Pioneer Shipping LTD V BTP Tioxide LTD (1982

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Pioneer Shipping Ltd v BTP Tioxide Ltd

sub nom BTP Tioxide Ltd v Pioneer Shipping Ltd and Armada Marine SA, The Nema
[1982] AC 724, [1981] 2 All ER 1030, [1981] 3 WLR 292, [1980-84] LRC (Comm) 391, [1981] 2 Lloyd's
Rep 239, [1981] Com LR 197, 125 Sol Jo 542

Court: HL

Judgment Date: 16/07/1981

Catchwords & Digest


In November 1978 a vessel was chartered for seven consecutive voyages in 1979. After one voyage
the vessel was unable to load the cargo due to a strike. The parties agreed to an addendum no 2 to the
charterparty by which the owners were permitted to take the vessel for one intermediate voyage, the
charterparty was extended for a further seven voyages in 1980 and if the strike continued the situation was
then to be discussed without obligation. The strike continued and by addendum no 3 the charterers agreed to
pay the owners compensation. An intermediate voyage took place and the charterers sought the return of the
vessel in case the strike ended, but the owners fixed her for a further intermediate voyage. Arbitration took
place on 26 September 1979 and the arbitrator held that the whole of the charterparty contract of November
1978 was frustrated, disregarding the addenda and considering only the seven voyages for 1979 and not
those contemplated for 1980. The strike ended on 5 October. Leave to appeal was given and the appeal was
allowed on the grounds that the charterparty and the addenda comprised one indivisible contract extending
over two seasons and the delay did not amount to frustration of that contract. On appeal, the Court of Appeal
restored the arbitrator's award. Lord Denning MR further held that the judge had been wrong to grant leave
to appeal because the arbitrator was just as likely as the judge to be right when interpreting a one-off
contract or clause and it was contrary to the purpose of the Arbitration Act 1979 to give leave unless the
arbitrator was clearly wrong on a question of law. On appeal by the charterers: Held (i) s 1(3) of the 1979 Act
conferred a judicial discretion to refuse leave to appeal from an award in the face of an objection by any of
the parties to the reference. The discretion was unfettered but had to be exercised judicially. The Act
indicated that parliamentary intention was in favour of finality in arbitral award where that did not involve
exposing arbitrators to a temptation to depart from settled principles of law. Except when all the parties to the
reference consented, s 1(4) placed an absolute bar on the grant of leave to appeal unless the determination
of the disputed point of law would affect the rights of any of the parties to the reference. It could not be
inferred from the inclusion in s 1(4) of a power to impose conditions on the grant of leave to appeal a
parliamentary intention that whenever the absolute bar did not operate leave to appeal should be granted,
albeit subject to conditions. The right of appeal given by s 1(2) was expressly confined to appeals on
questions of law. If a decision on construction in particular circumstances would add to the clarity and
certainty of English commercial law, it would be proper to give leave, but leave should not be given even in
such a case unless the judge considered a strong primâ facie case had been made out that the arbitrator had
been wrong in his construction. The question that the judge should ask himself in exercising his discretion
was ‘did it appear on perusal of the award either that the arbitrator misdirected himself in law or that his
decision was such no reasonable arbitrator could reach?’ Where events took place of a general character
affecting similar transactions between many other persons engaged in the same kind of commercial activity it
might be a proper exercise of the discretion to give leave to appeal in order to express a conclusion that
would afford guidance binding on arbitrators in other arbitrations arising out of the same event. In this case,
the charterparty was a one-off contract peculiar to the circumstances and since the arbitrator's award was not
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obviously wrong, the judge had been wrong to grant leave to appeal. (ii) On the true construction of the
charterparty as varied by the addenda, the voyages for the 1979 and 1980 seasons were separate and
distinct adventures, since the performance of the one was not dependent on the performance of the other.
Treating the voyages for the 1979 season as a separate adventure, the arbitrator was justified on the facts
and correct in law in holding that the 1979 adventure was frustrated. The appeal would be dismissed.

Case History
Annotations Case Name Citations Court Date
[1982] AC 724, [1981]
2 All ER 1030, [1981] 3
WLR 292, [1980-84]
Pioneer Shipping Ltd CaseSearch
— LRC (Comm) 391, HL 16/07/1981
v BTP Tioxide Ltd Entry
[1981] 2 Lloyd's Rep
239, [1981] Com LR
197, 125 Sol Jo 542
[1980] QB 547, [1980]
3 All ER 117, [1980] 3
Pioneer Shipping Ltd CaseSearch
Affirming WLR 326, [1980] 2 CACivD 22/05/1980
v BTP Tioxide Ltd Entry
Lloyd's Rep 339, 124
Sol Jo 428
BTP Tioxide Ltd v
Pioneer Shipping Ltd CaseSearch
Reversing [1980] 2 Lloyd's Rep 83 QBD circa 1980
and Armada Marine Entry
SA, The Nema

Cases referring to this case

Annotations: All CasesCourt: ALL COURTS
Sort by: Judgment Date (Latest First)
Treatment Case Name Citations Court Date
[2021] UKSC 23,
Director of Public
[2021] 3 WLR 179, CaseSearch
Considered Prosecutions v Ziegler SC 25/06/2021
[2021] All ER (D) 70 Entry
and others
[2016] EWHC 146
GSO Credit - A
(Comm), [2017] 1 All
Partners LP and Comml CaseSearch
Applied ER (Comm) 421, 166 29/01/2016
others v Barclays Ct Entry
NLJ 7687, [2016] All
Bank Plc and another
ER (D) 27 (Feb)
Zhoushan Jinhaiwan [2014] EWHC 4050
Shipyard Co Ltd v (Comm), [2015] 1 CaseSearch
Applied QBD 05/12/2014
Golden Exquisite Inc Lloyd's Rep 283, [2014] Entry
and others All ER (D) 93 (Dec)
[2014] EWHC 236
Cottonex Anstalt v
(Comm), [2014] 1 Comml CaseSearch
Applied Patriot Spinning Mills 14/02/2014
Lloyd's Rep 615, [2014] Ct Entry
All ER (D) 134 (Feb)
[2013] EWHC 110
AMEC Group Ltd v
(TCC), 146 ConLR CaseSearch
Applied Secretary of State for TCC 08/02/2013
152, [2013] All ER (D) Entry
93 (Feb)
Applied HMV UK Ltd v [2011] EWCA Civ 1708, CACivD 10/11/2011 CaseSearch
Propinvest Friar Ltd [2012] 1 Lloyd's Rep Entry
Partnership 416, [2013] Bus LR D5,
[2011] All ER (D) 77
Page 3

[2010] EWHC 3302
(Comm), [2011] 2 All
ER (Comm) 935, [2011]
A v B (Arbitration: Comml CaseSearch
Considered Bus LR 1020, [2011] 1 16/12/2010
Security) Ct Entry
Lloyd's Rep 363, [2011]
NLJR 174, [2011] All
ER (D) 184 (Jan)
Sylvia Shipping Co [2010] EWHC 542
Ltd v Progress Bulk (Comm), [2010] 2 Comml CaseSearch
Considered 18/03/2010
Carriers Ltd (The Lloyd's Rep 81, [2010] Ct Entry
Sylvia) All ER (D) 184 (Mar)
[1991] 2 QB 139,
[1991] 2 All ER 110,
Geogas SA v Trammo [1991] 2 WLR 794, CaseSearch
Considered CACivD 14/11/1990
Gas Ltd, The Baleares [1991] 1 Lloyd's Rep Entry
349, (1990) Times, 26
[1990] Ch 709, [1990] 1
All ER 730, [1990] 2
WLR 108, 134 Sol Jo
Ipswich Borough CaseSearch
Applied 517, [1990] 1 EGLR 17, CACivD 24/11/1989
Council v Fisons plc Entry
[1990] 04 EG 127,
(1989) Times, 13
[1987] QB 650, [1986]
3 All ER 737, [1986] 3
Aden Refinery Co Ltd
WLR 949, [1986] 2
v Ugland Management CaseSearch
Considered Lloyd's Rep 336, 130 CACivD 31/07/1986
Co Ltd, The Ugland Entry
Sol Jo 861, [1986] LS
Obo One
Gaz R 1089, [1986]
NLJ Rep 1089
[1986] Ch 500, [1986] 2
All ER 858, [1986] 3
WLR 80, 53 P & CR
Lucas Industries plc v 198, 130 Sol Jo 483,
Distinguished Welsh Development [1986] 1 EGLR 147, ChD 21/03/1986
Agency [1986] LS Gaz R 1902,
[1986] NLJ Rep 560,
278 Estates Gazette
[1986] Ch 500, [1986] 2
All ER 858, [1986] 3
WLR 80, 53 P & CR
Lucas Industries plc v 198, 130 Sol Jo 483,
Considered Welsh Development [1986] 1 EGLR 147, ChD 21/03/1986
Agency [1986] LS Gaz R 1902,
[1986] NLJ Rep 560,
278 Estates Gazette
[1985] 2 All ER 817,
National Westminster
[1985] 1 WLR 1123n,
Bank plc v Arthur CaseSearch
Distinguished 129 Sol Jo 638, [1985] CACivD 13/06/1985
Young McClelland Entry
2 EGLR 13, 275
Moores & Co (a firm)
Estates Gazette 717
Page 4

[1985] AC 191, [1984]

3 All ER 229, [1984] 3
Antaios Cia Naviera WLR 592, [1985] LRC
Applied SA v Salen Rederierna (Comm) 608, [1984] 2 HL 26/07/1984
AB, The Antaios Lloyd's Rep 235, 128
Sol Jo 564, [1984] LS
Gaz R 2776
[1984] 1 All ER 386,
Bulk Oil (Zug) AG v
[1984] 1 WLR 147,
Sun International Ltd CaseSearch
Explained [1983] 2 Lloyd's Rep CACivD 30/09/1983
and Sun Oil Trading Entry
587, 127 Sol Jo 857,
[1984] LS Gaz R 36
[1982] 3 All ER 244,
Babanaft International
[1982] 1 WLR 871,
dictum Lord Co SA v Avant CaseSearch
[1982] 2 Lloyd's Rep 99, CACivD 01/04/1982
Diplock Applied Petroleum Inc, The Entry
[1982] Com LR 104,
126 Sol Jo 361
Jamil Line for Trading
and Shipping Ltd v
Atlanta [1982] 1 Lloyd's Rep CaseSearch
Applied QBD circa 1982
Handelsgesellschaft 481 Entry
Harder & Co, The
Marko Polo
International Sea [1982] 2 All ER 437,
dictum Lord Tankers Inc v [1982] 1 Lloyd's Rep CaseSearch
CACivD 01/12/1981
Diplock Applied Hemisphere Shipping 128, [1982] Com LR 7, Entry
Co Ltd, The Wenjiang 126 Sol Jo 524
[1982] 1 All ER 616,
BVS SA v Kerman
dictum Lord [1982] 1 WLR 166, CaseSearch
Shipping Co SA, The QBD 16/10/1981
Diplock Applied [1982] 1 Lloyd's Rep 62, Entry
126 Sol Jo 63
[1982] 1 All ER 517,
dictum Lord Italmare Shipping Co [1982] 1 WLR 158,
Diplock v Ocean Tanker Co [1981] 2 Lloyd's Rep CACivD 31/07/1981
Considered Inc, The Rio Sun 489, [1981] Com LR
233, 125 Sol Jo 859
[1982] 1 All ER 517,
Italmare Shipping Co [1982] 1 WLR 158,
dictum Lord CaseSearch
v Ocean Tanker Co [1981] 2 Lloyd's Rep CACivD 31/07/1981
Diplock Applied Entry
Inc, The Rio Sun 489, [1981] Com LR
233, 125 Sol Jo 859

Cases considered by this case

Annotations: All CasesCourt: ALL COURTS
Sort by: Judgment Date (Latest First)
Treatment Case Name Citations Court Date
Hamburg Middle East [1981] 2 All ER 887,
Overruled Line GmbH v Virtue [1981] 1 Lloyd's Rep QBD 01/02/1981
Shipping Corpn, The 533
Oinoussian Virtue
Distinguished Halfdan Grieg & Co [1973] QB 843, [1973] CACivD 01/04/1973 CaseSearch
A/S v Sterling Coal 2 All ER 1073, [1973] 2 Entry
and Navigation Corpn WLR 904, [1973] 1
Page 5

Lloyd's Rep 296, 117

Sol Jo 415, 229 EG
Trade and Transport [1973] 2 All ER 144,
Incorporated v Iino [1973] 1 WLR 210, CaseSearch
Doubted QBD 30/05/1972
Kaiun Kaisha, The [1972] 2 Lloyd's Rep Entry
Angelia 154, 117 Sol Jo 123
[1956] AC 14, [1955] 3
All ER 48, [1955] 3
dictum Lord
Edwards (Inspector of WLR 410, 36 TC 207, CaseSearch
Radcliffe HL 25/07/1955
Taxes) v Bairstow 34 ATC 198, 48 R & IT Entry
534, [1955] TR 209, 99
Sol Jo 558, L(TC) 1742
Larrinaga & Co Ltd v (1923) 92 LJKB 455,
Société Franco- 16 Asp MLC 133, 29
Applied Américaine des Com Cas 1, [1923] All HL 16/03/1923
Phosphates de ER Rep 1, 129 LT 65,
Médulla, Paris 39 TLR 316
Larrinaga & Co Ltd v (1923) 92 LJKB 455,
dictum Lord Société Franco- 16 Asp MLC 133, 29
Atkinson Américaine des Com Cas 1, [1923] All HL 16/03/1923
Applied Phosphates de ER Rep 1, 129 LT 65,
Médulla, Paris 39 TLR 316
[1922] 2 KB 478, 92
LJKB 81, 28 Com Cas
Czarnikow v Roth, CaseSearch
Distinguished 29, [1922] All ER Rep CA 07/07/1922
Schmidt & Co Entry
45, 127 LT 824, 38
TLR 797

Document information

House of Lords
Judgment date

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