Microsoft Cloud Storage For Enterprise Architects
Microsoft Cloud Storage For Enterprise Architects
Microsoft Cloud Storage For Enterprise Architects
Use these prepackaged solutions that are Use these existing services as a starting point for Use these storage building blocks, along with
bundled with existing services. Use immediately your storage solution with additional coding, to create your own storage solution or
and with minimal configuration. configuration or coding for a custom fit. apps from scratch.
Azure Storage
Visual Studio Azure Site Azure SQL SQL Server on (queues)
Online Recovery Database an Azure VM
Azure Storage
Yammer file Azure Azure (tables)
sharing Backup DocumentDB StorSimple
April 2016 © 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. To send feedback about this documentation, please write to us at [email protected].
Microsoft Cloud What IT architects need to know about
storage using Microsoft cloud services
Storage for and platforms
Move-in ready
Use prepackaged solutions Ready to go, bundled with Limited customization
immediately existing services
Files are secure, reliable, and accessible from multiple Corporate or organization portal Collaborate
devices and from anywhere Team-based collaboration Company communications
Content is easily discoverable through search Enterprise search Manage videos
SharePoint Workflows and retention policies make it easy to use
Online in Office and maintain content More Information
Content can be accessed through web APIs or a
365 Cost Information
browser, or offline
Mailboxes are secure, reliable, and accessible from Enterprise email storage Collaborate
multiple devices and from anywhere
Exchange Mailbox content can be found through search
More Information
Online in Office
365 Cost Information
Storage is secure, reliable, and accessible from Individual users document store Backup files
multiple devices and from anywhere Ad hoc collaboration on
Content is easily discoverable through search by the documents
OneDrive for user
Business Content can be accessed through web APIs or a More Information
browser, or offline
Cost Information
Each user gets 1 TB of storage
5 GB file size limit for each uploaded file Enterprise social Collaborate
No limit on the number of files that can be uploaded Share documents or links relevant to
Best for quick sharing and discussion a conversation or topic
Accessible through a browser More Information
Yammer file
Cost Information
All software that you deploy is packaged and Software deployment Backup files
uploaded to Microsoft Intune cloud storage
Microsoft Subscription includes 20 GB of storage with the
Intune option to purchase additional space, various software
and hardware inventory reports, policy management, More Information
mobile app publishing, alerts, monitoring, and
Cost Information
99.99% uptime SLA
Simple, automated protection, replication, and Virtual machines running in an Backup files
recovery to Azure environment using Hyper-V can be
Continuous health monitoring and orchestrated replicated between two datacenters or to
recovery Azure
InMage Scout enables the protection of
Azure Site VMware and physical environments
More Information
Cost Information
Seamlessly protects data received from Windows Protect data from a variety of on- Backup files
Server and Windows Server Essentials premises (SharePoint, SQL,
Includes System Center Data Protection Manager Exchange) and Azure (VMs)
The data is stored in geo-replicated storage, which sources
maintains six copies of your data across two Azure
Azure datacenters
Backup Supports delta changes, defined frequency,
compression, encryption, longer retention, and More Information
bandwidth throttling Cost Information
April 2016 © 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. To send feedback about this documentation, please write to us at [email protected].
Microsoft Cloud What IT architects need to know about
storage using Microsoft cloud services
Storage for and platforms
Advanced and real time analytics Distribute audio, video, applications, Manage data
Robust security against DDoS images, and other files faster and more Manage videos
Gets content automatically from an Azure Website or reliably to customers by using the servers
Azure Cloud Service once you set up the integration that are closest to them
Azure Content More Information
New partnership with Akamai
Delivery Network
Can handle sudden traffic spikes and heavy loads Cost Information
Massively scalable hybrid cloud storage with larger Data analytics workloads Manage data
on-premises capacity for SSD and HDD In-memory data processing framework for
Access to enterprise data in Azure through the big data (Spark)
StorSimple Virtual Appliance Real-time stream processing (Storm)
Manage geographically-dispersed physical arrays Large transactional processing (OLTP) of
HDInsight and virtual appliances, data protection policies, and non-relational data (HBase)
data mobility More Information
Automatic deduplication and compression Cost Information
Optimized to reduce management and costs New cloud-designed applications with Manage data
Automatic high availability, disaster recovery, and relational data
upgrade Data processing over schematic, highly
Recommended for organizations managing hundreds structured data sets with relationships
Azure SQL
or thousands of databases of up to 1 TB in size Spatial data or rich data types
Sharding techniques can split data across databases More Information
for increased storage See topic 5 for information about
Cost Information Elastic Database.
Designed for modern mobile and web applications
Fast reads and writes, schema flexibility, and the User Profile store Manage data
ability to scale up and down on demand Customer database
Best for flexible datasets that require query retrieval Articles (for example, OneNote
and transactional processing Captures)
DocumentDB Recommended for applications that are Internet More Information
Cost Information
10GB/collection and 100+ collections per storage See topic 5 for a DocumentDB vs.
account Azure SQL Database comparison.
Live and video on demand (VOD) delivery with scale Encode, store, and stream audio and Manage videos
Highly available encoding and streaming video at scale
Supports Flash, iOS, Android, HTML5, and Xbox Real time streaming and VOD
Azure Media Studio-certified DRM support Streamlined video content
Services Rich content monetization management
Broad ecosystem of pre-integrated partners More Information
Cost Information
Secure, dedicated Redis Cache, managed by Microsoft Reverse lookup for Azure tables Cache data
Rich feature set and ecosystem provided by Redis Frequently accessed content
Recommended for all new developments on Azure Synchronized content from other
Azure Redis needing a high-performance cache solution data stores
Cache Available in sizes up to 53 GB, Premium adds
automatic sharding to 530GB and beyond
More Information
Not as good for on-premises application cache
Basic/Standard tier not intended for use as a persistent Cost Information
SQL Server running as an installed application on an Manage data for applications Manage data
Azure virtual machine
Use a gallery image with SQL Server installed or More Information
SQL Server on
bring your own SQL Server license
an Azure VM Cost Information
Scalable, enterprise hybrid SAN storage with SSD Manage data growth related to file shares, Manage data
and HDD in the on-premises hybrid storage array, archives, and other data repositories Collaborate
with cloud storage as an integrated extension of the Offsite data protection and disaster
solution recovery for file shares, virtual machines,
Inline deduplication, compression, automatic tiering, SQL, and SharePoint (using Remote Blob
and encryption unstructured and semi structured Storage)
data Utilize cloud snapshots to clone data in
Automated offsite data protection using cloud Azure and increase business agility
Highly-efficient, location-independent disaster More Information
recovery Cost Information
Data mobility for enterprise data with StorSimple
Virtual Appliance in Azure
April 2016 © 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. To send feedback about this documentation, please write to us at [email protected].
Microsoft Cloud What IT architects need to know about
storage using Microsoft cloud services
Storage for and platforms
Makes it easier to move legacy applications to the Migrating legacy applications to the Backup files
cloud cloud that rely on file shares
Blob storage preferred for new applications Share development and testing tools
Can mount from an Azure virtual machine Distributed apps can store logs,
Azure Storage Can mount on-premises with SMB 3.0 diagnostic data, and crash dumps
(files) Works with Linux and Windows
Doesn t support Azure AD-based authentication or
ACLs (Azure Storage account keys provide More Information
authentication and authorized access to the file share) Cost Information
Each storage account can hold up to 500 TB (one Backups of files, computers, databases, Manage data
subscription can have multiple storage accounts) and devices
Storage accounts are organized into containers, Images and text for web applications
which can have security applied to them and can Configuration data for cloud applications
Azure Storage contain blobs Big data, such as logs and other large
(blobs) Block blobs are optimized for streaming and storing datasets
cloud objects, up to 200 GB in size
Page blobs are optimized for representing IaaS disks Azure uses blob storage for its own
and supporting random writes, up to 1 TB in size services, such as HDInsight and virtual
Append blobs are optimized for append operations, machine disks.
up to 195 GB
Premium Storage provides faster IOPS through SSD More Information
Cost Information
Storage account can contain any number of queues Create a backlog of work to Distribute events
Queue can contain any number of messages (until process asynchronously
the storage account is full) Processing log messages
Queue messages are automatically deleted after Decouple applications
Azure Storage
seven days if not retrieved and deleted by an
Messages may be up to 64 KB in size
Secured at storage account level More Information
Queues are intended to pass control messages, not
raw data Cost Information
Best for semi-structured datasets User data for web applications Manage data
Typically lower cost than traditional SQL Address books
Very fast if querying for key, slow if querying for value Device information
Massively scalable; any amount of tables up to the
Azure Storage
limits of the storage account
(tables) Accessible through REST API, limited oData protocol,
Values must be serialized More Information
See topic 5 for a Redis Cache vs. Azure table comparison. Cost Information
April 2016 © 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. To send feedback about this documentation, please write to us at [email protected].
Microsoft Cloud What IT architects need to know about
storage using Microsoft cloud services
Storage for and platforms
Elastic database
Use the virtually unlimited resources of Azure SQL Vertical scaling: You can change Azure database Horizontal scaling: You can add new databases
Database when: performance level/edition or by using elastic as needed.
database pools.
The total amount of data is too large to fit within
the constraints of a single database.
The transaction throughput of the overall
workload exceeds the capabilities of a single
Tenants require physical isolation from each
other, so separate databases are needed for Shard n
each tenant.
Shard 3
Different sections of a database need to reside in Shard 2
different geographies for compliance, Lower edition Higher edition
Shard 1
performance, or geopolitical reasons.
More Information
Up to 53 GB TBs
Temporary Persistent
Thanks to Oleg Kofman and Jon Epstein, both Senior Consultants for Microsoft, for their
Note original material on which this model is based.
Services and
More Microsoft Platform Options Security Identity Networking
cloud IT resources
April 2016 © 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. To send feedback about this documentation, please write to us at [email protected].