CAE-I Question Bank (DMGT)

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G. H.

Raisoni Institute of Engineering & Technology, Pune

(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to SP Pune University)
Department: AI&DS
Sem -I (2021-22)
CAE-I Question Bank
Course: Discrete Mathematics & Graph Theory

1. Let { } { } Find
C. A-B
D. A B
2. Let A denotes the set A={{ } } . State true or false
a) { } b) 1 ∉ A
3. State whether true or false.
a) { } {{ }} b) {{ }} c) { } {{ }}
4. Let { } be the universal set. Let { } { } Find
B. A-B
D. ̅

In terms of 1’s and 0’s.

5. Let { } and B { }. Determine whether the relation R from A to B is a

function Justify . IF it is function give the range
i. { }
ii. { }




10. Let { } { } Show that is an

equivalence relation . Draw the diagraph for R where n=7
11. Show that is divisible by 3


1. Define the following terms

a) Semi group
b) Monoid
c) Group
d) Abelian Group
2. For each of the following, determine whether * is a binary operation.
a) Z+ is the set of positive integers and a*b=a-b
b) R is the set of real number and a*b= min {a,b}
c) Z+ is the set of positive integers and a*b=a/b
d) N is the set of natural number and a*b= a+b
3. Show that identity element of group is unique
4. Let G be the group with binary operation * . Show that
5. If set Q1 of all rational number other than 1 with . Find out (G,*) is
group or not
6. If {[ ] }. Show that G is an abelian group w.r.t
matrix multiplication
7. Is (G, +8) is an abelian Group where { }
8. Is (G, 6) is an abelian Group where { }
9. Show that set of all permutations on { } forms a group w.r.t. permutation
10. Is union of two subgroup is a subgroup? It not, give example

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