Account Opening Form Retail Feb 2021

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I/We agree to abide by Bank of Bhutan’s rules in force from time to time.

Unique Account Number

(Please Provide 8 Digit No. of your Choice)
(Please tick the required services):

Limit ( ) (Go to page 4)

1 ≤ 100,000
1 ≤ 500,000
1 ≤ No Limit

(Go to page 4)

(Go to page 5-7)

(Go to page 5-7)

*If the above services are not required, you do not have to fill out pages 4-7.

I undersigned, bearing Citizenship Identity Card no. …………………………………………………….. mantaining:

Savings Account Recurring Deposit Current Account Fixed Deposit

Safe Deposit locker Safe Custody

Account Number maintained at …………………………………………………… branch of the

Bank of Bhutan would hereby nominates the following person(s) for claiming the amount(s) from my above
account upon my demise:

Sl. Name of Nominee CID no. Date of Birth Relationship with the Depositor Share in %

(*All the details are mandatory)

I declare and undertake the following to be enforced by the Bank of Bhutan:

1. The Bank of Bhutan is hereby authorized to make the adjustment against my loan if any before disbursing
the same to my nominee(s).
2. The nominee shall be eligible to make the claim(s), subject to the availability of the balance amount in the
said account.
3. The percentage of the claim declared by the undersigned is final and binding on all nominees and hence
there shall not be any dispute or recourses, whatsoever by the nominee(s).
4. The Bank of Bhutan is fully authorized to make the payment of balance amount(s) from my deposit
account(s) and items under safe deposit locker/ Safe custody to the nominee immediately upon making the
5. The Bank of Bhutan shall obtain receipts of payments being made to the nominee(s).
6. Once the payment is being made to the nominee, there shall not be any further claim(s) by the nominee.

I have carefully read and fully understood the procedures for the legal claim from the deposit accounts of the
Bank of Bhutan; and the Bank of Bhutan shall not be liable what so ever once the payments to the nominee
have been completed.

Signature: ……………………………………………………………………….....……….
Name: ………………………………………………………………………………......…....
CID No: ………………………………………………………………………….....………… Affix Legal
Village: ………………………………………………………………………………......…… Stamp
Gewog: ………………………………………………………………………………......…..
Dungkhag: ………………………………………………………………………….....……
Dzongkhag: ……………………………………………………………………….....…….
Account Number (if available): ……………………………………….………. Signature of the Account holder

These terms and conditions specify the rights and duties of a customer (herein referred to she for all genders) and the Bank of Bhutan Limited (herein referred
to as BoB) in connection with use of the services. This document shall be treated as the Agreement and shall be legally binding upon signing this agreement. It
is therefore important for you to read them carefully before you sign.

The terms and conditions shall apply to all individual and company accounts that you providing the Internet Banking/mBoB as determined by the bank. The user hereby
may access while availing the services : authorizes BoB to recover the mBoB monthly service charge by debit to one of the
1. You can only use Internet Banking/mBoB to transact in accounts which you are
authorized to operate as a single signing authority. OPERATING TIMES, CHANGES AND DISRUPTIONS
2. You must follow the prescribed authentication procedures and security measures The Service shall usually be available for use at the times given in the User Guidance
required for transactions. or at other times notified. I, however accept, that routine maintenance requirements,
3. You are responsible for all transactions carried out with your login ID and associated excess demand on the systems and circumstances beyond BoB’s control may mean it
passwords. You, therefore, agree not to reveal your login/ transaction password to is not always possible for the service to be available during its normal operating hours.
any other person (including other joint account holders and/ or beneficiaries) or In connection with the Service, BoB shall at any time:
entity through any medium.
1. Change the mode of operation; or
4. BoB is not responsible for any loss resulting from your violation of the terms and
2. Add to, remove or otherwise change, end or suspend any of the facilities available;
conditions and/or your non-compliance with the prescribed operating procedures.
or end the Service.
You also agree to indemnify BoB for any loss caused to the Bank by such violation.
5. You agree and confirm that you will not use Internet Banking/mBoB for any illegal/ If BoB decides to change or end the Service, BoB will try to give a prior notice. BoB
unauthorized purpose or in any manner inconsistent with the terms and conditions. will in no way be liable in case of such termination or end of service and / or for any
6. You understand, agree and confirm that BoB does not guarantee the successful loss caused / suffered in this regard.
completion of all transactions. BoB is not responsible for loss caused by delay,
failure or non-availability of Internet Banking/mBoB services. EXCLUSIVITY CLAUSE:
7. BoB reserves the right to specify/ modify charges for various facilities/ transactions I, hereby agree to use the Internet Banking, mBoB and USSD strictly for my personal
available in Internet Banking/mBoB and to debit the charges to your account at use and not for any illegal purpose or in any manner inconsistent with the terms and
periodic intervals. conditions or otherwise is against the interests of BoB.
8. BoB reserves the right to add, change and/or alter these Terms and Conditions In addition, I agree to notify BoB in written promptly upon becoming aware of any
governing the use and operation of Internet Banking/mBoB. unauthorized access. I, further acknowledge that all the intellectual property in
Internet Banking and mBoB, and the services provided continues to vest with BoB
GENERIC TERMS and I shall not claim any right hereafter.

1. The User desirous of availing Internet Banking/mBoB shall either be the account
holder and sole signatory or authorized to act independently in case of a joint or
corporate account. The other joint account holders shall expressly agree with the I agree to hold BoB harmless from any and all claims and agree that BoB shall
arrangement and give their consent for: All transactions arising from the use of not be liable for any loss, actual or perceived, caused directly or indirectly by
Internet Banking/mBoB in the joint accounts shall be binding on all the joint account government restriction, market regulation, war, strike, virus attack, equipment
holders, jointly and severally. BoB shall in no way be liable for any loss/damage failure, communication line failure, system failure, data corruption, security failure
whatsoever that may be incurred or alleged to be incurred by the other joint holder on the internet, unauthorized access, hacking, theft or any problems technological
in such an event. or otherwise or other condition beyond BoB’s control, that might prevent me from
entering or BoB from executing an instruction, order or direction. I further agree
2. In case of accounts opened for and on behalf of minors, the natural guardian
that I shall not be compensated by BoB for the orders, instructions or directions
shall undertake to operate the account by himself and further undertakes not to
which could not be executed.
reveal the User ID, Password, M-PIN and T-PIN to the minor. The User is solely
responsible for all transactions with the User ID and credentials allotted to him
and the transactions are binding on the user.
I agree that I shall be able to exercise the right to close the account(s) with BoB, only if
3. BoB shall reserve the right to set-off and lien, irrespective of any other lien or
there is no obligation pending to be met by me towards BoB. However, I agree to meet
charge, present as well as future, on the deposits held in the User’s accounts
all required formalities to close or deactivate my Internet Banking/mBoB service.
whether in single name or joint name(s), to the extent of all outstanding dues,
arising as a result of the Internet Banking/mBoB service extended to and/or used
by the customers/users.
The facilities granted under Internet Banking/mBoB to me are not transferable under
4. I am responsible to cross check/confirm all transactions initiated from Internet
any circumstances to any third party. I also agree to inform BoB in writing about any
Banking/mBoB and BoB shall not be held responsible, if the system do not pass
change in the constitution and/or signatories of the banking facilities linked to my
the transaction on thetransaction date due to system problem and if the payment
Internet Banking/mBoB account. If I fail to notify the same to BoB in writing, BoB shall
confirmation is successful in the confirmation page but transaction failed at
not be responsible for any transactions carried out through Internet Banking/mBoB
and shall not be liable for any loss, actual or perceived, caused directly or indirectly,
by such transactions.
1. I, hereby abide by the prescribed authentication procedures and security measures RIGHTS RESERVED
required for transactions and shall undertake all reasonable measures to ensure
I agree that the terms and conditions are subject to change from time to time. Any
that the login/transaction password is not revealed to any third party, whatsoever.
change shall be notified by BoB on its website/social media. Such notice/s shall have
If there is misuse of any facility or service which might lead to losing money from
the same effect as a notice served personally and is binding on the customer.
my account, it shall be my own liability, and the BoB shall not bear any responsibility
whatsoever liable.
2. I shall be allotted User ID, Password, M-PIN and T-PIN wherever applicable by the
My duties and obligations under these terms and conditions shall continue to be in
BoB in the first instance. I shall be required to change Password, M-PIN and T-PIN
full force and effect, notwithstanding the termination of the Internet Banking/mBoB
assigned by BoB on accessing the Internet Banking/mBoB for the first time.
Services. The termination of the services shall be without prejudice to any accrued
3. I shall be bound by the instructions initiated through Internet Banking/mBoB, right of BoB.
making it clear that BoB does not have any liability when I carry out transactions
using my Internet Banking/mBoB credentials. ARBITRATION
4. I understand and agree that the T-PIN is for the purpose of authenticating the In case of any dispute arising between the parties hereto in connection with the
transaction and shall have same effect as my specimen signature/authorized validity, interpretation or implementation of this agreement, the matter shall be
signatory. resolved mutually to the extent possible. If a mutual resolution is not possible, the
5. In case I forget the Password and/or PINs, new Password/PINs may be obtained matter shall be referred to Royal Court of Justice, Bhutan.
from the BoB upon submission of Request Form or online Internet Banking/mBoB
6. I am responsible for taking due care of my Internet Banking/mBoB credentials and In case I do not use the Internet Banking/mBoB service for a period exceeding 90
authorized e-mail ID for safekeeping confidentiality and secrecy. I shall be fully days, the Bank reserve the right to revoke my Internet Banking/mBoB service without
responsible and shall indemnify the BoB against any liability, cost or damages any prior information or notice to me.
arising out of claims or suits by such third parties based upon or relating to such
The user shall upon making the utility payment or bulk upload, crosscheck/confirm
CHARGES their payment or upload from “Bill Pay View” and “Bulk File View” menu respectively
The BoB reserves the right to charge and recover from the user, service charge for in Internet Banking as given in the user manual.

Signature: ……………………………………………… Date: .....…………


The Terms and Conditions under which the Card is issued are mentioned below for his/her guidance related to the usage of
the Card by the Cardholder on his/her designated Account No.:

1. The abbreviations used in these terms and conditions shall c. Usage of a wrong PIN three times would invalidate your
be construed as: Card till activated by BoBL with proper verification.
a. “Card” means BoBL VISA Debit Card issued to customer. d. The Card should remain in Cardholder’s possession and
b. “Bank" means Bank of Bhutan Limited (BoBL). shall not be handed over to anyone else.
c. “Cardholder” means customer of BoBL who has been e. The Card is issued on the condition that the Bank
issued a Visa Debit Card. bears no liability for the unauthorized use of the Card.
d. “ATM” means Automated Teller Machine. This responsibility is fully that of the Cardholder. The
e. “Merchant” means shops/outlets that are authorized to cardholder undertakes not to carry Card and PIN in his/her
accept cards as a mode of payment. Wallet/Purse and leave card unattended in any places.
f. “POS” means Point of Sale Terminal at Merchant outlets, f. The Cardholder shall change the PIN immediately if it is
where the cardholder swipes the cards, which are accidentally divulged.
authorized to accept the cards as payment mode. g. The cardholder undertakes not to pass the card or disclose
g. “Supplementary Card” means card issued to your the PIN to any other persons or to a Third Party. Any such
immediate family member(s). disclosure or inadequate protection of the confidentiality of
h. “Account Number” means the account nominated by the the PIN is entirely at the Cardholder’s risk.
cardholder that is to be debited for use of Card. h. The Cardholder agrees to inform the BoBL in writing
i. “PIN” means Personal Identification Number, specific to regarding lost/stolen, damage of card and disclosure of
each Cardholder. PIN. The Cardholder will be liable for all the transactions
j. ‘‘Skimming’’ means illegal copying of information from the received prior to the receipt and record of such notification
magnetic strip of a credit Card by the Bank.
k. Domestic – India, Nepal & Bhutan.
l. International – Third Country. 5. Loss of Card and PIN / Skimming of Card data
a. Any financial loss arising out of unauthorized use of the lost
2. Card /skimmed card till such time the BoBL records the notice
a. The Card is a property of the Bank at all times. of loss/skimming of the Card shall be to the Cardholder’s
b. The Bank reserves the complete rights to seize/cancel the account and the Cardholder shall be fully be responsible
Card so issued to the Cardholder, if found at later date, the and liable.
information submitted by the Cardholder is false and/or the b. The Cardholder undertakes to indemnify the BoBL from
Card has been misused. and against all losses, damages, cost or expenses incurred
c. The card is non-transferable and shall be used exclusively /to be incurred by the BoBL arising out of Cardholder’s
by the cardholder only. failure to observe any of the terms and conditions
d. The Bank reserves the right to terminate membership, mentioned herein.
withdraw the privileges attached to the Card or not c. The Cardholder shall be fully liable for all Card Transactions
renew the expired Card at any time and to call upon the affected via the corresponding PIN as such Card
Cardholder to surrender the Card. Transactions are deemed effected by or in behalf of the
e. Upon termination of membership or withdrawal of Cardholder.
privileges of the Card for any reason whatsoever, the Card d. The Cardholder shall use all reasonable precautions to
shall be returned to the Card Division within 7 days, form prevent the loss or theft of the Card and shall not disclose
the date of receipt of notice. The Cardholder shall be liable any PIN to any person.
for payment of the bills arising out of use of the Card till e. In the event that the Card is lost or stolen, or card data
Card is not surrendered to the Bank. is compromised, the Cardholder shall immediately notify
f. Use of the Card after notice of withdrawal of the privileges the Bank of the loss, theft or compromised data together
or the termination of the membership is fraudulent and may with particulars thereof at [email protected] or contact
be subject to legal action by the Bank in accordance with center at 1095 (toll free). The Cardholder shall also
the prevailing law. notify the Police or equivalent authority of the country or
g. The Cardholder shall provide written instructions to the jurisdiction where such loss or theft or disclosure occurred.
Bank for the cancellation or non-renewal of the Card one Any transactions incurred prior to proper report of the loss,
month prior to the expiry date specified in the Card. theft or disclosure shall be for the Cardholder's account.
f. The Cardholder shall remain fully liable to the Bank for any
3. Validity of Card and all debits to the Card Account arising from any Card
a. The Validity of the card remains by the end of the month Transactions, Cash Advances or ATM transactions effected
mentioned in the card in MM/YY format. through the use of the Card by any person whether the
same be with or without the knowledge of or authority from
4. PIN the Cardholder.
g. The Bank may in its absolute discretion issue a replacement
a. The Card and the PIN issued to the Cardholder are entirely
for any lost or stolen Card, subject to a applicable card
at the Cardholder’s risk and responsibility. The Cardholder
replacement fee for each Card replaced, or a new PIN for
shall not disclose the PIN or permit possession of the
the relevant Card, all on such terms and conditions as the
Card to any other person. The Cardholder undertakes full
Bank may deem fit.
responsibility for any or all transactions made by the use
h. In the event that the Cardholder recovers the lost or stolen
of the Card with proper identification marked at the time
Card, he shall immediately return it to the Bank without
of transaction.
using it. The Cardholder shall not use the PIN after the
b. The Cardholder is advised in his own interest to change
Cardholder has reported to the Bank such PIN's disclosure
his/her PIN choice. For this purpose, he/she may use the
to another person.
PIN change option available at BOBL ATMs.

Signature: ……………………………………………… Date: .....…………


7. Daily Limit Authority and the facility of Annual Travel Scheme/ Quota
a. The Bank reserves the complete right to limit daily cash shall not be entitled to the cardholder for the period of
withdrawal by the Cardholder and decide on denomination validity of the card.
that would be dispensed. 6. If I intentionally or unintentionally breach any of the above
8. Transaction terms and conditions, that BoBL is given my consent to
a. The transaction record generated by the ATM/POS shall disclose all of my cards details to the RMA for taking an
be conclusive and binding unless verified otherwise and appropriate administrative action/s or any legal action/s
corrected by the Bank. The verified and corrected amount against me. In such an eventuality, the BoBL shall have the
will be binding on the Cardholder. right to de-activate my card with immediate effect without
b. Any sales slip signed by the Cardholder shall be the any prior information/notice to me.
conclusive proof of the charges recorded therein any 7. I shall not hold the BoBL liable for any of the omissions or
incurred by the cardholder himself/herself and shall be commissions on my part or loss arisen due to the use of the
charged by the BoBL to the Cardholder. said card.
c. The Transaction Log of ATM transactions shall be the
conclusive proof of the charges recorded therein as 11. Others
incurred by the cardholder himself/herself. The verification a. The BoBL shall not be responsible in any way for
of PIN confirms the authenticity of the cardholder and the non-availability of ATM services or POS terminals at
transaction. Merchant outlets for any reason whatsoever and howsoever
arising as a result of malfunctioning of the Card or ATM or
9. Dispute POS, insufficiency of funds in such machines, mechanical or
a. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Cardholder to power supply failure or otherwise.
reconcile the transactions with the account statement every b. Where the ATM is not running online, or some technical
month. Any dispute of the Card transactions shall be lodged snags are there the transactions in the ATM transactions
within 2 months from transaction date to Card Division to shall be accounted for on the same/next working day or
avoid rejection due to delay in lodging the claim with VISA with some delay.
International. The Bank may provide a copy of sales slip on c. The BoBL reserves the right to introduce new
payment of service charge fixed by the Bank from time to facilities/curtail facilities as and when warranted without
time. assigning any reasons for the same. Delays in Card/PIN
b. The dispute timeline will be in accordance to the dispute delivery may take place due to circumstances beyond our
resolution guidelines of the visa operating procedure control.
(opening procedure is available on website) d. The Cardholder undertakes to indemnify the Bank and to
c. In case of any dispute arising out of these Terms and keep the Bank indemnified against all losses, damages, cost
Conditions, the same shall be mutually resolved to the or expenses incurred and sustained by the Bank arising
extent possible. out of Cardholder’s failure to observe any of the terms and
d. In the event that disputes cannot be resolved mutually conditions herein mentioned.
between the BoBL and Cardholder, the matter shall be
referred to the Court for adjudication in accordance with 12. Amendments
the relevant laws of the Kingdom. The Cardholder shall a. The BoBL reserves the right to amend these Terms and
return this form after being signed as a token of having Conditions at any time with prior notice to the Cardholder
read and understood the above Terms and Conditions. and such amended Terms and Conditions shall be binding
on the Cardholder.
10. Customer Compliance
1. I fully understand that the use of card shall be restricted for 6. Debits to Cardholder’s Account
my general travel related and personal expenses during my a. The BoBL has the express authority to debit the designated
travel third country/ies. account of the Cardholder for all transactions effected
2. I shall not use the card for taking cash advances from POS using the Card as evidenced by Bank’s records which
at the Merchant establishment. shall be conclusive and binding on the Cardholder. The
3. I shall not allow any fund from other sources/persons to Cardholder expressly authorizes the Bank to debit the
be credited into my account and use my debit card to designated account.
withdraw cash for other people at ATMs domestically or b. The BoBL shall debit the account designated by the
internationally. cardholder for all transactions initiated including cash
4. The card shall not be used to pay for the importing withdrawals by using the card. For this purpose, the
goods and services requiring import license and capital cardholder irrevocably authorizes the Bank to debit his/her
transactions. nominated account(s) with the amount of transaction(s)
5. I as the cardholder travelling to third country/ies can travel plus charges if any by use of his/her card.
after producing necessary documents for release of the c. The BoBL shall debit the Nominated Account for all fees
Annual Travel Scheme/Quota. The amount spent on the and charges as determined by the Bank relating to the Card
card during a calendar year shall be within the limit of USD and service thereby provided.
3000/- (US Dollars three thousand only) or equivalent limit
for the said period as prescribed by the Royal Monetary

I, ________________________________ have read, understood and agree to comply with the above Terms and Conditions and
the rules of BoBL in force from time to time governing the conduct of the Card/Account/Internet Banking/Mobile Banking.

Signature: ……………………………………………… Date: .....…………

Some Important Points to Card safety and help protect against fraud.

1. Card safety c. Don’t just toss receipts and duplicates - shred the ones
• Sign the signature panel on the back of your card as you don’t need and securely file the rest.
soon as you get it.
• Never keep your PIN code in the same place as your 4. Make sure your devices and networks are secure
card. a. Make sure your computer is equipped with a firewall,
• Never write your personal identification number (PIN) which prevents unauthorized users from gaining access
on your card. to your computer or monitoring.
a. transfers of information to and from the computer.
2. Keep your account number private b. Be sure to download and install any operating system
a. Keep your card safe - don’t let anyone see. and software updates (sometimes called patches or
b. Never allow anyone else to use your card. It is yours and service packs) in a timely manner.
yours alone. c. Make sure your browser software is up to date.
c. Don’t give the number over the phone unless you d. Equip your computer with virus-protection software.
initiated the call and you’re talking to your bank or a Avoid downloading software or programs from
merchant you trust. unknown sources.
d. Never allow your card to be taken out of site.
e. Never answer an email that asks for your account 5. Keep your passwords secret
number or personal information — even if it looks a. Choose effective passwords that use both letters and
like it’s from your bank or a reputable company or numbers.
organization. b. Avoid using names, birthdays or anniversaries.
f. Consider paperless statements to remove your c. Never share your passwords, and never keep them near
sensitive information from the postal system. your card.
g. Store paper statements and other documents with d. Consider changing your passwords periodically and
sensitive information securely and shred prior to don’t use the same password for all your accounts.
6. Report lost cards and suspected fraud right away
3. Be careful with your receipts If you lose your credit card or suspect fraudulent activity,
a. Extra spaces on the receipt? Draw a line through them contact us immediately @1095(toll free). We can block
before you sign, so nothing can be added later. your card and account number so no one else can use
b. Keep your receipts and check them against your them, and give you a new card and account number.
Account Statements.


In the event I avail the services of the Visa Domestic Debit/International Card/ Internet Banking/mBoB from the Bank
of Bhutan Limited (BoBL), I hereby undertake to strictly abide by the above terms and conditions:

Legal Stamp

Affix Legal

Name of Account Holder(s): .....………....……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...........………

Account Number: ………………………………………………………...................


Name: ...........................………....……………………. CID: ……………………………………………….. Mobile no.: …………………………………………

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