Field Study Learning Episode 2

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Mangurali Mc Dave M.

and Assist

Inventory of Sample Research Conducted by Teacher

List of Completed Action Research Title Author/ Authors

1. The Effect of Intensified Grammar  Rosalie B. Capilo
Review in Developing the Writing  Neren B. Agocoy
Skills of Selected Learners in Tañong  Jackie Lou S. Permito
Integrated School
2. Improving Mathematics Performance  Pede I. Casing, MAEd
Among Grade 11 Students Through
Jigsaw Technique
3. Improving Reading Outcomes for the  Concepcion F. Babaaan
Struggling Pupils in Grade 3 Ruby
Through the Implementation of
“Nanay Ko Tutor Ko” And “Turo Mo
Babasa Ako” Programs S.Y 2016-2017
4. Improving the Reading Skills of Slow  Maria Victoria B. Takian, MAEd
Readers in Grade 2 of Kapalaran
Elementary Through Phonics
5. Teaching Strategies for the IV-  Jissa Marie D. Majares
Condeza Students Better
understanding of the Concept “Work in
Physics S.Y. 2013-2014”


Based on your activity on Making a List of Completed Action Research Titles, let’s
find our way noticed by answering the following questions.
Questions My Answer
1. What have you noticed 1. Identified problem to be solved in title no. 1
about the action
research title? Do the  The problem solved in this action research by Rosalie
action research (AR) B. Capilo, Neren B. Agocoy and Jackie Lou S.
titles imply problems to Permito. The Effect of Intensified Grammar Review
be solved? Yes / No in Developing the Writing Skills of Selected Learners
___ in Tañong Integrated School.

2. Identified problem to be solved in title no. 2

If Yes, identify the  The Improvements of Mathematics Performance
problems from the title Among Grade 11 Students Through Jigsaw
you have given. Answer Technique.
in the space provided.
3. Identified problem to be solved in title no. 3

 The Improvement of Reading Outcomes for the

Struggling Pupils in Grade 3 Ruby Through the
Implementation of “Nanay Ko Tutor Ko” And “Turo
Mo Babasa Ako” Programs S.Y 2016-2017.
4. Identified problem to be solved in title no. 4

 The Improvement of Reading Skills of Slow Readers

in Grade 2 of Kapalaran Elementary Through
Phonics Approach.

5. Identified problem to be solved in title no. 5

 Teaching Strategies for the IV- Condeza Students

Better understanding of the Concept “Work in
Physics S.Y. 2013-2014”

2. What interpretation Title of the Action Research:

about action research
can you make out of The Improvement of Reading Skills of Slow Readers in
your answer in Grade 2 of Kapalaran Elementary Through Phonics
Question No.1? Approach.

3. What the Title and From the title, I think, the study is to improve the abilities
your interpretation of of the pupils and reduce the percentage slow readers at risk
the study from the title. in Grade II using the phonics approach.

4. What do you think did I think the author conducted this action research is to know
the author/s do with the the slow readers and improve the abilities of the pupils in
identified problem as reading.
presented in their title?


Action Research seems easy and familiar. Since teaching seems to be full of problematic
situations and that teacher has a responsibility of finding solution for everyday problems in school,
hence teacher should do action research. This is an exciting part of being a teacher, a problem
Let us continue to examine and analyze what you have noticed and interpreted in the
previous activity.
Key Questions My Answer
Choose from the option given. You may check
more one answer.
1. From what source do you Choices:
think. Did the authors identify / Copied from research books
the problems of their action
research? / From daily observation of their teaching practice.
/ From difficulties they observed of their learners.
____From their own experience.
/ From the told experience of their co- teachers.
2. What do you think is the Choices:
teacher’s intention in / To find a solution to the problematic situation

conducting the action ___To comply with the requirement of the principal
research? / To improve teaching practice
/ To try out something, if it works
/ To improve oneself as better than the others
3. What do you think is the Choices:
teacher’s intention in / Prepare me for my future job
concluding the action
research? / Get good grades in the course
/ Learn and practice being an action researcher
/ Improve my teaching, if it works
/ Exposure to the realities in the teaching
/ Become a better teacher everyday
4. In what, can you assist your Choices:
mentor in his/ her Action / By co-researching with my mentor
Research Activity?
/ By assisting the design of the intervention
___By assisting in the implementation of the AR
/ By just watching what is being done


Based on the readings you made and the previous activities that you have done.
1. What significant ideas or concepts have you learned about action research?

I learned that, educators must engage in action research, and I learned on

definition that I will not forget. Stephen Corey’s belief, which I fully agree with, is
that “Changes in education are unlikely to occur. Unless practitioners are involved in
the development of curriculum and instructional gained through inquiry as a
springboard.” On this, I believe are accurate. I also learn about the Core
Characteristics of Action Research and the various types of classroom action research
or studies in which I can participate in this activity. Finally, I learned about the

various action research models, as well as the Department of Education’s Action

Research models.

2. Have you realized that there is a need to be an action researcher as a future

Yes / No__. IF yes, complete the sentence below.

Yes, because Action Research is critical to our success. What accounts for this?
Stephen Corey. As practitioners or teacher, we involved in the learning of our students,
and we monitor the classroom and the school as a whole to understand the situation,
address, and solve the problems we encounter and in the end, to improve the quality of
the educational process.

Write Action

From what teaching principle of theories can this problem be anchored?
 I have observed and noticed that Action Research begins with a problem or
a problematic situation.
Write an example of a problematic situation that you have observed and
Write an example of problematic situation that you have observed and
notice. The probable solution that I can thinking is the teacher must conduct
a survey to students about reading comprehensions through read story and
answering the oral reading tests so that the teacher finds the data who is
slow readers. Teaching reading comprehension to non- readers and
frustration level readers today different from the past. Teachers need to
focus will students, not just successful readers.

What have I learned? What do I hope to achieve?
I realized that for every teaching learning problem, there is a solution.
Write a probable solution to the problematic situation above. As an
intervention program, a student brings home a copy of a reading selection/
story to read at home. His parents will rate him/her selection. The teacher
will validate the rate of his parts by putting another Star on the copy, thus a
student will be earning Star depending on his/ her reading skill. Reading
material will vary according to different types of reading (non-readers,
frustration level, instructional and independent level.)
What strategies, activities, innovations can I employ to improve the situation or solve
the problem?
As a future action researcher I can plan for an appropriate intervention
like, the teacher read aloud while students along in their books, students
echo-read, students choral- read, the text is taken if more practice is
required, and extension activities can be integrated during the week.
If I conduct or implement my plan, what can be its title?
 If I will implement my doable plan in the future, my title would be

“Improving Reading Comprehension Skills of Grade III Pupils in

Bagong Silang II Elmentary School”

Work on
Your artifact will be on Abstract of a completed action research.

This action research aimed to improve the mathematics performance of 56 Grade 11

students of Buug National High School students. Thirty-one or 55% scored the average and poor
level of mathematical skills in the Diagnostic Test. The researcher addressed in improving
mathematics performance using the Jigsaw technique. The results of the study showed that the
number of students who were within a poor level was reduced in the Evaluation Test. There is a
significant difference (p = 0.030) in the Mathematics performance of Evaluation Test results
between the lecture method and the Jigsaw technique. The findings stressed that the results of the
Evaluation Test of control and treatment groups have significant differences. It is proposed that
teachers should design activities through the Jigsaw technique to promote mathematics
understanding by having students practice, solve, manipulate, reason, and perform. Jigsaw
technique may help students make connections across mathematical skills and concepts, and other
disciplines. Following the Jigsaw technique activity, students should have time to discuss how they
perform in solving mathematical activities. With careful planning, implementation, and evaluation
mathematical activities can be achieved successfully by most students. Keywords: mathematics
performance, skills, and concepts; manipulate; jigsaw technique; cooperative learning; solving;
and mathematical activities

Keywords: mathematics performance, skills, and concepts, manipulate, jigsaw

technique, cooperative learning, solving; and mathematical activities

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