Part-Time Job Correlates The Academic Performance of Grade 12 Abm Students

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Canero, Rafael

Dady, Alexandre

Espiritu, Genein

Lucion, Julianna

Nicolas, Gabrielle

Palita, Angelina

Tutor, Kiezel Grace

Tupaz, Raissa


Mrs. Juanita Estrada

Address: Misa de Gallo St., cor. Ascension Ave., Lagro Subd., Brgy. Greater Lagro,
Novaliches, Quezon City, Metro Manila
Telephone No.: (02) 8693-73-31
(02) 8939-90-26

TITLE PAGE …………………………………………. i

TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………. ii



Introduction …………………. 1

Review of Related Studies and Literature …………………. 3

Significance of the Study …………………. 8

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework …………………. 9

Statement of the Problem …………………. 10

Hypothesis of the Study …………………. 11

Definition of Terms …………………. 11

Scope and Delimitation of the Study …………………. 11


Methods and Techniques Used …………………. 12

Respondents of the Study …………………. 12

Address: Misa de Gallo St., cor. Ascension Ave., Lagro Subd., Brgy. Greater Lagro,
Novaliches, Quezon City, Metro Manila
Telephone No.: (02) 8693-73-31
(02) 8939-90-26
Instruments of the Study …………………. 13

Data Gathering Procedure …………………. 13

Data Processing and Statistical Treatment ..………………. 14

Ethical Considerations …………………. 14

BIBLIOGRAPHY …………………. 16


Address: Misa de Gallo St., cor. Ascension Ave., Lagro Subd., Brgy. Greater Lagro,
Novaliches, Quezon City, Metro Manila
Telephone No.: (02) 8693-73-31
(02) 8939-90-26



In the last few decades, working while studying has become common among

undergraduate students. Most of the students' reason why they need to work is to save

up for their college or to support their financial needs. A part-time job demands fewer

hours per week than a full-time job; part-time employees are those who work fewer than

30 or 35 hours a week regularly. Working part-time can be done for various reasons,

including a desire to do so, having one's hours reduced by an employer, or being unable

to obtain full-time employment. According to The College Board (2007), students who

work are more self-assured and have better time management abilities than students

who do not work. Aside from providing a wage, some independence, and enjoyment, a

part-time job may also give training and experience. Despite its benefits, a part-time job

can have a negative impact not just on students' academic achievement but also on

their psychological and physical well-being. As a result, combining work and study can

severely affect students' mental health, resulting in poor performance in class.

Being a working student is very difficult, especially for those with a parent

who cannot support them financially. Arceo et al. (2003) indicated that one of the

adverse effects is that working hours take time away from studying, leading to worse

Address: Misa de Gallo St., cor. Ascension Ave., Lagro Subd., Brgy. Greater Lagro,
Novaliches, Quezon City, Metro Manila
Telephone No.: (02) 8693-73-31
(02) 8939-90-26

grades and less appealing post-college options. Moreover, one option for addressing

the problem is to balance employment and study to assist them in thriving in college.

In connection with the pandemic, it brought a lot of unexpected things to our

lives just like the imposition of virtual classes all over the country; but, the good thing is

that we are able to adapt to this new normal and learn many things. The coronavirus

pandemic has shone a focus on one of the issues that have still to be addressed:

making education available to everybody, regardless of circumstance. Last year, many

students were not enrolled due to not being able to adapt to the new education system.

According to DepEd, this school year (2020-2021), 25.04 million students are

registered in public schools, private schools, and state/local universities and colleges.

There are 2,732,467 fewer pupils in all grade levels this year than the previous year (-10

percent). Students requesting a quality education, No student left behind? During the

pandemic, education 'only for those who can afford,' some students are now prioritizing

job searches to pay expenditures accumulated during the lockdown. Education is no

longer their primary focus resulting in their poor academic performance.

This research will identify additional elements that will help these students

attain a better education and academic performance. It is essential to conduct a

research study among Grade 12 students to discover the crucial motivating factors that

drive students to work and study simultaneously. More significantly, they must learn

Address: Misa de Gallo St., cor. Ascension Ave., Lagro Subd., Brgy. Greater Lagro,
Novaliches, Quezon City, Metro Manila
Telephone No.: (02) 8693-73-31
(02) 8939-90-26

about the beneficial effects of their efforts and the adverse impact that distracts them

along the way. The main objective was to discover the possible causes, evaluate the

effects of part-time job on Grade 12 students' academic performance, and identify the

significant challenges these students encounter while working and studying.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This part focuses around existing and relevant literature and studies that the

researcher considered in strengthening the importance of the present study. It also

presents the synthesis of the art to fully understand the research for better

comprehension of the study.

Foreign Related Literature 1

Anderson (2018), in her article, points out how working while studying has

helped students grow as a person. Working students who work in high school are less

likely to participate in extracurricular activities, harming their social lives. Furthermore,

they may feel excluded and isolated from their friends, particularly on weekends when

they are at work while their friends are out having fun. Working an after-school job, of

course, implies less time with the family at home in the evenings. In addition, these

working students may stretch themselves too thin, and, as a result, their grades may

suffer. They are more likely to have lower academic and career goals, including less

likely attending college than their non-working students. However, despite the adverse

Address: Misa de Gallo St., cor. Ascension Ave., Lagro Subd., Brgy. Greater Lagro,
Novaliches, Quezon City, Metro Manila
Telephone No.: (02) 8693-73-31
(02) 8939-90-26

outcomes of working, such as declining grades, holding down a job while in high school

– It can also be beneficial to them.

Build Character. Working in high school can help students develop their

character by teaching responsibility, commitment, initiative, independence, and

accountability. These character traits are beneficial in a variety of situations, including

college applications. Students who work can develop as much character as those who

engage in more significant academic endeavors.

Teaches Important Skills. Working gives kids the opportunity to practice

multitasking, teamwork, communication, interview etiquette, and task and money

management. These abilities will be helpful later in college and when students begin

working as adults—working while in high school also establishes a track record of

employee performance and leads to recommendations that can be valuable afterward.

Foreign Related Literature 2

―Working more than 15 hours per week will influence students' overall

academic performance. It is also necessary to balance classes, extracurricular

activities, and outside obligations such as a job. Working students necessitate a

thorough understanding of time management; fill in each time slot with classes, job

hours, study time, extracurricular activities, and social time using a calendar or

scheduling app. Besides, making a list of responsibilities can assist them in determining

Address: Misa de Gallo St., cor. Ascension Ave., Lagro Subd., Brgy. Greater Lagro,
Novaliches, Quezon City, Metro Manila
Telephone No.: (02) 8693-73-31
(02) 8939-90-26

the best schedule to fit into their calendar.‖ (Dr. Meier, 2018). This means that students

should be able to balance work and study in order to have a good academic

performance. Students should be able to handle several obligations at once, this will

help them equip new skills and discover hidden abilities, that can provide a path that

they may take in the future.

Local Related Literature 1

According to Nucum (2018), working students have struggled with the

concept of "work-study balance" for many years. He mentions that although there are

various reasons at play, financial difficulties remain the most common cause for

students working part-time (or full-time). In his research, he spells out a way students’

can have a better way of scheduling. It is through the Eisenhower Decision Matrix,

which divides daily tasks into essential and urgent categories. The matrix employs a

quadrant with the following labels: (1) Important and Urgent, (2) Important but Not

Urgent, (3) Not Important but Urgent, and (4) Not Important and Not Urgent. Thus,

students’ must be able to prioritize all the things that they need to do in order to have

that ―work-study balance‖.

Local Related Literature 2

―Students in the Philippines struggle to adapt to online classes as the

education system shifts into distance learning. While some students benefit from the

ease of a stable internet connection and gadgets – others are not privileged. Some

Address: Misa de Gallo St., cor. Ascension Ave., Lagro Subd., Brgy. Greater Lagro,
Novaliches, Quezon City, Metro Manila
Telephone No.: (02) 8693-73-31
(02) 8939-90-26

students need to work on the side to survive while taking online classes. The

Department of Education reports that over 24 million students return to school this year,

down from 27.7 million last year. The pandemic brought struggles to many students,

who had no choice but to persevere.‖ (Anonymous, 2020). It means that some students’

need to go the extra mile to meet the new changes in the education system.

Foreign Related Study 1

With accordance to the study of (Wadood et al., 2018) it showed results that

half of the 387 students asked were willing to combine part-time work and schooling

with only one day off per week to gain skills, ensure their future, meet their economic

demands, and complete their studies. The students wished for some free time to

complete their assignments, rest, and find a job. He also states that the duration of a

part-time job may impact students' academic and co-curricular activities. The secondary

level students' abilities, such as time management, sense of responsibility, and time and

workplace organization, may develop through part-time employment. This study shows

that the duration of their jobs may leave an impact on the academic performance; on the

other hand students are able to develop abilities through their job.

Foreign Related Study 2

With accordance to the research on the impact of employment on the

academic development of 226 teacher trainees in Year I and Year II it showed results

that employment had no significant effect on students' Commutative Grade Point

Address: Misa de Gallo St., cor. Ascension Ave., Lagro Subd., Brgy. Greater Lagro,
Novaliches, Quezon City, Metro Manila
Telephone No.: (02) 8693-73-31
(02) 8939-90-26

Average or progression. However, those on Normal Progression were less likely to be

hired or sponsored by the government. It is suggested that more research be done to

test the findings' validity and generalizations with different university demographic

groupings. The study mentions that he primary motivation for employment was financial

since it would help with maintenance and tuition payments. (Oonyu, 2019)

Local Related Study 1

According to a study performed by Endsleigh (2015), eight out of 10 (77%)

understudies are now working part-time to help with their financial needs at school. The

driving forces of students who are working while studying are financial support, self-

development, and internal motivation. It also allows understudies to share responsibility

for covering the costs of their studies, gives them a sense of financial responsibility, and

helps them develop accounting skills (Accion et al., 2019). ―Managing the stress that

comes with being a working undergrad and ensuring that you have at least one night off

every week will reduce your stress levels tenfold.‖ (Mitchell, 2016). This study shows

that the reason for students to be working has to do with their financial needs. There is

also a mention of having at least on day off, so they can catch up with their studies


Local Related Study 2

According to Gutierrez et al., (2019), working students' challenges are split

into two categories: personal and school-related. They are having a difficult time as a

Address: Misa de Gallo St., cor. Ascension Ave., Lagro Subd., Brgy. Greater Lagro,
Novaliches, Quezon City, Metro Manila
Telephone No.: (02) 8693-73-31
(02) 8939-90-26

result of the difficulties they are facing. In this study, it states that working students who

can already complete two tasks on the same day, will be able to modify, adapt, and

cope with the challenges. They are most-likely to find work after graduation because

they already have experience. They are already productive, welltrained employees, and

they are just what businesses are looking for these days. This means that even though

they face more difficulties than non-working students, being a working student has its

benefits that they can use in the future.

Significance of the Study

The result of this study will be beneficial to the following people:

To DepEd, they will be able to understand how hard the situation of a

working student is so that they can assess what additional programs they can do to

support these students as well as to address this concern.

To Teachers, we all know that not all teachers are considerate. This study

will help them to have a better understanding of the situation of working students

enrolled in their class, in providing them with alternative tasks.

To Working Students, this research may also help other students in

comprehending the circumstances of students who work and study. This study informs

Address: Misa de Gallo St., cor. Ascension Ave., Lagro Subd., Brgy. Greater Lagro,
Novaliches, Quezon City, Metro Manila
Telephone No.: (02) 8693-73-31
(02) 8939-90-26

the students to manage their time balancedly in their responsibilities in work and in


To Future Researchers, the future researchers may be able to use the

findings of this study for further research and investigation particularly related to the

effects of part-time job in Students’ Academic Performance.

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Part-time job and students’ academic performance.

Figure 1 shows that doing a Part-Time Job is in accordance with the

academic performance of the students. Depending on the working hours, it will reflect

on the academic performance of the students.

Address: Misa de Gallo St., cor. Ascension Ave., Lagro Subd., Brgy. Greater Lagro,
Novaliches, Quezon City, Metro Manila
Telephone No.: (02) 8693-73-31
(02) 8939-90-26

From a theoretical point of view, there are some benchmark theories that are

related to this issue. In terms of academic outcomes, the Theory of the Allocation of

Time (Becker, 1965) can be used as a standard reference, where it can be concluded

that employment engagements while studying have a detrimental impact on academic

achievement due to the trade-off between study and working time. However, students

who work part-time while in college may not always do worse academically than full-

time students only if they can effectively manage their time allocation (Dundes and

Marx, 2006, Butler, 2007).

Statement of the Problem

The goal of this study is to assess the effects of part-time job in Grade 12

ABM Students’ Academic Performance. The following are the research questions to be

addressed to attain the goal of this study.

1. How many hours do students work for?

2. What is the relationship between students’ work hours and their academic


3. What is the academic performance of Grade 12 ABM Working Students?

4. What are the effects of doing a part-time job on students’ academic performance?

Address: Misa de Gallo St., cor. Ascension Ave., Lagro Subd., Brgy. Greater Lagro,
Novaliches, Quezon City, Metro Manila
Telephone No.: (02) 8693-73-31
(02) 8939-90-26

Hypothesis of the Study

From the problem stated above, the following Hypotheses are formulated:

H0: There is a significant relationship between the students’ working hours

and academic performance.

H0: Part-time jobs negatively affect the Students’ Academic Performance.

Definition of Terms

Academic Performance – Woking students’ result of learning; Academic


Part-Time Job – A type of work that does not require as many hours per

week as a full-time job.

Working Hours – Average of time that the student spent at work.

Working Students – A person who works and studies at the same time.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The purpose of this study is to assess the effects of Part-Time Job to the

Academic Performance of Grade 12 Students in Lagro High School. This does not apply

for those students who are not attending Lagro High School, other grade levels and

strands. In order to obtain this, 25 respondents will be cross-examined to utilize the

accurate data needed for this research. The study was conducted during the academic

year 2021-2022.

Address: Misa de Gallo St., cor. Ascension Ave., Lagro Subd., Brgy. Greater Lagro,
Novaliches, Quezon City, Metro Manila
Telephone No.: (02) 8693-73-31
(02) 8939-90-26



This chapter concentrates on the discussion of the research methods and

procedures adhered to by the researcher in order to answer systematically the specific

problems posed for investigation. Specifically, the methods and techniques used,

respondents of the study, instruments of the study, data gathering procedure, data

processing and statistical treatment, and ethical considerations were explained in the


Methods and Techniques Used

This study employed the use of Correlational style of research. Correlational

research design is a non-experimental research that uses statistical analysis to examine

the relationship between two variables.

The method used by the researchers is Quantitative Research which

emphasizes objective measurements and the statistical, mathematical, or numerical

analysis of data collected through polls, questionnaires and surveys. This allows

researchers to assess how part-time jobs affect the student’s academic performance.

Respondents of the Study

This study will utilize Snowball Sampling technique which is a Non-probability

sampling that works like chain referral. It is a process in which research participants

Address: Misa de Gallo St., cor. Ascension Ave., Lagro Subd., Brgy. Greater Lagro,
Novaliches, Quezon City, Metro Manila
Telephone No.: (02) 8693-73-31
(02) 8939-90-26

recruit other people to take part in a test or study. It's employed when finding potential

participants is difficult. We, the researchers will identify potential subjects in the

population where only one or two subjects can be found initially. After that, we will ask

those subjects to recruit other people. Participants are made aware that they do not

have to provide any other names to avoid invading their privacy. Other research

participants would most likely know others in similar situations and might advise them of

the study's benefits while assuring them of confidentiality (Glen, 2021).

Furthermore, some working students are too busy or they are just afraid or

timid to tell that to others their situation. These steps are repeated until the needed

sample size is found.

Instrument of the Study

This study will utilize a survey form as a research instrument. It will be the

primary source used in gathering data. It was originally taken from Ting (2019), the

researchers modified the questionnaires as validated by the research adviser. The

instrument is separated into two sections: demographics and working hours. The

instrument contains a total of five items.

Data Gathering Procedure

In this section, the researchers described the steps involved in the data

collection. First, a letter of request to conduct a study was furnished to our research

adviser. Upon approval of the adviser, we ask for the students’ permission if they can

Address: Misa de Gallo St., cor. Ascension Ave., Lagro Subd., Brgy. Greater Lagro,
Novaliches, Quezon City, Metro Manila
Telephone No.: (02) 8693-73-31
(02) 8939-90-26

participate in the survey. Then after securing their permit, we patiently wait for their

response. Lastly, the questionnaire was checked to make sure that there was no

question left unanswered.

Data Processing and Statistical Treatment

The data collected by the researchers were encoded to the MS Excel from

the frequency of response of the students according to the survey given. Based on the

measure of the survey, the researcher will use statistics and numbers to analyze all the

results. Data gathered were presented in tables and graphs in accordance to each

research question. In order to find out how much time they work, it will be put into

different categories: 1- 5 hours, 6-10 hours, 11-20 hours, and 20 or more hours per

week. To fully assess the effects of a job on the Students' Academic performance, their

Academic performance was also looked into, and classified as High with scores from

90-100, Average with scores from 80-89, and Low with scores from 70-79. Moreover,

frequency and percentages were sought to answer some research questions.

Ethical Considerations

After the participants were recognized, informed consent was sought from

them. Before gathering the data, the major ethical issues concerning anonymity and

confidentiality, consent, privacy and safety of the participants will deal with it.

Participants were informed about the confidentiality clause. In this issue, it implies the

protection of personal information. The researchers must do not harm their participants

Address: Misa de Gallo St., cor. Ascension Ave., Lagro Subd., Brgy. Greater Lagro,
Novaliches, Quezon City, Metro Manila
Telephone No.: (02) 8693-73-31
(02) 8939-90-26

because respect shall be highly acknowledged. Besides, the researchers will establish

trust with the research participants and will attain this by anonymity and confidentiality

with the limits of law such as; the researchers will survey students about their academic

performance (grades) without judgement and humiliation to make the respondent

comfortable. The final report and transcripts will not reflect the subject's personal

information such as their names although some participants have satisfaction with their

details being transcribed.

Address: Misa de Gallo St., cor. Ascension Ave., Lagro Subd., Brgy. Greater Lagro,
Novaliches, Quezon City, Metro Manila
Telephone No.: (02) 8693-73-31
(02) 8939-90-26


Arceo, C., Dunca, M., & Tena, L. (2013) Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of
the Working in Polytechnic University of The Philippines Santa Rosa Campus

Anderson, M. (2018) What Are the Effects of Part Time Jobs on High School Students?

Dr. Meier, K. (2018) How Many Hours a Week Should a High-Schooler Work?

Nucum, K.N. (2018) Balancing job and academics as a working student in the

Anonymous. (2020) Full-time students, part-time workers

Wadood, A., Hussain, I.A., and Razah, K.K. (2018) The Impact of Part-Time
Employment on the Academic Performance in Perspective of the Students of
Government Secondary Schools in District Peshawar.

Oonyu, J. (2019) Does Part-Time Job Affect University Students' Academic Progress?
The Case of Makerere University's Teacher Trainee Employment in Greater

Address: Misa de Gallo St., cor. Ascension Ave., Lagro Subd., Brgy. Greater Lagro,
Novaliches, Quezon City, Metro Manila
Telephone No.: (02) 8693-73-31
(02) 8939-90-26

Kampala Secondary Schools, Uganda

Gutierrez et al., (2019). Two in One: Struggles of a Working Student.

Becker, G. S., (1965), "A theory of the allocation of time", Economic Journal, 75: 493–

Dundes and Marx. (2006) Butler. (2007)

Glen, S., (2021) Snowball Sampling: Definition, Advantages and Disadvantages

Tan X.T. (2019) The Effect of Doing Part-Time Job on Students’ Academic

Address: Misa de Gallo St., cor. Ascension Ave., Lagro Subd., Brgy. Greater Lagro,
Novaliches, Quezon City, Metro Manila
Telephone No.: (02) 8693-73-31
(02) 8939-90-26


As part of the study, the researchers of Lagro Senior High School of 12 ABM

– Gokongwei would be conducting a questionnaire survey online. And to achieve the

main objectives of this study entitled ―PART-TIME JOB CORRELATES THE


would like to ask for your honest answer. Rest assured that all the information provided

will be kept strictly confidential for the mere purpose of research only. Your cooperation

will be valuable to the success of this study.

Instruction: For you CGPA, kindly put your general average for the first

quarter (first semester) this academic year 2021-2022.

1. Male Female

2. How old are you?

3. What is your CGPA?

4. How often do you attend online classes?

Always Sometimes Never

5. What are your average working hours per week?

1-5 hours 6-10 hours 11-20 hours 20 or more than hours per week

Address: Misa de Gallo St., cor. Ascension Ave., Lagro Subd., Brgy. Greater Lagro,
Novaliches, Quezon City, Metro Manila
Telephone No.: (02) 8693-73-31
(02) 8939-90-26


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