MATH10 2nd Quarter

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Mathematics G10
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The Editors


PIVOT 4A Learner’s Material
Quarter 2
First Edition, 2020

Grade 10
Job S. Zape, Jr.
PIVOT 4A Instructional Design & Development Lead

Melvin M. Baldovino, Ligaya D. Lapitan, Beatriz O. Cruz,

Irma Marie L. Esteban, Yhezyl J. Condino, Giselle I. Lucido
Content Creator & Writer

Mirza J. Linga & Philips T. Monterola

Internal Reviewer & Editor

Lhovie A. Cauilan & Jael Faith T. Ledesma

Layout Artist & Illustrator

Jhucel A. del Rosario & Melanie Mae N. Moreno

Graphic Artist & Cover Designer

Ephraim L. Gibas
IT & Logistics

Published by: Department of Education Region IV-A CALABARZON

Regional Director: Wilfredo E. Cabral
Assistant Regional Director: Ruth L. Fuentes


Guide in Using PIVOT 4A Learner’s Material

For the Parents/Guardians

This module aims to assist you, dear parents, guardians, or siblings
of the learners, to understand how materials and activities are used in the
new normal. It is designed to provide information, activities, and new
learning that learners need to work on.
Activities presented in this module are based on the Most
Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) in Mathematics as prescribed
by the Department of Education.
Further, this learning resource hopes to engage the learners in
guided and independent learning activities at their own pace. Furthermore,
this also aims to help learners acquire the essential 21st century skills
while taking into consideration their needs and circumstances.
You are expected to assist the children in the tasks and ensure the
learner’s mastery of the subject matter. Be reminded that learners have to
answer all the activities in their own answer sheet.

For the Learners

The module is designed to suit your needs and interests using the
IDEA instructional process. This will help you attain the prescribed
grade-level knowledge, skills, attitude, and values at your own pace outside
the normal classroom setting.
The module is composed of different types of activities that are
arranged according to graduated levels of difficulty—from simple to
complex. You are expected to :
a. answer all activities on separate sheets of paper;
b. accomplish the PIVOT Assessment Card for Learners on page
38 by providing the appropriate symbols that correspond to your
personal assessment of your performance; and
c. submit the outputs to your respective teachers on the time
and date agreed upon.


Parts of PIVOT 4A Learner’s Material
K to 12 Learning
Delivery Process

This part presents the MELC/s and the desired


What I need to know learning outcomes for the day or week, purpose of
the lesson, core content and relevant samples.
This maximizes awareness of his/her own
What is new knowledge as regards content and skills required
for the lesson.

This part presents activities, tasks and contents

What I know
of value and interest to learner. This exposes

him/her on what he/she knew, what he/she does

What is in not know and what he/she wants to know and
learn. Most of the activities and tasks simply and
directly revolve around the concepts of
What is it developing mastery of the target skills or MELC/s.

In this part, the learner engages in various tasks

What is more and opportunities in building his/her knowledge,
skills and attitude/values (KSAVs) to
meaningfully connect his/her concepts after

doing the tasks in the D part. This also exposes

What I can do him/her to real life situations/tasks that shall:
ignite his/ her interests to meet the expectation;
make his/her performance satisfactory; and/or
produce a product or performance which will help
What else I can do him/her fully understand the target skills and
concepts .
This part brings the learner to a process where
he/she shall demonstrate ideas, interpretation,
What I have learned
mindset or values and create pieces of

information that will form part of his/her

knowledge in reflecting, relating or using them
effectively in any situation or context. Also, this
What I can achieve part encourages him/her in creating conceptual
structures giving him/her the avenue to integrate
new and old learnings.
This module is a guide and a resource of information in understanding the
Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs). Understanding the target
contents and skills can be further enriched thru the K to 12 Learning Materials
and other supplementary materials such as Worktexts and Textbooks provided by
schools and/or Schools Division Offices, and thru other learning delivery
modalities, including radio-based instruction (RBI) and TV-based instruction


Polynomial Functions
I Lesson

After going through this lesson, you are expected to illustrate polynomial
functions, understand, describe and interpret the graph of polynomial functions;
and solve problems involving polynomial functions.
Do you remember when an expression is a polynomial? Which of the given
expressions are polynomial? What makes the expressions not a polynomial?
In this lesson, you need to revisit the lessons and your knowledge on
evaluating and factoring polynomials necessary in graphing linear and quadratic
functions. Your knowledge and familiarity of these topics will help you sketch the
graph of polynomial functions manually. The use of graphing utilities/tools might
help you to view a clearer graph that will lead you to understand, describe and
interpret the properties of the graph.

Learning Task 1: Write and answer the following in your answer sheet.
1. Evaluate the following polynomials in your answer sheet.
a. at
b. at
c. find .

2. Factor each polynomial completely using any method


Remember that the graph of a polynomial functions whose degree is 0 or 1

is a line. The graph of a polynomial function is a parabola if it is a quadratic
How does the value of b in affects the behavior of the line?
How does the value of a in affects the end behavior of the

You are expected in this lesson to focus on polynomial functions of degree

higher than 2. What is a polynomial function? A polynomial of degree n is a
function of the form , where n is a
nonnegative integer, the a’s such as, ,… , , are real numbers
called the coefficients. is the leading term, is the leading coefficient
and is the constant term.
The terms of a polynomial may be written in any order. However, if
they are written in decreasing powers of x, we say that the polynomial is in
standard form.


Other than P(x), a polynomial function can also be denoted by f(x).
Sometimes, a polynomial function is represented by a set of P of ordered pairs
(x, y). Thus, a polynomial function can be written in different ways, like the

Although this general formula might look quite complicated, particular

examples are much simpler.
Illustrative Example 1
is a polynomial of degree 3, as 3 is the highest power of
x in the formula. This is called a cubic polynomial, or just a cubic. The
leading term is , so, the leading coefficient is 4. The term with no
variable is 2, so 2 is the constant term.

Illustrative Example 2

1. is not a polynomial function since there is a variable x

inside the radical sign which can be written as .

2. is not a polynomial as it contains a variable x in the

denominator. The term can also be expressed as , as we learned in

the laws of exponent.

Polynomials may also be written in factored form and as a product of

irreducible factors, that is, a factor that can no longer be factored using
coefficients that are real numbers.

Graph of P(x)
1. The graph of any type of function must pass the
vertical line test.
2. Every polynomial function with real coefficients
has the set of real numbers as its domain; hence it
is continuous function. This means that the
graph of a polynomial function has no breaks,
holes or gaps.
3. A polynomial equation of the nth degree cannot
have more than n roots. This only means that the This is not graph of P(x)
graph cannot intersect the x-axis more than n
4. A graph of a polynomial function has only smooth,
rounded turns. A polynomial function cannot
have a sharp turn.

Zeros of Polynomial Function

It can be shown that for a polynomial function of degree n, the following
statements are true:
The function has, at most, n real zeros.
The graph has, at most, n – 1 turning points.
Turning points (relative maximum or relative minimum) are points at which the
graph changes from increasing to decreasing or vice versa.
The zeros of a polynomial function are the values of x which make f(x) = 0.
These values are the roots, or solutions of the polynomial equation when y = 0.
All real roots are the x-intercepts of the graph.
Illustrative Example 3
How many turning points does have?
Find all the zeros of…
Set up the equation: and solve.

Using synthetic division

Therefore, the zeros are . These are the x-intercepts. And the y-
intercept is -3.
The degree of the function is 3, the graph has 2 turning points.

Multiplicities of Zeroes
The multiplicity of a zero is the number of times the real root of a
polynomial functions results in . Suppose r is a zero of even multiplicity.
Then the graph touches the x-axis at r and bounces at r or is tangent to point (r,
0). Suppose r is a zero of odd multiplicity. Then the graph crosses the x-axis at r.
Regardless of whether a multiplicity is even or odd, the graph tends to flatten out
near zeros with a multiplicity greater than one.

Illustrative Example 4
Solve for the zeroes of , then show the graph.

By Zero Product Property

therefore to the multiplicity of 2
therefore to the multiplicity of 2

The exponent tells us the multiplicity.

The graph of the polynomial function as
shown at the right is tangent to the x-axis at points (0, 0) and (2, 0)

Behavior of Polynomial functions

The behavior of the graph of a function to the far left and far right is called
its end behavior.
Although the graph of a polynomial function may have intervals where it
increases or decreases, the graph will eventually rise or fall without bound as it
moves far to the left or far to the right.
How can we determine the end behavior of a polynomial function?
Using the table on the next page, observe how the end behavior of the graph
changes in relation to the leading coefficient and degree of the polynomial
Solving Word Problems Involving Polynomial Functions

Polynomial functions have varied applications in real life situations.

Consider the problem below.
Illustrative Example 5
Find the length of the edge of a cube, if an edge is increased by 3 dm, another
edge has a 6 dm increase and the third one decreases by 2 dm, results to 100%
increase of its original volume.
– first edge
– Second edge
– third edge
The volume of cube is equal to , and it increases 100% or it is doubled.


Use synthetic division to find x.

The factors are but is still factorable.

So, the complete factors are .

Equating the factors to zero, we have

Then, by Zero product property

x- 3 = 0 x- 6 = 0 x+ 2 = 0
x = 3 x = 6 x = -2

-2 is not acceptable solution because when substituted will result to negative

dimension. This is considered as extraneous root. Substituting to the
edges, the dimensions will be 6 dm x 9 dm x 1dm or if we use , dimensions
will be 9 dm x 12 dm x 4 dm.

Learning Task 2: In your answer sheet, copy and answer the following.
1. Describe the properties of the graph of the given polynomial functions.
A.) and
B.) as to the following:
a. Standard form
b. Leading term
c. x-intercepts and its multiplicities
d. y-intercepts
e. number of turning points
f. possible graph with end behavior
2. Sketch the graph of the polynomial functions given in Part A.
3. Find two numbers whose difference is 16 and the product is 720.

Learning Task 3: In your answer sheet, write the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which is a polynomial function?
A. C.
B. H (x) = 4x1/2 + 3x -4 D. F (x) = 2x3 – 5x + 3
2. What are the zeroes of ?

A. C.
B. D.


3. How many turning points does the graph have?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

4. What are the three consecutive positive integers such that the sum of their
squares is 149?
A. 5,6,7 B. 6,7, 8 C. 7,8,9 D. 8,9,10

5. What is the y-intercept in ?

A. 0 B. 2 C. 4 D. 6

6. Which of the following are graphs of polynomial functions.

A. B. C. D.

For numbers 7-16, identify the value of the leading coefficient and the degree of
the polynomial function. Then, describe the end behavior of the graph of the
following polynomials.

7. ( __________________________________
8. degree (odd or even) ______________________________
9. end behavior of the graph _________________________
10-11. Sketch the graph


12. ( __________________________________
13. degree (odd or even) ______________________________
14. end behavior of the graph _________________________
15-16. sketch the graph

For numbers 17-20, answer the problem below:

Trizia Mae, a gymnast, dismounts the uneven parallel bars. Her height, , depends
h , on the time, t , that she is in the air as h = -16t2 + 8t + 8. .

a) How long will it take Trizia Mae to reach the ground?

b) When Trizia Mae be 8 feet above the ground?


Learning Task 4. Read, analyze and do the problem. Use a sheet of old cardboard
or old pieces of plywood (or any available similar material) as sample materials in
preparing an open-topped box with the dimensions mentioned below to help
Cassidy in arranging her cactus. The bottom of the box should be closed. Use the
rubric below in doing the task. Then, answer the question in your answer sheet.

Cassidy need an open-topped box to display her cactus collections. The

open-topped box can be created by cutting squares from the four corners of a
20cm by 30cm piece of cardboard.
What dimensions of the box will create an open-topped box with a volume of
1008 cm3?

Point Solution Process The Conclusion/Answer

4 A complete and ap- Accurate conclusion, supported by valid evi-
propriate solution dence and reasons, appropriate to this prob-
process lem and context
3 An appropriate solu- Inaccurate but logical conclusion, supported
tion process that is by evidence and reasoning but incorrect due to
almost complete a minor factual error (in details of problem, in
computation, recall a formula etc.) or minor

2 An appropriate pro- Inaccurate but logical conclusion that over-

cess that is partially looks, or get wrong significant facts (about the

1 An inappropriate pro- Inappropriate conclusion, not supported by

cess or no evidence of facts and logic, or there is no conclusion
a process

Criteria for Rating the Output

The box has the needed dimensions and parts.
The box is properly labeled with the required length of parts.
The box is durable.
The box is neat and presentable
Points to be given:
4 points – if all items in the criteria are evident
3 points – if any three of the items are evident
2 points – if any of the two of the items are evident
1 point if any of the items are evident

In your journal notebook, reflect and answer the questions.

1. How can we determine the end behavior of a polynomial function?

2. How would you describe the end behavior of the graph?
3. What new strategies do you discover in graphing polynomial functions?


Circles and other Related Terms
After going through this lesson, you are expected to derive inductively the
relations among chords, arcs, central angles and inscribed angles; and prove
theorems related to chords, arcs, central angle and inscribed angles.

A circle is an important and useful topic in the study of Grade 10 Math.

The circle and its properties, the parts of a circle and the terms related to it form
the core of these lessons. Relationships among the measures of tangent lines,
secant lines and angles in a circle are also shown through various problems
incorporated in the lessons.

Learning Task 1: In your answer sheet, use the figure at the right to identify the
1. Center
2. Chords
3. Radii
4. Diameter
5. Tangent Lines
6. Secant Lines
7. Central Angles
8. Semi-Circle
9. Intercepted arcs
10. Inscribed Angles

A circle is a set of points on a given plane, which is equidistant from a

fixed point called the center.

The Central Angle -Intercepted Arc

A central angle is an angle whose vertex is the center and whose sides
contain two radii.
The measure of a central angle of a circle is equal to the measure of its
intercepted arc.

Illustrative Example 1:


The Arc Addition
The measure of the arc formed by two adjacent arcs is the sum of the
measure of the two arcs.
Illustrative Example 2:

Inscribed Angle and Its Intercepted Arc

An inscribed angle is an angle whose vertex is on a circle and whose sides
contain chords of the circle. The arc that lies in the interior of an inscribed angle
and has endpoints on the angle is called the intercepted arc.
The measure of inscribed angle is equal to one-half of intercepted arc.
Illustrative Example 3:
If the measure of L PEO is 800, what is the measure of
Solution: Since L PEO is a central angle

m LPEO = m PO

m LPHO = 1 m LPEO
m LPHO = 1 (80)
m LPHO = 40

Learning Task 2: In your answer sheet, copy and answer.

If m LUTV = 70, mLVTY = 92 and m YZ= 88. Answer the following:

1. m UV = ___________
2. mLVTZ = __________
3. m LUTY = _________
4. m VY = ____________
5. mLUTZ = __________

In the figure, m AY =105, mRY = 85 and m LPAR = 35, find:

1. m AP = ___________
2. mLYRA = __________
3. m L AYP = _________
4. m PR = ____________
5. mLRPA = __________


Theorems Related To Chords, Arcs, Central Angles, and Inscribed Angles

1. In a circle or in congruent circles, two minor arcs are congruent if and ony if
their corresponding central angles are congruent.

Illustrative Example 4

Given: and are right triangles at A


1. and are right triangles
at A
From 1, definition of right triangle
2. and are right angles
All right angles are congruent
From 3, definition of congruent angles
The central angle and the intercepted
5. m arc have the equal measure

From 4 and 5, by substitution
6. m =m
From 6, definition of congruent arcs

2. In a circle or in congruent circles, two minor arcs are congruent if and only if
their corresponding chords are congruent

Illustrative Example 5

By construction and definition of trian-
2. Construct gles
From 2 and definition of radius
3. , , , are radii of
Radii of the same cirle are congruent
4. , , , are congruent
By SSS Congruence Postulate
Definition of congruent angles
The measure of central is equal to the
8. measure of its intercepted arc.

From 7 and 8, substitution

Definition of congruent arcs
3. In a circle, a diameter bisects a chord and an arc with the same endpoints if and
only if it is perpendiular to the chord.

Illustrative Example 6
Prove : bisects

By construction and definition of radi-
2. Construct radii and us
Radii of the same circle are congruent
Reflexive Property
Definition of perpendicular segments
5. and OHD are right angles
Definition of right triangles
6. and OHD are right trian-

HL Congruence Postulate
7. OHD
Definition of segment bisector
9. bisects
10. HOF
Congruent central angles intercept
11. congruent arcs
From 11, definition of arc bisector
12. bisects

4. If a quadrilateral is inscribed in a circle, then its opposite angles are


Theorems on Angles Formed By Tangents, Secants, and Chords

5. The Tangent-Secant Theorem

Given an angle with its vertex on a circle, formed by a secant ray and a tangent
ray, the measure of the angle is half the measure of the intercepted.
Illustrative Example 7
Find the following measures.
a. m b. m
Solution: a. is intercepted by .


So, = 800 =
2(800) =
= 1600
b. is intercepted by ,
which is forms by a secant ray
and a tangent ray.

So, m =

m = 800

6. If two chords intersect within a circle, then the measure of the angle formed is
equal to half the sum of the measures of the intercepted arcs.

Illustrative Example 8
Given: Chords and intersecting within

Prove: m =

1. Chords and intersecting
By construction and definition of
2. Construct chords and chords
Definition of an exterior angle and its
3. is an exterior angle of ; remote interior angles

and are its remote interior

The remote interior theorem

Definition of inscribed angle
5. and are inscribed angles
The measure of the inscribed angle is
6. = half its intercepted arc.

From 4 and 6, Substitution

7. = +
By factoring
8. =


7. If a tangent and a secant, two secants, or two tangents intersect in a point in
the exterior of a circle, then the measure of the angle formed is equal to one-half
the difference of the measures of the intersected arcs.

Illustrative Example 9
Find the missing measure.
a. m and m
b. m and m

a. m =


b. m =

Learning Task 3: In your answer sheet, copy and answer.
Given : is inscribed in D
Prove : is a right angle

1. (1) Given

2. m +m = 3600 (2)

3. is diameter of D (3)
The diameter divides the circle into
3. m =m = 1800 semicircle
4. = m

5. = ( From 3 and 4, substitution.

6. is a right angle (5)


Learning Task 4: In your answer sheet, write TRUE if the statement is correct and
write FALSE if it is not.
________ 1. Two angles intercepting the same arc are congruent.
________ 2. An inscribed square in a circle separates the circle into four equal arcs.
________ 3. The measure of a central angle is twice the measure of an inscribed
angle intercepting the same arc.
________ 4. An arc has only one central angle intercepting it but several
intercepting inscribed angles.
________ 5. The vertex of an inscribed angle is the center of the circle.
________ 6. When two chords intersect, they intersect at the center of the circle.
________ 7. When two diameters intersect, they intersect at the center of the circle.
________ 8. When two chords intersect at a point on the circle, an inscribed angle is
________ 9. When two chords intersect, the point of intersection is in the interior of
the circle.
________ 10. When two tangents intersect at the exterior point of the circle, the
intercepted arcs complete a circle.

Learning Task 5: In your answer sheet, prove the theorem, using the given below.

“If a quadrilateral is inscribed in a circle, then its opposite angles are

Given: Quadriateral ABCD is inscribed in
Prove: and are supplementary
and are supplementary

In your journal notebook, reflect and answer the questions.

1. When two chords of a circle are parallel, are the arcs they intercept be
congruent? How about the arcs they cut off? Explain.

2. How do you determine the measure of the angle formed by the intersection of
two chords? two secant segments intersecting at the point in the exterior of the


Secants, Tangents, Segments,
and Sectors of a Circle
After going through this lesson, you are expected to illustrate secants,
tangents, segments, and sector of a circle, prove theorems on secant and tangent
segments of a circle; and solve problems on circles.
This lesson will add more terminologies to what you have previously
learned terms related to circles and explore the theorems on intersecting chords,
tangent lines and secant lines.

Learning Task 1: Use the figure below to match the definition in Column A with
what its description in Column B. Copy and answer this in your answer sheet.

Column A Column B
1. A line segment, a line a ray that intersects a circle at

2. The point of tangency between a tangent and the

circle is called point of tangency.
3. A line segment, a line a ray that intersects a circle at
exactly two points is called a secant. Every secant

4. A secant segment is a segment with one endpoint on

a circle, one endpoint outside the circle, and one

5. An external secant segment is the part of a secant E. point B

segment that is outside a circle.
6. The tangent segment is a segment whose endpoints
are the point of tangency and the fixed point outside
the circle.


Sector of a Circle
A sector of a circle is the region bounded two radii and their intercepted
arc. To find the area of a sector of a circle, get the product of the ratio

and the area of the circle.

Formula: Area of sector =

where: c is the central angle in degrees

r is the radius of the circle
is Pi, approximately 3.14

Illustrative Example 1
Find the area of the sector of radius 6 cm
and its central angle is 700 . Note that the measure of the central angle is equal to
its intercepted arc.

Solution: Area of sector =

= sq. in.
= 21.99 sq. cm.
Segment of a Circle
A segment of a circle is the region bounded
by an arc and its chord.
To find the area of the shaded segment,
subtract the area of triangle from the area of a
Illustrative Example 2
Solve the area of the shaded region.

= 5.78 sq. m.
Arc Length

The length of an arc can be determined by using the proportion

In the given proportion, 360 is the degree measure of the whole circle, while is
the circumference.
Illustrative Example 3
If and the radius is 6 cm, what is the length of arc
intercepted by the angle.

= 9.42 cm.
Theorems on Secant and Tangent Segments of A Circle
Illustrative Example 4
Theorem on Two Intersecting Chords
If two chords of a circle intersect, then the product of the measures of the
segments of one chord is equal to the product of the measures of the segments of
the other chord.

Given: and are chords of C

intersecting at M.
Prove: AM BM = DM E

To prove: Draw and so that we formed two similar triangles.

Then show the proof using the Two-Column Proof.


Statement Reason

m BAE = (m and 1. The measure of an inscribed angle

is one-half the measure of its inter-
cepted arc.
m BDE = (m

∠BAE ∠ BDE 2. Inscribed angles intercepting the

AME DMB 3. AA Similarity Theorem

4. Lengths of sides of similar trian-


AM BM = DM EM 5. Multiplication Property

Illustrative Example 5
Theorem on Two Secant Segments
If two secant segments are drawn to a circle from an exterior point, then
the product of the lengths of one secant segment and its external secant
segment is equal to the product of the lengths of the other secant
segment and its external secant segment.

Given: and are secant

segments of ʘT drawn
from exterior point D.

Prove: DP DQ = DS DR


To prove: Draw and so that we formed two similar triangles. Then
show the proof using the Two-Column Proof.

Statement Reason
1. Inscribed angles intercepting the
∠QPR ∠ RSQ and ∠PQS
same arc are congruent.

2. Supplements of congruent angles

3. AA Similarity Theorem
4. Lengths of sides of similar trian-
= gles are proportional.
5. Multiplication Property

Theorem a Tangent Segment and a Secant Segment

If a tangent segment and a secant segment are drawn to a circle from
an exterior, then the square of the length of the tangent segment is equal to
the product of the lengths of the secant segment and its external secant seg-

CO2 = YO * NO

Word Problems Involving Circles

Illustrative Example 6
The figure below shows a sketch of a circular children’s park and the differ-
ent pathways from the main road. If the distance from the main road(M) to
gate 2 (G2) is 75 m and the length of the pathway from Gate 2 (G2) to Exit
(E) is 60 m, about how far from the main road(M) is gate 1 (G1)?


Using the Theorem on a Tangent Segment and a Secant Segment,
(MG1)2 = (MG2 + G2E) MG2
(MG1)2 = (70 + 60) 70
(MG1)2 = 130 70
(MG1)2 = 9100

MG = 95.39
Learning Task 2: In your answer sheet, copy and find the area of the shaded

region. Use = 3.14.

Learning Task 3: In your answer sheet, copy and answer.

Given: and are tangent and

secant segments, respectively,
of ʘO drawn from exterior point K.

intersects ʘO at N.
Prove: (KL)2 = KM KN
Draw and so that we formed two similar triangles. Then show the
proof using the Two-Column Proof.
Statement Reason

m∠NLK = (m ) and

m∠LMN = (m )
m∠NLK = m∠LMN (2)

∠NLK ∠LMN (3)

m∠LNK = m∠NLM + m∠LMN (4)
m∠LNK = m∠NLM + m∠NLK (5)
m∠KLM = m∠NLM + m∠NLK (6)
m∠LNK = m∠KLM (7)

∠LNK ∠KLM (8)


10. Lengths of sides of similar triangles are


KM KN = 2 (10)
Learning Task 4.

1. Solve the problem.

Different animals have different fields of view. Humans can generally see a
180° arc in front of them. Horses can see a 215° arc. A horse and rider are
Baguio City which is experiencing heavy fog, so they can see for only 10
yards in any direction
a. Find the area of the rider’s field of view.
b. Find the area of the horse’s field of view.

2. Given:


In your journal notebook, reflect and answer the questions.

1. How can you determine the lengths of the segments formed by intersect-
ing two chords?
2. How are the segments formed by intersecting two secants at an external
point related? A secant and a tangent at an external point related?


Using the Distance Formula in Proving
Geometric Properties
In this lesson, you are expected to applies the distance formula in proving
some geometric properties.
Recall that, in a coordinate plane, each point corresponds to exactly one
ordered pair of numbers.
If you are given two points on the coordinate plane, how do you get the
distance between the two points? Observe and try to do the next activity.

Learning Task 1. In your answer sheet, copy and answer.

1. What is the distance of A from B? D from C?

2. What is the distance of A from D? B from C?
3. Compare the distances.
4. What is the figure formed?
Let P (x1, y1) and Q (x2, y2) be two points. The distance d between
these points can be determined using the distance formula d =

or PQ = .

Illustrative Examples:
Find the distance between the
points with coordinates (-3, 4)
and (5, -2).
Using the distance formula, we get


= 10
The distance formula is used even if two points are on the same horizontal
or vertical line. Take note that if one point is the origin, the formula for distance
is simply


2. Find the distance between the

points with coordinates (3, 4) and (0, 0).
Using the distance formula, we have



Many geometric properties can be proven by using a coordinate plane. A

proof that uses figures on a coordinate plane to prove geometric properties is
called a coordinate proof.
To prove geometric properties using the methods of coordinate geometry,
consider the following guidelines for placing figures on a coordinate plane.
Use the origin as vertex or center of a figure.
Place at least one side of a polygon on an axis.
If possible, keep the figure within the first quadrant.
Use coordinates that make computations simple and easy. Sometimes,
using coordinates that are multiples of two would make the computation easier.
In some coordinate proofs, the Distance Formula is applied.
Example: Prove that the diagonals of a rectangle are
congruent using the methods of coordinate geometry.


Given:  A B C D with
diagonals AC and BD.
Prove: AC ≅ BD

To prove:
1. Place ABCD on a coordinate plane.


2. Label the coordinates as shown below.

a. Find the distance between A and C. Given: A (0, 0) and

C (a, b)

AC =

AC =

b. Find the distance between B and D.

c. Given: b (0, b)
and D (a, 0)

BD =

BD =

Since AC = and BD =, then AC ≅ BD by substitution.

Therefore, AC ≅ BD. The diagonals of a rectangle are congruent.

Learning Task 2. In your answer sheet, name the missing coordinates in terms
of the given variables.
1. MIND is a parallelogram. 2. FARM is an isosceles


Learning Task 3: In your answer sheet, copy and answer.
A. Find the distance between the two given points.
1. S (-1, 6) and T (-1, 14)
2. H (-9, 3) and G (6, 3)
3. M (0, 0) and N (4, 6)
4. U (-5, 2) and P (-5, 7)
5. A (-3, 2) and M (9, 7)
B. Name the missing coordinates in terms of the given variables.
1. Trapezium 2. Square

3. Rectangle 4. Isosceles Triangle

5. Parallelogram 6. Trapezoid

In your journal notebook, reflect and answer the questions.
How do you apply the distance formula in proving some geometric properties?


Center-Radius form of the Equation
I Lesson

After going through this lesson, you are expected to illustrates

center-radius form of the equation of the circle ; determines the center-radius form
of the equation of a circle given its equation and vice versa and; graphs a circle
and other geometric figures on the coordinate plane.

Circle is set of all points (x, y) in a plane that are equidistant from a fixed
center point. Let us test your learning by doing the first activity.

Learning Task 1: In the plane below, identify the coordinates of the center of each
circle and the measure of its radii. Answer this on your activity sheet.

Circle Coordinates of the Name 1 radius Measure of radii

center of each circle


In the circle below, let point (x, y) represent any point on the circle whose
center is the is the origin. Let represent the radius
of the circle.

In a right triangle, represent the

hypotenuse, x and y represent the length of the legs.
By Pythagorean Theorem, you can write x2 + y2 = r 2 .
This is the equation of the circle with center at the

Illustrative Example 1
Write the equation of the circle whose radius is 5 and the center is at the
2 + 2 = 2 Write an equation of a circle
with center at the origin
2 + 2 = 52 Substitute 5 for
2 + 2 = 25 Simplify
An equation of the circle is 2 + 2 = 25.

Center-Radius Form of the Equation of the Circle (x,y) r

In the coordinate plane, the center-radius form of
the equation of the circle with center at (ℎ, ) and radius


Illustrative Example 2
Write the center-radius form of the equation of the
circle with center at (−5,3) and a radius of 12 units.

Use the center-radius form (x − ℎ)2 + (y − k)2 = r2

Substitute the of h as x- coordinate of the center and
k as y-coordinate of the center and the value of radius
(x + 5)2 + (y − 3)2 = 122

(x + 5)2 + (y − 3)2 = 144

Illustrative Example 3

For the equation (x-2)2 + (y-1)2 = 52, where the center is h=2 and k=1.
These are coordinates of the center point (2,1). Remember, if h and k are
confusing, the number with x is the x coordinate. The number in parentheses
with y is the y coordinate of the center.
The other important part of this graph is the radius. In this case, the
radius r = 5. To draw this graph, we will start at the center point and use the
radius to mark points up, down, left, and right. In this case, we start at the
point (2,1) and move up 5 units. Mark that point. Go back to the center and
move down 5 units. Do the same by starting at the center and going left and
right 5 units. Use these 4 points, seen below, as a guide as you draw your circle.


Illustrative Example 4
Determine the coordinates of the center and radius of the given circle described
by the equation 2 + 2 − 4 − 8 − 5 = 0.
Solution: The equation of the circle 2 + 2 − 4 − 8 − 5 = 0 is written in general
form. To determine its center and radius, write the equation in standard form (
− ℎ)2 + ( − )2 = 2.

2 + 2 −4 −8 −5=0
2 + 2 −4 −8 −5+5 =5 add 5 to both sides of the equation
( 2 −4 )+( 2 −8 ) = 5 group them by its common variable
2 −4 +4+ 2 − 8 + 16 = 5 + 4 + 16 then use completing the square
( 2 − 4 + 4) + ( 2 − 8 + 16) = 25 rewrite the perfect square trinomial into
( − 2)2 + ( − 4)2 = 25 square of binomial
( − 2)2 + ( − 4)2 = 52

Learning Task 2: In your answer sheet, copy and answer.

1.Write the standard form of the equation of a circle with center at the origin and
radius 9. __________________________________________

2. Write the standard form of the equation of a circle with center at (-5,6) and is
tangent to the x-axis. ________________________________________

3. What is the center and radius of the circle defined by the equation

? center __________, radius _______

4. Change the equation of the circle into general form.

5. What is the center and radius of the circle whose equation is

Center_________, radius________

6. Determine the equation for the circle in the given figure.


7. A cellular phone network uses towers to transmit calls. If the equation of the

circular area transmits by the tower is represented by ( − 5)2 + ( − 1)2 .

Can you identify if you are inside or outside of the circular area, if your
coordinate location is (6,0)? How about if your location is (8,2)?

Learning Task 3 : In your answer sheet, copy and answer. Identify the center
and radius of each equation. Then sketch a graph.

1. (x + 1)2 + (y - 2)2 = 9 4. x2 + y2 + 8x - 6y - 39 = 0

3. (x + 2)2 + (y + 3)2 = 4 5. x2 + y2 - 10x + 16y - 32 = 0


3. (x + 1)2 + (y + 2)2 = 25

Learning Task 4 : In your answer sheet, copy and answer.

1. Transform in center-radius form of the equation of the

circle. (2 points)
2. Find the center and radius of a circle represented by the equation below.

a. (2 points)

b. (2 points)
3. Write the standard equation of a circle with the given center and radius.
a. (0, 0); radius = 7 (2 points)
b. (-4, 4); radius = 5 (2 points)

4. Graph the circle whose equation is (5 points)


Learning Task 4: In your answer sheet, copy and answer.

Mr. Robert Garcia, a municipal hall gardener in San Pedro, Laguna

wants the four bushes of Sampaguita in the garden to be watered by a rotating
water sprinkler. Mr. Garcia draws a diagram of the garden using a grid in which
each unit represents 1 foot. The bushes of sampaguita are at (1, 2), (2, 9), (9, 8)
and (8, 1). He wants to position the sprinkler at a point equidistant from each
bush of Sampaguita. Let us help Mr. Garcia by answering the following

1. Where should the gardener place the sprinkler?

2. Draw the possible appearance of the garden.

3. Write the equation in standard form that describes the boundary of the
circular region to be covered by the sprinkler?

In your journal notebook, reflect and answer the questions.

1. How will you determine the center and radius given the equation of the circle
in standard form? in general form?

2. How will you determine the equation of the circle given the center and radius?


Key to Correction



Department of Education. (2020). K to 12 Most Essential Learning Competencies

with Corresponding CG Codes. Pasig City: Department of Education
Curriculum and Instruction Strand.

Department of Education Region 4A CALABARZON. (2020). PIVOT 4A Budget of

Work in all Learning Areas in Key Stages 1-4: Version 2.0. Cainta, Rizal:
Department of Education Region 4A CALABARZON.

Department of Education. Mathematics Grade 10 Learner’s Module (First Edition,

2015).Pasig City: Department of Education.


Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance

Using the symbols below, choose one which best

describes your experience in working on each given task.
Draw it in the column for Level of Performance (LP). Be
guided by the descriptions below.

- I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task
helped me in understanding the target content/lesson.
- I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging but it still
helped me in understanding the target content/lesson.
- I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need
additional enrichment activities to be able to do/perform this task.

Distribution of Learning Tasks Per Week for Quarter 2

Week 1 LP Week 2 LP Week 3 LP Week 4 LP
Learning Task 1 Learning Task 1 Learning Task 1 Learning Task 1

Learning Task 2 Learning Task 2 Learning Task 2 Learning Task 2

Learning Task 3 Learning Task 3 Learning Task 3 Learning Task 3
Learning Task 4 Learning Task 4 Learning Task 4 Learning Task 4

Learning Task 5 Learning Task 5 Learning Task 5 Learning Task 5

Learning Task 6 Learning Task 6 Learning Task 6 Learning Task 6

Learning Task 7 Learning Task 7 Learning Task 7 Learning Task 7
Learning Task 8 Learning Task 8 Learning Task 8 Learning Task 8

Week 5 LP Week 6 LP Week 7 LP Week 8 LP

Learning Task 1 Learning Task 1 Learning Task 1 Learning Task 1

Learning Task 2 Learning Task 2 Learning Task 2 Learning Task 2

Learning Task 3 Learning Task 3 Learning Task 3 Learning Task 3

Learning Task 4 Learning Task 4 Learning Task 4 Learning Task 4

Learning Task 5 Learning Task 5 Learning Task 5 Learning Task 5
Learning Task 6 Learning Task 6 Learning Task 6 Learning Task 6
Learning Task 7 Learning Task 7 Learning Task 7 Learning Task 7
Learning Task 8 Learning Task 8 Learning Task 8 Learning Task 8

Note: If the lesson is designed for two or more weeks as shown in the eartag, just copy your
personal evaluation indicated in the first Level of Performance in the second column up to
the succeeding columns, ie. If the lesson is designed for weeks 4-6, just copy your personal
evaluation indicated in the LP column for week 4, week 5 and week 6.


For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education Region 4A CALABARZON

Office Address: Gate 2, Karangalan Village, Cainta, Rizal

Landline: 02-8682-5773, locals 420/421

Email Address: [email protected]

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