Rubrics For Concept Paper

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CONTENT AND Content is Content is not Content is Content is
DEVELOPMENT incomplete comprehensive comprehensive, thorough,
and/or persuasive accurate, and accurate,
Major points are persuasive. persuasive, and
not clear and/or Major points are relate to a specific
persuasive addressed, but Major points are purpose.
not well stated clearly and
supported are well Major points are
supported. specific, stated
Research is clearly, and are
inadequate or Research is well supported.
does not address adequate, timely,
course concepts. and addresses Research is
course concepts. primary course
Content is concepts are
inconsistent with Content and focused with
regard to purpose purpose of the succinct writing.
and clarity of writing are clear
ORGANIZATION Organization and Structure of the Concepts of the Concepts of
AND STRUCTURE structure detract paragraph is not paragraph are paragraphs are
from the concepts easy to follow. clear and easy to filled with details
of the paper. follow. of support for
Paragraph thesis and topic
Concepts are transitions need sentences.
disjointed and improvement.
lack transition of Paragraphs flow
thoughts. Concepts are into each other
disconnected. with connective
GRAMMAR, Paper contains Paper contains Rules of grammar, Correct
PUNCTUATION, numerous few grammatical, usage, and grammatical
AND SPELLING grammatical, punctuation, and punctuation are construction.
punctuation, and spelling errors. followed; spelling
spelling errors. is correct.
Language lacks
Language uses clarity or includes Language is clear;
jargons or the use of some sentences display
conversational jargon or consistently
tone. conversational varied structure.
tone; lacks
Language is not professionalism.

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