Ek Motor

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APRIL 2000

1. A large marine diesel main propulsion engines, speed fluctuates all the time during the voyage. Make
written statements to the chief engineer explaining the observation of various engine parameters,
during the voyage which could be indication of some fault, causing engine speed fluctuation.
2. Sketch the main engine starting air system, naming the various components, and fittings in the system.
3. A very sudden rise in pressure during combustion accompanied by a metallic, hammer like sound is
called knocking of the unit or detonation and usually occurs
(a) Near the end of the pressure rise after ignition of fuel charge.
(b) Just before the fuel charge is about to ignite.
(c) Immediately after the unit reaches peak pressure and before ignition of fuel charge.
(d) At any stage of the combustion process.
State the correct answer and explain why the other reasons given are not justified.
4. The main requirements which a fuel injection system must fulfil are
(a) accurate metering of small amount of fuel oil.
(b) control of quality of fuel injection
(c) proper timing of the fuel injection
(d) selective distribution of the fuel in the combustion space. State each one of the points made above
are true or false. If any point you perceive is false, state why is it so.
5. In any marine diesel engine, air movements inside a combustion chamber is very important. Generally
speaking, air movement helps
(a) to distribute the fuel
(b) to mix it with air
(c) to cool the cylinder liner
(d) to help in optimising liner lubrication
(e) to assist combustion
(f) to reduce after burning
(g) to reduce combustion temperatures.
State which of the above points are true or false. If any point you perceive is false, state why is it so.
6. An auxiliary engine under load continuously fluctuates even with a steady load. The fault you diagnose
could be owing to
(a) the quality of fuel
(b) the quality of servicing of the governor in the last port.
(c) the supply of charge air
(d) the overhaul of fuel injectors done in the last decarbonisation
Give a brief explanation as to why each of the above mentioned points either could be true or cannot at
all be the reasons for such a fluctuation
7. An auxiliary engine turbo-charger makes strange noises when the load changes. The engine parameters
however are absolutely fine. An external examination of turbocharger parameters as stated in the
manual also reveals nothing. Would you
(a) continue to run the engine and wait for some time
(b) stop the engine for a while and make some checks
(c) reduce the load of the engine
(d) run it on steady load to make some checks.
State your option and briefly give justifications for supporting your action.
8. The diesel driven life boat engine simply refuses to start after running perfectly for a period of half an
hour just before you prepare it to restart again. State just 4 checks you would make to confirm the
cause of this problem.
9. The exhaust manifold of an auxiliary engine under load turns red hot. There is no lagging on the
manifold. What efforts would you make to cool down the manifold? State the efforts made without
stopping the engine.

10. During every night watch, the bridge watch keepers complain of continuous sparks from the funnel.
You are convinced that the sparks have something to do with the fuel or the combustion system. What
simple corrective steps would you initiate to reduce the degree of sparking.

1. Write a letter to the company Technical Manager stating with reasons why the fuel bunkered in the last
port is of very poor quality.

2. Sketch and describe a four stroke marine diesel engine piston, of any make.

3. Give the outline sketch of a cylinder lubricating system of a large 2-stroke marine diesel engine,
stating the measures for varying cylinder Lube Oil feed.

4. Write short notes on the following:

(A) Crankcase explosion doors
(B) Poppet type exhaust valves
(C) Gear teeth backlash
(D) Main engine flywheel markings

5. To minimize corrosion, fuel oil strainer disks, spacers and scraper blades are made of _____________.
(A) brass (b) copper ( c) iron (d) monel metal or stainless steel. Give justify your answer

6. In a diesel engine, maximum lube oil system pressure is normally controlled by _____________.

(A) the capacity of the lube oil pump

(B) the speed of the lube oil pump
(C) the outlet pressure of the lube oil pump
(D) a relief valve. Give reasons to justify your answer

7. Which of the following statements describes the function of an expansion tank in a diesel engine
cooling system?
(A) Maintains a constant head on the system.
(B) Reduces the likelihood of air or steam pockets formation.
(C) Provides a low pressure point for the addition of makeup cooling water.

(D) All of the above. Give reasons to justify your answer

8. Prior to lighting off a cold automatically fired auxiliary boiler, you should _____________.
(A) check and regulate the water level
(B) close the air cock once fires are lit
(C) blowdown the gauge glass
(D) crack open the steam stop valve to assure protective steam flow
Give reasons to justify your answer

9. Within the cycle of a forced circulation auxiliary water-tube boiler, part of the water flashes into steam,
and the remaining hot water is _________________.
(A) collected in the lower portion of the steam accumulator for recirculation back to the
heating coil or water tank
(B) returned to the lower drum via downcomers due to density difference for reheating

(C) passes through the domestic heating system return line steam traps to the auxiliary feed
supply tank
(D) automatically dumped into auxiliary feed heater and reheated by auxiliary exhaust back
pressure. Give reasons to justify your answer
10. Ignition failure in an automatically controlled auxiliary boiler could be caused by _____________.
(A) carbon deposits on the flame scanner
(B) high fuel oil temperature
(C) low fuel oil viscosity
(D) high steam pressure. Justify your answer.

1. The cylinder liner of one of the unit is cracked inspite of the engine having logged only 300 hours
since last overhaul. Make a report of what you feel could be the cause of this mishap.
2. Sketch the main engine piston cooling water system of any large 2 stroke marine diesel engine and
state how it is replenished.
3. With the aid of line sketches, describe any two types of cross head lubrication system used in large 2
stroke marine diesel engines.
4. A turning gear must be engaged when dismantling any moving part of the engine for the following
(a) To eliminate risk of injury to personnel
(b) To eliminate risk of damage to engine parts
(c) To prevent external influences inadvertently turning the engine crankshaft
Enumerate each of the points with adequate reasoning.
5. The factors that influence detonation are
(a) Fuel characteristics
(b) Combustion of the cylinder charge air
(c) Compression ratio
(d) Ignition
(e) Combustion chamber profile. Briefly enumerate each factors
6. By raising the jacket cooling water temperature to around 80 0 C in modern 4 stroke engines serves
many purposes such as
(a) It eliminates the condensation of the water vapor contained in the product of combustion.
(b) It lowers the viscosity of the cylinder lubricating oil
(c) It reduces considerably the amount of water that needs to be circulated
(d) It increases the temperature difference between cooling water and the air charge to which the heat
is rejected
Explain briefly each one of the above points with adequate reasoning.
7. The use of ball and roller bearings in internal combustion engines is becoming more and more popular
for some or all of the following
(a) The low coefficient of friction
(b) The absence of wear under favorable conditions
(c) The independence in lubrication
(d) The extreme reliability of such bearings
Give the correct answer with adequate justification.
8. Efficient smooth combustion depends upon some or all of the following:
(a) A sufficiently high temperature to effect ignition
(b) A large delay period or ignition lag
(c) A minimum of after burning
(d) A large and rapid rate of pressure rise during the second stage of combustion
(e) Rapid heat losses to the walls
Give the correct answer with adequate justification.
9. When a cross head bearing of a large 2 stroke marine engine on a cargo ship is opened up for survey, it
is mandatory for the cross head to be inspected by the following
(a) Port state inspector
(b) Cargo gear surveyor
(c) ISM auditor
(d) Attending workshop superintendant
If you agree with the above state why and if not then who are the designated people to carry out the
10. Write short notes on any three of the following
(a) Main engine vibration dampers (d) engine room lighting
(b) Main engine tachometers (e) emergency aircompressor
(c) Aux engine governor (f) welding transformer on board ships
JULY 2000

11. The cylinder liner of one of the unit is cracked inspite of the engine having logged only 300 hours
since last overhaul. Make a report of what you feel could be the cause of this mishap.
12. Sketch the main engine piston cooling water system of any large 2 stroke marine diesel engine and
state how it is replenished.
13. With the aid of line sketches, describe any two types of cross head lubrication system used in large 2
stroke marine diesel engines.
14. A turning gear must be engaged when dismantling any moving part of the engine for the following
(d) To eliminate risk of injury to personnel
(e) To eliminate risk of damage to engine parts
(f) To prevent external influences inadvertently turning the engine crankshaft
Enumerate each of the points with adequate reasoning.
15. The factors that influence detonation are
(f) Fuel characteristics
(g) Combustion of the cylinder charge air
(h) Compression ratio
(i) Ignition
(j) Combustion chamber profile. Briefly enumerate each factors
16. By raising the jacket cooling water temperature to around 80 0 C in modern 4 stroke engines serves
many purposes such as
(e) It eliminates the condensation of the water vapor contained in the product of combustion.
(f) It lowers the viscosity of the cylinder lubricating oil
(g) It reduces considerably the amount of water that needs to be circulated
(h) It increases the temperature difference between cooling water and the air charge to which the heat
is rejected. Explain briefly each one of the above points with adequate reasoning.
17. The use of ball and roller bearings in internal combustion engines is becoming more and more popular
for some or all of the following
(e) The low coefficient of friction
(f) The absence of wear under favorable conditions
(g) The independence in lubrication
(h) The extreme reliability of such bearings. Give the correct answer with adequate justification.
18. Efficient smooth combustion depends upon some or all of the following:
(f) A sufficiently high temperature to effect ignition
(g) A large delay period or ignition lag
(h) A minimum of after burning
(i) A large and rapid rate of pressure rise during the second stage of combustion
(j) Rapid heat losses to the walls
Give the correct answer with adequate justification.
19. When a cross head bearing of a large 2 stroke marine engine on a cargo ship is opened up for survey, it
is mandatory for the cross head to be inspected by the following
(e) Port state inspector
(f) Cargo gear surveyor
(g) ISM auditor
(h) Attending workshop superintendent. If you agree with the above state why and if not then who are
the designated people to carry out the survey
20. Write short notes on any three of the following
(d) Main engine vibration dampers
(e) Main engine tachometers
(f) Aux engine governor
(g) Engine room lighting
(h) Emergency air compressor
(i) Welding transformer on board ships
JUNE 2000

1. One of the auxiliary engines of your ship always has a starting problem. Write a letter to the owners
suggesting two very specific reasons why the engine does not start on fuel even after giving repeated
air-kicks and putting on the fuel lever.
2. Give an outline Sketch of a main engine cylinder lubrication system and briefly state the typical
properties of a cylinder lubricating oil used for large 2 stroke marine engines.
3. Sketch and Describe any two types of turbo charging systems used in modern 2 stroke diesel engines
used as prime movers. Give outline sketches only.
4. A set of fuel injectors along with their needle and guide for an auxiliary engine of 500kw capacity is
air freighted to your ship, completely packed and sealed at the manufactures site. Give a step by step
method of how you would make such an injector ready for installation on the engine.
5. Crank web deflection readings will give a positive indication of ____________.

(a) worn main bearing journals

(b) torsional stress deformation
(c) slack thrust bearings
(d) bearing shells shim dimensions. Briefly justify your answer
6. What preventative maintenance should be done frequently to diesel engine starting air receivers?

(a) Drain the accumulated moisture.

(b) Test the relief valves.
(c) Watch the temperature to prevent fluctuations in pressure.
(d) Clean the interior to remove oil and foreign matter. Briefly justify your answer

7. In comparison to exhaust valves, intake valves of diesel engines may be fabricated from low-alloy
steels because _________.
(a) the beveled edges of the intake valves provide for self-centering during seating

(b) intake valves utilize stellite-coated valve seat inserts which reduce wear

(c) the volume of air passing through intake valves is less than the volume of air passing
through exhaust valves
(d) intake valves are less affected to the corrosive action of exhaust gases. Briefly justify
your answer
8. Friction developing between the moving parts of a governor, governor linkage and control valve will
cause the governor to _________.
(a) react with insufficient speed droop
(b) fail to react to small speed changes
(c) have excessive sensitivity to small speed changes
(d) remain in the neutral position. Briefly justify your answer

9. Which of the bearings listed are most widely used for the main and connecting rod bearings of a 4
stroke medium speed diesel engine?
(a) Roller
(b) Sleeve
(c) Precision insert (bimetal or trimetal)
(d) Needle. Briefly justify your answer

10. Which of the following methods is normally used to lubricate bearings in a small high-speed diesel
(a) Splash lubrication
(b) Pressure lubrication
(c) Sight feed lubricators
(d) Mechanical lubricators. Briefly justify your answer

Q5 : A; Q6: A; Q7:D; Q8: B; Q9: C; Q10: B;

MARCH 2000

1. A main engine liner which was recently overhauled and its sealing rings renewed, started leaking
during the voyage. Write a letter to the owners suggesting what you propose to do in the next port, to
ensure that such a problem does not reoccur again.
2. Sketch the main engine lubricating oil system of a large 2 stroke marine diesel engine and state the
L.O. safety devices on the system.
3. Sketch and describe any type of charge air cooler.
4. The temperature, at which a fuel will start to burn under given conditions, is called its, ignition
temperature. This temperature varies greatly with
(a) Composition of the air-fuel mixture.
(b) Amount of excess air.
(c) Size, shape and temperature of the compression space.
If the above statements are true, give adequate reasons to justify them. If any of the statement is false,
please state so, again giving reasons to justify why they are false.
5. The factors that influence detonation are
(a) Fuel characteristics
(b) Condition of cylinder charge.
(c) Compression ratio.
(d) Engine speed.
(e) Cooling water temperature.
Explain giving adequate justification, which of the above statements are true and which are false.
Suggest what would be an appropriately true answer in place of the false ones.
6. The muffling of exhaust gas noise in 4 stroke auxiliary engines in achieved by
(a) Allowing the gas to expand.
(b) Change the direction of their flow.
(c) Cool the gas with injected water.
(d) Cool the gas with scavenge air.
State which of the above is true and which is false. Give adequate reasons for justification.
7. Supercharging an existing medium speed naturally aspirated engine will
(a) Reduce weight of the engine. (d)increase piston speed.
(b) Reduce bulk of the engine. (e) reduce fuel consumption.
(c) Increase existing power.
Give an appropriate answer to the statement made above, giving adequate justification.
8. The main causes of failure of the cylinder head of a large 2 stroke marine diesel engine are
(a) Excessive rigidity.
(b) Small core holes.
(c) Thin uncooled walls.
(d) Excessive rolling and pitching
(e) Excessive tightening of cylinder head nuts.
Which of the above statements are false. Give adequate reasons for justification.
9. To avoid the engine running too long on critical speed during start up it is necessary to
(a) Start at speeds above critical speed.
(b) Start at speeds just below critical speed and quickly move across the critical speed.
(c) Start at maximum speed and quickly bring down to just above critical speed.
(d) Eliminate totally the hazards of critical speed by ignoring it.
Give an appropriate answer with adequate justification.
10. Generally speaking the foundation of a reciprocating engine must perform three function
(a) Support the weight of the engine.
(b) Maintain the engine in proper alignment with the driven mechanism.
(c) Absorb vibrations produced by unbalanced forces due to reciprocating and revolving manners.
How is the foundation fabricated to perform all these functions. Suggest any other function, you think
it. Performs other than the ones stated above.
APRIL 2001
11. Give a brief report in about 300 words on a malfunctioning bilge suction valve, clearly stating the
possible reasons for the malfunctioning.

12. Sketch and describe an auxiliary engine fuel injector of any type known to you.

13. Write short notes on the following: (about 300 words )

(A) measuring thrust bearing clearance of a large 2 stroke marine diesel engine
(B) measuring gear teeth back lash clearance of the camshaft drive gearing of a large 2 stroke
marine diesel engine.

14. As an operational level engineer state clearly, point wise what would you do if the following
conditions occur:
(A) purifier fails to desludge
(B) main air compressor fails to unload . (c) main lube oil pump fails to build up pressure.

15. The main advantage of unit injectors over other fuel injection systems is _____________.
(A) Reducing the need of too many high pressure fuel lines
(B) their relatively low injection pressures
(C) reduced wear of spray orifices
(D) the lessened chance of fuel leaks into the engine sump. Briefly Justify your Answer

16. Which of the following actions should be taken when an auxiliary boiler is in operation?
(A) Clean all electrical connections.
(B) Lift the relief valves by hand.
(C) Inspect and clean all solenoid valves.
(D) Inspect for oil and water leaks. Briefly Justify your Answer

17. Failure of the burner flame in an automatic auxiliary boiler would probably be a result of
(A) water in the fuel oil
(B) broken high tension leads
(C) incorrect electrode setting
(D) full fuel pressure at the nozzle. Briefly Justify your Answer

18. In a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine, the process of scavenging begins as the ________.
(A) piston nears and passes TDC
(B) early part of the upstroke
(C) piston passes BDC
(D) early part of the downstroke. Briefly Justify your Answer

19. Which of the following procedures decreases the total dissolved solids concentration in the water of an
auxiliary boiler?
(A) Hydrazine treatment of condensate
(B) Frequent compounding
(C) Chemical cleaning
(D) Bottom blowing. Briefly Justify your Answer

20. Throttling a burner air register on an auxiliary boiler could result in ____________.
(A) smoky boiler operation
(B) decreased fuel consumption
(C) improved fuel combustion
(D) fewer soot deposits. Briefly Justify your Answer

Q5:A ; Q6:D ; Q7:A ; Q8:B ; Q9: D ; Q10 :A;


1. Prepare a notice for the engine room support staff stating 10 points of caution while working in
enclosed space.

2. Sketch and describe Turbo charger end bearings of any make you know off, complete with its housing
and lubrication arrangement.

3. What is meant by combustion noise and mechanical noise. How are each generated and measured.
Give four typical values of noise measurement in different parts of the engine room.

4. Write Short notes on the following:

(A) Effect of worn out rings on oil consumption and blow by
(B) Dry liners and wet liners
(C) Thermal loading of piston.

5. Sacrificial zinc anodes are used on the saltwater side of diesel engine heat exchangers to
(A) reduce electrolytic action on heat exchanger metals
(B) keep heat transfer surfaces shiny and clean
(C) prevent rapid accumulation of marine growth
(D) provide a protective coating on heat exchanger surfaces
Briefly Justify Your Answer

6. The fuel supply system to an automatic auxiliary boiler, will be automatically shutdown if the boiler
(A) salinity is abnormally high (c) water level is abnormally low

(B) steam demand is too high (d) feedwater flow is low. Briefly Justify Your Answer

7. The crankcases of many diesel engines are kept under a slight vacuum to _____________.
(A) improve fuel economy
(B) increase the air charge velocity
(C) reduce the risk of explosion
(D) all of the above. Briefly Justify Your Answer

8. The rate of cylinder lubricating oil metered to each cylinder of a large, low-speed, main
propulsion diesel engine is ______________.
(A) the same, whether at sea, or during maneuvering
(B) adjusted during each hour of operation while at constant RPM.

(C) higher at sea than while maneuvering

(D) lower at sea than while maneuvering. Briefly Justify Your Answer

9. On a medium-speed main propulsion diesel engine, the crankpin or crank journal bearings receive
lubricating oil from _____________.
(A) a spindle lubricator
(B) an oil jet
(C) internal splashing
(D) drilled passages in the crankshaft. Briefly Justify Your Answer

10. Fins are installed on the generating tube surfaces in waste heat boilers to ____________.
(A) prevent soot fires in the exhaust system
(B) prevent exhaust gas erosion of the tubes
(C) increase the velocity of exhaust gas flow
(D) increase the rate of heat transfer. Briefly Justify Your Answer

Q5:A ; Q6: C; Q7:C ; Q8:C ; Q9:D ; Q10:D ;

11. Issue a cautionary notice to the Navigation Watch Keeping Officer on too many engine movements
during maneuvering, owing to under performing main air compressors. The notice should be in
accordance with current practice in the company.

12. Sketch and describe any type of 4 stroke oil cooled piston used in medium speed marine diesel engines
for main propulsion.

13. Write short notes on the following:

(A) Friction losses and fuel consumption in auxiliary engines
(B) The importance of stroke / bore ratio in engine performance
(C) Noise reduction techniques used in main engines to improve noise level conditions for
personel in the engine room.

14. What is the effect of vibration on the following fittings structures and components in a engine room
(A) Main air compressor foundation
(B) Main jacket Cooling water internal surfaces
(C) Double bottom tanks
Explain how these effects take place, specially the mechanism by which these effects take place.

15. Which of the fuel injection systems listed uses a spring loaded differential spray needle valve and an
individual pump for each cylinder?
(A) Common-rail injection (C) Jerk pump injection.
(B) Air injection (D) Distributor injection. Briefly Justify Your Answer

16. Proper lubrication of the main bearings is more easily obtained in a single acting four-stroke/cycle
diesel engine than in a single acting two-stroke/cycle diesel engine because ____________.

(A) bearing pressure in a four-stroke/cycle single acting diesel engine is continually reversed

(B) bearing pressure in a two-stroke/cycle single acting diesel engine is continually reversed

(C) the maximum bearing pressure is higher in a single acting two-stroke/cycle diesel engine

(D) two-stroke/cycle diesel engines require more complicated lubrication piping

Briefly Justify Your Answer

17. The interior of some diesel engine saltwater heat exchangers are protected from corrosion by the use of
(A) aluminum plates (C) Copper baffle plates.
(B) lead cathodes (d) sacrificial zincs. Briefly Justify Your Answer

18. Increasing the valve clearance between a valve stem and rocker arm, will result in the valve
(A) closing later
(B) opening sooner
(C) staying open for a shorter period of time
(D) staying open for a longer period of time. Briefly Justify Your Answer

19. Internal combustion engine crankcase vent outlets must be equipped with ______.
(A) hinged rain guards
(B) corrosion resistant flame screens
(C) dipsticks for measuring oil levels
(D) crankcase ventilation fans. Briefly Justify Your Answer

20. The amount of chloride content in the water of an auxiliary boiler can be reduced by ____________.
(A) adding hydrazine (c) adding phenolphthalein
(B) blowing down the boiler. (d) adding a sulfite chloride scavenger. Justify Your Answer.

Q5:C ; Q6:A ; Q7:C ; Q8:C ; Q9:B ; Q10: B;

JULY 2001
21. Put up a notice on the Lube Oil Purifier, to keep a close eye on the Lube Oil level on the sight glass,
which is not giving a clear indication of the level owing to the glass being damaged. Suggest some
precautions in the notice.

22. Sketch and describe a crankcase relief valve fitted on to large 2 stroke marine diesel engine crankcase

23. The crankcase of many diesel engines are kept under a slight vacuum by the ______________.
(A) scavenging action of the piston
(B) piston type vacuum pump taking suction off a differential manometer

(C) gland exhausting manometer. (D) crankcase exhaust fan. Briefly Justify Your Answer.

24. Lubricating oil systems for diesel engine journal bearings are usually lubricated by which of the
following types of lubricating oil systems?
(A) Splash (B) Gravity (C) Pressure (D) Bypass. Briefly Justify Your Answer.

25. Which of the following conditions can cause above normal air temperature to develop in the intake
manifold of a four-stroke/cycle, turbocharged, diesel engine?
(A) Clogged air intake filters. (C) A defective aftercooler.
(B) Piston blow-by (D) Faulty exhaust valves. Briefly Justify Your Answer.

26. When may the crankcase ventilation pipes or oil drain pipes of two or more engines be connected?
(A) Propulsion engines under 1000 shaft horsepower may share a common crankcase vent
provided the oil drains remain separate.
(B) In most cases it is desirable and cost effective for propulsion engines to share a common
crankcase ventilation and monitoring system.
(C) No interconnection may be made between the crankcase ventilation pipes or oil drain
(D) None of the above are correct. Briefly Justify Your Answer.

27. Which of the following statements describes the unchecked growth of microbiological organisms
within a fuel system?
(A) The dying bacteria will cause a coating to be formed on the sides of the tank thereby
decreasing corrosion.
(B) The fuel in the tank will loose its fluidity, solidify, and be the cause of an
expensive removal process.
(C) Corrosion of various metal components will occur due to the formation of hydrogen
sulfide gas.
(D) All of the above are correct.Briefly Justify Your Answer.

28. If the feed pump for an auxiliary boiler fails to deliver the feed water to the boiler, the cause may be
(A) high steam pressure in the boiler
(B) abnormally high feedwater temperature
(C) abnormally high boiler water temperature
(D) steam demand exceeding feed pump capacity. Briefly Justify Your Answer.

29. When lighting off an auxiliary boiler, which of the problems listed could cause the burners to sputter?
(A) Cold fuel oil (C) Low atomizing steam pressure.
(B) Low fuel oil pressure. (D)Water in the fuel oil. Briefly Justify Your Answer.

10. Write short notes on the Following:

(A) Fuel Oil Additives
(B) Aux Engine over speed trip
Q3:A ; Q4:C ; Q5:C ; Q6:C ; Q7:C ; Q8:B ; Q9:D ;
JUNE 2001
30. Write an Instructional note (about 500 Words) to your support crew, who are just about to decarbonize
a generator, on the need to ensure safe practices during the overhaul.

31. Sketch and describe a Main Engine expansion tank (Compensating Tank) fitted on the Jacket cooling
water system.

32. Sketch and describe a main air starting valve, fitted to a Large Two Stroke Marine Diesel Engine used
for main propulsion.

33. Write Short Notes on the Following:

A. Mixing Columns. B. Main Sea Suction Chest and Filter

34. Lubrication for the main reduction gears used with diesel engines is usually supplied by
A. oil from the main engine sump
B. an independent lube oil system
C. the stern bearing head tank
D. the stern bearing sump tank. Briefly Justify Your Answer

35. Excessive vibration of an automatically fired auxiliary boiler can be caused by _____________.
A. air or water in the furnace
B. combustion pulses
C. fuel oil pump failure
D. flame failure. briefly Justify Your Answer

36. Cooling the intake air supplied to a diesel engine will _____________.
A. reduce mean effective pressure C. Decrease air charge density.
B. decrease average compression pressure. D. increase power output . Justify your answer.

37. Which of the listed items should be secured before performing any maintenance on a solenoid
operated air start valve?
A. Electric power
B. Lube oil standby pump
C. Hydraulic switch
D. Motor drain
E. Main switch board busbar
F. Emergency switch board circuit breaker.
G. The AV Regulator. Briefly Justify Your Answer

38. The purpose of a temperature sensing device installed in the stack of a small automatically fired
auxiliary steam boiler is to secure the oil burner _______________.
A. in the event of a flame failure
B. in the event of a stack fire
C. when the water level reaches the crown sheet
D. when the feed pump discharge pressure drops to a preset minimum. Justify Your Answer

39. What is to be installed on an internal combustion engine if its cylinder bore exceeds 200mm?
A. Crankcase vapor monitors
B. Engine exhaust silencers
C. Constant pressure type turbochargers
D. Explosion relief valves
E. Heat resisting, anticorrosive paint
F. Vibration dampers
G. Engine failure alarms. briefly Justify Your Answer

Q5:B; Q6:B; Q7:D; Q8:A; Q9:A; Q10:D;

MARCH 2001
21. Give instructions to the support crew for matters concerning safety during watchkeeping related to
rotating machinery parts.

22. Sketch and describe a main air starting valve of any large two stroke marine diesel engine known to

23. Write short notes on :

i. Turning Gear
ii. Means of absorbing thrust of a 4 stroke auxiliary engine crankshaft
iii. Lubrication of large 2 stroke marine diesel engine drive gear / timing gear.

24. Cooling the intake air supplied to a diesel engine will _____________.
A. reduce mean effective pressure
B. decrease average compression pressure
C. decrease air charge density
D. increase power output . Briefly justify your Answer.

25. When there is a flame failure in an automatically fired auxiliary boiler, the ____________.
A. air supply is shut off
B. fuel supply is shut off
C. water feed is shut off
D. safety valve lifts. Briefly justify your Answer.

26. Lubrication for the main reduction gears used with diesel engines is usually supplied by
A. oil from the main engine sump
B. an independent lube oil system
C. the stern bearing head tank
D. the stern bearing sump tank. Briefly justify your Answer.

27. Which of the listed items should be secured before performing any maintenance on a solenoid operated
air start valve?
A. Electric power
B. Lube oil standby pump
C. Hydraulic switch
D. Motor drain. Briefly justify your Answer.

28. What is to be installed on an internal combustion engine if its cylinder bore exceeds 200mm?
A. Crankcase vapor monitors. C. Constant pressure type turbochargers.
B. Engine exhaust silencers. D. Explosion relief valves. Briefly justify your Answer.

29. Which of the following actions should normally be taken during each watch when the auxiliary boiler
is in operation?
A. Clean the flame scanner photocell window.
B. Inspect and clean all solenoid valves.
C. Lift the safety valves by hand.
D. Inspect for oil or water leaks. Briefly justify your Answer.

30. Excessive vibration of an automatically fired auxiliary boiler can be caused by _____________.
A. air or water in the furnace
B. combustion pulses
C. fuel oil pump failure
D. flame failure. Briefly justify your Answer.

Q5:D; Q6:B; Q7:B; Q8:A; Q9:D; Q10:B;

40. Give instructions to the support staff, on how to avoid / prevent, engine room bilge suction strainers
from getting choked up.

41. Sketch and describe any fuel injector known to you.

42. Sketch and describe a 4 stroke piston of any make known to you.

43. Write short notes on (250 words each)

(A) Surging of Turbo chargers
(B) Overspeed trips on auxiliary engine

44. Subtracting the return flow meter reading from the supply flow meter reading on a boiler equipped
with a return flow fuel oil system, determines the amount of oil ____________.
(A) circulated by the system
(B) burner throughput
(C) returned to the settler
(D) discharged from the pump. Briefly Justify your Answer

45. The crankcase of many diesel engines are kept under a slight vacuum by a crankcase exhaust fan. What
specific advantages does it offer as compared to normally vented crankcases.

46. Lubricating oil systems for diesel engine journal bearings are usually of the pressure type. State those
parts / components of the engine which are lubricated by the following types of lubrication systems.

(B) Splash
(C) Gravity

47. Which of the following conditions can cause above normal air temperature to develop in the intake
manifold of a four-stroke/cycle, turbocharged, diesel engine?
(C) Clogged air intake filters
(D) Piston blow-by
(E) A defective aftercooler
(F) Faulty exhaust valves . Briefly Justify your Answer

48. Which of the following statements describes the unchecked growth of microbiological organisms
within a fuel system?
(E) The dying bacteria will cause a coating to be formed on the sides of the tank thereby
decreasing corrosion.
(F) The fuel in the tank will loose its fluidity, solidify, and be the cause of an
expensive removal process.
(G) Corrosion of various metal components will occur due to the formation of hydrogen
sulfide gas. Briefly Justify your Answer

49. If the feed pump for an auxiliary boiler fails to deliver the feed water to the boiler, the cause may be
abnormally high feedwater temperature. What indications / effects would show up on the feed pump
under the following conditions.
(E) high steam pressure in the boiler
(F) abnormally high boiler water temperature
(G) steam demand exceeding feed pump capacity

Answer for Question No. 5 Correct Answer : B

Answer for Question No. 8 Correct Answer : C
Answer for Question No. 9 Correct Answer : C

1. What is " Open loop” & “Close Loop”? Discuss the relative advantage of each.
Sketch a practical close loop system and describe the loop explaining the meaning of the terms -
(a) Servo-motor (b) Feedback (c) Sensor Element.

2. With reference to main thrust block arrangements:

(a) Explain how the tilting pads assist in the formation of an oil wedge;
(b) If upon inspection the pad faces are found to be scored describe the action to be taken;
(c) Explain how thrust clearance may be measured stating typical values;
(d) State why thrust clearance is critical;
(e) Describe the handing arrangement on a vessel fitted with a fixed pitch propeller.

3. Explain with the aid of sketches, the cycle of operation of either a free piston or an open cycle gas
turbine installation. Discuss its advantages and limitations as the main means of propulsion on a ship as
compared to conventional marine machinery.
4. With reference to the treatment of water for auxiliary boilers:
(a) State the major risks from: hard water; soft water;
(b) Describe FIVE principle boiler water tests stating the reason for EACH;
(c) State why regular blow down and freshening of the contents of a boiler is essential.

5. Explain briefly how the different parts of a shafting are subjected to various stresses.

6. With reference to engine inlet and exhaust valves:

(a) State why tappet clearance is essential and why it must be periodically checked.
(b) List with reasons the likely consequences of excessive and insufficient tappet clearance.
(c) State how carbon build-up can occur during engine running and indicate the possible effects on
cylinder performance.
7. State with reasons which one of the following courses of action would most help to correct a
pronounced discoloration of the lubricating oil:
(a) "freshen up" from reserve tanks,
(b) Increase purifier throughput,
(c) Increase frequency of filter pack cleaning,
(d) Overhaul piston rod stuffing boxes,
(e) Check tank top integrity of sump tank.
8. Reference to turbo charging explain:
(a) How removable element air filters are cleaned, mentioning the precautions taken during the
(b) Why air coolers are used in conjunction with turbo chargers,
(c) Why excessive cooling of the air should be avoided.
9. Cooling water pumps driven by direct reversing diesel engines are usually of the straight impeller vane
type pump with a concentric housing to ____________.
(a) provide cooling water flow when the engine is running either ahead or astern

(b) provide the greatest pump efficiency

(c) prevent pump clogging from marine growth
(d) prevent cavitation at the pump outlet. Briefly Justify your Answer

10. The lube oil cooler is located after the lube oil filter in order for _____________.
(A) the filter to operate more efficiently
(B) the lube oil cooler to be bypassed
(C) positive lube oil pump suction to be assured
(D) galvanic action in the cooler to be minimized. Briefly Justify your Answer
Answer for Question No. 9 Correct Answer : A
Answer for Question No. 10 Correct Answer : A

1. (a) Make a detailed sketch of a tilting pad type thrust block.
(b) Give a detailed description of the tilting pad block. stating any important dimensions and

2. Sketch and describe an auxiliary air compressor, showing the safety device fitted.

3. State with reasons, the effect that the following course of action would have on charge air pressure:-
(a) Increase fuel to the engine.
(b) Open exhaust gas boiler by pass.
(c) Clean air filter.

4. Which of the following actions takes place in the control circuit of an automatically fired auxiliary
boiler when the desired steam pressure is obtained?
(a) A temperature sensing device opens the circuit breaker in the burner motor.
(b) The high limit control secures power to the entire oil firing system.
(c) The stack relay actuates the low limit control which breaks the ignition circuit.
(d) The stack relay secures power to the high voltage side of the ignition transformer.

Briefly Justify Your Answer

5. With reference to the turbocharger for a medium speed engine:

(a) Explain why ball or roller bearings are renewed periodically;
(b) State the important considerations when removing and replacing turbocharger bearings;

6. With reference to cylinder liner wear in large slow speed engine.

(a) State THREE major factors associated with wear.
(b) (i) Explain the procedure for correct ‘running in’ of piston rings and cylinder liners.
(ii) Explain what is achieved by ‘running in’ process.
(c) Describe how cylinder lubrication limits wear.

7. Give a simple line sketch of a main engine jacket water cooling system.

8. With regard to fuel injection systems explain the meaning of the following terms and the means
employed to reduce or eliminate their occurrence.
(a) Secondary Injection.
(b) Carbon Trumpets.
(c) Diesel Knock.

9. Explain why in large, slow engines, power balance between cylinders is desirable.

10. Telescopic pipes to the piston of a large slow-speed main propulsion diesel engine are designed to
prevent __________.
(a) excessive crankcase pressure
(b) excessive lube oil temperature
(c) contamination of the lube oil by water
(d) contamination of the cooling water by lube oil. Briefly Justify your Answer
Answer for Question No. 4 Correct Answer : B
Answer for Question No. 10 Correct Answer : C
JULY 2002
1. Sketch and describe a pneumatic control system for controlling temperature of main engine lubricating
oil at outlet of the cooler and –
(a) Explain why air supplied to a pneumatic control system must be free from dust and water ;
(b) Describe how above impurities are removed ;

2. (a) Describe the events leading to a crankcase explosion.

(b) State how overheating might be indicated other than by a mist detector.
(c) State how severity of a crankcase explosion is limited.

3. State FOUR operational conditions that may lead to vibration of the main transmission shafting.
Suggest methods to reduce the vibration levels that may occur in the main transmission shafting.

4. How is the mathematically straight line obtained from which the height of the axial center-lines of the
bearings are measured when establishing a true shaft line?

5. (a) How do stabiliser fins operate.

(b) How are stabiliser fins controlled.

6. With reference to fuel handling equipment:

(a) Explain why a settling tank is considered necessary;
(b) Describe, with the aid of a sketch, the operation of a purifier;

7. Explain how an oily water separator is put into operation and shut down after pumping bilges.

8. When a waste heat boiler is installed in the exhaust of a main propulsion diesel engine, the exhaust gas
bypass would be used ____________.
(a) at high loads to prevent overheating
(b) at low loads to prevent corrosion in the boiler
(c) during periods of high steam demand
(d) when the turbocharger is in operation. Briefly Justify your Answer

9. It is desirable for an auxiliary boiler safety valve to pop open and reseat quickly to __________.
(a) give warning that excessive boiler pressure has been reached
(b) prevent wire drawing of the disc and seat
(c) prevent valve pounding
(d) provide sufficient blowdown. Briefly Justify your Answer

10. Which of the following statements is correct regarding grades of pipe?

(a) Stainless steel pipe is manufactured in four general grades.
(b) Brass pipe is manufactured in three common grades.
(c) Copper pipe is manufactured in two common grades.
(d) The term "extra strong" is normally associated with schedule 160 steel pipe.
Briefly Justify your Answer

Answer for Question No. 8 Correct Answer : B

Answer for Question No. 9 Correct Answer : B
Answer for Question No. 10 Correct Answer : C
1. What is " Open loop” & “Close Loop”? Discuss the relative advantage of each.
Sketch a practical close loop system and describe the loop explaining the meaning of the terms -
Servo-motor , Feedback, Sensor Element.
2. With reference to main thrust block arrangements:
Explain how the tilting pads assist in the formation of an oil wedge;
If upon inspection the pad faces are found to be scored describe the action to be taken;
Explain how thrust clearance may be measured stating typical values;
State why thrust clearance is critical;
Describe the handing arrangement on a vessel fitted with a fixed pitch propeller.
3. Explain with the aid of sketches, the cycle of operation of either a free piston or an open cycle gas
turbine installation. Discuss its advantages and limitations as the main means of propulsion on a ship as
compared to conventional marine machinery.
4. With reference to the treatment of water for auxiliary boilers:
State the major risks from: hard water; soft water;
Describe FIVE principle boiler water tests stating the reason for EACH;
State why regular blow down and freshening of the contents of a boiler is essential.

5.Explain briefly how the different parts of a shafting are subjected to various stresses.

6. With reference to engine inlet and exhaust valves:

State why tappet clearance is essential and why it must be periodically checked.
List with reasons the likely consequences of excessive and insufficient tappet clearance.
State how carbon build-up can occur during engine running and indicate the possible effects on cylinder

7. State with reasons which one of the following courses of action would most help to correct a
pronounced discoloration of the lubricating oil:
"freshen up" from reserve tanks,
Increase purifier throughput,
Increase frequency of filter pack cleaning,
Overhaul piston rod stuffing boxes,
Check tank top integrity of sump tank.

8. Reference to turbo charging explain:

(a) How removable element air filters are cleaned, mentioning the precautions taken during the operation,
(b) Why air coolers are used in conjunction with turbo chargers,
(c) Why excessive cooling of the air should be avoided.

9. Cooling water pumps driven by direct reversing diesel engines are usually of the straight impeller vane
type pump with a concentric housing to ____________.
provide cooling water flow when the engine is running either ahead or astern
provide the greatest pump efficiency
prevent pump clogging from marine growth
prevent cavitation at the pump outlet
Briefly Justify your Answer

10. The lube oil cooler is located after the lube oil filter in order for _____________.
the filter to operate more efficiently
the lube oil cooler to be bypassed
positive lube oil pump suction to be assured
galvanic action in the cooler to be minimized. Briefly Justify your Answer
Answer for Question No. 9 Correct Answer : A
Answer for Question No. 10 Correct Answer : A
APRIL 2004
1. During your watch one of the main engine unit was indicating high exhaust temperature reading. Write
a note to Chief Engineer explaining:
(a) how the cause leading to abnormal running condition was diagnosed

(b) subsequent action taken to control the fire.

2. State FOUR operational conditions that may lead to vibration of the main transmission shafting.

3. What are the main advantages of the impulse and the constant pressure exhaust turbo-charging

4. Explain how sluggish action of the suction and delivery valves reduces the volumetric efficiency of an
air compressor.

5. (a) Make a detailed sketch of a tilting pad type thrust block.

(b) Give a detailed description of the tilting pad block. stating any important dimensions and

6. With respect of hydraulic ram type steering gear:

(a) State the emergency locking device that can be used in order to speedily bring the steering gear to
(b) State, with one reason the best angular position to lock the steering gear in.

7. The reading of the steam pressure gauge of an auxiliary boiler is suspect. Describe:
(a) The action to be taken
(b) How the gauge could be calibrated

8. (a) Sketch a cascade control system.

(b) Explain the operation of this cascade system.

9. In any diesel engine closed freshwater cooling system, the lowest pressure exists at the
(A) jacket water outlet
(B) cooling water pump outlet
(C) heat exchanger outlet. (D) expansion tank atmospheric vent. Briefly Answer

10. The main advantage of unit injectors over other fuel injection systems is
(a) Reducing the need of too many high pressure fuel lines
(b) their relatively low injection pressures
(c) reduced wear of spray orifices
(d) the lessened chance of fuel leaks into the engine sump. Briefly Justify Answer

50. Put up a notice on the Lube Oil Purifier, to keep a close eye on the Lube Oil level on the sight glass,
which is not giving a clear indication of the level owing to the glass being damaged. Suggest some
precautions in the notice.

2. A dirty atomizer sprayer plate in the burner of an auxiliary boiler, would be indicated by ____________.
(a) carbon on the register doors
(b) a dazzling white atomizer flame
(c) fluctuating pressure in the windbox
(d) an unevenly shaped burner flame . Briefly justify your answer

3. Lubricating oil systems for diesel engine journal bearings are usually lubricated by which of the
following types of lubricating oil systems?
(a) Splash (b) gravity (c) Pressure (d) Bypass. Briefly justify your answer.

4. Recent experience has shown persistent damage occurring on seating faces of main engine exhaust
valves which is not confined to any particular cylinder unit.
(a) State, with reasons, the possible causes.
(b) State the short-term action to be taken in order to minimize engine operational problems.

5. Make a diagrammatic sketch of a jacket cooling water system as applied to a group of medium speed

auxiliary diesel engines. Indicate the temperatures and pressures in the system. Describe in particular

the flow of water from entry to the engine to outlet from the engine and sketch the more important

joints in the system.

6. With the aid of a block diagram describe the operation of an electronic governor fitted to an auxiliary

diesel engine.

7. Explain briefly how the different moving parts of a main engine are subjected to various stresses.
Name the stresses and justify by stating how they originate.

8. With reference to pneumatically operated control valves, used in piston cooling water systems
(a) State FOUR reasons for fitting a valve positioner;
(b) Explain the operation of a positioner in control engineering terms;

9. Describe any Super -charging system other than the pulse or constant pressure systems.

10. The highest pressure in any closed diesel engine freshwater cooling system is at the _____________.
(a) jacket water outlet
(b) expansion tank inlet
(c) heat exchanger inlet
(d) cooling water pump outlet. Briefly Justify Your Answer.
1. (a) Describe the procedure for taking crankshaft deflections, explaining all precautions that
must be observed.
(b) Explain what deflection readings actually mean and suggest the action which must be taken
should readings be outside values  recommended by the engine manufacturer.

2. With reference to medium speed trunk piston engines:

(a) explain why multiple air inlet and exhaust valves are often fitted;
(b) explain the purpose of an anti-polishing ring;
(c) describe how effective piston cooling is provided
(d) describe the bottom end arrangement of a vee-type engine.

3. With reference to crankcase explosions:

(a) (i)  describe the operating principle of a crankcase mist detector;   
(ii) state THREE alternative indications of overheating or existence of conditions that might
result in a crankcase explosion; 
(b) State a course of action you as a watch keeping Engineer would take following operation of the
crankcase mist detector alarm. 

4 (a) Describe with the aid of a sketch, a cylinder liner for a medium speed engine. 
(b) Explain the procedure used for removal of a worn cylinder liner (assume the piston has
already been withdrawn). 
(c ) State the checks made in each of the following:
(i) before fitting a new cylinder liner  (ii) after the new cylinder liner has been fitted. 

5. (a) Sketch a section through the bedplate and A frame of a large slow speed engine, identifying
parts, method of construction and materials.
(b) Explain the function of the tie bolts and how after an alignment problem these would all be

6. (a) (i) Describe with the aid of a sketch, a main engine exhaust valve which is hydraulically
operated. (ii) Explain the operation of this valve
(b)   State the materials used for the seat and valve described in Q6.(a)

7. Sketch and describe a device employed for continuous monitoring of the viscosity of heavy fuel
oil being supplied to a main engine

8. The main advantage of unit injectors over other fuel injection systems is
(a) Reducing the need of too many high pressure fuel lines
(b) their relatively low injection pressures
(c) reduced wear of spray orifices
(d) the lessened chance of fuel leaks into the engine sump. Briefly Justify your Answer

9. Which of the following actions should be taken when an auxiliary boiler is in operation?
(a) Clean all electrical connections.
(b) Lift the relief valves by hand.
(c) Inspect and clean all solenoid valves.
(d) Inspect for oil and water leaks. Briefly Justify your Answer

10. In a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine, the process of scavenging begins as the ________.
(a) piston nears and passes TDC
(b) early part of the upstroke
(c) piston passes BDC
(d) early part of the downstroke Briefly Justify your Answer
JULY 2004

1. S & D the operation of a governor suitable for diesel engine for A.C. generator

2. Sketch and describe an independent two-stage air compressor. Draw a set of typical indicator diagrams
and insert the various pressures and temperatures. Indicate the effect of a leaking H.P. suction valve
and excessive H.P. clearance volume.

3. Discuss the various factors affecting the failures of crankshafts in marine diesel engines.

4. Detail the procedure of calibrating a cylinder liner of an auxiliary diesel engine. How the results
should be presented for future reference.

5. The exhaust manifold of an auxiliary engine under load turns red hot. There is no lagging on the
manifold. What efforts would you make to cool down the manifold? State the efforts made without
stopping the engine.

6. During every night watch, the bridge watch keepers complain of continuous sparks from the funnel.
You are convinced that the sparks have something to do with the fuel or the combustion system. What
simple corrective steps would you initiate to reduce the degree of sparking.

7. The main requirements which a fuel injection system must fulfil are
(a) accurate metering of small amount of fuel oil
(b) control of quality of fuel injection
(c) proper timing of the fuel injection
(d) selective distribution of the fuel in the combustion space
State each one of the points made above are true or false. If any point you perceive is false, state
why is it so.

8. An auxiliary engine under load continuously fluctuates even with a steady load. The fault you
diagnose could be owing to
(a) the quality of fuel
(b) the quality of servicing of the governor in the last port
(c) the supply of charge air
(d) the overhaul of fuel injectors done in the last decarbonisation
Give a brief explanation as to why each of the above mentioned points either could be true or
cannot at all be the reasons for such a fluctuation.

5. With reference to a 2 stroke slow speed main propulsion engine air starting system
(a) State, with reasons, Three safety features incorporated in an air starting system.
(b) State with reason why an engine may fail to turnover on air.

10. The diesel driven life boat engine simply refuses to start after running perfectly for a period of half an
hour just before you prepare it to restart again . State just 4 check you would make to confirm the
cause of this problem.
JUNE 2004
1. Indicator cards have shown that one cylinder is high in power although the maximum pressure is low.
State the associated effects that this might have on the various instruments of the engine and give a
detailed description of the method of rectifying the defect. If this abnormality were not remedied,
what might be the subsequent effects on the operation of the engine? State the type of engine to
which your answer refers.

2. With reference to turbochargers :

(a) Explain the term surging, stating how it occurs, its effect on the turbocharger and how it can be
(b) Describe the procedures for cleaning EACH of the following and explain the precautions which
should be taken; (i) Suction air filter, (ii) Turbine blades and nozzle ring

3. With reference to diesel engine maintenance:

(a) Describe the various means that are available to check the condition of a diesel engine as a guide
to when maintenance is actually needed;
(b) Compare the methods described in (a) with the use of planned maintenance schemes.

4. Describe with a sketch an automatic combustion system for a auxiliary boiler, also state how the
system with its safety devices is tested for all modes of operation.

5. Which of the following statements describes the function of an expansion tank in a diesel engine
cooling system?
(E) Maintains a constant head on the system.
(F) Reduces the likelihood of air or steam pockets formation.
(G) Provides a low pressure point for the addition of makeup cooling water.
(H) All of the above. Briefly Justify Your Answer

6. (a) Sketch a pneumatic operated diaphragm valve, as used for control of piston cooling water
temperature in large 2 stroke main propulsion engines and for the valve you have drawn, state its
‘action’ and ‘fail-safe’ properties.
7. In a diesel engine, late fuel injection is indicated by black or gray exhaust smoke with
(a) low firing pressure
(b) low exhaust temperature
(c) mechanical knock in each cylinder
(d) fuel knock in each cylinder. Briefly Justify your Answer

8. With reference to cylinder head valves explain the reason for the following details:
(a) Detachable molybdenum steel seats, (c) Spinners on valve stems
(b) Stellite deposits on seat faces, (d) Springs in pairs, series or parallel.

9. If the combustion control system of an automatically fired auxiliary boiler fails to restart from the
normal shutdown mode, you should check for ______________.
(a) broken or grounded high tension leads (c) an incorrect electrode setting
(b) a faulty ignition cable connector (d) all of the above. Briefly Justify Your Answer

10. One method of constructing large marine diesel engines and reducing the total engine frame weight is
through ___________.
(a) casting interlocking components
(b) welding plates to form sections for assembly
(c) forging integral components
(d) case hardening integral components. Briefly Justify Your Answer

MARCH 2004
1. Discuss the importance- of correct cylinder lubrication in a large Diesel engine, explaining the possible
consequences of both over- and under-lubrication.

2. Sketch and describe systems using loop and uniflow scavenging. What is meant by scavenge efficiency

3. What modification of the fuel injection and atomising arrangements may be found necessary when oil
having a high viscosity, such as boiler oil, is used for fuel?

4. Describe, with the aid of sketches, the construction of the cross head guides and columns for a any
large 2 stroke slow speed main propulsion engine.

5. Sketch and describe automatic devices for the under mentioned duties:
(a) Controlling piston cooling water temperature,
(b) Indication of low oil pressure.
(c) Indication of high oil pressure.

6. Discuss the causes, possible associated hazards and lowering of thermal efficiency consequent on poor
combustion in a Diesel engine cylinder. Illustrate your answer by means of indicator cards.

7. The amount of oil atomized by the return flow variable capacity atomizer, used with some
automatically fired boilers, is controlled by the _______________.
(A) amount of air admitted to the atomizer
(B) oil pressure in the oil return line
(C) quantity of oil delivered by the service pump
(D) proportioning device in the atomizer fuel valve
Briefly Justify Your Answer

8. A diesel engine should not be operated at low loads for long periods of time because _____________.
(a) heavy carbon deposits will buildup on the valves and in the exhaust
(b) fuel dilution is increased at low load
(c) exhaust valves may be damaged
(d) all of the above
Briefly Justify Your Answer

9. The major cause of fuel pump and injection system problems is _____________.
(a) improper adjustments
(b) contaminated fuel
(c) kinked fuel lines
(d) excessive engine vibration
Briefly Justify Your Answer

10. A dirty fuel oil filter element can be detected by ________.

(a) visual inspection of the element
(b) the pressure drop across the filter
(c) high fuel oil tank temperature
(d) increase flow rate from the filter
Briefly Justify Your Answer

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