ITC Limited

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ITC is one of India's most diversified consumer production facilities across the country. Certain
goods company having increasingly reduced its initiatives of the company such as the ITC e-
deoendence on its core cigarette business. Choupal, ITC Choupal Saagar and the ITC social
farm forestry programme have been recognised
Background through internationally acclaimed awards for their
impact on rural life.
ITC was incorporated in 1910 under the name
of Imperial Tobacco Company of India Limited ITC's diversified status originates from its
(later changed to ITC Limited in 1974). corporate strategy aimed at creating multiple
It was initially in the cigarette and drivers of growth, anchored on its core
tobacco business and later diversified competencies of strong distribution
into multiple businesses including reach, superior brand-building
hotels, paperboards and speciality capabilities, effective supply chain
papers, packaging, agri-business, management and service skills in
packaged foods and confectionery, hoteliering. Its distribution reach is
branded apparel, greeting cards one of the largest in India – the FMCG
and other FMCG products. business has a retail network over
2 million retailers in the
The company entered the country, ranging from premium
hospitality business in 1975. In outlets in the metros to small
1979 it entered the paperboards shops in the interiors of
business by promoting ITC rural India.
Bhadrachalam Paperboards Limited, which
was later amalgamated with ITC. In 1992, leveraging Currently British American Tobacco Company (UK)
its agri-sourcing competency, ITC set up the controls 32 per cent equity stake in ITC. Domestic
International Business Division for export of agri- financial institutions hold 35 per cent share and
commodities. More new lines of businesses have foreign institutions have a 15 per cent share. Indian
followed since 2001 in the space of FMCG.The public and corporate bodies hold the balance 13
company’s products are manufactured at multiple per cent stake.

Company Products Established Founder Distribution Production plants

ITC Cigarettes, foods, 1910 British American India, Americas, India

apparel, stationery, Tobacco Europe, Middle East,
hotels, paper Asia Pacific, Africa
Product Location of
Products and brands
Manufacturing facility
FMCG Products: ITC is the market leader in
Cigarettes Bangalore (Karnataka), Kolkata
(West Bengal), Munger (Bihar),
cigarettes in India with a wide range of strong
Saharanpur (Uttar Pradesh) brands. 3 of its brands (Gold Flake,Wills and
Scissors) feature amongst the top 5 FMCG brands
Green Leaf Anaparti, Chirala
Threshing Plants (Andhra Pradesh)
in the country.The Lifestyle Retailing business of
ITC was established in the year 2000 through the
Packaging & Printing Chennai (Tamil Nadu), Munger Wills Lifestyle chain of exclusive speciality stores
Factories (Bihar)
that sell apparel and accessories under the Wills
Paper & Bollaram (Andhra Pradesh), trademark . ITC also sells men’s range of apparel
Paperboard Mills Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu), under the brand name John Players through
Sarapaka (Andhra Pradesh),
Tribeni (West Bengal) exclusive brand outlets as well as more than 1500
multi-brand outlets. In 2001, ITC made its entry
Rural ServicesCentre 10 in Madhya Pradesh, into branded packaged foods business and rapidly
Uttar Pradesh & Maharashtra
expanded the portfolio to include confectionery,
Lifestyle Retailing- Gurgaon (Haryana) staples and snack foods segments.The company’s
Design & Technology products are rapidly gaining consumer franchise
and have established strong market standing in this
Source: Company Annual Report
short period of time.

FMCG products Brands

Cigarette • Domestic market - India Kings, Gold Flake, Navy Cut, Scissors, Capstan, Berkeley and Bristol
• USA - Checkers, Hi-Val, Royale Classic and Gold Crest
• Middle East - Royale Classic, Gold Cut and Scissors Filter King

Ready to eat foods • Kitchens of India

Staples • Aashirvaad

Confectionery • Mint-O, Candyman

Snack foods • Sunfeast

Lifestyle retailing • Relaxed Wear - Wills Sport

• Formal Wear - Wills Classic
• Evening Wear and Designer Accessories - Wills Clublife
• Branded men’s apparel - John Players

Greeting cards • English cards - Expressions

• Vernacular cards - Matrubhasha

Notebooks • School notebooks - Classmate

• College and office notebooks - Paperkraft

Safety matches • iKno, Mangal Deep,VaxLit, Delite, Aim

Incense sticks • Mangaldeep

Source: Company website, IMaCS analysis

ITC has leveraged its paperboard and packaging hotels and approximately. 5200 rooms in India.
business to market branded stationery and These include heritage palaces, havelis and resorts
greeting cards.The company is also into marketing under the sub-brand WelcomHeritage, full service
of safety matches and incense sticks, sourced from budget hotels under the brand name Fortune,
the small-scale and cottage sector.The range of super deluxe ‘ITC Hotels’ and five star hotels
FMCG products leverage its core strengths in under the brand ‘WelcomHotel’. Currently 10 of
marketing and distribution, brand building, supply the ITC-Welcomgroup hotels are marketed world-
chain management and paperboard and packaging. wide by the Sheraton Corporation, which is part of
Starwood Hotels & Resorts, the well-known global
Hotels: ITC has one of India's finest hotel chains hospitality chain.
under the brand name ITC-Welcomgroup with 60

Choupal Saagar. It creates a platform for farmers to
sell their produce as well as buy quality products
for their farm and household consumption. It
provides farmers additional services under one
roof like soil testing, banking, insurance, medical
facilities and restaurant. Going forward, these malls
would serve as part of the core infrastructure to
support ITC's rural distribution strategy. 10
‘Choupal Saagars’ are now operational in the 3
states of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Uttar
Pradesh while 9 more are in an advanced stage of

Financial analysis

Paperboards and packaging: The products ITC has witnessed continued growth momentum
under the paperboards and speciality papers ensured by the sustained leadership in the
business include coated and uncoated boards, cigarettes business and rapid ramp-up of non-
writing and printing paper, kraft paper and speciality cigarettes portfolio. Double-digit growth has been
paper.The company is the country's largest reported for the company on account of new
converter of paperboard into packaging for a product launches and entry into new categories.
variety of industries.

Agri-business: The company focuses on exports

of soyameal, rice (basmati and non basmati), ,
pulses, coffee, black pepper, edible nuts, marine
products (shrimps and prawns), processed fruits
etc. Agri exports contributes over 60 per cent of
ITC's total foreign exchange earnings. Seafood
products are exported under well-known brands
Gold Ribbon, Blue Ribbon, Aqua Kings, Aqua Bay,
Aqua Feast and Peninsular.The business also
sources high quality wheat for the Company’s
branded packaged foods business leveraging the e-
choupal network which currently comprises around
6300 installations reaching out to over 3.5 million
farmers. ITC pioneered the cultivation of cigarette
leaf tobaccos in India and is currently the largest
buyer, exporter and processor of Indian leaf

Rural hypermarkets: ITC has launched its rural

hypermarkets in the year 2004 under the name
The paper business, the second largest contributor earnings (more than USD 2 billion in the last
to revenues after cigarettes has been scaled up decade).The cigarette business has been expanded
significantly in the past through organic as well as to competitive markets like the US and Middle East
inorganic initiatives.The company’s revenues have through its own brands. In foods, the company is
clocked a CAGR of 10 per cent while net profits building a presence in ready-to-eat Indian cuisine
have grown remarkably by nearly 20 per cent in through a range of exotic recipes branded Kitchens
the period between 1999 and 2005.The company of India, created by its chefs of the hotel business.
has maintained a low gearing and has shown a The International Business Division ranks as one of
healthy return on the capital employed. the largest Indian exporter of agri-products with
exports ofover USD 150 million. Although one of
The company has taken the lead in voluntarily the relatively younger business divisions of ITC, it
reporting progress against its growing contribution has, in a short span established itself as a first-
to the Triple Bottom Line. In February 2005, the choice supply chain partner of several leading
company released its first comprehensive international customers like Coca Cola, Abudhabi
'Sustainability Report', which represents its attempt Flour Mill and Mitsubishi who source agriculture
to strike a harmonious balance between the needs commodities and food products from India.
of the economy, ecology and society.
ITC’s Paperboards and Packaging division is the
ITC's contribution in making largest exporter of coated boards from India.The
‘Made in India’ global company exports nearly 20 per cent of the coated
boards it produces. Clients for packaging include
ITC has leveraged its well-diversified position in its well-known companies like British American
global initiatives also. Its advent into Tobacco, Surya Nepal Private Limited,VST
internationalisation is led by a balanced initiative by Industries, GTC, UB Group, Shaw Wallace,
the various products in the portfolio. Its products, Seagrams, Allied Domecq,Whyte & Mackay,
ranging from FMCG to paper and packaging, have Hindustan Lever,Tata Tetley and Nestle, Reckitt
contributed significantly to India’s foreign exchange Benkiser India Limited, JK Helene Curtis.

ITC’s globalisation in different businesses

Cigarettes • Has launched its own brands in the US and Middle East
• Largest company in Nepal

Foods & agri-products • Packaged foods brand ‘Kitchens of India” exported to US, Canada, UK and Switzerland
• Branded sea foods exported to US, Europe and Japan
• Supply chain partner of several leading international customers for agri products- Coke,
Abudhabi Flour Mill, Mitsubishi
• Supplies tobacco to customers in 37 countries

Paper & packaging • Exports of coated boards to Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Iran, Australia, UAE, Saudi
Arabia, Singapore, UK, Italy, Netherlands and China
• Exports of cigarette tissues and décor paper for laminates to Iran, Indonesia, Philippines,
Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh
• Supplies packaging for 15 billion cigarette sticks a year for the export market

Safety matches • Export of premium brands of safety matches to Europe, Africa and the USA

Incense sticks • Exported to US, Europe and south-east Asia

community has enabled ITC to build a highly cost
effective procurement system. ITC has made
significant investments in web-enabling the Indian
farmer. Christened e-Choupal, ITC's web plan for
the farmer centres around providing Internet
kiosks in villages. Farmers use this technology
infrastructure to access on-line information from
ITC's farmer-friendly websites. Data accessed by
the farmers relate to the weather, crop conditions,
best practices in farming, ruling international prices
and a host of other related information. Currently,
the e-Choupal websites provide information to
farmers in Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and
Rajasthan, coffee planters in Karnataka,
aquaculturists in Andhra Pradesh and wheat
farmers in Uttar Pradesh.

ITC is also the largest buyer, processor and In the paper business, ITC’s strong backward
exporter of cigarette tobaccos in India and has integration in the value chain and its
been the country’s single largest integrated source technologically advanced plants for packaging and
of quality tobaccos for customers in 37 countries printing and paperboards and speciality papers
over the last six decades. enable it to export quality products at
international prices. Its packaging and printing
In addition to the above businesses, ITC has a plants have been awarded the Greentech
presence in the IT industry through ITC Infotech Environment award, CAPEXIL export award and
India Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary, based in World Star, Asia Star and India Star awards for
Bangalore (Karnataka). ITC Infotech offers in-depth excellence in packaging.
domain knowledge in the areas of manufacturing,
hospitality services, retail, FMCG, paper and
packaging and commodities to its clients.Through
its wholly owned software subsidiaries in the UK
and US, ITC Infotech services multiple Fortune
Class clients.These include Unilever, Abbey
National, British American Tobacco, ClientLogic,
DHL, etc.

Factors fuelling ITC's global initiatives

Strong backward integration linkages form the

foundation for ITC’s global infrastructure.The
extensive backward linkages it has established with
the farmers for its FMCG business are an example
of this.This networking with the farming
acquisitions, both in India and abroad. Bulk of the
investments would go towards upgradation of
technology in the tobacco business, creating new
production facilities for the foods and apparel
businesses and expansion of the hotel chain in key
locations. It would also go towards consolidation
of the company’s leadership position in the
paperboards / paper business with the addition
of an integrated pulp and paper facility. Investments
are also planned for expansion of ITC’s pioneering
e-choupal rural sourcing / distribution network and
setting up the rural hypermarket chain under the
Choupal Saagar store brand. Already a ‘water
positive’ corporation, the company became ‘carbon
positive’ in 2005-06 and is making rapid strides
towards achieving ‘zero solid waste disposal’ status.
Strong brands built over the years through heavy
investments have resulted in a high degree of brand
loyalty among consumers, not only in India but also
in global markets.The company’s production
facilities have won numerous national and
international awards for quality, productivity, safety
and environment management systems, making its
products acceptable to the international

ITC has prudently deployed the cash generated

by its businesses to grow its stable of businesses
thereby mitigating business concentration risk.
It has demonstrated willingness to stay invested
in its new businesses for longer duration of time. Globalisation at a glance
As a result, ITC today operates in a broader • Contribution of more than US$ 2 billion to India's
spectrum of products. exports in the last decade
• ITC's International Business Division is one of the
Future plans largest Indian exporters of agri-products and is a
preferred supply chain partner to companies like
The company intends to invest USD 3.2 billion Coca Cola, Mitsubishi etc
over the next five to seven years across its • Markets its own bran of cigarettes in the US and
different businesses.The investment plans aim Middle East
at positioning each of the businesses in the ITC • Largest exporter of coated boards from India
portfolio as a leader in its respective market. Apart • Largest exporter of cigarette tobaccos from India
from capital expenditure for organic growth, the
strategic investment plans include outlays towards

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