Manual For Terrestrial Laser Scanner: July 2020

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Book · July 2020

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1 author:

Ravindra Ssk
Vel Tech - Technical University


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As-Built mapping using TLS View project

Comparative study on fleuxral behaviour of conventional RCC beam and Hooked-end steel fibre reinforced beam using FEM Analysis(Abaqus) and practically. View project

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Ravindra SSK Medicharla
Research Intern - IIT Bombay - Indian Academy of Science ’S

Refenecnce Project :



1. Open the Terrestrial LASER scanner from the box

2. Now place the tripod in a location where we can be visible maximum part of the scanning
3. Now place the TLS (setting up) on tripod and fix it by using central tripod screw.
4. Levelling up the TLS by adjust the tripod legs to get the air bubble to center (which can be
seen on TLS) fig:1

Fig: 1
5. Now place the battery on both sides of the TLS correctly as shown in fig:2

Fig: 2 Fig: 3
6. Switch on the TLS Power button (Press it on until beep sound occurs) shown in fig:3
7. Then the screen will appear’s with main menu, and check the status of Battery Level (fig:5),
Disk Space, Digital air bubble shownin (fig:6) and remove TLS handle by pressing four buttons
(two on either side) at a time and remove it. (fig: 8(a)).

Fig: 4 Fig: 5

Fig: 8 Fig: 8(a)

8. While levelling the air bubble, we can observe in digital screen and level the air bubble for
horizontal axis: by rotating in wards or out wards of the front faced levelling screws shown in
figure 6
Fig: 6
Vertical axis: by rotating anti-clockwise or clockwise of opposite levelling screw as shown in
figure 7

Fig: 7

9. After completing leveling air bubble click on exist [x] button on corner of the screen (fig:9)

Fig: 9
10. Now we can observe main menu, then click Manage menu (fig:10) >> Projects menu (fig: 11)
>>New (bottom of the screen) (fig: 12)
Fig: 10 Fig: 11 Fig: 12

11. Create new Project by fill the details like Name (fig: 14), Description, Creator and also select
Device type (fig: 15) (weather we want to store the Project data internal or external) based on
that select device type.

Fig: 13 Fig: 14 Fig: 15

12. Now Click on Store button at bottom of the screen (fig:16) and close the screen by click the
exist button (fig:17)

Fig: 16 Fig: 17

13. Now we can be seen the main menu and click Scan option (fig:18), then we can be seen the
project file what we named and stored previously in manage option.
Fig: 18
14. Now click continue option present at the bottom of the screen (fig: 19), then we can see Scan
parameters (fig: 20)

Fig: 19 Fig: 20
15. Scan (fig: 18) >> cont (fig: 19) >> field of view (fig: 20) >> presents (type we want to select,
usually we prefer Target all) (fig: 21) >> Resolution (generally prefer medium and based on
application we are using) (fig :22) >> Image control (fig: 23) >> exposure(prefers Automatic)
(fig: 23) >> image type (uncompressed) (fig: 23) >> image resize(select according to our
preference) (fig: 23) >> Filters(no need to change filter options) (fig: 24) >> scan +
image(where we can get both image and scanned data ) (fig: 25)
Fig: 21 Fig: 22

Fig: 23 Fig: 24

Fig: 25

16. Scanning data (fig: 26)

Fig: 26

17. Capturing images (fig: 27)

Fig: 27

18. Final output image from station point (fig:28) and click enter option (fig:29)

Fig: 28 Fig: 29
19. Now we have to click exist(X) (fig:30) and go to main menu to scan Targets

Fig: 30
20. Main menu >> Scan (fig: 31) >> standard setup ( stdstp ) (fig: 32) >> now go to next page(Δ)
(fig: 33)and select Targets

Fig: 31 Fig: 32 Fig: 33

21. Now select the Target option at the bottom of the screen (fig:34) and then click “new” (fig:35)

Fig: 34 Fig: 35 Fig: 36

22. Name the Target ID (fig: 36) and use target type as (HDS B/W tgt) (fig: 38) because we are
using black and white target. No need to give target height (fig: 39).

Fig: 37 Fig: 38 Fig: 39

23. Pick from (Video image) (fig: 40)

Fig: 40

24. Place the targets at suitable visible positions and mark them as (t1, t2, t3, …) (fig: 41,42)
Fig: 41 Fig: 42

25. Now click on pick target option (pickt) shown in figure (fig:43) and focus the first target by
using zoom tool (fig: 44) and enable pick tool shown in figure (fig: 45) and click at the center
of the target (fig: 46 ) and click enter (fig: 47) and after click continue at bottom of the screen
(fig: 48)

Fig: 43 Fig: 44 Fig: 45

Fig: 46 Fig: 47 Fig: 48

26. Now TLS will scan the target (fig: 49,50)and will give result of the target

Fig: 49 Fig: 50

27. Check the status of the target as (OK) then click view option at bottom of the screen (fig: 51)

Fig: 51

28. We have to check the orientation of the target in vertical axis weather it should be in a vertically
or not and later click exist symbol at right corner of the screen (fig:52,53,54)

Fig: 52 Fig: 53 Fig: 54

29. If the status is “OK” then we can store the target otherwise we have to do process from (step
Fig: 55 Fig: 56

30. Now repeat the scanning process for remaining targets from the same station follow the steps
from (20 to 29)
31. Now shift the TLS to other station, So before that we have to power off the TLS by using exist
symbol from main menu (fig:57) and wait until beep sound to be hear and remove TLS from
the tripod and shift to next station.

Fig: 57

32. From second station on-wards we have to use standard setup (stdstp).
33. Scan (fig: 58) >> stdstp (fig: 59) >> field of view (fig: 60) >> Now follow the steps from
( fig:20 to fig : 30)
Fig: 58 Fig: 59 Fig: 60

34. For scanning targets from second station we have to follow the steps from (fig: 31 to fig : 34)
and browse previous named targets (fig: 61) and select the corresponding Target ID (fig: 62)
from that station and follow steps from (figure 43 to 56)

Fig: 61 Fig: 62
35. In this way we have to collect data and store.

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Date: 2020.07.31 12:09:42

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