Curriculum Vitae: List of Formal Education Period Educational History

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Full name : Andhika Nugraha

Gender : Male
Place, date of born : Limbanang, July 24th 1997
Religion : Islam
Marital status : Single
Adress : Koto, Simalanggang, Payakumbuh,
Limapuluh Kota Regency, West Sumatera
Phone number : 081329797732
Email adress : [email protected]
LinkedIn name : Andhika Nugraha
GPA : 3.44


Period Educational History
2003 - 2008 03 Elementary School in Limbanang
2008 – 2009 Pius Elementary School in Limbanang
2009 – 2012 Fidelis Junior High School in Limbanang
2012 – 2015 07 Senior High School in Yogyakarta
2015 - 2020 Geological Engineering of UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta


Language Percentage
Verbal Oral
Indonesia 90 90
English 70 70


1. Able to conduct surface geological mapping, loging and coring description, comprehensive structural data processing,
supervising geological database, mineralisation genetic interpretation spesifically: placer, epithermal, laterite and
porphiry deposit and historical data compilation which were presented in renewable and integrated report.
2. Able to operate Microsof Word with value of capabilty 70 %
Spesification : Standar formating, Layouting, Reporting
3. Able to operate Microsof Excel with value of capabilty 80 %
Spesification : Standar formating, Chart creation, PivotTable, Formula (Logical, Lookup, Math & Trigonometry), Layouting
4. Able to operate Microsof Presentation with value of capabilty 80 %
Spesification : Standar formating, Design & animation, Layouting
5. Able to operate ArcMap, Surfer and MapInfo with value of capabilty 80 %
Spesification : Map rectification, Map reprojection, Vector digitation, Attribute table, ArcToolbox (3D Analyst, Analysis,
Cartography, Conversion, Data Management, Editing, Spatial Analysist, Spatial Statisctics), Map layouting
6. Able to operate AutoCAD with value of capabilty 50 %
Spesification : Map rectification, Vector digitation, Contur creation, Map layouting
7. Able to operate Global Mapper with value of capability 80 %
Spesification : Map rectification, Map reprojection, DTM processing, Contur creation, Map layouting

8. Able to operate 3DMine with value of capability 70 %
Spesification : Geological Database, DTM surface, Solid model, Geostatistik, Block Model
9. Able to operate Surpac with value of capability 50 %
Spesification : Geological Database, DTM surface, Solid model, Geostatistik, Block Model
10. Able to operate RockWorks with value of capability 50 %
Spesification : RockPlot2D, RockPlot3D, RockWorks Utilities (Map, Grid, Solid, Volumetric, Hydrology, Hydrochem, Linears,
Planes, Faults, Statistics)
11. Able to operate PCI Geomatica untuk with value of capability 50 %
Spesification : Data Merge, Supervised classification, Lineament extraction (Line Algorithm Librarian), Raster calculator, Band
ratio, Direct Principal Component Analysis
12. Able to operate Dips with value of capability 80 %
Spesification : Structural kinematics analysis and presentation (Stereonet, Contour preset, rosette)
13. Able to operate Win Tensor with value of capability 70 %
Spesification : Structural data analysis and presentation (Stereonet, Rose diagram), paleostress interpretation R. Dihedr.)
14. Able to operate Agisoft with value of capability 60 %
Spesification : Aerial orthomosaic, DEM and 3D photo processing


1. Able to organise employees in doing operational activity to achieve the target
2. Able to work to achieve the target in definite period
3. Able to communicate and coordinate in operational activity with related personel and department
4. Able to present report and working progress with top managerial, related personel and department


Period Non Formal Education/Training Organizer
Augustus 2020 Basic Drone Mapping Minetech Indonesia
January 2021 Training 3D Mine 3D Mine Consulting
February 2021 Mine Plan Design and Geological Modelling Nusantara Mining
February 2021 Miniclass-Fleet Management System #2
March 2021 Webinar Pemboran dan Peledakan: PT. Rekayasa Minetech
Seni dalam Proses Penambangan Indonesia
March 2021 Manajemen Risiko Keselamatan dan PT. Exagama Merapi
Kesehatan Kerja (K3)/ HIRADC Sertifikasi
March 2021 Miniclass-Fleet Management System #3
April 2021 Miniclass-Performance Management
April 2021 Miniclass-Supervisor Operational
May 2021 Miniclass-Fleet Management System #1

Period Achievement Event
December 2018 Runner up winner of student research poster MGEI 10 th Annual
competition Convention 2018, Makasar
September 2019 1st winner of paper competition poster Geology Ore Deposit
presentation category Festival 2019, Yogyakarta

Period Organisation
September 2016 – December 2019 Educational Division of Pangea Cruiser
July 2018 – July 2019 Research and Contribution of Gema Perhimagi
July 2018 - July 2019 Laboratory Assistanf of Structural Geology Lab UPN "Veteran"


Company : GeoPangea Research Group Position : Junior Geologis
Period : July - December 2019
Area : Randugunting Area, Tuban, East Java
Job description :
Collect and process data for digital outcrop modelling. Responsible for surface geological mapping, managing
sample for analysis (Petrography, paleontology, porosity and permeability) and assisting drone operator in the field.

Company : LPPM UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta Position : Junior Geologist

Period : Augustus 2018 – Augustus 2019
Area : Ketanggung, Sudimoro, Pacitan, East Java
Job description :
Conduct research of hydrothermal structural control which also be thesis topic. Responsible for surface
geological mapping, managing sample for analysis (Petrography, mineragraph and XRD) and reporting.

Company : PSME UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta Position : Junior Geologist

Period : January – December 2020
Area : Kendeng Basin – Southern Mountain of Eastern Java
Job description :
Conduct hydrocarbon exploration in sub-volcanic play. Responsible for surface geological mapping, managing
sample for analysis (Petrography, paleontologi, palinology, porosity, permeability and geochemistry) and reporting.

Company : PT. Geotama Energi Position : Junior Geologist

Period : January – December 2020
Area : Maratua Block, North-East Kalimantan
Job description :
Conduct hydrocarbon exploration in sub-volcanic play. Responsible for surface geological mapping, managing
sample for analysis (Petrography, paleontologi, palinology, porosity, permeability and geochemistry) and reporting.

Company : PT. Sebuku Iron Lateritic Ores Position : Grade Control Supervisor
Period : December 2020 - recent
Area : Sebuku Island, South Kalimantan
Job description :
Supervise laterite mining activity to extract ore, optimize ore grade and minimize dilusion corresponding to
targeted tonage under good mining procedure. Organize field and preparation crew also coordinate with operator,
related department and contractor in production activity. Responsible for land clearing, sample preparation, surface and
road cut sample management, surface pit mapping, update dan process recent data for production block model,
supervise and control mined material, dome sample management, loading material management, weekly reporting and

Reference Contact:
Mr. C. Prasetyadi (Lecturer of UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta) Phone number : 08156867499
Mr. Luhur Pambudi (Geologist of PT. Sebuku Iron Lateritic Ores) Phone number : 081348935097
Mr. Jaka Frianto (MTS Superintendent of PT. Sebuku Iron Lateritic Ores) Phone number : 081227964545

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