Case Study of Energy Efficiency in Massive MIMO System: International Journal of Engineering Science November 2014

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Case Study of Energy Efficiency in Massive MIMO System

Article  in  International Journal of Engineering Science · November 2014


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2 authors:

Fakhar Abbas Saifullah Adnan

COMSATS University Islamabad South China University of Technology


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International Journal of Engineering works
Kambohwell Publishers Enterprise
ISSN: 2409-2770 Vol. 1, Issue 2, PP. 32-37, Nov. 2014

Case Study of Energy Efficiency in Massive MIMO System

Muhammad Irshad Zahoor, Naveed Ur Rehman, Fakhar Abbas, SaifUllah Adnan

Abstract— By using large-scale antenna arrays, considerable Multiple-input and multiple-output, or MIMO, Means using
enhancement in energy and spectral efficiency is accomplished. several antennas at both the transmitter and receiver to advance
What will be the optimum number of antennas, active users and communication performance [4]. To accomplish an array gain
transmit power? In single cell consequence Zero Forcing (ZF) that incrementally advances the spectral proficiency and/or
processing is used to know how the constraints interact. A accomplishing a diversity gain that advances the link
conjoint belief is transmitter power is enlarged with large consistency, multiple antennas can be used to accomplish smart
number of antennas that means EE-systems can operate in high antenna functions. Though, currently the term “MIMO”
Signal to noise ratio systems where interference-suppressing generally states to a scheme for enlarging the capacity of a radio
signal processing is mandatory. Systematic and arithmetical link by manipulating multipath propagation [5].
results show that, Massive MIMO is the solution to get
maximum energy efficiency. A combination of Massive MIMO
and Small cell access point is also anticipated to increase the
energy proficiency at the UEs, without losing the Quality of
Service (QoS). If latter are operator positioned, a spatial soft cell
tactic can be used at the multiple transmitters to oblige the users
by non-coherent beam forming, overall power ingestion can be
diminished without losing QoS restraints.
Keywords— Multi input Multi output, Single input single output,
Single input Multiple output, Multiple input Single output,
Multi-User Multiple input multiple output, space-division
multiple access, Media Access Control, Channel State
Information, Time Division Duplex, Frequency Division

Fig. 1 Understanding of SISO, SIMO, MISO and MIMO

I. INTRODUCTION (HEADING 1) According to MIMO systems, a transmitter drives numerous
Multiple-antenna (MIMO) technology is fetching matured streams by numerous transmit antennas. Those transmitted
for wireless communications and has been merged into wireless streams pass over a matrix channel that contains of
broadband standards like LTE and Wi-Fi [1][2][3]. Ultimately, all paths among the transmit antennas at the
the more antennas the transmitter/receiver is equipped with, the transmitter and receive antennas at the receiver. After that
more the possible signal paths and the better the performance in the receiver collects the signal vector and decodes that collected
terms of data rate and link reliability. The price to pay is signal to get the original evidence. A narrowband flat
increased complexity of the hardware and the complexity of fading MIMO system is demonstrated as
energy consumption of the signal processing at both ends.

Where and represents the receiver and transmitter vectors,

and and represents the channel matrix and the noise
Muhammad Irshad Zahoor: College of Information and Communication vector, respectively.
Engineerin Harbin Engineering University China, [email protected],
0086-18346193101 Multi-user MIMO (MU-MIMO) is the advanced form of
Naveed Ur Rehman: College of Information and Communication engineering, MIMO, in multiple-input and multiple-output, technologies’
Habin Engineering University China, [email protected], 0086-13009848100 the available antennas are spread above a multitude of
Fakhar Abbas : College of Information and Communication Engineering, independent access points and independent radio terminals, all
Harbin Engineering University China, [email protected], 0086-
18845073024 having one or multiple antennas. While comparing, single-user
SaifUllah Adnan: College of Information and Communication engineering, MIMO uses a single multi-antenna transmitter that
Habin Engineering University China, [email protected], 0086- communicate with a single multi-antenna receiver. To improve
15776869416 the communication competencies of all terminals, MU-MIMO
uses an comprehensive form of (SDMA) to permit multiple
transmitters to send distinct signals and multiple receivers to
collect separate signals instantaneously in the same band [6].
MU-MIMO is the advanced form of MIMO that can be used in
different ways as a multiple access strategy. A prominent
alteration is, the performance of MU-MIMO depend
on precoding competency than OFDMA, if the transmitter does
not use precoding, the performance benefit of MU-MIMO is not

Fig. 3 Massive MIMO Technology

A. 1G(First Generation) (Heading 2)
1G (or 1-G) states the first generation
of wireless telephone technology (mobile telecommunications
). 1G is the analog telecommunications standards that was
presented in the 1980s and sustained till being substituted
by 2G digital telecommunications. The key variance among the
Fig. 2 Multiuser MIMO System two mobile telephone systems (1G and 2G), is that the radio
signals used by 2G are digital, while the signals used by 1G are
analog. 1G is only moderated to higher frequency,
Massive MIMO (also acknowledged as Large-Scale Antenna
characteristically 150 MHz and up.
Systems, Very Large MIMO, Hyper MIMO, Full-Dimension
MIMO and ARGOS) creates a big difference with conventional
MIMO systems by using large number of antennas (e.g.,
hundreds or thousands) which are functioned entirely
coherently and adaptively [7]. To focus the signal transmission
and reception energy into smaller regions of space, spare
antennas are helpful. That fetches massive enhancements in
throughput and energy efficiency, when predominantly joined
with instantaneous scheduling of a large number of user
terminals (e.g., tens or hundreds). Massive MIMO was formerly
proposed for (TDD) operation, but now potentially can also be
functional in (FDD) operation.
Fig. 4 A typical network architecture for the co-existence of
Some other advantages of massive MIMO are, the broad use 1G
of low-cost low-power equipment, reduced latency,
generalization of the (MAC) layer, and robustness to B. GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication)
interference and intentional jamming [8]. The estimated GSM , is a standard recognized by the European
throughput depends on the propagation environment providing Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) to describe
asymptotically orthogonal channels to the terminals, and protocols for second generation (2G) digital cellular
experimentations have not revealed any restrictions till now in networks used by mobile phones. GSM is the default
this respect. Whereas massive MIMO condenses many worldwide standard for mobile communications, and is
traditional research problems inappropriate, and exposes accessible in more than 219 countries and regions [9][10].
completely new complications that immediately need
consideration; for example, the challenging task of making GSM standard was established to replace the first generation
several low-cost low-precision components that work (1G) analog cellular networks, and described a digital, circuit-
efficiently together, the need for efficient acquisition scheme switched network improved for full duplex voice telephony.
for channel state information, resource allocation for newly- GSM technology was extended with time to include data
joined terminals, the manipulation of additional degrees of communications, initially by circuit-switched transport,
freedom given by spare service antennas, reducing internal later packet data transport via GPRS (General Packet Radio
power consumption to attain overall energy efficiency Services) and EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution
reductions, and finding new placement situations. or EGPRS) [11].

International Journal of Engineering Works Vol. 1, Issue 2, PP. 32-37, Nov. 2014
ISSN: 2409-2770
foregoing 5G. A 4G systemchave some similar applications
same as 3G [12] for example the voice and other services, offers
mobile broadband Internet access, for example to laptops
with wireless modems, to smartphones, and to other mobile

Fig. 5 Structure of GSM Network

3G, third Generation, is the third generation of mobile
telecommunications technology[3]. 3G is introduced on the Fig. 7 3G/4G Service Structure
base of standards used for mobile devices and mobile
telecommunications use facilities and networks that fulfill E. MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output)
the International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-
2000) specifications by the International Telecommunication When talk about more than one antenna at both transmitter
Union [4]. 3G is mostly used with mobile phones and handsets and receiver, that system is known as MIMO system. MIMO
as a means to connect the phone to the Internet or stances for Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output can be used to
other IPnetworks in order to make voice and video calls, to provide improvements in both channel robustness as well as
download and upload data and to surf the net. channel throughput [13].
a. How is 3G Better? MIMO is an important factor of wireless communication
standards such as IEEE 802.11n (Wi-Fi), IEEE 802.11ac (Wi-
3G has the following enhancements over 2.5G and previous Fi), 4G, 3GPP Long Term Evolution, WiMAX and HSPA+.

 Several times higher data speed;

 Enhanced audio and video streaming;
 Video-conferencing support;
 Web and WAP browsing at higher speeds;
Fig. 8 MIMO - Multiple Input Multiple Output
 IPTV (TV through the Internet) support.
There are different types of MIMO Configurations that we
can use, named as, SISO, SIMO, MISO and MIMO. These
formats requires different number of antennas and have
different complexity level.
Hence the altered forms of single / multiple antenna links
are :

 SISO - Single Input Single Output

 SIMO - Single Input Multiple output
 MISO - Multiple Input Single Output

Fig. 6 Structure of 3G (third Generation)  MIMO - Multiple Input multiple Output

MU-MIMO is also used for a multiple user type of MIMO .
4G, fourth generation, is the fourth generation of mobile
telecommunications technology, advanced form of 3G and

International Journal of Engineering Works Vol. 1, Issue 2, PP. 32-37, Nov. 2014
ISSN: 2409-2770
a. SISO MISO(Multiple input single output) also known as transmit
The modest form is known as SISO - Single Input Single diversity. In MISO systems, same data are transmitted
Output [14]. This is commendably a standard radio channel. excessively from both transmit antennas, and the receiver
The transmitter and receiver both operates with one antenna, receives the optimal signal to obtain the desired information.
and no diversity and additional processing is required.

Fig. 9 SISO - Single Input Single Output Fig. 11 MISO - Multiple Input Single Outputs

b. Advantages and Disadvantages: F. MU-MIMO

The advantage of a SISO system, it does not requires Multi-user MIMO or MU-MIMO is an improved form of
processing in various forms of diversity, also the SISO system MIMO technology, gains approval. MU-MIMO permits
is very simple. Whereas SISO system has limited Performance, multiple autonomous radio terminals to access a system
fading and interference affect the system, also its Bandwidth is improving the communication competencies of each distinct
limited by Shannon's law. terminal.
MU-MIMO manipulates the extreme system capacity by
c. SIMO arranging multiple users to be capable of concurrently access
SIMO( Single Input Multiple Output) is also a form of the equivalent channel using the spatial degrees of freedom
MIMO, having single antenna at transmitter and multiple presented by MIMO.
antennas at receiver, which is recognized as receive diversity.
SIMO systems are helpful up to some extent to conquer the f. MU- MIMO Advantages
fading effects [15].
MU-MIMO has some substantial advantages compared to other
Two forms of SIMO that can be used: techniques:

 Switched diversity SIMO: This form of SIMO  MU-MIMO systems allow a level of direct gain to
appearances for the resilient signal and switches to that achieve in a multiple access capacity rising from the
antenna. multi-user multiplexing schemes, and are proportional
 Maximum ratio combining SIMO: This form of to the amount of base station antennas engaged.
SIMO receives both signals and adds them to give a  MU-MIMO seems to be less affected from
combined result. propagation problems that distress single user MIMO
systems. Which consist of channel rank loss and
antenna correlation, while channel correlation still
affects diversity on a per user basis.
G. Massive MIMO

Massive MIMO also known as Very large MIMO have a

Fig. 10 SIMO - Single Input Multiple Output major difference by using a large number of antennas above
active terminals and time division duplex operation. Spare
antennas help to focus energy in small regions of space to carry
d. Advantages and Disadvantages massive enhancement in throughput and radiated energy
The advantage of SIMO is that it is comparatively easy to efficiency. Additional advantages of massive MIMO comprise
implement. SIMO also have some disadvantages, such as needs the widespread use of low-cost low-power components,
processing at the receiver. SIMO can be used in many reduced latency, generalization of the media access control
applications but in case of mobile phones where receiver is (MAC) layer, and robustness to purposeful jamming. Massive
positioned, processing is limited because of size and also drains MIMO systems have excessive potential for grasping Gigabit
the battery. data rates in the next generation wireless networks [16]. When
networks install massive MIMO-based base stations (BS), they
will be able to increase their data rate many times as compared
e. MISO to current networks/technology. Extra number of antennas can

International Journal of Engineering Works Vol. 1, Issue 2, PP. 32-37, Nov. 2014
ISSN: 2409-2770
be used to enhance the present system capability and can bring
more users into the system.
Fig. 12 shows a downlink massive MIMO system. Though
such a remarkable increase in the number of antennas presents
new encounters for transceiver design and employment, and has
certain fascinating benefits for signal processing and
communication. Lets have an example, if the amount of base
station antennas is much greater than the number of users in
the system, simple conjugate beam
forming (BF) precoding (downlink) and matched filter (MF)
detection (uplink) at the base station lead to close-to-optimal
performance enabling low complication signal processing at
mutually the base station and the user terminals. Moreover,
casual impairments known as small-scale fading and noise are Fig. 12 Downlink of a multi-cell massive MIMO system.
averaged out as the number of base station antennas increases.
To preserve the signaling above for channel state information b. BENEFITS
(CSI) procurement in massive MIMO systems controllable,
time division duplex (TDD) operation is favored, subsequently Some initial advantages from the massive MIMO systems
for frequency division duplex (FDD) systems the amount are stated as:
of CSI feedback raises with the number of base station antennas
[12]. A most important weakening in massive MIMO systems
is the so-called pilot contamination. Pilot contamination is i. Inter-user interference is simply diminished by the
triggered by the reprocess of the identical pilot sequences in extraordinary beam forming determination.
altered cells. This reprocess is inevitable as, for a specified pilot ii. Low-complexity signal processing processes are
sequence length; the number of linearly autonomous pilot asymptotically optimal.
sequences is restricted. Though, in recent times numerous
effective techniques have been suggested to overwhelm pilot iii. Propagation damages are diminished by a large array
contamination. While massive MIMO communication systems gain due to coherent beam forming/combining.
have been first proposed in 2010 , and have engrossed iv. Interference-leakage because of channel estimation
significant attention from both academic circles and business blunders is exterminated asymptotically in the large-
sectors in a very limited time. Consider an example, a 2013 dimensional vector space.
distinct subject of the IEEE Journal on Nominated Regions in
Communications was committed exclusively to
massive MIMO systems and massive MIMO plays a vital part
in GreenTouch'squest to increase the energy efficiency of In this paper we reviewed the two methods for improving
communication networks by 2015 by a aspect of 1000 energy efficiency of a cellular network. Energy efficiency of a
compared to the 2010 levels. Actually, if NT raises large and all cellular network can be improved by retaining Massive MIMO
other system parameters are supposed constant, the transmit at the base station or by draping current arrangement by a layer
power per user in multi-user massive MIMO systems can be of SCAs. This exploration ponders mutually dynamic emitted
condensed equivalently to 1/NT and 1/NT−−−√ for flawless power and static hardware consumption. The overall power
and flawed CSI information at the base station, consumption can be significantly enhanced by merging
correspondingly, deprived of disturbing throughput and Massive MIMO and small cells. Most of the benefits are also
reliability. Therefore, massive MIMO systems compromise a attainable by low intricacy beam forming.
humble path to additional energy efficient and "greener"
communication networks. Bearing in mind the promising Also if we employ 100-200 antennas to oblige a
possessions of and large concern in massive MIMO systems, comparatively huge number of UEs is the optimum explanation
we presume them to come to be an essential part of upcoming using present circuit equipment. Energy Efficient systems
wireless communication systems [18]. While a significant consequently not functioning in the low SNR system, but in a
exploration struggle has by this time been focused towards system where appropriate interference-suppressing processing
massive MIMO systems, numerous significant signal (e.g., ZF or MMSE) is extremely preferably over interference
processing and signal design complications persist to be snubbing MRT/MRC processing. Mathematical results
resolved. displays that the power per antenna is in the range of 10-100
mW, which specifies that Massive MIMO can be constructed
by low power consumer-grade transceiver equipment at the BSs
in its place of conservative industry-grade high power
equipment. The circuit power coefficients will drop over time,
which infers the Energy Efficiency optimum operating point
will get a greater value and can be accomplished using less UEs,
less BS antennas, less RF power, and further advanced

International Journal of Engineering Works Vol. 1, Issue 2, PP. 32-37, Nov. 2014
ISSN: 2409-2770
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Authors would like express great thanks to Mr. Raheel

Ahmad and Mr. Naveed Ur Rehman for their helpful
suggestions, and Support from the College of Information and
Communication Engineering.

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International Journal of Engineering Works Vol. 1, Issue 2, PP. 32-37, Nov. 2014
ISSN: 2409-2770

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