Major Works Design Technical GuidelineSep19 v17

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September 2019

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 1

1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 4
2 Scope and Limitations....................................................................................................... 4
2.1 External Agency Approvals ..................................................................................... 4
3 Queensland Urban Utilities Review Process – Major Works ................................................... 4
3.1 Lodgement .............................................................................................................. 5
3.2 Request for Further Information .............................................................................. 5
3.3 Endorsement of Design Package ............................................................................ 5
3.4 Amendments to Design Package post approval. ..................................................... 5
4 General Criteria Applicable to All Applications .................................................................... 7
5 Drafting Check List ........................................................................................................... 9
5.1 General drafting criteria applicable to all applications.............................................. 9
5.2 Drafting Guidance Check List – Water Reticulation ............................................... 10
5.3 Drafting Guidance Check List – Sewerage ............................................................ 12
6 Notes ............................................................................................................................ 14
6.1 Standard Notes ..................................................................................................... 14
6.2 Contractor Accreditation........................................................................................ 14
6.3 Workplace Health and Safety................................................................................ 14
6.4 Water Main Construction Notes ............................................................................ 14
6.5 Gravity Sewerage Construction Notes .................................................................. 15
6.6 Building Over or Adjacent to Queensland Urban Utilities Assets ........................... 16
6.7 Live Works ............................................................................................................ 16
6.8 Construction of Infrastructure ‘For Convenience’................................................... 16
6.9 Connection to infrastructure that has not been accepted by Queensland Urban
Utilities............................................................................................................................. 17
6.10 Site Investigation and Services Location. .............................................................. 17
6.11 Liability.................................................................................................................. 17
6.12 Copyright .............................................................................................................. 18
7 Water reticulation .......................................................................................................... 19
7.1 Design Guidance Check List – Water Reticulation ................................................ 19
7.2 Under Pressure Cut-in Connection Additional Requirements ................................ 29
7.3 Infrastructure with less than minimum allowable cover .......................................... 31
8 Sewerage ...................................................................................................................... 32
8.1 Design Guidance Check List – Sewerage ............................................................. 32

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 2

9 Reference Document ...................................................................................................... 48
9.1 Internal Queensland Urban Utilities reference documents and Australian Standards 48
9.2 SEQ Code Additional Guidance ............................................................................ 49
10 Procedure Guidance Notes – Minor Works ......................................................................... 50
10.1 Design Variation – Minor Works ............................................................................ 50
11 Procedure Guidance Notes – Major Works ......................................................................... 50
12 As-Constructed Package Additional Information Requirements ........................................... 50
SEQ Water Supply Code Version 1.2 2018 ................................................................................. 53

Appendix A: Additional Guidance on South East Queensland Water Supply and Sewerage Design
Construction Code clauses that refer to ‘Water Agency’ or ‘SEQ SP’ Requirements.
Appendix B: Abbreviations and Acronyms

Comments or suggestions regarding these guidelines should be sent to:

[email protected].

Comments or suggestions regarding the South East Queensland Water Supply and Sewerage Design
Construction Code (or the SEQ Code) should be detailed on the ‘Document Improvement Request
Form’ at and emailed to: [email protected]. Visit for further information.

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 3

1 Introduction
These guidelines are intended to assist engineering consultants prepare design documentation for
proposed water reticulation and sewerage donated assets related to development activity within the
Queensland Urban Utilities service territory. A list of abbreviations and acronyms used in this
document is included in Appendix B.

2 Scope and Limitations

These guidelines cover the design and documentation of civil components of water reticulation and
sewerage assets (excluding pressure sewerage systems and vacuum sewerage systems). Trunk assets
and complex assets such as pumping stations, reservoirs, treatment plants, trunk pipelines etc. are
also excluded.

The guidelines do not fully describe all design and construction requirements of Queensland Urban
Utilities or the South East Queensland Water Supply and Sewerage Design and Construction Code
(the SEQ Code), but provide basic guidance to improve consistency in the design and documentation
of assets constructed by developers. All designs shall be prepared and certified by a Registered
Professional Civil Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ) considering all relevant construction, operational,
maintenance, repair and demolition aspects.

Queensland Urban Utilities will update this document when changes are made to Queensland Urban
Utilities’ technical standards (including the SEQ Code). If the SEQ Code and these guidelines conflict,
the requirements of the SEQ Code and Netserv Plan take precedence.

Developers and their consultants/agents are responsible at all times for ensuring that all works are
executed in accordance with sound engineering principles and practices.

2.1 External Agency Approvals

It is the applicant’s responsibility to obtain the endorsement of the design documentation from any
other necessary agency e.g. Queensland Rail (QR), local council, private property owners, other
Queensland/Federal Government departments or agencies, other service authorities etc. Any
endorsement of the design documentation by Queensland Urban Utilities does not infer that any
other agency has endorsed/approved the design. It is the applicant’s responsibility to prepare the
design in accordance with the requirements of all relevant stakeholders. Queensland Urban Utilities
require a copy of the design endorsement by other agencies to be submitted to Queensland Urban

3 Queensland Urban Utilities Review Process – Major Works

Queensland Urban Utilities will review the design documentation in accordance with the conditions
of the Water Approval and Queensland Urban Utilities technical requirements, including but not
limited to the SEQ Code. Queensland Urban Utilities will approve, approve with conditions, or refuse
the documentation.

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 4

If further information is required to undertake the assessment, or if amendments are necessary to
comply with the conditions of the Water Approval or Queensland Urban Utilities’ technical
requirements, a Request for Further Information (RFI) will be issued.

If the design documentation contains fundamental errors the Design Package be refused and
returned without further assessment.

3.1 Lodgement

The Design Package must be submitted with the completed form Design Package Submission Form –
Major Works. If the Design Package is incomplete, Queensland Urban Utilities will not undertake the
review. All non-conformances to Queensland Urban Utilities’ technical requirements must be
identified for assessment.

3.2 Request for Further Information

If further information is required to undertake the assessment, or if amendments to the design

package are necessary, a Request for Further Information will be issued. Queensland Urban Utilities
will only re-commence review upon receipt of all requested information/amendments and payment
of any necessary re-checking fee. It is the applicant’s responsibility to submit all necessary
documentation in accordance with Queensland Urban Utilities’ requirements to enable efficient
assessment of the design documentation.

3.3 Endorsement of Design Package

Once the design documentation has been prepared to the satisfaction of Queensland Urban Utilities,
Queensland Urban Utilities will endorse the design in accordance with the conditions of the Water

Any endorsement of design documentation by Queensland Urban Utilities does not imply that the
design has been prepared taking into consideration all relevant design and construction
requirements or the requirements of any other agency.

Queensland Urban Utilities is not responsible for undertaking quality assurance checking on behalf
of the consultant, or for checking that all aspects of the design have been undertaken in accordance
with all relevant factors that may affect construction. The responsibility for efficient, accurate, safe,
compliant and constructible design remains with the certifying engineer.

3.4 Amendments to Design Package post approval.

If an amendment is required to the design documentation post-approval (e.g. due to a change in the
design during construction), a request to amend the approved design documentation must be
submitted to Queensland Urban Utilities. If an amendment to the design also affects the conditions
of the Water Approval, an amendment to the Water Approval may also be required (applicable to
both Major Works and Minor Works).

Standard assessment timeframes apply to all requests for amendment of a Design Package or Water
Approval (Queensland Urban Utilities process approval periods are available on our website at Consultants are encouraged to prepare design

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 5

documentation taking into consideration all relevant site constraints to minimise delays during
construction associated with amendments.

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 6

4 General Criteria Applicable to All Applications

1. Network analysis provided to demonstrate network performance compliant SEQ Code Design
with SEQ Code Design Criteria and conditions of Water Approval. Criteria

2. All drawings must show the infrastructure requirements to satisfy the Water Approval
conditions of the Water Approval. Conditions

If amendments are made to the design that affect the content or conditions
of the Water Approval (e.g. changes to the layout of the infrastructure,
change to point of connection to the Queensland Urban Utilities network,
change to the number of lots/m Gross Floor Area (GFA)/property
connections etc.) and as a result the infrastructure requirements differ from
the conditions of the Water Approval, a request to amend the Water
Approval must first be lodged with and approved by Queensland Urban
Utilities before the design can be reviewed.

3. All drawings must be certified by a RPEQ signature, with name, date signed SEQ Code
and RPEQ number stated. The RPEQ is to update the date signed with each
new revision to validate RPEQ endorsement of each revision.

4. Existing and proposed Queensland Urban Utilities infrastructure shall be SEQ Code Asset
suitably represented on the drawings. e.g details such as pipe diameter, pipe Information
material, pipe pressure class, as well as fitting type, fitting size, fitting end- Specification.
connections shall be clearly indicated. Clearly delineate limit of Queensland
Urban Utilities pipework. SEQ Code
Generally, private plumbing shall not be shown on the drawings. An Drawings.
exception is for private sewage rising mains in road reserves which must be
shown on the design drawings and included in the Asset Design As
Constructed (ADAC) submission for Queensland Urban Utilities records.

5. Is any proposed Queensland Urban Utilities infrastructure outside the Water Approval
development site boundary extents? If ‘Yes’, investigate applicable land Conditions
owner consent and design approval requirements, easement requirements,
vegetation management requirements etc. Provide owner’s consent for all
affected landowners to Queensland Urban Utilities.

6. Approval from the relevant local council authority is required for any Council
Queensland Urban Utilities infrastructure outside the allocated Queensland
Urban Utilities corridor/standard alignment in the road verge. Submit
evidence of no-objection from relevant authority to Queensland Urban

7. Approval from the Queensland Government is required for any Queensland Queensland
Urban Utilities infrastructure located within Queensland Government- Government
controlled road corridors. Submit evidence of no-objection from relevant
authority to Queensland Urban Utilities.

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 7


8. Approval from QR is required for any Queensland Urban Utilities QR/Queensland

infrastructure located within a QR corridor. Any work within a QR corridor Urban Utilities tri-
requires a tri-party Wayleave Agreement with QR/developer/Queensland party agreement
Urban Utilities. Developer to facilitate and obtain.

9. The developer/agent is required to prepare the design taking into Condition of

consideration requirements of any other agency e.g. vegetation Water Approval
management and protection/Natural Asset Local Law (NALL) permits, (council and/or
waterway barrier permits, cultural heritage protection, native title, etc. Any Queensland
endorsement of the design documentation by Queensland Urban Utilities Government
does not infer that any other external agency has endorsed/approved the agency)
particulars of the design.

10. Implement and document Safety in Design processes. Document outcomes Work Health and
and risk register and provide to Queensland Urban Utilities. Eliminate Safety Legislation.
hazards so far as is reasonably practicable (SFAIRP). QUU will provide input Queensland Urban
to the Safety in Design Process where necessary. Utilities PRO662

11. Any variations to the requirements of the SEQ Code, and the reason for the SEQ Code Cl 1.2.5
variation, must be identified in the Design Package for review by Queensland (Water), Cl 1.2.2
Urban Utilities. Complete the Design Package Submission Form. (Sewerage)

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 8

5 Drafting Checklist
5.1 General drafting criteria applicable to all applications
All Drawings shall be prepared in accordance with the SEQ Code Asset
Information Specification. Typical drawing presentation is included in the
SEQ Code Standard Drawings.
1 Title Block Queensland
Urban Utilities
standard title
• Text consistent
• Fonts consistent
• Line work thickness consistent
• Revision number i.e. letter or number
• Project name consistent with documents
• Client company name preferably above project name.
• Title consistent drawing
• Funding by
• Drafted - Initial and Surname
• Drafting Check - Initial and Surname
• CADD File Number
• Queensland Urban Utilities application number
• Designed - Initial and Surname
• Design Check - Initial and Surname
• Design Certification - Initial and Surname, signature, RPEQ
name/number, date
• Consultant’s company details
• Revisions table including issue number, description; by, checked,
RPEQ initials; and date
• Purpose of issue (such as “for approval”; “preliminary”; “(not) for
construction”; etc.
• Endorsed consultant stamp shall be provided on all drawings certified
under the Queensland Urban Utilities Minor Works certification
scheme (Minor Works only)
• As-Constructed details
• North point
• Scales
• Bar scales
• Minimum size of text to be 3mm on an A1-sized plot
2 Locality Plan Drawing SEQ-WAT-1100-2
• Key plan for projects requiring more than one detail plan
• Locality plan
• Scale and bar scale
• North point
• Drawing list (numbers and names)
• Cadastral boundaries
• Locality Plan shall be oriented north up.
• Minimum size of text to be 3mm on an A1-sized plot
• Layout of the scope of works with sufficient street names to easily
locate the development

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 9

3 Notes Drawing Refer Section 6
• Relevant notes for civil projects
• Relevant notes for sewerage infrastructure
• Relevant notes for water reticulation infrastructure
North point, scale bars, standard notes provided reflect current specifications SEQ-WAT-1101-2,
and standard drawings SEQ-WAT-1101-2, 1101-3, 1102-1. SEQ-SEW-1101-3 1101-3, 1102-1.
Note on cover page of design specifying design complies with current SEQ
Code and Queensland Urban Utilities requirements
Tables shown on the SEQ Code standard drawings for water reticulation and SEQ-WAT-1100-2,
sewerage design shall be included in every drawing set, but can be on other SEQ-SEW-1100-1,
than the Notes drawing SEQ-SEW-1102-1
4 Variations from the SEQ Code: any variations to the SEQ Code, and the reason SEQ Code Cl. 1.2.5
for the variation, shall be highlighted in a boxed note on the design drawings (Drinking Water)
1.3.3 (Sewerage)
5.2 Drafting Guidance Checklist – Water Reticulation
1.1 Site Plan Drawing SEQ-WAT-1100-2
• Project title
• Water main location
• Major street names
• Suburb names
• Creeks and rivers shown
• Scale
• North point
• Trench details
• Legend with all symbols shown differentiating existing and proposed
infrastructure, including key fittings such as fire hydrants, valves,
conduits, services.
• Survey data
o File name
o Point number
o Easting
o Northing
o Surface level
o Description
• For a staged development show the Water Approval application
numbers for adjoining stages
1.2 Notes Drawing SEQ-WAT-1101-3
1.3 Detail Plan Drawings SEQ-WAT-1101-2
• Scale
• Street names/road carriageway/kerb lines/vegetation/other services
• Water main location and offset from property boundary
• Water service meters/road crossings/conduit details
• HDD section (if required)
• Pipe jacking section (if required)
• Tunnelling section (if required)
• Real property information

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 10

• Horizontal bends with co-ordinates and chainages, thrust force and
arrow showing direction
• Horizontal angles with co-ordinates and chainages
• Reticulation branches details
• Anchor block details
• Concrete surround
• Fire hydrants
• Air valve locations and air valve pit details (if required. Not required
for reticulation mains)
• Scour valve locations and details. Not required in certain
• Marker post details
• Geotechnical borehole numbers and locations and a corresponding
table of geotechnical test results
• Bench marks
• Easements
• Valve locations
• Valve pits
• Isolation valve location
• Cathodic protection details (if required)
• Existing water mains and sewers
• Existing valves
• Existing valve pits
• Existing third-party services’ alignments (power, telecom, gas,
stormwater, etc.)
• Significant trees (300mm DBH and more)
• Services warning signs
• Dimensioning, notes for special installation requirements, fittings lists,
1.4 Longitudinal Section Drawings (if required) 5.1.2; SEQ-WAT-
Not generally required for water reticulation except for crossings of other 1311-1, 1312-1,
services and obstructions, or where details are required 1211-1, 1212-1,
• Limit of works
• Scale – vertical and horizontal
• Chainages
• Real property information
• Pipe diameter, material and class and wall thickness for MSCL
• Encased pipe section (if required)
• Socket direction
• Pipe grade
• Concrete surround
• Depth to invert
• Pipe embedment type
• Datum
• Invert levels
• Surface levels
• Chainage running
• Pipe invert and chainage at bends and angles
• Horizontal and vertical bends
• Existing services
• Proposed services

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 11

• Services warning signs
• HDD section (if required)
• Pipe jacking section (if required)
• Tunnelling section (if required)
• Pipe List and special fittings e.g.
o Pipe length
o Pipe ends
o Pipe numbers
o Pipe special details
o Couplings
o Collars
o Dead plates
o Bends
1.5 Live works connection details
5.3 Drafting Guidance Checklist – Sewerage
1.1 Site Plan Drawing SEQ-SEW-1100-1
• Project title
• Sewer location
• Major street names
• Suburb names
• Creeks and rivers shown
• Scale
• North point
• Drawing numbers and titles
• Trench details
• Legend with all symbols shown, differentiating existing and proposed
infrastructure, including maintenance holes, maintenance shafts,
conduits, services.
• Survey Data
o File name
o Point number
o Easting
o Northing
o Surface level
o Description
• For a staged development show the Water Approval application
numbers for adjoining stages
1.2 Notes Drawing SEQ-SEW-1101-3
1.3 Detail Plan Drawings SEQ-SEW-1100-1
• Scale and scale bar
• Sewer location and offset from property boundary
• Sewer bearing
• Street names/road carriageway/kerb lines/vegetation/other services
• Real property information
• Bench marks
• Maintenance structure locations and numbers
• Geotechnical borehole numbers and locations
• HDD section (if required)
• Pipe jacking section (if required)

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 12

• Tunnelling section(if required)
• Existing sewers/maintenance structures
• Other existing and proposed services alignments including water,
stormwater, power, telecom, gas, etc.
• Water service entry points and sewerage property connection points
• Proposed contours with labels
• Significant trees
• Property Connections and Lot Control Points
North point
Cadastral boundaries and Registered Plan (RP) descriptions
Stage boundaries if relevant, clearly differentiating currently-proposed works
from existing and any future works
For staged works, show interim fittings for future connections
Building footprint in each allotment
Minimum size of text to be 3mm on an A1-sized plot.
Provide a legend differentiating existing and proposed infrastructure, including
maintenance holes, maintenance shafts, conduits, services.
Dimensioning, notes for special installation requirements, fittings lists,

1.4 Longitudinal Section Drawings SEQ-SEW-1101-1

• Limit of works
• HDD section (if required)
• Pipe jacking section (if required)
• Tunnelling section (if required)
• Scale – vertical and horizontal
• Chainages
• Maintenance structure numbers (increasing upstream). Queensland
Urban Utilities maintenance structure numbers shall be used when
referencing existing manholes.
• Distance between maintenance structures
• Real Property information
• Pipe diameter, material and class
• Sewer grade
• Socket direction
• Datum
• Depth to invert
• Pipe embedment type
• Invert levels
• Surface levels
• Chainage running
• Existing services, crown or IL, clearances to proposed works, including
for all existing water and sewerage, stormwater, power, telecom, gas,
• Proposed services
• Services warning signs

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 13

6 Notes
6.1 Standard Notes

The generic notes included in the SEQ Code standard drawings shall be included in every design

It is important to note, Queensland Urban Utilities has typically found the generic notes in the SEQ
Code insufficient to fully prescribe all the construction requirements to contractors. Delays and re-
work may be avoided where well-defined information is provided to the contractor by the
consultant. It is necessary for the design drawings to include additional information to prescribe
construction requirements without ambiguity. It is strongly recommended that construction
requirements are clearly defined to avoid any misinterpretation by the construction contractor. The
following examples should be included with the design package as standard notes (in addition to the
SEQ Code standard notes) as a minimum. The consultant is encouraged to provide additional
information to the contractor in the notes to describe any potentially ambiguous requirements
related to the design, construction, or processes to minimise the potential for unsafe practices,
delays and re-work:

6.2 Contractor Accreditation

During any construction activity at least one person on site must have completed a pipe laying
training course approved by the pipe supplier or manufacturer and appropriate to the pipeline under
construction. The training course must have been completed within the last ten years.

All site and factory PE welding shall be carried out by a person who has completed relevant
nationally accredited training courses for butt welding/electrofusion and hold a valid welding
certificate in accordance with Australian/New Zealand Standard 2033.

The contractor shall provide documented evidence of acceptable qualifications to Queensland Urban

6.3 Workplace Health and Safety

All construction work shall comply with the requirements of the Queensland Work Health and Safety
Act 2011. Contact the Division of Workplace Health and Safety for information by phone on 1300
362 128.

6.4 Water Main Construction Notes

1. Construct embedment and trenchfill to SEQ-WAT-1200-2, 1201-1 TO SEQ-WAT-1204-1 (TYPE D

support unless geotechnical investigations demonstrate that Type C support is adequate) and
<either name council or Queensland Government Department of Transport and Main Roads
(DTMR)> standards for roadway crossings, whichever is more onerous.
2. Provide bulkheads/trenchstops in accordance with SEQ Water Supply Code Table 7.5 AND SEQ-
WAT-1209-1 and 1210-1.
3. Construct thrust blocks on all valves, bends, tees, tapers, dead ends, and transitions to
unrestrained pipework to SEQ-WAT-1205-1 and 1206-1.
4. Construct small diameter property services to SEQ-WAT-1107-1 and 1107-3.
5. Install detectable marker tape on all water mains and property services.
6. Construct fire hydrants and stop valves to SEQ-WAT-1301-1, 1302-1, 1303-2, 1305-1, 1306-1 and

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 14

7. Construct scours to SEQ-WAT-1307-2 where necessary. Scours within Ipswich City Council region
must discharge into an open stormwater gully pit, not to the invert of kerb and channel.
Discharge to kerb and channel via a standard kerb adaptor through the face of the kerb is not
accepted by Queensland Urban Utilities.
8. Install pavement markers to SEQ-WAT-1300-1 and 1300-2.
9. Construct test points to SEQ-WAT-1410-1 at the ends of all new mains before the scour and
where required for commissioning purposes. Queensland Urban Utilities preference is to avoid
tapping bands for test points and provide either a temporary (restrained) duckfoot hydrant or
flanged short pipe with a temporary tapped blank flange. Testing against live mains and valves
is not permitted.
10. Testing locations and temporary fittings are required on services over 10m long unless approved
in writing for works to be undertaken as live works. Testing and as-constructed requirements to
be documented on drawings.
11. 316SS Backing rings shall be used with full-face PE flanges. PE stub-flanges are not accepted.
12. When joining to existing unrestrained pipelines, provide a DICL short pipe with thrust flange and
thrust block. Bolt on uni flanges shall not be used as thrust flanges. Thrust (puddle) flanges shall
be an approved prefabricated DICL/MSCL short pipe with prefabricated thrust flange.
13. AC mains shall be replaced collar-collar.
14. All disused services shall be plugged at the main and ferrule closed or tapping band removed and
section of main substituted as live works. Large diameter services shall be disused by removing
any property service pipework at the point of connection to the main (including valve), and
installing a blank flange directly on the tee (or otherwise remove the tee altogether and replace
with straight pipe).
15. Provide DN40PE (or DN32 CU) water services for road crossings servicing two dwellings. Provide
DN32PE (or DN25 CU) water services for road crossings servicing a single dwelling. If the long-
term static head of the property service is less than 350 kPa (35m) or if private booster is
required, the minimum size of property service shall be 32 mm ID.

6.5 Gravity Sewerage Construction Notes

1. Construct embedment and trenchfill to SEQ-SEW-1200-2, 1201-1 TO 1205-1 (Type 4 support

unless geotechnical investigations demonstrate that Type 3 support is adequate. Type 4 support
to be used where migratory native soils (or sand or fine clay material) are encountered adjacent
to the embedment zone and single size aggregate is used) and <either name council or DTMR>
standards for roadways, whichever is more onerous.
2. Construct bulkheads and trench stops to SEQ-SEW-1206-1 and trench drains to SEQ-SEW-1207-1.
3. Construct MHs to SEQ-SEW-1301-1, 1301-2 and -3 (TYPE G), 1301-4 and -5 (TYPE F),
1301-6, -8, -10, -11 (TYPE X) 1304-1, 1305-1, 1307-4 (Stub cut-in), 1313-1 (Connection) and 1502-
1 (Insertion MH and repair system), 1301-12 (Ladders).
4. Construct maintenance shafts and terminal entry point to SEQ-SEW-1315-1 and 1316-1 and
1502-1 (Insert MS).
5. Install MH/MS TYPE B covers to SEQ-SEW-1308-2 to 1308-7.
6. Install MH/MS TYPE D covers to SEQ-SEW-1308-8 to 1308-11.
7. Construct property connections to SEQ-SEW-1106-1 to 1106-6.
8. Install detectable marker tape on all sewer mains and property connections.

The requirement for PE lining of manholes must be noted where required in SEQ CODE clause 7.6.2
and 17.2.6.

Concrete for MH construction shall be special class to WSA PS-358 with requirement for calcareous

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 15

Pre-cast manholes are not accepted within the Queensland Urban Utilities’ service area (except as

6.6 Building Over or Adjacent to Queensland Urban Utilities Assets

While assessment and approval of Building Over or Adjacent to Assets (BOA) is not part of the
Queensland Urban Utilities Water Approval process, it is important that BOA design requirements
are considered and incorporated as part of the design of the Queensland Urban Utilities water and
sewerage infrastructure.

BOA requirements are managed under separate legislation and review and approval processes,
prescribed in MP1.4 and the SEQ Code that must be addressed in the design, and shown on the
Design Package. The designer is required to consider future BOA implications as part of the design
process for Queensland Urban Utilities infrastructure to prevent re-design/re-construction of the
infrastructure in the future.

Applicants are reminded they must obtain a separate BOA approval if required. Please refer to the
Queensland Urban Utilities website for further information. Please note, endorsement of the design
materials as part of the Water Approval process does not infer satisfaction of BOA criteria.

It is the responsibility of the developer/designer/contractor to ensure works do not adversely impact

Queensland Urban Utilities infrastructure, and costs to rectify damage will not be incurred by
Queensland Urban Utilities.

If the sewer crosses under a retaining wall and/or within the zone of influence of a retaining
structure, an RPEQ certification must be provided to Queensland Urban Utilities verifying the
structural integrity of the sewer. Where the sewer crosses under a boulder retaining wall, a concrete
bridging slab shall be placed over the sewer and a RPEQ certificate provided to Queensland Urban
Utilities for the slab design and the integrity of the sewer.

6.7 Live Works

All live works must be undertaken by the developer’s licensed contractor in accordance with a valid
Queensland Urban Utilities’ Network Access Permit, under the supervision of Queensland Urban
Utilities, at the developer's expense.

Pre-chlorinated fittings shall be used for water supply live-works connections.

Live works may not commence until all relevant test certificates have been provided to and accepted
by Queensland Urban Utilities, and all adjoining works have been accepted by Queensland Urban

The design drawings shall include connection details for all live works.

6.8 Construction of Infrastructure ‘For Convenience’

In some circumstances, a design may include a plan to construct infrastructure for future
development that is not a condition of a Water Approval, but is proposed to be constructed ‘for
convenience’ to avoid disturbance to other infrastructure in the future. In such cases, the drawings

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 16

must show that the infrastructure proposed ‘for convenience’ is not permitted to be connected until
a subsequent Water Approval is obtained from Queensland Urban Utilities.

Owing to the complexities and case-by case nature of these scenarios, the developer/consultant is
recommended to contact Queensland Urban Utilities in advance to discuss options by lodging a
request for a Services Advice Notice. Infrastructure constructed ‘for convenience’ is at the
developer’s risk and may need to be reconstructed at the developer’s expense in the future to meet
design standards that are current at that time. Queensland Urban Utilities reserves the right to
refuse any infrastructure that has been constructed ‘for convenience’ for which a Water Approval
has not been obtained.

6.9 Connection to infrastructure that has not been accepted by Queensland Urban

If a design proposes a connection to infrastructure that has not been accepted by Queensland Urban
Utilities , the live-works may not commence until the adjoining infrastructure is accepted by
Queensland Urban Utilities. This is particularly important for staged applications and/or applications
where adjoining developments are constructing new infrastructure simultaneously. A note shall be
added to all drawings where this applies:

‘This design shows connection to infrastructure that has not been accepted by Queensland Urban
Utilities. Live-works cannot commence until the adjoining works have been accepted by Queensland
Urban Utilities .’

Queensland Urban Utilities does not negotiate on behalf of developers to deliver adjoining
infrastructure provided by others. It is the developer’s responsibility to undertake any necessary
negotiation with other parties that have the potential to affect their work.

The developer must be aware of any risks or consequences involved with these scenarios and
proceed accordingly at its own risk.

6.10 Site Investigation and Services Location.

Queensland Urban Utilities recommends site and geotechnical investigations such as detail
surveying, service locating, potholing and ground penetrating radar (GPR) and DCP tests be
undertaken as part of the design process to locate and validate the location of all relevant services
and check ground conditions. These processes shall be carried out as part of the design to avoid the
need for variations to the design during construction. Usual Queensland Urban Utilities timeframes
apply for the assessment of every design iteration. Queensland Urban Utilities accepts no liability for
any delays associated with insufficient site investigation and services location by the designer.

6.11 Liability

Queensland Urban Utilities supplied data is indicative and approximate only and provided without
warranties of any kind, express or implied including in relation to accuracy, completeness,
correctness , currency or fitness for purpose. Queensland Urban Utilities takes no responsibility and
accepts no liability for any loss, damage, costs or liability that may be incurred by any person acting
in reliance on the information provided by Queensland Urban Utilities.

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 17

Queensland Urban Utilities’ as-constructed information should be used as guide only. Any
dimensions should be confirmed by site surveys.

6.12 Copyright

Queensland Urban Utilities or third parties own and retain the copyright and other intellectual
property rights in any information supplied by Queensland Urban Utilities or its officers, including
without limitation documents, text, designs and graphics; and their use is subject to the Copyright
and Trade Practices Act 1974.

Queensland Urban Utilities provides this information only for your individual use.

You must not sell or otherwise commercially exploit any information made available by Queensland
Urban Utilities. Subject to this limited right to view materials, you must not use, download, upload,
copy, print, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, post, transmit or distribute any
information in whole or in part without Queensland Urban Utilities’ prior written permission.

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 18

7 Water Reticulation
The design requirements in the following tables shall be addressed by the designer. These tables are
not intended to be a comprehensive list of all design requirements or considerations. Please refer to
the SEQ Code and other Queensland Urban Utilities’ technical requirements for further information.

Clause numbers refer to the SEQ Water Supply Code Version 1.2 2018 unless noted otherwise.

7.1 Design Guidance Checklist – Water Reticulation



2.1 Pipe Alignment/Layout

2.1.1 Water mains shall be located within the road reserve allocated service corridor Refer council
at the standard offset nominated by the road owner. Where the alignment is Standard
outside the allocated Queensland Urban Utilities corridor, provide evidence of Drawings for
approval from the road owner to Queensland Urban Utilities. Where road allocation.
infrastructure is proposed within Queensland Government or QR property,
obtain and provide evidence of approval from relevant authority to Refer to
Queensland Urban Utilities (if another service provider’s allocated corridor is Queensland
affected, approval is also required from that service provider). Government and

SEQ Code cl

2.1.2 Water mains shall be located on the opposite side of the road reserve to the
sewer wherever practicable.

2.1.3 Where practicable, fire hydrants and water service connection points are not 5.11.5, 5.11.8
to be located at the same property boundary as electrical service connection
points, electrical pillar boxes. Show the electrical layout on the water
reticulation drawings (or provide the electrical layout drawings separately) to
demonstrate compliance.

2.1.4 Water main dead ends shall be maximum 2.0m past the last property 5.10.1
connection point and located so that it is not built over by a driveway.

2.1.5 Joint deflections are not permitted to achieve pipe deviations. Use PE, DICL,
bends or welded SCL pipes to provide pipe deviations.

2.1.6 Water mains shall be provided on both sides of the road in industrial areas. 5.7

2.1.7 Where a water main was originally laid in a verge but with road widening 5.4.2
would be in the carriageway, or a proposed road would result in an existing
main being located under a carriageway, the water main shall be relocated to
an appropriate alignment and constructed in an appropriate material for the
location. Any development works that change the level of cover/loading
condition over existing infrastructure will require the existing infrastructure to

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 19


be relocated to meet current standards.

2.1.8 Check pressure zone boundaries. New Boundary Valves must be installed if a,
development interconnects different pressure zones. Valve colouring shall be
per SEQ Code standard drawings SEQ-WAT-1300-1, 2. Minimise the number of SEQ-WAT-1300-
Boundary Valves and Dead Ends between pressure zones. 1, 2

2.2 Easements 5.4.4

2.2.1 Permanent Queensland Urban Utilities water mains are not permitted within Table 5.2
private property. Temporary water mains may be located within private
property subject to Queensland Urban Utilities approval and provision of an
easement in favour of Queensland Urban Utilities.

2.2.2 An easement shall be provided over Queensland Urban Utilities temporary Table 5.2
water mains located anywhere other than council road or Queensland Urban
Utilities owned land: • ≤300NB – Minimum 6.0m easement Table 5.2 • ˃300NB – Minimum 10.0m easement Table 5.2

2.2.3 Refer Queensland Urban Utilities Easement Guidelines for further information. Easement

2.3 Pipe Size

2.3.1 Pipe sizes shall comply with hydraulic modelling results to satisfy SEQ Code SEQ Code Design
Design Criteria and the Conditions of the Water Approval. Criteria

2.3.2 Minimum water main sizes: (Note: Larger sizes may be necessary to satisfy SEQ Table 3.1
Code Design Criteria flowrate requirements. If a larger size is necessary to
satisfy SEQ Code flowrate requirements, the larger size shall be provided). • Low and medium density residential: DN100 (DN125PE) • High density residential (>4 storeys) : DN150 (DN180PE) • Multiple high density residential (>8 storeys): DN200 (DN250PE) • Industrial and commercial: DN150 (DN180 PE).

2.3.3 DN63 PE may be used as reduced mains in cul-de-sacs with not more than 10 5.2.4, 8.8.8, SEQ-
water service connections, and subject to FH spacing requirements. WAT-1104-1

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 20


2.4 Materials

2.4.0 All materials shall comply with the requirements of the SEQ Code SEQ Code
Infrastructure Products and Materials (IPAM) list. Infrastructure
Products and
Materials (IPAM)

2.4.1 Water mains shall be PE100 PN16 unless site conditions require an alternative IPAM
material. Trenchless construction methods may require higher pipe class.
Alternative materials e.g. DI, MS may be necessary in non-standard situations
and at transitions to existing materials to facilitate thrust restraint. MS shall be
specified by pipe OD and wall thickness per SEQ Code IPAM list.

2.4.2 PE welding and connection requirements shall be as per Cl 4.5. PE flanged 4.5
connections shall use full-face PE flanges, not stub-flanges.

2.4.3 Where a proposed road crosses an existing AC main (or main of any other
material not approved by Queensland Urban Utilities to be located under a
road), the main shall be relocated and replaced with an approved material at
the appropriate cover for the road.

2.4.4 For trenchless installations PE shall be joined by butt-welding only, IPAM

electrofusion couplings not accepted. Higher class pipe is required for
trenchless installations.

2.4.5 Where it is necessary to concrete encase a section of plastic pipe material, a 7.6.1
heavy duty 3mm thick polyethylene material shall be placed between the
concrete and the PE pipe to minimise imposed loadings particularly where the
pipe emerges from the concrete block.

2.5 Pipe Cover 7.4.2 and Table


2.5.0 The minimum cover shall be provided in accordance with the values stated in
the SEQ Code and the requirements of the road owner, whichever is greater.

2.5.1 In a road carriageway, the depth of cover is measured from the road shoulder 7.4.2
or lip of kerb. Elsewhere the cover shall be provided at the FSL.

If the footway cross fall is non-standard, i.e. greater than 1 in 50, a cross-
section at a scale of 1:50 shall be provided with the Design Drawings.

Where site works will reduce the depth of cover below the required pipe
cover, the main shall be redesigned to provide the required cover.

2.5.2 Minimum cover for water mains <200mm NB (< DN250PE) in the SEQ Code 7.4.2, Table 7.2,
are: SEQ-WAT-1200-

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 21

No. CRITERIA REFERENCE • Non-trafficable areas, driveways, verges/footways, carriageways 7.4.2

of sealed local roads – 600mm • Carriageways of unsealed roads – 750mm 7.4.2 • Carriageways of major roadways/embankments/commercial and 7.4.2

industrial Areas) – 750mm (unless greater cover is required by
road owner e.g. council, Queensland Government) • Carriageways of motorways/freeways – 1200mm (unless greater 7.4.2

cover is required by road owner.) • QR corridors – in accordance with SEQ Code, AS4799 and QR SEQ-WAT-1213-

requirements. 1, AS4799, QR

2.5.3 Minimum cover for water mains ˃250mm NB (>DN315 PE): 7.4.2 • All locations except carriageways of motorways/freeways – 7.4.2

1000mm (unless greater cover is required by council or road
owner). • Carriageways of motorways/freeways – 1200mm (unless greater 7.4.2

cover is required by council or road owner).

2.5.4 Maximum depth to invert shall not exceed 1.5m for reticulation mains (< 300 7.4.2
NB). For mains >300mm NB the maximum pipe cover shall not exceed 1.5m
unless special design is submitted and approved.

2.5.5 Water services • <DN63 PE: 300mm minimum cover in footway, 600mm minimum 5.11.7
cover under roadways (to the conduit, measured from the lip of
kerb), unless overridden by the relevant road authority • >DN63 PE: cover as for same sized water mains 5.11.7

2.6 Clearances to other services (water, sewer, stormwater, telecoms, power,

gas etc.)

2.6.1 Minimum vertical clearances to other services shall be: and
Table 5.5 • Sewer – 500mm • Stormwater ≤300– 150mm • Stormwater >300– 300mm

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 22

No. CRITERIA REFERENCE • Water main ≤375 NB – 150mm • Water main ˃375 NB – 300mm Refer Table 5.5 for other services.

2.6.2 Water mains (including water services and fire hydrant off-takes) should Table 5.5
always cross over above sewers, stormwater drains, gas mains and electrical
conduits unless written approval is obtained from Queensland Urban Utilities.

2.6.3 Where water mains pass under other services, provide construction details as Table 5.5
noted in Table 5.5 Note 4.

2.6.4 Minimum horizontal clearance to other services shall be: and
Table 5.5 • Sewer – 1000mm (at minimum vertical clearance - 600mm at

750mm vertical clearance) • Stormwater – 300mm if new water main is <200 NB • Stormwater – 600mm if new water main is >200 NB • Water ≤375 NB – 300mm (600mm if new water main is >200 NB) • Water ˃375 NB – 600mm. Refer SEQCode Table 5.5 for clearances to other services. Table 5.5

2.6.5 Clearances from trees. 5.4.13

2.6.6 Clearances from structures. Water mains shall be located with sufficient, MP1.4,
clearance to structures to allow for maintenance and operation activities and Build Over Asset
provide protection against damage from pipeline bursts. Criteria

2.7 Valves

2.7.1 Provide sufficient stop valves to limit the size of the shut-off area when a main 8.2
is taken out of service for operational purposes. Spacing criteria: • Stop valves may not be required on a 100 ID main leading from a 8.2.4
100mm or 150mm ID main where no more than 20 residential
lots are serviced (single residential dwellings only). • Mains ≤150 NB – maximum 40 properties serviced or every 200m. Table 8.2 • Mains 200-300 NB – maximum 100 properties serviced or every Table 8.2

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 23

No. CRITERIA REFERENCE • Where a single water service is to be provided for multi-unit 8.2.4, 8.2.8,
developments beyond the number of properties in SEQ Code Figure 8.14
Table 8.2, and/or for commercial/industrial development, a
valving arrangement for two-directional supply shall be provided
at the connection point to ensure supply can be maintained to
the development from either direction. • No more than two reticulation branches shall be located between 8.2.4
stop valves.

2.7.2 Provide fittings for future main extension per SEQ-WAT-1303-2. SEQ-WAT-1303-

2.7.3 Zone Boundary Valves shall be clearly identified on design drawings., SEQ-
Arrangement between pressure zones shall be as per Cl8.2.7.4 Option (A) or WAT-1300-1,
(B) to suit the specifics of the valve location. Fire Hydrants (FH) supplied from 1300-2
higher pressure zone. Closed SV marked as Zone Valve as per SEQ-WAT-1300-
1, 1300-2.

2.7.4 Check requirement and location of Air Valves (AV) (AVs are generally required 8.4.2
for water mains >300 NB only. FHs are typically used on reticulation mains
<300 for air release in lieu of AVs). Note: Preferred Queensland Urban Utilities
air valve arrangement is Queensland Urban Utilities drawing 486/4/6-0057-
015, not standard drawing in the SEQ Code (trunk mains only).

2.8 Fire Hydrants (FH) 8.8

2.8.1 FHs shall be installed at maximum 80m spacing, and 40m maximum from 8.8.8, 8.8.9
property boundaries. In Urban areas, a FH is required within 90m of the
furthest point of any existing, proposed or future Class 1 dwelling. Assume
worst case future building envelope to ensure FH coverage for all possible
building locations. FHs shall be located in-line with the side real property
boundary and clear of driveways. Existing FHs (valves and scour assemblies)
within existing or proposed driveways must be relocated clear.

2.8.2 Hydrant tees and risers shall be DN100 NB with DN100 flanges. For PE systems 8.8.7
the PE flange to the FH shall be full face with SS316 backing rings and the
bolting configuration shall match the DN100 flange on the FH. Hydrant saddles
or hydrant tees to the main shall be fully-welded connections.

2.8.3 FHs shall be provided at high and low points for air release and scouring 8.4.6, 8.8.8 (c)

2.8.4 Hydrants shall not be installed on permanent ends of mains smaller than 5.10.1
DN100 (<DN125 PE).

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 24


2.8.5 Flushing points are required on all mains where hydrants or scours are not 5.10.4, SEQ-
provided. WAT-1104-1,

2.8.6 Permanent or temporary Dead Ends shall be fitted with a FH (or duck-foot FH). SEQ-WAT-1303-

2.9 Scours 8.6

2.9.1 Queensland Urban Utilities does not require scour assemblies on all main sizes. 8.6.1, SEQ-WAT-
Queensland Urban Utilities only requires scours for water mains >200 NB. FHs 1104-2, 1307-2
shall be provided in lieu of scour assemblies for water mains ≤200 NB. Where a
scour is required the detail shall be as per SEQ-WAT-1307-2, 1104-2.

2.9.2 Scours in Ipswich City Council (ICC) region shall NOT discharge to kerb and ICC requirement
channel. Scours in the ICC region are to be directed into an open-grated
stormwater chamber or pump-out chamber.

(For ICC, scour locations shall be designed in coordination with stormwater

gully locations to avoid discharge to kerb and channel.)

2.9.3 A FH shall be provided immediately adjacent to a scour to allow water drained 8.6.2
from mains to be captured in tankers.

2.10 Flushing Points

2.10.1 A flushing assembly shall be installed on the end of water mains. For 5.10.1, 5.10.4,
Queensland Urban Utilities a FH shall be provided as the flushing point at the SEQ-WAT-1104-
end of each water main (mains >= DN100 NB only). Provide flushing points for 2
mains <=DN100 NB per SEQ-WAT-1104-2.

2.11 Property Services 5.11

2.11.1 Single residential lots shall be serviced by a 20mm ID service (25mm ID service 5.11.6, SEQ-
by request). Note: For road crossings the size needs to be increased to account WAT-1107-1,
for the increased headloss associated with the increase length of road 1107-2

Water Service Sizing

For single residential properties on the same side of the road as the water
main use:

DN25 PE (or DN20 Cu) servicing a single dwelling, or

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 25


DN32 PE (or DN25 Cu) servicing two dwellings.

For road crossings use:

DN32 PE (or DN25 Cu) servicing a single dwelling

DN40 PE (or DN32 Cu) servicing two dwellings

Refer SEQ-WAT-1107-1, 1107-2 for small diameter water services and


For development other than single residential dwellings the water

services/meters shall be sized by the hydraulic consultant to suit the demand
requirements of the development. Queensland Urban Utilities may impose
conditions on the property connection to limit the effect on surrounding

2.11.2 Water services (<DN63PE or equivalent) which are located under existing or 5.11.6
future roadways, concrete or paved driveways, footpaths, bikeways or other
hard standing areas, shall be installed in a solvent welded DN100 PVC conduit.
The conduit shall have a maximum length of 25m and extend 300mm beyond
the back of the kerb or concrete/paved area. Conduits shall not be installed in
the same trench as electrical cables.

Brass/stainless steel markers indicating the service or conduit location shall be

placed on the kerb or concrete/paving edge.

2.11.3 Fire Services size, material, metering. 8.8.12

Extent of Queensland Urban Utilities asset:

All pipework within private property is private plumbing (excluding the Standard water
Queensland Urban Utilities meter assembly). The meter assembly is owned by meter
Queensland Urban Utilities and shall be shown on the drawings at the arrangement
proposed location. The limit of Queensland Urban Utilities/private assets shall drawings
be clearly noted on the drawings.

Sizing of large services shall be undertaken by the consultant to suit the

development’s hydraulic requirements.

Thrust restraint:

Large services shall be fully restrained on the Queensland Urban Utilities

property connection assuming that the pipework on the private plumbing may
not be fully-restrained.

Thrust restraint shall be provided as per the SEQ Code standard drawings with
the thrust arrow and thrust forces clearly specified.

2.11.4 Water services > 100mm NB shall be constructed using DICL, MS, 316SS, or PE. 5.11.9

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 26


2.11.5 A stop valve shall be installed on the water property connection immediately
adjacent to the main to minimise the disruption to surrounding customers if
the property connection needs to be isolated.

2.11.6 Stop valves shall be provided on Queensland Urban Utilities water mains either 8.2.4, 8.2.8,
side of a property connection branch to developments where the number of Figure 8.14
customers exceeds the number shown in SEQ Code Table 8.2 and/or for critical
commercial/industrial customers to ensure that flow can be configured in the
network to maintain supply from either direction in the event of a service
interruption on the water main either side of the property connection.

2.11.7 Water services parallel to the footpath and/or property boundary are not 5.11.5

2.11.8 Water services shall only be installed to water reticulation mains <300mm NB. 5.11.1

2.11.9 Water meters shall be located clear of driveways. 5.11.4

3.0 Live Works (Connections to Existing Water Mains) 5.9, 19, 22

3.1 Drawings shall include details of the live works connection and fittings list. All 5.9, 19, 22
works on the existing reticulation system shall be considered as “live-works”
and will be controlled by the SEQ-SPs or their designated agent at the
developer’s cost.

These works shall be clearly delineated on the Design Drawings and shown in
sufficient detail such that the works can be readily constructed.

Live works cannot commence until the new network infrastructure has been
tested, passed and accepted. The design shall be prepared to ensure that the
new works can be fully-tested before live-works commence. All live works
pipework shall be pre-chlorinated.

The extent of live works should be minimised to ensure efficient construction

and to minimise loss of water supply to the public and to enable the majority
of the works to be constructed and tested off-line independently of existing

For complex substitutions, temporary valves and/or hydrants may be required.

Hydrant coverage requirements to be maintained during construction, which
may require temporary mains and/or temporary fittings.

The requirement to provide temporary and/or permanent hydrants used for

charging and testing of new mains shall also be considered.

3.2 Detail to note that level and alignment of new main to suit location and depth
of existing main.

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 27


3.3 Ensure drawings contain the note: "All live-works shall be undertaken by the
contractor in accordance with a valid Queensland Urban Utilities Network
Access Permit."

3.4 Live works on AC water mains shall include removal of existing AC main from
collar to collar.

3.5 Where an under-pressure cut-in connection is proposed, the additional Under Pressure
requirements for under-pressure cut-in connections must be addressed. Cut-in
Provide certification to Queensland Urban Utilities for the additional Connection
requirements associated with under-pressure cut-in connections. Additional


4.1 If Acid Sulfate Soils (ASS) are likely to be encountered an approved acid sulfate 5.1.4
soil management report strategy shall be referenced on the drawings. Provide
notes on drawings as required.

4.2 Provide note on drawing if scope of works is within Fire Ant Zone (or any other 5.1.4
invasive ant declared area). Management and disposal of soils should be
carried out as per the relevant authorities requirements.

4.3 Developer/contractor is responsible for obtaining any necessary permits 5.1.4

associated with vegetation removal/management. Provide details to
Queensland Urban Utilities that the works have been designed in accordance
with any environmental requirements.

4.4 Detail treatment of existing disused water mains where applicable e.g. grout- 11.5.2
filled, removed or disused. Existing disused AC mains shall be removed.

4.5 Does any proposed development work (earthworks, retaining walls, road Water Approval
works, drainage, sewer or water, etc.) affect any existing/proposed condition
Queensland Urban Utilities infrastructure?

Any works that directly or indirectly impact the existing Queensland Urban
Utilities network are to be carried out in accordance with a valid Network
Access Permit.

The design shall include where existing Queensland Urban Utilities

infrastructure needs to be re-constructed as a result of development activity
(e.g. relocation of mains, valves, hydrants, scours etc.).

4.6 Boring under major roadways as per SEQ-WAT-1212-1 and 1214-1, and the SEQ-WAT-1212-
requirements of the road owner. 1, 1214-1

4.7 Bulkheads and trenchstops shall be shown on the drawings at the spacing 7.10, SEQ-WAT-
necessary to suit the pipe grade. 1209-1

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 28


4.8 Property owner’s consent shall be provided to Queensland Urban Utilities for Water Approval
all affected properties. condition

4.9 Thrust block provided on all bends, tees and dead ends as per Std Drgs SEQ-
WAT-1205-1, 1206-1 and 1207-1. Thrust restraint is generally not necessary for
fully-welded PE water mains, but thrust restraint is required to be provided at
locations where PE transitions to unrestrained materials e.g. unrestrained
Queensland Urban Utilities pipework or private plumbing. Push-on PVC or DICL
directly connecting to PE without appropriate restraints on the transition area
is not permitted.

4.10 Detectable marker tape shall be specified for installation on all water mains,
and property services.

4.11 Pavement markers shall be installed as per SEQ-WAT-1300-1 and 2. SEQ-WAT-1300-

1 and 2

4.12 Backflow prevention shall be addressed as part of the requirements of the 2.6.2. AS3500
private plumbing to protect the Queensland Urban Utilities network.

4.13 Chlorination assemblies are required on all mains >=DN225. Hydrants and/or 5.10.3, SEQ-
test points may be used as chlorination assemblies. Test points as per SEQ- WAT-1410-1
WAT-1410-1 shall be constructed at the end of all new mains before the scour
and where required for commissioning purposes.

4.14 Embedment type must be specified on drawings (Type 4 support unless SEQ-WAT-1201-
geotechnical investigations demonstrate that Type 3 support will be adequate 1, 1202-1, 1203-
in verge. Other types may be necessary to suit site conditions or to satisfy the 1, 1204-1
requirements of the road owner. The designer shall specify the required
embedment type on the drawings).

7.2 Under Pressure Cut-in Connection Additional Requirements

Under-pressure cut-in connections (UPCIC) are accepted by Queensland Urban Utilities in certain
circumstances for drinking water property connections to minimise disruption to surrounding
customers. Additional design and certification requirements apply. Queensland Urban Utilities will
assess all requests for property connections >DN100 on a case-by-case basis, subject to additional
certification requirements.

An UPCIC is not feasible if valves need to be installed on the water main either side of the property
connection tee. Valves may be required on the water main either side of the tee to accommodate
flow from either direction to maintain supply to a property in the event of a failure of the water
main either side of the property connection. Refer SEQ Code clause 8.2.4, 8.2.8, Table 8.2 and Figure
8.14 for valve requirements.

An UPCIC create a potential restriction to the supply to the branch of the tee due to the size of the
hole in the main being smaller than a cut-in tee arrangement.

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 29

Additional certification is required from the certifying RPEQ to accept responsibility for the
limitations of the UPCIC methodology, i.e:

1. RPEQ certification that hydraulic capacity assessment has been undertaken and hydraulic
requirements have been satisfied:

• Restriction due to size of drilled hole, as well as further restriction due to plastic inserts for
metallic pipes (where relevant), have been incorporated in hydraulic assessment.

2. RPEQ certification that existing host pipe condition and arrangement is suitable for proposed
connection works:

• Condition and arrangement of host pipe at connection point and surrounding area must be
physically confirmed and certified by RPEQ that:

o Host pipe is in suitable condition for tapping/UPCIC works, with no significant

corrosion, cracking, pitting, surface damage or shape distortion

o Installation of proposed UPCIC satisfies the following spacing requirements from

other connections, tapping bands/saddles, pre-tapped connections and pipe joints:

Host Pipe Material Host Pipe Size (mm) Minimum Spacing (mm)
PE < DN 355 500

DI, DICL, CI, CICL, SCL < NB 300 600

< DN150 600

PVC-m, PVC-u, PVC-o#
> DN150 to < DN 300 900

# UPCIC of PVC-o is not accepted

Refer to SEQ Code clause 5.11.2 for further details.

• Installation of proposed UPCIC satisfies the requirements of Section C3.3 in Water Services
Association of Australia (WSAA) Appendix C – Under Pressure Cut-in Connection to Pressure
Pipes > DN 80 (WSA-03-2011- v3.1).

3. Proposed Connection Detail/s and Construction Methodology clearly shown on design


o Design drawing/s must clearly:

 show proposed connection detail/s

 state proposed connection and construction methodology to be used

 list Queensland Urban Utilities accepted fittings to be installed

 state the minimum length of off-take clamp to be installed (where relevant)

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 30

 state the proposed host pipe drill hole size (where relevant)

 state that plastic insert is to be installed in drilled hole of metallic host pipe
(where relevant) and associated plastic insert thickness

 state the proposed connection hole size (where relevant)

 state the proposed connection hole size adopted for RPEQ certified
hydraulic modelling of property service and/or fire supply (where relevant).

4. RPEQ certification that design satisfies relevant Queensland Urban Utilities Standards and

7.3 Infrastructure with less than minimum allowable cover

In brownfield locations the following points shall be considered when minimum cover cannot be

1. Water mains and water services shall cross over sewers, stormwater drains, gas mains and
electrical conduits and comply with minimum cover and clearance requirements.
2. Where there is no alternative and the water main is shallower than minimum allowable
cover, use fully welded MSCL (without flanges). Queensland Urban Utilities requires
minimum cover as per SEQ Code and does not permit flanges or fittings within the
pavement box, or at a depth that is likely to be susceptible to damage in the event of future
road pavement/verge construction/rehabilitation.
3. Flanged joints shall not be encased in concrete.
4. Prefabricated MSCL pipework is preferred to maximise the quality of reinstatement of the
cement lining and coating at joints.
5. MSCL under other services shall be concrete encased with minimum 150mm thick concrete
encasement, with a further minimum 150mm (300mm desirable) clearance to
services. Services with depth to invert over 1.50m shall be fully concrete encased. Concrete
encasement shall stop nominally 300mm before flanges to allow for maintenance access.
6. MSCL work shall be undertaken by a licensed contractor experienced in welding of pressure
pipelines. Contractor accreditation shall be provided.
7. Provide a test point at each end of the complete crossing.
8. Protection methods to electrical infrastructure shall incorporate the requirements of
AS/NZS 3000 and Energex.

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 31

8 Sewerage
The design requirements in the following tables shall be addressed by the designer. The following
tables are NOT intended to be a comprehensive list of all design requirements or considerations.
Refer to the SEQ Code and other Queensland Urban Utilities technical requirements for further

Clause numbers refer to the Gravity Sewerage Code of Australia – South East Queensland Service
Providers Edition Version 2.0 (July 2019) unless noted otherwise.
8.1 Design Guidance Checklist – Sewerage



2.1.1 Sewers shall be designed to service the development Refer council Standard
taking into consideration the surrounding topography Drawings for Road
and the requirements to accommodate future extension. Allocation.

Where a sewer exists that can service the proposed

development, connection to it is preferred rather than
placing a new sewer on the opposite side of the road. SEQ Code cl 5.2.3, 5.2.4,
Wherever practicable, sewers shall be located in the
sewer allocation within the road reserve on the high side
of road and opposite to water reticulation in accordance
with council’s allocated corridor for Queensland Urban
Utilities’ assets and preferred standard alignment. Where
this is not practicable, the following alternatives may be
considered: • Another alignment with the approval of the relevant 5.2.3, 5.3.2
utility provider and road owner. • Along drainage reserve 5.2.3 • Road carriageway 5.2.3, 5.3.2

2.1.2 Sewers located within residential properties shall be 5.2.4

offset 1.0m to 1.5m from the property boundary with
preference for the larger offset.

2.1.3 Where a sewer and a stormwater drain traverse a lot on 5.2.4

the same side of the building envelope, the sewer should
be closer to the building envelope than the stormwater.

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 32


2.1.4 Sewers in industrial areas shall be located in the road

reserve unless topography does not permit. Where a
sewer is located along the side or rear boundary of an
industrial property and it is possible the sewer will be
built over, the sewer should be positioned 2m to 4m from
the boundary.

2.1.5 Sewers shall not be located between front of property

boundary and standard setback for building works.

2.1.6 Sewer mains shall be provided to upstream property Water Approval Conditions
boundaries at a reasonable depth to command upstream
catchment and accommodate future development.

2.1.7 All sewer maintenance structures and property MP1.4, cl 6.5.3

connections shall be located clear of structures, be
unobstructed, allow for future maintenance and have
unrestricted street access at all times.

2.1.8 Horizontal curves in sewers: 5.3.8 • Maximum of two Long Radius Bends (LRB) between 5.3.8

adjacent maintenance structures. • Maximum deflection angle for a LRB is 90 degrees. 5.3.8

The maximum cumulative horizontal angle permitted
on a sewer line between any 2 maintenance
structures is 90 degrees. • Curves are not permitted to be located under a road 5.3.8

carriageway. • Sewer connections to be placed on straight sections 5.3.8

of sewer. • Short Radius Bend (SRB) are not permitted. 5.3.8 Horizontal bends shall not be used in combination with 5.3.8

vertical or compound bends between adjacent
maintenance structures. Minimum LRB radius is 35 times outside diameter of a 5.3.8. POP202

SDR21 PE pipe. Refer to POP202. Bend radius to match road curvature (provided bend 5.3.8

radius limitations not exceeded).

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 33


2.1.9 The impact of proposed sewerage infrastructure on 5.2.4, MP1.4

existing/future buildings or structures must be taken into
account. Sewer to be constructed clear of ‘Zone of Influence’
of structures. Obtain separate BOA approval as required.

2.1.10 Bridging details to be provided where applicable. 5.4.4

2.1.11 Clearances to other services as per SEQ Code Table 4.2. Table 5.4
Reduced clearances to other services only by consent.

2.1.12 Sewers crossing a water main >300 NB to have details shown.

2.2 EASEMENTS Queensland Urban Utilities

Easement Guidelines and
SEQ Code clause 5.2.8

2.2.1 Easements shall be provided in accordance with Queensland Queensland Urban Utilities
Urban Utilities requirements. Easement details must be Easement Guidelines and
shown on the design drawings. SEQ Code cl 5.2.8 • Easements are generally not required over sewer Queensland Urban Utilities
mains with diameter DN300 or less, however a 1m Easement Guidelines and
wide easement must be provided to all maintenance SEQ Code cl 5.2.8
structures in private property. Easements are
required over sewer mains in certain circumstances. • 6.0m wide where sewer >300 NB and <600 NB and Queensland Urban Utilities
depth <5m. Easement Guidelines and
SEQ Code cl 5.2.8 • 10.0m wide where sewer >300 NB greater than 5m Queensland Urban Utilities
deep OR sewer diameter greater than 600 NB. Easement Guidelines and
SEQ Code cl 5.2.8 • Easement requirements as per Queensland Urban Queensland Urban Utilities

Utilities Easement Guidelines and SEQ Code clause Easement Guidelines and
5.2.8. SEQ Code cl 5.2.8 • Sewerage easements (where required) shall be Queensland Urban Utilities

centered over the pipe. Easements to maintenance Easement Guidelines and
structures shall follow the side boundary from the SEQ Code cl 5.2.8
road reserve and encompass the maintenance

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 34


2.3 PIPE SIZE - Hydraulic Design SEQ Code Design Criteria

2.3.1 Sewers shall be sized to carry design flows without exceeding SEQ Code Design Criteria
75% of flow depth. and clause 3 and5.5.3

2.3.2 Minimum pipe sizes shall be provided as per SEQ Code Table Table 5.5

2.4 PIPE MATERIAL SEQ Code Infrastructure

Products and Materials List

2.4.1 NuSewers IPAM o PE100 minimum PN8 SDR21. External colour light grey IPAM. SEQ Code cl 4. SEQ
solid or striped. Internal colour white or light colour. Fully Code standard drawings
welded. Fittings PN10. Higher class and size is required for for trenchless installations.
trenchless installations. Higher class may be necessary in AS2566 for certification of
deep/shallow situations, RPEQ to provide certification of pipe non-standard pipe class.
structural design in deep/shallow/unusual situations. All PE – PE connections shall be welded. Flanged or Gripper 4.7.1

connections are also permitted. PE flanges must be full-face
with 316SS backing ring. PE stub flanges are not accepted. For Aerial Crossings/Reduced Clearances/Reduced Cover/Deep

cover potential alternatives include: • DI PN35 w calcium aluminate cement or IPAM

alternatively DI with PE or Polyurethane lining • MS with fusion bonded coating internal/external. IPAM Structural bridging and flood report information shall be

provided for aerial crossings. Aerial crossings not preferred.
Risk of pipe damage and stormwater afflux. Evidence of no-
objection from relevant authorities required for all aerial


2.5.0 Longitudinal sections shall be prepared as per the SEQ Code SEQ-SEW-1101-1
typical details.

2.5.2 Details of all property connections to be shown on the SEQ-SEW-1101-1

Longitudinal Section.

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 35


2.5.3 Details of all other services to be shown on the longitudinal SEQ-SEW-1101-1 and
section with clearances per SEQ Code Table 5.4. Table 5.4

2.5.4 Provide details where a sewer crosses a water main > 300 NB.

2.5.5 Sewers of different diameters shall be graded obvert to SEQ-SEW-1101-4


2.5.6 Minimum Grades: SEQ Code Design Criteria • DN100 (DN110 PE) - 1 in 60 (Property connections

only) • DN150 (DN160 PE) - 1 in 100 (Property connections

or sewer for first 10 allotments) • DN150 (DN160 PE) - 1 in 180 (Sewer after first 10

allotments) • DN225 (DN250 PE) - 1 in 300 • DN300 (DN315 PE) - 1 in 400 • DN375 (DN400 PE) - 1 in 550 • For larger sizes refer SEQ Water and Sewer Planning

2.5.7 Minimum cover (to crown of pipe): Table 5.11 • Private residential property and public lots not

subject to vehicular loading: existing development –
450mm. • Private residential property and public lots not

subject to vehicular loading: new development –
600mm. • Private lots zoned residential subject to vehicular

loading – 750mm. • Footways, nature strips, industrial and commercial

lots, sealed road pavements other than major roads
subject to vehicular loading - 1150mm

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 36

No. CRITERIA REFERENCE • Sewer in a footway containing a water main of

250mm internal diameter or more – 1650mm • Unsealed road carriageways, Major road SEQ Code Standard

carriageways, future road, rail and tram pavements – Drawings and road owner
1200mm (Unless greater cover required by road requirements

2.5.8 Bulkhead/trenchstop spacing as per SEQ WSA02 Table 9.1. Table 9.1
Grades of 1 in 20 or steeper require trenchstops/bulkheads.

2.5.9 Minimum falls through MHs for deflection angle: SEQ-SEW-1301-2, 1301-8,
and cl 5.6.6 • 0 degrees - 20mm • Up to 45 degrees - 30mm • 45 – 90 degrees - 40mm • Branch <30 degrees - 30mm • Branch 30 – 60 degrees - 50mm • Branch 60 – 90 degrees - 80mm.

2.5.10 NuSewer other drop type dimensions refer Std Drg SEQ-SEW-
1301-2 and 1301-8. • Correct levels shown for connection to existing


2.5.11 Internal drops are not permitted in a DN900 MH (Type ‘G’).

2.5.12 A maximum of 1x internal drop is permitted in a DN1200

existing MH. Connections to new manholes shall be provided
via an external drop

2.5.13 Maximum depth of Type 'G' MH - 3 metres - <DN250 sewers. SEQ-SEW-1301-3

2.5.14 Maximum depth of Type 'F' MH - 4.25 metres - <DN315 SEQ-SEW-1301-9


2.5.15 Depth > 4.25 metres, Type 'X' MH.

2.5.16 Vertical Curves: 5.6.7

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 37

No. CRITERIA REFERENCE • The requirements and restrictions specified for 5.6.7

horizontal bends in respect of, location, diameter,
placement under road carriageways, minimum radius
of curvature, methods of achieving, fabrication, and
manufacture shall apply to vertical bends. • Only long-radius bends shall be used. 5.6.7 • The maximum angle of deflection permitted for 5.6.7

vertical bends is 30 degrees. The maximum number
of vertical bends between adjacent maintenance
structures is limited to two, and vertical bends shall
not be used in combination with horizontal or
compound bends between adjacent maintenance

2.5.17 Embedment Type shall be shown on longitudinal section. SEQ-SEW-1200-2, 1201-1

to 1205-1 and council
standard drawings for
trenches within roadways


2.6.1 Each residential property shall be provided with a property Table 5.5;
connection. The minimum size shall be DN110 PE for a
single residential premise on a single lot or 2 residential SEQ-SEW-1106 series;
premises on a single lot or 2 adjoining lots (subject to
Water Approval Conditions
maximum length criteria). Minimum size DN160 PE for other
property types.

2.6.2 Property connections shall extend a minimum of 0.3m and a SEQ-SEW-1106 series.
maximum of 0.75m into property (exceptions apply where
buildings/structures conflict with this location.

2.6.3 Ensure depth of property connection sufficient to fully 5.6.5

control allotment: • Controlling point 0.5m below FSL of most 5.6.5

disadvantaged location in allotment • Calculate longest possible length from most 5.6.5

disadvantaged location to connection point • Minimum grade 1 in 60 for DN110, 1 in 100 for 5.6.5


2.6.4 Property connections shall be located: 6.4, 6.5

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 38

No. CRITERIA REFERENCE • 5.0m from side boundary unless driveway location 6.5.2

known, in which case to be located clear • On low side of property 6.5.2 • On opposite side of lot to driveway where fall across 6.5.2

lot is small • Not within 1m of existing or proposed structures. MP1.4

2.6.5 Property connections shall be constructed on straight section

of sewer main only.

2.6.6 A maximum of two property connections (DN110) are 7.7.4

permitted into the vertical riser of a MS (entering at different
levels separated by 500mm vertically).

2.6.7 NuSewer house connections as per SEQ Standard Drawings

1106-1 to 1106-7 ie. Types A1 to A4, B1 to B4, C1 to C4.

2.6.8 NuSewer property connections into Type ‘G’ MHs shall be SEQ-SEW-1301-2
nominated as either ‘A’, ‘C’ or ‘D’ as per SEQ-SEW-1301-2.

2.6.9 NuSewer property connections into Type ‘F’ MH’s shall be SEQ-SEW-1301-8
nominated as either ‘A’, ‘C’, ‘D’ or ‘Internal Drop’ (Existing
DN1200 manholes only, and only if no other internal drops
already exist) as per SEQ-SEW-1301-8.

2.6.10 Maximum depth of house connection 1.5m - otherwise 6.3.5

vertical riser (jump-up) required.

2.6.11 Maximum depth of multi-residential, commercial or industrial 6.3.5

connections is 3.0m.

2.6.12 Property connections deeper than 3.0m, shall be connected 6.3.5

to a Maintenance Structure, not directly to sewerage main.

2.6.13 Property connections shall not be connected to branch and 6.2

trunk sewers unless suitable inlets are provided at a MH and
agreed by Queensland Urban Utilities. Where a water seal is
provided it shall be as per SEQ-SEW-1307-2-4. Note: Water
seals are generally not required.

2.6.14 Property connections for commercial and industrial 6.2

developments shall not be directly connected to sewers, but
shall be connected into a maintenance structure.

2.6.15 Provide network infrastructure to accommodate development Water Approval Conditions

of upstream properties as necessary.

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 39


2.6.16 Maximum length of DN100 (DN110 PE) connection is 10m 6.7

(25m may be accepted in brownfield developments at the
discretion of Queensland Urban Utilities.).

2.6.17 Maximum length of DN150 (DN160 PE) connection is 30m. 6.7

2.6.18 Where a concrete slab is to be constructed over a property 6.5.1

connection point, a 0.9m square removable section with
suitable lifting lugs shall be provided centrally over the

2.6.19 Property connections shall be provided to service all lots in 5.6.4

accordance with cl 5.6.4. Partial lot service is subject to
approval by Queensland Urban Utilities.


2.7.1 Assess any development works (building works, structures, MP1.4, 5.4.4
retaining walls, etc.) that affect any Queensland Urban
Utilities infrastructure. Obtain separate BOA approval and
incorporate BOA requirements in design. Building work on a
lot that contains, or is adjacent to a lot (or road reserve) that
contains a sewer or water main shall be assessed against

2.7.2 The location of existing structures, within the vicinity of 5.4.4

proposed sewer infrastructure shall be detailed on the design
drawings with footings and retaining structures detailed in
sectional views as required. The design of new sewer
infrastructure shall address the impact of the works on
existing structures. The designer shall ensure that the
proposed works will not adversely affect the structural
integrity or performance of existing structures.

2.7.3 Sewers shall cross retaining walls as close as practicable to 5.4.4

right angles. Where the sewer crosses under a boulder
retaining wall, a concrete bridging slab shall be placed over
the sewer. Where the sewer crosses under a retaining wall, an
RPEQ certificate shall be provided to Queensland Urban
Utilities verifying the structural integrity of the sewer.

2.7.4 Where the design includes underpinning, bridging or other 5.4.4

works to protect a sewer, these shall be detailed on the sewer
design and certified by an RPEQ as being adequate to both
protect the sewer and any structure under which the sewer

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 40



2.8.1 Trenchless construction methods may be used to facilitate

the economic installation of sewers in difficult areas, or
where required by road/rail owners. Where trenchless
construction methods are required the particular design
considerations for trenchless construction must be shown
on the design as the design parameters and materials differ
from open-trench construction methods.

2.8.2 Requirements for trenchless construction that need to be 5.2.6

considered include but not limited to: • Accuracy required in line and level • Proximity to other services • Diameter of bore • Length of bore • Ground conditions • Minimum depth of cover • Access for equipment • Pipe lengths.

2.8.3 Tolerances as per SEQ Code Table 5.1. Table 5.1

2.8.4 Drawings to detail trenchless construction location, type,

material and all necessary construction details.

2.8.5 Bored and jacked trenchless installations shall comply with SEQ-SEW-1401-1, 1402-1,
SEQ Code standard drawings SEQ-SEW-1401-1, 1402-1, 1403-1
1403-1 and requirements of Queensland Government/QR
as necessary.

2.8.6 Tracer Wire: Except for pipes enveloped in a steel enveloper 16.11.3
pipe, all sewers, including property connection sewers,
constructed by trenchless means shall incorporate tracer
wire. Tracer wire shall be wound around or otherwise
securely fixed to the pipes and terminated at both ends at
an accessible point.

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 41



3.1 General

3.1.1 Maintenance structures (Maintenance Holes ‘manholes’ 7.2/Table 7.1/7.3

(MH), Maintenance Shafts (MS), Terminal Entry Points
(TEP)) shall be installed at change of pipe material,
direction, size, grade, at permanent or temporary ends of
line, and at intervals subject to maximum spacing, and for
all commercial/industrial property connections.
(Queensland Urban Utilities does not accept Maintenance
Chambers (MC), Rodding ends(RE)).

3.1.2 Maintenance structures shall not be located within a MP1.4

building or under a building overhang.

3.1.3 Maintenance structures must generally not be located in 7.9.1, 7.2

drainage swales, table drains or detention basins where
stormwater infiltration may occur or scouring may occur
around the structure. MHs below Q100 levels are to have
bolt down lids and top slab and scour protection to prevent

3.1.4 Where a MH is required only cast in-situ concrete shall be 7.6.2

used, with requirement for special class concrete to WSA
PS-358 with calcareous aggregate.

3.1.5 Where modifications are proposed that change the loading 7.9.3, Table 7.5
or surface level of an existing MH which does not have a
top slab, cover or frame that meets the current
specifications for new work, then the modifications shown
in SEQ Code Table 7.5A shall apply.

3.1.6 Where existing MHs have damaged components the 7.9.3, Table 7.5
modifications in clause 7.9.3 Table 7.5A apply.

3.1.7 Where any modification works are undertaken on a 7.9.3

lamphole, the lamphole shall be replaced with an
appropriate maintenance structure for the situation.

3.2 Maintenance Holes (MH) (‘Manholes’) 7

3.2.1 Maintenance Holes shall be located where required in 7.2, 7.3, Table 7.1
clause 7.2, 7.3 and Table 7.1: • MH are the only permitted maintenance structure on 7.2

pipelines >DN225 (>DN250PE)

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 42

No. CRITERIA REFERENCE • MH are required where MS are not appropriate e.g. 7.7.2, 7.7.3
sewer mains >DN250 PE; flowrates >22L/s; flowrates
>12L/s and deflection angle >60degrees, >3 incoming
sewers, a change of pipe materials where MS are
accepted, etc.; and • At maximum spacing 240m from end of line; and Figure 7.1 • At maximum spacing 480m. Figure 7.2

3.2.2 Maximum distance between any 2 consecutive MH120m. 7.3.2

3.2.3 Maximum spacing of 480m between MH (when used with 7.3.2

intermediate MS).

3.2.4 Maximum spacing between 'end of line' and nearest 7.3.2

downstream MH is 240 metres where end of line is not a MH.

3.2.5 Concrete for MH construction shall be special class to WSA 7.6.2

PS-358 with calcareous aggregate.

3.2.6 Protective PE lining required on MHs in the following 7.6.2

instances: • MHs > DN1500 7.6.2 • MHs >4m deep 7.6.2 • MHs on sewers >300 NB 7.6.2 • MHs servicing an industrial area 7.6.2 • The collection manhole immediately upstream of a 7.6.2

sewage pumping station • The MH is a receiving MH for a sewer rising main or 7.6.2

within 100m of such a receiving MH • Where an assessment of corrosion or odour has 7.6.2

indicated protection is required.

3.2.7 Ladders, step-irons and landings. Ladders or step irons 7.6.9

required in MHs >0.85m deep. Ladders (not step irons)
required in MHs >4.25m deep.

3.2.8 Maintenance hole sizes: SEQ-SEW-Standard


• 'G' Type <3m deep and <DN250 sewers SEQ-SEW-Standard


Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 43


• 'F' Type <4.25m deep and <DN315 sewers SEQ-SEW-Standard


• 'X' Type >4.25m deep SEQ-SEW-Standard


3.3 Maintenance Shafts (MS) and Terminal Entry Points (TEP) 7.7

3.3.1 MS, TEP as per SEQ-SEW-1315-1. SEQ-SEW-1315-1

3.3.2 The maximum allowable flow into a MS is 22L/s. If >22L/s use 7.7.2
a MH.

3.3.3 Flow into a MS shall not to exceed 12L/s if the deflection 7.7.2
through the MS is greater than 60 degrees. If the deflection
angle is >60deg, use a 45deg stub inlet and LRB.

3.3.4 Maintenance shafts permitted only on sewers <= DN250 PE. 7.7.2

3.3.5 Maintenance shaft maximum depth 5.0m. SEQ-SEW-1315-1

3.3.6 Incoming connections to a maintenance shaft riser must be a

minimum of 100mm above the connection of the riser to the
bowl, 750mm above MS IL, OR, enter at base with 20mm fall
or graded obvert to obvert, unless outlet DN > inlet DN, in
which case, grade obvert to obvert.

3.3.7 Stop-End ‘End of Line’ maximum of 30m from nearest 7.3.2, Figure 7.1
downstream structure. Use electro-fusion or butt-welded end

3.3.8 Where an ‘End of Line’ is greater than 30m from nearest 7.3.2, Figure 7.1
downstream maintenance structure a new maintenance
structure (MH, MS or TEP) shall be provided.

3.3.9 Additional Design Parameters for Maintenance Shafts: • A maximum of 1x DN150/160 sewer, or 2x 7.7.4

DN100/110 property connections (at different levels
separated by 500mm vertically), or 1 x DN150/160
property connection sewer are permitted to be
connected in to the MS riser. • The total loading from a connection into the riser of 7.7.4
a MS shall not exceed 20EP.

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 44

No. CRITERIA REFERENCE • The maximum grade of a connection to a MS is 1 in 7.7.3

10. Where the incoming or outgoing grade is steeper
than 1 in 10, the sewer shall be provided with long
radius curves to align to the set outlet and the set

3.4 Modification to Existing Maintenance Structures: 7.9.3

3.4.1 When undertaking works on existing maintenance 7.9.3

structures, address requirements of clause 7.9.3.

3.5 Access Covers 7.9

3.5.1 Class B concrete infill covers shall be used in footway areas in Table 7.5
residential developments and in locations with light duty
non-frequent traffic clear of verge and road pavement e.g. AS3996
residential driveway where traffic loading meets
requirements of AS3996 Class B.

For commercial/industrial areas where an access cover is

located within a driveway, a Class D cast iron cover (not Class
D concrete infill) and Class D top-slab is required.
Maintenance structures should be designed to be located
clear of commercial/industrial driveways where possible.

3.5.2 Bolt-down watertight access covers shall be specified on 7.9.1

maintenance structures located:

3.5.21 • In areas where the risk of sewer overflow is high 7.9.1

3.5.22 • Along waterways subject to flooding where the cover 7.9.1

level is below the 1% AEP • In coastal zones. The top of the maintenance 7.9.1,

structure shall be at least 0.9m above maximum high
tide AHD. (Highest Astronomical Tide (HAT) or storm,
surge level, whichever is greater) • In any location where surface water could inundate 7.9.1

the top of a maintenance structure e.g. overland
drainage paths.

3.5.3 Maximum slope of covers: • ‘B’ Class 1 in 7 7.9.2

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 45


3.5.32 • ‘D’ Class 1 in 10. 7.9.2


4.1 Any works which directly or indirectly impact the existing

Queensland Urban Utilities network are to be carried out in
accordance with a valid Queensland Urban Utilities
Network Access Permit.

4.2 A ‘Live Sewer Works Table’ (as shown on SEQ-SEW-1102-1) SEQ-SEW-1102-1

is required to be included in Design Package detailing all
work relating to existing sewers. The administrative cl 23
procedures, method, protocols, inspection and supervision
requirements for a live sewer connection shall be agreed
with Queensland Urban Utilities prior to the works being
carried out.


5.1 If Acid Sulfate Soils (ASS) are likely to be encountered an

approved acid sulfate soil management report strategy shall
be referenced on the drawings. Provide notes on drawings
as required.

5.2 Design drawings shall detail treatment of disused sewers 5.2.9

e.g. grout-filled, removed or disused.

5.3 Where reasonable doubts exist regarding the suitability of 9.6.1

the ground to provide adequate support to the pipeline, and
for pipelines > DN450, a geotechnical assessment shall be
made of the proposed route.

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 46


5.4 Add note on drawings regarding requirements for CCTV 21.8

inspection, e.g.:

All sewers and maintenance structures shall be inspected by

CCTV. The first CCTV inspection shall be made prior to
commissioning after all backfilling operations have been
satisfactorily completed and all junctions have been

A second CCTV inspection is required prior to, but not more

than two weeks before, the on-site inspection for “off
maintenance” certification.

CCTV equipment in accordance with section 21.8 of the SEQ

Sewer Code and the WSAA Conduit Inspection Reporting
Code of Australia WSA 05 and the results submitted to
Queensland Urban Utilities for compliance checking.

5.5 Add note on drawings regarding requirements for 16.11.2; SEQ-SEW-1200-

detectable marker tape, e.g.: 2, 1201-1, 1202-1, 1203-
1, 1204-1, 1205-1
Detectable marker tape shall be provided either above the
embedment zone or 1000mm below the F.S.L., whichever is
closest to F.S.L.

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 47

9 Reference Document
9.1 Internal Queensland Urban Utilities reference documents and Australian Standards

Select Queensland Urban Utilities reference documents (and Australian Standards) are summarised
below (Queensland Urban Utilities reference documents not for external distribution unless agreed
by Queensland Urban Utilities). Obtain other external documents from relevant author.

Information Title

SEQ Water Supply Code Version 1.2 2018

Gravity Sewerage Code of Australia – South East Queensland Service Providers Edition Version 2.0 (July 2019)

SEQ Code Asset Information Specification Version 2.0 October 2015

SEQ Code Infrastructure Products and Materials (IPAM) list

SEQ Code Design Criteria

Queensland Development Code MP1.4 Building Over or Near Infrastructure

QUU CHE422 – Check List – Gravity Sewer Design

QUU CHE423 – Check List – Water Main Design

QUU CHE424 – Check List – Structural Design

QUU CHE425 – Check List – Project Technical Requirements

QUU CHE506 – Check List – Drawings General

QUU CHE507 – Check List – Drawings Gravity Sewer

QUU CHE508 – Check List – Drawings – Reinforced Concrete

QUU CHE509 – Check List – Drawings – Structural Steelwork

QUU CHE510 – Check List Drawings – Water Mains

PIPA POP202 – PVC and PE Pressure Pipe Installation on Curved Alignments

QUU PRO395 – Queensland Urban Utilities Addendum to: SEQ Water Supply and Sewerage Design &
Construction Code (SEQ WS&S D&C Code) – QUU Information Requirements

QUU PRO662 – Safety in Design Procedure

Australian Standards (commonly used for reference; not a complete list of all the relevant Australian

AS1170 Structural design actions

AS2280 Ductile iron pipes and fittings

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 48

AS2566.1 Buried flexible pipelines – structural design

AS2566.2 Buried flexible pipelines – installation

AS/NZS3000 Electrical installations (known as the Australia/New Zealand wiring rules

AS3600 Concrete structures

AS3735 Concrete structures retaining liquids

AS3996 Access covers and grates

AS4130 Polyethylene (PE) pipes for pressure applications

AS4799 Installation of underground utility services and pipelines within railway boundaries

AS4970 Guidelines to protection of trees on development sites

9.2 SEQ Code Additional Guidance

Additional guidance on Queensland Urban Utilities requirements for clauses (cl) in the SEQ Code that
refer to ‘Water Agency Requirements’ or ‘SEQ-SP requirements’ that are not specifically described in
the amendment to the SEQ Code, are included as Appendix A.

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 49

10 Procedure Guidance Notes – Minor Works
Refer post-approval guidance notes included in the Water Approval Decision Notice.

10.1 Design Variation – Minor Works

The designer shall obtain the written approval from Queensland Urban Utilities for any variations to
the requirements of the SEQ Code. For applications assessed as Minor Works a Design Variation shall
be submitted to Queensland Urban Utilities for review in accordance with the Queensland Urban
Utilities Endorsed Consultant Deed. Queensland Urban Utilities will assess and either approve or
refuse the design variation.

11 Procedure Guidance Notes – Major Works

Refer post-approval guidance notes included in the Water Approval Decision Notice.

12 As-Constructed Package Additional Information Requirements

Details and information shall be provided to Queensland Urban Utilities in addition to the SEQ Code
Asset Information Specification Section 4 “Detailed Requirements for Information Package” and
PRO395 Queensland Urban Utilities Addendum to SEQ Code Asset Information Specification as
described below:

• As Constructed drawings must be as per the SEQ Code Asset Information Specification.

• As Constructed drawing set must be based on either approved design/for construction

drawings updated with the as constructed survey data and as constructed comments (i.e.
“Shall be removed” to “removed”) in smart PDF and DWG formats.

• The drawings shall only contain the final details of construction. The marked up construction
drawings shall show all changes, including notes and tables.

• The Queensland Urban Utilities endorsed consultant stamp (Minor Works only), as
constructed, surveyor and stamps signed by RPEQ on each sheet/drawings.

• To show an item was not installed, remove the item from the drawing along with any
associated devices, connecting lines, ducts, pipes and the like as well as any associated notes
or dimensions. Line items and notes in tables shall be erased by drawing a line through them
not by erasing the text.

• Drawings shall be marked with their purpose or status as appropriate using “As

• Sewerage as-constructed drawings as per SEQ Code and standard (SEQ-SEW-1100-1, SEQ-
SEW-1101-1, SEQ-SEW-1101-3, and SEQ-SEW-1102-1).

• Water as-constructed drawings as per SEQ Code and standard drawings (SEQ-WAT-1100-2,
SEQ-WAT-1101-2, and SEQ-WAT-1101-3).

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 50

• A compliant ADAC (Asset Design and As-Constructed) XML file is to be submitted along with
Queensland Urban Utilities' required As-Constructed information as detailed in the Water
Approval post-approval guidelines.

Queensland Urban Utilities do not require a PDF of the as-constructed survey when this information
is included on the as-constructed drawing.


From 1 January 2016 Queensland Urban Utilities requires all as-constructed packages to comply with
the SEQ Code’s Asset Information Specification. Part of this involves the submission of an ADAC
compliant XML file in the as-constructed package. Queensland Urban Utilities requires ADAC XML

• Water or Recycled Water development with more than 40 metres of pipe or more than
4 lots or internal diameter greater than 50mm

• Sewer development with more than 12 metres of pipe or more than 4 lots or internal
diameter greater than 150mm

Technical Guidelines Queensland Urban Utilities | September 2019, V.1.7 51

Additional guidance on SEQ Code clauses that refer to ‘Water Agency’ or ‘SEQ-SP’

SEQ Water Supply Code Version 1.2 2018
Part Clause Heading Clause Text Documents that provide additional
information on Water Agency Requirements
Part - - - -
Part Detailed design - Designer's The design shall comply with the design parameters detailed in this Code Queensland Urban Utilities Water Approval
1 needs and responsibilities and/or Water Agency requirements SEQ Code
SEQ Standard Drawings
2.4 System Configuration Network layouts shall conform to Water Agency Requirements Queensland Urban Utilities Water Approval
SEQ Code
SEQ Standard Drawings
2.12 g) System Review Disinfection residuals in the system meet Water Agency Requirements WSAA WSA 03-2011-3.1 Appendix I -
Disinfection of Water Mains and Water
Quality Compliance Specification
2.12 i) System Review Minimum and maximum flows and velocities meet Water Agency SEQ Design Criteria
Requirements Flow Velocities Ensure adequate minimum velocities for maintaining water quality to Water SEQ Design Criteria
Agency Requirements
Table Colour differentiation of Surface fittings and associated infrastructure to be colour coded in accordance SEQ Standard Drawings
4.1 drinking water and non- with Water Agency Requirements
drinking water components in
dual water reticulation
5.1.3 Water main renewals - Safety precautions shall be developed to address the safety of workers and QLD Work Health and Safety Legislation,
electrical safety and earthing property occupants during the work and the changed conditions following the AS/NZS3500.1, Building Codes Queensland
to water services work in accordance with regulatory and Water Agency requirements 'Electrical Safety for Plumbers', Workplace
Health and Safety Electrical Safety Office
5.11.1 Services, outlets and meters Above ground or below-ground meter installations shall be specified in SEQ Code
accordance with Water Agency requirements SEQ Code Standard Drawings
Appendix WC Supplementary Manual to WSA
03 Fire Hydrant & Hose Reel Metering
Arrangements Concept design - functionality Meet fire fighting requirements in accordance with Water Agency Fire Flow Policy
c) requirements SEQ Code Design Criteria
Part Clause Heading Clause Text Documents that provide additional
information on Water Agency Requirements Concept design - Signage Signage shall be provided for both booster identification and OH&S purposes in SEQ Code Standard Drawings
accordance with regulatory and Water Agency Requirements Booster design - General Flow and pressure requirements shall be nominated by the water agency SEQ Design Criteria Booster design - General Detailed mechanical design shall be undertaken in accordance with Water Queensland Urban Utilities Specifications.
Agency requirements Obtain from Queensland Urban Utilities on
case-by-case basis Power system and supply - Detailed electrical design shall be undertaken in accordance with AS/NZS 3000 Queensland Urban Utilities Specifications.
General and Water Agency requirements Obtain from Queensland Urban Utilities on
case-by-case basis Power system and supply - Connections to a mobile generator set shall be to Water Agency requirements Queensland Urban Utilities Specifications.
Mobile Generator Obtain from Queensland Urban Utilities on
case-by-case basis Alarms and Controls - General Alarms shall be set to automatic or manual reset in accordance with Water Queensland Urban Utilities Specifications.
Agency Requirements Obtain from Queensland Urban Utilities on
case-by-case basis Encased steel pipelines - … Design drawings and / or specifications shall include requirements that SEQ Code
Existing steel pipelines incorporates Water Agency requirements SEQ Standard Drawings
l 8.10.2 Surface fittings - General The Designer shall prepare Design Drawing(s) showing the type and locations SEQ Code
of all required surface fittings in accordance with Water Agency requirements SEQ Standard Drawings
SEQ Civil IPAM List
8.10.4 Surface fittings - Installation The Designer shall include the installation methods for all surface fitting types SEQ Code
requirements for all specified locations, which shall comply with the requirements of this SEQ Standard Drawings
clause and Water Agency requirements SEQ Civil IPAM List
8.11.1 Appurtenance Location Marker posts, plates and other markers and marking systems for the location SEQ Code
Marking - General of appurtenances such as hydrants, valves, …. shall be provided … in SEQ Standard Drawings
accordance with Water Agency requirements SEQ Civil IPAM List
8.11.1 Appurtenance Location The Designer shall prepare a Marking Schedule and Design Drawing(s)… which SEQ Code
Marking - General shall comply with the Water Agency requirements SEQ Standard Drawings
SEQ Civil IPAM List
8.11.2 Marker posts and plates Marker posts and plates shall be provided for valves, hydrants and other SEQ Code
appurtenances in accordance with Water Agency requirements SEQ Standard Drawings
SEQ Civil IPAM List
8.11.4 Kerb markings The lettering shall be painted to Water Agency requirements SEQ Standard Drawings
SEQ Civil IPAM List
Part Clause Heading Clause Text Documents that provide additional
information on Water Agency Requirements
9.1 d) Design Review and Drawings - Maximum and minimum flow velocities meet Water Agency requirements SEQ Design Criteria
Design Review
9.1 h) Design Review and Drawings - Mains layout and alignment meets Water Agency requirements SEQ Code
Design Review SEQ Standard Drawings
Road owner requirements for service
8.8.12 Metering of Fire Services All new fire services shall be metered in accordance with the SEQ-SP fire Appendix WC Supplementary Manual to WSA
service metering policies and standards 03 Fire Hydrant & Hose Reel Metering
8.8.12 Metering of Fire Services Existing fire services, where significant alterations or renovations are proposed Appendix WC Supplementary Manual to WSA
that require a Water Agencies’ Approval under the SEQ-SPs Connections Policy 03 Fire Hydrant & Hose Reel Metering
shall also be metered in accordance with the SEQ-SP fire service metering Arrangements
policies and standards.
8.8.12 Metering of Fire Services … Consult individual SEQ-SPs for details of typical metering arrangements set Appendix WC Supplementary Manual to WSA
out in their fire service metering policies and standards. 03 Fire Hydrant & Hose Reel Metering
8.12 Flow Meter A flow meter shall not be directly buried. Instead, SEQ-SPs approved pits shall Appendix WC Supplementary Manual to WSA
be used for flow meter installation. 03 Fire Hydrant and Hose Reel Metering
1.2.3 Concept Plan Format Supply points and pressure or Hydraulic Grade Line (HGL) as supplied by SEQ- Services Advice Notice
(viii) SPs
2.2.4 Non-drinking water as drinking SEQ-SPs have requirements regarding areas for dual reticulation. Planners Not currently applicable as Queensland
water substitution and designers are to refer to the SEQ-SPs for the details of these requirements Urban Utilities does not have dual systems
2.9 Service Reservoirs - Storage Design and Construction Specifications with associated Standard Drawings SEQ Design Criteria
Capacity shall be used for any reservoir procurement and SEQ-SPs shall be consulted for
2.9 Service Reservoirs - Storage Emergency / fire storage capacity shall be determined by SEQ-SPs SEQ Design Criteria
4.8.5 Cathodic Protection Any SCL or DICL pipe systems will be assessed for induced current and shall be Services Advice Notice. Individual projects
referred to SEQ-SPs for a decision on the requirement for cathodic protection assessed on case-by-case basis
5.4.13 Water Mains in conjunction Refer to the relevant SEQ-SPs building over or adjacent asset (BOAA) MP1.4
(h) with landscaping and/or other guidelines
Part Clause Heading Clause Text Documents that provide additional
information on Water Agency Requirements
5.11.8 Property Service Meters If insufficient space is available at the front of the building, the meter may be Developed Arrangements to be rolled out by
placed within the building - refer to SEQ Property Service and Water Meter Queensland Urban Utilities
Code for requirements
5.11.9 Water Services > DN100 All connections > 32mm ID to be provided in accordance with the requirements SEQ Code
of the relevant SEQ-SP Developed Arrangements to be rolled out by
Queensland Urban Utilities
5.11.11 Private Boosters The design of private boosters shall comply with the appropriate guideline Refer to the relevant Council plumbing
provided by the SEQ-SPs department. QUU Water Booster Pump
Station Standard Technical Specification
5.11.12 Services to community title Details of the sub metering shall comply with the relevant requirement SEQ- Sub-metering Information Kit
scheme SPs technical specification
Part 11.5.4 Private and public properties Comply with the Water Agency requirements for resolution of any dispute Developers are responsible for negotiating
2 (b) associated with access or entry rights to the Works and obtaining all necessary permissions
associated with access or entry rights.
Queensland Urban Utilities does not
negotiate on behalf of developers.
12.7 Supply of Water to Existing Maintain supply of water to existing properties affected by the Works to Network Access Permit
Properties Water Agency requirements,, which may require provision of temporary water
supply piping
12.8.2 Valves Ensure the direction of spindle operation is in accordance with Water Agency SEQ Civil IPAM list
15.5.7 Under Pressure Cut-In The removed coupon shall be logged and filed or given to the Superintendent SEQ Code
Connection to Pressure Pipes > depending on relevant Water Agency requirements. SEQ Standard Drawings
DN80 SEQ Civil IPAM list
WSAA WSA 03-2011-3.1 Appendix C - Under
Pressure Cut-in Connection to Pressure Pipes
> DN80
15.8 Tapping of Mains, Property In some jurisdictions, the installation of property services and water mains SEQ Standard Drawings and Civil IPAM list
Services and Water Meters may be required to be carried out by, or under the supervision of, a licensed
plumber, in which case the work should comply with Plumbing Standards
(AS/NZS 3500.1), as well as the requirements of this Code and the Water
Agency requirements. Otherwise, install in accordance with the Design
Drawings, Specification and any specific Water Agency requirements.
Part Clause Heading Clause Text Documents that provide additional
information on Water Agency Requirements Material requirements Where the filled trench will be subjected to traffic loading, ensure the fill SEQ Standard Drawing and Civil IPAM list. If
material complies with the road Owner’s specifications or Water Agency road owner requires higher specification
nominated specifications. than SEQ Code, road owner requirements
govern Material requirements ...Water Agencies should nominate product specifications that are approved SEQ Standard Drawings and IPAM list
for use.
18.3 (i) Swabbing Procedure Dispose of swabbing wastewater in accordance with the relevant Regulator No specific Queensland Urban Utilities
and Water Agency requirements requirements. Refer requirements of
environmental regulator.
19.4.4 Under Pressure Cut-In Test the connection assembly on the host pipe prior to drilling in accordance SEQ Civil IPAM list
Connections with this clause and any other Water Agency requirements. WSAA WSA 03-2011-3.1 Appendix C - Under
Pressure Cut-in Connection to Pressure Pipes
> DN80
19.7.2 Test Procedure Dispose of testing water in accordance with the relevant environmental No specific Queensland Urban Utilities
(c) Regulator and/or Water Agency requirements. requirements. Refer requirements of
environmental regulator.
Abbreviations and Acronyms
ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS The following is taken from WSA 03—2011-3.1 (SEQ Code V1.2-2018)

% percentage
° degree
°C degree Celsius
ABS acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
AC asbestos cement
ADAC Asset Design As Constructed
AEP annual exceedance probability
AHBP allowable horizontal bearing pressure
AHD Australian Height Datum
AICV automatic inlet control valves
AIS Asset Information Specification of the SEQ Code
AMG Australian Map Grid
ARI average recurrence interval
AS Australian Standard
AS/NZS Australian/New Zealand Standard
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
ASS Acid sulfate soils
ASTM American Society for Testing Materials
ASTT Australasian Society for Trenchless Technology
AV air valve
AWA Australian Water Association
AWWA American Water Works Association
BS British Standard
BSP British Standard Pipe
c dispersion factor
CBD central business district
CC-GRP centrifugally cast glass reinforced plastics
CCTV closed-circuit colour television
CHAIR Construction Hazard Assessment Implication Review
CICL cast iron cement mortar lined
CIOD cast iron outside diameter
CLSM controlled low strength material
cm centimetre
CP cathodic protection
CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
d day
DC direct current
DI ductile iron
di internal diameter
DICL ductile iron cement (mortar) lined
DN nominal size
DTMR Queensland Government Department of Transport and Main Roads
DWF dry weather flow
ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS The following is taken from WSA 03—2011-3.1 (SEQ Code V1.2-2018)

DWV drainage waste vent

EF electrofusion
EIS environmental impact statement
EN European Standard
EP equivalent population
ERS emergency relief structure
ET equivalent tenement
FF full face
FSL 1 finished surface level
2 full storage level (of a reservoir)
FW-GRP filament wound glass reinforced plastics
g gravitational acceleration
g/m2 grams/square metre
GDA Geocentric Datum Australia
GIS geographical information system
GPS Global Positioning System
GRP glass reinforced polyester
GWI ground water infiltration hour
h hour
H head (in metres)
H head in metres of water
H2S hydrogen sulphide
ha hectare
HDD horizontal directional drilling
HGL hydraulic grade line
Hz hertz
I/O input/output
Ib depth of bedding
IBC inside bolt circle
Ic width of side wall support
ICC Ipswich City Council
ID internal diameter
ID Density Index
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IIF Inflow and infiltration
IL invert level
ILAC International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation
IO inspection opening
Io depth of overlay
IPAM Infrastructure Products and Materials
IS inspection shaft
ISO International Standards Organisation
ITP inspection and test plan
kL kilolitre
km kilometre
ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS The following is taken from WSA 03—2011-3.1 (SEQ Code V1.2-2018)

kN kilonewton
kPa kilopascal
ks equivalent sand roughness size
Kv kilovolt
L litre
L/s litres per second
lb depth of bedding
lc width of side wall support
lo depth of overlay
LP pipe length
L/s litre/second
m metre
m/s metres per second
MAOP maximum allowable operating pressure
max maximum
MC maintenance chamber
mg/L milligrams/litre
MH maintenance hole
min minimum
Ml millilitre
mL millilitre
mm millimetre
Mpa megapascal
MPa megapascal
MRA Mutual Recognition Arrangement
MS maintenance shaft
MS Mild steel
MSCL Mild steel cement lined
N newton
N/A not applicable
NATA National Association of Testing Authorities
NDH no discharge head
NFAEP National fire ant eradication program
NOHSC National Occupational Health and Safety Commission
nom nominal
NPSHA net positive suction head available
NSW New South Wales
NTU nephelometric turbidity unit
OD outside diameter
OH&S occupational health and safety
P&ID process and instrumentation diagram
Pa pascal
PCS property connection sewer
PDF peak day factor
ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS The following is taken from WSA 03—2011-3.1 (SEQ Code V1.2-2018)

PDWF peak dry weather flow

PE polyethylene
PFD process flow diagram
PHF peak hour factor
PIPA Plastics Industry Pipe Association of Australia Limited
PLC programmable logic controller
PN nominal pressure, in megapascals X 10
PN pressure class (number)
PP polypropylene
PPE personal protection equipment
ppm parts per million
PP-MD polypropylene with mineral modifier
PRE pitting resistance equivalent
PrelV pressure relief valve
PRV pressure reducing valve
PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene
PVC polyvinylchloride
PVC-M polyvinylchloride modified
PVC-O polyvinylchloride oriented
PVC-U polyvinylchloride unplasticised
Q flow (in cubic metres/second)
QR Queensland Rail
RC reinforced concrete
RD density ratio
RD dry density ratio
RDI rainfall dependent inflow
REF review of environmental factors
RL reduced level
RRJ rubber ring (seal) joint
RSL reserve storage level
RTU remote terminal unit
RV reflux valve
s second
S spacing
SCADA supervisory control and data acquisition
SCJ solvent cement joint
SCL steel cement (mortar) lined
SDR standard dimension ratio
SEQ-SP South East Queensland water service provider
SN nominal stiffness, in N/m/m X 10-3
SN stiffness class (number)
SPS sewage pumping station
SR spigot and recess
SS stainless steel
ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS The following is taken from WSA 03—2011-3.1 (SEQ Code V1.2-2018)

STP system test pressure

SWJ solvent weld joint
TEP Terminal Entry Point
TG tongue and groove
TMS terminal maintenance shaft
UPCIC under pressure cut-in connection
UV ultraviolet
V volt
VC vitrified clay
VSD variable speed drive
WAC Work As Constructed
WHS work health and safety
WPS Water Pumping Station
WSAA Water Services Association of Australia

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