Qa Eapp Q2 W5 Learning Module

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Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaire
Quarter: Second Week: 5
Grade & Section:___________________________________Score:__________________

Learning Competency
Designs, tests, and revises survey questionnaires. (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-IIe-


At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. Explain the characteristics of good survey questionnaire;
2. Apply appropriate survey questionnaire design;
3. Demonstrate the process in testing good survey questionnaire; and
4. Create a simple survey questionnaire.

Let’s Recall
DIRECTIONS: Look at the given picture. What can you say about it? Write
down your answer in your own answer sheet.

1. What Google product is the icon representing? _______________________________

2. How does this Google product help its users? _________________________________

Let’s Understand
In a survey, the researcher uses a questionnaire to gather information from
the respondents to answer the research questions. A questionnaire is a very
convenient way of collecting information from a large number of people within
a period of time.

A survey can come in many forms: postal survey, telephone interviews, face-
to-face interviews and internet surveys. A self-administered questionnaire (e.g. postal
survey) should have very clear instructions and questions, follow a logical order and
avoid complex filtering. The respondents are more likely to answer truthfully without
prompting from an interviewer. On the other hand, in an interviewer-administered
questionnaire (e.g. face-to-face interview or telephone interview), the questions can be
more complex as they can be clarified by the interviewers.

What is a good questionnaire?

Valid - A valid questionnaire should ask what it intends to ask, i.e. the questions should
be phrased in such a way that the respondent understands the objective of the question.
To achieve this, the questionnaire should be reviewed by the “content expert” during the
pilot test (e.g. if the target respondent is a diabetic patient, then a diabetic patient should
comment whether he understands the questionnaire).

Reliable - A reliable questionnaire should yield the same answer if the same question
is posed to the respondent repeatedly in a short span of time. This can be achieved by
performing a “test-retest”, i.e. administer the same questionnaire to the respondent a
second time and check for consistency of the answer. Any discrepancy in the answers
could be due to lack of clarity of the questions and this should be reviewed and

Interesting - An interesting questionnaire is more likely to be completed by the

respondent and hence yields a better response rate. This requires the researcher to put
some thoughts into asking questions that are relevant to the respondent and in a logical
Succinct - A succinct questionnaire asks questions that aim to answer only the
research objectives. Any questions beyond the scope of the research should be excluded.

How to design a good questionnaire?

The first step of designing of a good questionnaire is to construct a conceptual
framework. The researcher would develop a conceptual framework (based on literature
review, established theoretical framework and discussion with experts in that field. The
importance of this framework is to ensure the research covers all relevant variables and
any irrelevant variables can be excluded. This will answer the commonly asked
questions: “Did I miss any important questions in the questionnaire?”, “Should I
include/exclude this particular question?”

1. Know your question types.

A simple "yes" or "no" doesn't cut it. To get feedback that actually matters, you
need to give respondents options to go more in-depth than that. Below, we have made a
brief list of some of the main question types.

A. Multiple-Choice
Multiple-choice questions offer respondents several options of answers to choose
from. It can be in single-answer; respondents can only select one response, or multiple-
answer; respondents can select as many responses as necessary.
B. Rating Scale

Rating scale questions offer a scale of numbers (typically 1-10) and ask
respondents to rate various items based on the sentiments assigned to that scale. This
is effective when assessing customer satisfaction.
C. Likert Scale
Likert scale questions assess whether or not a respondent agrees with the
statement, as well as the extent to which they agree or disagree. These questions
typically offer 5 or 7 responses, with sentiments ranging from items such as "strongly
disagree" to "strongly agree."
D. Open-Ended

Open-ended questions ask a broader question, or possibly elaboration on a

certain response to one of the close-ended questions above. They are accompanied by a
text box that leaves room for respondents to write freely. This is particularly important
when asking customers to expand on an experience or recommendation.

2. Keep it brief, when possible.

Most questionnaires don't need to be longer than a page. For routine customer
satisfaction surveys, it's not necessary to ask 50 slightly varied questions about a
respondent's experience when those questions could be combined into 10 solid

In addition, a shorter questionnaire means less data for your team to collect and
analyze. It will be a lot easier for you to get the information you need to make the
necessary changes in your organization and products based on the feedback.

3. Choose a simple visual design.

Questionnaires are not the time to show off your funky graphic design skills. It
is best to keep things simple. Select a font, like Arial or Helvetica, that is common and
easy-to-read, as well as a text size that can be navigated by customers of all abilities.

4. Use a clear research process.

A questionnaire is only effective if its questions bring in results that help you
answer an overarching research question. In your research process, you should first

come up with a research question. What are you trying to find out? What's the point of
this questionnaire? Keep this question in mind throughout the rest of the process.
5. Create questions with straightforward, unbiased language.

When you're crafting your questions, it's important that you get your point across
well. Thus, use clear language. Don't use unneeded jargon, and use simple terms in
favor of longer-winded ones.

6. Ensure every question is important.

While more questions may sound like more data, make sure each question has a
specific purpose. Each one should be aimed at collecting certain pieces of information
that reveal new insights into different aspects of your study. If your questions are
irrelevant or seem out of place, your customers will be easily derailed from the survey
7. Ask one question at a time.
Since every question has a purpose, each one should be asked one at a time. This
lets the respondents focus and encourages them to provide a thoughtful response. This
is particularly important for open-ended questions where customers need to describe
an experience or opinion.
8. Order your questions logically.
The beginning questions should lay the framework, the middle ones should cut
to the core issues, and the final questions should tie all of the loose ends up. This type
of sensible flow keeps customers engaged throughout the entire survey.
Pilot test

Pilot test is a crucial step in the design of questionnaire before data collection
begins. It will help to detect flaws in the questionnaire in terms of content, grammar
and format. First, ask you colleagues, family or friends to comment on the
questionnaire. This will pick up any mistakes in terms of content, grammar and format.
This should be followed by asking the potential respondents to answer the questionnaire
and provide their feedback. For those questions which you feel may be confusing or
sensitive, it is important to ask the respondents to comment specifically during the pilot
The purpose of pretesting the questionnaire is to determine:

1. whether the questions as they are worded will achieve the desired results
2. whether the questions have been placed in the best order
3. whether the questions are understood by all classes of respondent
4. whether additional or specifying questions are needed or whether some
questions should be eliminated
5. whether the instructions to interviewers are adequate.

Make Improvements

Assuming that the survey was pretested, piloting will normally identify practical
problems with implementation, rather than problems with the survey design. For
example, lack of staff training, challenges with the logistics of distributing and collecting
the survey, or errors in data entry. These can then be fixed before you do the actual

Let’s Apply

DIRECTIONS: Using the process flow chart below, demonstrate at least three
stages on how to develop a good survey questionnaire.

Let’s Analyze

DIRECTIONS: Write your idea on how you can better help resolve the
problem in the given scenario on a separate answer sheet.

1. Liza, a grade 11 student has been asked by her teacher to make a study on the
type of music inclination among the grade 11 Bicolano students in their school.
How can you help her create a valid survey questionnaire?

2. Richard studies the top 5 friendliest online learning platform during the distant
learning of the current school year. He tapped selected 10 respondents in the
entire Paranaque City to do the pilot testing twice in the consecutive two weeks.
The result yields different outcome during the different tie period. Does Richard’s
survey questionnaire show high reliability? If no, how do you say so?
3. Mica noticed that 4 out of 5 respondents from STEM class that answered her 5-
item open-ended type of survey questionnaire on her study about the
psychological effects brought by Covid-19 to students, finished immediately in
less than 1 minute. She found out that most of the items in the questionnaire
were left blank. She thought that they were not interested to participate in her
study. How can you help her in improving the interest of her respondents in
participating the survey?
4. How can you ensure that all the questions designed by the researcher covered
the issues and gaps of his or her study?

Let’s Try
DIRECTIONS: Choose the letter that contains the best answer to the given
question. Write your answer on a separate answer sheet.

1. Linda, a support representative from a certain business brand, would like to

know the levels of satisfaction of her clients to the support she provided to them.
What type of survey question should she send to them?
A. multiple-choice C. Likert scale
B. rating scale D. open ended
2. Sheena wanted to ask her client on what type of bank account he opted to apply
in their branch. She is aware that they only three account products they can offer
– savings, checking, and time deposit accounts. If these options appeared in the
application form, what type of survey question can it be classified?
A. multiple-choice C. Likert scale
B. rating scale D. open ended
3. A qualitative type of research includes experiences of respondents about the issue
being studied. If you are doing this type of research, what type of survey question
will you use in your study?
A. multiple-choice C. Likert scale
B. rating scale D. open ended

4. One of the statements in your survey questionnaire defines the norms of the local
government in responding the health emergency crisis. What type of survey
questionnaire is applicable in this statement?
A. multiple-choice C. Likert scale
B. rating scale D. open ended
5. Why should a researcher consider the type of survey questionnaire in designing
his or her research instrument?
A. because respondents should be aware of his or her answer.
B. because responses of the respondents vary from each other.
C. because respondents need to know the research questions very well.
D. because responses are depending on the needs of the questions.

Let’s Create

Goal Create a 5-item survey questionnaire with a combination of

at least 3 types of survey question in it.

Role You are a health worker tasked to create a 5-item survey questionnaire,
with a combination of at least 3 types of survey questions in it, about the
profiles and health experiences of Covid-19 patients.

Audience Local health management personnel, local officials, and concerned

community people.

Situation You are assigned by your local health chief to design a 5-item survey
questionnaire, with a combination of at least 3 types of survey questions
in it, about the profiles and health experiences of Covid-19 patients.
Product /Performance A 5-item survey questionnaire, with a combination of at least
3 types of survey question in it, about the profiles and health experiences
of Covid-19 patients.
Standards Your work shall be scored as follows:

Criteria 10pts. 7 pts. 3 pts.

Content All questions are 3-4 questions are 1-2 questions are
relevant to the relevant to the relevant to the
needed information needed information needed information
in the study. in the study. in the study.
Type of Survey The survey The survey The survey
Question questionnaire questionnaire questionnaire
contains at least 3 contains at least 2 contains at least 1
types of survey types of survey type of survey
question. question. question

Logical All questions are 3-4 questions are 1-2 questions are
Organization arranged in logical arranged in logical arranged in logical
organization organization organization
according to the according to the according to the
need of the study. need of the study. need of the study.
Mechanics Correct spelling, At least 5 errors in At least 10 errors
and proper spelling, in spelling,
punctuations and punctuations, and punctuations, and
capitalization are capitalization are capitalization are
all observed in the observed in the observed in the
survey survey survey
questionnaire. questionnaire. questionnaire.


Amaresan, Swetha (May 12, 2020). 24 Questionnaire Examples, Questions, &

Templates to Survey Your Clients. Retrieve from

Bullen, Piroska Bisits. No Date. How to pretest and pilot a survey questionnaire.
Retrieve from

Ng Chirk Jenn. (2006 Apr 30). Designing A Questionnaire. Retrieve from

Chapter 4: Questionnaire Design. Retrieve from

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