre Channel host types
௅ FC host connection
௅ MPIO implementation
௅ FC-NMVe host connection
ƒ Ethernet host types
ƒ Host clusters
ƒ N_Port ID Virtualization (NPIV)


Figure 9-24. Host integration: MPIO implementation

This topic discusses the Fibre Channel of MPIO implementation.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Host multipath I/O requirements

‡ IBM System Storage Interoperation Center (SSIC) list
options for the supported multi-path I/O drivers Host
‡ SDDDSM (Windows), SDDPCM (AIX), and Device support
Mapper Multipath (Linux) are loadable path control MPIO
modules for supported storage devices
‡ Linux hosts use Host MPIO device driver along with L 11 L4
L2 L3 4
SDDDSM or SDDPCM to manage multiple disk paths
ƒ High availability and load balancing of storage I/O 3
1 4
ƒ Automatic path-failover protection 2 Switch
ƒ Provides path reclamation
ƒ Prevention of a single-point failure
Subsystem Device Driver (SDD)


Figure 9-25. Host multipath I/O requirements

When attaching storage to an open-system host such as Windows, AIX or Linux, the storage
vendor specifies what, if any, supporting software must be installed. This information can be found
on the IBM System Storage Interoperation Center (SSIC) website at SSIC will list options
for the supported multi-path I/O drivers. Typically, multipathing software will need to installed to
support the storage.
IBM provides Subsystem Device Driver (SDD), which is a free multi-path I/O management feature
that is specifically SDDDSM for Windows and SDDPCM for AIX. Alternatively, you can use the
native MPIO multi-path code included with the operating system by itself, MPIO and Microsoft
MPIO with MS DSM for AIX and Microsoft respectfully. This software provides support for
dynamically adding and removing paths, listing paths, multiple load balancing algorithms, path
failure detection, path health checking, recovery of repaired paths, path statistics and support for
both symmetrical and ALUA storage.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Windows host FC configuration

‡ Multi-path I/O (MPIO) is an optional built-in feature of Windows Servers
ƒ Enable high availability for connecting Windows-based server to SAN
í iSCSI, Fibre Channel and SAS SAN connectivity
í Must be installed and enabled
í System reboot is required
ƒ Installs Microsoft device-specific module (DSM) and adds MPIO to the control panel
í Configure MPIO functionality
í Install additional storage DSMs
í Create MPIO configuration reports


Figure 9-26. Windows host FC configuration

All Windows operating servers include many enhancements for the connectivity of a computer
running a Windows server-class operating system to storage area networking (SAN) devices.
Among the enhancements enabling high availability for connecting Windows-based servers to
SANs is integrated Multipath I/O (MPIO) support. Microsoft MPIO architecture supports iSCSI,
Fibre Channel and serial attached storage (SAS) SAN connectivity by establishing multiple
sessions or connections to the storage array.
Multi-path I/O (MPIO) is an optional feature that must be installed. Installing requires a system
reboot. After restarting the computer, the computer finalizes the MPIO installation.
When MPIO is installed, the Microsoft device-specific module (DSM) is also installed, as well as an
MPIO control panel. The control panel can be used to do the following:
• Configure MPIO functionality
• Install additional storage DSMs
• Create MPIO configuration reports

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Verifying Windows host configuration

‡ Use system documentation to learn which slots use which PCI bus
ƒ Put fastest adapters on the fastest buses
‡ For best LAN backup-to-disk performance
ƒ Put network adapters on different bus than disk adapters
‡ Access: Define multiple disk volumes (One volume per disk (LUN))
‡ Sequential Access: Use multiple directories in the device class
(One directory per disk (LUN)) MPIO
• Multi-path I/O (MPIO) is an optional built-in feature of Windows enabled
ƒ Installing Windows 2008 MPIO feature:
í Navigate to the Server Manager
Properly recognized
í Under Features Summary and select Add Features
FC adapter
í Select Multi-path I/O and click Install
ƒ System reboot is required


Figure 9-27. Verifying Windows host configuration

On FC host system, you can verify the host HBA driver settings using Server Manager > Device
Manager panel. Device Manager is an extension of the Microsoft Management Console that
provides a central and organized view of all the Microsoft Windows recognized hardware installed
in a computer. Device Manager can be used for changing hardware configuration options,
managing drivers, disabling and enabling hardware, identifying conflicts between hardware
devices, and much more.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Identifying HBAs for servers


Figure 9-28. Identifying HBAs for servers

Depending on the host adapter installed in the server, you can used the HBA application such as
the QLogic SANSurfer FC HBA Manager, Emulex HBAnyware or Brocade ESCM. This software
provides a graphical user interface (GUI) that lets you easily install, configure, and deploy the Fibre
Channel HBAs. The GUI also includes diagnostic and troubleshooting capabilities to help optimize
SAN performance.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Identifying Fibre Channel connectivity

   '  &

Port ID (0-3)
Storage system 0 for WWNN
serial number (hex) Module ID (0-f)
0 for WWNN
<HV Rack ID (01-ff)
$XWR 0 for WWNN
Initiator IEEE company ID

Network address authority


Figure 9-29. Identifying Fibre Channel connectivity

SAN zoning connectivity of an storage system environment can be verified using the management
GUI by selecting Settings > Network > Fibre Channel Connectivity in the Network filter list. The
Fibre Channel Connectivity view display to the connectivity between storage enclosures, other
storage systems, and hosts that are attached through the Fibre Channel network.
The GUI zoning output conforms to the guideline that for a given storage system, to zone its ports
with all the ports of the storage system cluster on that fabric. The number of ports dedicated will
determine the number of ports zoned.
In a dual fabric, system ports and the additional storage enclosure ports as well as those ports for
external storage are split between the two SAN fabrics. Typically, this means that half of the host or
disk subsystem ports, will be connected to one fabric, with the other ports connected to the other
fabric. In addition, it is preferred to attach half the ports on one adapter to one fabric, with the other
ports going to the other fabric, rather than attaching half the adapters to one fabric with the other
adapters connected to the other fabric.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Host integration: FC-NVMe host connection

‡ Host integration
ƒ Fibre Channel host types
௅ FC host connection
௅ MPIO implementation
௅ FC-NMVe host connection
ƒ Ethernet host types
ƒ Host clusters
ƒ N_Port ID Virtualization (NPIV)


Figure 9-30. Host integration: FC-NVMe host connection

This topic discusses the FC-NVMe host connection in an IBM Spectrum Virtualize system

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


‡ NVMe is an alternative to SCSI (small computer system interface)
‡ Uses Fibre Channel, existing fabric protocol, shipping, standardized by T11
‡ Transport is FC
ƒ No change to switching infrastructure

‡ New I/O protocol, existing reliable transport

‡ Latency improvements with hardware assists on adapters
‡ Significant reduction in CPU cycles to handle I/O


Figure 9-31. FC-NVMe protocol

FC-NVMe, the NVMe over Fabrics initiative relating to Fibre Channel-based transport, is developed
by the INCITS T11 committee, which develops all of the Fibre Channel interface standards.
FC-NVMe defines a mapping protocol for applying the NVM Express interface. This standard
defines how Fibre Channel services and specified Information Units (IUs) are used to perform the
services defined by the NVM Express interface specification.
NVMe uses non-volatile memory as the storage to leverage the speed and robustness of Fibre
Channel. NVMe does not require a parallel infrastrusture. NVMe provides a highly scalable
solution, with lower I/O latencies, more bandwidth and lower CPU utilization through 16 Gb, 32 Gb
and higher speed switches and fabrics. The fabric switches have to be able to recognize FC-NVMe
services and devices plus handle registration and queries of FC features such as Brocade FOS 8.2
or higher Cisco NX_OS 8.x or higher.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Subsystem Non-volatile memory storage device.
Capsule Unit of information exchange used in NVMe-oF which contains NVMe command, data
and/or responses.
Discovery Controller A type of controller which supports minimal functionality for discovery of NVMe media
Namespace ID (NSID) Similar to SCSI’s LUN (Logical Unit Number) identifier. The NSID is a set of logical block
addresses (LBA) on the NVM media. i.e., a volume.
SQ (Submission Queue) A queue used to submit I/O commands to a controller.

CQ (Completion Queue) A queue used to indicate command completions for any return data and completion
status by a controller.
Admin Queue A queue used to submit administrative commands to a controller.
I/O Queue A queue used to submit I/O commands to a controller for data movement.
Association An exclusive relationship between a specific controller and a specific host that includes
the Admin Queue and all I/O queues on that controller accessible by the specific host.
Scatter-Gather Lists (SGL) One or more pointers to memory containing data to be moved, or stored, where each
pointer consists of a memory address and length value.


Figure 9-32. NVMe terminologies

The following NVMe terminologies are used to define NVMe host connection:
• Subsystem: Non-volatile memory storage device.
• Capsule: Unit of information exchange used in NVMe-oF which contains NVMe command, data
and/or responses.
• Discovery Controller: A type of controller which supports minimal functionality for discovery of
NVMe media controllers.
• Namespace ID (NSID): Similar to SCSI’s LUN (Logical Unit Number) identifier. The NSID is a
set of logical block addresses (LBA) on the NVM media. i.e., a volume.
• SQ (Submission Queue): A queue used to submit I/O commands to a controller.
• CQ (Completion Queue): A queue used to indicate command completions for any return data
and completion status by a controller.
• Admin Queue: A queue used to submit administrative commands to a controller.
• I/O Queue: A queue used to submit I/O commands to a controller for data movement.
• Association: An exclusive relationship between a specific controller and a specific host that
includes the Admin Queue and all I/O queues on that controller accessible by the specific host.
• Scatter-Gather Lists (SGL): One or more pointers to memory containing data to be moved, or
stored, where each pointer consists of a memory address and length value.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


‡ Same basic components as SCSI and FCP:
Hosts (initiators), SAN (network) and storage
devices (targets)
‡ Storage device can also be known as a NVMe
Name Server
Storage Subsystem
ƒ Storage Subsystem consists of:
ƒ NVMe controllers Host Storage Subsystem
í Contains the SQ and CQ queues FC network
Discovery Controller
ƒ Namespace IDs
ƒ NVMe Storage Media Storage Controller

Initiator Target


Figure 9-33. FC-NVMe host discovery

FC-NVMe host discovery consist of:

1. All devices perform normal FC logging in operations.
2. Each device register their FC features with Name Server.
3. Host queries the Name Server for list of fabric members it is allowed to access via zoning.
4. Name Server responds with list of FCIDs.
5. Host queries Name Server about each device asking for FC Features supported.
6. Name Server responds to each query with FC Feature information.
7. Host then queries the NVMe Subsystem Discovery Controller. NVMe controllers are logical
devices which can be created dynamically when a host connects to a namespace or the NVMe
Storage Subsystem may have a static number of controllers already set-up.
8. NVMe Subsystem Discovery Controller responds with information about available resources.
9. Host queries the NVMe Storage Controller
10. NVMe Storage Controller responds with information about available resources.
11. Host issues a Connect request to the NVMe Storage Controller.
12. NVMe Storage Controller responds by creating Admin and I/O queues.
NVMe controllers handle tags to the namespace(s) which are known as Namespace IDs.
Namespace is group of LBAs (logical block addresses) within the storage media.
Namespace provides an interface between the controller and the storage media. It also defines the
format used for the LBAs and the size of the LBAs.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


‡ I/O operations have similar pattern as
Read Operation Flow
‡ Simplified I/O stack
‡ Parallel requests easy with enhanced 'DWD
queuing capabilities
‡ NVMe provides for large numbers of
queues (up to 64,000) and supports Write Operation Flow
massive queue depth (up to 64,000 :ULWH&PG
commands) ;IHU5G\

‡ I/O locking is not required 'DWD



Figure 9-34. NVME I/O operations

FC-NVMe allows for a host to send commands and data together (first burst), eliminating the first
data “read” by the target and providing better performance at distances.
The host writes I/O Command Queues and the I/O Commands Ready Signal. The NVMe controller
then picks the I/O Command Queues, executes them and sends I/O Completion Queues followed
by an interrupt to the host. The host records I/O Completion Queues and clears the I/O Commands
Completion Signal.
The NVMe host software can create queues, up to the maximum allowed by the NVMe controller,
as per system configuration and expected workload. It also supports multiple I/O queues, up to 64K
with each queue having 64K entries.
With NVMe ability to both distribute and gather IOs, therefore minimizing CPU overhead on data
transfers, and even provides the capability of changing their priority based on workload

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Defining an NVMe host object

lsiogrp FRPPDQG


Figure 9-35. Defining an NVMe host object

An NVMe host connection can be established by entering an NVMe host, and then for the Host
connections select Fibre Channel NVMe. The host must configure the I/O group's NVMe Qualified
Name (NQN) on the host, and one can display it with the lsiogrp command. Similarly, the host
object on Spectrum Virtualize is specified using the host ports NQNs. The NQN of the host is added
to an IBM Spectrum Virtualize host object in the same way that you add FC WWPNs.
You can identify the host objects and the number of ports (NQNs) by using the lshost command.
The management GUI generates the mkhost command to create the iSCSI host object using the
-nvmename parameter followed by the NVMe host NQN.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Host integration: iSCSI host connection

‡ Host integration
ƒ Fibre Channel host types
ƒ Ethernet host types
௅ iSCSI host connection
௅ iSER host connection
௅ iSCSI/ISER IP address failover
ƒ N_Port ID Virtualization (NPIV)
ƒ Host clusters


Figure 9-36. Host integration: iSCSI host connection

This topic discusses the iSCSI host connection in an IBM Spectrum Virtualize system environment.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


iSCSI host connections

Host servers with
Host servers with 10 GbE iSCSI NICs




SAN Storage Zones


Figure 9-37. iSCSI host connections

In a manner equivalent to the dual fabric (redundant fabric) Fibre Channel environment, a highly
available environment can be created for iSCSI-based host access using two networks and
separating iSCSI traffic within the networks by using a dedicated virtual local area network path
(also referred to as a VLAN) for storage traffic. Ethernet ports in a storage enclosure are connected
to the two LANs and in conjunction with the two host NICs a multipathing environment is created for
access to volumes.
IBM Spectrum Virtualize systems support iSCSI connections using the rear 1 Gb or 10 Gb Ethernet
ports, or with the optional 4-port 10 Gbps Ethernet (iSCSI/FCoE) converged network adapter (CNA)
installed in each node.
Support for iSCSI IP network-attached hosts requires the configuration for additional IPv4 or IPv6
addresses for each port connection. These IP addresses are independent of the clustered system
configuration IP addresses which allow the IP-based hosts to access storage system managed
Fibre Channel SAN-attached disk storage.
The system supports the following I/O configuration options:
• I/O from different initiators in the same host to the same I/O group.
• I/O from different initiators in different hosts to the same volumes.
• I/O from Fibre Channel and iSCSI initiators in different hosts to the same volumes.
• I/O from Fibre Channel and iSCSI initiators in the same hosts to the same volumes is not

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Internet SCSI network

‡ Internet SCSI (iSCSI) is an IP based network connecting servers and storage using Ethernet
ƒ Encapsulate SCSI commands and transport as TCP/IP packet
‡ Carries block level data over IP network:
ƒ File systems are in the servers
‡ Communicates at speeds:
ƒ Runs at 1 Gbps and 10 Gbps:
í TCP/IP offload engine (TOE) NIC card, iSCSI HBA, or standard NIC on a host
‡ Hardware based gateway to FC storage
‡ Removes distance limitations iSCSI frame

header IP TCP iSCSI Data CRC

TCP/IP and iSCSI require CPU processing


Figure 9-38. Internet SCSI network

Internet SCSI (iSCSI) is a storage protocol that transports SCSI over TCP/IP allowing IP-based
SANs to be created using the same networking technologies for both storage and data networks.
iSCSI runs at speeds of 1Gbps or at 10Gbps with the emergence of 10 Gigabit Ethernet adapters
with TCP Offload Engines (TOE). This technology allows block-level storage data to be transported
over widely used IP networks, enabling end users to access the storage network from anywhere in
the enterprise. In addition, iSCSI can be used in conjunction with existing FC fabrics as gateway
medium between the FC initiators and targets, or as a migration from a Fibre Channel SAN to an IP
The advantage of an iSCSI SAN solution is that it uses the low-cost Ethernet IP environment for
connectivity and greater distance than allowed when using traditional SCSI ribbon cables
containing multiple copper wires. The disadvantage of an iSCSI SAN environment is that data is still
managed at the volume level, performance is limited to the speed of the Ethernet IP network, and
adding storage to an existing IP network may degrade performance for the systems that were using
the network previously. When not implemented as part of a Fibre Channel configuration, it is highly
recommended to build a separate Ethernet LAN exclusively to support iSCSI data traffic.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


iSCSI architecture
‡ Mapping of SCSI architecture model to IP
ƒ Storage server (target)
ƒ Storage client (initiator)

‡ Single communication path between the iSCSI Initiator

initiator and target devices Ethernet NIC

‡ Available on most operating systems

Target Disk


Figure 9-39. iSCSI architecture

Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI) is an alternative means of attaching hosts to the
IBM Spectrum Virtualize control enclosures. With the release of Spectrum Virtualize V8.1.1, you
can attach iSCSI based back end storage to Spectrum Virtualize, while prior to that, all back end
storage was FC or FCoE attached. The iSCSI function is a software function that is provided by
IBM Spectrum Virtualize and not the hardware.
In the simplest terms, iSCSI allows the transport of SCSI commands and data over a TCP/IP
network that is based on IP routers and Ethernet switches. iSCSI is a block-level protocol that
encapsulates SCSI commands into TCP/IP packets and uses an existing IP network. A pure SCSI
architecture is based on the client/server model.
An iSCSI client, which is known as an (iSCSI) initiator, sends SCSI commands over an IP network
to an iSCSI target. Communication between the initiator and target can occur over one or more
TCP connections. The TCP connections carry control messages, SCSI commands, parameters,
and data within iSCSI Protocol Data Units (iSCSI PDUs).

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration




L6&6,WDUJHWV L6&6,,3








Figure 9-40. Example of an IPv4 management and iSCSI shared subnet

The visual illustrates the configuration of a redundant network for Storwize V7000 IPv4
management and iSCSI addresses that shares the same subnet. Each node Ethernet port and
iSCSI IP addresses can be configured on the same subnet with the same gateway, or you can have
each Ethernet port and iSCSI addresses on separate subnets and use different gateways.
This same setup can be configured by using the equivalent configuration with only IPv6 addresses.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


MPIO and iSCSI initiator support for iSCSI

‡ Start > Programs > Administrative tools, select iSCSI initiator

Install iSCSI initiator

Install iSCSI host OS-

specific MPIO

An iSCSI initiator sends a SCSI command to the iSCSI target,

which in turn provides required input/output data transfers

Figure 9-41. MPIO and iSCSI initiator support for iSCSI

Before configuring an iSCSI host access, you need to identify if the target (storage system) you
plan to use supports MPIO and whether it supports a round-robin or load balancing path selection
from a performance sizing perspective. If a failover mode path is only available, then only one path
and the hardware associated with it will be used. A failover mode provides the network with
redundancy but it does not provide the performance increase as the other MPIO modes.
Some target manufacturers have their own MPIO DSM (Device Specific Module), therefore, it might
be preferable to use the target specified DSM mode. Consult the IBM Systems Storage
Interoperation Center (SSIC) at for supported iSCSI host
platforms and if multipathing support is available for the host OS. If you are using Windows 2008,
MPIO support should be implemented when more than one path or connection is desired between
the host and the storage system.
You will also need to install the iSCSI initiator on the host to configure iSCSI attached storage for
the host. Following SCSI protocols, the iSCSI initiator on the host sends I/O requests to the iSCSI
target. For back end iSCSI storage, Spectrum Virtualize has the initiator and sends commands to
the back end iSCSI targets.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Configuring iSCSI IP addresses


Right-click each control

enclosure and enter iSCSI
assigned IP address


Figure 9-42. Configuring iSCSI IP addresses

Before configuring iSCSI on Spectrum Virtualize, you must first setup IP addresses on each node in
an I/O group for iSCSI communications. IBM Spectrum Virtualize systems support IP aliasing on its
Ethernet ports, whereby two IP addresses can exist on a single port. Therefore, in addition to
having a management IP address, you can also attach an iSCSI host using Ethernet ports on both
nodes for availability. Typically, a node will have two or four Ethernet ports. These ports are either
for 1Gb support or 10Gb support. For each Ethernet port a maximum of one IPv4 address and one
IPv6 address can be designated for iSCSI I/O.
An iSCSI host connects to the storage system through the node-port IP address. If the node fails,
the address becomes unavailable and the host loses communication with the node. Therefore, you
want to ensure that the host is connected to an IP address on each node in the I/O group. To avoid
performance bottlenecks, the iSCSI initiator and target systems must use Ethernet ports at the
same speed.
The cfgportip command is generated to enable the component IP address be set for storage
enclosure ID1 port 1 and storage enclosure ID2 port 2.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


iSCSI initiator and iSCSI target

‡ iSCSI qualified name (IQN)
ƒ iSCSI initiator (host)
iSCSI Initiator í iSCSI Initiator Properties > Configuration
ƒ Target IQN (control enclosure)
í Settings > Network > iSCSI


iSCSI target


Figure 9-43. iSCSI initiator and iSCSI target

Each iSCSI initiator and target must have a unique name which is typically implemented as an
iSCSI qualified name (IQN). In this example, the Windows IQN is shown on the Configuration tab of
the iSCSI Initiator Properties window. The host’s iSCSI initiator IQN is used to define a host object.
A storage system control enclosure IQN can be obtained by selecting Settings > Network > iSCSI
Configuration pane of the management GUI. The verbose format of the lsstorage enclosure
command can also be used to obtain the control enclosure IQN. The IQN for a Windows host is
obtained from the iSCSI Initiator Properties window's Configuration tab.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


iSCSI host discover target (storage encl) portal (1 of 2)

• Discovery tab 5HWXUQVHDFKL6&6,
ƒ Enter the iSCSI target portal by using WR7DUJHWSRUWDOV
the iSCSI IP address that is configured
on the control enclosure
ƒ Port number 3260 (default)
ƒ Select Discovery Portal

• Repeat the process for each iSCSI IP

address configured


Figure 9-44. iSCSI host discover target (storage encl) portal (1 of 2)

Once you've configured iSCSI IP addresses on the host and Spectrum Virtualize nodes, then you
need to have the host initiator discover the targets, which is analogous to the Fiber Channel port
login, making the storage aware of the host, so that then you create the host object and map
volumes to it. From the iSCSI Initiator Properties window Discovery tab, click the Discover Target
Portal button and enter the node’s iSCSI IP port address or DSN name. Port number 3260 is the
default (official TPC/IP port for the iSCSI protocol and click OK). Once the portal address has been
entered the available iSCSI targets are displayed.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


iSCSI host discover target (storage encl) portal (2 of 2)

• Target tab
ƒ Node IQN automatically discovered by iSCSI
ƒ Select the node IQN and click Connect
ƒ Enable persistent connection and multi-path


Figure 9-45. iSCSI host discover target (storage encl) portal (2 of 2)

The Targets tab lists each node's IQN that were previously discovered. The discovered targets
initial status is inactive. Use the Connect button to connect to the target. The Connect to Target
window provides options to tailor the behavior of the connection. Check both boxes for persistent
connections and to enable multipathing access.
Once this process is complete, the initiator to the discovered target (storage enclosure) is now
The group of TCP connections that link an initiator with a target form a session (loosely equivalent
to a SCSI Initiator-Terminator nexus). TCP connections can be added and removed from a session.
Across all connections within a session, an initiator sees one and the same target.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Discovered targets properties

‡ Establish additional session between
the host initiator and the storage/target

‡ Disconnect individual sessions

‡ View session device information


Figure 9-46. Discovered targets properties

If the target supports multiple sessions then the Add Session option under the Target Properties
panel allows you to create an additional session. You can also disconnect individual sessions that
are listed. Use the Devices button to view more information about devices that are associated with
a selected session.
Multiple Connections per Session (MCS) support is defined in the iSCSI RFC to allow multiple
TCP/IP connections from the initiator to the target for the same iSCSI session. This is iSCSI
protocol specific. This allows I/O to be sent over either TCP/IP connection to the target. If one
connection fails then another connection can continue processing I/O without interrupting the
application. Not all iSCSI targets support MCS. iSCSI targets that support MCS include but are not
limited to EMC Celerra, iStor, and Network Appliance.
For iSCSI-attached hosts, the number of logged-in nodes refers to iSCSI sessions that are created
between hosts and nodes, and might be greater than the current number of nodes on the system.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Defining an iSCSI host object

• Host objects are defined by using Hosts >
Add Host
ƒ Select iSCSI (SCSI)
ƒ Create a host name
í Max. of 63 characters
• ISCSI Ports
ƒ Enter the host initiator IQN
ƒ Verify IQN corresponds with host IQN
• CHAP authentication (optional)
ƒ Storage system acts as the authenticator
í Sends a secret (passphrase) message to host
before access is granted to volumes

• Advanced Settings provides the same iSCSI host IQN

Max. 256 host per I/O grp
selection options for all host being created

Figure 9-47. Defining an iSCSI host object

There is no equivalent list of candidate IQNs available when creating iSCSI hosts. All iSCSI host
port IQNs must be entered manually. The Add Host for creating an iSCSI host is comparable to
setting up Fibre Channel hosts. Instead of selecting the Fibre Channel ports, it requires you to enter
the iSCSI Initiator host IQN that was used to discover and pair with the node IQN.
When the host is initially configured using neither an authentication method or Challenge
Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) passphrase is set for use. You can choose to enable
CHAP authentication which involves sharing a CHAP secret passphrase between the control
enclosures and the host before the IBM Spectrum Virtualize system allows access to volumes.
The iSCSI attached hosts are eligible by default to access volumes in all four I/O groups. For Fibre
Channel attached hosts, the host WWPNs need to be zoned to the control enclosures in the I/O
groups that contain volumes for a given host. For iSCSI attached hosts the host needs only IP
network connectivity to the storage enclosures in the I/O groups that contain volumes for the given
host. Just as the FC host creation, you can add the host to an already defined host cluster.
The management GUI generates the mkhost command to create the iSCSI host object contains the
-iscsiname parameter followed by the iSCSI host IQN. A maximum of 256 iSCSI hosts are
supported per I/O group.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Netstat command
‡ The netstat –nt command displays active TCP connections


Figure 9-48. Netstat command

The netstat command is part of the Windows TCP/IP support that can be used to display all TCP
connections and attempts to translate the addresses to names. The –n displays the connection of
addresses and port numbers numerically. The -t displays the current connection offload state, in
this case it's InHost indicating that the host CPU is handling this part of the TCP/IP stack rather
than being offloaded onto the NIC.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Host integration: iSER host connection

‡ Host integration
ƒ Fibre Channel host types
ƒ Ethernet host types
௅ iSCSI host connection
௅ iSER host connection
௅ iSCSI/ISER IP address failover

ƒ Host clusters
ƒ N_Port ID Virtualization (NPIV)


Figure 9-49. Host integration: iSER host connection

This topic discusses the iSER host connection in an IBM Spectrum Virtualize system environment.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


ISCI Extensions for RDMA (iSER) communication

‡ Supports host attachment, inter-node
communication, HyperSwap and Stretched Cluster 26$SSV
‡ Offers faster data transfer based on RDMA

ƒ By passes CPU and caches L6(5

‡ Requires 25 Gb Ethernet adapter &RPPDQG6WDWXV

ƒ Support RoCE or iWARP connection

í Either iWARP or RoCE provides RMDA protocol under iSER

‡ iSER uses either iSCSI qualified name (IQN) (223 L:$53'ULYHU 5R&('ULYHU

bytes) or extended unique identifier (EUI) (64-bit)

names L:$53U1,& 5R&(U1,&


Figure 9-50. ISCI Extensions for RDMA (iSER) communication

IBM Spectrum Virtualize 8.2.1 system supports iSER host attachment with 25 GbE adapters, which
expands the host connectivity options for Spectrum Virtualize systems. iSER is an acronym for
iSCSI Extensions for Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA). iSER is an extension to the iSCSI
protocol to use RDMA rather than regular iSCSI volume access. It reduces latency through a
shorter code stack, permits data to be transferred directly into and out of SCSI computer memory
buffers (which connects computers to storage devices) without intermediate data copies and
without much of the CPU intervention. iSER protocols use the 25 Gb Ethernet adapters.
The iSER protocols can be used in a fully Ethernet based infrastructure (no Fibre Channel) for
inter-node communication, HyperSwap, or Stretched Cluster environments. The RoCE and iWARP
connections, which support remote direct memory access (RDMA) technology are established
through unique IP address, offering faster transfers. iSER is an extension to the iSCSI protocol to
use Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) technology to reduce intermediate data copies in I/O
interface memory with less CPU usage. iSER uses either iSCSI qualified name (IQN) (223 bytes) or
extended unique identifier (EUI) (64-bit) names.
iWARP is layered on top of TCP/IP and, therefore, does not require a lossless Data Center
Bridging (DCB) fabric. RoCE, which is based on InfiniBand transport over Ethernet, and RoCEv2,
enhances RoCE with a UDP header and Internet routability
IBM Spectrum Virtualize ensures availability for iSCSI communications to an I/O group in node
failure scenarios, by failing over the iSCSI IP address to the surviving node, rather than depending
on the host multi-path driver to send I/Os to the surviving node. If an iSER target node fails, the
iSER initiator is logged out from the failed node. A new session or login is reestablished with the
partner (working) node that uses the IP address of the failed node. For successful iSER logins from
a host to a partner node after a failover, the port type (RoCE or iWARP) and the number of ports
must be the same on the partner nodes.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration

All IP addresses (service and configuration) associated with a clustered-system Ethernet port must
be on the same subnet. However, IP addresses associated with a node Ethernet port that is used
for iSCSI traffic can be configured to belong to different subnets.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


iSER host attach considerations (1 of 2)

‡ Max of 4 iSER ( host attach) IP addresses or target on
each node 26$SSV
ƒ Only one connection per session is supported
ƒ A maximum of 1024 iSER target is supported
í A maximum of four sessions can come from one iSER
initiator to an iSER target L6(5

í The maximum iSER host attach sessions can also be &RPPDQG6WDWXV

established along with 1024 iSCSI host attach sessions

ƒ Recommend connecting a host to just one port on each
ƒ A maximum of one IPv4 address or one IPv6 address L:$53'ULYHU 5R&('ULYHU

to establish iSER (host attach) sessions

L:$53U1,& 5R&(U1,&
ƒ Hosts can use IPv4 and IPv6 but not both at the same
ƒ Node iSER (25 Gb) ports can support both concurrently


Figure 9-51. iSER host attach considerations (1 of 2)

iSER hosts can be attached to the Spectrum Virtualize system using the node’s Ethernet port IP
addresses, which can be assigned to any 25 Gbps Ethernet ports of the node. iSER leaves the
administrative framework of iSCSI untouched while mapping the data path over RDMA. The native
iSCSI host attach, and controller virtualization are used to support the 25 Gb Ethernet ports. You
can have a maximum of 4 host attach sessions from an initiator to each target node. Spectrum
Virtualize node ports supports a maximum of one IPv4 address and one IPv6 address can be
configured on each of Ethernet ports 1 and 2 for host I/O access to volumes. Spectrum Virtualize
supports a maximum of 256 iSER sessions per node. Therefore, hosts can use either iSCSI or
iSER (but not both at the same time). However, the 25 Gb node ports can support both
concurrently. When you compare its benefits to the standard iSCSI you get higher bandwidth, lower
latency and lower CPU utilization.
iSER supports one-way authentication through the Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
(CHAP), iSER target authenticating iSCSI initiators; versus iSCSI two-way authentication through
the CHAP.
Definitions to understand the terms connection and session:
• A connection is a TCP connection. Communication between the initiator and target occurs over
one or more TCP connections. The TCP connections carry control messages, SCSI
commands, parameters, and data within iSCSI Protocol Data Units (iSCSI PDUs).
• The group of TCP connections that link an initiator with a target form a session (loosely
equivalent to a SCSI Initiator-Terminator nexus). TCP connections can be added and removed
from a session. Across all connections within a session, an initiator sees one and the same

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


iSER host attach considerations (2 of 2)

‡ RoCE / iWARP ports are NOT interoperable
ƒ Chelsio T6 iWARP initiator can establish only iSER host
attach session to iWARP Chelsio target port 6&6,

ƒ Mellanox RoCE initiator can establish iSER host attach L6&6,

session to Mellanox RoCE target ports only L6(5

ƒ RoCE initiator ports cannot establish iSCSI host attach
sessions to iWARP ports and vice versa


L:$53U1,& 5R&(U1,&


Figure 9-52. iSER host attach considerations (2 of 2)

The RoCE ports and the iWARP ports are not iSER interoperable, which means that host iWARP
adapters only communicate with node iWARP adapters, and host RoCE adapters only
communicate with node RoCE adapters.
In addition, both the RoCE ports cannot establish iSCSI host attach sessions to iWARP ports or
vice versa. Therefore, if an iSER session is initiated by the host while an iSCSI session exists from
the same host, the iSER session is rejected. Likewise, if an iSCSI session is initiated by the host
while an iSER session exists from the same host, the iSCSI session is rejected.
Note that non-disruptively replacing a Spectrum Virtualize system adapter requires that another
adapter and path to the host exists for the storage. The host multi-path I/O code will ensure that
I/Os are sent using working paths on working adapters.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Defining an iSER host object

• Configuration the software-based iSER initiator
• iSER host can be configured using the GUI or the CLI
• GUI Host objects are defined by using Hosts > Add
ƒ Select iSCSI (SCSI) or iSER
ƒ Create a host name L6(5+RVW

í Max. of 63 characters
ƒ Click iSER host IQN field and paste the host IQN LTQGHVXVHGEVHHO

í Value copied from the iSER Initiator application
ƒ Optional fields:
௅ CHAP authentication (storage system
acts as the authenticator
‡ Sends a secret (passphrase) message
to host before access is granted


Figure 9-53. Defining an iSER host object

An iSER host connection can be established by first installing the software for the iSER
software-based initiator on the server, such as the Linux software iSER initiator. You can then use
either the management GUI or the command-line interface to define an iSER host server. Verify
that you configured the node and the system Ethernet ports correctly.
To create an iSER host using the GUI, select Hosts > Hosts and select Add Host. Select iSCSI or
iSER Hosts and enter an iSER initiator name in the host IQN field. Just as an iSCSI host, the iqn
value is the IQN for an IBM Spectrum Virtualize node. Enter additional details about the host and
click Add Host. You can also add more initiator names to one host. Because the IQN contains the
clustered system name and the node name, it is important not to change these names after iSCSI
is deployed.
The management GUI generates the mkhost command to create the iSCSI host object using the
-isername parameter followed by the iSER host IQN. The maximum for iSER hosts per I/O group
is 256 due to the IQN limits.
Windows logs in to the target as soon as you click Connect.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Host integration: iSCSI/iSER IP address failover

‡ Host integration
ƒ Fibre Channel host types
ƒ Ethernet host types
௅ iSCSI host connection
௅ iSER host connection
௅ iSCSI/ISER IP address failover

ƒ Host clusters
ƒ N_Port ID Virtualization (NPIV)


Figure 9-54. Host integration: iSCSI/iSER IP address failover

This topic discusses the iSCSI/iSER IP address failover host connection in an IBM Spectrum
Virtualize system environment.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Example of an auto iSCSI IP addresses failover

Current state
Management IP iSCSI IP
iSCSI targets iSCSI IP Management IP
addresses addresses addresses addresses
Control enclosure
10.x.9.210 10.x.9.201 10.x.9.202
Node1 Node2
Config node Ptrn node

Auto Config node failover from Node1 to

Node2 - inherits mgmt IP
Management IP iSCSI IP
iSCSI targets iSCSI IP Management IP
addresses addresses addresses addresses
Control enclosure
10.x.9.210 10.x.9.201 10.x.9.202
Node1 Node2 10.x.9.201 10.x.9.210
Config node Config node

Run the lsportip command to confirms that the storage enclosure1 iSCSI IP addresses
have been transferred to storage enclosure2.

Figure 9-55. Example of an auto iSCSI IP addresses failover

Both the iSCSI and the iSER IP addresses configured on an Spectrum Virtualize system supports
node failover. This visual illustrates an iSCSI IP address failover from either a node failure or as a
result of taking the node offline for a code upgrade. In either case, if a Node1 enclosure is no longer
available then its partner Node2 enclosure inherits the iSCSI IP addresses of the departed storage
enclosure. In addition to node-port IP addresses, the iSCSI name and iSCSI alias for the failed
node are also transferred to the partner node. After the failed node recovers, the node-port IP
address and the iSCSI name and alias are returned to the original node.
The partner node port responds to the inherited iSCSI IP address as well as its original iSCSI IP
address. However, if the failed nodewas the cluster config node (or configuration node) then the
cluster designates another node as the new config node. The cluster management IP addresses
are moved automatically to the new config node.
From the perspective of the iSCSI host, I/O operations proceed as normal. To allow hosts to
maintain access to their data, the Node1-port IP addresses for the failed control enclosure are
transferred to the partner control Node2 enclosure in the I/O group. The partner Node2 enclosure
handles requests for both its own node-port IP addresses and also for node-port IP addresses on
the failed control enclosure. This process is known as control enclosure-port IP failover. Therefore,
the control enclosure failover activity is totally transparent and nondisruptive to the attaching hosts.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Node failover: Advantage versus disadvantage

• Navigating to the management GUI:
ƒ Select Settings > Network > Ethernet Ports

‡ Advantage:
ƒ Storage enclosure failover activity is transparent and nondisruptive
ƒ iSCSI host I/O operations proceed as normal
• Disadvantages:
ƒ Opened CLI sessions are lost when a config storage enclosure switch occurs
ƒ Opened GUI sessions might survive the switch

Figure 9-56. Node failover: Advantage versus disadvantage

The storage system node failover activity is totally transparent and nondisruptive to the attaching
If there is an opened CLI session during the storage enclosure failover then the session is lost
when a config storage enclosure switch occurs. Depending on the timing, opened GUI sessions
might survive the switch.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Examples of an auto iSCSI IP addresses failback

1 Node1 return
Management IP iSCSI IP
iSCSI targets iSCSI IP Management IP
addresses addresses
Control enclosure addresses addresses
10.x.9.201 10.x.9.202
Node1 Node2 10.x.9.210
Ptrn node Config node

Config node does not move - change

occurs only if its hosting storage enclosure
is no longer available

Run WKHlsportip command to confirm that the Node2 iSCSI IP addresses have
been transferred back to Node1


Figure 9-57. Examples of an auto iSCSI IP addresses failback

Once the failed control (Node1) enclosure has been repaired or code upgrade has completed, it is
brought back online. The iSCSI IP addresses previously transferred to Node2 automatically
failback to Node1. The configuration storage enclosure remains intact (retaining the management
IP address), and does change storage enclosure. A configuration storage enclosure switch occurs
only if its hosting storage enclosure is no longer available.
When a failed storage enclosure is re-establishing itself to rejoin the cluster, its attributes do not
change (for example its object name is the same). However, a new storage enclosure object ID is
assigned. Example, if storage enclosure1, whose object ID was 1, will now be assigned the next
sequentially available object ID of 5.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Host integration: Host clusters

‡ Host integration
ƒ Fibre Channel host types
ƒ Ethernet host types
ƒ Host clusters
ƒ N_Port ID Virtualization (NPIV)


Figure 9-58. Host integration: Host clusters

This topic discusses the creation of a host cluster to support volume shared and private volume

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Host (shared disk) clusters

‡ Host cluster is a group of logical host objects, which are
managed together
ƒ Shared access to the same volumes
ƒ Mapped volume are simultaneously shared with all hosts in
the host cluster
í Volume can be excluded, retaining a private mapping to only the
assigned host
Host cluster
ƒ Volume access is managed the system through internal
ƒ Maximum of 512 host cluster per system
VDisk LUN 0


Figure 9-59. Host (shared disk) clusters

A host cluster is a group of logical host objects that can be managed together as a single cluster,
and to share access to volumes mapped directly to the host cluster object. Host cluster simplifies
the management of clustered host systems, such as in VMware environments where administrators
have to work with large host objects. Therefore, all hosts and their WWPN that are assigned to a
host cluster will share the same volume mappings, and share the same SCSI IDs and so on. New
volumes can be mapped to a host cluster, which simultaneously maps that volume to all hosts that
are defined in the host cluster.
Shared disk clusters include those in which an application running on the hosts write concurrently
to the shared volumes, and also clusters which failover the storage from one VM to another and
restart the application. Often there will be a set of shared volume used by the application running in
the cluster, and other volumes such as the operating system disk are not shared. For best practice
and to simplify the host cluster and host configuration process, create the host cluster object first.
This allows you to add new host object to a pre-defined host cluster during creation.
A maximum of 512 host clusters can be supported per system.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Host cluster unique ID

‡ Host cluster contains a unique name and ID, the names of the individual host objects within
the cluster, and the status of the cluster
‡ Host cluster supports up to 128 host per host cluster
ƒ Host can be a member of only one host cluster

‡ Issue the CLI lshostcluster command to display the following host cluster status:
ƒ Online: All hosts in the host cluster are online
ƒ Host degraded: All hosts in the host cluster are either online or degraded
ƒ Host cluster degraded: At least one host is offline and at least one host is either online or
ƒ Offline: All hosts in the host cluster are offline (or the host cluster does not contain any hosts)


Figure 9-60. Host cluster unique ID

Each host cluster is identified by a unique name and ID, the names of the individual host objects
within the cluster, and the status of the cluster. A host cluster can contain up to 128 hosts. However,
a host can be a member of only one host cluster.
You can used the CLI lshostcluster command to display the following host cluster status:
• Online: All hosts in the host cluster are online.
• Host degraded: All hosts in the host cluster are either online or degraded.
• Host cluster degraded: At least one host is offline and at least one host is either online or
• Offline: All hosts in the host cluster are offline (or the host cluster does not contain any hosts).

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Creating a host cluster

‡ Default list of all hosts zoned to the storage system SAN fabric is presented:
ƒ Provide a host cluster name
ƒ Select host members to be added to the host cluster
ƒ Option to create an empty host cluster and add hosts later


Figure 9-61. Creating a host cluster

You can define a host cluster using the management GUI Hosts > Create Host Cluster panel. By
default, a list of hosts are presented. This represents all the hosts zoned to the storage system SAN
To create a host cluster, complete following steps:
• On the Host Cluster page, select Create Host Cluster and enter the name of the host cluster
that you want to create.
• Select the available host object members to include within the host cluster.
• You can also create an empty host cluster and add hosts later.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Creating a host cluster: Volume shared mappings

‡ By default all volumes presented are mapped to one or more selected hosts
ƒ Mapped volumes will become a shared mapping to all host in the host cluster
í All new volumes created are inherited by each host



6&6,,' 6&6,,'

/81$ /81%


Figure 9-62. Creating a host cluster: Volume shared mappings

By default the volumes presented are mapped to the selected host or hosts. These volumes will
simultaneously be shared among all hosts in the host cluster. The example shows two host
systems that are members of the same host cluster. All volumes (LUN A and LUN B) contain data
that have shared mappings with Host A and Host B. Any new hosts that are added to the host
cluster will inherit the same volume mappings.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Creating a host cluster: Volume private mappings

‡ Individual volumes can be mapped directly to one or more hosts in a private mapping
ƒ New host added to the host cluster will not inherit the private volume mappings



6&6,,' 6&6,,'


/81$ 9ROXPH /81%



Figure 9-63. Creating a host cluster: Volume private mappings

Hosts in a host cluster can also have their own private volume mappings that are not shared with
other hosts in the host cluster. With private mapping, individual volumes can be directly mapped to
one or more hosts. This allows a host to maintain the private mapping of some volumes and share
other volumes with hosts in the host cluster. The SAN boot volume for a host would typically be a
private mapping.
To create a private mapping select volumes to be excluded from becoming shared mappings for the
entire host cluster. New hosts that are added to the host cluster will not inherit these volume
The example shows two host systems that are members of the same host cluster. The volume that
contains data has a shared mapping with Host A and Host B. However, Host A and Host B also
have a private mapping to their respective boot volume (LUN A and LUN B).
Click Next. On the Summary page, verify the settings and click Make Host Cluster.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Creating a host cluster: Summary

‡ Volumes with SCSI ID conflicts will be excluded from the host cluster
‡ Host cluster will be created with no volume mappings
ƒ GUI and CLI issues the mkhostcluster –name (host cluster name) command
í CLI lshostcluster display the status of the host cluster



Figure 9-64. Creating a host cluster: Summary

If you selected hosts with volumes that have SCSI ID conflicts, the system does not add these
mappings to the host cluster. A SCSI LUN ID conflict occurs when multiple hosts are mapped to the
same volume but with different SCSI IDs. In this case, a shared mapping is not created because
the system does not allow a volume to be mapped more than once to the same host. The Summary
page lists all volumes that contain conflicts and the system retains these mappings as private
mappings to the original hosts.
Once you have verified the settings, click Make Host Cluster. The system issues a mkhostcluster
–name command with the name of the host cluster. The GUI will list the host cluster and all hosts
assigned. You can also create an empty host cluster using the same command. To display the
status of the host cluster using CLI, enter the lshostcluster command.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


‡ The following new commands have been added to deal with host clusters:
ƒ mkhostcluster (Creates host cluster)
ƒ addhostclustermember (Adds a member to the host cluster) Host clusters

ƒ lshostcluster (Lists the host clusters)

ƒ lshostclustermember (Lists host cluster members)
ƒ lshostclustervolumemap (Lists host cluster for mapped volumes)
ƒ mkvolumehostclustermap (Removes a host cluster member)
ƒ rmhostclustermember (Removes a host cluster member)
ƒ rmhostcluster (Removes a host cluster)
ƒ rmvolumehostclustermap (Unmap a volume from the host cluster)


Figure 9-65. Additional host cluster commands

The following new commands have been added to deal with host clusters:
• mkhostcluster creates host cluster
• addhostclustermember adds a member to the host cluster
• lshostcluster lists the host clusters
• lshostclustermember lists host cluster member
• lshostclustervolumemap lists host cluster for mapped volumes
• rmhostclustermember removes host cluster member
• rmhostcluster removes a host cluster
• rmvolumehostclustermap unmaps volumes from the host cluster

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Host port discovery

‡ Host scans SAN for target VDisks/LUNs to Host
perform port login
Multipath driver
ƒ Host port logs into storage port, (no disk yet) support
multiple paths
‡ Storage detects and sees host WWPNs MPIO to volume

‡ WWPNs are used to define a host object 2 4

L2 L 11 L3 L4
‡ Volumes/LUN can be created and mapped to
the host object 3
1 4 1 3
‡ Host administrator reboots or initiates Device 2 Switch
scan of SAN for any volumes/ LUNs mapped to
the system with their paths


Figure 9-66. Host port discovery

Typically all host and storage ports are logged into to the fabric SAN, usually during the power on.
When a host boots, it scans the SAN for target ports for any volumes or LUN mappings. Once this
process occurs, the storage performs a port scan to detect and learn of the host WWPNs being
presented to the managed storage system.
The associated WWPNs for each host WWPN are automatically presented in the management
GUI. The WWPNs are used to define a host object, in which volumes can be created and mapped
to the host object.
Unlike SCSI FC-attached hosts, with iSCSI and NVMe available candidate ports cannot be

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Manage host object counts per I/O group

Remove a host entitlement to access volumes owned by a specified I/O group. Entitlement is
NOT the same as the ability to access.
IBMcluster:Admin>rmhostiogrp -iogrp io_grp1 A50_AIX
IBMcluster:Admin> id name storage enclosure_count vdisk_count
0 io_grp0 2 4 2
1 io_grp1 2 5 1 Host count decreased for
2 io_grp2 0 0 1
3 io_grp3 0 0 1 io_grp1 (from 2 to 1)
4 recovery_io_grp 0 0 0
IBMcluster:Admin>lshost 1
id 1
name V_AIX
port_count 2
type generic
mask 11111111...111111111 AIX host is only entitled to access
iogrp_count 1 volumes that are owned by one I/O
status online
WWPN 10000000C9757E2F group (io-group 0)
storage enclosure_logged_in_count 4
state inactive
WWPN 10000000C9757E2E
storage enclosure_logged_in_count 4
state inactive
IBMcluster:Admin>lshostiogrp 1
id name
0 io_grp0

Figure 9-67. Manage host object counts per I/O group

To support more than 256 host objects per IBM Spectrum Virtualize system (or 512 host objects)
the rmhostiogrp command is used to remove an I/O group eligibility from an existing host object.
The host object to I/O group associations only define a host object’s entitlement to access volumes
owned by the I/O groups. Physical access to the volumes requires proper SAN zoning for Fibre
Channel hosts and IP connectivity for iSCSI hosts.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Maximum host configurations (1 of 2)

Hosts object (IDs) 2048* FC ports, iSCSI names, and iSER ports (SV1 only)
FC-NVMe host per system 6 Up to 6 FC-NVMe hosts are supported per system when no
SCSI (FC/iSCSI/SAS) host are attached. Limits are not policed
by the IBM Spectrum Virtualize software. However, exceeding
this amount can experience adverse performance impact.
Host objects (IDs) per I/O group 512* Model SV1 only. Limitations might apply.
FC-NMVe hosts per I/O group - No limit is imposed beyond the per system limit when no SCSI
(FC/iSCSI/SAS) hosts are attached.
Total FC ports and iSCSI names per system 8192*

Total FC ports and iSCSI names per I/O group 2048*

Total FC ports and iSCSI names per host object 32

iSCSI and iSER names per host object 8 iSER (Model SV1 only)

iSCSI and iSER names per I/O group 512* iSER (Model SV1 only)

* A lower limit applies if FC-NVMe hosts are attached; refer to the NVMe over Fibre Channel Host Properties section

Figure 9-68. Maximum host configurations (1 of 2)

The following guidelines apply when you connect host servers to an IBM Spectrum Virtualize
• Up to 512 hosts per building block are supported, which equals to a total of 2,048 hosts for a
fully scaled system. If the same host is connected to multiple systems of a cluster, it counts as a
host in each system. However, up to 6 FC-NVMe hosts are supported per system when no
SCSI (FC/iSCSI/SAS) host are attached. This limits is not policed by the IBM Spectrum
Virtualize software. Exceeding this amount can result in adverse performance impact.
• A total of 2048 distinct, configured, host worldwide port names (WWPNs) or iSCSI Qualified
Names (IQNs) are supported per system for a total of 8192. This limit is the sum of the FC host
ports and the host iSCSI names (an internal WWPN is generated for each iSCSI name) that are
associated with all of the hosts that are associated with a system.
• The maximum number of FC ports and iSCSI names per host object is 32. However, the
maximum number of iSCSI and iSER names supported per host object is 8. A system may be
partnered with up to three remote systems.
• A lower limit applies if FC-NVMe hosts are attached; refer to the NVMe over Fibre Channel Host
Properties section.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Maximum host configurations (2 of 2)

Volume mapping per host 2048* Host OS restriction might apply. Not all hosts are capable of
accessing and managing this number of volumes. The practical
mapping limit is restricted by the host OS, and not by the IBM
Spectrum Virtualize system.

Does not apply to hosts of type adminlun (used to support

VMware vvols).
iSCSI (SCSI 3) registrations per VDisk 512

iSER (SCSI 3) registrations per VDisk 1024 Model SV1 only.

FC-NVMe and iSCSI host intermix 1/5 Maximum NVMe hosts per I/O group: 1
Maximum SCSI hosts per I/O group: 5

The maximum FC-NVMe hosts per system limit (6) still applies.
These limits are not policed by the Spectrum Virtualize
Visit the IBM Support website for software. Any configurations that exceed these limits may
the supported configurations. experience significant adverse performance impact.


Figure 9-69. Maximum host configurations (2 of 2)

• The maximum number of volumes in a fully scaled system is 8,192 (having a maximum of 2,048
volumes per I/O Group). The maximum storage capacity supported is 32 PB per system. Not all
hosts are capable of accessing and managing this number of volumes. The practical mapping
limit is restricted by the host OS, and not by the IBM Spectrum Virtualize system. Does not
apply to hosts of type adminlun (used to support VMware vvols).
• iSCSI and iSER both support SCSI 3 registrations per VDisk. SCSI reservations are used to
control access to a shared SCSI device. An initiator sets a reservation on a Logical Unit
Number (LUN) in order to prevent another initiator from making changes to the LUN. This is
similar to the file-locking concept. SCSI reservations are always set by a host initiator in this
case iSCSI 512 and iSER 1024 (Model SV1 only). Ideally, the same initiator would perform a
SCSI release on the affected LUN.
• An FC-NVMe host can connect to up to four NVMe controllers on each IBM Spectrum Virtualize
system node. The maximum per node is four with an extra four in failover. A single I/O group
can contain up to 256 FC-NVMe I/O controllers. The maximum number of I/O controllers per
node is 128 plus an extra 128 in failover.
• When FC-NVMe and SCSI hosts are attached to the same I/O group, the following restrictions
▪ Maximum NVMe hosts per I/O group: 1
▪ Maximum SCSI hosts per I/O group: 5
▪ The maximum FC-NVMe hosts per system limit (6) still applies.
These limits are not policed by the Spectrum Virtualize software. Any configurations that exceed
these limits may experience significant adverse performance impact.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Host integration: N_Port ID Virtualization

‡ Host integration
ƒ Fibre Channel host types
ƒ Ethernet host types
ƒ Host clusters
ƒ N_Port ID Virtualization (NPIV)


Figure 9-70. Host integration: N_Port ID Virtualization

This topic describes the characteristics of N_Port ID Virtualization (NPIV) event of any failure of the
node, hardware, or software.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


OS native multipathing
‡ OS multipathing software distributes I/Os
among Fibre Channel ports
‡ Each port is addressed by an ID, called an
N_Port ID
‡ Multipathing software ensures continuous Multipathing software
access by rerouting I/Os to the partner node
in an I/O group
‡ Switching from one node to the other can take A B C D E F G H
about 30 seconds
Node 1 Node 2
‡ Application I/Os are paused during the switch
‡ Delay to I/Os can be seen as extended
response times for end users


Figure 9-71. OS native multipathing

Traditionally, if a node failed or was being removed for maintenance reasons, the paths that were
presented for volumes from that preferred node would go offline. In this case, the system relies on
the native host OS multipathing software to failover from using both sets of worldwide port name
(WWPN) to just those that remain online. This is the main purpose of the multipathing software,
however, it can become problematic, particularly for those hosts whose paths are reluctant to come
back online for whatever reason. At this point, the system is relying on the OS multipathing support
as well as fabric zoning to ensure resource access integrity for high availability.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


N_Port ID Virtualization

‡ N_Port ID Virtualization (NPIV) creates multiple virtual FC ports per physical FC port
‡ Removes the dependence on multipath software during failover
ƒ Node failover within an I/O or failover to a hot spare node
‡ Allows the partner node to take over the WWPNs of the failed node
‡ Essentially performs a failover at the fabric level - no host failover required
ƒ Paths appear online always to the host
‡ NPIV is not supported for Ethernet-based protocols

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8
Host Attach
Node 1: Active Owner Virtual Ports Node 1: Active Partner

P# P# P# P#
Spare (standby)


Figure 9-72. N_Port ID Virtualization

N_Port ID Virtualization is a Fibre Channel industry standard method for virtualizing a physical
Fibre Channel port. With the release of Spectrum Virtualize 7.7.0, Spectrum Virtualize systems can
be enabled into N_Port ID Virtualization (NPIV) mode. This allows hot spare nodes with NPIV
enabled to automatically swapping a spare node into the cluster if the cluster detects a failing node.
This means that ports do not come up until they are ready to service I/O.
All spare nodes have active system ports (no host I/O ports), and are not part of any I/O group. Only
host connection on Fibre Channel ports that support node port virtualization (NPIV) can be used for
spare nodes. N_Port ID Virtualization allows for a single F_Port to be associated with multiple
N_Port IDs, therefore, the spare node uses the same NPIV worldwide port names (WWPNs) for its
Fibre Channel ports as the failed node, so host operations are not disrupted.
NPIV is not supported for Ethernet-based protocols such as FCoE, iSCSI and iSER.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


NPIV FC target port modes


‡ No N-Port ID virtualization ‡ N-Port ID virtualization ‡ N-Port ID virtualization
(feature disabled) enabled enabled
‡ Default mode for clusters ‡ Volumes are accessible ‡ Volume accessible through
upgrading from <7.7.0 through both physical and host WWPNs only
NPIV target ports
‡ Recommended to minimize
‡ Volume through both host- failover times
only AND backend WWPNs
‡ Also recommended to
‡ For use while host and prevent accidental zoning to
fabric configuration updated physical ports
‡ Can be used for as long as

NPIV target ports


Figure 9-73. NPIV FC target port modes

With the historically physical Fibre Channel port on any Spectrum Virtualize product, a single
WWPN to the Fibre Channel fabric is capable of being used as a target for host I/O, an initiator for
backend controller IO, and for internode and intercluster communications.
The NPIV target port feature can be presented in three modes:
• Disabled means that no NPIV target ports are started. This behavior is unchanged from
previous release.
• In the transitional mode, the NPIV target ports are enabled which allows volumes to be
presented through both physical and NPIV target ports.
• Enabled means that all NPIV target ports are enabled. In this case volumes are presented
through host NPIV target ports only.
These modes facilitate transitioning to use of NPIV. When NPIV ports are configured, to ensure that
application availability, zoning, and disk pathing can be dynamically updated so that additional
paths are configured to the NPIV ports from the host. When NPIV is fully enabled, paths to the
system’s physical WWPNs can be removed dynamically by the host and SAN administrators.
IBM SAN Volume Controller systems that are shipped with V7.7 and later should have NPIV
enabled by default.
If hot spare nodes are used, then NPIV must be implemented.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Configuring NPIV port for existing clusters

1. If the lsiogrp command shows that fctargetportmode is enabled, then NPIV is enabled;
otherwise, change it to transition with fctargetportnode: enabled
2. SAN zoning and host pathing are updated to included NPIV ports.
3. Issue: chiogrp -fctargetportmode enabled io_group_id_or_name
4. SAN zoning and disk paths are updated, removing the use of physical the WWPNs
5. The lstargetportfc command lists both physical and virtual WWPNs for the cluster

To enable an existing cluster NPIV port by using the management GUI:

‡ Select Settings > System > IO Groups, right-click on each io_grp and select Change Target port
‡ Select Settings > Network > Fibre Channel to verify target port virtualization


Figure 9-74. Configuring NPIV port for existing clusters

Migrating a cluster to use the NPIV functionality can be done dynamically, involving the SAN and
host administrators, and by using a transitional mode for each I/O group. When fctargetportmode
is enabled, volumes are presented only through NPIV WWPNs. Intra-cluster communications use
the physical port WWPNs.
When setting up a cluster for the first time, where NPIV is required, set each I/O group's
fctargetportnode attribute to enabled. Zoning must be setup by the SAN switch administrator for
the hosts.
If a cluster exists, you can use the management GUI to enable the NPIV port by navigating to the
Settings > System menu and select IO Groups. From there, you can right-click on each IO group
and select Change Target Port Mode. Once the NPIV port feature is enabled, select Settings >
Network > Fibre Channel Ports to view the virtualized ports.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Virtual WWPNs
• WWPNs associated with an IBM Spectrum Virtualize storage system with NPIV

Physical NPIV target Physical NPIV target port Failed over NPIV
port WWPN port WWPN port WWPN WWPN fails port WWPN

Physical Ports Physical Ports

Node1 Node2 Node1 Node2

Before failover After failover


Figure 9-75. Virtual WWPNs

When NPIV is enabled in a cluster, there are three target WWPNs virtualized, and all the worldwide
names (WWNs) representing the ports remain available during controller outages. Each physical
port is associated with two WWPNs. The WWPN associated with the primary port and the WWPN
associated with the NPIV target/host port.
• The physical port WWPN is used for inter-node (local and remote) traffic and communication to
back-end storage. The physical port WWPNs are logged in to the fabric anytime the Spectrum
Virtualize software is running, including in service mode.
• The NPIV or virtual WWPN is used for volume I/O with hosts. It is a target only port.
• When a node fails, the virtual/NPIV WWPN is moved to either the other node in the I/O group,
or if hot spare nodes are configured, all the virtual WWPNs move to the hot spare node.
• NPIV WWPNs move to the port in the same physical location on the failover node. Therefore,
the physical adapters and ports must match on the failover node.
The effect is the same for NVMe ports, as they use the same NPIV structure, but with the topology
NVMe instead of regular SCSI.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


• Host object • Host bus adapter (HBA)
• Host cluster • SCSI target
• Fibre Channel (FC) • 2145 multi-path disk device
• Internet Small Computer System • Server Manager
Interface (iSCSI) • Disk management
• iSCSI Extensions over RDMA (iSER) • Device Manager
• Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVME) • Worldwide node (WWN)
• SCSI LUNs • Worldwide node name (WWNN)
• I/O load balancing • Worldwide port name (WWPN)
• Subsystem Device Driver Device • Multipath I/O (MPIO)
Specific Module (SDDDSM) • MPIO DSM (Device Specific Module)
• Subsystem Device Driver Path Control • N_Port ID virtualization (NPIV)
Module (SDDPCM) • Round robin algorithm
• Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP) • Zoning
• SCSI initiator

Figure 9-76. Keywords

Listed are keywords that were used in this unit.

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Review questions (1 of 3)
1. For a host to access volumes that are provisioned by the storage system, which of the
following must be true?
A. The host WWPNs or IQN must have been defined and mapped with the volume’s owning I/O
B. Fibre Channel zoning or iSCSI IP port configuration must have been set up to allow
appropriate ports to established connectivity
C. The volumes must have been created and mapped to the given host object
D. All of the above

2. True or False: If an IP network connectivity failure occurs between the iSCSI initiator
and the storage cluster iSCSI target port, the cluster will automatically failover the
iSCSI target port address to the other storage enclosure’s IP port.


Figure 9-77. Review questions (1 of 3)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Review answers (1 of 3)
1. For a host to access volumes that are provisioned by the storage system, which of the
following must be true?
A. The host WWPNs or IQN must have been defined and mapped with the volume’s owning I/O
B. Fibre Channel zoning or iSCSI IP port configuration must have been set up to allow
appropriate ports to established connectivity
C. The volumes must have been created and mapped to the given host object
D. All of the above.
The answer is all of the above.

2. True or False: If an IP network connectivity failure occurs between the iSCSI initiator
and the storage cluster iSCSI target port, the cluster will automatically failover the
iSCSI target port address to the other storage enclosure’s IP port.
The answer is False.


Figure 9-78. Review answers (1 of 3)

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Review questions (2 of 3)
3. True or False: If a storage administrator changes the primary controller for a LUN, the
host will automatically redirect I/Os to the new primary controller.

4. Which of the following is the identifier when configuring for an iSCSI host in the
storage system?
A. IP address


Figure 9-79. Review questions (2 of 3)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Review answers (2 of 3)
3. True or False: If a storage administrator changes the primary controller for a LUN, the
host will automatically redirect I/Os to the new primary controller.
The answer is False. The host must learn of the new preferred paths typically via a rescan for

4. Which of the following is the identifier when configuring for an iSCSI host in the
storage system?
A. IP address
The answer is IQN. iSCSI is an IP-based standard for transferring data that supports host
access by carrying SCSI commands over IP networks using an iSCSI qualified name(IQN).


Figure 9-80. Review answers (2 of 3)

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Review questions (3 of 3)
5. Hosts are usually zoned to a single I/O group except when (choose all that apply)
A. the I/O bandwidth exceeds that of an I/O group
B. the application needs to survive a node failure
C. when migrating hosts from one I/O group to another
D. Hosts are always zoned to all I/O groups

6. Which of the following NPIV modes allows volumes to be presented through both
physical and NPIV target ports.
A. Disable
B. Transitional
C. Enabled
D. Stealth


Figure 9-81. Review questions (3 of 3)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration


Review answers (3 of 3)
5. Hosts are usually zoned to a single I/O group except when (choose all that apply)
A. I/O bandwidth exceeds that of an I/O group
B. Application needs to survive a node failure
C. Migrating hosts from one I/O group to another
D. Hosts are always zoned to all I/O groups
The answer is A and C. B is incorrect because, if there is a node failure, it is transparent to a
host zoned to a single I/O group, and D is incorrect because most hosts are zoned to a single
I/O group.

6. Which of the following NPIV modes allows volumes to be presented through both
physical and NPIV target ports.
A. Disable
B. Transitional
C. Enabled
D. Stealth
The answer is Transitional. The transitional mode is an intermittent state where both the
virtual ports and physical ports are enabled.

Figure 9-82. Review answers (3 of 3)

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Unit 9. IBM Spectrum Virtualize host integration



‡ Describe the concept of host integration

‡ Summarize the requirements for
establishing a Fibre Channel connection

‡ Summarize the requirements for

establishing an iSCSI connection

‡ Recall the procedures to define a host


‡ Differentiate between cluster and host


‡ Identify the characteristics of the N-Port

ID Virtualization


Figure 9-83. Summary

Having completed this unit, you should be able to:

• Describe the concept of host integration.
• Summarize the requirements for establishing a Fibre Channel host connection.
• Summarize the requirements for establishing an Ethernet host connection.
• Recall the procedures to define a host object.
• Differentiate between cluster and host object.
• Identify the characteristics of the N-Port ID Virtualization.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data

reduction technologies
Estimated time

This module provides an overview of the IBM Spectrum Virtualize advanced software functions
designed to deliver storage efficiency and optimize storage asset investments. The topics include
data reduction pool technologies, volume capacity savings using Thin Provisioned virtualization,
and storage capacity utilization efficiency with the achievement of RACE Compression.

How you will check your progress

• Checkpoint
• Hands-on exercises

Implementing IBM Storwize V7000 with IBM Spectrum Virtualize V8.2.1

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies



‡ Define the concept of data reduction


‡ Differentiate among fully allocated, Thin-

Provisioned, compressed and
deduplicated volumes in terms of storage
capacity allocation and consumption

‡ Recall steps to create thin-provisioned

volumes and monitor volume capacity
utilization of autoexpand volumes

‡ Categorize IBM Spectrum Virtualize

hardware resources required for


Figure 10-1. Objectives

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

• Define the concept of data reduction technologies.
• Differentiate among fully allocated, Thin-Provisioned, compressed and deduplication volumes
in terms of storage capacity allocation and consumption
• Recall steps to create thin-provisioned volumes and monitor volume capacity utilization of
autoexpand volumes.
• Categorize IBM Spectrum Virtualize hardware resources required for Compression.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Spectrum Virtualize: Thin Provisioning

• Data Reduction overview

• Thin Provisioning
• RACE Compression
• DRP Compression


Figure 10-2. Spectrum Virtualize: Thin Provisioning

This topic identifies the data reduction technologies used to reduce the amount of capacity required
to store data.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Defining data reduction

‡ Data reduction is a set of techniques for reducing the amount of physical storage required to store

Thin Provisioning Capacity is allocated on demand as data

is written to storage

Compression Data is compressed before being

written to storage

De-Duplication Duplicates of data are detected and are

replaced with references to first copy


Figure 10-3. Defining data reduction

Data reduction is a set of techniques for reducing the amount of physical storage required to store
data. There are three types of data reduction technologies that can be implemented.
Thin provisioning in which capacity is allocated on demand as data is written to storage.
Compression in which data is compressed before being written to storage.
Deduplication, in which duplicates of data are detected and are replaced with references to first
copy, and is supported in Data Reduction Pools (DRPs) on a volume basis.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Spectrum Virtualize: Thin Provisioning

• Data Reduction overview

• Thin Provisioning
• RACE Compression
• DRP Compression


Figure 10-4. Spectrum Virtualize: Thin Provisioning

This topic discusses the concept and attributes of Thin-Provision volumes.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Thin Provisioning concept

; Defining Thin-provisioned volumes:

‡ Extent space-efficient volumes
‡ Enhances utilization efficiency of physical storage capacity
‡ Enables just-in-time capacity deployment
‡ Aligns application growth with its storage capacity growth
‡ Facilitates more frequent copies/backups while minimizing capacity consumption

; Virtualized Thin-provisioned volumes:

‡ Available to all storage pools
‡ Available to ALL attaching storage systems
‡ Available as standard feature


Without thin provisioning, pre-allocated With thin provisioning, applications

space is reserved whether the can grow dynamically, but only consume
application uses it or not space they are actually using


Figure 10-5. Thin Provisioning concept

Thin provisioning function is to extends storage utilization efficiency to all supported IBM storage
systems by allocating disk storage space in a flexible manner among multiple users, based on the
minimum space required by each user at any given time.
With thin-provisioning, storage administrators can also benefit from reduced consumption of
electrical energy because less hardware space is required, and enable more frequent recovery
points of data to be taken (point in time copies) without a commensurate increase in storage
capacity consumption.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Fully allocated versus Thin-Provision volumes

Extent 9
Extent 8 Fully allocated vDisk -entire
Extent 7 LBA range allocated at creation
Extent 6
5 GB Extent 5
Extent 4
Extent 3
Extent 2
Extent 1 Warning threshold
Extent 0
for pool free space
pool LBAn
Extent 3 Example extent
LBAn Extent 2 size 512 MB
Extent 1
Real Extent 0
Capacity 5 GB LBA0

Space efficient vDisk -LBA range allocated in

LBA0 grain size increments based on write activity


Figure 10-6. Fully allocated versus Thin-Provision volumes

Thin-Provision volumes are sequential volume types that can be created either as fully allocated or
thin-provisioned. Thin-provisioned volumes creates two capacities: virtual and real.
Thin-provisioned volume creates an additional layer of virtualization. This layer gives the
appearance of storage as traditionally provisioned, having more physical resources than are
actually available. Note that thin volumes grow in grain size increments, and when an extent is filled
with grains, then the volume grows in the number of extents allocated from the disk pool.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Thin Provision total transparency

Host sees the ‡ Thin Provisioned volume is a space efficient volume
volume size of ƒ Preserving host access transparency
50 GB í Host maintains read/write access

LBAn Virtual


rsize parm

Physical storage
used is 25 GB


Figure 10-7. Thin Provision total transparency

From the host perspective, it see only the full volume or logical disk size that it has access to,
therefore any changes to the rsize increase is transparent to the host. This also means the actual
data can be moved or replicated to another pool with in the system without affecting the operation
of any application. When the data has been copied or moved, the meta-data is updated to point to
the new location.
This is the magic of IBM Spectrum virtualize from the perspective of the virtualized storage (actually
extent pointers), which affords the freedom of changing the storage infrastructure without host
impact; and the opportunity to exploit newer technology to optimize storage efficiency for better
returns on storage investments.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Creating a thin provisioned volume

‡ Thin provisioned volumes can be created using
any of the GUI presets
ƒ Specify the pool where volumes will be sourced by
ƒ Specify the parameter in which volume must be
í Volume capacity unit of measurement (bytes, KB, MB,
GB, or TB)

ƒ Specify Thin-provisioned as a the capacity savings

‡ Created with two capacities:
ƒ Virtual capacity that is presented to hosts/ Copy
Services (FlashCopy and Metro/Global Mirror)
ƒ Real capacity pre-allocated buffer Real and Virtual


Figure 10-8. Creating a thin provisioned volume

Thin-provision volumes can be created using any of the GUI presets using the same procedural
steps as any other volume created within the management GUI Create Volumes wizard. We are
using the basic quick option which provides predefined settings. When creating a thin provisioned
volume, you need to change the Capacity savings to thin-provisioned.
A thin-provisioned volume is created with different virtual capacity and a real capacity, which are
shown in the Summary. Virtual capacity is the volume capacity that is presented to hosts and other
Copy Services such as FlashCopy and Metro/Global Mirror.
Real capacity is what is actually allocated to the volume, and which starts with a user specified
-rsize buffer space which by default is 2% of the volume capacity, so keeping that pre-allocated free
space as data is written to the volume. In the example of a 50 GB volume, 2% or 1 GB is
pre-allocated and 1 GB of free pre-allocated space is kept on the volume as it grows.
Consequentially the system doesn't have to wait to allocate space to the volume before writing to
that storage.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Thin provision mkvdisk command

• Thin-provisioned volume is created using the mkvdisk command
svctask mvdisk –autoexpand –grainsize 256 –mdiskgrp 0 –name ThinVol1
–rsize 2% -size 53687091200 –unit b –warning 80%
The volume (ID 0) was successfully created.
• Thin provisioned volume specifications:
ƒ autoexpand automatically expands the volume up to its virtual size, and keeps a
-rsize buffer of free space in the volume.
ƒ grainsize affects the maximum virtual capacity by allocating space in chunks (32
KB, 64 KB, 128 KB, or 256 KB default
௅ Larger gain sizes produce better performance
ƒ rsize (real size) parameter specifies the percentage of capacity to keep as pre-
allocated space
ƒ warning 80% is a warning threshold to notify an administrator when volume has
reached the specified threshold

Figure 10-9. Thin provision mkvdisk command

For a thin provisioned volume, the management GUI generates the mkvdisk command. This
command defines the unique specifications in which a thin-provisioned volume performs:
• By default the volume is set to autoexpand, a feature that prevents a thin-provisioned volume
from using up its capacity and going offline
• The grainsize role is to affect the maximum virtual capacity by allocating space in chunks (32
KB, 64 KB, 128 KB, or 256 KB which is the default).
• The rsize 2% is a default parameter that specifies the percentage of capacity to keep as free
pre-allocated space, and otherwise doesn’t apply to volumes in DRPs
• The warning 80% is a warning threshold to notify an administrator when the volume has
reached 80% of its virtual size, to help the administrator from running out of space in the pool,
when provisioning more VDisk space than exists in the pool.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Thin provision limitations of virtual capacity





Figure 10-10. Thin provision limitations of virtual capacity

A few factors (extent and grain size) limit the virtual capacity of thin-provisioned volumes beyond
the factors that limit the capacity of regular volumes.
The first table shows the maximum thin provisioned volume virtual capacities for an extent size. The
second table shows the maximum thin provisioned volume virtual capacities for a grain size.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Thin-Provision metadata management

• Small amount of the real capacity is used for initial metadata
ƒ Metadata directory stored with volume data
• Directory in IBM storage system cache based on volume read/write activity
ƒ RAID full stripe writes for thin volumes no matter what grain size
í Smaller granularities can save more space, but they have larger directories




Figure 10-11. Thin-Provision metadata management

The directory of metadata and user data shares the real capacity allotment of the volume. When an
thin volume is initially created, the volume has no real data stored. However, a small amount of the
real capacity is used for metadata, which it uses to manage space allocation and keeps track of
where volume data resides. The metadata holds information about extents and volume blocks
already allocated. Once a new write causes a grain to be allocated and used, the metadata is
updated and the volume is expanded to keep the buffer of free space. This metadata that is used
for thin provisioning allows the IBM storage system to determine whether new extents have to be
allocated or not.
Here are a few examples:
• If the volume default grain size is 256 KB, then 256 KB within the allocated real capacity is
marked as used, for the 512 blocks of 512 bytes each, spanning the LBA range in response to
this write I/O request.
• If a subsequent write I/O request is to an LBA within the previously allocated 256 KB, the I/O
proceeds as usual since its requested location is within the prior allocated 256 KB.
• If a subsequent write I/O request is to an LBA outside the range of a previously grain, then
another grain is allocated to the volume.
All three of these write examples consult and might update the metadata directory. Read requests
also need to consult the same directory. Consequently, the volume’s directory is highly likely to be
IBM storage system cache-resident while I/Os are active on the volume.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Best practices: Monitoring thin-provisioned capacity

• Setup a warning threshold for the volume so it doesn't fill up
• Setup a warning threshold for the pool

Volume goes offline when capacity
attempting to allocate used
beyond the virtual size, of if
the pool runs out of space. Threshold alerts
Threshold alerts
as sent the
sent to the


Figure 10-12. Best practices: Monitoring thin-provisioned capacity

To avoid exhausting the real capacity, you can enable the warning threshold on thin-provisioned
volumes to send alerts to an administrator by using email or an SNMP trap. The administrator can
then (if warranted) increase real capacity and/or virtual capacity. The warning threshold is set via
the GUI or via the CLI using the -warning parameter of mkvdisk. Similarly, one can set a warning
threshold for a disk pool using the GUI or the CLI using the -warning parameter of the mkmdiskgrp
command. Otherwise, the thin volume goes offline if it runs out of space.
When the warning threshold is exceeded, a message is added to the event log (default is 80%).
When the virtual capacity of a thin-provisioned volume is changed, the warning threshold is
automatically scaled to match. The new threshold is stored as a percentage.
Each thin provisioned volume it's own emergency capacity, which is typical 1% or 10% emergency
capacity per volume, depending on the type of volume. The dedicated emergency capacity allows
the volume stay online for anywhere between minutes to days depending upon the volume change
rate, before everything starts going offline. However this type of modification is considered
advanced usage and therefore is not available in the GUI.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Convert fully allocated volume to thin-provisioned

Reclaim unused space among existing volumes

5 GB 5 GB
the fully allocated Volume 00000000000free diet thin
volume can be
Fully allocated Thin-Provisioned

Existing data volumes: Go BLUE!

(removes grain-sized strings of zeros)
‡ Reclaims allocated but unused capacity
‡ Optimizes capacity utilization across storage tiers
ƒ Can become thin during tier migration
‡ Allows image mode thin volumes to remain thin


Figure 10-13. Convert fully allocated volume to thin-provisioned

In an analogous manner, fully allocated volumes can be converted to Thin-Provisioned by using

Spectrum Virtualize Volume Mirroring to add a Thin-Provisioned copy. After synchronization
completes, you can free up extents by deleting the fully allocated volume copy (copy 0) data in the
source pool.
During the synchronization process, grains containing only zeros are not stored (do not use real
There is no recommendation for thin-provisioned volumes. The performance of thin-provisioned
volumes depends on what is used in the particular environment. For the best performance, use fully
allocated volumes instead of thin-provisioned volumes, when the application performance is based
on assumptions about data placement within volumes.
However, for host volumes with lots of the volume space occupied by deleted files (not filled with
zeros), it's not possible for Spectrum Virtualize to zero out the deleted files. To recover this space,
create a new volume (fully allocated, thin, compressed and or deduplicated) map it to the host, and
have the host administrator copy the active data to the new volume. Then the old volume along with
its deleted, but on disk, data can be reclaimed by the Spectrum Virtualize administrator.
As the data ages and become less active, it might be worthwhile to migrate it to a lower cost
storage tier; and at the same time release the allocated but unused capacity.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Spectrum Virtualize: RACE Compression

• Data Reduction overview

• Thin Provisioning
• RACE Compression
• DRP Compression


Figure 10-14. Spectrum Virtualize: RACE Compression

In this topic, we discuss how RACE Compression works in an IBM storage system environment.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


RACE Compression


Figure 10-15. RACE Compression

As the industry needs continue grow, the demand for data compression must be fast, reliable, and
scalable. The compression must occur without affecting the production use of the data at any time.
In addition, the data compression solution must also be easy to implement.
Based on these industry requirements, IBM offers IBM RACE Compression, a combination of a
lossless data compression algorithm with a RACE technology.
The RACE compression offering is advertised as having no performance impact for good reason.
Write I/Os aren't affected because an acknowledgment is sent to the host once the data is in write
cache on Spectrum Virtualize, and compression occurs later below the write cache in the I/O stack.
While the system adds latency to decompress the data for reads, the fact that we're transferring
less data usually reduces the latency more than decompression adds to it. This is especially true for
spinning disks. Additional processor cycles are required, and often hardware accelerators are used
for it.
RACE compression only applies to compressed volumes in standard storage pools (not DRPs).
DRP pools use a different compression algorithm, though both compression algorithms use any
compression chips either integrated on the system board or added as adapter cards in the nodes.
IBM is transitioning from RACE to DRP compression.
Both RACE and DRP compression trade off the costs of processor cycles and compression
licensing to save storage space.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Spectrum Virtualize RACE Compression delivers efficiency

‡ RACE Compression operates immediately ‡ RACE Compression builds on storage
and is easy to manage efficiency advantages of Spectrum virtualize
ƒ No need to schedule periods to run post- ƒ RACE delivers 50% or better compression for
process compression data that is not already compressed

ƒ Eliminates need to reserve space for ‡ Compression can help freeze storage growth
uncompressed data waiting post-processing or delay need for additional purchases
‡ IBM RACE Compression supports all ‡ IBM RACE Compression can be used with
Spectrum Virtualize / FlashSystem / active primary data
Storwize V7K storage
ƒ High performance compression supports
ƒ &RPSUHVVGDWDIRUDQ\LQWHUQDORUH[WHUQDO workloads off-limits to other alternatives
ƒ Greater compression benefits through use on
more types of data
ƒ Can significantly enhance value of existing
ƒ No performance impact
storage assets


Figure 10-16. Spectrum Virtualize RACE Compression delivers efficiency

IBM RACE Compression offers innovative, easy-to-use compression that is fully integrated to
support active primary workloads:
• Provides high performance compression of active primary data
▪ Supports workloads off-limits to other alternatives
▪ Expands candidate data types for compression
▪ Derives greater capacity gains due to more eligible data types
• Operates transparently and immediately for ease of management
▪ Eliminates need to schedule post-process compression
▪ Eliminates need to reserve space for uncompressed data pending post-processing
• Enhances and prolongs value of existing storage assets
▪ Increases operational effectiveness and capacity efficiency; optimizing back-end cache and
data transfer efficacy
▪ Delays the need to procure additional storage capacity; deferring additional capacity-based
software licensing
• Supports both internal and externally virtualized storage
▪ Compresses up to 512 volumes per I/O group (v7.3 code).
▪ Exploits the thin-provisioned volume framework

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Compression embedded architecture

SCSI Target
• Compression embedded into the Thin
Replication Provisioning layer
Upper Cache ƒ Compressed volumes are also thin volumes

FlashCopy • An organic part of the IBM Spectrum

Volume Mirroring Virtualize stack

Thin Provisioning Compression • Seamlessly integrates with existing system
Reduction management design
Lower Cache
Log Virtualization Easy Tier ƒ Provides an indication of how much
Forwarding uncompressed data has been written to the
Initiator Initiator • All of IBM storage system / Spectrum
Virtualize advanced functions are supported
IOs to storage controllers
on compressed volumes

Figure 10-17. Compression embedded architecture

When considering storage virtualization, it is important to understand that virtualization can be

implemented at various layers within the input/output (I/O) stack.
Both RACE and DRP compression work with EasyTier, monitoring I/O for compressed data on an
extent basis.
Both thin-provisioned and mirrored volumes are implemented in the I/O stack below the upper
cache and Copy Services. Neither the host application servers nor Copy Services functions are
aware of these types of special volumes. Therefore, they are seen as normal created volumes, and
For compressed volumes, the host servers and Copy Services operate with uncompressed data.
Compression occurs on the fly in the Thin Provisioning layer so that physical storage is only
consumed by compressed data. Note that compressed volumes are always thin volumes as well.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Traditional compression

+RVWXSGDWHVHTXHQFH • Data compression is location-based

 • Must locate repetition of bytes within a

given chuck of data to be compressed
• Must detect and calculate the repetition
7UDGLWLRQDOFRPSUHVVLRQ /RFDWLRQ bytes that are stored in the same chuck
 :LQGRZ ƒ Locating all bytes might yield a lower
compression ratio



Figure 10-18. Traditional compression

Traditional data compression is location-based. It compresses data by locating repetitions of bytes

within a given chunk of data to be compressed. The compression ratio is affected by how
repetitions can be detected and how much these bytes stored in the same chunk are related. The
relationship between bytes is affected by the format of the object (for example, text and graphics
embedded together); which might yield a lower compression ratio.
This example shows how the data is split into fixed-size chunks. With this approach, each chunk
gets compressed independently into variable-length compressed chunks. The resulting
compressed chunks are stored sequentially in the compressed output.
However, there are drawbacks to this approach. An update to a chunk requires a read of the chunk
followed by a recompression of the chunk to include the update. The larger the chunk size chosen,
the heavier the I/O penalty to recompress the chunk. If a small chunk size is chosen, the
compression ratio is reduced, because the repetition detection potential is reduced.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


RACE innovation: Temporal locality compression

+RVWXSGDWHVHTXHQFH • RACE: Dynamic compression of data

 written temporally (around the same
 time); not according to physical location

• Temporal locality adds time dimension
to live application data access patterns
• RACE compression innovation:
)DFLOLWDWHVon the fly
GDWDFRPSUHVVLRQ ƒ Achieves higher compression ratios
ƒ Enables advanced read ahead
ƒ Obtains superior decompression efficiency


Figure 10-19. RACE innovation: Temporal locality compression

IBM RACE offers an innovation leap by incorporating a time-of-data-access dimension into the
compression algorithm called temporal compression. When host writes arrive, multiple compressed
writes are aggregated into a fixed size chunk called a compressed block. These writes are likely to
originate from the same application and same data type, thus more repetitions can usually be
detected by the compression algorithm.
Due to the time-of-access dimension of temporal compression (instead of creating different
compressed chunks each with its unique compression dictionaries) RACE compression causes
related writes to be compressed together using a single dictionary; yielding a higher compression
ratio as well as faster subsequent retrieval access.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Example of a compression using a sliding window

‡ Zip and Gzip are the most common use of compression utilities

Repetitions of data are

detected within the sliding
window history, most often
32 kilobytes (KB)

Repetitions outside of the

window cannot be reduced in
size unless data is repeated
when window slides to the
next 32 KB


Figure 10-20. Example of a compression using a sliding window

The most compression is probably most known to users because of the widespread use of
compression utilities, such as Zip and Gzip. At a high level, these utilities take a file as their input,
and parse the data by using a sliding window technique. Repetitions of data are detected within the
sliding window history, most often 32 kilobytes (KB). Repetitions outside of the window cannot be
referenced. Therefore, the file cannot be reduced in size unless data is repeated within the window.
This example shows compression that using a sliding window, where the first two repetitions of the
string “ABCDEF” fall within the same compression window, and can therefore be compressed using
the same dictionary. However, the third repetition of the string falls outside of this window, and
cannot, therefore, be compressed using the same compression dictionary as the first two
repetitions, reducing the overall achieved compression ratio.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Compression from host and copy services perspective

‡ Host writes are compressed as it passes through
compression algorithm
ƒ Writes are acknowledged immediately after received
by the write cache (Upper Cache)
ƒ Only uses physical storage to store compressed data Data
ƒ Volume can be built from a pool using internal or through Random
external MDisks the RACE Compression
Engine Engine
í Both use less physical space on disk than is presented to
the host

Compresses volume
in storage device


Figure 10-21. Compression from host and copy services perspective

As part of its staging, data passes through the compression engine, and is then stored in
compressed format onto the storage pool. This means that the write of each host is compressed as
it passes through the compression algorithm. Therefore, the physical storage is only consumed by
compressed volume.
Writes are therefore acknowledged immediately after received by the write cache, with
compression occurring as part of the staging to internal or external physical storage.
While latency is added to reads from compressed volume, as it goes through the decompression
code stack, this increase in latency is offset by reduced latency resulting from reading less data and
transferring less data from the storage.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Compression enhancements
‡ Compression enhancements:
ƒ Offers hardware-assisted compression acceleration
ƒ Compressed data in bottom cache uses less cache
ƒ RAID Full stripe writes for compressed volumes
ƒ Support larger number of compressed volumes
‡ Supports up to two compression accelerator cards:
ƒ Installed in dedicated slots
ƒ An I/O group with 4 compression accelerator cards can support up to RACE 512 compressed
volumes or 10,000 DRP compressed volumes


Figure 10-22. Compression enhancements

Some Spectrum Virtualize systems require the optional Compression Accelerator cards to support
compression. One can add up to two Compression Accelerator cards per node, depending on the
Spectrum Virtualize system model. Whether required or not, adding Compression Accelerator
cards increases the number of volumes that can be compressed. For example, external storage
systems and IBM FlashSystems supporting 18 TB (large capacity) flash modules must have the
compression hardware installed to support compressed volume. Enabling compression does not
affect non-compressed host to disk I/O performance.
It is strongly recommended to place Compression Accelerator cards into their dedicated slots. An
I/O group with 4 Compression Acceleration Cards can support up to 512 volumes, where as an
8-node cluster with four (4) I/O groups can support as many as 2048 compressed volumes.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


RACE Compression license

‡ RACE Compression offers a 45 day free trial license of compression function
ƒ Compression cards must be installed in both nodes in an I/O group.
ƒ IBM storage system requires IBM RACE Compression license.
í Part of the base license, which entitles all of the licensed functions, such as Virtualization, FlashCopy,
Global Mirror, and Metro Mirror, and RACE Compression
ƒ RACE Compression license is capacity-based
ƒ Click the Settings icon and select System > Licensing to apply virtual capacity amount

For CLI, run

chlicense -
compression 2


Figure 10-23. RACE Compression license

IBM storage system requires a specify RACE Compression License. This license might be part of a
base license packaging that entitles the IBM storage system to all of the licensed functions, such as
Virtualization, FlashCopy, Global Mirror, and Metro Mirror, and RACE Compression. RACE
Compression is licensed by capacity, per terabyte of virtual data.
IBM authorizes existing IBM storage system customers to evaluate the potential benefits of RACE
Compression capability based on their own specific environment and application workloads for free
using it’s the Free Evaluation 45 Days Program. However, before you can use the RACE
Compression 45 days trail period, storage system must be running at the IBM Spectrum Virtualize
software version 7.4 or later and two RACE Compression Compression Accelerator cards installed.
The 45 days evaluation period begins when the you enable the RACE Compression function. At the
end of the evaluation period, the you must either purchase the required licenses for RACE
Compression or disable the function.
You can also apply the compression license using CLI by entering the total number of terabytes of
virtual capacity that is licensed for compression. For example, run chlicense -compression 200.
When ordering Compression Accelerator cards, one should have the same number of cards in
each node in an I/O group in case of node failure so both nodes can access compressed volumes.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Changing volume type

‡ Volumes type can be dynamically changed using Volume Mirroring - any type to any other type
‡ Totally transparent to host operations
‡ Procedure:
ƒ Right click on volume and Add Volume Copy
ƒ Select volume type desired
ƒ Wait for volume sync
ƒ Delete original copy
Fully-allocated mirror Compressed
or Thin-provisioned volume
Copy 0 Copy 1

Only non-zero blocks copied


Figure 10-24. Changing volume type

You can easily and transparently convert from one volume type to another (with an exception for
converting from RACE compressed volumes to DRP compressed/deduplicated volumes). You can
simply right click on a volume to create a volume copy and then specify the volume type, and once
the two copies are synchronized, we can delete the original copy.
For customers migrating from RACE compression to DRP compression, there are certain
limitations that apply:
- RACE compressed volumes can only reside in standard storage pools, and DRP compressed
volumes can only reside in DRPs
- One cannot have RACE compressed volumes and DRP deduplicated volumes in the same I/O
group at the same time.
- One cannot have RACE compressed volumes and DRP compressed volumes in the same I/O
group at the same time except for certain Spectrum Virtualize models with compression hardware
either integrated into the system board or via compression accelerator cards
In cases where the system doesn’t have compression hardware, alternative methods exist, such as
uncompressing the volumes prior to migration.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Creating a compressed volume (1 of 3)

• Select the Custom preset for a modified view
ƒ Specify the pool where volumes will be sourced
by extents
• Specify the virtual capacity
• Specify a volume name
ƒ Optionally choose the caching I/O group,
preferred node, and the access I/O groups
ƒ Specify Compressed as the capacity savings


Figure 10-25. Creating a compressed volume (1 of 3)

Compressed volumes are configured in the same manner as the other preset volumes. Just as the
thin-provisioned volumes, you can use any preset to create a compressed volume, however, the
custom preset provides a modified view of all the specifications in which a compressed volume
The accessible I/O groups, are those from whose ports a host can access the volume, and is a form
of storage LUN masking. By default, a host can access a volume only through the caching I/O

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Creating a compressed volume (2 of 3)

‡ Compressed volumes preset options are
almost identical to thin-provisioned
ƒ Compressed volumes do not have externally
controlled grain size


Figure 10-26. Creating a compressed volume (2 of 3)

Compressed volumes have the same characteristics as thin provisioned volumes, the defaults are
almost identical. You can accept the defaults or modify the rsize, autoexpand, and warning
threshold settings. The preferred settings are to set rsize to 2%, and set warning to 80%. The only
difference between the two presets is the grain size attribute. Compressed volumes do not have an
externally controlled grain size. The enabled cache mode specifics the read/write caching options
for the volume, and the unit device identifier (UDID) that is used by OpenVMS hosts to identify the

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Creating a compressed volume (3 of 3)

• Created with two capacities:
ƒ Virtual capacity that is presented to hosts
ƒ A real capacity buffer for new data to be
allocated from the storage pool
• RACE Compression is activated when the
first compressed volume is created
ƒ Deactivated when the last compressed volume
is removed from the I/O group


Figure 10-27. Creating a compressed volume (3 of 3)

The summary view shows the volume parameters and capacities that are being created. Like the
thin provisioned volume, the compressed volume is created with different virtual capacity and a real
capacity. During the creation, the compression engine immediately creates the compressed
volume's minimal metadata and header. Therefore, the used size is larger than the before
compression size.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Compression mkvdisk command

• Thin-provisioned volume is created using the mkvdisk command
svctask mvdisk –autoexpand –cache readwrite –compressed
-mdiskgrp 0 –name CompVol1 –rsize 2% -size 53687091200 –unit b –warning 80%
The volume (ID 0) was successfully created.

• Thin provisioned volume specifications:

ƒ autoexpand expands the volume keeping a specified -rsize buffer of free space until the
volume is fully allocated
ƒ cache readwrite specifies the caching options for the volume which is enabled by default
ƒ compressed specifies that the volume is to be created compressed
ƒ rsize (real size) parameter acts as a buffer to increase the virtual capacity
ƒ warning 80% is a warning threshold to notify an administrator when volume has reached the
specified threshold


Figure 10-28. Compression mkvdisk command

The management GUI generates the mkvdisk command to create a compressed volume. This
command defines the unique attributes of the compressed volume:
• By default the volume is set to autoexpand, expands the volume as data is written, to ensure
there's a -rsize buffer of free space for new data until the volume is fully allocated.
• Cache readwrite specifies the caching options for the volume which is enabled by default. If
cache is disabled, then readonly disables write caching but still allows read caching for a
• The -compressed parameter specifies that the volume is to be created compressed. Therefore
data is compressed when it is written and stored on the disk.
• A volume is owned by an I/O group and is assigned a preferred node within the I/O group at
volume creation. Unless overridden, the preferred node of a volume is assigned in round robin
fashion by the system. If the -iogrp parameter is not specified, the least used I/O group is
used for compressed copies (considering the subset of I/O groups that support compression).
• The rsize 2% is a default parameter that specifies the buffer size for which capacity is to be
increased on the volume.
• The warning 80% is a warning threshold to notify an administrator when the volume has
reached the specified threshold percentage.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies



Compressed volumes are supported with Easy Tier since V7


Figure 10-29. Compressed volume copy details

A compressed volume is also a striped volume, and its extents are distributed across the MDisks of
the pool. Since the volume was created in a Hybrid (CHILD) pool, its extents are being sourced
from the mdiskgrp0 (Parent) pool in this example. In this example, the compressed volume
FA1-COMP resides in child pool FA1-Hybrid, which resides in parent pool mdiskgrp0.
The Volume Allocation capacity bar has been updated with the allocation of the FA1-COMP volume
copies (fully allocated and compressed). As the volume synchronization process continues, the
pool allocation will be show an increase as the volume is synchronized, then a decrease when the
original non-compressed volume copy is deleted.
The Compression Savings capacity reflects the total amount of compressed savings at the pool
level. It will also show an incline and decline in the compression savings during the volume
synchronization process. Once complete, it will only reflect the capacity used for metadata and the
compressed bytes of the compressed volume. After the volume synchronization is complete, the
fully allocated volume will be deleted.
IBM Easy Tier (v7.1 release) supports compressed volumes. Only random read operations are
monitored for compressed volumes (versus both reads and writes). Extents with high random reads
(64 K or smaller) of compressed volumes are eligible to be migrated to tier 0 storage.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Compressed volume
Compression done by
volume’s preferred

Host see the fully

allocated 50 GB volume

Host reads and writes are

handled as normal IOs


Figure 10-30. Compressed volume

An IBM storage system can increase the effective capacity of your flash storage up to 5 times using
IBM RACE Compression. Compression requires dedicated hardware resources within the nodes
which are assigned or de-assigned when compression is enabled or disabled. Compression is
enabled whenever the first compressed volume in an I/O group is created and is disabled when the
last compressed volume is removed from the I/O group.
Compression CPU utilization can be monitored from Monitoring > Performance. Use the
drop-down list to select and view CPU utilization data of the preferred node of the volume.
Behind the scene, compression is managed by the preferred node of the volume. As data is written,
it is compressed on the fly by the preferred node before written to the storage pool. A compressed
volume appears a standard volume with its full capacity to the attaching host system. Host reads
and writes are handled as normal I/O. As write activity occurred, compression statistics are updated
for the volume.
Note the MB/s for VDisks is much higher than the MB/s for MDisks, indicating the compression
results in transferring less data to and from storage, as compared to the data to and from the host.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Types of compression ratios

Data Source Compression Savings

Databases 50-80%

Server/Desktop Virtualization 40-75%

Seismic Data 40-70%

Engineering Data 50-80%

E-mail 30-80%


Figure 10-31. Types of compression ratios

Not all workloads are good candidates for compression. The best candidates are data types that
are not compressed by design. These data types involve many workloads and applications such as
databases, character/ASCII based data, email systems, server virtualization infrastructures,
CAD/CAM, software development systems, and vector data.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Integrated comprestimator
‡ Provides native data economics with Comprestimator in the GUI
ƒ Analyzes the patterns of the actual customer data, and estimate the compressibility of actual customer
data per volume
ƒ Avoids the need to install Comprestimator in a separate location
‡ To estimate compression savings, right-click on the volume and select Volume Copy Actions >
Space Savings > Estimate Compression Savings
‡ Generates the analyzevdiskbsystem command to determine the compressing savings for the


Figure 10-32. Integrated comprestimator

RACE Compression is a key differentiator of the IBM Spectrum Virtualize products, and
Comprestimator is its key sizing tool to estimate how much capacity savings the customer can
The integration of Comprestimator in IBM Spectrum Virtualize software eases the process of
estimating capacity savings by having this sizing tool integrated in system. This avoids the need to
install Comprestimator, and enables estimates of RACE Compression effectiveness to analyze the
patterns of the actual customer data, and estimate the compressibility of actual customer data per
volume. To estimate compression savings in the management GUI, select the volume and the
select Action > Space Savings > Estimate Compression Savings. This can also be implemented by
right-click on the volume. The system generates an analyzevdiskbsystem command which
automatically analyzes your confirmation to determine the potential storage savings if compression
was enabled. The management GUI incorporates the Comprestimator utility that used
mathematical and statistical algorithms to create potential compression savings for the volume.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Comprestimator: Compression benefits


Download tool and documentation Supported host OS’s:

http://www- • AIX, SUSE, HP-UX, Linux (Red Hat, SUSE, and Ubuntu), Solaris
Comprestimator: • IBM i series through VIOS host
• Identify compression candidates • ESXi
• Windows (32/64-bit)
• Runs on hosts that have access to candidate
volumes to be compressed
• Samples (reads, no writes) existing volume content
to analyze potential compression savings
• Provides an estimated compression savings range

Figure 10-33. Comprestimator: Compression benefits

Use the IBM Comprestimator Utility to evaluate data on existing volumes for potential benefits of
compression. Implement compression for data with an expected compression ratio of 45% or
Do not attempt to compress data that is already compressed or with low compression ratios. They
consume more processor and I/O resources with small capacity savings.
The Comprestimator is a host based command line executable available from the IBM support
website. The utility and its documentation can also be found by performing a web search using the
key words ‘IBM Comprestimator’.
The Comprestimator supports a variety of host platforms. The utility runs on a host that has access
to the devices that will be analyzed, and performs only read operations so it has no effect
whatsoever on the data stored on the device.
Download the latest Comprestimator version 1.5.x.x to start analyzing expected compression
savings in accordance with IBM Spectrum Software Suite for XIV, Storwize V7000, SAN Volume
Controller (SVC) and FlashSystem V9000 storage systems.
Comprestimator users may want to consider taking measures to zero out deleted data to improve
the accuracy of the tool, and to free up that space for data reduction.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


IBM Comprestimator Utility

‡ Run over a block device ‡ Method
ƒ Can run on a single file as well ƒ Random sampling throughout the volume
‡ Estimates ƒ Collect enough non-zero samples to gain
desired confidence
ƒ Portion of non-zero blocks in the volume
‡ More zero blocks slower (takes more time to
ƒ Compression rate of non-zero blocks
find non-zero blocks)
‡ Performance
ƒ Runs FAST! < 60 seconds, no matter what
the volume size is
ƒ Provides accuracy level for the estimation:
~5 % max error


Figure 10-34. IBM Comprestimator Utility

The Comprestimator Utility is designed to provide a fast estimated compression rates for
block-based volumes that contain existing data. It uses random sampling of non-zero data on the
volume and mathematical analysis to estimate the compression ratio of existing data. By default, it
runs in less than 60 seconds (regardless of the volume size). Optionally, it can be invoked to run
longer and obtain more samples for an even better estimate of the compression ratio.
Given the Comprestimator is sampling existing data, the estimated compression ratio becomes
more accurate or meaningful for volumes that contain as much relevant active application data as
possible. Previously deleted old data on the volume or empty volumes not initialized with zeros are
subject to sampling and will affect the estimated compression ratio. It employs advanced
mathematical and statistical algorithms to efficiently perform read-only sampling and analysis of
existing data volumes owned by the given host. For each volume analyzed, it reports an estimated
compression capacity savings range; within an accuracy range of 5 percent.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


IBM Comprestimator for FlashSystems

• FlashSystem as a “Storage system type”
• Supported options for storage system type FLASHSYSTEM
ƒ Set the number of flash modules in the simulated system
--flash-modules N
ƒ Set the size of the flash modules in the simulated system
--flash-module-size [SMALL|MEDIUM|LARGE]


Figure 10-35. IBM Comprestimator for FlashSystems

IBM Comprestimator utilities has now incorporated FLASHSYSTEM as storage type to estimate
how much capacity savings the client can expect with RACE Compression.
With FlashSystems, users now have the ability to set the number of flash modules in the simulated
system using the --flash-modules N, and set the size of the flash modules in the simulated system
using the --flash-module-size [SMALL|MEDIUM|LARGE]

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


IBM Comprestimator Utility examples

• To execute the IBM Comprestimator tool, enter the following commands:
ƒ Type: cd \Software\Comprestimator
ƒ Type: comprestimator.exe –l
Where the –l parameter lists available disk numbers in Windows
• From the Command Prompt window, enter the Comprestimator –n X –p –s
(append with storage name) command
ƒ Where the –n X identifies the Windows disk number/module and –P requests the output to
be in easier to read paragraph format, and the -s is the storage system type (parameters
SVC (Storwize), XIV, or FLASHSYSTEM are supported)
C:\Software\COMPRESTIMATOR> Comprestimator.exe –n 4 –p –s SVC
Analysis started at 21/11/2017 16:26:34.556465

Device Name: 1&7f6ac24&0&36303053037363830324230303130394643

Sample #: 3400
Size<GB>: 50.0
Compressed Size<GB>: 10.6
Total Savings<GB>: 39.4
Total Savings: 78.7%
Compression Savings: 32.4%
Compression Accuracy Range: 5.0%
Thin Provisioning Savings: 68.8%

Figure 10-36. IBM Comprestimator Utility examples

The guideline for a volume to be considered as a good candidate is a compression savings of 45%
or more.
To execute the Comprestimator Utility, log into the server using an account with administrator
privileges. Open a Command Prompt with administrator rights (Run as Administrator). Run
Comprestimator with the Comprestimator –n X –p -s (append with storage system)
command. For Storwize systems, you will need to use SVC.
This example of an Comprestimator output for an SVC volume indicates that the real storage
capacity consumption for this volume would be reduced from 50 GB to 10.6 GB. This represents a
saving of 32.4% within an accuracy range of 5.0%. Only 68.5% of the capacity savings would be
derived from Thin-Provisioning.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


RACE Compression: Recommendations for implementation

Before using compressed volumes in production:
‡ Determine application/workload alignment with compression-friendly data types

‡ Review OS file system alignments to avoid misaligned I/Os

‡ Clone application workload environment to test and verify:

ƒ Validate compression meets application performance expectations

ƒ Assess impact to non-participating bystander applications

ƒ Review volume backup requirements and measure backup window duration

‡ Manage implementation on per I/O group basis

‡ IBM direction is to use DRP in preference to RtC

‡ RtC is NOT supported on newer hardware: FS9100, V7KG3, V5100, V5030E


Figure 10-37. RACE Compression: Recommendations for implementation

In addition to the above statements, recall compression is performed by the volume’s preferred
node. The preferred node is assigned in round-robin fashion within the I/O group as each volume is
created. Over time, as volumes are created and deleted, monitor and maintain the distribution of
compressed volumes across both nodes of the I/O group.
In the example scenarios of this unit, compressed volumes and non-compressed volumes share
the same storage pool. For certain configurations and environments, it might be beneficial to
segregate compressed volumes into a separate pool to minimize impact on non-compressed
volumes. Review your environment with your IBM support representative when activating RACE
Note that IBM’s direction is towards using DRPs rather than RtC. And the newer hardware listed
does not support RtC.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Spectrum Virtualize: Data Reduction Pool

• Data Reduction overview

• Thin Provisioning
• RACE Compression
• DRP Compression


Figure 10-38. Spectrum Virtualize: Data Reduction Pool

This topic discusses the data reduction pool to reduce the storage capacity.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Data reduction pool

‡ Data reduction pools offers immediate advantages:
ƒ Ability to free back unused (unmapped, or overwritten) capacity at a fine grain
ƒ Data writes to the pool are done sequentially taking advantage of RAID full stripe writes to a log
structured array
ƒ New implementation for thin provisioned and compressed volumes
± Supports up to 10, 000 compressed volumes per system
ƒ Provides consistent and predictable performance
ƒ Transparent to host applications




Figure 10-39. Data reduction pool

With the release of the IBM Spectrum Virtualize 8.1.2 introduces an architecture using a log
structured array for storing data such that updates are all written sequentially to storage and
benefiting from full RAID stripe writes. Meta-data exists in internal volumes in the pool to keep track
of the data's location.
Data reduction pools increase existing infrastructure capacity utilization by leveraging new
efficiency functions. The pools enable you to automatically de-allocate and reclaim capacity of
thin-provisioned volumes containing deleted data and, for the first time, enable this reclaimed
capacity to be reused by other volumes. The metadata keeps track of where data is in the pool.
With a new log-structured pool implementation, data reduction pools help deliver more consistent
performance from compressed volumes. Data reduction pools also support compressing all
volumes in a system, potentially extending the benefits of compression to all data in a system and
supports up to 10,000 compression volumes per system. This offers up to 3x better throughput for
compressed volumes, making it possible to compress more volumes and reduce storage costs.
Data reduction pools are completely transparent to host applications.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Mechanisms of data reduction pool

‡ CPUs
ƒ Data reduction uses same threads as main I/O process
ƒ No separate compression CPU utilization
ƒ No dedicated CPU cores for compression
‡ Memory
ƒ Data reduction shares memory with main I/O process
ƒ ~1GB memory taken from cache when data reduction is enabled
‡ Compression Hardware
ƒ Shared with existing RACE compression and compression for IP replication
ƒ DRP compression achieves up to 4.8GB/s per node (Compression card limit)


Figure 10-40. Mechanisms of data reduction pool

The previous RACE software engines required dedicated processors and memory. Data reduction
pools instead, share the Spectrum Virtualize processors and memory and use a more efficient
algorithm for compression allowing more volumes to be compressed. This means that is
achievement all the benefits of our multi-threaded processing, alone with custom memory
management and no dedicated hardware just for compression.
When a data reduction pool is enabled, it utilizes 1GB memory that is taken from the system cache.
This cache is primarily used data reduction pool metadata.
There are limitations regarding mixing DRP and RACE as follows:
• RACE compressed volumes can only reside in standard storage pools, and DRP compressed
volumes can only reside in DRPs.
• One cannot serve up RACE compressed volumes and DRP deduplicated volumes from the
same I/O group at the same time.
• One cannot serve up RACE compressed volumes and DRP compressed volumes from the
same I/O group at the same time except for specific models of Spectrum Virtualize systems with
appropriate compression hardware either integrated into the system board or via attached
compression accelerator cards.
This is mainly of concern to customers using RACE compression, and desiring to migrate to DRP
as IBM is transitioning to DRP and customers will benefit by doing so as well. The procedure to
migrate depends on one has the appropriate compression hardware or not to support mixed RACE
and DRP compression.
Data reduction pool can achieve up to 4.8 GB/s per node with the dedicated compression
hardware, and is slightly better with EasyTier than RACE Compression.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Data reduction internal management

Data Reduction
Pool view
Directory Volumes

Journal Customer Reverse

Data Lookup

‡ 4 Directory volumes
‡ 1 Customer data volume (per IO group)
‡ 1 Journal volume (per IO group)
‡ 1 Reverse Lookup volume (per IO group)


Figure 10-41. Data reduction internal management

In the example, we show a data reduction pool that has been created with four compressed
volumes. When a data reduction pool is created, it is created with the following I/O patterns: (for
other than fully allocated volumes):
• Four Directory volume that performs the volume Lookup and utilize 1% of the pool capacity.
▪ Short 4K random read/write I/Os
• One Customer data volume (per I/O group) maintains 98% of the pools capacity.
▪ Large sequential write I/Os, short random read I/Os
▪ Writes are 256kb into lower cache – merged into Full stripe writes
• One Journal volume (per I/O group) uses 2% of the pool capacity for recovery purposes, which
maintains a journal of all updates.
▪ Large sequential write I/Os typically 256k into lower cache, only read for recovery scenarios
such as T3 recovery.
• One Reverse Lookup volume (per I/O group) which uses 1% of the pool capacity to track what
is located on the physical storage, which is also used for garbage collection.
▪ Short semi-random read/write I/Os
With the release of Spectrum Virtualize V8.3, we have modified garbage collection to be function of
free capacity. This out-of-space behavior has been enhanced to avoid TTOs instead of graceful
offline events. Therefore, allowing garbage collection to operate at a lower rate below 85% capacity
utilization. With a less aggressive garbage collection means that it collect extents at a slower rate.
This, in turn, costs less write bandwidth and in turns, increases the performance. This may also
result in increased amount of reclaimable capacity. Above 85% utilization still operates at the

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies

current maximum level, which is collects more aggressively in order to ensure that the pool remains
online and has sufficient capacity.
While these meta-data volumes can be small, it’s recommended that DRPs be at least 20 TB in
size, with a sweet spot 100-200 TB in size. The minimum size for the meta-data and deduplication
tables which is about 1 TB. Thus, the benefits of DRPs are better as the storage pool gets larger.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


DRP supported volumes

Fully Allocated Thin Provisioned

Volumes Volumes De-duplication
Compressed De-duplication
and Compressed
Volumes Volumes*

Data Reduction pool

* Supported with IBM Spectrum Virtualize 8.1.3 and higher


Figure 10-42. DRP supported volumes

DRP technology allows you to create five types of volumes:

• Fully allocated, provides no storage efficiency, no overhead for the log structured array, with
write updates done in place. Further, host SCSI unmaps don’t free up space, though unmaps
can be passed to the backend storage which might be able to reclaim space.
• Thin-provisioned, provides some storage efficiency but no compression or deduplication.
Volume capacity is allocated on demand as data is written to storage.
• Thin and Compressed, in addition to on-demand space allocation, data is compressed before
being written to storage.
• Thin and Deduplicated, in addition to on-demand space allocation, duplicates of data blocks are
detected and are replaced with references to the first copy.
• Thin, Compressed and Deduplicated provides maximum storage efficiency and capacity
savings by combining both methods listed above.
With the IBM Spectrum Virtualize 8.1.3 software release, you can now have Fully Allocated, Thin
Provisioned, Compressed, De-duplicated and De-duplicated then Compressed volumes inside a
single Data Reduction Pool. Allowing you to mix and match, and not forcing the meta-data I/O
amplification on every volume on the system. This is also inline, so data is de-duplicated before it
reaches lower cache.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Existing volume types

Fully Thin
Allocated provisioned Compressed

Data Reduction
Storage Pool Volume mirroring
Storage Pool

Distributed RAID-6 Array


Figure 10-43. Existing volume types

Traditional or legacy storage pools have a fixed allocation unit of an extent. These storage pools
alone with the fully allocated volume, thin provisioned volumes and compressed volumes are still
IBM Spectrum Virtualize support nondisruptive data movement of data from traditional storage
spool to data reduction pools by using volume mirroring.
Random Access Compression Engine (RACE) compression and DRP compressed volumes can
coexist in the same I/O group, however deduplication is not supported in the same I/O group as
RACE compressed volumes. If the Spectrum Virtualize model doesn’t have compression
processors either built into the system board or via compression accelerator adapter cards, then
RtC and DRP compressed volumes are not supported at the same time in the same I/O group.
RACE Compression development advises against mixing data types within the same volume
whenever possible, e.g. don’t mix compressible data with uncompressible data on the same

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Data reduction pool compression I/O stack

Host Write I/O Host I/O

Split into chunks

8K Chunk 8K Chunk 8K Chunk 8K Chunk

Chunks compressed separately

Compressed Compressed Compressed Compressed

Data Data Data Data

Compressed data is grouped into 256K blocks and written to storage


Figure 10-44. Data reduction pool compression I/O stack

With data reduction pools comes a revised architecture of compression with the implementation of
8 KB blocks (also referred to as 8 KB chunks) versus the 32 KB block size RACE compression
used. This is more efficient for flash storage.
In the example, the host writes to the disk, data is split up into fine grains of 8K chunks. Smaller 8K
chunk allows for less compression bandwidth for small I/Os read workloads. Previously, with RACE
1.0, you would build at least 64KB of data, compress that to 32KB and then save that.
Next, the 8K chucks are then compressed individually. Finally, the 8K chucks of compressed data
are then grouped into 256K blocks and written to the lower cache on to the storage. With the log
structured array to hold customer data, this results in large block sequential writes to disk, which
take advantage of RAID full stripe writes avoiding most of the RAID 5 and RAID 6 write penalty.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


IBM Spectrum Virtualize I/O stack

‡ Data reduction pool uses a log structure SCSI Target
array (LSA) to allocate capacity Forwarding


‡ Any implementation of compression Upper Cache

(and thin provisioning) the metadata FlashCopy
writes are written separately
Volume Mirroring

‡ Data is written sequentially to the Data

Thin Provisioning Compression
storage Reduction
Lower Cache
Log Virtualization Easy Tier
Structured Forwarding
Array DRAID/RAID Introduced with IBM
Forwarding Spectrum Virtualize v8.1.3
Initiator Initiator

IOs to storage controllers


Figure 10-45. IBM Spectrum Virtualize I/O stack

Data reduction pool uses a log structure array (LSA) to allocate capacity. Log structured arrays
always append new data to the end of the array. When data is overwritten, the old location and
capacity utilized is marked as reclaimable capacity. UNMAP functions can also request that you
free up no longer needed capacity making it reclaimable as well. Metadata is kept in an internal
volume pointing to where the data and reclaimable space is within the pool. While write I/O for data
is large block sequential, and read data is random read, I/O for the meta-data is random 4 KB read
and write. The metadata consumes less than 3% of the space. As a result, DRPs with a bit of flash
storage in a multi-tier pool using Easy Tier can significantly improve performance by placing
meta-data in the flash tier. This change mainly centers on the design of the metadata and knowing
where that data is stored.
Previously, when compression was implemented, the metadata was stored inline with the data, so
writes come in from the host and turn into a sequential stream of compressed data with small
metadata writes mixed through. With data reduction pools, any implementation of compression
(and thin provisioning) the metadata writes are written separately. This allows the cache to handle
data and metadata differently. Therefore, the volume you create from the pool to present to a host
application consists of a directory that stores the allocation of blocks within the capacity of the pool.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Freeing storage

Host Servers
SCSI Unmap Spectrum Virtualize
freeing storage
freeing storage

File systems,
In addition to read
Hypervisors and Uses unmap to free
and write I/O
applications use storage to virtualized
requests there is an
unmap to free storage controllers
unmap I/O request
storage to Spectrum and Flash media
to free storage


Figure 10-46. Freeing storage

The ability of data reduction also impacts the freeing of storage.

• Data reduction pools supports server environments that use the SCSI UNMAP command. This
command is used by software to indicate storage capacity that it is no longer using. Data
reduction pools release this capacity and return it to the available capacity pool.
• A host can also issue an unmap to delete a volume that is part of a file system, Hypervisor,
application, or a data store on VMware for examples), which will result in the freeing of all the
capacity allocated within that unmap.
• With in the IBM Spectrum Virtualize system, unmap is used to free storage resources to the
virtualized storage controllers and flash media, sending free capacity (extents) back to the

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


What storage gets free?

‡ Support for host servers freeing storage to Spectrum Virtualize
‡ Compressed volumes will free capacity
‡ Fully allocated and Thin volumes will write zeros to back-end storage
ƒ Unmap requests from hosts are passed through to storage
‡ Extents are freed in a storage pool as freed space from unmaps and overwrites are
consolidated via garbage collection
ƒ Extents also freed when VDisks are deleted
ƒ SCSI unmaps sent from Spectrum Virtualize to back-end storage
‡ DRAID sends unmap requests to some SSDs (improves performance)


Figure 10-47. What storage gets free?

Listed are components and products that supported free storage.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Garbage collection
‡ Garbage Collection Plans generated frequently based on (not limited to):
ƒ Frequency of over-writes
ƒ Rate of New I/O
ƒ Rate of data being invalidated (for example unmap)
ƒ Active/Stale data
ƒ Amount of space required to move data.
ƒ Amount of space free
ƒ Extents with largest number of holes
‡ Data grouped into frequently modified and not frequently modified. Extent freed or
‡ Garbage collection rates based on pool fullness
‡ Does not apply to DRPs with only fully allocated volumes

Figure 10-48. Garbage collection

Data reduction pools have a process to consolidate space for deleted or overwritten data, called
garbage collection. Garbage collection relocates valid user data. This feature involves the
Reverse lookup volume. User data is consolidated into 256K blocks which get pushed through the
lower cache into RAID full stripe writes. As data is consolidated, extents are eventually freed up.
It's important that DRPs be kept less than 85% full to provide sufficient spare space for garbage
collection to run efficiently. As free space declines, garbage collection has to work harder, doing
more I/O to free up less, potentially interfering with production I/O.
The way garbage collection works, is that it has to work harder (more CPU, more reads and more
writes) when there isn't much free space, and very hard if there's little free space. For example,
consider a pool with most extents allocated to VDisks, with those extents having 20% of
reclaimable space. To free up an extent, we have to read 5 extents, and rewrite their data into 4
extents freeing up one extent for a total of 9 extents of I/O to free up one extent. Alternatively
consider a situation in which extents have 50% reclaimable space. In that case we only need to
read 2 extents and write 1 extent to free up an extent for a total of 3 extents of I/O to free up one
extent. Therefore, it's important to ensure that the real capacity of a pool doesn't exceed 85% of it's
physical capacity. Remember that over time as new data is written, reclaimable space increases
until it's returned to free space by garbage collection.
Note that DRPs with only fully allocated volumes do not use the LSA or garbage collection.
Also note that garbage collection is a lazy process, in that it may run very slowly or not at all if
there’s plenty of free space in the pool, and little space to free.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Data reduction pool and SCSI unmap

Performance and utilization Garbage Collection

Virtual 1B
1 2B
2 3B
3 4 6 7 8

Volume 1 5 2 3 4 8 7 6 2B 3B 1B 5

Random write I/O fills extents sequentially

Overwritten data creates holes
Garbage Collection empties extents with lots of holes


Figure 10-49. Data reduction pool and SCSI unmap

This is an example, a host performed a sequence of random writes to a VDisk. Host writes go
through the appropriate stack for the associated VDisk (deduplication, compression, and or
thin-provisioning) and are grouped into 256 KB I/Os that are appended to the log structured array
holding customer data in the DRP. No data is overwritten, and instead the old data is marked as
freed and reclaimable, leaving holes of free space on an extent. Additional, SCSI UNMAP
commands will mark old data as freed and reclaimable. Garbage collection will read extents with a
lot of holes, and rewrite them into fewer empty extents freeing up the old extents and using less
Here we show the extents 1, 2 and 3 data has been overwritten, creating holes therefore it is
marked invalid, leaving extent 5. Therefore, we can move extent 5 to another location which frees
up space.
Thin provisioned MDisk can also be utilizes with unmap to alert when extents are freed or a host
writes zeroes, providing more efficient use of physical space.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Data reduction pool with de-duplication

‡ De-duplication makes use of the micro-services provided to DRP's garbage collection, easy tier
binning, log structured array allocation, and fine 8KB grain sizes
‡ Duplicate matches are found using SHA1 hashes created for each 8 KB align region of client data to
a deduplicated copy
‡ Host I/Os smaller than 8 KB do not attempt to find duplicates.

64KB user write Pattern removal De-duplication Compression


Figure 10-50. Data reduction pool with de-duplication

On selected controllers or back-end controllers, block deduplication or over-provisioning increase

the efficiency of storage usage by utilizing pointers in duplicate blocks rather than keeping multiple
copies. In the case of back-end storage, this means that it performs data deduplication or data
compression on LUs provisioned from it, allowing you to still use the LUN as an external MDisks on
IBM Spectrum Virtualize system.
Just like compression, thin provisioning and unmap features, de-duplication makes use of the
micro-services provided to DRP's garbage collection, easy tier binning, log structured array
allocation, and fine 8KB grain sizes. Therefore, if the new chunk’s signature matches an existing
signature, the new chunk is replaced with a small reference that points to the stored chunk. The
same byte pattern might occur many times resulting in the amount of data that must be stored
being greatly reduced.
Duplicate matches are found using SHA1 hashes created for each 8 KB align region of client data
to a deduplicated copy. The matches are detected when the data is written.
Deduplication has specific I/O characteristics in the handling of data and data copies. When a
matching fingerprint is found, the metadata is updated to point to the metadata of the existing copy
of the data. Each copy of the data can have up to 255 8 KB virtual chunks referring to it.
Each virtual 8 KB chunk can track up to 3 versions of data. I/O performance takes precedence over
finding duplicate copies of data. Host I/Os smaller than 8 KB do not attempt to find duplicates.
This example illustrates how pattern detection works in 8 Kilobytes increments in a single user
1. First, it grabs a 64 K chunk of data.
2. This data is then divided into 8 kilobytes chunks.
3. The system will immediately check to see if there are any currently recognizable patterns.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies

4. If any recognizable patterns are found, this hash of the data is removed.
5. Now the system examines the remaining data, and seeks out new patterns. If a match is found,
the hash is used to reference the data. This might appear to look like deduplication but here you
don’t need a first copy saved, or a reference, as data reduction can generate the data
6. Any new patterns are then removed (deduplicated). The small blue bars represents a minimum
amount metadata, and the hash reference itself, is what gets stored.
7. Now the system applies compression to the remaining data. If you compare this to the original
start of the 64 kilobytes data, you can see a great amount of data reduction, which is what
physical is stored out of this single user write.
This data reduction is running all the time, and takes place below the cache in order to help reduce
the amount of I/Os.
Note that memory will be consumed to store the deduplication fingerprint database, depending on
the amount of memory in the nodes as follows when deduplication is enabled:
Systems with 32GB per node = 12GB for fingerprint DB
Systems with 64GB per node = 16GB for fingerprint DB
Systems with 128GB+ per node = 32GB for fingerprint DB
In addition, approximately 1 GB is taken from cache when data reduction is enabled

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Data reduction attributes

‡ VDisk
ƒ used_capacity_before_reduction

‡ Mdiskgrp
ƒ reclaimable_capacity – space that can be reclaimed via GC
ƒ used_capacity_before_reduction
ƒ used_capacity_after_reduction
ƒ compression_opportunity
ƒ overhead_capacity

‡ System
ƒ total_reclaimable_capacity
ƒ used_capacity_before_reduction
ƒ used_capacity_after_reduction
ƒ overhead_capacity
ƒ compression_opportunity


Figure 10-51. Data reduction attributes

The system collects various statistics for data reduction pools, including how much capacity can
eventually be reclaimed via garbage collection (GC). See the Knowledge Center for the attribute
definitions in the lsvdisk, lsmdiskgrp, and lssystem command pages.
Consider capacity savings in pools and volumes where thin provisioning, compression and
deduplication are used. When using deduplication, capacity savings for a volume don’t make
sense because data is typically deduplicated from multiple volumes, and we can’t say space was
saved for a particular volume since deleting the volume that actually holds the data will make that
the data has to be re-homed and it can be rehomed to any volume referencing it. So with DRP we
look at capacity savings on a pool basis.
Also note, when deduplication is used, deleting volumes will take time to examine if any of its data
is duplicated and if so, to re-home that data to another volume.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Data reduction pool recommendations

‡ Recommended minimum size of 20 TB

‡ Recommended extent size of 4 or 8 GB
‡ Generally don’t use DRPs without compression hardware
ƒ Otherwise monitor CPU use carefully
‡ Examine volumes for potential savings with Comprestimator or the Data Reduction
Estimation tool
ƒ Don’t seek savings that aren’t there or are too small
ƒ Volumes with > 30% savings from deduplication, use deduplication rather than compression
ƒ Trade off processor cycle and licensing costs to save on storage costs with added meta-data I/O
‡ Segregate data types on separate volumes if possible
‡ A bit of flash in a hybrid Easy Tier pool speeds metadata I/Os


Figure 10-52. Data reduction pool recommendations

DRPs are designed for large storage pools, with a recommended minimum size of 20 TB with the
sweet spot in the range of 100-200 TB. More data typically yields more deduplication. The extent
size should be 4 GB or 8 GB, which effect the maximum pool size depending on the number of I/O
groups in the system. And while we do support DRPs when the system doesn’t have compression
hardware, it’s recommended to only implement DRPs with compression hardware; otherwise,
closely monitor your CPU utilization to avoid processor bottlenecks, and remember that in case of
node failure the partner node takes over processing for the affected volumes.
The Data Reduction Estimate Tool is accessible via Fix Central at
=all, works similarly to the Comprestimator tool, provides deduplications savings with multiple
volumes, and generates output like:
Estimated Dedup Savings: 97.8%
Estimated Compression Savings: 16.3%
Data Reduction Savings: 98.2%
Zeroes Detected Savings: 4.11%
Total Data Efficiency Savings: 98.2%
These volumes are excellent candidates for deduplication, but only an additional 0.4% is saved
from compression so a good choice in this case would be to use thin deduplicated volumes..
Remember we need to keep at least 15% of the pool empty when garbage collection is running (for
thin, compressed and/or deduplicated volumes), so savings should exceed that threshold.
Also see

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies

If possible, it’s recommended that different data types reside on separate volumes, i.e., don’t mix
non-compressible data with compressible data, or other combinations; thus, allowing more
granularity regarding the data reduction used for the specific data types.
Since meta-data is frequently accessed, placing it on flash backed storage via Easy Tier in a hybrid
pool can significantly improve performance.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Data reduction pool volume performance recommendations

‡ Best performing volume types in a DRP

1. Fully allocated – no storage efficiency but the best performance, especially where applications
assume contiguous data structures on disk
2. Compressed – second best performer
3. Thin – when little or no compression savings, or deduplicated with > 30% deduplication savings
4. Deduplicated and compressed – best storage efficiency, but the most overhead
‡ Dynamically try out different volume types
ƒ Add a volume copy with desired volume type, sync up, make it the primary copy and examine performance
ƒ If and/or when you are satisfied with performance of the target copy, delete the original fully allocated copy

‡ Maximum performance from 4 DRPs in an 8 node cluster


Figure 10-53. Data reduction pool volume performance recommendations

Users should select the volume type that meets their business objectives and leverages good
performance from DRP technology. Each of the above volume combinations provides certain
benefits for storage efficiency and have different performance characteristics.
Fully allocated volumes have no savings from compression, deduplication or thin provisioning. But
there’s no LSA or extra meta-data overhead. Many applications make assumptions about data
placement to optimize I/O operations. Such volumes do benefit from SCSI unmap to the backend
storage so it can reclaim space, when in DRPs as opposed standard storage pools, when the
backend uses that function. This includes backend FCMs.
Compressed volumes are usually the second best performer though if the data isn’t compressible
then thin volumes are appropriate.. If deduplications savings exceed 30% then thin deduplicated
volumes are appropriate. Everyone’s environment is different, bottlenecks can arise in many
places, so these recommendations should be considered starting points.
It’s easy to test by creating a volume copy with the desired volume type. Writes go to cache, while
reads come from the primary volume copy. So wait for the volumes to sync up and observe the
performance. Then make the target volume the primary copy so reads come from it and observe
performance then, including from the application point of view. Then you can decide which volume
type to use.
To maximize DRP throughput, use one DRP per I/O group,

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Data reduction pool with data reducing backend

‡ If possible turn off data reduction in backend

^ƉĞĐƚƌƵŵsŝƌƚƵĂůŝnjĞ ƒ Little benefit with deduplicated and compression on
ZWǁͬĐŽŵƉƌĞƐƐŝŽŶ frontend
‡ Be very careful with Easy Tier function in backend
ƒ Top tier gets filled and changes in compressibility of
data can cause out of space condition
&ůĂƐŚ^LJƐƚĞŵ ϵϬϬʹ ϯ
^ƚŽƌǁŝnjĞǁŝƚŚ&DƐ ‡ Assume no data reduction in backend
&^ϵϭϬϬǁŝƚŚ&DƐ ƒ Track physical cosmpution in backend
KDƐƚŽƌĂŐĞǁŝƚŚĚĂƚĂ ƒ Do not overcommit storage!!!
‡ Out of space conditions difficult or not possible to recover
‡ Consider creating a sacrificial volume
‡ Use a separate pool for fully allocated volumes

Figure 10-54. Data reduction pool with data reducing backend

One must take great care to ensure that data reducing backends don’t run out of space because
the data reduction ratio changes. With compression and deduplication on the front end, it’s
reasonable to not expect much data reduction on the back end. So it’s safer to assume no data
reduction will occur in the backend, and limit total allocated volume size to the uncompressed
capacity of the backend. And be sure to monitor used physical capacity in the backend to ensure
it doesn’t run out of space.
For fully allocated volumes, it’s recommended they reside in a separate storage pool. This avoids
garbage collection overhead while the backend compresses the fully allocated volumes in the pool.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Supported systems
‡ Supported on IBM Spectrum Virtualize Storwize V5030, Storwize V7000, SAN Volume
Controller SV1, FlashSystem V9000, and FlashSystem 9100
‡ Data Reduction Pool license requirements:
ƒ SVC, FS V9000 and FS 9100 do not require an additional license for DRP (included in the based
capacity license)
ƒ Storwize V5030 and V7000 will need additional license for compression functionality


Figure 10-55. Supported systems

Data Reduction pools are supported on IBM Spectrum Virtualize Storwize V5030, Storwize V7000,
SAN Volume Controller SV1, and FlashSystem V9000, and FlashSystem 9100 running the
V8.1.3.2 or higher.
IBM Spectrum Virtualize SAN Volume Controller, FlashSystem V9000, and FlashSystem 9100 do
not require a license to implement data reduction pools. Nodes must have at least 32 GB memory
to support deduplication. It is included in the base capacity license in the product. After you migrate
all RACE volumes to a data reduction pool, you will no longer need your old compression license.
However, if you are using data reduction pools on Storwize V5030 or Storwize V7000, there is still
an additional license required for the Compression functionality.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


• Auto Expand • Garbage collection
• Comprestimator utility • Journal volume
• Customer data volume • Log Structure Array (LSA)
• Data reduction pool • RACE Compression
• Deduplication • Reverse Lookup volume
• Directory volume • SCSI unmap
• Estimate Compression Savings • Thin Provisioning
• Freeing storage • 8K blocks
• Fully allocated volume • 8K chunks


Figure 10-56. Keywords

Listed are keywords that were used in this unit.

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Review questions (1 of 2)
1. True or False: Data from an existing storage pool can be moved to a data reduction
pools using volume mirroring.

2. True or False: A thin-provisioned volume is created with two capacities, a virtual

capacity as seen by host servers and a real capacity defined by the amount of actual
allocated storage capacity.


Figure 10-57. Review questions (1 of 2)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Review answers (1 of 2)
1. True or False: Data from an existing storage pool can be moved to a data reduction
pools using volume mirroring.
The answer is true.

2. True or False: A thin-provisioned volume is created with two capacities, a virtual

capacity as seen by host servers and a real capacity defined by the amount of actual
allocated storage capacity.
The answer is true.


Figure 10-58. Review answers (1 of 2)

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Review questions (2 of 2)
3. Space within the allocated real capacity of a thin-provisioned volume is assigned in
what size increments driven by write activity?
A. Extent size increments as defined by the storage pool extent size
B. Grain size increments with a default grain size of 256 KB
C. Blocksize increments as defined by the application that owns the volume

4. True or False: IBM Spectrum Virtualize can estimate compression savings from the
management GUI to automatically analyzes potential storage savings.


Figure 10-59. Review questions (2 of 2)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies


Review answers (2 of 2)
3. Space within the allocated real capacity of a thin-provisioned volume is assigned in
what size increments driven by write activity?
A. Extent size increments as defined by the storage pool extent size
B. Grain size increments with a default grain size of 256 KB
C. Blocksize increments as defined by the application that owns the volume
The answer is grain size increments with a default grain size of 256 KB

4. True or False: True or False: IBM Spectrum Virtualize can estimate compression
savings from the management GUI to automatically analyzes potential storage
The answer is True.


Figure 10-60. Review answers (2 of 2)

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Unit 10. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data reduction technologies



‡ Define the concept of data reduction


‡ Differentiate among fully allocated, Thin-

Provisioned, compressed and
deduplicated volumes in terms of storage
capacity allocation and consumption

‡ Recall steps to create thin-provisioned

volumes and monitor volume capacity
utilization of autoexpand volumes

‡ Categorize IBM Spectrum Virtualize

hardware resources required for RACE


Figure 10-61. Summary

Having completed this unit, you should be able to:

• Define the concept of data reduction technologies.
• Differentiate among fully allocated, Thin-Provisioned, compressed, and deduplication volumes
in terms of storage capacity allocation and consumption
• Recall steps to create thin-provisioned volumes and monitor volume capacity utilization of
autoexpand volumes.
• Categorize IBM Spectrum Virtualize hardware resources required for RACE Compression.

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy

Estimated time

This module provides an overview Easy Tier functionality and its ability to manage storage
efficiency, improve performance, and total cost of ownership for production workloads.

How you will check your progress

• Checkpoint
• Hands-on exercises

Implementing IBM Storwize V7000 with IBM Spectrum Virtualize V8.2.1

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier



‡ Characterize the volume performance

functionality of IBM Easy Tier

‡ Summarize the Easy Tier modes of


‡ Recognize Easy Tier settings and statuses

at the storage pool and volume levels

‡ Describe the usage of the IBM Storage

Tier Advisor Tool


Figure 11-1. Objectives

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

• Characterize the volume performance function of IBM Easy Tier.
• Summarize the Easy Tier modes of operations.
• Recognize Easy Tier settings and statuses at the storage pool and volume levels.
• Describe the usages of the IBM Storage Tier Advisor Tool.

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


Spectrum Virtualize: Easy Tier overview



Figure 11-2. Spectrum Virtualize: Easy Tier overview

This topic introduces the enhanced features of Easy Tier.

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


IBM Spectrum Virtualize IO stack architecture

IOs from Host
‡ Easy Tier is implemented within the virtualization
SCSI Target
Replication ‡ Easy Tier monitors I/O performance IRU,2VWREDFN

Volume Mirroring

Data Thin Provisioning Compression

Lower Cache
Log Virtualization Easy Tier
Structured Forwarding
Initiator Initiator

IOs to storage controllers


Figure 11-3. IBM Spectrum Virtualize IO stack architecture

When considering storage virtualization, it is important to understand that virtualization can be

implemented at various layers within the input/output (I/O) stack.
In general, the storage environment’s I/O is monitored at a volume level, and the entire volume is
always placed inside one appropriate storage tier. Easy Tier feature can be used to determine the
amount of I/O, move part of the underlying volume to an appropriate storage tier, and the ability to
react to workload changes, which can be too complex to manually optimize.
IBM Easy Tier is a 3rd generation software feature that is implemented within the virtualization layer
of the IBM Spectrum virtualize software layer. Easy Tier is designed to reduce the I/O latency for hot
spots, it does not however replace storage cache. Both methods improve I/O latency. Write cache
improves write latency and occasionally read latency when data is in write cache, while Easy Tier
mainly improves read I/O latency. Easy Tier monitors I/O performance for real I/Os to backend
storage extents, where it picks up the performance issues that cache cannot solve. Easy Tier then
moves extents among MDisks (in single tier pools) to balance I/Os across MDisks, or between
performance tiers in a multi-tier storage pool. This balances use of storage resources, and places
the right data on the right kind of storage to minimize I/O latencies, especially for read I/Os.

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


Easy Tier 3 functional overview

‡ Easy Tier supports online dynamic relocation of
data Simplicity, flexibility,
ƒ Automates data placement to relocated to/from
Flash/SSD, Enterprise, or NL-SAS
í Supports NVMe Flash drives
í Eliminates manual intervention of assigning highly active
data to faster tiers
ƒ Data movement is seamless to the host application
ƒ Storage Tier Advisor Tool (advisor tool) for I/O analysis
and projected benefit


Figure 11-4. Easy Tier 3 functional overview

With the implementation of Easy Tier, IBM Spectrum Virtualize storage systems supports flash
storage through a built-in dynamic data relocation that allows host transparent movement of data
among the internal and external storage subsystem resources.
Easy Tier automates the placement of data amongst different storage tiers by moving extents
around within a multi-tiered pool. This includes the ability to automatically and non-disruptively
relocate logical volume extents with high activity to storage media with higher performance
characteristics, while extents with low activity are migrated to storage media with lower
performance characteristics. In addition to eliminating manual intervention, it helps achieves the
best available storage performance for your workload in your environment. In this dynamically
tiered environment, data movement is seamless to the host application regardless of the storage
tier in which the data belongs. However, you can manually change the default behavior.
The usage statistics file can be off-loaded from clustered system, and then, you can use the IBM
Storage Tier Advisor Tool (STAT) to create a summary report to analyze heat data files that are
produced by Easy Tier. STAT is available at no additional cost.

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier function

Automatic storage hierarchy
Host volumes and extents
‡ Mixed storage pool with two or three tiers
ƒ Flash Tier0 and Tier1 (internal or external
ƒ Enterprise 15K/10K spinning disk Multi-tiered pool
ƒ Nearline 7200 RPM spinning disk
‡ Volumes belong to a single pool
ƒ Each volume is a collection of extents on the
storage pool
ƒ An extent is either on Flash, Enterprise, or Flash/SSD Enterprise Nearline
Nearline disk
Automatic extent migration


Figure 11-5. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier function

IBM Easy Tier technology is designed to help improve performance at lower costs through more
efficient use of flash. The Easy Tier function automatically identifies highly active data within
volumes and moves only the active data to a flash. IBM Easy Tier is support among all IBM
Spectrum Storage products, from the lowest to the highest performing storage, allowing the less
frequently accessed data to be moved to slower external storage, which can be SSD-based storage
or disk-based storage.
Easy Tier eliminates manual intervention when it assigns highly active data on volumes to faster
responding storage. In this dynamically tiered environment, data movement is seamless to the host
application regardless of the storage tier in which the data resides. The benefits can include faster
data access and throughput, better performance, and less power consumption.
Tier 0 flash typically is lower latency flash with NVMe or high endurance flash, while Tier 1 would
typically have slower latencies such as with SSDs or older flash technology.
While we can have up to 4 tiers, we only need 2 tiers for Easy Tier to move data to the appropriate
tier to improve performance.
Easy Tier operates on a 24 hour cycle. It first collects I/O data for each extent using 5 minute
intervals, creates heat map files, analyzes the data, creates a data migration plan, and then
implements the migration plan. Note that the rate extents are moved around is limited, so as not to
significantly impact production I/O.
Easy Tier takes advantage of the fact that I/Os are not evenly spread across the storage space an
application uses, and is characterized via an access density distribution. Access density is
measured as IOPS/GB. So, if one splits up the data space into extents, it's not uncommon to find
applications that do 90% of the I/Os in as little as 10% of the data space. Consequentially, putting
that active 10% of data on flash, gives 90% of the I/Os much better read latencies improving

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier

application performance. If every extent had the same IOPS/GB, there'd be no benefit from Easy
Tier. One can generate an access density chart from Easy Tier heat map files.

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


Easy Tier supported tiers

‡ 3-Tier Mapping:
ƒ Flash tier (internal or external Flash)
í No validation done on external drives
í Designate flash and disk as appropriate type
ƒ Enterprise 15K/10K spinning disk
ƒ Nearline 7200 RPM spinning disk 2OG1DPH VFKHPH 1HZ 1DPH VFKHPH





Recognized by ET



Figure 11-6. Easy Tier supported tiers

The Easy Tier allows tiering between four tiers in a 3-Tier Mapping supporting Flash, Enterprise,
and Nearline drive technologies. This increases the performance of the system by supporting data
movement across all tiers.
This table shows the current drive technology, naming convention and all supported tier mapping
used by Easy Tier.
• Tier 0 flash: Specifies a tier0_flash IBM FlashSystem MicroLatency module or an external
MDisk for the newly discovered or external volume. Typically, performance critical workloads
deployed on IBM FlashSystem 900 enclosures. Drives that use NVMe architecture are also
considered Tier 0 flash drives.
• Tier 1 flash: Specifies a tier1_flash (or flash SSD drives) for the newly discovered or external
volume, which can be capacity added through IBM expansion enclosures, models 12F, 24F, and
• Enterprise tier: Specifies a tier_enterprise hard disk drive or an external MDisk for the newly
discovered or external volume. These MDisks can be built from serial-attached SCSI (SAS)
drives, typically with 10K or 15K RPM disks.
• Nearline tier: The nearline tier exists when nearline-class MDisks are used in the pool, such as
those drives built from nearline SAS drives that operate at 7200 RPM and have slower

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2019 11-8

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


Easy Tier license requirement

‡ IBM Spectrum Virtualize supported storage system
ƒ Easy Tier is included in the base license at no cost but is required for attached
enclosures: FS 900 (AE3) standalone and IBM 6))DQG/))H[SDQVLRQHnclosures
(12F, 24F, 92F, AFF, and AF9)
í Number of license must equal to the total number of enclosures SCUs
ƒ Supported by all server platforms with no additional software


Figure 11-7. Easy Tier license requirement

IBM Spectrum Virtualize Family Software version 8 builds on the established history of version 7,
providing software-defined storage capabilities across a variety of platforms. These include SAN
Volume Controller, FlashSystem V9000, Storwize V7000, and the Storwize V5000 family. The base
license that is provided with your system includes the use of its basic functions such as Easy Tier
and Easy Tier Storage Pool Balancing. However, to enable the use of Easy Tier function on an
external attached storage enclosures such as FlashSystem 900 (standalone), and IBM SFF and
LFF expansion enclosures (12F, 24F, 92F, AFF, and A9F), an IBM Easy Tier licensed is required.
The number of licenses is based on the number of storage capacity units (SCUs) purchased, which
must be equal to the total number of control enclosures, expansion enclosures, and any enclosures
in any virtualized storage system. For example, if the system is made up of one control enclosure,
one expansion enclosure, and one virtualized storage system that has two enclosures, then four
licenses are required.
Administrators are responsible for purchasing extra licenses and configuring the systems within the
license agreement, which includes configuring the settings of each licensed function on the system.

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


Easy Tier mapping

Easy Tier 3-Tier mapping configuration

T0 T0 T0 + T0 + T0 + T0 + T0+ T1 T1 + T1 + T1 + T2 T2 + T3
User (VG) + T1 + T1+ T2 T2 + T3 T2 T2+ T3 T3
Tiers T1 T2 T2+ T3 T3

T0 (Tier
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
T1 (Tier
2 2 2 2 2 1 2
T2 (Tier
3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2
T3 (Tier NL)
3 3 2 3 3 3 3

This table shows the possible combinations for the pool configuration with four MDisk tiers.

Figure 11-8. Easy Tier mapping

Easy Tier is a performance optimization mechanism that seamlessly migrates (or moves) data to
the most appropriate tier within the storage systems. This table identifies the user’s tiers supporting
4 tiers within a 3-Tier mapping. Note that Tier1_flash and tier2_hdd will “share” with flash getting
default landing and greater portion of I/O in balancing.

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


Spectrum Virtualize: Easy Tier modes of operations



Figure 11-9. Spectrum Virtualize: Easy Tier modes of operations

This topic identifies the Easy Tire modes of operations.

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


Evaluation mode: I/O activity monitoring

‡ Easy Tier can evaluate I/O on all volumes even if the environment has no solid-state drives
ƒ Monitors performance of each extent to determine data temperature
ƒ Evaluation results show the performance improvement potential of adding flash
ƒ Monitoring I/O to track the I/O demand from applications and I/O service time from the storage
ƒ I/O rate data is collected for multiple durations, hours, days, and weeks
ƒ A summary file is created in the /dumps directory on the configuration node

Volume Exchange
Warehouse Volumes
Four extents identified as hot
– candidates for Flash tier

Size: 1TB

Figure 11-10. Evaluation mode: I/O activity monitoring

Easy Tier evaluation mode collects usage statistics for each storage extent for a storage pool
where the capability of moving data from one tier to the other tier is not possible or is disabled. An
example of such a storage pool is a pool of homogeneous MDisks, where all MDisks are typically
Easy tier must be enabled on non hybrid pools to collect data. The storage system monitors the
storage used at the volume extent level. Easy Tier constantly gathers and analyzes monitoring
statistics to derive moving averages for the past 24 hours. Volumes are not monitored when the
easytier attribute of a storage pool is set to off or inactive with a single tier of storage. You can
enable Easy Tier evaluation mode for a storage pool with a single tier of storage by setting the
easytier attribute of the storage pool to on.
If you turn on Easy Tier in a Single Tiered Storage pool, it runs in evaluation mode. This means it
measures the I/O activity for all extents. A statistic summary file is created and can be off-loaded
and analyzed with the IBM Storage Tier Advisory Tool (STAT). This will provide an understanding
about the benefits for your workload if you were to add Flash/SSDs to your pool, prior to any
hardware acquisition.
A summary file is created in the /dumps directory on the configuration node
(, which can be offloaded and viewed by using the IBM
Storage Tier Advisor Tool.

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


Automatic data placement mode

‡ Easy Tier performs workload statistical data collection and is enabled by default in a
hybrid storage pool
ƒ Monitors performance of each extent to determine data “temperature”
ƒ Creates migration plan for optimal extent placement every 24 hours
ƒ Migrates extents within pool per plan over 24 hour period
í Limited number of extents chosen to migrate every 5 minute interval
Flash/SSD + HDD Hybrid storage pool

Size: 1TB

Cold Extents Hot Extents

Migrate down Migrate up

1024 MB extents


Figure 11-11. Automatic data placement mode

Easy Tier automatic data placement also measures the amount of data access.
Automatic data placement is enabled by default for storage pools with more than one tier of
storage. This process also measures the amount of data access for all volumes whether the
volume is a candidate for automatic data placement. Once automatic data placement is enabled,
and if there is sufficient activity to warrant relocation, Easy Tier then acts on the measurements to
automatically place the data into the appropriate tier of a storage pool that contains both MDisk
tiers. Extents will begin to be relocated within a day after enablement. This sub-volume extent
movement is transparent to host servers and applications.
For a single level storage pool and for the volumes within that pool, Easy Tier creates a migration
report every 24 hours on the number of extents it would move if the pool was a multi-tiered pool.
Easy Tier statistics measurement is enabled. Using Easy Tier can make it more appropriate to use
smaller storage pool extent sizes.
A statistic summary file or ‘heat’ file generated by Easy Tier can be offloaded for input to the IBM
Storage Tier Advisor Tool (STAT). This tool produces reports on the amount of extents moved to
Flash/SSD-based MDisks and predictions of performance improvements that could be gained if
more Flash/SSD capacity is available.

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


Easy Tier acceleration

‡ Acceleration mode increases the rate of extent migrations by the Easy Tier
‡ Easy Tier accelerated mode set to off is the default mode
‡ Acceleration mode can only be enable using the CLI the command:
chsystem -easytieracceleration on/off
ƒ If Easy Tier Acceleration is set to off: Maximum rate of extent migrations in the system default
mode is 12 GB per 5 minutes for all functions
௅ Except cold demote, which is 1 GB every 10 minutes or 40 MB/s
ƒ If Easy Tier Acceleration is set to on: Maximum rate of extent migrations in the system default
mode is 48 GB per 5 minutes or 120 MB/s for all functions
௅ This rate in accelerated mode cannot always be guaranteed
‡ To avoid the possibility of performance issues, use the accelerated mode during periods of
reduced system activity


Figure 11-12. Easy Tier acceleration

You can change the mode rates of extent migrations through the Easy Tier function and pool
balancing functions by change the acceleration mode.
Normally, a system running with the Easy Tier accelerated mode set to off, which is the system
default rate that ensures that migrations do not affect system performance.
To view the currently configured value, enter the lssystem command to view the default view for
easy_tier_acceleration. You can only enable Easy Tier accelerated mode from the command
line by using chsystem -easytieracceleration on/off command. The maximum rate of extent
migrations in normal mode (the system default) is 12 GB per 5 minutes for all functions, except cold
demote, which is 1 GB every 10 minutes. If easy_tier_acceleration is set to on, the maximum
migration rate is 48 GB per 5 minutes. However, the migration rate of 48 GB per 5 minutes in
accelerated mode cannot always be guaranteed.
Accelerated mode is not intended for day-to-day Easy Tier traffic, because it can increase the
workload on the system temporarily, use Easy Tier accelerated mode during periods of lower
system activity.
You can also temporarily enable the accelerated mode to rapidly use new capacity, such as:
• Adding more capacity to an existing storage pool either by adding to an existing tier or by
adding a new tier to the pool. When you enable the accelerated mode, the system can quickly
spread the existing volumes into the new capacity.
• If you are migrating multiple volumes between pools, and the target pool has more tiers than the
source pool to preserve the tier of the volume's extents. When you enable the accelerated
mode, the system can quickly take advantage of the additional tiers in the target pool.
To avoid the possibility of performance issues that are caused by overloading the managed disks,
use the accelerated mode during periods of reduced system activity.

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


Automated Storage Pool Balancing

• Ensures IOPS workload is balanced across MDisks in a storage pool
• Restripes Vdisk data when MDisks are added/removed from a storage pool
ƒ Automatically balances use of disk resources and Vol2 Vol3

avoids having redistribute data Vol0 Vol1

Workload balanced across all 3 MDisks

• For SAS attached drives (also considers MDisk MDisk0 MDisk1 MDisk2

IOPS bandwidth)
ƒ Uses XML files with disk performance information
based on technology and RAID configuration

ƒ Easy Tier also balances IOPS across MDisks in a

tier for multi-tier pools


Figure 11-13. Automated Storage Pool Balancing

When growing a storage pool by adding more storage to it, IBM Spectrum Virtualize software can
restripe the system data in pools of storage without having to implement any manual or scripting
steps. This process is called Automated Storage Pool Balancing. Although Automated Storage Pool
Balancing can work in conjunction with Easy Tier, it operates independently and does not require
an Easy Tier license. This helps grow storage environments with greater ease while retaining the
performance benefits that come from striping the data across the disk systems in a storage pool.
Automated Storage Pool Balancing uses XML files that are embedded in the software code. The
XML files uses stanzas to records the characteristics of the internal drives by RAID levels that are
built, the width of the array, drive types, and sizes used in the array, and so on, to determine MDisk
thresholds. External virtualized LUNs are based on its controller. During the Automated Storage
Pool Balancing process, it assess the extents that are written in the pool, and based on the drive
stanzas and its IOPs capabilities, data is automatically restriped across all MDisks within the pool
equally. In this case, you can have a single tier pool or mix different drive type and capacity that you
have MDisks on in the same pool. This is only a performance rebalance – not an extent rebalance.
Automated Storage Pool Balancing can be disabled on the pool.

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


What is considered to be hot?

Applications I/Os with sizes less
than 64 KB are considered best
use of SSD-based MDisks.



Applications I/Os with sizes larger
than 64 KB are not considered the Multimedia
best use. This data is not “hot”.


Figure 11-14. What is considered to be hot?

The common question is where should the Flash drives and Easy Tier function be deployed in your
environment? There are several areas to be considered when determining where the Easy Tier
feature and the Flash drives can provide the best value to our clients. If the environment is one
where there is a significant amount of very small granularity striping, such as Oracle or DB2
tablespace striping, then the output of the workload may be significantly reduced. In these cases
there may be less benefit from smaller amounts of SSDs and it may not be economical to
implement an Easy Tier solution. Therefore, you should test the application platform before fully
deploying Easy Tier in to your IBM Spectrum Virtualize system environment.

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


Spectrum Virtualize: Easy Tier settings

• Easy Tier overview

• Easy Tier modes of operations
• Easy Tier settings
• Storage Tier Advisor Tool (STAT)


Figure 11-15. Spectrum Virtualize: Easy Tier settings

This topic discusses the characteristics of the various Easy Tier settings.

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


Easy Tier settings summary




See notes for number references

Figure 11-16. Easy Tier settings summary

This table provides a summary of Easy Tier settings for pools, volumes and volume copy. The
Volume copy Easy Tier setting column indicates independent settings for non-mirrored volumes, or
for each copy of a mirrored volume. The rows highlighted in yellow are the default settings. Also
observe the reference numbers that are annotated in the Volume copy Easy Tier status:
1. If the volume copy is in image or sequential mode or is being migrated then the volume copy
Easy Tier status is measured instead of active.
2. When the volume copy status is inactive, no Easy Tier functions are enabled for that volume
3. When the volume copy status is measured, the Easy Tier function collects usage statistics for
the volume but automatic data placement is not active.
4. When the volume copy status is balanced, the Easy Tier function enables performance-based
pool balancing for that volume copy.
5. When the volume copy status is active, the Easy Tier function operates in automatic data
placement mode for that volume.
Keep in mind that automated storage pool balancing is not active unless Easy Tier is on/auto for a
storage pool.

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


Easy Tier extent automated movement

SSD Flash
‡ After the 24 hour learning period
ƒ Data is moved automatically between tiers
í Hottest extents moved up
í Coldest extents moved down
Less Active Data
ENT Migrates Down ƒ New volume allocations use extents from Tier1
Disk (Enterprise disk) by default
í If no free Tier 1 capacity then Tier 2 will be used
if available, otherwise capacity comes from Tier 0

Active Data ƒ Easy Tier can operate as long as one extent free
Migrates Up in the pool

NL ƒ If no free extents in the pool, then no changes occur

Disk until more capacity is added to the pool
‡ I/O Monitor keeps access history for each virtualization

Figure 11-17. Easy Tier extent automated movement

Once multi-tiers are placed in a pool, Easy Tier is automatically enabled. IBM Easy Tier can be
enabled on a volume basis to monitor the I/O activity and latency of the extents over a 24 hour
period. This type of volume data migration works at the extent level, it is often referred to as
sub-LUN migration.
The concept of Easy Tier is to transparently move data up and down unnoticed from host and user
point of view. When creating new volumes, they are placed by default on the Enterprise or middle
Tier 1. If Tier 1 has reached its capacity, then it will use the next lowest tier which would be Tier 2. If
all tiers are full, only then will it allocate extents from Tier 0. Easy Tier will then automatically start
migrating those extents (hot or cold) based on the workload. As a result of extent movement the
volume no longer has all its data in one tier but rather in two or three tiers.

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


Extent migration types

‡ Promote / Swap Flash/SSD Tier Auto Rebalance

ƒ Move hot data to higher performing tier

‡ Warm demote
ƒ Prevent performance overload of a tier by demoting a
warm extent to the lower tier Migrations
ƒ Triggered when bandwidth or IOPS exceeds predefined occur only
threshold between Promote Warm Demote
ƒ Updated to look at 5-mins and tiers
upgraded to queue 21 extents
‡ Cold demote
ƒ Coldest data moved to lower HDD tier
‡ Expanded cold demote Enterprise Tier
ƒ Demotes appropriate sequential workloads to the lowest Expanded or
tier to better utilise Nearline bandwidth Cold Demote

‡ Auto rebalance
ƒ Redistribute extents within a tier to balance utilization
across MDisks for maximum performance
ƒ Either move or swap Nearline Tier

Figure 11-18. Extent migration types

When Easy Tier is enabled, it determines the right storage media for a given extent based on the
extent heat and resource utilization. Easy Tier uses the following extent migration types to perform
actions between the three different storage tiers.
• Promote
▪ Moves the relevant hot extents to higher performing tier
• Swap
▪ Exchange cold extent in upper tier with hot extent in lower tier
• Warm Demote
▪ Prevents performance overload of a tier by demoting a warm extent to the lower tier
▪ This action is based on predefined bandwidth or IOPS overload thresholds. Warm demotes
are triggered when bandwidth or IOPS exceeds those predefined thresholds. This allows
Easy Tier to continuously ensure that the higher-performance tier does not suffer from
saturation or overload conditions that might affect the overall performance in the extent
▪ Warm Promote has been upgraded to look at latest 5-minutes and upgraded to queue 21
extents. If an extent is over-burdened, and assuming space free in higher tier, that extent
will get queued to promotion to higher tier.
• Demote or Cold Demote
▪ Easy Tier Automatic Mode automatically locates and demotes inactive (or cold) extents that
are on a higher performance tier to its adjacent lower-cost tier.
▪ Once cold data is demoted, Easy Tier automatically frees extents on the higher storage tier.
This helps the system to be more responsive to new hot data.

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier

• Expanded Cold Demote
▪ Demotes appropriate sequential workloads to the lowest tier to better utilize Nearline disk
• Storage Pool Balancing
▪ Redistribute extents within a tier to balance utilization across MDisks for maximum
▪ Moves hot extents from high utilized MDisks to low utilized MDisks
▪ It attempts to migrate the most active volume extents up to Flash/SSD first.
• A previous migration plan and any queued extents that are not yet relocated are abandoned.
Extent migration occurs only between adjacent tiers. In three tiered storage pool Easy Tier will not
move extents from Flash/SSD directly to NL-SAS and vice versa without moving them first to SAS

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


Automated data placement plan

Data migrator performs
extent move
Maximum of up to 30 MBps can
be migrated between disk tiers

Data migrator validates

suggestions based on
workload and events

Data migrator receives


Heat map created every 24

(replacing previous plan)

I/O stats collected at 5

minute intervals


Figure 11-19. Automated data placement plan

IBM Easy Tier uses an automated data placement (ADP) plan which involves scheduling and the
actual movement or migration of the volume’s extents up to, or down from, the highest disk tier. This
involves collecting I/O stats in five minute intervals on all volume with in the three tiered pool. Based
on the performance log after the 24 hour learning period, Easy Tier will use data migrator (DM) to
create an extent migration plan and dynamically moves extents based on suggestions and
performance between three tiers, and the heat of extents. Therefore high activity or hot extents are
moved to a higher disk tier such as Flash and SSD within the same storage pool. It also moves
extents whose activity dropped off, or cooled, from higher disk tier MDisk back to a lower tier MDisk.
The extent migration rate is capped so that a maximum of up to 40 MBps is migrated, which
equates to approximately 5 TB per day that is migrated between disk tiers.

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


Easy Tier default settings: Summary notes

‡ Default pool setting of auto and volume copy setting of on:
ƒ Pools with one storage tier: Easy Tier status is balanced
í Volume copy with status of inactive means no Easy Tier functions are enabled for the volume copy
ƒ Pools with two storage tiers: Easy Tier status is active (automatic data placement is enabled for
striped volumes)
í Volume copy with status of active means Easy Tier operates in automatic data placement mode
‡ If volume copy type is image or sequential, or if volume copy is being migrated, its Easy Tier status is
set to measured
Volume Copy settings only altered Storage pool settings only altered in
Easy Tier On/Off Easy Tier On/Off/Auto/Measured
setting Setting
Easy Tier Inactive/Active/Measure Easy Tier Inactive/Active
status d/Balanced Status


Figure 11-20. Easy Tier default settings: Summary notes

• The default Easy Tier setting for a storage pool is Auto, and the default Easy Tier setting for a
volume copy is On (for a single tier pool). This means single tier pools have automated storage
pool balancing in effect, while multi-tier pools have active data placement across tiers in effect
for striped VDisks.
• If the single tier pool Easy Tier setting is changed to On, the pool Easy Tier status would
become active and the volume copy Easy Tier status would remain balanced.
• With the default pool Easy Tier setting of Auto and the default volume Easy Tier setting of On
(for a two-tier or hybrid pool) this causes the pool and the volume Easy Tier status to become
Active. Easy Tier automatic data placement becomes Active automatically.
• The Easy Tier heat file is generated and continually updated as long as Easy Tier is active for a
storage pool.

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


Easy Tier overload protection

‡ For internal SAS RAID arrays, the system knows the drive and RAID array performance
‡ For SAN attached storage, Spectrum Virtualize doesn't know its performance capabilities
‡ To drive more or less workload to a MDisk, use the chmdisk -easytierload [low,
medium, high, very_high] parameter
ƒ Only use very_high for flash backed MDisks


Figure 11-21. Easy Tier overload protection

Before Easy Tier 3, the system could overload an MDisk by moving too much hot data onto a single
MDisk. Easy Tier 3 understands the “tipping point” for an MDisk and stops migrating extents – even
if there is space capacity available on that MDisk. The Easy Tier overload protection is designed to
avoid overloading any type of drive with too much work. To achieve this, Easy Tier needs to have
an indication of the maximum capability of a managed disk.
This maximum can be provided in one of two ways:
• For an array made of locally attached drives, the system can calculate the performance of the
managed disk because it is pre-programmed with performance characteristics for different
• For a SAN external MDisks, the system can not calculate the performance capabilities, so the
system has a number of pre-defined levels, that can be configured manually for each managed
disk. This is called the easy tier load parameter (low, medium, high, very_high).
If you analyze the statistics and find that the system doesn’t appear to be sending enough IOPs to
your SSDs, you can always increase the workload using chmdisk and the -easytierload

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


Spectrum Virtualize: Storage Tier Advisor Tool

• Easy Tier overview

• Easy Tier modes of operations
• Easy Tier settings
• Storage Tier Advisor Tool (STAT)


Figure 11-22. Spectrum Virtualize: Storage Tier Advisor Tool

This topic highlight the features of the IBM Storage Tier Advisor Tool (STAT) to analyze the heat
performance of storage pools and volumes.

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


Advisor Tool download STAT.exe file

‡ IBM Storage Tier Advisor Tool (STAT) helps determine the benefits of adding Flash/SSDs to an
existing system particular workload
‡ STAT Tool can be download from the IBM Support website
ƒ Default directory is C: \Program Files\IBM\STAT


Figure 11-23. Advisor Tool download STAT.exe file

The IBM Storage Tier Advisor Tool (also known as STAT) is a Microsoft Windows application that
analyzes heat data files produced by Easy Tier and produces a graphical display of the amount of
"hot" data per Volume. In addition, it predicts how adding Flash/SSD capacity to the measured
storage pool could benefit system performance. It can also provide low response time requirements
on Flash/SSDs while targeting HDDs for “cooler” data that is accessed more often sequentially and
at lower I/O rates.
The STAT tool can be downloaded from the IBM support website. You can also do a web search on
‘IBM Easy Tier STAT tool’ for a more direct link. Download the STAT tool and install it on a Windows
workstation. The default directory is C: \Program Files\IBM\STAT.
IBM Storage Tier Advisor Tool can be downloaded at: You will need an IBM ID to
proceed with the download.
STAT creates a set of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) files, and the user can then open the
index.html file in a browser to view the results.

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


Easy Tier STAT CSV files

The STAT tool also creates three CSV files in the Data_files
‡ <panel_name>_data_movement.csv
ƒ This contains details about the data movements performed by Easy Tier in the last day, including the volume
copy, the source managed disk, the target managed disk, and the type of migration (promote, demote,
rebalance, …)
‡ <panel_name>_workload_ctg.csv
ƒ This contains details about the workload characteristics of each volume copy in each tier
ƒ For example, the number of inactive extents for volume 75 copy 0 in tier 0
‡ <Panel_name>_skew_curve.csv
ƒ This contains the data necessary to draw the skew graphs. Basically the performance (IO/s, MB/s, and
response time for different types of workloads) of each group of x extents (100 extents in my example)

Import CSV files using the IBM Storage Tier Advisory Tool Charting Utility from IBM Techdocs:


Figure 11-24. Easy Tier STAT CSV files

The STAT tool also creates three comma-separated values (CSV) files and place them in the
Data_files folder:
• <panel_name>_data_movement.csv
• <panel_name>_skew_curve.csv
• <panel_name>_workload_ctg.csv
These files contains a large amount of information pertaining to your captured data and may be
used as input data for other utilities. The best way to start investigating this data is to use the IBM
Storage Tier Advisory Tool Charting Utility from IBM techdocs:
This tool will import the three CSV files into excel and automatically draw the three most interesting
charts automatically. It also contains a tab called Reference, which will explain all of the terms used
in the graphs, as well as providing a useful reminder about the different types of data migration in
Easy Tier.

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


• Iometer is an I/O workload generation tool that runs on Windows to characterize disk or
network I/O performance
• Installing Iometer:
ƒ Download the Iometer package and uncompress the files
ƒ Place the Iometer.exe and the Dynamo.exe files in the same directory
ƒ Dynamo.exe is the Iometer workload generator and must be installed on all system being
Dynamo must remain
running throughout the
entire process



Figure 11-25. Iometer

An Iometer is an I/O subsystem measurement and characterization tool for clustered system to
analyze disk or network I/O workloads.
You must install the Iometer to uncompress the files. Iometer has two basic components, the
Iometer and Dynamo. Both files must be installed in the same directory. With the start of the
Iometer tool, a Dynamo executable file is generated and placed in the Windows task bar. Dynamo
is basically the Iometer workload generator that performs the disk I/O operations, records the
performance information, and returns the data to the Iometer. Iometer provides the reporting of the
results in a management GUI.
If you are analyzing multiple system, you will need to install a Dynamo file on each system, this will
required network configuration. If Iometer and Dynamo is run on the same system, no network is

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


Configuring Iometer (1 of 2)
• Topology panel:
ƒ Mangers (name of the local system)
ƒ Select Workers (manager’s available disk drives from the Disk Target Tab)
í Worker represents logical drives that are mounted to the host
í Blue icon is physical drives (only shown if the drives are un-partitioned)
í Yellow icon with a slash requires preparation before testing
ƒ Iometer uses a sum of values (Maximum Disk Size + Starting Disk Sector controls) as
an upper bound on the size of iobw.tst.

Iometer creates a
iobw.tst file for each
volume generated I/Os


Figure 11-26. Configuring Iometer (1 of 2)

The Iometer uses a graphical user interface that allows you to specify parameters to configure an
I/O workload that is not evenly balanced across the data space.
To get started you will need to create an I/O workload using worker processes to specific selected
logical drives. Iometer by default opens eight disk workers. Iometer recognizes two different volume
• Blue icons represent physical drives; they are only shown if they have no partitions on them.
• Yellow icons represent logical (mounted) drives; which are only shown if they are writable. A
yellow icon with a red slash through it means that the drive needs to be prepared before the test
starts. Once you have specified the workers, you can disconnect the remaining workers.
When preparing an unprepared logical drive, Iometer uses a sum of the values (Maximum Disk
Size + Starting Disk Sector controls) as an upper bound on the size of iobw.tst file that will be
generated on each disk being tested.

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


Configuring Iometer (2 of 2)

Specify how the disk will be

accessed: default is 2-Kilobyte
random I/Os with a mix of 67%
reads and 33% writes

Update frequency can be

between 1 to 60 seconds

Save default results.csv

file or desired name.csv


Figure 11-27. Configuring Iometer (2 of 2)

In order to receive the desired results, you have the option to modify settings as to how the disk will
be accessed using the Access Specification. The default is 2-Kilobyte random I/Os with a mix of
67% reads and 33% writes, which represents a typical database workload. You can leave it alone or
change it. The Results Display tab, allows you to set the Update Frequency between 1 second or
60 seconds. For example, if you set the frequency to 10 seconds, the first test results appear in the
Results Display tab, and they are updated every 10 seconds after that.
Once you have the specifications set, press the Start Tests button (green flag). A standard Save
File dialog appears. Select a file to store the test results (default results.csv). Press the Stop Test
button (stop sign), and the final results are saved in the results.csv file.

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


Heat map files for analysis

• Heat file contains a wealth of information about the extents being monitored by Easy Tier
• STAT heat data file is downloaded from the GUI Settings > Support > Support package
ƒ Once a day ET generates a file
௅ Heat data files are erased after 7 days

• The dpa heat file is available on the configuration node only

ƒ To analyze your DPA heat file, either open a command prompt and type:
STAT.exe <dpa heat filename>
ƒ STAT creates a set of html files (index.html) to view results from a supported browser
ƒ Can be invoked from the CLI PuTTY spc (PSCP) by
specifying the heat data file

Example of a heat data files

Right-click file to download

Figure 11-28. Heat map files for analysis

Once Easy Tier is active, a heat map is generated or updated approximately every 24 hours. Heat
maps are presented in the management GUI under the configuration node of the cluster based:
Any existing heat data file is overwritten whenever a new heat data file is produced; however, it will
include all the information to date for all measured pools and volumes.
Heat map files are located in the /dumps directory on the configuration node, which can be
downloaded using the Settings > Support > Support package. From there you will need to click
Manual Upload Instructions, Download Support Package, and then select Download Existing
The heat map file will need to be off-loaded by the user, and then invoked in the Storage Tier
Advisor Tool from a Windows command prompt console with the file specified as a parameter. The
user can also specify the output directory. Any existing heat data file is erased when it has been
existing longer than 7 days.
The program can also be invoked from CLI using the PuTTY scp (PSCP) window with the heat file
name specified. Ensure the heat file is in the same directory as the STAT program when invoking
from the CLI. The Storage Tier Advisor Tool creates an result index.html file to view the results
through a supported browser. Browsers Firefox 27, Firefox ESR_24, Chrome 33 and IE 10 are
supported. The file is stored in a folder called Data_files in either the current directory or the
directory where STAT is installed. The output index.html file can then be opened with a web

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


Best Practices: Easy Tier free extents in pool

• Keep some free extents in pool and Easy Tier will attempt to keep some free per Tier.
• Plan for one (or more) extent times the number of MDisks in the storage pool plus 16.
Easy Tier will try to keep some extents free in Tiers 0 and 1 if possible.
• DRPs require at least 15% free extents.
• Use care so backend volumes with compression don't run out of space.

Tier 0

Tier 1

Tier 2

Example: 20 MDisks in an Easy Tier storage pool with either two or 3

MDisks tiers (20x1) + 16 = 36 extents free in the pool

Figure 11-29. Best Practices: Easy Tier free extents in pool

It is recommended to keep some free extents within a pool in order for Easy Tier to function. This
will allow Easy Tier to move the extents between tiers as well as move extents within the same tier
to load-balance the MDisks within that tier, without delays or performance impact.
• Easy Tier will work using only one extent; however, it will not work as efficiently.
• Easy Tier will work more efficiently with one extent times the number of MDisks in a storage
pool plus 16.
• Easy Tier heat map is updated every 24 hours for moves between tiers. Performance rebalance
is within a single tier (even in a hybrid pool) looked at and updated much more often. The
system is rebalancing on an hourly basis.

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


‡ Automatic data placement mode • Hot promote
‡ Easy Tier • Iometer

‡ Evaluation mode • Volume Heat Distribution report

‡ Easy Tier indicators • Solid state drive (SSD)

‡ Cold promote
• Storage Pool Recommendation report
• Storage Tier Advisor Tool (STAT)
‡ Data relocation
• System Summary report
‡ Drive use attributes
• Warm promote
‡ Flash


Figure 11-30. Keywords

Listed are keywords that were used in this unit.

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


Review questions (1 of 2)
1. What are three tier levels supported using Easy Tier Technology?

2. True or False: When the easy_tier_acceleration is set to on, the maximum migration
rate is 12 GB per 5 minutes.


Figure 11-31. Review questions (1 of 2)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


Review answers (1 of 2)
1. What are three tier levels supported using Easy Tier Technology?
The answer is Flash tier, flash-based and SAS Enterprise tier, and Nearline SAS tier.

2. True or False: When the easy_tier_acceleration is set to on, the maximum migration
rate is 12 GB per 5 minutes..
The answer is False. If easy_tier_acceleration is set to on, the maximum migration rate is 48
GB per 5 minutes.


Figure 11-32. Review answers (1 of 2)

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


Review questions (2 of 2)
3. Space within the allocated real capacity of a thin-provisioned volume is assigned in
what size increments driven by write activity?
A. Extent size increments as defined by the storage pool extent size
B. Grain size increments with a default grain size of 256 KB
C. Blocksize increments as defined by the application that owns the volume

4. True or False: Easy Tier can collect and analyze workload statistics even if no SSD-
based MDisks are available.


Figure 11-33. Review questions (2 of 2)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier


Review answers (2 of 2)
3. Space within the allocated real capacity of a thin-provisioned volume is assigned in
what size increments driven by write activity?
A. Extent size increments as defined by the storage pool extent size
B. Grain size increments with a default grain size of 256 KB
C. Blocksize increments as defined by the application that owns the volume
The answer is grain size increments with a default grain size of 256 KB

4. True or False: Easy Tier can collect and analyze workload statistics even if no SSD-
based MDisks are available.
The answer is true.


Figure 11-34. Review answers (2 of 2)

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Unit 11. IBM Spectrum Virtualize Easy Tier



‡ Characterize the volume performance

functionality of IBM Easy Tier

‡ Summarize the Easy Tier modes of


‡ Recognize Easy Tier settings and statuses

at the storage pool and volume levels

‡ Describe the usage of the IBM Storage

Tier Advisor Tool


Figure 11-35. Summary

Having completed this unit, you should be able to:

• Characterize the volume performance function of IBM Easy Tier.
• Summarize the Easy Tier modes of operations.
• Recognize Easy Tier settings and statuses at the storage pool and volume levels.
• Describe the usages of the IBM Storage Tier Advisor Tool.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data

Estimated time

This module provides an overview of the data migration concept and examines the data migration
options provided by the IBM Spectrum Virtualize Software to move data across IBM storage
systems built on the IBM Spectrum Virtualize managed infrastructure.
This module does not focus on a specific IBM storage product but on data migration as it applies to
all IBM Spectrum Storage products built with the IBM spectrum Virtualized software.

How you will check your progress

• Checkpoint
• Hands-on lab exercises

Implementing IBM Storwize V7000 with IBM Spectrum Virtualize V8.2.1

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration



‡ Analyze data migration options available

with system cluster

‡ Implement data migration from one storage

pool to another

‡ Implement data migration of existing data to

the system cluster managed storage using
the Import and System Migration Wizards

‡ Implement the export migration from a

striped type volume to image type to
remove it from the system cluster

‡ Differentiate between a volume migration

and volume mirroring


Figure 12-1. Objectives

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

• Analyze data migration options available with system cluster.
• Implement data migration from one storage pool to another.
• Implement data migration of existing data to the system cluster managed storage using the
Import and System Migration Wizards.
• Implement the export migration from a striped type volume to image type to remove it from the
system cluster management.
• Differentiate between a volume migration and volume mirroring.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Spectrum Virtualize: Data migration overview







Figure 12-2. Spectrum Virtualize: Data migration overview

In this topic, we will review the concept of data migration and look at several options in which data
migration can be performed. We will begin with the Data Migration concept.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Data migration

Migration for
data archival

Storage Migration for

virtualization system removal
Data migration process

Migration for
system updates
/ maintenance



Figure 12-3. Data migration

IBM Spectrum Virtualize systems can virtualize capacity from both new and existing storage
systems. The virtualized storage system delivers these functions in a homogeneous way on a
scalable and highly available platform over any attached storage and to any attached server.
There are two aspects to data migration. One is to move data from a non-IBM storage environment
to an IBM virtualized storage environment (and vice versa). The other is to move data within the
IBM storage managed environment.
While host-based data migration software solutions are available, the IBM storage system import
capability can be used to move large quantities of non-IBM storage managed data under IBM
storage control in a relatively small amount of time.
Virtualizing existing disk subsystems and their existing volumes to behind the IBM Spectrum
Virtualize storage system (and vice versa) involves an interruption of host or application access to
the data. Moving data within the IBM storage environment is not disruptive to the host and the
application environment.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Data migration concept

‡ Virtualizing existing storage and volumes from backend storage subsystems to an IBM
Spectrum Virtualize system cluster
‡ Migrating storage within an IBM Spectrum Virtualize storage system

NetApp Data Migration

N series DS3500

Dell EMC Storwize

Moving workload (data extents) to: family

HPQ ; Balance usage distribution

; Move data to lower-cost storage tier
HDS ; Expand or convert to new storage systems; DS8800
decommission old systems
Sun ; Optimize Flash with Easy Tier 900


Figure 12-4. Data migration concept

Data migration is the process of transferring data between storage systems. Data migration is a key
process for any system implementation, upgrade, or consolidation.
For volumes managed by the IBM Spectrum Virtualize storage system such as SVC, FlashSystem
V9000 or Storwize V7000, the mapping of volume extents to MDisk extents can be dynamically
modified without interrupting or affecting a host’s access to these volumes. Most implementations
allow for this to be done in a manner that is transparent to the host while it continues to run
applications and perform I/O.
In addition, migration of existing data to IBM storage management takes place without data
conversion and movement. Once under clustered system management, transparent data migration
allows existing data to gain the benefits and flexibility of data movement without application

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Facilitating migration using volume extent pointers

Segregating data access from
Migrate volume storage infrastructure
(migratevdisk) volume management

Extent 1a Extent 1a
Extent 2a Extent 2a
Extent 3a Extent 3a
Extent 1b Extent 1b

Extent 2b Extent 2b
Extent 3b Extent 3b
Extent 1c Extent 1c
Extent 1a Extent 2c
Extent 2c
Storage PoolA Extent 3c Extent 2a Extent 3c
Storage PoolB
Extent 3a

R5 R5 R5 Extent 1b
R5 R5 R5
Extent 2b
Chucks are
Extent 3b copied in 16
LUN Extent 1c MB R5 R5 R5
Extent 2c
RAID Controller
Extent 3c RAID Controller

Storage SystemA Storage SystemB


Figure 12-5. Facilitating migration using volume extent pointers

Since the volume represents the mapping of data extents rather than the data itself, the mapping
can be dynamically updated as data is moved from one extent location to another.
Regardless of the extent size the data is migrated in units of 16 MB. During migration the reads and
writes are directed to the destination for data already copied and to the source for data not yet
A write to the 16 MB area of the extent that is being copied (most likely due to IBM storage cache
destaging) is paused until the data is moved. If contention is detected in the back-end storage
system that might impact the overall performance of the IBM storage system, the migration is
paused to allow pending writes to proceed.
Once an entire extent has been copied to the destination pool, the extent pointer is updated and the
source extent is freed.
For data to migrate between storage pools, the extent size of the source and destination storage
pools must be identical.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Replace storage system or migrate to different storage tier

Segregating data access from

storage infrastructure
Application access management
Server1 volume

Storage PoolA Storage PoolB

MDisks R5 R5 R5 R5 R5 R5

R5 R5 R5 R5 R5 R5

Storage system
RAID Controller RAID Controller

Storage SystemA Storage SystemB


Figure 12-6. Replace storage system or migrate to different storage tier

The volume migration (migratevdisk) function of the IBM storage system enables all the extents
associated with one volume to be moved to MDisks in another storage pool.
One use for this function is to move all existing data that mapped by volumes in one storage pool
for a legacy storage system to another storage pool for another storage system. The legacy storage
system can then be decommissioned without impact to accessing applications.
Another example of usage is enabling the implementation of a tiered storage scheme using multiple
storage pools. Lifecycle management is facilitated by migrating aged or inactive volumes to a
lower-cost storage tier in a different storage pool.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Import existing LUN data

Non-virtualized: Existing Data Coexistence
Image type Image mode
Extent 5a
volume Extent 5b
Extent 5c
800 MB Extent 5e 800 MB
Extent 5f
Extent 5g
Partial extent

Migrate 800 MB
Striped Extent 1x 300 GB
300 GB
Extent 3y
Extent 4g
BLUDATV Extent 5d
Virtualized 800 MB Extent 5e Managed mode
Extent 5f
Extent 1y

Figure 12-7. Import existing LUN data

Image type volumes have the special property that its last extent might be a partial extent. The
migration function of the IBM virtualized storage system allows one or more extents of the volume
to be moved and thus change the volume from the image to the striped virtualization type. Several
methods are available to migrate the image type volume to striped.
If the image type volume is mapped to a storage pool that is set aside to map only to image type
volumes then typically the administrator will migrate the image mode VDisk to a striped VDisk in
another pool. You can choose to do this automatically as part of the migration process. Image
volumes often are not multiples of the pool segment size, in which case the last partial extent of the
volume is converted to a full extent.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Reverse migration: Export from striped to image

Non-virtualized: Existing Data Coexistence
Image Image mode
Extent 5a
Extent 5b
Extent 5c
Migrate 800 MB
Extent 5d
Extent 5e 800 MB
Extent 5f
Extent 5g

Migrate to image
300 GB 300 GB
Striped Extent 1x 300 GB
300 GB
Extent 3y
Extent 4g
BLUDATV Extent 5d
800 MB
Virtualized 800 MB Extent 5e
Extent 5f
Extent 1y mode

Figure 12-8. Reverse migration: Export from striped to image

An export option (migratetoimage) is available to reverse the migration from the virtualized realm
back to non-virtualized. Data extents associated with a striped type volume are collocated to an
empty or unmanaged destination MDisk. The volume is returned to the image virtualization type
with its destination MDisk placed in image access mode.
The image volume can then be deleted from IBM storage management causing its related MDisk or
SCSI LUN to be removed from the storage pool and set in unmanaged access mode. The SCSI
LUN can then be unassigned from the IBM storage system ports and assigned directly to the
original owning host using the storage system’s management interfaces.
The migrate to image function also allows an image type volume backed with extents of an MDisk
in one storage pool to be backed by another MDisk in the same or different storage pool while
retaining the image virtualization type.
In essence, the volume virtualization type is not relevant to the migrate to image function. The
outcome is one MDisk containing all the data extents for the corresponding volume.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Removing MDisk from storage pool

Extent 1a
Extent 2a
Migrate extents Extent 1a
Extent 2a
Extent 3a Extent 1f
Extent 1b Extent 1b
Extent 2b Extent 2b
Extent 3b volume Extent 2d
Extent 1c Extent 1c
Extent 2c Extent 2c
Extent 3c
Storage pool Extent 1e

Extent 1a Extent 2a Extent 3a

Extent 1b Extent 2b Extent 3b
Extent 1c Extent 2c
Extent 2d
Extent 3c
Extent 1d Extent 3d
Extent 1e
Extent 1f
Extent 2e
Extent 2f
Extent 3e
Extent 3f
Extent 1g Extent 2g Extent 3g

Volume extents redistributed

Managed disks
among remaining MDisks

Figure 12-9. Removing MDisk from storage pool

The extent migration (migrateexts) function is used to move data of a volume from extents
associated with one MDisk to another MDisk within the same storage pool without impacting host
application data access.
When the Easy Tier function causes extents of volumes to move from HDD-based MDisks to
SSD-based MDisk of a pool, migrateexts is the interface used for the extent movement.
When an MDisk is to be removed from a storage pool and that MDisks contains allocated extents,
then a forced removal of the MDisk causes data associated with those extents to be implicitly
migrated to free extents among remaining MDisks within the same storage pool.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Data migration options

Volume o Pool to pool migration (tier to tier migration)

New volume
Import wizard (create image volume, migrate to striped)
(existing data)
o Export to image mode (migrate striped MDisk to image
MDisk for export)
New volume
(existing data) Migration wizard (import multiple volumes; map to host)

Volume copy o Volume mirroring

o Replace one storage system with another

Extents of
volumes o Remove MDisks from pool, or extent redistribution
within a pool

While application is blissfully unaware…


Figure 12-10. Data migration options

A wealth of data migration options is provided by the IBM virtualized storage system. We will
examine each of these options listed as we explore data migration.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Pre-requisite for virtualizing existing storage

‡ Preparation
ƒ Attach storage systems to LAN and SAN
ƒ Configure storage devices using best practices
ƒ Power up
‡ Outage
ƒ Stop all applications
ƒ Unmap backend storage LUNs from host and maps to the Spectrum Virtualize
storage system
ƒ Map Spectrum Virtualize storage system LUNs to host
ƒ Restart host applications
ƒ Outage is 5 to 15 minutes typical
í Based on the number of hosts, LUNs, clustering, and effort applied
í Can be done one host or application at a time
‡ Backend storage usually reconfigured to optimal setup for behind the
Spectrum Virtualize clustered system

Figure 12-11. Pre-requisite for virtualizing existing storage

Virtualization is a valuable technology for helping you get the most out of your IT investments. This
shows the high level steps to virtualize storage behind an IBM Spectrum Virtualize storage system.
Preparation is critical to data access, to avoid access and performance issues, you must ensure
that your SAN-attached storage systems and switches are correctly configured to work efficiently
with symmetric virtualization.
The application outage is generally short and can typically last between 5 to 15 minutes based on
the number of resources in the configuration. This can further be minimized using scripting as part
of the process. Alternatives do exist to avoid application outages entirely when no downtime is
acceptable in a high availability cluster using host based data migration from the backend to the
clustered storage. However, using host based data migration requires additional storage space on
the clustered system. The procedure covered here doesn’t require any additional storage.
Eventually the backend storage is reconfigured to best practices for behind Spectrum virtualize
clustered system, which facilitates evenly balanced the use of all its resources and maximizing its
performance as a result.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Spectrum Virtualize: Data migration options






Figure 12-12. Spectrum Virtualize: Data migration options

This topic discusses the pool to pool volume migration option.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Migrate volume to another pool (another tier/box)

‡ Before migrating data to another pool:
ƒ Ensure free space is available
ƒ Issues the lsvg command to ensure volumes
are in good status
‡ Select Volumes > Volumes by Host
ƒ Right-click a volume and select Migrate to
Another Pool
í Select a target pool - only pools with the same
extent size as source are listed
í GUI generates the migratevdisk command


Figure 12-13. Migrate volume to another pool (another tier/box)

You can move a volume to a different storage pool only if the destination pool has enough free
space to hold volume data. If the pool does not have enough space, the volume will not move.
Before performing a volume migration, you need to ensure that the volumes are in good status.
Migrating a volume to another pool also means its extents (the data that belongs to this volume) are
moved (actually copied) to another pool. The volume itself remains unchanged from the host’s
Migrate a volume to another pool can be invoked by clicking Volumes > Volumes by Host and
selecting the desired host in the Host Filter list. Right-click the volume entry and then select
Migrate to Another Pool from the menu list.
A list of storage pools eligible to receive the volume copy extents is displayed. The GUI only
displays target pools with the same extent size as the source pool and only if these pools have
enough free capacity needed for the incoming extents. Once you have selected a target pool, the
management GUI generates the migratevdisk command which causes the extents of the volume
copy to be migrated to the selected target storage pool.
A volume might potentially have two sets of extents, typically residing in different pools. The
granularity of volume migration is at the volume copy level. Therefore the more technically precise
terminology for a volume is actually a volume copy. Data migration occurs at the volume copy level
and migrates all the extents associated with one volume copy of the volume.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Volume copy migration is transparent

‡ Volume extents are redistributed
ƒ Host remains unchanged
ƒ I/O operations proceed as normal
‡ Destination storage pool is updated with volume name
Examples: 0'$7$
IBMcluster:superuser>lsvdiskextent mdiskgrp 0
id number_extents
0 2
1 1 SAS pool
2 1

IBMcluster:superuser>lsvdiskextent mdiskgrp 1
id number_extents
0 2   
1 2  H[WV H[WV  H[WV
2 2
'6. '6. '6.

NL pool


Figure 12-14. Volume copy migration is transparent

As an extent is copied from the source pool to the destination pool the extent pointer for the volume
is updated to that of the destination pool. The extent in the source pool becomes free space eligible
to be reassigned to another volume.
Due to the IBM storage system implementation of volume extent pointers the volume migration is
totally transparent to the host. Nothing has changed from a host perspective. The fact that the
copied volume extents are now sourced by another pool is totally transparent and inconsequential
to the attaching host. I/O operations proceed as normal during the data migration.
Once the volume copy’s last extent has been moved to the target pool then the volume’s pool name
is updated to that of the target pool.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Spectrum Virtualize: Import wizard







Figure 12-15. Spectrum Virtualize: Import wizard

This topic reviews how to use the Import Wizard to bring a volume that contains existing data under
an IBM virtualized storage system control as an image type volume. Finally, we will examine the list
of procedures to be completed once the volume has been migrated to its new pool.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Image mode volumes overview

‡ Image mode simplifies the transition of existing data from a non-virtualized to a virtualized
environment without requiring physical data movement or conversion


IBM storage system management

A storage box on the SAN


Figure 12-16. Image mode volumes overview

Image mode simplifies the transition of existing data from a non-virtualized to a virtualized
environment without requiring physical data movement or conversion. This method involves the
external storage that is currently presenting data to a host server, and the IBM Spectrum Virtualize
system in which the data will be migrated under its management for host access.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Migrating existing data using Image mode

• Image mode volumes creates a direct block-for-block translation of data between the
extents on the MDisk and the extents that are on the volume
ƒ Volume logical block address (LBA) x = MDisk LBA x
ƒ Capacity of image mode volumes is equal to the capacity of the MDisk
ƒ Minimum block size of 512 bytes and always occupy at least one extent
Existing data
Extent 5a
Extent 5b
Extent 5c
800 MB Extent 5e 800 MB
Extent 5f
VDisk MDisk
Extent 5g
Partial extent

Best practice: Have a separately defined storage pool set aside to house
SCSI LUNs containing existing data.

Figure 12-17. Migrating existing data using Image mode

Image mode volumes are special volumes that creates a direct mapping between extents that are
on the MDisk and the extents that are on the volume. Therefore, the logical block address (LBA) x
on the MDisk is the same as the LBA x on the volume, which ensures that the data on the MDisk is
preserved as it is brought into the clustered system. The capacity of image mode volumes is equal
to the capacity of the MDisk from which it is created. Image mode volumes have a minimum size of
1 block (512 bytes) and always occupy at least one extent.
Some functions are not available for image mode volumes. For best practice, have a separately
defined Some virtualization storage pool set aside to house SCSI LUNs containing existing data.
Use the image type volume attribute to securely bring that data under the cluster virtualized
management. After the migration completion, the MDisk becomes a managed MDisk.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Importing LUN to MDisk

‡ To preserve existing external LUNs data as it is migrated into the IBM storage
ƒ LUNs are unassigned from the host in the external storage subsystem and host is placed offline
ƒ LUNs are re-assigned to IBM storage system cluster for management
ƒ Detected LUNs are treated as an external storage unmanaged MDisks with an assigned default
name and object ID


External Storage Subsystem

0 1 MDisk
Drive D Drive E

Volume disks Offline SAN Zone

unmanaged mode

Figure 12-18. Importing LUN to MDisk

Before LUNs can be imported from an external storage subsystem into the virtualized IBM
Spectrum Virtualize environment, the LUN being imported to the IBM storage system has to be
unassigned from the host in storage box. The application which had been using that LUN obviously
has to take an outage.
The LUN will then need to be re-assigned from the external storage to IBM system cluster for
management. The LUN disk is detected as an MDisk (LUN) on the system cluster which becomes
external storage unmanaged mode MDisk.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Perform SAN device discovery to detect MDisk

‡ To perform an FC SAN device discovery:
ƒ From the Pools > External Storage view, select Action > Discover storage
‡ GUI generates the detectmdisk command for device discovery
‡ Right-click the MDisk to view its properties and verify that the MDisk UID matches the LUN UID of
the backend storage
‡ MDisk is renamed for clarity: Supports multi-LUN
ƒ Right-click MDisk entry and select Rename migration concurrently



Figure 12-19. Perform SAN device discovery to detect MDisk

If the external controller is not listed in the Pools > External Storage view, you will need to perform
a SAN device discovery by selecting Action > Discover storage. The GUI will issue the
detectmdisk command to cause the IBM virtualized storage system to perform Fibre Channel
SAN device discovery.
There is no interface for the IBM storage to discern if this MDisk contains free space or existing
data. You will need to confirm that the correct external storage volume had been discovered by
examining the details of the MDisk properties.
It is best practice to rename the MDisk to clarify its identity or to match its existing name in the LUN
data being imported from the external storage system. When renaming multiple volumes at the
same time, you can correlate the volumes on the system cluster with LUNs on the backend storage
subsystem, or disks on the hosts, using UDIDs and sometimes via the LUN size when they are

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Importing MDisk to image mode

‡ Right-click the newly named MDisk with the unassigned MDisk mode and select Import
‡ Select one of the following methods to import the existing data:
ƒ Import to temporary pool as image-mode volume creates an image type volume so that the
external storage data is brought under IBM storage management
ƒ Migrate to an existing pool migrates volume from image to the striped virtualization type in the
desired storage pool

APP1DB MDisk 1
image MDisk 0 Click if the volume
mode contains Copy Services
Extent = 1024 MB


Figure 12-20. Importing MDisk to image mode

There are two methods in which you can import existing data:
1. Import to temporary pool as image-mode volume option allows you to virtualize existing
data from the external storage system without migrating the data from the source MDisk (LUN)
and then present them to host as image mode volume. This data will become virtualized by the
system cluster while remaining on the existing back end storage subsystem original LUN.
2. Migrate to existing pool option allows you to create an image mode volume and start migrate
the data to the selected storage pool. This frees up the original backend LUN that can be
reclaimed storage space. This facilitates reconfiguring the backend storage to a more optimal
configuration for virtualization and balanced use of its resources.
To start the import to image mode process, right click an unmanaged MDisk that correlates to the
external storage LUN and select Import from the menu. The import wizard guides you through a
quick import process to bring the volume’s existing data under IBM storage management.
The default name given to the volume created by the Import Wizard is a concatenation of the
storage system name followed by the MDisk LUN number. As best practice, to rename the volume
to a more descriptive name typically to identify it as being used by its assigned host.
Next, you will need to define migration pool with the exact same size of the LUN being migrated.
This example shows that the Import option is used and no existing storage pool is chosen,
therefore a temporary migration pool with an extent size of 1024 MB is created to hold the new
image-mode volume.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Import as image volume then migrate to striped

‡ MigrationPool_1024 was created to temporary housed the image volume
ƒ Pool name contains the extent size in which it was created
ƒ Immediately after MDisks are place in the migration pool they become virtualized

0 image
APP1LOG stripe

MDisk was previously

image MDisk 1
mode APP1DB
MDisk 0



Figure 12-21. Import as image volume then migrate to striped

During this process, the MDisk transitions from unmanaged mode to image mode. Immediately
after, the image type volume is migrated to the MigrationPool to become virtualized. Migrating
the image volume to striped is to be performed later and outside the control of the Import
The MigrationPool_1024 is normally used as a vehicle to migrate data from existing external LUNs
into storage pools, either located internally or externally, on the IBM storage system. You should not
use image-mode volumes as a long-term solution because the backend storage subsystem should
be reconfigured to facilitate balanced use of its resources, following best practices for the specific
disk subsystem.

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Generated commands to import (create) volume

‡ Wizard generates several tasks to create image mode volume:
/ŵƉŽƌƚŝŶŐDŝƐŬƐ;WWϭ͕WWϭ>K'Ϳ 1
APP1LOG image
svctask mkmdiskgrp –encrypt no –ext 1024 –name
MigrationPool_1024 image
dŚĞƚĂƐŬŝƐϯϯйĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞ͘ mode
APP1DB MDisk 1
svctask mkvdisk –mdisk APP1DB –mdiskgrp
MDisk 0
MigrationPool_1024 –name APP1DB_V
–syncrate 80 –vtype image
/ŵĂŐĞͲŵŽĚĞǀŽůƵŵĞĐƌĞĂƚĞĚ͕/Ϭ͘ MigrationPool_1024
svctask mkvdisk –mdisk APP1LOG –mdiskgrp MigrationPool_1024 –name APP1LOG_V –
syncrate 80 –vtype image

Figure 12-22. Generated commands to import (create) volume

The Wizard generates several tasks. It first creates a storage pool called MigrationPool_1024 using
the same extent size (-ext 1024) as the intended target storage pool.
The mkvdisk command is used to concurrently perform two functions. It places the DS3K MDisk
into the MigrationPool_1024 and at the same time creates an image mode volume based on this
MDisk. At this point, there is a one-to-one relationship between the MDisk and the volume. This
volume’s extents are all sourced from this MDisk. The MDisk has an access mode of image and the
volume has a virtualization type of image. You will notice there is no reference to the volume’s
capacity as it is implicitly derived from the capacity of its MDisk.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Map image volume to host

‡ Map image mode volume to the host object that was previously accessing the data
‡ Host scans for disks, or if disk is offline, bringing it back online
‡ Image mode volume data is now accessible for I/O operations to the host

External Storage Subsystem

0 1

Drive D Drive E Drive D Drive E

unmanaged mode
SAN Zone Volume disks online


Figure 12-23. Map image volume to host

In terms of host access to the existing data, as soon as the mkvdisk command completes, the
volume can be mapped to the host object that was previously using the data that the MDisk now
The administrator uses the GUI to map the VDisk to the host, generating a mkvdiskhostmap
command. The host administrator will scan for disks resulting in a disk being configured on the
host. If the host disk shows it is offline, you will need to being it back online. Then host applications
can be restarted.
Generally image mode volume will be migrated to striped mode in another pool, to facilitate
balanced use of resources, and to take advantage of other IBM Spectrum Virtualize software
If you need to preserve existing data on the unmanaged MDisks, do not assign them to the pools
because this action deletes the data.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Migration volume to new storage pool

‡ Select a storage pool to migrate image mode volume data to managed-mode disk to
transition from image to striped
‡ Volume extents are distributed across all MDisk of the pool
‡ MDisk's access mode became managed when the migratevdisk process began


APP1DB Image APP1DB Striped

type Extents moved
managed mode

Same extent size


Figure 12-24. Migration volume to new storage pool

To virtualize the storage on an image mode volume, the volume needs to be transformed into a
striped volume. This process migrates the data on the image mode volume to managed-mode disks
in another storage pool. Issue the migratevdisk command to migrate an entire image mode
volume from one storage pool to another storage pool.
The IBM storage system attempts to distribute extents of the volume across all MDisks of the pool.
All extents of the MDisk have been freed. Remember that the MDisk's access mode became
managed when the migratevdisk process began.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Delete MigrationPool
• Volume and MigrationPool_1024 can now be deleted
ƒ You have the option to keep the MigrationPool for subsequent imports
• MDisk returns to unmanaged mode
• LUN can now be unassigned from the IBM storage system host group to prevent future

APP1DB MDisk 1
image MDisk 0
Extent = 1024 MB



Figure 12-25. Delete MigrationPool

Having migrated the volume data from the original LUN and to a new storage pool, the MDisk and
the temporary MigrationPool_1024 storage pool no longer exist.
To finalize the import migration, the image type volume is deleted, its corresponding MDisk is
automatically removed from the storage pool. The empty MigrationPool_1024 can either be deleted
or kept for subsequent imports. The data migration to the IBM storage system is done.
The MDisks will be presented as unmanaged and no longer being used by the IBM storage system.
The backend storage administrator will typically unmap the LUN from the storage system cluster
and reclaim the space. This prevents the LUN from being detected the next time the system cluster
performs SAN device discovery. Consequently the system cluster removes the MDisk entries from
its inventory.
If the external storage device is scheduled for decommissioning, the SAN zoning needs to be
updated so that the IBM storage system can no longer see the its FC ports.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Spectrum Virtualize: Export wizard







Figure 12-26. Spectrum Virtualize: Export wizard

This topic discusses the Export to image mode option to remove striped type volume from IBM
virtualized storage management. It also highlights the steps in which to reassign the volume data to
the host directly from a storage system.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Export volume from striped to image

copy Volume

ID n exts
Extents of volume n
ID n exts ID n exts ID n exts
MDisk1 MDisk2 MDisk3 MDisk4 to one MDisk
Extent = 1024 MB
Flash pool
or bigger as
Extent = 1024 MB



Figure 12-27. Export volume from striped to image

The process to export or revert a striped type volume back to image mode, where the VDisk will
reside entirely on a backend storage LUN, transparently to the host. At some point, the application
will be stopped, and the backend storage administrator will unmap the LUN from the storage
system cluster, and map it back to the host. Then the host administrator will remove the storage
system clustered disk from the host configuration, rescan for disks and restart the application.
Zoning changes typically occur during this process. The backend storage administrator starts the
process by configuring a LUN of the appropriate size and mapping it to the storage clustered
system for use as the image mode MDisk.
The migratetoimage function is used to relocate all extents of a volume to one MDisk of the
storage system cluster, and to recreate the image mode pair.
In the example, the IBM storage system cluster export volume function (migratetoimage) enables
all the extents associated with a volume copy to be relocated to just one destination MDisk. The
access mode of the MDisk must be unmanaged for it to be selected as the destination MDisk. The
capacity of this MDisk must be either identical to or larger than the capacity of the volume.
As a result of the export process, the volume copy’s virtualization type changes to image and its
extents are sourced sequentially from the destination MDisk.
The image volume and MDisk pair can reside in any pool as long as the resident pool has the same
extent size as the pool that contained the volume copy initially.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Create temporary export pool to match extent size

• Issues the lsmdiskgrp –delim to verify the extent size of the existing pool that contains the volume to
be exported

• Issues the following command to create an export pool using the same extent size:
mkmdiskgrp -ext 1024 -name ExportPool_1024

IBMcluster:superuser>lsmdiskgrp 5
id 5
name ExportPool_1024
status online
mdisk_count 0
vdisk_count 0
capacity 0
extent_size 1024
free_capacity 0
virtual_capacity 0.00MB
used_capacity 0.00MB
real_capacity 0.00MB
overallocation 0


Figure 12-28. Create temporary export pool to match extent size

As a general practice, image mode pairs should be kept in a designated migration pool instead of
being intermingled in a pool with striped volumes. A preparatory step needed prior to exporting the
volume copy is to have a storage pool with the same extent size as the volume’s storage pool.
In this case, you will need to determine the extents size of the pool in which the volume to be
exported resides in. Based on the pool’s extent size 1024, create an ExportPool _1024 with the
same extent size.
The subsequent lsmdiskgrp 5 command can display the details for the storage pool just created
and confirms the extent size of 1024 MB for the empty pool.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Export volume from striped to image mode

• To export a stripe volume to an image mode volume, right-click the volume and select Export to
Image Mode
• Select the MDisk to be exported the volume. The target MDisk must be the same size or larger
than source volume
• Select a target storage pool with the same extent as the source storage pool

Target 6RXUFH
Stripe volume Extent = 1024 MB
Extent = 1024 MB


svctack migratetoimage –mdisk APP3VOL –mdiskgrp ExportPool_1024 –vdisk APP3vol

Figure 12-29. Export volume from striped to image mode

An export mode MDisk is associated with exactly one volume. This feature can be used to export a
volume to a non-virtualized disk and to remove the volume from storage virtualization, for example,
to map it directly from external storage system to host. If you have two copies of a volume, you can
choose one to export to image mode. To export a volume copy from striped to image mode,
right-click on the volume and select Export to Image Mode from the menu list.
From the Export to Image Mode window, you will need to select an unmanaged MDisk that is the
size of the volume copy or larger to export the volume’s extents. In this example, we selected the
APP3VOL MDisk of the same capacity that is still in the IBM storage system cluster inventory as an
eligible destination MDisk to be migrated to the ExportPool_1024 (source) storage pool for the new
image mode volume.
Since the target storage pool has to have the same extent size as the source storage pool, this pool
was pre-defined for that purpose. Also, the target storage pool may be an empty pool, so the
selected MDisks will be the target pool’s only member at the end of migration procedure. The target
storage pool can also have other image modes or striped MDisks. In case you have image and
striped MDisks in the same pool, volumes created in this pool will only use striped MDisks because
MDisks that are in image mode already have image mode volume created on top of them and
cannot be used as an extent source for other volumes.
The GUI generates the migratetoimage command to identify the destination MDisk to use for the
volume copy and the pool to contain the image mode pair.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Volume Details: Extents being migrated

• Data is migrated based on the extents that reside on one of more MDisks
• ExportPool_1024 pool contains one image access mode MDisk with no free space
ƒ All the extents of this MDisk has been assigned to the volume to be exported
• I/O operations proceed as normal

3 3
Volume volume
copy 1 copy 1

Image mode
4 exts

Extent = 1024 MB
ExportPool_1024 Storage pool
RAID5 pool


Figure 12-30. Volume Details: Extents being migrated

The migratetoimage command migrates the data of the volume by consolidating its extents (which
might reside on one or more MDisks) onto the extents of the target MDisk. After migration is
complete, the volume is classified as an image type volume, and the corresponding mdisk is
classified as an image mode MDisk.
The managed disk that is specified as the target must be in an unmanaged state at the time that the
command is run. Running this command results in the inclusion of the MDisk into the user-specified
storage pool.
You cannot specify migratetoimage if the target or source volume is offline. Correct the offline
condition before you migrate the volume.
At the completion of the export process the ExportPool_1024 pool contains one image access
mode MDisk with no free space. All the extents of this MDisk has been assigned to the volume to
be exported. During the migration to image mode the I/O operations continue to proceed as normal.
You can now remove the volume and MDisk from IBM Spectrum Virtualize management and
present the former MDisk as a LUN to the Windows host. To do so, first, stop application activity.
Either remove the drive letter in Windows to take the drive offline, or shut down the Windows host.
Since the storage system LUN is to be directly assigned to the host, you will need to update host
SAN zoning to enable access to the storage system.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Spectrum Virtualize: System migration







Figure 12-31. Spectrum Virtualize: System migration

This topic discusses the procedures to migrate existing data on external storage systems using the
IBM Spectrum Virtualize storage system migration wizard.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Storage system migration overview

‡ System migration
ƒ Wizard-based tool features easy-to-follow panes that guide you through the entire migration
ƒ Identifies restrictions and prerequisites for using the storage migration wizard
ƒ Migrate data from existing storage systems to the IBM storage system by placing the external FC-
connected LUNs under the IBM storage control
í Ability to migrate multiple LUNs concurrently from external storage

A storage box
on the SAN


IBM storage system management


Figure 12-32. Storage system migration overview

IBM Spectrum Virtualize Storage System Migration is a wizard-based tool that is designed to simply
the migration task. The wizard features easy-to-follow pane that guides you through the entire
migration process.
System Migration uses volume mirroring instead of migratevdisk command to migrate existing
data into the virtualized environment. Similar to the Import Wizard this step can be optional.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Remap host server’s LUNs to IBM storage system

‡ Verify that LUNs have been reassigned to the system cluster
‡ Logical drive IDs; LUNs should match the worldwide unique LUN names reported by the QLogic HBA
management interface


Figure 12-33. Remap host server’s LUNs to IBM storage system

You can use the external storage DS Storage Manager Client interface to verify the map host LUNs
to the IBM storage system host group. This remap of LUNs to the IBM storage system host group
can be performed either prior to invoking the Migration Wizard or before the next step in the
Migration Wizard.
The LUN number assigned to the logical drives can be any LUN number. In this example, by default
the DS3500 storage unit uses the next available LUN numbers for the target host or host group.
The LUN number is assigned as LUN 1 for APP1DB. The logical drive ID of the LUN should match
the worldwide unique LUN names reported by the QLogic HBA management interface.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


System Migration wizard tasking

‡ To start the Migration wizard:
ƒ From Pool menu, select System Migration > click Start New Migration

A storage box
on the SAN

copy 0 copy 1
image striped unmanaged

Unmanaged mode
For a MDisk26
mode MDisk
Enables import of Other_Pool_1024
large capacity LUNs MigrationPool_8192 (any extent size)


Figure 12-34. System Migration wizard tasking

Migration Wizard generates step-by-step commands to:

a. Defines a migration pool with extent size 8192. The large extent size enables the Migration
Wizard to support the import of extremely large capacity LUNs to IBM storage system
b. Create image volume and MDisk pair in migration pool. All existing data volumes brought
under IBM storage system management with the Migration Wizard have an image type copy
initially. Then the option to add a striped volume copy is offered as part of the import
process. Subsequent writes to both volume copies are then maintained by the Volume
Mirroring function of the IBM storage system until the image volume copy is deleted.
c. If a host has not been defined yet, the wizard provides additional guidance as part of the
import process to create the host object.
d. Administrators will then have the ability to map image volume to host object.
e. The migration wizard will also add mirrored copy to each image volume to mirror the volume
data to an appropriate storage pool.
f. Finalize: Remove image copy of the MDisk and migration storage pool.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


System migration verification restrictions and prerequisites

‡ Excluded environments are not supported with in the Migration Wizard


Figure 12-35. System migration verification restrictions and prerequisites

Before you begin migrating external storage, confirm that the restrictions and prerequisites are met.
The IBM storage system supports migrating data from external storage system to the system using
either direct serial-attached SCSI (SAS) connections and Fibre Channel or Fibre Channel over
Ethernet connections.
The list of excluded environments are not built into the guided Migration Wizard procedure.
• Change VMWare ESX host settings, or do not run VMWare ESX.
If you have VMware ESX server hosts, you must change settings on the VMWare host so
copies of the volumes can be recognized by the system after the migration is completed. To
enable volume copies to be recognized by the system for VMWare ESX hosts, you must
complete one of the following actions on the host:
▪ Enable the EnableResignature setting.
▪ Disable the DisallowSnapshotLUN setting.
▪ One approach is to (before migrating the other LUNs) is to create a new LUN, assign it to
the host, and allow the host administrator to migrate the boot LUN.
To learn more about these settings, consult the documentation for the VMWare ESX host.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Preparing for data migration

‡ For the IBM Spectrum Storage product, the External Virtualize license is required per-enclosure


Figure 12-36. Preparing for data migration

The following are required to prepare external storage systems and IBM storage system for data
• In order for the IBM storage system to virtualize external storage, a per-enclosure external
virtualization license is required. You can temporarily set the license without any charge only
during the migration process. Configuring the external license setting prevents messages from
being sent that indicate that you are in violation of the license agreement. When the migration is
complete, the external virtualization license must be reset to its original limit.
• I/O operations to the LUNs must be stopped and changes made to the mapping of the storage
system LUNs and to the SAN fabric zoning. The LUNs must then be presented to the IBM
storage system and not to the hosts.
• The hosts must have the existing storage system multipath device drives removed, and the be
configured for the IBM storage system attachment. This might require further zoning changes to
be made for host-to IBM storage system SAN connections.
• The IBM storage system discovers the external LUNs as unmanaged MDisks.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Preparing host and SAN environment

‡ Examine host data content before migration
‡ Use Disk Management to examine current disk status on the host server
‡ Use Device Manager to confirm the storage device entries (example 1746-xxx is the product
identifier for the DS3500)


Figure 12-37. Preparing host and SAN environment

In order to ensure that data is not corrupted during the migration process, all I/O operations on the
host side must be stopped. In addition, SAN zoning needs to be modified to allow the backend
storage to map the LUNs to the system cluster, and for the system cluster to map VDisks to the
Before migrating storage, administrator should record the hosts and their WWPNs for each volume
that is being migrated, and the SCSI LUN when mapped to this system.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


System Migration MDisk (LUN) discovery

‡ System discovers MDisks (LUNs) that have been presented to the IBM storage system
ƒ Right-click each MDisk to rename them to match LUN on the external storage system

Right-click to
rename MDisk to
correlated to the
LUNs on the external
storage system


Figure 12-38. System Migration MDisk (LUN) discovery

The IBM storage system management GUI will issue the detectmdisk command to scan
the environment to detect the available LUNs that have been mapped to the IBM storage
system host group. The lsdiscoverystatus command list the unmanaged MDisks to be
assigned to the IBM storage system. If the MDisks were not renamed during the GUI
external system discovery, you can right-click on each MDisk to rename them to correspond
to the LUNs from the external storage system.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Select MDisks to import

‡ Migration Wizard supports concurrently importing multiple unmanaged MDisks

MDisks were previously

renamed to correlate to the
external storage LUN name


Figure 12-39. Select MDisks to import

The Migration Wizard supports concurrently importing multiple unmanaged MDisks. The LUNs are
presented as unmanaged mode MDisks. The LUN numbers range from 0 to 255 range and are
surfaced to the IBM storage system as a 64-bit number with the low-order byte containing the
external storage assigned LUN number in hexadecimal format. The MDisk properties provide
additional confirmation that includes the storage system name and UID.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Create image type volume for each MDisk

‡ A MigrationPool_8192 is created to storage MDisks
‡ The GUI generates the mkvdisk command for each unmanaged MDisk selected to create the one-to-
one image volume pair
ƒ Extract image of the LUN being assigned from the external storage system with unchanged data
Running command: 14 15
svctask mkmdiskgrp –encrypt no –ext 8192 –name APP1DATA APP1DB
Creating image-mode volume for MDisk APP1DATA.
Checking for name collisions…
Running command:
10 13
Svctask mkvdisk APP1DATA –mdiskgrp
mdisk1 mdisk2
MigrationPool_8192 -name DS35k_
0000000000000018 –syncrate 80 -vtype image
Image-mode volume created, ID 14 MigrationPool_8192
The task is 66% complete.
Command repeated to create the second VDisk image.

Figure 12-40. Create image type volume for each MDisk

For each of the selected MDisk, a mkvdisk command is generated to create the one-to-one volume
pair with a virtualization type of image. The image mode means that the volume is an extract image
of the LUN that is on the external storage system with its data completely unchanged. Therefore the
IBM storage system is simple presenting an active image of the external storage LUN.
The mkmdiskgrp command is used to create a MigrationPool whose extent size is 8192 MB. Using
the largest extent size possible for this pool enables MDisk addressability when importing
extremely large capacity LUNs.
The unmanaged image volumes are moved into the migration pool with an access mode of image
and a corresponding image type volume is created with all its extents pointing to this MDisk. The
name assigned to each volume follows the format of storage system name concatenated with the
storage system assigned LUN number for the MDisk.
As with all IBM storage objects, an object ID is assigned to each newly created volume. As a
preferred practice, map the volume to the host with the same SCSI ID before the migration.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Verify host mapping

‡ If you are unsure of the host configuration, right-click a host and use the Properties option to view
host information
ƒ Number of Fibre Channel ports defined for the host
ƒ I/O groups the host is entitled to access volumes
‡ Host objects can been defined at this point using Add host or after the migration completes


Figure 12-41. Verify host mapping

Before you proceed, to map image volumes to a host, you need to verify that the potential host
system have been installed with the supported drivers and properly zoned within the IBM storage
system SAN fabric.
If a host object has not been defined to the IBM storage system yet, click the Add Host option.
Configuring host objects using the System Migration Wizard is optional as it can be perform after
volumes have been migrated to a specified pool.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Review and rename image type volumes

‡ Prior to mapping the image volumes to the host, change the default name to correspond to the LUNs
on the host server
ƒ GUI generates a chvdisk command for each VDisk


Figure 12-42. Review and rename image type volumes

The System Migration Map Volumes to Hosts (optional) pane presents the image volumes under
the default name that contains the name of the external storage system along with the
corresponding MDisk name. All columns within the wizard can be modified for viewing purposes to
view information like the volume object IDs.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Map image volumes to host

‡ Verify image volumes are mapped to select host
‡ GUI generates the mkvdiskhostmap command for each volume
‡ It is possible to map each image volume to a different host

Host discovery can be

performed. Reboot of host
server might be required.


Figure 12-43. Map image volumes to host

From this pane, the selected image volumes can now be mapped to the desired host. This task can
be completed using the Map to Host option or from the Action menu select Map to Host.
With today’s SAN-aware operating systems and applications, a change in the SCSI ID (LUN
number) of a LUN presented to the host is not usually an issue, but only a concern if multiple hosts
are accessing the same VDisk and require the same LUN ID across all hosts. Windows behavior is
consistent. Therefore, it is not an issue for a disk to be removed from the system and the
represented with a different ID/LUN number. Windows will typically reassign the same drive letter if
it is still available.
Once the image volumes are mapped to the host object, host device discovery can be performed. It
might be appropriate to reboot the server as part of the host device discovery effort.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Select pool and create mirrored volume copies

‡ Select the storage pool to migrate image volumes from image to striped
‡ GUI generates the addvdiskcopy command for each volume
ƒ Another copy or set of extents for the volume is being allocated for each volume in the selected storage pool

Storage pool Striped

copy 1 extents volume

Image copy 0 extents


Figure 12-44. Select pool and create mirrored volume copies

Migrating image volumes to a selected pool is an optional. If it is desired to migrate these volumes
to the virtualized environment (virtualization type of striped) then select a target pool.
Unlike the Import Wizard, the Migration Wizard uses the IBM storage system Volume Mirroring
function (instead of migratevdisk) to implement the migration to the striped virtualization type. The
GUI generates one addvdiskcopy command to create a second volume copy (copy 1) for each
Since Volume Mirroring is used then the target pool extent size does not need to match the
migration pool extent size.
If no target pool is selected for this step then volumes and their corresponding MDisks are left as
image mode pairs. The System Migration Wizard can be invoked at a later point in time to complete
the migration to the virtualized environment.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Data migration to virtualize has begun

‡ The System Migration view displays the volumes and the progress of each volume copy
synchronization task
ƒ Data is now being copied in the background between the external (old) storage system to the (new) IBM
storage system environment for management
‡ Once complete, click the Finish


Figure 12-45. Data migration to virtualize has begun

The GUI starts volume synchronization on each volume copy. This part of the System Migration
Wizard is complete. However the end of the storage migration wizard is not the end of the data
migration process. Once complete, click the Finish option.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


System migration complete: Managed volumes

A storage box
Host has continuous access to
on the SAN
volume data while the migration
occurs in the background
copy 0 copy 1 mode
Unmanaged mode
image striped
type APP1DATA type

For a MDisk#
given MDisk#

mode MDisk

MigrationPool_8192 (any extent size)


Figure 12-46. System migration complete: Managed volumes

Since IBM storage system environment is virtualized and we were able to successfully map
volumes to the host, the host will have continuously access to the volume data while migration
occurs in the background. The application can be restarted and the host will have no awareness of
the migration process.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Finalize system migration: Delete image volumes

• Finalize task triggers a subsequent IBM storage system SAN device discovery
action will delete these MDisk entries from the IBM storage inventory
ƒ For each VDisk the GUI generates a rmvdiskcopy –copy 0 [Vdisk number]


Figure 12-47. Finalize system migration: Delete image volumes

After Volume Mirroring synchronization has reached 100%, you can finalize the migration process.
The image copy (copy 0) is deemed to be no longer needed since data have been migrated into the
IBM storage system virtualized environment.
From the System Migration pane, select the Finalize option. A subsequent IBM storage system
SAN device discovery action will delete each Copy 0 image volume copy from the IBM storage
system inventory provided the back end storage administrator has unmapped the LUN from the
system cluster.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Delete MigrationPool_8192
• Image type volumes are deleted and the corresponding MDisk is automatically removed
from the pool
• MigrationPool_8192 can either be deleted or kept for subsequent imports
• Addition steps will need to be performed to unassign the LUNs in the backend storage from
the system cluster

A storage box
on the SAN



Figure 12-48. Delete MigrationPool_8192

When the finalization completes, the image type volumes are deleted, its corresponding MDisk is
automatically removed from the storage pool. You can unzone and remove the older storage
system from the IBM storage system SAN fabric. The empty MigrationPool_8192 can either be
deleted or kept for subsequent imports. The data migration to IBM storage system is done.
Additional steps will need to be performed to unassign the LUNs in the storage system from the
IBM storage system cluster. You would typically change the zoning to allow the backend disk
subsystem that is not zoned to communicate with the host. The back end storage will however
remain zoned to the system cluster.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Spectrum Virtualize: Volume mirroring







Figure 12-49. Spectrum Virtualize: Volume mirroring

This topic discusses how volume mirroring can be used to migrate data from one pool to another

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Volume Mirror concept

• Stores two copies of a volume, usually on separate disk systems
ƒ Maintains both copies in sync and writes to both copies
• Volume mirroring is a simple RAID 1-type function
• Intended to protect critical data against failure of a disk system or disk array
ƒ A local high availability function

&RS\ &RS\


Figure 12-50. Volume Mirror concept

Volume Mirroring is a function where Spectrum Virtualize software stores two copies of a volume
and maintains those two copies in synchronization. Volume mirroring is a simple RAID 1-type
function that allows a volume to remain online even when the storage pool backing it becomes
Volume mirroring is designed to protect the volume from storage infrastructure failures by seamless
mirroring between storage pools that might impact availability of critical data or applications.
Accordingly Volume Mirroring is a local high availability function and is not intended to be used as a
disaster recovery function.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Volume mirroring offers better performance

SCSI Target
• Both volume copies have its own cache
ƒ Destaging of the cache can now be done
Replication independently for each copy
Upper Cache


Volume Mirroring

Data Thin Provisioning Compression

Lower Cache
Log Virtualization Easy Tier
Structured Forwarding
Initiator Initiator

IOs to storage controllers


Figure 12-51. Volume mirroring offers better performance

With the redesign of the IBM Spectrum Virtualize software architecture, mirrored volume
performance has been significantly improved. When the host writes to a mirrored volume, it puts
the data in the I/O group cache once before returning an acknowledgment to the host. Compared to
host based mirroring, the host does one write with clustered system mirroring instead of two, and
writes only once to write cache rather than twice; thus, uses the clustered system cache twice as
efficiently. The cluster will destage the write data to both volume copies of the volume. Destaging of
the cache can now be done independently for each copy, therefore one copy does not affect
performance of a second copy.
Also, since the IBM storage systems destage algorithm are MDisks aware, it can tune or adapt the
destaging process, depending on MDisk type and utilization, for each copy independently.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Volume Mirroring nondisruptive

• Improves availability of volumes by protecting them
from a single storage system failure
ƒ Volumes are automatically synchronized

• Provides concurrent maintenance of a storage

system that does not natively support concurrent
ƒ Copies are automatically resynchronized after repair
• Provides an alternative method of data migration
with better availability characteristics
• Use volume mirroring to mirror the host data
between storage systems at two independent
storage systems sites


Figure 12-52. Volume Mirroring nondisruptive

You can use mirrored volumes for the following reasons:

• Improving availability of volumes by protecting them from a single storage system failure.
▪ If a failing disk system is returned to service, IBM storage management GUI automatically
resynchronizes the two copies.
▪ Volume mirroring is designed to protect the volume from storage infrastructure failures by
seamless mirroring between storage pools that might impact availability of critical data or
• Providing concurrent maintenance of a storage system that does not natively support
concurrent maintenance.
▪ A storage controller might fail or be taken offline for maintenance and not affect application
• Providing an alternative method of data migration with better availability characteristics.
▪ While a volume is being migrated using the data migration feature, it is vulnerable to failures
on both the source and target storage pool. Volume mirroring provides an alternative
because you can start with a non-mirrored volume in the source storage pool, and then add
a copy to that volume in the destination storage pool. When the volume is synchronized,
you can delete the original copy that is in the source storage pool. During the
synchronization process, the volume remains available even if there is a problem with the
destination storage pool.
• In addition, you can use volume mirroring to mirror the host data between storage systems at
the two independent storage systems (primary and secondary) sites.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Volume Mirroring flexibility

‡ Volume copy can be any mode or type: striped, Striped Volume
sequential, image and thick, thin, or compressed (default)

‡ Volume copy can be added to an existing volume with Extent 1a

Extent 2a
different virtualization policy Extent 3a
Extent 1b
Extent 2b
Extent 3b
Extent 1c
Extent 2c
Extent 3c

Volume Volume
Copy0 Copy1
Extent 1a Extent 1a
Extent 2a Extent 2a
Extent 3a Extent 3a
Extent 1b Extent 1b
Extent 2b Extent 2b
Extent 3b
Extent 1c
Extent 2c
Extent 3c


Figure 12-53. Volume Mirroring flexibility

The ability to create a volume copy affords additional management flexibility. Volume copy uses the
same virtualization policy and can be create as a striped, sequential, and image volumes. Volume
mirroring also offers non-disruptive conversions between fully allocated volumes and
thin-provisioned volumes.
A volume copy can also be added to an existing volume. In this case, the two copies do not have to
share the same virtualization policy. When a volume copy is added, the Spectrum Virtualize
software automatically synchronizes the new copy so that it contains the same data as the existing

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Volume copies on different storage

Extent 9
Copy created:
Two copies of extents Extent 8
• At creation or
Host sees ONE
Extent 7
• After creation
Extent 6
5 GB volume
(LBA0 – LBAn) Copy 0 Extent 5

5 GB
Extent 4
Extent 3
Extent 2
extent size
Extent 1
Volume 512 MB
Extent 0

Copy 1 Extent 4
Extent 3
Extent 2
Copy has its own:
• Storage pool
Extent 1 extent size
• Virtualization type
Extent 0 1024 MB
• Fully allocated or thin

Figure 12-54. Volume copies on different storage

A volume can be migrated from one storage pool to another and acquire a different extent size. The
original volume copy can either be deleted or you can split the volume into two separate volumes –
breaking the synchronization. The process of moving any volume between storage pools is
non-disruptive to host access. This option is a quicker version of the “Volume Mirroring and Split
into New Volume” option. You might use this option if you want to move volumes in a single step or
you do not have a volume mirror copy already.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Volume Mirror I/O processing

‡ Volume Copy0 (primary copy) handles all reads and writes
Read/write requests
ƒ Writes are also directed to the Volume Copy1
ƒ Copy 1 can handle reads and writes if Copy 0 is unavailable
ƒ Primary owner can be changed at anytime Volume
‡ Enhancements
ƒ Support for different tiers in the mirror reads
í Does not slow to slowest tier on writes writes writes
ƒ Full stride write for CDM no matter what grain size

Pool1 Pool2
extents extents


Figure 12-55. Volume Mirror I/O processing

By default, volume copy 0 is assigned as the primary copy of the volume. However, from an I/O
processing point of view under normal conditions, reads and writes always go through the primary
copy. Writes are also sent to volume copy 1 so that synchronization is maintained between the two
volume copies. The location of the primary volume can also be changed by the user to either
account for load-balancing or possibly different performance characteristics for the storage of each
If the primary copy is unavailable - for example volume copy 0’s pool became unavailable due to its
storage system has been taken offline - the volume remains accessible to assigned servers. Reads
and writes are handled with volume copy 1. The IBM storage system tracks changed blocks of
volume copy 1 and resynchronize these blocks with volume copy 0 when it becomes available.
Reads and writes then revert back to volume copy 0. It is also possible to change volume copy 1 as
the primary copy.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Create a (simple) volume Copy

‡ Right-click an existing volume and select
Add Volume Copy
ƒ Identifies the location where the volume
copies extents are contained in only one
storage pool or two different storage pool
í Uses the same parameter selections as the Extents
other volume creation locations

ƒ Summary
Default sync
í Provides a quick view of volume details before rate is 50
í Volumes in the mirrored pair are created
equally in capacity
addvdiskcopy command adds
a copy to an existing volume


Figure 12-56. Create a (simple) volume Copy

One of the simplest ways to create a volume copy is to right-click on a particular volume and select
the Add Volume Copy. This task will create the mirroring volume with two volumes and synchronize
the data copies of its extents. This procedure allows you to place mirrored volume in a single pool
or specify a primary and a secondary pool to migrate data between two storage pools.
Summary statement calculates the real and virtual capacity value of the volume. The virtual
capacity is the size presented to hosts and other Copy Services such as FlashCopy and
Metro/Global Mirror.
The addvdiskcopy command adds a copy to an existing volume, which changes a non-mirrored
volume into a mirrored volume. Use the -copies parameter to specify the number of copies to add
to the volume; this is currently limited to the default value of 1 copy. Use the -mdiskgrp parameter
to specify the managed disk group that will provide storage for the copy; the lsmdiskgrp CLI
command lists the available managed disk groups and the amount of available storage in each

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Create a volume mirror using Mirrored or Custom presets

‡ Select the Mirrored or Custom preset Extents
ƒ Mirrored preset formats volume and sets locations
volume copy sync rate at 50 MB
ƒ Custom preset allow you to disable volume
format and change default sync rate
ƒ Complete volume details using the same
parameter selections as the other volume
ƒ Volume Location
í Specify storage pools location

Mirrored preset default

sync rate is 50


Figure 12-57. Create a volume mirror using Mirrored or Custom presets

You also can create mirrored volumes using the GUI Create Volumes Mirrored and Custom preset
options. Mirrored preset create mirrored volumes with predefined parameters such a volume format
and default sync rate.
The custom preset allows you to modify and specify specific parameters such as changing the sync
rate parameter to specify the rate at which the volume copies will resynchronize after loss of

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Volume copy created: Sync the two copies

• Spectrum Virtualize volume mirroring automatically copies the data of copy 0 to copy 1, while
supporting concurrent application reads/writes

Copy 0*= reads/writes

Copy 1= writes

Copy 1 can be s assigned to

different pool or a different
storage system pool

Figure 12-58. Volume copy created: Sync the two copies

The mirrored volume entry displays two copies. By default, the asterisk associated with volume
copy 0 is used to identify the primary copy. This copy used by IBM storage system for reads and
writes. The addvdiskcopy request added copy 1 for this volume. Copy 1 is used for writes only.
Spectrum Virtualize volume mirroring automatically copies the data of copy 0 to copy 1; while
supporting concurrent application reads/writes.
A volume synchronization task is generated and runs in the background.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Writes performed on both copies

‡ Writes forked to both copies of the volume
ƒ With V7.3.0 or later, the cache writes complete almost instantly
ƒ Still support the latency and redundancy modes
‡ Reads always from the primary copy
ƒ Primary copy can be switched dynamically
‡ Balancing load
ƒ Large sets of mirrored volumes can be balanced by alternating the pool that provides the primary copy
ƒ Copies no longer need to be comparable in latency due to new cache design
‡ Common use for migration between pools and volume types
ƒ Can start/stop - unlike migrate tasks
ƒ Thick to thin, or compressed conversion
‡ Synchronization issues 256 KB reads and writes (grains)

Figure 12-59. Writes performed on both copies

When a server writes to a mirrored volume, the system cluster writes the data to both copies. If the
Primary volume copy is available and synchronized, any reads are directed to it. However, if the
primary copy is unavailable, the system cluster will read from Copy 1. There are two settings for the
mirror_write_priority attribute, trading off data consistency and write performance.
• Latency (default value): short time-out prioritizing low host latency. This option indicates a copy
that is slow to respond to a write I/O goes out of sync if the other copy successfully writes the
• Redundancy: long time-out prioritizing redundancy. This option indicates a copy that is slow to
respond to a write I/O may use the full Error Recovery Procedure (ERP) time. The response to
the I/O is delayed until it completes to keep the copy in sync if possible.
Volume Mirroring ceases to use the slow copy for a period of between 4 to 6 minutes, and
subsequent I/O data is not affected by a slow copy. Synchronization is suspended during this
period. After the copy suspension completes, Volume Mirroring resumes, which allows I/O data and
synchronization operations to the slow copy that will, typically, shortly complete the

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Mirrored volume properties

‡ Volumes are identical and assigned to different storage pools
ƒ Depending on the option in which you create the volume mirroring pair, the sync rate might differ
ƒ To increase background copy or the mirror sync rate, issue the CLI chvdisk -syncrate
command or right-click on the original volume and select Modify Mirror Sync Rate


Figure 12-60. Mirrored volume properties

The volume property details confirms that the two volume copies are identical, but assigned to
different storage pools. The capacity bar for the volume copies indicates that both volumes are fully
allocated volumes with writes performed on both copies. The synchronization or background copy
rate defaults to 50, which is set to 2 MBps. You can change the synchronization rate to one of the
specified rates to increase the background copy rate. You can issue a chvdisk -syncrate
command to change the synchronization rate using the CLI or right-click on the original volume and
select Modify Mirror Sync Rate.
The background synchronization rate can be monitored from the Monitoring > Performance view.
The default synchronization rate is typically too low for Flash drive mirrored volumes. Instead, set
the synchronization rate to 80 or above.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Volume Mirroring high availability

‡ Volume Mirroring processing is independent of the storage pool extent size
‡ Two sets of extents created
ƒ Volume Mirror copies are still visible from both storage pools

Migrate data between

pool of
different extent sizes


Figure 12-61. Volume Mirroring high availability

Volume Mirroring processing is independent of the storage pool extent size. When a volume copy is
created it has, one set of extents (copy 0), and a second set of extents created on the secondary
volume copy (copy 1). The two sets of extents or volume copies can reside in the same or different
storage pools.
Using volume mirroring over volume migration is beneficial because with volume mirroring storage
pools do not need to have the same extent size as is a case with volume migration. This allows
volume mirroring to eliminate the impact to volume availability if one or more MDisks, or the entire
storage pool fails. If one of the mirrored volumes copies becomes unavailable, updates to the
volume are logged to by the IBM storage system, allowing for the resynchronization of the volume
copies when the mirror is reestablished. The resynchronization between both copies is incremental
and is started by the IBM storage system automatically. Therefore, volume mirroring provides
higher availability to applications at the local site and reducing or minimizing the requirement to
implement host-based mirroring solutions.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Change volume primary copy (read/write)

‡ Right-click the Copy 1 volume and select Make Primary
ƒ GUI issue the chvdisk –primary command designate Copy 1 as the primary volume
‡ Copy 1* now has been given full reads/writes of the mirrored pair
‡ Copy 0 now acts as the secondary with writes only
‡ Change is reflected in both storage pool of the volume copy


Figure 12-62. Change volume primary copy (read/write)

The primary copy is used by IBM storage system for both reads and writes. You can change volume
copy 1 to be the primary copy by right-clicking on its entry and select Make Primary from the menu
The GUI generates the chvdisk -primary command to designate volume copy 1 as the primary
copy for the selected volume, volume ID.
A use case for designating volume copy 1 as the primary copy is the migration of a volume to a new
storage system.
For a test period, it might be desirable to have both the read and write I/Os directed at the new
storage system of the volume while still maintaining a copy in the storage system scheduled for

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Delete volume mirror copy

• Once synchronization is complete, Copy 0 can be deleted
If volume copy is the primary, it is
not necessary to switch to primary
prior to deleting a volume copy


Figure 12-63. Delete volume mirror copy

You can convert a mirrored volume into a non-mirrored volume by deleting one copy or by splitting
one copy to create a new non-mirrored volume. During the deletion process for one of the volume
copies, the management GUI issues a rmvdiskcopy command followed by the -copy number (in
this example Copy 0). Once the process is complete, only volume copy 1 of the volume remains. If
volume copy 1 was a thin-provisioned volume, it is automatically converted to a fully allocated copy.
The volume can now be managed independently by Easy Tier based on the activity associated with
extents of the individual volume copy.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Transparent to host and user applications

‡ Volume mirrored allocated as single volume
ƒ No change from the host perspective
ƒ Host only see a single volume allocation
ƒ I/O operations proceed as normal

Volume Volume
Copy0 Copy1
Extent 1a Extent 1a
Extent 2a Extent 2a
Extent 3a Extent 3a
Extent 1b Extent 1b
Extent 2b Extent 2b


Figure 12-64. Transparent to host and user applications

Although the two volume copies are identical, they appear to the host as one volume. If one of the
mirrored volume copies is temporarily unavailable, for example, because the storage system that
provides the storage pool is unavailable, the volume remains accessible to servers. The system
remembers which areas of the volume are written and resynchronizes these areas when both
copies are available. The secondary can service read I/O when the primary is offline without user
intervention. All volume migration activities occur within the IBM storage system it is totally
transparent to attaching servers and user applications.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Volume Mirroring protection

‡ Best practice: Set up quorum disks where
multiple quorum candidate disks are allocated State Disk
on different storage systems Data

‡ Volume mirroring maintains some state data on

the quorum disks
‡ Synchronization status for Volume mirroring is
recorded on the IBM storage system quorum
ƒ If a quorum disk is not accessible, volume
mirroring is unable to update state data
í A mirrored volume can be taken offline to maintain Volume Volume
data integrity Copy0 Copy1


Figure 12-65. Volume Mirroring protection

To protect against mirrored volumes being taken offline, and to ensure the high availability of the
system, follow the guidelines for setting up quorum disks where multiple quorum candidate disks
are allocated on different storage systems.
The system cluster quorum disks stores volume mirror state information that is needed to ensure
data integrity. If a quorum disk is not accessible and volume mirroring is unable to update the state
information, a mirrored volume might need to be taken offline to maintain data integrity.
Mirrored volumes can be taken offline if there is no quorum disk available. This behavior occurs
because synchronization status for mirrored volumes is recorded on the quorum disk.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Volume Mirroring summary

‡ Listed are a few of the usage and characteristics of Volume Mirroring
‡ Creating a mirrored volume
ƒ Maximum number of copies is two
ƒ Both copies will be created with the same virtualization policy
ƒ Both copies can be located/migrated to different Storage Pools
‡ Add a volume copy to an existing volume
‡ Remove a volume copy from a mirrored volume
‡ Split a volume copy from a mirrored volume and create a new volume with the split copy
‡ Expand or shrink a volume
‡ Delete a volume


Figure 12-66. Volume Mirroring summary

When creating a mirrored volume, you can only have a maximum number of two copies. Both
copies will be created with the same virtualization policy. The first Storage Pool specified will
contain the primary copy.
• To have a volume mirrored using different policies, you add a volume copy with a different
• Each copy can be located in different storage pools.
• It is not possible to create a volume with two copies when specifying a set of MDisks.
You can add a volume copy to an existing volume. Each volume copy can have a different space
allocation policy. You cannot create a mirrored volume from two existing VDisks.
You can remove a volume copy from a mirrored volume, only one copy remains.
You can split a volume copy from a mirrored volume and create a new volume with the split copy.
This function can only be performed when the volume copies are synchronized; otherwise, use the
-force command.
• Volume copies can not be recombined after they have been split.
• The split volume copy can be used as a means for creating a point-in-time copy (clone).
You can expand or shrink both of the volume copies at once.
• All volume copies always have the same size.
• All copies must be synchronized before expanding or shrinking them.
When a volume gets deleted, all copies get deleted.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Benefit of the add/remove MDisks options

Goal: Replace DS35K with an

volume volume volume volume IBM storage system
without affecting host access or
volume volume volume volume volume volume invoking migratevdisk
for each individual volume

0 1

MDisk MDisk
12 15
13 14
Add to pool
2 3
MDisk MDisk

External storage pool IBM storage system MDisks


Figure 12-67. Benefit of the add/remove MDisks options

Moving disk subsystems on or off the floor is a common migration situation, which can be done in
two steps:
1. Add the new storage MDisks to the existing pool.
2. Remove the old storage MDisks from the pool.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Data migration: Review summary

Volume o Pool to pool migration (tier to tier migration)

New volume
Import wizard (create image volume, migrate to striped)
(existing data)
o Export to image mode (migrate striped MDisk to image
MDisk for export)
New volume
(existing data) Migration wizard (import multiple volumes; map to host)

Volume copy o Volume mirroring

o Replace one storage system with another

Extents of
volumes o Remove MDisks from pool, or extent redistribution
within a pool
o While application is blissfully unaware…


Figure 12-68. Data migration: Review summary

You should now be aware that the only time that data migration is disruptive to applications is when
a disk subsystem is virtualized behind an IBM clustered storage system or vice versa. In all other
cases, clustered system managed data movement is totally transparent. Applications proceed
blissfully unaware of changes being made in the storage infrastructure.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration



‡ Non-virtualized image type • Volume Copy

‡ Virtualized striped type • Destination pool
‡ Multipathing • Extent size
‡ Zoning • Import wizard

‡ Striped mode
• System migration
• MDisks
‡ Image mode
• Volume
‡ Sequential mode


Figure 12-69. Keywords

Listed are keywords that were used in this unit.

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Review questions (1 of 2)
1. The three virtualization types for volumes are:

2. True or False: When using volume mirroring to migrate a volume from one pool to
another, the extent size of the two pools must be identical.

3. True or False: Migrating a volume from image virtualization type to striped or from
striped back to image is completely transparent to host application I/Os.


Figure 12-70. Review questions (1 of 2)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Review answers (1 of 2)
1. The three virtualization types for volumes are:
The answers are striped, sequential, and image.

2. True or False: When using volume mirroring to migrate a volume from one pool to
another, the extent size of the two pools must be identical.
The answer is False.

3. True or False: Migrating a volume from image virtualization type to striped or from
striped back to image is completely transparent to host application I/Os.
The answer is Rrue.


Figure 12-71. Review answers (1 of 2)

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Review questions (2 of 2)
4. Which of the following is not performed by the Import wizard when a volume from an
external storage system is being migrated to the IBM storage system?
A. Create a migration pool with the proper extent size
B. Unzone and unmap the volume from the external storage system
C. Create an image type volume to point to storage on the MDisk being imported
D. Migrate the volume from image to striped type

5. True or False: Once a volume is under IBM storage system management, that data can
no longer be exported to another storage system.

6. True or False: To remove an external storage MDisk from IBM storage system, its
access mode should be unmanaged.


Figure 12-72. Review questions (2 of 2)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration


Review answers (2 of 2)
4. Which of the following is not performed by the Import wizard when a volume from an
external storage system is being migrated to the IBM storage system?
A. Create a migration pool with the proper extent size
B. Unzone and unmap the volume from the external storage system
C. Create an image type volume to point to storage on the MDisk being imported
D. Migrate the volume from image to striped type
The answer is B. Unzone and unmap the volume from the external storage system.

5. True or False: Once a volume is under IBM storage system management, that data can no
longer be exported to another storage system.
The answer is False.

6. True or False: To remove an external storage MDisk from IBM storage system, its access
mode should be unmanaged.
The answer is True.


Figure 12-73. Review answers (2 of 2)

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Unit 12. IBM Spectrum Virtualize data migration



‡ Analyze data migration options available

with system cluster

‡ Implement data migration from one storage

pool to another

‡ Implement data migration of existing data to

the system cluster managed storage using
the Import and System Migration Wizards

‡ Implement the export migration from a

striped type volume to image type to
remove it from the system cluster

‡ Differentiate between a volume migration

and volume mirroring


Figure 12-74. Summary

Having completed this unit, you should be able to:

• Analyze data migration options available with system cluster.
• Implement data migration from one storage pool to another.
• Implement data migration of existing data to the system cluster managed storage using the
Import and System Migration Wizards.
• Implement the export migration from a striped type volume to image type to remove it from the
system cluster management.
• Differentiate between a volume migration and volume mirroring.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize

FlashCopy and Consistency
Estimated time

This module examines data replication Copy Services using FlashCopy point-in-time copy in which
the target volume contains a copy of the data that was on the source volume when the FlashCopy
was established. In addition discuss the use of FlashCopy Consistency groups that can be used to
help create a consistent point-in-time copy across multiple volumes.

How you will check your progress

• Checkpoint
• Hands-on lab exercises

Implementing IBM Storwize V7000 with IBM Spectrum Virtualize V8.2.1

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups



‡ Identify I/O access to source and target

volumes during a FlashCopy operation
‡ Classify the purpose of consistency groups
for both FlashCopy and Remote Copy
‡ Summarize FlashCopy use cases and
correlate to GUI provided FlashCopy
‡ Recognize usage scenarios for incremental
FlashCopy and reverse FlashCopy


Figure 13-1. Objectives

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

• Identify I/O access to source and target volumes during a FlashCopy operation.
• Classify the purpose of consistency groups for both FlashCopy and Remote Copy operations.
• Summarize FlashCopy use cases and correlate to GUI provided FlashCopy presets.
• Recognize usage scenarios for incremental FlashCopy and reverse FlashCopy.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Spectrum Virtualize Copy Services: FlashCopy (1 of 6)

‡ FlashCopy
ƒ Functionality and overview
ƒ Create Snapshot
ƒ Create consistency group with multi-
ƒ Incremental Backup
ƒ Indirection layer/Bitmap space
ƒ IBM Spectrum Protect Snapshot


Figure 13-2. Spectrum Virtualize Copy Services: FlashCopy (1 of 6)

This topic overviews the FlashCopy functionality and features.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Spectrum Virtualize software architecture: FlashCopy

SCSI Target


Upper Cache ‡ FlashCopy enhancements:

FlashCopy ƒ Near instant prepare (versus minutes)
Volume Mirroring ƒ Multiple snapshots of golden image now
Thin Provisioning Compression
share cache data (instead of N copies)
Forwarding ƒ Full stride write for FlashCopy volumes no
Lower Cache matter what grain size
Log Virtualization Easy Tier ƒ Configure up to 255 FlashCopy consistency
Initiator Initiator

IOs to storage controllers


Figure 13-3. Spectrum Virtualize software architecture: FlashCopy

This illustrates the Spectrum Virtualize software architecture and the placement of the FlashCopy
function below the Upper Cache. The I/O stack cache re-architecture improves the processing of
FlashCopy operations with:
• Near instant prepare (versus minutes) same for Global Mirror with Change Volumes
• Full stride write for FlashCopy volumes no matter what the grain size
• You can now configure 255 FlashCopy consistency groups - up from 127 previously
With the new cache architecture, you now have a two-layer cache – upper cache and lower cache.
You will notice that cache now sit above FlashCopy as well as below FlashCopy. So in this design,
before you can take a FlashCopy, if there is anything in the upper cache it needs to be transferred
to the lower cache before the pointer table can be taken. The pointer table can also be taken
without having destage cache to disk beforehand.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Data consistency after a crash

‡ Applications do not know if in-flight writes completed to disk or not
ƒ Application crash, OS crash, power outage
‡ Creates data inconsistencies
ƒ Application data
ƒ Database structures
ƒ File system structures
ƒ Volume manager structures
‡ Algorithms used to recover data consistency after a crash
ƒ Application locking
ƒ Journaling
ƒ Two phase commit
ƒ Others
ƒ ACID properties: Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability
‡ Requires write order consistency
‡ Creates logical bottlenecks
‡ Adds latency for changing persistent storage

Figure 13-4. Data consistency after a crash

It’s important to understand that most applications are written such that they can automatically
recover in the event of a system crash. Without this capability, system crashes would lead to
corrupt or inconsistent data because in-flight writes may or may not have completed before a
system crash. Various algorithms are used for this purpose including journaling and two-phase
commit. Therefore, write order consistency is required, with write acknowledgments.
When a server crashes, in-flight transactions may be lost depending on the algorithm used.
Transactions that were started but didn’t complete (via receiving an acknowledgment that all the
necessary writes completed) are often rolled back when the application is restarted to ensure data
consistency. However, end users won’t have received an acknowledgment that their transaction
completed either. This mean that they will know to resubmit it later when the application is
available. Therefore for FlashCopy, writes in the write cache (in the upper cache) are moved to the
lower cache to keep write order consistency, as part of the FlashCopy process, because writes
aren't necessarily destaged from write cache in the same order they were written by the host.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


FlashCopy point in time

‡ Create a point in time (PiT) copy of one or more volumes
ƒ Volume level PiT copy with any mix of thin and fully allocated
Up to 256 targets
ƒ Source volumes might remain online and active while you create
consistent copies of the data sets FlashCopy
í Transparent to Host - Performed at the block level, it operates below the
host OS and cache

‡ Requires the data that is changed on the source volume, after

the FlashCopy, to be copied to the target Source
ƒ Copy time can be long volume

ƒ The resulting data on the target volume copy appears to have

completed immediately
‡ Accomplished through the use of a bitmap (or bit array) that
tracks changes to the data after the FlashCopy is initiated


Figure 13-5. FlashCopy point in time

An IBM Spectrum Virtualize system offers a network-based, SAN-wide FlashCopy (point-in-time

copy) capability obviating the need to use copy service functions on a storage system-by-storage
system basis.
The FlashCopy function is designed to create copies for backup, parallel processing, testing, and
development, and have the copies available immediately. As part of the Spectrum Virtualize Copy
Services function, you can create a point-in-time copy (PiT) of one or more volumes for any storage
being virtualized. Volumes can remain online and active while you create consistent copies of the
data sets. Because the copy is performed at the block level, it operates below the host operating
system and cache and is therefore not apparent to the host. FlashCopy uses bitmaps (or a bit
array) to point to where the PiT data resides, be it on the source or target volume. From the user of
a target volume's point of view, all the data resides on the target volume, though the bitmap will
point to the source volume if the data isn't on the target volume. This tracks changes to the data
after the FlashCopy is initiated, and an indirection layer, which allows data to be read from the
source volume transparently.
This function is included with the base IBM Spectrum virtualize license.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Different types of FlashCopy PiT images (1 of 2)

FlashCopy PiT images Description

Snapshot A no-copy
Creates FlashCopyof
a FlashCopy that creates a point-in-time
a FlashCopy target volumeview of the production
Cascaded FlashCopy data.
and supports full, incremental, or nocopy operations.
Clone A full-copy FlashCopy that creates an exact replica of the volume, which can
Reverse FlashCopy Allows data from an earlier point-in-time copy to be restored.
be changed without impacting the original volume. As a full copy FlashCopy,
the bitmap is deleted when the all the data is copied to the target volume.
A FlashCopy with thin provisioning that provides a combination of using thin-
FlashCopy provisioned volumes and FlashCopy together to help reduce disk space
requirements when making copies.
Incremental Backup A full point-in-time replica of the production data. This method allows one to
periodically create a full copy backup while only having to copy over the
A container for FlashCopy mappings, Global Mirror relationships, and Metro
Mirror data since the
relationships. last incremental
Addresses backup.
issue where application data is on multiple
Consistency group
Multi-target FlashCopy Supports copying of up to 256 target volumes from a single source volume.


Figure 13-6. Different types of FlashCopy PiT images (1 of 2)

Listed are various types of FlashCopy volumes exist for different purpose.
• Snapshot is a no-copy FlashCopy that creates a point-in-time view of the production data
• Clone is a full-copy FlashCopy that creates an exact replica of the volume, which can be
changed without impacting the original volume. Once all the data is copied to the clone, the
bitmap is deleted. When creating a clone using the fast-path, the mapping is also deleted.
When creating a close and specifying the mapping via the advanced option, the mapping will
• In an incremental Backup a full point-in-time replica of the production data. After the copy
completes, the backup view can be refreshed from the production data, with minimal copying of
data from the production volume to the backup volume. Two bitmaps are kept. The second
bitmap is used to track changes to the source volume after the incremental backup FlashCopy
is created.
• Multiple target FlashCopy mappings allows up to 256 target volumes to be copied from a
single source volume. Each relationship between a source and target volume is managed by a
unique mapping such that a single volume can be the source volume in up to 256 mappings.
Each of the mappings from a single source can be started and stopped independently. If
multiple mappings from the same source are active (in the copying or stopping states), a
dependency exists between these mappings.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Different types of FlashCopy PiT images (2 of 2)

FlashCopy PiT images Description

Creates a FlashCopy of a FlashCopy target volume

Cascaded FlashCopy
and supports full, incremental, or nocopy operations.

Reverse FlashCopy Allows data from an earlier point-in-time copy to be restored.

A FlashCopy with thin provisioning that provides a combination of using thin-

FlashCopy provisioned volumes and FlashCopy together to help reduce disk space
requirements when making copies.

A container for FlashCopy mappings, Global Mirror relationships, and Metro

Consistency group Mirror relationships. Addresses issue where application data is on multiple


Figure 13-7. Different types of FlashCopy PiT images (2 of 2)

• The Cascaded FlashCopy function allows a FlashCopy target volume to be the source volume
of another FlashCopy mapping.
• A Reverse FlashCopy functions only allows the data that is required to bring the target volume
current is copied. If no updates have been made to the target since the last refresh, the
direction change can be used to restore the source to the previous point-in-time state. A reverse
flash copy requires stopping the application before restoring the data.
• FlashCopy targets can be thin provisioned reducing the space used for FlashCopies. There are
two variations of this option to consider:
▪ Space-efficient source and target with background copy: Copies only the allocated space.
▪ Space-efficient target with no background copy: Copies only the space that is used for
changes between the source and target and is referred to as snapshots.
This function can be used with multi-target, cascaded, and incremental FlashCopy.
• A consistency group is a container for FlashCopy mappings, Global Mirror relationships, and
Metro Mirror relationships. You can add many mappings or relationships to a consistency group,
however FlashCopy mappings, Global Mirror relationships, and Metro Mirror relationships
cannot appear in the same consistency group.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


FlashCopy implementation
Target volume Source volume
SVC, FlashSystem Must be on the same as source volume Must be on the same as the target volume
V9000, Storwize Family

Same virtual size

Storage pool Does not need to be in same as source Does not need to be same as target
volume volume
Size ‡ Must be same as source volume ‡ Must be same as target volume
‡ The size of the source and target ‡ The size of the source and target
volumes cannot be altered (increased or volumes cannot be altered (increased or
decreased) while a FlashCopy mapping decreased) while a FlashCopy mapping
is defined is defined

Thin provisioned Can be Can be

Performance FlashCopy operations perform in direct FlashCopy operations perform in direct

proportion proportion

Figure 13-8. FlashCopy implementation

Listed are several guidelines to consider before implementing a FlashCopy in your IBM storage
• The source and target volumes must be in the same IBM Spectrum Virtualize system and
volumes must be the same “virtual” size.
• The FlashCopy source and target volumes must reside on the same Spectrum Virtualize
cluster. The target volume can reside in a storage pool backed by a different storage system
from the source volume, enabling more flexibility than traditional storage systems based
point-in-time copy solutions.
• The source and target volumes do not need to be in the same I/O Group or storage pool.
However, they can be within the same storage pool, across storage pools, and across I/O
• The storage pool extent sizes can differ between the source and target.
• The I/O group ownership of volumes affects only the cache and the layers above the cache in
the Spectrum Virtualize system I/O stack. Below the cache layer the volumes are available for
I/O on all nodes within the system cluster.
• FlashCopy operations perform in direct proportion to the performance of the source and target
disks. There is an increase in the back end IOPS for copy on write activity, but that only matters
if we're approaching IOPS limits of the underlying storage, and this activity eventually ends with
full copy FlashCopies, when the background copy completes, and is limited to one volume's
worth of data for a FlashCopy target in any case.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


FlashCopy attributes
‡ Up to 5000 FlashCopy mappings per IBM Spectrum Virtualize system
‡ Source volumes can have up to 256 target volumes (Multiple Target FlashCopy)
‡ Target volumes can be the source volumes for other FlashCopy relationships (cascaded FlashCopy)
‡ Consistency groups are supported to enable FlashCopy across multiple volumes for the same point
in time
‡ Up to 255 FlashCopy consistency groups are supported per system
‡ Up to 512 FlashCopy mappings can be placed in one consistency group
‡ Target volume can be updated immediately and independently of the source volume
‡ Maximum number of supported FlashCopy mappings is 4096 TB per IBM Spectrum Virtualize
‡ Size of the source and target volumes cannot be altered (increased or decreased) while a FlashCopy
mapping is defined


Figure 13-9. FlashCopy attributes

The FlashCopy function in the IBM Spectrum Virtualize management GUI features using the lists of
following attributes:
• Up to 5000 FlashCopy mappings per IBM Spectrum Virtualize system.
• Only 256 FlashCopy mappings that can exist with the same source.
• You can have up to 4096 FlashCopy mappings that can exist with the same source Volume per
• The maximum of FlashCopy Consistency Group that you can have per system is 255, which is
the arbitrary limit that is policed by the software.
• You have a maximum limit of 512 FlashCopy mappings per Consistency Group. The set amount
is based on the time that is taken to prepare a Consistency Group with many mappings.
• Once the target volume is mapped to a host and configured there, it can be immediately used
and updated, even if it's a clone and the full copy hasn't completed.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


FlashCopy process (1 of 2)
• Bitmap created at Flash Copy start time
ƒ Bitmap keeps track of grain size units (256 KB default)
ƒ Bits point to where data is for the target volume
ƒ Bits initially set to 0 pointing to source volume
ƒ No data is actually copied at start of flash copy mapping
í Target volume is immediately ready for read/write use
Source Target


Figure 13-10. FlashCopy process (1 of 2)

This diagram illustrates the general process for how FlashCopy works while the full image copy is
being completed in the background. To create an instant copy of a volume, you must first create a
mapping between the source volume (the disk that is copied) and the target volume (the disk that
receives the copy). The source and target volumes must be of equal size. When a FlashCopy
operation starts, a checkpoint is made of the source volume. No data is actually copied at the time
a start operation occurs. Instead, the checkpoint creates a bitmap that indicates that no part of the
source volume has been copied. Each bit in the bitmap represents one region of the source
volume. Each region is called a grain.
The bits in the bitmap point to where the data resides for the target volume, and initially all bits point
to the source volume. Each bit represents a grain size unit of the volumes which by default is 256

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


FlashCopy process (2 of 2)
• When a host issues a write to the source, the original data is copied to the target (aka. a
copy on write or COW) and the bitmap is updated to point to the target
ƒ Applies to both full copy and no copy FlashCopies
ƒ Full copy FlashCopies have a non-zero background copy rate
í Background copy rate can be adjusted

Bitmap read
11111111111 1= Target
0= Source 00000000000
Source Target

Grain = region to be copied

Grain size =256 KB/64 KB

Figure 13-11. FlashCopy process (2 of 2)

When data is being copied from the source volume to the target volume, the default grain size is
256 KB. To facilitate copy granularity for incremental copy the grain size can be set to 64 KB at
initial mapping definition. If a compressed volume is in a FlashCopy mapping then the default grain
size is 64 KB instead of 256 KB. After the Flash Copy mapping is started, hosts continue to write to
their source volume. So, to preserve the target volume's data, before the grain on the source
volume is written over, that grain is read and written to the target volume. A process called Copy On
The priority of the background copy process is controlled by the background copy rate. A rate of
zero indicates that only overwritten data on the source volume is copied over to the target volume
via the COW process. Unchanged data is read from the source. This option is designed primarily
for backup applications where a point-in-time version of the source is only needed temporarily.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


FlashCopy full copy process complete

• Eventually, all tracks are copied from the source to the target
• Bitmap is removed
ƒ Mapping can be deleted
• I/O to each volume is now independent

Source Target

Grain = region to be copied

Grain size =256 KB/64 KB

Figure 13-12. FlashCopy full copy process complete

When the background copy is complete, FlashCopy operation is complete and the bitmap is
removed. There is no longer a relationship between the source and target volume. Therefore,
source and target are logically independent and the bitmap can be deleted. For fastpath clone
FlashCopies, the mapping is also deleted. While if the mapping was explicitly created by the user, it
will remain.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


FlashCopy: Background copy rate

‡ Background copy rates
ƒ 0 - no copy
ƒ 50 - 2 MBps (the default)
ƒ 80 - 16 MBps
ƒ 100 - 64 MBps
ƒ 150 - 2 GBps
‡ Copy rate can be dynamically modified

Source FlashCopy Target

volume Mapping volume


Figure 13-13. FlashCopy: Background copy rate

The priority of the background copy process is controlled by the background copy rate. A rate of
zero indicates that only data being changed on the source should have the original content copied
to the target (also known as copy-on-write or COW). Unchanged data is read from the source. This
option is designed primarily for backup applications where a point-in-time version of the source is
only needed temporarily.
A background copy rate of 1 to 100 indicates that the entire source volume is to be copied to the
target volume. The rate value specified corresponds to an attempted bandwidth during the copy
• 01 to 10 - 128 KBps
• 11 to 20 - 256 KBps
• 21 to 30 - 512 KBps
• 41 to 50 - 2 MBps (the default)
• 51 to 60 - 4 MBps
• 61 to 70 - 8 MBps
• 71 to 80 - 16 MBps
• 81 to 90 - 32 MBps
• 91 to 100 - 64 MBps
• 101 -110 - 128 MBps
• 111 - 120 -256 MBps
• 121 - 130 -512 MBps

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups

• 131 - 140 -1 GBps
• 141 - 150 -2 GBps
The background copy rate can be changed dynamically during the background copy operation.
The background copy is performed by one of the nodes of the I/O group in which the source volume
resides. This responsibility is failed over to the other node in the I/O group in the event of a failure of
the node performing the background copy.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


FlashCopy reads/writes: Full background copy

Both volumes are available for I/O PIT clone
or backup
Copyrate > 0
Source Target
Read C Read

D Write
copy on demand D'
F copy-on-write F
F' (COW)
copied blocks
Write X' X Read
Read Y copy Y' Write

Grain size =256 KB/64 KB


Figure 13-14. FlashCopy reads/writes: Full background copy

The background copy is performed backwards. That is, it starts with the grain containing the highest
logical block addresses (LBAs) and works backwards towards the grain containing LBA 0. This is
done to avoid any unwanted interactions with sequential I/O streams from the using application.
After the FlashCopy operation has started, both source and target volumes can be accessed for
read and write operations:
• Source reads: Business as usual.
• Target reads: Consult its bitmap. If data has been copied then read from target. If not, read from
the source.
• Source writes: Consult its bitmap. If data has not been copied yet then copy source to target
first before allowing the write (copy on write or COW). Update bitmap.
• Target writes: Consult its bitmap. If data has not been copied yet then copy source to target first
before the write (copy on demand). Update bitmap. One exception to copying the source is if
the entire grain is to be written to the target then copying the source is not necessary.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


FlashCopy reads/writes: No background copy

Both volumes are available for I/O PIT
Source Target
Read C Read

D Write
copy on demand D'
F copy-on-write F
F' (COW)
Write X' background
Read Y
Minimize disk capacity utilization if
using Thin-Provisioned target
Grain size =256 KB/64 KB

Figure 13-15. FlashCopy reads/writes: No background copy

For a copyrate=0 FlashCopy invocation the background copy is not performed. The target is often
referred to as a snapshot of the source. After the FlashCopy operation has started, both source and
target volumes can be accessed for read and write operations.
Write activity occurs on the target when:
• Write activity has occurred on the source and the point-in-time data has not been copied to the
target yet. The original source data (based on grain size) must be copied to the target before
the write to the source is permitted. This is known as copy-on-write.
• Write activity has occurred on the target to a subset of the blocks managed by a grain where the
point-in-time data has not been copied to the target yet. The original source data (based on
grain size) has to be copied to the target first.
• Read activity to the target is redirected to the source if the data does not reside on the target.
Since no background copy is performed, using a Thin-Provisioned target minimizes the disk
capacity required.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


FlashCopy: Sequence of events

1. Create Establish FlashCopy mapping between source and target
svctask mkfcconsistgrp
svctask mkfcmap

2. Prepare Flush write cache for source, discard cache for target,
place source volume in write-through mode
svctask prestartfcconsistgrp
Preparing svctask prestartfcmap
3. Start Set metadata, allow I/O, start copy
svctask startfcconsistgrp
Prepared svctask startfcmap
4. Delete

Idle_or_copied Discard FlashCopy mapping

*Prepare step can be embedded with start step
(manual or automatic)

Figure 13-16. FlashCopy: Sequence of events

A series of events or steps need to occur to establish the FlashCopy process:

Create: A mapping is created between the source and target volumes. The pair of volumes must be
the same size and the target must not be in any other FlashCopy mappings. The mapping might be
placed into a consistency group. At this point, the source and target volumes behave as
independent volumes and the mapping is in the idle_or_copied state.
Prepare: The prepare event performs housekeeping for the mapped volumes in anticipation of the
FlashCopy start event. It places the mapping in the preparing state. The following activities occur
while the mapping is in the preparing state:
• Flush modified write data associated with the source volume from the cache. Read data for the
source volume is left in cache. This ensures the copy being made is a clone of the source data
on the storage system.
• Place caching for the source volume in write-through mode.
• Discard any read or write data associated with the target volume from cache (since the target is
about to become a PiT image of the source). This act of preparing might corrupt data that
previously resided on the target. Do not invoke the prepare event unless the FlashCopy start
event is to be executed.
Upon completion of the preparing event, the mapping is said to be in the prepared state, ready for
the copy operation to be triggered. The source volume is in write-through mode. The target volume
is placed in a not accessible state in anticipation of the FlashCopy start event.
Start: Once the mappings in a consistency group are in the prepared state, the FlashCopy can be
started or triggered. The optional -prepare parameter allows the prepare and start functions to be
performed together (that is, the FlashCopy is triggered as soon as the prepare event is completed).
During the start:

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups

• I/O is briefly paused on the source volumes to ensure ongoing reads and writes below the
cache layer have been completed.
• Internal metadata are set to allow FlashCopy.
• I/O is then resumed on the source volumes.
• The target volumes are made accessible.
• Read and write caching is enabled for both the source and target volumes. Each mapping is
now in the copying state.
Unless a zero copy rate is specified, the background copy operation copies the source to target
until every grain has been copied. At this point, the mapping progresses from the copying state to
the Idle_or_copied state.
Delete: A FlashCopy mapping is persistent by default (not automatically deleted after the source
has been copied to the target). It can be reactivated by preparing and starting again. The delete
event is used to destroy the mapping relationship. A FlashCopy mapping is deleted when the data
is fully copied if the -autodelete option of the mkfcmap command is used. By default this option
isn't used, but it is used when creating a clone via the fastpath in the GUI. Note that one should not
delete the mapping until one either stops using the target volume, or a full copy has completed;
otherwise, it will lead to data corruption.
FlashCopy can be invoked using the CLI or GUI. Scripting using the CLI is also supported.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


FlashCopy mapping states

Source FlashCopy Target

2. Prepare volume volume

Preparing Online Online, not accessible

Prepared Online Online, not accessible

3. Start

Copying Online Online

Idle_or_Copied Online Online

Stopping Online Online/Offline

Stopped Online Offline

Suspended Offline Offline


Figure 13-17. FlashCopy mapping states

During the prepare event, writes to the source volume experience additional latency because the
cache is operating in write-through mode while the mapping progresses from preparing to
prepared mode. The target volume is online but not accessible.
The two mechanisms by which a mapping can be stopped are by I/O errors or by command. The
target volume is set offline. Any useful data is lost. To regain access to the target volume start the
mapping again.
If access to the bitmap and metadata has been lost (such as if access to both nodes in an I/O group
has been lost) the FlashCopy mapping is placed in suspended state. In this case, both source and
target volumes are placed offline. When access to metadata becomes available again then the
mapping will return to the copying state and both volumes will become accessible and the
background copy resumed.
The stopping state indicates that the mapping is in the process of transferring data to a dependent
mapping. The behavior of the target volume depends on whether the background copy process had
completed while the mapping was in the copying state. If the copy process had completed then the
target volume remains online while the stopping copy process completes. If the copy process had
not completed then data in the cache is discarded for the target volume. The target volume is taken
offline and the stopping copy process runs. When the data has been copied then a stop complete
asynchronous event is notified. The mapping transitions to the idle_or_copied state if the
background copy has completed, or to the stopped state if it has not. The source volume remains
accessible for I/O.
Stopped: The FlashCopy was stopped either by user command or by an I/O error. When a
FlashCopy mapping is stopped, any useful data in the target volume is lost. Because of this, while
the FlashCopy mapping is in this state, the target volume is in the Offline state. In order to regain
access to the target the mapping must be started again (the previous FlashCopy will be lost) or the
FlashCopy mapping must be deleted. While in the Stopped state any data which was written to the

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups

target volume and was not flushed to disk before the mapping was stopped is pinned in the cache.
It cannot be accessed but does consume resource. This data will be destaged after a subsequent
delete command or discarded during a subsequent prepare command. The source volume is
accessible and read and write caching is enabled for the source.
Suspended: The target has been point-in-time copied from the source, and was in the copying
state. Access to the metadata has been lost, and as a consequence, both source and target
volumes are offline. The background copy process has been halted. When the metadata becomes
available again, the FlashCopy mapping will return to the copying state, access to the source and
target volumes will be restored, and the background copy process resumed. Unflushed data which
was written to the source or target before the FlashCopy was suspended is pinned in the cache,
consuming resources, until the FlashCopy mapping leaves the suspended state.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Copy Services: FlashCopy options

• FlashCopy mappings can be created from all three menu options, but they are created
automatically from the FlashCopy menu
ƒ FlashCopy option (fast path)
௅ Automatically creates targets in same pool as source
௅ Automatically defines FlashCopy mapping and starts the copy (with embedded prepare step)
௅ Automatically creates and starts consistency group if multiple source volumes selected
ƒ FlashCopy Mappings option
௅ Allows more user control (less automatic)
௅ Permits preset overrides
௅ Creates mappings using user provided targets (from any pool)
௅ Places mapping in a consistency group if desired by user
ƒ Consistency Groups option
௅ Creates consistency group container for FlashCopy mappings
௅ Creates and manages contained mappings


Figure 13-18. Copy Services: FlashCopy options

The management GUI supports the FlashCopy functionality with three menu options within the
Copy Services menu option:
• The FlashCopy menu option is designed to be a fast path with extensive use of pre-defined
automatic actions embedded in the FlashCopy presets to create target volumes, mappings, and
consistency groups.
• The Consistency Groups menu option is designed to create, display, and manage related
mappings that need to reside in the same consistency group.
• The FlashCopy Mappings menu option is designed to create, display, and manage the
individual mappings. If mappings reside in a consistency group then this information is also
FlashCopy mappings are created from all three menu options, but they are created automatically
from the FlashCopy menu.
The ensuing examples are designed to illustrate the FlashCopy functions provided by the Spectrum
Virtualize system as well as the productivity aids added with the GUI.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Fast path one-click preset selection (1 of 2)

‡ Create Snapshot preset

ƒ Thin-Provisioned target, rsize = 0, with autoexpand
ƒ Background copy rate = 0 (no copy)

‡ Create Clone preset

ƒ Target identical to primary copy of source
ƒ Background copy rate = 50
ƒ Auto-delete FlashCopy mapping at copy completion


Figure 13-19. Fast path one-click preset selection (1 of 2)

For fast path FlashCopy processing, select Copy Services > FlashCopy to view a volume list.
Select a volume entry and right-click to select the desired FlashCopy preset.
The FlashSystem management GUI provides three FlashCopy presets to support the three
common use case examples for point-in-time copy deployments.
These presets templates that implement best practices as defaults to enhance administrative
productivity. For the FlashCopy presets the target volumes can be automatically created and
FlashCopy mappings defined. If multiple volumes are selected then a consistency group to contain
the related mappings is automatically defined as well.
Typical FlashCopy usage examples include:
• Create a target volume such that it is a snapshot of the source (that is, the target contains only
copy-on-write blocks or COW). If deployed with Thin Provisioning technology then the snapshot
might only consume a minimal amount of storage capacity. Use cases for snapshot targets
▪ Backing up source volume to tape media where a full copy of the source on disk is not
▪ Exploiting Thin Provisioning technology by taking more frequent snapshots of the source
volume and hence facilitate more recovery points for application data.
• Create a target volume that is a full copy, or a clone, of the source where subsequent
resynchronization with the source is expected to be either another full copy or is not needed.
Use cases for clone targets include:
▪ Testing applications with pervasive read/write activities.
▪ Performing what-if modeling or reports generation where using static data is sufficient and
separation of these I/Os from the production environment is paramount.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups

▪ Obtaining a clone of a corrupted source volume for subsequent troubleshooting or

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Fast path one-click preset selection (2 of 2)

‡ Create Backup preset

ƒ Target identical to primary copy of source
ƒ Background copy rate = 50
ƒ Incremental copy = on (mapping not deleted at copy


Figure 13-20. Fast path one-click preset selection (2 of 2)

• Create a target volume that is to be used as a backup of the source where periodic
resynchronization is expected to be frequent and hence incremental updates of the target would
be more cost effective. Use cases for backup targets include:
▪ Maintaining a consistent standby copy of the source volume on disk to minimize recovery
▪ Implementing business analytics where extensive exploration and investigation of business
data for decision support requires the generated intensive I/O activities to be segregated
from production data while the data store needs to be periodically refreshed.
Both the snapshot and backup use cases address data recovery. The recovery point objective
(RPO) denotes at what point (in terms of time) should the application data be recovered or what
amount of data loss is acceptable. After the application becomes unavailable, the recovery time
objective (RTO) indicates how quickly it is needed to be back online or how much down time is
RPO and RTO business requirements can range from seconds to weeks. A reverse FlashCopy can
restore the data much faster, and almost instantly, and offers a lower RTO as compared to using
and restoring from tape. However, a reverse flash copy requires the Spectrum Virtualize system be
working to recover the data, while offsite tapes do not.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


FlashCopy event notifications


Log traps




Figure 13-21. FlashCopy event notifications

FlashCopy events that complete asynchronously are logged and can be used to generate SNMP
traps for notification purposes.
PREPARE_COMPLETED is logged when the FlashCopy mapping or consistency group has
entered the prepared state as a result of a user request to prepare. The user is now able to start (or
stop) the mapping/group.
COPY_COMPLETED is logged when the FlashCopy mapping or consistency group has entered
the idle_or_copied state when it was previously in the copying state. This indicates that the target
volume now contains a complete copy and is no longer dependent on the source volume.
STOP_COMPLETED is logged when the FlashCopy mapping or consistency group has entered
the stopped state as a result of a user request to stop. It is distinct from the error that is logged
when a mapping or group enters the stopped state as a result of an IO error.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Spectrum Virtualize Copy Services: FlashCopy (2 of 6)



Figure 13-22. Spectrum Virtualize Copy Services: FlashCopy (2 of 6)

This topic examines the procedurals in which to create a new snapshot.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Create Snapshot volume

• To create a Snapshot, select Copy Services > FlashCopy
ƒ Right-click a volume and select Create Snapshot or click Action > Create Snapshot
• Creates a thin provisioned volume with a point in time backup of production data:
ƒ Not intended to be an independent copy
ƒ Holds only data from regions of the production volume

Automatically creates
target volume,
mapping and starts it.


Figure 13-23. Create Snapshot volume

The snapshot creates a point-in-time backup of production data. The snapshot is not intended to be
an independent copy. Instead, it is used to maintain a view of the production data at the time that
the snapshot is created. Therefore, the snapshot holds only the data from regions of the production
volume that changed since the snapshot was created. Because the snapshot preset uses thin
provisioning, only the capacity that is required for the copy on write activity is used.
To create and start a snapshot, from the Copy Services > FlashCopy window, right-click on the
volume that you want to create a snapshot of or click Actions > Create Snapshot. Upon selection
of the Create Snapshot option, the GUI automatically:
• Creates a target volume using a name based on the source volume name with a suffix of _01
appended for easy identification in the source volume's pool. The real capacity size starts out as
0% of the virtual volume size and will automatically expand as write activity occurs.
• Creates a mapping
• Starts the snapshot

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Create Snapshot volume

‡ GUI generates several commands: The -autoexpand parameter indicates
it’s a Thin-provisioned volume
svctask mkvdisk –autoexpand –iogrp io_grp0 –mdiskgrp Pool1 –name Test0_01 –rsize 0% –size
3221225472 -unit b
svctask mkfcmap –cleanrate 0 –copyrate 0 –source Test0 –target Test0_01
^ƚĂƌƚŝŶŐ&ůĂƐŚŽƉLJŵĂƉƉŝŶŐϬ FC mapping ID 0 Target
svctask startfcmap -prep 0 created and started volume
• Snapshot uses the following preset parameters: No
ƒ Background copy: No background
ƒ Incremental: No
-copyrate 0
ƒ Delete after completion: No
ƒ Cleaning rate: No
ƒ Primary copy source pool: Target pool

Figure 13-24. Create Snapshot volume

The management GUI defines a FlashCopy mapping using the mkfcmap command with a
background copy rate of 0.
• Starts the mapping using the startfcmap -prep 4 command where 4 is the object ID of the
mapping, and -prep embeds the FlashCopy prepare process with the start process.
Once the target volume has been created, it is now available to be mapped to host objects for host
I/O. The Snapshot Thin-provisioned volume uses disk space only when updates are made to the
source or target data and not for the entire capacity of a volume copy.
A FlashCopy can be modified as long as the task is running.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


FlashCopy mapping details using CLI (no writes)

• No write have occurred on the source
ƒ Content of blocks (COW) being changed are copied to target_01

IBM_cluster:admin>lsfcmap fcmap0
id 0
name fcmap0
source_vdisk_id 12
source_vdisk_name Test0
target_vdisk_id 14 Target_01
target_vdisk_name Test0_01
status copying 0% COWs
progress 0
copy_rate 0
start_time 190710195930
dependent_mappings 0
autodelete off
clean_progress 100
clean_rate 0
incremental off
difference 100
grain_size 256
……………. &2: FRS\RQZULWH
restore_progress 0
fc_controlled no
IBM_cluster:admin> ‹&RS\ULJKW,%0&RUSRUDWLRQ

Figure 13-25. FlashCopy mapping details using CLI (no writes)

All FlashCopy mappings are displayed from the Copy Services > FlashCopy Mappings view.
Observe the default mapping name of fcmap3 assigned to the mapping for source volume and note
the current copy progress of 15 percent is in the mapping entry. Since this mapping has a copy rate
set to 0, the copy progress represents the copy-on-write (COW) activity.
Use the CLI lsfcmap command with either the object name or ID of the mapping to view detailed
information about a mapping. The mapping grain size can be found in this more verbose output.
The grain size for a FlashCopy mapping bitmap defaults to 256 KB for all but the compressed
volume type; which has a default grain size of 64 KB. The default size value can be overridden if
the CLI is used to define the mapping. However, the best practice recommendation is to use the
default values.
The example shows the status of the source and target volume with no write activity.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


FlashCopy mapping details with writes using CLI

• Subsequent writes occur on the source
ƒ Content of blocks (COW) being changed are copied to target_01

IBM_cluster:admin>lsfcmap fcmap0
id 0
name fcmap0
source_vdisk_id 12
source_vdisk_name Test0
target_vdisk_id 14 Target_01
target_vdisk_name Test0_01
status copying 7% COWs
progress 7
copy_rate 0
start_time 190710195930
dependent_mappings 0
autodelete off
clean_progress 100
clean_rate 0
incremental off
difference 100
grain_size 256
……………. &2: FRS\RQZULWH
restore_progress 0
fc_controlled no
IBM_cluster:admin> ‹&RS\ULJKW,%0&RUSRUDWLRQ

Figure 13-26. FlashCopy mapping details with writes using CLI

The example shows the status of the source and target volume with writes in progress. Since the
background copy rate is set to 0, the progress of 7% shows that 7% of the source volume has been
written to the target volume via the COW process.
When subsequent writes occur on the source volume, the content of the blocks being changed
(written to) is copied to the target volume in order to preserve the point-in-time snapshot target
copy. These blocks are referred to as copy-on-write (COW) blocks; the ‘before’ version of the
content of these blocks is copied as a result of incoming writes to the source. This write activity
caused the real capacity of the Thin-Provisioned target volume to automatically expand: Matching
the quantity of data being written.
It might be worthwhile to emphasize that the FlashCopy operation is based on block copies
controlled by grains of the owning bitmaps. FlashSystem is a block level solution so, by design (and
actually per industry standards), the copy operation has no knowledge of OS logical file structures.
The same information is available by using CLI with the help of the lsmap command.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Spectrum Virtualize Copy Services: FlashCopy (3 of 6)



Figure 13-27. Spectrum Virtualize Copy Services: FlashCopy (3 of 6)

This topic examines the ability to create consistency group by selecting multiple mappings to be
managed as a single entity.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Consistency groups
‡ FlashCopy consistency groups are used to group multiple flash copy operations together that have
a need to be controlled at the same time
ƒ Group can be controlled by starting or stopping with a single operation
ƒ Ensures that when stopped for any reason, the I/Os to all group members have all stopped at the same
point in time
í Ensures time consistency across volumes



Figure 13-28. Consistency groups

Consistency Groups address the requirement to preserve point-in-time data consistency across
multiple volumes for applications that include related data that spans multiple volumes. For these
volumes, Consistency Groups maintain the integrity of the FlashCopy by ensuring that “dependent
writes” are run in the application’s intended sequence.
When Consistency Groups are used, the FlashCopy commands are starting the consistency group
starts all the FlashCopy mappings at the same point in time. Therefore the administrators are
tasked with starting FlashCopy creation can do this for all the volumes associated with an
application in a single operation. This provides a crash consistent copy of the data.
After an individual FlashCopy mapping is added to a Consistency Group, it can be managed as part
of the group only. Operations, such as prepare, start, and stop, are no longer allowed on the
individual mapping.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Create Clone as Consistency Group with multi-select

‡ One click process that automatically:
ƒ Right-click on a VDisk, and select Create Clone as Consistency Group
í Creates the consistency group and name it fcmap#
í Creates the appropriate target volumes
í Creates the FlashCopy mappings and places the mappings into the consistency group
í Starts the consistency group


Figure 13-29. Create Clone as Consistency Group with multi-select

When multiple volumes are selected from the Copy Services > FlashCopy menu, the GUI presets
operate at the consistency group level (instead of mapping level). Besides automatically creating
targets and mappings, a consistency group is also defined to allow multiple mappings to be
managed as a single entity. The copy is automatically started at the consistency group level.
Some competitor's products require waiting for the full copy to complete before the target volume
can be accessed, which is a disadvantage compared to Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy.
Consistency groups also be created, modified, and deleted with concise, direct CLI commands.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Generated commands for both selected volumes

ƌĞĂƚĞ&ůĂƐŚŽƉLJŽŶƐŝƐƚĞŶĐLJ'ƌŽƵƉ Clone preset automatically
svctask mkfcconsistgrp -autodelete deletes the mapping when the full
copy completes
svctask mkvdisk -iogrp io_grp0 -mdiskgrp Pool1 -name Test1_01 -size 3221225472 -unit b
svctask mkfcmap -autodelete -cleanrate 50 -consistgrp 1 -copyrate 50 -source Test1 -target Test1_01
svctask mkvdisk -iogrp io_grp0 -mdiskgrp Pool1 -name Test0_01 -size 3221225472 -unit b
svctask mkfcmap -autodelete -cleanrate 50 -consistgrp 1 -copyrate 50 -source Test0 -target Test0_01
svctask startfcconsistgrp -prep 1


Figure 13-30. Generated commands for both selected volumes

The commands issued by the management GUI for this Clone preset invocation example have
been extracted and highlighted:
• A consistency group is created with the -autodelete parameter; which causes the Spectrum
Virtualize system to automatically delete the consistency group when background copy
• Two fully allocated target volumes are created. The name and size of the target volumes
derives from the source volumes; following the GUI naming convention for FlashCopy. Two
FlashCopy mappings are defined each with the default copy rate of 50 (or 2 MBps).
• Once the volume have been created and a FlashCopy mapping has been established, the
consistency group automatically starts with the startfcconsistgrp command which contains
an embedded prepare.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


FlashCopy mappings and consistency group details (1 of 2)

Copy Services > FlashCopy

Copy Services > FlashCopy Mapping


Figure 13-31. FlashCopy mappings and consistency group details (1 of 2)

The Copy Services > FlashCopy view displays the two defined individual mappings. The Copy
Services > FlashCopy Mapping shows that volumes are associated with the same fccstgrp0
consistency group. The progress bar for each FlashCopy mapping provides a direct view of the
progress of each background copy. This progress data is also provided through the Background
Tasks interface; which is accessible from any GUI view.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


FlashCopy mappings and consistency group details (2 of 2)

svctask chfcmap -
cleanrate 50 -
copyrate 100 1


Figure 13-32. FlashCopy mappings and consistency group details (2 of 2)

The background copy has a default copy rate of 50 which can be changed dynamically.
To change the background rate, right-click a fcmap mapping entry and select Edit Properties. Drag
the Background Copy Rate: slider bar in the Edit FlashCopy Mapping box all the way to the right
to increase the value to 100 then click Save.
The GUI generates the chfcmap -copyrate command and uses -copyrate to increase the copy
rate to 100 for the specified mapping whose ID. The 100 value causes the background copy rate to
increase from the default 2 MBps to 64 MBps.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Clone consistency copy completed

• Consistency group has a status of copying as long as one of its mappings is in the copying

• Once the copy operation between the source volume and target volume is complete, the
consistency group and mappings are deleted automatically


Figure 13-33. Clone consistency copy completed

From the Copy Services > Consistency Group view, you can see the changes in the fcmp1 target
volume now that the background copyrate has been increased. The consistency group has a status
of copying as long as one of its mappings is in the copying status. Once the copy operation for the
source volume to the target volume is complete, the -autodelete specification will take effect.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Spectrum Virtualize Copy Services: FlashCopy (4 of 6)

‡ FlashCopy
ƒ Functionality and overview
ƒ Create Snapshot
ƒ Create consistency group with multi-
ƒ Incremental Backup
ƒ Indirection layer/Bitmap space
ƒ IBM Spectrum Protect Snapshot


Figure 13-34. Spectrum Virtualize Copy Services: FlashCopy (4 of 6)

The topic reviews the incremental or an incremental backup features to create a point-in-time copy
of a database implemented directly on attached FlashCopy or the IBM Spectrum Virtualize

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Incremental Backup FlashCopy

‡ Incremental FlashCopy can substantially reduce Start incremental FlashCopy
the time that is required to re-create an
independent image

ƒ First copy process copies all of the data from the Full copy of all data the first time
source volume to the target volume
Later …
ƒ Copies only the parts of the source or target
volumes that changed since the last copy

ƒ Reduces the amount of data copied and time to Some data changed by apps
complete the full copy
Start incremental FlashCopy
í Extra bitmap tracks changes to the source volume
after the incremental PiT image is created on the
target volume
Only changed data copied


Figure 13-35. Incremental Backup FlashCopy

FlashCopy Backup copies, aka. incremental backup, is designed for situation in which a full copy of
the volume(s) needs to be made on a periodic basis. The incremental feature here, keeps track of
changes to the source volume that occur since the last Backup FlashCopy was created. The first
time we start a backup mapping, the full volume is copied to the target. Subsequent starts of this
Backup FlashCopy mapping then only have to copy over changes made to the source volume since
the last start of the mapping. Note that this requires an extra bitmap than clone or snapshot
The mappings and bitmap space are affected by the gain size as specified in the mkfcmap
command. The 64 KB grain size provides more copy granularity at the expense of using more bits
or larger bitmaps than the 256 KB grain size. To be able to monitor the difference between source
and target a “difference” value is maintained in the FlashCopy mapping details.
An extra bitmap space is created to track changes to the source volume after the incremental
backup mapping is started. It points to the changed data that will need to be copied to the target
volume the next time the mapping is started.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Create incremental FlashCopy mapping

‡ Create FlashCopy mapping
ƒ Select Source volume
ƒ Select Target volume
í GUI automatically determines a list of
eligibility targets Ability
Ability to
to select
eligible target
í Target must be same size as source
ƒ Source and target are paired
ƒ Volume can reside in different pools

Test1 TesT1_TGT


Figure 13-36. Create incremental FlashCopy mapping

If less automation or more administrator control is desired, a FlashCopy mapping can be manually
defined from the Copy Services > FlashCopy Mappings panel by clicking the Create FlashCopy
Mapping button. This path expects the target volume to have been created already.
From the Create FlashCopy Mapping dialog box, specify the source volume and target volume. The
GUI automatically determines the list of eligible targets. An eligible target volume must be the same
size of the source and must not be serving as a target in other FlashCopy mappings. After a target
has been Added, the GUI confirms the source and target pairing. Normally one will create the target
volume before creating the mapping.
From the volume entries, the UIDs of the source and target volumes; also observe that they reside
in different storage pools representing different storage systems.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Backup preset (full copy + incremental)

‡ Select Backup
ƒ Mapping can be started multiple times to update
backup data to current time
‡ Option to modify background copy rate
‡ You have the option to add the mapping to a copy rate;
consistency group 50 is default

‡ GUI generates the mkfcmap command with the

–incremental parameter to start backup


Figure 13-37. Backup preset (full copy + incremental)

The intent is to use incremental FlashCopy, therefore the Backup preset is selected. You have the
option to change the mapping attributes, such as the background copy rate or copy rate before the
mapping is defined. You also have the option to add the mapping to a consistency group. Since this
is a one volume one mapping example, a consistency group is not necessary.
The GUI generates the mkfcmap command contains the -incremental parameter. The incremental
copy option can only be specified at mapping definition. In other words, after a mapping has been
created, there is no way to change its attribute to an incremental copy without deleting the mapping
and redefining it again.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Start FlashCopy mapping manually

‡ Start FlashCopy mapping manually
ƒ Right-click the fcmap# entry and select Start
ƒ Can be started again to update target data to current PiT Test1 _TGT
‡ Select Advanced Settings to modify background copy rate
‡ You have the option to add the mapping to a consistency group
ƒ GUI generates the startfcmap command with the –prep 0 parameter to start mapping


Figure 13-38. Start FlashCopy mapping manually

To start the FlashCopy mapping, right-click the mapping entry and select Start from the menu list.
The management GUI generates the startfcmap command with an embedded prepare to start the

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Background copy completed

• A Fibre Channel mapping with the background copy in process will have a status of copying
fcmap0 copy rate
increased to 100

• If FlashCopy mapping has a status of Idle, Copied, or Copying, the source and target
volumes can act as independent volumes


Figure 13-39. Background copy completed

From Copy Services > FlashCopy Mapping, you can view the background copying progress. The
FlashCopy Mapping has a status of copying as long as one of its mappings is in the copying
status. The target volume can be used immediately after the start of the FlashCopy even if the
mapping is in the copying state. However, to ensure I/O to the target volume doesn't interfere with
I/O to the source volume, we need to wait until the mapping is in the Copied state.
If the mapping is incremental and the background copy is complete, the mapping records the
differences between the source and target volumes only. Source and target volumes can be taken
offline, if the nodes handling the volumes lose communication with each other.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Host I/O operations

• Host I/O activity continues during the background copying

• Target volume contains the point-in-time content of the source volume as subsequent
writes occurs




Figure 13-40. Host I/O operations

As data is added over a period of times to the source volume, the host I/O activity continues while
the background copy is in progress. Incremental FlashCopy copies all of the data when you first
start FlashCopy and then only the changes when you stop and start FlashCopy mapping again.
The target volume contains the point-in-time content of the source volume. Even though
subsequent write activity has occurred on the source volume, it isn’t reflected on the target volume.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Example: Source and target content differences

IBM_cluster:admin>lsfcmap 0
id 0
name fcmap0
source_vdisk_id 13
source_vdisk_name Test1
target_vdisk_id 14
target_vdisk_name Test1_TGT
status idle_or_copied
progress 100
copy_rate 100 Test1
start_time 190719120640 Test1 _TGT
dependent_mappings 0
autodelete off
clean_progress 100
clean_rate 50
incremental on
difference 22
grain_size 256 Difference value indicates the
IO_group_id 0 percentage of grains that have
IO_group_name io_grp0 changed between the source
partner_FC_id and target volumes.
restoring no
rc_controlled no


Figure 13-41. Example: Source and target content differences

The CLI lsfcmap command is used in this example to view the FlashCopy mapping details. The
copy_rate had been updated to 100 percent. Background copy has completed hence the status of
this mapping is idle_or_copied. Recall the Backup preset was selected - causing this mapping to
be defined with autodelete off and incremental on.
Since this mapping is defined with incremental copy, bitmaps are used to track changes to both the
source and target (recall reads/writes are supported for both source and target volumes). The
difference value indicates the percentage of grains that have changed between the source and
target volumes.
This difference percentage represents the amount of grains that need to be copied from the source
to the target with the next background copy. The value of 22 percent in this example is the result of
data having been added or written to the source volume.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Example: Incremental copy to sync target

IBM_cluster:admin>-prep 0
IBM_cluster:admin>lsfcmap -delim ,
0,fcmap0,0,Test1,Test1_TGT,,,copying,77,100,100,on,,,no, 190719120640 6,no
IBM_cluster:admin> lsfcmap -delim , 0
name fcmap0
source_vdisk_id 13
source_vdisk_name Test1_ BEER
target_vdisk_id 14
target_vdisk_name Test1_TGT
status idle_or_copied
progress 100 VB1-NEW
copy_rate 100
start_time 190719120650
dependent_mappings 0
autodelete off
clean_progress 100
clean_rate 50
incremental on
difference 0 Difference value indicates the
grain_size 256 source and target volumes are
...... now identical.

Figure 13-42. Example: Incremental copy to sync target

In this example, we are using the CLI startfcmap -prep 0 command to start the mapping. This
command does not return a successful submission of a long running asynchronous job. In this
case, the background incremental copy.
Since it is an incremental copy, only those blocks related to the changed grains (the 22%) are
copied to the target. The immediately submitted lsfcmap command concise output displays a
status of copying and a progress of 77% already.
A short time later, the lsfcmap 0 verbose output shows the completion of the background copy -
progress 100 and difference 0.
After incremental copy completes, the content of the target volume is updated. At this point, the
content of the two volumes are identical. Subsequent changes to both source and target volumes
are now being tracked by the system cluster FlashCopy.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Issue: Data corruption occurs on source volume

‡ Data corruption occurred to the source, possibly due to subsequent write activity or during the
Test1 Test1_TGT

Time 1 Test1_Ale Test1_Ale

Full Copy

3 Test1_Ale
Data corrupted

Figure 13-43. Issue: Data corruption occurs on source volume

This example illustrates the incremental copy option of FlashCopy. At some point along the way,
data corruption to the source occurs. This might be due to subsequent write activity it is now
deemed that a logical data corruption occurred - perhaps due to a programming bug.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Solution: Reverse FlashCopy to restore source from target

‡ Use target volume to restore source volume to
its previous point in time volume image
Test1 Test1_TGT
ƒ Supports multiple targets (up to 256) equal to
multiple rollback points Test1_Ale Test1_Ale
Test1_Stout Test1_Stout

ƒ Does not destroy target 6B

ƒ Do not FlashCopy to a target volume that's in Time
use 6A Full
‡ Create an optional copy for debugging before
reserving copy



Figure 13-44. Solution: Reverse FlashCopy to restore source from target

Reverse FlashCopy enables FlashCopy targets to become restore points for the source without
breaking the FlashCopy relationship and without having to wait for the original copy operation to
complete. FlashCopy provides the option to take a point-in-time copy of the corrupted volume data
for debugging purposes. It supports multiple targets (up to 256) and therefore multiple rollback
You also have the ability to create an optional copy of the source volume to be made before the
reverse copy operation starts. This ability to restore back to the original source data can be useful
for diagnostic purposes.
A key advantage of IBM Spectrum Virtualize Reverse FlashCopy is that the original target volume
data is preserved, so if it's being read accessed (for example a backup is in progress) that access
can continue.
It's important to understand that you should not start a FlashCopy to a volume that it is in use. If the
volume is in use on a host, the host likely has data or structures from that volume reflected in its
RAM. And overwriting data on disk is likely to lead to data corruption and a host crash. The safe
procedure is to delete the disk definition on the host before starting a reverse FlashCopy, then
reconfiguring it on the host after the FlashCopy has started.
This image illustrates that the corrupted volume image is to be captured for future problem
determination (step 6A).
Then the reverse copy feature of FlashCopy is used to restore the source volume from the target
volume (step 6B).

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Create Clone FlashCopy mapping

‡ Right-click the source volume and select Create Clone
‡ Clone Preset automatically generates a target_01 that captures the corrupted volume for



Figure 13-45. Create Clone FlashCopy mapping

To obtain a volume copy of the corrupted source volume for later debugging, the fast path Copy
Services > FlashCopy menu is used.
Right-click the source volume entry and select Create Clone. The Clone preset will automatically
generate commands to create the target volume, define the source to target FlashCopy mapping,
and start the background copy.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Reverse Flash Copy

‡ Create a mapping that reverses the source and
target volumes
ƒ GUI generates a warning that target volume is
also a source volume in another mapping
í Normal for restore

‡ Can start Reverse FlashCopy even if the

background copy to the source volume (since
it's a target in another full copy mapping) is in
‡ Generates the mkfcmap command with the
-copyrate 50 parameter


Figure 13-46. Reverse Flash Copy

To restore the source volume to its prior point-in-time copy, a reverse FlashCopy mapping is
defined. This procedural is similar to the used to creating any FlashCopy mapping, though in this
case the source volume is defined as the one with hopefully good data (which was and is originally
a FlashCopy target volume), and the target volume is the original volume with data we'll be writing
over. In this case, a clone is used to create an exact replica of the source volume on a target
volume. The copy can be changed without impacting the original volume. You also have the option
to add the mapping to a consistency group.
A warning dialog is displayed by the GUI to caution that the target volume is also a source volume
in another mapping. This is normal for restore and for this example, it is by design.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


FC mappings and rename volume

Start mapping


Rename debug


Figure 13-47. FC mappings and rename volume

Since the reverse mapping had been defined using the Copy Services > FlashCopy Mapping
menu, its status is Idle. The administrator controls when to start mapping.
The FlashCopy target volume, target_01, which contains the source volume image with corrupted
data, should have a more descriptive name than the default name assigned by the fast path
FlashCopy GUI. You can use the Volumes > Volumes pane to rename the target_01 volume to
“target name_DEBUG”.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Start FlashCopy PiT copy restore

‡ Right-click the mapping (target volume_TGT) and select Start
ƒ GUI generates a -restore procedure even if the target volume is being used as a source in another active
FlashCopy mapping



Figure 13-48. Start FlashCopy PiT copy restore

To restore the content of the source volume from the target volume, right-click the new
source_TGT volume entry in the reverse FlashCopy mapping and select Start from the pop-up
Observe the startfcmap command generated by the GUI contains the -restore parameter. The
-restore parameter allows the mapping to be started even if the target volume is being used as a
source in another active FlashCopy mapping.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Monitor FlashCopy progress

IBM_cluster:admin> lsfcmap -delim ,
1,fcmap1,2,Test1,8,Test1_DEBUG,,,copying,8,50,100,off,,,no, 190720111623,no
2,fcmap2,7,Test1_TGT,2,Test1,,,copying,73,50,100,on,0,fcmap0,yes, 190720112743,no
IBM_cluster:admin> chfcmap -copyrate 100 1
IBM_cluster:admin> chfcmap -copyrate 100 2

ID 0
ID 1 Test1 ID 2 Test1W

IBM_cluster:admin> lsfcmap -delim ,

0,fcmap1,2,Test1,7, Test1_TGT,,,idle_or_copied,100,100,100,on,,,no, 160620112404,no
1,fcmap0,2,Test1,8,Test1_DEBUG,,,copying,84,100,100,off,,,no, 190720111623,no
IBM_cluster:admin> lsfcmap -delim ,
0,fcmap1,2,Test1,7,Test1_TGT,,,idle_or_copied,100,100,100,on,,,no, 190720112404,no


Figure 13-49. Monitor FlashCopy progress

The lsfcmap command output shows the three mapping summaries:

The first is the original source (fcmap0) to target mapping which has a partner mapping to fcmap2.
Next, we have the source to DEBUG target mapping. This was created as a Clone so the mapping
would be deleted automatically at copy completion.
The fcmap2 mapping is used to reverse the mapping and a partner with mapping fcmap0. With the
progress of 73%, Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy has determined only a small percentage of grains
need to be copied to restore the source volume.
The second set of lsfcmap commands only shows mapping IDs 0 and 1. Background copy of the
corrupted content from the source volume has been copied to the DEBUG volume and the fcmap1
mapping was deleted. The restore operation for the source volume was still in progress at 84
percent; and then also completes with the mapping deleted.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Source restored: Rebooted host view

‡ Remove disk definition and or shut down server prior to starting reverse FlashCopy
‡ Reverse FlashCopy enables FlashCopy targets to restore the source to a PiT without breaking
the FlashCopy relationship



Figure 13-50. Source restored: Rebooted host view

As with any FlashCopy mapping, after background copy has started, both the source and target
volumes are available for read/write access.
It's important to not start a FlashCopy to a target volume that is in use, because information about
the volume and data are potentially reflected in the host RAM, which could lead to a crash or
corruption of the data on the target. Therefore, you should generally remove the target disk
definition from the host, which also ensures the data and disk won't be in use, prior to starting a
mapping to a target volume. Then after starting the mapping, one can reconfigure the disk on the
host and restart the application.
This view shows the original source volume has been restored to the content level of the target
Based on the SDD reported disk serial number, the target_DEBUG volume has been assigned to
the host as drive letter E. It contains the corrupted content of the source volume. Reverse
FlashCopy enables FlashCopy targets to become restore points for the source without breaking the
FlashCopy relationship and without having to wait for the original copy operation to complete.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Reverse multi-target FlashCopy operations

Original SVC system
Later Recovery
Source Target Point in Time (PiT)
Volume Volume
Multi Target Volume
FlashCopy W
V9000 system

Source Target
1 Optional Copy Volume Volume
of Original X Y
Relationship SAN
Target 2 Reverse Target
Z FlashCopy Volume

Figure 13-51. Reverse multi-target FlashCopy operations

The multi-target FlashCopy operation allows several targets for the same source. This can be used
for backup to tape later. Even if the backup is not finished, the user can create an additional target
for the next backup cycle and so on.
Reverse FlashCopy enables FlashCopy targets to become restore points for the source without
breaking the FlashCopy relationship and without having to wait for the original copy operation to
complete. It supports multiple targets (up to 256) and thus multiple rollback points.
A key advantage of the IBM Spectrum Virtualize Multiple Target Reverse FlashCopy function is that
the reverse FlashCopy does not destroy the original target, which allows processes by using the
target, such as a tape backup, to continue uninterrupted.
IBM Spectrum Virtualize also provides the ability to create an optional copy of the source volume to
be made before the reverse copy operation starts. This ability to restore back to the original source
data can be useful for diagnostic purposes.
In this example, the multi-target FlashCopy operation has occurred an error or virus on the source.
Therefore, the administrator needs to reverse FlashCopy the Snapshot data on target1 or target2
can be flashed back. This process is incremental and thus very fast. The host can then work with
the clean data. If a root cause analysis of the original source is store the corrupted data for later
Reverse FlashCopy:
• Does not require the original FC copies to have been completed.
• Does not destroy the original target content (for example, does not disrupt tape backups
• Does allow an optional copy of the corrupted source to be made (for example, for diagnostics)
before starting the reverse copy.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups

• Does allow any target of the multi-target chain to be used as the restore or reversal point.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Benefits of backup as consistency group

‡ Maintain consistency of data across multiple disk volume at a backup location 24 hours a day
‡ Helps reduce the time needed for data backups
‡ Optimize thin provisioning to minimize storage space


Source volume Target volume



Figure 13-52. Benefits of backup as consistency group

If your company data must maintain the consistency of data across multiple disk volumes at a
backup location and available 24 hours a day, having eight hours of downtime is unacceptable.
Using the FlashCopy service as part of the backup process can help reduce the time needed for the
backup. When the FlashCopy process is started, your application stops for just a moment, and then
immediately resumes.
The thin provisioning of Flash Copies significantly reduces the storage space needed to keep
multiple backups, only needing space to hold as much data that's been overwritten since the PiT
image was started for each target volume.
FlashCopy consistency groups ensure data consistency across multiple volumes by putting
dependent volumes in an extended long busy state and then starting the consistency group
mapping for the volumes. This ensures a consistent PiT image for all the volumes in the group.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Spectrum Virtualize Copy Services: FlashCopy (5 of 6)




Figure 13-53. Spectrum Virtualize Copy Services: FlashCopy (5 of 6)

In this topic, we will review how FlashCopy utilizes bitmaps to track grains in FlashCopy mappings
or mirroring relationship. In addition, review the functions of Tivoli Storage Manager.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


FlashCopy internal cache operations

‡ Bitmap points to source/target depending upon IOs from Host
where PiT data is:


ƒ COW doesn't impact write latency
ƒ Lower cache used to optimize IO via read pre-fetch Upper Cache
and coalescing of I/Os


ƒ FlashCopy prep step just moves data from upper Indirection layer
to lower cache FlashCopy bitmap

í Much faster because upper cache write data goes
directly to the lower cache Lower Cache

IOs to storage
Source Target
Volume Volume
Copy from source to target


Figure 13-54. FlashCopy internal cache operations

Starting with V7.3 the entire cache subsystem was redesigned and changed. Cache has been
divided into upper and lower cache. Upper cache serves mostly as write cache and hides the write
latency from the hosts and applications. The lower cache is a read/write cache and optimizes I/O to
and from disks.
The copy on write process requires that prior to the host write going to disk, that we read the data
we're writing over and write it to the FlashCopy target. This would increase write latency, except we
return an acknowledge to the host once the data is in the I/O group write cache, and this COW
process happens in the background.
The two level cache design provides additional performance improvements to FlashCopy
mechanism. Because now the FlashCopy layer is above lower cache in the IBM Spectrum
Virtualize software stack, it can benefit from read prefetching and coalescing writes to backend
storage. Also, preparing FlashCopy is much faster because upper cache write data does not have
to go directly to backend storage but to lower cache layer. Additionally, in the multi-target
FlashCopy the target volumes of the same image share cache data. This design is opposite to
previous IBM Spectrum Virtualize code versions where each volume had its own copy of cached
The bitmap governs the I/O redirection (I/O indirection layer) which is maintained in both nodes of
the storage system I/O Group to prevent a single point of failure. For the FlashCopy volume
capacity per I/O Group, you have a maximum limit on the quantity of FlashCopy mappings that are
using bitmap space from this I/O Group. This maximum configuration uses all 4 GiB of bitmap
space for the I/O Group and allows no Metro or Global Mirror bitmap space. While a node has a
minimum of 64 GB of memory and a maximum of 256 GB, the maximum memory used in an I/O
group for RAID, mirroring, remote copy and FlashCopy combined is 552 MB.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Example: Bitmap space defaults for data replication

IBM_cluster:admin>lsiogrp 0
id 0
name io_grp0
node_count 2
vdisk_count 8 Default bitmap space for
host_count 4 FlashCopy, Remote Copy (MM/GM) and
flash_copy_total_memory 20.0MB Volume Mirroring
flash_copy_free_memory 19.9MB
remote_copy_total_memory 20.0MB
remote_copy_free_memory 20.0MB
mirroring_total_memory 20.0MB
mirroring_free_memory 20.0MB
raid_total_memory 40.0MB
raid_free_memory 40.0MB
maintenance no
compression_active no
accessible_vdisk_count 8
compression_supported yes


Figure 13-55. Example: Bitmap space defaults for data replication

Bitmaps are internal storage system data structures used to track which grains in FlashCopy
mappings or mirroring relationships, have been copied from the source volume to the target
volume; or from one copy of a volume to another for Volume Mirroring.
Bitmaps consume bitmap space in each I/O group’s node cache. The maximum amount of memory
used for bitmap space is 552 MB per I/O Group, which is shared among FlashCopy bitmaps,
Remote Copy (Metro/Global Mirroring) bitmaps, Volume Mirroring, and RAID processing bitmaps.
When a storage system cluster is initially created, the default bitmap space assigned is 20 MiB
each for FlashCopy, Remote Copy, and Volume Mirroring; and 40 MB for RAID metadata.
The verbose lsiogrp command output displays, for a given I/O group, the amount of bitmap space
allocated and currently available for each given bitmap space category.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Bitmap space and copy capacity (per I/O group)

1 MB 20 MB 512 MB
Copy Grain Size
bitmap bitmap bitmap
Service (KB) space space space
2 TB 40 TB 1024 TB
FlashCopy 256 source volume source volume source volume
capacity capacity capacity
512 GB 10 TB 256 TB
FlashCopy 64 source volume source volume source volume
capacity capacity capacity
1 TB 20 TB 512 TB
256 source volume source volume source volume
FlashCopy capacity capacity capacity
256 GB 5 TB 128 TB
64 source volume source volume source volume
FlashCopy capacity capacity capacity
2 TB 40 TB 1024 TB
Metro Mirror
256 volume volume volume
Global Mirror capacity capacity capacity
2 TB 40 TB 1024 TB
256 volume volume volume
Mirroring capacity capacity capacity

Figure 13-56. Bitmap space and copy capacity (per I/O group)

By default, each I/O group has allotted 20 MB of bitmap space each for FlashCopy, Remote Copy,
and Volume Mirroring.
For FlashCopy, the default 20 MB of bitmap space provides a copy capacity to track 40 TB of target
volume space if the default grain size of 256 KB is used. The 64 KB grain size means four times as
many bits are needed to track the same amount of space; this increased granularity decreases the
total copy capacity to 10 TB or one fourth the amount as the 256 KB grain size. The tradeoff is a
potential decrease in the amount of data that needs to be incrementally copied, which in turn,
reduces copy time and storage system CPU utilization.
Incremental FlashCopy requires tracking changes for both the source and target volumes, thus two
bitmaps are needed for each FlashCopy mapping. Consequently for the default grain size of 256
KB, the total copy capacity is reduced from 40 TB to 20 TB. If the 64 KB grain size is selected, the
total copy capacity is reduced from 10 TB to 5 TB.
For Remote Copy (Metro and Global mirroring), the default 20 MB of bitmap space provides a total
capacity of 40 TB per I/O group; likewise for Volume Mirroring.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Example: Bitmap space configuration and usage

IBM_cluster:admin>l>chiogrp -feature flash -size 30 0
IBM_cluster:admin>l>chiogrp -feature remote -size 10 0
IBM_cluster:admin>l>chiogrp -feature mirror -size 25 0

IBM_cluster:admin>l>lsiogrp 0
id 0
name io_grp0
node_count 2 Update bitmap space for
vdisk_count 8
host_count 4 FlashCopy, Remote Copy
flash_copy_total_memory 30.0MB (MM/GM) and Volume Mirroring
flash_copy_free_memory 29.9MB
remote_copy_total_memory 10.0MB
remote_copy_free_memory 10.0MB
mirroring_total_memory 25.0MB
mirroring_free_memory 25.0MB
raid_total_memory 40.0MB
raid_free_memory 40.0MB
maintenance no
compression_active no
accessible_vdisk_count 8
compression_supported yes


Figure 13-57. Example: Bitmap space configuration and usage

The chiogrp command is used to control the amount of bitmap space to be set aside for each IO
Use the chiogrp command to release the default allotted cache space if the corresponding function
is not licensed. For example, if Metro/Global Mirror is not licensed, change the bitmap space to 0 to
regain the I/O group cache for other use.
By the same token, if more copy capacity is required, use the chiogrp command to increase the
amount of memory set aside for bitmap space. A maximum of 552 MB, shared among FlashCopy,
Remote Copy, Volume Mirroring, and RAID functions, can be specified per IO group.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Spectrum Virtualize Copy Services: FlashCopy (6 of 6)



Figure 13-58. Spectrum Virtualize Copy Services: FlashCopy (6 of 6)

In this topic, we will review the functions of IBM Spectrum Protect Snapshot (formerly IBM Tivoli
Storage FlashCopy Manager).

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


IBM Spectrum Protect Snapshot (1 of 2)

Snapshot backup to TSM server
• Transfer outboard of application server to
Application Local
minimize impact to application
System Snapshot
Data Versions • Copies on TSM server provide long-term
Snapshot retention and disaster recovery
Backup • Very fast restore from the snapshot
to TSM Support for multiple, persistent
Restore from TSM • Persistent snapshots retained locally
Policy-based management of local,
With Optional
persistent snapshots
TSM Backup
• Retention policies may be different for local
Integration snapshots and copies on TSM server
Storage hierarchy • Automatic reuse of local snapshot versions
Restore can be performed
expire deployment
‡ Local snapshot version
‡ TSM storage hierarchy

Figure 13-59. IBM Spectrum Protect Snapshot (1 of 2)

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager was rebranded as IBM Spectrum Protect, and IBM Tivoli Storage
FlashCopy Manager is now IBM Spectrum Protect Snapshot. The management of many large
FlashCopy relationships and Consistency Groups is a complex task without a form of automation
for assistance. IBM Spectrum Protect Snapshot provides fast application-aware backups and
restores, leveraging advanced point-in-time image technologies available with the IBM storage
systems. In addition, it provides an optional integration with IBM Spectrum Protect, for long-term
storage of snapshots.
This example shows the integration of IBM Spectrum Protect and IBM Spectrum Protect Snapshot
from a conceptual level. IBM Spectrum Protect is supported on SAN Volume Controller,
FlashSystem, Storwize Family, DS8800, plus others.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


IBM Spectrum Protect Snapshot (2 of 2)

FlashCopy Manager System
Application Local
System Application Snapshot

With Optional
TSM Backup
Restore can be performed
‡ Local snapshot version H[SLUHGHSOR\PHQW
‡ TSM storage hierarchy

Figure 13-60. IBM Spectrum Protect Snapshot (2 of 2)

IBM Spectrum Protect Snapshot allows you to coordinate and automate host preparation steps
before you issue FlashCopy start commands to ensure that a consistent backup of the application
is made. You can put databases into hot backup mode and flush the file system cache before
starting the FlashCopy.
IBM Spectrum Protect Snapshot also allows for easier management of on-disk backups that use
FlashCopy, and provides a simple interface to perform the “reverse” operation.
This example shows the FlashCopy Manager feature.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


‡ FlashCopy • Copy rate
‡ Flash mapping • Clone
‡ Full background copy • Snapshot
‡ No background copy
• Incremental Backup FlashCopy
• Bitmap space
‡ Consistency groups
• Tivoli Storage FlashCopy
‡ Consistency groups Manager
‡ Target
‡ Source


Figure 13-61. Keywords

Listed are keywords that were used in this unit.

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Review questions
1. True or False: Both the source and target volumes of a FlashCopy mapping are
available for read/write I/O operations while the background copy is in progress.

2. True or False: A FlashCopy target volume can be thin-provisioned and reside in

another Spectrum Virtualize system.

3. True or False: Incremental FlashCopy assumes an initial full background copy so that
subsequent background copies only need to copy the changed blocks to
resynchronize the target.


Figure 13-62. Review questions

Write your answers here:

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups


Review answers
1. True or False: Both the source and target volumes of a FlashCopy mapping are
available for read/write I/O operations while the background copy is in progress.
The answer is True.

2. True or False: A FlashCopy target volume can be Thin-Provisioned and reside in

another Spectrum Virtualize system.
The answer is False.

3. True or False: Incremental FlashCopy assumes an initial full background copy so that
subsequent background copies only need to copy the changed blocks to
resynchronize the target to the source.
The answer is True.


Figure 13-63. Review answers

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Unit 13. IBM Spectrum Virtualize FlashCopy and Consistency groups



‡ Identify I/O access to source and target

volumes during a FlashCopy operation
‡ Classify the purpose of consistency groups
for both FlashCopy and Remote Copy
‡ Summarize FlashCopy use cases and
correlate to GUI provided FlashCopy
‡ Recognize usage scenarios for incremental
FlashCopy and reverse FlashCopy


Figure 13-64. Summary

Having completed this unit, you should be able to:

• Identify I/O access to source and target volumes during a FlashCopy operation.
• Classify the purpose of consistency groups for both FlashCopy and Remote Copy operations.
• Summarize FlashCopy use cases and correlate to GUI provided FlashCopy presets.
• Recognize usage scenarios for incremental FlashCopy and reverse FlashCopy.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data

Estimated time

The Spectrum Virtualize module examines data mirroring services for mission-critical data using
Remote Mirroring for Metro Mirror (synchronous copy) and Global Mirror (asynchronous copy)

How you will check your progress

• Checkpoint
• Hands-on lab exercises

Implementing IBM Storwize V7000 with IBM Spectrum Virtualize V8.2.1

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring



‡ Understand the concept of Remote Copy

services for mission-critical data
‡ Differentiate between synchronous and
asynchronous mirroring
‡ Differentiate among the functions
provided with Metro Mirror, Global Mirror,
and Global Mirror with change volumes
‡ Summarize the inter-cluster connectivity
requirement needed to establish remote
mirroring environments
‡ Identify the requirements for a remote
mirroring partnership and relationship


Figure 14-1. Objectives

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

• Understand the concept of Remote Copy services for mission-critical data.
• Differentiate between synchronous and asynchronous mirroring.
• Differentiate among the functions provided with Metro Mirror, Global Mirror, and Global Mirror
with change volumes.
• Summarize the inter-cluster connectivity requirement needed to establish remote mirroring
• Identify the requirements for a remote mirroring partnership and relationship.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Spectrum Virtualize Remote Mirroring: Remote Copy

‡ Remote Copy
‡ Metro Mirror and Global Mirror
‡ Inter-cluster connectivity
‡ Partnership
‡ HyperSwap
‡ Examples of MM/GM configurations


Figure 14-2. Spectrum Virtualize Remote Mirroring: Remote Copy

This topic introduces the concept of Remote Copy Services.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


When disaster occurs

‡ Why do you need a disaster recovery plan?
ƒ Unintended deletion of a database object (rows, columns, tables)
ƒ Unintended deletion of a server object (databases, chunks, dbspace)
ƒ Data corruption or incorrect data created
ƒ Hardware failure (such as when a disk that contains chunk files fails)
ƒ Database server failure
Site failure

ƒ Natural disaster

Site 1 Secondary
Site 2


Figure 14-3. When disaster occurs

Today, when businesses are often required to be operational 24x7x365, and potential disasters due
to weather, power outages, fire, water, or even terrorism pose numerous threats, the importance of
real time disaster recovery and business continuance have become absolutely necessary for many
businesses. Some disasters happen suddenly, stopping all processing at a single point in time, or
interrupts operations in stages that occur over several seconds or even minutes. This is often
referred to as a rolling disaster. Therefore, it is business critical requirement to plan for recovery to
eliminate those potential disaster that can causes system failures where they are immediate,
intermittent, or gradual.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Remote Mirroring
‡ Disaster recovery (DR) for block based volumes
‡ Intercluster remote mirroring is over distance in which the two copies are
geographically isolated between two system clusters
‡ Remote mirroring for a volume, is between the I/O groups in the clusters, handling the
subject local and remote volumes respectively
‡ Available on nearly all systems capable of running IBM Spectrum Virtualize
Site 1 Site 2
Any Spectrum Partnership Any Spectrum Virtualize
Virtualize product product
(FC or IP)
VDisks VDisks



Figure 14-4. Remote Mirroring

Remote Copy services provides a single point of control when remote copy is enabled in your
network (regardless of the disk subsystems that are used) if those disk subsystems are supported
by the IBM storage systems.
Synchronous mirroring returns an acknowledgment to the host when the data is written to both the
local and remote Storwize systems. Asynchronous mirroring returns an acknowledgment to the
host when the data is written to the local disk, and processes are used to keep the writes done
remotely in the same order as they are done locally except in error conditions where
synchronization is lost. As a result synchronous remote mirroring has a RPO of 0 while
asynchronous remote mirroring has a RPO >= 0.
The general application of remote copy services is to maintain two real-time synchronized copies of
a volume, known as remote mirroring. The typical requirement for remote mirroring is over distance.
In this case, intercluster copy is used across two storage system clusters using a Fibre Channel
interswitch link (ISL) or alternative SAN distance extension solutions.
While remote mirroring is normally between geographically isolated clusters, it's also possible to
setup this function between two volumes in the same I/O group. However, it's simpler to just create
a volume mirror, as failure of one copy is handled automatically and transparently with volume
mirroring, but requires manual intervention with the remote mirroring feature to recover and access
the auxiliary volume, except in the case of HyperSwap. If the master copy fails, you can enable an
auxiliary copy for I/O operation.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Terminology Description
The location of the main storage system site. The site also contains both the data and the active
Primary site
The secondary site is a remote site that contains a copy of the data and acts as a standby
Secondary site servers. In the event of a disaster at the master site, the servers at the secondary site become
active and start using the copy of the data.
The master volume or source volume, or storage system contains the production copy of the
Master(source) volume
data that the application normally accesses.
The auxiliary volume or target volume, or storage system contains the backup copy of the data
Auxiliary (target) volume
and is used for disaster recovery.

Partnership A partnership is established between Spectrum Virtualize systems to enable remote mirroring.

A relationship connects a local volume to remote volume of the same size that will be mirrored
using copy services. The initial copying direction is from master to auxiliary.

Metro Mirroring Establishes a synchronous mirror of a volume across systems.

Global Mirroring Establishes an asynchronous mirror of a volume across sites.


Figure 14-5. Remote Mirroring definitions (1 of 2)

A typical remote mirroring configuration involves the implementation of the following terminologies.
• The location of the main storage system site. The site also contains both the data and the active
• The secondary site is a remote site that contains a copy of the data and acts as a standby
servers. In the event of a disaster at the master site, the servers at the secondary site become
active and start using the copy of the data.
• The master volume or source volume, or storage system contains the production copy of the
data that the application normally accesses.
• The auxiliary volume or target volume, or storage system contains the backup copy of the data
and is used for disaster recovery.
• Partnership is a partnership is established between Spectrum Virtualize systems to enable
remote mirroring.
• Relationship is a relationship connects a local volume to remote volume of the same size that
will be mirrored using copy services. The initial copying direction is from master to auxiliary.
• Metro Mirroring establishes a synchronous mirror of a volume across systems.
• Global Mirroring establishes an asynchronous mirror of a volume across sites.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Terminology Description
Global Mirror w/Change Establishes an asynchronous mirror using Flash Copy change volumes for both the master and
Volume (GMCV) auxiliary volumes with a defined RPO.

Interswitch links (ISL) Connects SANs at both sites for remote mirroring at the SAN layer.
An IP connection between two Spectrum Virtualize systems that is used for remote mirroring,
Intercluster link
referred to as IP replication.
A bandwidth of connection between sites, that limits the overall rate at which data can be
Inter-site bandwidth
IP replication uses innovative Bridgeworks SANSlide technology to optimize network bandwidth
IP replication and utilization. This function enables the use of a lower-speed and lower-cost networking
infrastructure for data replication.
Bits track whether grain sized units of a volume have been mirrored to the other site or not. A
bitmap exists for both the master and auxiliary volumes.


Figure 14-6. Remote Mirroring definitions (2 of 2)

Continuing remote mirroring basic terminologies.

• Global Mirror with Change Volumes (GMCV) uses FlashCopy volumes for both the master and
auxiliary volumes to consolidate changes to the primary volume, and establish an
asynchronous mirror with a defined RPO across systems that uses less bandwidth than Global
Mirror without change volumes.
• Interswitch links (ISL) connections between the SANs at both sites to facilitate remote mirroring
at the SAN layer through Spectrum Virtualize Fibre Channel ports. This usually involves using
SAN connected routers that send Fibre Channel frames over an IP link.
• Intercluster link is an IP based connection between ethernet ports on Spectrum Virtualize
systems for IP based remote mirroring.
• Inter-site bandwidth is the bandwidth that is measured in MB/s, between the sites which limits
the overall mirroring rate across sites, and gives us an idea how long it will take to synchronize
the data across sites.
• IP replication uses the ethernet ports on Spectrum Virtualize, rather than the Fibre Channel
ports to send data to the remote system. It uses the innovative Bridgeworks SANSlide
technology to optimize network bandwidth utilization. This enables the use of lower bandwidth
links and lower cost networking infrastructure for data replication.
• Bits track whether grain sized units of a volume have been mirrored to the other site or not. A
bitmap exists for both the master and auxiliary volumes.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Remote Mirroring types

1. Metro Mirror (synchronous)


2. Global Mirror without cycling (asynchronous)

Peak write bandwidth required to maintain



3. Global Mirror with cycling and change volumes (GMCV)

FlashCopy volume FlashCopy Change
mapping mapping

Figure 14-7. Remote Mirroring types

IBM Remote Copy Services offers several data mirroring methods which are a synchronous remote
copy called Metro Mirror (MM), asynchronous remote copy called Global Mirror (GM), and Global
Copy with Changed Volumes. Each methods will be discussed in details.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Spectrum Virtualize software architecture

SCSI Target
Upper Cache
Data Thin Provision Compression
Lower Cache
Log Virtualization Easy Tier
Structured Forwarding
Initiator Initiator

IOs to storage controllers


Figure 14-8. Spectrum Virtualize software architecture

IBM Remote Copy (also referred to a remote mirroring) is an advanced independent

networked-based, SAN-wide, storage system copy service provided by the IBM Spectrum
For both synchronous and asynchronous replication, the storage array on the primary site will send
the transaction acknowledgment to the host on the primary site. The difference between the two
replication technologies is the order of events that take place after the host sends the transaction to
the local storage array.
Therefore, remote Copy is implemented near the top of the node I/O stack to allow the host I/O
write data to be forwarded to the remote secondary site once it arrives from the host to facilitate
parallelism and minimize latency.
In parallel to forwarding, the data is also being sent to fast-write cache for local processing.
Because Remote Copy replication sits above the cache layer, it binds to an I/O group for the
volume being mirrored.
Metro Mirror and Global Mirror are optional features of the IBM spectrum Virtualize software. The
idea is to provide storage system independent, or outside the box copy capability. Remote mirroring
requires purchase of a license to use the function.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Spectrum Virtualize Remote Mirroring: MM/GM

‡ Remote Copy
‡ Metro Mirror and Global Mirror
‡ Inter-cluster connectivity
‡ Partnership
‡ HyperSwap
‡ Examples of MM/GM configurations


Figure 14-9. Spectrum Virtualize Remote Mirroring: MM/GM

This topic examines the functions of Remote Copy with Metro Mirror and Global Mirror.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Synchronous Metro Mirror

‡ Up to 300km between sites for business continuity

ƒ As with any synchronous remote replication, performance requirements might limit usable
‡ Host I/O completed only when data stored at both locations
‡ Operates between IBM Spectrum Virtualize systems at each site
ƒ Local and remote volumes might be on any IBM Spectrum Storage supported disk systems
• Simplest way to maintain an identical copy of data


Figure 14-10. Synchronous Metro Mirror

Metro Mirror supports copy operations between volumes that are separated by distances up to
300 km. Synchronous mode provides a consistent and continuous copy, which ensures that
updates are committed at both the primary and the secondary sites before the application
considers the updates complete. The host application writes data to the primary site volume but
does not receive the status on the write operation until that write operation is in the storage system
cache at the secondary site. Therefore, the volume at the secondary site is fully up to date and an
exact match of the volume at the primary site if it is needed in a failover.
Metro Mirror provides the simplest way to maintain an identical copy on both the primary and
secondary volumes.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Synchronous Metro Mirror communication

1) Host at primary site sends a write to the local cluster

2) Local cluster puts the write data into write cache for
destage to the master volume and sends a duplicate write Host
to the remote cluster
(4) Act
3) The secondary cluster receives write request, puts data
into write cache for destage to auxiliary volume and (1) Write
returns an acknowledgement to the primary cluster

4) Primary cluster receives an acknowledgement from the Master

auxiliary cluster and returns an acknowledgement to the volume
host (3) Act write
(2) Mirror



Figure 14-11. Synchronous Metro Mirror communication

Synchronous mirroring ensures that data is written to both sites for a volume before an
acknowledgment is returned to the host. This creates an RPO of 0. Having to wait for the remote
write to complete, adds latency writes, and can have a significant impact depending on the distance
and latency between sites.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Asynchronous Global Mirror

‡ Up to 25,000km distance between sites for business continuity

ƒ Up to 250ms round trip latency
‡ Does not wait for secondary I/O before completing host I/O
ƒ Helps reduce performance impact to applications
‡ Designed to maintain an application consistent secondary copy at all times
‡ Operates between system clusters at each site
ƒ Local and remote volumes might be on any IBM Spectrum Virtualize supported disk systems


Figure 14-12. Asynchronous Global Mirror

A Global Mirror relationship allows the host application to receive confirmation of I/O completion
without waiting for updates to have been committed to the secondary site. In asynchronous mode,
Global Mirror enables the distance between two system clusters to be extended while reducing
latency by returning an acknowledgment to the host once the data resides on the primary Spectrum
Virtualize system, without waiting for the data to get to the secondary site.
The Global Mirror function provides the same function as Metro Mirror without requiring the hosts to
wait for the full round-trip delay of the long-distance link; however, some delay can be seen on the
hosts in congested or overloaded environments. This asynchronous copy process reduces the
latency to the host application and facilitates longer distance between the two sites. The secondary
volume is generally less than one second behind the primary volume to minimize the amount of
data that must be recovered in the event of a failure. However this requires a link with peak write
bandwidth be provisioned between the two sites. Consequentially asynchronous mirroring has a
non-zero RPO, and some transactions that completed at the master site will not have completed at
the secondary site, and will be lost in the event of a fail over to the secondary site.
Make sure that you closely monitor and understand your workload. The distance of Global Mirror
replication is limited primarily by the latency of the WAN Link provided.
Previously, Global Mirroring supported up to 80ms round-trip-time for the GM links to send data to
the remote location. With the release of V7.4, it supports up to 250ms round trip latency and
distances of up to 25,000km. Combined with the performance improvements in the previous
software release, these changes and enhancements have greatly improved the reliability and
performance even over poor links.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Asynchronous Global Mirror operations

1) Host on primary site sends a write transaction to the
primary storage master volume

2) The primary storage site master volume commits the Host

transaction to cache and sends an acknowledgement
immediately back to the host

3) Primary storage master volume sends the update to (1) Write

the secondary storage auxiliary volume following a (2) Act write
time delay
4) Secondary storage auxiliary volume eventually sends volume
an acknowledgement to the primary storage master (3) Mirror Delay
volume write


Figure 14-13. Asynchronous Global Mirror operations

In an asynchronous global operation, as host send write operations to the master volume,
transaction is process by cache and acknowledgment is immediately sent back to the host issuing
the write before the write operation is mirrored to the cache for the auxiliary volume. An update of
this write operation is sent to the secondary site at a later stage, which provides the capability to
perform Remote Copy over distances exceeding the limitations of synchronous Remote Mirroring.
An acknowledgment is sent from the secondary system to the primary system for updating of the
bitmap. The local bitmap is updated twice, first when the write data is put in the I/O group cache to
indicate the grain being updated hasn't be mirrored to the secondary site, and after the
acknowledgment from the secondary site, to update the bitmap to indicate the grains are mirrored.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Global Mirror without cycling

‡ Global Mirror without cycling (default)

Peak write bandwidth required to maintain low RPOs

0$67(5 $8;,/$5<

ƒ Initial background copy from master to auxiliary

ƒ Dependent writes to master sent in sequence to auxiliary to ensure they are applied in the same
ƒ Bandwidth sized for peak write rates
ƒ RPO within seconds and across the board for all relationships
ƒ Maximum 250 ms roundtrip latency


Figure 14-14. Global Mirror without cycling

Traditional Global Mirror and Global Mirror with Change Volumes each have their own distinct
strengths. The different between the two Global Mirror relationship is determined by the bandwidth
size used to support host writes between two systems.
Traditional Global Mirror operates without cycling, write operations are transmitted to the secondary
volume on a continuously basis triggered by write activity. The secondary volume is generally within
seconds behind the primary volume for all relationships. This achieves a low recovery point
objective (RPO) to minimize the amount of data that must be recovered. However, this requires a
network to support peak write workloads as well as minimal resource contentions at both sites.
Insufficient resources or network congestion might result in error code 1920 and stopped GM

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Global Mirror with cycling and change volumes

‡ Provides low-bandwidth tolerant Remote Copy function by offloading mirroring functions to a

FlashCopy of the production data
‡ Change volumes are incremental backup without full copy that are used to record change between
the master to auxiliary
‡ Background copy of the volume is performed across the infrastructure enabling a higher RPO, using
significantly less bandwidth
ƒ Flexible bandwidth requirements at expense of higher RPO (RPO can be tailored per relationship basis)
‡ Maximum 250 ms roundtrip latency
Remote Copy Primary Remote Copy Secondary
GM relationship across long-distant link
Guarantees a
Background Copy consistent copy

change change
FlashCopy Requires less link FlashCopy
volume volume
Mapping bandwidth Mapping
Host I/O
(space-efficient) (space-efficient)

Figure 14-15. Global Mirror with cycling and change volumes

A Global Mirror relationship can be implemented with changes volumes leverage FlashCopy
functionality to mitigate peak bandwidth requirements by addressing average instead of peak
throughput at the expense of higher recovery point objectives (RPOs).
While the fastpath for incremental backup volumes is full copy by default, incremental volumes
does not need to be full copy. Therefore, the only difference between remote mirroring snapshots
and typical FlashCopy snapshots, is that remote mirroring tracks the changes to the master copy
volume each time it cycles – sending only the changes. This function is called Global Mirroring with
cycling mode.
Since the transmission of changed data can be smoothed over a longer time period, a lower (cost)
bandwidth option can be deployed. However, if the background copy does not complete within the
cycling period, the next cycle will not start until the prior copy load completes. This would lead to
increased or higher RPOs. It also enables the recovery point objectives to be configurable at the
individual relationship level.
Benefits of Global Mirroring with Change volumes:
• Bursts of host workload are smoothed over time so much lower link bandwidths can be used
• Almost zero impact; I/O pause when triggering next change volume (due to near instant
• Less impact to source volumes while prepare, as prepare bound by normal destage, not a
forced flush.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Global Mirror cycling mode processing

1) Master volume is FlashCopied to master change volume
2) Master change volume is mirrored and synchronized to MASTER
Auxiliary volume change
FlashCopy volume
3) Auxiliary volume is FlashCopied to Auxiliary change PiT

Cycle period defaults to 300 seconds (5
minutes); can be tailored (1 min to 24 hours)
4) Wait for specified cycle time to complete, and repeat: for each relationship

ƒ After the changed blocks are sent (which might exceed

cycling period), a freeze time is updated with the cycle
start time (the last consistent image or recovery point) AUXILIARY

ƒ FlashCopy snapshots are keep in consistent until the

next consistent one AUXILIARY
Change volume holds 256 K grains of volume

changed data during transmission cycle


Figure 14-16. Global Mirror cycling mode processing

When Global Mirror operates in cycling mode, after the initial background copy, changes are
tracked and the data is captured on the master volume and the changed data is copied to
intermediate change volumes using FlashCopy point-in-time copy technology. This process does
not required the change volume to copy the entire content of the master volume, instead it only has
to store data for regions of the master volume that change until the next capture step.
The primary change volume is then replicated to the secondary Global Mirror volume at the target
site periodically, which is then captured in another change volume on the target site. This provides
an always consistent image at the target site and protects your data from being inconsistent during
The mapping between the two sites are updated on the cycling period (60 seconds to 1 Day.) This
means that the secondary volumes are much further behind the primary volume, and more data
must be recovered or abandoned in the event of a failover. Because the data transfer can be
smoothed over a longer time period, lower bandwidth is needed than for Metro or Global Mirror to
provide an effective solution.
The data stored on the change volume is the original data from the point that FlashCopy captured
the master volume. The data captured here uses FlashCopy provides data consistency. This cause
I/Os to momentarily pause as part of the prepare procedure when creating FlashCopies. This will
manifest as a spike in the I/O service times, lasting from a few tens of milliseconds or up to a
second or more if hundreds of volumes are being replicated as part of a consistency group. This will
show visibility as a single spike in read and write response time. The spike can be to a few tens of
milliseconds for volumes being individually replicated, or to up to a second or more if volumes are
being replicated as part of a large, 100-volume or more, application. More on this in a bit.
Simultaneously, the process captures the DR volume's data onto a change volume on the DR site
using FlashCopy. This consistently captures the current state of the DR copy, ensuring we can
revert to a known good copy if connectivity is lost during the next copy step. The data stored on the

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring

change volume on the DR site will be regions changed on the DR copy during the next copy step,
and will consist of the previous data for each region, allowing the reversion of the whole DR copy
back to the state at this capture.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Global Mirror change volume processing

‡ Change Volumes are snapshots
‡ Writes are grouped together based on when the snapshots are taken
‡ An entire snapshot is replicated
ƒ Only the changes between snapshots need to be sent to the remote site
‡ RPO is configurable based on snapshot frequency
ƒ RPO <= 2X snapshot frequency
Create auxiliary change
Create master change volume snapshot
1 volume snapshot 3

Mirror master change
change change
volume to auxiliary volume volume

Master site Repeat process Auxiliary site


Figure 14-17. Global Mirror change volume processing

Change volumes are essentially snapshots taken at regular intervals, and where we mirror the
snapshot to the remote site. A snapshot of the primary volume is taken, it’s mirrored to a volume at
the remote site and then that volume is applied as a single transaction to the auxiliary volume,
grouping all the writes together. The RPO is essentially configurable and is less than or equal to
twice the snapshot frequency: it includes time since the last snapshot, plus the time to synchronize
the snapshot to the remote site (which should be <= to the snapshot frequency).
The cycle is repeated and one can specify the cycle interval (300 seconds is the default) yielding a
RPO of 600 seconds or 10 minutes or better.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Create GM with change volume using GUI

‡ Master/auxiliary change volume must be the same size and in the
same I/O group as the master/auxiliary volume
1. Right-click the Global Mirror relationship and select Global Mirror Master
with Change Volumes > Create New change
FlashCopy volume
2. Select to add a change volume to both the master and auxiliary mapping
volume in the relationship
Storage pool 1
3. Select to create new volume or use existing volumes:

ƒ Can be any volume type and from any pool

௅ Must be in the same IO group as the master and auxiliary volumes Auxiliary

௅ Must be same virtual size as the master and auxiliary volumes change
FlashCopy volume
4. GUI issues the mkvdisk command to create the thin-provisioned mapping
change volumes and the chrcrelationship command to add the
newly created change volumes to the relationship Storage pool 2


Figure 14-18. Create GM with change volume using GUI

Global Mirror relationships can be easily changed to Global Mirror with Change Volumes by using
the GUI or CLI. Change volumes are space efficient volumes, therefore, the process requires you to
create change volume, which is in the same IO group as the master volume, and auxiliary change
volume, which is also in the same IO group as the auxiliary volume. The GM change volumes must
be the same size as the master and auxiliary volumes. However, they can be any volume type and
in any storage pool.
To add change volumes to an existing remote mirroring relationship, right-click on the relationship
and select Create New. The GUI will generate the appropriate mkvdisk command to create
Thin-Provisioned change volumes - based on the size and pool of the master and auxiliary
volumes. The chrcrelationship command is used to add the newly created change volumes to
the relationship.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Start GMCV relationship

IBM_Storwize V7000_Site3>startrcrelationship -force 2
Storwize V7000_Site3
IBM_ Storwize V7000 _Site3>lsfcmap -delim ,
IBM_SVC_Site1> lsrcrelationshipprogress 4
id progress
4 93 SVC_Site1
IBM_SVC_Site1>lsfcmap -delim ,
IBM_SVC_Site1>lssevdiskcopy -delim ,
Fri Feb 8 20:04:53 CDT 2019
IBM_SVC_Site1>lsrcrelationshipprogress 4
id progress
4 96


Figure 14-19. Start GMCV relationship

Once the relationship has been started, grains representing changed blocks from the master
cluster are transmitted to the auxiliary cluster automatically for each cycle.
At the master cluster, the master volume to its change volume FlashCopy mapping is started. It is in
the copying state so that subsequent writes to the master volume cause COW blocks to be copied
to the master change volume. The mapping start time provides an indication of the start time of the
cycling period.
At the auxiliary cluster, the auxiliary volume to its change volume FlashCopy mapping is in the
copying state as well. Before changed blocks are written to the auxiliary volume, its COW blocks
are first copied to the auxiliary change volume.
Recall that the GUI created change volumes are Thin-Provisioned. As writes occur, the capacity of
the Thin-Provisioned target automatically expands.
In this example, the amount of changed blocks to be copied is taking longer than the cycling period
of 180 seconds.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


GMCV next cycle progress and freeze time

IBM_Storwize V7000_Site3>lsrcrelationship 2
id 2
name WISK_rel1
master_cluster_id 00000200A8402FAF
master_cluster_name Storwize V7000_Site3
master_vdisk_id 2
master_vdisk_name WISKEE_GM
aux_cluster_id 0000020063617C80
Storwize V7000_Site3
aux_cluster_name SVC_Site1 writes
aux_vdisk_id 4
aux_vdisk_name WISKEE_GA
primary master
state consistent_copying
bg_copy_priority 50 WISKEE_GMFCz WISKEE_GAFC
progress 100
freeze_time 2019/08/08/20/05/10 Recovery point
status online
copy_type global
cycle_period_seconds 180
cycling_mode multi
master_change_vdisk_id 3
master_change_vdisk_name WISKEE_GMFC
aux_change_vdisk_id 16
aux_change_vdisk_name WISKEE_GAFC

Figure 14-20. GMCV next cycle progress and freeze time

Review the relationship details again - the freeze time or recovery point has been updated with the
start time of the just completed cycle.
The state of a started relationship In cycling mode is always consistent copying - even when the
relationship progress is at 100%.
The change volumes relationship also contains a freeze time in YY/MM/DD/HH/MM format that
records the time of the last consistent image on the auxiliary volume. At copy completion, the
freeze time is updated with the start time of the just completed cycle. The freeze time is reflected in
the relationship entry of both clusters.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Relationship view at auxiliary site

IBM_SVC_Site1>lsrcrelationship 4
id 4
name WISK_rel1
master_cluster_id 00000200A8402FAF
master_cluster_name Storwize V7000_Site3
master_vdisk_id 2
master_vdisk_name WISKEE_GM
aux_cluster_id 0000020063617C80
Storwize V7000_Site3
aux_cluster_name SVC_Site1 writes
aux_vdisk_id 4
aux_vdisk_name WISKEE_GA
primary master
state consistent_copying
bg_copy_priority 50 WISKEE_GMFC WISKEE_GAFC
progress 100
freeze_time 2019/08/08/20/05/10
status online Recovery point
copy_type global
Next cycle:
cycle_period_seconds 180
freeze_time 2019/08/08/20/08/10
cycling_mode multi
master_change_vdisk_id 3
master_change_vdisk_name WISKEE_GMFC Next cycle:
aux_change_vdisk_id 16 freeze_time 2019/08/08/20/11/15
aux_change_vdisk_name WISKEE_GAFC

Figure 14-21. Relationship view at auxiliary site

A common time reference for both clusters (such as NTP servers) is highly recommended. The
freeze time should match the FlashCopy mapping start time of the master cluster, adjusted for time
zone differences of the cluster partners. The content of the auxiliary volume is consistent with the
content of the master volume as of the freeze time value.
The freeze time is updated as each copy cycle completes. It will vary by the cycling period (180
seconds in this example) as long as each background copy of the changed block completes within
the cycling period. Otherwise the freeze time, or recovery point, lags further behind in time.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Remote mirror components

• Remote mirroring direction is from primary to secondary

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Master Volume Auxiliary Volume
Bitmap Bitmap

Primary/Master Secondary/Auxiliary
Local site storage Remote site storage

• Algorithms and procedures to:

ƒ Setup the volumes and network
ƒ Get the volumes synchronized/mirrored (initialization process)
ƒ Keep the volumes synchronized/mirrored
ƒ Handle site failures or site isolation (such as network failures)
ƒ Failover and fallback


Figure 14-22. Remote mirror components

Both Metro and Global mirroring feature has some similarities to PiT images in that two volumes
exist, but we have two bitmaps rather than one. Typically only the primary volume is accessible via
a host system, while the secondary volume is only accessed by the remote copy processes
mirroring the data. Only the primary/local bitmap is used during normal activity, and it tracks grains
on the volume that haven’t been mirrored to the remote volume. The inability to access the auxiliary
volume presents some challenges in setting up a secondary site since a host typically needs
access to a volume to configure it on the system, and typically requires an application outage to do
so. And it’s usually done as part of setup and during disaster recovery testing – something that
should be done before a disaster, and after data initialization/synchronization.
The concept of mirroring the data to the remote site is fairly simple, but one needs to understand
the processes that get the volumes initially synchronized, what happens if a site or the inter-site
network fails, and the procedures to fail over to the remote site and to fallback to the primary site.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Write order consistency

‡ Writes must be done in the same order at the remote site as the local site
ƒ Provides a crash consistent copy of the data
ƒ Ensures the ability to recover the data to a consistent state in the event of a failure
ƒ Assumes an application designed to recover from a system crash
ƒ In-flight transactions usually lost
‡ Writes for a period of time, can be grouped together, provided they are all written together at the
remote site
ƒ The bigger the groups, the less network bandwidth needed
ƒ Used with asynchronous mirroring with change volumes

Data Input Stream

Input Stream
Data Output Stream
Output Stream

Figure 14-23. Write order consistency

With remote mirroring, it’s necessary that writes at the remote site are done in the same order as at
the local site to ensure data consistency and data integrity. However, this isn’t always possible,
such as when initializing the mirrors, or after a site or network failure. Writes can be grouped in
chronological order, and as long at they are written at the remote site in a single group or
transaction. This reduces the network bandwidth needed between sites. For example, if the same
disk location is overwritten more than once in the time period of the group, then only the last write
needs to be transmitted over the network. When the data on the volumes at both sites are the
same, then the volumes are considered synchronized.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Failover and failback

‡ Access to the remote/auxiliary volume occurs on failover:
Normally not accessible except via the remote copy processes
‡ Usually a manual process unless using a high availability product:
ƒ Informs storage at remote site to swap roles and make the volumes available to the hosts
ƒ Bring up hosts, and configure the disks
ƒ Restart applications
‡ When original primary site is “up”, storage is online, but not the hosts/applications:
ƒ Informs the original primary site storage it is now the secondary volume
ƒ If asynchronous mirroring, bitmaps from both sites are combined at original remote site
ƒ Initialization/synchronization of storage must complete prior to failback
‡ After storage is synchronized:
ƒ Remote site stop applications
ƒ Informs storage at both sites to reverse roles
ƒ Applications at original local site are brought back online

Figure 14-24. Failover and failback

Unless there is some software working with the storage to automate failover, then it is a process
that will require manual intervention. When using fallback in a manual process, it usually occurs in a
controlled method, typically with a short application outage to bring processing back to the primary
If asynchronous mirroring is used, where updates were done at the primary site that were not
mirrored to the secondary site, then this data will be lost during fallback. Therefore, business
decisions are made regarding this process whether to lose and discard these transactions or
whether to attempt to recover them. For example, when the primary site say recovers power, it may
be possible to bring up the application allowing the application administrator to examine the last
in-flight transactions and recover them, and manually apply them to the application running at the
remote site prior to initializing the mirroring back to the primary site. The bitmaps from both sites are
combined so anything that changed at the primary site (and wasn’t written to the secondary site) is
overwritten by data at the secondary site prior to fallback, so a fully consistent set of data will exist
at the primary site at fallback.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Failure detection
• With inter-site disk mirroring, I/O latency can increase significantly
• Host distinguishes between disk failure and slow I/Os from I/O timeouts
• Remote copy processes distinguish between site/network failure, and slow I/O from I/O

ƒ Look for I/O timeout configuration settings on the host, storage and applications

ƒ Other methods might be used to detect failure types including the use of quorum disks/sites
and backup networks


Figure 14-25. Failure detection

When doing inter-site mirroring, the additional latency to send data between the sites is not
insignificant as compared to the time to write to local disk (which is usually very fast since we
usually write to cache, and often around 1 ms). Therefore, you will have to be aware of I/O timeout
values from an application, system and storage perspective. Often I/O timeouts are adjustable and
have to be adjusted from these various perspectives to distinguish between slow I/Os and I/O
Some applications have I/O timeouts, hosts have I/O timeouts and remote mirroring for storage
have I/O timeouts. These are something to be aware of, and are best examined as part of failure or
disaster recovery testing for a specific solution implementation.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Spectrum Virtualize Remote Mirroring: Inter-cluster connectivity

‡ Remote Copy
‡ Metro Mirror and Global Mirror
‡ Inter-cluster connectivity
‡ Partnership
‡ HyperSwap
‡ Examples of MM/GM configurations


Figure 14-26. Spectrum Virtualize Remote Mirroring: Inter-cluster connectivity

This topic examines the connectivity options for configuring the Remote Copy Services Metro
Mirror and Global Mirror.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Partnerships using SAN ISLs


Spectrum Virtualize

SAN Switch
Managed Disks (MDisks)
Blue1 Blue2 Blue3

DS5000 DS3000
SAN Switch
DS4000 XIV
V7000 System DS8000

Interswitch Link (ISL) Spectrum Virtualize

Transmit using:
‡ TCP/IP with WAN acceleration Managed Disks (MDisks) Site-B
Blue1 Blue2 Blue3

'6 '6


Figure 14-27. Partnerships using SAN ISLs

The SAN fabrics at the two sites are connected with interswitch links (ISL) or SAN distance
extension solutions. For testing or continuous data protection purposes, intracluster mirroring
operations are also supported.
Implicit with connecting the two clusters with ISLs is that the two fabrics of the two clusters must
merge (excluding non-fabric merge solutions from SAN vendors), that is, no switch domain ID
conflicts, no conflicting switch operating parameters, and no conflicting zone definitions. Zones
must be setup to allow the I/O groups containing the master and auxiliary volume pairs, to
communicate with each other. The ISL is also referred to as the intercluster link. It is used to control
state changes and coordinate updates.
The maximum bandwidth for the background copy processes between the clusters must be
specified. Set this value to less than the bandwidth that can be sustained by the intercluster link. If
the parameter is set to a higher value than the link can sustain, the background copy processes
uses the actual available bandwidth.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Long distance SAN ISL partnerships

Spectrum Virtualize
SAN Switch
Managed Disks (MDisks)
Blue1 Blue2 Blue3

Storwize DS8800
DS5000 Flash
Family XIV
Interswitch Link (ISL)
SAN Switch

FCIP implemented with: Spectrum Virtualize

4Cisco MDS 9000 IPS module (VSAN) Managed Disks (MDisks)
4Brocade Multiprotocol Router (LSAN) Blue1 Blue2 Blue3

Storwize DS8800
Round-trip latency maximum is 250 millisec for GM Family DS5000


Figure 14-28. Long distance SAN ISL partnerships

The FCIP protocol extends the distance between SANs by enabling two Fibre Channel switches to
be connected across an IP network. The IP network span is transparent to the FC connection. The
two SANs merge as one fabric as FCIP implements virtual E_Ports or a stretched ISL between the
two ends of the connection. Fibre Channel frames are encapsulated and tunneled through the IP
connection. The UltraNet Edge Router is an example of a product that implements FCIP where the
two edge fabrics merge as one.
SAN extended distance solutions where the SAN fabrics do not merge are also supported. Visit the
IBM Systems Storage support page for more information regarding:
• The Cisco MDS implementation of InterVSAN Routing (IVR).
• The Brocade SAN Multiprotocol Router implementation of logical SANs (LSANs).
Distance extension using extended distance SFPs are also supported.
The term intercluster link is used to generically include the various SAN distance extension options
that enable two IBM Spectrum Virtualize systems to be connected and form a partnership.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring



(or Storwize with

layer = replicate)
Site A Site B
IBM Spectrum Virtualize Define IBM Spectrum Virtualize
system partnerships system

Hosts and controllers

Hosts and controllers






Figure 14-29. Inter-cluster zoning for ISL partnerships

In this diagram, the inter-cluster zones in blue, are from every site A node to every other site B
The graphic supports the recommended zoning guideline for Remote Copy:
• For each node that is to be zoned to a node in the partner system, zone exactly two Fibre
Channel ports.
• For a dual-redundant fabric, split the two ports from each node between the dual fabric so that
exactly one port from each node is zoned with the partner nodes.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Partnerships using Ethernet connectivity

• IBM Spectrum Virtualize system support native
IP replication as an alternative to FC
• Creates an IP partnership between two Systems IBM Spectrum
Virtualize system
ƒ Supports all remote copy modes (MM and GM)
‫ ޤ‬GM with Change Volumes preferred mode
ƒ Up to three systems can be partnered (1x IP/2x FC)
ƒ Enables use of 1 Gb or 10 Gb Ethernet connections Ethernet
using TCPIP
routers required
‫ ޤ‬Use Ethernet ports 1 or 2 only
‫ ޤ‬If 10 Gb is available, it uses both ports 3 and 4
ƒ Bridgeworks SANSlide IP network optimization IBM Spectrum
technology is built into code Virtualize system


Figure 14-30. Partnerships using Ethernet connectivity

IBM Spectrum Virtualize systems supports remote copy over native Internet Protocol (IP)
communication using Ethernet communication links. Native IP replication enables the use of
lower-cost Ethernet connections for remote mirroring as an alternative to using Fibre Channel
Native IP replication enables replication between any Spectrum Virtualize family member (running
the supported) that uses the built-in networking ports of the cluster nodes. IP replication includes
Bridgeworks SANSlide network optimization technology to bridge storage protocols and accelerate
data transfer over long distances. SANSlide is available at no additional charge.
IP replication requires a 1 Gb or 10 Gb LAN connections. An IBM Spectrum Virtualize system can
have only one port that is configured in an IP partnership, either port 1 or 2, cannot use both. If the
optional 10 Gb Ethernet card is installed in a system, ports 3 and 4 are also available. A system
may be partnered with up to three remote systems. A maximum of one of those can be IP and the
other two FC. Recommend a straight forward setup:
▪ Two active Ethernet links with two port groups to provide link failover capabilities
▪ At least two I/O groups to provide full IP replication bandwidth if one component is offline

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Considering inter-site latency and bandwidth

Approximate disk storage latency 3-10 ms
Approximate flash storage latency 0.3 ms
Additional latency for routers, repeaters,
code stacks for local and remote storage,
and bitmap updating
MASTER change Switch

‡ Light thru fibre latency of 0.005 ms/km
ƒ 100 km between sites adds 1 ms minimum
round trip light thru fibre

Additional latency for



Figure 14-31. Considering inter-site latency and bandwidth

In additional to planning for hardware and software resources in a Metro and Global Mirror
configuration, planning also includes requirements for volumes to be mirrored, bandwidth sizings,
and the performance impacts on production workloads.
Sufficient inter-site bandwidth is needed to handle the application write workload, sized to peak
write rates. In addition to needing that bandwidth, the inter-site latency and mirroring method also
affects application performance. In addition to the added latency from sending the light through
Fibre, latency can be added in routers, switches and other equipment. There will be other
communication besides data replication including inter-system communications for the partnership.
Without sufficient bandwidth, communications between the sites will queue adding even further
latency. Often testing and understanding the configuration is required to determine if the customer
can achieve the desired performance with long distance remote mirroring, such as:
• The number of Fibre Channel adapters
• Storage systems
• Switches/routers
• System updates to include updating bitmaps
• System congestion and queueing of data

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Inter-site bandwidth
‡ Synchronous mirroring requires inter-site bandwidth >= peak write rates
ƒ Inadequate bandwidth = poor application performance
‡ Asynchronous mirroring requires inter-site bandwidth >> average write rates
ƒ Reduce time-delay of mirrors being too far behind
ƒ Limited memory to keep track of un-mirrored writes
ƒ Writing frequently to the same grain can result in blocking due to locking of the bitmap
ƒ Inadequate bandwidth = loss of
‡ Global Mirror with Change Volumes
requires bandwidth > average write


Figure 14-32. Inter-site bandwidth

For Remote Copy and mirroring, you will need adequate inter-site bandwidth. When operating with
inadequate bandwidth, such as synchronous mirroring, application performance will be significantly
degraded. This can potentially lead to application crashes as I/Os build up waiting to be completed
to disk. With inadequate bandwidth for asynchronous mirroring, the storage memory can only hold
so much in-flight data, and eventually the mirrors become unsynchronized. With change volumes,
one can usually reduce the frequency the snapshots are taken so there is enough time to
synchronize the changes, to a point. Rather than this workaround, the right approach is to ensure
sufficient bandwidth between sites.
However, if an application writes to the same storage location frequently, and asynchronous
mirroring is used, the mirroring process usually locks the bitmap for the grain that is being updated
and is in-flight to the remote site, which can block another write over that grain to the local disk,
resulting in an impact to application performance. The algorithm used to asynchronously mirror the
data may or may not be able to handle this type of situation, and the application and system
administrators should be aware of it.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Spectrum Virtualize Remote Mirroring: Partnership

‡ Remote Copy
‡ Metro Mirror and Global Mirror
‡ Inter-cluster connectivity
‡ Partnership
‡ HyperSwap
‡ Examples of MM/GM configurations


Figure 14-33. Spectrum Virtualize Remote Mirroring: Partnership

This topic examines the functions of creating a Metro Mirror and Global Mirror relationship and

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Multi-cluster Remote Copy partnerships

‡ Spectrum Virtualize can maintain copy of your data from up to Remote Copy topologies
three other locations
ƒ Supports consolidated DR strategies
‡ Enables Metro and Global Mirror relationships between up to Consolidated
four IBM Spectrum Virtualize systems MM or GM
DR Site MM or GM

ƒ Asynchronous replication (Global Mirror) supports up to

ƒ Synchronous replication (Metro Mirror) supports up to 300km
ƒ Available over Fibre Channel, 10Gb Ethernet and 1Gb Ethernet
ƒ Three site Metro-Global Mirror like DS8800 not supported MM or GM

ƒ Replication of a volume to multiple sites not supported

‡ Max MM/GM relationships increased to 8192
ƒ Support for 256 consistency groups


Figure 14-34. Multi-cluster Remote Copy partnerships

Metro Mirror and Global Mirror partnerships define an association between a local cluster and a
remote cluster. Each cluster can maintain up to three partnerships, and each partnership can be
with a single remote cluster. As many as four clusters can be directly associated with each other.
Clusters also become indirectly associated with each other through partnerships. If two clusters
each have a partnership with a third cluster, those two clusters are indirectly associated. A
maximum of four clusters can be directly or indirectly associated.
Multi-cluster mirroring enables the implementation of a consolidated remote site for disaster
recovery. It also can be used in migration scenarios with the objective of consolidating data centers.
A volume can be in only one Metro or Global Mirror relationship - which defines the relationship to
be at most with two clusters. Up to 8192 relationships (mix of Metro and Global) are supported per

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Multi-cluster Remote Copy topologies

• Volumes can be part of only one remote copy relationship
B Star C

System A can be a central DR site for the three A ˙ B, A ˙ C, and B ˙ C
other locations

connected Daisy chained
Subsequently, one after the other

A ˙ B, A ˙C, A ˙ D, B ˙ D, and C ˙ D

Figure 14-35. Multi-cluster Remote Copy topologies

Multiple system mirroring allows for various partnership topologies. Each IBM storage system can
maintain up to three partner system relationships, which allows as many as four systems to be
directly associated with each other. This partnership cluster capability enables the implementation
of disaster recovery (DR) solutions.
A star topology is a network topology in which all the systems are individually connected to a
central switch. The switch provides redundancy capabilities and connects to each system as a
central point of communication. With system (A) being the central point for disaster recovery,
therefore all volumes created from the other sites are replicated to system (B → A, C →A, and D →
a). Star topologies are common in large industry networks, as a failure in any location does not
disrupt the entire network.
A fully connected mesh in which every system has a partnership to each of the three other systems.
This topology allows volumes to be replicated between any pair of systems, for example: A → B, A
→ C, and B → C.
All of the preceding topologies are valid for the intermix of the IBM Spectrum Virtualize products if
the system is set to the replication layer and running IBM Spectrum Virtualize code 6.3.0 or later.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Requirements for defining a partnership

• Clusters can only operate with a layer value of replication
• Systems that are in a IP partnership has to have a layer attribute value of either replication
or storage
• Layer attribute is also used to enable another storage system to virtualize and manage
another storage system
SVC partnership Storwize V7000
cluster A cluster B

system A system B
layer = replication layer = storage

Figure 14-36. Requirements for defining a partnership

A storage system can be configured with one and only one other system to form a partnership
relationship for intercluster mirroring. The partnership is defined on both system.
You can only create IP partnerships between two systems. This example facilitate replication
partnership of volumes between two sets storage systems that are connected remotely over an IP
connection. The first partnership shows that cluster A and cluster B (two IBM Spectrum Virtualize
systems) are in a partnership. The clusters can only operates with a layer value of replication. This
layer value cannot be changed. The second partnership shows that cluster A is also in a
partnership with system A (Storwize V7000). A system can only be part of one IP partnership.
Systems that are in an IP partnership has to have a layer attribute value of either replication or
storage. In addition, the layer attribute is also used to enable another storage system (such as a
Storwize system) to virtualize and manage another storage system.
Additional rules of usage for the layer attribute that are using the partnership:
• A Remote Copy partnership can only be formed between two partners with the same layer
value. For example, a partnership between an SVC and a Storwize V7000 system requires the
Storwize system to have a layer value of replication.
• An Spectrum Virtualize system cluster can virtualize a Storwize system only if the Storwize
system has a layer value of storage.
• A Storwize system with a layer value of replication can virtualize another Storwize system with a
layer value of storage.
• If the connection is broken between the IBM Spectrum Virtualize systems that are in a
partnership, all (intercluster) MM/GM relationships enter a Disconnected state.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Partnership code compatibility

• Code level of each system must be supported for interoperability with the code level of every
other system in the network - even if there no direct partnership in place between systems

SVC partnership Storwize V7000
cluster A cluster B

Storwize V7000
cluster C


Figure 14-37. Partnership code compatibility

In a network of connected systems, the code level of each system must be supported for
interoperability with the code level of every other system in the network. This applies even if there is
no direct partnership in place between systems. For example, in the figure below, even though
system A has no direct partnership with system C, the code levels of A and C must be compatible,
as well as the partnerships between A-B and B-C.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Fibre Channel vs IP partnership



Figure 14-38. Fibre Channel vs IP partnership

Before a Metro Mirror or Global relationship or consistency group can be created with a remote
system, a partnership between the two clusters must be established. Each cluster can be created
over native IP links connected directly or via Ethernet switches, or over Fibre Channel connections.
Remote copy over native IP provides a less expensive alternative to using Fibre Channel
configurations. We describe the configuration settings that are needed for establishing an IP
Typically, the type of configuration is defined during the SAN zoning between Spectrum Virtualize
clusters is established with IP connections between each site's SAN, or when an Ethernet IP
connection is established between the two clusters.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Creating a partnership between clusters

• Configure IP partnerships on both the local and partner system
ƒ Select Copy Services > Partnerships and select Create Partnership
ƒ Select IP to enter the IP address
í On local system enter the remote partner IP address and on the remote system enter the local partner IP address
í Configure each system with the same link bandwidth, and background copy rate for the partnership
‡ Bandwidth value is a cap to the background copy rate that all remote copies are allowed to use to
ƒ Specify the CHAP secret for the partner system if you plan to use Challenge Handshake Authentication
Protocol (CHAP) to authenticate connections between the systems in the partnership
ƒ GUI generates the mkpartnership command to establish a partnership

SVC_Site1 V9000_Site2

Fully configured partnership

exist between the two clusters

Figure 14-39. Creating a partnership between clusters

Once the SAN zoning between Spectrum Virtualize clusters is established with IP connections
between each site's SAN, or when an Ethernet IP connection is established between the system
First, a cluster partnership must be defined between the two clusters using Copy Services >
Partnerships, then click the Create Partnership button.
For each system you will need to:
1. From the local system, select the type of IP and enter the IP address for the partner system,
using the same link bandwidth, and background copy rate for the partnership.
2. Enter the link bandwidth and background copy rate for the partnership. The Bandwidth value at
the partnership level defines the maximum background copy rate (in MBps) that Remote Copy
would allow as the sum of background copy synchronization activity for all relationships from
the direction of this cluster to its partner. The background copy bandwidth for a given pair of
volumes is set to a maximum of 25 MBps by default. Both of these bandwidth rates can be
modified dynamically.
3. Specify the CHAP secret for the partner system if you plan to use Challenge Handshake
Authentication Protocol (CHAP) to authenticate connections between the systems in the
The GUI generates the mkpartnership or mkippartnership command to establish a partnership
between each Spectrum virtualize system cluster. Each cluster has a cluster name and a
hexadecimal cluster ID. The GUI generated commands tend to refer to a cluster by its cluster ID
instead of its name.
The partnership is now partially configured; as the attempt to form a partnership must also occur
from the partner-to-be.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring

Repeat the same steps to establish the partnership from the local system to the partner system.
Once completed, a fully configured partnership exist between the two clusters.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Verifying system availability using CLI

• Use the lspartnershipcandidate command displays a list of the systems that are
available for setting up a two-system partnership

Example: IBM_SVC:Admin>lspartnershipcandidate
id configured system_name Apply commands on
both systems
000002032E60AF80 yes FS201-V7K

SVC V9000
cluster A cluster B

IBM Spectrum IBM Spectrum

Virtualize system Virtualize system

S104-V9K FS201-V7K


Figure 14-40. Verifying system availability using CLI

The CLI can also be used directly to create partnerships between clusters.
Before establishing a partnership using the CLI, you should first verify the systems availability. This
is a prerequisite for creating inter-system Metro or Global Mirror relationships. To do so, enter the
lspartnershipcandidate command on each system to list the clustered systems available for
setting up a partnership between a local system and remote system.
Observe that the lspartnershipcandidate command output shows the Spectrum Virtualize
cluster ID, cluster name, as well as its partnership state.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Creating a partnership using CLI

• To create a multiple or one-way MM/GM partnership between two systems (local and remote)
use the following commands:
ƒ Use the mkfcpartnership command for FC-based or FCoE-based partnerships
ƒ Use mkippartnership for IP-based connections
Apply commands
on both systems
mkippartnership –type ipv4 –clusterip
–chapsecret mychapsecret –linkbandwidthmbits 100 –backgroundcopyrate 50

SVC V9000
cluster A cluster B

IBM Spectrum
IBM Spectrum
Virtualize system Virtualize system

S104-V9K F201-V7K

ƒ You can view all of these parameter values by using the lssystem <system_name> command

Figure 14-41. Creating a partnership using CLI

Depending on the type of configuration, you can use either the mkfcpartnership command for
traditional Fibre Channel (FC or FCoE) connections or mkippartnership for IP-based
Same as the GUI, to establish a fully functional MM/GM partnership, you must issue this command
on both systems.
When the partnership is created, you can specify the bandwidth to be used by the background copy
process between the local and remote storage system. If it is not specified, the bandwidth defaults
to 50 MBps. The bandwidth must be set to a value that is less than or equal to the bandwidth that
can be sustained by the intercluster link.
These examples shows of the mkippartnership command that was used to establish a
partnership between two Spectrum Virtualize clusters.
For ease of identification, the cluster name is always part of the command prompt.
You can use the lssystem command to view the remote system partnership status such as
partially_configured_local_stopped or partially_configured_local. The lssystem
command can also be used to list the layer value setting of a system.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Remote volume relationship

• Two volumes using MM/GM relationship are paired
relationship The copy direction is from primary
to secondary can be manipulated
• Two volumes can also be in a relationship on the
same system, however, they must be in the same I/O
• If change volumes are defined, they must be the MASTER AUXILARY
same size and in the same I/O group as the Source Target
associated master volume or auxiliary volume
ƒ Eligible auxiliary volume must not be in an existing Same size
relationship Standalone
• A relationship that is not part of a consistency group relationship
is called a standalone relationship Synchronous intracluster copy
must be of the same I/O group


Figure 14-42. Remote volume relationship

When two volumes are paired using FlashCopy they are said to be in a mapping. When two
volumes are paired using Metro Mirror or Global Mirror, they are known to be in a relationship.
A volume mirroring relationship allows the two volumes to be updated by an application where one
volume are mirrored on the other volume. The local cluster is referred to as the master cluster and
the local volume is called the master volume. The remote cluster is referred to as the auxiliary
cluster and the remote volume is called the auxiliary volume.
The master volume initially contains the production data for application access and the auxiliary
volume is a duplicate copy to be used in disaster recovery scenarios. For the duration of the
relationship, the master and auxiliary attributes never change, though which volume contains the
primary copy of the data, and which contains the secondary copy can change. The volumes can be
in the same Spectrum Virtualize clustered system or on two separate Spectrum Virtualize systems.
For intracluster copy, they must be in the same I/O group. The master and auxiliary volume cannot
be in an existing relationship and they cannot be the target of a FlashCopy mapping.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Define a MM/GM relationship (1 of 2)

1 2
• Click Copy Services >
Remote Copy
• Click Action and

select Create

3 5

3 4
Test0_M Tes1_A


Figure 14-43. Define a MM/GM relationship (1 of 2)

To define a relationship with the GUI from the local cluster, click Copy Services > Remote Copy.
Click Action and select Create Relationship to open the a dialog.
Select the type of relationship desired (Metro Mirror, Global Mirror, or Global Mirror with Change
Volumes), and specify whether this relationship is an intracluster or intercluster relationship. For an
intercluster relationship, the remote cluster name needs to be chosen.
This example shows that the local site, Test0_M volume is identified as the master volume.
Communication between the two clusters caused a list of eligible auxiliary volumes to be sent from
the auxiliary site to the master site.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Define Metro Mirror relationship (2 of 2)



 svctask mkrcrelationship –aux Test1 –cluster V9000
master Test0


Test0_M Test1_A


Figure 14-44. Define Metro Mirror relationship (2 of 2)

Indicate whether the two volumes are already synchronized:

• The choice of Yes indicates that it is not necessary to perform the background copy of the initial
content from the master volume to the auxiliary volume. This option is designed primarily for
new applications where no data exists yet. The master volume contains no relevant data since
nothing has been written to it yet.
• The choice of No indicates the two volumes are not synchronized but need to be. The content
of the master volume should be copied to the auxiliary volume. This option is a safer
mechanism to ensure that master and auxiliary volumes will be synchronized.
Lastly the administrator is to indicate whether the command to start the mirroring activity is to occur
immediately after the definition of the relationship. In this example, the choice was made to only
define the relationship. The mkrcrelationship command generated by the GUI identifies the
auxiliary volume, the auxiliary cluster ID, and the master volume. This command returns the new
relationship (relationship_id) when successful.
When the relationship is complete, the master volume is assigned the role of the primary volume,
containing a valid copy of data for application read/write access; the auxiliary volume is assigned
the role of the secondary volume, containing a valid copy of data. The copy direction of the
mirroring relationship is controlled by where the relationship is defined, typically from primary site to
secondary site. However, the copy direction can be manipulated.
Even though the relationship was defined from the local site, the relationship entry exists in both
Spectrum Virtualize cluster GUIs.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Metro Mirror relationship: View from each cluster



Test0_M Test1_A


Figure 14-45. Metro Mirror relationship: View from each cluster

Even though the relationship was defined from the local site1, the relationship entry exists in both
Each system GUI displays a relationship with the default name of rcrel following by a number, an ID
value which is derived from the object ID of the master and auxiliary volume.
Based on the choices made when the relationship was defined, the current state of the relationship
is inconsistent_Synchronize. The content of the two volumes are not consistent and the
relationship has not been started yet.
The value of the Primary Volume field also indicates the current copy direction of the relationship.
The volume name listed is the ‘copy from’ volume.
The lsrcrelationship command provides a more information than the GUI in a more compact

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Start relationship mirroring

• Issue the startrcconsistgrp recel# <object ID> command to start the synchronization
or background copy
• Remote mirroring is based on block copies controlled by grains of the owning bitmaps
ƒ Copy operation has no knowledge of the OS logical file structures

Primary_Site1 Secondary_Site2
Master Vol (Test0_M) Inconsistent_Synchronize Aux. Vol (Test1_M)

Inconsistent_copying Empty
Online Offline

Read and write operation No read or write operation


Figure 14-46. Start relationship mirroring

Currently, the master volume is being used by host application from the primary site cluster. Since
the previous status was listed a inconsistent synchronize, the auxiliary volume has nothing of value,
it's taken offline by the IBM Spectrum Virtualize system to prevent accessing by a host system.
Generally, the auxiliary volume is not assigned or configured on a host until the mirroring operation
has been stopped. The auxiliary volume is not available for write operations or read operations.
Most operating systems require write access to read a volume, and allowing read access can
cause application crashes when the primary site is changing the data the secondary site has read
into its memory.
Remote mirroring is based on block copies controlled by grains of the owning bitmaps. The copy
operation has no knowledge of the OS logical file structures.
Issue the startrcconsistgrp command to start the copy process, and to set the direction of copy
if it is undefined, and optionally mark the secondary volumes of the consistency group as clean.
This command can be issued from either Spectrum Virtualize cluster using the GUI or CLI.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Relationship background copy rate

• Background copy rate is 25 MBps (default) and set to the maximum ‘copy from’ partnership level
bandwidth value (multiple background copies might be in progress concurrently)
• Issue chsystem -relationshipbandwidthlimit command to change the background copy
default rate

Primary_Site1 Inconsistent_copying Secondary_Site2

Master Vol (Test0_M) Aux. Vol (Test1_M)

 One direction writes

bg_copy_priority 50 Empty
Online Offline

progress 5 progress 12

Figure 14-47. Relationship background copy rate

The content of the master volume is now been copied to the auxiliary volume, the relationship is in
the state of inconsistent_copying.
The background copy rate for a given pair of volumes is set to 25 MBps by default and is subject to
the maximum ‘copy from’ partnership level bandwidth value since multiple background copies might
be in progress concurrently. The 25 MBps default rate can be changed with the chsystem
-relationshipbandwidthlimit parameter. Be aware that this value is controlled at the cluster
level. The changed copy bandwidth value is applicable to the background copy rate of all
Once the background copying starts, the lsrcrelationship command can be issued to confirm
the synchronization or background copy is in progress. Progress of the background copy operation
can also be monitored with the lsrcrelationshipprogress command, which displays the copy
progress as a percentage to completion. When the progress reaches 100% or copy completion, the
command output displays a null value for the relationship object ID. Both commands can be issue
from either cluster using either the relationship name or object ID. While the background copy is in
progress, the status of auxiliary volume remains offline.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Relationship synchronization and mirroring suspended

• To achieve right access to the auxiliary volume, the stoprcrelationship -access
<object ID> command must be issued to suspend the mirroring relationship
ƒ Use cases: disaster recovery testing, actual disaster recovery, or application relocation.
• Relationship status changes to idling, as volumes are now in-sync
• Master volume and auxiliary volume can both perform read and write I/Os

Primary_Site1 Secondary_Site2
Master Vol (Test0_M) Idling Aux. Vol (Test1_M)



Online Online

Data is identical 

 Read/write I/Os 

Independent writes to either volume will


cause the relationship to be out of sync 

progress 50 progress 50

Figure 14-48. Relationship synchronization and mirroring suspended

To achieve write access for the auxiliary volume, the stoprcrelationship command must be
issued with the -access keyword followed by the object ID or name. This process will suspend the
mirroring relationships. The relationship status changes to idling. Use cases for write access of the
auxiliary volume includes disaster recovery testing, actual disaster recovery, or application
relocation. Immediately after the relationship is stopped, it is said to be in_sync.
since the relationship synchronization is no longer in process, the copy direction is now ambiguous.
This means that both the master volume and auxiliary volume in the relationship can both perform
read and write I/Os.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Relationship resynchronization (out of sync)

• Independent writes can cause volumes a relationship to become out of sync. Use the
startrcrelationship -primary <master/aux> -force <object ID> command to
resynchronized volume data
• Use the switchrcrelationship -primary <master/aux> -force <object ID>
command to change copy direction

Secondary_Site1 Primary_Site2
Master Vol (Test0_M) Inconsistent_copying Aux. Vol (Test1_M)




 Data changed 


 Write I/Os 

progress 79

Figure 14-49. Relationship resynchronization (out of sync)

When write activity has occurred, on either or both volumes, then the two volumes need to be
resynchronized. In this case, the relationship needs to be restarted, the copy direction must be
specified with the -primary parameter. The -force keyword must be coded to acknowledge the out
of synchronization status. Background copy is invoked to return the relationship to the consistent
and synchronized state again.
The remote mirroring software keeps track of changes to the volumes that aren't mirrored to the
other sites. For example, when the network between sites is not up. To ensure the data is
consistent and synchronized, any data that's changed on secondary volume is overwritten with data
on the primary volume when mirroring is started. In addition any data that's changed on the primary
volume is also mirrored to the secondary volume. This avoids having to write all the data on the
primary volume to the secondary.
In this example, the Test1_A volume is deemed to contain the valid data and the mirroring direction
is to be reversed. The startrcrelationship command is coded with -primary aux and -force to
return the relationship to the consistent and synchronized state. The primary aux value indicates
the copy direction is now from the auxiliary volume to the master volume. The auxiliary volume is
now functioning in the primary role.
When the relationship state is consistent and synchronized, the copy direction can be changed
dynamically with the switchrcrelationship command. In this case, write access to the auxiliary
volume will be removed, and reverted to the -primary master volume. The master volume will
function in the primary role again.
When there are changes in the write access capabilities between the two volumes in the
relationship, it is crucial that no outstanding application I/O is in progress when the switch direction
command is issued. Typically the host application would be shut down and restarted for every
direction change.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring

The switchrcrelationship command will only succeed when the relationship is in one of the
following states:
• Consistent_synchronized
• Consistent_stopped and in sync
• Idling and in sync
If the relationship is not synchronized, the startrcrelationship command can be used with the
-primary and -force parameters to manage the copy direction.
The administrator must ensure that a consistent copy of the data resides on a volume before
starting a relationship with that volume as the primary volume. Otherwise, one will be left with a
corrupt copy of the data.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


MM/GM in consistency groups

Consistency Group Consistency group =
container for one or more
MM/GM relationships

Consistency Group

Relationship DATA
30 GB
30 GB
1 GB
Atomic copy of multiple volumes 1 GB


Figure 14-50. MM/GM in consistency groups

Similar to FlashCopy, a consistency group enables the grouping of one or more relationships so
that they are manipulated in unison.
A consistency group can be applied to a single relationship or a set of relationships. All
relationships in the group must have matching master and auxiliary clusters and the same copy
direction. Up to 256 metro mirroring and global mirroring consistency groups can be created.
The mkrcconsistgrp command can be used to create creates an empty MM/GM Consistency
Group. The MM/GM consistency group name must be unique across all consistency groups that
are known to the systems owning this consistency group. If the consistency group involves two
systems, the systems must be in communication throughout the creation process.
The new consistency group does not contain any relationships and is in the Empty state.
You can add MM/GM relationships to the group (upon creation or afterward) by using the
chrelationship command or it can be a stand-alone MM/GM relationship if no Consistency Group
is specified.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Impact of disconnected clusters on mirroring

‡ Data changes are tracked by the mirroring relationship bitmap at the primary site so that the two
volumes can be resynchronized once the connectivity between the clusters is recovered
‡ Relationship on the Site2 captures the date and time (recovery point) of the connectivity failure as

freeze_time,2 Storwize V7000_Site2 freeze_time,2
019/02/09/11/ idling_disconnected not_present 019/02/09/11/
00/29 00/29
Test0_GA Test0_M Offline

Unable to communicate due

Host using the Test0_M volume to link failures
continues to operate normally, reading
and writing data on the volume Test1_A auxiliary volume is no longer
able to obtain updates occurring on the
Test0_M master volume

Figure 14-51. Impact of disconnected clusters on mirroring

If all the intercluster links fail between two clusters, then communication is no longer possible
between the two clusters in the partnership. This section examines the state of relationships when a
pair of Spectrum Virtualize system clusters is disconnected and no longer able to communicate.
To minimize the potential of link failures, it is best practice to have more than one physical link
between sites. These links need to have a different physical routing infrastructure such that the
failure of one link does not affect the other links.
Prior to the connectivity failure between the two clusters, the relationship is in the
consistent_synchronized state when viewed from both clusters.
A total link outage or connectivity failure between the two Spectrum Virtualize system causes the
cluster partnership to change from fully_configured to not_present.
When a total link failure occurs between the two clusters, the copy direction of the relationship does
not change (primary=master) but changed data of the master volume can no longer be sent to the
auxiliary volume.
The relationship state indicates that:
• Site1 is in the idling_disconnected state. Mirroring activity for the volumes is no longer active
because changes can no longer be sent to the auxiliary volume.
• Site2 it is in the consistent_disconnected state. At the time of the disconnect, the auxiliary
volume was consistent but it is no longer able to receive updates.
Even though updates are no longer being sent to the auxiliary volume, the changes are tracked by
the mirroring relationship bitmap at the primary site so that the two volumes can be resynchronized
once the connectivity between the clusters is recovered.
The relationship on the Site2 captures the date and time of the connectivity failure as freeze_time
when its state changed to the consistent_disconnected state. The freeze time is the recovery

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring

point of the Test1_A volume content - it is the last known time when data was consistent with the
master volume.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Master after link restore: consistent_stopped

‡ With the relationship in the consistent_ stopped state allows a FlashCopy to be performed at
the Site2 to capture the data on the auxiliary volume as of the freeze_time
‡ Once the state of the volumes is consistent_synchronized, any FlashCopy taken prior to
restarting synchronization can be discarded

freeze_time,2 inconsistent_copying Storwize V7000_Site2 freeze_time,2
019/02/09/11/ consistent_stopped 019/02/09/11/
00/29 00/29
Test0_GA Test0_M Offline

Auxiliary volume remains offline until

background copy complete


Figure 14-52. Master after link restore: consistent_stopped

After connectivity between the two clusters has been restored, both volumes in the relationship is in
are consistent_stopped state (does not automatically restart).
The freeze time of both relationship volume’s consistent_disconnected time has been obtained
from the relationship on the two clusters (since connectivity of the clusters has been restored;
enabling this freeze time value to be transmitted).
The relationship stopped state allows a FlashCopy to be performed at the Site2 to capture the data
on the auxiliary volume as of the freeze time; before restarting the mirroring relationship. It is
important to create that PiT because the data on the auxiliary volume will become
inconsistent once resynchronization starts until synchronization is achieved.
Presuming that I/O activity have occurred, the relationship is out-of-sync and must be started with –
force to allow the grains on the master volume need to be copied to the auxiliary volume.
During this background copy, the relationship is in the inconsistent_copying state. Since the
auxiliary volume is set offline during this state, it will not be brought online until the copy completes
and the relationship returns to the consistent_synchronized state.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


‡ Online indicates that the relationship is online and accessible.

‡ Primary_offline indicates that the primary volume in the relationship is offline.

‡ Secondary_offline indicates that the secondary volume in the relationship is offline.

‡ IO_channel_offline indicates that the remote system is not accessible.

‡ Primary_change_offline indicates that the primary change volume in the relationship is offline.

‡ Secondary_change_offline indicates that the secondary change volume in the relationship is


‡ Change_volumes_needed, indicates an active-active relationship that is in a HyperSwap volumes

or Global Mirror with change volume relationships.


Figure 14-53. Out of sync indications

The relationship is out of sync when:

• Online indicates that the relationship is online and accessible. If the relationship state is
ConsistentSynchronized, ConsistentCopying, or InconsistentCopying the volumes replicate
host I/O operations that the primary volume receives.
• Primary_offline indicates that the primary volume in the relationship is offline. This prevents
more I/O operations, and synchronization pauses until the primary volume is online again.
• Secondary_offline indicates that the secondary volume in the relationship is offline. For Global
Mirror relationships in a ConsistentSynchronized state (no change volumes) and Metro Mirror
relationships, extra I/O write operations to the primary volume terminate the relationship.
• Io_channel_offline indicates that the remote system is not accessible. For Global Mirror
relationships in a ConsistentSynchronized state (no change volumes) and Metro Mirror
relationships, extra I/O write operations to the primary volume terminate the relationship.
• Primary_change_offline indicates that the primary change volume in the relationship is offline.
For Global Mirror with change volume relationships, the current I/O cycle ends, and a new I/O
cycle begins when the primary change volume is online again.
• Secondary_change_offline indicates that the secondary change volume in the relationship is
offline. For Global Mirror with change volume relationships, the current I/O cycle pauses and a
new I/O cycle resumes when the secondary volume is online again.
• Change_volumes_needed, indicates an active-active relationship that is in a HyperSwap®
volumes or Global Mirror with change volume relationships. Additionally, at least one change
volume is not configured.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Remote Copy replication sequence of events

1. Establish
Establish partnership between two Spectrum Virtualize clusters
svctask mkpartnership

2. Create Define consistency group and relationships

svctask mkrcconsistgrp
svctask mkrcrelationship
3. Start Synchronize master and auxiliary
svctask startrcconsistgrp
svctask startrcrelationship
Inconsistent_copying Stop copy
4. Stop svctask stoprcconsistgrp
svctask stoprcrelationship
Reverse roles for copy
5. Switch svctask switchrcconsistgrp
Direction or
svctask switchrcrelationship

Figure 14-54. Remote Copy replication sequence of events

A series of events or steps need to occur to establish a Metro/Global Mirror process:

Establish partnership: Identify a remote cluster as a partner to a given cluster. This task must be
done on both clusters to establish a fully configured two-way partnership.
• Define a consistency group to contain related relationships and identify a remote or auxiliary
cluster for intercluster copies. The state of the consistency group starts out initially as empty.
• Create auxiliary volumes the same size as the master volumes
• Define a relationship between the master and auxiliary volumes. The pair of volumes must be
the same size and must not be in any other Metro/Global Mirror relationships. The relationship
might be placed into a consistency group or left standalone. At this point the state of the
relationship between the two volumes is inconsistent_stopped.
• Activate the relationship starts the background copy process to clone the auxiliary volume from
the master volume. During this time, the state is set to inconsistent_copying. After the
background copy process completes, the state transitions to consistent_synchronized.
Subsequent write operations are duplicated on both volumes.
• Stop the relationship or the write synchronization between the two volumes. If the auxiliary
volume was granted write access with the stop command, it transitions to the idling state;
otherwise it is placed in the consistent_stopped state.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring

• Reverse the direction of the copy so that the auxiliary volume becomes the primary volume for
the copy process.
• Remote mirroring is also referred to as Remote Copy (rc), hence all the commands reflect the
acronym of “rc”.
• Similar to FlashCopy, SNMP traps can be generated on state change events.
When the two clusters can communicate, the clusters and the relationships spanning them are
described as connected. When they cannot communicate, the clusters and relationships spanning
them are described as disconnected.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Copy Services: Supported features

Mirroring Mirroring
Primary Secondary

FlashCopy Source Yes Yes

FlashCopy Target Yes Yes

FlashCopy Mirroring
Virtualization Feature
Source or Target Primary or Secondary

Image type volume Supported Supported

Extent migration within storage pool Supported Supported

Volume migration between storage pools Supported Supported

Change volume between I/O groups Not Supported Not Supported

Volume size change Not Supported Not Supported


Figure 14-55. Copy Services: Supported features

As shown with the first table above, the FlashCopy target volume can also participate in a
Metro/Global Mirror relationship. Constraints as to how these functions can be used together are:
• A FlashCopy mapping cannot be manipulated to change the contents of the target volume of
that mapping when the target volume is the primary volume of a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror
relationship that is actively mirroring.
• A FlashCopy mapping must be in the idle_copied state when its target volume is the
secondary volume of a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror relationship.
• The two volumes of a given FlashCopy mapping must be in the same I/O group; when the
target volume is also participating in a Metro/Global Mirror relationship.
For details refer to IBM Knowledge Center
for the latest Copy Service commands and supported features.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Copy Services configuration limits

Properties Note
This configuration can be any mix of Metro Mirror and Global
Remote Copy (Metro Mirror and Global Mirror) relationships per Mirror relationships.
clustered system 10000
Maximum requires an 8-mnode cluster (volumes per I/O group
limit applies)

Active-Active Relationships (HyperSwap) 1250

Remote Copy relationships per consistency group - No l limit is imposed beyond the Remote Copy relationships per
clustered system limit.

Remote Copy consistency groups per system 256 -

Total Metro Mirror and Global Mirror volume capacity per I/O 1024 TB This limit is the total capacity for all master and auxiliary volumes
group in the I/O group.

Total Metro Mirror with Change Volumes relationship per 256 Change volumes used for active-active relationship do not count
system towards this limit.

FlashCopy mappings per system 5000 -

FlashCopy targets per source 256 -

FlashCopy mappings per consistency group 512 -

FlashCopy consistency groups per system 500 -

Total FlashCopy volume capacity per I/O group 4096 TB 4096 for a full four node clustered system with four I/O groups.


Figure 14-56. Copy Services configuration limits

This listed are the most up-to-date (as of this publication) Copy Services configuration limits.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


IP Partnership configuration limits

Properties Note
A system may be partnered with up to three remote
Inter-cluster IP partnerships per system 1 systems. A maximum of one of those can be IP and the
other two Fibre Channel.

I/O group per system 2 The nodes from a maximum of two I/O groups per
system can be used for IP partnership.

Inter site links per IP partnership 2 A maximum of two inter site links can be used between
two IP partnership sites.

Ports per node 1 A maximum of one port per node can be used for IP


Figure 14-57. IP Partnership configuration limits

This listed are the most up-to-date (as of this publication) IP Partnership configuration limits. The
list of the configuration limits and restrictions specific to IBM Spectrum Virtualize software version
are available by way of the following website:

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Spectrum Virtualize: HyperSwap

‡ Remote Copy
‡ Metro Mirror and Global Mirror
‡ Inter-cluster connectivity
‡ Partnership
‡ HyperSwap


Figure 14-58. Spectrum Virtualize: HyperSwap

This topic examines the function of a HyperSwap active-to-active relationship.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


High availability with HyperSwap

‡ HyperSwap technology provides availability in case of site failure using one cluster
ƒ Hosts, nodes and storage are in one of two failure domains/sites up to 300 km apart
ƒ New HyperSwap volume type
í Mirrored with Metro Mirror
ƒ Host uses multi-path code to access primary copy of data
í Metro Mirror failover to auxiliary volume transparent to host and applications
‡ Uses intra-cluster synchronous remote copy (Metro Mirror) capabilities along with existing change
volume and access I/O group technologies



Active-active access to a volume


Figure 14-59. High availability with HyperSwap

IBM HyperSwap is a high availability solution that offers disaster recovery (DR) protection during
resynchronization. It provides most disaster recovery (DR) benefits of IBM Spectrum Virtualize as
well uses intra-cluster synchronous remote copy (Metro Mirror) capabilities along with existing
change volume and access I/O group technologies.
The HyperSwap feature is available on systems that can support more than one I/O group,
providing highly available active-active volumes accessible through two sites at up to 300 km apart.
Both nodes of an I/O group must be at the same site. This site must be the same site of the
controllers that provide the managed disks to that I/O group. When managed disks are added to
storage pools, their site attributes must match. This requirement ensures that each copy in a
HyperSwap volume is fully independent and is at a distinct site. HyperSwap volumes are in an
active-active relationships that automatically run and switch direction according to which copy or
copies are online and up to date.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


HyperSwap volume characteristics

‡ Creates a HyperSwap using 4 underlining VDisks (GUI/CLI)
ƒ Master and Auxiliary volumes are in active-active
relationship and a fully independent copy of the volume is +\SHU6ZDS9ROXPH
maintained at each site (I/O groups) Active-active
Master Aux
‡ Supports Full, Thin, Compressed, and Deduplicated volumes VDisk relationship VDisk

‡ Supports data reduction pool (DRP) or standard pool I/Os
I/Os RC-controlled
Volume Volume

‡ Remote Copy relationship and FlashCopy maps are

automatically controlled


Figure 14-60. HyperSwap volume characteristics

When you create a HyperSwap volume using the GUI, it will have one UID (matching the master
volume UID) and be R/W accessible via a host or host cluster including host clusters using hosts at
both sites. Unlike a failover in a Metro Mirror cluster where one has to make the auxiliary volume
available for use and map it to a host, the HyperSwap architecture makes this transparent to the
host and application using the host disk I/O multi-path code, making the HyperSwap volume point
to the auxiliary volume at failover. Spectrum Virtualize manages whether the master or auxiliary
volume is served up to the host as the HyperSwap volume, and manages the mirroring across the
primary and secondary volumes. This process works to keep them synchronized and consistent,
though synchronization will be lost under failure scenarios, though a recent PiT image of consistent
data is kept at both sites for use in dual failure scenarios via manual intervention.
Change volumes here shouldn't be confused with change volumes used in Global Mirror with
Change Volumes (GMCV). In both cases, change volumes keep a consistent PiT image of the data.
However, GMCVs are used in the global mirroring process to keep the volumes synchronized, while
HyperSwap uses its change volumes to keep the latest PiT consistent image during
resynchronizations such as after a network outage between sites, in case of a second failure before
the first failure is corrected. In both cases the change volumes are created as FlashCopy PiT
If your HyperSwap master/auxiliary volume is in a data reduction pool, then the corresponding
change volume is created with compression enabled. If the master/auxiliary volume is in a standard
pool then the change volume is created as thin-provisioned. If you have a deduplicated
master/auxiliary volume then both must reside in data reduction pools at both sites. It's
recommended than the change volume reside in the same pool as the corresponding
master/auxiliary volume and both the master/auxiliary volume and its change volume must be in the
same I/O group (though the master and auxiliary volumes are in different I/O groups, different sites
or failure domains, and different pools).

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring

The caching node for the primary volume handles all reads and writes for the volume. As a result if
the host isn't in the same site as the primary volume, additional latency is added to I/Os. Spectrum
Virtualize will automatically change the primary site to the site generating 75% or more of the write
I/Os after 20 minutes which will improve performance for those I/Os.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


HyperSwap independent failure domain

‡ Manages storage switching and failover process between cluster systems
ƒ Automatic failover/failback
ƒ Automatic tie-break if the link between sites fails, allowing one site to continue without split-brain

Read I/O Write I/O

Site 1 I/O Group Site 2 Host failure Site 1 Storage failure Site 2

Host A
Host A

Host B
failure Host B
Site 1 Site 2

Host A
Migrate applications

Host B
between sites
I/O group 0 I/O group 1 I/O group 0 I/O group 1

Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 I/O group 0 I/O group 1 Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4

Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4

Storage pool 1 Storage pool 2 Storage pool 1 Storage pool 2

Quorum Quorum
Site 3 Storage pool 2 Site 3
Storage pool 1
Site 3


Figure 14-61. HyperSwap independent failure domain

In a HyperSwap configuration, each site is defined as an independent failure domain. If one site
experiences a failure, then the other site can continue to operate without disruption. For example, if
access is lose to I/O group 0 from the host, then the host multipathing will automatically failover to
access data from I/O group 1. If access is lose to the primary copy of data, then the HyperSwap
function will forward request to I/O group 1 to service I/O. If access is loss entirely to I/O group 0,
then the host multi-pathing will automatically failover to access data on I/O group 1.
You must also configure a third site to host a quorum device or IP quorum application that provides
an automatic tie-break in case of a link failure between the two main sites. Using a volume mirroring
(VM) in a cloud data center with an IP quorum is al alternative to procuring a third site. Sites can be
simply different power domains, in different rooms, different buildings, or different cities. The site
choice affects what kind of disasters are survivable.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


HyperSwap prerequisites

Master relationship Aux
VDisk VDisk


Figure 14-62. HyperSwap prerequisites

Before one can create a HyperSwap volume, the specified prerequisites must be satisfied. First the
cluster and inter-node communications must be setup, using standing FC communications between
node, or using iSER clustering.
You must also plan for the host to communicate with either FC ports on both I/O groups for FC
based volumes, or to ethernet iSCSI ports on both I/O groups for iSCSI volumes. This will ensure
host disk paths to both I/O groups for the HyperSwap volume. While VDisks are by default only
accessible by ports on the caching I/O group, HyperSwap VDisks must be accessible via ports on
both I/O groups.
• You must assign the nodes, hosts, controllers, MDisks, and storage pool to sites as specified by
the site attribute for each.
• A third site quorum must exist to perform tie-break decisions to avoid split brain situations.
• And finally, you must set the system layer and topology attributes to storage and replication
respectively via the chsystem command.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Creating HyperSwap volumes

‡ IBM Spectrum Virtualize system must configured
to a HyperSwap topology before HyperSwap
volumes can be created
ƒ Site allocation and topology change CLI commands
‡ HyperSwap volumes can be created using the GUI
or CLI
‡ Uses WKHmkvolume FRPPDQG


Figure 14-63. Creating HyperSwap volumes

HyperSwap volume configuration is possible only after the IBM Spectrum Virtualize system has
been configured in HyperSwap topology. A HyperSwap topology system can be configured through
site allocation and topology change command-line (CLI) commands. When the system topology is
set to HyperSwap, each node, controller, and host in the system configuration must have a site
attribute set to 1 or 2. After this topology change the GUI will present an option to create a
HyperSwap volume through the management GUI. A HyperSwap volume is created by using the
mkvolume command instead of the standard mkvdisk command.
The GUI uses the same basic volume creation is that in the HyperSwap Details, and uses its
topology awareness to map storage pools to sites based on the storage pool names provided. After
the volume is created, it is visible in the Volumes > Volumes list.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


‡ FlashCopy ‡ Partnership
‡ Flash mapping ‡ Remote Copy
‡ Full background copy ‡ Relationship
‡ No background copy ‡ Metro Mirror
‡ Consistency groups ‡ Synchronous
‡ Target ‡ Global Mirror
‡ Source ‡ Asynchronous
‡ Copy rate ‡ Global Mirror without cycling
‡ Clone ‡ Global Mirror with cycling and
‡ Incremental FlashCopy change volume
‡ Bitmap space ‡ Freeze time
‡ Master ‡ Cycle process
‡ Auxiliary

Figure 14-64. Keywords

Listed are keywords that were used in this unit.

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Review questions ( 1 of 2)
1. True or False: Bitmap space for Copy Services is managed in the node cache of the I/O

2. True or False: Upon the restart of a Remote Copy relationship, a 100% background
copy is performed to ensure the master and auxiliary volumes contain the same

3. True or False: The Remote Copy auxiliary volume is write accessible by default when
its relationship has been stopped.

4. True or False: Metro Mirror is a synchronous copy environment which provides for a
recovery point objective of zero.


Figure 14-65. Review questions ( 1 of 2)

Write answer here:

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Review answers (1 of 2)
1. True or False: Bitmap space for Copy Services is managed in the node cache of the I/O
The answer is True.

2. True or False: Upon the restart of a Remote Copy relationship, a 100% background
copy is performed to ensure the master and auxiliary volumes contain the same
The answer is False.

3. True or False: The Remote Copy auxiliary volume is write accessible by default when
its relationship has been stopped.
The answer is False.

4. True or False: Metro Mirror is a synchronous copy environment which provides for a
recovery point objective of zero.
The answer is True.

Figure 14-66. Review answers (1 of 2)

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Review questions (2 of 2)
5. True or False: HyperSwap provides application transparent failover between Metro
Mirror volumes in separate Spectrum Virtualize clusters.

6. True or False: The underlying master, auxiliary and change volumes can reside in a
storage pool comprised of MDisks from controllers at both sites.


Figure 14-67. Review questions (2 of 2)

Write answer here:

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring


Review answers (2 of 2)
5. True or False: HyperSwap provides application transparent failover between Metro
Mirror volumes in separate Spectrum Virtualize clusters.
The answer is False. HyperSwap provides application transparent failover between the master
and auxiliary volumes within a Spectrum Virtualize cluster.

6. True or False: The underlying master, auxiliary and change volumes can reside in a
storage pool comprised of MDisks from controllers at both sites.
The answer is False. HyperSwap storage pools are restricted to each site's failure domain,
comprised of controllers and MDisks residing only at that site, requiring separate independent
storage pools at each site.


Figure 14-68. Review answers (2 of 2)

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Unit 14. Spectrum Virtualize remote data mirroring



‡ Understand the concept of Remote Copy

services for mission-critical data
‡ Differentiate between synchronous and
asynchronous mirroring
‡ Differentiate among the functions
provided with Metro Mirror, Global Mirror,
and Global Mirror with change volumes
‡ Summarize the inter-cluster connectivity
requirement needed to establish remote
mirroring environments
‡ Identify the requirements for a remote
mirroring partnership and relationship


Figure 14-69. Summary

Having completed this unit, you should be able to:

• Understand the concept of Remote Copy services for mission-critical data.
• Differentiate between synchronous and asynchronous mirroring.
• Differentiate among the functions provided with Metro Mirror, Global Mirror, and Global Mirror
with change volumes.
• Summarize the inter-cluster connectivity requirement needed to establish remote mirroring
• Identify the requirements for a remote mirroring partnership and relationship.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize

administration management
Estimated time

This module examines administrative management options that assist you in monitoring,
troubleshooting, and servicing an IBM Spectrum Virtualize system environment.

How you will check your progress

• Checkpoint
• Hands-on Lab exercises

Implementing IBM Storwize V7000 with IBM Spectrum Virtualize V8.2.1

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


• Recognize system monitoring features to help
address system issues
• Differentiate between local support assistance
and remote support assistance
• Employ system configuration backup and
extract the backup files
• Summarize the benefits of an SNMP, syslog,
and email server for forwarding alerts and
• Recall procedures to upgrade the system
software and the use of host spare nodes
• Evaluate and filter administrative task
commands entries that are captured in the
audit log
• Describe the concept of a quorum
• Identify the functions of Service Assistant Tool

Figure 15-1. Objectives

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

• Recognize system monitoring features to help addresses system issues.
• Differentiate between local support assistance and remote support assistance.
• Employ system configuration backup and extract the backup files.
• Summarize the benefits of an SNMP, syslog, and email server for forwarding alerts and events.
• Recall procedures to upgrade the system software and the use of host spare nodes.
• Evaluate and filter administrative task commands entries that are captured in the audit log.
• Describe the concept of a quorum configuration.
• Identify the functions of the IBM Service Assistant Tool.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Administration management: System monitoring

‡ System monitoring
ƒ System Health and Alert Status
ƒ Event Log: Messages and Alerts
ƒ Directed Maintenance Procedure
ƒ Event Notifications
ƒ Performance Monitoring
‡ Settings
‡ Access
‡ Quorum devices
‡ IBM Service Assistant Tool (SAT)


Figure 15-2. Administration management: System monitoring

This module discusses the system monitoring, event log detections and performance monitoring of
an IBM Spectrum Virtualize environment.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


System Health and status alert indicators



‡ Hardware components displays the health of all components that are specific to the physical
‡ Logical components displays the health of all logical and virtual components in the management
‡ Connectivity components displays the health of all components that are related to the system’s
connectivity and relationship to other components or systems


Figure 15-3. System Health and status alert indicators

When an issue or warning occurs on the system, the management GUI provides a Health Status
indicator (rightmost area of the control panel). The health status indicator turns red on the system.
Depending on the type event that occurred, a status alerts provides message information or alerts
about internal and external system events, or remote partnerships. The status alert provides a
timestamp and brief description of the event that occurred. Each alert is a hyperlink and redirects
you to the Monitoring > Event panel for actions.
The System Health section on the Dashboard provides a complete view of the system through tiles
of data that represents different components that make up the system. A tile contains one type of
component, but it can contain multiple items of the same type.
The following list defines the categories of tiles:
• Hardware components displays the health of all components that are specific to the physical
• Logical components displays the health of all logical and virtual components in the
management GUI .
• Connectivity components displays the health of all components that are related to the system’s
connectivity and relationship to other components or systems.
You can expand each tile option to view its components. Any component that has indicated errors
or warning are displayed first so that components that require attention have higher visibility.
Healthy components are sorted in order of importance in day-to-day use. Each component has a
More Details option that allows you to view component properties and information.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


System Event Log

• Two types of events: messages and alerts
ƒ Alerts log action required
‫ ޤ‬Some alerts contain an error code (fix procedures)
ƒ Messages indicate warning or action completed
• Event log panel provides concise view of system event
log entries:
ƒ All events provide a brief description
ƒ All events are time stamped
‫ ޤ‬Management GUI time stamps are local time to web browser running
‫ ޤ‬CLI uses system time
ƒ Messages are fixed when acknowledge and marked as Fixed
• Event log can be export to a .csv file for analysis


Figure 15-4. System Event Log

Although the IBM Spectrum Virtualize GUI allows you to not only view monitor capacity and its
component details, it also provides a visible indication that the system is operating healthy or an
issue has occurred. The system reports all informational, warnings, and errors related to any
changes detected by the system to the events log.
Events added to the log are classified as either alerts or messages based on the following criteria:
• An alert is logged when the event requires an action. These errors can include hardware errors
in the system itself as well as errors about other components of the entire cluster. Certain alerts
have an associated error code, which defines the service action that is required. The service
actions are automated through the fix procedures. If configured, a call home to IBM by way of
email is generated to request assistance or replacement parts. Messages are fixed when you
acknowledge reading them and mark them as fixed. If the alert does not have an error code, the
alert represents an unexpected change in the state. This situation must be investigated to
determine whether this unexpected change represents a failure. Investigate the cause of an
alert and resolve it as soon as it is reported.
• A message is logged when a change that is expected is reported, for instance, when an array
build completes.
Each event recorded in the event log includes fields with information that can be used to diagnose
problems. Each event has a time stamp that indicates when the action occurred or the command
was submitted on the system.
When logs are displayed in the command-line interface, the time stamps for the logs in CLI are the
system time. However, when logs are displayed in the management GUI, the time stamps are
translated to the local time where the web browser is running.
Events can be filtered to sort them according to the need or export them to the external
comma-separated values (CSV) file.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


System Event Log access

• Event Log can be access from the management GUI or CLI
ƒ Management GUI Monitoring > Events
ƒ CLI lseventlog command
• You can change the default view by right-clicking any column area and select options to be
added to the display


Figure 15-5. System Event Log access

Primary debug tool for a system is the event log, which can be accessed from the management
GUI Monitoring > Events or using CLI by issuing the lseventlog command.
Like the other menu options, Events window allows you to filter and add many other parameters
related to events.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Directed Maintenance Procedure

• Directed Maintenance Procedure (DMP) storage checks whether the problem still exists and
fixes the issue, if possible
• The DMP takes the administrator through resolving the error event, with suggestions and
recommendations and rechecks
• Click Run Fix to initiate the fix procedure
ƒ If any unresolved issues exist, the Recommended Actions section displays those unresolved errors


Figure 15-6. Directed Maintenance Procedure

Errors with error code might direct you to ascertainment procedures to replace a hardware
component using the directed maintenance procedure (DMP) step by step guidance, while
ensuring that sufficient redundancy is maintained in the system environment.
A Run Fix procedure is a wizard that helps you troubleshoot and correct the cause of an error.
Certain fix procedures will reconfigure the system, based on your responses; ensure that actions
are carried out in the correct sequence; and, prevent or mitigate the loss of data. For this reason,
you must always run the fix procedure to fix an error, even if the fix might seem obvious. The fix
procedure might bring the system out of a Degraded state and into a Healthy state.
In a normal situation during the daily administration of the Spectrum Virtualize system, you are
unlikely to see error events. However, as events messages and alerts are displayed, there might be
a continuing flow of informational messages. Therefore, typical Events displays only recommended

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Directed Maintenance Procedure (Scenario 1 of 3)

• Troubleshooting scenario:
ƒ Ambient temperature is greater than warning threshold
í System will overheat and eventually shut down if the error situation is not fixed
ƒ To address the event, use the status alert link or select Monitoring > Event
ƒ Select the event message and run the Recommended Action: Run Fix procedure


Figure 15-7. Directed Maintenance Procedure (Scenario 1 of 3)

In this scenario a status alert has indicated that an unresolved event caused by a room temperature
that is too high, which might cause the system to overheat and eventually shut down if the error
situation is not fixed.
To run the fix procedure for the error with the highest priority, click Recommended Action at the
top of the Event page and click Run Fix Procedure. When you fix higher priority events first, the
system can often automatically mark lower priority events as fixed.
While the Recommended Actions filter is active, the event list shows only alerts for errors that have
not been fixed, sorted in order of priority. The first event in this list is the same as the event
displayed in the Recommended Action panel at the top of the Event page of the management GUI.
If it is necessary to fix errors in a different order, select an error alert in the event log and then click
Action > Run Fix Procedure.
Selecting the Run Fix procedure brings in the first Window of the DMP that shows the first step of
the DMP procedure. In this example, the system reports that drive 2 (flash module 2) in slot 5 is
measuring a temperature that is too high. In addition, the system has validated to report that all four
fans in both canisters are operational and online.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Directed Maintenance Procedure (Scenario 2 of 3)

• The next step in the DMP procedure is for the administrator:

ƒ Measure the room temperature
ƒ Make sure the ambient temperature is within the system specifications

• In the third step of the DMP procedure:

ƒ Suggestions about potential causes of overheating are provided


Figure 15-8. Directed Maintenance Procedure (Scenario 2 of 3)

In the next phase the DMP procedure, the user is ask to verify the events reported with few more
inputs related. In this case, it’s the room temperature which needs verification.
Suggestions are provided that could be probable indications or solutions to the event. Overheating
might be caused by blocked air vents, incorrectly mounted blank carriers in a flash module slot, or a
room temperature that is too high.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Directed Maintenance Procedure Example (Scenario 3 of 3)

• In the final DMP procedure step of the ambient temperature issue:

ƒ Checks whether the error condition is resolved
ƒ Verify all events of the same type are marked as fixed, if possible


Figure 15-9. Directed Maintenance Procedure Example (Scenario 3 of 3)

Once the error is fixed, system return the healthy status from the earlier degraded status. Event log
is also updated.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Event notifications
• Configure the system to alert the user and IBM when new events are added to the system
• Can choose to receive alerts about:
ƒ Errors (for example, hardware faults inside the system)
ƒ Warnings (errors detected in the environment)
ƒ Info (for example, asynchronous progress messages)
ƒ Inventory (email only)
• Alerting methods are:
ƒ SNMP traps
ƒ Syslog messages
ƒ Email call home
• Call home to IBM is performed using email
ƒ Will send Errors and Inventory back to an IBM email address to automatically open PMRs
ƒ IBM will call the customer


Figure 15-10. Event notifications

You can configure the IBM storage system to receive automated notifications when certain events
occur in the system, such as a file system approaching its size limit, a quota being exceeded, or a
CPU becoming overloaded.
Event Notifications can be configured using the GUI Settings > Event Notifications or through CLI
commands. IBM system uses Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) traps, syslog
messages, and Call Home email to notify you and the IBM Support Center when significant events
are detected. Any combination of these notification methods can be used simultaneously.
Notifications are normally sent immediately after an event is raised. However, there are events that
can occur because of service actions that are being performed. If a recommended service action is
active then these events are notified only if they are still unfixed when the service action completes.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Why Call Home

• Configure Call Home and Inventory Reporting:
ƒ Part of the initial easy setup procedure
ƒ Emails sent to IBM Support Center and customer’s administrators
ƒ Error events will alert IBM
í IBM will contact customer to help with problem resolution
ƒ Inventory option emails vital product data and software license information to IBM
í Include code levels running: Enables proactive notification of customers about critical problems with that code


Figure 15-11. Why Call Home

For fast reaction on problems, IBM highly recommends the configuration of Call Home. Call Home
is normally configured when your system is first installed. Call Home allows the IBM storage
systems to send electronic call home messaging transmission of operational and error-related data
to IBM and other users through a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server connection in the
form of an event notification e-mail.
Call Home event notifications contains only meta-data and customer contact data information to
specified recipients and the IBM Support Center. This data is used by IBM to pro-actively respond
to failures before they occur. Configuring call home reduces the response time for IBM Support to
address the issues.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Email notifications
• Call Home support is initiated for the
following reasons or types of data
ƒ Problem or event notification:
í Data is sent when there is a problem or event
that might require the attention of IBM service
ƒ Inventory information:
í A notification is sent to provide the necessary
status and hardware information to IBM service


Figure 15-12. Email notifications

Call home automatically notifies IBM service personnel when errors occur in the hardware
components of the system or sends data for error analysis and resolution.
The SMTP server must be configured to send emails and to allow email relays from the storage
system cluster IP address. Click Settings > Event Notifications, then select Email and Enable
Notifications to configure the email settings, including contact information and email recipients. A
test function can be invoked to verify communication infrastructure.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


SNMP notifications
• Standard protocol for managing networks
and exchanging messages
• Identify servers or managers using Settings
> Notifications > SNMP
ƒ SNMP server can be configured to receive all or a
subset of event types
‫ ޤ‬Up to six SNMP servers can be configured
ƒ Use Management Information Base (MIB) to read
and interpret these system events
SNMP server can be
‫ ޤ‬Available from the system support website configured to receive all of
these types of events


Figure 15-13. SNMP notifications

The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for managing networks
and exchanging messages. The system can send SNMP messages that notify personnel about an
event. You can use an SNMP manager to view the SNMP messages that the system sends. Up to
six SNMP servers can be configured. Customers often have a trouble ticketing software within an
operations center which receives SNMP messages to manage handling each issue.
You can also use the Management Information Base (MIB) file for SNMP to configure a network
management program to receive SNMP messages that are sent by the system. This file can be
used with SNMP messages from all versions of the software to read and interpret these
FlashSystem events.
To configure the SNMP server, identify the management server IP address, remote server port
number, and community name so that the FlashSystem generated SNMP messages can be view
from the identified SNMP server. Each detected event is assigned a notification type of either error,
warning, or information. The SNMP server can be configured to receive all or a subset of these
types of events.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Syslog notifications
• Standard protocol for forwarding log messages from a sender to a receiver on an IP network
• Identify servers or managers using Settings > Notifications > Syslog
ƒ Up to a maximum of six syslog servers

• Send syslog messages to a file

on a syslog server
• System uses the User Datagram
Protocol (UDP) to transmit the syslog ,3YRU,3Y


Figure 15-14. Syslog notifications

The syslog protocol is a standard protocol for forwarding log messages from a sender to a receiver
on an IP network. Click Settings > Notifications, then select Syslog to identify a syslog server.
The IP network can be either IPv4 or IPv6. She system can send syslog messages to a syslog
server which consolidates syslog messages into a single file. Then other software can be used to
notify a user about the messages, for example via email.
Syslog error event logging is available to enable the integration of FlashSystem events with an
enterprise’s central management repository.
The system can transmit syslog messages in either expanded or concise format. You can use a
syslog manager to view the syslog messages that the system sends. The system uses the User
Datagram Protocol (UDP) to transmit the syslog message. You can specify up to a maximum of six
syslog servers.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Monitoring overall system performance

• IBM Spectrum Virtualize GUI Monitoring > Performance menu provides LIVE system performance
ƒ Bandwidth / IOPS / Latency / Interface IOPS / Interface Queue Depth


Figure 15-15. Monitoring overall system performance

IBM Spectrum Virtualize GUI uses real-time statistics to monitor CPU utilization, volume, interface,
and MDisk bandwidth of your system and nodes. Each graph represents five minutes of collected
statistics and provides a means of assessing the overall performance of your system. These
statistics summarize the overall performance health of the system and can be used to monitor
trends in bandwidth and CPU utilization. For example, you can monitor the interfaces, such as
Fibre Channel or SAS interfaces, to determine if the host data-transfer rate is different from the
expected rate.
There are three performance statistics that can help identify possible congested points and
incorrectly configured infrastructure within the system and external to it:
• Bandwidth System bandwidth bounds applications that serve large amounts of data per IO
operation. The read and write data paths affect each other minimally, but interactions between
the two are nuanced and can greatly affect overall performance.
• IOPS System IOPS measures the amount of external IO operations being serviced per second.
There is an inverse relationship between the size of the IO operation and the number of IOPS,
as it takes longer to service larger I/Os than smaller I/Os. Storage performance varies based on
I/O size; thus separate metrics exist for MB/s and IOPS. For large I/Os, there's a maximum
throughput reported in MB/s. For small I/Os performance there's an IOPS limit. While one can
convert IOPS to MB/s for a specific I/O size, the MB/s limit for large I/Os (for a particular setup)
will be at a much smaller IOPS rate, than the IOPS limit for small I/Os.
• Latency System latency is comprised of four types of latency: Average, maximum, read, and
write latencies.
Average latency is the average latency for all the I/Os. As the IOPS rate increases, so does latency
due to queueing for resources.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management

• Maximum latency represents the longest it takes for a single I/O operation to complete for the
• Read and write latency are reported separately, mostly because write latency benefits from
write cache (on the system cluster and/or backend storage if the system cluster is in write
through mode), while read latency typically requires reading the data from storage. Thus we
typically expect better latencies for writes. The average latency will be affected by the read/write
ratio as a result.
You can also select node-level statistics, which can help you determine the performance impact of
a specific node. As with system statistics, node statistics help you to evaluate whether the node is
operating within normal performance metrics.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Administration management: Settings

‡ System monitoring
‡ Settings
ƒ System Data Collection
ƒ Service IP Management
ƒ Network Interface Connectivity
ƒ System License
ƒ Software Upgrade
ƒ GUI Preferences
‡ Access
‡ Quorum devices
‡ IBM Service Assistant Tool (SAT)


Figure 15-16. Administration management: Settings

This module covers various configuration settings to collect and download support data, configure
service IP addresses, monitor network interfaces, establish remote authentication. We will also
review procedures to update the system software update and to extract support logs.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


IBM Support Assistance

• Helps resolve questions and problems with IBM software products by providing
access to support-related information
• Completes troubleshooting and maintenance task
ƒ Configure either local support assistance or remote support assistance (IBM
Support ESC agreement required)
‡ Available for clients who purchase Enterprise Class Support (ECS) support
ƒ Can be enabled for non-ECS user
ƒ Uses secure connections to protect data exchange
between the IBM Support Center and the system


Figure 15-17. IBM Support Assistance

The IBM Support Assistance (ISA) helps you to resolve questions and problems with IBM software
products by providing access to support-related information and to complete troubleshooting and
maintenance tasks.
The ISA is available at no charge to install on your computer; you then install the relevant product
add-ons. ISA has a built-in user guide, and the ISA download package includes a quick start
installation and configuration guide.
For clients who purchased IBM Support with Enterprise Class Support (ESC) 3 year warranty, IBM
Remote Support Assistance is available as part of the service agreement. This allows IBM Support
engineers to login remotely to proactively gather logs and do problem determination and service
the cluster (such as perform system or upgrade recoveries), only with the client’s explicit
permission. Remote support can also be enabled for client who have not purchased the ECS
service agreement. In this case IBM will evaluate the requirements to remote in for assistance.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Remote Support Assistance features

‡ Features includes:
ƒ Enhanced security & auditability

ƒ Assist On-site (AOS) Lights-on attended mode and AOS Lights-out

unattended mode

ƒ Client are always in control

ƒ Multiple IBMers can access at a time (same a local user access)

ƒ Secure tunnel solution only via CLI

ƒ Switched on/off in cluster and NOT service state

ƒ Configure local support assistance, and configure Call Home with

a valid email server


Figure 15-18. Remote Support Assistance features

Remote support assistance provides the following:

• Offers enhanced security by proactively monitoring and auditing incidents to help detect and
prevent security exposures
• Assist On-Site (AOS Lights-on) is a permission attended mode that allows IBM Support
engineers to remotely access customers' computers to identify and resolve technical issues in
real time. This mode is visual to another IBM Support as well as the client. The client must
accept a connection request from the support technician to grant access.
• Assist On-Site (AOS Lights-out) is an unattended mode that allow IBM Support to connect to
the system without additional approval from the client.
• Clients are always in control, as they are start remote support at anytime while monitoring task
performed or terminate remote support at anytime.
• Remote support permits multiple IBMers to login into the client system at the same time (same
as the number of local user access).
• Remote support assistance as well as local support uses secure SSH connections to protect
data exchange between the IBM Support Center and the System. More access controls can be
added by the system administrator.
• You can only use remote support on a system cluster that is in a healthy state. Access is not
possible for a system is in service mode.
• Before you enable remote support assistance between the system and support, you first need
to configure local support assistance, and ensure that call home is configured and a valid email
server is specified.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management



For client who’s network

configuration is accessed using
firewall or without direct connection


Figure 15-19. Enabling remote support assistance

Typically, both local support and remote support assistance features are configured during system
setup (if its part of the service agreement). However, it can be enabled after system setup using the
management GUI or through the command-line interface.
During this process you need to specify whether you want support personnel to access the using
local support assistance if you have restrictions that require on-site support only or using both
on-site and remote access. You also need to determine whether IBM Support can start session at
any time or permission must be granted by the client for access.
The support center will respond to manual and automatic service request from the system using
default support center IP addresses. Remote Support through a proxy server is optional for network
configurations using firewall or for systems without direct connection to the network.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


‡ System generates remote support access user IDs (rsa_IDS)
ƒ Requires challenge response authentication

ͻ On-site support personnel access can ͻ Remote support access performs

view, collect, and monitor logs and errors administrator tasks to help solve problems
to determine the solution



Figure 15-20. Remote Support Assistance user mode

After Remote Support Assistance is enabled, the system generates two user IDs. These IDs enable
remote access users (rsa_IDs) access, and are used only by IBM Support personnel.
When logging with an rsa_ID, a shared-token is also generated by the system and sent to the
support center. The support personnel must respond to the challenge code presented with a
response code that is received from the IBM Support Center. Service personnel have three
attempts to enter the correct response code. After three failed attempts, the system generates a
new random challenge and support personnel must obtain a new response code.
IBM Support personnel with a Privilege rsa_ID is operating in a Restricted Administrator role with
support access to perform administrator tasks to help solve problems on the system. However, this
role restricts these users from deleting volumes or pools, unmapping hosts, or creating, deleting, or
changing users.
IBM Support personnel with a Monitor rsa_ID assigns in the Monitor role to view, collect, and
monitor logs and errors to determine the solution to problems on the system.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Grant access
IBM system Infrastructure
Front Back-end
with RSC server Server

Performs RSA
Client owned INTERNET DMZ
IBM Secure
devices Proxy
IBM Firewall Server
Proxy Infrastructure

Client’s network IBM network engineer


Figure 15-21. Remote Support topology

This example shows a remote support topology where IBM might access a client system. When
necessary, the client will access a proxy server (optional) to connect to the IBM owned device to
communicate to IBM Support Assistant server. Internet connects from client to IBM Support is
transmitted through a tunnel secure connections (front server) to the IBM Support (back-end
server) where IBM Support engineers will initiate remote support assistance. This process runs on
all nodes independently creating secure tunnels to the back-end server. The cluster and any
service commands implemented on the system are audited and stamped by unique identifier that
indicates the session and tasks performed. The IBM support can perform support levels from T1 to
T4 which can be more difficult to perform including concurrent code upgrades.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Support Package data collection

• Support Package is a structured collection of storage
configuration data that includes:
ƒ Details about the hardware components and its status
Click Manual
ƒ Event logs Upload
ƒ Storage configuration Instructions

• Administrators can download support package from

the system and then uploads it to IBM Support
ƒ Support data collection can also be collected using CL
svc_snap command or Service Assistant (SA)


Figure 15-22. Support Package data collection

A problem determination process might require additional information from the system cluster
for analysis by IBM Support personnel. This data collection can be performed using the
svc_snap command or the GUI or CLI using svc_snap command. An alternative to the
management GUI is to use the Service Assistant GUI to download support information. This
path might be necessary if, due to an error condition, the management GUI is unavailable.
The GUI provides for a simpler download of the support information.
From the Settings > Support window, you can select the Manual Upload Instructions to
download support package. If support assistance is configured on your systems, you can either
automatically or manually upload new support packages to the support center to help analyze
and resolve errors on the system.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Standard logs
• Requests log files to be uploaded to a specific problem
• Can take longer to download


Figure 15-23. Standard logs

IBM Support usually requests you to send the Standard logs plus new statesaves. These
logs can take from minutes to hours to download, depending on the situation and the size of the
support package that is downloaded. The destination of the support package file is the system
where the web browser was launched. The system GUI prompts you to save the support
package to the local machine used for accessing the GUI. In addition the system preserves a
copy of the support data in the configuration node. IBM Support usually requests log files to be
uploaded to a specific problem management record (PMR) number using several upload
medias to IBM.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Configuration backup: System metadata

• Configuration is downloaded and helps restore the system configuration in the event of
unexpected failures and future recoveries
• To backup the system configuration from CLI, log in to the cluster IP using a Secure Shell
(SSH) client superuser or ID with security admin authority and run the following
IBM_cluster:superuser>svcconfig clear -all
CMMVC6155I SVCCONFIG processing completed successfully
IBM_cluster:superuser>svcconfig backup
CMMVC6155I SVCCONFIG processing completed successfully

• Configuration backup’s will be kept in the /tmp directory


Figure 15-24. Configuration backup: System metadata

The system configuration data is stored on all nodes in the cluster and is internally hardened so that
in normal circumstances the system should never lose its configuration settings. However, in
exceptional circumstances this metadata might become corrupted or lost.
The Configuration backup can be collected using the management GUI or CLI. The CLI command
svcconfig backup backs up the cluster configuration metadata in the configuration node /tmp
directory. These files are typically downloaded or copied from the cluster for safekeeping. It might
be a good practice to first issue the svcconfig clear -all command to delete existing copies of
the backup files and then perform the configuration backup. Usually the svcconfig backup will be
done in a minute. However the time taken depends on the configuration. The configuration backup
XML can be kept for any recovery of the storage configuration when required. The Configuration
backup collected can be listed in the Management GUI, Support Window, where all the files in the
/tmp directory will be listed for download.
The application user data is not backed up as part of this process.
The IBM Support Center should be consulted before any configuration data restore activity is

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Download config backup file from the GUI

• The svcconfig backup command also creates these files in the cluster /dumps directory.
ƒ Backup files are created by the system automatically everyday at a specific time
• From GUI Settings > Support, select Download Support Package.
ƒ Configuration is downloaded and kept out of the system for any unexpected failures and recoveries in
System cluster
config node

.bak in name = prior level

of backup file


Figure 15-25. Download config backup file from the GUI

In addition to the /tmp directory, a copy of the config.backup.xml from the svcconfig backup
command is also kept in the /dump directory.
The cluster actually creates its own set of configuration metadata backup files automatically each
day at 1 a.m. local time. These files are created in the /dump directory and contain ‘cron’ in the file
Right-click the file entry provides another method to download backup files.
The content of the configuration backup files can be viewed using a web browser or a text
processing tool such as WordPad. This output is from the copy of the backup file extracted from the
/dumps directory using the GUI. It contains the same data as the file in the /tmp directory.
The configuration backup is in the form of XML files which can be opened in the notepad or similar
utilities for verifying the timestamp and other related information.
You can also issue the lsdumps command with -prefix /dumps/audit to list the files on disk.
These files can be downloaded from the cluster for later analysis should it be required by problem
determination. The file entries are in readable text format.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Managing the system environment

• Three IP addresses are required for managing the storage:
ƒ Two service IP addresses
ƒ One cluster IP address
ƒ Service Assistant Tasks available in CLI satask and sainfo commands
• Network IP addresses, ports, and connectivity overview:
Can be used to configure ports to the system's management IP addresses - only port 1 is used.

Can be used to unconfigure service IP address by clearing the IPv4 or IPv6. Set the services IP
address for each node in the cluster. Only the superuser ID is authorized for access.

Can be used to modify iSCSI connections, host attachment, and remote copy.

Use to configure settings for the cluster to attach to iSCSI-attached hosts.

Display the connectivity between nodes and other storage systems and hosts that are attached
through the Fibre Channel network.
Use to specify specific ports to prevent communication between nodes in the local system or
between nodes in a remote-copy partnership.


Figure 15-26. Managing the system environment

Each IBM Spectrum Virtualize system requires three IP addresses for management:
• A cluster IP address and an IP address to access the Service Assistant on each node.
▪ Each of the three IP addresses must be a unique value.
▪ Service IP addresses can be configured from the management GUI or CLI, Service
Assistant (SA) GUI or CLI.
▪ You may also use the USB-Key InitTool to set up the cluster IP address.
From the management GUI, you can use the Network panel to:
• Establish management IP addresses. Multiple ports and IP addresses provide redundancy for
the system in the event of connection interruptions.
• Define service IP addresses to access the service assistant tool, which you can use to complete
service-related actions on the node. All nodes in the system have different service addresses. A
node that is operating in service state does not operate as a member of the system.
• Verify the system Ethernet ports and modify how ports on the system are being used.
• Configure settings for the system to attach iSCSI-attached hosts.
• Use the Fibre Channel Connectivity panel to display connectivity between nodes and other
storage systems. The system must support Fibre Channel or Fibre Channel over Ethernet
connections to your storage area network (SAN).
• Use the Fibre Channel ports panel in addition to SAN fabric zoning to restrict node-to-node
communication. You can specify specific ports to prevent communication between nodes in the
local system or between nodes in a remote-copy partnership. This port specification is called
Fibre Channel port masking.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Management IP address redundancy

• Set node 2 as backup
ƒ Ethernet port 2 (optional) can be used as an
alternate cluster management interface
ƒ Use the chclusterip command can be used to set
or change the IP address of either Ethernet ports
ƒ Use the lssystemip command to list the cluster
IP addresses

cluster_id cluster_name location port_id IP_address subnet_mask gateway
IP_address_6 prefix_6 gateway_6
000002006041E1F6 IBM_cluster local 1
000002006041E1F6 IBM_cluster local 2


Figure 15-27. Management IP address redundancy

The FlashSystem management occurs across Ethernet connections using the cluster management
IP address owned by the configuration node. Each node has two Ethernet ports and both can be
used for cluster management. Ethernet port 1 must be configured. Ethernet port 2 is optional can
be used as an alternate cluster management interface on a separate subnet.
The configuration node is the only node that activates the cluster management IP address and the
only node that receives cluster management requests. If the configuration node fails, another node
in the cluster becomes the configuration node automatically and the cluster management IP
addresses are transferred during configuration node failover.
If the Ethernet link to the configuration node fails (or some other component failures related to the
Ethernet network occur) because the event is unknown to the FlashSystem then no configuration
node failover would be triggered. Therefore, configuring Ethernet port 2 as a management interface
allows access to the cluster using an alternate IP address.
Use Settings > Network > Management IP Addresses to configure port 2 as the backup cluster
IP management address. You can use the alternate IP address to access to the management GUI
and CLI.
The chclusterip command is used to set or change the IP address of either Ethernet ports.
Actually most of the commands with ‘cluster’ have been replaced with ‘system’. The svcinfo
lsclusterip command has been replaced with the lssystemip command to list the cluster IP

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Setting security using Remote Authentication

• Facilitates centralized management of users at the domain controller
ƒ Only needs to define LDAP server and user group (not users) in each system
ƒ Select Settings > Security > Remote Authentication to configure and manage remote authentication
í Uses existing passwords and user groups that are defined on the remote service


Figure 15-28. Setting security using Remote Authentication

The Remote Authentication option provide wizard that allows administrators to authenticate to the
system using credentials stored on an external authentication service. With remote authentication
services, an external authentication server can be used to authenticate users to system data and
resources. User credentials are managed externally through various supported authentication
services, such as LDAP.
When you configure remote authentication, you do not need to configure users on the system or
assign additional passwords. Instead the LDAP administrator would create a group of system
administrators who would be authorized to access the GUI/CLI, while their scope of authority would
be configured on the system based on their user role. This simplifies user management service to
simplify user management and access, to enforce password policies more efficiently, and to
separate user management from storage management.
For availability, multiple LDAP servers can be defined. These LDAP servers must all be the same
type (for example MS AD). Authentication requests are routed to those LDAP servers marked as
Preferred unless the connection fails or a user name isn’t found. Requests are distributed across
all the defined preferred LDAP servers in round robin fashion for load balancing.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


System licenses
• Administrator uses the Licensed Functions window in the System Setup wizard to enter
External Virtualization licenses purchased
ƒ Base license provides basic functions (Encryption, Virtualization, FlashCopy, Global and Metro
Mirroring, Real-Time Compression, and Easy Tier
ƒ External license is required for your systems such as FlashSystem 900, and IBM SAS enclosures (12F,
24F and 92F)


Figure 15-29. System licenses

The base license that is provided with your system includes the use of its basic functions. However,
there are also extra licenses that can be purchased to expand the capabilities of your system.
Administrators are responsible for purchasing extra licenses and configuring the systems within the
license agreement, which includes configuring the settings of each licensed function on the system.
The base license entitles an IBM Spectrum Virtualize system to all the licensed functions such as
Encryption, Virtualization, FlashCopy, Global and Metro Mirroring, Real-Time Compression, and
also include Easy Tier. Therefore, any connected storage that is not part of the physical system
(such as the FlashSystem 900, and the IBM SAS enclosures (12F, 24F and 92F) requires the
External Virtualization license.
External Virtualization license is a per tebibyte (TiB) capacity unit of metric (TiB) measures volume
sizes in binary, so 1 GiB equals 1,073,741,824 bytes, which is 1024 to the power of three; while TB
measures volume sizes in decimal, so 1 GB equals 1,000,000,000 bytes, which is 1000 to the
power of three). You use the Licensed Functions window in the System Setup wizard to enter
External Virtualization licenses purchased for your system.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Preparing for software upgrade

• Must be registered as an IBM user to be eligible for downloads.
• Download the latest (Recommended) firmware package (INSTALL code/Test Utility file) from
IBM Support: Fix Central:
ƒ System model number and serial number required
• Before upgrading:
ƒ Have a current configuration backup on file
ƒ System must be in pristine state, resolve all Event Log errors
í Performance is affected during heavy I/O load
ƒ Perform upgrades at the lowest system performance utilization
ƒ Plan at least three-hours window for single building block upgrade


Figure 15-30. Preparing for software upgrade

To prepare for the upgrade, download the latest recommended firmware package from the IBM
Storage Support web site at This package includes the INSTALL
firmware code, update test utility file, and ReadMe files. The site also provides links to information
that is valuable for planning the upgrade. Read the information carefully and act accordingly.
When downloading firmware from IBM, a valid IBM user ID is required. You will also need to
validate coverage by entering the system model number and serial number.
It is recommended that you perform upgrades at the lowest utilization of the systems – such as over
the weekend. Ensure that the system is free of errors, and system date and time are correctly set.
Since nodes will be in a cache write-through mode, means that none of the node during the
upgrade process will have cache enabled because all writes will be going to the actual disk drives.
So be aware there could be some impact in performance especially during heavy IO load. We
suggest that you plan a three-hour change window for your upgrades. This time can vary
depending on your system configuration.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Software upgrade methods: Automatic versus Manual

‡ Preferred default method ‡ Provides more flexibility
‡ Upgrades each node in the ‡ Remove node from system
cluster systematically
‡ Upgrades software on node
ƒ Configuration node is
updated last ‡ Return node to the cluster
ƒ As each node restarted, ƒ Configuration node is
there might be some updated last
degradation in the maximum
I/O rate during


Figure 15-31. Software upgrade methods: Automatic versus Manual

There are two update methods in which to upgrade the cluster software code: Automatic or Manual.
• Automatic support concurrent upgrade which is the default preferred procedure to upgrade the
system, which is referred to as Concurrent Code Upgrade (CCU). This method allows all
components of the system to be upgraded concurrently including the controllers and storage
enclosures. The new code is staged on the all nodes in the system, before upgrading the
configuration node.
As each node is upgraded, there is a reduction in the maximum IO rate that can be sustained by
the system. After all the nodes in the system are successfully restarted with the new software
level, the new software level is automatically committed.
This method is done with little to no intervention, but can longer to completed, depending on the
number of I/O groups in the cluster.
• Manual upgrade provides more flexibility, as it does not require waiting 30 minutes between the
node upgrades. This upgrade requires system administrators support (both storage and host) to
perform upgrade and to recover the paths immediately after a node upgrade.
Manual updates are performed only from the Service Assistant GUI. During this manual
procedure, the upgrade is prepared, then you remove a node from the cluster, the system
upgrades the software on the node, and return the node to the cluster. Like CCU, you must still
upgrade all the nodes in the clustered system, by repeating all the steps in this procedure for
each node that you upgrade that is not a configuration node.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Software upgrade improvements

• Provides the ability to resume a stalled or stopped upgrade after problem resolution was added
in 7.4
• Prevents I/O failure when node goes offline, a pre-emptive notification to the hosts was added
in 7.8.1
ƒ Stops any I/O failures (inflight I/O)
ƒ Approximately 30s before the node goes down, system sends a LUN change notification for LUNs
assigned to that preferred node, then switches to the partner when scanned
• Performance improvements in I/O pause processing when nodes leave or join the cluster
• Incremental improvements with significant reduction in 7.8.0 and 7.8.1


Figure 15-32. Software upgrade improvements

IBM has continued to implement IBM Spectrum Virtualize software upgrade improvements.
• Prior to version 7.4, if any problems or issues were detected, the upgrade had to be aborted.
Now, the system provides the ability to resume a stalled or stopped upgrade after the problem
• A preemptive notification to the hosts was added in 7.8.1 that stops any I/O failures (inflight)
when node goes offline. This takes place approximately 30s before the node goes down. The
system sends a LUN change notification for LUNs assigned to that preferred node, then
switches to the partner when scanned. Provides an added benefit even if NPIV is in use.
• Performance improvements in I/O pause processing when nodes leave or join the cluster.
• Incremental improvements with significant reduction in 7.8.0 and 7.8.1.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Launch Update System wizard

• To verify the current GUI software level details,
select Settings > System > Upgrade System
• To perform an initiate CCU, click Test & Update 5XQQLQJLQGLYLGXDO7HVW8WLOLW\LV
and browse to upload the test utility and the
update package
• Determine whether you want to proceed with a
fully automatic update or create intermittent
• Click Finish to proceed


Figure 15-33. Launch Update System wizard

To view the current firmware level running, from the management GUI Settings menu, select
System > Upgrade Software. The Update System software window will also display fetched
information on latest software version available for update. The displayed version may not always
be the recommended version, always refer to IBM Fix Central for the latest tested version available.
Before you start a system update, ensure that there are no pending problems on the system that
might interfere with the system update. Each software requires that you run the software update
test and then the latest software package.
To initiate the automatic upgrade, click the Test & Update option and browse to the location of the
downloaded software update package. Once you have selected both the files, you need to confirm
whether to allow the system to pause throughout the update process. The Pause function will allow
users to pause CCU indefinitely. This pause allows customers to do any problem determination, for
example multipathing issues or simply to pause the upgrade until a more convenient time to
resume the upgrade. Software Update Test Utility can be run as a standalone option from the
management GUI prior to initiating an update.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Update System: Running update test utility

• Update test utility generates the svcupgradetest command, which invokes the utility to
assess the current system environment, report errors, and warnings of potential issues
• If issues are detested, system will pause and provide a Read more link to help address issues
ƒ Once issues are fixed, click Resume to continue

Fixes cannot be
applied while



Figure 15-34. Update System: Running update test utility

Immediately after the system complete uploading the software code package, it generates an
svcupgradetest command that invokes the utility to assess the current system environment.
Update test utility will indicate whether your current system has issues that need to be resolved
before you update to the next level. If an issue is discovered, the firmware update stops and
provides a Read more link to help address any issue detected. The Update Test Utility Result
output can be download for technical support if required.
We recommend that you run this utility for a final time immediately prior to applying the upgrade.
The Update Test Utility can be run as many times using management GUI or CLI as necessary on
the same system to perform a readiness check in preparation for a software upgrade. If no issues
are found, click Resume to continue with the update.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Update System: Node is taken offline during upgrade

• Upgrade is transparent to applications Administrator can issue the

ƒ Some reduction in performance svqueryclock command to
view update duration time
• Process begins with the first node of each I/O
ƒ Configuration node is updated after half the nodes
are updated
‫ ޤ‬Issue CLI lsnode -delim , command to verify the
configuration node of the system
ƒ Each node is taken offline for upgrade (one node at
a time)
‫ ޤ‬GUI generates the applysoftware command to
apply the software code
‫ ޤ‬Health Status flags node condition with a status alert
ƒ Once update is complete, node restarts running
new code


Figure 15-35. Update System: Node is taken offline during upgrade

As the upgrade progresses, the first node in the IO group is taken offline. Once the code level is
verified by the system, the GUI generates the applysoftware command to apply the system
software code to the updating node. The system Health Status pod will also flag the condition as a
node status alert. You can issue the lsnode command to verify which node is the configuration is
the configuration node. In a four-node system, the configuration node isn’t typically upgraded until
after half of the nodes of the cluster have been upgraded.
The update process can take some time to complete. Once the node that was being updated has
been restarted with the upgraded software, it is placed back online with an updated code level.
After waiting 30 minutes for host paths to the updated node to recover, then the next node is
If you are updating multiple clusters, the software upgrade should be allowed to complete on one
cluster before it is started on the other cluster. Do not upgrade both clusters concurrently.
The administrator can also issue the svqueryclock command to view a duration time reference for
the particular upgrade in process.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Update System: Partner node assumes I/O operates

• Node being upgraded does not participate in I/O activity:
ƒ I/O activity is redirected to the partner node in the I/O group by host multipath software
ƒ The updating node's partner in the I/O group will be in cache write through mode during the
ƒ Host multi-path I/O can monitor path status and be used to bring paths back online manually



Configuration node


Figure 15-36. Update System: Partner node assumes I/O operates

When a node is being updated, the partner node in the I/O group starts handling I/O requests for
the updating node's VDisks. Since there is only one node is working in the I/O group, write cache is
turned off and the node operates in write through mode. This reduces write I/O latency during the
upgrade, and can reduce application throughput.
From the host's viewpoint, its multi-path code marks the paths to the updating node as failed and
directs I/Os to the surviving node. The multi-path code can be used to monitor path status, take
paths offline, bring paths back online (manually or automatically after some time) if possible, or
dynamically add or remove paths.
The SDDDSM datapath query device command shows path information.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Update System: Host path discovery

• Code pause for a 30 minutes (estimated) delay between each node upgrade
ƒ Allow host multipath software to rediscover paths to node being upgraded
• Each node takes about 15 to 60 minutes to upgrade
• After both nodes in an I/O group are upgraded, the storage enclosure is updated




Figure 15-37. Update System: Host path discovery

Typically there is a thirty-minute delay or time-out built in between node upgrades. This delay
allows time for the host multipathing software to rediscover paths to the nodes that are upgraded,
so that there is no loss of access when another node in the IO group is upgraded.
You cannot invoke the new functions of the upgraded code until all member nodes are upgraded
and the upgrade is committed. The system takes a conservative approach to ensure that paths are
stabilized before proceeding.
After the nodes in the nodes in the I/O groups have been updated, a system update is applied to
update all enclosures in the system.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Software upgrade improvements

• IBM Spectrum Virtualize supports node port virtualization (NPIV) (V7.7) to virtualize host traffic
onto unique WWPNs to failover paths at the node level during hot spare node failover(v8.1.0) or
ƒ Does not rely on multipathing
ƒ Host spare are supported only on SVC and FlashSystem V9000
ƒ Requires NPIV capable hardware:
í 16 GB adapters, switch (optional), and NPIV software management


Figure 15-38. Software upgrade improvements

If your system supports hot spare nodes with NPIV capable hardware, IBM Spectrum Virtualize is
now capable of the supporting hot spare node use during upgrade. This offers tremendous benefits
to non-host disruption while upgrading the system code level. The NPIV target port behavior is
available in Spectrum Virtualize V7.7.0 and later. Hot spare nodes are available in Spectrum
Virtualize V8.1.0 and later.
Only host connection on Fibre Channel ports that support node port virtualization (NPIV) can be
used for spare nodes. The spare node uses the same NPIV worldwide port names (WWPNs) for its
Fibre Channel ports as the upgrading node, so host operations are not disrupted. If you try to create
an NPIV port on an HBA that does not support NPIV, an error will occur. If you try to create an NPIV
port on an HBA that supports NPIV but it is attached to a switch which does not support NPIV, the
port will be created with an offline status.
Hot-spare node upgrade is only supported on SVC and the FlashSystem V9000 that use an
external switch for Flash enclosure attachment. IBM Storwize V7000 can benefit from NPIV, but
hot-spare canister replacement is not supported.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Update System: Upgrade stall notifications

Inactive The upgrade is no longer running.
Upgrading The upgrade is progressing normally.
Downgrading The user aborted an upgrade and the system is currently downgrading.

stalled_non_redundant The upgrade stalled and the system is not redundant (the removal of a
single node will result in volumes going offline).

abort_stalled_non_redundant Identical to stalled_non_redundant, but detected during an

stalled A problem was detected, but the system recovered to a redundant state.

Always consult IBM Support to determine the cause of the failure before being advised on executing any
recovery procedures


Figure 15-39. Update System: Upgrade stall notifications

The software upgrade status will be one of these:

• Inactive: The upgrade is no longer running.
• Upgrading: The upgrade is progressing normally.
• Downgrading: The user aborted an upgrade and the system is currently downgrading.
• Stalled_non_redundant: The upgrade stalled and the system is not redundant (the removal of a
single node will result in volumes going offline).
• Abort_stalled_non_redundant: Identical to stalled_non_redundant, but detected during an
• Stalled: A problem was detected, but the system recovered to a redundant state.
Always consult with IBM Support to determine the cause of the failure before being advised on
executing any recovery procedures.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Update System: When upgrade stalls

• Upgrade might stall if spare nodes that are connected using FC adapter and update software
level or earlier to or later
ƒ Remove each FC adapter from the node that is being added to the cluster
ƒ Check for the presence of a secure jumper
ƒ Remove the secure jumper to allow the firmware upgrade to proceed
ƒ After upgrade completes return secure jumper to the FC adapter


Figure 15-40. Update System: When upgrade stalls

Typically, a failed upgrade causes the upgrade to go into a stalled state. This can be identified by
using the lsupdate command. The upgrade might also stall if your system supports hot spare
nodes that are connected using a Fibre Channel adapter and update software level or
earlier to software level or later. To avoid this issue, remove each Fibre Channel adapter
from the node that is being added to the cluster and check for the presence of a secure jumper. If
the secure jumper is present, remove the secure jumper to allow the firmware upgrade to complete
successfully. After the upgrade completes, return the secure jumper to the Fibre Channel adapter.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Update System: Upgrade stalls (Scenario 1)

‡ All original nodes are online
ƒ Upgrade can either be aborted or resumed
ƒ Notify L3 support to determine root cause and recommended procedure



Figure 15-41. Update System: Upgrade stalls (Scenario 1)

The simplest recovery case is where all original nodes are online. In this case, the upgrade can be
either aborted (in which it downgrades to the previous level) or resumed (to continue the upgrade
Notify the IBM L3 support to determine the root cause of the failure and whether an abort or resume
is recommended. The abort or resume can either be executed through the GUI, or by using the
applysoftware command, and will cause the automated upgrade procedure to continue.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Update System: Upgrade stalls (Scenario 2)

‡ Upgrading node fails to return
ƒ Stalls for more than 90 minutes or returns into
cluster and fails
‡ Spare node remains in place until action is taken
ƒ If node can be recovered (by replacing hardware in
a manner that does not wipe the node), then the
node will automatically rejoin the cluster
ƒ If the node cannot be recovered, and must be
installed or wiped with the satask leave cluster
command, it returns to candidate state
ƒ Node can return to cluster using
swapnode –replace <original_node_name>


Figure 15-42. Update System: Upgrade stalls (Scenario 2)

In some circumstances, a node might fail while being upgraded and never return to the cluster. In
this case, the upgrading node appears to be continuing to upgrade but is stuck for 90 minutes or
more, or returned into the cluster and then immediately failed, in which case the upgrade stalls.
Another possibility is that the failed node is downgrading and will rejoin the cluster soon. The
system should be allowed at least 30 minutes from the point of stalling to determine whether the
node rejoins the cluster. If the node does rejoin, follow scenario 1 because all nodes will now be
If you are using spare nodes, the spare node remains in place until further action is taken. This
might be a case where the node can be recovered, for example by replacing hardware, in a manner
that does not wipe the node, then the node will automatically rejoin the cluster. If the failed node
cannot be recovered, and must be installed or wiped with the satask leavecluster command, it
will be returned to the candidate state. At this point the spare node can be reintroduced into the
cluster by using the following command: swapnode -replace <original node id>. The upgrade
will stall, you can then follow Scenario 1. Another option would be to simply remove the failed node
from the cluster by using the following command: rmnode -deactivatespare <original node>.
At this point the system will be non-redundant because it is without an active spare.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Error event IDs and error codes

088000 E An IO port cannot be started 1300
088001 E A Fibre Channel target port mode transition was not successful 1300
088002 W Equivalent Fibre Channel ports are reporting that they are 3220
connected to different fabrics
088003 W A spare node in this cluster is not providing additional 1380
088004 W A spare node could not be automatically removed from the 3180

Service procedures that involve field-replaceable units (FRUs) do not apply to the IBM Spectrum
Virtualize product, which is software based. For information about possible user actions relating to FRU
replacements, refer to your hardware manufacturer's documentation.


Figure 15-43. Error event IDs and error codes

Error codes describe a service procedure that must be followed. Each event ID that requires
service has an associated error code. Error codes can be either notification type E (error) or
notification type W (warning). This table lists the event IDs that have corresponding error codes,
and shows the error code, the notification type, and the condition for each event.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


1300: NPIV port failed to be operational

• A port that was configured for N_Port ID virtualization (NPIV) is offline
• Complete both of the following procedures:
ƒ Check the switch configuration to ensure that NPIV is enabled and that resource limits are sufficient.
ƒ Run the detectmdisks command and wait 30 seconds after the discovery completes to see if the
event fixes itself.
ƒ If the event does not fix itself, contact IBM Support.
• Usual cause:
ƒ Switch that does not support NPIV
ƒ NPIV disabled in its configuration
ƒ Limited NPIV resources


Figure 15-44. 1300: NPIV port failed to be operational

The 1300 error code indicates a port that was configured for N_Port ID virtualization (NPIV) is
Complete both of the following procedures:
• Check the switch configuration to ensure that NPIV is enabled and that resource limits are
• Run the detectmdisks command and wait 30 seconds after the discovery completes to see if
the event fixes itself.
• If the event does not fix itself, contact IBM Support.
The usual cause for this will be a switch that does not support NPIV, has NPIV disabled in its
configuration, or has limited NPIV resources

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


1380: Spare node configuration issue

ƒ The sense data will report on why the node is not providing redundancy, which could be due to a
mismatch memory or compression card
• Usual cause:
ƒ Either a mismatch of memory or a compression card being available on active nodes and not on
spare or vice-versa
• Look at hardware configuration of each node and advise on what changes need to be made to
the spare


Figure 15-45. 1380: Spare node configuration issue

The 1380 error code indicates a spare node was added to the cluster that has a hardware
mismatch when compared to the nodes in the cluster, therefore no redundancy is provided to the
cluster. The usual cause for this is either a mismatch of memory or a compression card being
available on active nodes and not on spare or vice-versa. To resolve the issues, review the
hardware configuration of each node. You can collect system data to provide to IBM Support to be
advised on what changes need to be made to the spare.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


3220: Incorrect fabric configuration

• Mismatch fabric WWNs were detected
• Complete the following steps:
1. Run the lsportfc command to get the fabric WWNN of each port
2. List all partnered ports that have mismatched fabrics WWNs
ƒ This includes all ports with the same platform port ID, and the node is in the same I/O group
3. Verify that the listed ports are on the same fabric
4. Rewire nodes if needed. Refer to “Zoning considerations for N_Port ID Virtualization” in your product
ƒ Once all ports are on the same fabric, the event correct itself
5. This error might be displayed by mistake. If you confirm that all remaining ports are on the same
fabric, despite apparent mismatches that remain, mark the event as fixed


Figure 15-46. 3220: Incorrect fabric configuration

The 3220 error code indicates that mismatch fabric WWNs were detected.
To resolve this issues, complete the following steps:
a. Run the lsportfc command to get the fabric WWNN of each port
b. List all partnered ports (that is, all ports for which the platform port ID is the same, and the
node is in the same I/O group) that have mismatched fabrics WWNs
c. Verify that the listed ports are on the same fabric
d. Rewire nodes if needed. For information about wiring requirements, see “Zoning
considerations for N_Port ID Virtualization” in your product documentation. Once all ports
are on the same fabric, the event correct itself
e. This error might be displayed by mistake. If you confirm that all remaining ports are on the
same fabric, despite apparent mismatches that remain, mark the event as fixed.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


3180: Spare node failback required

ƒ If the spare node is the only online node, we can't do anything here, so display an error and exit.
ƒ Run lsdependentvdisk on the spare node. If there is a dependency, display an error and exit.
ƒ Otherwise warn the user that performing a failback now may result in an outage, and advise to fix
other errors first. Do not fix, but inform the user that they can resolve this problem (with an outage) by
swapnode -failback -permitofflinevolumes


Figure 15-47. 3180: Spare node failback required

If the spare node is the only node in the cluster and the failed node which is covered by an online
spare comes online, then Spectrum Virtualize will not failback to the active node. This will generate
an error code 3180. If the failback is performed manually with the swapnode -failback
permitoffline volumes command syntax, offline volumes may result. The failback will occur
automatically, within ten minutes of redundancy being restored, or when the swapnode -failback
command is executed.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


System warnings
ƒ A spare node in this cluster is not providing additional redundancy.
ƒ A spare node has been added to a cluster, but there are no other members of the cluster for which the
spare is a viable replacement. e.g. memory mismatch
ƒ A spare node was in use, but is no longer required due to the original node coming back, but an
automatic failback was prevented by redundancy issues. e.g. Expansion Enclosure
ƒ Drives are single ported due to a spare node


Figure 15-48. System warnings

The following code does not require immediate user attention but serves as an alert:
• The 880003 error code indicates an event warning when a spare node has been added in the
cluster that does not provide protection for any active nodes – which might indicate a memory
mismatch. Although this alert is no harmful to the I/O operation as a spare is in a standby status
and not part of an I/O group. This event can be fixed either by adding a node in the cluster as an
active node or by removing this spare node.
• The 088004 error code indicates that a spare node was in use, but is no longer required due to
the original node coming back, but an automatic failback was prevented by redundancy issues.
In this case, a manually failback can be issued using the swapnode -failback <spare node
id> command syntax which forces a failback of a spare node to an original node.
• The 045104 error code indicates that the spare is connected to a drive enclosure in the IO
group in which it does not have direct access to, only the partner node (surviving) node in the IO
group has SAS connectivity to those drives.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Managing Copy Service resources

• Modify memory limits for Copy Services and RAID functions per IO groups by selecting the
System > Resources option


Figure 15-49. Managing Copy Service resources

With the latest software update, you now have the ability to change memory limits for Copy
Services and RAID functions per IO groups by selecting the System > Resources option.
Copy Services features and RAID require that small amounts of volume cache be converted from
cache memory into bitmap memory to allow the functions to operate. If you do not have enough
bitmap space allocated when you try to use one of the functions, you will not be able to complete
the configuration.
Before you specify the configuration changes, consider the following factors.
• For FlashCopy relationships, only the source volume allocates space in the bitmap table.
• For Metro Mirror or Global Mirror relationships, two bitmaps exist. One is used for the master
clustered system and one is used for the auxiliary system because the direction of the
relationship can be reversed.
• The default 20 MB of bitmap space, using a 256 KB grain size, allows FlashCopy snapshots of
volumes totaling 40 TB.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Refresh GUI Preferences - Login

• Use Settings > GUI Preferences > Login
ƒ Can be used to display information to users


Figure 15-50. Refresh GUI Preferences - Login

You can use the GUI preference page to change settings that are related to how information is
displayed on the GUI. This can be information that you wish for users to see as they login into the

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Refresh GUI Preferences - General

‡ Clear customized settings, refresh and restore default browser preferences
• Specify a web address to be used as the Information Center
ƒ Defaults to IBM latest version of the Information Center
‫ ޤ‬Access to in-depth documentation on the system and its capabilities
• Extents sizes can be disabled during pool creation
ƒ Enabled by default


Figure 15-51. Refresh GUI Preferences - General

The GUI Preferences > General tab provides the following abilities:
• Clear all customized settings and restores defaults settings. This requires refreshing the
management GUI for changes to take effect.
• Set a default logout time force logout on session timeout for inactive users. You will need to
refresh the browser or login in again for changes to take effect.
• Enter a default web address to the IBM Knowledge Center for in-depth documentations on the
system’s support and capabilities. The Restore Default will restore the default browser
• Refresh GUI cache to update the cached information. Many refresh tasks are invoked by events
when the configuration is changed in the cluster. In those cases, the GUI pages reflect changes
in a minute. However, this option is useful for certain types of data, where events are not raised
by itself to invoke the refresh tasks.
• By default the GUI does not offer the option to change the extent size from the default setting
during pool creation. This allows for consistent extent sizes which are important for migrating
VDisks between pool on the system. To allow extent size selection check the Advance pool

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Clear web browser cache

• Use the web browser History option Clear Recent History > Everything to clear web browser
cache, images, button and icons, and web page history
ƒ Older Windows, select the Tools option


Figure 15-52. Clear web browser cache

There are some situations where refreshing GUI objects won't work, because of reloads, the
webpage might still be using the old files from the browser's cache, so emptying the cache can fix
interface display issues. Your browser has a folder in which browser objects that have been
downloaded are stored for future use.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Verify management GUI web browser settings

• Ensure you are using supported web browsers, such as:
ƒ Mozilla Firefox 56
ƒ Mozilla Firefox Extended Support Release (ESR) 52.4.1
ƒ Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 11 and Microsoft Edge 40
ƒ Google Chrome 61.0.3163.100
• Enable JavaScript for your web browser
• Enable cookies in your web browser
• Enable scripts to disable or replace context menus (Mozilla Firefox only)


Figure 15-53. Verify management GUI web browser settings

The management GUI has certain compatibility requirements for the browser settings and
configuration to ensure it is supported and works correctly.
IBM supports higher versions of the browsers if the vendors do not remove or disable function that
the product relies upon. For browser levels higher than the versions that are certified with the
product, customer support accepts usage-related and defect-related service requests. If the
support center cannot re-create the issue, support might request the client to re-create the problem
on a certified browser version. Defects are not accepted for cosmetic differences between browsers
or browser versions that do not affect the functional behavior of the product. If a problem is
identified in the product, defects are accepted. If a problem is identified with the browser, IBM might
investigate potential solutions or work-around that the client can implement until a permanent
solution becomes available.
For the latest system features and support, refer to the IBM Storage website:

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Administration management: Access

‡ System monitoring
‡ Settings
‡ Access
ƒ Audit Log entries

‡ Quorum device
‡ IBM Service Assistant Tool (SAT)


Figure 15-54. Administration management: Access

This module reviews Audit log entries performed by administrators and the commands issued.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


System audit log entries using GUI

• View audit log entries using the management GUI Access > Audit Log
ƒ The GUI in-memory portion of the audit log has a capacity of 1 MB and can store about 6000
commands on the average
Create an
Export.csv file

Advantage of filter or search

among the audit log entries

Right-click a column to
change display

Logs executed
action commands


Figure 15-55. System audit log entries using GUI

The audit log is extremely helpful in showing which commands have been entered on a system. An
audit log tracks domain user actions that are issued through the management GUI. You can view
the GUI audit log entries by selecting Access > Audit Log.
The audit log entries can be customized to display the following types of information:
• Time and date when the action or command was issued on the system
• Name of the user who performed the action or command
• IP address of the system where the action or command was issued
• Parameters that were issued with the command
• Results of the command or action returns code of the action command
• Sequence number
• Object identifier that is associated with the command or action
The GUI provides the advantage of filter or search among the audit log entries to reduce the
quantity of output. It also provides the ability to create an export.csv file of the objects that can be
submitted to IBM Support.
The in-memory portion of the audit log has a capacity of 1 MB and can store about 6000 commands
on the average (affected by the length of commands and parameters issued). When the in-memory
log is full, its content is automatically written to a local file on the configuration node in the
/dumps/audit directory.
The catauditlog CLI command when used with the -first parameter provides the requested
most recent number of entries with the CLI. In this example, the command returns a list of five
in-memory audit log entries.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


System audit log entries using CLI

• View the audit log entries using the CLI catauditlog command

IBM_cluster:superuser>catauditlog -first 5
audit_seq_no timestamp cluster_user ssh_ip_address result res_obj_id
23 150411010003 superuser 0
svctask detectmdisk
24 150412010002 superuser 0
svctask detectmdisk
25 150413010003 superuser 0
svctask detectmdisk
26 150413180002 superuser 0
svctask chcurrentuser -keyfile /tmp/
27 150414010003 superuser 0
svctask detectmdisk


Figure 15-56. System audit log entries using CLI

You can also display audit log entries using the CLI catauditlog command. The catauditlog CLI
command when used with the -first parameter provides the requested most recent number of
entries with the CLI. In this example, the command returns a list of five in-memory audit log entries.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


CLI commands


Figure 15-57. CLI commands

The IBM Knowledge Center a list of CLI commands, changes and information that helps you
configure and use the system.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Administration management: Quorum devices

‡ System monitoring
‡ Settings
‡ Access
‡ Quorum devices
‡ IBM Service Assistant Tool (SAT)


Figure 15-58. Administration management: Quorum devices

This module introduces the quorum devices, and its benefit in helping a cluster manager make
cluster management decisions.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Spectrum Virtualize quorum

What is a quorum?
“A quorum is the minimum number of votes that a distributed transaction must obtain in order to
be allowed to perform an operation in a distributed system. A quorum-based technique is
implemented to enforce consistent operation in a distributed system” Wikipedia

What is Spectrum Virtualize purpose for quorum?

• Acts as a tiebreaker in split brain scenarios (Stretched/HyperSwap topologies)
• Recover in a fatal loss of cluster state - Cluster recovery data (T3 recovery)
ƒ Virtualization map - MDisk to volume extent mappings
ƒ Volume Mirror synchronization state
ƒ Volume cache clean/dirty state, and so on
• Save critical configuration metadata



Figure 15-59. Spectrum Virtualize quorum

Wikipedia defines a quorum as “…. the minimum number of votes that a distributed
transaction must obtain in order to be allowed to perform an operation in a distributed
system. A quorum-based technique is implemented to enforce consistent operation in a
distributed system”.
Quorum disk (also called “witness” in some other implementations) is required with IBM Spectrum
Virtualize to resolve situations where cluster components lose communication so nodes or sets of
nodes do not. Both nodes can run cluster independently.
In Spectrum Virtualize 7.6.0, IBM first introduced IP quorum, where a quorum application can be
used to tie-break a split-brain scenario, where half of the cluster cannot see the other half and the
quorum application is used to break the tie.
Now, IBM Spectrum Virtualize 8.1supports the other half of the quorum functionality. For example,
the capability of storing data that is used for cluster recovery.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Types of quorum devices

SVC Storwize/FlashSystem V9000/900*

Drive Quorum N/A* Three drives at semi-random will be
assigned quorum when they are ‘used’
MDisk Quorum Three external MDisks at semi-random You can set MDisks as quorum if they are
will be assigned when they become externally attached
IP Quorum Up to five can be manually configured Up to five can be manually configured

* Might be used if local devices are attached, but not recommended in > 2 node systems.
* IP Quorum is supported on FlashSystem V9000 systems running software version 7.6 and above


Figure 15-60. Types of quorum devices

When internal storage or back-end storage is initially added to a clustered system as a storage
pool, the Spectrum Virtualize cluster automatically creates three quorum disks by allocating space
from the assigned MDisk or drive candidates. An SVC cluster generates three MDisks, which it
attempts to spread over three different storage controllers in the cluster. A quorum device can be
assigned to internal attached enclosure when there are more than two nodes in a cluster. The
Storwize family, FlashSystem V9000, and FlashSystem 900 use three drives that are parts of
arrays or spares as quorum disks.
In addition, Spectrum Virtualize supports the ability to define Internet Protocol (IP) quorum base
support for lower-cost IP-attached hosts as a quorum disk. The maximum number of IP quorum
applications that can be deployed is five.
IP Quorum is most commonly used when deploying IBM Spectrum Virtualize Stretched or
HyperSwap cluster. HyperSwap function can be supported on SVC systems running software
version 7.6 and above, and with two or more I/O groups. As of IBM Spectrum Virtualize 8.2.1, IP
quorum adds full T3/T4 data recovery.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management



9 No more FC (Fibre Channel) connectivity is required in order to provide an independent

domain for quorum resolution.

9 IP quorum app uses a much shorter lease time than external FC quorum disks, so
results in faster failover times.

9 No iSCSI attached controller supports quorum disks. With the release of iSER
clustering, a complete iSCSI based solution can be provided to customers, capable of tie-
breaking as well as cluster recovery.

9 No more internal storage that is required for quorum especially on expensive

configurations such as Flash Systems.


Figure 15-61. What Problems Does the IP Quorum App solve?

• Before Spectrum Virtualize 7.6.0, the third site had to be connected by using Fibre Channel,
and maintaining this third site and storage controller over FC makes the system costly for site
recovery implementation of IBM Spectrum Virtualize system.
• Failover/Failback time is an issue for many of our customers. IP quorum offers faster failover
times that use shorter lease time than external FC quorum disks.
• With the release of iSER clustering support, customer running Ethernet for iSCSI or iSER host
attachment are now capable of tie-breaking or cluster recovery.
• IP quorum also removes the requirements for internal storage.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


IP quorum over Ethernet networks

• IBM Spectrum Virtualize supports the capability to create a custom Java application for
ƒ Java application running on a server that is IP connected to the same management IP network
as the cluster itself
௅ Deploy app on server at third location
ƒ Use IP connectivity to cluster components
ƒ Eliminates requirement for FC networking and FC storage at third site


Figure 15-62. IP quorum over Ethernet networks

IP Quorum is a Java application running on a server that is IP connected to the same management
IP network as the cluster itself. Applications can be deployed on multiple hosts to provide
redundancy. IP quorum applications are used in Ethernet networks to resolve failure scenarios
where half the nodes on the system become unavailable. These applications determine which
nodes can continue processing host operations and avoids a split system, where both halves of the
system continue to process IO independently.
The mkquorumapp command is used to create the quorum application for the cluster.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Active quorum device

• Only one of the candidate disks acts as the active
quorum device MDisk3
ƒ Current agreed tie break device MDisk4

ƒ Remaining two sits in standby mode Active Standby

Quorum 0 Standby Quorum 2
• If active quorum is lost, cluster reassigns another Quorum 1

quorum as active
ƒ All systems must agree before the clustered systems
acknowledge the active quorum
• All quorum drive/MDisk devices contain the same T3
recovery data
ƒ Each time a change made to data needed - all quorum
devices are updated
ƒ Two copies in each of 2 areas per device - checksum’ed


Figure 15-63. Active quorum device

The three quorum devices are selected candidates. At any time, only one of these candidates is
acting as the active quorum disk. IBM Spectrum Virtualize uses a quorum algorithm to distinguish
between the three quorum candidate disks. The other two are reserved to become active if the
current active quorum disk fails. All three quorum disks are used to store configuration metadata,
but only the active quorum disk acts as tie-breaker for split brain scenarios. Quorums are identified
by the quorum index values 0, 1, and 2. In this example, the active quorum is index 0 resident on
MDisk ID 3 and the others are in stand-by mode.
To maintain availability with the system, each quorum disk is on a separate disk storage system or
domain, with the third quorum disk in the third failure domain as the active quorum disk.
IBM Spectrum Virtualize cluster manager implements a dynamic quorum. This means that following
a loss of nodes, if the cluster is able to continue operation, it dynamically moves the quorum disk to
allow more node failure to be tolerated. This process improves the availability of the central cluster
metadata, which enables servicing of the cluster. With the combined quorum devices, the cluster
has the possibility to have up to eight quorum devices.
So how does the cluster know which one to use? At any given time only one quorum device is the
active quorum. Every node in the cluster knows which is the active voting set of nodes, and which
is the active quorum. The active quorum can only be changed when all nodes in the active voting
set agree and can confirm.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Quorum size
• A quorum disk contains a reserved area that is used exclusively for system management

Extent 1a/1 GB
Extent 2a
Extent 3a
Extent 1b
Extent 2b
Extent 3b
Extent 1c
Extent 2c
Extent 3c


Figure 15-64. Quorum size

A quorum disk is a MDisk or a managed drive that contains a reserved area that is used exclusively
for system management. Each quorum disk requires over 256 MB of data space to hold quorum.
The quorum size is affected by the number of objects in the cluster and the extent size of the pools.
For this example, the pool extent size is 1 GB and based on the number of free extents available a
quorum disk is deduced to be using one extent or 1 GB (the smallest unit of allocation). This might
help explain the missing capacity in the storage pool capacity value. The remaining extents of a
quorum MDisk are available to be assigned to volumes (VDisks).

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Quorum in HyperSwap clusters

• Quorum placement is significantly important in high availability (HA) deployments
ƒ IP Quorum used to provide 3rd site (independent power and network)
í Provides tie break function only
í Can use MDisk quorum at 3rd site, but must be FC, FCoE connected (costly)
ƒ T3 Recovery Data that is still needed on the additional MDisk or drive quorum devices
í Quorum devices need to be spread over the two or three sites
í Maintains a copy of the T3 recovery at each site




Figure 15-65. Quorum in HyperSwap clusters

In HyperSwap configurations, IP quorum applications can be used at the third site as an alternative
to third-site quorum disks. Quorum devices are based on a voting algorithm. Each node in the
cluster has a vote. The cluster keeps working while more than half of the voters are online. This is
the quorum (or the majority of votes). When there are too many of failures and not enough online
voters to constitute a quorum, the cluster stop working. In the case of a split brain scenario, where
the cluster divides perfectly into two equal halves, neither of which have the majority vote.
Therefore, a tie break device must decide which half should continue I/O operations. In a large
configuration of nodes, where a communication failure between parts of the system (5 out of the
eight nodes can communicate) – majority always wins.
No Fibre Channel connectivity at the third site is required to use an IP quorum application as the
quorum device. The IP quorum application is a Java application that runs on a host at the third site.
The IP network is used for communication between the IP quorum application and nodes in the
system. If you currently have a third-site quorum disk, you must remove the third site before you
use an IP quorum application.
IBM Storwize V7000 is not support Enhanced Stretched Cluster environments.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Example of previous Tie-break scenario

• If a link breaks between two sites 6LWH 6LWH
triggering a tie-break
ƒ Both sites will attempt to request
allegiance from the IP quorum application 1RGH 1RGH
to choose which site should continue the
cluster (tie-break)
í Application will give allegiance to whichever
request it receives first, denying allegiance to
the other site
í Nodes granted allegiance will continue the 5HTXHVW $OOHJLDQFH 5HTXHVW
í Losing nodes are removed from the cluster
(system generates error 550 or 551)


Figure 15-66. [No title]

In the previous Spectrum Virtualize release, if a link breaks between two sites triggering a tie-break,
both sites will attempt to request allegiance from the IP quorum application to choose which site
should continue the cluster. In this case, the application will give allegiance to whichever site
request is received first, therefore denying allegiance to the other site. The nodes granted the
allegiance will continue the cluster and the other node will be removed.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Example of Preferred site for Tie-break

• Configure a Preferred site using the chsystem 6LWH 6LWH
–quorummode preferred –quorumsite
[Site ID]
ƒ Preferred site request allegiance and non- 1RGH 1RGH
preferred site allegiance request is delayed by
3 seconds
ƒ IP quorum application will grant allegiance to 1RGH 1RGH
the Preferred site to continue the cluster
ƒ Losing nodes are removed from the cluster
(system generates error 550 or 551) 5HTXHVW 5HTXHVW
• Only active for HyperSwap and stretched $OOHJLDQFH $OOHJLDQFH
topologies 6LWH
ƒ Tie-break only occurs when both site have the
same number of nodes
• Active quorum device must be an IP quorum


Figure 15-67. [No title]

With the Spectrum Virtualize V8.3, if a link breaks between two sites trigger a tie-break, you can
now specify a preferred site using the chsystem –quorummode preferred –quorumsite
[followed by the Site ID]. In this case, the preferred site will request allegiance and the
non-preferred site allegiance request is delayed by 3 seconds. During this process, the IP quorum
application will grant allegiance to the preferred site to continue the cluster, and the non-preferred
site will be removed from the cluster. This feature is only active for HyperSwap and stretched

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Examples of a Winner Site

• Third site IP quorum is not required for all 6LWH 6LWH
Spectrum Virtualize configurations Lowest ID
ƒ All nodes can be connected to a device that 1RGH 1RGH
acts as a tie-break
ƒ Node with the lowest ID will continue the
cluster 1RGH 1RGH

í Might not be the best site location


‡ Spectrum Virtualize V8.3 provides the ability

to specific a Winner site to continue cluster
using chsystem –quorummode winner –
quorumsite [Site ID] 1RGH 1RGH


Figure 15-68. [No title]

In some cases, a Spectrum Virtualize system configuration might not require a third site, if all nodes
in the configuration have direct connection to a quorum device that can be use to perform a
tie-break scenario. In this case, if the link between the sites breaks, with Spectrum Virtualize
release V8.2 (and below), the node within an I/O group with the lowest ID would continue the
cluster operations. Depending on the type of host applications, this might not be the best of site to
continue the cluster operations.
In this same scenario, with Spectrum Virtualize V8.3, you have the ability to specific a Winner site to
continue the cluster operations using the chsystem –quorummode winner –quorumsite (site
ID) command. In this case Site 2 has been selected. The nodes at the Site 1 (non-winner site) will
then be removed from the cluster.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


• Reduced Lease Time
ƒ Provides the options to change quorum between long lease (48 seconds) or short lease (15
ƒ Short lease is a default for the latest generation systems running on Spectrum Virtualize V8.3
í Recommended value for faster node failover
ƒ To change the quorum lease time using CL commands:
chsystem –quorumlease short
chsystem –quorumlease long
• Host Health Check validates all host connections at a failed site during a tie-break scenario
ƒ Allegiance is denied at the failed site, and preference is given to the other site to continue the cluster
(Only option for standard quorum mode)
• IP Quorum is Selected for Site 3 allowing it to receive a cookie crumb and participate in in the
T3 Recovery
• Deglitch IP Quorum EM Disconnects allows IP Quorum Application site to perform a tie-break
scenario if IP connectivity is lost at one site, followed by an inter-link failure.

Figure 15-69. Additional Spectrum Virtualize IP quorum improvements

• In the previous Spectrum Virtualize release, if the hardware suddenly fails, the node failover
time depends in part on its quorum lease time.
When using the IP Quorum Application, the lease time is currently set to 48 seconds (long
lease). With Spectrum Virtualize V8.3, you have the option to specify long lease or a short
lease. All the latest Spectrum Virtualize generation systems released on V8.3.0 will have short
lease configured by default. This is the recommended value for faster node failover. However,
long lease may be required for some setups, if you are experiencing lease expiry asserts.
HyperSwap without 3rd site is also supported. You can change the quorum release time by
using either of the following commands: chsystem –quorumlease short or chsystem –
quorumlease long.
• To prevent rolling disasters during a tie-break scenario when a site failure occurs and all host
connections are lost (only if IP Quorum application is used to tie-break), then failed site will
loose its allegiance. At this time, a Host Health Check is performed, and the other site will be
given preference to continue the cluster. Host Health Check only happens in standard quorum
• For T3 Recovery, IP Quorum now is “Selected for Site 3”. In this three site configuration, one
device will be selected from each site for Cookie Crumbs. For example, Quorum devices at site
1 and site 2, and IP Quorum Application at site 3 will each have a Cookie Crumb. Previously,
only physical quorum can be used for T3 Recovery after power outages. In this case, all of the
nodes update the quorum disk with critical information of all of the virtual mappings of blocks to
volumes, and this is used when bringing up the nodes again. With Spectrum Virtualize V8.3, the
3rd site using IP Quorum Application can now receive a cookie crumb allowing it to participate in
a T3 Recovery.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management

• Deglitch IP Quorum EM Disconnects allow the IP Quorum application at the 3rd site to
perform tie-breaking scenario if IP connectivity goes down at one site, immediately followed by
an inter-site link failure.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Requirements for IP quorum application

• Select Settings > System > IP Quorum or use the lsquorum command to view the state of the
IP quorum application
• Tie-break
ƒ Firewall - Port 1260
ƒ Round-trip latency of 80 ms
ƒ Network bandwidth of 2 MB/s
ƒ New Java application, if cluster size changes (for example, node added/removed)
ƒ Security of the host running the app – authorized access only!
ƒ Interop Matrix of supported OSs and Java Variants
ƒ Max 5 apps
ƒ Supports tie-break requirement with the addition of:
 Increased requirement for network bandwidth to 64 MB/s
 250 MB of disk space
 Only one app per IP address

Figure 15-70. Requirements for IP quorum application

To view the state of an IP quorum application in the management GUI, select Settings > System >
IP Quorum. You can also use the lsquorum command to view the state of the IP quorum
For stable quorum resolutions, an IP network must provide the following requirements:
• Connectivity from the servers that are running an IP quorum application to the service IP
addresses of all nodes. The network must also deal with possible security implications of
exposing the service IP addresses, as this connectivity can also be used to access the service
assistant interface if the IP Network security is configured incorrectly.
For Tie-break,
• Port 1260 is used by IP quorum applications (through SSL/TSL) for inbound connections from
the application to the service IP address of each node.
• The maximum round-trip delay must not exceed 80 milliseconds (ms), which means 40 ms
each direction.
• A minimum bandwidth of 2 megabytes per second is guaranteed for node-to-quorum traffic.
• If cluster configuration changes (such as add/remove node, SSL certificate, IP addresses)
require you to re-create the Java quorum application package.
• Must have security in place for host running the application.
• Review the IBM Interoperability Matrix for supports Oss and Java Variants by using the IBM
Knowledge Center link.
• Maximum of five applications.
The Cluster recovery requirements are the same as the tie-break with the addition of:

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management

• Increased requirement for network bandwidth to 64 MB per second.
• 250 MB of disk space.
• Only one application per IP address.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Installing IP quorum
1. To create the IP quorum Java application, select Settings > System > IP Quorum and click either
Download IPv4 Application or Download IPv6 Application
ƒ Click to clear the box if Cluster Recovery is not required
ƒ Optional to use the CLI mkquorumapp command
2. Transfer the IP quorum application from the system to a directory on the host that is to run the IP
quorum application
3. Use the ping command on the host server to verify that it can establish a connection with the
service IP address of each node in the system
4. On the host, use the command java -jar ip_quorum.jar to initialize the IP quorum
5. Verify that the IP quorum application is installed and active, select Settings > System > IP Quorum
ƒ Use the CLI lsquorum command to verify that the IP quorum application is connected and is the active
quorum device
ƒ Use the CLI chquorum command to modify the MDisk that are used for quorum


Figure 15-71. Installing IP quorum

To download and install the IP quorum application, complete the following steps:
1. In the management GUI, select Settings > System > IP Quorum and click either Download
IPv4 Application or Download IPv6 Application to create the IP quorum Java application.
Click the box if Cluster Recovery is not required. You can also use the command-line interface
(CLI) to enter the mkquorumapp command to generate an IP quorum Java application. The
application is stored in the dumps directory of the system with the file name ip_quorum.jar.
2. Transfer the IP quorum application from the system to a directory on the host that is to run the
IP quorum application.
3. Use the ping command on the host server to verify that it can establish a connection with the
service IP address of each node in the system.
4. On the host, use the java -jar ip_quorum.jar command to initialize the IP quorum

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


• Verify that the IP quorum application is installed and active, select Settings > System > IP Quorum
ƒ Use the CLI lsquorum command to verify that the IP quorum application is connected and is the active
quorum device
ƒ Use the CLI chquorum command to modify the MDisk that are used for quorum


Figure 15-72. Quorum disks

To verify that the IP quorum application is installed and active, select Settings > System > IP
Quorum. The new IP quorum application is displayed in the table of detected applications. The
system automatically selects MDisks for quorum disks. In a stretched or HyperSwap configuration
with IP quorum, the system automatically selects an MDisk from both sites. These MDisks store
metadata that are used for system recovery. If you want to select specific MDisk to use as quorum
disks, select MDisk by Pools and right-click the MDisk and select Quorum > Modify Quorum Disk.
You can also use the lsquorum command on the system CLI to verify that the IP quorum
application is connected and is the active quorum device. If you want to modify the MDisk that are
used for quorum by using the CLI, use the chquorum command.
There are strict requirements on the IP network and some disadvantages with using IP quorum
applications. Unlike quorum disks, all IP quorum applications must be reconfigured and redeployed
to hosts when certain aspects of the system configuration change. These aspects include adding or
removing a node from the system or when node service IP addresses are changed. Other
examples include changing the system certificate or experiencing an Ethernet connectivity issue.
An Ethernet connectivity issue prevents an IP quorum application from accessing a node that is still
online. If an IP application is offline, the IP quorum application must be reconfigured because the
system configuration changed. If you change the configuration by adding a node, changing a
service IP address, or changing SSL certificates, you must download and install the IP quorum
application again.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Administration management: Service Assistant Tool

‡ System monitoring
‡ Settings
‡ Access
ƒ Audit Log entries

‡ Quorum devices
‡ IBM Service Assistant Tool (SAT)


Figure 15-73. Administration management: Service Assistant Tool

This module discusses the requirements and procedures to reset system password.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Service Assistant IP interface

• Service Assistant is a browser-based GUI
ƒ http(s)://<cluster IP address of your cluster>/service
ƒ http(s)://<service IP address of a node>/service
ƒ http(s)://<service IP address of config node> click Service Assistant Tool
• Provides access to individual node or storage enclosure
• Access using the Service IP address or SSH session
ƒ Requires default superuser / passw0rd


Figure 15-74. Service Assistant IP interface

The Service Assistant Tool (SAT) is a web-based GUI that is used to service all IBM Spectrum
Virtualize systems to include storage enclosures. IBM Support and system administrators can
access the interface of a node that uses its Ethernet port 1 service IP address through either a web
browser or open an SSH session.
The Service Assistant Tool provides a default superuser user ID and a default passw0rd, which is
password with a zero “0” instead of the letter “o”. Only those with a superuser ID can access the
Service Assistant interface. For security maintenances, it is highlight recommended to change user
ID and password granting only those who required access.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Service Assistant interface overview

• IBM Service Assistant Tool (SAT) can be used in various service event cases
ƒ Primarily used to perform service-related troubleshooting tasks

Node Errors provides node details,

error codes for all nodes, plus helpful
hints to fix the error

Node Details displays data

on the selected node


Figure 15-75. Service Assistant interface overview

The Service Assistant tool interface can be used in various service event cases. The primary use is
to perform service-related troubleshooting tasks when a node is in service state or is not yet a
member of a cluster and scheduled maintenance or when directed by maintenance procedures or
IBM Support engineer to perform certain service actions. However, Service IP Assist also allows
convenient access to node configuration information and status.
The Home page of Service Assistant Tool shows various options for examining installed hardware
and revision levels and for identifying canisters or placing these canisters into the service state.
One important fact to consider is that the Service Assistant Tool contains destructive and disruptive
functions, and any incorrect usage might cause unattended downtime or even data loss.
The Node Detail section displays data that is associated with the selected node:
• The Node tab shows general information about the node canister that includes the node state
and whether it is a member of the cluster.
• The Hardware tab shows information about the hardware.
• The Access tab shows the management IP addresses and the service addresses for this node.
• The Location tab identifies the enclosure in which the node canister is located.
• The Ports tab shows information about the I/O ports.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


When to use the Service Assistant

• Use the service assistant in the following situations:
ƒ When you cannot access the system from the management GUI, and you cannot access the IBM
Spectrum Virtualize system to run the recommended actions
ƒ When the recommended action directs you to use the service assistant
ƒ Node hardware issues
ƒ Recovery data that has been corrupted data or lost configuration data
• SA does not provide support to service expansion enclosures
• Inappropriate use can cause loss of access to data or even data loss


Figure 15-76. When to use the Service Assistant

You should used the Service Assistant Tool to complete service actions on node canisters only
when directed to do so by the fix procedures.
The storage system management GUI operates only when there is an online system. Use the
service assistant if you are unable to create a system or if both node canisters in a control
enclosure are in service state. The node canister might also be in a service state because it has a
hardware issue, has corrupted data, or has lost its configuration data.
The service assistant does not provide any facilities to help you service expansion enclosures.
Always service the expansion enclosures by using the management GUI.
If used inappropriately, the service actions that are available through the service assistant can
cause loss of access to data or even data loss.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Service Assistant Tool related actions

• Collect logs to create and download a package of files to send to support personnel
• Backup the system configuration, collect logs for support, or remove the node from the cluster
• Recover a system if it fails
• Install a code package from the support site or rescue the code from another node
• Upgrade code on node canisters manually versus performing a standard upgrade procedure
• Configure a control enclosure chassis after replacement
• Change the service IP address that is assigned to Ethernet port 1 for the current node canister
• Install a temporary SSH key if a key is not installed and CLI access is required


Figure 15-77. Service Assistant Tool related actions

Listed are a number of service-related actions that can be performed using the Service Assistant
Tool interface. A number of tasks might cause the node canister to restart. It is not possible to
maintain the service assistant connection to the node canister when it restarts. If the current node
canister on which the tasks are performed is also the node canister that the browser is connected to
and you lose your connection, reconnect and log on to the service assistant again after running the

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Restart system services using Service Assistant

• Restart Service is helpful if one of the services does not work as expected or it instructed by
IBM Support as a fix procedure


Figure 15-78. Restart system services using Service Assistant

The Service Assistant GUI can be used to restart system services, if required by selecting Restart
Service. Next, choose the Service that should be restarted: CIMOM, Web Server, Easy Tier,
Service Location Protocol Daemon (SLPD) or Secure Shell Daemon (SSHD).
This is helpful if one of the services does not work as expected or if instructed by IBM Support.
Possible scenarios can be to reset SSH daemon if a script or external monitoring software harms or
stalls the SSH interface.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Set node’s service IP using Service Assistant

• The Service Assistant IP address is set by default. It is recommended to change this IP address
to fit in the client’s environment
ƒ To reset node service IP address from factory default, select Change Service IP


Figure 15-79. Set node’s service IP using Service Assistant

The Service Assistant IP address is set by default and should be changed to fit in the client’s
environment. It is highly recommended to set this IP address to make it usable in the daily work,
which can be on different subnet (Management). Therefore, no client data flow will use this port.
Reset the node service IP address from the factory default, select Change Service IP address and
specify the new IP address using IPv4 or IPv6.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Recovery loss data using the Service Assistant Tool T3 recovery

• T3 recovery re-creates the system by using saved configuration data


Figure 15-80. Recovery loss data using the Service Assistant Tool T3 recovery

If system state is lost from all control enclosure node canisters, an administrator might be directed
to re-creates the storage system by using saved configuration data and is also known as Tier 3 (T3)
recovery. The recovery might not be able to restore all volume data. This procedure assumes that
the system reported a system error code 550 or error code 578. To address the issue, perform a
service action to place each node in a service state.
For a complete list of prerequisites and conditions for recovering the system, see the following
• Recover System Procedure in the Troubleshooting, Recovery, and Maintenance Guide
• Recover System Procedure in the Information Center

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Service Assistant CLI available to superuser

IBM_cluster:superuser>sainfo -?
The following actions are available with this command :
IBM_cluster:superuser>satask -?
The following actions are available with this command :

Figure 15-81. Service Assistant CLI available to superuser

Use the service CLI to manage a node canister in a control enclosure using the task commands
and information commands. Service Assistant CLI is only accessible with superuser rights, and can
be using the Service IP address through Secure Shell (SSH).
• Commands start with sainfo and satask (similar to standard commands).
• Prefix is mandatory for sa commands.
• Same functions as in the GUI like show node information, service state, service
• For more detailed information, issue a sainfo command with –h or check the Info Center.
• Be aware that the satask commands are only for the service assistant and can perform
dramatic changes on the cluster (leavecluster, and others.)
In addition to using the management GUI to monitor and maintain the configuration of storage that
is associated with your systems. Before you can use the CLI, you must have already installed and
configured the Spectrum Virtualize system. The CLI commands use a Secure Shell (SSH)
connection between the SSH client software on a client system and the SSH server on the active
file module.
You might also find it useful to create command scripts by using the CLI commands to monitor for
certain conditions or to automate configuration changes that you make on a regular basis.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


IBM Support with Technical Advisor

• Consults with IBM Support and IBM Lab
teams to ensure high-severity problems are
quickly addressed
• Collaborates with existing TSS service teams
to provide customer service and support
• Advocacy throughout the IBM support
structure on behalf of the customer
• Smarter, Essential, and Trusted


Figure 15-82. IBM Support with Technical Advisor

IBM Solution Support Services for storage provides technical advisor (TA) support to assist with the
resolution of high-severity problems. It will help your IT team save precious time by working with
IBM technicians to facilitate faster problem resolution. Moreover, your TA can offer tested
methodologies to prevent outages and use IBM support more effectively. Our remotely delivered
offering can help you improve your uptime, enhance your business efficiency, and avoid future
storage outages.
The benefit of a Technical Advisor is to consult with customers on effective ways of managing total
cost of ownership and freeing up customer resources:
• This starts with engaging in Technical Delivery Assessments during installation preparations.
• Develops an individualized Customer Support Plan.
• Educates the customer on the use of the IBM support structure, electronic support and
technical support website.
• Reviews and reports on hardware inventories and service requests, depending on GEO /IBM
Technical Support Services (TSS) contracts.
• Combines integrated support with IBM expertise, helps companies anticipate and respond
faster to new challenges / problems.
• Provides pro-active planning, advice and guidance on storage code level upgrades improves
storage device availability.
• Focal point for support related activities (For example: monitoring progress of open service
requests such as problem management records), while ensuring follow-up / closure as the
customer advocate.
• Leads as the single point of escalation.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Best practices: My Notifications

• Stay informed of critical IBM software support updates with My Notifications
ƒ Take a proactive approach to problem prevention
ƒ Receive support content tailored to your needs
ƒ Receive immediate notifications of Security Bulletins and Flashes
ƒ Receive daily or weekly notifications of technical support information such as downloads, tips,
technical notes, and publications

• Sign up using a simple subscription interface:
ƒ Select IBM products in which you are interested
ƒ Choose daily or weekly notifications
ƒ Select a delivery method: /Email and/or RSS news feed


Figure 15-83. Best practices: My Notifications

To proactively prevent any problems, stay informed on IBM’s technical support resource for all IBM
products and services and critical IBM software support updates with My Notification.
My Notifications users will receive technical notifications, that can be tailored to meet their needs.
Registration is required using the following site From
there you will need to create a userid and password.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


• Audit Log • Quorum
• Event Log • SNMP
• Event notifications • Syslog
• Directory Services • Remote User Authentication
• Email • Support package
‡ MDisk Quorum • Upgrade test utility
‡ Drive Quorum • Service Assistant IP address
‡ IP Quorum • User group
‡ Transitional mode • Remote user
‡ Enable mode • Tie 3 (T3) recovery
‡ Disable mode ‡ Tie-break
‡ Cluster recovery


Figure 15-84. Keywords

Listed are keywords that were used in this unit.

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Review questions (1 of 3)
1. True or False: The cluster audit log contains both information and action
commands issued for the cluster.

2. True or False: Only the superuser ID is authorized to use the Service Assistant

3. True or False: Host application I/O operations are allowed during FlashSystem
code upgrades.


Figure 15-85. Review questions (1 of 3)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Review answers (1 of 3)
1. True or False: The cluster audit log contains both information and action
commands issued for the cluster.
The answer is false.

2. True or False: Only the superuser ID is authorized to use the Service Assistant
The answer is true.

3. True or False: Host application I/O operations are allowed during FlashSystem
code upgrades.
The answer is true.


Figure 15-86. Review answers (1 of 3)

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Review questions (2 of 3)
4. True or False: The Spectrum Virtualize cluster IP address can be accessed from
either Ethernet port 1 or port 2 for cluster management.

5. True or False: Application data is backed up along with cluster metadata data
when the svcconfig backup command is executed.

6. True or False: The Spectrum Virtualize system configuration backup file can be
downloaded using the GUI or copied using PuTTY secure copy (PSCP).


Figure 15-87. Review questions (2 of 3)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Review answers (2 of 3)
4. True or False: The Spectrum Virtualize cluster IP address can be accessed from
either Ethernet port 1 or port 2 for cluster management.

The answer is false.

5. True or False: Application data is backed up along with cluster metadata data
when the svcconfig backup command is executed.
The answer is false.

6. True or False: The Spectrum Virtualize system configuration backup file can be
downloaded using the GUI or copied using PuTTY secure copy (PSCP).
The answer is true.


Figure 15-88. Review answers (2 of 3)

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Review questions (3 of 3)
7. True or False: In a cluster, the system uses three active quorum disks in a tie-
break situation.

8. Which of the following quorum devices is a Java application running on a server

that is IP connected to the same management IP network as the cluster itself?
A. Drive quorum
B. MDisk quorum
C. IP quorum
D. All of the above


Figure 15-89. Review questions (3 of 3)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


Review answers (3 of 3)
7. True or False: True or False: In a cluster, the system uses three active quorum
disks in a tie-break situation.
The answer is False. The system uses three quorum disks to record a backup of system
configuration data to be used in the event of a disaster. However, one active quorum disk is
from the three disks to be used for a tie-break situation.

8. Which of the following quorum devices is a Java application running on a server

that is IP connected to the same management IP network as the cluster itself?
A. Drive quorum
B. MDisk quorum
C. IP quorum
D. All of the above
The answer is IP quorum. IP quorum configuration IP quorum applications are used in
Ethernet networks to resolve failure scenarios where half the nodes on the system become


Figure 15-90. Review answers (3 of 3)

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Unit 15. IBM Spectrum Virtualize administration management


• Recognize system monitoring features to help
address system issues
• Differentiate between local support assistance
and remote support assistance
• Employ system configuration backup and
extract the backup files
• Summarize the benefits of an SNMP, syslog,
and email server for forwarding alerts and
• Recall procedures to upgrade the system
software and the use of host spare nodes
• Evaluate and filter administrative task
commands entries that are captured in the
audit log
• Describe the concept of a quorum
• Identify the functions of Service Assistant Tool

Figure 15-91. Summary

Having completed this unit, you should be able to:

• Recognize system monitoring features to help addresses system issues.
• Differentiate between local support assistance and remote support assistance.
• Employ system configuration backup and extract the backup files.
• Summarize the benefits of an SNMP, syslog, and email server for forwarding alerts and events.
• Recall procedures to upgrade the system software and the use of host spare nodes.
• Evaluate and filter administrative task commands entries that are captured in the audit log.
• Describe the concept of a quorum configuration.
• Identify the functions of the IBM Service Assistant Tool.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights

Estimated time

This model introduces IBM Storage Insights and its ability to optimize your storage infrastructure by
using cloud-based storage management and support platforms with predictive analytics.

How you will check your progress

• Checkpoint
• Hands-on Lab exercises

Implementing IBM Storwize V7000 with IBM Spectrum Virtualize V8.2.1

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights



‡ Summarize the attributes of IBM Storage


‡ Identify the requirements to install data


‡ Recognize system monitoring features to help

maintain system availability

‡ Explore a demo version of IBM Storage



Figure 16-1. Objectives

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

• Summarize the attributes of IBM Storage Insights.
• Identify the requirements to install data collector.
• Recognize system monitoring features to help maintain system availability.
• Explore guided and interactive demo versions of IBM Storage Insights.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


IBM Storage Insights: Overview

‡ Storage Insights overview

‡ Getting started
‡ Storage Insights GUI
‡ Launch Guided/Interactive Demo


Figure 16-2. IBM Storage Insights: Overview

This topic introduces the IBM Spectrum Control Storage Insights an enterprise-proven, cognitive,
cloud-based storage offering.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


IBM Storage Insights introduction

‡ Enterprise-proven, cognitive, cloud-based,

storage insights platform
‡ Combines IBM Analytics leadership
‡ Rich history of storage management expertise
‡ Primary use cases
ƒ Holistic storage monitoring
ƒ Storage systems analytics
ƒ Planning tools to optimize storage
ƒ Proactive storage diagnostics to reduce
downtime and focused on time to resolution Available for free for every IBM block
storage system


Figure 16-3. IBM Storage Insights introduction

IBM Storage Insights is an IBM Spectrum Control Software as a Service (SaaS) offering with its
core running over IBM Cloud (SoftLayer). It combines IBM Analytics leadership and a rich history of
storage management expertise with an enterprise-proven, cognitive, cloud-based storage insights
platform, enabling storage administrator to take control of their storage environment to address
these challenges:
• Holistic storage monitoring such that you would always know what is going on with your storage
• Cognitive storage system analytics, or the ability to proactively identify if your setup is meeting
design best practices for the applications you have
• Planning tools to help optimize your storage infrastructure
• And proactive storage diagnostics that is focused on helping you reduce downtime and get your
systems up and running quickly in the event of an issue
Storage Insights is an entitled version that available for at no cost to clients of IBM block storage
systems with a current hardware warranty or maintenance contract.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


IBM Storage Insights attributes

Millions of telemetry data points collected daily from a single device!


Proactive support
Analyze Predict and notifications
patterns prevent issues


Best Practice Capacity

Insights Planning
24 x 7 Support
Enhanced response
times Faster time-to-


Figure 16-4. Millions of telemetry data points collected daily from a single device!

With the increasing demands of growing storage environments, businesses are faced with the
complexity of trying to determine the best time to investments; should they add storage based on a
capacity need, only to determine that performance issues become more of a constraint for the
IBM Storage Insights offers some key capabilities that help clients meet those demands and much
more by helping to build the connective fabric between IBM, the storage devices, and the user. With
a unified view of all managed IBM systems, IBM Storage Insights provides a common management
platform to monitor all your storage inventory with diverse workloads within a single point of
metadata collection for both current and legacy devices.
Through a data-centric architecture, Storage Insight collects millions of telemetry data points (per
device – per day) and calls home with that data providing up to the second system reporting of
capacity and performance, based applications, or departmental storage consumptions. This
storage monitoring solution looks at the overall health of the system, determines whether
configurations meet the best practices. These analytics-driven insights can help businesses
increase storage utilization by reclaiming unused storage, improve capacity planning with increase
visibility into data growth rates and available capacity, and if system resource management is just
being overly taxed, move data to the most cost-effective storage tier.
With its cognitive storage management capabilities, Storage Insights include proactive support
notifications that enable a high service quality through error reduction to pin points the source of
performance issues on your storage device and provides recommendations.
Finally, Storage Insights provide access IBM Support website to help officiate advanced customer
service, allowing storage administrators to open support tickets faster, and view those tickets (open
and closed) collectively IBM Support, as well as track trends and events to pin point critical actions.
With an auto log collection capability, administrators no longer must wait for support to collect the
logs before looking into the problem, enabling faster incident resolution as much as 50%, so that

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights

you can spend less time troubleshooting storage problems and more time planning for your future
storage needs.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


IBM Spectrum Control

IBM Spectrum Control IBM Storage Insights

On premise, multi-vendor storage Cloud services:
monitoring, and automation tool IBM support shares view of customer
‡ Manage storage systems, software- infrastructure
defined storage, storage area network ‡ Global unified dashboard
(SAN) fabrics, and devices. ‡ Easy IBM Support Ticket Creation
‡ Storage can be seen from multiple ‡ IBM Support History
perspectives, including departmental,
application, and server views.
‡ Easy Log Package submission and receipt


Figure 16-5. IBM Spectrum Control

IBM Spectrum Control provides analytics-driven data management as well as efficient infrastructure
management for virtualized, cloud, and software-defined storage to simplify and automate storage
provisioning, capacity management, availability monitoring, and reporting.
For comparison, IBM Spectrum Control offers the many of the same functions that are provided in
IBM Storage Insights, and much more. However, Spectrum Control does not provide that optimized
integration with IBM Support, or IBM Support with information on monitored device and its
IBM Spectrum Control and IBM Storage Insights both complement each other. Clients can use
Storage Insights to transform their support experience, while still maintain Spectrum Control for a
more holistic view of the infrastructure (Fabrics and Hosts) and more capabilities like the ability to
provision storage, automatically move storage workloads to more appropriate storage devices
based on policy and service level and to monitor Fibre Channel SANs.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


IBM Storage Insights versions

Storage Insights Storage Insights Pro

‡ No charge ‡ Licensed via a subscription
‡ Provides clients a foundation to see ‡ Enable clients more visibility
a comprehensive inventory of their to more insight into the
IBM storage systems storage performance,
configuration, capacity
‡ Facilitate hassle-free log collection planning, and business impact
‡ Better interactions with IBM Support analysis

‡ History - 24 hours of data ‡ Interactions with IBM Support

‡ History - Up to 1 year of data


Figure 16-6. [No title]

Two versions of IBM Storage Insights are available to help you manage a storage environment: an
entitled version and a subscription-based, full version.
• The entitled no cost version of Storage Insights provides clients a foundation to see a
comprehensive inventory of their IBM storage systems and it facilitates hassle-free log
collection and better interactions with IBM Support.
• Storage Insights Pro, the subscription-based, full version, enable clients more visibility to more
insight into the storage performance, configuration, capacity planning, and business impact
• IBM Storage Insights Pro is a license-based application that is licensed via a subscription. This
solution is purchased based on the managed capacity of the storage systems that are being
monitored and that is made available for storage consumption. For block storage systems,
managed capacity is the usable physical capacity that is made available to pools.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


IBM Storage Insights product comparison GD\

Monitoring Health, Performance, and Capacity 3 3
Filter events to quickly isolate trouble spots 3 3
Drill down performance workflows to enable deep 3
Application / server storage performance 3
Customizable multi-conditional alerting 3
Support Simplified ticketing / log workflows and ticket history 3 3
Proactive notification of risks (select systems) 3 3
Device Part failure prediction 3 3
Analytics Configuration best practice 3 3
Customized upgrade recommendation 3 3
TCO Analytics Capacity planning 3
Performance planning 3
Application / server storage consumption 3
Capacity optimization with reclamation planning 3
Data optimization with tier planning 3

Figure 16-7. IBM Storage Insights product comparison

This chart provides a quick comparison of the difference features between the two IBM Storage
Insights offerings. Clients with a IBM Storage Insights Pro subscription automatically have all the
functions in IBM Storage Insights provided with no additional charge, allowing immediate
streamlined support and event monitoring capabilities.
For those clients who do not have Pro that is installed can download a 30-day trial of the full
function IBM Storage Insights Pro offering easily from within Storage Insights dashboard with a
single click the “unlock more capabilities” button, instantly allowing greater visibility into their
managed storage devices. Clients can easily try the full function Storage Insights Pro product on
their Storage Insights dashboard.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


IBM Storage Insights Pro comprehensive view

Detailed device configuration and relationships




Figure 16-8. IBM Storage Insights Pro comprehensive view

IBM Storage Insights Pro provides a more comprehensive view of the hosts that have storage on
this device, view the performance - even at the port level, capacity and health of storage resources,
and visual view of all your storage systems to include your FILE and OBJECT storage devices;
whether that is Block systems that IBM Storage Insights is monitoring.
Storage Insights Pro provides reports on many aspects of your controller (100+ Metrics) through
highly interactive and customizable performance charting, such as CPU performance, Port
performance, Pool performance. Its context-specific drill-up/drill-down capability supports efficient
problem analysis. If you find a time interval that is concerning, with a single click all the
performance charts synchronize to the same time interval - helping you with fast problem
Storage Insights Pro also helps clients reduce storage costs and optimize their data center by
providing features like intelligent capacity planning, storage reclamation recommendations, storage
tiering recommendations, and deeper performance troubleshooting capabilities.
To maintain a view of your storage system health, you must enable both Call Home and inventory
reporting to view its Call Home events in IBM Storage Insights Pro.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


IBM Storage Insights architecture

Infrastructure Team +LJKO\VHFXUHDQGUHDG\IRU*'35 Line of Business

‡ Unified Dashboard ‡ SI Pro feature
‡ Monitor capacity, ‡ Resource Grouping
performance, and ,%0&ORXG ‡ Customized Alerting

IBM Support
‡ Configuration best

‡ Remote diagnostics
Predictive analytics
‡ Faster time to resolution


Figure 16-9. [No title]

All devices are managed with in a cloud infrastructure team that provides an extension of your
monitoring to a team-of-teams through a single unified dashboard.
IBM Storage Insights uses a data collector, a lightweight software component that acts as a proxy
agent to communicate to the storage devices by using remote access. From the monitored storage
systems, it sends the collected metadata that pertains to asset, configuration, and performance
statistics without customer interaction.
When you access the dashboard for the first time, you are prompted to download the data collector.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


Data collector designed for security and efficiency

Decrypted, analyzed, ‡ All communication is outbound only

and stored
‡ All communication is initiated from the
collector only, no LAN-external access to
the collector or the storage devices
‡ All metadata collected is encrypted
(based on HTTPS) and compressed
before being transmitted into the Cloud
ƒ Data at rest is AES 256-bit encrypted

‡ Various security certifications such as


Figure 16-10. Data collector designed for security and efficiency

In the IBM Cloud, the metadata is protected by physical, organizational, access, and security
controls that are protected by IBM Cloud (SoftLayer) data centers. To ensure that uninterrupted
data flow, data collector provides the following characteristics:
• Data collector connects to your on-premises storage environment with the cloud-based service,
and only communicates in one direction - from your data center to the IBM Storage Insights
instance on the IBM Cloud.
• All communications between the storage systems in the local data center and the IBM Storage
Insights service in the IBM Cloud data center are initiated solely by the data collector. Provides
no LAN-external access or provide any remote APIs that might be used to interact with the data
• The data collector used Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS), which encrypts and
compress the metadata and sends the metadata package through a secure channel to the IBM
Cloud data center. When the metadata package is delivered, the metadata is decrypted,
analyzed, and stored
▪ Sensitive information such as user names and passwords (or SSH certificates) are provided
by IBM Storage Insights to each storage system upon each data collection iteration. All
storage device passwords are AES 256-bit encrypted before they are stored on the IBM
Storage Insights instance. This information is transmitted over a secure communication
channel that is established by the data collector.
• All devices are managed with in an IBM secure ISO 27K Information Security Management
certified cloud.
As a web-based cloud solution, upgrades done automatically to the Storage Insights instance in
IBM Cloud, allowing the client to have instance access to the latest features.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


What gets collected

‡ Asset metadata: Name, model, firmware,

and MT/M

‡ Configuration metadata: Inventory and

configuration for the storage system's
resources (volumes, pools, disks, and ports)

‡ Capacity metadata: Capacity values that are

unassigned/used and compression ratio

‡ Performance metadata: performance
metrics based on read/write data rates, I/O
,%06XSSRUW ,%0&ORXGWHDP rates, and response times

‡ Collects log packages and add to findings to

support tickets

Figure 16-11. What gets collected

Data collector collects metadata based on operations that are monitored, such as:
• Storage the asset metadata (name, model, firmware, and machine/model type of storage
• Inventory and configuration metadata for the storage system's resources such as volumes,
pools, disks, and ports
• Capacity metadata based values such as capacity, unassigned space, used space, and the
compression ratio
• Performance metadata based on metrics such as read and write data rates, I/O rates, and
response times
• The diagnostic data is also collected log packages and adds to findings to support tickets.
The actual application data that is stored on the client’s storage systems cannot be accessed by the
data collector.
Access to the metadata that is collected is restricted to only:
• The customer who owns the dashboard
• The administrators who are authorized to access the dashboard, such as the customer's
operations team
• The IBM Cloud team that is responsible for the day-to-day operation and maintenance of IBM
Cloud instances
• And, IBM Support for investigating and closing service tickets and events

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


Deploying multiple data collectors

Storage Insights automatically coordinate which data collector to use for

each device monitored

Not connected Deployed within

together over IP the same data

Deploys data collector in Deploys two or more data collectors within

each data center the same data center for high availability. If
a data collection fails, the standby data
collector automatically collects the data.

Figure 16-12. Deploying multiple data collectors

IBM Storage Insights supports the deployment of multiple data collectors for multiple data centers.
Whether to collect data from multiple data centers that is not connected together over IP or to
maintain high availability by deploying two of more data collectors with in the same data center,
Storage Insights automatically coordinate which data collector to use for each device monitored.
If data collector stops working or the communication with IBM Storage Insights is interrupted,
support detects this problem and an alert is sent to the email address that is used to subscribe to
the IBM Storage Insights service.
However, with a data collector high availability infrastructure, if a data collector stops working or a
VM fails, the other data collector on standby automatically collects the data, and should there ever
be an issue with connections the data collector with the fastest response time collects the data.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


IBM Storage Insights: Getting started

‡ Storage Insights overview

‡ Getting started
‡ Storage Insights GUI
‡ Launch Guided/Interactive Demo


Figure 16-13. IBM Storage Insights: Getting started

This topic describes the deployment and configuration activities to configure the IBM Storage
Insights instance.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


IBM Storage Insights enrollment

1 Sign up for IBM Storage Insights

Register at
ƒ IBM ID required
ƒ If you don’t have an ID, click the Create you IBM
account on the enrollment page
‡ Complete the customer form to identify
the owner who manages all users
ƒ Owner (customer administrator) manages users
ƒ Acts as the POC for Storage Insights
‡ Within 24 hours an IBM representative
Complete customer information contacts you with your customer number
(IBM WebID required)
and direct URL to your environment

Figure 16-14. IBM Storage Insights enrollment

Getting with IBM Storage Insights requires three simple steps. To being, you first need to enroll at by using your IBM ID. If you do not have an IBM ID, you can create by
using the Create your IBM account link from the enrollment web page by completing the short form.
From the enrollment page, complete the customer information form by specifying the owner, who
the storage administrator who manages all users’ access and acts as the main contact for IBM
Storage Insights. Within 24 hours, an IBM representative contacts you through email with your
customer number and direct URL to your personal and secure IBM Storage Insights environment.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


IBM Storage Insights download

2 Log in to your dashboard

ƒ Use the customer number and
credential that is provided by IBM
‡ Click the Deploy Data Collector
option to start the download (located
in the lower left corner of the screen)

Download and install

the data collector


Figure 16-15. IBM Storage Insights download

You will log in into your Storage Insights GUI dashboard by using the customer number and
credentials that are provided by IBM. After logging in, click the Deploy Data Collectors option to
start the setup process.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


Installing data collector

‡ Runs on a physical server or virtual machine (VM)
ƒ With at least 1 GB of RAM
ƒ 1 GB of disk capacity
‡ Choose the OS platform
ƒ Microsoft windows
ƒ Linux
‡ Extract the data collect file content
‡ Execute file
‡ Requires Ethernet network access to fixed IP address
for outbound communication
ƒ Static URL
ƒ Static port
ƒ Outbound traffic only KWWSLEPEL]LQVLJKWVIDFWV

Figure 16-16. Installing data collector

The lightweight data collector can run on either a physical server or virtual machine with at least 1
GB of RAM and 1 GB of disk capacity. Next, you need to download and extract the contents of the
data collector file in a location where it will be deployed by choosing one of the following operating
systems (Microsoft Windows, Linux, or IBM AIX).
• To install the Windows OS, right-click on installDataCollectorService.bat file and run as
• For both Linux and AIX, run
The data collector also requires Ethernet network access. Therefore, you need to ensure that your
firewall is configured to connect to your instance of Storage Insights Foundation that target Your firewall must be configured with the data hub
target at a static IP address to allow outbound communication on default HTTPS port 443 that uses
After the data collector is deployed, it attempts to establish a connection to IBM Storage Insights.
When the data collector is up and running, its status appears in the Configuration > Data Collector
view in IBM Storage Insights.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


Supported IBM storage

Direct support for most IBM storage, including flash, file, object, software-defined, and block solutions

Storage System Storage Insights Storage Insights Pro

DS8000 3 3
FlashSystem 840 3 3
FlashSystem 900 3 3
FlashSystem A9000 3 3
FlashSystem A9000R 3 3
FlashSystem V840 3 3
FlashSystem V9000 3 3
FlashSystem 9100 3 3
IBM Cloud Object Storage 3
IBM Scale Out Network Attached Storage (SONAS) 3
IBM Spectrum Accelerate™ 3 3
IBM Spectrum Scale™ (Enterprise Storage Server (ESS) and GSS) 3
IBM Spectrum Virtualize™ 3 3
SAN Volume Controller 3 3
Storwize V3500 3 3
Storwize V3700 3 3
Storwize V5000 3 3
Storwize V7000 3 3
IBM Flex System V7000 Storage Node 3 3
Storwize V7000 Unified (block only) 3 3
XIV® 3 3
‡ Only IBM Block-Based Storage devices include support capabilities like auto log collection at this time.
‡ Some capabilities for seeing tickets and managing the support workflows will be different for select systems.

Figure 16-17. Supported IBM storage

Next, you need to add and configure the storage systems in IBM Storage Insights in order to enable
the tool to start collecting data and provide all of its available insights. IBM Storage Insights provide
direct support for most IBM storage, including flash, file, object, software-defined, and block
solutions. This table lists the following storage systems that are supported by IBM Storage Insights
and IBM Storage Insights Pro.
Currently, only IBM Block-Based Storage devices include support capabilities like auto log
collection. Some of capabilities for seeing tickets and managing the support workflows are different
for select systems.
Non-IBM device views are limited to storage devices behind a IBM Spectrum virtualize system,
therefore any deep root cause analysis of those device failures will still require additional tools that
are provided by the vendor is required.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


Connecting your IBM Storage

3 Add storage systems

ƒ Choose the IBM Storage type
² Add storage system

² Schedule the probe and

performance data collection

² Configure pools tiers and

define their tiering thresholds

ƒ EMC is only supported in

Storage Insights Pro


Figure 16-18. Connecting your IBM Storage

To get started, the wizard displays a list of currently supported storage systems types and models.
Select the storage family that you want to be monitored and analyzed by the data collector.
During this process, you complete following tasks for each storage device:
• Add storage system
• Schedule the probe and performance data collection
• Configure pools tiers and define their tiering thresholds
EMC is a non-IBM storage device that is only supported in Storage Insights Pro.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


Complete your storage connection

‡ Provide the IP address of the storage system and login credentials or

SSH certificates for authentication
‡ Configure the storage system probe schedule


Figure 16-19. Complete your storage connection

When adding a storage device, you must provide the IP address of the storage system and the
corresponding login credentials or SSH certificates for authentication.
IBM Storage Insights tests the connection to the storage system. If it connects successfully, it adds
the system to the managed environment and displays the Data Collection Schedule configuration
pane, where you configure the storage system probe schedule, enable the performance monitor,
and configure the granularity of performance samples.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


Performance interval, retention

Storage Storage Control Control

Insights Insights Pro Standard Advanced

Interval 5 min 5 min 1, 5, 15 min 1, 5, 15 min

Sample 24h 2 weeks Up to 12 weeks Up to 12 weeks
Hourly n/a 4 weeks Up to 24 weeks Up to 24 weeks
Daily n/a 52 weeks Up to 156 weeks Up to 156 weeks

‡ All 1-minute interval is only retained for 7 days but aggregated to 5-minute data and retained
for the user-defined duration

=> On premises implementations support larger databases to

accommodate custom data retention


Figure 16-20. Performance interval, retention

IBM Storage Insights implements historical data retention periods for the data that is collected from
the storage systems as well as for the internal tool logging. These periods vary depending on the
granularity of the data to be retained.
The capacity data retention periods are:
• Daily: 12 weeks
• Weekly: 24 weeks
• Monthly: 24 months
Whereas the performance data retention periods are:
• Sample: 2 weeks
• Hourly: 4 weeks
• Daily: 12 months
All 1-minute interval is only retained for 7 days but aggregated to 5-minute data and retained for the
user-defined duration.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


Managing dashboard access

‡ Use your IBMMY page Add New User option to add:

ƒ Other Storage Administrators
ƒ IBM technical advisors
ƒ IBM Business Partners


Figure 16-21. Managing dashboard access

IBM Storage Insights also provides the ability to add users, such as other storage administrators,
IBM Technical advisors, and IBM Business Partners, at any time to allow access your IBM Storage
Insights dashboard.
To do so, click your user name in the upper-right corner of the dashboard, and select Manage
Users. From your MYIBM page, ensure that IBM Storage Insights is selected, and then click Add
New User.
Users such as IBM Technical advisor (TA) provides technical advice support to assist with the
resolution of high-severity problems, by working with IBM technicians to facilitate faster problem
resolution, as well as offer tested methodologies to prevent outages.
Storage administrator can also grant access to IBM Business Partners, allowing them to view all the
performance data and reporting, including a high-level overview of the entire storage infrastructure

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


IBM Storage Insights: Storage insights GUI

‡ Storage Insights overview

‡ Getting started
‡ Storage Insights GUI
‡ Launch Guided/Interactive Demo


Figure 16-22. IBM Storage Insights: Storage insights GUI

This topic highlights feature of the IBM Storage Insights GUI.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


IBM Storage Insight GUI (Dashboard > Overview)

Immediately starts to collect your storage systems data with the ability to deliver the
first set of actionable insights in less than 30 minutes of runtime.

To view an IBM system, select Dashboard > Overview > Resources pane, then click Block and scroll
download to locate the system name or use the filter options.

Figure 16-23. IBM Storage Insight GUI (Dashboard > Overview)

As a cloud web-based unified software, IBM Storage Insights will immediately start to collect your
storage systems data with the ability to deliver the first set of actionable insights in less than 30
minutes of runtime. This information is processed by using proprietary IBM Analytics, and insights
from simple tile views that provide quick visibility into storage environment health and
efficiency-improving recommendations, which can help storage administrators organization make
more informed and better decisions.
From the Dashboard > Overview pane, you can view information based on:
• Block Capacity and File Capacity: Both track the usage of space in your storage environment,
allowing you to view in graphic charts for the storage systems that manage block and file
storage. You can also view a projection of future capacity trending to help you avoid running out
of space and to plan for the purchase of more capacity.
• Resources: Allows you to view the number of block, file, and object storage systems that were
added for monitoring to include the number of servers, applications, and departments that
consume storage. If new IBM inventory is added, Storage Insights automatically scan and picks
up new storage systems that are associated with the customer numbers this is on record.
• Reclaimable Storage: This feature is supported only with IBM Storage Insights Pro. This chart
shows the total amount of space that can be reclaimed in your data center. This is based on
data that was analyzed to identify the volumes that are not being used. A list of the volumes that
are not being used is also generated and shown on the Reclamation page under the Insights
• Top Block Performance: This chart is based on your analysis of the changes that affect the
performance of the storage systems and their internal resources such as pools and volumes.
This information changes over time based on the amount of metadata that is available.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights

• Tier Analysis: To see the tier planning chart, you must define the criteria for tiering the pools and
set threshold limits for each tier of storage. This feature is supported only with IBM Storage
Insights Pro. This feature allows you to compare the current with the recommended allocation
of space across tiers in your data center. The current column for each tier shows the distribution
of allocated space across each tier. The recommended column shows, based on the threshold
limits that you set, the optimum distribution of space across each tier.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


Unified dashboard of the storage environment


View of the Dashboard > Operations


Figure 16-24. Unified dashboard of the storage environment

The dashboard provides an integrated view of all the storage systems of different workload
performance through device cards with drill-down capabilities to simplify and accelerate the
performance-related troubleshooting.
A Storage Administrator has a detailed view of device capacity utilization and historical growth, thin
provisioning and compression savings, capacity growth forecast based on empirical data such as
historical growth rates and available capacity, among several other offered insights.
Provides Call Home communication link between IBM storage systems, IBM Support, and IBM
Storage Insights that monitors the health and status of your storage. All events are fed and filtered
to focus on things that matter the most.
The Call Home feature transmits operational and event-related data about your storage to IBM
Storage Insights through a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server connection. These events
are shown in the Event Feed on a dashboard in real time, so you can be aware of hardware failures
and potentially serious configuration or environmental issues when they occur.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


System detailed view

Tile view provides quick access essential information about each storage system

Shown is a FlashSystem AF7-9100 tile view


Figure 16-25. System detailed view

As a data collector is deployed and connected, a snapshot of performance and capacity is

displayed. You can click the tile of any system to view the:
• Overview of key performance and capacity metrics, including compression savings.
• Events details and actions you can take to manage events, if available.
• Tickets details and actions you can take to manage tickets, if available.
• Properties details including editable name, location, and custom tag fields.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


Dashboard table inventory view

Table inventory view with sortable columns


Figure 16-26. Dashboard table inventory view

With an effort to continue to improve it features and functions, Storage Insights allows you to switch
from tile view to a table view, with the option to sort by columns to include customizing the columns
based on preference and then drill into items that are of greater interested.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


Customizing your environment

Create custom dashboards based on data center and environment needs

1. Click Create
2. Select the
storage systems
3. Specify a name
4. Click Create


Figure 16-27. Customizing your environment

You can download multiple data collectors to create customize dashboard views to cover the
specific needs of your entire enterprise, which allows you to monitor storage systems based the
different data center locations, the types of storage environments, or for production system
This process requires only a few steps, click the dashboard icon and select the storage systems
that you want to include in the dashboard. Next, specify a name to create your customized
dashboard and click Create. The dashboard view is refreshed with the new dashboard, and only
the storage systems you selected are displayed.
This feature is only enabled for the customer’s storage administrator.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


Monitoring your diverse workloads with Call Home

‡ Detected event changes device card color to red (indicating serious events) yellow
(indicating a message or warning).
‡ Events are presented in a time sequence with the three most recent events listed.

‡ Key performance
‡ Capacity
‡ Call home events


Figure 16-28. Monitoring your diverse workloads with Call Home

IBM highly recommends the configuration of Call Home to help you resolve incidents before they
affect critical storage operations. When Call Home is enabled for storage systems in Storage
Insights, your dashboard constantly monitors the health and availability of your storage and
provides a diagnostic feed of events.
Call Home is typically enabled during the initial setup of the system by an IBM service
representative. If Call Home is not enabled, contact your representative for help.
If controllers that are indicating at problems, the device card that is positioned at the top of the
dashboard changes color with red alerting to serious events, yellow indicating a message or
warning, and gray indicating Call Home is not enabled. All events are presented in a time sequence
with the three most recent events listed.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


Monitoring your diverse workloads performance

Want the
performance info,
flip the tab

‡ Key performance
‡ Capacity
‡ Call home events


Figure 16-29. Monitoring your diverse workloads performance

With the collection of over 100 metrics from IBM devices, you can see the key performance of the
storage resources for your critical applications and storage systems, which helps you to investigate,
detect, and resolve performance issues much faster.
Each of the device cards can be flipped back and forth by using the page folder at the lower right
end of the card. This feature allows you to see the capacity and performance data, which might be
related to the serious issue reported. The data is shown in a basic metric of:
• Read/Write I/O
• Data Rate
• Response Rate

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


Overview of block storage


Figure 16-30. Overview of block storage

With its streamlined interaction, Storage Insights allow you to monitor the health, performance, and
capacity of a selected block storage overview as well as providing any up-front notification to your
storage system health.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


System Events


Figure 16-31. System Events

You also have quick access to track the Call Home events from a single storage enclosure for all
your alerts that were detected. All storage information that is displayed can be exported into a CSV,
PDF, or HMTL file.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


Event notifications – Example 1

‡ Upgrade recommendations
ƒ Below minimum
recommended level
ƒ Link to obtain the download

‡ Product warranty expiration

ƒ 120, 90, 60, 30-day warnings
ƒ Link to renew


Figure 16-32. Event notifications – Example 1

The Call Home generates informational event notifications when significant changes to the state of
the system are detected. Informational events provide information on the status of an operation. For
example, the first informational event has detected that the system is running a software level that
is several levels behind. The second example shows that a product warranty has expired. This type
of notification also provided the user with warnings from 120 days out up to 30 days before
expiration date.
Each informational event notification also provides links to additional information as well as access
to current or recommended downloads.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


Event notifications – Event 2

Applying in-cloud analysis of call home data

‡ New checks can be added on
the fly
‡ Presented in your event pane
with pop up details
‡ Links to tech notes
‡ Codifying experiential
‡ Predicting issues before they
become a problem


Figure 16-33. Event notifications – Event 2

In this example, an issue was found that cause a self-recovering node warm start. The issues are
related to a defect in the small timing window during the volume’s cache transition process. Based
on the in-cloud analysis of call home data, the system discovered that this is a related issue that
has occurred on several systems running a particular range of software release. Therefore, a
software fix can be issued for the various releases.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


Generating problem tickets

Viewing generated problem tickets

Tickets that are
generated by
IBM Support
are based on
the severity of
the call home


Figure 16-34. Generating problem tickets

Upon detection of any hardware failures or software error code, or potentially serious configuration,
Call Home delegates the storage system to send electronic call home messaging transmission of
operational and error-related data to IBM Support through a specified Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
(SMTP) server connection in the form of an event notification email.
IBM Support uses a streamlined ticketing process to determine whether the detected event
requires service or further investigation. If warranted, a problem ticket (PMR or PMH) is created
and sent to the appropriate IBM Support team. IBM Support obtains read-only access to diagnostic
information about monitored storage systems, so they can help troubleshoot and resolve problems.
This proactive support minimizes the number of interaction cycles between you and IBM Support.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


IBM simplified ticket workflows

Need support?

‡ Storage administrator requires no IBM Support intervention to:

ƒ Open IBM Support tickets for a resource and automatically add a log
package to the ticket
ƒ Update tickets with a new log package
ƒ View the tickets that are open for a resource
ƒ View the ticket history for a resource

Figure 16-35. IBM simplified ticket workflows

The Ticket pane allows you to see a collectivity view of all tickets that were opened or closed for the
storage device.
If the storage administrator encounters a problem, you can get support promptly through the unified
support experience without any IBM Support intervention by completing the following tasks:
• Open tickets for IBM Support about storage systems in your storage environment. Log
packages are automatically added to new tickets.
• Update tickets with a new log package and add a note or an attachment to the ticket.
• View the tickets that are open for a resource (or closed) regardless of how they were opened
• View the ticket history for a resource
Get hardware and software issues resolved by opening and updating tickets for IBM Support. Log
packages are automatically added to new tickets.
You can open tickets for IBM Support about storage systems in your storage environment. You can
also update those tickets with a new log package and add a note or an attachment to the ticket.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


Viewing system properties


Figure 16-36. Viewing system properties

The Properties pane defines the storage attributes of each storage device from its hardware
type/model number, current firmware level, IP address, and location. This information is
automatically gathered by IBM Support as part of the ticketing process.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


Viewing inventory information

Can be exported into a CSV, PDF, or HMTL file


Figure 16-37. Viewing inventory information

IBM Storage Insights allows you to view the list of nodes and enclosures in your inventory and the
type of enclosure. You can also see whether IBM Storage Insights has determined that the node or
enclosure has an active maintenance or warranty contract.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


IBM Storage Insights: Launch Interactive Demo

‡ Storage Insights overview

‡ Getting started
‡ Storage Insights GUI
‡ Launch Interactive Demo


Figure 16-38. IBM Storage Insights: Launch Interactive Demo

This topic provides an active link to the IBM Storage Insights demo.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


IBM Storage Insights Demos



Figure 16-39. IBM Storage Insights Demos

Explore Storage Insights through guided and interactive demos to see how IBM Storage Insights
can help you monitor the performance, capacity, and health of your storage portfolio.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


Additional resources


Figure 16-40. Additional resources

In addition to the demos, which are listed are several URLs that can help you get started with
implementing IBM Storage Insights.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


‡ IBM Storage Insights • Logs
‡ IBM Storage Insights Pro • Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
‡ IBM Spectrum Control
‡ Block Capacity • IBM Cloud
‡ File Capacity • IBM Support
‡ Reclaimable Storage • Tier Analysis
‡ File Objects • Dashboard
‡ Data Collection • Call Home
‡ Metadata • In-Cloud Analysis
‡ Performance • IBM Spectrum Storage Software

‡ Diagnostics


Figure 16-41. Keywords

Listed are keywords that were used in this module.

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


Review questions (1 of 3)
1. True or False: IBM Storage Insights collects sensitive and private information from each
storage device.

2. What type of telemetry data can Storage Insights monitor?

A. Performance
B. Capacity
C. Health
D. All of the above


Figure 16-42. Review questions (1 of 3)

Write your answers here:

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


Review answers (1 of 3)
1. True or False: IBM Storage Insights collects sensitive and private information from each
storage device?
The answer is False. Data collector collects only metadata after it is encrypted and
compressed. The actual application data that is stored on the client’s storage systems cannot
be accessed by the data collector.

2. What type of telemetry data can Storage Insights monitor?

A. Performance
B. Capacity
C. Health
D. All of the above
The answer is All of the above.


Figure 16-43. Review answers (1 of 3)

Write your answers here:

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


Review questions (2 of 3)
3. What are the advantages of the Storage Insights cloud service?
A. Shared view of the infrastructures helps IBM support diagnose issues
B. IBM support can grab their own log packages
C. The Storage insights service is managed and upgraded by IBM operations
D. Provides a unified view of the infrastructure across many different devices
E. All of the above

4. True or False: IBM Support personnel accessing through Remote Support Assistance
requires a challenge response authentication to be permitted.


Figure 16-44. Review questions (2 of 3)

Write your answers here:

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


Review answers (2 of 3)
3. What are the advantages of the Storage Insights cloud service?
A. Shared view of the infrastructures helps IBM support diagnose issues
B. IBM support can grab their own log packages
C. The Storage insights service is managed and upgraded by IBM operations
D. Provides a unified view of the infrastructure across many different devices
E. All of the above
The answer is All of the above.

4. True or False: IBM Support personnel accessing through Remote Support Assistance
requires a challenge response authentication to be permitted.
The answer True.


Figure 16-45. Review answers (2 of 3)

Write your answers here:

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


Review questions (3 of 3)
5. True or False: The lightweight data collector can run only on a physical server with
bidirectional communication.

6. True or False: Support tickets and log packages can be submitted only by IBM Support.

7. True or False: Storage Insights support non-IBM storage devices.


Figure 16-46. Review questions (3 of 3)

Write your answers here:

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights


Review answers (3 of 3)
5. True or False: The lightweight data collector can run only on a physical server with
bidirectional communication.
The answer is False. The lightweight data collector can run on either a physical server or virtual
machine with at least 1 GB of RAM and 1 GB of disk capacity, and communicates only outbound.

6. True or False: Support tickets and log packages can be submitted only by IBM Support.
The answer is False. Storage administrators can submit problem tickets and automatically add a
log package to the ticket without any IBM Support intervention.

7. True or False: Storage Insights support non-IBM storage devices.

The answer is True. Non-IBM device views are limited to devices behind Spectrum virtualize
system, but deep root cause analysis of those device failures still requires additional tools that
are provided by the vendor for that purpose.


Figure 16-47. Review answers (3 of 3)

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Unit 16. IBM Storage Insights



‡ Summarize the attributes of IBM Storage

‡ Identify the requirements to install data
‡ Recognize system monitoring features to
help maintain system availability
‡ Explore a demo version of IBM Storage


Figure 16-48. Summary

Having completed this unit, you should be able to:

• Summarize the attributes of IBM Storage Insights.
• Identify the requirements to install data collector.
• Recognize system monitoring features to help maintain system availability.
• Explore guided and interactive demo versions of IBM Storage Insights.

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© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2012, 2019.

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