Crime Against Women (Assignment)

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SEM. :- 5th

Classification of Laws related to Crime against Women

The laws associated with the crime against women may be classified into following two
categories: Crimes against Women under the Special and Local Laws (SLL)

Following are some acts comprising of special provisions to protect women and their

The Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act,1956

The Dowry (Prohibition) Act,1961

The Child Marriage Restraint Act,1929

The Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition)Act,1986

The Commission of Sati (Prevention) Act,1987

Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act,2005

The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and
Redressal) Act,2013

Crimes against Women under the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (IPC)

1. Acid Attack (Section 326A and  326B)

2. Rape (Sections 375,376,376A,376B,376C,376D and  376E) 

3. Attempt to commit rape (Section 376/511)

4. Kidnapping and abduction for different purposes (Section363-373)

5. Murder, Dowry death, Abetment of Suicide, etc. (Section 302,304A,306)

6. Cruelty by husband or his relatives (Section 498A)

7. Outraging the modesty of women (Section 354)

8. Sexual harassment (Section 354A)

9. Assault on women with intent to disrobe a woman (Section 354B)

10. Voyeurism (Section 354C)

11. Stalking (Section 354D)

12. Importation of girls upto 21 years of age (Section 366B)

13. Word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman (Section 509)

Sexual Offences against Women

The Indian Penal Code mentions sexual offences against women under a separate head which
encompasses the following offences with their respective sections-

Rape [Section 375 & 376]

Section 375, IPC defines rape. In simple terms, the offence of rape is the ravishment of a
woman, without her consent, by force, fraud or fear. In other words, it is the carnal
knowledge (penetration of any of the slightest degree of the male organ of reproduction) of
any woman by force against her will. It is an obnoxious act of highest degree which violates
the right to privacy and sanctity of a female.
Section 375 has the following two essential ingredient-

 Actus Reus: There must be sexual intercourse, as understood in terms of the

provisions of Section 375 A-D, with a woman by a man.

 Mens Rea: The sexual intercourse must be under any of the seven circumstances
as given under Section 375.

Punishment for Rape (Section 376)

Section 376 provides punishment for committing the heinous crime of rape. This section is
divided into two sub-sections.

Section 376(1) provides a minimum sentence of seven years of imprisonment that may

extend to life imprisonment and fine.

Section 376(2) provides punishment not less than ten years of imprisonment but may extend
to imprisonment for life or death or fine. 

Gang Rape (Section 376D)

Section 376D lays down the punishment for gang rape. Where a woman is raped by more
than one person acting in interest of a common intention, each of them shall be liable for the
offence of rape and shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment for not less than twenty
years which may extend to lifetime imprisonment and fine.

Relevant Case Laws

Case: Priya Patel v/s State of MP

Facts: The prosecutrix was returning home after her sports meet and the husband of the
appellant met her at the railway station and told her that her father has sent him to pick her.
He took her to his house and raped. During the commission of rape, appellant (the wife)
entered the room and prosecutrix asked for the help but instead of saving her, the appellant
slapped her and closed the door and left the place of the incident. The accused husband was
charged under Section 376, IPC whereas the appellant wife was charged for commission of
offence punishable under Section 376(2)(g), IPC. 

The appellant wife challenged the legality of the charge framed against her under Section
376(2)(g), IPC on the ground that since a woman cannot commit rape and so cannot be
convicted for commission of ‘gang rape’.

Judgment: The court held that a woman cannot said to have an intention to commit rape.
Therefore, the appellant cannot be prosecuted for alleged commission of an offence
punishable under Section 376(2)(g).

Outraging the Modesty of Women [Section 354]

Section 354, IPC deals with the offence of molestation i.e. assault to woman with intent to
outrage her modesty. This section aims to protect women against any sort of indecent or
filthy behaviour by others which is derogatory to her modesty. Therefore, if any person uses
criminal fore upon a woman with an intention to outrage the modesty of a woman, he is
deemed to be punished with an imprisonment of not less than one year which may extend
upto five years with fine.

It is not specifically defined under IPC that what constitutes an outrage to woman’s modesty.
However, the court has interpreted it in various cases. According to the Supreme Court,
modesty is an attribute associated with female human beings as a class. Modesty is said to be
outraged by such an act of offender which shocks and recognizes as an insult to female
decency and dignity. 


For example, slapping a woman on her butt, asking her for sexual favours, disrobing her etc. 

Essential Ingredients of Section 354

The following are the essential of the offence under Section 354, IPC-
1. The person who has been a victim of assault must be a woman

2. The accused must have used criminal force on her

3. An intention to outrage the modesty of a woman must be there.

Relevant case laws

Case: Rupam Deol Bajaj v/s K.P.S Gill

Facts: The petitioner was an IAS Officer and accused was DGP, Punjab. The petitioner was
invited to a party where the accused was also present. The accused asked the petitioner to
come and sit next to him and when she went to sit, he pulled the chair closer to him and the
petitioner was surprised by this act and she pulled her chair back to original place and again
he pulled the chair closed to him. The petitioner asked him to leave but he again asked
petitioner to accompany him in a commanding voice. She got apprehended and frightened
and immediately pulled her chair back and turned to get out. At this point, the accused
slapped the butt of the petitioner in the presence of all the guests which was very
embarrassing for her. She filed an FIR against him. 

Judgment: The High Court quashed the FIR and held that the act was covered under Section
95, IPC.

The Supreme Court disagreed with the High Court and held that quashing FIR is illegal
and Section 95, IPC is not at all applicable. The court further added that when an offence
relates to the modesty of women, it could not be trivial under any circumstance. Therefore,
the accused was held liable under Section 354, IPC.

Insulting the Modesty of Women [Section 509]

This section intends to deter any kind of aggression into a woman’s modesty whether by any
word, gesture or act or by intruding upon the privacy of such woman. This section is also
referred as the ‘Eve Teasing Section’. 

Any person who commits an offence under Section 509 shall be punished with simple
imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years with fine.
Essential Ingredients 

This section requires-

1. An intention to insult the modesty of a woman;

2. The insult must be caused either by intruding upon the privacy of a woman; or by
making any gesture or sound, uttering any word or exhibiting any object.

New Offences relating to Women

The Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2013 added many new sections in the IPC, keeping in
view the various new forms of offensive activities against the safety and dignity of women.
Some are discussed below-

Disrobing a Woman (Stripping) [Section 354B]

Section 354 B penalises the offence of assaulting or using criminal force to a woman or
abetting any such act with an intention to disrobe or compel her to be naked, with a
punishment of not less than three years which may extend to seven years with a fine.


1. The accused must be man.

2. Use of criminal force or assault or abetment of any such act must be there.

3. There must be an intention to disrobe a woman or compel her to be naked.

Voyeurism [Section 354C]

This offence came into existence after Nirbhaya Rape Case ,2012. It is mentioned
under Section 354 C, IPC. The word ‘voyeurism’ means appeasement derived from observing
the genital or sexual acts of others usually secretly. This provision is divided in two different
parts. Firstly, when a person watches or captures image of a woman engaging in some
private act and secondly, when the person diseminate or spread such image. 
The first offence is punishable with imprisonment of not less than one year which may
extend upto three years with fine. The second offence is punishable with imprisonment of not
less than three years which may extend upto seven years with fine.  


1. The accused must be a male.

2. He must watch or capture the image.

3. The woman whose images are captured must be engaged in some private act.

4. The circumstances must be such that she has the expectations of not being.
observed by the perpetrator; or

5. The accused disseminates that image.

Stalking [Section 354D]

Section 354D, IPC talks about The term ‘stalking’ which generally means the act of
following or trying to contact despite disinterest of woman. This section contains two
offences. Firstly, where a man follows or contacts or attempts to contact a woman repeatedly
despite her clear indication of disinterest and secondly, where a man monitors the use by a
woman of the internet, email, or any other form of electronic communication. 

For the first conviction, the punishment prescribed is imprisonment for a term which may
extend to three years with fine. The punishment for second conviction may extend up to five
years of imprisonment with fine.


1. The accused must be a man and victim must be a woman.

2. Follow or contact a woman or attempt to contact; or

3. Monitors the use by the woman of the internet, email or any other electronic
4. Despite disinterest of woman.

Acid Attack [Section 326A & 326B]

The Criminal Law Amendment Act,2013 incorporated Section 326A and 326B with an intend

to make specific provision for punishment in the case of acid attack. 

Section 326A focuses on voluntarily causing grievous hurt by using acid. In the view of this
section, whosoever causes permanent or partial damage or burns, disfigures or disables any
part of the body of a person or causes grievous hurt by throwing or administering acid with
an intention to cause such injury or hurt will be punished with imprisonment of at least ten
years which may extend to life imprisonment with fine.

Section 326B has more legislative focus on the act of throwing or attempting to throw acid
with the intention of causing grievous hurt. The punishment under this section is
imprisonment of not less than five years with fine which may extend upto seven years.

Essential Ingredients of Acid Attack

The following are the requisites of an acid attack-

1. permanent/partial damage/deformity/burn/disable any part of the body of any

person; or

2. Grievous hurt by throwing acid; or

3. By using any other means;

4. There must be an intention to cause injury or hurt. 

Sexual Harassment [Section 354A]

This new provision was originated in a judgment of the Supreme Court dealing with the issue
of sexual harassment at workplace. Through the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act,
2013,  Section 354A was inserted in the IPC which defines the offence of ‘sexual harassment’
and set down punishment for it.
According to Section 354A, a person shall be guilty of the offence of sexual harassment
against a woman in the following circumstances-

1. If he makes physical contact and advance unwelcome and explicit sexual act;

2. Demands or requests for sexual favours;

3. Shows pornography against the will of a woman;

4. Make sexually colored remarks.

The punishment for the offences specified under Section 354A (1) (i) to (iii) is the rigorous
imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years or with fine or both and in the case
of sub clause (iv), it is imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year or with fine or

In 2013, the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prohibition, Protection and

Redressal) Act was enacted to provide protection to women against sexual harassment at
workplace and for the prevention and redressal of complaints regarding the matter of sexual
harassment or any such incident thereto. 

Offences related to Marriage

Cruelty by Husband or his Relatives [Section 498A]

A separate chapter of IPC deals with the issues of cruelty by a husband or his relatives
under Section 498, IPC. the objective behind the introduction of this provision was to punish
the husband and his relatives who torture, ill-treat and harass a woman with a view to force
her or any other person related to het to meet any unlawful demands. 

This section has given a new dimension to the concept of cruelty which is the essence of this
section, for the purpose of matrimonial relief. Not every type of cruelty will attract Section
498A. It has been mentioned under the section that what kind of cruelty is included hereby. 

The punishment for this offence is imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years
with fine.
Essential Ingredients

To constitute an offence under Section 498A, the following are the necessary conditions-

1. The victim must be a married woman/widow.

2. She has been subjected to cruelty by her husband or his relatives. 

3. Such cruelty consisted of either-

 Harassment of a woman with a view to coerce her meeting a demand of dowry; or

 A wilful conduct by the husband or his relatives of such a nature as is likely to lead
the lady to commit suicide or to cause grave injury to her life, limb or health 

1. That such injury inflicted either physically or mentally.

Dowry Death [Section 304B]

Dowry deaths and bride burning are sinful act which are still prevailing in the Indian society.
It is a symptom of a special social illness and are unfortunate developments of our society.
For this serious matter, the special provision was inserted under IPC
through Section304B which deals with dowry deaths. 

Section 304B (1) defines dowry death whereas clause (2) lays down its punishment which is
not less than seven years and may extend to life imprisonment.

Essential Ingredients of Dowry Death

The following ingredients of the offence need to be established-

1. The death of a woman must be caused by burns or bodily injury or otherwise than
under normal circumstances.

2. Such death must occur within the period of seven years of marriage.

3. The woman must have been subjected to cruelty by her husband or any other
relative of her husband.
4. Such cruelty must be in connection with demand of dowry.

5. Such cruelty must be shown out soon before her death.


Notwithstanding the number of laws to protect and safeguard the rights and interest of the
women, the rate of crime against women and victimization is mushrooming day by day. It is
well said that it takes two to tango. It implies that only laws are not responsible to regulate
and control the augmentation of the crimes against women in our society. The suppression of
evil eyes on women and inculcation of social ethics, morals and values, respect and honour in
every human being towards women is the need of the hour and is a supplement factor that can
equally contribute in reducing the number of crimes against women. However, there is an
exigency of more strict and stringent laws so that any person intending to commit such
crimes couldn’t screw up the courage to act in furtherance of his intention. 


1. 2006(6) SCC 263

2. AIR 1979 SC 185

3. 2005(6) SCC 161

4. 2004(2) SCR 287

5. AIR 1967 SC 63

6. The Indian Penal Code, 1860 (Bare Act)

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