Portable Power Bank Charged by Piezoelectric Disc For Cycling

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A Research Proposal Presented to

The Faculty of the College of Engineering
University of St. La Salle
Bacolod City

Group 5 – ENEE4A



The most commonly used energy resource in everyday living is electricity. It can be

obtained from a variety of sources, including water, wind, and geothermal energy. As a result, a

large amount of energy is generated and wasted (Prabaharan R. et al., 2013). This wasted energy

can be used to generate power using the piezoelectric effect as a basis. A piezoelectric substance

can generate an electric charge when a mechanical stress (the substance is squeezed or stretched)

is applied (Bera, B et al., 2016) This concept gives ideas about how energy can be utilized when

riding a bike.

A study conducted by Dhanalakshmi et. al (2017) determined that a piezo film can

generate 40V when compared to other piezoelectric materials, which demonstrates PZT to be

superior in terms of properties. The voltage is generated by exerting pressure to the tile and a

linear relation was discovered. Minazara et al. (2008) designed a piezoelectric generator and

installed it on a bicycle handlebar. The first tests they conducted revealed that the piezoelectric

generator's few mW is capable of powering LED lamps. The power harvestable measured was

3.5 mW for an optimal resistive load of 100kΩ under ideal conditions such as pure sinusoidal

vibrations at 5 ms-2 and 12.5 Hz, which is enough to recharge a battery or operate low-power


With the given information, this motivated the researcher to create a portable power bank

charged by a piezoelectric disc for cycling. Due to its high resonance frequency, the proponent
therefore would like to substitute it as the main source of energy to supply electricity to the

power-bank through cycling.


The main objective of the study is to design, construct ideas for improvements and test a

portable power bank charged by a piezoelectric disc for cycling.

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the best pedal design for installation of piezoelectric disc and to be effective on

harvesting kinetic energy?

2. What are the procedures and materials needed to make the prototype of a portable power

bank using a piezoelectric disc as an energy harvesting device for pedals in cycling?

3. What are the testing to be performed in terms of:

a. Time it takes to charge a power bank to 100%.

b. Weight of the cyclists who step on the pedals.

c. Durability of the pedals where piezoelectric discs are installed.

1.3 Conceptual Framework


Piezoelectric disc Designing Portable powerbank

Human Action Fabricating charged by Piezoelectric
Bike pedal Testing Disc for cycling
Power bank
Kinetic energy
Figure 1. The schematic diagram displays the conceptual framework.

The schematic diagram illustrates the procedure for achieving the desired result. First,

prepare all the materials such as the power bank, bicycle pedal, and piezoelectric disc. Next,

design the desired prototype that harvests kinetic energy to be converted to electrical supply that

will be effectively stored in the power bank's battery, fabrication and assembly of the pedal with

the piezoelectric disc, and finally testing the output of the kinetic energy harvesting prototype.


The focus of the study is on the utilization of kinetic energy through the use of

piezoelectric discs. The researcher is not a trained professional that can create a high quality

power bank without outside help. Furthermore, the power output of this study is limited to

5000mAh. This prototype will be tested while someone is riding the bike.


The findings of this research can be highly significant and beneficial to the following:

Bikers. The bikers can benefit from this study by providing them a power source in case

their phones or any electronic gadgets battery drains out.

Stakeholders. This study will benefit the stakeholders because it will provide a product

with inexpensive production costs.

Students. This study may benefit the students in the electrical field for them to improve

more possible areas in utilizing mechanical or kinetic energy harvesting to create devices that

can help provide renewable and low-cost electricity.

Future Researchers. Future researchers who want to go into this topic may find this

helpful work. The result of this study may give them more data for future research. Future

researchers may be able to assist in learning from prior mistakes and serve as significant



The following terms were conceptually and operationally defined to aid comprehension

of this study:

Bike pedal – It is a vital component of a bicycle that helps the bike move. In this study, it

is where the piezoelectric disc will be attached.

Cycling – It is an activity that involves a two-wheeled bicycle, either for recreation,

sports or as a mode of transportation. In this study, it is the motion of the rider that gives contact

with the piezoelectric disc to create electricity.

Kinetic energy – It is the energy that an object has as a result of its motion, it can be

transmitted between objects and converted into other forms of energy. In this study, it is the type

of energy that will be used to stimulate the piezoelectric disc.

Piezoelectric disc – It is a device that produces electricity when deformed or bent. In

this study, it is the main component that will be used to harvest electricity.

Portable – It is a small form factor of a device that is designed to be held and used in the

hands. In this study, it is how the power bank can easily be carried.

Power Bank – It is a rechargeable battery-powered electronic device that is used in

providing or storing portable power to charge mobile phones and other similar electronics. In this

study, it is the device where harvested kinetic energy will be stored.



This section tackles a review of related literature and studies. The information discussed

in this part is relevant to the present study.

Yogesh Motey, Pooja Dekate, Madhushri Kewate, and Jayashee Aswale explained how a

piezoelectric crystal is utilized to generate an electric output from environmental vibrations in

their paper entitled FOOTSTEP POWER GENERATOR SYSTEM. Piezoelectric materials have

a crystalline structure. They are capable of converting mechanical to electrical energy and vice

versa. A piezo material tile generates voltage across a piezo material tile, which is then passed to

a bridge rectifier circuit to generate DC voltage. This DC voltage is then given to a rechargeable

battery, which is then charged and used to drive DC loads. In this situation, the battery is a 6V

Lead Acid Battery. A microcontroller is attached to a liquid crystal display (LCD). The

ATMEGA328 microcontroller is a 16MHz, 8-bit, 32kb flash with 1k RAM microcontroller. The

16 x 2 LCD displays the voltage generated by the piezoelectric tile. The crystal oscillator, which

is connected to the microcontroller, generates the clock signal.

Another study named MECHANICAL FOOTSTEP POWER GENERATION was performed at

Narayana Engineering College in Gudur, Andhra Pradesh - India by B.Munaswamy, Ch.Prudhvi,

V.Srikanth, B.Kirankumar, and E.Pradeep Kumar. According to the project "Power generation

by foot step," human kinetic energy may be utilized in a number of ways to generate electricity,

and numerous groups are already using human-powered technology to power tiny electronic

devices. They employ footfall as a low-cost alternative source of power in their investigation.

Each footstep generates around ten kilowatts of power, which may be utilized for a number of

reasons. One big benefit of this kind of energy generation is that it is non-polluting. This

approach enables the energization of all of a city's street lights.

Another study is conducted entitled " DESIGN OF FOOTSTEP POWER GENERATOR USING

PIEZOELECTRIC SENSOR " By Harsha C. and Kumar C N both student of Electrical &

Electronics Department, GITAM school of technology, Karnataka, India. The properties of both
the piezoelectric material under consideration were researched to understand the output

correlates to the varied pressure and strain exerted on them. voltmeter and ammeter are used for

measuring the voltage created across the piezoelectric materials and quantity of current flowing

them correspondingly.


ENERGY TO SUPPLY PORTABLE DEVICES, was conducted by E. Minazara, D. Vasic, and

F. Costa. They developed a piezoelectric generator and mounted it on a bicycle handlebar;

preliminary tests revealed that the few milliwatts generated are sufficient to power an LED bulb.

Under ideal conditions such as pure sinusoidal vibrations at 5 ms – 2 and 12.5 Hz, the power

harvestable was 3.5 mW for an optimal resistive load of 100 k, which is sufficient to recharge a

battery or run low-power devices.

Figure 2. Piezoelectric crystal sensor

As shown in figure 2. An electric charge is created across the faces of a piezoelectric crystal

when a force is applied to it. A voltage proportional to the pressure can be used to monitor this.


Charge to
battery 12V


Figure 3. Block Diagram of foot step power generator

As seen in Figure 3, the physical interface for the foot is based on a chain sprocket setup and a

spring that the piezoelectric sensors are coupled to the sensors produce an AC voltage that is

converted to a DC voltage with the use of DC converters. The DC outputs will be stored in two

(six volt) batteries, each set of batteries linked to an inverter that will convert 12 volts to 220

volts AC. In this case, the AC output power will be utilised. The load is running.


This section will discuss how to design, build, and test a prototype of the portable power bank

charged by piezoelectric disc for cycling. The procedures used to organize this study in order to

achieve the study's objectives are discussed.

Research Design

Gathering of Materials

Testing of prototype

Record data and


Figure 4. Flow of procedure

1. facts must be gathered and conceptualization must be completed for designing of the

prototype. The size of the piezoelectric disc and the dimension of the pedal to be installed

on must also be considered and the preferred weight of a person to test and the structure

of the road to be tested on.

2. materials should be gathered and prepared ahead of time.

3. after the materials have been gathered, a piezoelectric disc will be installed to the pedal

to be tested immediately, assurance of durability and functionality will be considered by

testing the prototype a couple of times.

4. record all the data and results and lastly analyze and improve the prototype to reach the

desired outcome.
3.2 Research Design

Converters of the alternator type or the well-known dynamo are often used

to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. However, there are various ways to

transform mechanical motion into electricity. The direct piezoelectric effect explains the

material's capacity to convert mechanical strain into electrical charge, whereas the

opposite effect describes the ability to convert an applied electrical potential into

mechanical strain energy. The capacity of the material to work as an actuator is due to the

direct piezoelectric action. When a material has the capacity to convert electrical energy

into mechanical strain energy and mechanical strain energy into electrical charge, it is

called piezoelectric. Piezoelectric materials are part of the wider family of ferroelectric

materials. The molecular structure of a ferroelectric material is orientated in such a way

that the substance shows a local charge separation, known as an electric dipole. The

electric dipoles are oriented randomly throughout the artificial piezoelectric material

composition, but when a sufficiently high electric field is applied, the electric dipoles

rearrange themselves relative to the electric field, a process known as poling. Minazara et

al. (2008). Piezoelectric materials operate as transducers, converting the pressure exerted

by moving humans into electricity. Harsha C et al (2019)

There are a variety of different methods for generating power, one of which,

footstep energy generation, may be an effective means of generating electricity. When a

person walks, he or she dissipates energy on the road surface, through foot strikes on the

road surface, and through foot falls on the ground with each step. This energy may be

harnessed and turned into a form that can be used, such as electricity.
Modern technology, on the other hand, has enabled machines to make better use

of human power. Pedal power is an effective form of energy within that context, and it

has been used since the 19th century, using the body's most strong muscles. Pedal power

translates 95% of the pedal power into electricity. Pedal power is a simple, affordable,

and handy source of energy that may be used for a variety of tasks. Human kinetic energy

can be utilized in a variety of ways, but it may also be used to create electricity using a

variety of methods, and several organizations are already using human-powered

technology to power small electronic appliances. Munaswamy B. et al (2018)

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, cycling has become the most popular mode

of transportation, and the piezoelectric sensor is one of several technologies available for

harvesting the kinetic energy generated by riding.

The design of the portable power bank charged by a piezoelectric disc attached in

bike pedal for cycling will consist of plastic, alloy steel, a piezoelectric disc, a power

bank, wire, and other materials necessary in fabricating the prototype. This design is

based on various studies and inspired by the design of Angelo Casimiro’s "Generating

Electricity by Walking."
Figure III Piezoelectric sensor
In figure III is the Piezoelectric sensor. Piezoelectric materials are those that have a crystalline
structure. They are capable of converting mechanical energy to electrical energy

Figure IV Standard bike pedal

In figure IV is the pedal which is the component of a bicycle that the user uses to drive the
vehicle forward with their foot. It connects the cyclist's foot or shoe to the crank, enabling the
leg to turn the bottom bracket spindle and power the wheels of the bicycle.
Figure V Front view
In figure V is the front view of the pedal with the arrangement of piezoelectric disc for the

Figure VI Top view of the prototype

In figure VI we can see the top view of the proposed layout of the attachment of the prototype for

this study

The prototype will consist of the following materials:

● Bicycle

● Piezoelectric disc (PZT) 20 mm with 6.5 + 0.5 Resonant Frequency

● Pedal

● Li po 3.7V 3000 mAh battery

● 1N4007 Diode

● 24 AWG 0.2mm2 Wire

● Yoga mat foam material

● Soldering Iron



Bera, B. and Das Sarkar, M., 2016. Piezoelectric Effect, Piezotronics and Piezophototronics: A
Review. Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR), 2(11).
Dhanalakshmi, G., Manjulai, T., Mirunalini, M. and Sangeetha Mary, S., 2017. Footstep Power
Generation System. International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science, 6(4),
p.International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science.
Harsha, C. and Kumar, R., 2021. Design of footstep power generator using piezoelectric sensors.
[ebook] student, Electrical & Electronics Department, GITAM school of technology, Karnataka,
India: dynamic publisher. Available at: <http://www.dynamicpublisher.org/gallery/21-ijsrr-
Minazara, E., Vasic, D., & Costa, F. (2008). Piezoelectric generator harvesting bike vibrations
energy to supply portable devices. Renewable energy & power quality journal, 1, 508-513.
Prabaharan R, Jayramaprakash A, Vijay Anand. (2013)“Power Harvesting by Using Human Foot
Step”- International Journal of Innovative Research in Science Engineering and Technology,
vol.2, issue 7.

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