Gen 002 - Lesson 10

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Activity 1. What I Know Chart

What I Know Questions: What I Learned
A customer. How do you perceive A customer.
yourself, as a customer or a
YES, definitely. Are you particular with YES, absolutely.
brand name or on the price
of the commodity?
YES, of course. When buying, are you Obviously, YES.
looking for freebies and
I have 2 gadgets in total and a Look at yourself in the I have 2 gadgets in total and a
lot of accessories. mirror and see how many lot of accessories.
accessories you have or

Activity 3
Exercise No. 1
1. Pretend that you are in the market. Are you impulsive buyer?
2. If you have only 500 pesos in your pocket and you’re ask to buy all that is needed at
home, how are you going to budget your money?
As a wise buyer, of course I will go on the lowest price with a good quality of
course. I will buy first the very essential which is rice; four kilos of rice is enough and it is
amounting to Php 50.00/kilo – Php 200.00. Next is two kilos of vegetables amounting to
Php 100.00 for 2 kilos. And lastly, the pork, one kilo is enough and it is amounting to Php
160.00. And in total expense is Php 460.00, and I have Php 40.00 as transportation fare.

Exercise No. 2
1. Who buys your products and services?
It depends on the situation, but mostly I am the one who buys my own products and
2. Who makes the decision to buy the product?
Mostly my grandmother or my mother.
3. Who influences the decision to buy the product?
My grandfather and my grandmother has the most influential at our house in terms
of buying the great products.
4. How is the purchase decision made?
My mother is the one who will finance and decide a products to buy. However, my
grandmother and grandfather will decide whether to follow my mother’s order or not.
5. Why does the customer buy?
Definitely it was necessary. In addition, customer buy to satisfy their needs or
6. Why does the customer prefer one brand over another?
Maybe they already tried the quality of one product, so they became loyal to it, it
does not matter how pricey it is when it comes to quality.
7. Where do customers go to buy the brand?
Mostly, at the groceries store or supermarkets.
8. Why do most customers buy expensive brands over another?
In view of the fact that they believe that the more expensive the products are, the
more it is the best quality one.
9. When do customers buy a product?
Whenever they need it or when they have a budget to buy a product.
10. What is the product’s perception? Is the product perceived as a value for money
product or is it perceived as premium?
Product’s perception it is how feel about the products. For me, products perceived
as a value for money product.

11. What social factors influence the purchase decision?

In my opinion, social status has the biggest influence on purchasing a product due
to not all people were fortunate.
12. What is the role of the consumer’s lifestyle in his behaviour?
Consumer’s lifestyle plays a great role in one’s behavior due to his accustomed
lifestyle and consumption patterns.
13. What role does the personal or demographic factor play in the purchase decision?
Personal factor plays a very important role on purchasing a decision due to their
specific wants on the specific products that need to be satisfied.
14. What can you understand about spirit of poverty when buying a product?
A person with a poverty mindset believes that they are the only ones who have ever
had a problem, and that it is the fault of others that they do not have a job, a car, a better
home, or whatever it is that they lack.
15. How can you demonstrate spirit of poverty when buying a product?
Spirit of poverty is how poor they think they are without noticing how rich they are
in different ways or perspective.

Exercise No. 3
“How could you help boost the self-esteem of one person if he/she is one of the people who
belongs to poverty line. If you are the President of the Philippines, what economic policy
will you implement to help eliminate or at least lessen poverty in our country?”
Poverty is not a hindrance or barrier; it is just a challenge to help one another to dream and
to pursue what they want. I would help to boost the self-esteem of one person by advising him/her
to use their situation now as their inspiration and motivation to get out of that place or line. I would
also tell them that if they born poor it is not their fault, but if they will die poor, it is already their
fault. If ever I would given a chance to become the President of the Philippines obviously, I would
eliminate first those corrupt people in the branch of the government. In that way, maybe I would
not just lessen the poverty in our country, perhaps eliminate it. As the President it was my pleasure
to help those people at the poverty line to rise up and give them a business as their start-up. I would
not let poverty kill my country; I would let my country kill that poverty.

Exercise No. 4
• Foods • Cellphone
• Shelter • Laptop
• Water • iPad
• Clothing
• Accessories

Activity 5: Checking for Understanding

1. Actual Self
2. Ideal Self
3. Social Self
4. Ideal Social Self
5. Expected Self
6. Situational Self
7. Social Factors
8. Personal Factors
9. Psychological Factors
10. Economic Self

Thinking about your learning
Give three (3) positive things that you’ve learn from the lesson.
1. The importance of determining the needs and wants.
2. How to budget a money and to become wise on buying.
3. Different Filipinos buying behavior.
From the learning that you get, what are your plans to change for the better “YOU”?
To become better, we should consider the importance of determining ourselves if
material or economic self.
What more do you want to know and learn?
After this lesson, I want to learn more about some factors that can affect my self on
determining or improving my self.

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